Blood Angels Quick Ref

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Assault Six Assault units Commander, Vindicator 250 points
Bike Five Bike units Commander, Attack Bike 200 points
Baal Predator Four Baal Predators Commander, Hunter, Vindicator 275 points
1 Death Company Four Death Company units plus transport Commander (Chaplain only), Death Company 300 points
Dreadnought, Jump Packs
Land Raider Four Land Raiders Commander, Vindicator, Hunter 350 points
Land Speeder Five Land Speeders Commander, Typhoon/Tornado 200 points
Landing Craft One Landing Craft None 350 points
Predator Four Predator Destructors Annihilators, Commander, Vindicator, Hunter 225 points
Scout Four Scout units plus transport Commander, Razorbacks, Snipers 150 points
0-1 Strike Cruiser One Strike Cruiser Battle Barge 200 points
Tactical Six Tactical units plus transport Commander, Dreadnought, Razorbacks, Hunter, 300 points
Terminator Four Terminator units Commander, Land Raider, Dreadnought, Vindicator 350 points
Thunderhawk One Thunderhawk Gunship None 200 points
Vindicator Four Vindicators Commander, Hunter 250 points
Whirlwind Four Whirlwinds Commander, Hunter 300 points


Each allowed Blood Angel upgrade can be taken once per detachment
Annihilators Replace 2 Predator Destructors with 2 Predator Annihilators or 25 points
Replace 4 Predator Destructors with 4 Predator Annihilators 50 points
Attack Bike Replace any number of Bike units with 1 Attack Bike each Free
Battle Barge Replace the Strike Cruiser with a Battle Barge 150 points
Commander Add one Space Marine Captain, Librarian or Chaplain character or 50 points
Add one Space Marine Supreme Commander character (Max one per army) 100 points
Death Company Add one or two Death Company Dreadnoughts 75 points each
Dreadnought Add one or two Blood Angel Dreadnoughts 50 points each
Hunter Add one Hunter 75 points
Jump Packs All Death Company Infantry units gain a 30cm move and the Jump Packs ability but the 50 points
formation loses the plus transport special rule
Land Raider Add up to four Land Raiders 75 points each
Razorbacks Add up to one Razorback for each infantry unit in the formation 25 points each
(see Space Marine transport rule)
Snipers All Scout units gain the Sniper ability 50 points
Typhoon/Tornado Replace any number of Land Speeders with 1 Land Speeder Tornado or Land Speeder 10 per Typhoon
Typhoon each 0 per Tornado
Vindicator Add one or two Vindicators 50 points each


Two Thunderbolt Fighters 150 points One Warlord Class Titan 850 points
Two Marauder Bombers 250 points One Reaver Class Titan 650 points
Two Warhound Class Titans 500 points
One Warhound Class Titan 275 points


• One Death Company formation must be taken.

• Up to a third of the points available to the army may be spent on Thunderhawks, Imperial Navy aircraft and Titan Legion battlegroups.

vs 16012018
Strategy Rating: 5 Initiative: 1+
Name Type Speed Armour C F Weapons Range Firepower Notes
Assault Inf 30cm 4+ 3+ 5+ Bolt Pistol (15cm) Small Arms Jump Packs
Chainsword Base Contact Assault Wpn
Attack Bike LV 35cm 4+ 5+ 4+ Heavy Bolter 30cm AP5+
Baal Predator AV 30cm 4+ 6+ 3+ Twin Assault Cannon 30cm AP4+/AT4+
2 x Heavy Flamer 15cm AP4+ Ignore Cover, Small Arms IC
Battle Barge Spaceship na na na na Orbital Bombardment na 14BP, MW Slow and Steady
Bike Inf 35cm 4+ 3+ 4+ Bolt Pistol (15cm) Small Arms Mounted
Chainsword Base Contact Assault Wpn
Captain CH na na na na Power Weapon Base Contact Assault Wpn, MW, +1A Inv Save, Leader, Commander
Chaplain CH na na na na Power Weapon Base Contact Assault Wpn, MW, +1A Inv Save, Leader, Inspiring
Death Company Inf 15cm (30cm)* 4+ 3+ 5+ Bolt Pistol (15cm) Small Arms Fearless, Invulnerable Save.
Chainsword Base Contact Assault Wpn, +1A *Can be given Jump Packs
Death Company Dreadnought AV 15cm 4+ 4+ 5+ Storm Bolters (15cm) Small Arms Fearless, Invulnerable Save, Walker
2 x Power Fists Base Contact Assault Wpn, MW, +1A
Blood Angel Dreadnought AV 15cm 4+ 4+ 5+(4+) Power Fist Base Contact Assault Wpn, MW, +1A Walker. FF4+ for Power fist and Assault Cannon option.
Assault Cannon 30cm AP5+/AT5+
2 x Power Fist Base Contact Assault Wpn, MW, +1A
Storm Bolters (15cm) Small Arms
Drop Pod na na na na na Deathwind 15cm AP5+/AT5+ One Shot, Transport
Hunter AV 30cm 5+ 6+ 6+ Hunter-Killer 60cm AT4+/AA4+
Landing Craft WE Bomber 4+ 5+ 3+ 2 x Twin Lascannon 45cm AT4+ Planetfall, Fearless, Reinforced Armour, Transport
3 x Twin Heavy Bolter 15cm AP4+/AA5+ DC 4, Crit - Destroyed (hit on units in 5cm)
Storm Bolter (15cm) Small Arms
Librarian CH na na na na Smite (15cm) Small Arms, MW +1A Inv Save, Leader
Power Weapon Base Contact Assault Wpn, MW +1A
Land Raider AV 25cm 4+ 6+ 4+ 2 x Twin Lascannon 45cm AT4+ Reinforced armour, Thick rear armour, Transport
Heavy Bolter 30cm AP4+
Land Speeder LV 35cm 4+ 6+ 5+ Multi-Melta 15cm MW5+, Small Arms MW Skimmer, Scout
Land Speeder Tornado LV 35cm 4+ 6+ 5+ Assault Cannon 30cm AP5+/AT5+ Skimmer, Scout
Heavy Bolter 30cm AP5+
Land Speeder Typhoon LV 35cm 4+ 6+ 5+ Twin Typhoon Missiles 45cm AP3+/AT5+ Skimmer, Scout
Heavy Bolter 30cm AP5+
Predator Annihilator AV 30cm 4+ 6+ 5+ Twin Lascannon 45cm AT4+
2 x Lascannon 45cm AT5+
Predator Destructor AV 30cm 4+ 6+ 4+ Autocannon 45cm AP5+/AT6+
2 x Heavy Bolter 30cm AP5+
Razorback AV 30cm 5+ 6+ 5+ Twin Heavy Bolter 30cm AP4+ Transport
Twin Lascannon 45cm AT4+
Rhino AV 30cm 5+ 6+ 6+ Storm Bolter 15cm Small Arms Transport
Scout Inf 15cm 5+ 4+ 5+ Shotgun 15cm Small Arms Scout, Infiltrate
Heavy Bolter 30cm AP5+
Strike Cruiser Spaceship na na na an Orbital Bombardment na 5BP, MW
Supreme Commander CH na na na na Power Weapon Base Contact Assault Wpn, MW, +1A Supreme Commander, Inv Save
Tactical Inf 15cm 4+ 4+ 4+ Bolters 15cm Small Arms
Missile Launcher 45cm AP5+/AT6+
Terminator Inf 15cm 4+ 3+ 3+ Storm Bolter 15cm Small Arms Reinforced armour, Thick rear armour, Teleport
2 x Assault Cannon 30cm AP5+/AT5+
Power Weapon Base Contact Assault Wpn, MW, +1A
Thunderhawk WE Bomber 4+ 6+ 4+ Battle Cannon 75cm AP4+/AT4+ FxF Planetfall, Reinforced Armour, Transport
2xTwin Heavy Bolter 30cm AP4+/AA5+ FxF DC 2, Crit - Destroyed
Twin Heavy Bolter 15cm AP4+/AA5+ Right Arc
Twin Heavy Bolter 15cm AP4+/AA5+ Left Arc
Vindicator AV 25cm 4+ 6+ 4+ Demolisher 30cm AP3+/AT4+ Ignore Cover Walker
Whirlwind AV 30cm 5+ 6+ 5+ Whirlwind 45cm 1BP indirect Fire

vs 16012018
Strategy Rating: 5 Initiative: Titans 1+ Aircraft 2+
Name Type Speed Armour C F Weapons Range Firepower Notes
Marauder Bomber AC Bomber 4+ na na 2 x Twin heavy Bolters 15cm AA5+
Twin Lascannon 45cm AT4+/AA4+ FxF
Bomb Racks 15cm 3BP FxF
Thunderbolt AC Fighter Bomber 6+ na na Storm Bolter 15cm AP4+/AA5+ FxF
Multilaser 30cm AP5+/AT6+/AA5+ FxF
Underwing Rockets 30cm AT4+ FxF

Reaver Titan WE 20cm 4+ 3+ 3+ 2 x Turbo-laser Destructors 60cm 4 x AP5+/AT3+ Fwd Fearless, Reinforced Armour, Walker
Rocket Launcher 60cm 3BP FxF DC 6, 4 Void Shields – Crit: see Titan critical table
Warhound Titan WE 30cm 5+ 4+ 4+ Vulcan Mega-Bolter 45cm 4 x AP3+/AT5+ Fwd Fearless, Reinforced Armour, Walker
Plasma Blastgun 45cm 2 x MW2+ Slow Firing, Fwd DC3, 2 Voids Shields – Crit: 1 Dam, D6cm stagger
Warlord Titan WE 15cm 4+ 2+ 3+ 2 x Turbo-laser Destructors 60cm 4 x AP5+/AT3+ FxF Fearless, Reinforced Armour, Walker, Thick Rear Armour
Gatling Blaster 60cm 4 x AP4+/AT4+ Fwd DC 8, 6 Void Shields – Crit: see Titan critical table
Volcano Cannon 90cm MW2+, TK(d3) Fwd

Blood Angels Special Rules Titan Critical

They Shall Know No fear It takes two blast markers to suppress a Space Marine unit. Space Marine formations are only broken if they have two blast markers per unit. Roll D6 in the end phase for each critical
Space Marine formations count as having half the number of blast markers (rounding down to a minimum of one) for assault resolution purposes. 1 Titan Destroyed
Broken formations receive one blast marker per unit when rallying. 2-3 One additional point of damage
Space Marine Leaders remove two blast markers when rallying. 4+ Repaired with no damage.
If the titan explodes any units in 5cm are hit on a 5+
Superior Tactics The Space Marine army is a highly flexible and tactical army. Before each tournament game the Space Marine player may choose which formations with the (Reaver) or 4+ (Warlord)
‘plus transport’ aspect are deployed in Rhinos, Drop Pods or on foot. If the formation has any units unable to deploy in Drop Pods then that option cannot be

Space Marine Transport Space Marines are a highly mobile army. Because of this, the points cost of a detachment usually includes enough Rhino transport vehicles to transport it and any upgrades that have been taken. The number of Rhinos will
always be the minimum needed to carry the formation; you can’t take extras along to cover any losses! Note that many formations don’t receive Rhinos, usually because they can’t fit into them. Detachments that come with
Rhinos will be noted as having ‘plus transport’ in the units section of the army list. To work out a formation’s transport
• Add any infantry upgrades to the formation.
• Add Land Raiders to the formation.
• Add Razorbacks to the formation, up to the number of Infantry units not transportable by Land Raiders.
• If there are still infantry units in the formation without transport add the minimum number of Rhinos required for all units in the formation to be transported.

Transport Capacity Note - Terminators and Dreadnoughts take up 2 transport spaces each in aircraft
Battle Barge Sixty Tactical, Assault, Devastator, Scout, Attack Bike, Bike, Terminator or Dreadnought units. Plus sixty Rhinos, Land Raiders, Razorbacks, Hunters, Whirlwinds, Predators or Vindicators plus nine
Thunderhawks and enough drop pods or landing craft to carry any other units on board.
Drop Pod Tactical, Devastator and Dreadnought units may enter play in Drop pods.
Landing Craft Twelve Tactical, Assault, Devastator, Scout, Attack Bike, Bike, Terminator or Dreadnought units. Plus four Land Raiders or six of the following Rhino, Razorback, Hunter, Whirlwind, Predator or
Land Raider One Terminator or Two Tactical, Devastator or Scout units.
Razorback One Tactical, Devastator or Scout units.
Rhino Two Tactical, Devastator or Scout units.
Strike Cruiser Twenty Tactical, Assault, Devastator, Scout, Attack Bike, Bike, Terminator or Dreadnought units, plus twenty Rhinos, Land Raiders, Razorbacks, Hunters, Whirlwinds, Predators or Vindicators, plus six
Thunderhawks and enough drop pods or landing craft to carry other units on board.
Thunderhawk Eight Tactical, Assault, Devastator, Scout, Attack Bike, Bike, Terminator or Dreadnought units.

This reference sheet is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.

vs 16012018

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