G3 - Term 2 Syllabus - AY 22 - 23

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School code- 060311

IB Primary Year Program

PYP 3 Syllabus for Term 2
AY (2022-2023)
UOI Syllabus

Month Unit of Inquiry Concept/Scope

November *Year Long Unit Key Concepts-

– March ● Form
Transdisciplinary Theme – ● Connection, perspective
How we express ourselves ● Causation

Central Idea-
People can enrich their minds through Related Concepts-
literature ● Types
Lines of Inquiry- ● Persuasion, Interpretation
● Different genres of literature ● Impact
● Use and interpretation of images,
texts and Music in literature
● Impact and Influence of literature
on our lives

Key Concepts:
Transdisciplinary Theme –
How we organize ourselves ● Function
● Causation
Central Idea- ● Responsibility
Actions of Individuals and organizations can
Related Concepts:
contribute to society.
● System
Lines of Inquiry- ● Consequences
● Citizenship
● Organizations and their purpose
● Ways in which individuals and
organizations contribute to the
● Our social responsibility
Key Concepts:
Transdisciplinary Theme –
● Causation
Sharing the planet ● Change
● Responsibility
Central Idea-
Resolving conflicts can help develop a peaceful Related Concepts:
world ● Consequence
● Transformation
Lines of Inquiry- ● Initiative
● Values
● Causes of conflicts
● Impact of conflict resolution in developing
a peaceful world
● Strategies to promote peace

Key Concepts:
Transdisciplinary Theme – ● Form
● Function
Who we are ● Responsibility

Central Idea- Related Concepts:

Differently abled people adapt and innovate to
● Differences
access their communities
● Adaptation and function
● Communication
Lines of Inquiry-

● Types of disabilities
● Innovations related to disabilities
● Making communities inclusive

Month Strand Scope

November Numbers ● Subtract 3-digit numbers using manipulatives, using a

– March range of algorithms or strategies.
● Multiply and divide two-digit numbers by a one-digit
number using a variety of tools
● Multiply and division facts up to 10 x 10, solving real-life
problems using a variety of tools and strategies
● Understand the inverse relationship between
multiplication and division
● Understand the associative, commutative, and distributive
properties of multiplication.
● Times tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9, 10s are proficient
● Represent, compare and order decimals to tenths, using a
variety of tools
● Addition/subtraction of fractions with like denominators
● Read, represent, and add money amounts to $100/10000

Pattern and ● Identify and describe a number pattern involving

Function multiplication.
● Determine missing numbers in equations involving
addition and subtraction using one or two-digit
numbers and a variety of tools and strategies.
● Determine the missing number in equations
involving simple multiplication.
● Understand the properties of zero in division.

Measurement ● Select and justify the most appropriate standard unit and
compare and order to determine relationships (cm, kg, and L)
● Estimate, measure, and record (draw in cm) in millimeters,
centimeters, meters and kilograms.
● Compare and order various shapes by area using congruent
● Estimate, determine and problem solve elapsed time in
5-minute intervals (hours, days, months or years and decades
and centuries).
● Represent time intervals to the nearest minute.
Shape and Space ● Be able to describe and name prisms and pyramids
by the shape of their base.
● Compare and sort prisms and pyramids by their
● Construct and describe properties of rectangular
● Identify and describe the locations and movements
of shapes and objects: from one location to the
other and identifying flips, slides, and turns.
● Complete and describe designs and pictures of
images that have a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal
line of symmetry.
● Describe personal locations and give directions using
simple maps.
● Create nets for cuboids.

Data Handling ● Demonstrate an understanding of the mode.

● Predict the frequency of an outcome of a simple Probability
experiment or game and then perform The experiment to
compare the results with the Predictions.
● Demonstrate an understanding of fairness in a game through
● Conduct an investigation using an inquiry model, pose more
complex questions and answer them; gather, sort, and display
category and whole-number data’, communicating their
findings based on the data.


Month Strand Scope

November – Listening and

March Speaking ● Use a range of specific vocabulary in different situations,
indicating an awareness that language is influenced by
purpose, audience and context.
● Realize that grammatical structures can be irregular and begin
to use them appropriately and consistently.
● Verbalize their thinking and explain their reasoning.
● Argue persuasively and defend a point of view.
● Understand that ideas and opinions can be generated,
developed, and presented through talk; they work in pairs
and groups to develop oral presentations.
● Recognize that different forms of grammar are used in
different contexts.
Viewing and ● View a range of visual language formats and discuss their
Presenting effectiveness, for example, film/video, posters, drama.
● Describe personal reactions to visual messages; reflect on
why others may perceive the images differently.
● Understand and explain how visual effects can be used to
reflect a particular context.
● Design posters and charts, using shapes, colors, symbols,
layout and fonts, to achieve particular effects; explain how
the desired effect is achieved.
● Recognize and name familiar visual texts and explain why
they are or are not effective, for example, advertising, logos,
labels, signs, billboards.
● Discuss a newspaper report and tell how the words and
pictures work together to convey a particular message.
● Prepare, individually or in collaboration, visual presentations
using a range of media, including computer and web-based
● Discuss and explain visual images and effects using
appropriate terminology, for example, image, symbol,
graphics, balance, techniques, composition.
● Realize that visual presentations have been created to reach
out to a particular audience and influence the audience in
some way; discuss the effects used and how they might
influence the audience.

Reading ● Recognize a range of different text types for example,

letters, poetry, plays, stories, novels, reports, articles etc.
● Recognize the author's purpose, for example, to inform,
entertain, persuade, instruct.
● Access information from a variety of texts both in print
and online, for example, newspapers, magazines,
journals, comics, graphic books , e-books, blog, wifi.
● Participate in learning engagements involving reading
aloud - taking roles and reading dialogue, repeating
refrains from familiar stories, reciting poems.
● Understand sound-symbol relationships and apply
reliable phonetic strategies when decoding print.
● Use a range of strategies to self-monitor and self-correct
for example, meaning, context, re-reading, reading on,
cross-checking one cue source against the another.
● Discuss personality and behavior of storybook characters,
commenting on reasons why they might react in
particular ways.
● Participate in collaborative learning experiences,
acknowledging that people see things differently and are
entitled to express their point of view.
Writing ● Participate in shared and guided writing, observing the
teacher's model, asking questions and offering
● Write for a range of purposes, both creative and
informative using different types of structures and
styles according to the purpose of the writing.
● Write about a range of topics for a variety of purposes,
using literary forms and structures modeled by the
teacher and/or encountered in reading.
● Reread, edit and revise to improve their own writing,
for example, content, language, organization.
● Participate in teacher conferences with teachers and
recording progress and noting new learning goals;
● Realize that writers ask questions of themselves and
identify ways to improve their writing, for example,"Is
this what I meant to say?", "Is it interesting/relevant?".
● Work cooperatively with a partner to discuss and
improve each other's work, taking the roles of authors
and editors.
● Work independently to produce written work that is
legible and well-presented, written either by hand or in
digital format.
● Demonstrate an awareness of the conventions of
written text, for example, sequence, spacing and
● Engage confidently with the process of writing.
● Use familiar aspects of written language with
increasing confidence and accuracy for example,
spelling patterns, high- frequency words, high-interest
● Keep a log of ideas to write about.
● Over time, create examples of different types of writing
and store them in their own writing folder.

Month Strand Scope / Skill Grammer

November – Listening and ● Listen reflectively to stories ● Adjective

March Speaking read aloud in order to ● Tense
identify story structures and ● Shabad bhandar
ideas ● Muhavare
● Use a range of specific ● Synonyms and
vocabulary in different Antonyms
situations, indicating an ● R ke rup
awareness that language is ● Letter writing
influenced by purpose, ● Samvad lekhan
audience, and context. ● Group writing
● Listen appreciatively and ● Paragraph writing
responsively, presenting ● story writing
their own point of view and
respecting the views of

Visual language ● View a range of visual

Viewing and language formats and
presenting discuss their effectiveness,
for example, film/video,
posters, drama
● Discuss a newspaper report
and tell how the words and
pictures work together to
convey a particular message
● Describe personal reactions
to visual messages; reflect
on why others may perceive
the images differently

Written ● Reading Routines:

language Participate in learning
reading engagements involving
reading aloud - taking roles
and reading dialogue,
repeating refrains from
familiar stories, reciting
poems Reading with
● Distinguish between fiction
and nonfiction and select
books appropriate to
specific purposes
● Recognize a range of
different text types for
example, letters, poetry,
plays, stories, novels,
reports, articles etc.
● Recognize the author's
purpose, for example, to
inform, entertain, persuade,
● Identify and explain the
basic structure of a story-
beginning, middle and end;
may use storyboards or
comic strips to
communicate elements.

Written ● Organize ideas in a logical

language sequence, for example,
writing write simple narratives with
a beginning, middle and end
● Reread, edit, and revise to
improve their own writing,
for example, content,
language, organization
● Work cooperatively with a
partner to discuss and
improve each other's work,
taking the roles of authors
and editors
● Write independently and
with confidence,
demonstrating a personal
voice as a writer

Month Strand Scope / Concepts

November – Responding Unit 3. Kids Hip-Hop Students will learn basic footwork of hip hop
March moves and routines. They learn footwork from various artists like
Coraline torti , Mihran.

Creating Unit 4. Elements of dance (Action) Students will learn one of the
dance elements - Action. They will learn types of dynamics of Action

Physical Education

Month Strand Scope / Concepts

November Learning Object- discuss ideas ● Human square adventure

– March and ask questions to clarify ● Untangle rope
meaning, identify different ● Obstacle course
stages of life and how these ● Hoop pass
can affect physical ● Treasure hunt
performance, identify
potential personal and group Related Concept- Safety, control
outcomes for risk-taking Learner profile- Risk taker, communicator, inquirer

Visual Arts



– March 3 point Responding Investigate three-point Students will gain knowledge
perspective in art works. about linear perspective in which
Perspecti Students will recognise parallel lines along the width of
ve of Creating three-point perspectives in
painting. an object meet at two separate
their surroundings. Students
are inspired by their points on the horizon and vertical
surroundings, as is taking lines on the object meet at a
photographs. They can point on the perpendicular
expand on their art work bisector of the horizon line.
concepts by referring to
images. Students will understand how
social skills are implemented and
Students photograph their how Artists use perspective
surroundings from three techniques to create a realistic
points of view. and conduct impression of depth, 'play with'
observation. Create final
perspective to present dramatic
artwork using painting
techniques after studying or disorientating images.
artwork. Perspective can also mean a point
of view – the position from which
an individual or group of people
see and respond to, the world
around them

Fabric Responding Introducing Indian Students will learn about fabric

traditional fabric toys. toy design elements as well as
Toys Creating Students will understand the significance of stitch length.
how communities function. The cultural heritage of Indian
Design creativity and imagination is
Students will be aware of enclosed in traditional fabric toys
the toy-making process. from India. A diverse range of
toys of various shapes and sizes
Students will develop a toy are produced using local
design and construct a toy materials.
structure by using fabrics
and color threads to achieve
an identity of forms.


Month Strand Scope / Skill

April- Oral – listening ● Listening to a variety of presentation including

October and speaking ● Poem-गवतफुला रे गवतफुला ,कोणाला काय हवे ?,थेंब ,सर्या ू ची
यांच्या राज्याची सहल , गोंड्याची टोपी ,मनाची श्रीमंती
● stories.-पर्‍
,बलवान कोण ,मन् ु नचू े स्वातंत्र्य ,संत एकनाथ
● Communicating during classroom activity like word game
● Imaginary conversation using simple sentences
Visual-viewing ● Viewing visual information and showing understanding by
and presenting asking relevant questions and discussing possible meaning.

● Observing and discussing familiar and unfamiliar visual

messages-ओळखा बार मे कोण

● Observe and express about pictures –चतरु पिल्ले

Written- ● Reading of some compound and simple sentences

Reading and ● Question and answer writing on the teaching topic
writing ● Matching
● Fill in the blanks
● Short Story reading

Grammar ● Sentence making

and sentence ● Types of noun
structure ● Gender
● Singular & Plural noun
● Shuddha Lekhan
● Jointword
● Viram Chinh
● Similar & opposite word

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