Chapter 6 - Pleasure
Chapter 6 - Pleasure
Chapter 6 - Pleasure
Utilitarianism-seeking pleasure of
Virtual intention= voluntary act that has Duterte justifying extra judicial
a moral implication killings since it’s for the good of
o There’s the prior intention everyone
o While performing the act you Bentham-degree of pleasure you
intended to do, you forget will get
about it Example:
i. having social
institutions- home of the
Double effect= an act that is good in aged
itself ii. the role of education- to
o Cheating or stealing is a bad act eliminate the self-
centeredness or egoistic
itself so it can’t be an example
tendencies of men
iii. if your happiness
Occasion of evil= enticing someone to depends on the
do a bad deed, not you who is doing a happiness of other
bad act. people, then all must
contribute for the
wellbeing of the society
CHAPTER 6-PLEASURE or else youi’’ be