Belay Worku
Belay Worku
Belay Worku
A Thesis
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in civil
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The undersigned have examined the thesis entitled ‘Modeling of Three Dimensional Framed
Structures Under Seismic Loading To Investigate Behavior With And Without The
Underlying Soil Using Opensees’ presented by Belay Worku, a candidate for the degree of
Master of Science and hereby certify that it is worthy of acceptance.
Dr.Ing.Bedilu Habte
Advisor Signature Date
Internal Examiner Signature Date
Page i
I certify that research work titled “Modeling of Three Dimensional Framed Structures under
Seismic Loading to Investigate Behavior with and without the Underlying Soil Using Opensees”
is my own work. The work has not been presented elsewhere for assessment. Where material has
been used from other sources it has been properly acknowledged / referred.
Belay Worku
Page ii
A reinforced concrete building symmetric in plan, having a height of 30 m, located in seismic zone
II (ag=0.05g), has been analyzed and designed using Etabs software and according to EBCS
provision. After the design is completed, the reinforced concrete frame is modeled and analyzed,
employing geometric nonlinear Finite Element Modeling using Opensees software under two
different boundary conditions: (I) fixed-base (no Soil-Structure Interaction), and (ii) considering
Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI).The nonlinear behavior of a soil-foundation system alter the
seismic response of a structure by providing additional flexibility to the system and dissipating
hysteretic energy at the soil-foundation interface. However, the current design practice is still
reluctant to consider the nonlinearity of the soil-foundation system, primarily due to lack of reliable
modeling techniques. This study is motivated towards evaluating the effect of nonlinear soil-
structure interaction (SSI) and frame structure without soil under seismic responses of low-rise
reinforced conctremoment resisting frame (RCMRF) structures. In order to achieve SSI, a
Winklerbasedapproach is adopted, where the soil beneath the foundation is assumed to be a system
of closely-spaced, independent, nonlinear spring elements. Static pushover analysis is performed
on a 10-story RCMRF building and the performance of the structure is evaluated through a variety
of force and displacement demand parameters. It is observed that incorporation of nonlinear SSI
leads to an increase in story displacement demand and a significant reduction in base moment,
base shear and inter-story drift demands, indicating the importance of its consideration towards
achieving an economic, yet safe seismic design.RCMRF was also modeled using sap 2000 with
and without considering soil effect. The pattern of the outputs seems the same. But, the outputs of
sap are relatively smaller in value than the opensees outputs.
Page iii
First I would like to thank the Almighty God for everything in my daily activities. Next, I am very
joyful to express my deepest respect and thanks to my advisor Dr.Ing.Bedilu Habte for his
unreserved assistance, constructive and timely comments at all stages of my work.The title of this
thesis work was Dr.Ing.Bedilu’s idea.Next; I would also thank my famlies and friends.
Belay Worku
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Table of Contents
UNDERTAKING ........................................................................................................................... ii
Acknowledgement ......................................................................................................................... iv
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1
Page v
2.2.2. Importance Categories and Importance Factors .............................................................. 8
Page vi
2.10.4. Material Model for reinforcing steel bar ...................................................................... 21
Page vii
2.15. Foundation Model in opensees ....................................................................................... 32
Page viii Lateral Loads .............................................................................................................. 47
3.8. Procedure of the Program for Frame Structure (Without Soil Effect) modeling .............. 49
3.12. Procedure of the Program for Frame Structure (With Soil Effect) modeling ................. 56
Note: the unit of the moment and shear force is Knm and Kn respectively. ................................ 63
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................. 66
Appendix I-Modeling of Frame structure with opensees without soil effect .......................... 68
Page ix
Lists of Figures
FIGURE. 1.MOVEMENT OF FLOOR DUE TO LATERAL LOADS...................................................................................................... 7
FIGURE. 2.DEFLECTION OF FRAME STRUCTURE DUE TO LATERAL LOADS ..................................................................................... 11
FIGURE. 3.EXPECTED INELASTIC REGIONS AT THE COLUMN AND WALL ENDS ................................................................................ 22
FIGURE. 4.ADDING A ZERO-LENGTH SECTION ELEMENT TO A BEAM-COLUMN ELEMENT ................................................................. 23
(SCOTT ET AL.1982) MODEL ................................................................................................................................... 26
FIGURE. 7.COMPONENT OF ANALYSIS IN OPENSEES ............................................................................................................... 27
FIGURE. 8.MAIN ABSTRACTION IN OPENSEES FRAMEWORK ..................................................................................................... 28
FIGURE. 9.FRAMED STRUCTURE FOR MODELING OF OPENSEES ................................................................................................. 31
FIGURE. 10.THE PLAN OF THE BUILDING ............................................................................................................................. 39
FIGURE. 11.ELEVATION VIEW OF THE FRAME STRUCTURE ....................................................................................................... 39
FIGURE. 12.COMPONENT OF ANALYSIS IN OPENSEES ............................................................................................................. 42
FIGURE. 13.FOUNDATION LAYOUT OF THE BUILDING ............................................................................................................. 46
FIGURE. 15.3D FRAME FOR OPENSEES MODELING ................................................................................................................ 47
FIGURE. 16.LATERAL LOADS ON THE FRAME ........................................................................................................................ 48
FIGURE. 17.TRIBUTARY CAPACITY CALCULATION ................................................................................................................... 54
OPENSEES ............................................................................................................................................................ 56
Page x
List of tables
TABLE 1.BEDROCK ACCELERATION RATIO ΑO ......................................................................................................................... 8
TABLE 2.SITE COEFFICIENT S................................................................................................................................................ 8
TABLE 3.IMPORTANCE CATEGORIES AND IMPORTANCE FACTORS FOR BUILDINGS .......................................................................... 9
TABLE 4.DIMENSIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FRAME........................................................................................................ 38
TABLE 5.DIMENSION AND REINFORCEMENT OF THE BEAM, COLUMN, AND FOUNDATION OF FAME ................................................ 40
TABLE 6.GRAVITY LOADS FOR OPENSEES MODELING .............................................................................................................. 45
TABLE 7.VERTICAL SPRINGS .............................................................................................................................................. 54
TABLE 8.NODAL FORCES FOR COLUMN ELEMENTS AT STORY-2 WITH OPENSEES ........................................................................... 62
Page xi
Lists of Abbreviation
# Comment
3D three dimension
B beam width
barAreaSec Area of longitudinal-reinforcement bars(diam.=20mm)
beamSec beam section
Bs strain-hardening ratio
Bsec Column width
ColSec column section
coreY The distance from the section z-axis to the edge of the core concrete --
edge of the core concrete/inner edge of cover concrete
coreZ The distance from the section y-axis to the edge of the core concrete --
edge of the core concrete/inner edge of cover concrete
CoverSec Column covers to reinforcing steel NA.
coverY The distance from the section z-axis to the edge of the cover concrete --
outer edge of cover concrete
coverZ The distance from the section y-axis to the edge of the cover concrete --
outer edge of cover concrete
Crad Radation damping
CR1 control the transition from elastic to plastic branches
CR2 control the transition from elastic to plastic branches
D beam depth
Disp Displacement
dispBeamColumn distributed-plasticity, displacement –based beam column element
du1 first displacement increment (pseudo-time step) in the next
invocation of the analysis command
Ec Concrete Elastic Modulus
Ele Element
EBCS Ethiopian building code
eleTag element tag
Page xii
EnergyIncr: energy increment test
eps2C: concrete strain at ultimate stress for confined
eps2U stress for unconfined concrete
Es modulus of steel
Ets tension softening stiffness
Fc Concrete compressive+e strength, (+Tension,-Compression)
fc1C Confined concrete (mander model), maximum stress
fc1U Unconfined concrete (todeschini parabolic model), maximum stress
fc2C ultimate stress for confined concrete
fc2U ultimate stress for unconfined concrete
FE finite element
ftC tensile strength +tension for confined concrete
ftU tensile strength +tension for unconfined concrete
Fy Steel yield stress
GC shear modulus
GJ torsional stiffness
Hsec column depth
IDbeamTransf Identity of beam transformation
IDcolTransf Identity of column transformation
IDconcCore Material Identity number of confined core concrete
IDconcCover Material Identity number of confined core concrete
IDreinf material Identity number of reinforcement
Kfc ratio of confined to unconfined concrete strength
KN Kilo newoton
Lambda ratio between unloading slope at $eps2 and initial slope $Ec
M Meter
Ndf Number of degree of freedom
Ndm Dimension of problem (1, 2, 3)
nfCoreY number of fibers for concrete in y-direction -- core concrete
nfCoreZ number of fibers for concrete in z-direction
nfCoverY number of fibers for concrete in y-direction -- cover concrete
Page xiii
nfCoverZ number of fibers for concrete in z-direction
Np number of integration points
numBarsSec number of longitudinal-reinforcement bars in steel layer. (Symmetric top
& bot)
numIntgrPts number of integration point
PDelta p-delta
PerpDirn: perpendicular direction
Quadr Quadrilateral
RC Reinforced concrete
RCM Reverse cuthill-Mckee
Ro control the transition from elastic to plastic branches
Sec Second
Sec Section
SecTag tag for symmetric section
SecTag3D ID tag for combined behavior for 3D model
SecTagTorsion ID tag for torsional section behavior
T Torsion
Tp The maximum maginitude of drag force in component 1 of element 1 of
the nonlinear spring in fraction
Z50 The displacement at which 50% of Qult is mobilized during monotonic
Page xiv
1. Introduction
Structural design in earthquake prone regions is heavily dependent on accurate and reliable
analysis procedures prior to construction. The ground accelerations experienced can create large
lateral forces on the structures, which often will produce inelastic material behavior. Before the
arrival of the finite element method these analyses were done by simple static methods, commonly
referred to as equivalent force method, similar to what is provided in building codes as an
alternative method of analysis. This method is however, not sufficient for analysis of the stronger
earthquakes, as change of structural properties due to inelasticity will affect the overall response
of the structure. Because of this fact it is a rather cumbersome task to predict the behavior of a
building, especially since there is no known way to the magnitude of the next earthquake .The last
decade’s improvement of computational power and technology has enabled more sophisticated
analysis methods. To obtain more realistic approximations on structural response, nonlinear
analysis is used in modeling of structures prone to seismic loading. In this work geometric
nonlinear modeling using finite element method under seismic load will be conducted. Comparison
is also made on the effect of the underlying soil on the analysis result with frame structure without
Page 1
in the continuum. These nodes are used to define regions, called finite elements, over which both
the geometry and the primary variables in the governing equations are approximated.
In general, nonlinear analysis is harder, requires much more thought when setting up the model,
and requires more thought when setting up the analysis, takes more computational time, and does
not always converge to the correct solution, but most problems require nonlinear analysis. In this
work geometric non-linear analysis is considered.
Page 2
load and deformation characteristic of the structural and geotechnical (soil) components of the
foundations of structures can effect, and in some cases dominate, seismic response and overall
performance. The modeling of soil and structural parts of foundations inherently accounts the
interaction of soil and structure. In soil structure interaction the appropriate modeling of the flux
of energy from the soil to the structure, and then back from the structure to the soil is accounted
for. In this work the effects of the soil on nonlinear modeling of RC frame structure will be
investigated and compared without considering soil effect.
1.3. Objectives
Page 3
appropriate software (Etabs).Then, using EBCS recommendation the framed is designed and
After design is completed ,then the frame is modeled and analyzed, employing nonlinear Finite
Element Modeling using Opensees software under two different boundary conditions: (I)
fixed-base (no Soil-Structure Interaction), and (ii) considering Soil-Structure Interaction
(SSI).Then output for the two boundary conditions are compared.
Page 4
2. Literature review
Page 5
Supply is the action or deformation capacity of a component or an assembly of components when
subjected to earthquake ground motion. Therefore, the supply represents the response of the
structure to the demand. It may continuously vary as the structural characteristics change during
inelastic response. It also varies with the characteristics of the input motion
Page 6
Figure. 1.Movement Of Floor Due To Lateral Loads
The provisions of EBCS 8, 1995 calculate the base shear force for each main direction as the
multiplication of the building weight with a seismic coefficient as shown:
Fb=Sd( T1 )W … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . .
T1 = C1 H 3/4 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . … … . . … … … . .
C1 = 0.075 for reinforced concrete moment-resisting frames and eccentrically braced steel frames.
Sd (T1), ordinate of the design spectrum at period T1
The building weight W meanwhile is used to accounts for the inertia of the building. It refers to
the weight of the structure that would be anticipated during a seismic event. This would include
the dead weight of the structure, the weight of all floor partitions, and the weight of all tanks and
permanent equipment in the building (MacGregor et al 2005, 1000). Additionally, a minimum of
25 percent of the buildings live load must also be applied to account for possible occupants at the
time of the event. The seismic coefficient, s, accounts for the soil and site conditions, the design
Page 7
ground acceleration, and the fundamental period and ductility of the building. It seeks to
characterize how the weight of the building will respond to a seismic event. The EBCS 8, 1995
specification describes the factor as follows:
For linear analysis, the design spectrum Sd (T) normalized by the acceleration of gravity g is
defined by the following expression:
sd (T) = αβγ … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . . .
The parameter α in is the ratio of the design bedrock acceleration to the acceleration of gravity g
and is given by:
α = αo I … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
Where α = the bedrock acceleration ratio for the site and depends on the seismic zone as given
in the fig.1.
Zone 4 3 2 1
The parameter β is the design response factor for the site and is given by Equation
β= , ≤ 2.5 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . .
T 2/3
The parameter β) is the site coefficient for soil characteristics given in Table 2.
Table coefficient S
Subsoil class A B C
S 1 1.2 1.5
Page 8
losses in case of a collapse. The importance categories are characterized by different importance
factors I as described in Clause 1.2.1. in EBCS 8,1995.
(3) The importance factor I = 1.0 is associated with a design seismic event having a reference
return period as indicated in Clause 1.4.1(3) in EBCS 8,1995.
(4) The definitions of the importance categories and the related importance factors are given in
Table 3.
Table 3.Importance Categories and Importance Factors for Buildings
Fb = Ft + ∑ Fi … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . .
Page 9
(2) The concentrated force F, at the top, which is in addition to Fn shall be determined from the
Ft = 0.07T1 Fb … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .
(3) The remaining portion of the base shear shall be distributed over the height of the structure,
including level n according to the following formula:
(4) At each level designated as i, the force F; .shall be applied over the area of the building in
accordance with the mass distribution at that level. Stresses in each structural element shall be
calculated as the effect of force F; and F, combined applied at the appropriate levels above the
(5) The horizontal forces F, determined in the above manner shall be distributed to the lateral load
resisting system assuming rigid floors.
Based on this equation and the fact that the ELFM is capturing the first modal response of the
structure, the top story of the building will most likely have the largest seismic loading because
this story will experience the most lateral movement during an event. As a check, the lateral story
forces should sum to the value of the base shear, V. These story forces can now be used to calculate
forces and deflections within the lateral load resisting system. In addition to the lateral forces acting
on a structure, the deflection and stability of the structure must also be calculated for a seismic
event. Specifically, EBCS 8 1995 outlines permissible values for the design story drift and the
stability factor. The design story drift (Δ) is determined as the difference in lateral deflection (δx)
between the top and bottom of a specific story as shown in Figure 2.
Page 10
Figure. 2.Deflection of Frame structure due to lateral loads
de is displacement of the same point of the structural system, as determined by a linear analysis based on the
design response spectrum according to EBCS 8 1995.
Page 11
(a) For buildings having non-structural elements of brittle materials attached to the structure;
dr ≤ 0.01h
(b) For buildings having non-structural elements fixed in a way as not to interfere with structural
dr ≤ 0.015h
Where dr design inter-storey drift as defined in in EBCS 8 1995.
H is storey height
A more ductile structure will therefore be allowed a larger design deflection. The deflection (δxe)
corresponds to the lateral deflection calculated by an elastic analysis, while the factor (I) refers to
the importance factor of the building. A more important structure will therefore have a lower
allowable deflection. The stability of the structure is represented by a stability factor θ, which
considers possible P-Δ effects on the shears and moments in the structure. P-Δ effects occur from
the horizontal displacement of vertical loads in the structure. This eccentricity must be accounted
for in the shears and moments of the structure and therefore requires a second-order analysis.
However, these effects can be ignored if the stability factor outlined in EBCS 8 1995 is less than
0.10 (EBCS 8 1995, 30). The factor θ for a given level x is defined by the following formula:
θ= d ≤ 0.10 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .
Vtot h r
The factor (Ptot) corresponds to the vertical loading above the specified level x while (dr) is the
story drift at the level. (Vtot) is the shear value acting between the story and the story below it,
while (h) is the story height in meters. The factor of θ must also not be greater than 0.25.
If the value of θ is greater than 0.10 but less than 0.25, displacement and forces within the structure
are to be multiplied by a factor of a (EBCS 8 1995, 30). However, if θ is greater than the
maximum, the structure “is potentially unstable and must be redesigned” (EBCS 8 1995).
Where, a = 1⁄(1 − θ) … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .
Page 12
The use of seismic analysis both in research and practice has increased substantially in recent years
due to the proliferation of verified and user - friendly software and the availability of fast
Computers (Bozorgnia & Bertero, 2006).
A structural analysis procedure requires:
i) A model of the structure,
ii) A representation of the earthquake ground motion or the effects of the ground motion and
iii) A method of analysis for forming and solving the governing equation.
Page 13
2.3.2. Modeling Considerations in Frames
The location of the joints and members is critical in determining the accuracy of the structural
model. Some of the factors that are needed to consider when defining the members (and hence
joints) for the structure are:
The number of members should be sufficient to describe the geometry of the structure.
Member boundaries, and hence joints should be located at points of discontinuity:
Structural boundaries, e.g., corners
Changes in material properties
Changes in thickness and other geometric properties
Support points (restraints)
Points of application of concentrated loads
Points of abrupt change in member loads
More than one member should be used to model the length of any span for which static
behavior is important. This is required because the mass is always distributed at the member’s
overall length.
Page 14
The selection of restrained displacements at the supports is an important step in the structural
modeling and the supports of a model are commonly identified with the symbols Shown in Figure
2.1 for typical two-dimensional cases. The arrows in Figure 2.1 indicate the restrained DOFs, and
thus the corresponding support reactions of each support type.
Since the displacements are partitioned into two sets, so is the nodal force vector, P. The nodal
forces at the free DOFs of the model are specified as nodal loads, and are denoted by Pf. The forces
at the restrained DOFs are the support reactions and are denoted by Pd. These can be evaluated
once the equations for the free DOFs are solved.
Page 15
is applied until the imposed displacements reach the so-called “target displacement,” which
represents the displacement demand that the earthquake ground motions would impose on the
structure. Once loaded to the target displacement, the demand parameters for the structural
components are compared with the respective acceptance criteria for the desired performance state.
System level demand parameters, such as story drifts and base shears, may also be checked. The
nonlinear static procedure is applicable to low-rise regular buildings, where the response is
dominated by the fundamental sway mode of vibration. It is less suitable for taller, slender, or
irregular buildings, where multiple vibration modes affect the behavior for further discussion on
the applicability of nonlinear static analysis.
Page 16
structure without any consideration of interaction and then designs the foundations for the resulting
forces. However, in some cases this approach can give unrealistic results, leading to foundations
and superstructure designs that may be overly conservative or unconservative.
In most cases ignoring soil-structure interaction is conservative, provided the design response
spectra and ground motions adequately envelope the kinematic effect of the foundation structure
and its effect on site response. This may be difficult to do in cases such as the following, where
soil-structure interaction analysis is advisable to reduce risk:
The foundation system alters the soil properties (e.g., a pile foundation in soft soils).
Buildings with a deep basement or pile foundation system, where it is difficult to determine the
effective ground excitation and where the structural inertia forces are dependent on the foundation
reaction with the soil. This issue is compounded for sites where the soil properties vary
significantly with depth where the site conditions are susceptible to large ground deformations,
e.g., lateral spreading or ground fault rupture, or soil liquefaction.
Soil-structure interaction analysis is also undertaken to realize substantial construction cost savings
by reducing the conservatisms in the conventional approach. This is typically worthwhile on sites
with relatively soft soils where:
The flexibility of the soil-foundation system significantly elongates the effective natural periods
of the structure and increases the damping, leading to reduced earthquake design forces.Where the
structure is massive and its inertia forces significantly increase the strain levels in the soil relative
to the free field response.Incorporation of foundation effects into structural-response prediction
requires some basic understanding of soils and soil-structure interaction. The behavior of soils is
significantly nonlinear under strong ground shaking, and soil materials display strain softening,
energy dissipation through material hysteresis and radiation damping, and strain rate dependency.
Soils generally have no distinct yield point and exhibit gradual reduction of stiffness with
increasing strain. Certain types of soil (typically saturated sands and silts) can develop excess pore
water pressure during earthquake shaking, resulting in reduced effective stress levels, softening,
weakening and in the extreme, complete loss of strength (liquefaction). While pore pressure
generation and liquefaction models exist, treatment of liquefiable soils in structural analysis is a
significant challenge.Even if a detailed geotechnical investigation is available, a high degree of
uncertainty in behavior of the soils will remain. For this reason, it is recommended that analyses
are undertaken using upper and lower bounds of soil properties. The upper bound soil stiffness and
Page 17
strength is usually more critical for the demands on the structure itself, and lower bound properties
may be critical for the design of the foundation.
Page 18
model to the finite element mesh density, soil properties, and proximity of boundaries to the
Page 19
multi-support excitation can be effectively conducted. Last but not the least, Opensees provides a
library of various materials, elements and analysis which is powerful for numerical simulation of
nonlinear systems.
However, since Opensees is research-developed software which denotes that it is not maturely
developed, the simulations conducted using Opensees need to be testified with results obtained
from other software. In this work it is compared with sap.
Page 20
2.10.3. Concrete Materials in Opensees
There are two types of materials currently available in Opensees, uniaxial materials and
nDmaterials. The different types of concrete and steel materials are among the uniaxial materials.
There are three types of concrete available:
i. Concrete01: uniaxial Kent-Scott-Park concrete materials object with degraded linear
unloading/reloading stiffness according to the work of Karsan-Jirsa and no tensile strength
ii. Concrete02: uniaxial concrete material object with tensile strength and linear tension
iii. Concrete03: Uniaxial concrete materials object with tensile strength and nonlinear tension
In this work Concrete02 will be used for the structure under consideration, as the tensile strength
of the concrete is of interest in the elastic range, and modeling nonlinear tension softening is
considered. The cover and core concrete will be modeled as different materials, using the same
material type, but different stress and strain characteristics and different material tags.
Page 21
Figure. 3.Expected inelastic regions at the column and wall ends
The zero-length section element available in Opensees may be used to accurately model the strain
penetration effects (or the fixed end rotations shown in Figure 4). Zero-length section elements
have been generally used for section analyses to calculate the moment corresponding to a given
curvature. To model the fixed-end rotation, the zero-length section element should be placed at the
intersection between the flexural member and an adjoining member representing a footing or joint
as shown in Figure 5. A duplicate node is also required between a fiber-based beam-column
element and the adjoining concrete element as shown in Figure 5. The translational degree-of-
freedom of this new node (i.e., node j in Figure 5) should be constrained to the other node (i.e.,
node i in Figure 5) to prevent sliding of the beam-column element under lateral loads because the
shear resistance is not included in the zero-length section element.
Page 22
Figure. 4.Adding a zero-length section element to a beam-column element
The zero-length section element in Opensees is assumed to have a unit length such that the element
deformations (i.e., elongation and rotation) are equal to the section deformations (i.e., axial strain
and curvature). The material model for the steel fibers in the zero-length section element represents
the bar slip instead of strain for a given bar stress. The uniaxial material model Bond_SP01 is
developed for steel fibers in the zero-length section elements.
Page 23
expected to the extreme concrete fibers in the zero-length element, this concrete model may be
assumed to follow a perfectly plastic behavior once the concrete strength reduces to 80% of the
confined compressive strength. A parametric study has indicated that the simulation results would
not be very sensitive to the compressive strain chosen to trigger the perfectly plastic behavior for
the concrete fibers in the zero-length section element
′ [1 − Z(ɛc − ɛo )] … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 2.11.3
fc = f c
in which 𝑧 = ɛ … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .2.11.4
50u −ɛco
Where 50u = the strains corresponding to the stress equal to 50% of the maximum concrete
strength for unconfined concrete.
3+0.29fc ′
50𝑢 = 145f′ [ fc ′ in Mpa] … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . . … .2.11.5
c −1000
Page 24
fc n c
=(n−1)+( ɛc … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 2.11.6
f′ c )
Popovics equation works well for most normal strength concrete (f’c=55Mpa), but it lacks the
necessary control over the slope of the post-peak branch for high strength concrete.
Thorenfeldt et al. (1987) made modifications to the Popovics (1973) relation to adjust the
descending branch of the concrete stress-strain relation. The authors proposed the following
equation for the unconfined concrete stress-strain relation.
fc n c
= ɛ nk
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .2.11.7
f′ c (n−1)+( c )
In the above equation ‘k’ takes a value of 1 for values of c /c < 1and values greater than 1 for of
c /c >1. Thus by adjusting the value of ‘k’ the post-peak branch of the stress-strain relation can
be made steeper. This approach can be used for high-strength concrete where the post-peak branch
becomes steeper with increase in the concrete compressive strength.
Tsai (1988) proposed a generalized form of the Popovics (1973) equation which has greater control
over the post-peak branch of the stress-strain relation. Tsai’s equation consists of two additional
parameters, one to control the ascending and a second to control the post-peak behavior of the
stress-strain curve. The proposed stress-strain relation for unconfined concrete by Tsai is
y= n xn
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . … 2.11.8
1 + (m − n−1) + n−1
Page 25
Figure. 5.proposed stress-strain model for confined and unconfined concrete-Kent and Park
(1971) modeles
Page 26
2.12. Preparation of Input data for the Modeling
The first task in developing a modeling is to clearly define the way data is organized withinthe
Program. The input data for analysis of three dimensional reinforced concrete frames for
earthquake (equivalent static) and gravity loading are organized as follows:
Fig.7 shows the basic structure of the model-building process using the scripting language.A series
of tcls cripts store data defining the building geometry and material properties. Once the data has
been stored into the lists and the arrays, OpenSees commands are called upon to use this data to
define the model.Model defining progresses through, definition of the nodes, definition of the
material models, definition of the sections, and definition of the elements. Once the whole model
has been set up appropriate components sets the various analysis tools in OpenSees and performs
the required analysis. Fig.7 shows the model building process, data transfer, and tasks required to
accomplish the analysis of the model.
Analyze Analyze
Page 27
2.13. Main abstraction in opensees framework
Opensees comprise of a set of modules to perform creation of the finite element model,
specification of any analysis procedure, selection of quantities to be monitored during the analysis,
and the output of the results. In each finite element analysis, an analysis is used to construct 4
main types of object, as shown in Fig 8.
2.14.1. ModelBuilder
The ModelBuilder is the object in the program responsible for building the following objects in
the model and adding them to the domain [Node, Mass, Material, Section, Element,
Page 28
LoadPatternTimeSeries, Transformation, Block, Constraint].In this work three dimensional
reinforced concrete frame structure is used.
2.14.4. Materials
Once the nodes have been defined, the next step towards defining elements is the material
definition. Concrete02 and steel02 will be used for the structure under consideration of this
work.The cover and core concrete will be modeled as different materials, using the same material
type, but different stress and strain characteristics and different material tags.
Page 29
command.In this work the fiber section was formed by quadrilateral region for both beam and
column section and reinforcement bars were arranged in layer.
Page 30 Gravity loads (live and dead loads)
Using EBCS provision for two ways slab, the gravity load is transferred from slabs to Beams. And
these loads are then converted into nodal loads (gravity load and moment) for openseesmodeling
and are applied to respective nodes based on the following calculation and sign is changed for
Fixed end moment is given by: FEM= (KNm) and a nodal gravity load that is applied to
each respective node is calculated by applying P= (WL/2) (KN) loads to each Node of the beam
Page 31
Recorders can also be placed anywhere on a fiber section to measure fiber stresses and strains.
When more than one material may occupy the location specified (such as a steel bar at the edge
of the confined-concrete core), a preferred material can be specified. The location of the
recorder is specified using the local coordinate system. If no fiber is located at that coordinate,
a blank file will be output (very common error).In this work Recorder Object is placed before
pushover analysis but after the defining lateral loads.
Page 32
deformation demands in the superstructure. In this study two horizontal springs (lateral and
sliding) and one vertical spring were used in main direction of structures to simulate soil structure
interaction. The stiffness of each spring is estimated using Gazetas equation for shallow
foundation stiffness. [Hutchinson2, P. R. (2008)]
Page 33
This material is characterized by a large initial stiffness and a broad hysteresis, as anticipated for
frictional behavior associated with foundation sliding.
The functional forms and parameters describing the p-y, t-y, and q-z springs are similar, so only
the q-z model is described here. The backbone curve has linear and nonlinear regions. The linear-
elastic portion of the backbone curve is described by the initial stiffness k.q = SK z , whereq
represents the spring force, and s represents the spring deflection. The upper limit of the linear-
elastic region, defined as q0, is taken as a fraction of the ultimate loadqultas follows:
q0 = Cr qult , where, Cr is a parameter specified in OpenSees.
The nonlinear (post-yield) portion of the backbone is described by:
cs50 n
q = q ult − (q ult − q 0 [(cs ) ] , for s > s0 … … … … … … … … … … … . . .2.15.1
50 +s−s0
Where s50 is the displacement at which 50% of the ultimate load is mobilized, s0is the displacement
at load q0, and both c and n are constitutive parameters controlling the shape of the post-yield
portion of the backbone curve. Matlock’s (1970) recommended backbone for soft clay is closely
approximated using c = 10, n = 5, and Cr = 0.35.And these values were used in the opensees
modeling for initial and post yield backbone curve for this work.
It is evident from the above equations that the shape of spring backbone curves, which is basically
a controlling factor for the SSI behavior, is mainly dependent on two physical parameters related
to soil characteristics; namely, capacity (qult), and initial elastic stiffness (kin).The capacity and
elastic stiffness of each spring is obtained by distributing the global footing capacity and stiffness
utilizing proper tributary area of each spring.
The footing capacity is derived using the general bearing capacity equation from Terzaghi (1943)
with shape, depth and inclination factors after Meyerhof (1963) as shown in the equations below.
𝑄𝑈𝑙𝑡 = 𝐶N𝑐 𝐹𝐶𝑆 𝐹𝑐𝑑 𝐹𝑐𝑖 + 𝛶𝐷𝑓 𝑁𝑞 𝐹𝑞𝑠 𝐹𝑞𝑑 𝐹𝑞𝑖 + 0.5γ𝐵𝑁γ 𝐹γ𝑦 𝐹γs 𝐹γd 𝐹γi……………………....2.15.2
Where, qult is the ultimate vertical bearing capacity per unit area of footing, c the cohesion, γ the
unit weight of soil, Df is the depth of embedment, and B the width of footing. Bearing capacity
factors, Nc, Nqand Nγarecalculated after Meyerhof (1963):
Nq = tan2 (450 + ) eπ tan(Ø) … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . … … … .2.15.3
Nc = (Nq − 1)cotØ … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . … 2.15.4
NΥ = (Nq − 1) tan(1.4Ø) … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . … … . . 2.15.5
Page 34
For the p-x material, the ultimate lateral load capacity is determined as the total passive resisting
force acting on the front side of the embedded footing. For homogeneous backfill against the
footing, the passive resisting force can be calculated using a linearly varying pressure distribution
resulting in the following expression:
Pult = 0.5ΥDf 2 Kp … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 2.15.6
Where, pult = passive earth pressure per unit length of footing, and Kp= passive earth pressure
coefficient. For the t-x material, the lateral load capacity is the total sliding (frictional) resistance,
which can be defined as the shear strength between the soil and the footing as:
t ult = Wg tan δ + Ab c … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . .2.15.7
Where, tult = frictional resistance per unit area of foundation, Wg = vertical force acting at the
base of the foundation, δ = angle of friction between the foundation and soil (typically varying
from 1/3φ to 2/3 φ) and Ab =the area of the base of footing in contact with the soil(=L ×
B).C=cohesion of soil.
The initial elastic stiffness (vertical and lateral) of the footing is derived from Gazetas (1991) as
GL B 0.75
K V = 1−V [0.73 + 1.54 ( L) ]………………………………………………….2.15.8
GL B 0.85
K h = 2−V [2 + 2.5 ( L) …………………………………………………………2.15.9
where kv and kh are the vertical and lateral initial elastic stiffness of the footing, respectively; G is
the shearmodulus of soil; ν is the Poisson’s ratio of soil; and Band L are the footing width and
length, respectively. The instantaneous tangent stiffness kp, which describes the load-displacement
relation within the post-yield or nonlinear region of the backbone curves, may be expressed as:
(cz50 )n
K p = n(q ult − q 0 [ ] … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .2.15.10
(cz50 |−z0 + z|)n+1
In this paper the effects of nonlinear SSI on the structural response is studied in terms of base
moment, base shear, story displacement, and inter-story drift.
Page 35
2.15.3. Parameters used in the modeling of soil in opensees
Radiation damping (cz). This dashpot coefficient is considered to be a physicalparameter that is
well documented in the literature. Theparameter is sensitive to soil stiffness, footing shape, aspect
ratio andembedment.
Tension capacity (TP). The tension capacity parameter, TP, determines the maximum magnitude
of the drag force in Component 1 of the nonlinear springs. It is the ratio of tension capacity to
bearing capacity with typical selected values of 0 to 0.10 (as suggested in Boulanger et al., 1999),
although, more recently some experts (e.g., Kutter) have recommended using a TP value of zero.
Distribution and magnitude of vertical stiffness. Two parameters are necessary to account for
the distribution and magnitude of the vertical stiffness along the length of a footing: (1) the stiffness
intensity ratio, Rk(where, Rk=Kend/Kmid); and (2) the end length ratio, Re (where,
Re=Lend/2L). A variable stiffness distribution along the length is used to force the distributed
BNWF spring model to match the overall rotational stiffness. The end region, Lend, is defined as
the length of the edge region over which the stiffness is increased. Seismic Evaluation and
Retrofit of Concrete Buildings (ATC, 1996) suggests the use of Lend = B/6 from each end of the
footing. This expression of end length ratio is independent of the footing aspect ratio. Harden and
Hutchinson (2009) suggest an expression that is a function of the footing aspect ratio.
Spring spacing (S). The spring spacing is input by the user as a fraction of the footing half-length
L (S = le/L), where le is the non-normalized spring spacing. A maximum element length equal to
8% of the footing half-length (i.e., a minimum number of 25 springs along the full length of the
footing) is recommended to provide numerical stability and reasonable accuracy.
Shape parameters (Cr, c, n). These parameters are hard-wired into the OpenSees implementation
of the material models, meaning that they are not specified by users. The recommended values are
soil-type dependent, and were developed based on comparisons of model prediction test data as
described by Raychowdhury and Hutchinson (2008).
Different researcher did similar issues on non linear finite element modeling of soil structure
interaction with different finite element software, but with dynamic loading only. This work
investigates soil structure interaction like different researchers did on non-linear modeling of three
dimensional reinforced concrete structures but, with opensees software and with static loading in
low seismic zone ( ground acceleration =0.05g).
Page 36
Opensees is as its name indicates open software that can be modified based on the interest of
analysts and a powerful finite element software for analysis of earthquake loading, and it is easy
to use .The reason why this software is selected in this work is because it is the preferable software
in researches as it can model both linear and non linear modeling of structures, soil- structures,
and soil. Other advantage of opensees is that it can model different structures with different
dimension, for example in this work the soil is modeled in two dimensional modeling where as the
structure is modeled in three dimension.
This work focuses on the development of software program which models and analyzes reinforced
concrete building using opensees software with and without considering soil effect under static
seismic loads on displacement based beam-column element formulation and with Fiber model of
section. The program has incorporated TCL command which is used to detect softening problem
when the applied displacement at the top of the column increase. The outputs of the developed
program are nodal displacement, storey drift, local and global forces, section deformation, section
forces, reaction forces.These outputs are compared with sap software resuluts with similar
Page 37
3. Development of modeling and Procedure on Opensees
Number of Number
Height Bay Width (m) Total Height (m) Total Width (m)
Stories of Bays
4 3 3 4 30 12
Page 38
Page 39
Table 5.Dimension and Reinforcement of the Beam, column, and Foundation of Fame
Rebar (S400)Mpa
Top (mm) Middle (mm) Bottom (mm) Cover (mm)
Beams 250x600 S-400 C-25 2Ø20 2Ø20 2Ø20 25
columns 600x600 S-400 C-25 4Ø20 4Ø20 4Ø20 25
Footings 3000x300x600 S-400 C-25 Ø12 c/c 80 in both direction 30
In the modeling of the frame structure in opensees, the reinforcement, material grades of the each
section of frame are inserted in the openseesprogramme .Gravity loads (dead and live loads)
transferred from two ways slab (EBCS 2, 1995) to the beams are changed to nodal loads and are
applied at each nodes of frame structure in the modeling. Seismic loads in zone II (ground
acceleration=0.05g) using equivalent static load analysis is calculated based on the EBCS 8,1995
recommendation and are applied at each node of the frame based on the assumed direction in the
modeling of the frame.
Page 40
3.3. What is opensees?
Opensees (Open system for earthquake engineering simulation) is object-oriented open source
software which allows users to implement finite element methods to model the structural and
geotechnical systems and simulate the response under earthquake loading. It has been under
development by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center since 1997. Because
Opensees is object-oriented software framework, in a finite element application, mainly four types
of objects, model builder object, domain object, recorder object, and analysis object need to be
prepared. In Opensees, the interpretation is accomplished by adding commands into Tcl script for
finite element analysis. Each command is associated with a C++ procedure that is built inside and
is called by the interpreter to analyze the command (Mazzoni et. al 2006). Opensees is chosen in
this study because it is an open source which is free to be used. Second, both linear and nonlinear
structural and geotechnical models can be built in Opensees. Third, various simulations: static
push-over analysis, static reversed-cyclic analysis, dynamic time-series analysis, uniform-support
excitation, multi-support excitation can be effectively conducted. Last but not the least, Opensees
provides a library of various materials, elements and analysis which is powerful for numerical
simulation of nonlinear systems. In this work nonlinear structural and geotechnical models are
built and static pushover simulation is conducted for three dimensional reinforced concrete
structure building.
Page 41
Define structural Set Set frame
Analyze Analyze
3.5.1. ModelBuilder
The ModelBuilder is the object in the program responsible for building the following objects in
the model and adding them to the domain [Node, Mass, Material, Section, Element,
LoadPatternTimeSeries, Transformation, Block, Constraint].In this work three dimensional
reinforced concrete frame structure is used.
Page 42
3.5.2. Nodal Coordinates
Once the dimension of the problem is defined, it is recommended to define the coordinates of the
nodes, the mass associated with each node and DOF and the boundary conditions at the nodes.The
nodal coordinates are defined using the node command. The numbers of parameters associated
with this command are referenced to the model command. In this work the coordinate of mass is
not defined due to the analysis case that static analysis is used.
3.5.4. Materials
Once the nodes have been defined, the next step towards defining elements is the material
definition. Concrete02 and steel02 will be used for the structure under consideration of this
work.The cover and core concrete will be modeled as different materials, using the same material
type, but different stress and strain characteristics and different material tags.
Page 43
3.5.6. Elements and Elements Connectivity
Once the element cross section has been defined, additional mechanical properties must be
associated (aggregated) to it.Elastic torsion needs to be added to the column under consideration,
using an elastic uniaxial material. The geometric transformation is used to relate the local element,
and section, coordinates to the global system coordinates.In this work therefore, elastic torsion is
used in the modeling of frame structure.
Fixed end moment is given by: FEM= (KNm) and a nodal gravity load that is applied to
each respective node is calculated by applying (WL/2) loads to each Node of the beam end (axial
Page 44
Gravity loads applied in each nodes of the frame for opensees modeling are given in the table
below. These loads are applied in each nodes of the frame except the footings’ nodes.These loads
are applied for opensees modeling with axial load always downward and the two momements with
their analysis direction.i.e clockwise negative and counterwise positive as can be seen in the table.
Page 45
8 7 6 5
1 2 3 4
4m 4m 4m
Figure. 14.nodding in opensees modeling (plan of the building frame from ground slab to
roof slab)
Page 46
(0, 0, 0) ( 4, 0, 0) (8, 0, 0) (12, 0, 0)
Page 47
12.4 KN
57.62 KN
51.215 KN
44.185 KN
32.01 KN
25.61 KN
19.205 KN
6.4 KN
The frame was modeled in the above nodding system for ten story reinforced concrete building as
can be seen in the plan of building in the Fig.11 .The nodes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8 are the footings.
The rest are beam column nodes at each storey level and the numbering of the node are in the
counter clockwise direction.For 10 storey 88 nodes are available as can be seen in the fig 16 and
In Opensees loads is applied in a three-step process:
Loads must be defined in a load pattern.
The analysis must be then defined and its features.
The loads are then applied when the analysis is executed.
Page 48
3.6. Recorder Object
Monitors user-defined parameters in the model during the analysis.
Monitors the state of a domain component (node, element, etc.) during an analysis.
Writes this state to a file or to a database at selected intervals during the analysis.
Recorders can also be placed anywhere on a fiber section to measure fiber stresses and strains.
When more than one material may occupy the location specified (such as a steel bar at the edge
of the confined-concrete core), a preferred material can be specified. The location of the
recorder is specified using the local coordinate system. If no fiber is located at that coordinate,
a blank file will be output (very common error).In this work Recorder Object is placed before
pushover analysis but after the defining lateral loads.
3.8. Procedure of the Program for Frame Structure (Without Soil Effect) modeling
The Flowchart for the analysis of three dimensional frames for static loads is presented in this
section. Only flowchart to show the steps used to develop the program is presented here.
Page 49
Enter dimension of the frame structure/3D
Enter geometry of the frame structure/LxWxD
Enter node of the frame structure/coordinates of each node.
Enter boundary condition of the frame structure/fixity
Enter material properties of the frame structure
Enter nominal concrete compressive strength
Enter concrete elastic modulus
Enter concrete shear modulus
Enter compressive strength of confined concrete [1.3x nominal concerete
compressive strength]
Enter strain at maximum stress for confined concrete
Enter strin at ultimate stress for confined concrete
Enter unconfined concrete strength of unconfined concrete
Enter strain at maximum strength of unconfined concrete
Page 50
Enter fiber section properties
Enter cover and core for both axes
Enter the core patch, four cover patches, and reinforcement layer respectively
Enter torsional stiffness and combine section properties
Enter geometric transformation, integration points
Create non linear column/beam element (element dispbeamColumn)
Analysis object
Enter constraints transformation, numberer plain, system BandGeneral, test
NormDispIncr, algorithm Newoton,IntegratorDisplacementControl, analyze
static, analyze
Recorder Object
Recorder node (displacement reaction forces at each node)
Recorder element (local, global, section forces, deformation, stress strain,
Recorders drift (storey drift)
Print node
Print ele
Print sec
Page 51
3.9 Running the Program
After the program is written in the flow chart sequence, then it is possible to run it in matlab.For
this work, two models are taken-with (soil.tcl) and without soil (frame) effect. For example, dp1
(Frame structure without soil) was run in mat lab and showed the following message.
Page 52
3.10.2. Beam-on-Nonlinear Winkler Foundation (BNWF) Models
A spring responds only to loads acting parallel to its axis, so loads acting in a perpendicular
direction have no effect on the response of the spring. Nonlinear springs for shallow foundations
have been used in conjunction with gapping and damper elements.BNWF approach assumes that
soil-foundation interface is closely-spaced, independent, inelastic spring elements. The BNWF
model implemented into OpenSees consists of elastic beam-column elements that capture the
structural footing behavior with independent zero-length soil elements that model the soil-footing
behavior. Currently it is developed for two-dimensional analysis only for opensees modeling.
Therefore, the one-dimensional elastic beam-column elements used for the footing have three
degrees-of-freedom per node (i.e., horizontal, vertical, and rotation). One-dimensional uniaxial
springs are used to simulate the vertical load displacement behavior (q-z), horizontal passive load-
displacement behavior against the side of a footing (p-y), and horizontal shear-sliding behavior at
the base of a footing (t-y). Moment-rotation behavior is captured by distributing vertical springs
along the base of the footing.
The footing capacity is derived using the general bearing capacity equation from Terzaghi (1943)
with shape, depth and inclination factors after Meyerhof (1963) as shown in the equations below.
𝑄𝑈𝑙𝑡 = 𝐶N𝑐 𝐹𝐶𝑆 𝐹𝑐𝑑 𝐹𝑐𝑖 + 𝛶𝐷𝑓 𝑁𝑞 𝐹𝑞𝑠 𝐹𝑞𝑑 𝐹𝑞𝑖 + 0.5γ𝐵𝑁γ 𝐹γ𝑦 𝐹γs 𝐹γd 𝐹γi … … … … … … . .
Nc =5.7, Nq=1, Nγ=0, Fcs=1.3, Fqs=1.2, Fγs=0.8, Fcd=1.09, Fqd=1.09, Fγd=1, Fci=1, Fqi=1,
Qult=100*5.7*1.3*1.09*1+16*3*1*1.2*1+0=865.29 KN/m
For the p-x material, the ultimate lateral load capacity is determined as the total passive resisting
force acting on the front side of the embedded footing. For homogeneous backfill against the
footing, the passive resisting force can be calculated using a linearly varying pressure distribution
resulting in the following expression:
Pult = 0.5ΥDf 2 Kp … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
Where,pult = passive earth pressure per unit length of footing, and Kp= passive earth pressure
coefficient. For the t-x material, the lateral load capacity is the total sliding (frictional) resistance,
which can be defined as the shear strength between the soil and the footing as:
t ult = Wg tan δ + Ab c … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . .
Page 53
Where,tult = frictional resistance per unit area of foundation, Wg = vertical force acting at the base
of the foundation, δ = angle of friction between the foundation and soil (typically varying from
1/3φ to 2/3 φ) and Ab =the area of the base of footing in contact with the soil (=L × B).C=cohesion
of soil=100KN/m2, φ=0
t ult =0+3*3*100 KN=900KN/m
The initial elastic stiffness (vertical and lateral) of the footing is derived from Gazetas (1991) as
Table 7.Vertical springs
Material Capacity
101 q1=(Q/L)*L1
102 q2=(Q/L)*L2
103 q3=(Q/L)*L3
Q=Total capacity
L=total length
Page 54
rotational damping (cz) =0.05
tension capacity=0.1
Intial stiffness (vertical and horizontal)
GL B 0.75
KV = [0.73 + 1.5 ( ) … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .
1−V L
K V =(20,000*3)/(1-0.4)*(0.73+1.50.75) =20,700KN/m
GL B 0.85
Kh = [2 + 2.5 ( ) … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
2−V L
K h =20,000*3/(2-0.4)*(2+2.50.85) =156,712.5 KN/m
where kv and kh are the vertical and lateral initial elastic stiffness of the footing, respectively; G is
the shearmodulus of soil; ν is the Poisson’s ratio of soil; and Band L are the footing width and
length, respectively.
In the modeling of soil-structure, the above ones are the inputs in soil modeling in opensees
Page 55
Figure. 18.Soil data used in the modeling of soil modeling (for only Type I soil) and shallow
Foundation modeling for opensees
3.12. Procedure of the Program for Frame Structure (With Soil Effect) modeling
The Flow chart for the analysis of three dimensional frames for static loads with soil effect is
presented in this section. Only flow chart to show the steps used to develop the program is
presented here.
Page 56
Connect soil modeling and structure with multi-point constraints called equalDof
Enter boundary condition of the frame structure/fixity
Puts “soil modeling finished”
Define 3D Frame Structure Modeling
Enter dimension of the frame structure/3D
Enter geometry of the frame structure/LxWxD
Enter node of the frame structure/coordinates of ech node
Connect soil modeling and structure with multi-point constraints called equalDof
Enter boundary condition of the frame structure/fixity
Enter material properties of the frame structure
Enter nominal concrete compressive strength of the frame structure
Enter concrete elastic modulus of the frame structure
Enter concrete shear modulus of the frame structure
Enter compressive strength of confined concrete [1.3x nominal concrete
compressive strength] for the frame structure
Enter strain at maximum stress for confined concrete for the frame structure
Enter strain at ultimate stress for confined concrete for the frame structure
Enter unconfined concrete strength of unconfined concrete for the frame
Enter strain at maximum strength of unconfined concrete for the frame structure
Enter ultimate stress for unconfined concrete for the frame structure
Enter strain at ultimate stress for unconfined concrete for the frame structure
Page 57
Enter section geometry (width depth)
Enter number of longitude reinforcement
Enter area of longitude reinforcement
Enter cover for reinforcement bar
Enter fiber section properties
Enter cover and core for both axes
Enter the core patch, four cover patches, and reinforcement layer respectively
Enter torsional stiffness and elastic torsional stiffness
Enter combine section properties
Enter geometric transformation, integration points
Create nonlinear column/beam element (element dispbeamColumn
Enter gravity loads at each load (factored dead and live load)
4. Results and Discussions
Enter loadConst-time 0.0
Enter lateral loads
Analysis Object
Enter constraints transformation, numberer plain, system BandGeneral, and test
NormDispIncr, algorithm Newton, Integrator Displacementcontrol, analysis
static, analyze
Define recorder
Recorder node (displacement reaction forces at each node)
Recorder element (local, global, section forces, deformation, stress strain,
Recorder drifts (story drifts)
Enter pushover analysis in loops
Print node
Print ele
Print sec
Page 58
4. Result and Discussions
This thesis work focuses on the geometric nonlinear modeling of reinforced concrete structure
under gravity and seismic load (equivalent static method) to investigate the ten story three
dimensional reinforced concrete structure behavior using Opensees software.
The output of the developed object oriented program is produced in the external file.
The outputs consist of nodal displacement, story drift, reaction forces, local and global forces,
section forces, and section deformation.
Opensees program has its own command called “put” command that assure whether the modeling
is correct or wrong ,so “put” command was used and push over analysis was run successfully .The
accuracy of the solution may depend on the number of nodes ,number of iteration ,number of
integration points ,number of fiber sections,etc.But as we increase the mentioned condition ,super
computer may be needed to solve the problem and it may be time consuming.
In this work 2-bay in x direction 1-bay in y-direction with ten story reinforced concrete structure
was modeled for two boundary conditions (with and without soil) using Opensees and outputs were
obtained and compared.
Opensees is still under development and no clear programming tcl command is prepared for
modeling of three dimensional soil-structure interactions for shallow foundation. So, in this work
two dimensional soil modeling and three dimensional reinforced concrete frame structure modeling
were made and the shallow foundations were connected to soil spring with TCL command
‘equalDOF’ [17].This command connect two nodes of two different modeling with different
dimension and these nodes act the same-and is placed after the structural node is defined (modeling
attached at appendeces).This modeling was compared with sap. The outputs of opensees for force
demand and displacements are larger than sap outputs. This is good for structural strength. In the
modeling of frame in sap, incorporation of SSI is a little bit smaller than the force demand without
considering soil effect. Except my for fixed support modeling is smaller than with soil modeling as
can be seen in the table below. This is because the earth quake load was changed into static
equivalent and applied at each node in the horizontal direction in the modeling. So, foundation does
not move compare to dynamic loading. That is why noticeable difference was not observed in sap
modeling for both cases. But, opensees shows good result for static seismic loading as can be seen
in table 8.When nodal displacements are compared in sap for fixed and spring modeling,
incorporation of SSI make the frame to have more displacement. However, when we compare the
Page 59
outputs for both fixed and spring modeling in opensees, the force demand for SSI are smaller than
fixed and larger displacements for spring modeling case for static pushover analysis. Therefore,
opensees is best finite element software in modeling of frame structures in seismic zones for static
The force based element can suffer from convergence issues as it needs to iterate to achieve
convergence so does if a displacement beam element is subdivided, similar convergence issues.
In this work displacement based element was used.In opensees the common problem that is
thought to be occurred is tension softening issues-which occur at critical sections ( critical sections
are any points of beam or column).So, tension softening stiffness, were modeled in the material
modeling for this problem.
The elements forces in the table 8 (base shear and base moments) are at story 1.For this elements
8 columns were used. The element 1 connects node 1 to node 9, element 2 connects node 2 to node
10, etc.
In this paper the effects of nonlinear SSI on the structural response is studied in terms of base
moment, base shear, story displacement, and inter-story drift.
Sample examples:
Page 60
10 Frame modeling
without soil with
Frame modeling with
4 Frame modeling
without soil with sap
Frame modeling with
0 soil with sap
-100 -50 0
nodal displacement in the y-axis in mm
-6 -4 -2 0
Drift in mm
Page 61
Table 8.Nodal forces for column elements at story-2 with opensees
Frame without soil (x-z plane) at y=0 with sap Frame with soil (x-z plane) at y=0 with sap
Element (Kn m) Vy(Kn ) my(Knm) Vz(Kn) element Mz(Knm) Vy(Kn) My(Knm) vz(Kn )
1 -0.772 -7.974 -7.667 11.707 1 2.67E-14 -3.295 0 11
2 15.436 -11.383 -30.761 20.346 2 -16.3017 -9.847 -56.364 30.737
3 14.248 -10 -27.492 18.847 3 -13.949 -8.98 -24.162 17.954
4 -14.15 -9.556 -28.272 19 4 -13.8175 -8.948 -28.89 19.559
Total 44.606 -38.913 -94.192 69.9 Total -44.0682 -31.07 -109.416 68.25
Frame without soil (x-z plane) at y=4 with sap Frame with soil (x-z plane) at y=4 with sap
Element mz Vy my Vz element Mz Vy My Vz
5 13.713 -9.177 -28.45 19 5 13.414 9 -28.355 19.19
6 -13.23 -8.854 -28.734 19.075 6 -12.938 -8.57 -28.64 19.164
7 12.749 -8.561 -29.116 19.19 7 -12.466 -8.333 -29 19.219
8 -12.3 -8.186 -29.6 19.377 8 -12 -7.982 -29.5185 19.374
Total 51.992 -34.778 -115.9 76.642 Total -23.99 -15.885 -115.514 76.947
Frame without soil (x-z plane) at y=0 with opensees Frame with soil (x-z plane) at y=0 with opensees
Element mz Vy my Vz element Mz Vy My Vz
1 -57.63 9.84 -14.77 -86.44 1 -9.794 -11.705 9.243 -11.106
2 -9.1 -45.84 68.76 -13.66 2 37.402 3.33E+01 3.79E+01 34.276
3 -28.82 -38.1 57.1 -43.23 3 3.515 4.421 -19.901 26.545
4 -60 -0.87 1.3 -90 4 4.164 2.518 98.959 -93.606
- -
Total 155.55 -74.97 112.39 233.33 Total 35.287 28.495 50.371 -43.891
Page 62
Frame without soil (x-z plane) at y=4 with opensees Frame with soil (x-z plane) at y=4 with opensees
element Mz Vy My Vz element Mz Vy My Vz
5 60 15 3.20E-15 90.05 5 -8.844 -4.272 87.756 -86.825
6 53.67 -16.86 25.3 80 6 -0.00388 -0.0048 -66.862 62.899
7 24.18 -41 61.33 36.27 7 -0.0365 -0.0398 -40.32 37.715
8 50.1 21.86 -32.78 75.14 8 -12.659 -16.458 15.711 -17.087
Total 187.95 -36 5.39E+01 281.46 Total -21.5434 -20.7746 -3.715 -3.298
Note: the unit of the moment and shear force is Knm and Kn respectively.
Page 63
5. Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1. Conclusion
Based on the analysis result on ten-story reinforced concrete building frame using opensees finite
element modeling, the following conclusions were arrived:
(1) Pushover analysis results indicate that with incorporation of SSI, the global force demand of
a structure reduces while the nodal displacement demand increases. However, this alteration is
more significant (reduction in force demand and increase in displacement demand) when the
inelastic behavior of the soil-foundation interface is taken into account as can be seen in the Fig.19
and 20 and Table 8.
(2) Pushover analysis results indicate that with incorporation of nonlinear SSI, the drift demand
of a structure is reduced, indicating that ignoring nonlinear SSI may lead to an over-conservative
estimation of the structural drift as can be seen in Fig.21. However, the drift for both cases
approach similar as the effects of support condition decrease as we move away from support.
(3) Finally, it may be concluded from this study that nonlinear behavior of the soil-foundation
interface may play a crucial role in altering the seismic demands of a structure, indicating the
necessity for incorporation of inelastic foundation behavior in modern design codes to accomplish
more economic, yet safe structural design in a performance-based design framework.
(4) In general, the geometric non-linear static analysis was conducted using the Opensees software.
The outputs indicate that the SSI can considerably affect the seismic response of building founded
on clay soil conditions.Soil-structure interaction greatly depends on the ground motion
characteristics, number of stories and horizontal capacity of earthquake resistance of building. If
the lateral loading were dynamic, big output difference between frame structure with and without
soil was expected as ground motion affects the response of the frame structure.
5.2. Recommendation
Recommendations drawn from the results are:
1. It is good to use dynamic loading in nonlinear modeling of framed structure to get a better result
because dynamic loads moves the bed rock so it intensify the dynamic effects of the site and
changes the structural response and give a clear clues how structural modeling with soil modeling
and without affect structural response.
Page 64
2. Even though using more nodes and more fiber are costly, better results are obtained. The input
data should be arranged according to the format set in the modeling (Appendix 1, 2).
3. The developed modeling is advisable to be used for framed nonlinear modeling of reinforced
concrete framed structure with and without underlying soil only, but, the modeling can be modified
and used for any similar structure.
4. Since the modeling is geometric non linearity for three dimensional framed reinforced concrete
structures, it is possible to find a separate stress-strain relation of rebar, confined concrete, or
unconfined concrete in a single modeling. This work was done for very low seismic loads with
earthquake zone II (with ground acceleration 0.05g), with soil data of shear modulus of 20Mpa,
poison’s ratio of 0.4, C=100Kpa, and Ø=00 and without considering soil effect and under shallow
foundation. And, the results showed that soil effect should be considered in the modeling of
structures in seismic prone areas. One can also see how a structure (reinforced or steel composite,
etc.) responds in different soil type and foundation types.
Page 65
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Page 66
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Page 67
Appendix I-Modeling of Frame structure with opensees without soil effect
# units# units KN,m, sec
# start of model generation
# create modelBuilder with 3 dimension and 6 DOF/node
model BasicBuilder -ndm 3 -ndf 6
# Define Geometry
# set parameters for model geometry set h 3;# storey height set bx 4;# bay width in x- direction set
by 4;# bay width in y- direction
# Create nodes
# tag x y z
node 1 0 0 0;node 2 [expr $bx] 0 0;node 3 [expr $bx*2] 0 0;node 4 [expr $bx*3] 0 0;node 5 [expr
$bx*3] [expr $by] 0;node 6 [expr $bx*2] [expr $by] 0
node 7 [expr $bx*1] [expr $by] 0;node 8 0 [expr $by] 0;node 9 0 0 [expr $h];node 10 [expr $bx]
0 [expr $h];node 11 [expr $bx*2] 0 [expr $h] node 12 [expr $bx*3] 0 [expr $h];node 13 [expr
$bx*3] [expr $by] [expr $h];node 14 [expr $bx*2] [expr $by] [expr $h];node 15 [expr $bx*1] [expr
$by] [expr $h] node 16 0 [expr $by] [expr $h];node 17 0 0 [expr $h*2];node 18 [expr $bx] 0 [expr
$h*2];node 19 [expr $bx*2] 0 [expr $h*2];node 20 [expr $bx*3] 0 [expr $h*2]
node 21 [expr $bx*3] [expr $by] [expr $h*2];node 22 [expr $bx*2] [expr $by] [expr $h*2];node
23 [expr $bx*1] [expr $by] [expr $h*2];node 24 0 [expr $by] [expr $h*2] node 25 0 0 [expr
$h*3];node 26 [expr $bx] 0 [expr $h*3];node 27 [expr $bx*2] 0 [expr $h*3];node
28 [expr $bx*3] 0 [expr $h*3] node 29 [expr $bx*3] [expr $by] [expr $h*3];node 30 [expr $bx*2]
[expr $by] [expr $h*3];node 31 [expr $bx*1] [expr $by] [expr $h*3]
node 32 0 [expr $by] [expr $h*3];node 33 0 0 [expr $h*4];node 34 [expr $bx] 0 [expr $h*4];node
35 [expr $bx*2] 0 [expr $h*4]
node 36 [expr $bx*3] 0 [expr $h*4];node 37 [expr $bx*3] [expr $by] [expr $h*4];node 38 [expr
$bx *2] [expr $by] [expr $h*4] node 39 [expr $bx*1] [expr $by] [expr $h*4];node 40 0 [expr $by]
[expr $h*4];node 41 0 0 [expr $h*5];node 42 [expr $bx] 0 [expr $h*5] node 43 [expr $bx*2] 0
[expr $h*5];node 44 [expr $bx*3] 0 [expr $h*5];node 45 [expr $bx*3] [expr
$by] [expr $h*5] node 46 [expr $bx*2] [expr $by] [expr $h*5];node 47 [expr $bx*1] [expr $by]
[expr $h*5];node 48 0 [expr $by] [expr $h*5] node 49 0 0 [expr $h*6];node 50 [expr $bx] 0 [expr
$h*6];node 51 [expr $bx*2] 0 [expr $h*6];node 52 [expr $bx*3] 0 [expr $h*6] node 53 [expr
Page 68
$bx*3] [expr $by] [expr $h*6];node 54 [expr $bx*2] [expr $by] [expr $h*6];node 55 [expr $bx*1]
[expr $by] [expr $h*6] node 56 0 [expr $by] [expr $h*6];node 57 0 0 [expr $h*7] ;node 58 [expr
$bx] 0 [expr $h*7];node 59 [expr $bx*2] 0 [expr $h*7]
node 60 [expr $bx*3] 0 [expr $h*7];node 61 [expr $bx*3] [expr $by] [expr $h*7];node 62 [expr
$bx *2] [expr $by] [expr $h*7] node 63 [expr $bx*1] [expr $by] [expr $h*7];node 64 0 [expr $by]
[expr $h*7];node 65 0 0 [expr $h*8];node 66 [expr $bx] 0 [expr $h*8]
node 67 [expr $bx*2] 0 [expr $h*8];node 68 [expr $bx*3] 0 [expr $h*8];node 69 [expr $bx*3] [
expr $by] [expr $h*8] node 70 [expr $bx*2] [expr $by] [expr $h*8];node 71 [expr $bx*1] [expr
$by] [expr $h*8];node 72 0 [expr $by] [expr $h*8] node 73 0 0 [expr $h*9];node 74 [expr $bx] 0
[expr $h*9];node 75 [expr $bx*2] 0 [expr $h*9]; node 76 [expr $bx*3] 0 [expr $h*9]
node 77 [expr $bx*3] [expr $by] [expr $h*9];node 78 [expr $bx*2] [expr $by] [expr $h*9];node
79 [expr $bx*1] [expr $by] [expr $h*9] node 80 0 [expr $by] [expr $h*9];node 81 0 0 [expr
$h*10];node 82 [expr $bx] 0 [expr $h*10]; node 83 [expr $bx*2] 0 [expr $h*10]
node 84 [expr $bx*3] 0 [expr $h*10];node 85 [expr $bx*3] [expr $by] [expr $h*10];node 86 [expr
$bx*2] [expr $by] [expr $h*10] node 87 [expr $bx*1] [expr $by] [expr $h*10];node 88 0 [expr
$by] [expr $h*10]
# set base constraints( boundery conditions)
# tag Dx Dy Dz Rx Ry Rz
# fix $nodeTag ( ndf $ConstrValues)
foreach node {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8} {fix $node 1 1 1 1 1 1}
foreach node {9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 } {fix $node 0 0 1 0 0 1}
# MATERIAL parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------set IDconcCore
1;# material ID tag -- confined core concrete set IDconcCover 2;# material ID tag -- unconfined
cover concrete set IDreinf 3;# material ID tag -- reinforcement
# nominal concrete compressive strength
set fc 25000;# CONCRETE Compressive Strength,(+Tension, -Compression) set Ec 29000000;#
Concrete Elastic Modulus
set GC [expr $Ec/2.4] # confined concrete
set Kfc 1.3;# ratio of confined to unconfined concrete strength
Page 69
set fc1C [expr $Kfc*$fc];# CONFINED concrete ( mander model), maximum stress set eps1C
[expr 2.*$fc1C/$Ec];# strain at maximum stress set fc2C [expr 0.2*$fc1C];# ultimate stress
set eps2C [expr 5*$eps1C];# strain at ultimate stress
# unconfined concrete
set fc1U $fc;# UNCONFINED concrete ( todeschini parabolic model), maximum stress set eps1U
-0.003;# strain at maximum strength of unconfined concrete
set fc2U [expr 0.2*$fc1U]; # ultimate stress set eps2U -0.01;# strain at ultimate stress
set lambda 0.1;# ratio between unloading slope at $eps2 and initial slope $ Ec
# tensile-strength properties set ftC [expr -0.14*$fc1C];# tensile strength +tension set ftU [expr -
0.14*$fc1U];# tensile strength +tension set Ets [expr $ftU/0.002];# tension softening stiffness
# ----------set Fy 260870;# STEEL yield stress set Es 200000000;# modulus of steel set Bs 0.01;#
strain-hardening ratio set R0 18;# control the transition from elastic to plastic branches set cR1
0.925;# control the transition from elastic to plastic branches set cR2 0.15;# control the transition
from elastic to plastic branches
uniaxialMaterial Concrete02 $IDconcCore $fc1C $eps1C $fc2C $eps2C $lambda $ftC $Ets;#
build core concrete (confined)
uniaxialMaterial Concrete02 $IDconcCover $fc1U $eps1U $fc2U $eps2U $lambda $ftU $Ets;#
build cover concrete (unconfined)
uniaxialMaterial Steel02 $IDreinf $Fy $Es $Bs $R0 $cR1 $cR2;# build reinforcement material
# section GEOMETRY ------------------------------------------------------------set HSec 0.5;# Column
Depth set BSec 0.4;# Column Width set coverSec 0.025; # Column cover to reinforcing steel NA.
set numBarsSec 6;# number of longitudinal-reinforcement bars in steel layer. (symmetric top &
set barAreaSec [expr 0.25*3.14*0.4];# area of longitudinal-reinforcement bars(diam.=20mm)
set SecTag 1;# set tag for symmetric section
# FIBER SECTION properties ------------------------------------------------------------# column
section: set coverx [expr $HSec/2.0]; # The distance from the section y-axis to the edge of the
cover concrete -- outer edge of cover concrete
set covery [expr $BSec/2.0]; # The distance from the section x-axis to the edge of the cover
concrete -- outer edge of cover concrete
Page 70
set corex [expr $coverx-$coverSec ]; # The distance from the section y-axis to the edge of the core
concrete -- edge of the core concrete/inner edge of cover concrete
set corey [expr $covery-$coverSec ]; # The distance from the section x-axis to the edge of
the core concrete -- edge of the core concrete/inner edge of cover concrete set nfCorex 30;#
number of fibers for concrete in x-direction -- core concrete set nfCorey 24;# number of fibers
for concrete in y-direction
set nfCoverx 30;# number of fibers for concrete in x-direction -- cover concrete set nfCovery
24;# number of fibers for concrete in y-direction
# Define the fiber section (define the core patch,four cover patchs and Reinforcement layer
section fiberSec $SecTag {patch quadr $IDconcCore $nfCorey $nfCorex -$corex $corey -$corex
$corey $corex -$corey $corex $corey patch quadr $IDconcCover 1 $nfCoverx -$coverx $covery -
$corex $corey $corex $corey $coverx $covery patch quadr $IDconcCover 1 $nfCoverx -$corex
$corey -$coverx -$covery $coverx -$covery $corex -$corey patch quadr $IDconcCover $nfCovery
1 -$coverx $covery -$coverx -$covery -$corex -$corey -$corex $corey patch quadr $IDconcCover
$nfCovery 1 $corex $corey $corex -$corey $coverx -$covery $coverx $covery layer straight
$IDreinf $numBarsSec $barAreaSec $corex $corey $corex -$corey layer straight $IDreinf
$numBarsSec $barAreaSec -$corex $corey -$corex -$corey }
# assign torsional Stiffness for 3D Model set SecTagTorsion 98;# ID tag for torsional section
behavior set SecTag3D 3; # ID tag for combined behavior for 3D model set GJ [expr $GC
*0.1685*.50* 1/3*pow(0.4,3)];# torsional stiffness
uniaxialMaterial Elastic $SecTagTorsion $GJ;# define elastic torsional stiffness
section Aggregator $SecTag3D $SecTagTorsion T -section $SecTag; # combine section properties
# number of column integration points (sections)
# ID tag for column transformation, defining element normal set IDcolTransf 1
#geomTransf PDelta $transfTag $vecxzX $vecxzY $vecxzZ <-jntOffset $dXi $dYi $dZi $dXj
$dYj $dZj> geomTransf PDelta $IDcolTransf 1 0 0 set colSec 3
set np 4
# Create the non-linear column elements' connectivity
Page 71
# element dispBeamColumn $eleTag $iNode $jNode $numIntgrPts $secTag $transfTag <-mass
$massDens> element dispBeamColumn 1 1 9 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 2 2 10 $np
$colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 3 3 11 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 4 4 12 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 5 5 13 $np $colSec
1;element dispBeamColumn 6 6 14 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 7 7 15 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 8 8 16 $np $colSec
1;element dispBeamColumn 9 9 17 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 10 10 18 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 11 11 19 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 12 12 20 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 13 13 21 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 14 14 22 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 15 15 23 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 16 16 24 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 17 17 25 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 18 18 26 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 19 19 27 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 20 20 28 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 21 21 29 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 22 22 30 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 23 23 31 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 24 24 32 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 25 25 33 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 26 26 34 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 27 27 35 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 28 28 36 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 29 29 37 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 30 30 38 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 31 31 39 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 32 32 40 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 33 33 41 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 34 34 42 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 35 35 43 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 36 36 44 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 37 37 45 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 38 38 46 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 39 39 47 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 40 40 48 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 41 41 49 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 42 42 50 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 43 43 51 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 44 44 52 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 45 45 53 $np $colSec 1
Page 72
element dispBeamColumn 46 46 54 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 47 47 55 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 48 48 56 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 49 49 57 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 50 50 58 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 51 51 59 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 52 52 60 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 53 53 61 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 54 54 62 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 55 55 63 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 56 56 64 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 57 57 65 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 58 58 66 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 59 59 67 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 60 60 68 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 61 61 69 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 62 62 70 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 63 63 71 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 64 64 72 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 65 65 73 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 66 66 74 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 67 67 75 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 68 68 76 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 69 69 77 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 70 70 78 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 71 71 79 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 72 72 80 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 73 73 81 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 74 74 82 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 75 75 83 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 76 76 84 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 77 77 85 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 78 78 86 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 79 79 87 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 80 80 88 $np
$colSec 1
# define beam element # section GEOMETRY of beam set d 0.5 ;# bema Depth set b 0.25; # beam
Width set coverSec1 0.025;# beam cover to reinforcing steel NA.
set numBarsSec 4;# number of longitudinal-reinforcement bars in steel layer. (symmetric top &
set barAreaSec [expr 3.14*0.25*0.196]; # area of longitudinal-reinforcement bars(diam=14mm)
set SecTag 4;# set tag for symmetric section #Beam section:
Page 73
set coverx1 [expr $d/2.0]; # The distance from the section z-axis to the edge of the cover concrete
-- outer edge of cover concrete
set covery1 [expr $b/2.0]; # The distance from the section y-axis to the edge of the cover concrete
-- outer edge of cover concrete
set corex1 [expr $coverx1-$coverSec1 ]; # The distance from the section z-axis to the edge of the
core concrete -- edge of the core concrete/inner edge of cover concrete
set corey1 [expr $covery1-$coverSec1 ]; # The distance from the section y-axis to the edge
of the core concrete -- edge of the core concrete/inner edge of cover concrete set nfCorex1 30;#
number of fibers for concrete in y-direction -- core concrete set nfCorey1 25;# number of fibers
for concrete in z-direction
set nfCoverx1 30;# number of fibers for concrete in y-direction -- cover concrete set nfCovery1
25;# number of fibers for concrete in z-direction
# Define the fiber section (define the core patch,four cover patchs and Reinforcement layer
respectively) set IDconcCover1 1 set IDconcCore1 2
section fiberSec $SecTag {patch quadr $IDconcCore $nfCorey1 $nfCorex1 -$corex1 $corey1 -
$corex1 -$corey1 $corex1 -$corey1 $corex1 $corey1 patch quadr $IDconcCover1 $nfCoverx1 -
$coverx1 $covery1 -$corex1 $corey1 $corex1 $corey1 $coverx1 $covery1 patch quadr
$IDconcCover1 $nfCoverx1 -$corex1 -$corey1 -$coverx1 -$covery1 $coverx1 -$covery1 $corex1
-$corey1 patch quadr $IDconcCover1 $nfCovery1 -$coverx1 $covery1 -$coverx1 -$covery1 -
$corex1 -$corey1 $corex1 $corey1 patch quadr $IDconcCover $nfCovery1 $corex1 $corey1
$corex1 -$corey1 $coverx1 -$covery1 $coverx1 $covery1 layer straight $IDreinf $numBarsSec
$barAreaSec $corex1 $corey1
$corex1 -$corey1 layer straight $IDreinf $numBarsSec $barAreaSec -$corex1 $corey1 -$corex1
$corey1 }
# assign torsional Stiffness for 3D Model set SecTagTorsion 99;# ID tag for torsional section
behavior set SecTag3D 5; # ID tag for combined behavior for 3D model set GJbeam [expr $GC
*0.163*0.30* 1/3*pow(0.250,3)]
uniaxialMaterial Elastic $SecTagTorsion $GJ; # define elastic torsional stiffness
section Aggregator $SecTag3D $SecTagTorsion T -section $SecTag; # combine section
properties; set IDbeamTransf 2
# Geometric transformation for beams set IDbeamTransf 2
Page 74
# geomTransf Linear $transfTag $vecxzX $vecxzY $vecxzZ <-jntOffset $dXi $dYi $dZi $dXj
$dYj $dZj> geomTransf Linear $IDbeamTransf 1 1 0 set beamSec 5
# number of beam integration points (sections) set np 4
# Create beam element
# element nonlinearBeamColumn $eleTag $iNode $jNode $numIntgrPts $secTag $transfTag <-
mass $massDens> <-iter $maxIters $tol>
# Create the non-linearbeam elements' connectivity
# element dispBeamColumn $eleTag $iNode $jNode $numIntgrPts $secTag $transfTag <-mass
$massDens element dispBeamColumn 81 9 10 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 82 10
11 $np $beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 83 11 12 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 84 12 13 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 85 13 14 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 86 14 15 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 87 15 16 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 88 10 15 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 89 11 14 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 90 17 18 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 91 18 19 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 92 19 20 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 93 20 21 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 94 21 22 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 95 22 23 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 96 23 24 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 97 18 23 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 98 19 22 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 99 25 26 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 100 26 27 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 101 27 28 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 102 28 29 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 103 29 30 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 104 30 31 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 105 31 32 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 106 26 31 $np
element dispBeamColumn 107 27 30 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 108 33 34 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 109 34 35 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 110 35 36 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 111 36 37 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 112 37 38 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 113 38 39 $np $beamSec 2
Page 75
element dispBeamColumn 114 39 40 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 115 34 39 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 116 35 38 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 117 40 41 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 118 41 42 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 119 42 43 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 120 43 44 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 121 44 45 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 122 45 46 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 123 46 47 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 124 47 48 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 125 42 47 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 126 43 46 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 127 49 50 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 128 50 51 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 129 51 52 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 130 52 53 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 131 53 54 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 132 54 55 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 133 55 56 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 134 50 55 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 135 51 54 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 136 57 58 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 137 58 59 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 138 59 60 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 139 60 61 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 140 61 62 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 141 62 63 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 142 63 64 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 143 58 63 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 144 59 62 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 145 65 66 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 146 66 67 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 147 67 68 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 148 68 69 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 149 69 70 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 150 70 71 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 151 71 72 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 152 66 71 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 153 67 60 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 154 73 74 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 155 74 75 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 156 75 76 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 157 76 77 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 158 77 78 $np $beamSec 2
Page 76
element dispBeamColumn 159 78 79 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 160 79 80 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 161 74 79 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 162 75 78 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 163 81 82 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 164 82 83 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 165 83 84 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 166 84 85 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 167 86 87 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 168 87 88 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 169 82 87 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 170 83 86 $np $beamSec 2
# Gravity loads applied at each corner node
# Define gravity loads
pattern Plain 1 Linear {foreach node {9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73 } {load $node 0.0 0.0 -8.750 -20
0.0 }} pattern Plain 2 Linear {foreach node {10 18 26 34 42 50 58 66 74 } {load $node 0.0 0.0 -
39.870 -59.7 -61.7 0.0}}
pattern Plain 3 Linear {foreach node {11 19 27 35 43 51 59 67 75 } {load $node 0.0 0.0 -49.150
-74.6 -39.6 0.0}}
pattern Plain 4 Linear {foreach node {12 20 28 36 44 52 60 68 76 } {load $node 0.0 0.0 -22.670
Page 77
86 0.0 0.0 -20.140 33 -27.1 0.0}
pattern Plain 16 Linear { load 87 0.0 0.0 -20.140 33 27.1 0.0};pattern Plain 17 Linear { load 88
0.0 0.0 -8.750 11.7 -11.7 0.0} # Start of analysis generation # Create the constraint handler
constraints Transformation
# Create the RCM Numberer numberer Plain
# Create the system of equation storage and solver system BandGeneral
# Create the convergent test
# test NormDispIncr $tol $maxNumIter <$printFlag
test NormDispIncr 1.0e-5 1000 5 # create the solution algorithm
algorithm Newton
# Create the time integration scheme
# integrator LoadControl $dLambda1 <$Jd $minLambda $maxLambda> integrator LoadControl
0.1 # Create the static analysis
analysis Static initialize
# analyze $numIncr <$dt> <$dtMin $dtMax $Jd>
analyze 1000 0.01
# start of lateral load analysis
loadConst -time 0.0 # Define lateral loads
pattern Plain 18 Linear {foreach node {9 10 11 12} {load $node 0.565 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0}} pattern
Plain 19 Linear {foreach node{17 18 19 20} {load $node 1.1275 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0}} pattern Plain
20 Linear {foreach node{25 26 27 28} {load $node 1.6925 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0}} pattern Plain 21
Linear {foreach node{33 34 35 36} {load $node 2.2575 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0}} pattern Plain 22 Linear
{foreach node{41 42 43 44} {load $node 2.82 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0}} pattern Plain 23 Linear {foreach
node{49 50 51 52} {load $node 3.385 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0}} pattern Plain 24 Linear {foreach node{57
58 59 60} {load $node 3.950 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0}} pattern Plain 25 Linear {foreach node{65 66 67
68} {load $node 4.5125 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0}} pattern Plain 26 Linear {foreach node{73 74 75 76}
{load $node 5.0775 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0}} pattern Plain 27 Linear {foreach node{81 82 83 84} {load
$node 8.86 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0}} # Start of recorder generation
# recorder Node <-file $fileName> <-xml $fileName> <-time> <-node ($node1 $node2 ...)>
<-nodeRange $startNode $endNode> <-region $RegionTag> <-node all> -dof ($dof1 $dof2 ...)
Page 78
recorder Node -file nodeDisp.out -time -node 9 10 11 12 17 18 19 20 25 26 27 28 33 34 35 36 41
42 43 44 49 50 51 52 57 58 59 60 65 66 67 68 73 74 75 76 81 82 83 84 -dof 1 2 6 disp
recorder Node -file Rnode.out -time -node 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -dof 1 2 6 reaction
#recorder Drift -file $fileName <-time> -iNode ($inode1 $inode2 ...) -jNode($jnode1 $jnode2 ...)
- dof ($dof1 $dof2 ...) -perpDirn ($perpDirn1 $perpDirn 2 ...)
recorder Drift -file drift1.out -time -iNode 5 6 7 8 -jNode 13 14 15 16 -dof 1 2 -perpDirn 3
recorder Drift -file drift2.out -time -iNode 13 14 15 16 -jNode -perpDirn 3 21 22 23 24 -dof 1 2
Page 79
# set some parameters
set maxU 0.3810; # Max displacement
set ok 0
set currentDisp 0.0 ;# perform the analysis;
while {$ok == 0 && $currentDisp < $maxU} { set ok [analyze 1]}; # if the analysis fails try initial
tangent iteration;
if {$ok != 0} { puts "regular newton failed .. lets try an initial stiffness for this step"; test
NormDispIncr 1.0e-5 1000; algorithm Newton -initial; set ok [analyze 1];if {$ok == 0} { puts "that
worked .. back to regular newton"} ;test NormDispIncr 1.0e-12 1000; algorithm Newton
} if {$ok == 0} { puts "Pushover analysis completed SUCCESSFULLY"; } else { puts "Pushover
analysis FAILED"; }
# Print out
print node
print ele
print sec
Page 80
Appendix II-Soil structure modeling in opensees
# units KN,m, sec
# start of soil model generation
# create modelBuilder with 2 dimension and 3 DOF/node
model BasicBuilder -ndm 2 -ndf 3; # Define the model builder, ndm=#dimension, ndf=#dofs #
Foundation tag=1
# Foundation Base Condation Tag=5
# node $nodeTag $xcoord $ycoord $zcoord
node 1001 0 -1.5 0;node 100001 0 -1.5 0 ;node 1002 0 -1 0 ;node 100002 0 -1 0 ;node 1003 0 -
0.5 0 ;node 100003 0 -0.5 0 ;node 1004 0 0 0 ;node 100004 0 0 0
node 1005 0 0.5 0 ;node 100005 0 0.5 0 0 ;node 1006 0 1 0 0 ;node 100006 0 1 0;node 1007 0
1.5 0 ;node 100007 0 1.5 0 0 ;node 100008 0 1.5 0;node 100009 0 1.5 0 0 equalDOF 1004 100004
# Foundation tag=2
# Foundation Base Condation Tag=5
# node $nodeTag $xcoord $ycoord $zcoord
node 2001 0 -1.5 0;node 200001 0 -1.5 0;node 2002 0 -1 0;node 200002 0 -1 0;node 2003 0 -
0.50;node 200003 0 -0.5 0;node 2004 0 0 0;node 200004 0 0 0;node 2005 0 0.5 0 ;node 200005 0
0.5 0 node 2006 0 1 0 ;node 200006 0 1 0 ;node 2007 0 1.5 0;node 200007 0 1.5 0;node 200008 0
1.5 0 node 200009 0 1.5 0 equalDOF 2004 200004 1 2 3
# Foundation tag=3
# Foundation Base Condation Tag=5
# node $nodeTag $xcoord $ycoord $zcoord
node 3001 0 -1.5 0 ;node 300001 0 -1.5 0;node 3002 0 -1 0;node 300002 0 -1 0 ;node 3003 0
-0.5 0 node 300003 0 -0.5 0 0;node 3004 0 0 0;node 300004 0 0 0;node 3005 0 0.5 0 ;node 300005
0 0.5 0 node 3006 0 1 0;node 300006 0 1 0;node 3007 0 1.5 0 ;node 300007 0 1.5 0 ;node 300008
0 1.5 0 node 300009 0 1.5 0 equalDOF 3004 300004 1 2 3
# Foundation tag=4
# Foundation Base Condation Tag=5
# node $nodeTag $xcoord $ycoord $zcoord
Page 81
node 4001 0 -1.5 0;node 400001 0 -1.5 0 ;node 4002 0 -1 0;node 400002 0 -1 0 ;node 4003 0-0.5
0;node 400003 0 -0.5 0;node 4004 0 0 0;node 400004 0 0 0;node 4005 0 0.5 0;node 400005 0 0.5
0; node 4006 0 1 0;node 400006 0 1 0;node 4007 0 1.5 0;node 400007 0 1.5 0;node 400008 0 1.5
0;node 400009 01.5 0;equalDOF 4004 400004 1 2 3;# Foundation tag=5
# Foundation Base Condation Tag=5
# node $nodeTag $xcoord $ycoord
node 5001 0 -1.5 0;node 500001 0 -1.5 0 ;node 5002 0 -1 0 0;node 500002 0 -1 0 ;node 5003 0-
0.5 0;node 500003 0 -0.5 0;node 5004 0 0 0;node 500004 0 0 0;node 5005 0 0.5 0 ;node 500005 0
0.5 0 ; node 5006 0 1 0;node 500006 0 1 0 ;node 5007 0 1.5 0;node 500007 0 1.5 0;node 500008
0 1.5 0;node 500009 0;1.5 0 equalDOF 5004 500004 1 2 3
# Foundation tag=6
# Foundation Base Condation Tag=5
# node $nodeTag $xcoord $ycoord $zcoord
node6001 0 -1.5 0;node 600001 0 -1.5 0;node 6002 0 -1 0;node 600002 0 -1 0;node 6003 0 -0.5
0;node600003 0 -0.5 0;node 6004 0 0 0;node600004 0 0 0;node 6005 0 0.5 0;node 600005 0 0.5
0;node 6006 0 1 0 ;node 600006 0 10 ; node 6007 0 1.5 0 ;node 600007 0 1.5 0 node 600008 0 1.5
0;node 600009 0 1.5 0;equalDOF 6004 600004 1 2 3
# Foundation tag=7
# Foundation Base Condation Tag=5
# node $nodeTag $xcoord $ycoord $zcoord
node 7001 0 -1.5 0;node 700001 0 -1.5 0;node 7002 0 -1 0;node 700002 0 -1 0;node 7003 0 -0.5
0;node 700003 0 -0.5 0;node 7004 0 0 0;node 700004 0 0 0;node 7005 0 0.5 0 ;node 700005 0 0.5
0;node 7006 0 1 0 ;node 700006 0 1 0; ;node 7007 0 1.5 0 ;node 700007 0 1.5 0;node 700008 0
1.5 0 node 700009 0 1.5 0 equalDOF 7004 700004 1 2 3
# Foundation tag=8
# Foundation Base Condation Tag=5
# node $nodeTag $xcoord $ycoord $zcoord
node 8001 0 -1.5 0 ;node 800001 0 -1.5 0 ;node 8002 0 -1 0 ;node 800002 0 -1 0 ;node 8003 0
-0.5 0 node 800003 0 -0.5 0;node 8004 0 0 0;node 800004 0 0 0;node 8005 0 0.5 0 0;node 800005
0 0.5 0 node 8006 0 1 0;node 800006 0 1 0 ;node 8007 0 1.5 0 ;node 800007 0 1.5 0 ;node 800008
0 1.5 0;;node 800009 0 1.5 0;equalDOF 8004 800004 1 2 3
Page 82
# fix $nodeTag (ndf $ConstrValues)
#foreach varName1 list1 <varName2 list2 …> {body}
# fix $nodeTag (ndf $ConstrValues)
# fixity of foundation -1
foreach node { 100001 100002 100003 100004 100005 100006 100007 100008 100009} {fix
$node 1 1 1 } set endFootNodeL_1 1001 ;set endSprNodeR_1 1007 ;set endSprEleL_1 100001 set
endSprEleR_1 100007;set midSprEle_1 100004
# fixity of Foundation-2
foreach node {200001 200002 200003 200004 200005 200006 200007 200008 200009} {fix
$node 1 1 1 } set endFootNodeL_2 2001;set endSprNodeR_2 2007 ;set endSprEleL_2 200001;set
endSprEleR_2 200007 ;set midSprEle_2 200004
# equalDof $rNodeTag $cNodeTag $dof1 $dof2 $dof3
foreach node {300001 300002 300003 300004 300005 300006 300007 300008 300009} {fix
$node 1 1 1 } set endFootNodeL_3 3001;set endSprNodeR_3 3007 ;set endSprEleL_3 300001 ;set
endSprEleR_3 300007 ;set midSprEle_3 300004
# fixity of Foundation-4
foreach node {400001 400002 400003 400004 400005 400006 400007 400008 400009} { fix
$node 1 1 1 } set endFootNodeL_4 4001 ;set endSprNodeR_4 4007;set endSprEleL_4 400001 ;set
endSprEleR_4 400007 ;set midSprEle_4 400004
# fixity-5
foreach node {500001 500002 500003 500004 500005 500006 500007 500008 500009} { fix
$node 1 1 1 } set endFootNodeL_5 5001 ;set endSprNodeR_5 5007;set endSprEleL_5 500001;set
endSprEleR_5 500007 ;set midSprEle_5 500004
# fixity-6
foreach node {600001 600002 600003 600004 600005 600006 600007 600008 600009 } {fix
$node 1 1 1 } set endFootNodeL_6 6001 ;set endSprNodeR_6 6007;set endSprEleL_6 600001;set
endSprEleR_6 600007 ;set midSprEle_6 600004
# fixity-7
foreach node {700001 700002 700003 700004 700005 700006 700007 700008 700009} { fix
$node 1 1 1} setendFootNodeL_7 7001;set endSprNodeR_7 7007;set endSprEleL_7 700001 ;set
endSprEleR_7 700007; setmidSprEle_7 700004
Page 83
# fixity-8
foreachnode {800001 800002 800003 800004 800005 800006 800007 800008 800009} { fix
$node 1 1 11}
set endFootNodeL_8 8001 ;set endSprNodeR_8 8007;set endSprEleL_8 800001 ;set
endSprEleR_8 800007 ;set midSprEle_8 800004
# Material for shallow Foundation-1
#uniaxialMaterial PySimple1 $matTag $soilType $ pult $Y50 $ Cd <$c>.
uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 101 1 41840 0.002770946 0.1 0.05
#uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $ Qult -end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 102 1 83680 0.002770946 0.1 0.05
#uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $ Qult -end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 103 1 251040 0.00541893 0.1 0.05
#uniaxialMaterial PzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $ Qult -end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial PySimple2 105 1 208000 0.0197215 0.1 0.05
#uniaxialMaterial TzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $ Qult -end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial TzSimple2 106 1 100000 0.00948148 0.1 0.05
# Material for shallow Foundation-2
#uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $ Qult -end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 201 1 127872 0.002256160 0.1 0.05
#uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $ Qult -end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 202 1 155744 0.002256160 0.1 0.05
#uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $ Qult -end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 203 1 167232 0.004512320 0.1 0.05
#uniaxialMaterial PySimple2 $matTag $soilType $ Qult -end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial PySimple2 205 1 208000 0.0197215 0.1 0.05
#uniaxialMaterial TzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $ Qult -end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial TzSimple2 206 1 100000 0.00948148 0.1 0.05
# Material for shallow Foundation-3
#uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $Qult-end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 301 1 127872 0.002256160 0.1 0.05
Page 84
#uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $Qult-end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 302 1 155744 0.002256160 0.1 0.05
#uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $Qult-end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 303 1 167232 0.004512320 0.1 0.05
#uniaxialMaterial PySimple2 $matTag $soilType $Qult-end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial PySimple2 305 1 208000 0.0197215 0.1 0.05
#uniaxialMaterial TzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $Qult-end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial TzSimple2 306 1 100000 0.00948148 0.1 0.05
# Material for shallow Foundation-4
#uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $Qult-end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 401 1 127872 0.002256160 0.1 0.05
#uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $Qult-end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 402 1 155744 0.002256160 0.1 0.05
#uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $Qult-end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 403 1 167232 0.004512320 0.1 0.05
#uniaxialMaterial PySimple2 $matTag $soilType $Qult-end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial PySimple2 405 1 208000 0.0197215 0.1 0.05
#uniaxialMaterial TzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $Qult-end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial TzSimple2 406 1 100000 0.00948148 0.1 0.05
# Material for shallow Foundation
#uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $Qult-end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 501 1 127872 0.002256160 0.1 0.05
Page 85
# Material for shallow Foundation
#uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $Qult-end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 601 1 127872 0.002256160 0.1 0.05
#uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $Qult-end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 602 1 155744 0.002256160 0.1 0.05
#uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $Qult-end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 603 1 167232 0.004512320 0.1 0.05
#uniaxialMaterial PySimple2 $matTag $soilType $Qult-end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial PySimple2 605 1 208000 0.0197215 0.1 0.05
#uniaxialMaterial TzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $Qult-end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial TzSimple2 606 1 100000 0.00948148 0.1 0.05
# Material for shallow Foundation
#uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $Qult-end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 701 1 127872 0.002256160 0.1 0.05
#uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $Qult-end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 702 1 155744 0.002256160 0.1 0.05
#uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $Qult-end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 703 1 167232 0.004512320 0.1 0.05
#uniaxialMaterial PySimple2 $matTag $soilType $Qult-end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial PySimple2 705 1 208000 0.0197215 0.1 0.05
#uniaxialMaterial TzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $Qult-end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial TzSimple2 706 1 100000 0.00948148 0.1 0.05
# Material for shallow Foundation-8
#uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $Qult-end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 801 1 127872 0.002256160 0.1 0.05
#uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $Qult-end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 802 1 155744 0.002256160 0.1 0.05
#uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $Qult-end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial QzSimple2 803 1 167232 0.004512320 0.1 0.05
#uniaxialMaterial PySimple2 $matTag $soilType $Qult-end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial PySimple2 805 1 208000 0.0197215 0.1 0.05
Page 86
#uniaxialMaterial TzSimple2 $matTag $soilType $Qult-end-extreme $z-50-end
<TpSoil><CradSoil> uniaxialMaterial TzSimple2 806 1 100000 0.00948148 0.1 0.05
# Foundation Element connectivity
# Define elastic section for Footing
set Af [expr 3*3];set Jf [expr 0.141*3*pow(3,3)];set Iy [expr 3*pow(3,3)/12] set Iz [expr
3*pow(3,3)/12];set Ec 29000;set Gc [expr $Ec/2.4]
# Vertical spring element connectivity
# element zeroLength $eleTag iNode $jNode -mat$matTag -dir $dir element zeroLength 100001
100001 1001 -mat 101 -dir 2;element zeroLength 100002 100002 1002 – mat-dir 2 element
zeroLength 100003 100003 1003 -mat 103 -dir 2;element zeroLength 100004 100004 1004 – mat-
dir 2 element zeroLength 100005 100005 1005 -mat 103 -dir 2;element zeroLength 100006
100006 1006 - mat
102 -dir 2 element zeroLength 100007 100007 1007 -mat 101 -dir 2 # Horizontal spring element
# element zeroLength $eleTag $Node$jNode -mat$matTag -dir $dir
element zeroLength 100008 1007 100008 -mat 105 -dir 1;element zeroLength 100009 1007
100009 -mat106-dir 1
# GoemetricTransf Linear $trasTag <-jntOffset $dXi $dYi $dXj $dYj
# section Elastic $secTag $E $A $Iz <$Iy $G $J>set secTag 6
section Elastic $secTag $Ec $Af $Iz $Iy $Gc $Jf
geomTransf Linear 10
# Foundation element connectivity
# element elasticBeamColumn $eleTag $iNode $jNode $A $E $G $J $Iy $Iz $transfTag
element elasticBeamColumn 1001 1001 1002 $Af $Ec$Iz10;
1003 $Af $Ec $Iz 10 element elasticBeamColumn 1002
element elasticBeamColumn 1003 1003 1004 $Af $Ec$Iz10;element elasticBeamColumn
1005 $Af $Ec $Iz 10 1004 1004
element elasticBeamColumn 1005 1005 1006 $Af $Ec $Iz10;element elasticBeamColumn
1006 1006
1007 $Af $Ec $Iz 10
Page 87
# Vertical spring elemenet connectivity
# element zeroLength $eleTag iNode $jNode -mat$matTag -dir $dir element zeroLength 200001
200001 2001 -mat 201 -dir 2;element zeroLength 200002 200002 2002 – mat-dir 2 element
zeroLength 200003 200003 2003 -mat 203 -dir 2;element zeroLength 200004 200004 2004 – mat-
dir 2 element zeroLength 200005 200005 2005 -mat 203 -dir 2;element zeroLength 200006
200006 2006 – mat202 -dir 2 element zeroLength 200007 200007 2007 -mat 201 -dir 2
# Horizontal spring element connectivity
# element zeroLength $eleTag $Node$jNode -mat$matTag -dir $dir
element zeroLength 200008 2007 200008 -mat 205 -dir 1;element zeroLength 200009 2007
200009 -mat 206 -dir 1
# section Elastic $secTag $E $A $Iz <$Iy $G $J>set secTag 7
section Elastic $secTag $Ec $Af $Iz $Iy $Gc $Jf
# GoemetricTransf Linear $trasTag <-jntOffset $dXi $dYi $dXj $dYj geomTransf Linear 20
# Foundation connectivity
# element elasticBeamColumn $eleTag $iNode $jNode $A $E $G $J $Iy $Iz $transfTag
element elasticBeamColumn 2001 2001 2002 $Af $Ec 2003$Iz 20;
$Af $Ec $Iz 20 element elasticBeamColumn 2002 2002
element elasticBeamColumn 2003 2003 2004 $Af $Ec 2005$Iz 20 ;
$Af $Ec $Iz 20 element elasticBeamColumn 2004 2004
element elasticBeamColumn 2005 2005 2006 $Af $Ec $Iz 20 ;
element elasticBeamColumn 2006 1006
2007 $Af $Ec $Iz 20
# Vertical spring element connectivity
# element zeroLength $eleTag iNode $jNode -mat$matTag -dir $dir element zeroLength 300001
300001 3001 -mat 301 -dir 2;element zeroLength 300002 300002 3002 – mat-dir 2 element
zeroLength 300003 300003 3003 -mat 303 -dir 2;element zeroLength 300004 300004 3004 - mat-
dir 2 element zeroLength 300005 300005 3005 -mat 303 -dir 2;element zeroLength 300006
300006 3006 - mat
302 -dir 2 element zeroLength 300007 300007 3007 -mat 301 -dir2;
# Horizontal spring element connectivity
# element zeroLength $eleTag $Node$jNode -mat$matTag -dir $dir
Page 88
element zeroLength 300008 3007 300008 -mat 305 -dir 1;element zeroLength 300009 3007
300009 -mat306-dir 1
# section Elastic $secTag $E $A $Iz <$Iy $G $J>setsecTag 8
section Elastic $secTag $Ec $Af $Iz $Iy $Gc $Jf
# GoemetricTransf Linear $trasTag <-jntOffset $dXi $dYi $dXj $dYj geomTransf Linear 30
# Foundation connectivity
# element elasticBeamcolumn $eleTag $iNode $jNode $A $E Iz $trnsfTag
element elasticBeamColumn 3001 3001 3002 3003$Af $Ec $Iz 30 ;element elasticBeamColumn 3002 3002
$Af $Ec $Iz 30
element elasticBeamColumn 3003 3003 3004 3005$Af $Ec $Iz 30;element elasticBeamColumn 3004 3004
$Af $Ec $Iz 30
element elasticBeamColumn 3005 3005 3006 $Af $Ec $Iz 30;element elasticBeamColumn 3006 3006
3007 $Af $Ec $Iz 30
# Vertical spring elemenet connectivity of Foundation-4
# element zeroLength $eleTag iNode $jNode -mat$matTag -dir $dir element zeroLength 400001
400001 4001 -mat 401 -dir 2;element zeroLength 400002 400002 4002 – mat-dir 2 element
zeroLength 400003 400003 4003 -mat 403 -dir 2;element zeroLength 400004 400004 4004 – mat-
dir 2 element zeroLength 400005 400005 4005 -mat 403 -dir 2;element zeroLength 400006
400006 4006 - mat
402 -dir 2 element zeroLength 400007 400007 4007 -mat 401 dir2
# Horizontal spring element connectivity
# element zeroLength $eleTag $Node$jNode -mat$matTag -dir $dir
element zeroLength 400008 4007 400008 -mat 405 -dir 1;element zeroLength 400009 4007
400009 -mat 406 -dir 1
# section Elastic $secTag $E $A $Iz <$Iy $G $J>set secTag 9
section Elastic $secTag $Ec $Af $Iz $Iy $Gc $Jf
# GoemetricTransf Linear $trasTag <-jntOffset $dXi $dYi $dXj $dYj geomTransf Linear 40
# Foundation connectivity
# element elasticBeamcolumn $eleTag $iNode $jNode $A $E Iz $trnsfTag
element elasticBeamColumn 4001 4001 4002 $Af $Ec 4003$Iz 40;element elasticBeamColumn 4002 4002
$Af $Ec $Iz 40
Page 89
element elasticBeamColumn 4003 4003 4004 $Af $Ec 4005$Iz 40 ;element elasticBeamColumn 4004 4004
$Af $Ec $Iz 40
element elasticBeamColumn 4005 4005 4006 $Af $Ec $Iz 40;element elasticBeamColumn 4006 4006
4007 $Af $Ec $Iz 40
# Vertical spring elemenet connectivity -5
# element zeroLength $eleTag iNode $jNode -mat$matTag -dir $dir element zeroLength 500001
500001 5001 -mat 501 -dir 2;element zeroLength 500002 500002 5002 – mat-dir 2 element
zeroLength 500003 500003 5003 -mat 503 -dir 2;element zeroLength 500004 500004 5004 – mat-
dir 2 element zeroLength 500005 500005 5005 -mat 503 -dir 2;element zeroLength 500006
500006 5006 – mat502 -dir 2 element zeroLength 500007 500007 5007 -mat 501 -dir 2;
# Horizontal spring element connectivity
# element zeroLength $eleTag $Node$jNode -mat$matTag -dir $dir
element zeroLength 500008 5007 500008 -mat 505 -dir 1;element zeroLength 500009 5007
-mat 506 -dir 1
# section Elastic $secTag $E $A $Iz <$Iy $G $J>setsecTag 10
section Elastic $secTag $Ec $Af $Iz $Iy $Gc $Jf
# GoemetricTransf Linear $trasTag <-jntOffset $dXi $dYi $dXj $dYj geomTransf Linear 50
# Foundation connectivity
# element elasticBeamcolumn $eleTag $iNode $jNode $A $E Iz $trnsfTag
element elasticBeamColumn 5001 5001 5002 $Af $Ec 5003$Iz 50;element elasticBeamColumn 5002 5002
$Af $Ec $Iz 50
element elasticBeamColumn 5003 5003 5004 $Af $Ec 5005$Iz 50 ;element elasticBeamColumn 5004 5004
$Af $Ec $Iz 50
element elasticBeamColumn 5005 5005 5006 $Af $Ec $Iz 50 ;element elasticBeamColumn 5006 5006
5007 $Af $Ec $Iz 50
# Vertical spring elemenet connectivity
# element zeroLength $eleTag iNode $jNode -mat$matTag -dir $dir element zeroLength 600001
600001 6001 -mat 601 -dir 2;element zeroLength 600002 600002 6002 – mat-dir 2 element
zeroLength 600003 600003 6003 -mat 603 -dir 2;element zeroLength 600004 600004 6004 – mat-
Page 90
dir 2 element zeroLength 600005 600005 6005 -mat 603 -dir 2;element zeroLength 600006
600006 6006 - mat
602 -dir 2 element zeroLength 600007 600007 6007 -mat 601 -dir2
# Horizontal spring element connectivity
# element zeroLength $eleTag $Node$jNode -mat$matTag -dir $dir
element zeroLength 600008 6007 600008 -mat 605 -dir 1;element zeroLength 600009 6007
600009 -mat 606 -dir 1
# section Elastic $secTag $E $A $Iz <$Iy $G $J>set secTag 11
section Elastic $secTag $Ec $Af $Iz $Iy $Gc $Jf
# GoemetricTransf Linear $trasTag <-jntOffset $dXi $dYi $dXj $dYj geomTransf Linear 60
# Foundation connectivity
# element elasticBeamcolumn $eleTag $iNode $jNode $A $E Iz $trnsfTag
element elasticBeamColumn 6001 6001 6002 $Af $Ec $Iz 60;element elasticBeamColumn 6002
6003 $Af $Ec $Iz 60
element elasticBeamColumn 6003 6003 6004 $Af $Ec $Iz 60;element elasticBeamColumn 6004
6005 $Af $Ec $Iz 60
element elasticBeamColumn 6005 6005 6006 $Af $Ec $Iz 60;element elasticBeamColumn 6006
6006 6007 $Af $Ec $Iz 60
# Vertical spring elemenet connectivity
# element zeroLength $eleTag iNode $jNode -mat$matTag -dir $dir element zeroLength 700001
700001 7001 -mat 701 -dir 2;element zeroLength 700002 700002 7002 – mat-dir 2 element
zeroLength 700003 700003 7003 -mat 703 -dir 2;element zeroLength 700004 700004 7004 – mat-
dir 2 element zeroLength 700005 700005 7005 -mat 703 -dir 2;element zeroLength 700006
700006 7006 – mat702 -dir 2 element zeroLength 700007 700007 7007 -mat 701 -dir2
# Horizontal spring element connectivity
# element zeroLength $eleTag $Node$jNode -mat$matTag -dir $dir
element zeroLength 700008 7007 700008 -mat 705 -dir 1;element zeroLength 700009 7007
700009 -mat 706 -dir 1
# section Elastic $secTag $E $A $Iz <$Iy $G $J>set secTag 12
Page 91
section Elastic $secTag $Ec $Af $Iz $Iy $Gc $Jf
# GoemetricTransf Linear $trasTag <-jntOffset $dXi $dYi $dXj $dYj geomTransf Linear 70
# element elasticBeamcolumn $eleTag $iNode $jNode $A $E Iz $trnsfTag
element elasticBeamColumn 7001 7001 7002 $Af $Ec 7003$Iz 70;element elasticBeamColumn 7002 7002
$Af $Ec $Iz 70
element elasticBeamColumn 7003 7003 7004 $Af $Ec 7005$Iz 70 ;element elasticBeamColumn 7004 7004
$Af $Ec $Iz 70
element elasticBeamColumn 7005 7005 7006 $Af $Ec $Iz 70;element elasticBeamColumn 7006 7006
7007 $Af $Ec $Iz 70
# Vertical spring elemenet connectivity
# element zeroLength $eleTag iNode $jNode -mat$matTag -dir $dir element zeroLength 800001
800001 8001 -mat 801 -dir 2;element zeroLength 800002 800002 8002 – mat-dir 2 element
zeroLength 800003 800003 8003 -mat 803 -dir 2;element zeroLength 800004 800004 8004 – mat-
dir 2 element zeroLength 800005 800005 8005 -mat 803 -dir 2;element zeroLength 800006
800006 8006 - mat
802 -dir 2 element zeroLength 800007 800007 8007 -mat 801 -dir2
# Horizontal spring element connectivity
# element zeroLength $eleTag $Node$jNode -mat$matTag -dir $dir element zeroLength 800008
8007 800008 -mat 805 -dir 1 element zeroLength 800009 8007 800009 -mat 806 -dir 1 # section
Elastic $secTag $E $A $Iz <$Iy $G $J>set secTag 13
section Elastic $secTag $Ec $Af $Iz $Iy $Gc $Jf
# GoemetricTransf Linear $trasTag <-jntOffset $dXi $dYi $dXj $dYj geomTransf Linear 80
# Foundation connectivity
# element elasticBeamcolumn $eleTag $iNode $jNode $A $E Iz $trnsfTag
element elasticBeamColumn 8001 8001 8002 $Af $Ec 8003$Iz 80 ;element elasticBeamColumn 8002 8002
$Af $Ec $Iz 80
element elasticBeamColumn 8003 8003 8004 $Af $Ec 8005$Iz 80;element elasticBeamColumn 8004 8004
$Af $Ec $Iz 80
element elasticBeamColumn 8005 8005 8006 $Af $Ec $Iz 80;element elasticBeamColumn 8006 8006
8007 $Af $Ec $Iz 80
# gravity load (weight of soil) puts "soil Modeling is Finished..."
Page 92
# units# units KN,m, sec
# start of model generation
# create modelBuilder with 3 dimension and 6 DOF/node
model BasicBuilder -ndm 3 -ndf 6
# Define Geometry
# set parameters for model geometry set h 3;# storey height set bx 4;# bay width in x- direction set
by 4;# bay width in y- direction
# Create nodes
# tag x y z
node 1 0 0 0;node 2 [expr $bx] 0 0;node 3 [expr $bx*2] 0 0;node 4 [expr $bx*3] 0 0;node 5 [expr
$bx*3] [expr $by] 0;node 6 [expr $bx*2] [expr $by] 0
node 7 [expr $bx*1] [expr $by] 0;node 8 0 [expr $by] 0;node 9 0 0 [expr $h];node 10 [expr $bx]
0 [expr $h];node 11 [expr $bx*2] 0 [expr $h]
node 12 [expr $bx*3] 0 [expr $h];node 13 [expr $bx*3] [expr $by] [expr $h];node 14 [expr $bx*2]
[expr$by] [expr $h];node 15 [expr $bx*1] [expr $by] [expr $h]
node160[expr $by] [expr $h];node 17 0 0 [expr $h*2];node 18 [expr $bx] 0 [expr $h*2];node19
[expr$bx*2] 0 [expr $h*2];node 20 [expr $bx*3] 0 [expr $h*2]
node21[expr $bx*3] [expr $by] [expr $h*2];node 22 [expr $bx*2] [expr $by] [expr $h*2];node23
[expr $bx*1] [expr $by] [expr $h*2];node 24 0 [expr $by] [expr $h*2] node 25 0 0 [expr
$h*3];node 26 [expr $bx] 0 [expr $h*3];node 27 [expr $bx*2] 0 [expr $h*3];node
28 [expr $bx*3] 0 [expr $h*3] node 29 [expr $bx*3] [expr $by] [expr $h*3];node 30 [expr $bx*2]
[expr $by] [expr $h*3];node 31[expr $bx*1] [expr $by] [expr $h*3]node 32 0 [expr $by] [expr
$h*3];node 33 0 0 [expr $h*4];node 34 [expr $bx] 0 [expr $h*4];node35 [expr $bx*2] 0 [expr
$h*4]node 36 [expr $bx*3] 0 [expr $h*4];node 37 [expr $bx*3] [expr $by] [expr $h*4];node 38
[expr $bx*2] [expr $by] [expr $h*4]
node 39 [expr $bx*1] [expr $by] [expr $h*4];node 40 0 [expr $by] [expr $h*4];node 41 0 0 [expr
$h*5];node 42 [expr $bx] 0 [expr $h*5] node 43 [expr $bx*2] 0 [expr $h*5];node 44 [expr $bx*3]
0 [expr $h*5];node 45 [expr $bx*3] [expr$by] [expr $h*5] node 46 [expr $bx*2] [expr $by] [expr
$h*5];node 47 [expr $bx*1] [expr $by] [expr $h*5];node 480 [expr $by] [expr $h*5] node 49 0 0
[expr $h*6];node 50 [expr $bx] 0 [expr $h*6];node 51 [expr $bx*2] 0 [expr $h*6];node52 [expr
Page 93
$bx*3] 0 [expr $h*6] node 53 [expr $bx*3] [expr $by] [expr $h*6];node 54 [expr $bx*2] [expr
$by] [expr $h*6];node 55[expr $bx*1] [expr $by] [expr $h*6]
node 56 0 [expr $by] [expr $h*6];node 57 0 0 [expr $h*7] ;node 58 [expr $bx] 0 [expr $h*7];node
59 [expr $bx*2] 0 [expr $h*7]node 60 [expr $bx*3] 0 [expr $h*7];node 61 [expr $bx*3] [expr
$by] [expr $h*7];node 62 [expr $bx*2] [expr $by] [expr $h*7]
node 63 [expr $bx*1] [expr $by] [expr $h*7];node 64 0 [expr $by] [expr $h*7];node 65 0 0 [expr
$h*8];node 66 [expr $bx] 0 [expr $h*8]
node 67 [expr $bx*2] 0 [expr $h*8];node 68 [expr $bx*3] 0 [expr $h*8];node 69 [expr $bx*3] [
expr $by] [expr $h*8]
node 70 [expr $bx*2] [expr $by] [expr $h*8];node 71 [expr $bx*1] [expr $by] [expr $h*8];node
72 0 [expr $by] [expr $h*8]
node 73 0 0 [expr $h*9];node 74 [expr $bx] 0 [expr $h*9];node 75 [expr $bx*2] 0 [expr $h*9];
node 76 [expr $bx*3] 0 [expr $h*9]
node 77 [expr $bx*3] [expr $by] [expr $h*9];node 78 [expr $bx*2] [expr $by] [expr $h*9];node
79 [expr $bx*1] [expr $by] [expr $h*9]
node 80 0 [expr $by] [expr $h*9];node 81 0 0 [expr $h*10];node 82 [expr $bx] 0 [expr $h*10];
node 83 [expr $bx*2] 0 [expr $h*10]
node 84 [expr $bx*3] 0 [expr $h*10];node 85 [expr $bx*3] [expr $by] [expr $h*10];node 86 [expr
$bx*2] [expr $by] [expr $h*10]
node 87 [expr $bx*1] [expr $by] [expr $h*10];node 88 0 [expr $by] [expr $h*10]
# set base constraints(boundery conditions)
# tag Dx Dy Dz Rx Ry Rz
# fix $nodeTag (ndf $ConstrValues)
foreach node {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8} {fix $node 1 1 1 1 1 1 }
foreach node {9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
67 68
69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 } {fix $node 0 0 0 0 0 0}
# set frame constraints
# tag Dx Dy Dz Rx Ry Rz
# fix $nodeTag (ndf $ConstrValues)
Page 94
# Fixity b/n soil modeling and structure
# equalDof $rNodeTag $cNodeTag $dof1 $dof2 $dof3
equalDOF1 1004 1 2 3 equalDOF2 2004 1 2 3 equalDOF3 3004 1 2 3 equalDOF4 4004 1 2 3
equalDOF 5 5004 1 2 3 equalDOF 6 6004 1 2 3 equalDOF 7 7004 1 2 3 equalDOF 8 8004 1 2 3
# MATERIAL parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------
set IDconcCore 1;# material ID tag -- confined core concrete set IDconcCover 2;# material ID tag
-- unconfined cover concrete set IDreinf 3;# material ID tag -- reinforcement
# nominal concrete compressive strength
set fc 25000;# CONCRETE Compressive Strength,(+Tension, -Compression) set Ec 29000000;#
Concrete Elastic Modulus
set GC [expr $Ec/2.4] # confined concrete
set Kfc 1.3;# ratio of confined to unconfined concrete strength set fc1C [expr $Kfc*$fc];#
CONFINED concrete (mander model), maximum stress set eps1C [expr 2.*$fc1C/$Ec];# strain at
maximum stress set fc2C [expr 0.2*$fc1C];# ultimate stress
set eps2C [expr 5*$eps1C];# strain at ultimate stress
# unconfined concrete
set fc1U $fc;# UNCONFINED concrete (todeschini parabolic model), maximum stress set eps1U
-0.003;# strain at maximum strength of unconfined concrete
set fc2U [expr 0.2*$fc1U]; # ultimate stress set eps2U -0.01;# strain at ultimate stress
set lambda 0.1;# ratio between unloading slope at $eps2 and initial slope $Ec
# tensile-strength properties set ftC [expr -0.14*$fc1C];# tensile strength +tension set ftU [expr -
0.14*$fc1U];# tensile strength +tension set Ets [expr $ftU/0.002];# tension softening stiffness# --
-set Fy 260870;# STEEL yield stress set Es 200000000;# modulus of steel set Bs 0.01;# strain-
hardening ratio set R0 18;# control the transition from elastic to plastic branches set cR1 0.925;#
control the transition from elastic to plastic branches set cR2 0.15;# control the transition from
elastic to plastic branches
uniaxialMaterial Concrete02 $IDconcCore $fc1C $eps1C $fc2C $eps2C $lambda $ftC $Ets;#
build core concrete (confined)
uniaxialMaterial Concrete02 $IDconcCover $fc1U $eps1U $fc2U $eps2U $lambda $ftU $Ets;#
build cover concrete (unconfined)
uniaxialMaterial Steel02 $IDreinf $Fy $Es $Bs $R0 $cR1 $cR2;# build reinforcement material
Page 95
# section GEOMETRY ------------------------------------------------------------set HSec 0.5;# Column
Depth set BSec 0.4;# Column Width set coverSec 0.025; # Column cover to reinforcing steel NA.
set numBarsSec 6;# number of longitudinal-reinforcement bars in steel layer. (symmetric top &
set barAreaSec [expr 0.25*3.14*0.4];# area of longitudinal-reinforcement bars(diam.=20mm) set
SecTag 1;# set tag for symmetric section
# FIBER SECTION properties ------------------------------------------------------------# column
setcoverx [expr $HSec/2.0]; # The distance from the section y-axis to the edge of the cover
concrete -- outer edge of cover concrete
setcovery [expr $BSec/2.0]; # The distance from the section x-axis to the edge of the cover
concrete -- outer edge of cover concrete
set corex [expr $coverx-$coverSec ]; # The distance from the section y-axis to the edge of the core
concrete -- edge of the core concrete/inner edge of cover concrete
set corey [expr $covery-$coverSec ]; # The distance from the section x-axis to the edge of
the core concrete -- edge of the core concrete/inner edge of cover concrete set nfCorex 30;#
number of fibers for concrete in x-direction -- core concrete set nfCorey 24;# number of fibers for
concrete in y-direction
set nfCoverx 30;# number of fibers for concrete in x-direction -- cover concrete set nfCovery 24;#
number of fibers for concrete in y-direction
# Define the fiber section (define the core patch,four cover patchs and Reinforcement layer
section fiberSec $SecTag {patch quadr $IDconcCore $nfCorey $nfCorex -$corex $corey -$corex
$corey $corex -$corey $corex $corey patch quadr $IDconcCover 1 $nfCoverx -$coverx $covery -
$corex $corey $corex $corey $coverx $covery patch quadr $IDconcCover 1 $nfCoverx -$corex
$corey -$coverx -$covery $coverx -$covery $corex -$corey patch quadr $IDconcCover $nfCovery
1 -$coverx $covery -$coverx -$covery -$corex -$corey -$corex $corey patch quadr $IDconcCover
$nfCovery 1 $corex $corey $corex -$corey $coverx -$covery $coverx $covery layer straight
$IDreinf $numBarsSec $barAreaSec $corex $corey $corex -$corey layer straight $IDreinf
$numBarsSec $barAreaSec -$corex $corey -$corex -$corey }
Page 96
# assign torsional Stiffness for 3D Model set SecTagTorsion 98;# ID tag for torsional section
behavior set SecTag3D 3; # ID tag for combined behavior for 3D model set GJ [expr $GC
*0.1685*.50* 1/3*pow(0.4,3)];# torsional stiffness
uniaxialMaterial Elastic $SecTagTorsion $GJ;# define elastic torsional stiffness
section Aggregator $SecTag3D $SecTagTorsion T -section $SecTag; # combine section properties
# number of column integration points (sections)
# ID tag for column transformation, defining element normal set IDcolTransf 1
#geomTransf PDelta $transfTag $vecxzX $vecxzY $vecxzZ <-jntOffset $dXi $dYi $dZi $dXj
$dYj $dZj> geomTransf PDelta $IDcolTransf 1 0 0 set colSec 3
set np 4
# Create the non-linear column elements' connectivity
# element dispBeamColumn $eleTag $iNode $jNode $numIntgrPts $secTag $transfTag <-mass
$massDens> element dispBeamColumn 1 1 9 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 2 2 10 $np
$colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 3 3 11 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 4 4 12 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 5 5 13 $np $colSec
1;element dispBeamColumn 6 6 14 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 7 7 15 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 8 8 16 $np $colSec
1;element dispBeamColumn 9 9 17 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 10 10 18 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 11 11 19 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 12 12 20 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 13 13 21 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 14 14 22 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 15 15 23 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 16 16 24 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 17 17 25 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 18 18 26 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 19 19 27 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 20 20 28 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 21 21 29 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 22 22 30 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 23 23 31 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 24 24 32 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 25 25 33 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 26 26 34 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 27 27 35 $np $colSec 1
Page 97
element dispBeamColumn 28 28 36 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 29 29 37 $np
$colSec1; element dispBeamColumn 30 30 38 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 31 31 39 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 32 32 40 $np
$colSec1; element dispBeamColumn 33 33 41 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 34 34 42 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 35 35 43 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 36 36 44 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 37 37 45 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 38 38 46 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 39 39 47 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 40 40 48 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 41 41 49 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 42 42 50 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 43 43 51 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 44 44 52 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 45 45 53 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 46 46 54 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 47 47 55 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 48 48 56 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 49 49 57 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 50 50 58 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 51 51 59 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 52 52 60 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 53 53 61 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 54 54 62 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 55 55 63 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 56 56 64 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 57 57 65 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 58 58 66 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 59 59 67 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 60 60 68 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 61 61 69 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 62 62 70 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 63 63 71 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 64 64 72 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 65 65 73 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 66 66 74 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 67 67 75 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 68 68 76 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 69 69 77 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 70 70 78 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 71 71 79 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 72 72 80 $np $colSec 1
Page 98
element dispBeamColumn 73 73 81 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 74 74 82 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 75 75 83 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 76 76 84 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 77 77 85 $np
$colSec 1; element dispBeamColumn 78 78 86 $np $colSec 1
element dispBeamColumn 79 79 87 $np $colSec 1;element dispBeamColumn 80 80 88 $np
$colSec 1
# define beam element # section GEOMETRY of beam set d 0.5 ;# bema Depth set b 0.25; # beam
Width set coverSec1 0.025;# beam cover to reinforcing steel NA.
set numBarsSec 4;# number of longitudinal-reinforcement bars in steel layer. (symmetric top &
set barAreaSec [expr 3.14*0.25*0.196]; # area of longitudinal-reinforcement bars(diam=14mm)
set SecTag 4;# set tag for symmetric section #Beam section: set coverx1 [expr $d/2.0]; # The
distance from the section z-axis to the edge of the cover concrete -- outer edge of cover concrete
set covery1 [expr $b/2.0]; # The distance from the section y-axis to the edge of the cover concrete
-- outer edge of cover concrete
set corex1 [expr $coverx1-$coverSec1 ]; # The distance from the section z-axis to the edge of
the core concrete -- edge of the core concrete/inner edge of cover concrete
set corey1 [expr $covery1-$coverSec1 ]; # The distance from the section y-axis to the edge of
the core concrete -- edge of the core concrete/inner edge of cover concrete
setnfCorex1 30;# number of fibers for concrete in y-direction -- core concrete setnfCorey1 25;#
number of fibers for concrete in z-direction
setnfCoverx1 30;# number of fibers for concrete in y-direction -- cover concrete setnfCovery1
25;# number of fibers for concrete in z-direction
# Define the fiber section (define the core patch,four cover patchs and Reinforcement layer
respectively) set IDconcCover1 1 set IDconcCore1 2
section fiberSec $SecTag {patch quadr $IDconcCore $nfCorey1 $nfCorex1 -$corex1 $corey1 -
$corex1 -$corey1 $corex1 -$corey1 $corex1 $corey1 patch quadr $IDconcCover1 $nfCoverx1 -
$covery1 -$corex1 $corey1 $corex1 $corey1 $coverx1 $covery1 patch quadr $IDconcCover1
$nfCoverx1 -$corex1 -$corey1 -$coverx1 -$covery1 $coverx1 -$covery1 $corex1 -$corey1 patch
quadr $IDconcCover1 $nfCovery1 -$coverx1 $covery1 -$coverx1 -$covery1 -$corex1 -$corey1
Page 99
$corex1 $corey1 patch quadr $IDconcCover $nfCovery1 $corex1 $corey1 $corex1 -$corey1
-$covery1 $coverx1 $covery1 layer straight $IDreinf $numBarsSec $barAreaSec $corex1 $corey1
$corex1 -$corey1 layer straight $IDreinf $numBarsSec $barAreaSec -$corex1 $corey1 -$corex1
$corey1 }
# assign torsional Stiffness for 3D Model set SecTagTorsion 99;# ID tag for torsional section
behavior set SecTag3D 5; # ID tag for combined behavior for 3D model set GJbeam [expr $GC
*0.163*0.30* 1/3*pow(0.250,3)]
uniaxialMaterial Elastic $SecTagTorsion $GJ; # define elastic torsional stiffness
section Aggregator $SecTag3D $SecTagTorsion T -section $SecTag; # combine section
IDbeamTransf 2
# Geometric transformation for beams set IDbeamTransf 2
# geomTransf Linear $transfTag $vecxzX $vecxzY $vecxzZ <-jntOffset $dXi $dYi $dZi $dXj
$dYj $dZj> geomTransf Linear $IDbeamTransf 1 1 0 set beamSec 5
# number of beam integration points (sections) set np 4
# Create beam element
# element nonlinearBeamColumn $eleTag $iNode $jNode $numIntgrPts $secTag $transfTag <-
mass $massDens><-iter $maxIters $tol>
# Create the non-linearbeam elements' connectivity
# element dispBeamColumn $eleTag $iNode $jNode $numIntgrPts $secTag $transfTag <-mass
$massDens element dispBeamColumn 81 9 10 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 82 10
11 $np $beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 83 11 12 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 84 12 13 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 85 13 14 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 86 14 15 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 87 15 16 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 88 10 15 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 89 11 14 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 90 17 18 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 91 18 19 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 92 19 20 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 93 20 21 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 94 21 22 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 95 22 23 $np $beamSec 2
Page 100
element dispBeamColumn 96 23 24 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 97 18 23 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 98 19 22 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 99 25 26 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 100 26 27 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 101 27 28 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 102 28 29 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 103 29 30 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 104 30 31 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 105 31 32 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 106 26 31 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 107 27 30 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 108 33 34 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 109 34 35 $np
$beamSec2; element dispBeamColumn 110 35 36 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 111 36 37 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 112 37 38 $np
$beamSec2; element dispBeamColumn 113 38 39 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 114 39 40 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 115 34 39 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 116 35 38 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 117 40 41 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 118 41 42 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 119 42 43 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 120 43 44 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 121 44 45 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 122 45 46 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 123 46 47 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 124 47 48 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 125 42 47 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 126 43 46 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 127 49 50 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 128 50 51 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 129 51 52 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 130 52 53 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 131 53 54 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 132 54 55 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 133 55 56 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 134 50 55 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 135 51 54 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 136 57 58 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 137 58 59 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 138 59 60 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 139 60 61 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 140 61 62 $np $beamSec 2
Page 101
element dispBeamColumn 141 62 63 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 142 63 64 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 143 58 63 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 144 59 62 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 145 65 66 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 146 66 67 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 147 67 68 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 148 68 69 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 149 69 70 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 150 70 71 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 151 71 72 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 152 66 71 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 153 67 60 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 154 73 74 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 155 74 75 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 156 75 76 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 157 76 77 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 158 77 78 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 159 78 79 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 160 79 80 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 161 74 79 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 162 75 78 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 163 81 82 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 164 82 83 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 165 83 84 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 166 84 85 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 167 86 87 $np $beamSec 2
element dispBeamColumn 168 87 88 $np $beamSec 2;element dispBeamColumn 169 82 87 $np
$beamSec 2; element dispBeamColumn 170 83 86 $np $beamSec 2
# Gravity loads applied at each corner node
# Define gravity loads
pattern Plain 1 Linear {foreach node {9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73 } {load $node 0.0 0.0 -8.750 -20
0.0 }} pattern Plain 2 Linear {foreach node {10 18 26 34 42 50 58 66 74 } {load $node 0.0 0.0 -
-59.7 -61.7 0.0}}
pattern Plain 3 Linear {foreach node {11 19 27 35 43 51 59 67 75 } {load $node 0.0 0.0 -49.150
-74.6 -39.6 0.0}}
pattern Plain 4 Linear {foreach node {12 20 28 36 44 52 60 68 76 } {load $node 0.0 0.0 -22.670
-30.19 30.23 0.0}}
pattern Plain 5 Linear {foreach node {13 21 29 37 45 53 61 69 77 } {load $node 0.0 0.0 -22.670
Page 102
30.19 30.23 0.0}}
pattern Plain 6 Linear {foreach node {14 22 30 38 46 54 62 70 78 } {load $node 0.0 0.0
74.57 -39.6 0.0}} pattern Plain 7 Linear {foreach node {15 23 31 39 47 55 63 71 79 } {load $node
0.0 0.0
59.7 -59.3 0.0}} pattern Plain 9 Linear {foreach node {16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 } {load $node
0.0 0.0 -8.750
20.31 -20.31 0.0}} pattern Plain 10 Linear {load 81 0.0 0.0 -8.750 -11.7 -11.7 0.0};pattern Plain
11 Linear {load
82 0.0 0.0 -20.140 -33.7 -27 0.0}
pattern Plain 12 Linear { load 83 0.0 0.0 -20.104 -33 -27.1 0.0};pattern Plain 13 Linear { load
84 0.0 0.0 -8.750 -11.7 11.7 0.0}
pattern Plain 14 Linear { load 85 0.0 0.0 -8.750 11.7 11.7 0.0};pattern Plain 15 Linear { load
86 0.0 0.0 -20.140 33 -27.1 0.0}
pattern Plain 16 Linear { load 87 0.0 0.0 -20.140 33 27.1 0.0};pattern Plain 17 Linear { load 88
0.0 0.0 -8.750 11.7 -11.7 0.0} # Start of analysis generation # Create the constraint handler
constraints Transformation
# Create the RCM Numberer numberer Plain
# Create the system of equation storage and solver system BandGeneral
# Create the convergent test
# test NormDispIncr $tol $maxNumIter <$printFlag
test NormDispIncr 1.0e-5 1000 5 # create the solution algorithm
algorithm Newton
# Create the time integration scheme
# integrator LoadControl $dLambda1 <$Jd $minLambda $maxLambda> integrator LoadControl
0.1 # Create the static analysis
analysis Static initialize
# analyze $numIncr <$dt><$dtMin $dtMax $Jd>
analyze 1000 0.01
# start of lateral load analysis
loadConst -time 0.0 # Define lateral loads
Page 103
pattern Plain 18 Linear {foreach node {9 10 11 12} {load $node 0.565 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0}} pattern
Plain 19 Linear {foreach node{17 18 19 20} {load $node 1.1275 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0}} pattern Plain
20 Linear {foreach node{25 26 27 28} {load $node 1.6925 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0}} pattern Plain 21
Linear {foreach node{33 34 35 36} {load $node 2.2575 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0}} pattern Plain 22 Linear
{foreach node{41 42 43 44} {load $node 2.82 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0}} pattern Plain 23 Linear {foreach
node{49 50 51 52} {load $node 3.385 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0}} pattern Plain 24 Linear {foreach node{57
58 59 60} {load $node 3.950 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0}} pattern Plain 25 Linear {foreach node{65 66 67
68} {load $node 4.5125 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0}} pattern Plain 26 Linear {foreach node{73 74 75 76}
{load $node 5.0775 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0}} pattern Plain 27 Linear {foreach node{81 82 83 84} {load
$node 8.86 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0}} # Start of recorder generation
# recorder Node <-file $fileName><-xml $fileName><-time><-node ($node1 $node2 ...)>
<-nodeRange $startNode $endNode><-region $RegionTag><-node all> -dof ($dof1 $dof2 ...)
recorder Node -file nodeDisp.out -time -node 9 10 11 12 17 18 19 20 25 26 27 28 33 34 35 36 41
42 43 44 49 50 51 52 57 58 59 60 65 66 67 68 73 74 75 76 81 82 83 84 -dof 1 2 6 disp recorder
Node -file Rnode.out -time -node 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -dof 1 2 3 4 5 6 reaction
#recorder Drift -file $fileName <-time> -iNode ($inode1 $inode2 ...) -jNode($jnode1 $jnode2
...) -dof ($dof1 $dof2 ...) -perpDirn ($perpDirn1 $perpDirn2 ...)
recorder Drift -file drift1.out -time -iNode 5 6 7 8 -jNode 13 14 15 16 -dof 1 2 -perpDirn3
recorder Drift -file drift2.out -time -iNode 13 14 15 16 -jNode -perpDirn 3 21 22 23 24 -dof 1 2
Page 104
recorder Drift -file drift9.out -time -iNode 69 70 71 72 –jNode 77 78 79 80 --perpDirn 3
dof 1 2
Page 105