ENLS Meningitis and Encephalitis Protocol
ENLS Meningitis and Encephalitis Protocol
ENLS Meningitis and Encephalitis Protocol
Katharina M. Busl, MD, MS
Ricardo A. Hernandez, MD
William J. Meurer, MD, MS
Sarah Peacock, DNP, APRN, ACNP-BC
Sandra D.W. Buttram, MD
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☐ Presenting signs, symptoms, vital signs on admission and relevant past medical history
☐ Relevant laboratory results including white blood cell count, bicarbonate level, lactate level,
and renal function
☐ Head CT and results if obtained
☐ IV fluid administered, input/output
☐ Antibiotics administered and time started; dexamethasone if given
☐ Results of LP, including opening pressure
☐ Current vital signs, pretransfer physical and neurological exam
☐ Ongoing concerns, active issues, outstanding studies/tests
☐ Infectious precautions applied/required
Meningitis and Encephalitis Protocol
Suspicion of Meningitis or Encephalitis
Fever, headache, altered mental status, stiff neck
Patients that have a hyper-acute (hours) and acute (hours to days) onset of headache and
altered mental status should be considered to have meningitis or encephalitis. Additional signs
of meningismus, fever, new rash, focal neurological findings or new onset seizure significantly
increase the suspicion of CNS infection.
Infants often have non-specific manifestations of CNS infection such as fever, hypothermia,
lethargy, irritability, respiratory distress, poor feeding, vomiting, or seizures. In older children,
clinical manifestations include fever, headache, photophobia, nausea, vomiting, and decreased
mental status.
As with all acute medical and neurological events, the basics of ABC (airway, breathing and
circulation) should be evaluated early in the Emergency Department course. Patients with
altered mental status are at high risk for airway compromise and should be monitored closely
for needing intubation. Likewise, patients with bacterial meningitis are at risk for lung or
bloodstream infections with the same pathogen, and as such, vital signs and hemodynamics
need to be monitored closely to diagnose sepsis.
Meningitis is defined as inflammation of the meninges (and will have an abnormal LP) while
encephalitis is defined as inflammation of the brain (and the LP is usually normal). If both are
inflamed, the patient has meningoencephalitis. Meningitis causes fever, meningismus (flexion
limitation of neck when fully supine), and pain (head and/or neck) but other than depressing a
patient’s mental status, does not affect any cortical function. Encephalitis on the other hand
typically causes cortical disturbances (seizures, aphasia, hemiparesis, etc.). In pure
encephalitis, the spinal fluid is free of white cells, but protein may be elevated. Once white
cells are found in the spinal fluid, some form of meningitis is also present.
The two conditions that are most important to recognize in the first hour are bacterial
meningitis and herpes encephalitis as these diseases have specific treatments that can
improve patient outcome if administered quickly.
Measuring oral temperature is adequate. Both fever (temperature > 38°C) or hypothermia
(temperature < 35°C) are compatible with CNS infection. If the patient is euthermic, the pretest
probability of bacterial meningitis or HSV encephalitis is decreased. However, newly
immunocompromised patients, patients with viral meningitis, and even a rare patient with
bacterial meningitis may present euthermic. Depending on other signs and symptoms, it may
be appropriate to stop here and work-up other causes of headache.
The presence of a new, never experienced headache is a significant symptom that needs
work-up on its own merits. If the headache is sudden in onset (i.e. a thunderclap headache
within seconds) this suggests subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). Patients with SAH can have
fever because blood in the meninges causes a chemical meningitis. If the headache is typical
Meningitis and Encephalitis Protocol
of the patient’s usual headache, one should not completely dismiss this symptom’s importance
as meningitis and encephalitis will cause exacerbation of a pre-existing headache disorder.
Lastly, it is quite uncommon to have meningitis without headache or neck pain, but less
uncommon in encephalitis.
Stiff Neck/Meningismus
Meningitis causes reflex contraction of the erector spinae muscles causing limitation in passive
neck flexion (meningismus). Patient may complain of neck stiffness or pain, but many do not,
so this symptom has poor negative predictive value. To test for the sign of meningismus,
place the patient fully supine (completely flatten the bed and remove the pillow), then rotate the
head on neck. You should feel no resistance to rotation if the patient is fully relaxed. Then,
ask the patient to not resist, place you hand under their head, and slowly flex the head on the
neck and see if you can fully flex the neck so that the chin touches the manubrium. If it does,
meningismus is absent. If there is a limitation, it typically occurs at a specific degree of flexion
and beyond. Measure the distance from the chin to the chest with your fingers and report the
degree of flexion limitation as the number of finger breadths you can place in-between. If the
patient resists flexion to all degrees, especially if there is resistance to head rotation,
meningismus may be present but this finding is less specific. Do not test for neck flexion
limitation if the patient is standing or sitting as this produces false negatives; the patient must
be fully supine.
Meningitis and Encephalitis Protocol
Begin Resuscitation, Start Antibiotics
Empirical treatment
If the patient meets SIRS criteria (hypotension, fever), an initial fluid bolus of 30 ml/kg of
crystalloid solution should be immediately infused over 20-30 minutes, and the patient’s vital
signs, mental status, and airway should be reassessed every 5 min during this phase of
treatment. If IV access cannot be obtained within a few minutes of presentation, interosseous
access should be placed. Antibiotics should be given concomitantly with IV fluids, or
immediately after starting IV fluids, and should never be delayed.
Select the appropriate antibiotics/antivirals based on a) the course of the suspected CNS
infection, b) age of the patient, and c) other infectious risk factors
• Children < 2 months are at risk for group B streptococci (GBS), Escherichia coli,
Listeria monocytogenes, Streptococcus pneumonia, Haemophilus influenzae and
Neisseria meningitidis. Use IV ampicillin, gentamycin, and cefotaxime.
• In older infants (2 to 23 months), children, and adolescents, the causes as typically
Streptococcus pneumoniae (which may be penicillin resistant), Neisseria
meningitides, and Haemophilus influenzae. In the younger patients in this group,
GBS may still occur. Administer vancomycin plus either cefotaxime or ceftriaxone.
The empiric antibiotic regimen should be broadened in infants and children with
immune deficiency, recent neurosurgery, penetrating head trauma, or other
anatomic defects
• Young adults with suspected bacterial meningitis are at risk for Haemophilus
influenzae (if not vaccinated), Neisseria meningitidis, and Streptococcus
pneumoniae. As such, they should be started on a 3rd generation cephalosporin
and vancomycin at doses appropriate for CNS penetration.
• Middle-aged adults are at highest risk for Streptococcus pneumoniae. As such, they
should be started on a 3rd generation cephalosporin and vancomycin at doses
appropriate for CNS penetration. Vancomycin can be used alone in patients with a
severe penicillin allergy.
• The elderly and immunosuppressed are at risk for Streptococcus pneumoniae and
Listeria monocytogenes. As such, they should be started on ampicillin, a 3rd
generation cephalosporin and vancomycin at doses appropriate for CNS
penetration. Vancomycin for S. pneumoniae, and trimethaprim-sulfamethoxazole for
Listeria, can be used in patients with a severe penicillin allergy.
• For suspected CNS infections that evolve over days, consider viral encephalitis,
particularly herpes simplex encephalitis. Treatment should begin with acyclovir at
10mg/kg every 8 hours. IV hydration should be sufficient to achieve normovolemia.
This avoids the complication of acyclovir-associated renal failure.
• For suspected CNS infections that evolve over days in an immunosuppressed
patient, consider fungal meningitis. If there is a high index of suspicion for fungal
meningitis, such as prior history of fungal CNS disease or systemic fungal infections,
and rapid disease progression, empiric amphotericin B can be considered.
Meningitis and Encephalitis Protocol
• TB meningitis is another CNS infection to be considered in the early differential
diagnosis, espe-cially if there has been a subacute and more protracted course of
onset of illness: In a patient pre-senting with a symptom duration of more than 5
days, particularly if the patient is immunocom-promised, the diagnosis of TB
meningitis should be considered. Tuberculosis is more preva-lent in high-risk
groups, including the homeless, nursing home residents, ethnic minorities, and
persons infected with HIV. Empiric treatment regimens are largely based on those
for pulmonary TB.
Give dexamethasone 10 mg IV, ideally given 10 to 20 minutes before antibiotics, or with the
first dose of antibiotics, until up to 4 hours after the first antibiotic dose. Corticosteroid
administration should not delay the administration of IV antibiotics. Other corticosteroids can
be used in equivalent doses if dexamethasone is not available. Dexamethasone is the
preferred corticosteroid, when these agents are used, due to superior penetration into the
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and a longer half-life. There is insufficient data to recommend
starting corticosteroids in neonates.
Meningitis and Encephalitis Protocol
P. aeruginosa > 7 days: 50
S. pneumoniae mg/kg/dose IV every
H. influenzae Cefotaxime 0-7 days: 50 2 g IV every 4-6 h
N. meningitides mg/kg/dose IV every
P. aeruginosa 8-12 h
S. pneumoniae 8-28 days: 50
mg/kg/dose IV every
6-8 h
>28 days: 75
mg/kg/dose IV every
6-8 h
H. influenzae Ceftriaxone Neonatal: 2 g IV every 12h
N. meningitidis < 14 days: 50 mg/kg
S. pneumoniae IV once daily
≥ 14 days: 100 mg/kg
X1, then 80-100
mg/kg/day IV once
80-100 mg/kg/day
divided every 12-24
(Maximum dose: 4
S. aureus Vancomycin 15 mg/kg/dose IV 15-20 mg/kg/dose IV
S. pneumoniae every 6 h every 8 -12 h
Enterococcus species Gentamicin Neonates: 4-5 5 mg/kg/day IV in divided
Listeria mg/kg/dose IV every doses every 8 h
monocytogenes 24-36 h
S. agalactiae
P. aeruginosa Infants/children: 2.5
mg/kg/dose IV every
H. influenzae Meropenem 40 mg/kg/dose IV 2 g IV every 8 h
N. meningitidis every 8 h
S. pneumoniae
Alternative in penicillin Aztreonam 30 mg/kg/dose IV 2 g IV every 6-8 h
allergy every 6-8 h (MAX: 8
- component of empiric g/day)
- H. influenzae
P. aeruginosa
Meningitis and Encephalitis Protocol
Meningitis and Encephalitis Protocol
Meningitis and Encephalitis Protocol
Meningitis and Encephalitis Protocol
Head CT if Indicated
In patients where there is a moderate to high suspicion of CNS infection and the lumbar
puncture has not yet been done, parenteral anti-infectives SHOULD NOT BE DELAYED while
waiting for a CT scan. CSF sterilization occurs only after 4-6 hours in the most sensitive
organisms, and patient outcomes are linked to earlier antibiotic treatment. Therefore,
presumptive treatment in a patient who later has a normal LP is far better than waiting to give
antibiotics for the CT, then LP results confirm bacterial meningitis.
A head CT is NOT always required prior to an LP. The logic of performing a head CT prior to
LP is to prevent cerebral herniation from an intracranial mass lesion. In this setting, lowering
lumbar pressure could cause downward herniation of the brain.
A normal head CT does not necessarily protect the patient form a herniation syndrome. Brain
herniation after LP occurs in approximately 5% of cases or less. CT scan can detect brain shift
and findings of impending herniation, contraindicating an LP. However, CSF pressure may be
elevated, even to levels where herniation may occur, in absence of abnormalities on CT.
Meningitis can be fulminant and characterized by progressive inflammation of the meninges
and brain swelling. Patients can herniate after LP because of disease progression, or due to
the inflammatory response to bacterial proinflammatory substances liberated after antibiotic
administration (especially if steroids are not given around the time of first antibiotic
administration), and not necessarily as a result of the LP. Vice versa, CSF pressure can be
normal in patients with space occupying lesions causing brain shift seen on CT scan, even in
the stage of herniation, and the LP may lead to herniation even with the CSF having normal
In a patient with none of the above indications, doing an LP prior to head imaging is likely safe.
However, in most patients who have a clinical presentation consistent with meningitis or
encephalitis, there will be enough diagnostic uncertainty that CT may be advisable prior to LP
to rule out other etiologies.
If the head CT shows a mass lesion or other condition that adequately explains the patient's
mental status, then that cause should be diagnostically evaluated and LP avoided.
Meningitis and Encephalitis Protocol
Lumbar Puncture
Rapid assessment of spinal fluid
An LP is essential for both establishing a diagnosis and tailoring therapy.
The opening pressure should be measured with a manometer prior to the collection of CSF in
the left lateral decubitus position. CSF should be collected in (at least) 4 tubes.
• Send tube 1 and tube 4 for RBCs and WBC count and differential (if tube 1 was
turbid, and tube 4 is clear, this suggests a traumatic tap)
• Send tube 2 for protein, glucose, and lactic acid
• Send tube 3 for gram stain and culture; India ink if fungal infection is suspected;
antigens, PCR (For viruses, especially herpes viruses. May also be sent in tube 2),
IgM for viruses, viral culture
Some laboratories perform bacterial antigen assays which may be useful. Additional
laboratory tests that may be performed by some centers include bacterial PCR (particularly for
Mycobacterium), enterovirus PCR, fungal antigens and viral culture.
Meningitis and Encephalitis Protocol
Normal LP
Rules out meningitis and encephalitis
An LP is considered normal if:
• No RBCs/HPF or up to ≤ 5
• WBCs ≤ 5/HPF
• CSF glucose/serum glucose ratio >0.6
• Protein < 50 mg/dl
• No organisms seen on gram stain
If all of the above are true, meningitis is ruled out. However, a normal LP may be consistent
with non-herpetic encephalitis, but other than medical support there is no emergency
intervention that is necessary. Evaluation for systemic infection should also ensue.
This is termed “metabolic encephalopathy” and is common in patients with preexisting brain
disorders or atrophy. Once the true infection is found and treated (urinary tract, lungs, sepsis),
the patient’s mental status improves to baseline. Prolonged poor mental status after systemic
signs of treatment appear (defervescence, falling WBC count) may prompt additional
investigation as to cause.
Meningitis and Encephalitis Protocol
Very High WBCs
WBCs > 100-1000
Marked elevation in WBCs without RBCs is highly suggestive of bacterial meningitis. So, if the
following is true:
• No RBC
• WBCs 100-1000/HPF or higher
• CSF glucose/serum glucose ratio <0.6, but rarely normal
• Protein > 50 mg/dl
• Organisms seen on gram stain in approximately 70% of cases
If the OP is found to be greatly elevated (e.g., > 400 mm H2O), expert opinion recommends
that the needle stylet should be left in place and mannitol administered. It may be prudent to
recheck the pressure after a few minutes to confirm that the CSF pressure has declined,
before removing the needle. Hyperventilation should probably be avoided as these patients
already may suffer from some degree of decreased cerebral vessel diameter due to
vasculopathy. Mannitol or hypertonic saline may be reasonable considerations.
Age factors:
• Neonates have a permeable blood brain barrier and are at risk of infection caused
by Group B streptococcus (GBS), Listeria monocytogenes, and Escherichia coli.
Empiric antibiotic therapy should include ampicillin, gentamicin and a third
generation cephalosporin (ceftazidime or cefotaxime). Cefotaxime is currently not
available in the US.
Meningitis and Encephalitis Protocol
• Infants, children, and young adults with suspected bacterial meningitis are at risk for
Haemophilus influenzae (if not vaccinated), Neisseria meningitidis, and
Streptococcus pneumoniae. As such, they should be started on a 3rd generation
cephalosporin and vancomycin at doses appropriate for CNS penetration.
• Middle-aged adults are at highest risk for Streptococcus pneumoniae. As such, they
should be started on a 3rd generation cephalosporin and vancomycin at doses
appropriate for CNS penetration.
• The elderly and immunosuppressed are at risk for Streptococcus pneumoniae and
Listeria monocytogenes. As such, they should be started on ampicillin, a 3rd
generation cephalosporin and vancomycin at doses appropriate for CNS
• In case of severe penicillin allergy, vancomycin can be used for gram-positives with
moxifloxacin or levofloxacin for S. Pneumoniae, N. Meningitidis, H. influenzae.
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is used when Listeria is suspected, and aztreonam
may be used for Gram-negative coverage.
Meningitis and Encephalitis Protocol
Elevated WBCs and no RBCs
Probably viral meningitis
Mild elevation in WBCs without RBCs is suggestive of viral meningitis or viral (not herpes)
encephalitis. If the following is true:
Meningitis and Encephalitis Protocol
Elevated WBCs and RBCs
Consider herpes encephalitis
If the following is true:
then the patient may have herpes encephalitis. The presence of seizures and findings of uni-
or bilateral hypodensities with or without hemorrhage in the temporal lobes on brain MRI, and
rarely on brain CT scans, are also compatible with this diagnosis.
Meningitis and Encephalitis Protocol
Elevated WBCs and Very High Total Protein
Fungal or TB Meningitis
Fungal CNS infections are highly variable in clinical presentation and need to be considered in
suspected CNS infections that evolve over days in an immunosuppressed patient. Prior
history of CNS disease or systemic fungal infections and rapid disease progression should
raise the index of suspicion for fungal meningitis.
As with other CNS infections, fast identification and treatment initiation significantly affects the
odds of a better outcome. Typical CSF findings include lymphocytic pleocytosis (few to several
hundred per HPF) and for certain organisms also with eosinophilic predominance. CSF
glucose is decreased, and CSF protein is generally elevated (up to 250 mg/dl or beyond). If
CSF acquisition via LP is difficult or impossible, it can be an indicator of very high (>1 gm/dL)
CSF protein and obstructive hydrocephalus. Empiric amphotericin B should be administered
during diagnostic testing.
Meningitis and Encephalitis Protocol
then the patient likely has a subarachnoid hemorrhage that was not detected on the CT scan.
Xanthochromia may be absent if the LP was done within the first few hours of headache onset
(and so one typically only sees RBCs).
Management of SAH
Review the head CT to look for subarachnoid blood (this can be absent after SAH
approximately 5% of the time, particularly with small hemorrhages and imaging obtained long
after symptom onset).