WP - Nov.29.2022
WP - Nov.29.2022
WP - Nov.29.2022
Partly sunny 53/45 • Tomorrow: Wind and rain 62/35 B8 Democracy Dies in Darkness TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29 , 2022
SU V1 V2 V3 V4
. $3
A crypto Covid’s
courted growing
regulators toll on
FTX head championed
a plan to reshape his
own market’s oversight 9 IN 10 DEATHS ARE
Some left vulnerable as
U.S. moves on from virus
Before his undoing this month,
crypto magnate Sam Bankman-
Fried aggressively pursued pow- BY A RIANA E UNJUNG C HA
erful allies in Washington. None AND D AN K EATING
was more important than Rostin
Behnam. President Biden may have de-
The chief of the federal agency clared the coronavirus pandemic
that oversees commodities mar- “over,” but from John Felton’s view
kets, Behnam holds a strategic as the Yellowstone County health
perch among the nation’s finan- officer in Billings, Mont., it’s not
cial regulators. And the 44-year- over, just different.
old Washington bureaucrat was Now, more than ever, it is a
indispensable in the boyish bil- plague of the elderly.
lionaire’s ambitious plans to re- In October, Felton’s team
shape U.S. crypto regulation. logged six deaths due to the virus,
Since last year, the two have KEVIN FRAYER/GETTY IMAGES
many of them among vaccinated
worked in parallel on critical people. Their ages: 80s, 60s, 70s,
initiatives which, if not for the
sudden demise of Bankman- Protests in China gather steam 80s, 90s, 90s. They included Betty
Witzel, 88, described by her family
Fried’s FTX empire, might have
radically altered the nation’s at- — and supporters worldwide as a tomboy who carried snakes in
her pocket as a child and grew up
tempts to govern the freewheel- to be a teacher, mother of four,
ing market for digital currencies. grandmother of nine and great-
Now that FTX has collapsed grandmother of five. And there
amid allegations of fraud, those
Four days of demonstrations against a “zero covid” was Nadine Alice Stark, 85, a
initiatives may be doomed. But as policy have reverberated across China, one of the ranch owner who planted sugar
the financial world examines why beets and corn.
major firms threw hundreds of
largest expressions of discontent there since 1989. Yellowstone County made the
millions of dollars at the 30-year- The rallies, triggered by a deadly blaze in which decision early in the crisis to rec-
old Bankman-Fried, the capital is ognize each death individually,
looking anew at his courtship of
pandemic restrictions were blamed for leaving and Felton said that is as impor-
Washington and why he sought to firefighters unable to reach a burning building, tant as ever to acknowledge the
build ties with Behnam and the SEE VIRUS ON A9
agency he leads, the Commodity
have crossed borders as well. In Asia, Europe and
Futures Trading Commission. North America, demonstrators — including TYRONE SIU/REUTERS
The most ambitious of the two TOP: Protesters shout slogans during a demonstration
To keep
initiatives entwining the two men
Chinese nationals — rallied at subway stations and against China’s pandemic measures Monday in Beijing.
is a bill in Congress — one out- outside Chinese embassies. Stories, A12-13 ABOVE: Blank sheets of paper symbolize state censorship.
lined by Behnam’s agency and
and bear
Racist acts arms, first
in N.D. have A quest unveils Black history some tried to hide pass a test
Texas woman traces ancestor to a major but long-forgotten African burial ground in Richmond
living in fear
G REGORY S . S CHNEIDER burying ground onto the Na-
tional Register of Historic Plac-
Czech Republic residents
richmond — Lenora Mc- es. It was honored not only for a have right to own guns
Queen’s fourth-great-grand- history dating to 1816 but also
BY D ANIELLE P AQUETTE mother was enslaved at a plan- for the systematic effort to
but must be proficient
tation outside Charlottesville erase Black heritage that took
west fargo, n.d. — The aroma and moved to Richmond near place there — opening the door
of barbecue ribs used to comfort the end of her life. Then she for other desecrated landmarks BY C HICO H ARLAN
him, but now Manny Behyee wor- disappeared. to be recognized. AND L ADKA B AUEROVA
ried it could attract trouble. Walk- McQueen, working from her But the threats continue.
ing up to Teta’s garage cookout, home in Texas, set out to solve Plans for a new Richmond- prague — When eight people
he’d scanned the cars lining her the mystery of her ancestor’s to-D.C. rail line are set to fur- had taken their seats in the
suburban street. Should everyone final resting place. In the proc- ther damage the burying classroom, the proctor put on his
have parked farther apart? Was it ess she opened a window into ground. McQueen and other glasses and said it was time to
obvious they were having a party? the lives — and deaths — of advocates are scrambling to begin. He took attendance. He
The Liberian immigrants had thousands of other people push the Federal Railroad Ad- glowered as one person walked in
tried to keep a low profile since whose stories city leaders had ministration to slow the proc- late. He described how the test
someone — a stranger? a neigh- tried to obliterate. ess and reroute the tracks. would work — 30 multiple-choice
bor? — distributed hundreds of Richmond’s long-forgotten “So many things have been questions, 40 minutes — and how
fliers labeling them a threat to Shockoe Hill African Burying done to this, but it’s still a burial to properly mark an X on the
White children. A mile away, peo- Ground, which McQueen GREGORY S. SCHNEIDER/THE WASHINGTON POST
ground,” McQueen said on a answer sheet. Then he ordered
ple woke up one September brought to light, is adjacent to Lenora McQueen stands beneath an I-64 overpass in Richmond recent visit to Richmond. She phones away; only a pen and
morning to small plastic bags on two well-preserved cemeteries at the Shockoe Hill African Burying Ground, which could be the walked along Hospital Street, paper, he said, were permitted on
their lawns containing a picture for White people, including largest cemetery for free and enslaved Africans in the country. cut through the cemetery more the table.
of a Liberian man who had Chief Justice John Marshall than a century ago. Cars “If anybody needs to go to the
recently been convicted of killing and Confederate veterans. But mond’s Black history. “It was cemetery for free and enslaved thunked across the Interstate toilet, now is the time,” he said.
a 14-year-old girl in Fargo. The the African burying ground is simply shoveled under road- Africans in the country, eclips- 64 bridges overhead; candy The test had all the tedious
caption invoked a racist theory invisible beneath an aban- ways and scraped aside to make ing New York City’s African wrappers, beer cans and plastic markings of a high school exam,
that foreigners of color are “re- doned gas station, highway room for bridges. There was no Burial Ground National Monu- foam food containers littered down to the motivational poster
placing” White Americans in the overpasses and railroad tracks. respect. That really hurts, but ment. the weeds along the sidewalk. on the wall saying “I will.”
United States: “THE GREAT RE- “Nobody could see it,” said there’s also anger.” McQueen set a precedent “I just remember seeing this But in the Czech Republic, this
PLACEMENT AND ITS CONSE- Ana Edwards, an activist who Historians now believe Shoc- this summer by working with for the first time and thinking I is part of how you obtain a gun.
QUENCES.” has spent years elevating Rich- koe Hill could be the largest experts to get the Shockoe Hill SEE BURIALS ON A6 And 40 minutes later, three of
of reproductive care is stealing lives. A8 schools after a power At night, Ukraine’s THE REGION stand-up alone, and fos- BUSINESS NEWS ....................... A15 CONTENT © 2022
drone hunters scramble Two teenagers were fa- tered the careers of stars The Washington Post / Year 145, No. 53319
outage at a city water COMICS ....................................... C6
Md. plane crash One person rescued from the purification site. A3 to destroy Russia’s Irani- tally shot over the week- including Jay Leno, OPINION PAGES.........................A19
small aircraft was released from a hospital as an-built aerial fleet. A10 end in D.C., including Richard Pryor and Jerry
The man charged with one who had been shot
OBITUARIES ................................ B6
Pakistan’s first Oscar Seinfeld. B6
federal investigators launched a probe. B1 killing 10 Black people at TELEVISION ................................. C4
WORLD NEWS............................A10
Lawsuit accuses VA of long-standing racial discrimination
For home delivery comments
or concerns contact us at BY A LEX H ORTON VA press secretary Terrence A separate study, overseen by Monday.
washingtonpost.com/subscriberservices or Hayes did not address the lawsuit the Connecticut Veterans Legal Monk’s father served in a seg-
send us an email at The U.S. government has dis- but said in a statement that the Center, concluded that Black vet- regated Army unit during World
[email protected] or call criminated against “countless” agency is working to combat “in- erans disproportionately receive War II and was denied VA disabil-
202-334-6100 or 800-477-4679 Black military veterans dating stitutional racism.” Officials are more punitive discharges from ity payments for a stomach condi-
TO SUBSCRIBE back decades, rejecting service- reviewing policies to serve veter- the service, curtailing their access tion developed in the military,
800-753-POST (7678) connected disability claims dis- ans who wrongly received puni- to VA support. Critics of the agen- according to a separate adminis-
proportionately compared with tive discharges, which in most cy also point to a survey, conduct- trative claim filed by the clinic.
TO ADVERTISE White applicants, and blocking cases led VA to block their access ed in 2020 by a VA workers union, Monk Jr., who oversees his fa-
Classified: 202-334-6200
access to housing and education to benefits, and contacting those finding that more than half of the ther’s estate, is seeking $1 million
Display: 202-334-7642 benefits that helped fuel the rise pushed out of the military to employees who responded said in damages for VA’s denial of his
of America’s middle class after discuss how they can access some they had witnessed racism direct- dad’s medical care and disability
MAIN PHONE NUMBER World War II, a lawsuit filed programs and care, he said. ed toward veterans being served pay, which could have amounted
Monday claims. “Throughout history, there by the department. to tens of thousands of dollars,
TO REACH THE NEWSROOM The suit was brought by Yale have been unacceptable dispari- VA produced the benefits data according to the claim.
Metro: 202-334-7300; Law School’s Veterans Legal Ser- ties in both VA benefits decisions cited in the lawsuit following a A proposed law, the GI Bill
[email protected] vices Clinic on behalf of a Viet- and military discharge status due complaint in federal court by the Restoration Act, would address
National: 202-334-7410; nam War veteran, Conley Monk to racism, which have wrongly National Veterans Council for Le- such disparities by providing
[email protected] Jr., whose applications for health left Black veterans without access gal Redress and the Black Veter- benefits to the descendants of MONK FAMILY
Business: 202-334-7320; care, home loans and education to VA care and benefits,” Hayes ans Project. It shows the agency some Black World War II veter- Conley Monk Jr.’s lawsuit
[email protected] assistance were “repeatedly” said. “We are actively working to fully approves about 30 percent ans, 6 percent of whom earned a against VA contends that racial
Sports: 202-334-7350; turned away by the Department right these wrongs.” of Black veterans’ disability college degree after the war, the bias led to denial of benefits.
[email protected] of Veterans Affairs, the court fil- VA disability awards compen- claims; for White veterans, the bill says. About 19 percent of
Investigative: 202-334-6179; ing says. His advocates contend sate veterans for injuries that figure is 37 percent. The Associat- White World War II veterans did fights that landed him in jail. He
[email protected] the case could help determine result from military duty. Pay- ed Press reported on the data in so. The bill was introduced in the took a deal, according to the
Style: 202-334-7535; whether the federal government ments can range from hundreds June. The information dates only House last year but has not filing, to waive his right to a
[email protected] can be held liable for systemic to thousands of dollars per month to 2002 because, before then, VA moved on to a vote. court-martial and instead accept
Reader Advocate: 202-334-7582; prejudices that, over generations, while affording access to other VA did not link disability-claim deci- Monk Jr.’s government service a punitive discharge from the
[email protected] have disadvantaged African programs and benefits intended sions to individuals’ case files nor began in a VA hospital kitchen in Marines in 1970.
Americans who served in the to help them and their families did it retain decision data, the West Haven, Conn. In 1968 he Monk said he did not under-
TO REACH THE OPINION PAGES military and their families, po- thrive after their service obliga- suit said. enlisted in the Marine Corps and stand the gravity of that decision
Letters to the editor:
[email protected] or call
tentially clearing a path for oth- tions end. VA determines an indi- Richard Brookshire, an Army was sent to Vietnam the next year, until VA denied him home loans
202-334-6215 ers to seek recompense. vidual’s disability rating by evalu- veteran who served in Afghani- he said in an interview. and access to education through
Opinion: “The negligence of VA leader- ating the severity of service- stan and is the co-founder of the He worked as a driver respon- the GI Bill. He fought drug addic-
[email protected] ship, and their failure to train, connected injuries through medi- Black Veterans Project, said it sible for hauling U.S. troops and tion while his mental health is-
Published daily (ISSN 0190-8286). supervise, monitor, and instruct cal documentation and other evi- appears VA has never examined supplies through areas thick with sues went untreated, he said.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
The Washington Post, 1301 K St. NW, Washington,
agency officials to take steps to dence. whether race was a factor in its fighting. His truck was some- “I was angry at VA for denying
D.C. 20071. identify and correct racial dispar- Other VA benefits are substan- benefits decisions. The conse- times hit with gunfire, he said. me services even though I fought
Periodicals postage paid in Washington, D.C., and ities, led to systematic benefits tial, helping pay for college tu- quence, he said, is the denial During other missions, the roads in Vietnam honorably,” he said.
additional mailing office.
obstruction for Black veterans,” ition and setting favorable inter- through “gross negligence” of were lined with enemy dead. In “The government was like my
the complaint says. “VA leaders est rates for government-backed generational wealth and social one horrifying instance, he enemy. They were not there for
knew or should have known and home loans, most of which are advancement for many Black vet- watched another U.S. Marine run me.”
C O R RE C TI ON S negligently failed to redress.” secured with no down payment. erans. over a Vietnamese man, unsure With help from Yale’s legal
The lawsuit relies on internal The education assistance and Brookshire said VA’s leaders whether the man was an attacker clinic, Monk reapplied for dis-
VA data showing that, from 2002 home loans contained in the orig- have been unwilling to have the or an innocent bystander, the ability benefits and won his case
lA Nov. 27 A-section article to 2020, the agency denied Black inal GI Bill, which became law in “difficult conversation” about ra- lawsuit says. in 2015. In 2020, an appeal re-
about the selection of musician people seeking disability benefits 1944, are credited with helping cial bias. In 2017, the agency Monk said that he developed versed his punitive discharge, be-
Jon Batiste to perform at the nearly 30 percent of the time veterans and their families gener- showed interest in assessing links post-traumatic stress disorder latedly awarding him benefits de-
Biden administration’s first state whereas White applicants experi- ate wealth after World War II. But between race and PTSD disability but that no one at the time nied after his return from Viet-
dinner incorrectly identified the enced a 24 percent rejection rate. a recent study conducted by claims, but the effort was shelved understood the condition. It nam. Yet the decision did not
best-selling cancer memoir by VA also administers home loans Brandeis University’s Institute due to staff shortages, according would be another decade until make him whole, the suit con-
Batiste’s wife, Suleika Jaouad, as and education assistance for for Economic and Racial Equity to Yale’s assessment of VA rec- PTSD was recognized by the tends.
“Between Two Worlds.” It is titled qualifying veterans, and racial found it enriched the lives of ords. American Psychiatric Association Monk tried to resolve the issue
“Between Two Kingdoms.” In the disparities also exist in those cat- White Americans far more than Emblematic of the problem, as a debilitating medical condi- through an administrative claim
same article, Manmohan Singh egories, according to recent stud- Black Americans, limiting the Brookshire said, is Monk Jr., tion. When his service in Vietnam in February, but VA did not re-
was incorrectly identified as ies and legislation pending in possibilities of social advance- whose case is at the heart of the ended, Monk redeployed to a U.S. spond, the legal clinic said,
India’s president when he was Congress. ment. lawsuit filed in Connecticut on base in Japan, where he got into prompting the lawsuit.
honored at the Obama
administration’s first state
dinner. He was the country’s
prime minister.
conduct from anyone, but most groups that pushed BDS. We who espouses such views.” lions of dollars of net worth after
particularly from a former Presi- stand with the Jewish people in Trump has acknowledged he businesses cut ties with him for
repeatedly making antisemitic
remarks. Fuentes has espoused
foundly poor judgment in giving
those individuals a seat at the
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Supreme Court is set
to reopen to the public
The Supreme Court is
reopening its doors to the public,
beginning Thursday.
The imposing marble building
has been closed since March
2020 because of pandemic
precautions, and the justices
themselves stayed away at
various times. They have held
oral arguments via
teleconference, and last term
met in the courtroom with only
credentialed reporters, clerks,
family members and a few guests
looking on.
Beginning with the new term A trader works Monday on the floor of the New York Stock
in October, oral arguments were Exchange, with Christmas decorations on display nearby.
again opened to those who
waited in line for a seat, but not
to those who simply wanted to The agreement worked out intersection to avoid a collision,
tour the building. between the defense and causing Cox to fly headfirst into
In Monday’s announcement, prosecution avoided a trial that a metal partition in the van.
the court said the building will had been scheduled to start “I can’t move. I’m going to die
be open to the public from 9 a.m. Monday before Circuit Court like this. Please, please, please
to 3 p.m. on weekdays. It will be Judge Sherwood Bauer. help me,” Cox said minutes after
closed on weekends and federal The judge said Harrouff will the crash.
holidays. The court’s public remain in the Martin County Jail As Cox pleaded for help, some
lecture and history programs until he is taken to a secure of the officers at the detention
remain suspended. mental health facility. Bauer said center mocked him and accused
— Robert Barnes he will not be allowed to leave him of being drunk and faking
the facility without a court order. his injuries, according to
FLORIDA The trial had been delayed by dialogue captured by
the pandemic, legal wrangling surveillance and body-camera
Insanity plea deal for and Harrouff ’s recovery from footage.
man in face-biting case critical injuries suffered while Officers dragged Cox by his
drinking a chemical during the feet from the van and placed him
A judge accepted a plea deal attack. He has claimed he was in a holding cell before his
Monday for a man who fleeing a demon when the attack eventual transfer to a hospital.
randomly killed a Florida couple happened. “I think I cracked my neck,”
in their garage six years ago and Harrouff ’s parents and others Cox said after the van arrived at
then chewed on one victim’s face. said he had acted strangely for the detention center.
The deal will send him to a weeks. His parents had set up an “You didn’t crack it, no, you
mental hospital for treatment. appointment for him to be drank too much. … Sit up,” said
Austin Harrouff, 25, pleaded evaluated, but the attack Sgt. Betsy Segui, one of the five
not guilty by reason of insanity occurred first. officers charged.
to two counts of first-degree — Associated Press Cox was later found to have a
murder and other charges for the fractured neck and was
2016 slayings of John Stevens, CONNECTICUT paralyzed.
59, and his wife, Michelle The five New Haven police
Mishcon Stevens, 53. He also 5 officers charged after officers were charged with
seriously injured a neighbor who man paralyzed in van second-degree reckless
tried to help them. endangerment and cruelty, both
Harrouff, who attended Five Connecticut police misdemeanors. The other four
Florida State University before officers were charged Monday charged were Officer Oscar Diaz,
the attack, will be committed to a with cruelly neglecting a Black Officer Ronald Pressley, Officer
secure mental health facility man after he was partially Jocelyn Lavandier and Officer
until doctors and a judge agree paralyzed in the back of a police Luis Rivera.
that he is no longer dangerous. If van, despite his repeated and Cox was arrested June 19 after
the trial had gone forward, desperate pleas for help. police said they found him in
Harrouff could have faced life in Randy Cox, 36, was being possession of a handgun at a
prison. driven to a New Haven police block party.
A number of family members station June 19 for processing on The charges against him were
of the slain couple expressed a weapons charge when the later dropped.
anger at the decision. driver braked hard at an — Associated Press
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cemeteries, points to a powerful The gravel path, above, is the area where Lenora McQueen thinks her fourth-great-grandmother,
scene in the works of Frederick Kitty Cary, might be buried based on the lines of an 1866 poem, right. In the background, behind the
Law Olmsted — the famous land- Hebrew Cemetery chapel, is the former alms house where the woman who wrote the poem worked. HARPER’S WEEKLY
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making pregnancy and child- ing that family doctors are pro- CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: A patient diagnosed with premenstrual dysphoric disorder drove an hour to the Mabel Wadsworth Center in
birth among the leading causes viding this care all across the Bangor, Maine. The clinic is the state’s only private, independent not-for-profit health center providing full-spectrum reproductive care. A
of death for teenage girls and country,” Lee said, stressing that patient who had been raped had an abortion at Mabel Wadsworth in September. Julia McDonald, medical director of abortion services at
women 15 to 44 years old. Black she was speaking from her pro- Mabel Wadsworth, says that “patients actually do better when their care is provided by the clinicians that they have grown to trust.”
women are three times as likely fessional experience and not on
to die as a result of pregnancy as behalf of her institution.
White women, and Native Amer- As a medical student, Lee said
ican women are more than twice she did a rotation at an abortion
as likely to die, disparities that clinic, where she met family
persist regardless of income, doctors and asked whether they
education and other socioeco- performed the procedure in their
nomic factors. practices. Some did. Others did
And considerable gaps in not. Curious about the diver-
death exist based on geography, gence, she interviewed primary
too, with women who live in care doctors throughout New
rural communities about 60 per- England.
cent more likely to die from What she found, according to
pregnancy complications than the study published in August in
their urban counterparts. the medical journal Contracep-
Mabel Wadsworth Center is an tion, was that a mixture of explic-
island of integrated care in this it and implied institutional pol-
rural community, where state icies, government regulations,
reports show there is one pri- stigma and friction among medi-
mary care physician for every cal specialties kept primary care
1,300 residents and one psychia- doctors from being able to pro-
trist for every 14,000. vide patients with full-spectrum
Its mission is to provide full- reproductive care.
spectrum reproductive care, tele- “This is not complicated medi-
graphed by the art lining the cine,” she said.
walls: colorful renderings of It is, however, controversial.
uteruses and vaginas and black- Here, at Mabel Wadsworth,
and-white images of the bellies they try to bring down the barri-
of women who have given birth, ers that contribute to the nation’s
had miscarriages, abortions and maternal health crisis and knit
stillbirths. together a fractured medical sys-
The ratio of primary care pro- tem, with its balkanized patch-
viders to patients in Penobscot work of providers and insurers.
County, where the clinic is locat- Primary care, mental health
ed, is comparable to statewide counseling, Pap smears and
figures but worse when it comes abortion services are all provid-
to mental health providers, and ed inside this small clinic sand-
state officials acknowledge a wiched between an allergist and
shortage of health-care providers an oral surgeon.
in this largely rural state. “It’s absurd that there are not
More and more, people want clinics like ours everywhere,”
their reproductive health needs said Abbie Strout-Bentes, Mabel
addressed in a primary care Wadsworth’s director of educa-
setting because of the conven- tion and community engage-
ience and the relationship estab- ment. “Abortion has been sort of ther than 15 miles from a mater- tion, and we can’t always meet all exam — and checked her blood
lished with their provider. But they’re not. siloed in the sexual and repro- nity ward, and in a large swath of the demand there is. That’s been pressure.
“Patients actually do better Mabel Wadsworth is Maine’s ductive health world, which is Maine, which is as big as the five something the pandemic has When it comes to figuring out
when their care is provided by only private, independent not- not helpful,” McDonald said. other New England states put shown us,” Strout-Bentes said, why the nation is in a worsening
the clinicians that they have for-profit health center provid- Research shows in an ideal together, the nearest maternity noting that the clinic cared for maternal morbidity and mortal-
grown to trust,” said Julia Mc- ing full-spectrum reproductive maternal health system, women ward is more than 25 miles away, 2,782 people last year and that ity crisis, experts acknowledge
Donald, medical director of care and just one of a handful would have access to compre- the Federal Reserve report said. there is a waiting list for primary they need to better understand
abortion services at Mabel Wads- nationwide. hensive and seamless medical About one-third of Mabel care services. how a constellation of life
worth Center. “As a full-spectrum The care Mabel Wadsworth care — and not just when they Wadsworth patients travel from Sitting in the lobby, before the events that start long before
family physician, the fact that I provides is controversial because show up pregnant but before, outside the county to receive nurse-midwife called her back to pregnancy — racism, housing
can provide contraceptive care, offering full-spectrum reproduc- during and after pregnancy. That care. an exam room about 9:25 a.m. on policy, policing, climate change,
provide prenatal care, catch tive care means performing often doesn’t happen in the Unit- The hospital where one pa- a recent Wednesday, a 34-year- pollution — affects expectant
somebody’s baby, provide abor- abortions, along with prenatal ed States, which among high-in- tient, a 42-year-old mother of old said she has been a Mabel mothers.
tion care, go on to provide well- and postpartum care. So, despite come nations is the worst place four, delivered her babies no Wadsworth patient through vari- And they point to something
children care and annual physi- the center’s founders being given to give birth, especially for Black, longer offers obstetric services. ous life phases. else: the stigma and shame asso-
cal exams, just strengthens the keys to the city, the clinic is not Native American and rural wom- She had driven an hour south to The mother of two said she ciated with sex, which can lead to
bond.” welcomed by all. en. Mabel Wadsworth after being started seeking care at Mabel mistreatment, misunderstand-
Said one patient recently as A small group of “antis” regu- In the decade starting in 2010, referred by her primary care Wadsworth as a college student ings and mistrust.
she waited to be seen: “They have larly pickets the clinic, where at least 90 rural hospitals closed provider. She’d seen multiple needing emergency contracep- A 31-year-old, who sat in the
my whole history.” She has been patients spoke on the condition in the United States, according to doctors, begging for them to take tion and has received gynecolog- lobby reading parenting maga-
coming to the clinic for more of anonymity out of concern for a 2019 report from the Federal seriously her extreme mood ical, prenatal and postnatal care zines with her husband as they
than a decade. their safety. Reserve Bank of Boston. And swings, heavy bleeding and se- here since. waited for their first prenatal
Clinicians and public health Many of the small-town family while the study said New Eng- vere pain associated with her On this day, she had come just appointment, said she encoun-
experts worry the crisis caused medicine doctors who work on land was largely spared the period. to have her blood pressure tered only “compassion” and
by the pandemic, staffing short- “clinic days” when abortions are brunt of those closings, popula- “If you’re going to be treating checked — or so she thought. She care “without judgment” since
ages and increased abortion re- performed travel from more than tion loss and financial pressures women and doing gynecological developed hypertension while first coming to Mabel Wads-
strictions will tax an already- 75 miles away and don’t broad- have resulted in maternity wards care, you can’t dismiss women,” pregnant with her son, who’s worth more than a decade ago.
strained health-care system, fur- cast their work at Mabel Wads- shuttering at hospitals. As of she said, describing her struggles about 11/2 years old, and is still She started out getting gyneco-
ther eroding access to compre- worth in their home communi- 2019, 22 of the 75 hospitals across while waiting to be seen. The being screened for it. logical exams, testing for sexu-
hensive reproductive care and ties, which are more conserva- Maine, New Hampshire and Ver- high school graduate who works The 30-minute appointment ally transmitted infections and
putting more people who give tive than Bangor. Here, store- mont lacked a maternity ward, two jobs said one doctor told her, included updating her medical then, about six years ago, coun-
birth at risk. front window displays in the report found. “‘You’re just not managing your history and a conversation about seling for an unplanned preg-
Amid disappearing maternity downtown show support for The study said rural commu- anxiety.’ ” her wedding officiating. nancy.
wards as rural hospitals struggle abortion rights. nities with more African Ameri- “Mind you,” the woman said, “Symptoms of menopause?” — The couple’s living and finan-
can and low-income families “I’m on three different anxiety hot flashes or insomnia — Melis- cial situation at the time “would
have suffered more rapid loss of medications. I live in this body. I sa Libby, the nurse-midwife, not support a child,” she said by
maternity wards than have other know when something’s not asked before moving on to the email after the appointment. She
rural communities. More than right.” next question after being told no. considered having an abortion
half of the nation’s Black popula- When she finally was diag- “You’re young for it, but I like but miscarried, saying the situa-
tion lives in the South, which nosed with premenstrual dys- to ask,” Libby said. “Any symp- tion “scared us into going back to
experienced a disproportionate phoric disorder and referred to toms of anxiety or depression?” school.”
share of hospital closures, feder- Mabel Wadsworth, “I just cried,” This time, the answer was yes Afterward, she had an intra-
al reports show, while upper New she said. — and scrolling through social uterine device inserted as a form
England remains overwhelming- Here, she figured she would at media wasn’t helping. The wom- of birth control but said her body
ly White. least be believed — and she was. an took Libby up on her offer for rejected it.
The consequence of closing “Honestly, the importance of help when she mentioned a ther- So, she had a different type of
maternity wards and rural hospi- the work that we do has been apist on staff sees patients long-acting reversible contracep-
tals: Patients must travel farther amplified through the past cou- through telehealth. tion implanted in her arm with
for care, which is more than a ple of years,” Strout-Bentes said. “You can put me on her wait- the help of the clinic’s sliding-
matter of convenience. Commu- At Mabel Wadsworth, affordable list,” the 34-year-old said. “Maybe scale payment plan.
nity health suffers as prenatal care is provided regardless of I’ll need it when it comes up.” Now, she said, the couple is
care, preventive care and main- cost or insurance status, with After the questions and an- married and in a “beautiful and
tenance of chronic conditions private insurance and Medicaid swers, the provider decided to do intentional place in our lives.”
becomes increasingly challeng- accepted and a sliding scale for a more comprehensive exam. She Something, she said, that
ing. patients who must pay out of listened to the patient’s heart wouldn’t have happened without
The road to Mabel Wadsworth. About one-third of its patients More than 60,000 women in pocket. and lungs, palpated her abdo- the “education, access and sup-
travel from outside the county to receive care. northern New England live far- “We’re a very small organiza- men and thyroid, did a breast port” they received.
As U.S. moves on, covid death toll skews toward older Americans we’re saying, ‘You don’t matter.
We’d rather just not be inconven-
ienced,’ ” she said.
Masks are a particular pain
VIRUS FROM A1 point.
“I was hugely disappointed
unrelenting toll on a still- when they took away the mask
vulnerable older generation, mandates for airplanes and other
while most everyone else has public transportation,” she said.
moved on. Given the minimal disruption
“I think about someone’s to daily life from face coverings,
grandfather — the plays they and their major impact on curb-
wouldn’t watch, the games on the ing transmission, according to
football field they wouldn’t see,” studies, she does not understand
he said. why public health leaders have
More than 300 people are still stopped promoting their use.
dying each day on average from Even one of the most recogniz-
covid-19, most of them 65 or older, able seniors during the pandemic,
according to data from the Cen- Fauci, the National Institutes of
ters for Disease Control and Pre- Health scientist who is 81, no lon-
vention. While that’s much lower ger wears a face covering in many
than the 2,000 daily toll at the public appearances. In pictures
peak of the delta wave, it is still from 2020, Fauci was always seen
roughly two to three times the rate with a mask. Even when he threw
at which people die of the flu — the ceremonial first pitch that
renewing debate about what is an year on MLB Opening Day be-
“acceptable loss.” tween the New York Yankees and
And while older Americans the Washington Nationals, and
have consistently been the worst was outdoors and 60 feet away
hit during the crisis, as evident in from another human being, he
the scores of early nursing home was masked.
deaths, that trend has become But last month, when the infec-
more pronounced. Today, nearly tious-disease doctor accompa-
9 in 10 covid deaths are in people nied TV host Stephen Colbert to a
65 or older — the highest rate ever, Walgreens in New York City to get
according to a Washington Post a booster shot, neither wore a face
analysis of CDC data. covering.
Some epidemiologists and de- Fauci, through his office, de-
mographers predict the trend of clined to comment on that deci-
older, sicker and poorer people sion. But in a White House brief-
dying at disproportionate rates ing on Nov. 22, he talked about
will continue, raising hard ques- SPENCER PLATT/GETTY IMAGES
face coverings as just one of “mul-
tions about the trade-offs Ameri- Dozens take part in the second annual Covid March to Remember in August in New York City. While older Americans have consistently tiple interventions and multiple
cans are making in pursuit of nor- been the worst hit during the crisis, as evident in the scores of early nursing home deaths, that trend has grown even more pronounced. actions” people can take to protect
malcy — and at whose expense. themselves, saying each individu-
The situation mirrors the way Covid deaths concentrated more than ever in stricting freedom of movement. time reading, gardening, picking al should evaluate their own risks,
some other infectious diseases, Elfriede Derrer-Merk, a geriat- up his grandson from school and as well as those of the people
such as malaria and polio, rage in
the elderly ric nurse from the University of accompanying him to his football around them.
the developing world while they The share of covid deaths in this country among people age 75 or older is at Liverpool, and others wrote in a games. He was strong and extraor- Given the scripted nature of
are largely ignored elsewhere. the highest level of the pandemic. Younger people made up a larger share of journal article in August that dinarily healthy, Swanigan re- such photo opportunities, the de-
S. Matthew Liao, a professor of the deaths during the delta wave in summer 2021. many older people felt angry and called, but the virus nonetheless cision to forgo masks horrified
bioethics, philosophy and public frustrated that their individuality ravaged his lungs and he had to be Andrew Noymer, a public health
Age under 50 Age 50-74 Age 75 and up
health at New York University, was ignored. put on a ventilator. He died that professor at the University of Cali-
argued that it is possible to keep 70% 71% The “undifferentiated way in August. fornia at Irvine. “The message is
the economy open while still ag- which especially the role of age as Swanigan said she was heart- ‘don’t bother masking,’ ” he said in
gressively pursuing a national 60% a risk factor was discussed, and ened to hear about President an interview. “We have given up,
booster campaign and requiring the inclusion of all people above Biden’s campaign to encourage and the fact we’ve given up means
masks in health-care settings and 50% the age of 65 into one homoge- older Americans to get booster we don’t care about a certain
nursing homes, for example. But neous risk group, often neglected shots. But she and other members amount of deaths.”
U.S. leaders have chosen not to do . . . the diversity of older people of Marked by Covid, a nonprofit Noymer, who studies covid-19
so, he said. That worries him. 30% and their characteristics and thus founded by two women who lost mortality, argued that the notion
“There’s a bit of ageism, so to 27% drew criticism for fueling ageism parents to the virus, advocate for that we can prevent almost all
Delta Omicron wave
speak, attached to it,” he said, 20% in society,” the authors wrote. more protections for people who deaths given the pullback of miti-
adding, “People, even if they are are vulnerable, such as additional gation policies is disingenuous.
older, they still have as much 10% ‘You don’t matter’ coronavirus testing. She contin- “I don’t think they are being
claim to live as me.” Tara Swanigan’s father was in ues to be shocked by how callous totally candid” about the number
In an open letter published 0% 2% the first wave of deaths that oc- some people have been when she of deaths the country will face, he
2021 2022
Oct. 7 in the BMJ, formerly the curred in 2020. has talked about her father’s said of U.S. officials. “I think it is
British Medicine Journal, Gregg Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Charles Krebbs had celebrated death. “Well, your dad was super bleak, and I am trying to steel
Gonsalves, an associate professor provisional covid death records DAN KEATING / THE WASHINGTON POST his 75th birthday shortly before he old,” she recalled one man telling myself for the winter to come.”
at the Yale School of Public Health, was infected in July. He had re- her on social media.
and about a dozen other experts A recent CDC report on covid- ahead of a feared winter surge, the tired from his job as an appraiser “For seniors and the immuno- Fenit Nirappil contributed to this
emphasized that “pandemics do 19 mortality contained more good White House announced last in Phoenix and was spending his compromised, it’s almost like report.
not end with a flip of the switch.” news — most notably, a rapid drop week that it was launching a six-
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that the pandemic is over, death led to a relatively stable period take in seniors and other groups
and disruption continue,” they from April through September that have been disproportionately Custom Blinds, Shades,
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death if taken early. eight out of 10 in the first few
“We can now prevent almost all months of the pandemic, to a low Covid and age
of the deaths that are happening,” of 6 out of 10 when the delta wave The issue of age and the pan- *
she said at a news briefing this struck in the summer of 2021, to a demic has been a source of tension
month. high of 9 out of 10 today. throughout the pandemic.
However, Walensky acknowl-
edged that deaths among the el-
Last month, people 85 and old-
er represented 41.4 percent of
When hospitals were hit with a
crush of patients in the spring of OFF
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population. or a bed.
New ‘normal’ The vulnerability of older peo- A number of experts, including
Epidemiologists tend to divide ple to viruses is neither surpris- Liao, expressed discomfort with
the pandemic into three distinct ing, nor new. The more we age, the such rankings. “I really disagree
periods. In the first year, from more we accumulate scars from with that view,” he said. “You can
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That means the coronavirus is er rates for older Americans are death, said society has failed
likely to rank third as a cause of now lagging: According to the many of its elderly in another way,
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heart disease and cancer kill to 74 and 96 percent of people 75 the beginning of the pandemic WE BRING THE SHOWROOM TO YOU!
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While some fault covid-19 pol-
icies for not doing enough to pro-
tect the elderly, others criticize
age-based policies implemented
elsewhere. In the United King-
dom, for example, a matrix of
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Pharmacist Patricia Pernal administers a coronavirus vaccine at a through August 2020. The pol-
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The World
Ukraine’s drone hunters scramble to destroy Russia’s fleet
At night, mobile units detect and shoot at Iranian-made unmanned vehicles that frighten civilians and knock out power, water and heat
BY M ICHAEL E . M ILLER missiles that can inflict their own
AND A NASTACIA G ALOUCHKA damage and mask the approach
of a drone.
mykolaiv, ukraine — The pick- “They are trying to figure out
up truck bounced along a rutted where we have radar and where
dirt track until it came to a stop we don’t,” Yarema said.
on a sandy knoll. It was almost The drones are powered by
midnight. A half-moon revealed small engines like on a motorcy-
waves lapping at a small beach as cle, and they make a similar noise.
four Ukrainian soldiers — drone When Mykolaiv residents hear
hunters — stepped out of the them, they make reports via the
truck and waited for the sound. Telegram app.
Boom. A powerful explosion The drone hunter teams use
echoed over the city of Mykolaiv tablets showing the location of
— signaling another Russian air approaching Shaheds. Alerts give
attack was underway. Then came them roughly 10 minutes to get
another rumble and sirens into position.
blared. Once a drone is illuminated,
“To battle,” said the unit com- the barrages that follow can be so
mander, aiming a thermal vision intense that it is often hard to
sensor into the early November know which unit destroyed a
sky as another soldier climbed drone. “Of course, there is com-
behind a heavy, truck-mounted petitiveness,” said K, noting his
machine gun. team had shot down three Sha-
While Russia has retreated on heds as of early November. “But
the battlefield, it continues to ultimately the Ukrainian state
strike Ukraine with Iranian-made killed it. The result is the most
Shahed drones, terrifying civil- important.”
ians and repeatedly knocking out After a drone is destroyed, the
water, power and heat as winter units also hunt down the pieces,
sets in. for public safety and intelligence
The unit on the beach was one reasons.
of dozens now tasked with detect- In a secret workshop, K showed
ing and destroying the self-deto- fragments of two Shaheds, in-
nating unmanned aerial vehicles cluding components that ap-
Russia is using as part of its peared to be manufactured in the
relentless bombing campaign. United States, Asia and Europe,
Mykolaiv, which until recently despite sanctions limiting Iran’s
was just 20 miles from the front access to such technology.
lines, was one of the first cities “They are sidestepping sanc-
targeted with Shaheds, and the tions,” K said.
city quickly cobbled together PHOTOS BY HEIDI LEVINE FOR THE WASHINGTON POST The drone attacks have quieted
small mobile anti-drone units in the past week as Russia’s sup-
drawing personnel from the po- ABOVE: A commander of ply of Shaheds has run out, ac-
lice, army, territorial defense Ukraine’s drone hunters cording to a British Defense Intel-
units and national guard. uses a tablet to monitor the ligence update on Wednesday.
Russia initially deployed the early November sky over the But Iran reportedly plans to send
Shaheds at all hours, the drone southern Mykolaiv region. more to Moscow, and there is an
hunters said. But the noisy, slow- The drone hunters are agreement to begin manufactur-
moving machines were easily tasked with detecting and ing drones on Russian soil, ac-
shot down in daylight, so they destroying the Iranian-made cording to new intelligence seen
now fly mostly between midnight explosive unmanned aerial by U.S. and other Western secu-
and dawn. vehicles Russia uses to rity agencies.
Anti-drone units rotate night terrorize Ukraine. Repeated drone and missile
shifts across the city, moving be- RIGHT: A drone hunter unit attacks on Ukrainian cities have
tween multiple firing points, each commander aims a thermal spurred the U.S. and its allies to
chosen carefully to minimize the vision sensor into the sky. start supplying Ukraine with
chance of gunfire accidentally in- BELOW: Fragments of two more advanced air defense sys-
juring a civilian. When they spot a Shahed drones at a secret tems. But until they are deployed
Shahed, multiple teams often fire workshop in the Mykolaiv across Ukraine, the protection of
at the drone at once. region. The wreckage many cities, including Mykolaiv,
“It’s a beautiful picture when in included pieces that will largely hinge on the drone
the middle of the night, a thou- appeared to have been hunters.
sand rounds light up the sky,” said manufactured in the United The drone hunters are espe-
Bogdan Yarema, 26, a member of States, Asia and Europe, cially wary of where a damaged
Ukraine’s Special Forces helping despite sanctions limiting drone might fall.
coordinate Mykolaiv’s anti-drone Iran’s access to such In Kyiv, some Shaheds were
efforts. technology. shot down but then landed on
“It’s like something out of Star apartment buildings, killing civil-
Wars,” both “awesome” and dan- ians. Dmytro Pletenchuk, a press
gerous, said Yarema, who was an officer for the Mykolaiv regional
event art director before Russia’s military administration, said no
invasion started on Feb. 24. one in Mykolaiv had been killed
“That’s why we shoot only where or soldiers before Russia’s inva- studies drone warfare. Without or injured from anti-drone opera-
we know there are no civilians in sion. Others quickly signed up. more advanced Western air de- tions.
the sector, because you can kill K, who led the anti-drone unit fense systems, the old-school ap- The drone hunters said they
more civilians with your guns positioned on the beach and proach of shooting them down were encouraged by reports of
than the drones would.” spoke on the condition that The with machine guns was a better Western military aid to combat
Andriy Tsybin, 24, a police ser- Washington Post use only his first solution, Lushenko said. the Shaheds, including a recent
geant, said most anti-drone units initial for fear of being targeted by Most of the Shaheds soaring announcement of U.S. anti-drone
had roughly a half-dozen mem- Russia, had been a television jour- over Mykolaiv are launched from machine guns. But they have yet
bers. Some also have heavy weap- nalist until 2017, when he started Crimea, according to Yarema and to see any of those weapons. The
onry. Tsybin’s team, for instance, a military equipment company. others working to shoot them drone hunters said they also need
was armed with a 50-caliber ma- Now, his life revolves around down. more basic equipment, including
chine gun salvaged from a de- drones — operating them for the The drones typically approach thermal sensors, night vision gog-
stroyed Russian tank. The gun Ukrainian military and destroy- from the Black Sea, before com- gles and sturdy pickup trucks.
was now perched in the back of a ing those of the enemy. “My wife ing up the Southern Buh river. Ukraine is now a testing
donated convertible, complete said she thought she married a While some are aimed at military ground for a new type of terror
with a custom paint job showing a journalist,” he said with a laugh. targets or infrastructure in Myko- that is inexpensive and easy to
skull. “Then I turned into a business- laiv, others are headed to cities as transfer across borders, Yarema
One unit member normally man and now some kind of fight- far as Kyiv, 300 miles north, or said, adding that it was only a
uses a gunlike thermal sensor to er.” Lviv, 500 miles away in western matter of time until other coun-
spot the Shahed, before switching At a meeting on Monday, infrastructure systems and pro- scrambled fighter jets. Ukraine. tries faced similar threats. “We
on a laser beam to illuminate it so Ukraine’s senior military and po- tect them from future damage. But risking multimillion-dol- Sometimes, a single Shahed are working on how to fight these
others can shoot it down litical leaders discussed the likeli- When Russia first started using lar planes on $20,000 drones was will suddenly appear on the city’s drones, but we need more stuff,”
Like their equipment, the hood of continued Russian air- Shaheds, the Ukrainians were not “completely wasteful,” said Paul radar systems. Other times, Rus- Yarema said. “Then we can share
drone hunters are an assorted strikes. President Volodymyr Zel- sure how to destroy them. Some Lushenko, a U.S. Army lieutenant sia will send half a dozen at once, our experiences, because the next
bunch. Some, like Tsybin, were ensky’s office said they also dis- soldiers used shoulder-launched colonel and doctoral student at hoping a few reach their target. batch of drones Iran might use
already working as police officers cussed efforts to repair missiles. The air force even Cornell University student who Occasionally, Russia also fires against someone else.”
INDIA erosion and depriving them of EUROPE were seized during the hotel in Mogadishu, Somalia’s leader but did not elaborate. The
their livelihoods. investigations run in Spain, capital, on Monday to end a near city has long been dominated by
Dozens wounded in Over the weekend, police Europol targets France, Belgium, the Netherlands day-long siege by al Shabaab the Northeast cartel, an offshoot
port project protest arrested several protesters after cocaine ‘super cartel’ and the UAE with the support of militants who killed nine people of the old Zetas gang. A military
they blocked Adani’s Europol. The U.S. Drug at the building near the officer said the suspect was a
More than 80 people were construction vehicles from Law enforcement authorities Enforcement Administration president’s residence in the leader of the Northeast cartel’s
wounded in southern India as entering the port, despite a court in six different countries have also played a role in bringing capital, police said. Gunfire infamous “Troops of hell” squad
villagers halting the construction order for work to resume. joined forces to take down a down the organization, which crackled from inside the hotel as of killers.
of a $900 million port clashed The arrests prompted “super cartel” of drugs traffickers was also involved in money the special forces fought the
with police, the latest escalation hundreds of protesters, led by controlling about one-third of laundering, Europol said. militants more than 12 hours Netanyahu strikes deal with
of a months-old protest waged by Roman Catholic priests, to march the cocaine trade in Europe, the “The scale of cocaine after the Islamist group stormed hard-liner: Former Israeli prime
a mostly Christian fishing on the police station, clash with European Union crime agency importation into Europe under the building in the center of minister Benjamin Netanyahu
community against Asia’s richest personnel and damage vehicles said on Monday. the suspects’ control and Mogadishu. A police has struck a coalition deal with a
man. there, according to police Europol said 49 suspects have command was massive,” Europol spokesperson said 60 civilians small ultranationalist faction
The protests are a major documents and footage on local been arrested during the said, adding that the suspects had been rescued. leader known for homophobic
headache for Gautam Adani’s television. investigation, with the latest used encrypted communications rhetoric and disparaging
$23 billion ports-and-logistics Asked about the latest protest, series of raids across Europe and to organize drugs shipments. Arrest sparks gunfire in remarks about non-Orthodox
company which has been forced the Adani Group did not the United Arab Emirates taking Record amounts of cocaine are Mexican border city: Gunfire Jews, a sign of the prospective
to stop work on the Vizhinjam immediately comment. The place between Nov. 8-19. being seized in Europe. Its broke out across the Mexican government’s hard line makeup.
seaport that is seen winning company has said that the port The agency said police forces availability on the continent has border city of Nuevo Laredo early Netanyahu’s Likud party
business from rivals in Dubai, complies with all laws and cited involved in “Operation Desert never been higher, with Monday, prompting the announced Sunday that the
Singapore and Sri Lanka. studies that show it is not linked Light” targeted both the extremely high purity and low cancellation of classes and an agreement names Noam faction
Construction, however, has to shoreline erosion. The state “command-and-control center prices. advisory from the U.S. Consulate leader Avi Maoz as a deputy
been halted for more than three government has also said that and the logistical drugs — Associated Press to shelter in place. President minister whose portfolio
months after villagers blocked any erosion was due to natural trafficking infrastructure in Andrés Manuel López Obrador includes an office bolstering
the entrance of the site, blaming causes. Europe.” Somali forces end hotel siege: said the shootings came in Jewish identity among Israelis.
the port of causing coastal — Reuters Over 30 metric tons of drugs Somali security forces stormed a response to the arrest of a cartel — From news services
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An irate Musk says Apple threatened to remove Twitter from its App Store
BY C AT Z AKRZEWSKI, users would be unable to access to a parody video that Apple foe “This is why we need to end the has warned investors in regulato- content available on Twitter,
F AIZ S IDDIQUI updates. The alleged threat adds Epic Games made in 2020 criti- App Store duopoly before the end ry filings that the success of its Roth said. He cited an example of
AND J EREMY B . M ERRILL to the advertiser pressure, staff cizing the App Store as a “mo- of this year,” tweeted Rep. Ken services is dependent on their a time when a reviewer contacted
departures and regulatory scruti- nopoly.” The video is a parody of Buck (R-Colo.), who has co-led surviving review for compliance the company concerned about
Elon Musk on Monday went on ny confronting Musk as he seeks Apple’s famous “1984” Super efforts to pass antitrust legisla- with App Store rules. the results that appeared when
a tear against Apple, Twitter’s top to overhaul years of Twitter pol- Bowl commercial, which Epic, tion targeting large tech compa- “Such review processes can be he searched for “#boobs” in the
advertiser, after he said the com- icies and account suspensions in the maker of the Fortnite video nies. “No one should have this difficult to predict and certain Twitter app. Another time, a re-
pany threatened to block the his quest to push a “free speech” game, released after it was kicked kind of market power.” decisions may harm our busi- viewer asked whether a days-old
social network from its App Store agenda. off Apple’s store for violating its App stores can move more ness,” the company wrote in a tweet containing an English-
without explanation and mostly In the first quarter, Apple was rules on in-app payments. He quickly than regulators and poli- 2021 filing to the Securities and language racial slur violated the
had stopped advertising on Twit- the top advertiser on Twitter, also tweeted a yes or no poll, ticians, who say they are scruti- Exchange Commission. company’s rules.
ter. spending $48 million on ads on asking his more than 119 million nizing Musk’s moves. White A former Twitter executive Apple and Google could see
The tirade underscored the the social network, according to a followers whether Apple should House press secretary Karine warned earlier this month that pressure from liberal groups and
immense power that Apple, the document reviewed by The “publish all censorship actions it Jean-Pierre told reporters at that assessment is an understate- civil rights organizations to en-
world’s most valuable company, Washington Post that was com- has taken that affect its custom- Monday’s briefing that the White ment and that Google and Apple’s sure that Musk’s Twitter is adher-
wields over the fate of the world’s piled from internal Twitter data. ers.” House was “keeping an eye on” app stores “may be the most ing to their policies.
richest man’s gamble on Twitter. Apple’s spending accounted for “Did you know Apple puts a Musk’s handling of Twitter. significant check on unrestrained “I think that both Apple and
The rant also signaled the role more than 4 percent of Twitter’s secret 30% tax on everything you “We have always been very speech on the mainstream inter- Google should not give an excep-
Apple could play as a check revenue that quarter. buy through their App Store?” clear that when it comes to social net.” tion to Twitter when it comes to
against Musk’s chaotic reign at Musk sought to put pressure Musk tweeted, with the caption media platforms, it is their re- “Failure to adhere to Apple’s their terms of service and this is
the social network; Apple previ- on the company and CEO Tim “Spoiler alert.” sponsibility to make sure that and Google’s guidelines would be something that I’ve been saying
ously has revoked App Store priv- Cook in a series of tweets for Musk signaled in a meme that when it comes to misinforma- catastrophic, risking Twitter’s ex- since May, which is that it’s going
ileges from companies that broke pausing that spending, a pause he intends to “go to war” with tion, when it comes to the hate pulsion from their app stores and to be advertisers and the app
its security policies or hosted that comes in the middle of the Apple. that we’re seeing, that they take making it more difficult for bil- stores that are the fulcrum,” said
violence and other problematic holiday shopping season. The tweets immediately action,” Jean-Pierre said. She said lions of potential users to get Angelo Carusone, president of
content. Apple did not respond to re- caught the attention of Washing- that President Biden would con- Twitter’s services,” Yoel Roth, the Media Matters, a left-leaning me-
If the company were to block quests for comment. ton lawmakers, who have pro- tinue to point out the responsibil- company’s former head of Trust dia watchdog group that has been
Twitter from its App Store, new In the tweets, Musk sought to posed bipartisan legislation that ity that platforms have to prevent and Safety, wrote in a New York among the organizers of the Twit-
users would be unable to down- stoke long-running concerns and aims to dismantle the power that their services from being used to Times op-ed. ter advertiser boycott.
load the Twitter app on their political scrutiny over Apple’s Apple and Google wield through incite violence. App Store representatives reg-
iPhones and iPads, and existing market power. He tweeted a link their app stores. Twitter, like other companies, ularly raised concerns about the Naomi Nix contributed to this report.
TECHNOLOGY lockdowns continue in the weeks ENERGY acquisition to build an suffering a stroke and a type of spokeswoman said in a
ahead, production could be set integrated RNG value chain at brain swelling and bleeding statement.
China turmoil could further back. Shell plans to buy global scale, at a time when during an Eisai trial, according It can be difficult to determine
spark iPhone shortfall The Zhengzhou campus has Nature Energy energy transition policies and to a report in Science magazine. the cause of death in ill and
been wracked by lockdowns and customer preferences are The bleeding began after the elderly patients who’ve received
Turmoil at Apple’s key worker unrest for weeks after Shell will buy Nature Energy signaling strong growth in patient received an anti-clotting other medicines, the company
manufacturing hub of coronavirus infections left Biogas from Davidson Kempner demand in the years ahead.” drug, the report said. said.
Zhengzhou is likely to result in a Foxconn and the local Capital Management for nearly The deal follows a similar Brain swelling and bleeding — Bloomberg News
production shortfall of close to government struggling to $2 billion as the oil giant move by competitor BP earlier have previously been linked to
6 million iPhone Pro units this contain the outbreak. Thousands expands its transition away from this year. medicines that work like the ALSO IN BUSINESS
year, according to a person of staff fled in October after oil and gas. — Bloomberg News Biogen-Eisai treatment.
familiar with assembly chronic food shortages, only to The deal will make Shell the The drug, lecanemab, is the Activision Blizzard analysts
operations. be replaced by new employees largest producer in Europe of HEALTH first to slow progression of have been growing more
The situation remains fluid at who rebelled against pay and what’s called renewable natural Alzheimer’s in a large clinical positive on the video game
the plant, and the estimate of quarantine practices. gas, or RNG, according to a Biogen shares fall trial, a medical milestone that company this month, seeing
lost production could change, The Foxconn facility produces statement. It taps into Shell’s after report of death has fueled hopes of altering the value in the shares regardless of
said the person, who spoke on the vast majority of iPhone 14 plan to leverage its existing course of the disease for millions whether Microsoft’s planned
the condition of anonymity to be Pro and Pro Max devices, Apple’s expertise producing and Biogen shares fell the most in of patients. acquisition of the company
able to discuss private most in-demand handsets this marketing gas for a lower- two months after a report of a Biogen and Eisai have closes. At least six companies
information. Much will depend year. Those premium phones carbon economy. second death potentially linked published only minimal data have upgraded the stock in
on how quickly Foxconn have picked up the slack for “Acquiring Nature Energy will to the groundbreaking from the trial, however, with November, including three on
Technology Group, the slumping demand for the regular add a European production experimental drug for more results due to be presented Monday: Wells Fargo, Truist and
Taiwanese company that iPhone 14 models. Apple lowered platform and growth pipeline to Alzheimer’s disease the company at a conference this week. Morgan Stanley. Raymond
operates the facility, can get its overall production target to Shell’s existing RNG projects in is developing with Eisai. All available information James, MKM Partners and Baird
people back to assembly lines about 87 million units from an the United States,” said Huibert The case involved a 65-year- indicates that lecanemab isn’t all raised their view on the stock
after violent protests against earlier projection of 90 million. Vigeveno, Shell’s downstream old woman who died of a associated with an increased risk earlier this month.
coronavirus restrictions. If — Bloomberg News director. “We will use this massive brain hemorrhage after of death overall, an Eisai — From news services
Media outlets call on Justice Dept. to drop case against Assange receiving and reporting on informa-
tion that the government deemed
classified. Wrongdoing and abuse of
power were exposed. With the new
BY S ALVADOR R IZZO sional news organizations forbid re- publisher A.G. Sulzberger and the took office, the Justice Department against bringing charges under the indictment of Julian Assange, the
porters from gathering information editors and publishers of the Guard- asked federal prosecutors in Vir- Espionage Act, concerned that, government is advancing a legal ar-
The New York Times and four through unethical or illegal means. ian (Britain), Le Monde (France), ginia to revisit the case. They ulti- among other things, it posed risks to gument that places such important
leading European news organiza- But much of Assange’s indict- Der Spiegel (Germany) and El Pais mately obtained an 18-count in- First Amendment protections. work in jeopardy and undermines
tions called on the Justice Depart- ment focuses on his 2010 and 2011 (Spain). “This indictment sets a dictment charging the WikiLeaks Justice Department officials de- the very purpose of the First
ment to drop criminal charges disclosure of thousands of pages of dangerous precedent, and threat- founder with a hacking conspiracy clined to comment on the open let- Amendment.”
against WikiLeaks founder Julian classified military records and dip- ens to undermine America’s First and disclosure of national defense ter Monday. A spokeswoman for The Post
Assange, warning in an open letter lomatic cables about the wars in Amendment and the freedom of the information, which officials say Times spokeswoman Danielle pointed to Baron’s statement on
Monday that the case could crimi- Afghanistan and Iraq, which had press,” they wrote. put lives in danger. Rhoades Ha said Sulzberger signed Monday and declined to comment
nalize U.S. journalists’ work expos- been shared by former Army private Assange, who is detained in a The indictment has stirred con- the letter in consultation with the further.
ing government secrets and poten- Chelsea Manning. The news organi- London prison as he appeals an troversy inside the Justice Depart- company’s legal department. “No Barry Pollack, a U.S.-based law-
tial wrongdoing. zations said that they partnered order from the British government ment. Prosecutors filed some of the editors were involved,” she said. yer for Assange, said: “Media or-
The news organizations ac- with Assange more than a decade extraditing him to the United States, charges under the Espionage Act of The Washington Post also pub- ganizations in the U.S. and abroad
knowledged they had been critical ago to reveal “corruption, diplomat- says he’s the target of a political 1917, a World War I-era law that had lished news articles about some of are right to express their concern
of Assange for releasing unredacted ic scandals and spy affairs on an prosecution and the U.S. prison sys- been used to charge spies or officials the documents Assange unearthed. about the criminal charges brought
information in the past, and some international scale,” and that the tem would not treat him humanely. leaking information from inside the In 2019, Martin Baron, then the ex- against Mr. Assange and the ex-
were concerned by allegations in a records he made available are still The Justice Department re- government, but never publishers ecutive editor of The Post, criticized traordinary threat to First Amend-
federal indictment that Assange “at- being mined by journalists and his- frained from prosecuting Assange or broadcasters. Two federal pros- the Assange indictment: “Dating as ment values presented by the U.S.
tempted to aid in computer intru- torians. under President Barack Obama. ecutors in Virginia who were in- far back as the Pentagon papers case prosecution and extradition re-
sion of a classified database.” Profes- The letter was signed by Times After President Donald Trump volved in the Assange case argued and beyond, journalists have been quest.”
6 Monitor your investments at washingtonpost.com/markets Data and graphics by
‘Five Days
at Memorial’
A Conversation with
Three weeks after Election Day, Arizona remains in turmoil over results
BY Y VONNE W INGETT mented by former president Don- “I vote aye under duress,” said office has suggested that Marico- certification went unheeded. Its more than an hour responding to
S ANCHEZ AND I SAAC ald Trump over several years and the Republican chairman, Ron pa County — home to Phoenix and five members, including four Re- false information that spread sur-
S TANLEY- B ECKER sustained by his supporters. Earli- Gould. “I found out today that I more than half of the state’s voters publicans, voted unanimously to rounding the Nov. 8 election.
er this month, voters chose Demo- have no choice but to vote aye or — may have violated statutory approve the election canvass. Scott Jarrett, one of the direc-
phoenix — As elected officials in crats over Republicans in the most I’ll be arrested and charged with a guidelines in its administration of The vote capped a remarkable tors, said problems with printers
Arizona’s most populous county critical contests; the attorney gen- felony.” the election because of the wide- five-hour meeting, in which a on Election Day stemmed from
met to approve the midterm elec- eral’s race, in which the Democrat Arizona wasn’t the only state spread problems with ballot print- large crowd gathered in the hear- ink that was too light to be read by
tion results Monday, they were led by 510 votes out of more than that saw scattered efforts to ers. ing room to pray, as well as to taunt on-site tabulators. Those ballots
heckled, called “traitors” and told 2.5 million cast, was headed to an thwart approval of election re- A spokesperson for Brnovich the county officials. “You guys rep- were instead read by the county’s
that their handling of voting justi- automatic recount. sults. Officials in Pennsylvania’s did not respond to multiple inqui- resent evil,” one speaker told the tabulators in downtown Phoenix.
fied a “violent revolution.” Sher- Under Arizona law, Monday Luzerne County, which experi- ries from The Washington Post county leaders. But the root cause of the prob-
iff’s deputies stood guard in Mari- was the deadline for all counties to enced a shortage of ballot paper on about how he intends to approach In public testimony, residents lems with the printers, which had
copa County over what used to be a complete a process known as can- Election Day, failed by a 2-2 vote, the duty of witnessing certifica- shared their experiences on Elec- been used during the 2022 pri-
humdrum procedural move. vassing the election — and Repub- with one abstention, to meet a tion. A spokesperson for Gov. tion Day — some as voters and mary election and during the 2020
About 200 miles away, the gov- lican activists pressured county Monday deadline for certification. Doug Ducey (R) has told The Post some as poll workers or observers. cycle, remained a mystery on
erning board of a small, ruby-red leaders not to do so. Cochise County’s decision to the governor will “do his job.” A Vitriol aimed at the county board Monday. One of the only elements
county in the southeastern corner In 14 of Arizona’s 15 counties, blow past the certification dead- spokesman for Arizona Supreme included an allegation that its that changed during the Nov. 8
of Arizona voted 2-1 to delay certi- top leaders followed the law and line drew a lawsuit the same day Court Chief Justice Robert M. Bru- members had committed “treason election, Jarrett said, was the size
fication of the results, flouting a approved the election results. The from Arizona Secretary of State tinel said the justice “will attend” punishable by the death penalty.” of the ballots, which were the lon-
deadline set by state law and pos- exception was Cochise County, Katie Hobbs (D), who was project- the state certification ceremony The meeting drew about 200 gest in county history. To account
sibly jeopardizing the state’s time- where the board of supervisors is ed to win her race for governor. “as the statute requires.” people, who packed into the for the number of races on the
line for finalizing the results. now locked in a legal fight with the Her office planned to ask a court to Kari Lake, the unsuccessful board’s auditorium in downtown two-sided ballots, election offi-
In the opposite corner of the state. There is no precedent for the compel that county to certify the GOP nominee for governor, has Phoenix and at times faced warn- cials opted to use 20-inch ballots
state, leaders of another GOP-con- resulting uncertainty for the election results. If the county re- refused to concede, pointing to ings that they would be ejected if — an inch longer than the ballots
trolled county contemplated do- state’s process of finalizing the re- fuses to do so, it throws into ques- problems with printers in Marico- they continued to interrupt the used during the primary election.
ing the same and adjourned until sults and ensuring that successful tion the votes of tens of thousands pa County that required voters to proceedings with loud outbursts. County officials could have chosen
the afternoon to consider its op- candidates are seated in January. of people, and possibly the pro- wait in line or deposit their ballots Some directed their anger at the to provide voters with two ballots,
tions but ultimately voted to certi- “We broke the law by not certi- jected victories of Republicans in a in secure drawers. County offi- Maricopa County recorder, Ste- but Jarrett said previous use of
fy the results. fying as required by Arizona stat- U.S. House seat and the statewide cials, in a Sunday report respond- phen Richer, a Republican respon- two ballots had caused voter con-
In Arizona, where problems utes on elections by Nov. 28,” said race for schools superintendent. ing to the attorney general’s office sible for early voting and voter fusion.
with ballot printer ink at about a Ann English, the lone Democratic Arizona officials had planned to accusations of possible statutory registration whose efforts to instill The county has two printer
third of Phoenix-area polling plac- supervisor in Cochise County, who certify the state’s election results violations, maintained that the trust in the system ran headlong brands and has sequestered al-
es have fueled unproven GOP dissented from the vote to table on Dec. 5. Under state law, they mechanical glitches didn’t block into the mechanical glitches. Oth- most all of the printers manufac-
claims of a stolen election, Mon- consideration of certification un- can postpone certification until anyone from voting. An Arizona ers aimed their frustration at the tured by Oki, a corporation head-
day’s events showcased the depths til Friday. The two Republican su- Dec. 8, attorneys said. If Cochise judge came to the same conclu- board, which has been at the fore- quartered in Japan. The county is
of distrust in election administra- pervisors who backed the delay County continues to withhold cer- sion in denying a request from front of efforts to defend the integ- testing 10 of those printers, and
tion in the state, as well as the did not respond to requests for tification, it’s unclear how votes Republicans to extend voting rity of the county’s elections since board members have said they will
willingness of Republican candi- comment. The county’s attorney recorded there will factor into the hours on Election Day. Trump made the voting jurisdic- seek an independent review to
dates and elected officials to sanc- also did not respond. state’s tally. Lake, a former television news tion, the second largest in the na- help determine what went wrong.
tion — even stoke — that distrust. Republican leaders in Mohave Meanwhile, Attorney General anchor, on Monday shared clips of tion, a target in 2020.
The latest election has intensi- County, located in the northwest Mark Brnovich (R) has not indi- her supporters condemning Mari- Most of the public left the meet- Stanley-Becker reported from
fied skepticism of the democratic corner of the state, considered do- cated publicly how he will handle copa County officials at the meet- ing as the county’s two election Washington. Patrick Marley in
process in Arizona, already a hot- ing the same but ultimately fol- the looming deadline for the state ing of the board of supervisors. directors began their presentation Madison, Wis., contributed to this
bed of the election denialism fo- lowed the law, albeit reluctantly. to certify the results. Brnovich’s Their request that the board delay to the board. The directors spent report.
Hawaii’s Mauna Loa has first eruption since 1984 Earthquakes are “not among
the highest hazards we’re looking
at right now,” said Wes Thelen, a
Eruptions in 1984 and 1950 sent
lava flows toward the towns of
Hilo and South Kona, respectively,
USGS seismologist. Hawaii’s larg- the National Park Service said.
BY S COTT D ANCE est earthquake on record, in 1868, The flows can take anywhere from
AND J ONATHAN E DWARDS was associated with a Mauna Loa hours to weeks or months to reach
eruption, though, and links be- communities, according to USGS
For the first time in nearly four tween volcanic eruptions and maps.
decades, the biggest active volca- earthquakes are “pretty tight,” he “Based on past events, the early
no on Earth is erupting. Lava flows added. stages of a Mauna Loa eruption
from Mauna Loa, at the heart of A surge in earthquake activity can be very dynamic, and the loca-
Hawaii’s Big Island, could threat- around Mauna Loa that began in tion and advance of lava flows can
en some roadways, but otherwise late September provided a hint change rapidly,” the USGS said.
authorities said there was no im- that the volcano was bound to Mauna Loa, one of the Earth’s
mediate danger to populated ar- erupt. Swarms of weak quakes in- most active volcanoes, has erupt-
eas. creased in frequency from about ed 33 times since 1843, according
The U.S. Geological Survey said 20 per day to 40 to 50 per day. On a to the USGS.
the eruption started about 11:30 couple of occasions there were as Kilauea, the other active volca-
p.m. local time Sunday in many as 100 per day, USGS said no on Hawaii’s Big Island, is more
Mokuaweoweo, the summit calde- last month. active than Mauna Loa, but it typi-
ra of Mauna Loa. It was visible Earthquakes occur as magma cally poses a lesser hazard because
from Kona, a popular tourist desti- rises to the surface, breaking a it is smaller, and because its lava
nation on the island’s west coast. pathway through Earth’s crust, flows tend to be smaller and move
Mauna Loa’s last eruption was in but are typically small to medium more slowly, according to the Ha-
1984. in magnitude, said Ed Venzke, sen- waii Center for Volcanology.
No evacuation orders were is- ior data researcher with the Mauna Loa, whose name means
sued, but two shelters were Smithsonian Institution’s Global “long mountain,” is known as a
opened as a precaution, Hawaii Volcanism Program. Such quakes shield volcano because it is signifi-
County officials said. And authori- are different — and far less severe cantly wider than it is tall. Mauna
ties advised that winds could carry or destructive — than those Loa makes up about 51 percent of
volcanic gas and fine ash down- caused by plate movements along the Big Island and rises 13,679 feet
wind. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY/ASSOCIATED PRESS fault lines. above sea level and about 30,000
While the eruption was initially Mauna Loa would typically experience about 20 earthquakes per day, but when that number increased The National Weather Service feet from the sea floor, according
limited to the volcano’s summit, to 40 to 50 earthquakes per day in September, scientists were tipped off to the impending eruption. in Honolulu, which is about 190 to the National Park Service.
USGS said in a 7:20 a.m. update miles to the northwest of Mauna Images captured by USGS re-
that lava had also begun flowing the island during an eruption. significant danger. Stovall said said. Loa, said as much as a quarter of search cameras and Civil Air Pa-
out of the northeast side of the “When Mauna Loa erupts, it that lava flows could eventually Though there were no immedi- an inch of ash could accumulate trol flights showed a red glow ap-
volcano, in what scientists refer to stays in one rift zone; it doesn’t reach a key road that cuts across ate signs of dangerous lava flows across the Big Island, potentially pearing over Mauna Loa over-
as its northeast rift zone. typically move from one side to the the island, Saddle Road, as well as or earthquake risks, both are com- causing respiratory distress for night, and lava sweeping down the
Wendy Stovall, a USGS volca- other,” she said. “The eruption a road leading to an observatory mon consequences of past erup- some people, damaging engines volcano’s northern slope by Mon-
nologist, said that was good news should stay in the northeast rift on Mauna Loa’s north flank where tions, said Falk Amelung, a profes- and electronics, and harming day morning.
for the Kona area on the west side zone.” measurements of atmospheric sor at the University of Miami who crops and livestock. The eruption could also be seen
of the island, where steep slopes The volcano’s slopes on its gases have been collected since the has studied Mauna Loa. The eruption prompted South- from space, with bursts of heat
mean it can take just a few hours northeast side are gradual, mean- 1950s, including carbon dioxide “The worst-case scenario is not west Airlines to cancel flights be- and sulfur dioxide captured by the
for lava flows from Mauna Loa’s ing it could take weeks or months, and methane, known to cause cli- good,” Amelung said, urging resi- tween Hilo and Honolulu, while National Oceanic and Atmos-
southeast rift zone to arrive, mak- and a large volume of lava flows, mate change. The observatory it- dents to be prepared for earth- Hawaiian Airlines flights were pheric Administration’s GOES
ing it the most vulnerable part of for any populated areas to face self is not at imminent risk, Stovall quakes and evacuation. continuing. West satellite.
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could receive no federal grants or loans for They paid $495 to apply for or renew DACA, in restaurants or on construction jobs.
hether you are a Republican or a tuition. With little money of their own, most of but then they could work. They still received Unless Congress changes the law, over the
Democrat, your important immi- them had been in effect barred from college. no federal college aid or loans or other such next 10 years, about 1 million new high school
gration goals are in danger. Can All of us who started TheDream.us be- benefits. graduates will never be able to work. The
the parties do the impossible in lieved the opportunity to attend college It’s hard to quickly name an equally success- nurses and teachers in our scholarship pro-
this lame-duck session of Congress by passing should be good for these students — and ful federal program that cost so little. More gram won’t staff hospitals or classrooms.
a bill that achieves both their priorities on this great, as well, for the rest of us. The dreamers than 800,000 DACA recipients went to work Given that Congress has not passed an
most inflammatory of issues? could get a good education and pour into and began to pay what would, over a lifetime, immigration bill since 1986, is it possible that
The peril to both sides stems from a careless careers where we desperately need them. amount to billions of dollars in taxes. lawmakers might approve one during this
promise made by Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), And their burning motivation would make Yet DACA is in legal jeopardy. As recipients year’s lame-duck session? It is, and here’s why:
the likely incoming speaker of the House. He them excellent nurses and teachers, doctors were enjoying their minimal benefits, Texas’s First look at the issue from the Republicans’
pledged that on his watch, no “amnesty” bill and lawyers, and businesspeople. Republican attorney general, Ken Paxton, point of view. They believe that the first thing
would come to the floor. As rather old-fashioned Americans, we also spent his taxpayers’ money on a lawsuit aiming they must address in immigration law is the
For the “dreamers” who have waited dec- thought these young people were being treat- to end the program — even though Texas voters situation at the southern border, where last
ades for congressional action to give them a ed cruelly. If you are brought to the United favor it 2 to 1, according to two University of year more than 2,700,000 undocumented im-
chance at citizenship, and the Democrats who States by your parents as a baby, there is Texas polls. Judge Andrew Hanen, a federal migrants crossed the border. Regarding
support them, McCarthy’s pledge means con- nothing you can do to become a citizen. judge known for his anti-immigration senti- dreamers, many Republican senators and
tinuing to wait until at least 2025. This would Nothing. Two dreamers have won Rhodes ment, responded with a finding that DACA had representatives say, we’d like to help them but
be terrible for the dreamers — and bad for the scholarships and they remain undocumented. been unlawfully adopted. we won’t until the border situation is fixed.
rest of us, too. More than 200 are doctors or medical stu- The ultraconservative U.S. Court of Appeals Doing something about the situation on the
Just as sincerely, Republicans want to ad- dents, but not citizens. for the 5th Circuit has endorsed Hanen’s border is a good idea. But McCarthy’s pledge
dress security along the southern border. For In poll after poll, 70 to 75 percent of reasoning, and the lawsuit will be referred to binds Republicans as tightly as it does the
those who want to do something about it — as American voters favor giving such immigrants the Supreme Court. In 2020, the justices Democrats. If the speaker will allow no help
opposed to merely talking about it — McCar- the chance to stay here, study and work — and unexpectedly saved DACA from an unrelated (he would call it “amnesty”) for immigrants
thy’s promise also means a two-year wait. Joe ultimately become citizens. legal attack, but the court is different since the already in the United States to come to the
Biden, who will be president until 2025, will Our country needs the dreamers. We des- death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the ap- floor, how will he fix the border? Does he think
not sign an all-enforcement border bill. (If perately need nurses; since 2005, more than pointment of Amy Coney Barrett. Congress will pass and Biden will sign an
incoming Republicans think they can force 180 rural hospitals have closed. Among our Hanen ruled that existing DACA recipients immigration bill that’s all enforcement and no
such a bill on him by parliamentary means, scholars, the No. 1 major is nursing and health could keep their status and renew it “until a relief for immigrants? Of course not.
they should ask McCarthy how successful he care. Education majors make up another large further order of this court” or others. But by Republican lawmakers should bring for-
was at repealing Obamacare.) group, and the United States also desperately his order, no new applications can be ap- ward their best ideas to reinforce the border
I am an independent who thinks both the needs teachers. proved. President Donald Trump had already and also be prepared to help DACA-eligible
Republicans and the Democrats are basically Another important employer in need of banned new DACA approvals in September young people and others get work permits and
right. This country needs to better secure its help is the Army, which has missed its recruit- 2017. When Biden reopened the program in a chance at a green card. Give a faster path to
southern border and enforce its immigration ing goals this past fiscal year by 25 percent — January 2021, much of the federal government citizenship for those who serve in health care
laws. The current situation on the border even after offering citizens $50,000 to enlist. was still shut down by covid. Of about 80,000 or education and in rural or underserved
helps no one except “coyotes” whose profit Why not allow young immigrants, educated young people who applied for DACA status, communities. Allow dreamers to serve in the
helps to drive it. We should also welcome to since first grade in American schools, to enlist only about 5,000 were approved. Judge U.S. military.
the American family immigrants who have as a path to citizenship (after all the back- Hanen’s order seven months later stopped the Democrats, for their part, should be pre-
lived here for decades and led productive lives, ground checks anyone wants). The military program in its tracks. pared to listen to ideas that would secure the
particularly those who arrived as young chil- would fill its ranks with willing and able young This means that the vast majority of DACA- southern border. The current situation ap-
dren. people who love this country. eligible students who turned 15 in 2017 or later pears to have hurt the party in the 2022
Nine years ago, I helped start a scholarship Those who pay attention to the plight of the cannot get a work permit. They can’t get a job elections and will remain a huge problem in
fund for dreamers, undocumented immi- dreamers know that, in 2012, President Barack at Starbucks or Google or anywhere else. Any 2024. Here is a chance for Democrats to
grants who came to this country as children. Obama created the Deferred Action for Child- employer in the United States that tries to hire strengthen their immigration policy, while
Among the 8,750 who have won our scholar- hood Arrivals program to give them a small them is committing a federal crime. giving deserving people a chance to work
ships, the average student came here as a head start. Those who came to the United The Migration Policy Institute estimates that legally in the United States — and then
4-year-old. Most of them (the DACA recipi- States as young children, had no criminal 98,000 undocumented students graduate from become citizens.
ents) had proved to the Department of Home- convictions and met certain other criteria got U.S. high schools every year. No matter how
land Security that they had no serious crimi- two years freedom from deportation, as well as able they are or how well-educated, most will be The writer is chairman of Graham Holdings and a
nal convictions. But unlike their high school a work permit and a Social Security number, forced to do the work their undocumented co-founder of TheDream.US.
that in itself will limit injuries. this is just not how we play football? wants is wins, and wins are not measured by how A Dartmouth College football player runs
People sometimes misconstrue what we do. We Teevens: Definitely. They say it’s a toughness many concussions they’ve prevented. through a tackling drill using the team’s “mobile
tackle every day in practice, but we tackle inanimate thing and you suck it up. Injury is part of the game. Wen: Have you had difficulties with recruiting virtual player” robotic dummy in 2016.
objects, not people. I tell players and prospects that I’m trying to convince people that there’s another players or is the Dartmouth Way a recruiting
they will never make a tackle on a Dartmouth player way to do it and it’s going to be safer in the long term. advantage? they’re done with football here, I want them to be
or be tackled by a Dartmouth player during their You end up with fewer players out with injuries, Teevens: Kids think they’re going to live forever, doctors, lawyers, engineers and business leaders.
four years. especially head injuries. A broken hand will heal. A but moms and dads seek us out. I talk to my players What we are doing is so simplistic and common
As a result, we have fewer injuries, and fewer damaged brain may not. about how it’s great to have an athletic dream, but sense; it’s just contrary to what people have done for
concussions or subconcussive hits to the head than Wen: Your leadership was instrumental in getting they have an academic dream, too. Very few of them decades. But unless we change the way we coach the
probably any other Division I team, and, I’d venture the Ivy League to make the huge change in 2016 to will make it to the NFL. I say to them that when game, we’re not going to have a game to coach.
HINA IS tumbling into a major people have died. and Beijing.
covid-19 crisis without a play- But “zero covid” has come unglued. Now China is stuck. Last week, au-
book. After more than two years The repeated lockdowns have harmed thorities were imposing strict lock-
of lockdowns, testing and quaran- the world’s second-largest economy, downs on districts in each megapolis,
tines to stamp out infections, the “zero shuttering factories, burdening local gov- but the sudden shift back to closure is
covid” approach is at a dead end. Presi- ernments and frustrating workers. Chi- creating confusion and seems unsus-
dent Xi Jinping and the party-state lead- na’s economy grew by 3.9 percent in the tainable after the protests. A sudden and BY LISA BENSON
ership that has staked everything on year’s third quarter, compared with a complete opening would result in wide-
“zero covid” now face the most difficult of year earlier, up from 0.4 percent growth spread deaths and overwhelm the
choices for a dictatorship: whether to in the second quarter. These are dismal health-care system, especially because LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
change, admitting failure, or to stick with numbers relative to what China is used China’s elderly population is under-vac-
a failing policy. Protests erupted in Chi- to. If “zero covid” is not eased, the econo- cinated. Ideally, China would prepare [email protected]
nese cities over the weekend, in which my will slump more. and launch a mass vaccination cam-
ordinary Chinese registered their unhap- At the same time, people are furious paign, importing the highly effective
piness with their country’s strict corona- and fed up. Twice in recent weeks, pro- mRNA vaccines Pfizer and Moderna Transparency on the Beltway cans and finds them reasonable — as long
virus policies — and with the regime tests have broken out at the huge Foxconn developed. Over time, China could join as cameras aren’t around.
itself. A reasonable, responsive govern- plant making iPhones in Zhengzhou over the rest of the world in living with the The Nov. 23 Metro article “Judge closes There are a lot of areas where there is
ment would adjust. covid-related restrictions. Then, last virus, allowing individuals to stay home hearing on state’s I-270, Beltway toll-lane intense argument and division: among
For much of the past two years, China week, a fire in a high-rise in China’s if sick rather than herding them into project” reported a clear case of judicial scientists, philosophers and more. What
demanded frequent testing for every- Xinjiang region killed 10 people, and quarantine centers and lockdowns. overreach that denies citizens and taxpay- Mr. Will referred to as division is not
one. Those infected were forcibly quar- rumors spread across social media that But after so many months of insisting ers critical information about a massive limited to politics.
antined, while others deemed close con- the building was under lockdown. Street that the Communist Party and Mr. Xi infrastructure project, the cost of which My friends and I are living our lives
tacts — sometimes whole blocks — were protests broke out across the country, know best — that rigid “zero covid” is the they will be saddled with for decades to oblivious to this so-called division, except
locked down for weeks and months at a with some demanding political freedom. only correct approach — changing course come. when we’re reminded about it in the media.
time. The approach resulted in low re- On Nov. 11, the State Council, China’s would imply they erred. China’s economy Circuit Court Judge Kevin G. Hessler Jon D. Toellner, Los Angeles
ported infections and deaths. China’s cabinet, announced a slight easing of and its people’s health depend on wheth- ruled that keeping the proprietary inter-
leaders boasted it was superior to the covid rules. But infections have soared er this authoritarian system can respond ests of competing for-profit bidders secret In “Why toxic politics thrives in an age
chaotic, decentralized response in the to a record 40,347 a day. Fresh surges to the voices of protest, ditch its own was more important than the rights of of plenty,” George F. Will — quoting Brink
United States, where more than 1 million have gripped Guangzhou, Shijiazhuang propaganda and show flexibility. Marylanders to know the financial mech- Lindsey — argued that “the fecundity of
anisms and methodologies these same capitalism [engenders] the challenge of
companies deployed to project future traf- defining purposes beyond the goal of
fic congestion, environmental degrada- acquiring material necessities. . . . As
— Australia’s Transurban — and the ma- talism” has surpassed the subsistence
OX POPULI, Vox Dei,” Elon terials, methods and urban transport mod- struggles of people in general. Rather, it’s
Musk tweeted after he post- els undergirding this environmentally con- that the fecundity of capitalism is highly
ed the results of an unscien- troversial, once-in-a-century project. unequal in its effects. Through globaliza-
tific poll showing respon- Let’s be clear, this Beltway project — tion and automation, it has cast aside
dents favored allowing former president pushed hard and long by Maryland millions of workers in developed coun-
Donald Trump to return to Twitter. The Gov. Larry Hogan (R) — was cloaked in tries, benefiting the more highly educated
Latin phrase, roughly translating to “the secrecy for its entire history, with few in metropolitan areas and disenfranchis-
voice of the people is the voice of God,” readily accessible public records and little ing the less educated in small towns and
might be a poetic expression of democrat- financial transparency. The judge’s ruling rural areas. Their loss of economic status,
ic sentiment. But it does not reflect what cements the farcical nature of this so- together with the perceived threat of dem-
Mr. Musk is doing with one of the world’s called public-private project. ographic replacement, has engendered
most influential social media platforms. But, for those unfamiliar with Mary- resentment.
So far, Mr. Musk has governed Twitter land’s long-standing open meetings laws, And this resentment yields not just
according to his whims. The chief execu- only personnel matters have wide protec- “unpleasant self-expression.” Rather, it is
tive’s polls supposedly express the will of tions. Open access to the data that state exploited by demagogues to foster author-
the users — but many of those who agencies use to make critical decisions itarian movements that specifically target
engage regularly with his account are his that affect our lives is part of the watchdog immigrants, minorities, metropolitan lib-
die-hard supporters, aware of his prefer- function open records and meetings af- erals and globalists, often assumed to be
ences and eager to see them enacted. This ford citizens. Judge Hessler’s ruling is Jewish.
was true in the case of Mr. Trump, who so counter to this watchdog function of an So, the reason for today’s toxic politics
far has chosen not to return to using informed citizenry to insist on basic fiscal is not that everybody is well off and they’re
Twitter despite his account’s reinstate- responsibility and transparency demand- free to rant; it’s that some are much better
ment. And it was true in the case of ed of good governance. off than others, and the channeled resent-
Mr. Musk’s most recent query: “Should Joan McQueeney Mitric, Kensington ments of the latter are toxic to liberal
Twitter offer a general amnesty to sus- DADO RUVIC/REUTERS democracy.
pended accounts, provided that they The Twitter logo and chief executive Elon Musk are displayed through a magnifier David Boesel, Severna Park
have not broken the law or engaged in in this photo illustration taken Nov. 4. Philadelphia’s safety needs
egregious spam?”
Seventy-two percent said “yes” to this allowed accounts suspended under the even knowingly permitting rule violations Regarding the Nov. 24 editorial “A mis- Off the mark with the Giants
question, prompting Mr. Musk to an- old regime to appeal under the new one, — will make Twitter’s decision-making guided move”:
nounce that amnesty will begin this and applied the revised terms of service more arbitrary and, therefore, less condu- The Philadelphia city government is The Nov. 23 front-page article “In NFL,
week. But determining whether an ac- going forward. cive to free expression. The most credible failing in its first duty: providing public unconscious bias often goes unchecked,”
count has “broken the law” — when the The approach Mr. Musk has instead criticism of Mr. Trump’s removal after the safety. If the impeachment of the Phila- focusing on the New York Giants football
law varies by location and legal judg- chosen undermines the values he claims Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection was that it was delphia district attorney by the Pennsyl- team as relates to the dearth of Black
ments often require an expert eye — will to cherish. Slashing the number of staff capricious, seeming to spring not from a vania House in Harrisburg wakes the city football coaches in the NFL, was unfair to
be a logistical nightmare. Twitter just devoted to policing content can end up violation of any specific policy but rather up to “the crisis of crime” in Philadelphia the owners of the Giants, specifically John
gutted its staff in broad-scale layoffs; if harming civil liberties: The Post reports from a seat-of-the-pants reaction to offline and generates serious actions by the city, Mara.
the company reintroduces, en masse, a that Twitter is drowning in nuisance developments. As things stand now, it is that is a good outcome. Whether the From 2007 to 2017, Jerry Reese was
group of users previously found to have posts, mostly pornography, spewed onto unclear what one can and cannot say on district attorney stays or is forced out is general manager of the Giants. Despite
violated its terms of service, what hap- the platform by accounts connected to Twitter — or what Mr. Musk’s next poll of little significance compared with the that Mr. Reese, an African American, was
pens if they flout the rules again? Are the Chinese Communist Party, in an ef- might result in. large number of victims of shootings and responsible for the disastrous New York
there any rules now? Perhaps Mr. Musk fort to obscure news of recent protests. Those who believe in free expression murders. The Post calls the impeach- Giants’ decade of 2011 to 2020, Mr. Mara
doesn’t believe that people engaging in Many of the analysts the company had to on Twitter should be fighting for clear ment misguided; it is best characterized insisted on keeping Mr. Reese in his job for
hate and harassment should be barred root out influence operations reportedly and consistent policies along with trans- as a cry of alarm. about three years after any other organi-
from his site. Fine. But if that is the case, no longer work there. parent enforcement. Instead, Mr. Musk Peter A. Michel, Alexandria zation would normally have fired him.
he should have revised the site’s policies, Moreover, spotty rule enforcement — or has brought chaos. Mr. Mara was continually scorched in the
For all of the lofty arguments posed by New York newspapers for hanging on to
Pennsylvania state legislators to impeach Mr. Reese for so long.
Philadelphia County District Attorney In praise of Mr. Reese’s job for the
way. er, Ernie Accorsi.
HE UNITED STATES is not the by its Spanish-language initials, INE, as tionary Party during the 20th century. On The Pennsylvania legislature refused to There might or might not be a problem
only North American democracy biased, elitist and wasteful of taxpayer Nov. 13, tens of thousands of people allow Philadelphia to propose its own in the NFL, but using the Giants as an
at risk from a president’s belief money. The president wants a new system marched through Mexico City and other more stringent firearms legislation. It is example of that problem is off the mark.
that he is a victim of election- whereby voters choose a seven-member cities to protest the president’s plan. certainly unclear whether the State Su- Ira Reese, Olney
rigging. In Mexico, left-wing populist panel from 60 candidates of whom the Mr. López Obrador branded them as preme Court will allow Mr. Krasner’s im-
Andrés Manuel López Obrador lost the president, Congress and the Supreme defenders of class and racial privilege — peachment to withstand appeal.
2006 presidential election by less than Court would each pick about 20; they then mobilized his supporters, many of Ben Burrows, Elkins Park, Pa. Celebrate addiction recovery
one percentage point, cried fraud and would serve for six years, the length of a them bused in from outlying regions, for a
refused to concede even after tribunals presidential term in Mexico. The suscep- counterdemonstration in Mexico City on In an otherwise excellent article about
unanimously rejected his claims, and tibility to politicization of such a panel is Sunday, in a show of force as the country’s Are we really divided? pending House GOP probes into the
mobilized supporters to blockade a busy obvious. In contrast, the current INE Congress considers the issue. Though the administration, the entire description of
thoroughfare in the nation’s capital. consists of 11 members, selected for their president probably lacks the two-thirds I challenge an assertion in George Hunter Biden consisted of his “long
Though Mr. López Obrador ultimately expertise by a nominating committee, majority needed to amend the constitu- F. Will’s Nov. 27 op-ed, “Why toxic politics history of drug use and other difficulties”
relented and presidents from other par- then confirmed by a two-thirds vote of tion, he has said that he will try to achieve thrives in an age of plenty.” Are we really [“White House likely to honor some GOP
ties governed through 2018, he remained Congress; they serve for nine years each. his objectives through legislation, which divided? probes,” news, Nov. 24].
obsessed with 2006. Now that he is Public opinion polls show that substan- requires only a simple majority. We each live in our own worlds. In mine, This single clause left the erroneous
president — having won an undisputed tial majorities of Mexicans approve of the The Biden administration, the U.S. there are plenty of people on the hard right impression that Mr. Biden still uses drugs
election in 2018 — Mr. López Obrador is INE’s work. A recent European Union Congress nor the U.S. public generally who have extreme views. (I don’t know and alcohol. In fact, he has reported that
bent on remaking the electoral system he fact- finding mission concluded that Mex- should remain indifferent to these devel- many on the hard left; go figure.) I find he is sober and in recovery. This is no easy
still blames for cheating him more than ico’s existing system works and enjoys opments. The United States has many myself getting along with these people feat. I don’t have an opinion on Mr. Biden
16 years ago. public trust — and that Mr. López Obra- interests — trade, energy, migration, quite well despite their politics. In fact, I other than to say that people who have
The president’s proposals threaten the dor’s plan “carries an inherent risk of drug smuggling — in Mexico, but none is find them to be really good people. struggled with substance abuse disor-
system’s independence and with it Mexi- undermining such trust.” more important than ensuring democra- In journalism, the discussions have got- ders are not defined by their disease, and
co’s hard-won transition from authoritar- An increasing number of Mexicans cy flourishes. Next month’s North Ameri- ten very heated and maybe toxic. I’d sug- their successes should be acknowledged.
ianism to multiparty democracy. The cru- rightly suspect that Mr. López Obrador is can Leaders’ Summit with Mr. López gest that’s happening in your world, not Mike Collins, Reston
cial institution Mr. López Obrador seeks trying to perpetuate his party’s domi- Obrador and Canadian Prime Minister mine. It certainly is happening among
to transform — the National Electoral nance even after his term ends in 2024, Justin Trudeau provides President Biden politicians, although my soon-to-be for-
Institute — signed off on his 2018 win. He mimicking the authoritarian system that an opportunity to deliver that message in mer member of Congress, Karen Bass, Letters to the editor:
nevertheless portrays the panel, known prevailed under the Institutional Revolu- person, and unequivocally. tells us that she works well with Republi- [email protected]
beat Trump. In fact, it’s been a quarter the protesters, and I fear that history macy of the former. highway construction.
century since Democrats won a presiden- n Oct. 13, just a few days can repeat itself today. The world Above all, Western governments “There is a road that runs through
tial campaign without Biden on the tick- before the start of the Chinese should not underestimate the deter- should not repeat their mistakes of our humanity,” he told a crowd in the
et. Think about that. Communist Party’s 20th Na- mination of Xi and the CCP to remain 1989, when the United States and conservative northwest corner of the
But just because you’ve won before tional Congress, a man staged in power. The regime will make full other democracies made little effort state in August, “that is larger than
doesn’t mean you will again. There’s a solo protest on an overpass in Beijing use of all the resources at its disposal, to deter then-Chinese Communist politics, bigger than partisan bickering,
plenty of recent history to suggest that against President Xi Jinping and his including surveillance technology, the Party leader Deng Xiaoping from certainly bigger than race, bigger than
renominating Biden would be reckless, draconian “zero covid” policy. I had police and the intelligence services. massacring student protesters be- geographical differences.” He said that
for both the party and the country. hoped that this lone hero’s actions For that reason, the international cause they did not believe he would “my job as a legislator, and our job as
The cliche about presidential elections would trigger a wave of peaceful pro- community should make use of all the do it. Today’s Western leaders can citizens, is to find our way to that road
— that they’re about the future and not test to stop Xi from continuing to tools available to it to support pro-de- openly show moral support for the that connects us to one another.” In
the past —happens to be true. Biden will harm the Chinese people — even mocracy forces and to deter the Bei- protesters and encourage the Chinese what should have been hostile territory,
be closing in on 82 by the fall of 2024, though my hopes were tempered by an jing regime from resorting to force. authorities to engage in peaceful dia- Politico’s Michael Kruse reported that
which would easily make him the oldest awareness that the regime’s policies of We hope that the protests will logue with them. Warnock got enthusiastic applause.
nominee in history. His pace and stamina intense repression have made protests eventually yield the changes we seek. Western governments should also Warnock doesn’t just preach that
remain impressive, but if anyone says he rare and almost impossible to start. I see at least four conditions that must seize this opportunity to collaborate journey: In the Senate, he’s practiced it.
seems a decade younger than his age, What has happened over the past be simultaneously met for there to be more closely with human rights or- In doing so, he’s demonstrated that
they’re being kind. week has exceeded all my expecta- a chance of achieving meaningful ganizations and the Chinese diaspora bipartisanship is more than a symbolic,
His approval ratings, even at a feel- tions. First came the uprising by change in China. First, the people to advance a greater understanding of insufficient salve to our national hurts:
good moment for his party, hover around workers at a Foxconn factory com- must be strongly discontented with human rights abuses within China. It’s an approach that has real, practical
40 percent, which is historically low. The plex protesting dismal working con- the political status quo. Second, a They may also incorporate these mes- power.
odds that he will govern during a reces- ditions. Then came nationwide pro- viable democratic opposition must sages in official documents and meet- He worked with Sen. Susan Collins
sion over the next two years, on the other tests after a fire in Xinjiang that arise. Third, a rift has to occur within ings to help make the democracy (R-Maine) on keeping down the cost of
hand, are alarmingly high. killed a number of people who were the leadership of the CCP govern- movement viable and foster the insulin, for example, and with Sen. Mar-
Given those conditions, you would reportedly unable to escape the burn- ment. Fourth, the international com- growth of civil society. co Rubio (R-Fla.) on efforts to better
have to think that being an incumbent, ing building because of harsh lock- munity will have to believe that Chi- Watching the treads of tanks in safeguard maternal health. Warnock has
in our time of perpetual dissatisfaction, down conditions. na’s democratic opposition is viable Tiananmen Square crush young lives pushed the Biden administration to
is more a curse than a blessing. Consider The demonstrations began by ex- and will opt to support it. Condition 1 made me realize that China must deliver more student debt relief than the
this: In the first seven decades of the pressing rage over harsh “zero covid” has been met; Condition 2 remains a change. These protests have yielded president has been willing to offer, and
20th century, only two incumbents lost a policies, but the protesters’ demands dream for the moment, while Condi- a make-or-break moment for the he joined with a Republican congress-
presidential campaign. In the 50 years quickly evolved into a movement de- tion 3 could yet occur if the protests people of China. We must maintain man from Georgia, Rep. Earl L. “Buddy”
since, nine sitting presidents have ap- manding broader freedoms: freedom continue. our faith that the Chinese people are Carter, to fight the Biden administra-
peared on the ballot, and four of them of speech, freedom of assembly, free- These four conditions are mutually prepared to join all those around the tion’s plans to shut down a training
(Ford, Carter, George H.W. Bush, Trump) dom from the dictates of the Commu- reinforcing, but I want to focus on the world who now live in free countries. center at the Air National Guard Base in
have lost. nist Party. The demonstrators every- last. An opening for significant change Warnock’s native Savannah.
Three of those four presidents — all where are largely repeating the slo- There is much that the internation- could come in the next few weeks or Warnock even worked with Sen. Tom-
but Trump — lost to governors who gans displayed by that lone protester al community can do to assist. First months — or it may take a few more my Tuberville (R-Ala.) — who has ac-
promised to reform Washington from the on the Beijing bridge. “We want to eat, and foremost, the Biden administra- years. Of course, it will never come cused Democrats of being “pro-crime”
outside. not do coronavirus tests; reform, not tion and other Western governments without collective effort — and that and referred to African Americans as
To this point, Biden’s presidency has the Cultural Revolution,” read one should give unequivocal and specific includes the international communi- “the people that do the crime” — on a
the feel of Gerald Ford’s or George recent banner. “We want freedom, not warnings to China about the conse- ty. Accordingly, those outside China measure to help Georgia peanut farmers
H.W. Bush’s. He’s solid and statesmanlike, lockdowns; elections, not rulers. We quences of any bloody crackdown. The must be ready to help bring about overcome tariff barriers erected by the
reassuring but uninspiring. His fate, like want dignity, not lies. Be citizens, not international community could hold political change in the country. European Union.
theirs, might be determined by factors enslaved people.” out the threat of additional economic That kind of collaboration can’t be
beyond his control. As someone who participated in sanctions, greater aid for Taiwan and a Jianli Yang, a former Tiananmen Square easy. But Warnock heads the agriculture
If Trump isn’t the nominee in 2024, the pro-democracy demonstrations at crackdown on the offshore wealth of protester and political prisoner of China, subcommittee that deals with trade: His
Republicans will very likely choose a Tiananmen Square in 1989, I can’t China’s top political families. Should a is the founder and president of Citizen work there is clearly more important
candidate — whether it’s Florida Gov. Ron help feeling echoes of that moment in split emerge within the CCP leader- Power Initiatives for China and the author than any hurt feelings.
DeSantis or someone else — who fits the the events taking place in China now. I ship, they can choose to speak to more of “For Us, the Living: A Journey to Shine There are limits to what any fresh-
classic outsider profile. That would stack was there when the Chinese Commu- open-minded leaders, rather than the the Light on Truth.” man senator can accomplish in his first
up well against Biden’s main weaknesses two years in a chamber where seniority
— age and establishmentarianism. still matters so much. And there are
But even if Trump regains his hold on limits to what any senator, regardless of
the party, the strongest contrast Demo- tenure, can accomplish in an era when
crats could offer would probably be JASON REZAIAN the imperative of denying Democrats
someone younger, less familiar and un- and the Biden administration a “win”
tethered to the economy he or she would
It’s true that no Democrat fitting that
It’s important Iran advances in the World Cup has led Republicans to vote against
legislation they once might have sup-
ported or even sponsored.
description has a national following right Still, Warnock has been a reliable —
now (with the possible exception of Pete always root for Team USA in any Iran won the game, 2-1. pret the sentiment of Ramin Rezaeian, and necessary — vote for Biden’s big
Buttigieg, who might retain some outsid- international sporting event. But Iran’s appearance at the most recent who dedicated his goal in Friday’s 2-0 vic- legislative initiatives, including the in-
er cred despite being the transportation when it comes to our World Cup World Cup also came at a critical moment: tory over Wales to the suffering people of frastructure bill, the $1.9 trillion covid-
secretary). But that’s what campaigns are match Tuesday against Iran, I think The 2018 tournament was held a little over his homeland. 19 rescue bill and the Inflation Reduc-
for. it’s more important our opponents make a month after President Donald Trump Those calling on social media for a tion Act, which included the nation’s
The longer Biden waits to make a it to the next round. withdrew the United States from the nu- boycott of Iran’s team say the players biggest investment in fighting climate
decision, the longer he freezes the field Why? clear deal with the Islamic republic. At the haven’t been sufficiently supportive of the change.
of potential outsiders, and the less time The people of Iran are months into time, I wrote that every match Iran com- protests and that they are owned and In an earlier era, given that kind of
any of those Democratic candidates nationwide protests demanding funda- peted in presented an opportunity to talk operated by the regime. But the team’s record, Republican senators might have
would have to introduce themselves to mental change to the way their country is about the difficult conditions facing the words and actions in Qatar tell a different been pleased at the prospect that such a
the country. ruled. At its heart, what’s happening in people of that country, from their devastat- story. The best thing Iranians — and the collegial and collaborative Democrat
In other words, with every day of Iran is a freedom and equality movement. ed economy to the regime’s denial of basic free world — can do is wish this team might be reelected.
uncertainty that passes, the more Biden’s Protesters’ goals are in line with U.S. ideals rights. It’s the same argument this time, success. But that was then. Cruz, one of
renomination becomes the only viable and liberal values generally, and their only with exponentially higher stakes. Nearly a quarter of a century after the several Republican senators who would
option. success would be a major blow to the Should this movement in Iran dissipate first World Cup meeting of the Iranian and like to run for president in 2024, was in
Which is why, were I someone like worldwide authoritarian wave of recent without real alterations to the ruling sys- American teams, so much has changed in Georgia last Tuesday campaigning for
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer or Col- years. This moment deserves attention, tem, the cost for participants will be trag- both countries and the world, but the Warnock’s opponent and warning that
orado Gov. Jared Polis, both of whom just and no global stage is bigger than the ic. At least 450 people, including dozens of enmity between the two governments re- Warnock’s reelection was a threat to
won clear victories in their states, I’d World Cup. Billions will be watching. The children, have already been killed, and mains frozen in time, and Americans’ “your liberties and mine . . . your rights
start running now. longer Iran stays in, the more recognition thousands more have been arrested and understanding of Iran and its people has to religious liberty, your rights to free
I’d make clear to anyone who asked its people and their movement will re- imprisoned. Some protesters have already progressed very little. speech, your Second Amendment
that I would defer to Biden in the event ceive. been sentenced to death for simply exer- A reciprocal gesture of kindness from rights.” He acknowledged having
that he’s actually running by the fall of Iran and the United States have faced cising their universal right to peacefully the United States to match the 1998 Irani- worked productively with Warnock on
2023. But in the meantime, I’d go out and each other in the World Cup only once assemble. ans’ white flowers would go a long way. the highway bill but portrayed War-
behave very much like a candidate for before, and more than two decades later, Look at the intense pressure the soccer U.S. Soccer stripping the regime’s symbol nock’s assistance as an exception to the
president, giving high-profile policy the impact is still felt. I remember watch- team itself is under, from all sides. It’s from the Iranian flag on its social media is rule.
speeches and showing up in primary ing the 1998 match at the Los Angeles clear players will face repercussions when meaningful, too. But if the U.S. team itself But Cruz’s stump speech reveals the
states. home of an Iranian American friend of my they return to Iran for any hint that they goes even further before the game and weakness of the Republican case
That way, among the Biden alterna- older brother. I was 22, and it was also the side with protesters; last week, former unmistakably voices its support for the against Warnock. They have to argue
tives, I’d have the news media mostly to first time I had ever felt something like national team star Voria Ghafouri was equality movement for women, ethnic against him in generic, national terms
myself for a while, and I’d already know pride for my heritage. arrested in Iran on charges of propaganda minorities and children — as the Biden because it’s so hard for them attack the
what policies were resonating with vot- Moments before the match, Iran’s play- against the regime and damaging the administration surely hopes it will — that work he’s done for Georgians. Claiming
ers if the president decided to step aside ers offered their American counterparts team’s image for making comments criti- would be historic. that Warnock’s opponent would be a
at the last minute. flowers. It was a perfect example of the cal of the regime. And should Iran win, it would advance more effective representative for the
No aspiring candidate should assume Iranian people’s hospitality and their ap- Yet the team’s current players are still to the next round of the contest for the state is one thing; proving that will be
that Biden will end up running for reelec- preciation for the splendor of nature. It taking those risks. first time, capturing even more of the much harder.
tion, even if he says he will. And leading must have been an incredibly disarming Ahead of their first game in the cup, the global spotlight for its admirable freedom Georgia voters, you have an eloquent
Democrats shouldn’t assume that renom- moment for the United States men’s na- team refused to sing the Islamic republic’s fighters. In exchange, the United States senator who has worked across the aisle
inating the president is the safest course tional team. Iranians all over the globe, national anthem. That followed team cap- men’s national team would be eliminated. and delivered real benefits. Go to the
for 2024. though, recognized the act as a sign of who tain Ehsan Hajsafi’s comments that the That would be a blow for this fan, but polls, please, and do the right thing — if
In reality, it might be the riskiest thing we really are. Suddenly, the world was team is “standing beside” the “grieving some things are even more important not for the country as a whole, then for
they can do. seeing it, too. families of Iran.” It’s difficult to misinter- than soccer. yourselves.
You can
make a
Join us to end hunger, homelessness,
and poverty in the D.C. area by
donating to local nonprofit organizations
leading the way in driving change.
Visit PostHelpingHand.com
to learn more and donate.
P0804 6x21
Teen killed
in D.C. had
been shot 3
prior times
District sees rise in
juvenile homicide victims
Wife pleads
guilty to
One person rescued from a small plane that The owner of a day-care center
slammed into a Maryland power line tower accused of shooting her husband
was released from a hospital Monday as federal in a luxury hotel in Washington
investigators launched a probe into the crash. after confronting him about alle-
The crash in suburban Montgomery County gations that he had sexually
led to a complex, hours-long rescue operation, abused children pleaded guilty
caused power outages to about 120,000 homes Monday to aggravated assault
and businesses, and prompted the state’s larg- and carrying a pistol without a
est school district to cancel classes. The Federal license.
Aviation Administration and National Trans- Seated next to her attorneys in
portation Safety Board said Monday that they D.C. Superior Court, Shanteari
are investigating the incident, although the Weems, 50, of Randallstown,
cause of the crash probably won’t be known for Md., twice said the word “guilty”
at least several days. when asked how she pleaded to
As investigators began to inspect the wreck- the charges associated with the
age, questions surfaced about whether the shooting this summer. If the deal
pilot was flying too low Sunday amid challeng- TOP: The wreckage of a small plane rests below the lines the aircraft hit in Montgomery County with prosecutors is accepted by a
ing weather. Local and state officials said they on Sunday evening. ABOVE: Shana Nichols, 42, shows son Jackson Nichols, 11, the spot where judge, Weems could face up to
received no reports of mechanical problems. the crash occurred, near Rothbury Drive and Goshen Road. The pilot and a passenger were SEE PLEA ON B5
SEE CRASH ON B2 rescued from the plane, but both were injured. They had been expected to land in Gaithersburg.
Va.’s Rep.
A. Donald
Hundreds gather in Chesapeake to This year, give to groups McEachin
mourn victims of Walmart shooting trying to end gun violence dies at 61
BY J IM M ORRISON How about we someone directly — a bowl of BY L AURA V OZZELLA
think more like rice to the hungry, a warm AND M EAGAN F LYNN
chesapeake, va. — Doris Manu- Hyacinthe Loyson jacket to the cold, attention and
el knelt before a cross that had than Mother love to the lonely and forlorn. richmond — Rep. A. Donald
been set up beneath the stage for a Teresa in our The world will always need McEachin (D-Va.) died Monday,
vigil at Chesapeake City Park. It giving this year? Mother Teresa love. just weeks after winning reelec-
bore the name of her nephew, Petula Wait — what But now I’m going to tell you tion to Congress, his office an-
Brian Pendleton, who was one of Dvorak blasphemy is who Hyacinthe Loyson is and nounced. He was 61.
six Walmart employees shot and this? Why does a why we need him right now. McEachin had represented
killed at the store last week. French theologian better In 1866, Loyson delivered a Virginia’s 4th District, which
“Love you, Auntie M and Re- symbolize the spirit of speech asking his Parisian stretches from Richmond to the
joice,” she wrote, signing on behalf meaningful giving than the tiny audience to be more like North Carolina line, since 2017.
of herself and her daughter. Catholic nun, who could barely farmers: Before that, he’d served nine
Manuel was among several see above the lectern at the “These trees which he plants, years as a state senator and eight
hundred people who gathered National Prayer Breakfast in and under whose shade he shall as a delegate.
Monday to pray and light candles, 1994 when she told a room of never sit, he loves them for “We are all devastated at the
as they mourned the six who au- baggy Washington suits: “This is themselves, and for the sake of passing of our boss and friend,
thorities say were fatally shot by a the meaning of true love, to give his children and his children’s Congressman Donald McEachin,”
colleague. until it hurts”? children, who are to sit beneath McEachin’s chief of staff, Tara
“I’m here to support my sister,” The Mother Teresa kind of the shadow of their spreading Rountree, said in a statement late
Manuel said, adding that she had giving changes our brains boughs,” according to an 1877 Monday night. “Valiantly, for
stayed a couple of days with Pend- immediately. Neuroscientists translation of his words. years now, we have watched him
leton’s mother after driving down have used regression analysis It’s a version of an old fight and triumph over the sec-
from her home in Gloucester. JAHI CHIKWENDIU/THE WASHINGTON POST and neurotransmitter pathways proverb that America must heed ondary effects of his colorectal
“This is her oldest son, and shock- Mourners pray before a candlelight vigil held Monday evening at a that show all our happy today because of the immediate cancer from 2013. Tonight, he lost
ingly the second child she has lost park in Chesapeake, Va., to remember the six victims of the mass dopamine triggers fire like crisis unique to our nation: that battle, and the people of
SEE VIGIL ON B4 killing at a Walmart in the city last Tuesday. Roman candles when we give to SEE DVORAK ON B4 SEE MCEACHIN ON B5
What went into decision by MCPS to close schools during plane incident
BY N ICOLE A SBURY er schools could be safely opened impacted how many buses were where it’s clear in advance the
the next day, said Jessica Baxter, a able to pick up students on Mon- school can’t open the next day, but
When a plane crashed into a spokeswoman for the school dis- day, Baxter said. other situations should be evalu-
power line tower in Gaithersburg trict who participated in the call. During another call at 9 p.m., ated on a case-by-case basis,
on Sunday evening, Montgomery On that call was the school sys- school officials learned that Pepco Klinger said.
County Public Schools an- tem’s communications team, the had retracted its initial projection Pepco announced power had
nounced that night all of its emergency management com- on when power would be back been restored just after 1:30 a.m.,
schools would be closed Monday manders assigned to different online, Baxter said. Rather, the but some residents continued to
due to ongoing power outages. school clusters and building facil- company no longer wanted to give report outages on social media.
But power was restored in all of ity and management staff. an estimated time of repair. Emer- After the school system made
the system’s impacted school At the time, Pepco projected gency officials still had not res- the closure announcement, offi-
buildings hours before classes that power would not be restored cued the pilot and passenger from cials met for another call at 4 a.m.
would have started. Still, schools the plane. Monday. Though the power was
remained closed. Meanwhile, school staff had back on, they were still uncertain
Some parents were confused by been checking computer net- whether they would have been
the decision. They emphasized “It would have been a works to see if they were online, able to operate schools safely, Bax-
the critical need for students to be and some staff had been dis- ter said. One school’s HVAC sys-
in class, especially after academic really difficult and patched to buildings to survey the tem was down, and staff members
data showed students were be- power status and respond to secu- needed to check that food was still
hind due to the pandemic and challenging feat to try to rity alarms that had gone off, safe and that water was running.
they had been on Thanksgiving Baxter said. Several systems, including com-
break most of last week. get the normal school After another check-in be- puter and communications, also
“We should learn from covid tween 10 p.m. and 11 p.m., school needed restarts, Baxter said.
operation today.”
that we have to be careful when officials recommended Superin- The superintendent for MCPS, in this case Monifa McKnight, “As of 4 a.m. PEPCO has re-
we close schools, because it does Jessica Baxter, spokeswoman for tendent Monifa McKnight close ultimately makes the decision to close schools. School officials stored electric power to all MCPS
impact the kids’ learning,” Maria the school district all schools. She approved, and the recommended Monday’s closure after a 10 p.m. meeting Sunday. schools and offices. After a wide-
Szokolai, a parent of a fifth- and closure was announced at roughly spread power outage, staff need to
seventh-grader, said. 11:50 p.m. — though ideally the announce- Amy Klinger — director of pro- assess all buildings for their safe-
After the plane crashed and “This decision is being made ment is made the night before if grams and a co-founder of the ty and other systems readiness
knocked out power to nearly until 6 p.m. Monday, Baxter said out of an abundance of caution for possible. The school system gen- Educator’s School Safety Network such as heat, water and network
100,000 homes and businesses, a in interviews and an email detail- the safety of drivers and walkers erally closes the entire district, — said schools in these situations connectivity; this work will be
school system representative met ing school officials’ actions Sun- and also due to the significant rather than conducting a partial are often weighing, “Do I want the done throughout the day,” read a
with other county leaders and day night and Monday morning. impact on building and support closure, since there is a significant bad PR if we close when we second message from the school
emergency officials Sunday eve- Forty-four of 210 schools — al- operations, including bus depots,” portion of students who take the could’ve stayed open or do I want system.
ning to discuss the status of the most 21 percent of the district’s read the message to the school bus across the county for magnet the bad PR if we stayed open and “It would have been a really
rescue operation and when power schools were without power after community. or after school programs. The su- there were minor glitches?” difficult and challenging feat to
could be restored. After that meet- the crash. Five central facilities — The school system’s policy dic- perintendent ultimately makes Schools are often in a no-win try to get the normal school opera-
ing, school officials held a call at 7 including two bus depots — were tates that families be notified of a the decision to close schools, or situation. There are some situa- tion today without any impact,”
p.m. Sunday to determine wheth- out as well, which would have school closure no later than 5 a.m. appoints a designee. tions — like a large blizzard — Baxter said.
temporary housing — as long as Community Partnership for the Chandra Dawson is chief permanent housing officer for Friendship Place, which manages Valley Place
90 days, but sometimes longer — Prevention of Homelessness. It is
for people who have been living I can bathe.” overseen by the District’s
in Southeast Washington. Valley Place offers bridge housing to homeless people, who live in the fully
furnished apartments for as long as 90 days or more before they transition to permanent housing.
in shelters or on the streets. Chandra Dawson, Friendship Place Department of Human Services.
Valley Place provides a chief permanent housing officer Community of Hope manages crisis, but to those who live in watch TV, enjoy game nights. going to land.”
sojourn between being homeless similar bridge housing in its them, they’re something else: Dawson said she is constantly Helping people put one foot in
and being leased up. It has space Girard Street NW building. communities. amazed and humbled by the front of the other is what
for 52 adult participants, in one-, Simple things can seem The residents aren’t the only Moving to bridge housing, resiliency of those she serves, Friendship Place does. You can
two- and three-bedroom, fully mysterious — a thermostat, for ones learning. Dawson and her Dawson said, provides “the people who have not had the participate in that effort by
furnished apartments. Some example. colleagues are learning, too. A added safety of housing, but benefits she’s had in terms of a giving to The Washington Post
residents have roommates. Some On the streets, Dawson said, “I lot of the Valley Place there is a loss. Bridge housing supportive family and a quality Helping Hand, our annual
units are ADA-compliant. adjust my temperature by the participants came from tent also has to help fill that social education. fundraising drive.
It’s a safe space, but it’s layers of my clothes.” encampments that have become gap in terms of community and “It’s remarkable to watch,” she To contribute online by credit
something else, too: a classroom. Some participants find the common in the city, she said. companionship.” said. “It takes a lot to get up each card, visit posthelpinghand.com.
“When you move out, your prospect of getting leased up These may be unsightly So Valley Place has a morning and put one foot in To donate by mail, send a check
apartment will look very similar “terrifying,” Dawson said. They reminders of our nation’s community room where front of another when you're to Friendship Place, 3655 Calvert
to this,” is what Dawson tells worry: What happens if I fail? housing crisis, our mental health residents socialize, play cards, really not sure where you’re St. NW, Washington, DC 20007.
residents. Friendship Place is there to crisis, our income-inequality
No clear signs of winter have been on the horizon
THE DISTRICT members were harmed in this BY M ARTIN W EIL gray and brooding, seemed to However, Monday may have cloudy skies might have been
incident” and “the student will hint at the coming season, and spoken of storminess, as it taken as significant signs.
D.C. man sentenced be disciplined accordingly.” For Washingtonians who left the calendar indicated that we seemed significantly windy. Nevertheless, although the cal-
in 2021 fatal shooting — Jasmine Hilton town Wednesday for the long were just a little over three weeks There was a peak wind speed endar clearly indicates our
holiday weekend, the city where from the winter solstice, Mon- of 29 mph, and a peak gust, which steady approach to winter, even
A District man was sentenced VIRGINIA they resumed their routines on day’s weather in Washington may is a shorter duration, of 43 mph. after several days out of town,
Monday to nearly 11 years in Monday was obviously closer to have seemed on the whole not too Coming from the northwest, many returning Washingtonians
prison for the fatal shooting of Officials: Man shot by winter in calendar terms. different from the conditions in the traditional home of ice, snow may still be waiting for clearer
another man in a Southeast deputies was suicidal But meteorologically, it may the places people left days ago. and cold, those stiff breezes amid signals.
Washington parking lot last year. have been less clear. Wednesday’s
D.C. Superior Court Judge Officials said a 36-year-old high of 63 degrees was well above
Milton C. Lee Jr. sentenced Cecil man who was armed and suicidal average for that date. Monday’s
Smith, 29, to 10 years and nine was fatally shot Sunday night by high was six degrees lower, seem-
months for the killing of Harold law enforcement officers with the ingly signaling winter’s ap-
Castle, 39, on Aug. 23, 2021. Stafford County Sheriff’s Office. proach.
Smith pleaded guilty in April The incident unfolded about Yet Monday’s high did not
to voluntary manslaughter while 8 p.m. in the area of Garrisonville seem especially chilly and was
armed. According to prosecutors, and Ripley roads. Deputies also above average, by three de-
about 11 p.m. that August responded after getting a call grees.
evening, the two men were about the man and tried to help The Wednesday when people
standing near a parking lot in the him, according to a statement left had a low of 33, only a degree
3900 block of South Capitol from the sheriff’s office, but the above freezing. That seemed to
Street when Castle grabbed a man “presented a handgun.” be foretelling winter.
bottle that Smith had placed on Authorities said the deputies But Monday’s figures seemed
the hood of a vehicle. Castle then tried to “retreat” and told the to discourage the sense that win-
held the bottle in the air and man to drop the gun, but he ter is obviously headed this way.
looked at the contents. He then refused and was “subsequently They suggested that the road
poured some of the remaining shot.” Officials said that deputies ahead may have bumps, devia-
contents into his cup before gave the man first aid but that he tions and detours.
handing the bottle to Smith. It was pronounced dead at the Monday’s low, at least in the
was unclear what liquid was in scene. No deputies were hurt. morning, was 46. That was well
the bottle, but Smith appeared to Officials said the deputies above Wednesday and was eight
be upset after Castle poured the were placed on routine degrees above the Nov. 28 aver-
drink, according to an arrest administrative leave. age.
warrant filed in the case. The man’s identity was not So while Monday’s skies, often
At some point, prosecutors immediately released.
said, Smith turned away from — Dana Hedgpeth
Castle, reached into his right LOTTERIES
pocket, pulled out a gun and
fired it at Castle. Calif. triple homicide Results from Nov. 28
suspect was ex-trooper
Prosecutors say Castle ran a
few feet and collapsed from a DISTRICT
Guarant as
Christm !
gunshot wound to his chest. The suspect in a Southern Day/DC-3: 0-2-9
Smith was arrested less than California triple homicide who DC-4: 9-8-5-6
week later. died Friday in a shootout with DC-5: 6-1-5-9-1
— Keith L. Alexander police was a Virginia law Night/DC-3 (Sun.): 0-3-9
enforcement officer who DC-3 (Mon.): 6-6-1
MARYLAND investigators believe drove DC-4 (Sun.): 7-3-6-0
across the country to meet a DC-4 (Mon.): 6-1-9-9
Teen brought gun to teenage girl before killing three DC-5 (Sun.): 1-1-3-5-9
high school, police say members of her family. DC-5 (Mon.): 9-6-9-4-2
Austin Lee Edwards, 28,
A 16-year-old student has been probably also set fire to the MARYLAND
charged with possession of a gun family’s home in Riverside, Calif., Day/Pick 3: 6-1-5
after bringing a weapon in his the day of the shooting before Pick 4: 7-3-1-4
backpack to Frederick Douglass leaving with the girl, according to Pick 5: 3-7-1-4-7
High School on Monday, Prince the Riverside police. Night/Pick 3 (Sun.): 7-1-5
George’s County police said. Deputies exchanged gunfire Pick 3 (Mon.): 9-3-3
The incident occurred about with and fatally shot Edwards Pick 4 (Sun.): 4-9-2-3
8:40 a.m. when a student told a after locating him with the Pick 4 (Mon.): 6-9-0-3
school resource officer and teenager later that day, the San Pick 5 (Sun.): 8-5-6-6-7
Prince George’s County Public Bernardino County Sheriff’s Pick 5 (Mon.): 5-9-3-2-3
Schools security that the 16-year- Department and Riverside police Multi-Match: 13-17-20-31-36-37
old was “showing off” a gun said in news releases. Bonus Match 5 (Sun.): 14-17-28-29-30 *39
while on a bus to the school, Until last month, Edwards was Bonus Match 5 (Mon.): 2-10-17-33-37 *16
which is in the 8000 block of a Virginia State Police trooper
Croom Road in the Upper and was recently hired as a VIRGINIA
Marlboro area, police said. The sheriff’s deputy in that state, Day/Pick-3: 6-5-1 ^7
school resource officer and spokespersons said. Pick-4: 1-9-2-5 ^7
security personnel found the Edwards, a resident of North Night/Pick-3 (Sun.): 8-2-7 ^1
student, who had an unloaded Chesterfield, Va., met the girl Pick-3 (Mon.): 1-9-9 ^8
gun and ammunition in his online and obtained her personal Pick-4 (Sun.): 8-8-6-0 ^3
backpack, according to police. information by deceiving her Pick-4 (Mon.): 5-5-2-4 ^5
Police said the student was with a false identity, known as Cash-5 (Sun.): 4-11-19-23-27
arrested and charged as an adult “catfishing,” Riverside police Cash-5 (Mon.): 3-12-22-30-38
with a handgun on person, said.
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In a letter addressed to
families, Frederick Douglass
said the exact causes of their
deaths remain under
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High School Principal Daisy investigation. For late drawings and other results, check
Nichols said “no students or staff — Associated Press washingtonpost.com/local/lottery
cial healing, because we are truly a Hundreds of people gather at Chesapeake City Park for a candlelight vigil to remember the victims of the shooting at a Walmart last week. Six employees, ranging in
city that cares.” age from 16 to 70, lost their lives, and several others were wounded. Chesapeake Mayor Rick West said the vigil marked only the beginning of the healing process.
Youngkin said the killings high-
lighted the need for mental health
care, and pledged to work across find comfort in the words of our ning as the sun set and lasting into drive to Chesapeake, she passed This is a small town. When people friends with Pendleton and Blevins,
party lines to enact it. “We have a Lord.” darkness as overhead lights cast tree after tree bearing fiery fall look at us, they talk about violence and would see them during shop-
mental health and a behavioral The vigil on Monday night fol- long shadows. Congregants re- leaves. “We learned when I was now instead of the beauty of the ping visits.
health crisis in the United States lowed one on Sunday organized by leased silver balloons into the night home-schooling my daughter that bay.” Moyer, who worked as a greeter
and in Virginia, a crisis that shows the Chesapeake Coalition of Black sky as the service concluded. as beautiful as the leaves are, they Tammy Hawkins, 54, signed the during the holidays, recalled how
up in all facets of our society, in our Pastors at the Mount at Chesapeake Manuel, who works at the Chris- are dying,” she said. “Today I’m re- cross for Chavez-Barron, who she she made it a point to dress up —
homes and our schools and our church. Dozens of people who had tian Broadcasting Network, said at minded that the Lord can make said was a friend of her 16-year-old and Pendleton always remarked on
workplace, at times tragically mani- lost someone, knew someone who Monday night’s vigil that Pendle- death beautiful.” son, Christian. “He loved him like a her choices.
festing itself in violence, murder, was wounded or worked at the store ton’s older sister died in May. The Michelle Joachim, who was brother,” she said. She said she also “Brian said, ‘Ms. Linda, you just
and in suicides.” stood at the end of a 90-minute family’s faith in Jesus, she said, was among those at the Monday night knew Randy Blevins from the time make my day. Every time, I wonder
He filled his remarks with scrip- service. giving them comfort. “We believe in vigil, said the Walmart is “where I she was a child, and had seen him what you’re going to look like,’ ”
ture. “My Christian faith says to give Another was held Thursday in his power,” she said. “The Bible says buy my eggs and my bread and my last month at the Walmart. Moyer said.
me hope in times such as these, the Walmart parking lot, organized he is nearer to the brokenhearted.” bacon.” Linda Moyer, who came to the “It was touching,” she added, her
when I question why terrible, hor- by friends and family of 16-year-old She had spent days after the “I wasn’t in the store at the time vigil with her daughter and grand- voice cracking.
rific things happen, when I ques- Chavez-Barron, the youngest vic- shooting with her sister before re- [of the shooting], but this hurts son, worked at the Walmart on Bat-
tion why we lose innocent loved tim in the slaying. A crowd of sev- turning home to Gloucester. But because this is my neighborhood,” tlefield Boulevard for 20 years until Jahi Chikwendiu contributed to this
ones,” he said. “I pray that you may eral dozen recited prayers, begin- she returned for the vigil. On her she said. “I hurt because we hurt. retiring three years ago. She was report.
Organizations working to curb gun violence need our help now more than ever
DVORAK FROM B1 Each year, I promote lesser- Watts, who was a fed-up, stay-
known nonprofits that can use at-home mother of five when
gun violence. help on Giving Tuesday — the she channeled her grief after
There have been more than national day of donation — to the Sandy Hook massacre into a
600 mass shootings in our make a big difference locally on national movement. It has local
nation this year. It’s a horror issues that have weighed on us chapters in every state and
that radiates giant circles all year, from hunger to works to build leaders and
outside the bloodshed of homelessness, immigration to highlight candidates’ stands on
immediate victims and their domestic violence. gun legislation in elections —
families. But this year, I’d like to offer the obverse of the National
We are a nation of many options to contribute to Rifle Association’s grades for
terrorized by the evil and illness organizations looking at the gun-friendly candidates.
of the few, and our children are long game of curbing our The Children’s Defense Fund
growing up in a world escalating gun-violence has done work for decades to
completely different from the problem. These contributions promote children’s welfare and
one most Americans until now won’t give immediate development. And increasingly
have experienced. satisfaction. Giving to a group gunfire is becoming more
And as we wake every working on legislation to slow dangerous to children than
morning, it seems, to news of an angry and frustrated co- anything else. Gun violence is
another shooting — a school worker from buying a gun to now the leading cause of death
bus, a Walmart, a nightclub, a unload into his staff that day — for all children and teens,
parade, an outdoor concert, a as Andre Bing allegedly did in a according to the Centers for
subway, a hospital, an Virginia Walmart last week — Disease Control and
elementary school, a grocery will not give you the same warm Prevention. The fund has been
store all had multiple innocents fuzzies as adopting a kitten or working on legislation and
hit by gunfire in the past nine feeding a hungry baby. prevention in this area more
months — it may seem hopeless. But these are the seeds to and more.
We are the only nation that plant to help ensure the future The largest, most
has more guns than people — safety of American children and comprehensive organization
120 guns for every 100 grandchildren. WIN MCNAMEE/GETTY IMAGES
that includes the moms, the
Americans, according to the Here are four organizations Brady official Christian Heyne, who lost his mother to gun violence, speaks during a news conference students and the legislators is
Swiss-based Small Arms Survey. that are doing the unsexy, in 2019 calling for gun-control legislation. The group, named for former White House press secretary Everytown for Gun Safety. It
How can we change this? exhausting and important work: Jim Brady, has tried to promote comprehensive, nonpartisan gun-control measure for decades. may seem like a drop in the
Little by little. I’ve written The National Council to bucket when you give to a
about the ways our nation has Control Handguns was founded Francisco known as the Zebra the Washington Hilton in 1981, on comprehensive, nonpartisan group that includes 100 million
slowly turned around other in D.C. in 1974 by armed robbery murders. Today, after that group and White House press reform. advocates, but their
epidemics — smoking, car victim Mark Borinsky and merged with other advocates, it secretary Jim Brady, who was Much younger — but fierce comprehensive work on
accident deaths, fire deaths. All Republican marketing manager is simply known as Brady. also shot that day, and his wife and powerful — is the growing legislation, grass-roots student
that change happened little by Pete Shields, whose son was It became a huge Sarah joined the effort to Moms Demand Action for Gun involvement and research can
little, through advocacy and killed in a racially motivated organization after President prevent gun violence. The Sense in America. This use all the help Americans are
legislation. shooting rampage in San Ronald Reagan was shot outside organization continues to work organization is led by Shannon willing to give.
WSSC Water names a top D.C. Water o∞cial as its new general manager
BY K ATHERINE S HAVER water utilities, is grappling with nated after raising concerns and son’s water utility, was named in a She did not respond Monday to
aging infrastructure, including a board member who was pushed recent lawsuit by a group of a request for comment on the
WSSC Water has selected D.C. bursting water pipes and sewer out after he pressed utility lead- Jackson residents alleging that lawsuit’s allegations.
Water’s chief operating officer, system overflows. As Maryland’s ers about the system’s procure- the city’s water-safety problems WSSC Water’s six-member
Kishia L. Powell, as its new gener- largest water utility, WSSC Water ment and soaring costs. this past summer resulted from board of commissioners ap-
al manager, the utility announced provides water and sewer ser- Reid, who has led the utility decades of neglect. Much of the proved Powell unanimously after
Monday. vices for 1.9 million people in since 2016, recently called WSSC city lost water for days, and resi- a nationwide search, the utility
Powell, 48, has 24 years of Montgomery and Prince George’s Water “an organization in crisis.” dents were told to boil water for said.
experience in water and waste- counties. In a statement, Powell said, more than a month after the city’s “We are confident that Ms.
water management, including as Powell will replace General “I’m incredibly honored to have main water treatment plant Powell’s extensive prior experi-
an executive for utilities in Atlan- Manager Carla A. Reid, whose the trust of the [WSSC Water] failed. The lawsuit also claims top ences provide her with well-
ta, Jackson, Miss., and Baltimore, contract was not renewed this commissioners and am excited to officials ignored elevated lead rounded leadership skills that
WSSC Water said. Since joining summer amid scrutiny of a 3- lead this world class utility in our levels and other safety problems will benefit WSSC Water custom-
D.C. Water in 2020, she has over- year-old billing system that has efforts to continue investments in in drinking water. ers for years to come,” Commis-
seen the IT department, opera- tripled in cost — from $40 million critical infrastructure, improving Powell served as Jackson’s pub- sion Vice Chair Regina Y. Speed-
tions and engineering, customer to $120 million — and has been JAMAL HARDMAN service delivery and pursuing eq- lic works director before mid- Bost said in a news release.
service and a $6.4 billion capital blamed for long customer call Kishia L. Powell, D.C. Water’s uity for the communities we 2016, when she became commis- Powell, who lives in Bowie, will
improvement program. hold times. The recent upheaval chief operating officer, has 24 serve.” sioner of Atlanta’s Department of start work Jan. 1. A WSSC Water
She will lead WSSC Water at a also has included a top IT con- years of experience in water Powell, along with other cur- Watershed Management, accord- spokesman said Powell’s salary
time when it, like many U.S. tract employee who was termi- and wastewater management. rent and former leaders of Jack- ing to her D.C. Water bio. had not been finalized.
Woman pleads guilty to shooting spouse over alleged sex abuse of children
Baltimore County to Washington pistol without a license outside a on killing her husband, but declined to comment.
to confront her husband, a for- home or office, and resisting wanted to “paralyze” him. Shanteari Weems has re-
mer Baltimore police officer who arrest. James Weems was charged in mained in the D.C. jail since her
two years in prison. was working as private security Assistant U.S. Attorney La- connection with the alleged sex arrest on the day of the shooting,
At a previous hearing, for the National Urban League’s Vater Massie-Banks said at Mon- abuse while recovering in the despite her attorney’s efforts
Weems’s attorney told a D.C. convention in the city. Her hus- day’s hearing that Shanteari hospital and transported to Bal- last month to have her released
Superior Court judge that his band was staying overnight at the Weems’s actions were more de- timore County. He is facing more pending trial. Judge Michael
client was acting in self-defense Mandarin Oriental Hotel. liberate. Massie-Banks said that than 30 counts of child sexual O’Keefe denied the request.
when she shot her husband in a Shanteari Weems took her Weems shot her husband in the abuse and assault charges in After the hearing, two individ-
room in the Mandarin Oriental 9mm handgun for protection, neck and that when he collapsed connection with at least four uals who attended in support of
Hotel in Southwest Washington knowing her husband also had a to his hotel room floor, she victims, according to Maryland Shanteari Weems declined to
on July 21. licensed handgun, her attorney walked over and shot him in the court records. He remains held comment. Garcia said his client
Weems, the attorney said, had said. Garcia said that when she leg, shattering his femur. in a Baltimore-area jail without “cooperated” with Baltimore au-
been told earlier that day that arrived at Room 853, she raised James Weems, 57, required bond and is scheduled to go on thorities in the prosecution of
her husband, James S. Weems the allegations, and her hus- surgery, and a metal rod was trial in May. Prosecutors alerted her husband’s assault case. He
Jr., had sexually assaulted a band became aggressive. In fear, placed in his leg, the prosecutor a Maryland judge earlier this called the circumstances of the
child at the day care she owned, Garcia said, his client shot her said. The prosecutor added that month that they plan to seek shooting “a tragedy.”
Lil Kidz Kastle. The allegation husband twice. weeks later he needed to walk enhanced penalties on the “We are not asking anyone to
came from the child’s mother, She was arrested and charged with a walker. charges based on the ages of the feel sorry for her, but we are
the attorney said. with multiple crimes, including James S. Weems Jr. faces Massie-Banks also read from victims and witnesses involved. asking people to have empathy
Tony Garcia, Shanteari possession of a firearm during a more than 30 counts of child a journal found in the hotel That could mean additional for her,” Garcia said.
Weems’s attorney, had said previ- crime of violence, aggravated sexual abuse and assault room, in which Shanteari years in prison if he is convicted. O’Keefe has scheduled sen-
ously that his client drove from assault while armed, carrying a charges. Weems wrote she did not plan An attorney for James Weems tencing for Feb. 3.
McEachin had spoken publicly on battle with cancer and impact of treatments
MCEACHIN FROM B1 through my journey,” McEachin of three adult children. Rountree said the congres-
said. “Go to the doctor.” McEachin faced Republican sional office will remain open and
Virginia’s Fourth Congressional In 2018, McEachin attributed a Leon Benjamin, also a minister, will continue to serve McEachin’s
District lost a hero who always, dramatic weight loss to complica- this year and in 2020. The Demo- constituents until a new repre-
always fought for them and put tions from his cancer treatment crat won this year with nearly 65 sentative is elected. A special
them first.” and walking miles around the percent of the vote. election for his replacement will
A minister and lawyer, Capitol every week. The next year, Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) joined be called at a date chosen by Gov.
McEachin was the Democratic he underwent two surgeries after McEachin just three weeks ago to Glenn Youngkin (R).
nominee for state attorney gener- he developed a fistula, which his celebrate the congressman’s win. “Heartbroken to learn of Don
al in 2001, losing to Republican doctor described to the Rich- “He was a gentle giant, a com- McEachin’s passing,” Rep. Gerald
Jerry Kilgore. State Sen. L. Louise mond Times-Dispatch as “an ab- passionate champion for under- E. Connolly (D-Va.), who repre-
Lucas (D-Portsmouth) recalled normal connection between the dogs, a climate warrior, a Chris- sents part of Northern Virginia,
“watching him make history as bladder and colon.” He was also tian example, an understanding tweeted. “A noble friend, hus-
the first ever African American hospitalized that year for a blood dad, a proud husband, a loyal band, and father. An environ-
nominee” for that position. He clot. brother,” Kaine said in a state- mentalist, civil rights advocate,
was only the third African Ameri- But in 2020, McEachin told the ment emailed from his office. faithful public servant, and a man
can to represent Virginia in the Times-Dispatch that he was mov- In Congress, McEachin was of consequence. There was no
U.S. House. ing past the health problems that known as an impassioned cham- better ally to have. I will miss him
Although McEachin’s health at one point had caused him to pion for environmental justice terribly.”
struggles had been known for shed 60 pounds from his 6-foot-5 and for policies to mitigate cli- Rep. Jennifer Wexton (D-Va.), JULIA RENDLEMAN FOR THE WASHINGTON POST
years, his death still caught many frame. mate change, with keen attention who served with McEachin in the Rep. A. Donald McEachin (D-Va.) in 2019. He had served in the
by surprise. “God gets you to stuff, and then to its uneven impact on disadvan- state Senate, called McEachin a U.S. House since 2017 and was a state lawmaker before that.
“Hearing the news of his death he gets you through stuff,” he told taged or minority communities. dear friend and mentor and “one
sent a shock of pain through me the paper then. In keeping with those priori- hell of a legislator and leader,” as Paine: ‘These are the times that The Virginia Senate Democrat-
tonight,” Lucas tweeted. In 2016, a Washington Post ties, McEachin had co-founded whose “trusted counsel and ever try men’s souls. The summer sol- ic Caucus issued a statement
McEachin has publicly dis- profile described the newly elect- the United for Climate and Envi- calming presence helped me dier and the sunshine patriot calling McEachin’s death “a giant
cussed his battle with cancer, and ed congressman as a “Star Trek ronmental Justice Task Force, learn the ropes of public service will, in this crisis, shrink from the loss to our Commonwealth.”
did so as recently as two weeks fanatic” who is “at once goofy and while also serving on the House in Richmond.” She said she would service of their country; but he “Congressman McEachin was
ago. At a packed movie theater cerebral.” An Army brat born in Energy and Commerce Commit- not be in Congress today were it that stands by it now, deserves a brilliant, compassionate hu-
hosting a “Black Panther: Wakan- Germany, McEachin studied po- tee, Natural Resources Commit- not for him. the love and thanks of man and man being,” it said. “His love for
da Forever” viewing party, litical science at American Uni- tee and Select Committee on Cli- “As I considered making the woman.’ Donald insisted that he humanity was always uppermost
McEachin stressed to the crowd versity before earning his law mate Crisis. He fought as well for decision to run back in 2017 and and I were not ‘sunshine patriots.’ in his work, whether on civil
“the importance of early detec- degree at the University of Vir- preserving historic land and nat- visited him on Capitol Hill,” Wex- For his words of inspiration and rights, the environment, energy,
tion,” urging regular exams, as ginia. His wife, Colette McEachin, ural beauty, such as the Great ton wrote in a statement, “he left belief in me, I am forever grateful. or voting rights. His is a voice that
WTVR reported at the event. is commonwealth’s attorney for Dismal Swamp in southeastern me with a parting note on which I will dearly miss the wisdom and will surely be missed as will his
“Don’t fool around. Don’t go Richmond. They are the parents Virginia. were written the words of Thom- encouragement of my friend.” very presence.”
MONDAY- FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
SATURDAY-SUNDAY 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
it came together, the club was material. “Once the word got out, behind the stage in homage to a “Richard Pryor once said I had
the palliative care team at Montgomery
intended “as a temporary, part- comedians started flocking there signature red brick wall that taken advantage of him because January 1, 2023
time venture to help me expand just for the ability to work on stood at the original Improv. he was Black, and I was absolute- HALL 11 a.m. ~ 3 p.m.
my contacts in the theater, which their set,” he said. “And oh, guess The brick wall has become a ly heartbroken,” Mr. Friedman
were nearly zilch,” Mr. Friedman who else is here: the booker for staple of comedy venues in gener- said. “When I got home my wife Monday,
said. His girlfriend and soon-to- ‘The Merv Griffin Show’ or ‘The al, although Mr. Friedman said said, ‘You should have told him
be wife, Silver Saundors, was a Tonight Show’ or ‘The Ed Sulli- that like so much else he incorpo- you take advantage of all per- January 2, 2023
chorus member in “How to Suc- van Show,’ ” looking for new com- rated it into his club by happen- formers, regardless of race, creed 11 a.m. ~ 3 p.m.
ceed in Business Without Really ics. stance, discovering the brick wall or color.’
Trying” and helped launch the Pryor recorded his first stand- while taking down mirrors and “I told Richard that line and he
club, bringing her castmates to up film, “Live & Smokin’,” at the red paneling that had been left by loved it. We had no trouble being
sing on opening night. A few Improv in 1971. As a struggling the former tenant, a Vietnamese friends again.”
Photo Deadline:
1 p.m.
Hariold Snead Hall, peacefully entered
into eternal rest on Saturday, November
Washington Post podcasts go with you everywhere 19, 2022. He is survived by his loving wife,
Sallie S. Hall; one son, Hariold R. Hall (Di- To place a notice,
ane); twin daughters, Denitra A. Bynum
(Charles) and Denise A. Pincham (L. Ray); call:
one sister, Naomi Rose; six grandchildren,
one great-grand, and a host of relatives
and friends. The Celebration the Life will
be on December 3, 2022 viewing at 9:30
Ext. 4-4122
S0108 4x2
DONALD NEWTON SMITH Scott and Diane met at the radio station in
Donald Newton Smith was born in Balti- Marietta, married in December 1968, and
more, Maryland on February 10, 1935, to tackled life together for 54 years, including
the late John and Eunice Snowden Smith. raising three children. Diane devoted herself
Donald was surrounded by his loving fami- to being an excellent mother and wife, lov-
ly at his home in Greenbelt, MD when God ing her family with all her heart and creating
called him to his eternal home in Heaven a warm and beautiful home that was always
on November 12, 2022. “Lefty” or “Grand- the “safe port in the storm” for her children.
pa” as he was affectionately known was She had so much love and care to give, in
the youngest of two children. He is sur- fact, that she was the wise advisor and
vived by his devoted wife of 59 years of trusted counsel of friends around the coun-
marriage, Gertrude W. Smith, as well as try and all over the world. We will never be
one son, two daughters and one son-in- able to fill the void she’s left in passing, but
law. His oldest son preceded him in death. she was so good at loving us, both up close
He also leaves to mourn five grandchildren and from afar, that it still feels like somehow
(one preceded him in death), six great she is with us, and always will be.
grandchildren, one great great grandchild
as well as a host of relatives and friends. Diane was predeceased by her mother and
His funeral service will be held on Wednes- father, Harold and Dorothy (Fears) Peabody
day, November 30, 2022, at Greater Mt. and her granddaughter Kylie Xiu Clifford.
Nebo AME Church, 1001 Old Mitchellville She is survived by her husband Scott; her
Mezzy Grace Landis MacKenzie, 82 yrs, Of Takoma Park, MD on Friday, November a.m.; Service at 11 a.m. The interment will Entered into eternal rest on Friday, No- DIANE PEABODY CLIFFORD sister Joyce Peabody; her daughters Victoria
Bowie, MD, Sunday, November 20, 2022. 11, 2022. She is survived by her youngest vember 18, 2022. She is survived by her We are heartbroken to announce the pass- Pierce (Geoffrey) and Dorothy Birch (Brian);
follow at Lakemont Memorial Gardens, 900 ing of Diane Lee Peabody Clifford of Ash- and her son John S. Clifford III (Kathy) as well
Beloved wife of the late David H. MacK- sister, Irene Mitchell, and a host of dear W. Central Avenue, Davidsonville, MD. two sons, David A McGlone and John B
enzie, Sr. Mother of David H. MacKenzie, friends. A Memorial Service will be held Cunningham, Jr.; daughter, Veronica A burn, Virginia on November 17, 2022. as her grandchildren Geoffrey Pierce, Jr., Al-
Jr., Kenneth A. MacKenzie, and Sharon M. Wednesday, November 30, 2022, at Dupont Vaughan; three grandchildren, Evan E exander Pierce, Kenzie Clifford and Abigail
Wooten. Grandmother of Than David, Car- Park Seventh-day Adventist Church, 3985 Cunningham, James C McGlone and Aar- Our mom, Diane, was one of the smartest Birch.
lene (Carli) Mozell, Aidin Landis, Emily Kait- Massachusetts AVE, SE, Washington, DC on J McGlone; two brothers, Jerome Bing and kindest women to ever walk this earth
lin, Ian Axtell, Cait MacKenzie, Reid Alexan- 20019. Visitation 10 a.m. until service 11 (Grace) and Moses L Bing (Alice); two sis- and we were lucky to have her as the heart She cared for and donated to many caus-
der, Jack Andrew and Anne Grace. a.m. In lieu of flowers, contributions may ters, Jannie Harrell (Lester) and Carolyn of the family. es, particularly those that cared for children
MARK adored Zeydie of Ian Samuel Blumberg.
Born in Cambridge, MA, on June 19, 1953, at King David Memorial Gardens. Zimmerman, M.D. (David Mark Silverman) www.sagelbloomfield.com
Jon earned a BS in Civil Engineering from and Lloyd E. Zimmerman, M.D., M.P.H., and
The Weather
Dry and seasonable Today Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday O FFI C I AL REC O RD
Partly sunny Wind and rain Winds Sunny An afternoon Clouds and
It’s a mix of sun and clouds, but skies subsiding shower sun Temperatures AVERAGE RECORD ACTUAL FORECAST
FEELS*: 53° FEELS: 53° FEELS: 39° FEELS: 48° FEELS: 56° FEELS: 49°
CHNCE PRECIP: 0% P: 90% P: 0% P: 5% P: 60% P: 10%
WIND: SE 6–12 mph W: SSW 12–25 mph W: WNW 10–20 mph W: S 7–14 mph W: SSW 10–20 mph W: NW 6–12 mph
HUMIDITY: Moderate H: High H: Low H: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate
Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th
Statistics through 5 p.m. Monday
For Fishtopher, a shelter cat, Twitter’s infatuation led to best holiday gift
BY A NNABELLE T IMSIT by “fishy,” “mister fishster” and to the cat’s profile — though it topher’s journey, people posted
“bubby,” according to his new wasn’t initially “a super serious about other pets that needed
Cats, as the myth goes, have owners in a tweet — has more thing,” Folts told The Washington adopting, including an Oregon
nine lives. But Fishtopher the cat than 50,000 combined followers Post on Twitter. “We had been cat named Miss Nellie and a New
was wasting his away. on Twitter and Instagram, with talking of Tanner adopting a cat Jersey dog named Mac. In its post
The “very sad and depressed” loyal fans who have dubbed him or dog since he moved into his celebrating Fishtopher’s adop-
5-year-old feline, a New Jersey “silly cheek-man” and a “floofy new (bigger) place, and had a
shelter said, was waiting for stripy catboi.” trend of me sending cute animals
someone to adopt him. While the shelter said that as a joke,” she added.
The call-out that went viral — Fishtopher’s “new-found fame” Callahan lives in Baltimore, Fishtopher has over
possibly thanks to Fishtopher’s has led to other cats being adopt- and Folts outside of the city. The
decidedly unimpressed expres- ed, his story has also highlighted couple posted pictures of their 50,000 combined
sion — has been answered: A the plight of animals in U.S. shel- journey home with Fishtopher on
Maryland couple drove to pick up ters. Thousands of these animals Twitter. followers on Twitter
the “big cheeky boy” at the shelter are euthanized every year when a The Homeward Bound Pet
this weekend. home can’t be found for them. Adoption Center said Saturday and Instagram, who
“FISHTOPHER HAS LEFT Individual animals periodical- that it received “hundreds of in-
THE BUILDING!” the Black- ly go viral online, often because of quiries from people who wanted have dubbed him “silly
wood, N.J., shelter said Saturday. their look or their story, but in to adopt” and that “people were
Social media users have avidly “many areas of the country there waiting out front this morning in cheek-man” and a
followed Fishtopher’s story since are more pets than there are line” for Fishtopher.
a Twitter post with a screenshot of appropriate homes,” according to Folts tweeted that Fishtopher “floofy stripy catboi.”
the seemingly grumpy cat’s on- the American Society for the Pre- has feline immunodeficiency vi-
line adoption profile was posted vention of Cruelty to Animals rus, or FIV, which weakens cats’
on Thanksgiving Day, earning (ASPCA). immune systems and is similar to tion, the Homeward Bound Pet
more than 169,000 likes. Fishtopher is one of the lucky the human immunodeficiency vi- Adoption Center said “hundreds
The Homeward Bound Pet ones. On Nov. 24, Twitter user TANNER CALLAHAN rus, or HIV. Cats cannot transmit of other kitties” were “wishing
Adoption Center described the Molly Clarke posted a screenshot A Twitter post on Thanksgiving Day drew attention to Fishtopher, a FIV to humans. that people would come and
domestic shorthair and Bengal of Fishtopher’s profile on Petfind- New Jersey shelter cat. Now, a Maryland family has adopted him. The ASPCA estimates that stand in line for them.”
mix as a “sweet, easy-going, laid- er, a platform on which shelters His fame has led to other cats being adopted, too, the shelter said. 530,000 cats are euthanized in The executive director of
back boy” but said Fishtopher can list animals up for adoption, shelters across the United States Homeward Bound, Lysa Boston,
was “out of sorts at the shelter.” along with a photo of the feline “Fishtopher loves being pet, wouldn’t you love rubbing up on each year, though there is no told Insider, “We are thrilled with
He would eat only when he had lying down and looking forlorn. “i and is an affectionate boy,” the those big cheeks? He loves cud- official national database that all the attention that he [Fishto-
company and appeared to be swear to god. if one of you doesn’t shelter wrote on his profile. “He dling up in arms, it seems to make tracks these numbers. Animals pher] got and hope that it will
“missing his family.” go get fishtopher,” Clarke said, wouldn’t even look up for pic- him feel secure.” with illnesses, including FIV, or make people realize that we have
Fishtopher’s new family is offering to cover the adoption tures, but did enjoy his one on one Tanner Callahan, 24, applied to disabilities can have a harder so many wonderful cats and dogs
chronicling his adventures on- fees for anyone who took him attention, and getting chin rubs. adopt Fishtopher after his part- time finding a home. as well up for adoption that are so
line. The feline — who also goes home. Fishtopher is a big cheeky boy, ner, Laura Folts, 22, sent the link In a Twitter thread about Fish- often overlooked.”
A six-part podcast | No-knock warrants can destroy lives.
Why are they so easy to obtain and carry out?
N0229 6x3.5
‘Queen Sugar’ helped female directors thrive Balenciaga issues apology over ads,
files lawsuit against creator of one
los angeles — The DM from Ava BY M ARÍA L UISA P AÚL out Balenciaga’s knowledge were “malev-
DuVernay came on a Thursday after- olent or, at the very least, extraordinarily
noon. Balenciaga had apologized just hours reckless,” according to court documents
DeMane Davis wasn’t expecting it. It earlier for its new holiday campaign filed Friday in the New York State Su-
was just another day at the Boston featuring children holding bags shaped preme Court for the County of New York.
advertising agency where she worked like teddy bears wearing bondage gear The company says it will seek at least $25
when the intriguing message landed. when another controversy erupted last million in damages for the resulting
Davis had never met DuVernay, but week. That led the luxury fashion house “false association” between Balenciaga
she knew the director was just coming to issue its second apology in a day after a and the “repulsive and deeply disturbing
off her breakthrough film “Selma.” Du- Supreme Court decision on child pornog- subject of the court decision.”
Vernay also was developing a series for raphy laws was spotted in an earlier ad. Balenciaga did not respond to a re-
Oprah Winfrey’s OWN network based on A printout of the 2008 United States v. quest for comment from The Washington
Natalie Baszile’s 2014 novel “Queen Sug- Williams decision, which ruled on the Post. North Six declined to comment on
ar.” constitutionality of law prohibiting the the allegations.
In the message, DuVernay told Davis pandering of child pornography, was Des Jardins’s agent, Gabriela Mous-
she was a fan of “Lift,” the 2001 inde- photographed among papers scattered saieff, told The Post that the legal papers
pendent film she co-directed starring a across a desk in an ad for a black-and- used in the ad “were obtained from a prop
pre-“Scandal” Kerry Washington. “Won- white purse that retails for over $3,000. house that were rental pieces used on
dering,” she asked. “Have you written Now, Balenciaga announced it will take film [and] photo shoots.”
any episodic TV specs by chance?” legal action against the production com- “Everyone from Balenciaga was on the
Davis had written a pair of unfilmed pany, North Six, and set designer, Nicho- shoot and was present on every shot and
scripts. But she had pretty much ruled G L ASKEW II FOR THE WASHINGTON POST las Des Jardins, for its spring 2023 cam- worked on the edit of every image in post
out directing TV. Oprah Winfrey poses with series creator Ava DuVernay and directors at the end paign. production,” Moussaieff said, adding that
“Because the adage was, you have to of the “Queen Sugar” panel conversation on Sept. 14 in Los Angeles. The series is The fashion house alleged that “inex- Des Jardins is “being used as a scapegoat”
SEE DIRECTORS ON C3 one of the first television shows to have a woman direct every episode. plicable acts and omissions” made with- SEE BALENCIAGA ON C4
A little kitsch, a little schmaltz, a lot of sparkle. That’s exactly what we need.
GIVHAN FROM C1 experts who oversee the But no matter. It’s not so much calm. When the world is so the Blue Room. It’s decorated to see themselves reflected in
transformation, it’s the that folks are expected to follow chaotic, there’s nothing more with the official birds of the each corner of the White House
emotional respite from the bad volunteers who do the carting, the White House, it’s that they luxurious than stillness and states, territories and the — a reminder that as
news that sometimes feels so draping and hanging. The could. quiet. District of Columbia. So many individuals, they’re part of …
relentless that one wonders if reliance on volunteers isn’t These decorations aren’t an The Red Room celebrates traditions have become fraught. everything, or at least they can
the nation’s flags shouldn’t just specific to the Biden White ode to exceptionalism. They’re a faith. Not religion, doctrines or And rightfully so. But these be. They can be part of the
remain at a permanent half- House. It’s a long-standing celebration of commonality. righteousness. The room is endure as new ones are added. neighborly effort that goes into
staff. They’re a break from the tradition. Earnest Americans are They’re a counterpoint to the dominated by a tower of fuchsia hanging pine boughs and
bad blood that has citizens the ones who wield the glue grandeur of the White House. orchids, one of the first lady’s making magic out of dollar store
looking at the folks across the guns in this grand institution. They don’t take one’s breath favorite flowers, interspersed bargains. They are among the
fence line and calling them They affixed pompoms and away — although the sparkling with candles. The windows have These decorations home cooks whipping up feasts
demons rather than neighbors. jingle bells to tiny foam trees East Colonnade, with its trees been filled with a facsimile of from handed-down recipes and
The mounds of fake snow, that had been attached to mini sprouting from snow banks, rose-colored glass that calls to aren’t an ode to sharing those dishes with
paper-wrapped fanciful birch ramekins and then painted gold. each branch glinting with tiny mind a stain-glassed window in others. They’re responsible for
trees and the handmade owls They hung wooden spoons mirrored disks, is a magical and a house of worship. But it also exceptionalism. filling childhoods — and
and fox are doing what holiday dipped in faux frosting and elegant welcome. The emphasizes people’s beautiful, adulthoods — with acts of
decorations are meant to do, rolling pins in the China Room. decorations encourage visitors stubborn devotion to optimism They’re a celebration kindness. Perhaps they’re not
which is to make people pause The philosophy behind this to breathe a bit easier. which is at the root of faith. the ones who created these
in delight, reclaim some lost craft-making ingenuity is that There are few displays of The 2022 decorations include of commonality. holiday traditions, but they’re
childhood memory and consider anyone can decorate as the cacophonous color. Many of the old traditions and new ones: the the ones who can keep the faith
for a moment the ways in which White House does. But, of rooms take their inspiration creche, the gingerbread house, that the best of them will endure
life really is good. course, that’s just a lovely fairy from nature and the quiet that the trees adorned with Gold Star Throughout the White House, and grow.
It took 170 volunteers a week tale for all but those who are comes when the leaves and ornaments in honor of the mirrored ornaments dance in Everyone can see themselves
to adorn the White House for both extravagantly endowed blossoms fade, the snow falls country’s service members. The the light. The administration is as part of the holiday cheer.
the holidays using the theme with free time and an and it feels like the worlds goes White House Christmas tree, at expecting 50,000 visitors this Everyone could use a little
“We the People.” While there are abundance of creative chutzpah. silent. There’s beauty in the 181/2 feet, scrapes the ceiling of season and they will all be able optimism, in the name of peace.
7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30
4.1 WRC (NBC) ◆ NBC News ◆ Hollywood ◆ The Voice (Live) ◆ Lopez vs ◆ Lopez vs ◆ Michael Bublé’s Christ. News ◆ J. Fallon
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5.1 WTTG (Fox) Fox 5 ◆ TMZ ◆ The Resident (9:02) ◆ Monarch Fox 5 News at 10 News The Final
7.1 WJLA (ABC) ◆ Wheel ◆ J’pardy! ◆ Love Act ◆ 20/20 ◆ The Rookie: Feds News ◆ Kimmel
9.1 WUSA (CBS) Open Mic ◆ ET Rudolph, the Reindeer (9:01) ◆ Reindeer in Here (10:01) ◆ FBI: Most Wanted 9 News ◆ Colbert
14.1 WFDC (UNI) ◆ La rosa de Guadalupe ◆ Vencer la ausencia ◆ Mi camino es amarte ◆ La madrastra Noticias ◆ Noticiero
20.1 WDCA (MNTV) ◆ Family Feud ◆ Family Feud Fox 5 News On the Plus ◆ Family Feud ◆ Family Feud Big Bang Big Bang ◆ Chicago Fire
22.1 WMPT (PBS) Farm-Harvest Outdoors Movie: Concert for George ★★★ (2003) Suze Orman’s Ultimate Retirement Guide
26.1 WETA (PBS) ◆ PBS NewsHour Mr. Bean Mr. Bean Mr. Bean Mr. Bean Mr. Bean Mr. Bean Mr. Bean Mr. Bean
32.1 WHUT (PBS) DW News Opportunity America ReFramed Roadtrip Nation: Native BusinessMakers World News Poetry
50.1 WDCW (CW) Neighbor Neighbor ◆ The Winchesters ◆ Professionals DC News Now Seinfeld ◆ Seinfeld
66.1 WPXW (ION) Chicago Fire Chicago Fire Chicago Fire Chicago Fire Chicago Fire
A recent ad for fashion house Balenciaga had plush bears with battered eyes
BALENCIAGA FROM C1 the children were photographed ment,” Gonzalez said.
near wine glasses and other trin- Balenciaga is now being scruti-
and is hiring a legal team. kets, while holding plush bears nized for both ad campaigns. Kim
The image, which appeared on with battered eyes that were Kardashian, who frequently
Balenciaga’s website, was shot in dressed in fishnet tops and leath- wears Balenciaga items and has
July. It showcased the “Hour- er harnesses. appeared in several of its cam-
glass” handbag, a Balenciaga and While Balenciaga also removed paigns, said in a statement on
Adidas mash-up featuring the the teddy bear ads, a spokesper- Sunday that she’s “currently re-
sporting brand’s famous white son for the fashion house told the evaluating my relationship with
stripes against black leather and a Daily Mail that Galimberti’s shoot the brand, basing it off their will-
buckle shaped like the letter “B.” A would not be the subject of a ingness to accept accountability
printout of the Supreme Court lawsuit. for something that should have
decision spills out of a manila In a statement posted to his never happened to begin with”
folder beneath the bag in the Instagram account last week, the and “the actions I am expecting to
advertisement. award-winning Italian photogra- see them take to protect children.”
The ad became the second to be pher said he had no say in what Gonzalez said she would also
pulled by Balenciaga last week — props or models were used in the like to see the brand take respon-
a move the company announced shoot. sibility for the ads.
in a statement that also apolo- “I was only and solely request- “All of these decisions go
gized “for displaying unsettling ed to [light] the given scene, and through so many levels of approv-
documents in our campaign.” take the shots according to my al and eyes,” she said. “So who
“We strongly condemn abuse signature style,” Galimberti approved this and where did ev-
of children in any form,” the state- wrote. “As usual for a commercial erything go wrong? There really
ment adds. It followed a separate shooting, the direction of the needs to be some accountability
statement in which the company campaign and the choice of the within Balenciaga.”
apologized for the way children objects displayed are not in the Gonzalez, who used to consider
appeared in its holiday ads. hands of the photographer.” MICHAEL KUENNE/PRESSCOV/SIPA USA/ASSOCIATED PRESS Balenciaga one of her favorite
The fallout began earlier this Priscilla Gonzalez, 27, a Mexi- Balenciaga has a reputation for being “almost an anti-fashion brand,” stylist Priscilla Gonzalez says. brands, said there’s a lesson for
month, when Balenciaga un- co-based stylist and fashion con- the fashion industry out of the
veiled its “Toy Stories” holiday tent creator, referred to Balen- zalez said, stretching the line of said. “There’s a thin line between gized over the plush bear bags it back-to-back advertisement con-
campaign, which was shot by Na- ciaga’s “Toy Stories” campaign as what’s cool with its collections being creative and essentially us- said “should not have been fea- troversies: “Brands can’t get away
tional Geographic photographer “an attempt at ‘let’s give people inspired by “The Simpsons” and ing children as props or having tured with children,” eagle-eyed with these massive mistakes any-
Gabriele Galimberti. The images something to talk about’ gone Crocs. Earlier this year, it debuted them pose with inappropriate social media users “started look- more.”
in that ad campaign resemble terribly wrong.” an $1,500 leather clutch made to items.” ing at previous campaigns almost “In this digital age where any-
Galimberti’s previous work fea- The edgy fashion house has look like a bag of Lay’s chips. In the age of social media, with a magnifying glass and ran thing can go viral and anyone can
turing children surrounded by gained a reputation for being “al- “But just how much can you backlash over the ads spread into the spring 2023 ad with the investigate, consumers have a re-
their toys. In this case, however, most an anti-fashion brand,” Gon- challenge what’s cool?” Gonzalez quickly. After Balenciaga apolo- child pornography case docu- ally big and loud voice,” she said.
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The Guide to the Lively Arts appears: • Sunday in Arts & Style. deadline: Tues., 12 noon
• Monday in Style. deadline: Friday, 12 noon • Tuesday in Style. deadline: Mon., 12 noon • Wednesday in Style. deadline: Tues., 12 noon
• Thursday in Style. deadline: Wed., 12 noon • Friday in Weekend. deadline: Tues., 12 noon • Saturday in Style. deadline: Friday, 12 noon
For information about advertising, call: Raymond Boyer 202-334-4174 or Robin Wilkerson 202-334-7089
To reach a representative, call: 202-334-7006 | [email protected] 22-0776
A couple wonders whether they should reveal big nest egg to adult children
Dear Amy: either of our deaths, and the you to let your children know important components of this — Tired of Knowing Grandma,” who was concerned
Ask Amy Neither my wife remainder equally to each child that you and your wife are doing discussion. that her son-in-law was “mean”
AMY nor I came from once the surviving spouse dies. well financially, that your wills Tired: If you believe that and belittling to her
DICKINSON money. But The amount is quite substantial are drawn up, and that they will Dear Amy: As I drove around my political divisiveness is ruining grandchildren.
thanks to a lot of now and likely to be more as inherit equally. I don’t think it’s area this Election Day, I had a positive human interactions, I think you should have
hard work, good time goes on. necessary for them to see your few thoughts. then you should rethink your advised her to call Child
choices — and luck — our I could also see updating the wills. How about if we all took down own behavior. You used to be Protective Services (CPS). Verbal
children will come into money. information every year just so Again — in my opinion — you every single sign and personal friendly toward everyone, and abuse is abuse.
Both of our kids are grown, they know where things stand. should consider ways to political flag, no matter the now if you know or suspect — Concerned
married to terrific partners, and I don’t see any reason to have distribute some of your estate outcome of elections? they’ve voted differently than
on good career paths. My wife any mystery. I’d like to make it before you die, perhaps through If we all did not know how you, you avoid them. Concerned: “Sad Grandma’s”
and I are in our late 60s and in simple for them to sort things purchasing or helping them to others voted, I think we’d all get I’m suggesting that you have primary question was whether
good health, and we’re thinking out when the time comes. Plus, it purchase homes, and along better, and we wouldn’t your own part to play (we all do) she should advise the family to
about giving them a full picture would help in their own financial establishing college funds for feel bad about people every time in terms of maintaining the move in with her.
of the extent of the potential planning. their children. we saw the hat he/she wore, the peaceful, pluralistic society I agree that whenever an adult
estate when we’re all together at What do you think? If you do decide to disclose the flag hanging on their garage, or citizens want to enjoy. suspects a child is being abused,
the holidays. — Doting Dad particulars, do not share your the huge sign on their truck. Casting your vote, advocating they should contact CPS. This is
Is there any reason not to do bank and investment account I used to be friendly to for your favorite candidates or another choice this grandmother
that? We trust both them and Doting: You’ve asked my numbers with them. These everyone I’d meet along a causes, and greeting others with will have to make.
their spouses completely. opinion, and my opinion is that should be kept private. sidewalk or coming out of a an attitude of openness and
If so, how much information you should keep your specific Let your children and store, and now I avoid those curiosity — or at least tolerance Amy's column appears seven days a
should we give? Should we give financial affairs private until you executor know where your people who advertise views that — are all ways you can stake your week at washingtonpost.com/advice.
them specific dollar amounts for have the qualified counsel of documents are located (keep are different from mine. own claim. Write to [email protected]
each account? Provide all your financial planner and these updated with all passwords Political divisiveness is These behaviors are ultimately or Amy Dickinson, P.O. Box 194,
account numbers? Should we choose an executor (possibly one included), and make sure they ruining everything. Let’s go back more powerful and long-lasting Freeville, N.Y. 13068. You can also
provide copies of our wills? or both of your children, or can contact your lawyer and to only advertising our politics than a yard sign. follow her @askingamy.
There’s no mystery to our perhaps a younger friend, niece investment adviser. for a few weeks before each
wills. My wife and I each leave or nephew). Medical directives and power- election — that is more than Dear Amy: I respected your © 2022 by Amy Dickinson distributed by
our estate to the other upon I do think it is important for of-attorney decisions are also enough! thoughtful response to “Sad Tribune Content Agency
♠ J53
♥ A5
♦ KJ963
♣ 852
♠ K642 ♠ 10 9 8 7
♥ Q9762 ♥ J 10 4
♣ 74 ♣ 10 6 3
♠ AQ
♥ K83
♦ 10 8 5
The bidding:
1 ♣ Pass 1 ♦ Pass
2 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass
Opening lead — ♥ 6
he best time of the day
is 6:30, hands down.”
— graffiti
If you’re intent on losing
an easy contract, the best
time is at the first trick, as
today’s declarer found at
3NT. When West led a heart,
South sagely played low from
both hands. He won the next
heart with dummy’s ace, led
a club to his hand and let the
East took the queen and
led another heart, forcing
out the king. When South led
another diamond, West pro-
duced the ace and cashed
two hearts. Down one.
After South won the third
heart, he could have suc-
ceeded with an inspired
guess: He could run the
clubs, and West would have
threw three spades, South
could cash the ace; if instead
West threw a heart, South
could safely force out the ace
of diamonds, losing only two
diamonds and two hearts.
But South has an easy
nine tricks if he wins the first
heart with the king and leads
the A-Q of spades. He is sure
of two spades, two hearts
You hold:
Your partner opens one
heart, you respond 1NT,
he bids two clubs and you
return to two hearts. Partner
next bids two spades. What
do you say?
ANSWER: Your “false
showed at most nine points
and only a tolerance for
hearts, not good support.
Partner bid again anyway,
showing game interest,
and you have a nine-point
maximum and the unbid suit
well stopped. To bid 3NT is
— Frank Stewart
You are warm, friendly
and charismatic. You
know how to deal with
people. You are future-
oriented and often concerned
with your security. This is the
first year of a new nine-year
cycle for you, which means
being brave and flexible and
having the courage to walk
new paths and open new
Moon Alert: Caution: Avoid
shopping or making important
decisions all day until
7:30 p.m. After that, the
Moon moves from Aquarius
into Pisces.
(MARCH 21-APRIL 19).
Let’s face it, issues are
hot topics today, making it
tough to avoid an argument.
For starters, steer clear of
controversial subjects, which
will press everyone’s buttons.
(Religion, politics, racial
(APRIL 20-MAY 20).
Hold on to your hat and avoid
squabbles and power struggles
about money, shared assets,
taxes, debt and inheritances --
and possibly insurance issues.
(It’s the whole nine yards.) If
you stay levelheaded, some of
these issues will subside.
(MAY 21-JUNE 20).
This is a difficult day for
dealing with spouses, partners
and dear friends. Mars is
today it opposes Mercury
opposite your sign. This could
trigger arguments with others.
You might feel upset about
travel plans, education or
(JUNE 21-JULY 22).
Today your ruler the Moon is
lined up with Saturn, which
makes you feel lonely or cut
off from others. You might
encounter domestic problems.
Hey, this is a temporary dark
cloud on your horizon. Things
(JULY 23-AUG. 22).
This is a tough day. Relations
with partners and close friends
are dicey. Issues with your kids
and romantic partners are
contentious. You might be at
odds with a friend. Relax. In a
few days, all is well.
(AUG. 23-SEPT. 22).
Be patient with family today to
avoid arguments and differing
opinions over home repairs or
you feel overwhelmed or world-
weary at work or with your
duties and obligations. Things
look better later in the week.
(SEPT. 23-OCT. 22).
You like harmony in your
surroundings. Today difficult
encounters with others will
bring you down. Romance and
issues with sports or social
outings or possibly your kids
also might depress you.
(OCT. 23-NOV. 21).
concern today, especially
debt, other people’s wealth
and your responsibilities for
others. Combined with this, a
conversation with a parent or
someone older at home might
be a bummer.
(NOV. 22-DEC. 21).
Discussions with others are
challenging today. You might
feel that you have to defend
yourself. If so, this will be hard
to do because you’re worried.
You feel cut off from others
(DEC. 22-JAN. 19).
Financial matters might get
you down today. Try to put
things in perspective. It’s
important to know that the
planetary pressures of today
make things look worse than
they really are.
(JAN. 20-FEB. 18).
Today the Moon and Saturn
are lined up in your sign, which
makes you feel inadequate
and self-critical. This is
will look different by Thursday.
(FEB. 19-MARCH 20).
Because you feel lonely
and cut off today, you might
argue with a family member
or a parent. This won’t help
anything. Remember: Lucky
Jupiter is in your sign right
now, and in the near future you
will get richer!
— Georgia Nicols
More online: washingtonpost.com/comics. Feedback: 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20071; [email protected]; 202-334-4775.
According to Guinness World Records, the Skies are partly sunny, highs reach Find more stories about
largest private collection of books belongs the low or middle 50s, and winds authors and their books
to a man in Indiana who owns more than are gentle. in our Readers’ Corner
bled in a NASA laboratory to “I never felt like I quite had a People hold blank paper and chant
his journey to Mars, where foot in any world,” she said. slogans on Sunday in Beijing to
he collects data to help hu- She often felt out of place protest coronavirus restrictions.
mans better understand this when visiting her father’s
neighboring planet.
Juniper’s question came
Middle Eastern family in
Jordan and in her mostly
Protesters in China
as the family (including War-
ga, her husband and older
White public school in Cin-
want nation to end
daughter, Lillian) watched
the launch of the most re-
She drew upon these feel-
ings to create “Other Words
strict virus rules
cent rover, Perseverance, in HARPERCOLLINS
for Home,” a novel in verse
July 2020. As everyone else about a girl who emigrates Chinese authorities eased some
clapped and cheered, 3-year-old Juniper from Syria and tries to find a place for strict coronavirus rules but affirmed
asked, “Mama, do you think the robot is herself in the United States. The book their strategy Monday after protesters
scared to leave home?” won a Newbery Honor in 2020. demanded that President Xi Jinping
“What an act of imaginative empathy,” Warga’s new novel explores these resign in a rare show of opposition to
Warga told KidsPost by phone from her same feelings. Res, too, must figure out the ruling Communist Party.
home in the Chicago area. “She really put how to survive in a new place. Even The government made no comment
herself in the perspective of the robot though he is a robot, “Res is probably on the protests or the criticism of Xi,
and wondered what it might be thinking my most autobiographical character,” but the decision to ease some restric-
and feeling, and that gave me the idea” to Warga said with a laugh. “Res worries, tions appeared to be aimed at calming
make the rover a main character. and I worried a lot as a kid.” protesters. Analysts don’t expect the
When visiting schools, Warga has government to back down on its coro-
Researching Mars rovers found that young people are fascinated navirus strategy and note that author-
Because the book was largely written by what is being discovered on Mars and ities are skilled at silencing those who
during the coronavirus pandemic lock- by the dangers faced by Res and Fly, his don’t agree with the government.
down, Warga had to do most of her friendly drone companion. Students are It wasn’t clear how many people
research at home. She based Res on the intrigued by the engineering skill re- have been detained since protests be-
rovers Curiosity and Perseverance and quired to construct these robots. And gan Friday and spread to cities includ-
things they had encountered on Mars, they are curious about the scientists ing Shanghai and the capital, Beijing.
and she learned much about them from Rania and Xander and their work with The city government of Beijing an-
the NASA website about the Rover pro- Res, and about Rania’s daughter Sophie, nounced Monday it would no longer
gram (mars.nasa.gov/mer) and a mem- who writes to the rover. set up gates to block access to apart-
oir by the chief engineer for Curiosity. Both science and writing draw on the ment compounds where infections
In summer 2021, Warga and her same mind-set and skills, Warga likes to are found. It made no mention of a
daughters viewed a model of the Mars tell her young audience. She is a writer deadly fire last week that set off the
rover when they visited the Great Lakes who has also taught sixth-grade science. protests after people questioned
Science Center in Cleveland. After hav- “Scientists and writers chase wonder whether firefighters or victims trying
ing imagined and written about a rover’s and curiosity,” she said. “They pay to escape were blocked by locked
Author Jasmine Warga with a model of a Mars rover in Ohio. Her “A Rover’s thoughts and feelings for so long, seeing attention to the world and share what doors or other anti-virus controls.
Story” tells the tale of a NASA laboratory robot’s exploration of Mars. the model “felt a bit emotional,” Warga they learn with others.” — Associated Press
1 Word before
and after against
5 Bite
10 Credit card
option, familiarly
14 Above
15 Sound
16 Rain gutter site
17 Big name in
19 Wreak havoc on
20 Concave belly
21 Dramatic
during an
23 Cave-dwelling
24 Yuletide songs
26 Egyptian cobra
go deep,
end skid
at three
Hot-shooting Porzingis
scores career-high 41
Wizards at Nets
‘Mother of all games’ Social media flak comes Tomorrow, 7:30 p.m., NBCSW
of Rivera’s
political and competitive importance. The all four knockout-round spots are up for grabs. D5 sporting event transcends the game and
nations back then derisively referred to each invites conversation — and arguments —
other as “The Great Satan” and an “outlaw about geopolitics, culture and national pride.
state.” Media reports referred to it as “the
mother of all games.” And many players and
coaches attempted to minimize the match’s
Ahead of their game against Iran, U.S. Coach
Gregg Berhalter, above, and captain Tyler
Adams had to field questions fueled by a
It’s all part of what England Coach Gareth
Southgate recently called “the tournament of
external noise,” and it reached a cacophony
2013 surge
political significance — which, after their controversy created by their governing body. Monday for U.S. men’s national team coach
crushing loss, some of the Americans later Gregg Berhalter and his players.
said was a mistake. Since arriving here more than two weeks
The June 21, 1998, meeting took place two ago, Berhalter and his team have navigated
Commanders coach
decades after young militants in Iran took topics such as workers’ rights and LGBTQ+ had similar turnaround
Americans hostage at the U.S. Embassy in issues. And on the eve of a must-win proposi-
Tehran, holding them for 444 days, which tion against Iran in the Group B finale, he and
in third year at Carolina
A beautiful goal ensures Brazil will once again play on ie before. He knows the begin-
ning, the ending and all the
bumps throughout. The first
time was in 2013, when he was
jority of the 43,649 in Stadium coach of the Carolina Panthers
BRAZIL 1, 974 on Monday night, it did a bit and turned a losing team into a
SWITZERLAND 0 more than pluck a 1-0 win out of winning club three years into his
a 0-0 stew. It went ahead and tenure.
clinched passage to the 16-team Now, during his third year
BY C HUCK C ULPEPPER knockout stage for the Brazil- with Washington, he’s seeing the
ians, their six points assuring same acts unfold, only with a
doha, qatar — The latest gasp their 10th straight knockout somewhat different cast.
of a ball in Brazil’s peerless presence as they seek a sixth title Over the past few years, Rivera
World Cup history sprang from a and first in an intolerable has harked back to his days with
deft binge of teamwork and trav- 20 years. Carolina, signed players he
eled with such oomph that it It left the gritty Swiss glum but coached in Carolina and built a
looked as though it might have still hopeful, sitting in second staff primarily with coaches he
been screaming. It left the foot of place in Group G with three worked with in Carolina. Rivera
a 30-year-old dude named points, with Cameroon and Ser- found a formula with the Pan-
Casemiro on the left side of the bia holding one each. It meant thers that he has tried to repli-
box in the 83rd minute of a Tite, the beloved and emotive cate — to the extent that Wash-
match that seemed ready to turn Brazil manager since 2016, could ington has jokingly been called
in for bed goalless, and it all but not possibly do anything else the “Commanthers” — and he’s
developed contrails as it by- except turn to son and assistant seeing similar results.
passed the frozen Switzerland Matheus Bachi, hug him and kiss After a 1-4 start, the Com-
goalkeeper. him on the cheek. It booked manders have transformed into a
When it blasted into the right Brazil a breathe-easy third match playoff contender with a 7-5 rec-
wall of the goal and loosed CARL RECINE/REUTERS
in group play against Cameroon ord. The 2013 Panthers started
bedlam among the runaway ma- Casemiro, left, who had six goals in his previous 67 Brazil caps, had the winner. SEE BRAZIL ON D5 1-3 and finished 12-4.
How? Rivera points to the
Commanders at Giants
Sunday, 1 p.m., WTTG (Ch. 5)
For Commanders’ Rivera, third year again is charm Crump, who is facing a felony
charge, for the first eight games of
next season.
generation of family leadership of
the franchise.
Jim Pohlad said he will remain
The Big Ten is reprimanding controlling owner, involved in
COMMANDERS FROM D1 to be on offense,” Rivera said. Michigan for not providing Twins and Major League Baseball
“Using that two-back tandem, I adequate protection for both business. Joe Pohlad will become
same things that helped his pre- really do think that being able to teams as they left the field. . . . executive chair, and president
vious club grow into a winning commit to the run the way we Middle Tennessee will play San and CEO Dave St. Peter and
team: a stout defense, a running have has really helped us.” Diego State in the Hawaii Bowl on president of baseball operations
back tandem, reliable play in the In the first five weeks, Wash- Dec. 24 on the campus of the Derek Falvey will report to him.
trenches and familiarity. ington averaged 42.1 passes (the University of Hawaii after the Joe Pohlad has worked in the
“It’s probably just a residual of third most in the NFL) and the bowl game was canceled in 2020 organization since 2007. . . .
some of these guys being here a running game accounted for only and 2021 because of the The MLB Players Association
couple years, going through 26.1 percent of its yards. Over the coronavirus pandemic. elected six new players to its
OTAs, minicamp, training camp past seven weeks, Washington The Blue Raiders (7-5) won four eight-member executive
and just . . . working with each has thrown the ball only 27.6 of their last five games. San Diego subcommittee.
other, playing with each other,” times per game (26th most in the State also is 7-5. Astros pitcher Lance
Rivera said Monday. “Just kind of NFL in that span) and the run- McCullers Jr., Cardinals pitcher
the lightbulb going [on].” ning game has accounted for 46 GOLF Jack Flaherty, Cubs outfielder
Players have provided similar percent of its yardage. Tiger Woods is out before he Ian Happ, Giants outfielder
explanations; they know the The Commanders also have was officially back, withdrawing Austin Slater, White Sox pitcher
systems better and are more reduced their negative play rate from his Hero World Challenge in Lucas Giolito and Rockies
comfortable with their team- from 36.5 percent over the first Nassau, Bahamas, with plantar pitcher Brent Suter are the new
mates. Yet the Commanders’ five games to 28.1 percent in the fasciitis in his right foot. members. Rangers infielder
in-season transformation is so seven games since. Doing so has The Hero World Challenge was Marcus Semien and Mets
dramatic, it has put them in rare eliminated many third and to be the start of a December in infielder Francisco Lindor both
company. longs; their average of seven golf ruled by Woods, who also has remain part of the committee.
They are the fifth team since third-down attempts of seven or a made-for-television match next The MLBPA confirmed that the
2010 to notch at least seven wins more yards through Week 5 has weekend, followed by the PNC six additions were elected to two-
in their first 12 games after whittled to 4.9 in the weeks since. Championship with his year terms. Representatives from
beginning 1-4, joining the 2019 On defense, the line has 13-year-old son Dec. 17-18. each of the 30 MLB teams vote for
Pittsburgh Steelers, 2016 Miami worked in tandem with the cov- Two of those are still on his the leadership positions.
erage unit to create havoc. And schedule. The Match is Dec. 10 — From news services
Chiefs and 2011 Denver Broncos. Ron Rivera, with defensive tackle Jonathan Allen after Sunday’s the most notable change has
What’s more: The NFC East, a win over Atlanta, went 12-4 with Carolina in 2013 after a 1-3 start. come in the form of turnovers.
division that only two years ago Washington mustered one —
was a laughingstock, is now the in with Carson Wentz, and when success over the past seven weeks Darrick Forrest’s interception to TELEVISION AND RADIO
NFL’s finest. All four teams are in it switched to Taylor Heinicke in has come from its ability to seal a season-opening win over WORLD CUP
playoff position — Philadelphia Week 7, it got a quarterback with extend plays and drives. Hein- the Jacksonville Jaguars — in the 10 a.m. Group A: Netherlands vs. Qatar » WTTG (Ch. 5), WBFF (Ch. 45)
is 10-1, Dallas is 8-3, and the New plenty of experience in offensive icke has faced more pressure first five weeks. Since Week 6, it 10 a.m. Group A: Ecuador vs. Senegal » Fox Sports 1
2 p.m. Group B: United States vs. Iran » WTTG (Ch. 5), WBFF (Ch. 45)
York Giants are 7-4 — and it is coordinator Scott Turner’s sys- than Wentz did, but he can more has 13.
2 p.m. Group B: Wales vs. England » Fox Sports 1
only the second division since the tem. easily escape the pocket, pick up But as the Commanders have
2002 realignment to have all four That familiarity matters. Just yardage with his feet and scram- turned the corner, their games NHL
of its teams with at least seven ask Terry McLaurin. ble to buy time. have remained close; four of 10 p.m. Washington at Vancouver » NBC Sports Washington, WJFK (106.7 FM)
wins through Week 12. (The oth- “I know we’ve had some quar- Although Heinicke lacks their past six wins have been
er: the AFC North in 2014.) terback changes over the years, Wentz’s arm strength, Washing- decided by one score or less.
Washington has come a long but having a guy that you have ton has refocused its offense on “This is mirroring what we 7 p.m. NBA G League: Greensboro at Westchester » NBA TV
7:30 p.m. NBA: Golden State at Dallas » TNT
way since the debacle of Week 5, worked with, that the receiver the running game, a luxury it went through in Carolina,” Rive-
10 p.m. NBA: Los Angeles Clippers at Portland » TNT
when it dropped to 1-4 and group has worked with, that didn’t have in the early going ra said Sunday after a 19-13 win
Rivera was the subject of criti- makes for a smooth transition,” because of Brian Robinson Jr.’s over the Falcons. “. . . In Year 3, it MEN’S COLLEGE BASKETBALL
cism for comments insinuating the star wideout said in October, absence. The team placed the came together, and that’s kind of 6:30 p.m. Long Island at St. John’s » Fox Sports 1
that the rest of the division was when Heinicke took over. rookie on injured reserve after he what you hope for, that you get to 7 p.m. ACC/Big Ten Challenge: Maryland at Louisville » ESPN2, WTEM (980 AM)
thriving because of its quarter- Heinicke has galvanized a was shot twice during an armed a certain point [and] everything 7 p.m. ACC/Big Ten Challenge: Penn State at Clemson » ESPNU
backs. But he wasn’t wrong. team that was in the doldrums. robbery attempt in August. He comes together, and it [has] 7:30 p.m. ACC/Big Ten Challenge: Syracuse at Illinois » ESPN
His point, though perhaps Rivera has described his play as was activated in Week 5, and started to come together. 8:30 p.m. Big 12/Big East Battle: Baylor at Marquette » Fox Sports 1
9 p.m. ACC/Big Ten Challenge: Wake Forest at Wisconsin » ESPNU
poorly explained, was that the “scrappy,” and teammates have at Sunday’s win was his first 100- “The guys are playing the way
9 p.m. ACC/Big Ten Challenge: Georgia Tech at Iowa » ESPN2
other teams had quarterbacks times struggled to explain the yard rushing game. that we believe that they are 9:30 p.m. ACC/Big Ten Challenge: Virginia at Michigan » ESPN, WSBN (630 AM)
who were more familiar with effect he has on them. “We kind of showed our hand capable, that we’re trying to get
their systems and teammates. His biggest asset may be his during the preseason of what we across that this is what they can WOMEN’S COLLEGE BASKETBALL
Washington was only five games mobility. Much of Washington’s wanted to do and how we wanted do, this is what they can be.” 7 p.m. UCLA at South Carolina » SEC Network
professional football
In Week 12, the Jets’ White had his moment and the Bengals made a statement
As November
On turns into
the NFL December,
ADAM seasons can live or
KILGORE die on one play. In
Arizona on
Sunday, the Los Angeles
Chargers’ two-point conversion
moved them above .500. A few
moments later in Seattle, Las
Vegas Raiders running back Josh
Jacobs took a handoff in
overtime, bolted through the
Seahawks’ line and streaked
down the middle of the field all
alone, 86 yards into the end zone.
The Raiders moved to 4-7, and
their playoff hopes remained
unlikely rather than totally
Here is what to know from
Week 12 in the NFL.
Zach Wilson should get used
to the sideline. After Wilson’s
dreadful performance last week
and baffling lack of
accountability afterward, New
York Jets Coach Robert Saleh
benched him for backup Mike
White. In a 31-10 thumping of the
Chicago Bears, White completed
22 of 28 passes for 315 yards and
three touchdowns.
Nobody is throwing any
parades for beating the Bears
without Justin Fields. But White
allowed the Jets to play to their
potential in a way Wilson has
not. Wide receivers Garrett
Wilson and Elijah Moore, who
never clicked with the second-
year quarterback, looked like one
of the best tandems in the NFL.
Regardless of what it means
for Wilson’s future, the difference
between his performance and
White’s over the past two seasons
is jarring. In four starts with the
Jets, White has two 300-yard
passing games, both of them SETH WENIG/ASSOCIATED PRESS
victories. In his 20 career starts, Mike White, above, replaced the embattled Zach Wilson as quarterback for the Jets on Sunday, and the fan favorite led playoff hopeful New York to a big win over the Bears.
Wilson has one, and it came last
month in a loss to the New performance. In brief duty New York Giants, but that’s what concussion. “The kind of game performance — 321 yards, three showing.
England Patriots in which he Sunday night, Love provided we will get Sunday in East great teams win,” Burrow called touchdowns — with a missile to The Broncos, the lowest-
threw three interceptions. Saleh promise in a dying season. Rutherford, N.J., the first of two it afterward. The Bengals have the front corner of the end zone scoring team in the NFL after
committed to Wilson long term, Love completed 6 of 9 passes meetings between the teams in won seven of nine after an 0-2 to convert. importing Wilson in a massive
but what else would you expect for 113 yards and a 63-yard three weeks. start, putting themselves in In three of their four losses, trade and hiring purported
him to say? touchdown to Christian Watson, Washington will enter with the position to steal the AFC North the Ravens have led by two scores offensive guru Nathaniel Hackett
White, a cult favorite in New the rookie speedster with whom, momentum of a three-game from the inconsistent Baltimore in the fourth quarter. In the as their coach, fell to 3-8 and lost
York, probably can’t lead the Jets in the Packers’ most hopeful winning streak, and the Giants Ravens. other, they led by 10 at halftime. any hope of making a late-season
on a deep playoff run. But at 7-4 vision, he could form a lasting have home-field advantage and Last year, the Bengals rode a Their strengths — a strong rally. Wilson passed for 142 yards
and in wild-card position, the partnership. He also played with three extra days of rest. The late-season streak all the way to running game led by Lamar on 35 attempts, taking three
Jets have too much talent, confidence and poise. He threw Giants were 7-2 two weeks ago, the Super Bowl. Doing it again is Jackson and a stout defense — sacks.
especially on defense, to bullets to the sideline and hit but after losing to the Detroit not out of the question. Burrow’s should make them experts at At this point, it would be a
prioritize the future over right Watson perfectly in stride. It was Lions and then the Dallas moxie and deep passing give closing games. But crucial shock if Hackett returns next
now. And right now, White gives a limited sample, but it was Cowboys on Thanksgiving, they them a chance against any mistakes have doomed them — season and a mild surprise if he
them their best chance. enough to make a Packers fan are in a precarious spot. They opponent. They have mitigated such as Gus Edwards’s fumble in finishes this one. The Broncos’
It’s Jordan Love time in feel confident about life after must face the Philadelphia issues with their running game his team’s red zone Sunday. And priority needs to be figuring out
Green Bay. The Philadelphia Rodgers, who turns 39 on Friday. Eagles twice and travel to and their offensive line, and first-year defensive coordinator how to keep Wilson’s disastrous
Eagles’ offensive line, their Any transition to Love would Minnesota to face the Vikings. If though they are not one of the Mike Macdonald’s group has performance contained to this
running backs and Jalen Hurts be made complicated by the four- they can’t beat Washington, they NFL’s most dominant teams, they sputtered when trying to protect season. If not, his $245 million
bludgeoned the Packers as they year, $150 million contract could be in full spiral. For now, are one of the hardest to beat. leads. contract extension will be an
maintained the NFL’s best record extension Rodgers signed this though, they would be in the The Ravens gave away The Ravens remain in first albatross. The trade already
by rushing for 363 yards. But the offseason. But Love showed such playoffs — like every other team another victory in the fourth place in the AFC North. They hurts; the 2023 first-round pick
most compelling part of the night a transition might not be so in their division. quarter. It has been a bizarre have the same record, 7-4, as the the Broncos are sending to
came at the end of Philadelphia’s painful when it comes, at least on The Bengals’ AFC title season in Baltimore. For brief Bengals but are ahead based on Seattle would be No. 4 overall if
40-33 victory, when the 4-8 the field. defense is alive. Anybody who flashes, the Ravens have played the head-to-head tiebreaker. And the season ended today.
Packers received an impromptu Bow down to the NFC East. wants to win the AFC will have to like one of the leading their schedule should help them For the Panthers, interim
glimpse of their future. After the Seahawks fell in go through Joe Burrow. contenders in the AFC. At other maintain control; their next five coach Steve Wilks is giving team
Aaron Rodgers, already overtime, the NFC playoff Cincinnati has cemented its points, their offense has bogged games are against teams with owner David Tepper something
dealing with a broken thumb, standings settled into startling place in the AFC playoff picture down or their defense has leaked losing records. to think about. The Panthers are
had to leave early in the fourth form: If the season ended today, with three consecutive victories at the wrong time. Sometimes, The Broncos hit a new low. As 3-4 since Wilks took over, and
quarter after a rib injury became all four NFC East teams would without injured star wide such as Sunday, it all happens in Denver’s offense circled the drain one of those losses came after
too painful and restrictive. In make the postseason. receiver Ja’Marr Chase, the most the same game. again, a new feature become part wide receiver DJ Moore was
came Love, the third-year passer The Washington Commanders’ impressive of which came The Ravens squandered of its nightmare season: public assessed an excessive celebration
whose first-round selection in victory over the Atlanta Falcons Sunday. another late lead, this time at dissent. As nose tackle Mike penalty after what should have
the 2020 draft led to friction nudged them to 7-5, good for last In a rematch of their Jacksonville, losing, 28-27, when Purcell came off the field in the been a win-sealing touchdown. A
between Rodgers and the place in the division but still divisional-round upset in Trevor Lawrence rifled a second half of a 23-10 loss at the team without much offensive
franchise. ahead of every other wild-card January, the Bengals outlasted touchdown pass with 14 seconds Carolina Panthers, he screamed talent and even less to play for is
Love has had few chances to contender. Nobody foresaw an the surging Tennessee Titans, left and Jaguars Coach Doug at quarterback Russell Wilson, playing hard for Wilks, who used
validate his choice, kept off the important December showdown 20-16, even with starting running Pederson went for two. Lawrence who was leading the Broncos to a savvy fake punt to take control
field by Rodgers’s MVP between the Commanders and back Joe Mixon sidelined with a capped his breakout another horrific offensive against the Broncos.
Pittsburgh pulls it out in Indianapolis
Chiefs signing running back Gordon
A SSOCIATED P RESS rest of the struggling Broncos, game tweet directed at a fan a COLTS 17
will only help Kansas City down day earlier, saying the language
The Kansas City Chiefs are the stretch. Jackson used was out of charac-
signing two-time Pro Bowl run- Second, the Chiefs were in ter. BY M ICHAEL M AROT
ning back Melvin Gordon III to need of depth at running back Jackson, meanwhile, insisted
their practice squad, a person with Clyde Edwards-Helaire out on Twitter that he did not intend indianapolis — Benny Snell Jr.
familiar with the decision told with a high ankle sprain. to disrespect anyone’s sexual ori- ran for a two-yard, go-ahead
the Associated Press, adding l VIKINGS: Minnesota rookie entation and has never done so. touchdown with 9:55 left, and the
much-needed depth with a player cornerback Andrew Booth Jr. had After the Ravens lost, 28-27, to Pittsburgh Steelers fended off a
who recently was released by the knee surgery to repair meniscus the Jacksonville Jaguars on Sun- last-minute comeback bid to de-
AFC West rival Denver Broncos. damage and will be sidelined day, a fan suggested Baltimore let feat the Indianapolis Colts, 24-17,
The person spoke on the con- indefinitely, Coach Kevin O’Con- Jackson leave via free agency. on Monday night.
dition of anonymity Monday be- nell announced. Jackson responded — in a tweet Snell, who did not have a carry
cause the signing was not official. Booth was held out of Minne- that was later deleted — by in the Steelers’ first 10 games,
Gordon was cut by the Broncos sota’s win over the New England saying the person “never smelt a finished with 62 yards on 12 at-
last week amid fumble problems Patriots last week because of his football field” and using vulgar tempts after replacing the injured
that plagued the 2015 first-round injury. The Vikings were waiting language that members of the Najee Harris in the third quarter.
pick during his time in Denver. for further medical assessment gay community said was offen- Harris was ruled out at halftime
While he ran for 318 yards and on Booth before determining sive. with an abdominal injury.
caught 25 passes for 223 yards in whether he’ll be able to return to Jackson shot back at the idea Pittsburgh (4-7) won its eighth JUSTIN CASTERLINE/GETTY IMAGES
10 starts, averaging 3.5 yards per action this season. He’s likely to that his tweet was anti-gay by straight in the series and matched Benny Snell Jr., who did not have a carry in the Steelers’ first
carry, Gordon also fumbled five land on injured reserve, meaning tweeting: “Not once have I ever the San Francisco 49ers for the 10 games, rushed for 62 yards and a touchdown against the Colts.
times in 10 games, including a he’d have to miss at least four mentioned or disrespect anyone’s most Monday night victories in
costly one in a loss to the Las weeks. Sexuality, sexual orientation, NFL history (52). The 49ers had Monday night game since Sep- off and Pittsburgh recovered. The
Vegas Raiders. With Cameron Dantzler Sr. gender, Religion or Race.” edged in front with last week’s tember 2015, and the first half was Colts’ defense then forced a three-
The fumble issues are not new. (ankle) and Akayleb Evans (con- Harbaugh said he heard about victory over the Arizona Cardinals a dud. and-out, and Ryan threw a six-
Gordon has lost the ball 26 times cussion) also out against the Jackson’s tweet Sunday night and in Mexico City. The Steelers drove into Indian- yard touchdown pass to Michael
in 108 games, or about once in Patriots, the Vikings started talked to him Monday morning. In the final two minutes, Matt apolis territory on all five posses- Pittman to give Indianapolis a
every four games. Duke Shelley at cornerback. “We talk a lot about football, Ryan drove the Colts (4-7-1) into sions, leading to three field goals 17-16 lead late in the third quarter.
The Chiefs were the perfect Dantzler must miss at least one but we also talk a little bit about position to score, but Indianapolis and Harris’s six-yard touchdown It didn’t last long. The Steelers
landing spot for him for a couple more game on injured reserve. that stuff too — what goes on in let a minute run off the clock in a run to take a 16-3 lead. answered with Snell’s scoring run,
of reasons. Evans has been progressing terms of the media and every- span of three plays in Steelers The Colts got a spark when and a two-point conversion pass
First, they still have to play the through the concussion protocol, thing, and really, it’s just, beg territory, finally using its first rookie Dallis Flowers returned the from Kenny Pickett to George
Broncos twice in their final six and it’s not clear whether he will guys not to get into the Twitter timeout on fourth down with 30 opening kickoff of the second half Pickens made it 24-17.
games, when they are trying to play Sunday against the New world right after the game, espe- seconds remaining. Ryan then 90 yards. Four plays later, Jona- Pickett was 20 of 28 for 174
maintain their grasp on the AFC’s York Jets. cially after a loss,” Harbaugh said. threw incomplete to Parris Camp- than Taylor scored on a two-yard yards with no turnovers for Pitts-
top seed and lone playoff bye. l RAVENS: Baltimore Coach “It’s never going to be positive. bell on fourth and three from the run to cut the deficit to 16-10. burgh. Ryan threw for 199 yards
Whatever information Gordon John Harbaugh said he spoke It’s not going to be a nice place, Pittsburgh 26, and interim coach Indianapolis made it to the goal with a touchdown and an inter-
can provide on new coach Na- with Lamar Jackson about the and I think that’s kind of reflect- Jeff Saturday fell to 1-2. line on its next possession, but ception.
thaniel Hackett’s system, and the star quarterback’s profane post- ed in Lamar’s response.” It was the Colts’ first home Ryan and Taylor botched a hand- — Associated Press
world cup
scores pair
to seal spot
in last 16
world cup
World Cup Serbia 3, Cameroon 3 NBA Bulls 114, Jazz 107 NHL Canucks 4, Sharks 3 (OT)
FIRST ROUND Serbia..................................... 2 1 — 3 EASTERN CONFERENCE CHICAGO ............................ 27 26 33 28 — 114 ATLANTIC GP W L OT Pts GF GA Late Sunday
SUNDAY, NOV. 20 Cameroon .............................. 1 2 — 3 UTAH .................................. 27 33 20 27 — 107 Boston ........................ 21 18 3 0 36 85 47
First Half: 1, Cameroon, Castelletto, 29th minute; 2, ATLANTIC W L Pct GB VANCOUVER ..................... 1 0 2 1 — 4
GROUP A — IN KHOR CHICAGO: DeRozan 9-20 8-9 26, Williams 1-4 2-2 5, Toronto ....................... 24 14 5 5 33 73 61 SAN JOSE .......................... 0 1 2 0 — 3
Ecuador 2, Qatar 0 Serbia, Pavlovic, (Tadic), 45th+1; 3, Serbia, Milinkovic- Boston ........................................ 17 4 .810 — Vucevic 8-17 0-0 16, Dosunmu 3-5 2-2 8, LaVine 7-20 5-6 Tampa Bay.................. 21 13 7 1 27 75 68
Savic, (Zivkovic), 45th+3. Philadelphia................................ 12 9 .571 5 20, Green 1-1 0-0 2, Drummond 5-8 0-0 10, Caruso 1-2 3-4 5, Detroit ........................ 21 11 6 4 26 68 65 FIRST PERIOD
Second Half: 4, Serbia, Mitrovic, (Zivkovic), 53rd; 5, Toronto....................................... 11 9 .550 51/2 Dragic 2-7 2-2 7, White 6-9 0-0 15. Totals 43-93 22-25 114. x-Florida ..................... 21 10 8 3 23 74 71
MONDAY, NOV. 21 Cameroon, Aboubakar, (Castelletto), 63rd; 6, Cameroon, Brooklyn ..................................... 11 11 .500 61/2 Scoring: 1, Vancouver, Burroughs 2 (Miller, Horvat),
Montreal..................... 21 11 9 1 23 65 73
GROUP B — IN RAYYAN Choupo-Moting, (Aboubakar), 66th. New York...................................... 9 11 .450 71/2 UTAH: Markkanen 12-18 1-2 32, Olynyk 8-13 2-3 23, 7:26.
Buffalo........................ 22 9 12 1 19 81 79
United States 1, Wales 1 Goalies: Serbia, Vanja Milinkovic-Savic, Predrag Rajk- Vanderbilt 4-4 0-2 9, Clarkson 3-15 1-2 8, Sexton 7-11 2-2 Ottawa........................ 21 8 12 1 17 66 71
17, Azubuike 1-1 0-4 2, Kessler 0-0 0-0 0, Alexander- SECOND PERIOD
GROUP A — IN DOHA ovic, Marko Dmitrovic; Cameroon, Devis Epassy, Simon SOUTHEAST W L Pct GB
Ngapandouetnbu. Washington................................ 11 10 .524 — Walker 1-5 0-0 2, Beasley 4-13 0-0 11, Horton-Tucker 1-5 Scoring: 2, San Jose, Kunin 4 (Bonino, Benning), 16:12.
Netherlands 2, Senegal 0 0-0 3. Totals 41-85 6-15 107. METROPOLITAN GP W L OT Pts GF GA
Yellow Cards: N`Koulou, Cameroon, 24th; Bassogog, Atlanta ....................................... 11 10 .524 —
GROUP B — IN RAYYAN Cameroon, 30th; Jovic, Serbia, 45th+7; Milenkovic, New Jersey ................. 23 19 4 0 38 87 51 THIRD PERIOD
England 6, Iran 2 Miami ......................................... 10 11 .476 1 Three-point Goals: Chicago 6-22 (White 3-5, Williams 1-2, N.Y. Islanders ............. 23 15 8 0 30 77 59
Serbia, 90th+3. Charlotte ...................................... 6 15 .286 5 Dragic 1-3, LaVine 1-6, Caruso 0-1, DeRozan 0-1, Vucevic Scoring: 3, San Jose, Couture 12 (Karlsson, Barabanov),
Referee: Mohammed Abdulla Hassan. Assistant Refer- Carolina....................... 22 11 6 5 27 61 61
Orlando......................................... 5 16 .238 6 0-4), Utah 19-49 (Markkanen 7-11, Olynyk 5-10, Beasley 7:05 (pp). 4, Vancouver, Mikheyev 6 (Kuzmenko, Pet-
ees: Mohamed Ahmed Yousef, Hasan Almahri, Nicolas Pittsburgh .................. 22 11 8 3 25 77 70
TUESDAY, NOV. 22 3-11, Vanderbilt 1-1, Sexton 1-2, Horton-Tucker 1-4, Clark- tersson), 8:14. 5, Vancouver, Pettersson 12 (Ekman-Lar-
Gallo Barragan. 4th Official: Ning Ma. A: 39,789. N.Y. Rangers............... 23 10 9 4 24 69 67
son 1-8, Alexander-Walker 0-2). Fouled Out: None. Re- sson, Mikheyev), 10:44. 6, San Jose, Kunin 5 (Karlsson,
GROUP C — IN LUSAIL CENTRAL W L Pct GB Washington ................ 23 9 11 3 21 62 74
bounds: Chicago 50 (Drummond 10), Utah 45 (Markkanen Bonino), 14:45.
Saudi Arabia 2, Argentina 1 Milwaukee.................................. 14 5 .737 — Philadelphia................ 22 7 10 5 19 53 74
Cleveland.................................... 13 8 .619 2 9). Assists: Chicago 21 (DeRozan 6), Utah 30 (Clarkson 9). Columbus.................... 21 7 12 2 16 60 87 OVERTIME
GROUP D — IN RAYYAN Ghana 3, South Korea 2 x-Indiana .................................... 11 8 .579 3 Total Fouls: Chicago 17, Utah 17. A: 18,206 (18,206)
Denmark 0, Tunisia 0 Scoring: 7, Vancouver, Kuzmenko 10 (Hughes, Miller),
Ghana..................................... 2 1 — 3 Chicago ......................................... 9 11 .450 51/2 CENTRAL GP W L OT Pts GF GA
GROUP C — IN DOHA Detroit .......................................... 5 17 .227 101/2 1:12.
South Korea........................... 0 2 — 2 Dallas.......................... 23 13 6 4 30 90 67
Mexico 0, Poland 0
First Half: 1, Ghana, Salisu, 24th minute; 2, Ghana, WESTERN CONFERENCE
Nuggets 129, Rockets 113 Winnipeg .................... 20 13 6 1 27 63 53 SHOTS ON GOAL
GROUP D — IN WAKRAH Kudus, (Ayew), 34th. Colorado...................... 19 12 6 1 25 68 47
France 4, Australia 1 HOUSTON ........................... 39 29 23 22 — 113 VANCOUVER ..................... 7 6 6 1 — 20
Second Half: 3, South Korea, Gue-sung, (Lee), 58th; 4, SOUTHWEST W L Pct GB Minnesota .................. 21 10 9 2 22 62 62 SAN JOSE ........................ 11 5 19 0 — 35
DENVER .............................. 42 28 36 23 — 129
South Korea, Gue-sung, (Jin-su), 61st; 5, Ghana, Kudus, New Orleans............................... 12 8 .600 — St. Louis...................... 22 11 11 0 22 64 80
Power-play opportunities: Vancouver 0 of 2; San Jose 1
(Mensah), 68th. Memphis..................................... 12 8 .600 — HOUSTON: E.Gordon 4-10 0-0 11, Smith Jr. 3-4 0-0 9, Nashville..................... 20 9 9 2 20 53 65
WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS of 1. Goalies: Vancouver, Demko 3-9-2 (35 shots-32
Goalies: Ghana, Lawrence Ati Zigi, Abdul Manaf Nu- Dallas............................................ 9 10 .474 21/2 Sengun 7-14 4-5 18, Ja.Green 5-15 6-8 17, K.Porter Jr. Arizona ....................... 20 7 10 3 17 54 70
GROUP F — IN KHOR saves). San Jose, Kahkonen 2-5-2 (20-16). A: 0 (17,562).
rudeen, Ibrahim Danlad; South Korea, Seung Gyu Kim, Jo San Antonio.................................. 6 15 .286 61/2 4-9 0-0 12, Eason 2-6 1-2 6, Garuba 2-2 0-0 4, Martin Jr. Chicago ....................... 21 6 11 4 16 52 78
Morocco 0, Croatia 0 T: 2:22.
Hyeonwoo, Beom-keun Song. Houston........................................ 5 15 .250 7 5-9 3-5 15, Fernando 2-2 0-0 4, Marjanovic 1-3 1-1 3,
GROUP E — IN RAYYAN (KHALIFA) Yellow Cards: Amartey, Ghana, 21st; Jung, South Korea, Christopher 1-2 2-2 4, Mathews 1-6 0-0 3, Nix 2-3 2-2 7. PACIFIC GP W L OT Pts GF GA
Japan 2, Germany 1 27th; Lamptey, Ghana, 73rd; Young-Gwon, South Korea, Totals 39-85 19-25 113. Vegas .......................... 24 17 6 1 35 83 63
GROUP E — IN DOHA 77th. Seattle ........................ 21 13 5 3 29 75 60
Spain 7, Costa Rica 0 Referee: Anthony Taylor. Assistant Referees: Gary
Denver ........................................ 13
Portland...................................... 11
DENVER: A.Gordon 2-3 0-0 4, Brown 4-10 3-3 12, Jokic
Los Angeles ................ 24 12 9 3 27 77 81 Senators 3, Kings 2 (OT)
Beswick, Adam Nunn, Tomasz Kwiatkowski. 4th Official: 11-17 9-10 32, Caldwell-Pope 3-4 0-0 8, Murray 11-17 5-6
GROUP F — IN RAYYAN Kevin Ortega.
Utah............................................ 12 11 .522 21/2 31, Cancar 0-3 0-0 0, White 0-1 0-0 0, Nnaji 7-12 0-1 15, x-Edmonton ................ 21 11 10 0 22 70 76 Late Sunday
Minnesota .................................. 10 11 .476 31/2 Jordan 4-5 0-0 8, Braun 0-1 0-0 0, Reed 3-6 0-0 9, Smith Calgary........................ 21 9 9 3 21 61 68
Belgium 1, Canada 0 A: 43,983. OTTAWA ............................ 1 1 0 1 — 3
Oklahoma City.............................. 8 13 .381 51/2 5-9 0-0 10. Totals 50-88 17-20 129. Vancouver................... 22 9 10 3 21 79 83
San Jose ..................... 24 7 13 4 18 72 89 LOS ANGELES .................... 0 2 0 0 — 2
THURSDAY’S RESULTS Three-point Goals: Houston 16-44 (K.Porter Jr. 4-7, Anaheim ..................... 22 6 15 1 13 58 94 FIRST PERIOD
GROUP G — IN WAKRAH Portugal 2, Uruguay 0 PACIFIC W
x-Phoenix ................................... 13
Smith Jr. 3-4, E.Gordon 3-7, Martin Jr. 2-5, Nix 1-2,
x-Late game
Eason 1-3, Mathews 1-6, Ja.Green 1-7, Marjanovic 0-1, Scoring: 1, Ottawa, Tkachuk 9 (Chabot, Giroux), 4:55.
Switzerland 1, Cameroon 0 Uruguay ................................. 0 0 — 0 L.A. Clippers ............................... 12 9 .571 2 Sengun 0-2), Denver 12-30 (Murray 4-8, Reed 3-6,
GROUP H — IN RAYYAN Portugal ................................. 0 2 — 2 x-Sacramento............................. 10 8 .556 21/2 Caldwell-Pope 2-3, Jokic 1-2, Brown 1-3, Nnaji 1-4, SUNDAY’S RESULTS SECOND PERIOD
Uruguay 0, South Korea 0 First Half: None. Golden State .............................. 11 10 .524 3 A.Gordon 0-1, Braun 0-1, Cancar 0-1, Smith 0-1). Fouled at Minnesota 4, Arizona 3
Second Half: 1, Portugal, Fernandes, (Guerreiro), 54th x-L.A. Lakers ................................ 7 11 .389 51/2 Scoring: 2, Los Angeles, Kaliyev 7 (Danault, Arvidsson),
GROUP H — IN DOHA Out: None. Rebounds: Houston 37 (Sengun 7), Denver 43 Winnipeg 7, at Chicago 2 10:23 (pp). 3, Ottawa, DeBrincat 6 (Stutzle, Tkachuk),
minute; 2, Portugal, Fernandes, (penalty kick), 90th+3. (Jokic 12). Assists: Houston 25 (Ja.Green 7), Denver 31 Vancouver 4, at San Jose 3 (OT)
Portugal 3, Ghana 2 Goalies: Uruguay, Sergio Rochet, Fernando Muslera, Se- x-Late game 12:17 (pp). 4, Los Angeles, Kaliyev 8 (Danault, Durzi),
(Jokic, Smith 8). Total Fouls: Houston 20, Denver 22. A: Seattle 5, at Anaheim 4 17:35 (pp).
GROUP G — IN LUSAIL bastian Sosa; Portugal, Diogo Costa, Rui Patricio, Jose Sa.
SUNDAY’S RESULTS 16,027 (19,520)
Brazil 2, Serbia 0 Yellow Cards: Bentancur, Uruguay, 6th; Neves, Portugal, Ottawa 3, at Los Angeles 2 (OT)
at Boston 130, Washington 121
38th; Olivera, Uruguay, 44th; Felix, Portugal, 77th; Dias, MONDAY’S RESULTS
Portugal, 89th. at Brooklyn 111, Portland 97 Scoring: 5, Ottawa, Giroux 9 (Stutzle, Chabot), 0:20.
FRIDAY’S RESULTS Referee: Alireza Faghani. Assistant Referees: Moham- Golden State 137, at Minnesota 114 C O LLEG E B AS K ETB A LL New Jersey 5, at N.Y. Rangers 3
GROUP B — IN KHOR mad Reza Mansouri, Hossein Mohammadreza Abolfazil, at L.A. Clippers 114, Indiana 100 Tampa Bay 6, at Buffalo 5 (OT)
United States 0, England 0 Abdulla Ali Al-Marri. 4th Official: Abdulrahman Ibrahim Toronto 4, at Detroit 2 OTTAWA .......................... 19 8 11 1 — 39
Miami 106, at Atlanta 98
GROUP B — IN RAYYAN Al-Jassim. Philadelphia 133, at Orlando 103 NCAA men Vegas 3, at Columbus 2 (SO) LOS ANGELES .................... 8 10 9 0 — 27
Iran 2, Wales 0 A: 88,668. Dallas 4, at St. Louis 1 Power-play opportunities: Ottawa 1 of 2; Los Angeles 2 of
Cleveland 102, at Detroit 94 SOUTH 2. Goalies: Ottawa, Talbot 3-5-0 (27 shots-25 saves). Los
GROUP A — IN DOHA Memphis 127, at New York 123 Florida at Edmonton, late
Mississippi State 74, Omaha 54 Angeles, Quick 7-6-2 (40-36). A: 15,136 (18,230). T: 2:37.
Senegal 3, Qatar 1 at Milwaukee 124, Dallas 115 Tulane 75, Louisiana Monroe 60 TUESDAY’S GAMES
Virginia Tech 67, Minnesota 57 Washington at Vancouver, 10
Netherlands 1, Ecuador 1
at Washington 142, Minnesota 127
MIDWEST Carolina at Pittsburgh, 7 H IG H S CH OOLS
Kansas 87, Texas Southern 55 San Jose at Montreal, 7
NFL at Boston 140, Charlotte 105
Pittsburgh 87, Northwestern 58 Tampa Bay at Boston, 7
at Philadelphia 104, Atlanta 101 BOYS’ BASKETBALL
GROUP D — IN WAKRAH NFC at Toronto 100, Cleveland 88 SOUTHWEST N.Y. Islanders at Philadelphia, 7:30
Australia 1, Tunisia 0 Arkansas 74, Troy 61 Anaheim at Nashville, 8 PRIVATE
EAST W L T PCT. PF PA at Brooklyn 109, Orlando 102 Calvert Hall 63, Severn 59
GROUP C — IN RAYYAN at New Orleans 105, Oklahoma City 101 Colorado at Winnipeg, 8
Philadelphia ................ 10 1 0 .909 303 216 Indian Creek 68, Sts. Peter and Paul 32
Poland 2, Saudi Arabia 0 Dallas ............................ 8 3 0 .727 279 187 Chicago 114, at Utah 107 Florida at Calgary, 9
Virginia Tech 67, Minnesota 57 Seattle at Los Angeles, 10:30 VIRGINIA
GROUP D — IN DOHA N.Y. Giants .................... 7 4 0 .636 225 232 at Denver 129, Houston 113
Battlefield 62, Freedom (Woodbridge) 34
France 2, Denmark 1 Washington .................. 7 5 0 .583 233 236 Phoenix at Sacramento, late WEDNESDAY’S GAMES
Minnesota (4-3) C.D. Hylton 55, Osbourn 53
GROUP C — IN LUSAIL Indiana at L.A. Lakers, late Battle 2-10 0-0 6, Garcia 2-9 0-0 5, Thompson 0-1 0-0 0, Buffalo at Detroit, 7 Freedom (South Riding) 54, James Wood 42
Argentina 2, Mexico 0 SOUTH W L T PCT. PF PA Cooper 6-14 0-1 13, Henley 2-4 2-2 6, Payne 5-8 3-7 13, Loudoun Valley 53, Briar Woods 43
TUESDAY’S GAMES N.Y. Rangers at Ottawa, 7
Tampa Bay .................... 5 6 0 .455 200 203 Carrington 1-5 0-0 3, Ola-Joseph 4-7 2-4 11, Samuels 0-2 Meridian 65, Lewis 48
Atlanta .......................... 5 7 0 .417 272 293 New York at Detroit, 7 San Jose at Toronto, 7
0-0 0. Totals 22-60 7-14 57. Park View 85, Brentsville 65
SUNDAY’S RESULTS Carolina ......................... 4 8 0 .333 230 266 Golden State at Dallas, 7:30 Virginia Tech (7-1) Edmonton at Chicago, 9:30
Riverside 59, Dominion 54
GROUP E — IN RAYYAN New Orleans ................. 4 8 0 .333 249 280 L.A. Clippers at Portland, 10 Basile 3-7 2-2 9, Mutts 7-13 2-4 16, Cattoor 2-6 0-0 6, Rock Ridge 57, Sherando 52
Costa Rica 1, Japan 0 Maddox 1-7 2-2 4, Pedulla 8-13 0-0 17, Collins 1-2 0-0 3, Tuscarora 77, Independence 52
GROUP F — IN DOHA NORTH W L T PCT. PF PA WEDNESDAY’S GAMES Kidd 2-3 0-0 4, Poteat 4-5 0-0 8, Johnson 0-1 0-0 0. Totals Woodgrove 63, Loudoun County 55
Morocco 2, Belgium 0 Minnesota ..................... 9 2 0 .818 262 257 Washington at Brooklyn, 7:30 28-57 6-8 67. Maple Leafs 4, Red Wings 2 GIRLS’ BASKETBALL
Detroit .......................... 4 7 0 .364 275 310 Atlanta at Orlando, 7 Halftime: Virginia Tech 39-27. Three-point goals: Minne-
GROUP E — IN KHOR sota 6-23 (Battle 2-7, Garcia 1-3, Ola-Joseph 1-3, Cooper
TORONTO ................................ 2 2 0 — 4 PRIVATE
Spain 1, Germany 1 Green Bay ..................... 4 8 0 .333 235 283 Philadelphia at Cleveland, 7 DETROIT .................................. 1 0 1 — 2
Chicago ......................... 3 9 0 .250 251 305 Miami at Boston, 7:30 1-4, Carrington 1-5, Henley 0-1), Virginia Tech 5-14 Pallotti 65, Riverdale Baptist 54
GROUP F — RAYYAN (KHALIFA) (Cattoor 2-4, Collins 1-2, Basile 1-3, Pedulla 1-3, Maddox FIRST PERIOD VIRGINIA
Croatia 4, Canada 1 Milwaukee at New York, 7:30
0-2). Rebounds: Minnesota 23 (Payne 6), Virginia Tech Briar Woods 55, Loudoun Valley 33
WEST W L T PCT. PF PA Memphis at Minnesota, 8 Scoring: 1, Detroit, Seider 2 (Kubalik, Larkin), 4:45. 2,
38 (Mutts 9). Assists: Minnesota 11 (Cooper 5), Virginia C.D. Hylton 44, Osbourn 38
San Francisco ................ 7 4 0 .636 249 173 San Antonio at Oklahoma City, 8 Toronto, Matthews 11 (Bunting, Hollowell), 8:24. 3,
Tech 12 (Basile 3). Total fouls: Minnesota 14, Virginia Herndon 47, Potomac Falls 26
MONDAY’S RESULTS Seattle .......................... 6 5 0 .545 291 281 Toronto at New Orleans, 8 Toronto, Nylander 13 (Sandin, Tavares), 9:15 (pp).
Tech 17. Meridian 39, West Springfield 28
GROUP G — IN WAKRAH Arizona ......................... 4 8 0 .333 264 321
L.A. Rams ...................... 3 8 0 .273 178 253 Chicago at Phoenix, 9 SECOND PERIOD Riverside 71, Dominion 45
Cameroon 3, Serbia 3 Houston at Denver, 9
GROUP H — IN RAYYAN AFC L.A. Clippers at Utah, 9 Scoring: 4, Toronto, Marner 7 (Giordano, Jarnkrok), 0:52. ICE HOCKEY
Ghana 3, South Korea 2 Indiana at Sacramento, 10
AP POLL 5, Toronto, Sandin 1 (Kerfoot, Matthews), 8:37. MAPHL
EAST W L T PCT. PF PA St. John’s 7, Gonzaga 2
GROUP G — IN DOHA Buffalo .......................... 8 3 0 .727 309 199
Portland at L.A. Lakers, 10:30 The top 25 teams in The Associated Press’s college THIRD PERIOD
Brazil 1, Switzerland 0 basketball poll, with first-place votes in parentheses, and
Miami ............................ 8 3 0 .727 282 256 Scoring: 6, Detroit, Erne 3 (Chiarot, Seider), 12:41.
GROUP H — IN LUSAIL N.Y. Jets ....................... 7 4 0 .636 230 196 total points based on 25 points for a first-place vote through
Portugal 2, Uruguay 0 New England ................. 6 5 0 .545 239 202 76ers 104, Hawks 101 one point for a 25th-place vote and previous ranking: SHOTS ON GOAL C OLLE GE F OOTB ALL
RECORD PTS PVS TORONTO ................................ 5 14 6 — 25
ATLANTA ........................... 34 21 26 20 — 101 DETROIT ................................ 10 15 19 — 44
SOUTH W L T PCT. PF PA 1. Houston (45) 6-0 1534 2
Tennessee ..................... 7 4 0 .636 209 205
PHILADELPHIA .................. 23 28 30 23 — 104
2. Texas (8) 5-0 1467 4 Power-play opportunities: Toronto 1 of 2; Detroit 0 of 3. NCAA
GROUP B — IN DOHA Indianapolis .................. 4 7 1 .375 190 244 ATLANTA: Collins 4-8 4-8 13, Hunter 7-11 2-3 18, Capela 3. Virginia (2) 5-0 1408 5 Goalies: Toronto, Murray 5-1-1 (43 shots-41 saves).
Iran vs. United States, 2 p.m. Detroit, Husso 9-3-3 (13-9), Detroit, Nedeljkovic 2-3-1
Jacksonville .................. 4 7 0 .364 244 232 4-9 2-4 10, Murray 6-13 2-2 17, Young 6-14 5-5 18, Griffin 4. Arizona 6-0 1341 14 EAST
GROUP A — IN KHOR Houston ........................ 1 9 1 .136 174 260 1-6 0-0 3, Okongwu 1-1 0-0 2, J.Holiday 6-8 0-0 16, 5. Purdue (8) 6-0 1307 24 (12-12). A: 18,277 (20,000). T: 2:24.
Netherlands vs. Qatar, 10 a.m. 6. Baylor 5-1 1111 7 Akron (2-9) at Buffalo (5-6), 1
Forrest 2-4 0-0 4. Totals 37-74 15-22 101.
PHILADELPHIA: Harris 10-19 1-1 24, Tucker 0-0 0-0 0, 8. UConn 8-0 1099 20
Ecuador vs. Senegal, 10 a.m. Baltimore ...................... 7 4 0 .636 275 227 Embiid 9-18 12-13 30, Melton 3-12 1-2 9, Milton 9-20 2-2 Conference USA Championship: UTSA (10-2) vs. North
Cincinnati ...................... 7 4 0 .636 285 231 9. Kansas 6-1 990 3 Texas (7-5), 7:30
GROUP B — IN RAYYAN 21, Niang 3-7 0-0 9, Reed 1-2 0-0 2, Korkmaz 1-5 0-0 2, 10. Indiana 6-0 938 11 Devils 5, Rangers 3
Wales vs. England, 2 p.m. Cleveland ...................... 4 7 0 .364 263 286 Thybulle 2-2 0-0 4, House Jr. 1-2 0-0 3. Totals 39-87 11. Arkansas 5-1 860 9
Pittsburgh ..................... 4 7 0 .364 194 261 16-18 104. NEW JERSEY ........................... 2 2 1 — 5 Pac-12 Championship: Southern Cal (11-1) vs. Utah
11. Alabama 6-1 860 18
Three-point Goals: Atlanta 12-27 (J.Holiday 4-5, Murray 13. Tennessee 5-1 848 22 N.Y. RANGERS ......................... 2 0 1 — 3 (9-3), 8
WEDNESDAY’S MATCHES WEST W L T PCT. PF PA 3-6, Hunter 2-2, Collins 1-4, Young 1-4, Griffin 1-6), 14. Gonzaga 5-2 845 6 FIRST PERIOD SATURDAY’S GAMES
GROUP D — IN RAYYAN Kansas City ................... 9 2 0 .818 326 243 Philadelphia 10-28 (Harris 3-7, Niang 3-7, Melton 2-8, 15. Auburn 7-0 733 13
Tunisia vs. France, 10 a.m. L.A. Chargers ................ 6 5 0 .545 252 282 Scoring: 1, N.Y. Rangers, Panarin 6 (Chytil, Miller), 1:20. EAST
House Jr. 1-1, Milton 1-1, Embiid 0-1, Korkmaz 0-3). 16. Illinois 5-1 643 16
GROUP D — IN WAKRAH Las Vegas ...................... 4 7 0 .364 265 276 17. Duke 6-2 614 8 2, N.Y. Rangers, Zibanejad 11 (Trouba, Kreider), 3:01. 3, FCS Playoffs — second round: Holy Cross (11-0) vs. New
Fouled Out: None. Rebounds: Atlanta 42 (Capela 16),
Australia vs. Denmark, 10 a.m. Denver ........................... 3 8 0 .273 157 194 18. North Carolina 5-2 541 1 New Jersey, Tatar 6 (Hischier, Bratt), 7:33. 4, New Hampshire (9-3), noon
Philadelphia 37 (Harris 10). Assists: Atlanta 26 (Young
10), Philadelphia 23 (Embiid, Milton 7). Total Fouls: 19. Kentucky 4-2 472 15 Jersey, Sharangovich 7, 13:25. SOUTH
Poland vs. Argentina, 2 p.m. Atlanta 21, Philadelphia 19. A: 19,778 (20,478) 20. Michigan State 5-2 469 12 SECOND PERIOD FCS Playoffs — second round: William & Mary (10-1) vs.
THURSDAY’S RESULTS 21. UCLA 5-2 346 19 Gardner-Webb (7-5), 2
GROUP C — IN LUSAIL Buffalo 28, at Detroit 25 22. Maryland 6-0 282 23 Scoring: 5, New Jersey, Hughes 12 (Mercer), 5:44. 6, New FCS Playoffs — second round: Samford (10-1) vs.
Saudi Arabia vs. Mexico, 2 p.m. at Dallas 28, N.Y. Giants 20 23. Iowa State 5-1 198 - Jersey, McLeod 3 (Wood, Zetterlund), 9:40. Southeastern Louisiana (9-3), 3
at Minnesota 33, New England 26 Celtics 140, Hornets 105 24.
San Diego State
Ohio State
- THIRD PERIOD Sun Belt Championship: Troy (10-2) vs. Coastal Carolina
CHARLOTTE ....................... 19 36 27 23 — 105 Scoring: 7, N.Y. Rangers, Trocheck 8 (Fox, Kreider), 13:18 SWAC Championship: Jackson State (11-0) vs. Southern
GROUP F — IN RAYYAN at Washington 19, Atlanta 13 BOSTON ............................. 45 33 43 19 — 140
Others receiving votes: TCU 45, Iowa 31, Charleston 20,
(pp). 8, New Jersey, Sharangovich 8 (Tatar), 19:44 (en). U. (7-4), 4
Croatia vs. Belgium, 10 a.m. at Jacksonville 28, Baltimore 27 West Virginia 14, Mississippi State 12, Texas Tech 11,
SEC Championship: Georgia (12-0) vs. LSU (9-3), 4
GROUP F — IN DOHA at Carolina 23, Denver 10 CHARLOTTE: McDaniels 9-12 2-2 24, Washington 5-9 3-4 Michigan 8, UNLV 6, Arizona State 6, Wisconsin 6, Miami SHOTS ON GOAL AAC Championship: Tulane (10-2) vs. UCF (9-3), 4
Canada vs. Morocco, 10 a.m. Cincinnati 20, at Tennessee 16 16, Plumlee 2-5 0-2 4, Maledon 4-13 2-2 11, Oubre Jr. 11-18 (FL) 5, Oklahoma 2, Missouri 2, New Mexico 1, Kansas
NEW JERSEY ......................... 13 20 5 — 38 ACC Championship: North Carolina (9-3) vs. Clemson
0-1 22, Jones 4-11 0-0 9, Richards 3-4 1-2 7, Bouknight 1-7 State 1, Virginia Tech 1, St. John’s 1.
GROUP E — IN RAYYAN (KHALIFA) at Cleveland 23, Tampa Bay 17 (OT) N.Y. RANGERS ....................... 11 10 17 — 38 (10-2), 8
Japan vs. Spain, 2 p.m. at Miami 30, Houston 15 0-0 2, McGowens 3-7 2-2 10. Totals 42-86 10-15 105. Power-play opportunities: New Jersey 0 of 3; N.Y. MIDWEST
at N.Y. Jets 31, Chicago 10 BOSTON: G.Williams 3-5 0-0 8, Tatum 15-28 1-1 35, Rangers 1 of 5. Goalies: New Jersey, Vanecek 11-2-0 (38
Costa Rica vs. Germany, 2 p.m. L.A. Chargers 25, at Arizona 24 Griffin 4-5 0-0 9, Smart 8-11 0-0 22, White 5-8 2-2 15, COACHES’ POLL shots-35 saves). N.Y. Rangers, Shesterkin 10-4-3 (37-
MAC Championship: Ohio (9-3) vs. Toledo (7-5), noon
FCS Playoffs — second round: South Dakota State (10-1)
Las Vegas 40, at Seattle 34 (OT) Hauser 4-7 0-0 11, Jackson 0-2 0-0 0, Vonleh 1-3 0-0 2, The USA Today Sports Top 25 men’s basketball poll, with 33). A: 17,928 (18,006). T: 2:24. vs. Delaware (8-4), 3
at Kansas City 26, L.A. Rams 10 Kornet 4-4 1-1 9, Kabengele 1-2 0-0 2, Brogdon 8-9 2-3 team’s records through Sunday, total points based on 25 FCS Playoffs — second round: North Dakota State (9-2)
FRIDAY’S MATCHES 21, Pritchard 2-9 0-0 6. Totals 55-93 6-7 140. for first place through one point for 25th, ranking in last vs. Montana (8-4), 3:30
at San Francisco 13, New Orleans 0
GROUP H — IN RAYYAN at Philadelphia 40, Green Bay 33 Three-point Goals: Charlotte 11-29 (McDaniels 4-6, season’s final poll and first-place votes received: Big Ten Championship: Michigan (12-0) vs. Purdue (8-4),
South Korea vs. Portugal, 10 a.m.
Washington 3-5, McGowens 2-4, Jones 1-3, Maledon RECORD PTS PVS Lightning 6, Sabres 5 (OT) 8
GROUP H — IN WAKRAH 1-4, Bouknight 0-3, Oubre Jr. 0-4), Boston 24-52 (Smart 1. Houston (23) (6-0) 782 2 SOUTHWEST
Pittsburgh 24, at Indianapolis 17 6-9, Tatum 4-14, Brogdon 3-3, White 3-4, Hauser 3-6, TAMPA BAY ...................... 2 1 2 1 — 6
Ghana vs. Uruguay, 10 a.m. 2. Texas (5) (5-0) 732 4 Big 12 Championship: TCU (12-0) vs. Kansas State (9-3),
G.Williams 2-2, Pritchard 2-8, Griffin 1-2, Kabengele 0-1, BUFFALO ........................... 2 1 2 0 — 5
GROUP G — IN LUSAIL WEEK 13 3. Virginia (1) (5-0) 718 6 noon
Cameroon vs. Brazil, 2 p.m. Vonleh 0-1, Jackson 0-2). Fouled Out: None. Rebounds: 4. Arizona (6-0) 662 12 FIRST PERIOD FCS Playoffs — second round: Incarnate Word (10-1) vs.
THURSDAY’S GAME Charlotte 37 (Richards 7), Boston 39 (Kornet 8). Assists: 5. Purdue (3) (6-0) 627 23 Scoring: 1, Tampa Bay, Point 9 (Kucherov, Hagel), 7:54 Furman (10-2), 2
GROUP G — IN DOHA Buffalo (-41/2) at New England, 8:15 Charlotte 28 (Maledon 8), Boston 40 (Smart 15). Total
Serbia vs. Switzerland, 2 p.m. 6. Connecticut (8-0) 560 22 (pp). 2, Tampa Bay, Perry 3 (Stamkos), 16:48. 3, Buffalo, WEST
SUNDAY’S GAMES Fouls: Charlotte 14, Boston 18. A: 19,156 (18,624) 7. Creighton (6-1) 532 8 Thompson 14, 17:54. 4, Buffalo, Quinn 4 (Power, FCS Playoffs — second round: Montana State (10-1) vs.
Washington (-11/2) at N.Y. Giants, 1 8. Indiana (6-0) 520 11 Peterka), 18:53. Weber State (10-2), 3
SECOND ROUND Denver at Baltimore (-81/2), 1 9. Kansas (6-1) 516 3
SATURDAY’S MATCHES Cleveland (-7) at Houston, 1
Raptors 100, Cavaliers 88 10. Baylor (5-1) 497 7 SECOND PERIOD Mountain West Championship: Boise State (9-3) vs.
Fresno State (8-4), 4
IN RAYYAN 11. Arkansas (5-1) 464 9 Scoring: 5, Buffalo, Jost 1 (Okposo, Girgensons), 9:07. 6, FCS Playoffs — second round: Sacramento State (11-0)
Green Bay (-21/2) at Chicago, 1 CLEVELAND ....................... 24 19 24 21 — 88
Group A winner vs. Group B second place, 10 a.m. 12. Gonzaga (5-2) 435 5 Tampa Bay, Point 10 (Kucherov, Sergachev), 16:26 (pp). vs. Richmond (9-3), 5
Jacksonville at Detroit (-11/2), 1 TORONTO ........................... 26 26 28 20 — 100 13. Tennessee (5-1) 391 21
Group C winner vs. Group D second place, 2 p.m. N.Y. Jets at Minnesota (-3), 1
CLEVELAND: Okoro 1-11 0-0 2, Wade 3-10 0-0 8, 14. Alabama (6-1) 386 18 THIRD PERIOD
SUNDAY, DEC. 4 Pittsburgh at Atlanta (-11/2), 1
E.Mobley 7-14 4-6 18, Garland 7-11 2-2 18, Mitchell 3-11 15. North Carolina (5-2) 324 1 Scoring: 7, Buffalo, Cozens 6 (Samuelsson, Dahlin), 9:37.
IN DOHA Tennessee at Philadelphia (-51/2) , 1 1-1 8, I.Mobley 1-2 0-0 2, Osman 4-12 0-0 9, Lopez 3-6 3-3 16.
8, Buffalo, Skinner 10 (Thompson, Tuch), 14:19. 9, TR AN S AC TI ON S
Group D winner vs. Group C second place, 10 a.m. Miami at San Francisco (-31/2), 4:05 9, LeVert 2-9 3-4 8, Neto 3-4 0-0 6. Totals 34-90 13-16 88. Tampa Bay, Stamkos 11 (Killorn, Sergachev), 14:35. 10,
Seattle (-41/2) at L.A. Rams, 4:05 18. Kentucky (4-2) 285 13 Tampa Bay, Hagel 7 (Kucherov, Sergachev), 17:58 (pp).
IN KHOR TORONTO: Hernangomez 2-3 0-0 5, Siakam 7-14 3-4 18, 19. Auburn (7-0) 274 16
Group B winner vs. Group A second place, 2 p.m.
Kansas City (-21/2) at Cincinnati, 4:25 Young 4-7 2-2 10, Anunoby 8-13 0-0 20, VanVleet 5-15 20. Michigan State (5-2) 220 15
L.A. Chargers (-11/2) at Las Vegas, 4:25 OVERTIME
0-0 13, Banton 1-4 0-0 2, Barnes 5-12 0-0 11, Boucher 1-4 21. UCLA (5-2) 178 17 Oakland Athletics: Named Mike McCarthy bullpen coach,
MONDAY, DEC. 5 Indianapolis at Dallas (-91/2), 8:20 3-4 5, Trent Jr. 4-9 4-5 14, Birch 0-2 0-0 0, Koloko 0-0 2-2 22. Maryland (6-0) 158 25 Scoring: 11, Tampa Bay, Stamkos 12 (Paul), 2:44. Marcus Jensen quality control coach, Mike Aldrete first
IN WAKRAH BYE: Arizona, Carolina 2, Dowtin Jr. 0-0 0-0 0, Flynn 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 37-84 23. Iowa State (5-1) 145 43 SHOTS ON GOAL base coach, Eric Martins third base coach, Darren Bush
Group E winner vs. Group F second place, 10 a.m. MONDAY’S GAME 14-17 100. 24. San Diego State (4-2) 126 19 bench coach, Brad LaRosa and Elliot Diehl assistant
TAMPA BAY ...................... 4 10 10 1 — 25
IN DOHA Three-point Goals: Cleveland 7-38 (Garland 2-5, Wade 25. Ohio State (5-1) 70 26 athletic trainers.
New Orleans at Tampa Bay (-31/2), 8:15 BUFFALO ......................... 14 8 10 6 — 38
2-6, LeVert 1-4, Mitchell 1-5, Osman 1-8, Neto 0-1, Seattle Mariners: Named Dave Cameron senior director,
Group G winner vs. Group H second place, 2 p.m. Dropped Out: No. 20 Texas Tech (4-2) Power-play opportunities: Tampa Bay 3 of 4; Buffalo 0 of player procurement, Patrick Hafner manager, major
WEEK 14 E.Mobley 0-4, Okoro 0-5), Toronto 12-28 (Anunoby 4-6, Others receiving votes: TCU (5-1) 40, Iowa (5-1) 28, 1. Goalies: Tampa Bay, Elliott 4-1-0 (38 shots-34 saves).
TUESDAY, DEC. 6 THURSDAY, DEC. 8 VanVleet 3-6, Trent Jr. 2-5, Hernangomez 1-1, Siakam league video operations, Chris Dewitt co-manager,
Texas Tech (4-2) 16, Wisconsin (5-1) 15, West Virginia Buffalo, Luukkonen 1-1-0 (26-18). A: 0 (19,070). T: 2:46. major league clubhouse, Joe Van Vieck co-manager,
IN RAYYAN Las Vegas at L.A. Rams, 8:15 1-3, Barnes 1-4, Banton 0-1, Boucher 0-1, Flynn 0-1). (6-1) 11, Mississippi State (6-0) 11, Michigan (5-1) 9,
Group F winner vs. Group E second place, 10 a.m. Fouled Out: None. Rebounds: Cleveland 47 (E.Mobley player clubhouse, John Choiniere senior analyst, Spencer
Xavier (4-3) 8, Saint Mary’s (6-1) 8, Oklahoma (6-1) 7, Weisberg lead analyst, run scoring, Forrest Diamond,
IN LUSAIL 15), Toronto 45 (Siakam 11). Assists: Cleveland 21 St. John’s (7-0) 5, Miami (Fla.) (6-1) 5, Kansas State
(Garland 10), Toronto 23 (Barnes, Siakam, VanVleet 5). manager, analytics, Jenny Goldsher data strategist,
Group H winner vs. Group G second place, 2 p.m. (6-0) 5, Charleston (6-1) 5, UNLV (7-0) 4, Drake (6-0) 2. Golden Knights 3, Greg Bekiaris major league advance assistant, Jake
Steelers 24, Colts 17 Total Fouls: Cleveland 18, Toronto 17. A: 19,800 (19,800)
Blue Jackets 2 (SO) Kuruc assistant, major league video, Devlin Sullivan
quantitative analyst, Grace Michael analyst, baseball
QUARTERFINALS PITTSBURGH ........................... 3 13 0 8 —24 VEGAS ............................... 2 0 0 1 — 3 projects and Jacob Wessels analyst, baseball projects.
FRIDAY, DEC. 9 INDIANAPOLIS ........................ 0 3 14 0 —17 Nets 109, Magic 102 NCAA women COLUMBUS ........................ 0 1 1 0 — 2 Cincinnati Reds: Agreed to terms with C Luke Maile on a
IN RAYYAN one-year major league contract.
Wakrah winner vs. Doha (974) winner, 10 p.m. FIRST QUARTER ORLANDO ........................... 28 23 25 26 — 102 SOUTH VEGAS WON SHOOTOUT 2-1
Pittsburgh: FG Wright 45, 9:27. BROOKLYN ......................... 23 29 35 22 — 109 Akron 70, Northern Kentucky 69 FIRST PERIOD NBA
Mississippi 93, Texas Southern 47 Scoring: 1, Vegas, Karlsson 6 (McNabb, Marchessault), Dallas Mavericks: Waived G Facundo Campazzo.
Rayyan (Khalifa) winner Rayyan (Education City) win- SECOND QUARTER ORLANDO: Bol 10-15 1-3 24, Houstan 1-4 0-0 3, Wofford 70, Southern Wesleyan 51 15:59. 2, Vegas, Carrier 8 (Whitecloud), 16:55. Phoenix Suns: Named James Jones president of basket-
ner, 2 p.m. Pittsburgh: FG Wright 52, 14:09. Banchero 9-17 5-10 24, F.Wagner 8-16 2-3 21, G.Harris ball operations and general manager.
7-12 1-1 19, Schofield 1-2 0-0 3, M.Wagner 0-2 2-2 2, MIDWEST
SATURDAY, DEC. 10 Pittsburgh: Harris 6 run (Wright kick), 7:46. SECOND PERIOD
Indianapolis: FG McLaughlin 51, 3:48. Hampton 1-7 0-0 2, K.Harris 1-5 2-3 4. Totals 38-80 13-22 Bowling Green 76, Detroit 29 NFL
IN DOHA 102. Miami (Ohio) 79, Loyola Chicago 53 Scoring: 3, Columbus, Gaudreau 8 (Gavrikov, Nyquist),
Pittsburgh: FG Wright 25, :56. Arizona Cardinals: Waived WR Andre Baccellia.
Rayyan, Qatar (Education City) winner vs. Lusail winner, WEST 13:50.
10 a.m. THIRD QUARTER BROOKLYN: Durant 19-24 4-4 45, O’Neale 2-7 0-0 5, Baltimore Ravens: Designated RB J.K. Dobbins to return
Claxton 7-10 3-5 17, Irving 9-17 0-0 20, Simmons 0-3 0-0 Gonzaga 62, Maine 43 THIRD PERIOD to practice from injured reserve.
IN KHOR Indianapolis: Taylor 2 run (McLaughlin kick), 13:04. 0, J.Harris 5-11 5-5 17, Curry 1-4 0-0 3, Sumner 0-2 0-0 0,
Indianapolis: Pittman 6 pass from Ryan (McLaughlin Scoring: 4, Columbus, Jenner 9 (Gaudreau, Nyquist), Cleveland Browns: Reinstated QB Deshaun Watson from
Khor winner vs. Doha (Al Thumama) winner, 2 p.m. Thomas 1-3 0-0 2. Totals 44-81 12-14 109. suspension. Waived QB Joshua Dobbs. Signed T Myron
kick), :16. 12:11.
Three-point Goals: Orlando 13-31 (G.Harris 4-6, Bol 3-6, AP POLL SHOOTOUT
Cunningham to the practice squad. Placed T Will Holden
on the practice squad injured reserve. Released WR
SEMIFINALS FOURTH QUARTER F.Wagner 3-6, Banchero 1-1, Schofield 1-1, Houstan 1-3,
TUESDAY, DEC. 13 Pittsburgh: Snell 2 run (Pickens pass from Pickett), K.Harris 0-2, M.Wagner 0-2, Hampton 0-4), Brooklyn The top 25 teams in The Associated Press’ preseason Chester Rogers from the practice squad.
Vegas 2 (Roy NG, Marchessault G, Theodore NG, Stone
9:55. women’s college basketball poll, with first-place votes Denver Broncos: Waived RB Devine Ozigbo.
IN LUSAIL 9-28 (Durant 3-5, Irving 2-5, J.Harris 2-8, Curry 1-3,
in parentheses, total points based on 25 points for a
NG, Kessel NG, Cotter G), Columbus 1 (Nyquist G,
Detroit Lions: Signed LB James Houston. Placed DE
Lusail winner vs. Rayyan winner, 2 p.m. Attendance: 65,982. O’Neale 1-5, Sumner 0-1, Thomas 0-1). Fouled Out: Chinakhov NG, Gaudreau NG, Johnson NG, Jenner NG,
None. Rebounds: Orlando 35 (Houstan 7), Brooklyn 42 first-place vote through one point for a 25th-place vote Charles Harris on injured reserve.
Sillinger NG, Fix-Wolansky NG).
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 14 PIT IND (Claxton 13). Assists: Orlando 18 (Banchero 5), Brooklyn and last year’s final ranking: Kansas City Chiefs: Signed RB Melvin Gordon and WR
IN KHOR First Downs .......................................... 22 19 20 (Durant, O’Neale 5). Total Fouls: Orlando 18, Brooklyn SHOTS ON GOAL Bryan Edwards to the practice squad.
Khor winner vs. Doha winner, 2 p.m. Total Net Yards ................................... 323 290 RECORD PTS PVS Miami Dolphins: Signed T Kendall Lamm to the practice
19. A: 15,704 (17,732) 1. South Carolina (29) 6-0 725 1 VEGAS ............................... 9 17 9 1 — 36
Rushes-Yards ............................... 36-172 25-110 squad. Reinstated WR Freddie Swain to the practice
2. Stanford 8-1 687 2 COLUMBUS ........................ 7 14 6 1 — 28
Passing ................................................ 151 180 squad from injured reserve. Released OL Grant Her-
THIRD PLACE Punt Returns ..................................... 3-18 0-0 3. Connecticut 5-0 676 3 Power-play opportunities: Vegas 0 of 4; Columbus 0 of 2. manns and WR Calvib Jackson from the practice squad.
SATURDAY, DEC. 17 Kickoff Returns ................................... 0-0 5-225 Pelicans 105, Thunder 101 4. Ohio State 6-0 605 4 Goalies: Vegas, Thompson 12-4-0 (28 shots-26 saves). New York Giants: Announced the retirement of RB
IN RAYYAN Interceptions Ret. ............................... 1-0 0-0 5. Indiana 7-0 587 6 Columbus, Tarasov 2-3-1 (36-34). A: 13,771 (18,500). T: Elijhaa Penny. Designated OLB Azeez Ojulari, G Ben
Semifinal losers, 10 a.m. OKLAHOMA CITY ............... 26 24 24 27 — 101 6. North Carolina 6-0 577 8 2:47.
Comp-Att-Int ............................... 20-28-0 22-34-1 NEW ORLEANS .................. 34 22 25 24 — 105 Bredeson and S Tony Jefferson to return to practice from
Sacked-Yards Lost ............................ 3-23 3-19 7. Notre Dame 6-0 565 7 injured reserve.
Punts .............................................. 4-45.5 3-50.0 8. Iowa State 5-1 492 5 San Francisco 49ers: Signed CB Janoris Jenkins to the
CHAMPIONSHIP OKLAHOMA CITY: Dort 6-13 0-0 14, Pokusevski 4-10 0-0 9. Virginia Tech 6-0 457 11
SUNDAY, DEC. 18 Fumbles-Lost ...................................... 0-0 3-1 11, Robinson-Earl 4-11 0-0 10, Giddey 3-9 1-1 7, practice squad.
IN LUSAIL Penalties-Yards ................................ 3-19 2-20 Gilgeous-Alexander 7-21 16-18 31, Bazley 0-2 2-2 2,
Stars 4, Blues 1 NHL
Semifinal winners, 10 a.m. Time Of Possession ......................... 34:22 25:38 Dieng 2-4 0-0 6, Jal.Williams 3-6 2-2 8, K.Williams 1-6 12. North Carolina State 6-1 408 13 DALLAS .................................... 0 1 3 — 4
0-0 3, Mann 4-10 0-0 9. Totals 34-92 21-23 101. Colorado Avalanche: Recalled LW Anton Blidh and C
PASSING 13. Creighton 6-0 351 16 ST. LOUIS ................................. 0 0 1 — 1
Jean-Luc Foudy from Colorado (AHL).
Pittsburgh: Pickett 20-28-0-174. NEW ORLEANS: Murphy III 7-13 4-4 20, Williamson 14. Arizona 6-0 350 15
SECOND PERIOD Columbus Blue Jackets: Recalled D Tim Berni from
Brazil 1, Switzerland 0 Indianapolis: Ryan 22-34-1-199. 11-18 1-1 23, Valanciunas 3-6 2-2 8, Alvarado 6-15 0-0 15. UCLA 7-0 281 20
Cleveland (AHL). Returned C Brendan Gaunce to Cleve-
15, Jones 4-12 3-5 12, Hayes 0-2 0-0 0, Hernangomez 3-7 16. Utah 6-0 280 17 Scoring: 1, Dallas, Johnston 6 (Benn), 3:51.
Switzerland ........................... 0 0 — 0 RUSHING land.
4-4 10, Temple 1-3 2-2 4, Daniels 3-5 0-0 8, Graham 1-6 17. Michigan 7-0 265 22
Brazil...................................... 0 1 — 1 THIRD PERIOD Los Angeles Kings: Returned D Frederic Allard to Ontario
Pittsburgh: Snell 12-62, Harris 10-35, Pickett 6-32, Mc- 2-2 5. Totals 39-87 18-20 105. 18. Louisville 5-2 262 10
First Half: None. (AHL).
Farland 6-30, Olszewski 1-9, D.Watt 1-4. 19. Oregon 5-1 198 18 Scoring: 2, Dallas, Dellandrea 4 (Johnston, Benn), 7:57.
Second Half: 1, Brazil, Casemiro, (Rodrygo), 83rd min- Three-point Goals: Oklahoma City 12-38 (Pokusevski Minnesota Wild: Loaned C Marco Rossi to Iowa (AHL).
Indianapolis: Taylor 20-86, Ryan 4-22, Moss 1-2. 20. Maryland 6-2 166 14 3, St. Louis, Saad 5 (Leivo), 13:17. 4, Dallas, Robertson
ute. 3-5, Dieng 2-3, Dort 2-5, Robinson-Earl 2-5, K.Williams New Jersey Devils: Recalled RW Alexander Holtz, D
21. Baylor 5-2 127 21 19, 15:54. 5, Dallas, Heiskanen 3, 17:25 (en).
Goalies: Switzerland, Yann Sommer, Gregor Kobel, RECEIVING 1-3, Gilgeous-Alexander 1-6, Mann 1-7, Bazley 0-1, Kevin Bahl and G Nico Daws from Utica (AHL).
22. Texas 3-3 126 19
Philipp Kohn, Jonas Omlin; Brazil, Alisson, Weverton, Pittsburgh: Johnson 5-49, Pickens 3-57, Freiermuth Giddey 0-1, Jal.Williams 0-2), New Orleans 9-32 (Alvara- SHOTS ON GOAL New York Islanders: Recalled D Robin Salo from Bridge-
23. Gonzaga 5-1 85 -
Ederson. 3-39, McFarland 2-11, Sims 2-9, Snell 1-6, Harris 1-4, do 3-8, Daniels 2-3, Murphy III 2-7, Graham 1-5, Jones port (AHL).
24. Marquette 6-1 64 - DALLAS .................................... 9 8 7 — 24
Yellow Cards: Rieder, Switzerland, 50th; Fred, Brazil, White 1-2, D.Watt 1-1, Gentry 1-(minus 4). 1-5, Hayes 0-1, Temple 0-1, Valanciunas 0-1, Williamson Ottawa Senators: Reassigned G Kevin Mandolese and D
25. Villanova 6-1 61 23 ST. LOUIS ............................... 11 8 5 — 24
52nd. Indianapolis: Woods 8-98, Pittman 7-61, Taylor 3-12, 0-1). Fouled Out: None. Rebounds: Oklahoma City 47 Lassi Thomson to Belleville (AHL).
Referee: Ivan Barton. Assistant Referees: David Moran, (Robinson-Earl 13), New Orleans 49 (Valanciunas 10). Others receiving votes: Oklahoma 50, South Dakota Power-play opportunities: Dallas 0 of 1; St. Louis 0 of 1. Philadelphia Flyers: Recalled D Egor Zamula from Lehigh
Alie-Cox 2-14, Campbell 2-14.
Zachari Zeegelaar, Drew Fischer. 4th Official: Said Assists: Oklahoma City 16 (Dort 5), New Orleans 21 State 37, Arkansas 36, Kansas State 25, Kansas 17, Goalies: Dallas, Wedgewood 5-4-1 (24 shots-23 saves). Valley (AHL).
Martinez. MISSED FIELD GOALS (Williamson 8). Total Fouls: Oklahoma City 22, New Tennessee 12, Massachusetts 2, Virginia 2, Duke 2. St. Louis, Binnington 9-8-0 (23-20). A: 18,096 (18,096). San Jose Sharks: Recalled LW Jeffrey Viel from San Jose
A: 43,649. Indianapolis: McLaughlin 59. Orleans 18. A: 13,109 (16,867) T: 2:13. (AHL).
Playing from behind has made it hard for Capitals to get ahead and the No. 9 Jayhawks routed the
Tigers in Lawrence, Kan.
Grady Dick had 15 points and
Josef Yesufu 14 for Kansas (7-1).
BY S AMANTHA P ELL As its six-game trip continues C A P I TA LS ’ N E X T T H RE E Jayhawks Coach Bill Self was on
Tuesday, Washington (9-11-3) has the sideline at Allen Fieldhouse
vancouver — The struggling a chance to find its footing against at Vancouver Canucks after missing the first three home
Washington Capitals have been Vancouver (9-10-3) — and it has games because of a school-im-
chasing the game most of the sea- positives from Saturday’s lopsid- Today 10 NBCSW posed suspension.
son, and they haven’t found a way ed loss that it can draw from. The Davon Barnes had 22 points
to snap out of that troublesome Capitals played one of their best at Seattle Kraken and Zytarious Mortle scored 11 for
habit. The latest example came first periods of the season against Thursday 10 NBCSW Texas Southern (1-7) in a rematch
Saturday night in Newark, where the Devils, controlling the puck in of a first-round NCAA tournament
the New Jersey Devils opened the the offensive zone and regularly at Calgary Flames game won by the Jayhawks on
scoring in the first period and testing goaltender Vitek Vanecek. their way to the national champi-
ultimately built a four-goal lead But the former Washington net- Saturday 10 NBCSW onship last season.
that yielded a dismal 5-1 loss for minder turned in a standout per- Texas Southern trailed 14-10
Washington. formance, and the Devils grabbed Radio: WJFK (106.7 FM), midway through the first half
It has become the norm for the the early lead when the Capitals’ WTEM (980 AM), WFED (1500 AM) when Kansas ripped off a 15-2 run
Capitals to get stuck playing from penalty kill couldn’t get the job en route to a 40-25 halftime lead.
behind, regardless of how well done. mistakes. The players and coach- The Tigers turned the ball over
they fare in the opening 20 min- “That’s the key — to get those es have offered various explana- four times in their first five posses-
utes — especially when they’re leads and get out in front and not tions for the first-period strug- sions of the second half as the
away from home. Washington has feel like you are chasing the gles; some chalked them up to a Jayhawks went on a 14-2 run.
lost six straight on the road (0-4-2) game,” defenseman Trevor van Ri- lack of effort, while others were l ARKANSAS 74, TROY 61:
and scored first in just one of emsdyk said. “We’ve had a few ADAM HUNGER/ASSOCIATED PRESS
frustrated that the puck simply Ricky Council scored 27 points
those games, a 3-1 loss to Detroit good first periods where we don’t Against the Devils on Saturday, the Capitals played one of their best hasn’t gone in. and the No. 11 Razorbacks used a
on Nov. 3. In their past four road get rewarded and it feels like you first periods of the season but couldn’t score in an eventual 5-1 loss. Regardless of the reason, the 17-0 run late in the second half to
losses, the Capitals did not lead at earned one, but you just got to Capitals need to improve in the hold off the Trojans in Fayetteville,
any point. stick with it and tides will change.” giveaways and miscues in the neu- just tough on a back-to-back — first period. Ark.
“It has just felt like we’ve been Dowd liked the Capitals’ effort tral zone that have led to high- and it gets tougher as the season “I think you just got to simplify Council scored 13 of Arkansas’
coming from behind almost every on offense in the first period Sat- danger scoring chances for the goes on.” the game early on,” winger Conor final 19 points as the Razorbacks
game,” center Nic Dowd said. urday, especially following a con- opposition. Those first-period woes high- Sheary said. “If you’re high-risk outscored Troy 19-3 over the final
“When we do get out to a lead, we vincing home win over Calgary “You just start to do things that light injury-ravaged Washington’s and giving up odd-man rushes 6:25. The Trojans missed seven of
play well and our team functions the day before. But once a second individuals [shouldn’t] do be- inability to play a 60-minute and stuff like that, I think that eight during the stretch, while Ar-
better because we don’t have to and third goal are on the board, cause we are pressing for goals or, game. Often, the Capitals rebound gives teams opportunities to jump kansas (6-1) made seven straight
lean on our top guys to play heavy the wheels can fall off. Coach Peter as a team, you got to play certain in the second and third, but they ahead. Discipline is a huge thing field goals.
minutes.” Laviolette has pointed to ill-timed guys more,” Dowd said. “It is also can’t fully make up for their early in the first period.” Makhi Mitchell joined Council
in double figures with 14 points
while grabbing nine rebounds.
Anthony Black scored 14 points.
NHL ROUNDUP Nelson Phillips led the Trojans
(6-2) with 22 points, 18 of which
New Jersey beats New York to improve to 13-1-0 in November came from three-pointers.
Gonzaga women rout Maine
Kaylynne Truong scored 15
ond by outshooting the Rangers son-high four straight games and points, Brynna Maxwell made
DEVILS 5, 20-10 and scoring twice to take the earned a point in nine consecutive four three-pointers and had 13
RANGERS 3 lead for good. contests. points and No. 23 Gonzaga beat
The Devils improved to a fran- Marner scored to extend his Maine, 62-43, in Spokane, Wash.
chise-best 13-1-0 in November and point streak — one short of the The Bulldogs (6-1) used a 10-2
A SSOCIATED P RESS an NHL-best 16-0-0 when leading franchise record — in the opening run over the final 3:45 of the sec-
after two periods. minute of the second. ond quarter to turn a 22-20 advan-
Jack Hughes and Michael l LIGHTNING 6, SABRES 5 l GOLDEN KNIGHTS 3, tage into a 32-22 lead at halftime.
McLeod scored in the second peri- (OT): Steven Stamkos scored his BLUE JACKETS 2 (SO): Paul Eliza Hollingsworth and
od, Vitek Vanecek stopped 35 second goal of the game 2:44 into Cotter scored on his first-ever Yvonne Ejim each scored 10 points
shots and the visiting New Jersey overtime to give Tampa Bay the shootout attempt, and visiting Ve- for Gonzaga. Sarah Talon had 13
Devils rallied from an early two- victory in Buffalo. gas beat Columbus to stop a two- points for the Black Bears (3-4).
goal deficit Monday night to beat Brayden Point also had two game skid.
the New York Rangers, 5-3. goals, Brandon Hagel had a goal The shootout went four sud- Boston a game-time decision
Yegor Sharangovich had two and an assist and Corey Perry also den-death rounds after each team South Carolina women’s coach
goals and Tomas Tatar also scored scored for the Lightning, which scored once — Gustav Nyqvist for Dawn Staley said Aliyah Boston’s
to help the first-place Devils win rallied from two goals down in the Columbus and Jonathan Marches- availability to play against No. 15
their third straight since their 13- third period to force overtime. Ni- sault for Vegas — in the first three UCLA on Tuesday night is a game-
game winning streak was snapped kita Kucherov and Mikhail Ser- rounds. Cotter, a second-year for- time decision.
last week. New Jersey has won 10 gachev each had three assists. ward playing in his 21st career Boston, who leads the team in
straight road games and has only Tage Thompson had a goal and game, was the seventh player to rebounding and is second in scor-
one loss since starting the season JOHN MINCHILLO/ASSOCIATED PRESS an assist and Tyson Jost, Jeff Skin- shoot for Vegas, and he beat goal- ing, missed the final two quarters
3-3-0. Former Capitals goaltender Vitek Vanecek continued his success ner, Jack Quinn and Dylan Cozens tender Daniil Tarasov to end it. of the top-ranked Gamecocks’ 85-
Vanecek improved to 11-2-0 as with the Devils, improving to 11-2-0 by defeating the Rangers. also scored for Buffalo. l STARS 4, BLUES 1: Scott 38 win over Hampton on Sunday
scattered chants of “Let’s go Dev- l MAPLE LEAFS 4, RED Wedgewood made 23 saves in an after falling hard on a drive to the
ils” were heard at Madison Square straight at home in a dishearten- backhand shot past Shesterkin for WINGS 2: Auston Matthews and unexpected start and Wyatt John- basket right before halftime. She
Garden. ing fashion. The Rangers squan- his sixth of the season. Jesper Bratt William Nylander scored 51 sec- ston broke a scoreless tie with a headed to the locker room and
Artemi Panarin, Mika Zibane- dered a 3-0 third-period lead had an assist on the play, giving onds apart in the first period, second-period goal to lead Dallas returned in the third quarter with
jad and Vincent Trocheck scored against Edmonton on Saturday to him a point in 18 for the Devils’ 23 Mitch Marner extended his point in St. Louis. a walking boot around her right
and Chris Kreider had two assists lose 4-3, and they led 2-0 just 3:01 games this season. streak to 17 games, and Toronto Jason Robertson, Ty Dellandrea foot and ankle.
for the Rangers, who fell to 4-5-3 at into this one. Last season, they Sharangovich tied it with an won in Detroit. and Miro Heiskanen also scored The Gamecocks (6-0) enter the
home. Igor Shesterkin had 33 won 27 of 41 games at the Garden. unassisted goal with 6:35 left in Rasmus Sandin also scored and for the Stars, who have at least one home game against the Bruins
saves. Tatar narrowed the deficit to 2-1 the first. Matt Murray made 38 saves for the point in eight of their last nine (7-0) with a 16-game winning
New York lost its second at 7:31 of the first with a nifty high The Devils dominated the sec- Maple Leafs, who have won a sea- games. streak over ranked opponents.
At quarter mark, Antetokounmpo is MVP and Utah’s Hardy is coach of the year
Predictions of Though the Bucks trail Jayson its starting lineup has several at the rim, in the midrange and will be difficult for Indiana’s Poole and Bones Hyland will face
On parity for this NBA Tatum’s Boston Celtics in the minus defenders and its bench from beyond the arc. Bennedict Mathurin and Detroit’s off against savvy veterans
the NBA season have standings, Antetokounmpo has depth has been stretched by Surrounded by a young rotation Jaden Ivey to overcome. There’s a Malcolm Brogdon and Bobby
BEN proved accurate led Milwaukee to the NBA’s early-season injuries to LeBron that lost No. 2 draft pick Chet “man among boys” feel to this Portis in a wide-open race.
GOLLIVER through the first second-best record and top- James, Dennis Schröder and Holmgren to a season-ending foot race that should persist unless
quarter of the ranked defense without sidekick Thomas Bryant. injury, Gilgeous-Alexander Banchero encounters additional Coach of the year:
season: Stephen Curry and the Khris Middleton, who has yet to After looking stiff and slower (31.1 PPG, 4.8 RPG, 6.2 APG) has injury issues. Will Hardy, Jazz
Golden State Warriors are barely return from offseason wrist than usual in recent years, Davis emerged as a prototypical There have been plenty of
clinging to a winning record, surgery. Meanwhile, he is (26.3 PPG, 12.8 RPG, 1.6 steals per franchise guard capable of Sixth man of the year: pleasant surprises across the
while the Utah Jazz, fresh off a averaging more points, rebounds game, 2.2 blocks per game) is carrying a heavy offensive burden Bennedict Mathurin, Pacers league but none quite as stunning
summer roster demolition, sits and assists than Tatum (30.5 PPG, back to being a disruptive, and delivering in crucial In an unusual twist, Mathurin, as the Jazz’s 10-3 start under
atop the defending champions in 7.9 RPG, 4.6 APG), all while versatile and imposing presence. moments. He scored a career-high the sixth pick in June’s draft, finds Hardy, their intense and
the standings. Separation has playing four fewer minutes per The 29-year-old big man’s ability 42 points and hit a deep game- himself as a leading candidate for inventive rookie coach. Tasked
been unusually difficult to come game. If Antetokounmpo and to win this award for the first time winning three-pointer in a recent something other than rookie of with cobbling together a starting
by; the difference between the Tatum switched places, the will probably require the Lakers road win over the Washington the year honors. The 20-year-old lineup of players who finished
third seed and the lottery is no Celtics would be viewed as to get back into the playoff mix. If Wizards, and he is tied for second Canadian guard, who survived a last season on four different
more than four games in either overwhelming title favorites and, that proves impossible, look for in the league with 50 points in tragic upbringing in Montreal teams, Hardy has installed a fun
conference. possibly, a superteam. Antetokounmpo, Cleveland’s clutch situations. and attended an NBA academy in and balanced five-out offensive
Despite this soupy landscape, Antetokounmpo, the NBA’s Jarrett Allen and Phoenix’s Mikal Utah’s Lauri Markkanen, who Mexico before spending two scheme that ranks fourth in
the major award races have best overall player, and Tatum, Bridges to garner attention. has made the most of an seasons at the University of efficiency despite a roster lacking
started to take shape. Here’s a the best player on the team with offseason change of scenery, looks Arizona, has led all qualified sixth in proven star power.
rundown of the early front- the NBA’s best record, should Most improved player: Shai like Gilgeous-Alexander’s top man candidates in scoring. The Jazz came back to the pack
runners through roughly 20 have serious staying power in this Gilgeous-Alexander, Thunder competition for this award. Mathurin (18.8 PPG, 3.8 RPG, with four straight losses last
games. All stats through Sunday. race. But don’t count out Curry, The secret is finally out on 1.6 APG) has thrived out of the week, and it’s possible that CEO
who is averaging 31.4 points while Gilgeous-Alexander, who spent Rookie of the year: gate thanks to his fearless Danny Ainge, who traded Rudy
MVP: Giannis posting shooting percentages of the past two seasons creeping Paolo Banchero, Magic approach on the ball and his 42.1 Gobert, Donovan Mitchell, Bojan
Antetokounmpo, Bucks 52.2 from the field, 44.1 on three- toward stardom while buried in The 2022 draft class hasn’t set percent three-point shooting, Bogdanovic and Royce O’Neale in
Somehow, Antetokounmpo pointers and 91.1 at the free throw obscurity for the small-market the NBA on fire; only five of its even though the Pacers have gone summer deals, will steer the
garnered more attention for a line. The Warriors are slowly Thunder. The suave Canadian members have averaged double against NBA norms for rebuilding franchise toward a prime spot in
meaningless postgame squabble shaking off their title hangover, guard has enjoyed a Ja Morant- figures in scoring. With teams by choosing not to start the Victor Wembanyama
with a ladder in Philadelphia and Curry has picked up where he like breakout, though his Holmgren sidelined and No. 3 their prized rookie. sweepstakes. Still, Hardy
than he has for a month-plus of left off during his sparkling 2022 composed game is predicated on pick Jabari Smith Jr. relegated to There’s a decent chance that deserves his credit, even if the
exceptional basketball, which is title run. shot-making and on-ball a supporting role in Houston, Mathurin won’t be eligible for good times don’t last through
fitting given his low-key, technique rather than sheer Banchero is the heavy favorite to this award by season’s end; it’s April.
deferential personality. But that Defensive player of the year: quickness and vertical become the first top pick to be the only a matter of time before Looking ahead, Boston’s Joe
doesn’t mean Antetokounmpo Anthony Davis, Lakers athleticism. A 20-year-old rookie of the year since Ben Mathurin joins 22-year-old Tyrese Mazzulla is the safer pick.
(30.9 points per game, 11.4 Davis entered this season at a Gilgeous-Alexander was the Simmons in 2018. Haliburton to form one of the Another first-year coach,
rebounds per game, 5.4 assists per reputational crossroads after two centerpiece of Oklahoma City’s Banchero, 20, is leading his league’s most promising Mazzulla hasn’t missed a beat
game) should be taken for injury-plagued campaigns in 2019 blockbuster return for Paul class in scoring, rebounds and backcourt combinations. Indiana since he was abruptly promoted
granted when it comes time to which he failed to recapture his George, and he is outproducing overall buzz thanks to his smooth guard Buddy Hield has been a following Ime Udoka’s
vote for MVP; only four players — Bubble magic. While the Lakers the Los Angeles Clippers forward scoring instincts, physical regular in trade rumors, and a suspension after an improper
Wilt Chamberlain (twice), have gotten off to a dreadful start, just four years later. As Gilgeous- presence and permanent green deal would clear the way for relationship with a Celtics staffer.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Oscar they could easily have the NBA’s Alexander eyes his first all-star light as Orlando’s lead option. Mathurin and potentially Boston ranks first in wins, net
Robertson and Elgin Baylor — worst record if not for Davis’s nod, he ranks fourth in the NBA The Duke product has struggled improve the franchise’s draft rating and offensive efficiency
have averaged 30/11/5 for a consistently excellent defense. in scoring and seventh in Player from beyond the arc and missed positioning. If Mathurin winds under the interim coach, who has
season. The last time it happened Los Angeles ranks seventh in Efficiency Rating, and he has seven games with an ankle injury, up as a starter or hits the rookie made the most of his lineup
was 50 years ago. defensive efficiency, even though improved his shooting efficiency but his polish and volume scoring wall, microwave scorers Jordan continuity and strong roster.
Zeke Wimbush, Stone Bridge:
The Bulldogs prolonged their quest
Theodore Roosevelt emerged as champion of the D.C. Interscholastic Athletic Association for a second straight year by beating Dunbar, 26-18,
for a third straight state title thanks
in the Turkey Bowl. The Rough Riders advance to the D.C. State Athletic Association title game, in which they will face Friendship Collegiate. In
foe in state
to the multi-positional senior who
Maryland, six local teams advanced to this weekend’s championship games. Virginia has set the state semifinals.
scored three touchdowns in a 42-0
1. St. John’s (8-4) Last ranked: 1 12. St. Mary’s (Annapolis) (12-0) LR: 13 Class 5 Region D final win over
semifinals The Cadets captured a second consecutive Washington Catholic The Saints capped their season by capturing the MIAA B conference Mountain View.
Athletic Conference title. championship. Dillon Dunathan, Damascus:
Next: Season complete Next: Season complete The senior headlined a fierce
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Council of Unit Owners of property mentioned in these pro- 2022 next; provided a copy of this December, 2022. NOTICE Number 20-288013. at the time of sale. Pursuant to removed, $2000. FB Site Fairhills
ceedings and described as 18744 Number 060028843, the under- the Federal Fair Debt Collection
Glen Waye Gardens order be inserted in THE WASHING- The report states the amount of signed appointed Substitute PROFESSIONAL FORECLOSURE Golden Retrievers Rick 757-719-
Condominium Association Pier Point Place, Gaithersburg TON POST, 1150 15th Street, Wash- Notice is hereby issued this 10th Practices Act, we advise you that 9273. [email protected]
A/R/TA Montgomery Village, MD sale to be $240,000.00. day of November, 2022 that the Trustee will offer for sale at public CORPORATION OF VIRGINIA, Sub- this firm is a debt collector
2302 Greenery Lane, Unit 101 ington, DC, MD published in said auction all that property located stitute Trustees, C/O LOGS LEGAL
Silver Spring, Maryland 20906 20886, made and reported by the County of Prince George's once a Mahasin El Amin #597 sale of the property in this case, attempting to collect the indebt- PUG PUPPIES - CKC REG MALES &
Substitute Trustee, will be RAT- Clerk of the Circuit Court 3405 Stump Neck Road, Indian in the CITY OF ALEXANDRIA, on GROUP LLP, 10021 Balls Ford edness referred to herein and
Plaintiff week for three successive weeks the courthouse steps at the front Road, Suite 200, Manassas, Vir- FEMALES Shots, wormed, vet
IFIED AND CONFIRMED, unless before the 7th day of December for Prince Georges County, MD Head, MD 20640, reported by any information we obtain will be checked, fawns, Ready now. $1250.
cause to the contrary thereof be Joanna Foronda, Substitute of the Circuit Court building for ginia 20109 (703) 449-5800. used for that purpose.
v. 2022. November 15, 22, 29, 2022 the City of Alexandria located at 540-879-9492 Just in time for Xmas
shown on or before the 9 day of Trustee, be ratified and con- October 24, 2022
Jin Jiang The report states the amount of 12403028 firmed, unless cause to the con- 520 King Street, Alexandria, Vir- SAMUEL I. WHITE, P.C., Trustee
December, 2022, provided a copy November 29 , 2022 SHIH TZU PUPPIES - Shots & wormed,
2804 Shubert Street of this NOTICE be inserted in some the sale to be $239,278.71. trary be shown on or before the ginia on February 1, 2023 at 10:00 This is a communication from a mother & father on premises. $600.
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT AM, the property with improve- December 6, 2022 12400645
SIlver Spring, Maryland 20904 daily newspaper printed in said 13th day of December, 2022, pro- debt collector. Call 540-406-0740
Mahasin El Amin #597 FOR PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, ments to wit:
And County, once in each of three suc- Clerk of the Circuit Court For vided a copy of this Notice be
Steven Cheng
19 Juliana Circle
cessive weeks before the 9 day of
December, 2022.
County of Prince George's inserted in the Washington Post,
a newspaper published in Charles
TION (D-419) How about some 1-800-753-POST SAMUEL I. WHITE, P.C. (82407)
DIANA THEOLOGOU, County, Maryland, once in each of 596 Lynnhaven Parkway Suite 200
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
The report states the purchase
price at the Foreclosure sale to be
10021 Balls Ford Rd, Suite 200
Substitute Trustee, et al,
three (3) successive weeks on or Tax Map No. 068.01-04-52 home delivery? Virginia Beach, VA 23452
757-457-1460 - Call Between
Manassas, Virginia 20109 before the 12th day of December, THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A
Case No. C-15-CV-22-001097 $260,000.00. v. 2022. 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
(703) 449-5800 DEBT COLLECTOR. or visit our website at
Karen A. Bushell
Trustee File #18-279414 ARCHIE S. BOWMAN, SR., ET. AL The report states the amount of TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A 1-800-753-POST www.siwpc.net
Clerk, Circuit Court for
Montgomery County, Maryland November 15, 22, 29, 2022 Defendant(s) sale to be $138,600.00. bidder's deposit of 10% of the
ORDERED, this 7th day of Novem- SF November 29, December 6, 2022
ber, 2022, by the Circuit Court 12402674 Case No. CAEF22-17075 Sharon L Hancock sale price, will be required in cash, 12404812
BWW#MD-353603 certified or cashier's check. Set-
for Montgomery County, Mary- NOTICE Clerk of the Circuit Court
November 15, 22, 29, 2022 tlement within fifteen (15) days
land, that the sale of the real
property at 2301 Greenery Lane, 12402669 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE ORDERED this 2nd day of Novem-
Charles County, MD
November 15, 22, 29, 2022
of sale, otherwise Trustees may You, too, could have You, too, could have
Unit 203, Silver Spring, Maryland COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGE, ber, 2022, by the Circuit Court for 12402929
forfeit deposit. Additional terms
home delivery. SF home delivery.
20906, mentioned in these pro- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MARYLAND PRINCE GEORGE'S County, Mary- to be announced at sale. Loan
type: Conventional. Reference INSURANCE
ceedings, made and reported by MONTGOMERY COUNTY, land, that the sale of the proper- 1-800-753-POST 1-800-753-POST
Corinne G. Rosen, Trustee, be rat-
ified and confirmed, unless cause
MARYLAND WILLIAM M. SAVAGE, et al. ty at 6804 99th Avenue, Lanham,
MD 20706, mentioned in these
Number 17-265595.
to the contrary thereof be shown
Thomas W. Hodge, et al.
Substitute Trustees,
Plaintiff(s) proceedings, made and report- Home delivery CORPORATION OF VIRGINIA, Sub-
Home delivery DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians
on or before the 8th day of Decem- Plaintiffs, ed Diana Theologou, et. al, Sub-
is convenient. stitute Trustees, C/O LOGS LEGAL Mutual Insurance Company. Cover-
ber, 2022, next, provided a copy
of this notice be inserted in some v.
stitute Trustees, be ratified and
confirmed, unless cause to the
GROUP LLP, 10021 Balls Ford
Road, Suite 200, Manassas, Vir- Home delivery is convenient. Home delivery starts
age for 350 plus procedures. Real
dental insurance – NOT just a dis-
contrary thereof be shown on or count plan. Do not wait! Call now!
daily newspaper published in said
County, once in each of three suc-
Carolyn Y. Ford, et al.
Defendant (s),
Defendant(s) before the 2nd day of December, 1-800-753-POST
ginia 20109 (703) 449-5800.
is convenient. your day off right. Get your FREE Dental Information Kit
cessive weeks before the 8th, day 2022 next, provided a copy of this November 29, 2022 with all the details! 1-855-337-5228
Case No. 468759V Mortgagor(s) SF December 28, 2022
of December, 2022, next. The notice be inserted in some news- dental50plus.com/MDDC#6258
January 4, 2023 12404810
report states the amount of the NOTICE CIVIL NO: CAEF22-17009 paper published in said County, 1-800-753-POST 1-800-753-POST 1-800-753-POST
sale to be $95,000.00. NOTICE once in each of three succes-
Notice is hereby issued this 3 day sive weeks before the 2nd day of SF SF
Karen A. Bushell of November, 2022, that the sale SF
Clerk of the Circuit Court of the property in this case, 14105
day of November, 2022 by the Cir-
December, 2022 next. How about some Home delivery Home delivery
The report states the amount of
November 15, 22, 29, 2022
Armilla Court, Burtonsville, Mary- cuit Court for the County of Prince home delivery? is convenient. You, too, could have is convenient.
12402578 land 20866, reported by Thomas W.
Hodge, Brennan Ferguson, Chris-
George's, Maryland and by the
authority thereof, that the sale
sale to be $121,000.00.
Home delivery Home delivery
tine N. Johnson, Jeana McMurray, made by William M. Savage, Gre-
Mahasin El Amin #597
Clerk of the Circuit Court is convenient. is convenient. home delivery.
Robert A. Oliveri, Melissa Alcocer, gory N. Britto and Wayne Anthony Prince George's County, 1-800-753-POST 1-800-753-POST 1-800-753-POST
Wake up Substitute Trustees, be ratified and
confirmed, unless cause to the
Holman, Trustees, of the Real Prop- Maryland 1-800-753-POST 1-800-753-POST 1-800-753-POST
erty designated as 3002 La Dova SF SF SF SF SF SF
to home delivery. contrary be shown on or before
the 3 day of December, 2022, pro-
Way, Landover, MD 20785, and
reported in the above entitled
November 15, 22, 29, 2022
vided a copy of this Notice be cause, will be finally ratified and
You, too, could have
Did you hear The Post today?
inserted in The Washington Post, confirmed, unless cause to the
a newspaper published in Mont- contrary thereof be shown on or
gomery County, Maryland, once before the 7th day of December, home delivery.
1-800-753-POST in each of three (3) successive 2022 next; provided a copy of this
weeks on or before the 3 day of
December, 2022.
order be inserted in THE WASHING- 1-800-753-POST
SF TON POST, 1150 15th Street, Wash-
The report states the amount of ington, DC, MD published in said
sale to be $320,730.46.
Karen A Bushell
County of Prince George's once a
week for three successive weeks Washington Post podcasts
before the 7th day of December
Wake up Clerk of the Circuit Court
for Montgomery County, MD
2022. Wake up go with you everywhere
to home delivery. November 15, 22, 29, 2022 The report states the amount of
the sale to be $322,000.00.
to home delivery.
Mahasin El Amin #597 Search our database of tested
Clerk of the Circuit Court For
County of Prince George's recipes by ingredient or name. Politics • History • Culture • More
1-800-753-POST How about some 1-800-753-POST
home delivery? LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP
10021 Balls Ford Rd, Suite 200
November 29, December 6, 13, 2022 12404073 November 29, December 6, 13, 2022 12404069 November 22, 29 December 6, 2022 12403607 November 22, 29 December 6, 2022 12402969 November 15, 22, 29, 2022 12402803
Samuel I. White, P.C. BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC Rosenberg & Associates, LLC
BWW Law Group, LLC 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 596 Lynnhaven Parkway, Suite 200 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600
Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Bethesda, MD 20814
Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 961-6555 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 907-8000
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust dated August 16, 2005,
5225 Cochran Road Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust dated December 21, 2007, FREDERICK, MD 21701 JESSUP, MD 20794
recorded in Liber 31359, Folio 473 among the Land Records of Montgomery County, Beltsville, MD 20705 recorded in Liber 6848, Folio 640 among the Land Records of Frederick County, MD, Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust dated December 5, 2007, Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust from Joan Mancho dated
with an original principal balance of $143,600.00, default having occurred under the recorded in Liber 6935, Folio 552 among the Land Records of Frederick County, MD, August 20, 2005 and recorded in Liber 9760, folio 129 among the Land Records
MD, with an original principal balance of $233,600.00, default having occurred
under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for with an original principal balance of $195,300.00, default having occurred under the of Howard County, MD, default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub.
Deed of Trust to STEWART TITLE GUARANTY, Trustee(s), dated Frederick County, at the Court House Door, 100 W. Patrick St., Frederick, MD 21701, terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Howard County, at the Court
Court for Montgomery County, at the Court House Door, 50 Maryland Ave., Rockville, on
MD 20850, on July 26, 2013, and recorded among the Land Records of Frederick County, at the Court House Door, 100 W. Patrick St., Frederick, MD 21701, House Door, 9250 Judicial Way, Ellicott City, MD 21043, on
DECEMBER 2, 2022 AT 12:30 PM on
DECEMBER 2, 2022 AT 3:50 PM PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, MARYLAND in Liber 35107, folio DECEMBER 2, 2022 AT 12:28 PM
DECEMBER 16, 2022 AT 9:17 AM
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any buildings or
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any buildings or 297, the holder of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of improvements thereon located in Frederick County, MD and more fully described in
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the buildings and improve-
improvements thereon located in Montgomery County, MD and described as Unit No ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any buildings or ments thereon situated in Howard County, MD and more fully described in the
3940, in a Condominium known as Montgomery Chase Condominium and more fully
Trust having appointed the undersigned Substitute Trustees, by the aforesaid Deed of Trust. improvements thereon located in Frederick County, MD and more fully described in aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #06-526969.
described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. instrument duly recorded among the aforesaid Land Records, The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an "as is" condition and the aforesaid Deed of Trust.
The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in an "as is" condition and
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an "as is" condition and default having occurred under the terms thereof, and at the subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an "as is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any,
request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned Substitute and with no warranty of any kind. subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty of any kind.
subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any,
and with no warranty of any kind. Trustee will offer for sale at public auction at THE PRINCE Terms of Sale: A deposit of $11,000 in the form of certified check, cashier's and with no warranty of any kind.
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $52,000 in the form of certified check, cashier's check
check or money order will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale. Terms of Sale: A deposit of $18,000 in the form of certified check, cashier's
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $24,000 in the form of certified check, cashier's GEORGE'S COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT FRONT OF Balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money check or money order will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale.
or money order will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance
check or money order will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale. of the purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of final ratification of sale
Balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money THE DUVAL WING OF THE COURTHOUSE COMPLEX 14735 at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to Balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money by the Circuit Court for Howard County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase
MAIN ST, UPPER MARLBORO, MD 20772 ON, the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten days at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to money at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement
the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten days the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten days funds are received in the office of the Sub. Trustees. There will be no abatement of
of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement DECEMBER 8, 2022 at 10:00 AM of interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement interest in the event additional funds are tendered before settlement or if settlement
settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all of interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before is delayed for any reason. The noteholder shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is
of interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public
settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all the purchaser. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all
all real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all thereon situated in PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, MD and and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public
sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted
public and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive described as follows: to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for any
and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted sale, including water/sewer charges and ground rent, to be adjusted to date of sale
LOT NUMBERED EIGHT (8) IN A SUBDIVISION KNOWN AS recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for any and paid at execution of the deed, except where the secured party is the purchaser,
to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for any paid by Purchaser. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the ground
recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be "PINEHAVEN", AS PER PLAT THEREOF RECORDED AMONG recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners
rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if paid by Purchaser. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the ground association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale
paid by Purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, THE PLAT RECORDS OF PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, MARY- any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible
shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if forward. Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes and settlement expenses shall
LAND, IN PLAT BOOK BB8 AT FOLIO 21. for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible be borne by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical
for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the
to the property from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to the
status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination The property will be sold in an "AS IS WHERE IS" condition status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination to the property from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the property from the date of sale forward. Additional terms to be announced at the time
without either express or implied warranty or representation, of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination of sale.
of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the
the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the including but not limited to the description, fitness for a of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off
Purchaser's sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the If the Sub. Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable title, the purchaser's
Purchaser's sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of particular purpose or use, structural integrity, physical condition, interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of Purchaser's sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without sole remedy in law and equity shall be limited to a refund of the deposit without
court, purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. interest. If the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall be forfeited,
court, purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. construction, extent of construction, workmanship, materials, Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the purchaser's default
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of
to the Trustees for application against all expenses, attorney’s fees and the full
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the purchaser's default liability, zoning, subdivision, environmental condition, mer- court, purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
and purchaser shall have no further liability. The defaulted purchaser shall not be Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the purchaser's default commission on the sale price of the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event
and purchaser shall have no further liability. The defaulted purchaser shall not be
entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results chantability, compliance with building or housing codes or other entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results and purchaser shall have no further liability. The defaulted purchaser shall not be of default, all expenses of this sale (including attorney’s fees and the full commission
from improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will on the gross sale price of this sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the
from improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will laws, ordinances or regulations, or other similar matters, and convey either marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if
entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results
forfeited deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the property at the
convey either marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if subject to easements, agreements and restrictions of record from improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will
ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser's convey either marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser or may avail themselves of any legal or
ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser's
sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. BIDDERS ARE which affect the same, if any. The property will be sold sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. BIDDERS ARE ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser's equitable remedies against the defaulting purchaser without reselling the property.
STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO FOLLOW CDC GUIDANCE AND WEAR A COVER OVER In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to receive the
sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. BIDDERS ARE
surplus, if any, even if such surplus results from improvements to the property by said
(Matter No. 353271-1) BOTH NOSE AND MOUTH AND PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING AT THE AUCTION. defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall be liable to the Trustees and
(Matter No. 350465-1)
assessments pursuant to Md Real Property Article 11-110. (Matter No. 192721-2) secured party for reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses incurred in connection with
all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the resale. Trustees' file number
certified funds, shall be required at the time of sale. CASH WILL STATUS OF UPCOMING SALES STATUS OF UPCOMING SALES
STATUS OF UPCOMING SALES Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Substitute Trustees
NOT BE AN ACCEPTABLE FORM OF DEPOSIT. The balance Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees
of the purchase price with interest at 5% per annum from the
date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within TEN
DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. There will be no
abatement of interest for any reason. Adjustments on all taxes,
public charges and special or regular assessments will be made
November 29, December 6, 13, 2022 12404062
as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. There
will be no abatement of taxes, public charges and special or
November 15, 22, 29, 2022 12402771 November 15, 22, 29, 2022 12402770
November 15, 22, 29, 2022 12402772 regular assessments for any reason. If applicable, condominium
and/or homeowner association dues and assessments that may Rosenberg & Associates, LLC
BWW Law Group, LLC become due after the time of sale will be the responsibility of BWW Law Group, LLC 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 the purchaser. Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue Rockville, MD 20852
Bethesda, MD 20814
Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 907-8000
(301) 961-6555 stamps, transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs (301) 961-6555 www.rosenberg-assoc.com
incident to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES' SALE SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
11104 LUND PL. forfeited, and the property may be resold at risk and costs of the Rockville, MD 20852
KENSINGTON, MD 20895 defaulting purchaser and the purchaser agrees to pay reasonable FREDERICK, MD 21701 COLUMBIA, MD 21045
(301) 961-6555
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust dated June 17, 2004, attorneys' fees for the Substitute trustees, plus all cost incurred, Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust dated April 11, 2017, Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust from Christi A. Jackson
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES' SALE recorded in Liber 11769, Folio 516 among the Land Records of Frederick County,
recorded in Liber 30002, Folio 6 among the Land Records of Montgomery County, if the Substitute Trustee's have filed the appropriate motion with OF REAL PROPERTY AND ANY IMPROVEMENTS THEREON MD, with an original principal balance of $279,424.00, default having occurred
dated July 24, 2006 and recorded in Liber 10149, folio 82 among the Land Records
MD, with an original principal balance of $355,000.00, default having occurred of Howard County, MD, default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub.
under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit the Court to resell the property. The purchasers waives personal 7185 CYPRESS CT., UNIT F under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Howard County, at the Court
service of any papers filed in connection with such a motion FREDERICK, MD 21703 Court for Frederick County, at the Court House Door, 100 W. Patrick St., Frederick, MD House Door, 9250 Judicial Way, Ellicott City, MD 21043, on
Court for Montgomery County, at the Court House Door, 50 Maryland Ave., Rockville,
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust dated March 22, 2018, 21701, on
MD 20850, on and expressly agrees to The purchaser agrees to accept service DECEMBER 16, 2022 AT 9:15 AM
recorded in Liber 12366, Folio 298 among the Land Records of Frederick County, DECEMBER 2, 2022 AT 12:24 PM
DECEMBER 2, 2022 AT 3:52 PM by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser as MD, with an original principal balance of $164,000.00, default having occurred ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the buildings and improve-
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any buildings or
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any buildings or identified on the Memorandum of Sale. If the sale is not ratified under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit improvements thereon located in Frederick County, MD and more fully described in
ments thereon situated in Howard County, MD and more fully described in the
improvements thereon located in Montgomery County, MD and more fully described in or if the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable Court for Frederick County, at the Court House Door, 100 W. Patrick St., Frederick, MD aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #16-133493.
the aforesaid Deed of Trust. the aforesaid Deed of Trust.
21701, on The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in an "as is" condition and
title in accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser's only The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an "as is" condition and
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an "as is" condition and DECEMBER 2, 2022 AT 12:26 PM subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any,
subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, remedy is return of the deposit. subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty of any kind.
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any buildings or and with no warranty of any kind.
and with no warranty of any kind. The sale is subject to post-sale confirmation and audit of the improvements thereon located in Frederick County, MD and more fully described in Terms of Sale: A deposit of $26,000 in the form of certified check, cashier's check
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $25,000 in the form of certified check, cashier's or money order will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $31,000 in the form of certified check, cashier's status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not the aforesaid Deed of Trust. check or money order will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale.
check or money order will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale. of the purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of final ratification of sale
Balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered into The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an "as is" condition and Balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money by the Circuit Court for Howard County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase
a repayment agreement, reinstated, or paid off the loan prior to subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to money at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to and with no warranty of any kind. the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten days
the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten days sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the funds are received in the office of the Sub. Trustees. There will be no abatement of
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $16,000 in the form of certified check, cashier's of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement interest in the event additional funds are tendered before settlement or if settlement
of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement
of interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before Purchaser's sol remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the check or money order will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale. of interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before is delayed for any reason. The noteholder shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is
deposit without interest. Trustee's File No. (76103) Balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all the purchaser. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all
settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public
all real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public
public and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive Robert A. Jones, et al SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten days and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure
of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted sale, including water/sewer charges and ground rent, to be adjusted to date of sale
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for any
to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for any of interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before and paid at execution of the deed, except where the secured party is the purchaser,
settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners
recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the ground
paid by Purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale
and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if forward. Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes and settlement expenses shall
shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible
for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted be borne by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical
to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for any for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to the
to the property from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the to the property from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the
status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination www.hwestauctions.com recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be property from the date of sale forward. Additional terms to be announced at the time
paid by Purchaser. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the ground status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination of sale.
of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off
the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the November 22, 29, December 6, 2022 12402187 rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if
the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the If the Sub. Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable title, the purchaser's
Purchaser's sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible sole remedy in law and equity shall be limited to a refund of the deposit without
856 856 Purchaser's sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of
court, purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
Frederick County Frederick County for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage
to the property from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of interest. If the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall be forfeited,
court, purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. to the Trustees for application against all expenses, attorney’s fees and the full
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the purchaser's default status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination commission on the sale price of the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event
of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the purchaser's default
and purchaser shall have no further liability. The defaulted purchaser shall not be and purchaser shall have no further liability. The defaulted purchaser shall not be of default, all expenses of this sale (including attorney’s fees and the full commission
entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the on the gross sale price of this sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the
Purchaser's sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results
from improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will from improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will forfeited deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the property at the
convey either marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser or may avail themselves of any legal or
court, purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. convey either marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if
ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser's ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser's equitable remedies against the defaulting purchaser without reselling the property.
sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. BIDDERS ARE Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the purchaser's default In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to receive the
BWW Law Group, LLC and purchaser shall have no further liability. The defaulted purchaser shall not be sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. BIDDERS ARE
STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO FOLLOW CDC GUIDANCE AND WEAR A COVER OVER STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO FOLLOW CDC GUIDANCE AND WEAR A COVER OVER surplus, if any, even if such surplus results from improvements to the property by said
BOTH NOSE AND MOUTH AND PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING AT THE AUCTION. 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results
Rockville, MD 20852 BOTH NOSE AND MOUTH AND PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING AT THE AUCTION. defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall be liable to the Trustees and
(Matter No. 29274-1) from improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will secured party for reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses incurred in connection with
(301) 961-6555 convey either marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if (Matter No. 356394-1)
all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the resale. Trustees' file number
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES' SALE ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser's 22-000111-MD-F-1.
PLEASE CONSULT WWW.ALEXCOOPER.COM FOR sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. BIDDERS ARE PLEASE CONSULT WWW.ALEXCOOPER.COM FOR
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees 8050 BOLIVAR RD. BOTH NOSE AND MOUTH AND PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING AT THE AUCTION.
MIDDLETOWN, MD 21769 (Matter No. 356345-1) Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust dated December 4, 2007,
recorded in Liber 6855, Folio 731 among the Land Records of Frederick County, MD, PLEASE CONSULT WWW.ALEXCOOPER.COM FOR
with an original principal balance of $502,500.00, default having occurred under the STATUS OF UPCOMING SALES
terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for
Frederick County, at the Court House Door, 100 W. Patrick St., Frederick, MD 21701, Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees
on November 29, December 6, 13, 2022 12404061
DECEMBER 16, 2022 AT 1:10 PM
November 15, 22, 29, 2022 12402776 ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any buildings or
improvements thereon located in Frederick County, MD and more fully described in November 15, 22, 29, 2022 12402768
the aforesaid Deed of Trust.
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an "as is" condition and BWW Law Group, LLC
subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, Rosenberg & Associates, LLC
BWW Law Group, LLC 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 and with no warranty of any kind. Rockville, MD 20852 Bethesda, MD 20814
Rockville, MD 20852 Terms of Sale: A deposit of $25,000 in the form of certified check, cashier's November 15, 22, 29, 2022 12402769 (301) 961-6555 (301) 907-8000
(301) 961-6555 check or money order will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES' SALE www.rosenberg-assoc.com
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES' SALE Balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money OF REAL PROPERTY AND ANY IMPROVEMENTS THEREON
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE
the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten days
21931 MOORHEN ST. of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement FREDERICK, MD 21704 9420 FENS HOLLOW RD.
CLARKSBURG, MD 20871 of interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust dated April 19, 2006, LAUREL, MD 20723
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust dated August 13, 2018, settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all recorded in Liber 5986, Folio 403 among the Land Records of Frederick County, MD,
real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public McCabe, Weisberg & Conway, LLC Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust from David Freeman and
recorded in Liber 56560, Folio 302 among the Land Records of Montgomery County, with an original principal balance of $589,500.00, default having occurred under the Tina Freeman dated April 28, 2005 and recorded in Liber 9283, folio 74 among the
MD, with an original principal balance of $657,001.00, default having occurred and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure 312 Marshall Avenue, Suite 800 terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for
sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted Laurel, MD 20707 Land Records of Howard County, MD, default having occurred under the terms thereof,
under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Frederick County, at the Court House Door, 100 W. Patrick St., Frederick, MD 21701, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Howard County, at
Court for Montgomery County, at the Court House Door, 50 Maryland Ave., Rockville, to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for any www.mwc-law.com on
recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be the Court House Door, 9250 Judicial Way, Ellicott City, MD 21043, on
paid by Purchaser. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the ground OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY DECEMBER 2, 2022 AT 9:20 AM
DECEMBER 2, 2022 AT 3:54 PM rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any buildings or
519 ELLISON CT. ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the buildings and
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any buildings or any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible improvements thereon located in Frederick County, MD and more fully described in improvements thereon situated in Howard County, MD and more fully described in the
improvements thereon located in Montgomery County, MD and more fully described in for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage FREDERICK, MD 21703 the aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #06-514286.
the aforesaid Deed of Trust. to the property from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust from Carole L. Young, dated
status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an "as is" condition and The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in an "as is" condition and
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an "as is" condition and August 13, 2003 and recorded in Liber 4266, folio 579 among the Land Records subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any,
of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off of Frederick County, MD, default having occurred under the terms thereof and at the subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any,
subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the and with no warranty of any kind. and with no warranty of any kind.
and with no warranty of any kind. request of the parties secured thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustees will offer
Purchaser's sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without for sale at public auction at the Circuit Court for Frederick County, at the Court House Terms of Sale: A deposit of $49,000 in the form of certified check, cashier's Terms of Sale: A deposit of $48,000 in the form of certified check, cashier's check
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $57,000 in the form of certified check, cashier's interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of Door, 100 W. Patrick St., Frederick, MD 21701, on check or money order will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale. or money order will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance
check or money order will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale. court, purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money of the purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of final ratification of sale
Balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the purchaser's default DECEMBER 16, 2022 AT 1:00 PM at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to by the Circuit Court for Howard County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to and purchaser shall have no further liability. The defaulted purchaser shall not be ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND AND THE IMPROVEMENTS THEREON the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten days money at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date
the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten days entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results situated in Frederick County, Maryland and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement funds are received in the office of the Sub. Trustees. There will be no abatement of
of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement from improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will of Trust. The property is improved by a dwelling. of interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before interest in the event additional funds are tendered before settlement or if settlement
of interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before convey either marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if The property, will be sold in an "as is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions, settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all is delayed for any reason. The noteholder shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is
settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser's easements, encumbrances and agreements of record affecting the subject property, if real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public the purchaser. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all
all real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. BIDDERS ARE any, and with no warranty of any kind. and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public
public and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO FOLLOW CDC GUIDANCE AND WEAR A COVER OVER sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted BOTH NOSE AND MOUTH AND PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING AT THE AUCTION. Terms of Sale: A deposit in the form of cashier's or certified check, or in such other to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for any sale, including water/sewer charges and ground rent, to be adjusted to date of sale
to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for any (Matter No. 355735-1) form as the Substitute Trustees may determine, at their sole discretion, for $24,000 recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be and paid at execution of the deed, except where the secured party is the purchaser,
recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be at the time of sale. If the noteholder and/or servicer is the successful bidder, the paid by Purchaser. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the ground and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners
PLEASE CONSULT WWW.ALEXCOOPER.COM FOR STATUS OF UPCOMING SALES deposit requirement is waived. Balance of the purchase price is to be paid within
paid by Purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale
shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees fifteen (15) days of the final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court for Frederick any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible forward. Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes and settlement expenses shall
for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage County, Maryland. Interest is to be paid on the unpaid purchase price at the rate for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage be borne by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical
to the property from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the of 5% per annum from date of sale to the date the funds are received in the office to the property from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to the
status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination of the Substitute Trustees, if the property is purchased by an entity other than the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination property from the date of sale forward. Additional terms to be announced at the time
of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off noteholder and/or servicer. If payment of the balance does not occur within fifteen of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off of sale.
the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the days of ratification, the deposit will be forfeited and the property will be resold at the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the
Purchaser's sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser. There will be no abatement of interest Purchaser's sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without If the Sub. Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable title, the purchaser's
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of due from the purchaser in the event settlement is delayed for any reason. Taxes, interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of sole remedy in law and equity shall be limited to a refund of the deposit without
court, purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. ground rent, water rent, and all other public charges and assessments payable on an court, purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. interest. If the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall be forfeited,
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the purchaser's default November 29, December 6, 13, 2022 12404064 annual basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, and front foot Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the purchaser's default to the Trustees for application against all expenses, attorney’s fees and the full
and purchaser shall have no further liability. The defaulted purchaser shall not be benefit charges, if applicable, to be adjusted for the current year to the date of sale, and purchaser shall have no further liability. The defaulted purchaser shall not be commission on the sale price of the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event
entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results of default, all expenses of this sale (including attorney’s fees and the full commission
from improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. The from improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will on the gross sale price of this sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the
convey either marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the ground rent escrow, if required. convey either marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if forfeited deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the property at the
ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser's Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes (including agricultural transfer taxes, ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser's risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser or may avail themselves of any legal or
sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. BIDDERS ARE if applicable), and all settlement charges shall be borne by the purchaser. If the sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. BIDDERS ARE equitable remedies against the defaulting purchaser without reselling the property.
STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO FOLLOW CDC GUIDANCE AND WEAR A COVER OVER Substitute Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable title, the purchaser’s STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO FOLLOW CDC GUIDANCE AND WEAR A COVER OVER In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to receive the
BOTH NOSE AND MOUTH AND PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING AT THE AUCTION. sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to the refund of the deposit to the BOTH NOSE AND MOUTH AND PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING AT THE AUCTION. surplus, if any, even if such surplus results from improvements to the property by said
(Matter No. 341687-2) purchaser. Upon refund of the deposit, the sale shall be void and of no effect, and (Matter No. 46132-7) defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall be liable to the Trustees and
the purchaser shall have no further claim against the Substitute Trustees. Purchaser secured party for reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses incurred in connection with
shall be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the property. The purchaser all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the resale. Trustees' file number
at the foreclosure sale shall assume the risk of loss for the property immediately after STATUS OF UPCOMING SALES
STATUS OF UPCOMING SALES the sale. (Matter #17-603220).
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Substitute Trustees
Laura H. G. O'Sullivan, et al., Substitute Trustees
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15 points and six assists. Blake Forward Jayson Tatum scored 16 of his 35 points in the first
Griffin scored a season-high nine quarter Monday as Boston built an insurmountable lead at home.
points for Boston.
Jalen McDaniels scored Gary Trent Jr. scored 14 points, l BULLS 114, JAZZ 107: De-
24 points and Kelly Oubre Jr. had Fred VanVleet had 13 and Scottie Mar DeRozan had 26 points and
22 for the Hornets, who lost for the Barnes added 11 as the Raptors six assists to lead Chicago to a win
12th time in 15 games. improved to 8-2 at home. over Utah in Salt Lake City.
It was 19-12 in the first quarter l NETS 109, MAGIC 102: Kev- Zach LaVine added 20 points,
when Boston scored 24 of the next in Durant scored a season-high 45 six rebounds and five assists for
28 points, hitting six straight points, carrying host Brooklyn to a the Bulls, and Nikola Vucevic fin-
three-pointers to put the game victory over Orlando that got it ished with 16 points and 10 re-
ROOF away early. Tatum had 16 points in back to .500. bounds.
Whether your project is a new roof, TUNE UP OFFER the opening quarter, Smart had 10 Kyrie Irving added 20 points
Mavericks linked to Walker
points and eight assists, and Brog- and Nic Claxton had 17 points and
a roofing tune-up, a solar don scored 10. 13 rebounds for the Nets, who had The Dallas Mavericks are close
installation, or nearly any other • Caulking & Sealing of Vents, The blowout came despite two to play the second half without to a deal with four-time all-star
kind of exterior service, you can Flashings & Nail Holes key contributors being out for the Ben Simmons after he was both- guard Kemba Walker, a person
Celtics. Jaylen Brown, who scored ered by knee soreness. with knowledge of the agreement
trust that American Home • Tightening of Loose Shingles 36 points in Sunday’s win over the l PELICANS 105, THUNDER told the Associated Press.
• Replacement of Up To Ten Washington Wizards, was side- 101: Zion Williamson scored 23 Walker’s career has been on
Contractors quality and reputation lined with neck stiffness. Al Hor- points, matched his career high hold because of knee injuries, but
is behind every job. Shingle Tabs ford (lower back stiffness) also with eight assists and converted a the 32-year-old could give super-
• Repair of Exposed Nail Heads missed the game, the second of a go-ahead three-point play with 44 star Luka Doncic some much-
back-to-back. seconds remaining to lift short- needed backcourt help for the
(Nail Tips) l 76ERS 104, HAWKS 101: handed New Orleans past Okla- struggling Mavericks.
FINANCING AVAILABLE • Replacement of Up To One Joel Embiid sank the go-ahead homa City at home. The person spoke to the AP on
Pipe Boot Gasket 14-footer with 18.6 seconds left With Brandon Ingram and C.J. the condition of anonymity be-
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and scored 30 points in his return
from a sprained left foot to lead
McCollum out for the Pelicans,
Williamson also had eight re-
cause the deal isn’t finalized and is
pending a physical. The agree-
Locally owned and operated host Philadelphia past Atlanta. bounds and three blocked shots ment was first reported on Sub-
Embiid twisted inside for a against a defense aimed at turning stack by longtime NBA reporter
bucket with 56 seconds left that him into a passer. Marc Stein.
pulled Philadelphia within one. l NUGGETS 129, ROCKETS Dallas is on a season-worst
The 76ers forced a shot clock viola- 113: Nikola Jokic had 32 points four-game losing streak to drop
tion with 31 seconds left, and that’s and 12 rebounds, Jamal Murray below .500.
when their all-star center went to scored a season-high 31, and host Walker played just 37 games
work for his biggest plays of the Denver cruised past Houston for last season, his only one with the
night. its third straight win. New York Knicks, because of
l RAPTORS 100, CAVALIERS Jokic, who has scored more chronic knee issues.
88: Pascal Siakam had 18 points than 30 points in three of his past The Mavericks announced that
MHIC# 31337-03 and 11 rebounds in his return after four games, finished two assists they had waived guard Facundo
DPOR 2705166638
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hat item or purchase made life just a little better this year? ¶ That was
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these gift ideas guide. Turn to Page E6 to see our favorite finds for cooking,
exercising, spending time at home, improving our mental health and more.
Some gifts are practical and affordable; others are definite splurges. ¶ But every
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Staff picks benefit the mind, body and even our pets they do the same for you and your loved ones this year. SEE GIFT GUIDE ON E6
How to feel less antsy about eating insects CAPITAL WEATHER GANG
A Revolution
advertising to sell insects, says
‘Taste is king’ ABCBIRDS.ORG
how to work insects into their
recipes in appealing ways. For ORNITHOLOGY
example, adding cricket powder
to marinara sauce, he says, adds With just hours to spare, scientists ‘re-discover’
Unlike traditional hearing aids that just make not only nutrition but umami.
“Taste is king,” Tamir says. Grass-
the rarest of birds on Papua New Guinea island
sounds louder through a speaker, Earlens hoppers, he says, have “umami BY E RIN B LAKEMORE on Fergusson Island was con-
offers the world’s only nonsurgical Lens to flavors — mainly mushrooms, pe- firmed by local hunters and Indig-
gently vibrate the eardrum. The result? cans, coffee and chocolate. They It has been 140 years since enous people, who helped re-
Rich, natural sound. enhance meaty flavors.” scientists identified the black- searchers identify potential loca-
Hargol is working with pro- naped pheasant pigeon in the tions. The scientists placed 20
cessed meat producers in the mountainous tropical forests of camera traps around the 555-
United States, Canada and Asia to Papua New Guinea’s Fergusson square-mile island at spots where
develop products like burgers, Island. Since then, the chicken- locals said they’d seen and heard
meatballs and sausage that will sized bird has been so elusive that the bird. The camera that finally
contain chicken, beef or other ornithologists began comparing captured an image and video of
Tiny Lens. Huge Difference. protein sources combined with it to Bigfoot. the pheasant pigeon was on a
ground grasshopper. Now, they’ve finally re-sighted steep, heavily jungled slope of Mt.
Earlens address the top two complaints of Pointing to a picture of a chick- it — and captured it on camera for Kilkerran.
hearing aid users: understanding speech in en and grasshopper patty proto- the first time ever — with just “I figured there was less than a
background noise and sound quality type, Tamir outlines Hargol’s sell- hours to spare on a scientific one-percent chance of getting a
ing points: It tastes better than expedition aimed at finding the photo of the Black-naped Pheas-
other burgers because of this long-lost bird. ant-Pigeon,” Jordan Boersma,
unique ingredient (which he Researchers are hailing the postdoctoral researcher at Cor-
leaves unnamed). “And then we sighting as a “re-discovery” of a nell University and co-leader of
can explain, it is better for the bird that is likely New Guinea’s the expedition team, said in a
environment, it is better for your most endangered, and they say release. “Then as I was scrolling
health.” they never could have accom- through the photos, I was
plished it without the help of stunned by this photo of this bird
Creating a new norm Indigenous communities. walking right past our camera.”
Watching others enjoy insects The bird was caught on camera Despite the sighting, the scien-
may also help break down barri- in late September. Scientists iden- tists believe the birds are few in
ers. In Sanchez’s entomophagy tified it on an expedition funded number and critically endan-
classes, she discusses how she by the Search for Lost Birds, a gered. They say they’ll cooperate
enjoys eating insects herself. She quest to identify lost bird species with local communities on Fer-
never forces anyone to try insects, worldwide sponsored by the gusson Island to use the first-ever
84% >2.5x Up to 58% though most, she says, do. American Bird Conservancy, photo and video sightings of the
found Earlens improved the audible bandwidth improvement in speech
Back at the pavilion in Lancast- BirdLife International, eBird and ground-dwelling bird to help con-
the effort required to carry of conventional hearing aids understanding in noise er County, after Welk popped that Re:wild. The organizations want serve the species.
on conversations cooked mealworm into her to help science rediscover 150 The bird was previously known
mouth, many others followed bird species that have not yet been to science from just two speci-
suit. Welk’s 8-year-old sister, Leo- marked extinct, but that have not mens first collected by naturalist
na, wasn’t so sure. They taste been observed in the past decade. Andrew Goldie and named and
better than sprinkles, Sanchez The black-naped pheasant pi- described by British ornitholo-
assured her. geon may have been lost to sci- gists Frederick DuCane Godman
Call for a complimentary Leona watched as family mem- ence, but its continued existence and Osbert Salvin in 1883.
consultation bers tried the insects. The pro-
gram was about to wrap up when
(703) 534-4344 she finally marched over to the
demo table, reached for a meal-
worm, and ate it. “It didn’t taste HEALTH & S CIEN CE
like anything,” she shrugged. “I’m
8120 Gatehouse Rd • Falls Church, VA
still not putting them on my ice
www.fairfaxhearing.com cream.” Editors: Margaret Shapiro, Mary-Ellen Deily •
Art Director: Elizabeth von Oehsen • Photo Editor: Bronwen Latimer •
A longer version of this article Copy Editor: Ron Jones • Advertising Information: Ron Ulrich,
ML00769vA originally appeared in the Front 202-334-5289, [email protected] • To contact us:
Corinne Pyne, Au.D. Gena Marino, Au.D. Matter section of the Proceedings of Email: [email protected]. Mail: The Washington Post, Health,
the National Academy of Sciences. 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20071
irritation and unpleasant tin-
dewy booty (and the gling.
surrounding area) is Apply the deodorant in the
unavoidable in certain groin fold. If you use it on your
climates and during vulva, use as little as possible and
certain activities — as keep it on the outside part only,
are certain aromas that come never on the inner lips, Lincoln
with it. But this process is just a says. And never put any deodoriz-
part of being a human being, and ing or cleansing product (a.k.a.
a glistening groin isn’t really a douches) inside your vagina.
problem until we make it one. Douches mess up the vagina’s
“Vaginas are supposed to smell microbiome and can increase the
like vaginas,” says Jennifer Lin- risks of contracting human papil-
coln, a board-certified obstetri- lomavirus infection (HPV) and
cian/gynecologist in Portland, upper genital tract infections.
Ore. “It’s not going to smell like a Lincoln also says to continually
piña colada, nor should it.” keep an eye out for irritation
People in need of dental care are treated at the Remote Area Medical Yet, the feminine hygiene aisle because you could be using de-
clinic at the Tennessee Valley Fairgrounds in Knoxville in 2019. is filled with flowery, fruity and odorant for months with no issue
“fresh” scented products to help and then all of a sudden have a
mask “womanly” aromas. And reaction. “If that happens, stop
More than 1 in 4 U.S. adults — 26 percent — while direct-to-consumer brands, use immediately,” she says. “And if
have untreated dental cavities, according to such as Lume, aren’t available in you’re worried, get it checked
oral health data gathered by the Centers for walk-in stores, they are ubiqui- out.”
Disease Control and Prevention. In addition, tous on social media.
nearly half (46 percent) of adults 30 and older Whether the deodorant is mar- Home remedies
have signs of gum disease, and 13 percent of keted specifically for your private ROSEMARY CALVERT/GETTY IMAGES Lincoln has tips for dealing
youths ages 5 to 19 have untreated tooth parts or elsewhere, is it ever a with smelly situations without
percent decay. Worldwide, untreated cavities (also
called caries) are the most common oral
good idea to put it on these
sensitive areas?
it with something that’s totally
inappropriate, it’s just going to
use in genital areas are especially
problematic because while arm-
putting money back into the ma-
chine that churns out harmful
health issue, affecting more than 2 billion people, and severe gum Lincoln, who wrote the book make it worse.” pit deodorants are sold to all, marketing toward women.
disease affects about 1 billion people, according to a new report on “Let’s Talk About Down There: An most products geared for private “There’s not a whole lot to it,” she
oral health from the World Health Organization. Calling the global OB/GYN Answers All Your Burn- Problem with deodorants parts target women. says. “Less is more.”
situation “alarming,” WHO officials say nearly half of the world’s ing Questions . . . Without Mak- It’s not only the ingredients but “Whenever you introduce Stop wearing synthetic skiv-
population has untreated oral diseases, and that these illnesses affect ing You Feel Embarrassed for also the marketing. Some “natu- shame-based marketing into vies. Wear breathable cotton un-
more people worldwide than mental disorders, cardiovascular Asking,” talked with us about how ral” brands use fear-based tactics something that has to do with derwear instead of synthetics,
disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease and cancers combined. safe these products are and to get people to pay a premium for feminine hygiene, you’re in a which trap moisture and cause
The WHO argues that oral health care should be part of universal whether people really need them. their products while some brands whole different arena, and you more bacteria to grow, leading to
health coverage, “either free of charge or at a price that people can use shame-based tactics to con- really have the ability to do much more discharge and more scent.
afford,” adding that too many people do not have access to needed Dealing with odor vince women they should be em- more harm,” Lincoln says. “We Use unscented body wash and
dental care. Dental health experts generally recommend dental visits “When people come to me with barrassed by the way they smell. already have patients who come soap. Scented products and
once or twice a year for a routine examination and cleaning, noting concerns about controlling vagi- Natural isn’t necessarily bet- in embarrassed of their labia, hair washes can be irritating and
that treatment for dental problems found early is usually simpler and nal odor, the first question I ask ter. The purpose of deodorant — and scent. These products take cause more discharge. Instead,
more affordable. Cavities generally stem from plaque that builds up is, ‘Why do you feel that you need for armpits or other parts — is to advantage of those insecurities use unscented soap or just plain
on teeth that are not well cleaned, and it can become hardened to?’ ” Lincoln says. “We want to fight odor by inhibiting the odor- because if we feel bad, dirty and water to wash the external genita-
(known as tartar) and irritate the gums, leading to gum disease get to the root of who or what is causing bacteria in your sweat. shameful, we’re going to spend lia.
(gingivitis). To prevent dental problems, dentists’ recommendations making you feel bad. It could be Some deodorants marketed as money to buy these things.” Don’t wear panty liners. Some
include brushing for two minutes twice a day with a soft-bristled that you’re self-conscious because “natural” use ingredients such as people use panty liners to battle
toothbrush, using fluoride toothpaste, replacing toothbrushes at least it’s been normalized for women to baking soda, activated charcoal What to wear down there odor, but they actually trap dis-
every three or four months and using floss to clean between the teeth think this, but there’s actually no and tea tree oil for their antimi- If you are concerned about charge, making you smell more.
at least once a day. odor beyond your normal scent.” crobial and deodorizing proper- groin-area odors and really want Sprinkle on some cornstarch.
— Linda Searing So what should a vagina smell ties. And manufacturers claim to use a deodorant, an unscented It’s really great for absorbing
like? “Some describe it as a light these products are safer because solid deodorant can be safe to use. odors. Pat it in the groin area —
musty odor,” Lincoln says. “Like of the lack of controversial ingre- Keyword one: solid. Studies again only on the outside parts —
any body part that has discharge, dients, such as aluminum, artifi- have shown that deodorant before you get dressed.
it’s certainly not supposed to cial fragrances, sulfates and para- sprays and vaginal powders may Take it off. Try not wearing
HEA L T H SCAN smell like nothing.” bens. increase women’s susceptibility underwear when you go to bed.
When you should be concerned “This list represents a lot of the to urinary tract infections, bacte- And try changing you’re under-
is when it’s clearly a foul-smelling flawed logic behind ‘clean beau- rial vaginosis and sexually trans- wear during the day.
odor that’s different from your ty,’ ” says Ranella Hirsch, a derma- mitted infections, and may be
usual scent. An infection might tologist based in Cambridge, linked to an increased risk of
cause a very strong or fishy smell, Mass. Natural product brands ovarian cancer.
Lincoln says. Often, but not al- stoke people’s fears to sell alterna- Keyword two: unscented.
ways, it’s accompanied by other tives that are often more expen- “Never ever put anything with Consumer Reports is an
symptoms, such as itching, burn- sive but not always gentler on the fragrance on or near the vulva,” independent, nonprofit organization
ing, painful discharge or sores. body, Hirsch says. Baking soda Lincoln says. “You’re just asking that works side by side with
“If you’re concerned that you and natural fragrances, like es- for a skin reaction.” Any fragranc- consumers to create a fairer, safer,
have an infection, go see the sential oils, seem innocent es, including those marketed as and healthier world. CR does not
doctor before any self-treatment, enough, but Hirsch says they are skin-safe or natural, can break endorse products or services, and
whether it’s using a deodorant or frequent causes of dermatologi- down sensitive skin and cause does not accept advertising. CR has
taking over-the-counter meds,” cal irritation. infection. no financial relationship with
Lincoln says. “If there really is a Feeding off consumer insecu- Make sure the product doesn’t advertisers in this publication. Read
problem and you’re self-treating rities. Deodorants marketed for contain baking soda, tea tree oil more at ConsumerReports.org.
suffer long-term symptoms. could identify the condition in whiteouts occur when a person is
The scientists sequenced the other patients. ready to pass out because of a could cause fainting symptoms, which you could think is a “Closing one eye is actually
RNA of 152 patients with post- A genetic test would be an sudden drop in blood pressure. including whiteout,” says Dean whiteout, plus floaters, go to an what you should do if you have
treatment Lyme disease. The improvement on current FDA- About 1 in 3 people will faint at M. Cestari, a neuro- eye doctor to rule out that sudden vision loss — close the eye
condition’s symptoms vary, but approved tests, which identify some point in their lives. ophthalmologist at Mass General condition,” says Cestari. “Or if you think is affected. You can
they can include fatigue, brain antibodies that can take weeks to “Fainting can be benign when Brigham Mass Eye and Ear in they happen suddenly, go to the cover your eye, but it’s best to
fog and pain for those who have emerge. it’s related to a sudden stress,” Boston and associate professor of ER.” close it, so you don’t spread out
received antibiotic treatment for The research was conducted says Sarah Thornton, a neuro- ophthalmology at Harvard But whiteouts typically are not your fingers and obscure
Lyme disease. They compared by scientists from the Icahn ophthalmologist at Wills Eye Medical School. Other such associated with strokes or anything,” Cestari says. “Then see
the data with RNA sequenced School of Medicine at Mount Hospital in Philadelphia. conditions can include transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), what you see out of the other eye.
from 72 patients with acute Lyme Sinai in New York and the Johns “Standing up too fast, arrhythmias, heart failure and says Eric R. Eggenberger, an If everything looks normal, you
disease — earlier symptoms, such Hopkins University School of overexerting, becoming atrial fibrillation. ophthalmologist and neurologist lost vision in the eye you’ve
as a rash or facial paralysis — and Medicine. Earlier this year, sev- dehydrated or taking certain Whiteouts can also have at the Mayo Clinic in closed, and you can tell your
44 controls without the infec- eral of the researchers from medications can also lead to neurological implications. Jacksonville, Fla. doctor you lost vision in that
tion. Johns Hopkins published a study hypotension — low blood “Transient visual obscurations, “In general, stroke-type events single eye. If everything looks
The data showed differences along with scientists from the pressure — and potentially, a also known as TVOs, last cause a painless sudden onset, weird, you’ve lost vision in your
in gene expression in those with University of California at San whiteout.” seconds,” says Cestari. “They can and a pure blackout or loss of right eye, too. Knowing this
acute and chronic Lyme disease. Francisco announcing that they A less common risk: appear as flashes of white light vision, often involving the upper information can help your doctor
Researchers further pared down had developed a panel of 31 “Whiteouts can occur with and cause a loss of vision. TVOs or lower half of the visual field in determine a cause.”
the list by comparing the gene biomarkers that allowed them to changes in G force,” says Geist, for are caused by swelling of the only one eye,” Eggenberger says. Again, make note of how long
expression of those with Lyme accurately identify Lyme disease instance, in a car accident or on a optic nerve and can happen when “In contrast, whiteouts typically the whiteout lasted as precisely
disease with that observed in in 95.2 percent of patients. roller coaster. A whiteout caused you change position, say, involve both eyes and begin in a as possible.
by physical stress or exertion will standing up quickly.” 360-degree peripheral pattern It’s always worth consulting an
clear within just a few minutes. TVOs are a symptom of with a slower progressive optometrist or ophthalmologist
papilledema, a rare swelling of constriction toward the center of or your primary care physician
Something more serious? the optic disk swelling caused by your vision.” after experiencing a whiteout.
First he was hoarse. Although fainting is usually inced intracranial pressure (ICP). “Discuss the episode, along with
Take notes
Then he couldn’t chew… benign, always tell your doctor if
you’ve fainted — occasionally,
ICP can be caused by brain
tumors or hemorrhages. To help your doctor determine
any other symptoms you may
have experienced, to help
Read “Medical Mysteries,” Tuesdays in Health & Science. whiteouts and fainting are tied to A retinal detachment is the exact cause of a whiteout, try determine the underlying cause
something serious. another possibility. “If you have to determine whether only one and to identify the appropriate
wapo.st/medicalmysteries “An underlying heart any kind of new-onset vision loss eye is affected. It might not be treatment, if necessary,” Geist
condition, such as aortic stenosis, in which you see flashes of light, immediately apparent. adds.
Gibbs discovered that Female in Britain, though similar initia- much wilderness or wild left.”
2’s days-long departure from the tives are underway in other parts Funds are being raised for ABOVE: The calf, born in
herd was actually the best-case of Europe and North America. Wilder Blean, all of which will go September, is getting stronger
scenario: She had secluded her- Three female bison were toward rewilding — a conserva- every day. Bison are considered
self to give birth to the first wild brought from wildlife parks in tion effort intended to replenish ecosystem engineers.
bison born in Britain in more Scotland and Ireland to a 500- land and restore it to its natural RIGHT: Bison rangers Tom
than six millennia. “It was such a acre area in July and will even- state. Gibbs and Donovan Wright.
magical moment, and so iconic tually be joined by wild horses “To me, rewilding is about
what it represents for conserva- and pigs. While the goal is for the working with nature and using
tion and wilding in this country,” animals to fend for themselves in nature’s natural processes to re-
said Gibbs, who first spotted the the wild, they are being closely generate wildlife,” said Whitfield,
baby bison on Sept. 9. monitored and slowly weaned off explaining that the bison will and fertilizing the soil with their
“I saw this little face pop out supplemental food — which is accomplish that task “just by liv- manure, encouraging the growth
from behind mom,” he said. Gibbs what they were fed previously in ing and moving through the of herbs, fungi and other species.
stood there for two hours, “just parks. woodland.” “They create this little micro-
watching the calf and the mom,” “We want to remain as hands- Traditional conservation habitat for reptiles, lichens, rare
he said, adding that bison natu- off as possible, but their welfare is methods managed by humans — herbs and fungi,” Whitfield said.
rally conceal signs of pregnancy at the absolute heart of what we such as woodland coppicing, a “I was really pleasantly sur-
to stave off predators, so the do,” Gibbs said. The team is pay- practice of cutting down trees to prised by how quickly you can see
rangers had no clue she was ex- ing close attention to the calf — stimulate new growth — aren’t as the changes,” said Whitfield, add- NULL/GEMMA DAY
pecting. “I wanted to scream it who is the fourth member of the effective, he said, “which is why ing that more animals are expect-
from the rooftops.” herd. we need rewilding approaches ed to arrive shortly, including a want to facilitate similar bison work each day, watching the wild
The birth was a happy surprise The birth is a big deal for a where we’re not trying to keep it bull to breed with the three fe- projects. “It’s already inspiring calf grow and thrive — and the
for the team of rangers working number of reasons, including as is, we’re trying to make it male bison. other people.” environment around her do the
on the Wilder Blean project, that bison were once on the brink much, much better.” “We thought the earliest we’d More broadly, he said, when it same. She enjoys playing in the
which brings grazing animals to of extinction. European bison Unlike humans, bison natural- have calves was autumn next comes to our climate, the world rain, dust bathing and imitating
the West Blean and Thornden were nearly driven to their de- ly nurture the land and work year,” Whitfield said. As more needs some positive develop- her elders.
Woods in Kent as a way to address mise in the early-20th century intuitively to create “niches for animals join the mix, “we’re hop- ments. “To see her getting stronger
climate and biodiversity crises. due to excessive hunting. Only a other species to move in and ing for all sorts of surprises.” So “The vast majority of environ- every day and being really inquis-
“Bison are this amazing, versa- small number survived and were thrive,” Whitfield said. “It creates far, the unexpected birth of the mental news is incredibly bleak. itive and cheeky, to be able to
tile tool,” said Gibbs, adding that kept in wildlife parks and zoos. a far more complicated, rich, di- baby bison has been the highlight It’s doom, it’s gloom, it’s statistics share in that is so humbling,”
he hopes they will be one of the Paul Whitfield, the director verse habitat.” of the project. of how many species we’ve lost, Gibbs said. “We’re like proud bi-
keys to help reverse troubling general of Wildwood Trust, said In the short time since the “No one is saying this area of and how terrible things are,” son dads.”
environmental trends in the area. all 9,000 bison living in Europe bison arrived on the land, they Kent is going to change the world, Whitfield said. “In a world that’s Above all, the calf has given the
Bison serve as ecosystem engi- are descended from only 12 zoo have begun transforming the but what it is showing is that we on fire, in this little corner of team hope for a healthier planet.
neers — a term used to describe animals. The calf’s recent birth, habitat for the better, by carving can do it,” said Whitfield, who has Kent, here’s this little ray of hope.” “It’s a rare sunshine,” Gibbs said.
species that can alter and main- he said, is a major step toward paths throughout the forest al- been in communication with two Whitfield, Gibbs and the rest of “It’s the first step into a really
tain a habitat. The shaggy-haired growing the population. Bison lowing the sunshine to pour in, other U.K. organizations that the Wilder Blean team marvel at exciting future.”
o hard to
o to sleep
What do Why do
snacks? Add the experts.
hen II do now?
I have one extra
A Vitamix blender A composting set for the kitchen A better travel mug
Spending nearly $500 on a blender is a definite splurge. But there’s a reason Vitamix has These hardy UNNI bags hold vegetable peels, This Hydro Flask coffee mug is perfect for the morn-
such an avid following. Its motor and blades are incredibly powerful, meaning you can take eggshells and other compostable materials and easily ing commute. The 16-ounce insulated metal bottle
fruits straight from the freezer and whip up a sorbet in a matter of minutes. It’s the perfect go from freezer to drop-off bins at farmers markets, has a wide mouth that makes it easy to pour in a
gift for someone who thinks ice cream is a daily necessity (like me) but is looking for a grocery stores and other places. If like me, you don’t French press worth of coffee as I dash out the door.
healthier alternative made with only fruit. Plus, these blenders are built to last and come have much counter space to spare, you also could try Once I’m on the road, biking to the newsroom, it
with a seven-year warranty. Price: $479.95 — Emily Codik, assistant editor the EPICA Stainless Steel Compost Bin. It’s compact, doesn’t leak a drop. And that little handle on the top
easy to clean and doesn’t leak. At 1.3 gallons, it can is actually nifty when you’re juggling your lunch,
hold about a week or more worth of compost, and a badge and phone to swipe inside. The best part: The
replaceable charcoal filter ably controls odors. Price: bottle is a breeze to clean. Price: $24.71 — Teddy Ame-
$13.95 for bags and $22.95 for the bin — Anjuman nabar, reporter
Ali, deputy editor
An inflatable paddle board The perfect men’s running shorts A session in a sensory-deprivation tank
Paddle boarding is the perfect antidote to sitting all Pockets are essential when I run so I can carry my Nothing relaxes me like a session in a sensory-deprivation float tank, sometimes described as
day. An inflatable board is even better because you phone, keys, credit card and energy gel. But for “flotation therapy.” The water is body temperature and saturated with Epsom salts so you float
can take it with you anywhere, inflate it within whatever reason, a lot of running shorts don’t come easily. You can choose to have music and lights, or go for the full experience in complete silence and
minutes and float onto any waterway you encounter with real pockets except for a small key pouch. That’s darkness. Physically, it soothes and relaxes my muscles. Mentally, it puts me in a meditative state. I
when you travel. I’m always surprised by the sounds why I’m a fan of Rabbit men’s Beach Break 5-inch always come out feeling like my brain’s capacity for creativity has been recharged. A gift card for a
as I start to glide, the banks protected by the dipping shorts, which have four pockets: two on each side, session or two is an ideal gift for the artist in your life. Price:$60 to $99 per float, depending on how
branches, the birds soaring from the trees. Paddle and zip pockets on the front and back. Price: $68 — many sessions you purchase. — Chelsea Conrad, illustrator and news designer
boarding is meditation and exercise all wrapped Kelyn Soong, fitness reporter
inside a glorious nature bath. I love Red’s inflatable
board ($1,399), but for a more affordable option, try
Atoll’s version ($595). — Bronwen Latimer, associate
director of photography
A mat for dog snacks Bed and stairs for special-needs dogs
My pup loves this silicone lick mat, and I love that I I have a 4-year-old pup with special needs and am
can throw it in the dishwasher after he has a treat. constantly on the lookout for things to make her life
You can spread out a snack such as peanut butter or more comfortable. A BarkBox memory foam bed
canned pumpkin, and the grooves on the mat will promises therapeutic support while also helping to
help entertain your dog while giving them a soothing alleviate body aches and joint pain. I paired it with a
and simulating way to enjoy their treat. Plus, it’s foam staircase, which comes in various colors and
small enough to be a stocking stuffer. Price: $15.99 — sizes, to help her get onto the couch and bed. Yes,
Aviva Loeb, assistant editor she’s allowed! Bonus: Both items have covers that are
machine washable. Price: $42.99-$75.99 — Lindsey
Bever, reporter
All prices subject to change.