EL Project Report
EL Project Report
EL Project Report
Group : 21
Group Members :
• Bopparam Gangaraju (202001107)
• Nikhil Jethanandani (202001108)
• Darshan Kheni (202001109)
• Vihar Shah (202001110)
• Jaineet Deora (202001111)
Problem Statement
Here, the state diagram consists of 7 states, each represented by F1, F2, F3, U2,
U3, D2, and D1 respectively. The output of each state determines the state of the lift
and that of the motor indicated by M.
Movement of lift
➢ The lift goes into one of the 4 moving states depending on the floor’s call
button. If the call button is same as lift’s stationary floor, nothing happens.
➢ The sensor inputs are SBT, SMM, SMP, and STP, each corresponding to the
Bottom sensor, Middle Minus Sensor, Middle Plus sensor, and Top sensor.
➢ Once in moving state, the lift remains in that state until the sensor(s)
corresponding to the destination floor signals the lifts arrival.
SBT = sensor for bottom floor. The bottom floor is reached when the sensor is
STP = sensor for top floor. The top floor is reached when the sensor is activated.
SMM = Middle minus sensor. The sensor activates to signal alignment of lift’s
floor for the middle floor.
SMP = Middle plus sensor. The sensor activates to signal alignment of lift’s ceiling
for the middle floor.
➢ The lift becomes stationary on the middle floor only when SMM and SMP both
are active.
➢ A final input of RESET is configured as well to reset the software to state 0.
The reset button is configured for software and hardware. The lift will go to
floor 1 upon reset.
Block Diagram
VHDL Snippets
• A process is created with its sensitivity list containing all the three call button
inputs, the four sensor inputs, and reset button.
• The entire logic to be executed is configured inside this process.
• Boolean expressions are written in the rising edge part of clock.
• In each cycle, first the current states are updated by next states and next state
is calculated according to the state equations and present inputs.
• Flips Flop logic is used to store previous values of state.
In this file, we assigned the IO pins to be used by each of the inputs. The input pins for
sensor input, push buttons, and reset button were defined, where as output pins for the
6 LEDs , 3 for current states and 3 for next states, and 2 pins for motor output are
defined. All the pins to connect the jumper wires are defined on the 4 digital J-ports.
The lift r-eset button is taken as the reset button provided on the FPGA. All the input-
output ports are defined to have IOSTANDARD value equal to LVCMOS33 .
Name Contribution Percentage
Bopparam Gangaraju Code(vhdl code, TestBench),Hardware 25.5%
Nikhil Jetanandni Code(vhdl code, ucf),Report 18.5%
Darshan Kheni Code(vhdl code, ucf),Report 18%
Vihar Shah Code(vhdl code, TestBench),Hardware 27%
Jaineet Deora Print, Report 11%