Ecotile ESD Training Presentation
Ecotile ESD Training Presentation
Ecotile ESD Training Presentation
Training Handbook
Index 11. Why Should I Be Concerned About ESD / Static Discharge
1. The ESD Gospel – What are you trying to achieve? 12. Problems / Damage That Can Be Caused By Static
2. The requirements for an ESD floor system Discharge/ESD
3. What should I have – Static Dissipative or Static 13. Examples Of ESD Sensitive Devices
Conductive Flooring 14. What Are The Main Generators Of Static
4. Static Dissipative & Static Conductive Flooring 15. How Can You Prevent ESD Damage
Comparison Chart 16. How Do You Prevent Your People From Creating A Static
5. How should you test your floor & The System Risk
1. Surface Resistance 17. Setting Up An Esd Control System & What Are The Key
2. Resistance to Ground of the floor
3. Resistance to Ground of the system
4. Walking Test / Human Body Model 18. ESD – The International Industry Standards
6. Interpreting your test results – Scientific Notation 19. The Requirements For An ESD Floor System
7. Summary 20. How To Test Your Esd Floor
8. What Is Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) 21. Interpreting Your Test Results – Scientific Notation
9. Definitions & Examples 22. Myths Regarding ESD
10. What Are The Main Generators Or Static & How Static
Discharge Can Damage Components
The ESD Gospel: IEC / BS EN 61340-5-1:2007
IEC / BS EN 61340-5-1:2007 applies to activities that involve manufacture, process, assemble, install, package, label, service,
test, inspect, transport or otherwise handling off electrical or electronic parts, assemblies and equipment susceptible to
damage by electrostatic discharges greater than or equal to 100 V human body model (HBM).
IEC / BS EN 61340-5-1 provides the requirements for an ESD control program. The user should refer to IEC 61340-5-2 for
guidance on the implementation of this standard. This standard does not apply to electrically initiated explosive devices,
flammable liquids, gases and powders. The purpose of BS EN 61340-5-1 is to provide the administrative and technical
requirements for establishing, implementing and maintaining an ESD control program.
• The fundamental ESD control principles that form the basis of this Standard are as follows:
– Avoid a discharge from any charged, conductive object (personnel and especially automated handling equipment)
into the ESDS.
– Avoid a discharge from any charged ESD sensitive device. Charging can result from direct contact and separation or
it can be field induced.
– Once outside of an electrostatic discharge protected area (hereinafter referred to as an EPA) it is often not possible
to control the above items, therefore, ESD protective packaging may be required. ESD protection can be achieved by
enclosing ESD sensitive products in static protective materials, although the type of material depends on the
situation and destination.
Each company has different processes, and so will require a different blend of ESD prevention measures for an optimum ESD
control program. It is vital that these measures are selected, based on technical necessity and carefully documented in an ESD
control program plan, so that all concerned can be sure of the program requirements.
The Requirements For An ESD Flooring System
The International standards details the requirements for an ESD floor system: IEC/ BS
EN / DIN 61340-5-1 standard Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic
phenomena – General Requirements.
In order to be able to undertake the measurements in accordance with the standards
and the Human Body Model (HMB) the flooring must be tested:
1. For Resistance to ground of the floor by itself - Rgp of the flooring to earth if floor
surface to be used as your primary grounding point
2. For Resistance to ground of the SYSTEM – i.e. in combination with the person, shoes
and flooring - Rgsystem of the system “person/shoes/flooring” against protective
earth or function earth
3. For Surface Resistance of the floor surface
4. To measure the level of charge generated whilst walking on the floor - Walking test
– Measurement of the body voltage U
The Requirements For An ESD Flooring System
The sections Specific to Flooring & More Importantly the combination of the Individual, Footwear & Flooring
are detailed within:
• IEC / BS EN 61340-4-1 ed2.0 - Electrostatics - Part 4-1: Standard test methods for specific applications -
Electrical resistance of floor coverings and installed floors (New Version expected 04/2015)
• IEC / BS EN 61340-4-5 ed1.0 - Electrostatics - Part 4-5: Standard test methods for specific applications -
Methods for characterizing the electrostatic protection of footwear and flooring in combination with a
These standards can also be cross referenced with: IEC 60364, IEC/TS 60479-1, IEC/TS 60479-2,IEC 60749-
26, IEC 61010-1, IEC 61140, IEC 61340-2-3, IEC 61340-4-1, IEC 61340-4-3, IEC 61340-4-5, IEC/TR 61340-5-
60364, EN 60749-26:2006, EN 61010-1:2001, EN 61010-1:2001/Corrigendum:2002, EN 61140:2002, EN 61340-
2-3:2000, EN 61340-4-1:2004, EN 61340-4-3:2001, EN 61340-4-5:2004, IEC 60749-27,IEC 61340-1-2, EN 60749-
The Requirements For An ESD Flooring System
Target Zone for a safe and compliant ESD Floor - See BELOW for Specific
Application Guidance
Meets Standard for use as Primary Ground in Electronics Manufacturing & Handling
Facilities according to BS EN 61340-5-1 / ANSI20:20 / IEC BS EN 61340-5-1
Meets Standard for use as Secondary Ground in Electronics Manufacturing & Handling
Facilities according to BS EN 61340-5-1 / ANSI20:20 / IEC BS EN 61340-5-1
Meets Motorola R56 / ATIS-0600321 / FAA STD 019e for Calls Centres, Telecommunication
Facilities, Flight Control Centres etc.
Wrong test method – Do not use prong contacts to test the floor, insufficient surface contact.
Correct Test Method – Use weights or suitable test plate to ensure good surface contact.
• Resistance to Ground of the FLOOR– To measure the resistance to ground of the floor
tiles in isolation test from the tile to either the grounding stud or the grounding tape
(not via the grounding cord because the cord includes a 1 megW resistor). To test the
resistance to ground of the entire floor system test place one probe on the floor and
connect the other connection to the end of the grounding cord.
Correct Test Method 1 - Test from the floor first to your grounding point to test the resistance to
ground of the floor – Target Resistance to be less than 1 x 10 E6. i.e. Suitable for use within an EPA zone /
electronics manufacturing facility
• Resistance to Ground of the SYSTEM– To measure the resistance to ground of the
system (the combination of the person, footwear and floor) hold one probe in the palm
of your hand, connect the other probe to your grounding point and test. The results
should be from 1 x 106 or 1 MegW and not exceed 3.5 x 107 or 35MegW.
Test the resistance via the grounding cord with Test the resistance of the system, the individual,
the 1megW the footwear and the floor.
Correct Test Method 2 - Test from the floor next to your grounding point to test the resistance to
ground of the floor via the grounding cord with the 1megW resistor – Target Resistance to be between 1 x
10 E6 and 3.5 x 10 x E7. i.e. The safety zone in the event of an electrical short circuit.
• Walking Test / Human Body Model – Test for tribo-electric charging, to see the
approximate body voltage electrical charges generated on the human body while
walking or moving across floor use a static field meter whilst wearing the appropriate
footwear & test what body voltage is created. The voltage should not exceed 100V
• Cradle the field meter in the palm of your hand. Once the Meter is
grounded and you are standing on the floor to be tested, walk around,
shuffle your feet, raise a foot or use the random walking pattern to
determine if the combination of footwear and substrate produces an
electrical charge. If an electrical charge is generated and induced onto
the human body, the amount of the charge will be registered on the
• This test can be done regardless of the type of footwear or substrate
• Target – The individual should not generate a charge in excess of 100V
Using the Personal HBM Test Fixture to measure charges on the body
•The amount (or size) of the charge generated will vary from one human body to another. Other factors such as
humidity, contamination between the foot and flooring surface, as well as human body capacitance will also affect the
amount of charge generated.
Interpreting your Test Results - Scientific Notation
0.429mW = 4.29 x 105 - Explanation: 0.429 is between 0.1 and 1 is in the range for 105 and the 0.429 represents where in the range it is located
5.9Meg = 5900kW = 5.9 x 106 - Explanation: 5.9 between 1 and 10 is in the range for 106 and the 5.9 represents where in the range it is located
There are multiple factors that can impact on the results that you will get, humidity, temperature, cleaning
methods, dust and dirt on the floor, how well hydrated the individual undertaking the test is!!! To achieve both
a floor that is safe for the manufacture of components that are susceptible to damage from electro-static
discharge and that is also safe for the individual to work on you MUST view the system as an entirety:
• The floor should have a resistance ideally between 5 x 104 or 50,000W and not exceed 1 x 106 or 1MegW.
This allows a margin for error in the event of low humidity or dirt build up on the floor. This will ensure
that individual working on the floor will safely discharge any electrical charge that they may build up
whilst working within the area covered by your ESD floor.
• The floor should be grounded using a grounding cord with a 1Meg, in the event of an electrical short
circuit the resistor will blow and the route to ground will be cut ensuring the safety of the individual
• The floor must be viewed as part of an ESD system, the floor, the footwear and the individual have to be
tested in conjunction with the objective that the overall resistance of the system does not exceed 3.5 x
107 or 35MegW.
Remember that an ESD floor will only work if used in conjunction with ESD shoes or ESD heel straps, without
the appropriate footwear the floor will ensure that the individual will not generate more than 100V whilst
working on the floor but it will not discharge any electrical charge that the individual has built up via other
activities (i.e. handling packaging materials, walking across carpet etc.)
A Brief Explanation Of What ESD Is And The
Effects It Can Have On Your Industry
What is Electrostatic discharge (ESD)
Electrostatic discharge is the sudden flow of electricity between two electrically charged objects
caused by contact, an electrical short, or dielectric breakdown. A build-up of static electricity can
be caused by tribocharging or by electrostatic induction. The ESD occurs when differently-charged
objects are brought close together or when the dielectric between them breaks down.
ESD can cause a range of harmful effects of importance in industry, including gas, fuel vapour and
coal dust explosions, as well as failure of solid state electronics components such as integrated
circuits. These can suffer permanent damage when subjected to high voltages. Electronics
manufacturers therefore establish electrostatic protective areas free of static, using measures to
prevent charging, such as avoiding highly charging materials and measures to remove static such as
grounding human workers, providing antistatic devices, and controlling humidity.
What Causes Static Electricity? - Static Electricity is caused by friction between and separation of
two materials. This phenomenon is also called Triboelectric Charging
• Insulator: A material with high resistance (> 1012 Ohm)
• Electrostatic Conductor: A material with low resistance (< 106 Ohm)
• Static Dissipative: A material with an electrical resistance between the electrostatic conductive
and anti-static range (106 Ohm < dissipative > 109 Ohm)
• Antistatic / Low Tribocharging: Material that minimizes the generation of electrostatic charge
range (109 Ohm <anti-static> 1011 Ohm)
Examples of Levels of static discharge?
• Approx. 3 000 V - You Can Feel It
• Approx. 5 000 V - You Can Hear It
• Approx. 10 000 V - You Can See It
• Electronic devices can be damaged by static discharge of 100 V or less
Some Examples Of Electrostatic Charging (Values are subject to humidity levels & temperature)
• Working Behind A Desk (Approx. 2,000v )
• Walking On A Vinyl Floor (Approx. 8,000v )
• Walking On A Carpet (Approx. 20,000v )
What Are The Main Generators Of Static ?
The Primary Cause of Static is People
• Walking across Floor Surfaces
• Moving and creating Friction between their Chairs Work
• Handling Packaging Materials?
• Handling & Contact With Containers, Tools, Machinery?
ESD precautions are often treated with cynicism but without doubt with ESD it is a fact that even when it doesn't seem to
affect anything, every small discharge does cause some damage, whether it's pitting of the silicon, vaporizing a little bit of the
bonding wire, removing some of the metalisation on one of the semiconductor layers, or some other effect, it will physically
alter the product. ESD damage cannot be detected without removing the silicon from the package and inspecting it, or, in
cases where the damage is hidden in-between layers, by slicing the silicon into very thin sheets where the damage is likely to
have occurred.
In most cases, most uses of a given part won't be measurably altered by the change. Most people over engineer their designs
so they aren't using them anywhere near their limit, so there's a huge margin where a pitted part will work just fine. However
over time repeated use of the component or subsequent discharges will potentially change the part enough that it will behave
slightly out of spec. If you are fortunate the one small discharge will cause enough damage that when you do use it or test it to
full capacity, it will fail prior to shipping or installing the component. If the damage / failure happens once you've deployed it
in the field the cost of repair / replacement is increased significantly or subject to the components use / application the risk
could be more than just cost!
Latent defects are almost impossible to spot and usually far more
expensive to rectify.
The Consequences Of ESD Failures
• Higher (Direct) Failure Rate
• Interruption Of Production
• Compromised Product Quality
• Higher Service Costs
• Dissatisfied Customers
• “Touching a grounded object gives enough ESD -protection” - When you touch a grounded conductive
object you will be discharged but electrostatic charging is an ongoing / continuous process
• “When a component is assembled on a PCB, nothing can happen” - Partly true: components on a PCB are
less sensitive but they can still be damaged by direct ESD or induction fields.
• “Only some PCB’s should be handled with care” - Some PCB’s may be, but how do you know which ones?
There are usually a large number of different components on a PCB with different levels of sensitivity.
• “Components can only be damaged by direct contact” – Not true, Induction can cause ESD damages
without the need for physical contact
• “PCB’s not handled with care during the production process, but tested successfully are ok” – Not True, it is
impossible to test for most latent defects.
• Low Tribocharging / Antistatic flooring / bags / bench top matting will give all the ESD protection I need –
Not True anti-static surfaces do not protect the components from induction (No Faraday – cage) and will
not conduct or discharge any static build up already present in the individual.
• ESD is not a problem in an environment with a high relative humidity - In a high relative humidity, some
charge will be drained via the surface but not a sufficient charge and not usually fast enough. Secondly,
humidity in the air varies per day while most buildings are conditioned at lower relative humidity due to
risk of corrosion and contamination to components.