Conduct Commission Report
Conduct Commission Report
Conduct Commission Report
House of Representatives
Speaker Scott K. Saiki
State Capitol Building
415 S. Beretania Street, Room 431
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
After several months of work, including extensive open discussion with the public
and certain agencies and organizations, the Commission has completed your request to
improve the areas of ethics, campaign finance, open meetings, and fraud and criminal
prosecution laws. The Final Report documents the background of the Commission, the
scope and methodology of its work, and public meeting minutes and recommends 31
proposals to the Legislature.
Please accept this Final Report and make it available online for public review as
appropriate. We strongly encourage legislators to examine our recommendations and
consider introducing our legislative proposals in the Regular Session of 2023.
If you have any questions or need further assistance please feel free to contact
Cc: Robert D. Harris, Vice Chair, Executive Director and General Counsel of the
State Ethics Commission
Florence T. Nakakuni, retired United States Attorney for the District of Hawaii
Executive Summary ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1
Membership of the Commission ________________________________________________________________________ 5
Introduction and Background __________________________________________________________________________ 6
Impetus for Establishment of the Commission _________________________________________________________________6
Membership of the Commission _________________________________________________________________________________6
Preparation of the Interim Report _______________________________________________________________________________6
Constraints in Completing the Interim Report __________________________________________________________________7
Interim Report Recommendations_______________________________________________________________________________8
Interim Report Recommendations Enacted __________________________________________________________________8
Interim Report Recommendations Vetoed _________________________________________________________________ 10
Areas of Long-Term Focus ___________________________________________________________________________________ 10
Appendices ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 36
Executive Summary
Over the past decade Hawaii has experienced several societal concerns, such as
homelessness, affordable housing, overtourism and reliance on a tourism-centric
economy, climate change mitigation and adaptation, traffic congestion, substance abuse,
crime, and a large economic divide. However, in 2022, incidents involving a few state and
county government officials and private individuals who work closely with government
institutions became one of the most glaring and embarrassing societal concerns in
Hawaii, as they seemed to reveal deep-rooted systemic and institutional problems and
lapses in moral judgment or integrity in the character of certain individuals.
1 Two Hawaii Legislators Charged with Honest Services Fraud | United States Department of Justice.
Accessed 13 Nov. 2022.
2 Two Former Hawaii Lawmakers Plead Guilty To Accepting Bribes - Honolulu Civil Beat. Accessed 15 Nov.
3 County Ethics Watchdogs Need More Money To Do The Job Right, State Panel Says - Honolulu Civil Beat.
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• Conspiracy by the Honolulu Police Chief and his Deputy Prosecutor wife, along
with conspiracy to hide public funds by Honolulu's Corporation Counsel,
Managing Director, and Chairperson of the Honolulu Police Commission; 7
• Conspiracy against the former Honolulu Prosecutor and several employees of
an engineering firm; 8
• Bribery by a Honolulu businessman and a former Maui County Director of
Environmental Management; 9, 10
• Bribery by five current or former employees of Honolulu's Department of
Planning and Permitting, along with one architect; 11 and
• Embezzlement and fraud by the former union leader of Honolulu's
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1260 and two of his
family members. 12
Thus, the acts of a few individuals have led many to believe that a deep moral
crisis exists throughout each corner of the State. This moral crisis has led the
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct (Commission) to believe that Hawaii is at a
critical juncture in regard to restoring public trust in government and reforming areas of
the law related to issues such as corruption, fraud, ethics, elections, and campaign
finance. The Commission finds that given the current circumstances, beginning with the
reprehensible, dishonest acts of a few and leading to the creation of the Commission by
7 3 Arrested Over Payout to Convicted Ex-Honolulu Police Chief ( Accessed 14 Nov. 2022.
8 Former Honolulu prosecutor Keith Kaneshiro pleads not guilty to bribery charges | Hawai'i Public Radio
( Accessed 14 Nov. 2022.
9 Prosecutors: Businessman funneled $2M in bribes to public official in exchange for Maui contracts
12 Nov. 2022.
11 Five Honolulu Planning Department Employees Indicted For Bribery - Honolulu Civil Beat. Accessed 14
Nov. 2022.
12 Ahakuelo Trial: Family Accused Of Using Honolulu Union Funds As A 'Personal Piggybank' - Honolulu
Page | 2
House Resolution No. 9, Regular Session of 2022 (House Resolution), now is the time for
the Commission and the public to steer the Legislature toward reform in these areas of
the law and redirect elected officials, public servants, and private citizens toward "true
north" values of honesty, public service, and ethical behavior to rebuild integrity and
public trust in government.
At the direction of the House Resolution (Appendix A), the Commission convened
regularly for over nine months in 2022 to diligently discuss a myriad of topics related to
the conduct of individuals and operations of government. An essential goal of the
Commission was to provide recommendations that would help restore public trust in
government and increase the level of transparency in its operations and accountability of
individuals by recommending clear standards of conduct and enforcement of the law.
The Commission initially convened on February 22, 2022 and set out an ambitious
agenda to accomplish the mission set out in the House Resolution. The agenda included
preparation of an Interim Report (Appendix D) with findings and recommendations
submitted to the House of Representatives five weeks later on March 31, 2022, with the
hope that the Commission's recommendations would be passed by the Legislature during
the Regular Session of 2022.
The timing of submitting the Interim Report enabled the Legislature to pass seven
of the Commission's recommendations, five of which were subsequently enacted by the
Governor. Although the Commission achieved some success with its recommendations in
the Interim Report, the Commission felt there was much more work to undertake to fulfill
its objectives. With a strong sense of motivation and urgency, the Commission
reconvened two weeks later to begin its deliberations and work toward this Final Report.
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The Commission identified potential solutions to deter and prevent acts such as
those that catalyzed the creation of the Commission. In this Final Report, the
Commission offers 31 legislative proposals intended to strengthen laws relating to fraud,
corruption, criminal investigations, campaign spending and contributions, elections,
ethics, openness of government operations, and transparency in the operations of each
legislative chamber. Each legislative proposal is important and has a specific objective.
The Commission believes that adoption of these 31 legislative proposals by the
Legislature during the Regular Session of 2023, and subsequent enactment by the
Governor, will appropriately punish individuals who violate the law or certain standards
of conduct in the future and help recalibrate the moral compass of elected officials, public
servants, and private citizens who engage with state and county governments
The Commission senses the significance of this pivotal point in time and
recognizes a tremendous opportunity to mend the relationship between the public and
its government. The Commission has heeded exhortations by the public to be bold in its
recommendations and proposals and urges elected officials at the Legislature to likewise
take bold action, strongly consider each request in this Final Report, and timely and
decisively act to turn the tide of public sentiment toward trust in government with
integrity and honorable public service.
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Pursuant to the House Resolution, the following members were appointed to the
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On February 17, 2022, the Hawaii State House of Representatives adopted House
Resolution No. 9, Regular Session of 2022 (House Resolution) to establish the
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct (Commission) for the purpose of
reforming basic underpinnings of our state governance, specifically the laws surrounding
corruption, lobbying, ethics, and campaign spending.
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In addition, the Commission was charged with ensuring that state laws and rules
contain clear standards, enforcement mechanisms, and penalties and was encouraged to
consult with appropriate third parties with expertise in the areas of ethics, campaign
finance, and standards of conduct. Throughout its deliberations and actions, the
Commission was firmly rooted in and steadfast in its efforts to uphold the state motto:
Ua mau ke ea o ka ‘aina i ka pono. The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.
In setting out its agenda and topics for discussion, the Commission operated
completely independently and was not constrained in pursuing any legislative proposals
that it felt would improve government operations and foster public trust and confidence
in public servants. Recommendations that were put before the Commission for
consideration in its Interim Report were the result of extensive thought or deliberation
by a commissioner or subgroup of commissioners. Commissioners sometimes consulted
third-party organizations or individuals with expertise on the subject, as well as with
public citizens who shared unique perspectives. At each meeting, the commissioners
discussed the merits of each proposal and on occasion offered amendments to refine
recommendations. Commissioners were judicious in the scope and depth of their
proposals, as well as the process used for deliberation, in order to meet the March 31,
2022, deadline for its Interim Report.
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order to meet the three readings requirement of the Hawaii State Constitution. 15 The
Commission adhered to the requirements of that decision in developing its
recommendations for the Interim Report and considered only content that could still be
passed during the Regular Session of 2022. Furthermore, due to the strict time
constraints for submission of the Interim Report, the Commission was unable to hold
public hearings or solicit formal testimony or input from the public when developing its
recommendations for the Interim Report.
In its Interim Report, the Commission submitted 15 bill recommendations for the
Legislature's consideration. The bills related to strengthening investigations and
prosecutions of corruption; increasing the openness and transparency of government
operations; enhancing public trust and confidence in government officials and
employees; and to curtail certain campaign practices during legislative sessions. The
Commission also identified areas of long-term focus to consider further upon
reconvening to prepare its Final Report. Seven of the Commission's 15 recommendations
were passed by the Legislature during the Regular Session of 2022, but two of the
measures were later vetoed by the Governor.
15League of Women Voters of Honolulu & Common Cause v. State, No. SCAP-19-0000372 | Casetext Search
+ Citator (last visited November 5, 2022)
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from holding elective office from four years to 10 years for anyone convicted of a criminal
violation of campaign finance law, and authorizes the Attorney General or Prosecuting
Attorney to commence prosecution of campaign finance law violations without the need
for a referral from the Campaign Spending Commission.
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• Increased Criminal Penalties and Investigative Tools for State and County Law
Enforcement Agencies to Address Fraud and Public Corruption.
• Public Funding of Elections.
• Term Limits.
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• Election Reform, including Ranked Choice Voting and Top Two Primaries.
• Campaign Contribution and Expenditure Restrictions.
• Voter Education, including a voter pamphlet with a link to campaign spending
information about candidates and candidate committees.
• Lobbyist Reforms, including requiring and publishing financial and gift
disclosures, documenting and publishing lobbyists' meetings with legislators,
ethics training for lobbyists, creation of lobbyist visitor logs, adding a
lobbyist's passport-type photo to their registration, disclosure of specific bills
an individual lobbyist supported or opposed.
• Senate and House Rules, including disclosure of the individual or entity that
requests a legislator to introduce a bill "by request".
• Legislative Grants-In-Aid Framework and Process.
• Constitutional Amendments.
• Reporting and Disclosure Exemptions.
• Gift Reporting Requirements.
• Expansion of Conflict of Interest Provisions.
• Legislation from the Regular Session of 2022 that did not meet the criteria for
inclusion in the Interim Report.
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Following the Governor's veto of S.B. No. 3252, S.D. 2, H.D. 2, C.D. 1, Regular
Session of 2022, the Commission revisited the goal of ensuring access to government
records as a means of increasing transparency of government operations. The
Commission was particularly sensitive to the potential fiscal impacts to state agencies of
waiving fees as proposed in the original draft recommended in the Interim Report. The
Commission further recognizes the need for transparency between government and the
public in the conduct of government operations. Therefore, in a revised proposal
included in this Final Report, the Commission seeks a more balanced approach that
achieves a cost-effective solution when considering the information sought and the time,
resources, and costs involved by the agency. The Commission is hopeful that its revised
proposal will pass the Legislature and be enacted by the Governor.
Following the Governor's veto of S.B. No. 3172, S.D. 1, H.D. 2, C.D. 1, Regular
Session of 2022, the Commission felt that this subject also necessitated further
consideration and developed another proposal for consideration by the Legislature and
Governor during the Regular Session of 2023.
As the Commission indicated in its Interim Report, the Commission also revisited
the Areas of Long-Term Focus identified in the Interim Report and developed legislative
proposals in those areas.
In contrast to the Commission's frenetic pace to complete its Interim Report, the
methodology used to develop this Final Report afforded the Commission sufficient time
to hold public meetings, solicit public testimony and formal input, invite certain
individuals and organizations to Commission meetings, and explore multiple facets of the
issues and relevant laws. The process for the Commission involved providing the public
with adequate notice of its scheduled meetings and the agenda for each meeting,
including proposed legislation under consideration by the Commission. Public meetings
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allowed the Commission to engage with the public, government agencies, and private
organizations and seek their feedback and assistance in crafting legislative proposals and
recommendations to be introduced and considered by the Legislature during the Regular
Session of 2023.
Between the submittal of the Commission's Interim Report and this Final Report,
Hawaii held its first general election following the decennial reapportionment. As a
result of the General Election of 2022, more than 20 individuals will take the oath of
office to become members of the Hawaii State Legislature. Hawaii voters also elected a
new Representative to the United States House of Representatives, a new mayor for Maui
County, and a new Governor, all of which will likely lead to a flood of new public servants
under new administrations and a reshuffling of existing and former public servants.
Therefore, another objective of the Commission for this Final Report is to continue the
written record of discussions and deliberations that began with the Interim Report, in
hopes that this trove of information will provide insight to the newly elected and
reelected officials as well as the public servants who will play a critical role in reversing
long-standing norms in government and establishing a new work culture that provides
more honest, ethical, and transparent services to the public.
After submittal of the Interim Report, the Commission conducted 13 public
meetings in preparation for this Final Report. A summary of the topics of discussion at
each meeting is below and a complete copy of the minutes from each meeting can be
found in Appendix B. The minutes include details of the discussion amongst the
commissioners and consideration of the written testimony received by the Commission.
At each of the 13 public meetings, the Commission also received oral testimony from the
public and any invited third party individuals or agencies when applicable. The minutes
note the amendments offered to the Commission's proposals, votes for and in opposition
to each proposal, and adoption of proposals by the Commission, if applicable. A
complete, unedited video recording of each Commission meeting in preparation for this
Final Report can also be found on the Hawaii House of Representatives YouTube channel
or by clicking on the appropriate Notice of Meeting on the Commission's webpage.
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• Doug Chin, former Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii (2018) and former Attorney
General of Hawaii (2015-2018);
• Andrew H. Martin, Prosecuting Attorney of the County of Maui; and
• Rebecca V. Like, Prosecuting Attorney of the County of Kauai.
The panel of experts offered an overview of the FBI's Public Corruption Program
and the specific federal statutes that are most often used to charge these cases; a general
discussion of proposals for new state legislation; and plans for the new division in the
Department of the Attorney General to combat corruption.
The Commission invited the following individuals and agencies to provide their
subject-matter expertise on the topics at this meeting:
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session on how to improve the effectiveness of the legislative process and provide public
access and feedback. The legislators invited to the discussion were as follows:
In addition, Vice Chair Harris provided a presentation based on public input that
pertained to the legislative referral process, the power of chairpersons, potential rule
changes for each chamber, transparency and public access to certain legislative proposals
during session and public testimony, and the legislative calendar.
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The Commission also finds that revoking certain privileges, such as the ability to
seek public office, from persons convicted of certain offenses is important in reforming
the Penal Code. Thus, any person convicted of any of the Commission's proposed
offenses for fraud, false statements, or false claims would be prohibited from seeking
public office for a period of 10 years. In addition to the Commission's proposals in this
Final Report, the Commission encourages the Legislature to similarly consider
prohibiting any person convicted of an offense under Chapter 710, Hawaii Revised
Statutes, Offenses Against Public Administration, from seeking public office for a period
of 10 years.
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Following extensive debate, deliberation, and testimony on the pros and cons of
harsh sentencing, the Commission adopted proposals amending the Penal Code by
imposing a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of one year without the
possibility of probation and by making certain offenders ineligible for a deferred
acceptance of guilty or nolo contendere plea. Certain commissioners were opposed to
these proposals, noting that these proposed amendments would diminish discretion of
the sentencing judge, fail to consider nuances in the facts and circumstances of each
offense that might justify a different, potentially lesser, sentence and may lead to further
racial injustices and disparity in the treatment of certain ethnicities in the criminal
justice system. However, a majority of the commissioners felt that these proposals
respond to the public's call for bold action by the Commission and exemplify the types of
actions the Commission can take to appropriately deter and penalize acts that were the
impetus for its creation.
Modeled after the general federal fraud criminal statutes, this proposal seeks to
establish a new criminal offense for fraud at the state level. It is intended to have broad
application and cover schemes to obtain a financial benefit or other gain by means of
false statements, misrepresentations, concealment of important information, or
deception. Conviction for this offense would result in a Class B felony and include a
mandatory minimum sentence of imprisonment of one year without the possibility of
probation. Any person convicted of this offense would be prohibited from being a
candidate for public office for a period of 10 years.
False Statements
Modeled after the generic federal false statements statute, this proposal would
create a Class C felony offense for any person who, in dealing with the state or county
government, knowingly or willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up a material fact; makes
a materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or makes or uses
any false writing or document known to have materially false information. Any person
convicted of this offense would not be eligible for a deferred acceptance of guilty or nolo
contendere plea. In addition, the person convicted would be prohibited from being a
candidate for public office for a period of 10 years.
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False Claims
Modeled after the federal false claims statute, this proposal would establish the
offense of knowingly making a false, frivolous, or fraudulent claim against the State or a
county as a Class C felony. Any person convicted of this offense would not be eligible for a
deferred acceptance of guilty or nolo contendere plea. In addition, the person convicted
would be prohibited from being a candidate for public office for a period of 10 years.
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is happening in its government and to be able to "see through" what is going on when
government officials conduct business. Along those lines, the Commission finds that it is
important for government records and operations to be properly maintained and
accessible to the public, while still maintaining an appropriate level of personal privacy.
The Commission further finds that fostering an environment of inclusion regarding
access to information is key to a democratic society.
The website also has the ability to search measures by keyword and to browse the
most recent version of the Hawaii Revised Statutes and Session Laws of Hawaii, as well as
useful information specific to each chamber of the Legislature and other legislative
information and studies.
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The usefulness and functionality of the Hawaii State Legislature website have
earned national recognition and awards. In 2012, Hawaii won the Online Democracy
Award presented annually by the National Conference of State Legislatures to the nation's
top legislative website. 17 In addition, the House Technical Support Services office won
the Legislative Staff Achievement Award in 2019 from the National Association of
Legislative Information Technology. 18
17 Hawaii is awarded with top honors for its legislative website ( Accessed 15 Nov. 2022.
National Association of Legislative Information Technology (NALIT) Legislative Staff Achievement Award
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The Commission finds that the Sunshine Law was intended to apply much more
appropriately to the Executive Branch of government in comparison to the Legislative
Branch. The Commission further finds that with the condensed and constitutionally-
based calendar and limitations of legislative sessions, subjecting the Legislature to the
existing constraints of the Sunshine Law would hamper progress and quite possibly
prevent the development of critical policy and enactment of laws. For example, applying
the Sunshine Law requirement of filing a meeting notice at least six calendar days in
advance of the meeting would severely restrict and hamper the work of the 34 standing
committees of the Legislature that need to complete its work within a regular session of
60 legislative days. 22, 23
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Sunshine Law
To further the intent of the Sunshine Law while considering the strict legislative
timetable and deadlines mandated under Article III of the Hawaii State Constitution, the
Commission's intent for this proposal is to walk back some of the Sunshine Law
exemptions that have been enjoyed by the Legislature or established. This proposal
would expand application of the Sunshine Law to legislatively appointed bodies,
including task forces, working groups, special committees, and select committees, and
require each chamber of the Legislature to hold public hearings on its rules on a biennial
basis. The Commission anticipates that feedback received during these public hearings
would better effectuate the spirit and intent of the Sunshine Law despite its limited
application to the Legislature thus far.
Bill of Rights
In developing legislative proposals in this area, the Commission considered not
only the practical impact of open decision making as outlined in the Hawaii State
Constitution and the need for public access to essential information, but more
importantly the Commission devoted great effort into examining how the interactions
between elected officials, public servants, and public testifiers take place during the
legislative process.
This proposal would establish the Office of the Public Advocate and codify 13
explicit rights of the public with respect to the conduct and operation of the Legislature
and its members. The proposal would also specify procedures for the investigation and
reporting of alleged violations of the rights.
The Commission offers this proposal as an aspirational starting point for how the
public and legislators can best engage with each other in a respectful and transparent
manner during the legislative process. Collectively, the 13 rights of the public embody
ideals of respect, fairness, openness, and dignity in the legislative process. The rights
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also require that official legislative business be conducted in a transparent and honest
manner and that decisions be based on the merits of the legislation.
To implement and enforce the rights in this proposal, the bill establishes a new
Office of the Public Advocate, to be administratively attached to the Department of the
Attorney General. The Commission understands that it may be more beneficial to assign
the proposed functions in this proposal to an existing state agency or department, rather
than create a new office. The Commission's ultimate goals for this proposal are to create
a standard for public access and transparency in an objective decision making process
and to allow engagement in the legislative process to be as respectful and ethical as
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also amend the information that must be included as part of the written minutes of board
Lobbyist Disclosures
This proposal would amend the information in the statement of expenditures
reports that lobbyists and other individuals would be required to file with the Hawaii
State Ethics Commission. The new information would require impacted individuals to
include in their reports the legislative or administrative action that the individual filing
the report commented on, supported, or opposed. In the report, the individual would
need to identity the actual bill or resolution number and budget cost or program
identification number or other similar identifier, if applicable, of the measure.
The Commission finds that maintaining public confidence in government requires
that elected and appointed government officials, as well as the lobbyists who interact
with those individuals, demonstrate ethical behavior and that the conduct of their actions
be honest and transparent. In terms of rebuilding and gaining public trust, it is just as
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important for these individuals to avoid even the slightest appearance of any impropriety,
act of unfairness, or personal benefit.
The Commission further finds that the recent criminal acts and unethical behavior
throughout the State are not a one sided problem. Such reprehensible actions require a
quid pro quo dynamic where mutual gain of some kind is gained by multiple parties.
Therefore, in the following proposals, the Commission was focused not only on reforming
the acts of elected officials and public servants, but also on the need to extend the
application of certain laws to private individuals and lobbyists. Several of the Penal Code
proposals in Part I of the legislative proposals would likely apply to those individuals as
well, but the Commission recognizes that some proposals should be more specifically
tailored to certain individuals.
Beginning on July 1, 2023, this proposal would prohibit under certain
circumstances legislators and state employees from hiring or promoting relatives and
household members. The proposal would also prohibit legislators and state employees
from making or participating in certain other employment-related decisions and from
awarding a contract to or otherwise taking official action on a contract with a business if
the legislator's or employee's relative or household member is an executive officer of or
holds a substantial ownership interest in that business. The bill would impose
administrative fines for violations.
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24 Citizens United v. FEC :: 558 U.S. 310 (2010) :: Justia US Supreme Court Center. Accessed 16 Nov. 2022.
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a small group of wealthy individuals to unfairly wield political power and influence
against the common voter in an election.
Wealthy donors, corporations, and special interest groups have long had an
outsized influence in the outcome of elections, but the decision in Citizens United
dramatically expanded the influence of money in politics. With the influence of money in
politics comes greater temptation and opportunities for corruption, bribery, and greed.
In the 100 years prior to Citizens United, the Court had upheld election spending
restrictions, arguing that the government had a role and responsibility to prevent
corruption. 25 In the aftermath of Citizens United, analysts focused much of their attention
on how the Supreme Court designated independent corporate spending on elections as
free speech, but perhaps the most significant outcome of Citizens United has been the
creation of Super PACs. 26 Super PACs comprise the wealthiest political donors—
corporations, labor unions, nonprofit organizations, and individuals—and enable a web
of dark money to be ushered into political causes through nonprofits that do not disclose
their donors.
The Commission finds that the negative repercussions of Citizens United are
complex and largely unfixable at the state level. Sizeable progress may be best left to
Congress. One effort is the DISCLOSE Act, which was previously introduced in Congress
several times. 27 However, the Commission also finds that there is potential for small
gains against the repercussions of Citizens United that can be considered for enactment at
the state level.
25 Citizens United Explained | Brennan Center for Justice. Accessed 16 Nov. 2022.
26 Id.
27 Id.
Page | 31
This proposal of the Commission would increase the amount of partial public
financing available for all offices up for election, but in varied amounts. The increase in
the maximum amount of public funds for an office would be based on either a percentage
increase from the existing allotment or increase, or establishment of, the expenditure
limit of each office. The measure also provides a downward adjustment of the minimum
amounts of qualifying contributions for the Office of the Prosecuting Attorney for each of
the counties. To administer the changes in the law, this proposal would also provide an
appropriation to the Campaign Spending Commission to establish two positions.
The Commission further notes that the increased amounts of partial public
funding of elections proposed in this bill are intended as a floor, or minimum level. If
fiscal resources are or become available, the Commission encourages the Legislature to
be bold and devote additional fiscal resources to further the purpose of this bill and to
seek additional permanent funding sources for future elections. Implementation of this
proposal would assist in diminishing the impact and influence resulting from Citizens
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In furthering public transparency and improving public confidence in campaigns,
this proposal clarifies what would constitute a fundraiser under Hawaii's election law.
This proposal would expand the reach of the requirement to file a notice of intent to hold
a fundraiser or fundraiser event to fundraisers for which any price is charged or any
contribution is suggested for attendance.
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likely contributions made to the purchaser/candidate and not to the candidate holding
the event or fundraiser.
Super PACs
This proposal attempts to reduce the influence of money in determining political
outcomes at the state level by increasing the amount of the fine imposed for campaign
spending law violations by certain noncandidate committees. Specifically, the higher
fines may be assessed against a noncandidate committee making only independent
expenditures and that has received at least one contribution of more than $10,000, or
spent more than $10,000, in an election period. In addition, the proposal allows the
Campaign Spending Commission to order that a fine assessed against a noncandidate
committee, or any portion thereof, be paid from the personal funds of an officer of the
noncandidate committee.
Voter Education
The Commission finds that Hawaii's voter turnout is well below the national
average for each election. 28 In addition, registered voters may not have access to or be
aware of information on the candidates or issues on their ballots. The Commission
vetted the draft of this proposal with the Office of Elections, as it would require the Office
of Elections to prepare a voter information guide to educate voters on each candidate's
positions and their candidate statements and provide ballot question analyses. The bill
would also appropriate funds to the Department of the Attorney General, Legislative
Reference Bureau, and counties for the preparation of the ballot analyses and to the
Office of Elections for the preparation and distribution of the voter information guides.
Term Limits
This proposal would propose a constitutional amendment to prohibit a person
from serving as a member of the Legislature for more than 16 years during the person's
lifetime. The Commission discussed this proposal at great length and considered the
testimony received and personal viewpoints of each commissioner. The Commission
looked at similar provisions in other states for guidance and debated the well-balanced
28 Hawaii’s Voter Turnout Plunged In 2022 Election - Honolulu Civil Beat. Accessed 16 Nov. 2022.
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pros and cons of this proposal, which was reflected in the slim, 4-3 margin by which the
Commission adopted the motion to adopt this proposal.
One argument against the term limits in this proposal is that it is unnecessary, as
over the past decade a sizeable turnover in each chamber has occurred naturally. Over
the last decade the turnover of legislators in the House of Representatives was over 50%,
and in the Senate more than 33%. As noted previously in this Final Report, over 20
individuals will take the oath of office to become members of the Hawaii State Legislature
as a result of the General Election of 2022. However, an argument for this proposal is
that people feel a proposal like this is necessary and that a limit on the duration of
holding state elected office may reduce the potential for corruption and allow for the
periodic infusion of fresh ideas and services to constituents.
The Commission finds that this proposal, if passed by the Legislature, would not
go on the ballot until the General Election of 2024. The Commission also finds that out of
fairness to legislators serving in the Legislature as of the General Election of 2024 or
elected to the Legislature before or during the General Election of 2024, the prohibition
should not apply to those terms. Therefore, the 16-year term limit in this proposal would
apply to those legislators elected at the General Election of 2026 and thereafter.
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Appendix A – House Resolution No. 9, Regular Session of 2022
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Appendix A
House Resolution No. 9,
Regular Session of 2022
H.R. NO.
2022-1366 HR HMSO-7 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1i �!�l�I�1 1 1 1 1�ii1 1 1 1 1 1 �1 Il l �l l l l l l�l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Page 2
H.R. NO. 4
1 (C) Campaign finance laws under chapter 11, Hawaii
2 Revised Statutes; and
4 (D) Any other applicable laws and rules;
6 (2) Ensure the state laws and rules reviewed and assessed
7 pursuant to paragraph (1) contain clear standards,
8 enforcement, and penalties; and
10 ( 3) Provide recommendations to further the goals of the
11 Code of Ethics, lobbying laws, campaign finance laws,
12 and other applicable laws and rules that will increase
13 awareness of, compliance with, and deterrent effects
14 of those laws and rules; and
16 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Commission consist of the
17 following seven members who shall be appointed by the Speaker of
18 the House of Representatives:
20 (1) Judge Daniel R. Foley (Ret.), who shall serve as
21 chair;
23 ( 2) Robert D. Harris, Executive Director of the State
24 Ethics Commission;
26 ( 3) Kristin E. Izumi-Nitao, Executive Director of the
27 Campaign Spending Commission;
29 { 4) Sandy Ma, Executive Director of Common Cause Hawaii;
31 (5) Barbara C. Marumoto, Former State Representative;
33 (6) Janet Mason, League of Women Voters of Hawaii; and
35 ( 7) Florence T. Nakakuni, Former U.S. Attorney for the
36 District of Hawaii; and
38 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Commission is requested to
39 consult with the Department of the Attorney General and public
40 interest organizations with expertise in the areas of ethics,
41 campaign finance, and standards of conduct, such as the National
42 Conference of State Legislatures, Council of State Governments,
2022-1366 HR HMSO-7 2
l l l l l l l l l l l~l l l l l l ~l il~IIIIIIIHII~
Page 3
H.R. NO. C)
1 and Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School
2 of Law; and
4 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Commission is requested to
5 submit an interim report of findings and recommendations,
6 including any proposed legislation, to the House of
7 Representatives by March 31, 2022, and a final report, including
8 any proposed legislation, to the House of Representatives by
9 December 1, 2022; and
11 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this
12 Resolution be transmitted to Robert D. Harris, Executive
13 Director of the Hawaii State Ethics Commission; the Chair of the
14 Hawaii State Ethics Commission; Kristin E. Izumi-Nitao,
15 Executive Director of the Campaign Spending Commission; Holly T.
16 Shikada, Acting Attorney General; the Chair of the Campaign
17 Spending Commission; Tim Storey, Executive Director of the
18 National Conference of State Legislatures; the Executive
19 Director of the Council of State Governments; the President of
20 the Brennan Center for Justice; Sandy Ma, Executive Director of
21 Common Cause Hawaii; the Board of the League of Women Voters of
22 Hawaii; Judge Daniel R. Foley (Ret.); Florence T. Nakakuni;
23 Barbara C. Marumoto; and Janet Mason.
FEB 1 7 2022
2022-1366 HR HMSO-7 3
11111111111111111 IIIII II~ 1~111 !111111~ 111111111111~11 IIIIII I 111111111111 11111 Ill~ 11111111 ~111111
Appendix B
Meeting Minutes
Robert D. Harris, Executive Director and General Counsel of the State Ethics Commission,
Vice Chair;
Janet Mason, Legislative Committee Member, League of Women Voters of Hawaii; and
Vice Chair Harris convened the meeting at 2:02 pm. All members of the Commission
attended the meeting.
I. Public testimony
The Commission noted that they received written testimony from one individual. No oral
testimony was received by the Commission.
The Commission agreed as a policy to allow for public participation through written or oral
testimony at the beginning of meetings, and as may be appropriate at other times during
future meetings. In addition, the Commission will make available to public all written
testimony it receives via posting on the House of Representatives website.
The Commission highlighted certain bills from its recommendations in the Interim Report
and provided an update on its status of those bills. Specifically, the following bills were
discussed briefly:
• SB2930 SD2;
• SB555 SD1 HD1;
• HB1475 HD1 SD1; and
• HB1427 HD1 which has been signed into law as Act 3.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes April 14, 2022
The Commission considered the due date of its Final Report of December 1, 2022, and
considering the number of opportunities that the Commission would be able to meet to
discuss topics for recommendation in its Final Report. The Commission sketched out a
meeting schedule that could consistently take place every two weeks and comfortably
allow for 14 meetings prior to the due date of the Final Report.
The Commission also plans to save the final few meetings to review the draft Final Report,
proposed legislation, and discuss any final recommendations.
The Commission discussed what members can commit to scheduling and a potential
framework for how the meetings should be unfold. For most meetings the Commission will
plan to invite a facilitator who is experienced in the given topic for discussion and who can
help set the meeting's agenda, answer questions of the commissioners, and help guide the
conversation and topic for that meeting.
The commissioners referred to the topics recommended in the Interim Report for further
exploration and determine which topics should be amongst the initial four or five topics to
discuss. The Commission agreed that topics can be discussed at more than one meeting if
necessary, or if the facilitator brings up any issues outside of that week's agenda topic.
The Commission agreed to schedule the following five topics to be discussed during the
months of June and July.
The topic for this meeting will concern gift restrictions for lobbyists to create a reciprocal
prohibition that state employees are currently subject. One issue along these lines that the
Commission wants to be mindful of is the First Amendment rights under the Constitution.
The Commission will invite certain speakers with experience and expertise and consider
any individuals with significant insight into First Amendment rights to help identify areas
of concern that the Commission should be aware. However, the ethics subject may not
require outside speakers for the Commission. Concepts for the Commission to consider
going forward and if a consensus is reached proceed with the requisite research and bill
drafting as necessary. Topics could be lobbyist training, nepotism prohibitions, disclosure
of lobbyist supported bills, legislative rules to tighten up conflict of interest provisions, and
an aloha gift exception for the public.
Consideration will be given to the idea of consulting with county representatives and
stakeholders familiar with ethical issues and concerns.
Vice Chair Harris will take the lead on preparing for this topic.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes April 14, 2022
This planned meeting will center on prospects for reforming election laws to prevent
corruption. Specific proposals may include ranked choice voting, "jungle" primary, top two
primary election, term limits, and voter education. Potential invitees would be the State
Office of Elections, county election divisions, and national advocates for such proposals.
Members Ma and Mason will take the lead on preparing for this topic.
The topic of campaign financing and public funding of elections will be considered,
including the potential for partial-public funding of elections. The Commission noted that
the partial-public funding of elections law has not been amended since 1995, making the
law primarily feasible for local county races only. Other related concerns that the
Commission will pursue are dark money contributions and increases in penalties for Super
PAC violations.
Member Izumi-Nitao will take the lead on preparing for this topic.
Meeting scheduled for July 13, 2022: Criminal Prosecution and Fraud
The Commission will consider the idea of increased criminal penalties and tools for
enforcement agencies. The commissioners discussed potential invitations on this topic that
should be sent to the Attorney General's Office, the United States Attorney, county
Prosecutors, and former Attorneys General.
The Commission also discussed potential ways to make available time in cases where
multiple invitees can discuss certain topics with the Commission. Suggestions were made
to hold meetings on multiple days in a row or potentially creating a panel discussion.
The Commission suggests that invited speakers pinpoint specific legislation that would
assist the Commission in drafting legislation for introduction next year that would
specifically amend statutory provisions or create new laws in the Hawaii Revised Statutes.
Topic of legislative process changes, reflection on best practices and what other
Legislatures are doing to accomplish such tasks.
Members Nakakuni and Marumoto will take the lead on preparing for this topic.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes April 14, 2022
Director of the State Office of Informational Practices and the President and Executive
Director of The Civil Beat Law Center for the Public Interest.
Topics identified for discussion are just a start to the topics that will be discussed and
considered as recommendations for the Commission's Final Report. In August after these
initial meetings have concluded, the Commission will reassess its progress and determine a
plan for the following months of August, September, and October.
The Commission agreed to circulate draft agendas a few weeks in advance of the schedule
meeting to make sure meeting agendas are complete, and inform commissioners about the
content of the session (including any invited facilitators or speakers for that meeting).
The Commission will allow invited facilitators or speakers to address to any particular
subject of discussion before the Commission or in its Interim Report.
The Commission agreed to more heavily publicize the upcoming meetings to ensure that
the public has sufficient awareness of the upcoming topics and the opportunity to prepare
written testimony or present oral testimony.
In future meetings the Commission is considering hybrid meetings that will take place via
Zoom and in-person in a conference room at the Capitol.
The next meeting will take place on Wednesday June 1, 2022, from 2pm to 4:30pm and
every two weeks thereafter.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes June 1, 2022
Robert D. Harris, Executive Director and General Counsel of the State Ethics Commission,
Vice Chair;
Janet Mason, Legislative Committee Member, League of Women Voters of Hawaii; and
Chair Foley convened the meeting at 2:01 pm. All members of the Commission attended
the meeting.
Housekeeping matters
The Commission's website, which includes related materials and information such as
House Resolution No. 9 (Regular Session of 2022), the Commission's Interim Report, and
meeting notices and minutes, can be found here: Committees (
The Commission will meet in the upcoming weeks on the following topics, which are
summarized in greater detail in the Commission's April 14, 2022, Meeting Minutes:
I. Public testimony
The Commission requested that testifiers limit their testimony to three minutes each.
The Commission heard oral testimony from two individuals that centered on creating a
statement of principles of our values as a community such as access, transparency,
accessibility, and accountability and recommendations concerning fundraisers, legislative
committee decision-making and ending certain unilateral powers of committee chairs.
The Commission presented the ethics discussion slides which included the following topics
of discussion: Ethics Commissions, Lobbyists, Legislators, Anti-Nepotism, Transparency,
and Legislator Civility/Aloha Rule.
Ethics Commissions
The Commission discussed having an independent commission analyze the workload and
budget allocations for watchdog agencies, such as the ethics commissions, and make
funding recommendations to the county councils and Legislature for these agencies. The
intent of the independent commission is to make recommendations on resource
allocations, not to put the various watchdog agencies together or get into their operational
or supervision functions. The primary reason for establishing the independent commission
is to ensure that the agencies have the capacity to fulfill their constitutional mandates. The
secondary reason is to create some independence and protection for watchdog agencies.
The Commission presented the following reform proposals specifically related to lobbyists:
• Banning lobbyists from offering prohibited gifts, with some potential exceptions
based on existing exceptions for legislators and state employees. The hope is to
mitigate gift giving by lobbyists and reduce the pressure on legislators and state
employees to decline or navigate these situations;
The Commission also discussed concepts to prohibit lobbyists from fundraising for
candidates and prohibit lobbyists who are advising the campaign of any sitting elected
official running for re-election or higher office from representing any entities under the
jurisdiction of the committees that the elected official sits on.
Conflicts of interest
The Commission discussed proposed conflicts of interest amendments to House and Senate
rules to:
• Make recusal a default requirement if a conflict exists, rather than simply disclosure
of a potential conflict;
• Define conflict as personal, familial, business, property, or financial interest;
• Specify that conflict of interest exemptions must be general and apply to a broad
class; and
• Require a floor vote if there is a question of whether a conflict exists or a waiver is
The suggested proposal is intended to be broad and prevent legislators with a conflict of
interest from lobbying or working on a bill. The Commission drafted some proposed rule
language, which can be provided.
Financial disclosure/prohibition
The Commission discussed the following three proposals to address legislator financial
section 84-17(f)(8) to require every member of the Legislature to disclose the name
of any lobbyist or organization that is required to file lobbying contributions and
expenditures reports and is:
o A partner of the legislator;
o An employee of the legislator;
o An officer or director of the legislator’s employer; or
o A client of the legislator, the legislator’s partner, or the legislator’s employer
where the client provided at least $10,000 of income during the preceding
calendar year;
• Prohibiting legislators from working as lobbyists or for lobbying entities; and
• Designating legislators as full-time employees, prohibiting secondary employment
or similar financial relationships, and directing the Commission on Salaries to
consider ethical concerns as a factor in determining salaries.
The Commission also briefly discussed its continued support of concepts to regulate and
disclose the receipt of protocol gifts, as mentioned in its Interim Report.
Contact disclosure
The Commission discussed the topic of requiring every elected official, executive official,
and staff member or lobbyists to report a monthly lobbyist meeting disclosure contact log
to the state or county ethics commission for publication on their website.
The Commission discussed establishing a bright-line rule about promotion and hiring
decisions. The proposed legislative concept includes:
• Require each house of the Legislature to post on its website for public inspection
legislative allowance expenditures on a rolling basis for each member; and
The Commission discussed the various types of complaints about legislator behavior and
how existing mechanisms may not work. Commissioners recognized the difficulty in
drafting and enforcing a legislator aloha/civility rule and the potential for legal challenges.
Other proposed ideas to address the issues included:
The Commission will work on drafting rule or statutory proposals for consideration.
Comments from the Commissioners on the draft agenda for the meeting on June 15, 2022,
are requested by Friday. The June 15, 2022, meeting on elections and voting will be led by
Commissioners Ma and Mason.
• The first testifier indicated that they will be working on statement of principles to
share with the Commission; and
• The second testifier stated that reducing the unilateral power of individuals by
requiring votes of the committees would address issues involving abuse of power.
The testifier also suggested that fundraising (including both fundraising events and
acceptance of donations) should be prohibited during session, and that legislators
be reminded that state employees work for the Governor, not the legislator.
The public can interact with Commissioners directly or with the Commission generally
through email or future meetings. The Commission is open to any public input at any time
on any topic. The next four Commission meetings are on certain topics. However, the
Commission will be meeting every two weeks until December and will come back to the
various topics discussed.
Robert D. Harris, Executive Director and General Counsel of the State Ethics Commission,
Vice Chair;
Janet Mason, Legislative Committee Member, League of Women Voters of Hawaii; and
Chair Foley convened the meeting at 2:02 pm. All Commissioners were present for the
meeting except Vice Chair Robert Harris and member Florence Nakakuni who were
The Commission's website, which includes related materials and information such as
House Resolution No. 9 (Regular Session of 2022), the Commission's Interim Report, and
meeting notices and minutes, can be found here: Committees (
The Commission will meet in the upcoming weeks on the following topics:
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes June 15, 2022
I. Call to order
Due to technical difficulties, the first few minutes of the hearing, including the opening
remarks and the start of public testimony, were not audible.
The Commission adopted the minutes from the April 14, 2022, meeting. The minutes for
the June 1, 2022, meeting were briefly discussed but adoption of the minutes was deferred
until the next meeting.
Members Mason and Ma facilitated presentations by external presenters on term limits, the
one-party dominance in Hawaii, and voter education.
b. Dr. Neal Milner a local columnist and former political science professor at the
University of Hawaii provided a presentation on the dominance of the one-party
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes June 15, 2022
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes June 15, 2022
c. Donna Oba, President of the League of Women Voters of Hawaii and Raymond de
Vega of the State Office of Elections provided presentations on the importance of
voter education.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes June 15, 2022
b. SB1268 (2021): Adopting a Code of Fair Campaign Practices — Prior case law may
make this difficult and legislation would have to be crafted to avoid the issues raised
in Ancheta v. Watada, 135 F. Supp. 2d 1114 (D. Haw. 2001).
c. SB741 SD1 HD1 (2022) and SB2250 (2022): Remedies for Faithless Electors —
Although rare, there have been incidents of faithless electors in the past. While
being a faithless elector has been illegal for some time, there are currently no
remedies for actions by faithless electors. SB741 and SB2250 address remedies for
faithless electors.
Member Ma provided a brief presentation on ranked choice voting and the unicameral
legislative system, including discussing previously introduced bills in Hawaii on such
topics. Member Ma provided a high-level overview of the pros and cons of a unicameral
Legislature and how it would impact standards of conduct and transparency. SB2162 SD1
HD1 CD1 (2022), which would provide for ranked choice voting in special federal elections
and special elections for County Prosecutor was introduced during the 2022 session and is
pending Governor Ige’s signature.
Member Mason also suggested looking at initiative, referendum, and recall as additional
prescriptive measures. “Initiative” allows the voting public to directly put a measure or
charter amendment on the ballot; “referendum” allows the public to take action to remove
a recently passed measure from the books; and “recall” allows for the removal of a sitting
legislator from office. All three approaches bypass the Legislature. “Initiative” is already in
place in the counties. Twenty-six states have “initiative” and “referendum” in place, while
only sixteen states have “recall” system.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes June 15, 2022
The Commission's next meeting is scheduled for June 29 at 2:00 pm to discuss campaign
finance reform.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes June 29, 2022
Robert D. Harris, Executive Director and General Counsel of the State Ethics Commission,
Vice Chair;
Janet Mason, Legislative Committee Member, League of Women Voters of Hawaii; and
Note: Ms. Sandy Ma, Executive Director of Common Cause Hawaii, resigned from the
Commission effective June 17, 2022, and Mr. Nikos Leverenz was appointed by Speaker of
the House of Representatives Scott Saiki to fill that vacancy via memorandum on the same
The Commission's website, which includes related materials and information such as
House Resolution No. 9 (Regular Session of 2022), the Commission's Interim Report, and
meeting notices and minutes, can be found here: Committees (
The Commission will meet in the upcoming weeks on the following topics:
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes June 29, 2022
House of Representatives in its Final Report will be the subject of future public meetings
and take into consideration input from the public.
Chair Foley convened the meeting at 2:01 p.m. All Commissioners were present for the
meeting, except Commissioner Marumoto who was excused.
The minutes from the June 1, 2022, and June 15, 2022, meetings of the Commission were
The Commission heard oral public testimony from two individuals pertaining to:
• Full public funding for all state and county elections in Hawaii;
• Banning the solicitation or acceptance of campaign donations during the legislative
• Reducing the cap on campaign donations;
• Banning contributions from corporations and unions;
• Limiting the amount of money in candidates’ campaign war chests; and
• Concerns that large disparities in the amount of campaign funds could deter
potential candidates from running for elected office.
a. Commissioner Izumi-Nitao discussed the mission, structure, staff, and duties of the
Campaign Spending Commission.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes June 29, 2022
including how it has worked in past elections. Mr. Baldomero also discussed the
Hawaii County Council comprehensive public funding pilot program.
c. Jonathan Wayne, Executive Director of the Maine Clean Election Act Program,
provided a presentation on the origin, scope, structure, and funding of the Maine
Clean Election Act Program, which provides full public financing for candidates for
Governor and the Legislature who volunteer to participate in the program. Other
jurisdictions with public financing for elections include New York City and Seattle.
Mr. Wayne urged the Commission, if it is interested in pursuing public funding of
elections, to study the issue and other programs, explore options, and design a
program that fits and is tailored specifically to Hawaii. Mr. Wayne is skeptical about
public campaign funding as an antidote to isolated instances of public corruption.
Mr. Wayne urged the Commission to consider issues such as whether the cost of
campaign fundraising poses a barrier to new individuals joining elected public
service; whether elected officials feel that they are independent from campaign
contributors; and whether there is an unhealthy relationship between elected
officials and individuals who have an interest before state government. Mr. Wayne
feels that corruption in itself is not the right rationale for publicly funded elections.
f. Gary Kam, General Counsel of the Campaign Spending Commission, explained the
current government contractor ban. The Commission discussed the feasibility of
prohibiting state or county contractors from making campaign contributions before
the execution of a contract, such as when a contractor applies or places a bid for a
contract. (Existing law prohibits government contractors from making
contributions between the execution and completion of the contract.) Mr. Kam
discussed possible bills related to expanding the government contractor ban for the
Commission's consideration.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes June 29, 2022
h. Gary Kam set forth the administrative fines for violations of the campaign spending
laws. In lieu of an administrative penalty, the Campaign Spending Commission may
refer the violation for criminal prosecution. Mr. Kam explained some of the
provisions of S.B. No. 665, S.D. 1, H.D. 2, C.D. 1, which has been enacted as Act 181,
Session Laws of Hawaii 2022. Mr. Kam also discussed possible bills related to
increasing penalties for campaign-spending violations and strengthening the
Campaign Spending Commission's administrative and investigative tools for the
Commission's consideration.
V. Other matters
Chair Foley reminded the public that the Commission is open to public input at any time
and at its next meeting the Commission will discuss potential topics for future meetings to
take place in August and September. Procedurally the agenda for the Commission's next
meeting will include the discussion for such topics.
Commissioners discussed how best to address issues that have yet to be decided by the
Commission, which must occur before bills can be drafted. There was a suggestion that at
the next meeting, the Commission lay out its course of action for the next several meetings.
Chair Foley suggested that the Final Report can set forth the differing views, if any, of the
members of the Commission on various subjects, including their pros and cons. Chair Foley
prefers that the Commission make recommendations, even if the recommendations are not
adopted unanimously. Ultimately, it is the Legislature that will decide on the Commission's
recommendations. Chair Foley remarked that all of these topics can be discussed at the
July 13, 2022, meeting under agenda item "Other matters".
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes June 29, 2022
Chair Foley recommended that members of the Commission take note of ideas that seem to
face no opposition and could be agreed upon by consensus by the Commission; these ideas
could begin to be drafted into bills. Those bill drafts would then be presented to the
Commission for consideration and public hearing.
The Commission's next meeting is scheduled for July 13 at 2:00 p.m. to discuss criminal
prosecution and fraud.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes July 13, 2022
Robert D. Harris, Executive Director and General Counsel of the State Ethics Commission,
Vice Chair;
Janet Mason, Legislative Committee Member, League of Women Voters of Hawaii; and
Note: Ms. Sandy Ma, Executive Director of Common Cause Hawaii, resigned from the
Commission effective June 17, 2022. To fill that vacancy the Speaker of the House of
Representatives appointed Mr. Nikos Leverenz via memorandum to serve as a
Commissioner beginning June 17, 2022.
The Commission's website, which includes related materials and information such as
House Resolution No. 9 (Regular Session of 2022), the Commission's Interim Report, and
meeting notices and minutes, can be found here: Committees (
Chair Foley convened the meeting at 2:01 p.m. All members were present for the meeting
except Commissioner Izumi-Nitao, who was excused. Tony Baldomero, Associate Director
of the Campaign Spending Commission, attended on behalf of Commissioner Izumi-Nitao.
The minutes of the June 29, 2022, meeting of the Commission were approved and adopted.
The Commission heard oral public testimony from one individual pertaining to:
• Concerns about whether existing laws are strong enough to stop corruption;
• Inefficiencies of the legislative process from a public input standpoint;
• Concerns with legislative power being concentrated in just a few legislators; and
• The need for a systemic change that allows everyone to have a voice in the
democratic process, including the need for discussion on legislation to occur in the
public view.
• Most recently, two former state legislators who plead guilty to federal wire fraud
charges in connection with taking bribes from a local businessman in exchange for
influencing legislation;
• Honest services fraud charges against five employees of the City and County of
Honolulu Planning and Permitting Department for accepting bribes;
• Wire fraud conspiracy charges against three former high-level City officials; and
• Former City Prosecuting Attorney and co-defendants charged with conspiracy to
commit honest services fraud and other crimes.
Commissioner Nakakuni noted that these cases are evidence of serious public corruption in
our State. The Commissioner said there are serious challenges with state law in handling
such cases, while federal law is better tailored to charge corruption. Federal mail and wire
fraud statutes allow for a charge of a scheme to defraud, which is important because none
of these cases involve a one-time lapse of judgment.
A. Jeff Felmann and Matt McDonald provided a presentation of the types of white-
collar crime cases they address, including schemes to defraud and public
corruption, and the primary statutes upon which they rely for charges, including:
Mr. Felmann and Mr. McDonald noted the FBI is in the process of developing a
white-collar crime task force here in Hawaii. In prosecuting public corruption or
fraud cases, a decision needs to be made early on if a case will be pursued by the
state or federal government. If federal techniques or subpoenas have been used,
it may limit the State's ability to prosecute; this may present a vulnerability that
should be addressed.
B. Steven Alm discussed how public confidence can be restored when people are
held accountable. In the federal system, most people go to prison, which
provides an incentive for people to cooperate. He suggested mandatory prison
time may be needed and also that an investigative grand jury may be a good
approach for the State. He also discussed sentencing issues and the power of the
paroling authority. The Commission acknowledged that sentencing and parole
authority issues may need to be reviewed but that they are not within the
Commission's purview.
C. Deputy Attorney General Cheuk Fu Lui advised the Commission that the
Department of the Attorney General is actively drafting bills to combat public
corruption and fraud for the next legislative session. The proposals are very
preliminary so could not be commented on at this time. The Department is
studying statutes from other state jurisdictions that might assist and considering
how the statute of limitations can be expanded.
D. Holly Shikada reiterated that the Department of the Attorney General is trying to
determine what statutes might need to be revised. She discussed the new
special investigations and prosecutions division that is being created that will
incorporate work on corruption, fraud, and economic crimes and will work
closely with the criminal justice division. The Department hopes to introduce a
package to deal with corruption and fraud next legislative session. She also
briefly discussed the new Department of Law Enforcement.
E. Margery Bronster discussed her time spent on a law enforcement coalition while
she was the Attorney General that included the four county prosecutors, chiefs of
police, and U.S. Attorney to vet all criminal law proposals to see if there was
agreement on what legislation was needed. She questioned whether that
coalition still exists as an opportunity to say that these bills are supported by the
State. Regarding promoting the issue of public corruption, she reflected on the
tremendous effort that was brought to bear to try to stop a lot of cases from
being pursued when she was the Attorney General. Ms. Bronster supported the
State ensuring contracts and grants require an affirmation or oath that the
signatories are complying with the terms of the grant and the law and that
everything in the document is true and commitments are met. When looking at a
section 666 case, it may be worth exploring what causes a case to fall through
the cracks. She also agreed that the issue of conflicts of interest should be
examined, noting she had indicted a sitting senator who was allowed to
subsequently vote on her confirmation, with the ethics committee deciding the
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes July 13, 2022
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes July 13, 2022
senator had no conflict. On the issue of honest services, the State has a part-time
legislature and many legislators and spouses and families of legislators, so the
question arises what other jobs they have, what they do for those jobs, and
whether those jobs give rise to the potential for backroom dealings.
F. Doug Chin found three main issues at stake: laws, bandwidth, and tools to battle
fraud and public corruption.
1. A lot of great efforts are being made to add to laws we have in the State.
2. Promote bandwidth in the City prosecutor's office and through the dedicated
division at the Department of the Attorney General.
3. Regarding tools, sometimes the way the State Constitution is interpreted will
result in greater limitations in effectively prosecuting these kinds of cases.
Another limitation involves state sentencing guidelines and how prison vs.
probation is viewed. These state limitations may present opportunities for
the federal government to step in.
Commissioner Nakakuni discussed that drafting proposed legislation is just a part of the
solution. Because of the secretive nature of these crimes, they are hard to detect and prove.
The only way we will be successful is if we collectively have the political will to say we
won't tolerate corruption because it erodes public trust. The time is ripe to propose
tougher laws to prevent, deter, and punish people who engage in corrupt activity and hold
them accountable. Offenders should be subject to prison time and forced to disgorge ill-
gotten gains.
Commissioner Marumoto noted that if Hawaii adopts the federal procedure of requiring
some prison time upon conviction, that it would be adding to our prison population. Our
correctional facilities are already over capacity and we are merely storing human beings.
We should consider shortening the jail sentences of non-violent prisoners to make space
for new felons.
The Commission discussed the idea of affirmation statements in contracts and that all state
forms should contain an affirmation similar to many federal forms. State forms, other than
tax forms, are lacking. The signer should certify that whatever is being submitted is true
and correct, that they did not provide anyone with any money, and nothing fraudulent was
V. Other matters
Chair Foley reminded the public that the Commission is open to public input at any time.
The Commission will meet on July 27, 2022, on the topic of Open Government Laws, as
summarized in greater detail in the Commission's April 14, 2022, Meeting Minutes..
Robert D. Harris, Executive Director and General Counsel of the State Ethics Commission,
Vice Chair;
Janet Mason, Legislative Committee Member, League of Women Voters of Hawaii; and
Note: Ms. Sandy Ma, Executive Director of Common Cause Hawaii, resigned from the
Commission effective June 17, 2022. To fill that vacancy, the Speaker of the House of
Representatives appointed Mr. Nikos Leverenz via memorandum to serve as a
Commissioner beginning June 17, 2022.
The Commission's website, which includes related materials and information such as
House Resolution No. 9 (Regular Session of 2022), the Commission's Interim Report, and
meeting notices and minutes, can be found here: Committees (
Chair Foley convened the meeting at 2:03 p.m. All members were present for the meeting
except Commissioner Marumoto, who was excused.
The minutes from the July 13, 2022, meeting of the Commission were approved and
The Commission heard oral public testimony from two individuals. In addition to any
written public testimony by these individuals, oral testimony pertained to:
• The public's low rating of the Legislature's handling of internal corruption, which
appeared in the July 27, 2022, issue of the Honolulu Star-Advertiser;
• Legislative members' negotiations over the fate of bills and the need for controls
over members; and
• The massive data dump of information, without context or relevance, that is
sometimes provided in response to a request for information under the Uniform
Information Practices Act.
IV. Discussion of Hawaii's open meetings and open records laws and the
importance of transparency and accountability in building the public's
trust in government
a. Cheryl Kakazu Park, Director of the Office of Information Practices, who provided an
overview of the Office of Information Practices (OIP), including that OIP:
potentially competing interests to see what will work. Ms. Park reserved any
comments until seeing specific proposals on this matter; and
• The costs to obtain information for UIPA requests and whether OIP has an
appeals process for costs and other thoughts on resolving the cost issue.
Ms. Park indicated that OIP has issued an opinion on this matter. OIP mediates
complaints by asking agencies to justify the basis of the costs. It was noted that
broad requests for records are subject to time and cost factors, so it may be
prudent to narrow requests to the type of information that is being sought to
eliminate or reduce costs and the receipt of unnecessary information. Ms. Park
suggested that addressing some of these issues may be better achieved through
administrative rule changes rather than statutory changes.
b. R. Brian Black, President and Executive Director of The Civil Beat Law Center for the
Public Interest, who gave a presentation on government transparency from an
advocate's perspective. The presentation and discussion centered on the following
• The status quo does not work: Restoring public trust in government requires
real change, not just tinkering around the edges.
Mr. Black elaborated that when it comes to public records, open meetings, and
concerns about corruption, there is much that can be done to help the public
understand what government does and what is happening with government.
Helping the public gain better confidence and understanding about what is
happening in government and how things work in government will help address
problems of trust.
Mr. Black remarked on the comment made by a former State Senator that it is
easy to kill a bill. Mr. Black elaborated that when things are made easy, such as
when there is lack of access to information, corruption can happen. This
proposal focuses on better educating and informing the public about
government and consolidated power.
• Change the corruption-friendly environment: S.B. No. 3252, S.D. 2, H.D. 2, C.D. 1
(2022), Relating to Public Records.
The presentation centered on the continuing need for what S.B. No. 3252 sought
to accomplish. S.B. No. 3252 was passed by the Legislature during the Regular
Session of 2022 but was subsequently vetoed. Mr. Black recommended that this
measure be reintroduced in the upcoming session. He discussed how enactment
of this measure can help ferret out corruption and expose incompetence and
There was discussion from presenters on S.B. No. 3252 and on the interpretation
of UIPA Record Request Log data, the way the form request to access a
government record is filled out, and information that is not being captured by
the log data.
Mr. Black stated he has never argued that the Sunshine Law should apply to the
Legislature; however, there are things that can be done to make things the
Legislature does more public. The Commission noted the issue of legislative
hearings taking place in public but committees recessing to discuss decisions on
measures prior to decision making in public. He stated that more discussions
should take place in public.
The Commission noted that members often are unable to bring things to the
agenda or bring measures to a vote because committee chairs hold those
powers. Addressing this issue would better enable the public to know where
individual legislators stand on issues and how measures are progressing
through the legislative process.
Mr. Black commented that no matter what is in the public records law, the
Legislature will claim that it has constitutional privilege to withhold, and unless
there is a constitutional right of access, the Legislature will have carte blanche to
withhold information.
Mr. Roth's presentation focused on the end goal of public trust in government and
the role and absence of watchdogs in the system. He referred to the poll results in
today's Honolulu Star-Advertiser that public trust in government in Hawaii is
abysmally low. The presentation included the following points:
The presentation detailed aspects of the following scandals and the watchdogs in the
• The Broken Trust scandal about the Bishop Estate controversy of the 1980s and
Mr. Roth indicated that the scandal involved years of obvious trust abuse and a
strong appearance of corruption in terms of using the power obtained by virtue
of a government position and using that power for selfish or special interests.
The presentation emphasized the absence of accountability and lack of
watchdogs. Years after the scandal, the American Judicature Society formed the
Committee on Judicial Independence and Accountability.
• The Mailbox Conspiracy case regarding the corruption of power and abuse of
public office by the former Honolulu Police Chief and former Honolulu Deputy
The presentation included the work of the Federal Public Defender and the
absence of watchdogs.
d. Nikos Leverenz, Advisory Board Member of Common Cause Hawaii and Grants and
Advancement Manager of the Hawaii Health & Harm Reduction Center, prepared a
summary of reported problems of public departments in complying with the
Sunshine Law and the Open Records Law but did not present it at the meeting. The
summary is posted on the Commission's webpage.
V. Other matters
Commissioner Harris announced upcoming meetings of the Commission and the topics to
for discussion at those meetings. Commission meetings are scheduled for:
• Wednesday, August 17, 2022, at 2:00 p.m., which will focus on the legislative
process to include addressing issues with conference committees and the power of
committee chairs. The intent may be to invite a small but diverse group of
legislators to speak on the legislative process; and
• Wednesday, August 24, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. to catch up on proposals on different
topics and discuss upcoming meetings, legislation, and next steps.
Robert D. Harris, Executive Director and General Counsel of the State Ethics Commission,
Vice Chair;
Janet Mason, Legislative Committee Member, League of Women Voters of Hawaii; and
Note: Ms. Sandy Ma, Executive Director of Common Cause Hawaii, resigned from the
Commission effective June 17, 2022, and Mr. Nikos Leverenz was appointed by Speaker of
the House of Representatives Scott Saiki to fill that vacancy via memorandum on the same
The Commission's website, which includes related materials and information such as
House Resolution No. 9 (Regular Session of 2022), the Commission's Interim Report, and
meeting notices and minutes, can be found here: Committees (
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes August 17, 2022
The Commission heard oral public testimony from four individuals pertaining to:
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes August 17, 2022
committee hearing process that requires chairs to sift through many ideas and concerns,
consolidate certain ideas, and recognize themes or priorities. Representative Au Belatti
also explained why certain bills may not get a hearing or are deferred and noted that
committee chairs are usually open to addressing a stakeholders' request for an explanation
on why a bill was not heard or deferred in committee. Specifically, Representative Au
Belatti cited House Rules 11.3 and 11.5 in setting forth the current decision-making process
for committees, including bill deferral and petitioning a Chair to have a public hearing on a
bill, however she added that she had not seen this rule used. Vice Chair Harris asked
whether Committee Members might be reticent to overturn a Chair's wishes, and whether
having a lower standard than a majority (e.g. 20-30% of the Committee) would be
preferable. Representative Au Belatti said she would not be opposed to the idea of
empowering members of a Committee to determine measures heard by the Committee, but
she questioned how effective a lower threshold would actually have on the process. She
added that usually if 50% or more of the members of a committee wanted a bill heard it
would most likely be scheduled. Representative Au Belatti pointed out that Chairs are
persuasive with their Committees. Commission members who asked Representative Au
Belatti about making the deferral process more transparent included Chair Foley, Vice
Chair Harris, and Commissioners Janet Mason, Barbara Marumoto, and Nikos Leverenz.
Representative Au Belatti mentioned that she agreed with Commissioner Marumoto that
limiting the number of bills each legislator can introduce is not necessary because the
House Committee structure screens down the number of bills. Commissioners Mason and
Leverenz suggested a form with a checklist of options that the committee chairperson or
clerk could sign when the decision is made to defer a bill. Representative Au Belatti's
primary concern over a change to provide a formal explanation of a committee chairperson
on why a measure was not scheduled for a hearing or deferred indefinitely would be the
potential human resources that would be necessary to document such actions for public
disclosure as well as the challenge of following legislative deadlines. She expressed
concern over when release of such a document would occur. There are generally large
issues that demand attention. Commissioner Marumoto stated that it is important to have
proper Committee discussion about why a bill does not go forward, and Commissioner
Leverenz pointed out that such a checklist need not be onerous because Chairs have these
conversations all the time; a checklist would just memorialize the action. Representative
Au Belatti said she was not opposed to this idea and could look into the idea of a checklist,
but in her experience, Chairs were already happy to talk with advocates about this
Senator Lee provided context on the workload and timeline of a legislator and a
chairperson during a legislative session regarding the introduction of bills, scheduling of a
hearings, and the logistical challenges in hearings with trying to afford everyone an
appropriate amount of time to deliberate and discuss a bill. He said many time constraints
lead to a deficit to transparency for the public at Committee hearings and in Conference
committees. Typically, he personally has about 200 topics of interest for introduction
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes August 17, 2022
during the session, but he must whittle them down while continuing to represent his
community. He noted the constraints that the state constitution has on the Legislature and
the legislative calendar. He stated that although progress to build efficiencies in the
process was achieved during the pandemic, including online testimony from the public,
meaning Hawaii may now be the easiest state for the public to testify on bills. However,
more testimony together with email and social media has increased the volume of
messages a legislator receives, as much as 6-7 times in the past few years. He pointed out
these impacts on a part-time legislator and how more resources may help as they are
currently without sufficient resources like an adequate mailing allowance for constituent
There is still so much work that must be completed within the sixty-day legislative
calendar. Chair Foley asked whether having a full-time Legislature would require a
constitutional amendment, and Senator Lee responded "yes," but there is scheduling
flexibility within the current construction of the constitution. Senator Lee said he now has
thousands of social media contacts, but from his experience many of his constituents find
out what is being discussed at the Capitol through his annual newsletter mailer.
Commissioner Mason asked whether having a longer mid-term break would be helpful.
Senator Lee responded that rest sometimes would certainly be welcomed and it could
allow for more lengthy deliberations on certain topics, but he also cautioned that an
extended break could result in some of the momentum of the discussion being lost or
details of the issues being forgotten once the Legislature resumed discussions. He further
stated that the House and Senate practices already require a minimum 48 hour or 72 hour
hearing notice requirement prior to hearing a bill, so that helps to give people a chance to
understand the issues. Senator Lee said that modifying that process could help, but
cautioned that it would need to be done right to not negatively impact other aspects of the
process. Vice Chair Harris asked whether spacing out recesses would be helpful, for the
conference committees. Senator Lee said there is some flexibility in scheduling during
Conference as those rules are agreed to each year between the House and Senate, but he
also expressed concerns over the possible extension of the legislative session on other
processes such as the timing afforded to the Governor to review bills and for the
administration to prepare for the fiscal year.
Vice Chair Harris asked Senator Lee to share his thoughts on term limits. Senator Lee
expressed that his view on term limits has changed as he has obtained more experience as
a legislator due to the steep learning curve. He noted that he didn't realize how much time
and effort is needed to understand and navigate the legislative process. He also expressed
concerns over the loss of institutional knowledge of legislators if we were to have term
limits and that could enable institutional lobbyists or legislative staff to steer policy on
certain issues.
Senator Lee considered whether enhancing public financing of elections could be equally
beneficial to a proposal for term limits on legislators. He thinks there are two barriers to
enhanced public funding: first, candidates must have realistic money to pay for election
expenses; and second, partisan voters may object to giving money to their opponents who
have become candidates. He mentioned the prospect of a pilot project to assess public
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes August 17, 2022
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes August 17, 2022
financing. Also, regarding term limits he thinks that in the past ten years about two-thirds
of the House members have left, and that this is similar in the Senate.
Commissioner Izumi-Nitao asked if he could suggest areas of reform that are plausible,
instead of relying solely on answering questions from Commissioners. Senator Lee said he
would digest this discussion and give a written response. Vice Chair Harris said this type of
response would be needed in about November.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes August 17, 2022
Vice Chair Harris and Commissioners Mason and Leverenz asked for clarification on bills
that are introduced "by request." Commissioner Leverenz noted that when the
administration gets a bill introduced that it's clearly marked as coming from the Governor
and asked whether there would be some utility in identifying the source of a bill so that the
public could get a sense of who the legislation may impact. Commissioner Izumi-Nitao
noted that bills from the Campaign Spending Commission and Ethics Commission are
introduced by request and are marked as coming from those entities, and indicated that it
could be extended to others asking for introduction of a bill by request. Representative
Nakashima shared information on the practice of introducing bills "by request" and
expressed caution on the idea of indicating who may have requested the legislator to
introduce a bill on the actual bill itself as legislators often introduce bills that they may not
totally support, and the "by request" is a signal that the submittal is a favor.
Representative Nakashima mentioned that he does not utilize the practice of introducing
bills by request. Vice Chair Harris asked Representative Nakashima what he thought about
the possibility of asking who requested certain bills to be introduced. Representative
Nakashima stated that usually people can tell who requested the bill by looking at the
supportive testimony. Commissioner Leverenz mentioned whether there is any utility in
identifying a group or lobbyist as the requestor of a bill upon introduction. Discussion took
place about the prospect of identifying anonymous "by request" bills from lobbyist
disclosures. Commissioner Izumi-Nitao stated that the Campaign Spending Commission
and the Ethics Commission were identified as the source of bills in their respective
packages, so why not other requestors. Representative Nakashima stated that if it were
required he didn’t think this would be a problem and that he does honor requests from
colleagues and the public to introduce a bill whenever feasible.
Senator Rhoads noted that the Legislature is not subject to the Sunshine law but is subject
to the Uniform Information Practices Act (UIPA) and regularly submits information to the
public in response to UIPA requests. Senator Rhoads expressed concerns on its potential
impact to the legislative process if the Legislature was to be subject to Sunshine. Senator
Rhoads noted that application of the Sunshine law to the Legislature would result in the
process of passing legislation to take much longer. Certain established efficiencies in the
legislative process such as caucuses and serial telephone calls to other legislative members
would then be nullified or need to be further modified or adjusted, particularly because of
the larger size of the House. He stated that there is a tradeoff between the Sunshine law
and an efficient process.
Senator Rhoads mentioned that when Hawaii's Constitution was written in 1969, we were
a small state, with only about 700 thousand people, and now there were more than 1.4
million people, so the notion of a part-time, "citizen legislator" may be more difficult. He
thinks if the session were extended, it would have more impact on elections as most
incumbents would find it difficult to campaign during the legislative session, particularly
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes August 17, 2022
those who represent the neighbor islands. Senator Rhoads pointed out that incumbents
weren't always incumbents but rather they were individuals who "scratched their way"
into the House after spending hours doing spadework in their communities. The result is
that incumbents are hard to beat. The session could also be stretched out by having more
recesses, but people should ask whether we want to go away from the "citizen legislator"
Senator Rhoads said that in his opinion if you are a full-time legislator, it was necessary to
raise money during session. He also provided context into the policy considerations of Act
283, Session Laws of Hawaii 2022 (Act 283), which prohibits elected officials from holding
fundraising events during a legislative session. Senator Rhoads provided the Committee
Chair a list of how other states restrict fundraising during session. He objected to a total
ban on fundraisers by all candidates during session because this would be like an
"incumbent insurance policy," but this type of bill may be easy to pass.
Commissioner Mason asked about the prospect of including a "fiscal tag" on bills,
something which would inform lawmakers about whether they bill had fiscal impacts,
estimate the cost of the bill, which departments were affected, etc. Senator Rhoads
confirmed that at this time the Legislature did not have the resources to do this, and often
relied on the Department of Taxation for such estimates as the Department was usually
willing to provide such an opinion on fiscal bills up for Third Reading. Senator Rhoads
echoed the idea that having accurate fiscal impact statements would be helpful.
Commissioner Leverenz asked about completion of a written explanation about why a bill
was deferred and how the Conference Committee process could be improved. Senator
Rhoads said explanations would have to be done after the deadline for hearing a bill. He
offered that taking votes in real time and identifying how each person voted similar to the
process used by Congress could be an improvement. By comparison, it does take some
familiarity of the capitol webpage to find out how legislators voted on a measure.
Regarding whether Sunshine laws could be introduced in conference committees, Senator
Rhoads said someone could observe and comment on the chatting between Conference
Chairs. Vice Chair Harris asked about possible solutions to situations where the conference
bill significantly changes the wording of a measure at the last minute and if it would be
possible to post the final Conference Committee work product and then schedule a recess.
Senator Rhoads responded that due to meeting and filing deadlines, at some point it
becomes impractical to allow any substantive input on a draft measure prior to the filing
deadline passing due to human nature and the timing that agreements are reached.
In response to a question from Commissioner Leverenz about the potential use of a form
with a checklist when a bill is deferred in order to give the public some information about
the decision, Senator Rhoads noted that more information would be good and also that it
might be helpful for members to take recorded votes. Senator Rhoads noted the human
resources and actual time that would be necessary to accomplish proposals regarding the
publication of why a bill was not heard by a committee or requiring bills to include
information on its potential fiscal impact. He shared that there are current rules regarding
conference committee procedure and limitations on how conference measures can be
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes August 17, 2022
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes August 17, 2022
amended. For example, the conference committee rules typically would only allow
amendments to a conference draft that resolve the differences between House and Senate
versions of a bill rather than inserting new content.
Senator Rhoads stated that time is the enemy during conference and usually it is not
possible to have much impact on the conference draft unless you are a Conference Chair.
Chair Foley asked if any portion of the Sunshine laws could be incorporated into chamber
rules. Senator Rhoads responded that from his past experience in legislating on that area
there was not much interest from his colleagues. In regard to Act 283 (Session Laws of
Hawaii 2022), it was pointed out that the Commission had recommended both incumbents
and new candidates not be allowed to raise money during session. In response to criticism
that Act 283 did not do enough, Senator Rhoads said that Act 283 removed an easy way for
incumbents to raise money. To achieve the "fairness" of banning solicitation and
acceptance during session, incumbents would be handicapped if the ban only applied to
them and not all candidates. Senator Rhoads reiterated that if an incumbent is doing a
good job, why make it harder for the incumbent to be reelected? So there should be an
appropriate balance struck between the restrictions and limitations of running for and
being reelected into public office. As far as restricting lobbyists from donating money
during session, Senator Rhoads thought this was worth doing, because lobbyists were
always going to favor giving to incumbents because they are currently the individuals in
power and agreed that the optics of lobbyists giving incumbents funds during session is an
inherently bad look.
Commissioner Marumoto asked whether the recent Hawaii Supreme Court decision
banning "gut and replace" tactics should become part of Senate and House rules. Senator
Rhoads responded that in his opinion it is not necessary since the Supreme Court ruled
such practices to be unconstitutional on a going forward basis. He thinks these techniques
are still used, though not often. For example, S.B. 1350 (2021), a bill he introduced was
altered dramatically but because it was something most people did not object to no one
cared to protest the process problems.
Commissioner Marumoto also stated that it was important to post all testimony for
hearings at least 24 hours in advance and questioned why this wasn't always done.
Senator Rhoads responded that his Judiciary Committee does post testimony 24 hours in
advance of the hearing, but he could not speak for other chairs. Commissioner Marumoto
asked why bills are sometimes sent to Committees which have no jurisdiction over the
matter as she herself encountered such behavior. Senator Rhoads said that in general he
agrees this practice still occurs and it might be desirable to send bills to only two
Committees that have the most jurisdiction over the subject matter.
Commissioner Marumoto stated that in general the Minority members of the Legislature
are often not named a member or manager of a Conference Committee because they likely
voted "no" on the prior reading of the bill. Such practices leads to a very friendly crowd in
Conference. Commissioner Marumoto stated in general it should be possible to have 48
hours' notice for announcement of Conference drafts.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes August 17, 2022
Commissioner Mason asked about voting when the legislator has disclosed a conflict of
interest on the matter - should recusal from voting be the default? Senator Rhoads
reported he had once tried to have himself excused from voting for this reason, but still be
present for the vote, and the presiding officer had made this difficult. Senator Rhoads said
going back to the tradition of having a "citizens legislature" and not vote may be something
to consider, but that also would create other potential problems as well. Such as the
custom becoming overly used by legislators and becoming an excuse for not voting on
contentious issues.
The Commission noted the absence of Representative Ward, House Minority Policy Leader,
who was scheduled to join the meeting.
V. Other matters
Due to time constraints, the Commission deferred the following agenda items:
The Commission's next meeting will include deferred agenda items and is scheduled for
August 24 at 2:00 p.m. to discuss the next steps of the Commission.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes August 24, 2022
Robert D. Harris, Executive Director and General Counsel of the State Ethics Commission,
Vice Chair;
Janet Mason, Legislative Committee Member, League of Women Voters of Hawaii; and
Note: Ms. Sandy Ma, Executive Director of Common Cause Hawaii, resigned from the
Commission effective June 17, 2022, and Mr. Nikos Leverenz was appointed by Speaker of
the House of Representatives Scott Saiki to fill that vacancy via memorandum on the same
The Commission's website, which includes related materials and information such as
House Resolution No. 9 (Regular Session of 2022), the Commission's Interim Report, and
meeting notices and minutes, can be found here: Committees (
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes August 24, 2022
• The establishment of significantly large fines against those who abuse public trust
that must be paid with their personal funds, rather than campaign funds or
donations and how corruption is created by the system that leaves corrupt
individuals unchallenged; and
• The concept of creating a pono policy group, where certain members from the
Executive Branch, Legislature, and Judiciary look at legislation being proposed in the
Legislature, which could cut down the number of bills that get introduced.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes August 24, 2022
Chair Foley asked Representative Ward for his position on term limits, which
Representative Ward replied that even with his 12-term experience, he introduced
legislation calling for term limits to prevent the status quo. Representative Ward also
mentioned that bills introduced by request should note who is requesting the legislation.
He further mentioned that a full-time legislature is not a good suggestion as the Legislature
already introduces roughly 3,000, even as a part-time Legislature.
Vice Chair Harris asked Representative Ward about the suggestion of having full-time
legislator to prevent legislators from having other jobs that may influence them.
Representative Ward responded that many may ask for a higher pay and instead suggested
doing a pilot program of extending session.
Commissioner Mason asked Representative Ward how compliance would work in terms of
changes in legislative rules since legislative rules do not have the force of law.
Representative Ward responded if the Commission recommended changes to be made to
legislative rules and there was no compliance, the backlash from the public could act as a
means of enforcement.
Representative Ward responded that having a check list may not be transparent enough
and instead members of a committee should be allowed to vote to defer the measure or not.
He then answered that the bicameral system works as a checks and balance for each
chamber and most times, companion legislation is introduced in both chambers. Finally,
Representative Ward thinks outside sponsors of a bill that is being introduced by request
should be noted.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes August 24, 2022
In continuation of items that were deferred from the August 17 meeting, Vice Chair Harris
facilitated a PowerPoint presentation to discuss concepts that the Commission received
from public input that the Commission can use to make its recommendations on the
following topics:
o Death by Referral: Referral process of bills may be more subjective than fair.
One proposal is to look at the legislative rules and lay out the referral process
and create some level of objectivity. Establishing a group, rather than an
individual, who makes the referrals may address this subjectivity. Vice Chair
Harris noted that the referral process is very fast and there exists an active
process for re-referrals so it would be prudent for the Commission to learn
more about the re-referral process. To this, Chair Foley mentioned the
difficulty of triple referrals due to the time constraints of the Legislature.
Commissioner Mason discussed how non-fiscal measures are often referred
to the Finance Committee, even though there is no fiscal implications and
views this as more of a gatekeeping method.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes August 24, 2022
o Rule Proposals:
▪ Lower the voting threshold to recall a bill that has been deferred by a
chair; or
▪ Reduce the number of committee members necessary to require
hearing a bill.
o Discussion:
▪ Chair Foley: Internal deadlines of the Legislature proves difficult to
hear all bills introduced. Chair should have the power to schedule
hearings on bills, but members of the committee should be able to
overrule the chair to either hear a bill or vote on a bill. That number
will need to be determined.
▪ Vice Chair Harris: The intent is to make it easier for the members to
overrule a chair and make it easier for a recall for the members and to
create a more transparent process, such as chairs specifying the
reasons for deferral.
o Remote Video/Access:
▪ Support continuing remote/video access to public hearing. Vice Chair
Harris recognized the significant improvements made to public access
to offer public testimony and watching hearing remotely;
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes August 24, 2022
o Discussion:
▪ Chair Foley: Current process of showing the changes made to a
measure, which is shown in the committee reports, is a sufficient as it
explains the decision of the committees and still has to go through the
legislative process. Chair Foley is for either eliminating the option to
introduce a measure by request or requiring the name of the
▪ Vice Chair Harris: Intent of these proposals is to target any draft that
is submitted to the Legislature for consideration. For example, if a
lobbyist hands a draft to a legislator, that should be submitted for
public review.
▪ Chair Foley: Questioned how this proposal would work with the State
budget because it has many drafts submitted to the legislature.
▪ Chair Foley: Requested that Vice Chair Harris come up with language
regarding this proposal.
o Discussion:
▪ Commissioner Leverenz: Late testimony should be made available
online. Institutions owe it to the public to ensure that their testimony
appears online. Personal experience shows that sometimes late
testimony is not always posted online.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes August 24, 2022
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes August 24, 2022
• Session Timing:
o Legislative Calendar: Propose longer breaks between key decision making
moments, such as requiring conference committee drafts to be posted and
require a 2-day period before voting on the proposed changes. Increase the
amount of recesses to keep with the 60-day constitutional requirement.
Limited legal room without looking at a constitutional amendment to change
the start date of session, but more time during session would improve
transparency and participation.
o Discussion:
▪ Chair Foley: With the newly passed law that prohibits fundraising
during a legislative session, extending session is essentially barring
candidates from fundraising. A longer session could potentially mean
higher number of bills introduced and then more hearings.
▪ Vice Chair Harris: Each subject committee has about two weeks to go
through bills, but if we make it a three week period instead there
would be more time to notice bills. Intent is to give the public more
time to look at potential changes before it gets voted on.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes August 24, 2022
Chair Foley mentioned that the Commission met its goals and covered all the areas that
were set out in the interim report. The next step is for each of those areas to come up with
bill drafts for consideration. The Commission will need to work together to provide either
those bill drafts for recommendation or make recommendations on legislative rule
changes. Commissioner Nakakuni was excused from the meeting because she was working
on the bill package for the Commission's recommendations.
Vice Chair Harris asked if more discussions were necessary regarding any of the areas that
were discussed in the interim report, for example campaign finance.
Commissioner Izumi-Nitao noted that the Campaign Spending Commission has potentially
15 bills to provide as recommendations, of which drafting has begun already.
Commissioner Izumi-Nitao mentioned that she would like to share those bills with the
Campaign Spending Commission. She deferred to the Commission if they would like to
come back and discuss campaign spending a bit more.
Commissioner Mason mentioned that she had not seen a list of campaign finance bills
throughout the nation that Senator Rhoads mentioned at the August 17 meeting, which
Commissioner Izumi-Nitao also did not see the list, either.
Commissioner Leverenz suggested to hold a public forum on super PACs and discuss how
they can be regulated more or increase disclosure requirements.
Chair Foley stated that time is limited as the Commission has to submit the final report in
three months. Considering specific bills or rule changes will not prohibit further discussion
on the matter or changes, but recommendations need to start moving forward. Chair Foley
asked about potential timelines for when the Commission can see and discuss draft
legislation or rule changes.
Commissioner Mason noted that aside from term limits, she does not expect a lot of bills to
be drafted for voting and elections area. As such, she suggested September as a potential
Commissioner Izumi-Nitao asked whether the intent trying to consolidate the bill reviews
similar to how the presentations by specialty, which Chair Foley said yes, that would be the
easiest way to approach it.
Chair Foley asked the members for a timeline of when bills would be potentially available
for the Commission to look at. Vice Chair Harris mentioned a four to six week timeline and
Commissioner Izumi-Nitao stated October as a potential date because they are currently
working on some large bills, such as a partial public funding bill. She is expecting to
present bills to the Campaign Spending Commission in September, which would make her
available to discuss the potential bills with this Commission in October.
Vice Chair Harris suggested to meet once a week in October to discuss the proposals. Chair
Foley then laid out that the discussions will take place from September to October, leaving
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes August 24, 2022
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes August 24, 2022
the Commission with November to put the final report together. Chair Foley noted that he
would like to draft the final report as the Commission is going along, similar to how the
interim report was drafted.
Commissioner Mason suggested that the members reach a consensus on the priority of the
bills as it will help convey the Commission's ideas to the public if they express what bills
they view as a priority. Chair Foley mentioned that Commissioner Mason did a good job of
doing that in the interim report and they will need to do that again. Chair Foley mentioned
housekeeping bills as also being important as any bill to help an agency complete its
missions is important.
In discussing scheduling, Chair Foley mentioned that he will not be available for four to six
weeks, which Vice Chair Harris will then lead the meetings during that time. Chair Foley
noted that Commissioner Marumoto will not be available the fourth Wednesday of each
month. Vice Chair Harris suggested that the Commission take a break in September if they
do not have anything they want to bring up to the Commission and instead use that time
drafting the proposals and then meet every week in October. Chair Foley then suggested to
meet every Wednesday, at 2:00 p.m., in October. Vice Chair Harris stated he will not be
available on the second week of October, but Chair Foley will be present at that hearing.
Chair Foley mentioned that if Commissioner Nakakuni is done with her draft proposals, the
Commission could meet in September, which would be scheduled via e-mail and schedule it
on a Wednesday at 2:00 p.m.
Commissioner Mason asked if the Commission will need to take a vote on the proposed
measures as it is possible the members may not agree. Chair Foley stated that that is what
happened in the interim report and if any member disagrees, that can be noted in the final
report. Chair Foley then discussed the importance of having differing opinions, but the
Commission still needs to put forth a recommendation to the Legislature.
Commissioner Mason mentioned mandatory minimums, upon which Chair Foley discussed
that as it is a controversial topic, the Commission will have to wait and see what proposals
get recommended to them.
Chair Foley encouraged the members to discuss amongst themselves and everything they
discuss will eventually become public information.
Vice Chair Harris suggested recognizing a theme of the report and make highlights of the
report. Chair Foley requested Vice Chair Harris and Commissioner Mason to work on the
highlights and theme of the report.
Chair: Janet and Robert will work together to come together and propose certain highlights
or themes of the report.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes August 24, 2022
The Commission's next meeting will be scheduled for October 5 at 2:00 p.m. to discuss the
proposals worked on by the members. A meeting prior to October 5 may happen, and in
that case the members will be notified via e-mail and a hearing notice will be posted
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes October 5, 2022
Robert D. Harris, Executive Director and General Counsel of the State Ethics Commission,
Vice Chair;
Janet Mason, Legislative Committee Member, League of Women Voters of Hawaii; and
Note: Ms. Sandy Ma, Executive Director of Common Cause Hawaii, resigned from the
Commission effective June 17, 2022, and Mr. Nikos Leverenz was appointed by Speaker of
the House of Representatives Scott K. Saiki to fill that vacancy via memorandum on the
same day.
The Commission's website, which includes related materials and information such as
House Resolution No. 9 (Regular Session of 2022), the Commission's Interim Report, and
meeting notices and minutes, can be found here: Committees (
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes October 5, 2022
The Commission heard oral public testimony from two individuals pertaining to:
The draft bill can be found here: CISC - Public Agency Meetings (
Vice Chair Harris motioned for the draft bill to be deferred to work on language to
delineate the requirements between certain boards and commissions. Commissioner
Izumi-Nitao seconded the motion. Chair Foley put the motion to a vote. The motion was
The draft bill can be found here: CISC - Sunshine Laws (
Vice Chair Harris motioned for the draft bill to be adopted. Commissioner Marumoto
seconded the motion. Chair Foley put the motion to a vote. The motion was carried.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes October 5, 2022
Commissioner Leverenz introduced the following draft bill for discussion and decision
The draft bill can be found here: CISC - Open Records Law (
The commissioners reached a consensus to defer the draft bill to work on language that
addresses certain executive agency and public comments.
Commissioner Mason introduced the draft bill for discussion and decision making.
The Commission deferred the draft bill to allow Commissioner Mason to reach out to the
Office of Elections for comments on the draft bill.
Commissioner Mason introduced the bill for discussion and decision making.
Chair Foley proposed an amendment to the bill to increase the term limit from eight to
sixteen years. Commissioner Marumoto seconded the motion. Chair Foley put the motion
to a vote. Vice Chair Harris and Commissioners Izumi-Nitao, Leverenz, Marumoto, and
Nakakuni supported the amendment. Commissioner Mason opposed the amendment. The
motion was carried.
The Commission then voted on whether to adopt the amended bill. Chair Foley and
Commissioners Izumi-Nitao, Marumoto, and Nakakuni voted to adopt the bill. Vice Chair
Harris and Commissioners Leverenz and Mason opposed adoption. The amended bill was
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes October 5, 2022
• October 19, 2022: Bills on campaign spending (excluding public funding which will
be presented in November); and
Commissioner Nakakuni is working with the Law Enforcement Coalition on bills that
already received a public hearing. Once finalized, those bills will be scheduled for a
meeting, most likely for the meeting scheduled on October 26, 2022.
The Commission plans on holding meetings in early November, possibly November 2 and 9,
2022, to address deferred matters. The three bills deferred from today's agenda, unless
stated otherwise, will be scheduled for the first meeting in November.
Due to other obligations, Chair Foley may have limited availability from the last week of
October through the first three weeks of November. Vice Chair Harris will serve as the
acting Chair during Chair Foley's absence..
The Commission's next meeting is scheduled for October 19, 2022, at 2:00 p.m.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes October 19, 2022
Robert D. Harris, Executive Director and General Counsel of the State Ethics Commission,
Vice Chair;
Janet Mason, Legislative Committee Member, League of Women Voters of Hawaii; and
Note: Ms. Sandy Ma, Executive Director of Common Cause Hawaii, resigned from the
Commission effective June 17, 2022, and Mr. Nikos Leverenz was appointed by Speaker of
the House of Representatives Scott Saiki to fill that vacancy via memorandum on the same
The Commission's website, which includes related materials and information such as
House Resolution No. 9 (Regular Session of 2022), the Commission's Interim Report, and
meeting notices and minutes, can be found here: Committees (
Chair Foley convened the meeting at 2:00 p.m. All Commissioners were present for the
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes October 19, 2022
The minutes from the October 5, 2022, meeting of the Commission were adopted.
The Commission received written public testimony from the Office of Elections and two
individuals. One of the individuals provided oral testimony to the Commission pertaining
to the importance of providing the public with sufficient notice to substantively participate
in the Commission's discussions as well as the legislative process as a whole.
Commissioner Izumi-Nitao informed the Commission that all of the following ten bills were
unanimously approved by the Campaign Spending Commission at their monthly meeting
on September 22, 2022, and in accordance with the Sunshine Law. Commissioner Izumi-
Nitao noted that some of the draft bills offered to this Commission today were stylistically
changed from the bills adopted by the Campaign Spending Commission at their monthly
meeting but that the substantive content remains the same. The Campaign Spending
Commission hopes that this Commission will also adopt these ten bills.
The draft bill can be found here: Draft Super PACs Bill.
Commissioner Izumi-Nitao and Gary Kam commented that the Campaign Spending
Commission has regularly brought this bill before the Legislature since 2013, including the
Regular Session of 2022, but it has not passed the Legislature.
Mr. Kam set forth the draft bill for discussion and decision-making.
Vice Chair Harris inquired why the bill has failed to pass the Legislature and if any specific
objections of the Legislature are known. Mr. Kam responded that he does not know of a
specific reason as to why the bill has not been passed.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes October 19, 2022
The draft bill can be found here: Draft Campaign Spending Commission Orders Bill.
Commissioner Izumi-Nitao commented that this bill was also before the Legislature during
the Regular Session of 2022, but it did not pass. Commissioner Izumi-Nitao and Gary Kam
noted that the Campaign Spending Commission worked with the Civil Recoveries Division
of the Department of the Attorney General on this bill.
Mr. Kam set forth the draft bill for discussion and decision-making.
The draft bill can be found here: Draft Failure to File Organizational Reports Bill.
Commissioner Izumi-Nitao set forth the draft bill for discussion and decision-making.
Commissioner Izumi-Nitao set forth the draft bill for discussion and decision-making.
Vice Chair Harris noted public comments questioning whether the bill was overly broad.
There was discussion among the Commissioners about what kinds of activities would be
covered under the draft bill.
The draft bill can be found here: Draft Campaign Contribution Prohibitions Bill.
Commissioner Izumi-Nitao set forth the draft bill for discussion and decision-making.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes October 19, 2022
The draft bill can be found here: Draft Campaign Spending Cash Contributions Bill.
Commissioner Izumi-Nitao set forth the draft bill for discussion and decision-making.
The Commission voted to adopt the draft bill. Commissioner Marumoto voted in
G. Expanding the government contractor ban by including state and county grantees in
the ban as well as the owners, officers, employees, and their immediate family, of the
government contractor and government grantee (HRS §11-355)
The draft bill can be found here: Draft Grantee Campaign Contributions Bill.
Gary Kam set forth the draft bill for discussion and decision-making.
Vice Chair Harris proposed amending subsections (c) and (d) of the draft bill to include the
phrase "through the completion of the contract".
Vice Chair Harris expressed concerns about the constitutionality of banning employees at
large companies from making campaign contributions. There was discussion among the
Commissioners about whether employees should be covered under the prohibition.
Vice Chair Harris proposed an amendment to delete the word "employee" throughout the
draft bill, as appropriate.
The Commission voted to adopt the draft bill, twice amended. Commissioners Izumi-Nitao
and Leverenz abstained.
The draft bill can be found here: Draft Preliminary Determination of Probable Cause Bill.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes October 19, 2022
Gary Kam set forth the draft bill for discussion and decision-making.
The draft bill can be found here: Draft Complaints Alleging Campaign Spending Violations
Gary Kam set forth the draft bill for discussion and decision-making.
J. Eliminating the use of campaign funds to purchase up to two tickets for an event or
fundraiser held by another candidate or committee (HRS §11-381)
The draft bill can be found here: Draft Prohibition of Campaign Funds for Two Tickets Bill.
Commissioner Izumi-Nitao set forth the draft bill for discussion and decision-making.
J1. Proposed amendment by Common Cause Hawaii and League of Women Voters of
Hawaii – Eliminates the use of campaign funds to purchase up to two tickets for an event or
fundraiser held by another candidate or committee as well as the use of campaign funds for
charitable/community donations, public school/library donations, and full-time
scholarship awards (HRS §11-381). Also, eliminates ballot issue committees from
returning surplus funds to charitable/community organizations as donations (HRS §11-
The Commission decided to consider the proposed amendment as a separate draft bill from
the one immediately before it.
Commissioners Mason and Leverenz set forth the draft bill for discussion and decision-
The Commission voted to adopt the draft bill. Commissioner Marumoto voted in
opposition. Commissioner Izumi-Nitao abstained.
A. Recordings of Public Meetings Draft Bill (deferred from the October 5, 2022,
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes October 19, 2022
Commissioner Leverenz stated that final language for this draft bill is still being prepared.
B. Public Records Draft Bill (deferred from the October 5, 2022, meeting)
Commissioner Mason explained the amendments to the draft bill, which can be found here:
Draft Open Records Bill Revised.
Commissioner Mason noted that the Office of Elections had submitted supportive written
testimony. Commissioner Mason also mentioned that the draft bill has started to be
circulated to other agencies, besides the Office of Elections, for comment.
Chair Foley reminded the Commission that he will be entering a currently-scheduled four-
week arbitration meeting beginning on October 24, 2022. In his absence, Vice Chair Harris
will preside over the meetings. Although Chair Foley will not be present to vote, he will be
reviewing all documents and providing his input.
The Commission's next meetings are scheduled for October 26, 2022; November 2, 2022;
and November 9, 2022.
On October 26, 2022, Vice Chair Harris will be discussing ethics and legislative process.
Because he will be presenting at the meeting, Vice Chair Harris asked if another
Commissioner could chair that meeting. Commissioner Mason volunteered to chair the
October 26, 2022, meeting without any objections of the Commission.
Chair Foley asked if any Commissioner had something to present on November 2, 2022.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes October 19, 2022
Commissioner Izumi-Nitao will also present a bill on publicly financed elections at the
November 9, 2022, meeting.
At the moment, nothing has been scheduled for November 2, 2022, but Chair Foley would
like the commissioners to keep this date open as measures pertaining to Super PACs and
public meetings may be ready to discuss at that time.
Chair Foley anticipates tentatively concluding all consideration of draft bills and rules on
November 9, 2022, which would provide three weeks to begin finalizing a draft of the
report and circulating the report for consideration. Any changes to the schedule can be
taken up at the October 26, 2022, meeting,
The Commission's next meeting is scheduled for October 26, 2022, at 2:00 p.m.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes October 26, 2022
Robert D. Harris, Executive Director and General Counsel of the State Ethics Commission,
Vice Chair;
Janet Mason, Legislative Committee Member, League of Women Voters of Hawaii; and
Note: Ms. Sandy Ma, Executive Director of Common Cause Hawaii, resigned from the
Commission effective June 17, 2022, and Mr. Nikos Leverenz was appointed by Speaker of
the House of Representatives Scott Saiki to fill that vacancy via memorandum on the same
The Commission's website, which includes related materials and information such as
House Resolution No. 9 (Regular Session of 2022), the Commission's Interim Report, and
meeting notices and minutes, can be found here: Committees (
Commissioner Mason convened the meeting at 2:00 p.m. All Commissioners were present
for the meeting, except for Chair Foley and Commissioner Izumi-Nitao who were excused.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes October 26, 2022
The Commission received written public testimony from the Department of Land and
Natural Resources, Pono Advocacy LLC, and three individuals.
The Commission heard oral public testimony from the Department of Land and Natural
Resources and three individuals. Two individuals expounded on their written testimonies,
of which one individual suggested amending the House and Senate Rules to:
An individual provided oral testimony on the need for bold changes to improve legislative
effectiveness that include disclosure of consultancy-type lobbying or income, appropriation
of funds for public financing, banning of donations during session and two weeks before
and two weeks after session, and greater advocacy for applying the Sunshine Law to the
legislative process.
The Commission members commented on and had discussion on the oral testimonies.
In its oral testimony, the Department of Land and Natural Resources referred to its
comments and positions on transparency measures in its written testimony.
Commissioner Harris facilitated the discussion of the draft bills, resolutions, and legislative
rules related to ethics and the legislative process, and set forth the following draft
measures for discussion and decision-making by the Commission:
The draft bill can be found here: 10-26-22 Draft Nepotism Bill.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes October 26, 2022
The draft bill can be found here: 10-26-22 Draft County Ethics Funding Bill.
Commissioner Harris stated that there is a State Ethics Commission and county ethics
commissions with constitutionally-delegated responsibilities to these entities. He
indicated that some of the commissions do not have full-time staff and rely on volunteers.
Commissioner Harris proposed amending the draft bill to include the City and County of
Honolulu to enable it also to apply for the grant-in-aid in the draft bill.
Commissioner Leverenz inquired whether the counties have an obligation to have ethics
commissions by the State Constitution. Commissioner Harris responded that under the
State Constitution, the counties have this obligation and there is delegation to the both
Legislature and county councils to identify the scope.
Commissioner Leverenz stated he would abstain on the funding aspect of the draft bill but
would support the draft resolution on today's agenda.
Commissioner Harris proposed deferring the draft bill to the next Commission meeting and
including language that this measure is intended as a pilot to incentivize the counties to
fulfill their duties.
The Commission, by vote, deferred this draft bill to the next meeting. Commissioner
Marumoto abstained.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes October 26, 2022
The draft resolution can be found here: 10-26-22 Draft County Government Structure
Review Resolution.
Commissioner Leverenz moved, and it was seconded, to adopt the draft resolution.
The Commission, by vote, adopted the draft resolution.
The draft bill can be found here: 10-26-22 Draft Legislative Allowance Disclosure Bill.
Commissioner Harris stated that each legislator is allocated a percentage of their legislative
allowance, and that while this information is currently public, it is not easily accessible. He
elaborated that this draft bill would require that legislative allowance expenditures for
legislative members be posted online.
Commissioner Leverenz moved, and Commissioner Marumoto seconded, to adopt the draft
bill. The Commission, by vote, adopted the draft bill.
The draft bill can be found here: 10-26-22 Draft Legislator Financial Disclosures Bill.
Commissioner Harris stated that this draft bill is an attempt to require legislative members
to disclose relationships with lobbyists or lobbying organizations specific to business or
financial interests. He added that there may be challenges to this measure both politically
and legally.
Commissioner Leverenz moved, and Commissioner Marumoto seconded, to adopt the draft
bill. The Commission, by vote, adopted the draft bill.
The draft bill can be found here: 10-26-22 Draft Lobbyist Disclosure Bill.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes October 26, 2022
Commissioner Leverenz moved, and it was seconded, to amend the draft bill to include
information concerning budget items on page 4, line 10, of the draft bill. The motion
Commissioner Leverenz moved, and Commissioner Marumoto seconded, to adopt the draft
bill, as amended. The Commission, by vote, adopted the draft bill, as amended.
The draft bill can be found here: 10-26-22 Draft Mandatory Lobbyist Training Bill.
Commissioner Harris stated that lobbyist training is already offered with relatively high
participation; however, the intent is to capture those who currently are not attending
training. He indicated that the State Ethics Commission would keep records of those who
have gone through the training program; however, individuals would also be asked to
retain their certificates of completion of training as proof of completion. Commissioner
Harris also stated that the State Ethics Commission currently has self-directed, online
lobbyist training courses that take about 30 minutes and has live Zoom training courses.
Commissioner Leverenz moved, and Commissioner Marumoto seconded, to adopt the draft
bill. The Commission, by vote, adopted the draft bill.
The draft bill can be found here: 10-26-22 Draft Unlawful Lobbyist Gifts Bill.
Commissioner Harris stated that currently there is a gift restriction in the State Code of
Ethics that applies to legislators, state employees, and board and commission members;
however, there is currently is no restriction on lobbyists for giving gifts. This measure
creates a reciprocal obligation for legislators, state employees, and lobbyists.
Commissioner Mason proposed an amendment to the draft bill to increase the proposed
administrative fine to up to $10,000. Commissioner Harris indicated that he would abstain
on the proposed amendment as there are mirroring provisions in the State Ethics Code and
the fines in the draft bill are per violation. Given the feedback, Commissioner Leverenz did
not think the proposed amendment was necessary.
Commissioner Harris elaborated that the gifts of aloha term was created by the State Ethics
Commission, and the intent was to recognize reciprocal gifts that are common everyday
gifts and not gifts beyond reproach or concern. He stated that the idea is to try to create a
legislative environment where the expectation is that gifts cannot be given or should not be
given to put all on the same footing.
Commissioner Marumoto inquired about the types of gifts that were allowable, such as
lunches. In response to Commissioner Marumoto, Commissioner Harris indicated that
lunch would not be allowable. He stated that the restriction from lobbyist to legislator has
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes October 26, 2022
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes October 26, 2022
clear, defined exceptions and that current rules have a three-part test: Who is giving the
gift, what is the value of the gift, and what is the state purpose.
Commissioner Leverenz moved, and Commissioner Harris seconded, to adopt the draft bill.
The Commission, by vote, adopted the draft bill. Commissioner Marumoto abstained.
The draft proposed rules can be found here: 10-26-22 Draft Proposed House Rules and 10-
26-22 Draft Proposed Senates Rules.
Commissioner Harris stated the attempt is to make recusal the default position and take a
broader definition of conflict of interest. Commissioner Harris clarified that these draft
proposed House Rules and Senate Rules would be put in the form of a resolution for
legislative introduction.
Commissioner Leverenz moved, and Commissioner Mason seconded, to adopt the draft
proposed rules. The Commission, by vote, adopted the draft proposed rules.
Commissioner Marumoto abstained.
J. Establishing rights for members of the public with respect to the conduct and
operation of the legislature and its members
The draft bill can be found here: 10-26-22 Draft Bill of Rights Bill.
Commissioner Harris recognized Jim Shon for the original proposal related to this draft bill,
which works off of the proposal. Commissioner Harris stated that the Office of the Public
Advocate contained in the draft bill would be the entity to address concerns or challenges
about how the Legislature is operating.
Commission discussion centered on where to administratively place the Office of the Public
Advocate, such as placing the office within the Office of the Ombudsman, Department of the
Attorney General, State Ethics Commission, or other existing office.
Commissioner Harris consulted with the Office of the Ombudsman and, in doing so, two
concerns were raised if the Office of the Public Advocate were to be placed in the Office of
the Ombudsman: (1) The need for additional staffing, space, and other resources for the
Office of the Ombudsman; and (2) The matter that the Office of the Ombudsman is a
legislative agency is that is tasked with investigating complaints about actions of executive
branch agencies, which is different from the focus and responsibilities of the Office of the
Public Advocate.
Commissioner Harris proposed that the CISC report acknowledge creation of the Office of
the Public Advocate as a placeholder and state that further discussion is needed on
whether the Office of the Public Advocate can be incorporated into an existing office with
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes October 26, 2022
Commissioner Harris elaborated on the various rights of the public relating to the
Legislature that are contained in the Draft Bill of Rights Bill.
Commissioner Harris suggested deferring this draft bill to the next Commission meeting to
consider including other provisions suggested by Commission members in discussion. The
provisions concern:
Commissioner Harris requested that this draft bill be deferred to the next Commission
meeting. By consensus, the Commission members agreed to defer the measure to the next
Commission meeting.
The working draft of this agenda item is still being prepared. The Commission deferred
this item to the next Commission meeting.
The Commission's next meetings are scheduled for November 2, 2022, and November 9,
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes October 26, 2022
- Item IV, B: Draft bill on funding grant-in-aid for county ethic boards or
- Item IV, J: Draft bill on establishing rights for members of the public with
respect to the conduct and operation of the legislature and its members (Draft
Bill of Rights Bill); and
- Item V, A: Recordings of Public Meetings;
• A resolution or bill on Super PACS; and
• Any additional rule changes.
Commissioner Harris indicated that he will be drafting the upcoming Commission meeting
agenda and will try to get the draft bills online as soon as feasible.
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes November 2, 2022
Robert D. Harris, Executive Director and General Counsel of the State Ethics Commission,
Vice Chair;
Janet Mason, Legislative Committee Member, League of Women Voters of Hawaii; and
Note: Ms. Sandy Ma, Executive Director of Common Cause Hawaii, resigned from the
Commission effective June 17, 2022, and Mr. Nikos Leverenz was appointed by Speaker of
the House of Representatives Scott K. Saiki to fill that vacancy via memorandum on the
same day.
The Commission's website, which includes related materials and information such as
House Resolution No. 9 (Regular Session of 2022), the Commission's Interim Report, and
meeting notices and minutes, can be found here: Committees (
The draft bill can be found here: CISC – Transparency of Donations Bill
Commissioner Marumoto stated that the Campaign Spending Commission was able to
provide pertinent information regarding super PACs in Hawaii from 2012 to 2020, and
thus determined that this bill may no longer be needed as the Campaign Spending
Commission already conducts their own summaries of elections, which can be found on
their website under Election Summaries. Commission Marumoto then discussed Act 169,
Session Laws of Hawaii 2022 (Act 169), which specifies consent procedures for when
501(c)(4) nonprofit organizations operating as noncandidate committees can use
donations for electioneering communications and requires 501(c)(4) nonprofit
organizations operating as noncandidate committees to disclose the name and address of
donors who make a donation of more than $10,000, with certain exceptions.
Commissioner Marumoto asked about expanding Act 169 to cover 501(c)(3) nonprofit
organizations. The Campaign Spending Commission discussed that 501(c)(3) nonprofit
organizations are not allowed to participate in any political activity or they will lose their
tax exemption status, thus an expansion to include those nonprofit organizations may not
be necessary. Commissioner Marumoto then recommended that no such bill on this matter
be put forward for consideration by members in regard to 501(c)(3) nonprofit
The draft bill can be found here: CISC – Recordings of Public Meetings.
The new draft gives boards the discretion to keep recordings available on their website, in
addition with written minutes. The bill also allows a board to remove the recording from
its website if it has written minutes, but it must send a copy of the recording to the State
Commissioner Mason moved, and Commissioner Marumoto seconded, to adopt the draft
bill. The Commission, by vote, adopted the draft bill.
The draft bill can be found here: CISC – County Ethics Funding Bill.
The new draft includes the Ethics Commission of the City and County of Honolulu and
clarifies that it is a one-time funding for the counties.
Commissioner Leverenz moved, and Commissioner Mason seconded, to adopt the draft bill.
The Commission, by vote, adopted the draft bill.
C. Establishing Rights for Members of the public with Respect to the Conduct and
Operation of the Legislature and its Members (deferred from 10/26/2022)
The draft bill can be found here: CISC - Bill of Rights Bill
The new draft establishes a standard of conduct for legislators and members of the public
during the legislative process by creating a new Office of the Public Advocate that is
attached to the Department of the Attorney General for administrative purposes. Vice
Chair Harris recommends inserting into the report that it may be worthwhile to explore
placing the mission and objectives of the Office of the Public Advocate into another existing
agency within state government, rather than creating a new office. However, for purposes
of continuing the discussion on this idea, the draft bill creates a new entity.
Commissioner Leverenz moved, and Commission Marumoto seconded, to adopt the draft
bill. The Commission, by vote, adopted the draft bill.
that the Commission is planning on recommending in the report to emphasize the most
important bills to the public.
Vice Chair Harris commented that each recommendation of the Commission is equally
important and since the Commission is getting assistance with the drafting of the report, it
will be the responsibility of the commissioners to review the draft report and provide
additional language that provides additional clarity to the report's narrative for each bill
and then also highlight certain bills that will potentially have a more widespread impact.
Commissioner Mason requested to come up with a deadline for the Commission members
to receive the first draft.
Vice Chair Harris stated that it would be difficult to have that discussion without first
discussing offline with those assisting the Commission. However, this matter can be taken
up at the next meeting on November 9, 2022.
Commissioner Nakakuni stated that there are three bills, potentially five, that will be put
forward to the Commission at the next meeting which have all already been discussed with
county prosecutors, Department of the Attorney General, and United States Attorney's
Office. Commissioner Izumi-Nitao also confirmed that her bill on partial public financing of
elections is ready to go for the next meeting.
Vice Chair Harris asked Commissioner Izumi-Nitao to draft the upcoming hearing notice for
the next meeting on November 9, 2022 and 2:00 p.m.
Robert D. Harris, Executive Director and General Counsel of the State Ethics Commission,
Vice Chair;
Janet Mason, Legislative Committee Member, League of Women Voters of Hawaii; and
Note: Ms. Sandy Ma, Executive Director of Common Cause Hawaii, resigned from the
Commission effective June 17, 2022, and Mr. Nikos Leverenz was appointed by Speaker of
the House of Representatives Scott K. Saiki to fill that vacancy via memorandum on the
same day.
The Commission's website, which includes related materials and information such as
House Resolution No. 9 (Regular Session of 2022), the Commission's Interim Report, and
meeting notices and minutes, can be found here: Committees (
Appendix B – Meeting Minutes November 9, 2022
The Commission heard oral public testimony from the American Civil Liberties Union of
Hawai‘I (ACLU), noting its concerns for the draft bills related to criminal law enhancements
to address public corruption and fraud. Specifically, in regard to the fraud proposal of the
Commission, the ACLU noted that mandatory minimum sentence of one year and elevating
the fraud offense to a Class B felony is not a good policy because it takes away discretion
from the sentencing judge and can create racial disparities within the criminal justice
system. In addition, mandatory minimum sentences can exacerbate correctional system
overcrowding and allows prosecutors to use the harsh sentence as leverage in plea
bargaining agreements. The ACLU also opposed the ineligibility for deferral pleas in the
false statement and false claim bill proposals of the Commission.
A. Fraud
There was discussion between the Commissioners and the American Civil Liberties Union
of Hawai‘i regarding the inclusion of a mandatory minimum sentence provision in the draft
bill and narrowing the application of the draft bill to public servants and public officials.
Vice Chair Harris proposed an amendment to the draft bill and the two following draft bills
to include statutory language in the drafts bill stating that the new statute is based on
federal law and should be looked at for guidance. No objections were made. The motion
The Commission voted to adopt the draft bill, as amended. Commissioners Leverenz and
Mason voted in opposition. The Commission, by vote, adopted the draft bill.
Vice Chair Harris noted the potential to discuss in the Final Report concerns raised on the
mandatory minimum term of imprisonment provisions included in the draft bill, as
B. False Statements
The draft bill can be found here: CISC – False Statements Bill.
• Concerns that a defendant not being eligible for a deferred acceptance of guilty plea
or nolo contendere plea would remove the options for a judge to use deference in
determining an appropriate sentence upon conviction;
• Clarification that the draft bill is more broadly based and covers more conduct
compared to perjury provisions; and
• Clarification that the provisions of this draft bill would also cover campaign
spending reports.
Commissioner Marumoto moved for an amendment to the draft bill to disqualify a person
from holding elective public office for a period of ten years upon conviction of the false
statements statute. Commissioner Nakakuni seconded the amendment. Commissioner
Leverenz and Mason opposed the amendment. The motion carried.
Vice Chair Harris moved for an amendment removing language that prevents a defendant
from being eligible for a deferred acceptance of guilty plea or nolo contendere plea.
Commissioner Mason seconded the amendment. Commissioner Izumi-Nitao commented
that there are other criminal statutes for which a deferred acceptance plea or no contest
plea are not permitted. Vice Chair Harris and Commissioner Mason supported the
amendment. Commissioner Izumi-Nitao, Marumoto, and Nakakuni opposed the
amendment. Commissioner Leverenz abstained from the vote. The motion failed.
The Commission voted to adopt the draft bill, as amended to include a ten year prohibition
on from holding public office. Commissioners Leverenz and Mason voted in opposition.
The Commission, by vote, adopted the draft bill, as amended.
C. False Claims
The draft bill can be found here: CISC – False Claims Bill.
Commissioner Izumi-Nitao moved for an amendment to the draft bill to disqualify a person
from holding elective public office for a period of ten years upon conviction of the false
claims statute. Commissioner Nakakuni seconded the amendment. Commissioner
Leverenz and Mason opposed the amendment. The motion carried.
The Commission voted to adopt the draft bill, as amended. Commissioners Leverenz and
Mason voted in opposition. The Commission, by vote, adopted the draft bill, as amended.
The draft bill can be found here: CISC – Partial Public Financing of Elections.
Commissioner Leverenz raised his reservation on the draft bill and how the draft bill could
do more and hopes that the Legislature will look at contribution limits, increasing funds
from tax form contributions, write-offs, and address the ability of candidates to obtain
loans from immediate family members which often work to circumvent the contribution
limit laws.
Vice Chair Harris remarked that the public financing of elections is dependent on funding
from the Legislature and asked the Campaign Spending Commission if there is a
mechanism to address a situation where candidates are drawing more money than the
funds are capable of providing. The Campaign Spending Commission specified that the
state statutes provide two formulas. When the fund is close to depletion, applications for
funding are processed on a first come, first serve basis. When the fund is near depletion,
the public funding program is stopped.
Commissioner Marumoto moved, and Commissioner Leverenz seconded, to adopt the draft
bill. The Commission, by vote, adopted the draft bill.
Commissioner Mason asked for clarification on the Final Report and how similar it will be
to the Interim Report. Vice Chair Harris noted that the Interim Report had a narrative that
indicated who supported each bill, which would be addressed in the Final Report either in
the minutes of each meeting or elsewhere. The Final Report will have all bills and
resolutions adopted by the Commission and all meeting minutes attached as appendices.
Commissioner Leverenz inquired about the potential for a bill to be drafted pertaining to
the prohibition of individuals from running for public office if convicted of certain offenses
under chapter 710. Vice Chair Harris discussed the current time constraints for the
Commission to meet its reporting deadline and that the Commission's current focus is on
drafting and finalizing the Final Report. Due to time constraints, in lieu of drafting the bill,
Commissioner Leverenz suggested that a comment be made in the Final Report for the
purpose of raising the issue to the Legislature. Vice Chair Harris noted that would be an
appropriate solution and alternative.
H.B. NO.
9 laws, campaign finance laws, and other relevant laws and rules.
15 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
15 as follows:
7 public advocate.
12 governor.
1 public advocate has the same immunities from civil and criminal
13 following rights:
4 at a public hearing;
6 hearing;
9 testimony is submitted;
6 amounts;
12 conference chair;
18 complaints.
8 carry out the public advocate's duties and powers and to support
16 investigation; and
9 complainant.
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; Legislature; Bill of
Rights; Public Advocate
Establishes the office of the public advocate. Establishes
rights for members of the public with respect to the conduct and
operation of the legislature and its members. Specifies
procedures for the investigation and reporting of alleged
violations of the rights.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
H.B. NO.
9 laws, campaign finance laws, and other relevant laws and rules.
15 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
2 election period;
6 election period; or
10 election period.
14 vacancy, or any other factor causing the term of the office the
16 that office.
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; Campaign
Contributions; State Elected Officials; County Elected
Officials; Legislative Sessions; Prohibition
Prohibits state and county elected officials from soliciting and
accepting campaign contributions during any regular session or
special session of the state legislature, including any
extension of any regular session or special session and any
legislative recess days, holidays, and weekends.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
H.B. NO.
9 laws, campaign finance laws, and other relevant laws and rules.
15 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
14 candidates.
1 Surplus funds that are not returned [or donated] within ninety
2 days after the election for which the issue appeared on the
7 or candidate committee:
10 own campaign; or
14 directly associated;
18 election;
6 paragraph (3);
13 more than twice the maximum amount that one person may
5 election;
6 (6) To purchase not more than two tickets for each event
9 in section 11-342;]
12 another candidate; or
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; Campaign Funds;
Permitted Uses
Limits the permitted uses of campaign funds to only those
purposes that are directly related to the campaigns of
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
H.B. NO.
10 and rules.
16 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
2 the contribution."
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; Campaign Spending;
Cash Contributions
Limits the amount of cash contributions a candidate, candidate
committee, or noncandidate committee can accept in the aggregate
in an election period to $100. Requires receipts for each
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
H.B. NO.
9 laws, campaign finance laws, and other relevant laws and rules.
15 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
12 by providing that:
2 amended as follows:
15 405(b)."
18 directed does not comply with the order, the first circuit
7 judgment."
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; Campaign Spending
Commission; Orders; Judgments; Enforcement of Judgments;
Administrative Fines
Provides that a person waives the right to a contested case
hearing if the person fails to request a contested case hearing
within twenty days of receipt of the commission's preliminary
determination. Provides that a final order of the commission
may be filed in the circuit court of the first circuit for
confirmation as a civil judgment, enforceable and collectible as
any other judgment issued in the circuit courts.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
H.B. NO.
9 laws, campaign finance laws, and other relevant laws and rules.
15 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
14 with the State's sunshine laws. Despite only having a few staff
2 spending laws.
16 SECTION 3. This Act does not affect rights and duties that
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; Campaign Spending
Commission Package; Complaints; Campaign Spending Violations;
Presumption of Violation
Allows the campaign spending commission to presume a violation
of campaign spending laws has occurred if a respondent fails to
explain or otherwise respond to a complaint alleging a campaign
spending violation.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
H.B. NO.
10 and rules.
16 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
17 code of ethics.
7 Honolulu.
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; Counties; Ethics
Boards; Grant-in-aid; Appropriation
Provides grants in aid to several counties' boards of ethics.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
H.C.R. NO.
H.B. NO.
10 and rules.
16 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
8 address, if any;
14 include:
21 candidate;
2 if any;
8 committee;
13 other officers;
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; Candidate
Committees; Noncandidate Committees; Organizational Reports
Requires the campaign spending commission to publish on its
website the names of candidate committees and noncandidate
committees who fail to properly file an organizational report.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
H.B. NO.
9 laws, campaign finance laws, and other relevant laws and rules.
15 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
11 fraudulent.
13 United States Code section 287 and any relevant federal case law
14 and precedent.
5 SECTION 4. This Act does not affect rights and duties that
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; False, Fictitious,
or Fraudulent Claims; State; Counties; Penalties;
Disqualification; Elective Public Office; Conviction
Makes it a class C felony to make false, fictitious, or
fraudulent claims against the State or a county, or any of their
departments or agencies. Disqualifies a person from holding
elective public office for a period of ten years upon conviction
of making a false, fictitious, or fraudulent claim.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
H.B. NO.
9 laws, campaign finance laws, and other relevant laws and rules.
15 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
18 section 1001, and therefore, the courts of the State and counsel
13 statement or representation; or
18 United States Code section 1001 and any relevant federal case
12 or services;
2 representatives."
9 SECTION 4. This Act does not affect rights and duties that
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; Penal Code; False
Statements or Entries; Executive, Legislative, and Judicial
Branches; Counties; Disqualification; Elective Public Office;
Establishes the class C felony offense of using or making false
statements or entries in matters within the jurisdiction of the
executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the State, or any
county. Disqualifies a person from holding elective public
office for a period of ten years upon conviction of making a
false statement or entry.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
H.B. NO.
9 laws, campaign finance laws, and other relevant laws and rules.
15 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
CISC - Fraud-5 1
*CISC - Fraud-5*
*CISC - Fraud-5*
Appendix C - Proposed Legislation
Page 2
H.B. NO.
16 and
19 fraud.
21 statutes:
CISC - Fraud-5 2
*CISC - Fraud-5*
*CISC - Fraud-5*
Appendix C - Proposed Legislation
Page 3
H.B. NO.
10 federal jurisdiction.
CISC - Fraud-5 3
*CISC - Fraud-5*
*CISC - Fraud-5*
Appendix C - Proposed Legislation
Page 4
H.B. NO.
14 elective public office for a period of ten years from the date
15 of conviction."
16 SECTION 4. This Act does not affect rights and duties that
CISC - Fraud-5 4
*CISC - Fraud-5*
*CISC - Fraud-5*
Appendix C - Proposed Legislation
Page 5
H.B. NO.
CISC - Fraud-5 5
*CISC - Fraud-5*
*CISC - Fraud-5*
Appendix C - Proposed Legislation
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; Fraud;
Disqualification; Elective Public Office; Conviction
Establishes the offense of fraud as a class B felony.
Disqualifies a person from holding elective public office for a
period of ten years upon conviction of fraud.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
CISC - Fraud-5
*CISC - Fraud-5*
*CISC - Fraud-5*
Appendix C - Proposed Legislation
H.B. NO.
9 laws, campaign finance laws, and other relevant laws and rules.
15 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
CISC - Fundraisers 1
*CISC - Fundraisers*
*CISC - Fundraisers*
Appendix C - Proposed Legislation
Page 2
H.B. NO.
CISC - Fundraisers 2
*CISC - Fundraisers*
*CISC - Fundraisers*
Appendix C - Proposed Legislation
Page 3
H.B. NO.
17 function."
CISC - Fundraisers 3
*CISC - Fundraisers*
*CISC - Fundraisers*
Appendix C - Proposed Legislation
Page 4
H.B. NO.
CISC - Fundraisers 4
*CISC - Fundraisers*
*CISC - Fundraisers*
Appendix C - Proposed Legislation
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; Campaign
Fundraising; Fundraiser
Amends the definition of "fundraiser" under the election law
relating to the notice of intent for fundraisers and fundraising
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
CISC - Fundraisers
*CISC - Fundraisers*
*CISC - Fundraisers*
Appendix C - Proposed Legislation
H.B. NO.
9 laws, campaign finance laws, and other relevant laws and rules.
15 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
H.B. NO.
Page 2
18 or county contractors.
H.B. NO.
Page 3
10 into any contract with the State, any of the counties, or any
21 contract, to:
H.B. NO.
Page 4
H.B. NO.
Page 5
12 (a), (b), (c), and (d), this section does not prohibit or make
15 any person other than the state or county contractor, the state
H.B. NO.
Page 6
4 payment remain under the contract, and all disputed claims have
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; State and County
Contractors; State and County Grantees; Campaign Contributions;
Amends the prohibition against contributions to a candidate
committee or noncandidate committee by state and county
contractors to include state and county grantees and the owners,
officers, and immediate family members of a state or county
contractor or state or county grantee.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
H.B. NO.
10 and rules.
16 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
8 respective house."
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; Legislative
Allowance; Expenditure Report
Requires each house of the legislature to post a report of the
legislative allowance expenditures for each member of the
respective house on the legislature's website.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
H.B. NO.
9 laws, campaign finance laws, and other relevant laws and rules.
15 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
20 interests.
5 31 of each year;
10 subsection (c); or
17 later than twenty days prior to the date of the primary election
19 constitutional convention.
20 department;
9 the courts;
2 by the governor.
5 duplication:
10 offices;
4 department of education;
6 the courts;
13 163D-3;
15 section 26-16;
17 section 84-21;
10 section 205-1;
17 section 227D-2;
20 356D-3;
2 section 269-2;
6 109-1.
12 section 84-31(c).
7 disclosed;
11 compensation;
17 disclosed;
18 (5) The street address and, if available, the tax map key
7 residence;
11 $1,000 but less than $10,000; at least $10,000 but less than
13 $50,000 but less than $100,000; at least $100,000 but less than
15 $250,000 but less than $500,000; at least $500,000 but less than
18 number of shares.
2 filed electronically.
10 the expiration of the time allowed for filing, may post on its
17 commission not later than 4:30 p.m. on the tenth day after
13 of the candidate for state office and the date on which the
6 record."
7 SECTION 3. This Act does not affect rights and duties that
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; Financial
Disclosure; Legislators; Lobbyists
Requires all members of the legislature to disclose certain
relationships with lobbyists or lobbying organizations in their
financial disclosures.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
H.B. NO.
9 laws, campaign finance laws, and other relevant laws and rules.
15 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
H.B. NO.
Page 2
17 information:
H.B. NO.
Page 3
14 materials;
20 (G) Gifts;
21 (H) Loans;
H.B. NO.
Page 4
15 statement period."
H.B. NO.
Page 5
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; Lobbyists;
Disclosure; Statement of Expenditures; Reporting; Hawaii State
Ethics Commission
Amends the information in the statement of expenditures reports
that lobbyists and other individuals are required to file with
the Hawaii state ethics commission to include the identity, by
bill number, resolution number, or other similar identifier, of
the legislative or administrative action that was commented on,
supported by, or opposed by the person filing the statement.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
H.B. NO.
9 laws, campaign finance laws, and other relevant laws and rules.
15 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
15 state government.
3 read as follows:
5 has not yet registered with the state ethics commission shall
11 years.
17 (d) For good cause shown, the state ethics commission may
1 laws under this chapter and relevant ethics laws under chapter
8 information:
18 lobby[.]; and
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; State Ethics
Commission; Mandatory Lobbyist Training; Administrative Fine
Requires a lobbyist training course to be designed and
administered by the state ethics commission. Makes the lobbyist
training course mandatory for all lobbyists who are required to
register and renew their registration with the state ethics
commission. Imposes administrative fines for violations.
Effective 7/1/2024.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
H.B. NO.
9 laws, campaign finance laws, and other relevant laws and rules.
15 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
CISC - Nepotism-2 1
*CISC - Nepotism-2*
*CISC - Nepotism-2*
Appendix C - Proposed Legislation
H.B. NO.
Page 2
17 read as follows:
CISC - Nepotism-2 2
*CISC - Nepotism-2*
*CISC - Nepotism-2*
Appendix C - Proposed Legislation
H.B. NO.
Page 3
20 is made; or
CISC - Nepotism-2 3
*CISC - Nepotism-2*
*CISC - Nepotism-2*
Appendix C - Proposed Legislation
H.B. NO.
Page 4
4 household member.
CISC - Nepotism-2 4
*CISC - Nepotism-2*
*CISC - Nepotism-2*
Appendix C - Proposed Legislation
H.B. NO.
Page 5
CISC - Nepotism-2 5
*CISC - Nepotism-2*
*CISC - Nepotism-2*
Appendix C - Proposed Legislation
H.B. NO.
Page 6
2 84-19.
17 in-law."
18 SECTION 3. This Act does not affect rights and duties that
20 begun before its effective date, and does not apply to any
CISC - Nepotism-2 6
*CISC - Nepotism-2*
*CISC - Nepotism-2*
Appendix C - Proposed Legislation
H.B. NO.
Page 7
CISC - Nepotism-2 7
*CISC - Nepotism-2*
*CISC - Nepotism-2*
Appendix C - Proposed Legislation
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; Nepotism;
Legislators; State Employees; Administrative Fine
Beginning 7/1/2023, prohibits under certain circumstances
legislators and state employees from hiring or promoting
relatives and household members and from making or participating
in certain other employment-related decisions and from awarding
a contract to or otherwise taking official action on a contract
with a business if the legislator's or employee's relative or
household member is an executive officer of or holds a
substantial ownership interest in that business. Imposes
administrative fines for violations.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
CISC - Nepotism-2
*CISC - Nepotism-2*
*CISC - Nepotism-2*
Appendix C - Proposed Legislation
H.B. NO.
9 laws, campaign finance laws, and other relevant laws and rules.
15 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
6 342-88, states:
12 duties. These rules prevent undue burdens on the agency but can
18 available, how the records are being searched and reviewed, and
19 any methods to reduce the effort required of the agency and thus
1 person applying for the same by the public officer having charge
1 [include but shall not be limited to labor cost for search and
8 responsibilities;
15 agency;
16 (5) May examine the records of any agency for the purpose
20 officers of an agency;
7 this chapter;
11 of this chapter;
15 individual;
17 to the individual;
3 individual;
11 requests;
13 record; and
15 (13) Shall adopt rules that set forth the fees and other
3 the record;
17 commercial interest;
20 agencies;
1 (15) Shall adopt rules that set forth uniform standards for
8 and
2 practices.
9 2024.
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; Public Records;
Duplication; Costs; Disclosure; Public Interest; Waiver;
Beginning 7/1/2024, imposes a cap on charges for the
reproduction of certain government records; waives the cost of
duplication of government records provided to requestors in an
electronic format; imposes a cap on charges for searching for,
reviewing, and segregating records; and provides for a waiver of
fees when the public interest is served by a record's
disclosure. Appropriates funds for positions in the office of
information practices.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
H.B. NO.
9 laws, campaign finance laws, and other relevant laws and rules.
15 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
11 program was last amended in 1995. Since that time, the value of
19 state-wide;
8 and
21 and the county of Hawaii, shall not exceed [ten] fifteen per
9 election.
16 election year.
3 of section 11-429."
8 in any election for which public funds are sought, shall have
6 respective county:
14 county:
9 $5,000; and
14 election period.
17 receive:
12 fund.
3 SECTION 6. This Act does not affect rights and duties that
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; Elections; Partial
Public Financing; Office of Hawaiian Affairs; Increases;
Increases the amount of partial public financing available for
all offices. Increases the maximum amount of public funds
available for all offices by fifty per cent. Increases the
maximum amount of public funds available for a candidate for OHA
from $1,500 to ten per cent of the expenditure limit established
by statute for each election. Increases the amounts of
qualifying contributions for OHA from more than $1,500 in the
aggregate to more than $5,000 in the aggregate. Provides a
downward adjustment of the minimum amounts of qualifying
contributions for the office of prosecuting attorney for the
city and county of Honolulu, and counties of Hawaii and Kauai,
and for the office of county council for the county of Maui.
Establishes two full-time equivalent (2.0 FTE) positions in the
campaign spending commission. Appropriates funds.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
H.B. NO.
9 laws, campaign finance laws, and other relevant laws and rules.
15 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
20 mailed."
1 SECTION 3. This Act does not affect rights and duties that
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; Campaign Spending
Commission; Preliminary Determination; Method of Service
Requires the campaign spending commission to serve preliminary
determinations of probable cause via first-class mail, instead
of certified mail. Establishes a presumption of receipt when
the preliminary determination is mailed to the address contained
in a candidate or committee organizational report.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
H.B. NO.
9 laws, campaign finance laws, and other relevant laws and rules.
15 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
13 or committee.
17 or candidate committee:
20 own campaign; or
4 directly associated;
8 election;
17 paragraph (3);
3 more than twice the maximum amount that one person may
15 election;
16 [(6) To purchase not more than two tickets for each event
19 in section 11-342;
3 another candidate; or
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; Candidate Committee
Expenditures; Two Tickets
Eliminates the use of campaign funds to purchase up to two
tickets for an event or fundraiser held by another candidate or
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
H.B. NO.
9 laws, campaign finance laws, and other relevant laws and rules.
15 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
6 board's website.
5 the board;
9 unanimous; and
9 absent;
19 minutes."
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; Recordings of Public
Meetings; Meeting Minutes; Public Record; Boards
Encourages boards to maintain any electronic audio or visual
recording of a board meeting as a public record on the board's
website regardless of whether the written minutes of the meeting
have been posted. Amends the information that must be included
as part of the written minutes of board meetings. Requires
boards to provide the state archives with a copy of any
electronic audio or visual recording of a board meeting before
removing the recording from the board's website. Effective
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
H.R. NO.
H.R. NO.
Page 2
2 (4) If quorum required for any vote is not achieved due to
3 members recusing themselves based on a conflict of
4 interest, each such recused member shall nonetheless
5 be required to vote. Prior to, or within one week of,
6 the vote, the member shall present to the voting body
7 a detailed written explanation of the specific facts
8 describing the member's conflict of interest, which
9 shall be recorded in the Journal of the House of
10 Representatives and posed on the House website until
11 the next legislative biennium.
13 For the purposes of this rule, a "conflict of interest" has
14 the same meaning as defined in Rule 62.5."; and
16 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Rules of the House of
17 Representatives be amended by amending House Rule 29 Disclosures
18 and Punishment of Members to read as follows:
20 "Rule 29. Disclosures and Punishment of Members
22 29.1 Each member shall file with the Ethics Commission of
23 the State of Hawaii a disclosure of his or her private
24 financial interests, as prescribed by law. Each
25 member shall file with the Ethics Commission any
26 change in [his or her] such financial interests.
28 29.2 If a legislative matter which affects a member's
29 interests arises before the member has made a
30 disclosure to the Ethics Commission, the member shall
31 [orally] disclose [his or her] orally such interest to
32 the House [before] prior to voting[.] and recuse
33 themselves from voting, with the option to request a
34 ruling in accordance with Rule 62.6. The member then
35 shall immediately make the written disclosure required
36 by law and these Rules.
38 Any member who has filed a disclosure as required by
39 this Rule shall not need to make a further oral
40 disclosure on the House floor of any interest so
H.R. NO.
Page 3
H.R. NO.
Page 4
H.R. NO.
Page 5
H.R. NO.
Page 6
S.R. NO.
S.R. NO.
Page 2
S.R. NO.
Page 3
S.R. NO.
Page 4
S.R. NO.
Page 5
2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Rules of the Senate be
3 amended by amending Senate Rule 85 Conflicts of Interest to read
4 as follows:
6 "Rule 85 Conflicts of Interest.
8 (1) No member shall vote on [any legislation if the member
9 has a direct financial interest in the legislation, unless the
10 member is part of the class of people affected by the official
11 action based upon the member's profession, trade or business;
12 provided that this rule shall not apply to votes on the
13 recommendations of a committee when a member has disclosed a
14 potential conflict. For the purposes of this rule, a "direct
15 financial interest" means that the legislation affects the
16 legislator's personal business, property, or financial
17 interest.], support or oppose, make recommendations on, discuss
18 or debate, or take other official action on any question or
19 legislation if the member has a conflict of interest in the
20 question or legislation.
22 "Conflict of interest" is defined broadly to encompass a
23 variety of situations in which any private interest of a member,
24 or of the member's business associate or immediate family
25 member, is or could reasonably be in direct conflict with the
26 member's duty to act in the public interest, including the
27 following:
29 (A) Any situation in which a familial, business, property,
30 or financial interest would be affected by the
31 member's official legislative action, excluding
32 incidental or nominal gain or detriment;
34 (B) Any situation involving personal, political, legal,
35 reputational, or other issues that would cause a
36 reasonable person with knowledge of relevant facts to
37 question either the member's impartiality in the
38 matter or the member's ability to exercise official
39 legislative action in a fair, unbiased, and objective
40 manner;
S.R. NO.
Page 6
S.R. NO.
Page 7
S.R. NO.
Page 8
2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the amendments made to the
3 Senate Rules by this Resolution take effect upon the adoption of
4 this Resolution.
OFFERED BY: _____________________________
H.B. NO.
9 laws, campaign finance laws, and other relevant laws and rules.
15 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
H.B. NO.
Page 2
H.B. NO.
Page 3
14 exempt that body from the requirements of this part and part IV
H.B. NO.
Page 4
2 IV.
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; Legislatively
Appointed Bodies; Task Forces; Working Groups; Special
Committees; Sunshine Law
Expands application of the State's sunshine law to legislatively
appointed bodies, including task forces, working groups, special
committees, and select committees. Requires the senate and the
house of representatives to hold public hearings on a biennial
basis to solicit professional and public feedback on how chamber
rules can better effectuate the intent of the State's sunshine
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
H.B. NO.
9 laws, campaign finance laws, and other relevant laws and rules.
15 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
11 conduct by:
2 noncandidate committee.
4 amended as follows:
13 or
2 contribution or expenditure; or
16 that the fine, or any portion[,] of the fine, be paid from the
19 SECTION 3. This Act does not affect rights and duties that
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; Campaign Spending
Commission; Administrative Fines; Noncandidate Committees;
Independent Expenditures
Increases the amount of the fine for campaign spending law
violations that may be assessed against a noncandidate committee
making only independent expenditures and that has received at
least one contribution of more than $10,000, or spent more than
$10,000, in an election period. Allows the campaign spending
commission to order that the payment of a fine assessed against
a noncandidate committee, or any portion thereof, be paid from
the personal funds of an officer of the noncandidate committee.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
H.B. NO.
9 laws, campaign finance laws, and other relevant laws and rules.
15 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
H.B. NO.
Page 2
15 person's lifetime.
H.B. NO.
Page 3
3 lifetime.
9 be as follows:
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; Constitutional
Amendment; Legislators; Term Limits
Proposes a constitutional amendment to prohibit a person from
serving as a member of the legislature for more than sixteen
years during the person's lifetime.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
H.B. NO.
9 laws, campaign finance laws, and other relevant laws and rules.
15 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
15 read as follows:
12 or 97-3; or
18 SECTION 4. This Act does not affect rights and duties that
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; Lobbyists; Gifts;
Legislators; State Employees; Administrative Fine
Prohibits lobbyists from making prohibited gifts to legislators
and state employees. Imposes administrative fines for
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
H.B. NO.
9 laws, campaign finance laws, and other relevant laws and rules.
15 focus, then continued its work with input from the public and
12 ballot questions.
5 disability.
12 office;
15 limit.
11 2023-2024 2024-2025
12 County of Hawaii $ $
13 County of Kauai $ $
14 County of Maui $ $
16 of Honolulu
H.B. NO.
Report Title:
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct; Elections; Voter
Information Guide; Candidate Statements; Explanations;
Requires the office of elections to prepare a voter information
guide that includes candidate statements and statements on
ballot questions. Appropriates funds to the department of the
attorney general, legislative reference bureau, and counties for
the preparation of the ballot analyses. Appropriates funds to
the office of elections for the preparation and distribution of
the voter information guides.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.
Attached for your review and consideration is the Interim Report of the Commission to
Improve Standards of Conduct ("Commission"). This Commission was constituted by House
Resolution 9, which was unanimously adopted by the House on February 17, 2022.
Thank you for your support of this important Commission as we work to improve state
Appendix D - Interim Report
House of Representatives
Speaker Scott K. Saiki
State Capitol Building
415 S. Beretania Street, Room 431
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Please proceed with posting this Interim Report online for public review as
appropriate, as the public and other invited agencies and organizations will have a role in
shaping the Commission's final work product going forward in preparation of the
Commission's Final Report. The Commission will continue to work systematically and in
earnest toward preparing a Final Report to be submitted to the House of Representatives
by December 1, 2022.
Appendix D - Interim Report
If you have any questions or need further assistance please feel free to contact
Cc: Robert D. Harris, Vice Chair, Executive Director and General Counsel of the
Hawai‘i State Ethics Commission
Florence T. Nakakuni, retired United States Attorney for the District of Hawaii
Appendix D - Interim Report
An Interim Report to the House of Representatives, March 31, 2022
Appendix D - Interim Report
Introduction ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 1
Members of the Commission ____________________________________________________________________________ 2
Background_______________________________________________________________________________________________ 3
Findings and Recommendations________________________________________________________________________ 5
Appendices ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 13
Appendix D - Interim Report
On February 17, 2022, the Hawaii House of Representatives appointed a
Commission to consider the purpose of the basic underpinnings of our state governance,
specifically the laws surrounding lobbying, ethics, and campaign spending. As a result,
the House of Representatives adopted H.R. No. 9 (House Resolution) to establish a
Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct (Commission). The Speaker of the House
of Representatives appointed seven Commission members representing a broad
spectrum of the community, specifically members who have experience serving the
public interest at either the federal or state level or representing national nonprofit
organizations who have a mission of promoting good government practices and policies.
The scope of the Commission is broad and encompasses a review and assessment
of existing state laws and rules relating to standards of conduct of public officers and
employees, including but not limited to:
(1) The Code of Ethics under Chapter 84, Hawaii Revised Statutes;
(3) Campaign finance laws under Chapter 11, Hawaii Revised Statutes; and
In addition, the Commission is charged with ensuring that state laws and rules
contain clear standards, enforcement mechanisms, and penalties. The Commission is
also encouraged to consult with appropriate third parties with expertise in the areas of
ethics, campaign finance, and standards of conduct.
Appendix D - Interim Report
• Robert D. Harris, Vice Chair, Executive Director and General Counsel of the Hawai‘i
State Ethics Commission
• Florence T. Nakakuni, retired United States Attorney for the District of Hawaii
Appendix D - Interim Report
Corruption on the part of a few public officials recently reared its ugly head in
Hawaii. Our citizens deserve better – honest government on the state and county level.
To this end, your Commission to improve the standards of conduct on which they operate
becomes essential in attempting to identify remedies. Each member of the Commission
is keenly aware of the importance of public trust and confidence in public institutions,
elected officials, and employees and the need for safeguards against even the appearance
of impropriety in government. The Commission members are active participants at the
Legislature and the findings and recommendations in this Interim Report have a heavy
focus on immediate steps that the Legislature can take.
Recognizing the need for public officials and employees to act with prudence,
integrity, and high ethical judgment, the Commission seeks to improve standards of
conduct among elected officials and employees as safeguards against the further erosion
of public trust and confidence in government, with hopes that restoration and
enhancement of public trust and confidence in government will improve the legitimacy,
quality, and effectiveness of government actions.
Since the adoption of the House Resolution, the Commission met weekly and
engaged in robust discussions on each of the topics identified in the House Resolution. A
vital part of the discussions centered on legislation proceeding through the current
legislative session relating to ethics, campaign finance, the Sunshine Law, transparency,
lobbying, and fraud and criminal prosecution. The Commission's recommendations in
this Interim Report is based on legislation still advancing through the legislative process,
recognizing the implausibility of introducing new bills this far along in the legislative
The goals of the Commission for this Interim Report include not only
recommending legislation and improvements to legislation, but also presenting a written
record of its discussions, in the hope that the discussions themselves may also serve as a
resource for new and experienced public officials and employees. For reference
purposes, Appendix B contains the final approved minutes for each meeting of the
Appendix D - Interim Report
The Commission members were not constrained in their pursuit of measures and
legislative proposals to improve and foster public trust and confidence in public officials
and employees, and recommendations of each member were raised before the
Commission for discussion on the merits and possible adoption. At each meeting,
members also suggested amendments to certain legislation in order to refine the
Commission's recommendations.
Because the Commission had only five weeks after establishment to submit this
Interim Report, members had to be judicious in the scope and depth of their
considerations, as well as the process used for deliberation, in order to meet the March
31st deadline. However, the Commission expects to launch a more comprehensive action
plan in preparation for its Final Report due on December 1, 2022. Specifically, the
Commission plans to establish a process to allow public input on ways to improve
standards of conduct for elected officials and employees and consider such feedback in
formulating its recommendations in its Final Report.
In the months between this Interim Report and the Final Report to be delivered
by December 1, 2022, candidates for public office will be elected by the people of Hawaii
exercising their fundamental right to vote. Specifically, candidates will fill the seats for
the offices of United States Senator, United States Representative, Governor, Lieutenant
Governor, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees, State Senator, State
Representative, and various county seats. By any measure, this is a consequential
election taking place in a Reapportionment year. Our hope is this Interim Report will
add value to the political discussion in which Hawaii faces its public challenges, while
building on the opportunities which we highlight in this Report.
Appendix D - Interim Report
Several measures introduced during the Regular Session of 2022, if enacted, may
improve existing laws and standards of conduct to enhance and reestablish the public's
trust in its elected officials and employees. If these measures are not enacted during the
current legislative session then they may be considered as a recommendation in our
Final Report and for potential inclusion for bills to be introduced during the Regular
Session of 2023. To streamline its focus and have the largest impact in the immediate
short-term, the Commission's recommendations are primarily focused on legislation that
appears to be moving through the Legislature in the Regular Session of 2022. Therefore,
certain measures that did not meet a specific legislative filing deadline, but are
nonetheless supported by the Commission, may be taken up as a recommendation in the
Final Report if the Commission believes the measure could improve the conduct of public
Further, in light of the fact that Adjournment Sine Die of the Regular Session of
2022 is quickly approaching, the Commission concedes it may not be feasible to adopt or
implement these recommendations during this regular session, considering
constitutional restrictions on bills, such as subject and title limitations and the three
readings requirement in each chamber of the Legislature. The recent Hawaii Supreme
Court decision in League of Women Voters of Honolulu and Common Cause v. State of
Hawaii (SCAP-19-0000372, November 4, 2021) held, among other things, that
substantive amendments to bills must be germane to the original purpose of the bill in
order to meet the three readings requirement of the Hawaii State Constitution. It is
under these constraints that the Commission offers its recommendations.
Appendix D - Interim Report
SB2930 SD2: Establishes and funds two new units with the Department of the Attorney
General, the Special Investigation and Prosecution Unit and the Sex and Human
Trafficking Unit. Of particular interest in this bill is the Special Investigation and
Prosecution Unit which is tasked to: (1) Receive, gather, and analyze information; (2)
Develop tactical and strategic intelligence; (3) Assist in the control of fraud, white collar
crime, and public corruption; (4) Provide technical assistance and training to county law
enforcement agencies in the detection and prosecution of fraud and white collar crime,
and public corruption; and (5) Provide, with the Attorney General's approval, specialized
personnel and technological equipment for the use of law enforcement agencies in the
State with respect to fraud, white collar crime, and public corruption.
HB1423 HD1 SD1: Increases the amount of the fine from $1,000 to $5,000 for each
occurrence or an amount not to exceed three times the amount of an unlawful
contribution or expenditure that may be assessed against a noncandidate committee that
Appendix D - Interim Report
makes only independent expenditures (i.e., Super PACs) and has received at least one
contribution of more than $10,000 from any one person or has made expenditures of
more than $10,000 in the aggregate in an election period. Authorizes the Campaign
Spending Commission to order that the fine, or any portion of the fine, assessed against a
noncandidate committee be paid from the personal funds of the officers of the
noncandidate committee.
SB212 SD1: Increases the amount of fines that may be assessed against a noncandidate
committee for violations of organizational report requirements and advertisement
disclaimer requirements. Increases the fines for noncandidate committees making only
independent expenditures (i.e., Super PACs) for advertisement disclaimer violations.
SB665 SD1 HD1: Strengthens campaign finance reform by allowing the Campaign
Spending Commission to refer a complaint to the Attorney General or county prosecutor
for criminal prosecution in addition to assessing administrative fines. Creates a class C
felony for intentionally providing certain false information relating to the payor of a
campaign advertisement. Amends the applicable fines related to false advertisements.
Increases the disqualification period for holding elective public office from 4 years to 10
years for anyone convicted for a crime involving campaign finance law.
Appendix D - Interim Report
SB2143 SD2 HD1: Defines "board packet" and requires each state board to make such
packets publicly available at least 48 hours in advance of the board meeting if the board
uses such packets.
SB3252 SD2 HD1: Imposes a cap on the costs charged for the reproduction of certain
government records and for searching, reviewing, and segregating digital records.
Waives the cost of duplication of government records provided in an electronic format.
Waives fees when the public interest is served by a digital record disclosure.
• Vice Chair Harris and Member Izumi-Nitao express some concerns with this
measure as currently drafted, specifically, concern over the potential
budgetary and capacity impact to the state agency if all fees are waived. They
recognize the need for transparency and agree with the general intent, but
support a balanced approach that achieves the most efficient and effective
solution when considering the information sought and the time, resources, and
costs involved by the agency. Communication to the requestor regarding the
time and cost of the response is also a practice that state agencies should
adhere to. One possible solution might be to provide funding to the Office of
Information Practices that can be reimbursed to a particular agency if the
Office determines the information request is in the public interest.
• Member Ma also suggests reverting to the language in the SD2 version of this
measure, which does the above, but also waives reproduction costs for the first
100 pages if disclosure is in the public interest.
SB3172 SD1 HD1: Requires any electronic audio or visual recordings of board meetings
to be maintained as a public record, while still requiring written minutes.
Appendix D - Interim Report
were made by the board may also assuage concerns by various state
agencies as to providing full meeting minutes.
HB1475 HD1: Requires all state employees to complete ethics training either live or
online within 90 days of the start of employment and at least once every four years
thereafter. Requires existing state legislators and employees who have not received
ethics training within the immediately preceding three years to complete live or online
ethics training within 12 months of the Act's effective date and then again at least once
every four years thereafter.
HB2069 HD2: Creates procedures for the custody, inventory, and care of protocol gifts
received by the State. Requires the creation of a publicly available written record and
ongoing maintenance of the gift.
Appendix D - Interim Report
Suggested amendments:
• Expand the prohibition to include candidates for legislative seats and also
prohibit the solicitation and acceptance of contributions or donations by
legislators or candidates during session.
• Member Ma further suggests prohibiting legislators, during session,
regular or special, from receiving contributions or depositing or using any
contribution of money that was not deposited prior to the legislatives
session. Such a prohibition should be applied to every statewide elected
position and person seeking such office.
HB1888 HD2: Restores the threshold amount of aggregated expenditures that requires
disclosures of electioneering communications from $1,000 to $2,000. Modifies the
disclosure date of electioneering communications to coincide with the distribution of the
electioneering communication. Restores the requirement that subsequent distributions
of electioneering communications be reported once the $2,000 threshold has been met.
Exempts news stories or editorials published by electronic means from being considered
electioneering communications. Repeals the actual expenditures exception from the
definition of electioneering communications.
Appendix D - Interim Report
HB1426 HD1 SD1: Provides that a person waives the right to a contested case hearing if
the person fails to request a contested case hearing within 20 days of receipt of the
Commission's preliminary determination. Gives the Campaign Spending Commission the
ability to have their order confirmed as an enforceable judgment of the Circuit Court in
addition to contempt proceedings.
HB1427 HD1: Emphasizes that candidates are not required to file preliminary general
reports if they are either unsuccessful or are elected to office in the primary election
because such candidates are not on the ballot. Clarifies the aggregating contribution and
expenditure amounts that determine when a committee needs to only file the final
election period report.
SB2043 HD1: Repeals references in the campaign spending law that have been
previously repealed in 2018.
• Increased Criminal Penalties and Investigative Tools for State and County Law
Enforcement Agencies to Address Fraud and Public Corruption
• Public Funding of Elections
• Term Limits
• Election Reform, including Ranked Choice Voting and Top Two Primaries
• Campaign Contribution and Expenditure Restrictions
• Voter Education, including a voter pamphlet with a link to campaign spending
information about candidates and candidate committees
Appendix D - Interim Report
Appendix D - Interim Report
• Appendix A – House Resolution No. 9, Regular Session of 2022
Appendix D - Interim Report
Appendix A
H.R. NO. 4
2022-1366 HR HMSO-7 1
11111111111 1111 i ~ !~ l~I~ 1111111111 ~ii 1111111111111~11 I llll~l llllll lllll l~ll 1111111111111111
Appendix D - Interim Report
Page 2
H.R. NO. 4
1 (C) Campaign finance laws under chapter 11, Hawaii
2 Revised Statutes; and
4 (D) Any other applicable laws and rules;
6 (2) Ensure the state laws and rules reviewed and assessed
7 pursuant to paragraph (1) contain clear standards,
8 enforcement, and penalties; and
10 (3) Provide recommendations to further the goals of the
11 Code of Ethics, lobbying laws, campaign finance laws,
12 and other applicable laws and rules that will increase
13 awareness of, compliance with, and deterrent effects
14 of those laws and rules; and
16 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Commission consist of the
17 following seven members who shall be appointed by the Speaker of
18 the House of Representatives:
20 (1) Judge Daniel R. Foley (Ret.), who shall serve as
21 chair;
23 (2) Robert D. Harris, Executive Director of the State
24 Ethics Commission;
26 (3) Kristin E. Izumi-Nitao, Executive Director of the
27 Campaign Spending Commission;
29 ( 4) Sandy Ma, Executive Director of Common Cause Hawaii;
31 (5) Barbara C. Marumoto, Former State Representative;
33 (6) Janet Mason, League of Women Voters of Hawaii; and
35 (7) Florence T. Nakakuni, Former U.S. Attorney for the
36 District of Hawaii; and
38 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Commission is requested to
39 consult with the Department of the Attorney General and public
40 interest organizations with expertise in the areas of ethics,
41 campaign finance, and standards of conduct, such as the National
42 Conference of State Legislatures, Council of State Governments,
2022-1366 HR HMSO-7 2
Appendix D - Interim Report
Page 3
H.R. NO. C)
1 and Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School
2 of Law; and
4 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Commission is requested to
5 submit an interim report of findings and recommendations,
6 including any proposed legislation, to the House of
7 Representatives by March 31, 2022, and a final report, including
8 any proposed legislation, to the House of Representatives by
9 December 1, 2022; and
11 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this
12 Resolution be transmitted to Robert D. Harris, Executive
13 Director of the Hawaii State Ethics Commission; the Chair of the
14 Hawaii State Ethics Commission; Kristin E. Izumi-Nitao,
15 Executive Director of the Campaign Spending Commission; Holly T.
16 Shikada, Acting Attorney General; the Chair of the Campaign
17 Spending Commission; Tim Storey, Executive Director of the
18 National Conference of State Legislatures; the Executive
19 Director of the Council of State Governments; the President of
20 the Brennan Center for Justice; Sandy Ma, Executive Director of
21 Common Cause Hawaii; the Board of the League of Women Voters of
22 Hawaii; Judge Daniel R. Foley (Ret.); Florence T. Nakakuni;
23 Barbara C. Marumoto; and Janet Mason.
FEB 1 7 2022
2022-1366 HR HMSO-7 3
11111111111111111 IIIII II~ 1~111 !111111~ 111111111111~11 IIIIII I 111111111111 11111 Ill~ 11111111 ~111111
Appendix D - Interim Report
1. Commission Members.
Florence T. Nakakuni, Former U.S. Attorney for the District of Hawaii; and
Appendix D - Interim Report
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO and MEMBER MASON nominated member Harris to serve as Vice
Chair of the Commission. The nomination was approved unanimously.
MEMBER MASON: Resolution language has a broad scope, so there is flexibility to allow the
Commission to proceed as it sees fit. Interim report deadline is tight.
MEMBER HARRIS: Mandatory ethics training for all state employees is currently in the
Legislature. It's an expansion to existing law. Legislative allowance records proposed to be
placed online, but that doesn't really require legislative action.
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: More robust deterrent is needed in the area of criminal law and
prosecution if public corruption is to be addressed on a state/county level per H.R. No. 9.
Consider SB2930 which is currently before the Legislature. Public transparency,
accountability, etc., need to be paramount considerations of the Commission as well.
Review state, county resources to prosecute and compare to federal authority.
MEMBER NAKAKUNI: Federal agencies all have unique expertise to investigate such
crimes, some proactive pursuits. State agencies are more reactive. No special expertise
currently exists at State/County level. State agencies could develop an expertise, but would
take some time and resources. Need a forensic and fraud expertise.
Obstruction of justice, bribery statutes at state level do not have enough teeth. 10 years
and $25k for state statutes. Federal statutes 20 years and $250k.
HPD White Collar section is small and appears to have other priorities at the time.
MEMBER MA: Common Cause looked more at revamping the legislative structure of power
and concentration of power. Powers of chairs to select bills and defer bills unilaterally.
What changes can be made in the Legislative Rules? We created the following list of 15
proposed changes:
List of reforms:
• Establish legislative rules so that Committee Chairs do not have discretionary power
to schedule bills for hearing, kill bills, and/or amend bills without first providing
amendments to the Committee and public for review and thorough discussion.
• Establish term-limits for Legislative Leaders and Committee Chairs.
• Establish a process for removal of Legislative Leaders and Committee Chairs.
Appendix D - Interim Report
MEMBER MARUMOTO: Changing the House Rules would be beneficial but accomplishing
that could be challenging.
State agencies may need more resources to enforce existing laws. Prosecuting a few could
lead to a deterrent for other Legislators.
CHAIR FOLEY: Civil Beat has recently published articles by former Senator Gary Hooser,
former LG candidate Kim Coco Iwamoto, former legislator Charles Djou, and Neal Milner.
Below are links to the articles from Djou and Milner.
I was personally involved with researching and litigating First Amendment issues relating
to political campaigns. We must be mindful of certain First Amendment issues as those
raised in Citizens United when we make our recommendations.
Appendix D - Interim Report
This Commission has a golden opportunity to provide some input with the Legislature to
try and make a difference to improve the law.
MEMBER MASON: Will provide an excel spreadsheet with 28 measures they are tracking.
In addition, on February 14th an email was sent to all 76 legislators with additional
suggestions regarding future legislation and rule changes. We recommended positions on
current legislation, including passing the entire campaign spending package.
MEMBER NAKAKUNI: Fed wire transfer involved an electronic transmission of the annual
Gift Disclosure Statement to the Hawaii Ethics Commission. Fed utilizes a cooperative
informant strategy plan in order to get credible evidence to prosecute.
MEMBER HARRIS: End of March report needs to be prepared rather quickly, consider
invitations to a few people to come talk to Commission. AG's office, etc.
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: CSC package has 5 bills this year. HB1423/SB2044, deals with
increasing rate of fines for Super PACs. HB1424/SB2043, housekeeping measure.
HB1425/SB2042, electioneering communications increase to $2k and make reoccurring.
HB1426/SB2041, involves about a dozen noncompliant individuals with the Campaign
finance laws. Helps civil recovery of fines. HB1427/SB2040, exempts candidates who
either lose or are elected into office in a primary election from filing preliminary general
reports. SB555 SD1 (not a CSC bill), bans fundraisers during a legislative session.
MEMBER MA: Common Cause is supporting SB3164 regarding campaign finance and it
moved out of the Senate committee. The House companion HB1881 is dead.
CHAIR FOLEY: List of measures for March report from the four agency/organization
members of the Commission are focusing on for this current session would be a good place
to start.
Part of the report will be about educating legislators. History, then recommendations.
MEMBER NAKAKUNI to try and include a background of what Fed, state, county currently
does and their differences in approaching enforcement and prosecution.
Members should start to consider who to target to talk with us. We also need to consider
further how to open up discussions to the public?
Appendix D - Interim Report
MEMBER MARUMOTO: Bill to ban fundraisers during session should be pursued and
consideration for the ban to be extended a couple months before and after session should
also be given some thought. Charles Djou provided an article to me about this issue.
MEMBER MA: National agencies could be a resource to pursue input, such as the Brennan
Center for Justice and Campaign Legal Center. Understanding that following the Sunshine
Law may be challenging to meet the interim report deadline of March 31st, for public
participation we could follow for now the current House Rules for noticing meetings, e.g.,
issue a notice 48 hours in advance of meeting, provide a meeting notice in advance.
Further thought needs to be considered for more public participation after March 31st.
MEMBER MARUMOTO: More direct input from the public should be considered at some
point in our process. The issue of secrecy and unlimited donations surrounding Super
PAC's is also a concern of mine, but I understand that the holding in Citizens United may
present challenges to accomplishing that.
CHAIR FOLEY: Open public forums are probably more practical after the interim report
deadline of March 31st. We should be open, transparent and invite groups. I offer to
MEMBER MA and MEMBER MASON to consider public input further and bring a proposal to
the Commission to consider.
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: Offer the public the opportunity to identify bills in play this
session that the Commission should consider.
MEMBER NAKAKUNI: Resolution just calls for the Commission to provide an interim
report with proposed legislation to meet the March 31 deadline. Time constraints to allow
for complete dialogue and discussion will make that deadline a challenge.
CHAIR FOLEY: Identify for next meeting what we are proposing to accomplish and what is
feasible before March 31st. What specific measures to support? Lists of people to target to
assist the Commission.
MEMBER NAKAKUNI: Will begin to look into background info for the report. Will take
initiative now on any Commission issues to develop information and suggestions.
MEMBER MASON: What topics should be considered for the March 31st report?
CHAIR FOLEY: We should consider digestible topics to group for March 31 report and then
to consider for Dec. 1 report.
We will distribute draft meeting notes to entire group for input, revising, and finalization
prior to making them publicly available.
Appendix D - Interim Report
CHAIR FOLEY: Any of the commission members are free to assist in the process of
preparing the reports of the Commission. The reports will be made available for review
prior to being made available to the public.
CHAIR FOLEY: Resolution identifies a few entities to consider, the AG's, NCSL, CSG. and
Brennan Center for Justice. However, the Commission is not confined to any particular
entity or individual or organization to talk with. In addition, members are free to discuss
the Commission's progress and actions freely and openly.
8. Should the Commission solicit input from the general public, and if so,
MEMBER MA and MEMBER MASON to consider further this opportunity and provide a
recommendation for the Commission to consider.
CHAIR FOLEY: When would the four agencies/organizations be ready to share their
information with the Commission?
Consensus from MEMBERS MA, IZUMI-NITAO, HARRIS, AND MASON is that their
information would be ready to share within one week.
In report, we can explain that the Commission supports the intent of a pending bill, and
suggest the following amendments.
No member of this Commission should be constrained from putting forward anything that
they feel is important.
Appendix D - Interim Report
MEMBER HARRIS: Enjoy working with all of you. Would also offer my office to assist with
work flow and also listen in to the discussion and take notes.
MEMBER MARUMOTO: Impressed with this group. This is interesting work considering my
background and experiences.
MEMBER MASON: I'm optimistic about the impact this Commission can have and am
looking forward to participating and making a difference with this Commission.
Appendix D - Interim Report
Robert D. Harris, Executive Director and General Counsel of the State Ethics Commission,
Vice Chair;
Sandy Ma, Executive Director of Common Cause Hawaii (arrived 15-20 minutes late due to
a prior commitment);
Barbara C. Marumoto, Former State Representative (arrived 20-30 late due to technical
Chair moved to adopt prior meeting notes. Motion was seconded and adopted.
CHAIR FOLEY: The Commission should establish and prioritize short range and long range
goals for the Commission to recommend in its Reports. Commission can pursue
recommending the adoption of the CSC package of bills and as well as any other bills
supported by the other organizations or members of this Commission.
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: That would be appreciated. From CSC's list of 3 items, item 1 is a
list of House bills and item 2 is a list of Senate bills that concern campaign finance and are
sponsored by CSC or by others. These bills would be considered immediate short term
goals. The considerations listed under item 3 (except SB555) are more long term goals.
For purposes of the Interim Report due on March 31st, my suggestion would be for the
Appendix D - Interim Report
If the Commission is going to address more robust efforts at criminal deterrents, the CSC
also likes SB2930 (Measure Status ( which is a good measure.
In addition, this Commission may want to consider a future measure to prohibit legislators
from buying 2 tickets to another legislator's fundraiser. This practice can lead to expansive
war chests for legislators running for re-election and garner support from their colleagues
for their bills or issues.
CHAIR FOLEY: We should start to collectively focus on those bills that are supported by
members of the Commission in an effort to vote on these legislative proposals as soon as
there seems to be agreement amongst the group to help facilitate preparing the interim
report since time is very limited.
MEMBER MA: SB555 (Measure Status ( does not go far enough. Perhaps
prohibiting legislators from taking campaign contributions during session can also be a
consideration to amend SB555 to make it more impactful.
VICE CHAIR HARRIS: Nancy Neuffer and Jennifer Yamanuha are Hawaii Ethics Commission
(HEC) staff joining our meeting to help me facilitate my contributions to this Commission.
Thank you for allowing me to invite them into our meeting and they would be available to
assist in any way they can.
Near term HB1475 (Measure Status ( is a measure we are in support of and it is
moving through House. Senate bill companion, SB2039 (Measure Status ( has not
moved. The measure requires mandatory ethics training for all employees within 90 days
of employment and continually every 4 years thereafter.
Appendix D - Interim Report
Near term recommendation would be to require that legislative allowance records be made
accessible online. That practice would promote transparency and user friendliness and go
to furthering public trust on how taxpayer monies are being spent by legislators.
Also recommend opposing bills such as SB2123 (Measure Status (, which would
reduce public financial disclosure requirements for certain volunteer members of Boards
and Commissions. This bill may be deferred for the year, but it may be worthwhile to
emphasize the importance of public access to this type of information.
CHAIR FOLEY: In past years at the Legislature the content from some measures that have
failed to meet certain filing deadlines have had an ability for the content to be revived
through other measures that were moving through the Legislative process, however, with
the recent Supreme Court Ruling in League of Women Voters that process may not occur.
Regardless of whether certain priorities of the Commission are advancing we can still
provide such recommendations in our Interim Report and then for those recommendations
that don't make it this session, we can reassert those recommendations in the Final Report
in December and for those measures to be introduced in the 2023 Regular Session.
VICE CHAIR HARRIS: HB2500 is the funding bill for Ethics Commission. It's important
because it funds a full-time investigator for the Ethics Commission. Something the office
has not previously had.
CHAIR FOLEY: Focus of this Commission should be on the 3 areas addressed in House
Resolution No. 9 that was adopted (Measure Status (, namely the existing laws
pertaining to ethics, lobbying, and campaign finance.
MEMBER MA: Common Cause Hawaii (CCHI) supports the ethics training bill and several of
the other agency bills of HEC and CSC. Unfortunately, as an organization we often have to
spend a lot of time testifying on what may be referred to as bad bills from a point of public
concern. E.g., Sunshine bill exemptions, gift bills, donation of excess money from candidate
committees, etc. It takes a lot of resources to monitor when these initiatives reappear year
after year.
CHAIR FOLEY: Seems like there is a concern from CCHI that there are reoccurring bills that
tend to weaken ethics, campaign, sunshine, etc., something that is contrary to motivation of
this Commission. Maybe we should consider including a statement in the report saying to
refrain from such bills each year.
Some suggestions in the CCHI's list appear to more long-term goals such as rule changes to
the respective chambers. I would encourage MEMBER MA to research or review any
particular model rules from other state legislatures in this regard that could potentially be
used as an example.
Appendix D - Interim Report
MEMBER MA: I am not aware of another jurisdiction that would have legislatures that
could serve as a gold standard or benchmark for Hawaii to follow in regard to ethics,
lobbying, and campaign spending. I will inquire with Common Cause nationally.
CHAIR FOLEY: Some of these issues identified by CCHI can be included in both the Interim
and Final reports.
MEMBER MASON: The League of Women Voters (LWV) measures are short-term goals.
However, our agenda also includes topics for long-term consideration.
We oppose legalized gambling each year (such as HB2485, (Measure Status ( and
they keep reappearing. So similar to MEMBER MA's point, it does take a lot of time and
resources to ensure our position on such measures is submitted as testimony for the
official record.
LWV is aiming to have digital copies of voter education pamphlets become required. Our
testimony was that such pamphlets should include a hyperlink to the CSC website in both
the paper and digital copies of the pamphlets. This would allow voters to review who
candidates are receiving money contributions from and how much money they are
LWV opposes SB2417 SD1 (Measure Status (, Relating to Elections, which aims to
increase cap the amount of campaign funds that candidates may donate to community
organizations to $6,000 for two-year offices, $12,000 for four-year non-statewide offices,
and $18,000 to four-year statewide offices.
Clarification of germaneness on how 'transparency' bills fit into our work should occur.
There are many "transparency" type bills that focus on erosion of Open Meetings laws and
Uniform Information Practices Act laws that the Commission may want to consider
LWV is committed to protecting disclosure laws and we support Chapter 84, HRS, ethics
enforcement bills.
CHAIR FOLEY: I would request that the lists of the four organizational members that were
submitted to analyzed against one another to identify areas of common interest and
position in the areas of ethics, campaign spending, and lobbying that overlap similar
positions as CCHI, Ethics Commission, CSC, and LWV. This will help to potentially have
something to act on this session. The Interim Report can also identify long-term topics that
Commission will pursue further in its Final Report, but those would more or less just be
mentioned briefly in the Interim Report. The Interim Report can serve as a basis to solicit
public comment and feedback on its interim recommendations. Our goal should be to
Appendix D - Interim Report
circulate a Draft Interim Report in about 3 weeks to give the group enough time to review
and amend in order to gain a consensus of support.
MEMBER MARUMOTO: I believe strongly that state agencies need tools and resources to
pursue fraud and abuse. State needs to provide resources and funding at the state level to
establish stronger laws and enforcement agencies to prevent abuse such as a fraud. Last
week MEMBER NAKAKUNI addressed the potential disparity between federal and state and
county operations to criminally enforce such laws, I think SB2930 to establish a new unit in
the AG's office to criminalize instances of fraud abuse and human trafficking is a measure
going in the right direction.
MEMBER NAKAKUNI: SB2930 creates a special investigative fraud and human trafficking
unit in the AG's. AG's supported the bill.
HB2474 (Measure Status ( is a measure that allows the CSC to refer complaints to
AG's and Prosecutor's office.
SB665 (Measure Status ( is a measure that criminalizes certain false information
pertaining to the name or address of a campaign advertisement.
The question as to whether the information and resources submitted by the organizational
members between the first and second meetings was for the purpose of preparing for
today's meeting and discussion or whether it was intended to be attached to the reports
was discussed by the Commission. Determination was that the information was intended
for meeting discussion purposes, rather than to become an appendix to the report.
MEMBER MA: SB3164 (Measure Status (, SB3252 (Measure Status (,
SB2143 (Measure Status (, HB2026 (Measure Status ( are all positive
Appendix D - Interim Report
measures for transparency and accountability that we are following and supporting and
are positioned to crossover to the opposing chamber next week.
CHAIR FOLEY: Even if bills are dead this legislative session, we can still mention in the
Interim Report those bills if there is a consensus from our group that those are good bills
that would have improved standards of conduct relating to ethics, lobbying, and campaign
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: HB1423 (Measure Status ( is a good bill that CSC is
supporting and it already passed the House and is awaiting referral to committee in the
MEMBER MA: What if there is not a unanimous agreement of the members about whether
to support or recommend a bill to improve the standards of conduct pertaining to ethics,
lobbying, or campaign spending?
MEMBER MA: One such example of that would be SB3164 (Measure Status ( and
its House companion (Measure Status ( We see those measures differently than
MEMBER MARUMOTO: We also need to keep in mind that the current language is measures
can change drastically over the course of the legislative session. So, although you may not
support the current language, your testimony in future hearings could result in a change in
your position on the bill. In previous years when I was in office, there was a wide
discretion in changing the content of bills and in at least one instance it led me to voting
against a bill I authored at the start of session.
CHAIR FOLEY: With the pending urgency to meet our Interim Report deadline of March
31st, I would request that members come up with a list of bill recommendations that can be
achieved in the short-term for purposes of inclusion in the Interim Report. Other long-term
recommendations can be topics considered for the Final Report in December and prior to
our Final Report we could consider seeking input from the public, others who the group
feel would be good to talk with, and perhaps vote next week we can vote on a list of
recommendations that the group will either support or oppose.
Appendix D - Interim Report
MEMBER MARUMOTO: Would it be feasible for Speaker to know what bills we look
favorably upon?
CHAIR FOLEY: We should probably wait until the interim Report comes out. Speaker could
review that report along with any other interested parties.
Recommendations not acted upon by the Legislature this session will be recommendations
included in the Final Report. The Final Report will have a lot of duplication from the
Interim Report because the Interim Report will serve as the basis or template for the Final
Report. We should not be discouraged from the success or lack of success of the
recommendations we make in our Interim Report.
VICE CHAIR HARRIS: These recommendations should make clear that our report is focused
on immediate near term measures that can make a difference in improving standards of
conduct in the areas of ethics, lobbying, and campaign spending. Other concepts that may
require more discussion and development should be deferred to the Final Report.
CHAIR FOLEY: Term limits are long term items that we should be considered for the Final
CHAIR FOLEY: Majority Leader Belatti has invited me to appear on the Majority Caucus'
Talk Story with House Majority livestream interview series. I will not specifically mention
details of what topics or measures the Commission will be supporting or attribute any
positions or commentary to any specific members of this group, but I wanted to ask the
group if anyone has concerns with me doing this interview?
VICE CHAIR HARRIS: With the limitations you mentioned, I have no concerns about your
participation in this interview and would support you.
CHAIR FOLEY: Seeing no objections or other concerns raised by the members, I will let
Majority Leader Belatti know that I will accept her invitation for this interview.
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: In consideration of comments from the public and looking more
broadly at the issues of addressing public corruption, there are other bills like SB2162
(Measure Status ( which is a ranked choice voting bill that this Commission may
consider supporting.
MEMBER MA: This is a CCHI priority bill; it only deals with special federal elections and
special elections of vacant county council seats.
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: There is also the consideration that the state level prosecution of
fraud and abuse needs to be bolstered to combat public corruption. Is there an update on
this matter?
Appendix D - Interim Report
MEMBER NAKAKUNI: Since last meeting I looked at what Federal, State, and county
authorities are doing and have talked with some of those appropriate parties, but for
purposes of submitting any information or recommendations to this Commission the
request was for that to be completed for preparation of the Final Report. I will be pursuing
that for purposes of the Final Report, which is really only eight months away.
CHAIR FOLEY: Seems like from the comments so far, there is a consensus for the need to
revamp or ramp up state level enforcement and resources for fraud abuse and we can
discuss that in the Interim Report.
MEMBER MASON: Are we adopting the Chatham Rule so that members can discuss the
Commission's work openly, but without any attribution to whose idea or spoke of the
VICE CHAIR HARRIS: Chatham Rule will encourage discussions by allowing some give and
take without fear of being held accountable. Without the Chatham Rule, there may be a
natural desire to avoid compromise and candid discussion of the issues.
CHAIR FOLEY: I will follow the Chatham Rule in the interview with Majority Leader Belatti.
MEMBER MA: If this was a live public Zoom, the Chatham Rule would not apply because
the public would openly see which points are attributed to a particular speaker.
CHAIR FOLEY: For purposes of meeting minute preparations at this point in the process,
we will continue with speaker attribution in the meeting notes but allow for a member to
remove a statement attributed to them.
To the extent this Commission is considering a focus on fraud and criminal activity,
members should be aware that an anonymous fraud hotline was set up by the Attorney
General's office and the Ethics Commission. Our report might attempt to highlight and
educate the public that there is an existing mechanism to report suspected issues of fraud
and investigations are actively done.
MEMBER MASON: MEMBER MA and I prepared a proposal for public participation in our
Commission work, to be organized through the House website. None of the three recent
examples of the House of Representatives of the Mauna Kea Working Group, Special
Investigation of the audits of the Department of Land and Natural Resources and
Agribusiness Development Corporation, or Select Committee pertaining to Representative
Har would work for our group.
Appendix D - Interim Report
• Utilize a YouTube channel to livestream our meetings and also archive each
• Propose to publish meetings minutes, notices, and testimony on the House website;
• Conduct informational briefings and allow the public to access the video;
• Most importantly publish of Interim and Final reports and release the reports to the
public with an email address for public comments; and
• Hold a press conference with the media to share our recommendations and reports
with the media and public and have our Commission Chair be the spokesperson and
include brief statement about our report.
MEMBER NAKAKUNI: This is a major agenda item. I would recommend that this topic be
taken up at future meeting and labeled as a specific agenda item, rather than an "other
matters" topic of discussion.
CHAIR FOLEY: These are things to keep in mind, but for purposes of the Interim Report
which is due in 4 weeks, I really don't think it is practical to accomplish these
recommendations and they may serve to slow down our current progress to meeting the
timeline for our Interim Report. However, I am not opposed to the group having a further
discussion on these recommendations, but for purposes of the Final Report only.
MEMBER NAKAKUNI: I agree that we don't have a lot of time, certainly for our Interim
Report. And that doesn't even consider that our Final Report is due in eight months.
CHAIR FOLEY: I would suggest that we continue to meet on a weekly basis through March
Next meeting will take place on Thursday March 10, 2022, at 1:00pm, via
Appendix D - Interim Report
Robert D. Harris, Executive Director and General Counsel of the State Ethics Commission,
Vice Chair;
CHAIR FOLEY: Moved to adopt prior meeting notes of March 2, 2022. Motion was
seconded and adopted.
CHAIR FOLEY: I want to get feedback from each member on how to proceed with
determining measures for the Commission to consider recommending in the Interim
Report. In other words, what measures should we discuss to consider adopt as a
recommendation for the Interim Report.
MEMBER MARUMOTO: We should think about what we want in the Final Report as far as
curtailing corruption. Perhaps proceed by topic, rather than by bill.
For our 3/31 report the public is expecting the Commission to initially recommend some
broad brush ideas to fight corruption in government.
People are expecting and deserve solutions to fight corruption such as establishing a Fraud
Unit in the AG's Office, strengthening autonomy in agencies that deal with campaigning and
Appendix D - Interim Report
ethics, providing them with sufficient staff, budgets and other tools that they may require.
We must increase openness and transparency in state government. We need greater
disclosure especially in dealing with PAC donations.
After explaining a few of our goals the Commission must mention bills that fulfill these
goals and have a chance at passage this 2022 session. Then after 3/31 the Commission can
flesh out other concepts and bills for the Final Report.
VICE CHAIR HARRIS: For purposes of the Interim Report and how to proceed with
discussion today we can maybe pick a few bills, maybe top 3 to discuss in each category.
For example, the Ethics Commission's top 3 bills would be mandatory ethics training which
will expand well beyond the 2,000 employees who currently receive ethics training. A new
measure not currently in the legislative mix which would make legislative allowance
expenditures more transparent and available publicly on the internet. The fundraiser ban
during session that's in SB555 would be the third measure, but the measure needs
additional safeguards to also curtail donations during session as well.
Strongly suggest that we talk with the AG's office at some point for purposes of
recommending long-term ideas of fraud and include those recommendations in the Final
MEMBER NAKAKUNI: AG's are aware of our Commission, but discussions are still in the
early stages. Dialogue with the AG's and other appropriate law enforcement agencies will
continue as we proceed.
MEMBER MASON: I've been reviewing both of our long and short goals in regard to bills.
My sense is that the Legislature is listening to our proposals and wants to make changes.
MEMBER MA: We should have broad categories of ethics, campaign finance, and lobbying,
and then under each broad category have a detailed list of bills in each.
MEMBER MARUMOTO: Aim should be to get some bills passed this session, but the larger
effort will be aimed at accomplishing our goal to recommend laws for the 2023 Regular
MEMBER NAKAKUNI: Agree with broad categories and then refine with specific bills.
CHAIR FOLEY: Okay, sounds like we are in agreement to proceed with broad categories and
individual bills that will be identified for purposes of the March 31st Interim Report. Other
matters can be identified in the Interim Report, but designated for discussion and
development for the Final Report. For today we will identify bills to recommend for the
Interim Report.
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: After First Crossover CSC has 10 Senate Bill's, 5 House Bill's that
are alive. Some of them are companion measures. For purposes of identifying the big
ticket item bills for the Interim Report, CSC would recommend the following bills. SB555
Appendix D - Interim Report
MEMBER MA: HB2474 and SB2345 (companion measure) need a state of mind element.
MEMBER MARUMOTO: I'm focused on PACs and bills that increase penalties and fines to
Super PACs.
MEMBER MASON: LWV opposed SB2417, which is the bill to increase the cap on excess
campaign funds to community organizations. Bill was amended, but the SD1 version
actually raised the cap amount and has progressive cap amounts depending upon the office.
Though this measure (raising the cap), did not pass this session, the practice of giving
certain excess campaign funds to community organizations is still permitted under existing
law, and the LWV opposes such practices.
CHAIR FOLEY: We should focus on getting a list of big ticket item bills for this Interim
Report, but other housekeeping amendments from CSC and Ethics can also be mentioned.
For today and for the Interim Report we should focus should be on big ticket items.
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: It's an important bill and we would like for it to be considered for
inclusion in the Interim Report, but it may not be what this Commission would consider to
be a big ticket bill.
MEMBER MARUMOTO: Any bills for CSC to help effectuate their operations and practices?
VICE CHAIR HARRIS: To reiterate the Ethics Commission top priority bills: HB1475
mandatory ethics training. Public disclosure of legislative allowances spent and have
public access available. No current bill in the works. HB2500 Ethics Commission budget to
allow for the hiring of investigators.
MEMBER MA: HB1475 suggestion to amend would be to require such ethics training every
year, not just every 4 years. Build in some consequences if a legislator does not go through
the mandatory training.
Appendix D - Interim Report
VICE CHAIR HARRIS: It's a good suggestion, but I think tracking the training annually
would be onerous for the staff.
CHAIR FOLEY: Okay, sounds like HB1475 is one of the bills to possibly recommend and we
can suggest possible amendments and discuss further and possibly vote on at our next
SB555 we need to be cautious of First Amendment issues for private persons. No problem
legislating restrictions to legislators in this regard.
MEMBER MASON: For the LWV one focus is transparency bills. HB2303 HD1, LWV strongly
opposes this measure to allow for withholding certain information concerning legislative
intent and internal deliberative and pre-decisional materials. SB2143 SD2 we are in
support as this defines what a board packet is for public meetings and requires making the
packet available 48 hours in advance.
CHAIR FOLEY: Sounds like a consensus to organize our report by broad categories, e.g.
"Openness and Transparency", then list specific bills under each broad category.
MEMBER MA: Sunshine measures that the CCHI supports includes SB2143 which will bring
more transparency to public meetings. HB2026 provides more clarity, transparency, and
accountability to the operations of boards and commissions when conducting their
business. SB3164 is a campaign finance dark money bill that tracks campaign
contributions and transfers and traces – money to the original source, but its companion
HB1881 HD1 died in the House. HB2416 is another campaign measure concerning dark
money, but it only tracks Section 501(c)(4) organizations which would not be completely
effective to stop dark money contributions.
CHAIR FOLEY: Will put down HB1118 on the list with possible amendments to consider.
Any other thoughts or bills to consider?
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: We may need money to implement some of these laws if they pass.
MEMBER MARUMOTO: Gift law bill that touches on openness. Maybe we should consider
whether or not family members should be included on annual disclosure forms.
MEMBER NAKAKUNI: I'm personally interested in strengthening the state laws for
investigating and prosecuting fraud and corruption. Right now, federal agencies are doing
a good job at that, in the long-term we need our State and county agencies to have a similar
presence and accomplish the same. These are more likely long term laws. SB2930 is one of
the few bills moving in regard to strengthening state laws. SB2345 was another potential
measure but it did not receive a hearing. HB2171 HD2 is another law enforcement
reorganization bill that establishes a new Department of Law Enforcement and attached
training center and has passed the House and is scheduled for hearing in the Senate next
Appendix D - Interim Report
CHAIR FOLEY: Any other recommended bills for the Interim Report?
CHAIR FOLEY: We should put that as a potential measure for the Final Report.
MEMBER MA: Currently a ranked choice voting measure SB2162 is moving but it only
pertains to federal and special elections.
CHAIR FOLEY: Our Commission will list big ticket item bills but then also include a second
category for additional bills.
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: Other bills the CSC would like for consideration for recommended
approval for the Interim Report are: HB1426 HD1, contested case hearings; HB1427 HD1,
clarifies who has to file reports; HB1888 HD2, electioneering communications bill. But
SB2388 SD1 may be a cleaner version; HB2416 HD2 is a dark money bill, but it requires a
threshold of $100 which the CSC feels may be too low and unconstitutional.
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: Other measures which will help the CSC further its operations and
management are: SB166 SD1, which prohibits foreign nationals and foreign-influence
corporations from making certain expenditures; SB2043, repeals something no longer in
existence, so that's more of a housekeeping measure; SB2300 authorizes campaign funds
for child care and vital household dependent care costs; and SB2388 SD1 passed the Senate
and requires disclosure of electioneering communications when subsequent electioneering
expenditures are made, but it also raises the cap threshold for these purposes from $1,000
to $2,000.
VICE CHAIR HARRIS: Secondary list of bills, financial disclosure and reporting of financial
interests of high profile boards and commissions. The Ethics Commission opposed HB1849
and Senate companion SB2123. Both are dead this year.
CHAIR FOLEY: Topics to put in the Interim Report that will be explored for the Final
Report. Final Report will essentially include everything that did not make it into the
Interim Report, but the Final Report may also include items in the Interim Report that did
not get enacted this session and would be a consideration as possible recommendations for
the 2023 Regular Session.
Appendix D - Interim Report
For example, term limits for all legislators. We discuss more any topics for further
examination and consideration of the Commission for purposes of its Final Report due
December 1, 2022.
VICE CHAIR HARRIS: A more efficient way to gain compliance on legislative allowance
expenditures may be to make the expenditures publicly available. It could serve as a
refinement tool to guide elected officials, for example, a legislator using their allowance to
take another legislator to lunch is not allowed and would be made public.
CHAIR FOLEY: The Interim Report could just include several bullet points of items or ideas
that the Commission plans to address prior to making possible recommendations and
amendments for inclusion into the Final Report.
VICE CHAIR HARRIS: Please see my February 25th email to the group. That emails
identifies some of the long term goals for the Ethics Commission. We could also consider
amending the lobbyist law to promote training. Having Legislators keeping a Log of
everything that comes in as a gift and submitting it to the Ethics Commission on a quarterly
basis would also be helpful. Requiring legislative members with a private financial
business to report business clients that also lobby at the Legislature should be considered.
MEMBER MA: Please also see my email in February to the group for CCHI's "list of reforms".
At Chair's recommendation, I will bullet point these items more broadly and resend to
MEMBER MARUMOTO: We should review the House and Senate Rules. See also Rep
Ward's recent article. It offers some good suggestions for the group to think about.
MEMBER MASON: The budgetary process at the Legislature needs better transparency.
CHAIR FOLEY: That could be a Final Report topic to consider, something like Election
Appendix D - Interim Report
4. Action steps and procedures to implement after the Interim Report and
before the Final Report
CHAIR FOLEY: One thing we should think about is how to address public involvement going
forward is the processes and procedures can we start to put in place.
MEMBER MASON: We can work on preparing procedures that the group can consider
moving forward to determine feasibility.
CHAIR FOLEY: The Commission will explore the manner and procedure we will use for
purposes of better public transparency.
5. Form of reports
CHAIR FOLEY: We have a basic template and idea of how the Interim Report and Final
Report will be structured. The draft Interim Report can now start to be developed. Once a
draft is ready, we will circulate it to the group for comment, feedback, and revision.
MEMBER MASON: One possibility is to use the same "Goal" headings for both the short- and
long-term reports, classifying our near term bill recommendations and the long-term
recommendations into the same headings, with headings that use impactful words.
6. Other matters
Next meeting will take place on Wednesday March 16, 2022, at 1:00pm, via
Appendix D - Interim Report
The following members of the Commission were in attendance. MEMBER NAKAKUNI was
Robert D. Harris, Executive Director and General Counsel of the State Ethics Commission,
Vice Chair;
CHAIR FOLEY: Moved to adopt prior meeting notes of March 10, 2022. Motion was
seconded and adopted.
CHAIR FOLEY: This meeting is for tentative approval of the bills this Commission is willing
to include as recommendations for our Interim Report due March 31st. No
recommendations will be considered final until the final draft of the Interim Report is
approved and adopted by the Commission.
For today's meeting, I think it would be most efficient if we proceed with using the
recommended list of measures provided to the Commission by staff to determine
everyone's temperature on the particular subject matter of each bill and each member's
willingness to include it in the Interim Report. Staff have provided a preliminary list of bills
discussed at our previous meeting and categorized them into six sections. Section I:
Openness and Transparency; Section II: Ethics Oversight; Section III: Campaign Reform;
Section IV: Fraud Abuse and Criminal Prevention; Section V: Other housekeeping measures;
and Section VI: Topics for consideration for the Final Report.
Does the group agree to proceed in this manner? Any questions or comments before we
get started?
Appendix D - Interim Report
MEMBER MASON: Should we modify the list to only include measures that made it through
the crossover deadline?
CHAIR FOLEY: As we get to specific bills that did not make the First Crossover filing
deadline, please identify those particular measures when we get to them.
Two measures relating to sunshine and openness and transparency HB2026 HD2 and
SB2143 SD2 are included in Section I. Any comments or additional bills to include under
Section I of the bill list?
MEMBER MA: SB3252 HD1 is a bill that waives reproduction costs for certain government
records that are requested by the public and others. The measures adds to openness and
transparency but CCHI prefers the SD2 version of the measure which waives reproduction
of the first 100 pages of documents if disclosure is in the public interest.
MEMBER MASON: I want to propose changing the names of our section headers to
language that will provide more flare and attraction of the media. For example, for Section
I label the category as "Give openness and transparency a boost."
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: The preliminary list needs to be separated into big ticket items
and not big ticket items. SB555 is a big ticket item, the dark money bill not so much.
CHAIR FOLEY: We can use this meeting to refine the draft list of bills and recategorize the
list however the group wants. This is just a starting point, nothing is final.
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: Possibly yes, the $100 contribution threshold for Section
501(c)(4) nonprofit organizations is a potential constitutional issue to CSC. Our concern
differs from the advice of our Deputy Attorney General.
VICE CHAIR HARRIS: Perhaps the group can proceed by putting two different lists together,
one that highlights the top 5 bills we are recommending as top priorities, then a second
section that lists all other bills that the Commission is recommended, but not its top
CHAIR FOLEY: That's something we can consider because the direction in H.R. 9 that
established our Commission is broad, but I think the draft list follows the details in H.R. 9
very well as it concentrates on four primary areas as discussed in the resolution for this
Commission to explore.
Since MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO is flying out-of-state today I want to give her the opportunity
to share her thoughts while she is with us in case she needs to leave the meeting early. So I
would like to take discussion of the Section III Campaign Reforms bills out of order so that
we can get her feedback.
Appendix D - Interim Report
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: There are a lot of CSC bills on the list, so I would suggest
reorganizing some of the CSC measures as follows: Section IV, include four bills SB212,
SB665, SB2044, HB1423. For SB555, I think that could go in either Section III or Section IV.
MEMBER MARUMOTO: I think SB555 is a campaign reform bill and should stay in Section
MEMBER MASON: I would suggest as a new subject header to Section III, "Reduce the
money and power of politics."
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: From the preliminary list of bills provided by staff, I would include
in section III the following bills: HB1426, HB1427, HB1888, HB2416. SB166, SB2043,
SB2300, SB2388, and SB3164. In section IV I would include the following bills: SB212,
SB665, SB2040, and HB1423. SB555 could go in either section.
CHAIR FOLEY: Do we have tentative approval of the bills to include section III? Any
objections or comments?
MEMBER MASON: Is HB2171 staying in section IV? This would be a major change in the
administration of criminal justice in our State. This measure may need further clarification
before becoming a recommendation.
CHAIR FOLEY: Regarding SB555 SD1, are we supporting the bill as is, or are we suggesting
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: CSC is in favor of suggesting amendments that would expand the
fundraiser ban to all elected officials including county council members so that there is no
unfair advantage.
MEMBER MA: CCHI would like amendments to expand to a prohibition for the receipt of
donations and contributions.
CHAIR FOLEY: What is the impact to council member prohibitions? Would they be
prohibited from fundraiser virtually year round since they are in session all year?
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: That's a good question, we may need to think about a fix for it.
VICE CHAIR HARRIS: I would suggest establishing a set blackout period that's applicable to
every elected office. For example, have a certain period of time where no elected official
can hold fundraisers or accept donations. That would hopefully level the playing field for
state and county elections.
MEMBER MA: The bill should also be amended to prohibit the receipt of any donations and
contributions or the holding of fundraisers during a special session as well.
Appendix D - Interim Report
CHAIR FOLEY: Okay it sounds like we are in support of proposing amendments to SB555 in
our Interim Report. Just from a process standpoint, for the Interim Report we will not be
drafting or attaching any bills to the Report. That will save some time and effort for the
Interim Report that is due in two weeks. For the Final Report, we can attach bills that can
be considered by the Legislature for the 2023 Regular Session. However, we will note in
the Interim Report that the Commission is in support of certain bills, but with further
amendments and then we can detail those suggested amendments.
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: HB2416 HD2 is one of the Campaign Reform bills listed in Section
III that had a lot of comments and suggested edits from the members as well.
MEMBER MA: HB2416 HD2 is limited to just Section 501(c)(4) organizations, so CCHI has
concerns with this bill in its current form as it may drive dark money into other areas.
CHAIR FOLEY: We need to think about constitutional issues of restricting private entities
from giving donations to elected officials.
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: I agree. Rhode Island has a threshold of $1,000, which CSC would
find more supportable.
CHAIR FOLEY: Appreciate the intent of this measure, but I think the issue of tackling dark
money needs further contemplation and consultation with the CSC. So recommendation
would be to take this off the list even over the objections of the CSC and MEMBER IZUMI-
NITAO. However, this subject matter can be a topic for further exploration for the Final
Report and bill introduction next year. So I would make the motion to remove this bill from
the list. Any objections? Motion was seconded and adopted.
Also, along these same lines, SB166 SD1, is a bill that prohibits foreign nationals and
foreign-influenced corporations from making certain campaign expenditures. Legally can
we limit such contributions from foreign entities or out-of-state money?
MEMBER MA: Yes, it is permissible to prohibit foreign contributions, but I also think that
there are differences with approach as to how to achieve and, thus it is recommended
taking this bill off the list of potential recommendations. In addition, from the discussions
on this measure it does not seem as if there is enough consensus of support for this bill.
CHAIR FOLEY: Any objections to removing SB166 SD1 from the potential list of
recommended bills? Seeing no objections, I would like to make a motion to remove this
measure from the list. Motion was seconded and adopted. Any other bills to remove from
the tentative list?
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: HB1118 HD2, seems similar to HB2416 which was removed from
our preliminary list.
CHAIR FOLEY: Any objections to taking HB1118 HD2 off the tentative list of bills to
recommend in the Interim Report? Seeing none, motion was seconded and adopted.
Appendix D - Interim Report
Thank you MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO for your feedback on the Campaign Reform list of bills.
Next let's go back to section II and discuss the Ethics Oversight category.
VICE CHAIR HARRIS: Regarding mandatory ethics training, HB1475 HD1. I've looked at the
suggested edits to this bill by other members and appreciate the feedback. We plainly
support more trainings. However, we are concerned with administrative capacity issues
and ramping up the ethics training requirements so quickly. My suggestion is to leave the
bill as is for now, and come back in a couple years as our ability to handle more frequent
trainings grows.
MEMBER MA: Requested training on an annual basis, rather than every four years, but
understands the position of the Ethics Commission.
VICE CHAIR HARRIS: The measure does currently require new employees and elected
officials to complete the training within 90 days of employment so all new employees
would fall within the current requirements of the bill. More frequent re-training would be
something to revisit a few years down the road.
Regarding the Ethics Commission suggestion concerning legislative allowances, we are not
proposing new legislation. Rather, simply asking the House and Senate to administratively
make legislative allowance expenditures publicly available online. It's our understanding
that this would not be difficult to do. This would promote greater public transparency over
legislative allowances.
CHAIR FOLEY: Okay, the motion would be to move the legislative allowances from section
II and make this issue more of a comment in the Interim Report. Motion was seconded and
We already discussed section III measures. Moving to section IV measures. SB2930 SD2,
any questions or concerns?
CHAIR FOLEY: Okay, MEMBER NAKAKUNI also mentioned her support for this bill in prior
meetings. Motion to include SB2930 SD2 as a recommendation in our Interim Report.
Motion was seconded and adopted.
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: HB2474 HD1 is dead so I would recommend taking it off the list of
measures to recommend for the Interim Report.
CHAIR FOLEY: Okay, any objections? Motion was seconded and adopted. Just as a point of
information, bills not included in the Interim Report can be put on the list for discussion
purposes or topics for consideration in the Final Report.
Appendix D - Interim Report
CHAIR FOLEY: Next bill on the list is HB2171 HD2. Any questions?
MEMBER MASON: I would recommend deleting this bill from the Interim Report and move
to consider this subject matter for the Final Report list.
CHAIR FOLEY: Motion is to exclude HB2171 HD2 from the Interim Report. Motion was
seconded and adopted.
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: SB2044 is another bill that is dead, but the House companion,
HB1423 is moving.
CHAIR FOLEY: Okay HB1423 was a previous bill we have discussed and are considering as
a recommendation for the Interim Report. Motion is to remove SB2044 from the list. Any
objections? Motion was seconded and adopted.
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: This is another measure that is dead for this session. I would
recommend removing this bill from the Interim Report and consider later for purposes of
the Final Report.
CHAIR FOLEY: Okay, motion is to take SB2417 SD1 off the list. Any objections? Motion
was seconded and adopted.
CHAIR FOLEY: Last measure for discussion in the draft section IV is SB2291. Any
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: The bill's language concerning the process to obtain search
warrants needs some clarification. This should not apply to civil proceedings. This is up
for decision-making tomorrow. We should just monitor this bill for now to see what
CHAIR FOLEY: Moving to section V, these are just the housekeeping measures of the
commission members. Any objections to HB2500 HD1, SB2043, SB2123 SD1? We will
come back to discussing SB2300.
Appendix D - Interim Report
MEMBER MASON: SB2123 is dead for this session. We should remove it from the list for
the Interim Report.
VICE CHAIR HARRIS: I would take SB2123 SD1 off the list and its dead for now.
CHAIR FOLEY: Motion is to remove SB2123, any objections? Motion was seconded and
MEMBER MARUMOTO: What about the Ethics Commission request for an investigator,
HB2500 HD1?
MEMBER MASON: We also feel that funding of an investigator position for the Ethics
Commission is important.
CHAIR FOLEY: If there are no objections, I do have some concerns about this bill and would
recommend that we delete this measure from the list. Motion was seconded and adopted.
Any other bills we missed that we need to consider for the Interim Report?
MEMBER MA: SB3172 SD1 is a bill concerning mandatory recorded of audio or visual
board meetings and to have the recording be considered a public record. This bill crossed
to the House and is scheduled for Friday. A suggested amendment would be to place the
recording of the meeting on YouTube, if the meeting is actually recorded.
CHAIR FOLEY: Motion is to include SB3172 SD1 on the list of potential bills to include in the
Interim Report. Motion was seconded and adopted. Placing it under Openness and
Transparency section.
CHAIR FOLEY: This is section VI of the draft recommendation list. Any comments on this
list? This seems to be a fairly comprehensive list that we can use as a starting point. We
can add or delete from the list at any time.
MEMBER MASON: I would suggest that we add to the list of topics we will consider for the
Final Report certain bills introduced during the 2022 Regular Session, but which did not
meet the Legislature's First Crossover filing deadline. Maybe noting something like the
following in the Interim Report: "Other subject matter bills introduced during the 2022
Appendix D - Interim Report
Regular Session which did not meet the First Crossover filing deadline and were left out of
the recommendations in our Interim Report."
CHAIR FOLEY: We need to think about how the Commission will work going forward. As
far as the public participation component, which individuals or organizations that we think
be helpful for us to talk with to furthering the completion of our work, and house to archive
our recordings and meetings electronically.
VICE CHAIR HARRIS: Perhaps having a webpage where the public can go to and join our
meetings through a Zoom link. We could periodically give the public participants an
opportunity to ask questions or provide comments if there are not too many people
wanting to comment. Otherwise, limiting the public input by setting time limits may be
CHAIR FOLEY: I think it is important to make a statement in the Interim Report about the
planned public engagement and the willingness of the Commission to solicit critical input
from certain entities as requested in H.R. 9.
5. Interim Report
CHAIR FOLEY: About two weeks away from submitting it to the Legislature. Once the
Interim Report is released, we may need to start thinking about a public statement or the
next steps for our Commission.
6. Other matters
Next meeting will take place on Thursday March 24, 2022, at 1:00pm, via
Appendix D - Interim Report
Robert D. Harris, Executive Director and General Counsel of the State Ethics Commission,
Vice Chair;
CHAIR FOLEY: Meeting notes from March 16, 2022, not yet complete, but seems like there
is consensus of the draft notes. Once the meeting notes are finalized they will be circulated
via email.
CHAIR FOLEY: The draft Interim Report was circulated to all the members for feedback,
comments, and revisions. Members who had suggestions circulated a revised document. It
seems like most members used MEMBER MASON's revised document that was also
circulated to the group via email and added further revisions to it.
CHAIR FOLEY: One suggestion is to move the existing Part IV of the draft to be Part I to
emphasize the importance of our Commission to make strides to address public corruption.
It was also suggested to change the name of the section to read: Part I. Strengthen
Investigation and Prosecution of Fraud. Motion for those changes was seconded and
CHAIR FOLEY: One measure in this section is SB665 SD1. Do we have agreement on this
recommendation or do any members have suggested amendments?
MEMBER MA: My concern with this measure is the lack of a mens rea requirement.
However, this bill was just heard by a House Committee who passed it with amendments.
Appendix D - Interim Report
The amendments may have addressed my concerns. In addition this measure increases the
disqualification period from 4 years to 10 years for anyone convicted for a crime involving
campaign finance law. We should mention this in the bill's description.
MEMBER MARUMOTO: I think there is a need for some introduction to this Part before
getting into the substantive recommendations. I did read and review MEMBER MASON's
proposed language and I find it acceptable to include as an introduction.
CHAIR FOLEY: Another measure in this Part is SB212 SD1. Are there any comments or
suggestions for this bill and should it be included in this Part as a recommendation of the
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: SB212 SD1 was not heard in the House and is dead for this
VICE CHAIR HARRIS: That is true that the bill appears to be dead for this session, but there
is always a chance for the measure to be re-referred to be kept alive for this session. Thus,
I would encourage the opportunity for more discussion and keep this bill on our
preliminary list for now.
CHAIR FOLEY: The request is to keep SB212 SD1 on the list, any objections? Motion was
seconded and adopted.
CHAIR FOLEY: SB2040 is another bill in this section that is in regard to certain candidates
not being required to filed preliminary reports to the CSC. Seems like there is a general
consensus to not include this bill in our recommendations.
CHAIR FOLEY: After having some discussion, motion to delete this measure from the list
was seconded and adopted.
CHAIR FOLEY: Two other bills are in this section SB2930 SD2 which establishes two new
unites in the Department of the Attorney General to combat fraud and human trafficking.
Second measures is HB1423 HD1 SD1 was amended in the Senate to specify that if a
noncandidate committee that makes only independent expenditures and has either
received at least one contribution of more than $10,000 from any one person or has made
expenditures of more than $10,000 in the aggregate in an election period violates the
campaign spending laws, they may be fined an amount not to exceed $5,000 for each
occurrence or an amount not to exceed three times the amount of an unlawful contribution
or expenditure.
CHAIR FOLEY: Moving to the "Give Openness and Transparency a Boost" section, the first
bill is HB2026 HD2. It appears that we do not have a consensus of support for this measure
in its current form because the application of the provisions in this measure need to be
Appendix D - Interim Report
CHAIR FOLEY: Next measure is SB2143 SD2. We have support to include this as a
recommendation. Any objections? Seeing none, the motion was seconded and adopted.
CHAIR FOLEY: SB3252 HD1 is the next bill in this section. This bill concerns information
requests and reproduction costs for obtaining government records.
MEMBER MA: The SD2 version of the measure waives reproduction costs for the first 100
VICE CHAIR HARRIS: I appreciate the concerns over reproduction time and costs both from
a public viewpoint of access, and from an agency's concerns about budget/capacity. One
advantage to imposing some cost sharing is that it narrows requests to the key information
sought by the requestor.
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: Depending on the nature of the request, I can see the concern from
the agency side for a small office such as mine with limited resources. Some public
information requests could easily detract from our office's everyday work and essentially
take a couple weeks to research and respond to a request. It could effectively shut down
our office for a period of time which would be difficult if we were also in the middle of an
VICE CHAIR HARRIS: Perhaps one area to consider in supporting greater transparency is
to fund the Office of Information Practices with money that can be used to fund information
disclosures in the public interest. OIP could decide that a request is in the public interest
and help fund the responsible agencies' efforts.
MEMBER MA: Agencies who receive an information request should also in certain cases
where there would be great time and cost involved with the request to communicate that
back to the requestor prior to engaging in the request. There was one situation where a
public person's information request resulted in them receiving a $4,000 bill from the
agency they submitted a request to. The person had no idea until they receive the bill in
the mail.
concerns over the potential impacts over this bill as currently drafted.
MEMBER MA: It is my understanding that several agencies will be offering changes to the
language in this bill.
Appendix D - Interim Report
CHAIR FOLEY: Next section is Ethics Oversight. MEMBER MASON has offered suggested
language for inclusion into this section as an introduction, as well as a change to the section
title name. Any comments or objections to those changes? Motion to change the title and
include introduction language was seconded and adopted.
CHAIR FOLEY: The one current measure in this section is HB1475 HD1.
MEMBER MA: I would prefer that training be offered every year, especially for legislators
and other certain members of boards and the Executive Branch. In addition, I would like to
see consequences established against those individuals that do not do the training as
required. Perhaps have them put on leave without pay or removed from their position
until the training is completed.
VICE CHAIR HARRIS: One additional bill to potentially include in this section is HB2069
HD2. It establishes procedures for the custody, inventory, and care of protocol gifts
received by members of the Legislature or state employees. We should also remove direct
references to YouTube.
CHAIR FOLEY: This bill appears to be moving through the Senate and may potentially go to
Conference Committee. Motion to include this bill in the recommendations of this section
was seconded and adopted.
VICE CHAIR HARRIS: I would also suggest that we move the discussion about legislative
allowance expenditures to the section on Openness and Transparency, or whatever that
section is relabeled as.
CHAIR FOLEY: Any objections to that suggestion? Motion was seconded and adopted.
CHAIR FOLEY: The next part of the Interim Report is the section to "Reduce the Money and
Power of Politics". MEMBER MASON offered language to include as an introduction to this
section. Motion to include that language as an introduction was seconded and adopted.
CHAIR FOLEY: First bill is SB555 SD1 regarding a ban on fundraisers during session. The
Commission had several discussions about this bill and several amendments were offered.
MEMBER MA: The prohibition should also be expanded to have a broader application, such
as to include all statewide elected officials, including the Governor and Lieutenant
Governor, and those running for statewide elected office to prohibit donations and
Appendix D - Interim Report
MEMBER MA: Requesting to see the final amendment language before deciding whether to
suggest further amending the language.
CHAIR FOLEY: Next measure is HB1888 HD2. From prior discussions it appears that we
want to include this bill as a recommendation in the Interim Report, but offer suggested
MEMBER IZUMI-NITAO: I would suggest deleting that language in the Interim Report
referencing that the companion measure SB2388 SD1 is the preferred language.
MEMBER MARUMOTO: Also I would suggest that the description in this bill more clearly
articulate in plain terms what it is accomplishing, to strengthen disclosure of contributions
and dark money contributions.
CHAIR FOLEY: Okay, I think we have a consensus for this bill. Any objections to including it
as a recommendation in the Interim Report? Seeing none, motion is seconded and adopted.
CHAIR FOLEY: Next bill is SB3164 SD1. This bill was deferred in the House and appears to
be dead this session. Any objections to deleting from our list? Seeing none, the motion was
seconded and adopted.
CHAIR FOLEY: Next bill is HB1426 HD1, which concerns procedure over contested case
MEMBER MA: This measure was heard and passed by the first committee in the Senate last
week and we are good with the language in the SD1 and standing committee report.
CHAIR FOLEY: Next bill is HB1427 HD1. Any objections to including this in the Interim
Report? Seeing none, motion was seconded and adopted.
CHAIR FOLEY: Next bill is SB2388 SD1. This was previously discussed and recommended
to exclude from the Interim Report. Any objections? Seeing none, motion was seconded
and adopted.
CHAIR FOLEY: Last bill is SB2043, which is essentially a housekeeping measure for CSC.
Appendix D - Interim Report
VICE CHAIR HARRIS: I think that could just be its own section, but instead of calling it a
housekeeping measure maybe change to something like "Making State Agencies More
CHAIR FOLEY: Any objections to that recommendation? Seeing none, the motion was
seconded and adopted.
CHAIR FOLEY: Final part of the draft Interim Report is Part V Areas of Long-Term Focus. In
this Part we identify several topics to be explored before completing our Final Report in
December. This is not a comprehensive list of topics and other topics can be added or
deleted from the list at any point in time.
CHAIR FOLEY: The draft Interim Report will be revised to take into consideration all of the
suggested amendments and further refined by our discussion today and consensus on
whether or not to include in the Interim Report, and whether amendments to certain bills
are suggested.
CHAIR FOLEY: The revised draft will be circulated to the members on Monday. We will
review once again and if everything can be agreed via email then we will not need to meet
again next week. Concerns over certain measures can be noted in the Interim Report, but
the Interim Report itself will be adopted by all the members.
VICE CHAIR HARRIS: With that in mind, I would delete the reference to the word
unanimous on page 5 of the draft report as that may not accurately convey the position of
all members on certain bills and recommendations. Also there is a typo on page 5 that I
think should reference 2023, instead of 2022.
MEMBER MARUMOTO: I would suggest that the revised Interim Report include more
language concerning the potential impact that these recommendations could have to deter
public corruption.
Next meeting will take place on day April 14, 2022, at 2:00pm, via videoconferencing.