Baseline TOR Final

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Baseline Survey TOR PIE/ORDA Amhara WASH Program


Baseline Survey Terms of Reference (TOR) for

Empowering Girls and Women through Improved Water Supply and
Sanitation Project in Amhara Pre-Urban and Rural Community

1. Introduction
1.1. General
Organization for Rehabilitation and Development in Amhara (ORDA) has been implementing
various multi-Sectoral projects and programs in various part of the Amhara Region to address
the root cause of the poverty. ORDA was founded in February 1984 as Ethiopian Relief
Organization (ERO). Legal Registered as local NGO in 1991 by the regional Bureau of Justice
and in 1999 by the federal Ministry of Justice (MOJ). It is Re-registered by Federal Democratic
Republic of Ethiopia Ministry of justice of the Charities and Societies Agency as per the new
Charities and Societies Legislation. It has more than 27 years of Relief, Rehabilitation and
development experience in Amhara Regional state, Ethiopia. Its purpose is to contribute to
Sustainable Livelihood Transformation and Environmental security. ORDA in partnership with
Plan International Ethiopia (PIE) secured a 4-years project to implement WASH program in 2
zones of 3 woredas of Amhara Region.

1.2 The Study Area

1.2.1. Location
The project area is located in AWi (Dangla district), North Wollo (Bugina and Gidan districts)
Zone of Amhara Regional State.
The road is weather roads/Asphalt/ or dry weather road to the Woreda capital, and dry weather
road to the proposed project implementation kebeles.

2. The Project Goal and Objective

2.1 Goal
Contribute to reduce maternal, newborn and child morbidity and mortality rate caused by poor
public health, community hygiene practices and waterborne diseases.

2.2 Objective(s)

1. Improved access to safe and sustainable community managed water supply for 23,120
people in rural and pre urban areas, including schools, in the three target districts by

2. Improved access to sanitation and improved basic hygiene practices for households
and schools in the three target districts by 2015.

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3. Expected Results and outcomes of the Project

3.1 Major Results:

1. 205 improved water supply schemes with variety of technologies constructed for more
than 85,000 people in rural and semi-urban communities, schools and other
2. 205 WASHCO skilled in effective management of their WASH facilities from
planning, implementation to O&M systems.
3. 9 Woredas water resource and health offices as well as partner LNGO adequately
equipped with technical and facilitation skills and capacitated with the necessary tools
and equipments.
4. 80 kebeles and schools created Open Defecation Free (ODF) environments.

5. 80 Kebele/community’s children, women/girls and disabled people participation and

motivation enhanced.

3.2 Major Project’s Outcomes:

1. Increase the percentage of population accessed with improved water supply services.

2. Increase the percentage of population with improved sanitation facilities and hygiene

3. Enhance the capacity of government WASH sectors and empower communities on

effective self managed WASH project cycle management and sustainable O&M

4. Reduce average distance traveled by women/girls to collect water from sources.

4. Project Strategies/Methods: -
This WASH program will address its objectives in a long-term strategic way through
developing children and communities’ ownership, control and decision making power at every
step of project cycles, in line with new CSP, using empowering participatory approach. This
requires synchronizing the WASH program approaches with CCCDA as overarching program
approach. The following lists are some of the program Strategies;

 Develop stronger Community Managed Water Supply (CMWS) approach.

 Promote CLTSH and SLTSH approach at community and school level
 Capacity Building at all level
 Program integration
 Partnership, networking and advocacy
 Scale up
 Resource Mobilization

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5. Objective of the Baseline Survey

Establish Baseline Data and Information for Interventions:
The main objective of the baseline study is to establish baseline data and information for the
various indicators as outlined in the programme proposals and the monitoring and evaluation
framework. The baseline survey will collect, analyze and document important information
based on the verifiable and measurable indicators of the project and establish a baseline
information against which future changes due to the project will be measured. The study will
look at both the demand side (programme beneficiaries), in regard to their knowledge, attitude
and behaviours, as well as the supply side (service delivery), in regard to the availability and
quality of local service providers, including the institutional arrangement and staff
competencies some of the key baseline indicators are:
 Prevalence of water and sanitation related diseases in the project area;
 coverage and situation of access to safe and adequate water supply
 Assess gender role and workload
 Assess the situation of access to improved sanitary facilities
 Assess community awareness and knowledge on environmental/personal sanitation
and hygiene
 Assess the existing community water management system in the areas
 Additional information may also be collected regarding the household and community
sanitation facility

6. Expected Result of the Baseline Survey

The survey is expected to produce a professional baseline assessment report containing values
for each verifiable and measurable indicators of Amhara WASH Program. The result of the
survey should be presented in accordance with the intermediate results and specific
indicators established under the document and each of the results of the Program that shall be
clearly described under the scope of the work.

7. Methodology of the Study

The study will combine different methodologies to collect information at households,
community, health and education facilities, and the sub-district level.
 Preliminary data collection - survey: A representative household sample will be obtained
in 3 project woredas, with randomly selected intervention kebeles.

 Multi stage Simple random sampling technique will be employed to pick up sample
households from each target Kebele. The number of households for the household survey
will be calculated by using single population proportion formula considering 10% none
response rate and 2% degree off freedom.

 Preliminary data collection – Focus group discussion and observation: To achieve

information at the community and woreda levels, an inventory or status of community-level

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WASH facilities will be developed through focus group discussions, Key informant
interviews, historical profile and direct observations.
 It also Capture photographs (preferably using digital camera) of all events and other
observations during the survey that helps to realize the impact of the project;

 Secondary data analysis of existing documents: Additional data and information will be
reviewed from existing surveys, national WASH inventory, other studies and programme
documents from (woreda health, education, finance & economic …. offices.

8. Scope of the Work/Service to be Delivered

The consultant will perform the detail survey through addressing all existing information that
demonstrates the social, financial, cultural and environmental aspects of the project area or the
Woreda. To this end, the task or assignment includes but not limited to:
 Review the Amhara WASH program proposal and prepare an outline of the basic data
elements needed prior to the field work;
 Establish detail questionnaire that will helps to realize general Water, hygiene and Sanitation
situation of the project areas related with the indictors that would be considered while
establishing the questionnaire);
 Provide orientation to enumerators on the data collection techniques so that quality of data
generated/collected ensured;
 Closely supervise the enumerator and check/review the technical quality of the collected data
on daily bases;
 Proper compilation and analysis of the data using appropriate statistical soft ware;
 Orientation session; meetings; interview and other observation will be captured by digital
camera and incorporate at relevant section.
 The consultant is encouraged to review other similar ongoing or completed projects within the
project areas or adjacent woreda.
 Report writing at standard quality

9. Organization and Management

9.1. ORDA
The project areas are among the operational areas of ORDA; at this time the project is under
implementation in Dangla Woreda and Other ORDA project offices are available in the rest two
woredas. So these project offices will facilitate the survey through mobilizing, coordinating the local
government and the community for effective time management and ensuring participatory approaches.

10. Professional Requirement/Competency

The consultant/consulting firm should be with appropriate statistical and survey expertise and
experience, analytical and report writing skills together with skills in database design and task
management. Moreover, knowledge of or experience with Amhara national regional state,
WASH programs, socioeconomic services, gender equality/women’s empowerment and/or
socio - cultural condition is advantageous.

The survey team should meet the following requirements:

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 The team leader will have considerable experience on baseline surveys in general and in
Rural Water supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (R-WASH) Program in particular.
Knowledge and experience on gender and environmental issues.
 The survey team should constitute a team of professional’s Socio - Economist,
Environmental Health Science, and Statistician (optional), team leader must have MSc
in economics/sociologist/Mph with back ground of Environmental health
 The enumerators will have at least diploma (10+3 or 10+2) level education and basic
experience on data collection; better from the project area, and selected with full
participation of the project office (ORDA) in consultation with the most appropriate
Woreda level stakeholder.

11. Implementation and Deliverables

10.1. Implementation Schedule
Due to time limitation the whole exercise; accordingly the study will be submitted within a
maximum of 46 (frothy six) days starting from the date of assigning experts (Refer table 10-1
below for the detail implantation plan).
Table 10-1: Detail Implementation Plan

No. Activities Description Days)

1 Review project proposal and discuss with relevant ORDA and PIE Head office Staff 3

Travel to project woredas and discuss with the field office staff of the project [ORDA]
3. and stakeholders 2

4. Provide orientation or training to the enumerators 3

5. Pre test the questionnaire with the enumerator and the project staffs. 3

Revise the questionnaire based on feedback from the pre-test and reorient the assessment
6. team. 1

7. Field work (data collection) by all enumerators 12

Discussion with the Field team and the enumerator on overall process of the survey; note
8. any information gathered during the survey. 1

9. Data Analysis (interpretation) and preparing draft report 15

Organizing debriefing sessions on preliminary findings to Plan Ethiopia and ORDA

10. program department staff and ask for inputs 1

11. Review and comment by Plan Ethiopia and ORDA staff 2

12. Final report preparation and submission 3

Total duration 46

10. 2. Deliverables
In accordance with the implementation schedule, the consultant will submit the report to PIE
and ORDA;-
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 Inception Report:-
o The inception report shall be submitted by the consultant whose technical
proposal is eligible. The report shall cover the detailed methodology and tools
including the survey questionnaires and sampling frame, etc. It has to be
completed prior to departure to field. The report should be submitted in three
 Draft and Final Report
o The draft report shall be submitted within the agreed timeline. It should contain
the full report. The draft report should be submitted in three copies and the final
in the same number (the final copies should be original) within 5 days after
commented by the client.
The main baseline survey report/document prepared using the English language will be
submitted to PIE and ORDA both in hard and electronic copy by the date specified in the
agreement. The main contents of the report may:-
a. Abstract
b. Executive Summary
c. Summary of program/project objectives
d. Assessment objective and methodology
e. Results of the Findings
f. Quantitative Survey Results
g. Qualitative Survey Results
h. Discussion and Conclusion
i. Recommendations (including potential strategic intent)
j. Lessons

Note: Both the draft and final report should be accompanied by soft copy (CD or DVD) and the
consultant shall debrief the whole process and output of the survey, while submitting
the draft report, to the client

12. Modality of Payment

The contract is a lump sum type and the payment shall be based on the output indicated below:
 30% of the agreed amount upon submission of inception report and signing of the
contract agreement;
 30% upon submission of the draft report and accepted by the client;
 40% up on submission of the final report after including the comments forwarded by
the client or its delegate

13. Obligation
13.1. ORDA
The client (ORDA) shall provide the available study document or information and provide 3
five door Station wagon vehicles during the field work or assessment. ORDA will assign an
expert to co-ordinate and monitor the consulting team to improve the quality of work and
access to available information.

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The client shall review and give feedback on the deliverables of the consultant as per the
schedule in the ToR. The client will be responsible on facilitation and organizing the debriefing
session of the consultant.
13.2. Consultant/s
The Consultant shall carry out the survey according to the terms of reference and in keeping
with accepted standards, using qualified and appropriate team members. The consultant shall
take all necessary steps to ensure that the assignment entrusted is executed properly and within
the time agreed upon in the contract. The consultant is advised to meet with ORDA staff
(probably WRDP) to obtain first hand information about the scope and nature of the services
The consultant team shall be ready and willing to work with the assigned coordinator, ORDA
project offices and community members to ensure the subsequent implementation of the survey
and participation at all levels of the study. The proposed key staffs must be involved in the data
collection during the field work, failure to do so will be a rejection of the works of that
particular bearer of the assignment;
The consultant must submit all of the original filled questioners of the survey together with the
first draft report of the baseline survey.
The consultant shall pay all taxes and duties as per the government rule and regulations.

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  Intervention Objectively verifiable Sources and means of

logic indicators of achievement verification

Overall What are the overall broader objectives to What are the key indicators related to the overall What are the sources of information for these
Objective which the action will contribute? objectives? indicators?

  To contribute to improve public health The incidence of water borne diseases amongst Baseline data
situations and community practices to reduce children and families in the target area is reduced by --- Clinical data
maternal, newborn and child morbidity and %. Sample survey
mortality rate. Case studies
Monitoring reports
Midterm and final evaluation results
External Statistics on MDG indicators?

Specific What specific objective is the action intended to Which indicators clearly show that the objective of the What are the sources of information that exist or can be
Objectives achieve to contribute to the overall objectives? action has been achieved? collected? What are the methods required to get this

SO1. Improved access to safe and sustainable % of population with access to improved drinking Baseline data (feasibility study)
community managed water supply for 30,000 water in adequate quantities (minimum of 20 ltrs/ day / Progress review
people in rural and pre urban areas, including person). Monitoring reports
schools, in the three target districts by 2015. . Water quality tests
Average walking time to the improved water sources
Sample interviews
reduced to less than 30 minutes.

% of schools and health centres accessed with

improved water supply facilities.

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SO1.   # WASH facilities proposed by community and Observations

appraised, responded, monitored and supported by the Evaluation results
target district offices, partner/LNGO jointly to enable Survey of the districts and sample communities
communities to manage their WASH facilities MSC
implementation by themselves. Evaluation Reports
Water points constructed by the project will be fenced,
guarded and 100% functional with appropriate tariff
settings and O&M system.

SO2. Improved access to sanitation and basic hygiene % of households having a minimum standard sanitation Baseline data Case studiesSample survey
practices for 5,136 households and schools in facility FGDMSCMonitoring reportsEvaluation results
the three districts by 2015.
% of households having a hand washing facility.

# of schools free of open defecation.

# of communities free of open defecation.

Expected The results are the outputs envisaged to achieve What are the indicators to measure whether and to What are the sources of information for these
Results the specific objective. What are the expected what extent the action achieves the expected results? indicators?
results? (enumerate them)

R1. --- improved water supply schemes with varity • # Shallow boreholes fitted with Hand pumps Monitoring report
of technologies constructed for 30,000 people constructed. field observations
in rural and pre-urban communities, 20 schools • # Solar powered pump spring distribution water FGD
and other institutions. supply systems constructed.
• # spring development/gravity distributions and 5 hand
dug well schemes constructed
• # Hand dug wells fitted with Afr

R2. 3 districts WASH sector and partner LNGO District water offices conduct regular water quality Monitoring report
adequately equipped with technical and tests on a regular basis. sample survey

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facilitation skills and resources. # of monitoring and technical assistance by the district observation
offices increased

R3. --- WASHCO skilled in WASH project # WASHCom enabled to make to the standard project Monitoring report
management WASH facilities O&M• agreement with partner. FGD
  Review meetings
Minutes documentations Observations

% of users who pay for water tariff revenue collection  

increased and amount spent on O&M increased.

Water supply schemes being functional and looked  

after by the WASHCOM and users

  # of WASHCO caretakers who can demonstrate  

practical skills on WASH facility maintenance by the
end of the project.

R4. 5,136 households constructed a variety of % of rural households with separate, clean and covered Monitoring reprt
traditional pit latrines with hand washing containers and safe drawing of drinking water ODF verification findings
facilities and perform safe hygiene behaviour. increased Community celebrations
Audio visual
% of households with negative test for E.coli (less than FGD Field observation
10 coli form) in drinking water at the point of use

% of respondents who know all critical moments for

hand washing

% of households using the available sanitation facility

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% of households with sanitary facilities that practice

adequate cleanliness

% of households with sanitary facilities that practice

adequate maintenance to keep them operational

R5. 25 kebele/community and 20 schools created # of schools having latrines and hand washing facilities Monitoring report
Open Defecation Free (ODF) environments. suitable for girls and disabled children ODF verification findings
Community celebrations
# of communities and schools achieved ODF status. Audio visual
FGD Field observation
# of skilled CLTS facilitators trained

R6. 25 kebele children, women/girls and disabled Proportion of women, children and disabled people Monitoring report
people participation and motivation enhanced.• involvement in leadership role improved by 50 % Review meetings
# of community meetings and decisions made Documentations

# of cases over problems resolved by the users during

project implementation period increased

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