G3 - Term 2 Syllabus - AY 22 - 23
G3 - Term 2 Syllabus - AY 22 - 23
G3 - Term 2 Syllabus - AY 22 - 23
Central Idea-
People can enrich their minds through Related Concepts-
literature ● Types
Lines of Inquiry- ● Persuasion, Interpretation
● Different genres of literature ● Impact
● Use and interpretation of images,
texts and Music in literature
● Impact and Influence of literature
on our lives
Key Concepts:
Transdisciplinary Theme –
How we organize ourselves ● Function
● Causation
Central Idea- ● Responsibility
Actions of Individuals and organizations can
Related Concepts:
contribute to society.
● System
Lines of Inquiry- ● Consequences
● Citizenship
● Organizations and their purpose
● Ways in which individuals and
organizations contribute to the
● Our social responsibility
Key Concepts:
Transdisciplinary Theme –
● Causation
Sharing the planet ● Change
● Responsibility
Central Idea-
Resolving conflicts can help develop a peaceful Related Concepts:
world ● Consequence
● Transformation
Lines of Inquiry- ● Initiative
● Values
● Causes of conflicts
● Impact of conflict resolution in developing
a peaceful world
● Strategies to promote peace
Key Concepts:
Transdisciplinary Theme – ● Form
● Function
Who we are ● Responsibility
● Types of disabilities
● Innovations related to disabilities
● Making communities inclusive
Measurement ● Select and justify the most appropriate standard unit and
compare and order to determine relationships (cm, kg, and L)
● Estimate, measure, and record (draw in cm) in millimeters,
centimeters, meters and kilograms.
● Compare and order various shapes by area using congruent
● Estimate, determine and problem solve elapsed time in
5-minute intervals (hours, days, months or years and decades
and centuries).
● Represent time intervals to the nearest minute.
Shape and Space ● Be able to describe and name prisms and pyramids
by the shape of their base.
● Compare and sort prisms and pyramids by their
● Construct and describe properties of rectangular
● Identify and describe the locations and movements
of shapes and objects: from one location to the
other and identifying flips, slides, and turns.
● Complete and describe designs and pictures of
images that have a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal
line of symmetry.
● Describe personal locations and give directions using
simple maps.
● Create nets for cuboids.
November – Responding Unit 3. Kids Hip-Hop Students will learn basic footwork of hip hop
March moves and routines. They learn footwork from various artists like
Coraline torti , Mihran.
Creating Unit 4. Elements of dance (Action) Students will learn one of the
dance elements - Action. They will learn types of dynamics of Action
Physical Education
Visual Arts
– March 3 point Responding Investigate three-point Students will gain knowledge
perspective in art works. about linear perspective in which
Perspecti Students will recognise parallel lines along the width of
ve of Creating three-point perspectives in
painting. an object meet at two separate
their surroundings. Students
are inspired by their points on the horizon and vertical
surroundings, as is taking lines on the object meet at a
photographs. They can point on the perpendicular
expand on their art work bisector of the horizon line.
concepts by referring to
images. Students will understand how
social skills are implemented and
Students photograph their how Artists use perspective
surroundings from three techniques to create a realistic
points of view. and conduct impression of depth, 'play with'
observation. Create final
perspective to present dramatic
artwork using painting
techniques after studying or disorientating images.
artwork. Perspective can also mean a point
of view – the position from which
an individual or group of people
see and respond to, the world
around them