Chaos Epic

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EPIC REALM OF CHAOS HOW TO DESIGN A CHAOS HORDE IN EPIC SCALE BY ANDY CHAMBERS Chaos is an ever-present threat to the Imperium of Mankind: its armies constantly raid from the heart of the Eye of Terror and its worshippers within the Imperium band together into cults, waiting for the moment they can rebel and overthrow a planct in the name of their dark gods. In this article, we present the first part of the Epic Chaos army list for use with the forthcoming boxed set of plastic Epic Chaos miniatures and full range of metal miniatures. In a future issue, we'll be providing rules for the awesome Chaos Artifact Weapons and for using Daemons on the Epic battlefield — here, we're covering the rules for fighting with warbands and cults as the first step in building up a mighty Chaos horde. The Eye of Terror lies on the north-western edge of the galaxy in relation to Terra. It forms the largest area of ‘warp/realspace overlap known to man. Warpspace is an alternate dimension of psychic energies which is constantly stirred by the emotions and souls of the inhabitants of the material universe. At the centre of the Eye of Terror, a rift in the fabric of realspace allows egress to the unfettered power of Chaos, producing an area ‘where the material universe comes under the sway of the powerful entities which rule the warp. ‘There are numerous worlds and star systems in the Eye of Terror, many of which are inhabited by mortals held in thrall by Chaos. Reality and the laws of time and space are meaningless in the Eye of Terror ~ Chaos makes its own laws and nothing is beyond its power. Each world is a separate sub-rcality, shaped and reshaped by the whim of one of the Great Powers. The Fye of Terror isa refuge and a base for the servants of Chaos: Renegades, Mutants, Caltists -the flotsam and jetsam of the galaxy fleeing from the Inquisition and Imperial justice. Ships lost in ‘warpspace are drawn to the Eye of Terror like twigs caught ina whirlpool. Often these vessels are boarded by the inhabitants of the Eye and used to travel the warp and reach inhabited space. Boarding a space hulk can trap would-be passengers for an eternity, but the servants of Chaos are careless of such things Nearer the centre of the Fye of Terror, the energy from warpspace becomes more powerful and Daemons are able to move freely from world to world. Daemons normally suffer when deprived of energy from the warp and find it easier to exist near the flow of cosmic energy at the centre of the Eye of Terror, For this reason, the worlds which lic closest to the center of the Eye are known as the Daemon Worlds. Every Daemon World is ruled by a Daemon Prince, either acting as a proxy for one of the Great Powers or as an independent entity who controls the world as his whims take him. Constant warfare rages through the Daemon wor Worlds as the four Powers of Chaos hurl their followers into endless wars for amusement or in pursuit of unfathomable goals. The Great Powers of Chaos are the collective psychic manifestations of powerful drives and ‘emotion in the material universe: Khorne is god of war and bloodshed; Nurgle embodies the drive and determination ‘of all those doomed to live their lives with the inevitability of death; Tzeentch feeds on ambition and the desire for ‘change; Slaanesh is the god of hedonism and lust. ‘On occasion, Daemon Princes gather their forces and put aside their own squabbles to undertake a major incursion into realspace. The Chaos Renegades from a single world or continent board space hulks and set sail into the warp to meet whatever fate their gods send them. Many such hulks disappear completely in warpspace — others are hurled thousands of years into the future or past. Some never leave the warp and drift endlessly, but a few, a precious few, come to planets populated by men and the Renegades find sacrifices and slaves for their thirsty gods. THE ARMIES OF CHAOS The forces of Chaos don't have a strict organization like the forces of Humanity. Chaos Renegades fight and raid in relatively small groups knowa as warbands. Warbands are composed of a number of followers led by a Champion who holds sway over the warband through a mixture of strength, cunning and the favours of his patron Power. Champions are not trained leaders and often do not encourage or even care about their followers — followers are simply creatures who are too weak to take the full Mark of Chaos. Still they flock to the banners of Champions, pethaps in the hope that the success of a particular Champion will somehow bring good favour upon themselves. Followers can be of many kinds: Humans, Dark Eldar, Beastmen, Chaos Marines and Squats = even Creatures of Chaos such as Minotaurs, Trolls or ‘Chaos Spawn are seen in some Champion's retinves. Truly ‘mighty Champions may command the dread Chaos Titans as part of their retinues, and even these gigantic war machines are twisted and mutated by the warp into hideous engines of flesh and metal More insidious than the rapacious Renegade warbands are the groups of worshippers which spring up in secret on ‘worlds where men start to turn towards Chaos, Each of these cults is led by prophet or visionary who has seen the awesome power of Chaos and turned wholeheartedly to its worship. This man is often a powerful psyker and acts as head or Magus of the cult, Cults are secretive, with the ‘Magus working through an acolyte and an inner circle of followers known as the coven. A cult may also contain Mutants and Beastmen amongst its neophytes but for the ‘main they are made up of ordinary Humans seduced by Chaos, ‘Once the cults on a world are powerful enough, they will tty to overthrow the local authorities and turn the whole planet to the worship of Chaos. They serve an important function through their prayer and sacrifice by opening a ‘way to the world for Daemons to manifest themselves and creating a beacon of worship in the warp that Chaos Renegades can steer their hulks toward in their search for slaughter. ‘The warbands and cults a particular Chaos Power brings together are known collectively asa Chaos horde. Within the horde, warbands of Chaos Renegades are normally conglomerated together into battles, so Beastmen, Champions and other followers can fight together in more effective units. Each battle is led by either an exalted Champion who has almost reached the status of Daemon Prince of a full Daemon Prince who owes his allegiance to the horde’s commander. The motivating force of the horde CULT CULT NAME BATTLE & CULT ORGANISATION TEMPLATES EPIC REALM OF CHAOS is invariably a revered Daemon Prince or occasionally a Greater Daemon of the utmost power. He rules the horde with an iron hand and collects a tribute of souls from the subjugated worlds trampled underfoot by his minions, The Daemon Prince renders up his offerings to the ultimate power of his own patron god. ‘The cults and battles gathered into a single horde may contain followers of more than one Chaos Power. Though some of the Powers are violently opposed to one another, some will work together toward a common goal. Such alliances are always shaky and tend to erupt into violence 5 soon as the goal is achieved ~ this is all most entertaining to the Chaos Powers, of course. Ahorde has no pyramid type organization to it; the battles and cults have their own bands of followers which fight together, seldom if ever breaking up into smaller groups uniess their leader is killed. This means that there is no equipment held at higher command levels to be distributed as needed — the battles and cults each make do ‘with what they have got or scavenge from the fallen. Designers Note: in this article, we're presenting part of the rules for Chaos in Epic scale for use in conjunction with the Chaos plastic box set and metal ranges which are to be released shortly. Don't feel that you can't use a Chaos force until you have the right models — you can improvise. Use normal Marines in place of Chaos Marines, Imperial Guard in place of Culiisis and so on. Feel free to do so with my blessings. At some points, you'll come across references to the rules for Artifact Weapons and Daemons = we can't publish the rules in this issue due to restrictions of space but we hope to present them in a future White Dwarf for your entertainment and edification. wors PERMISSION TO PHOTOCOPY FOR PERSONAL USE ONY EPIC REALM OF CHAOS DESIGNING A CHAOS ‘As mentioned earlier, each horde consists of a number of battles and cults. You design each battle and cult yourself by selecting and attaching detachment counters to the organization templates provided with these rules. ORGANIZATION TEMPLATES ‘An organization template is a representation of the forces available in a cult or battle, Each space on the template represents a single detachment of followers, which can be Beastmen, Dreadnoughts, Titans or whatever ~ it all depends on the patron Power of the Magus or battle ‘commander and what you want to go in his cult or battle, ‘The Chaos army list tells you exactly what detachments you can place in what battles or cults. For now just remember that each space can take one detachment counter, ‘There are two types of template: the battle template and the cult template. Each horde has up to ten battles or cults. Although the horde may always contain a total of ten, battles or cults, those aligned to a particular Power can Bain extra favour by limiting their numbers to conform to their Power's sacred number. In this case, the Power may send one ofits Greater Daemons to command the horde, a truly great honour for the followes of Chaos The sacred numbers of the various Powers are: Power Sacred Number Khorne 8 Slaanesh 6 Nurgle 7 Tzeentch 9 HORDE For further details of the benefits of this see The Horde ‘Commanderlater in these rules. Battle Template ‘The battle template has a box to hold a counter showing the rune of the battle's Chaos Power and four extra boxes. to place detachment counters into. The battle can have more boxes if you wish butall of them must be filled when you design the battle. Cult Template ‘The cult template has a box for the rune of its patron Power and six other detachment boxes. Just as with the battle template, you have to use all the boxes on the cult template and if you want to add more boxes you must fill all of them, DETACHMENT COUNTERS Later in this article you'll find a sheet of counters. Photocopy these and stick them onto a sheet of stiff card before cutting them out. You'll probably need to photocopy several sheets of counters to have enough to fill out the whole horde. Each counter represents a detachment of troops or vehicles which are present in a cult or battle. ‘The detachment counters have an illustration of the type of vehicle or troops they represent as a guide to help you quickly pick out the right counters when you're designing your horde. At the bottom of the counter is the BR of the detachment ~ note that this is the BR for the whole detachment, not its individual elements. The army list tells you exactly how many infantry stands or vehicles of what type are in each detachment. Patron Box: fx the rane ofthe Power the bate serves here When filing out the fest of the battle template, i Important to know which Power the ‘aris are aligned fo, The warbands hich comprise the battle Bear theit aon’ symbol on banner, vehicles and s0 on 0 proudly. proclaim eglance thei Chaos Power BATTLE Detachment Boxes: you can place fone detachment counter in ach box You may increase the number of detachment boxes if you wish by Grawing more boxes on below the template or sticking several templates together but remember when you fl ‘out the template every box must be . ° teed. Leader: the leader of the battle is tlther a minor Daemon Prince ora (Chaos Champion ofexated satus. Ina fame, de leader ofthe bale either {single Daemon Prince model or a Single stand representing the Champion and his most trusted henchmen. A Champion may be mounted a an increased points cost. You must wrte down here what (ype of lear the baile has, Dacinon Prince Champion, andi the case of Champion, whether or not be is mounted ‘otal BR: add up the total BR ofall the detachments youve chosen and ‘rte iin here, Don't forge to add the coat ofthe laser wows Coven: when the cult emerges for war the Acolyte andthe inner Circle of the coven flccompany the Magus find act as his personal boxtyguard CULT |= The coven receives the ‘most favour and rewards from the master and 30 they make fearsome ‘opponents in bale. The stistis for the coven fre randomly generated Gee ated Patron Box: the nine of the Chaos Power ofthe cult should be placed here. When you'e ling ‘out the rest of the cult template iis important to know which Powe ‘he cut follows The Clists hasilysraw the symbol on bannes, capaured ‘ehicles and soon to bring avout fom their Chaos Power Detachment Boxes: you can place one detachment counter in each box. ‘You tay increase the number of detachment boxes f you mish by dasring ‘more boxes on Below the template orscking several templates gether ‘Total BR: add up the total BR of all the detachments you've chosen and wre iin here. Dont forget oad the coat ofthe coven USING THE ARMY LIST Before starting to design your cults and battles, photocopy plenty of templates and counter sheets. You'll find it easier to handle the counters and templates if you glue them to stiff card before you cut them out. When you're ready, look at the army list to find out what detachments you can place in each cult or battle. The army list is divided into two actual lists. The first is the Chaos Renegade list which is used for filling out battle templates and the second is the Chaos Cultist list which is used for filling out cult templates. You can’t pick things from different atts of the army list, so you can’t pick detachments from the Cultist army list if you're filling out a battle template, for instance, Each list contains a number of boxes for different types of detachment. Each box starts by telling you the general type of the detachment and the minimum and maximum numbers of detachments of that type which can be chosen for a cult or battle, ‘The minimums and maximums may vary according to which Chaos Power the cult or battle is aligned to. This is indicated by a list of the runes of the four Great Powers plus Undivided Chaos at the top of the box, with the differing minimums and maximums written underneath. For convenience, there's a reference sheet at the start of the lists which tabulates the minimums and maximums for each Power in an easier format, Also in the box are copies of the detachment counters on the sheet. These are to show you what specific detachment types are available. Written underneath the counter is a note of precisely how many vehicles or infantry stands ‘each counter represents, FILLING THE TEMPLATES ‘There are certain restrictions on what you can place in each battle or cult dictated by what Chaos Power they follow. Either the horde is completely dedicated to a single Chaos Power or it bears. the banners of Chaos Undivided. As the Chaos Powers are diametrically opposed to each other, even a horde dedicated to Chaos Undivided can ‘only contain forces belonging to two Powers. ‘The inter-relations of the Chaos Powers are rather complex and best not examined in detail here. Suffice it to say that the forces of Khorne and Slaanesh will kill each other on sight, as will those of Nurgle and Tzeentch, Hence a horde could contain followers of Khorne plus those of Tzeentch or Nurgle, a force could contain followers of Tzeentch plus those of Khorne or Slaanesh, and so on, Once you've sorted out what mix of cults and battles you want to include in your Chaos horde, you can start filling in the templates, Start by preparing enough templates of the appropriate types for the whole horde, then decide on the patron Power of each cult or battle within the restrictions detailed above. Fix the rune of the Power you select to the templates to serve as a reminder of your choices. You can then move on to filling out the templates with the aid of the Chaos army list, Generally, it’s best to take each template in turn and complete it before beginning the next one. You may find it useful to fill out a few ‘standard’ cults and battles for the different Powers and then work on variants of those rather than trying to design each one completely from scratch. EPIC REALM OF CHAOS ‘Once you've designed the whole horde, stick all the templates onto a single piece of card or paper, note down the total BR of all the cults and battles in it, and photocopy the whole thing so you have a permanent record of it. USING THE HORDE When you play a game using Chaos, take along a predesigned horde to use as your force. If you intend to play a lange game, you may use more than one horde with your opponent's consent. Generally you should use one ‘Chaos horde for each regiment, horde or war host in an opponent's battleforce. Remember, however, that the hordes can't be aligned to opposing Powers or they would slaughter one another long before the battle started, When you know how many points you're using, you may select which cults or battles you're going to use from the horde. Cults and bautles are jealously independent so they must be used in full and may not be split up. ‘You may buy barrage support counters and support, missiles (sce the Space Marine rules). If your horde contains only Chaos Renegade battles, you may spend up to 30%6 of your points on support counters, representing the support fire from the Renegades’ space hulks up in orbit. Ifthe horde contains any cults you may only spend up to 10% of your points on support counters and your opponent may also only spend up to 10% of his points on ‘support — the Cultists have infiltrated and either taken over ‘or destroyed most of the enemy's heavy arillery atthe start of their revolt. ALLIES Chaos hordes may be used as allied formations by any Traitor or Ork force. When acting as allies, cults and battles must still be used in full and may not be split up. ‘A Chaos horde may have allies attached to it. These may be Ork warbands, Traitor Squat brotherhoods, Traitor Guard battalions and Traitor Marine battalions. wor EPIC REALM OF CHAOS SPECIAL RULES ‘There are a number of new rules for including Chaos armies in ‘games of Space Marine. Unlike the new rules that appear later in this article, the rules in this section only apply to Chaos BATTLE LEADERS AND COVENS ‘As mentioned previously, each battle or cult is led by either a minor Daemon Prince or an exalted Champion in, the case of a battle or a Magus in the case of a cult. In either case, the battle leader or Magus is accompanied into combat by his toughest and most trusted minions (except Daemon Princes who don't need to be accompanied into battle by anybody). In combat, the leader of a particular cult or battle is not overly concerned with co-ordinating his minions; he generally concentrates on destroying the enemy with little thought to the cost. However, the minions of Chaos look up to their leaders with awe and reverence, so there's a ‘great morale boost in seeing these beings at the forefront of the battle ~ remember, as far as the minions are concerned, they are being led by virtual demi-gods who are infinitely closer to the Great Powers of Chaos than themselves. ‘The most disturbing factor of all is the ability of the Magus and his coven to summon Daemons during a battle, fuelled by the essence of the souls dying all around, BATTLE LEADERS The leader of a battle is decided before the Chaos Renegades board their space hulks. If the Renegades and Champions are all followers of a particular Daemon Prince, he may deign to accompany them personally by possessing one of their number ~ this gives him a stable vessel to hold his essence in the material universe. If their is no such Daemon Prince to lead them, the Renegades find a leader from the Champions of the various warbands ‘making up the Renegade force. ‘The criteria for selecting a leader vary greatly according to which Power the Champions follow. Those following, Tzeentch, for example, use plots and intrigue to bring themselves into power; those following Nurgle, on the ‘other hand, may base their decision entirely on who has the most interesting and colourful diseases. You are free to decide whether the Renegades are led by a Champion or a Daemon Prince. If a Champion is chosen, he is represented by a single Champion stand if on foot, or a Disc Riders, Juggernaut Riders or Slaaneshi Riders stand if mounted. If'a Daemon Prince is selected, pick one the profiles listed in Daemons and their Conjuration; in this ‘case, the Daemon Prince is represented by a single model. Regardless of the type of stand or model chosen, the battle leader costs half the normal BR. A Champion stand receives a CAF bonus of +2 and saving throw one better than normal, up to a maximum of 2+; this reflects the ‘special favour enjoyed by the leader and his bodyguard. If the battle leader is to be represented by a stand, it should be suitably imposing, preferably including a number of banners declaring the battle's allegiance. The following special rules apply to the battle leader: 1) All detachments from a battle led by a Champion receive +1 on morale and panic tests when they are within 12cm of the leader's stand. 2) All detachments from a battle led by a Daemon Prince receive +1 on morale and panic tests when they are within 24cm of the Daemon model, 3) Ifa battle leader is destroyed, all detachments under his control within 24cm must take a morale check in the orders phase of the following turn. The results of the check apply for that turn only. A battle leader can be singlet! out as such by the ‘enemy and attacked in preference to other stands or Daemons. COVENS The most important members of a Chaos cult are the coven. The coven comprises the Magus’ most trusted servants, including his acolyte. Only the coven can perform the rituals and sacrifices which summon Daemons and divine the intentions of their Chaos patron. Before the cult is revealed, members of the coven remain disguised and work their way up — constantly gathering power and resources for the cult. Coven members may be posing as respected members of the business community 6 feared gangland leaders; any niche or foothold may be used in the cult’s incessant quest for power. ME os Fi Mi Pon teu) Whatever the case, the coven emerges atthe instigation of revolt to direct their Cultists and summon as many Daemons as possible to aid thei forces. ‘The coven is represented on the tabletop by a single infantry stand. The equipment and combat experience of the coven members can vary immensely. The cult may have been posing as a legitimate warrior cult, for example, which would ensure the coven warriors were highly trained in the arts of war. On the other hand, the cult may have been posing as a political organisation, so it may well have good equipment but be distinctly average as far as training goes. To reflect this variability, the statistics for the coven are generated randomly using the chart below. Simply roll a D6 for each characteristic (move, saving throw and so on) and note the results on the cult template in the space provided. 6 Basic Heavy Koll Mv Sv CAF Weapons Weapons Notes 1 816 3+ 42 Boker -MukiMelta None 2° Yh 2+ 0 Lasguns Heavy Bolter None 3 IG 4+ +3. Bolt pistols Manile Launcher None 4 M16 3+ 45 None. lascannon Hite 5 6/12 4+ +4 _Laspinols_Awtocannon None 6 1020 s+ +3 Bokem None. Cause Panic ‘The BR of the coven is always 100 regardless of what statistics it has. The coven acts as a command stand in all respects and has the following special rules: D ye coven can issue one extra order counter to any detachment in the cult - this represents the Magus using his Daemon sight to predict the immediate future and instruct his troops accordingly. The order can be given to a detachment which has no Champion of command stand to conteol it, preventing the detachment having to take a morale check. Alternatively, it can be issued in addition to a detachment’s own order counter — this option allows the detachment to select which of the two chosen orders it wants to use after all orders have been revealed, 2 The coven may summon Daemons of their patron Power before the start of a battle. Full details of the summoning process are given in the section on Daemons and their Conjuration. A coven may also be able to summon Daemons during the course of a battle, using the departing soul-stuff of the fallen as a sacrifice, 3) The coven cannot be singled out and attacked ifthere are any infantry stands closer to the firer, The Magus and his adepts are well versed in using their cult as a shield and won't forget their lessons on the battlefield. EPIC REALM OF CHAOS THE HORDE COMMANDER ‘The overall commander of the Chaos horde is always cither a powerful Daemon Prince or a Greater Daemon. ‘The troops of the horde view their leader with reverential awe. The commander for his part simply views his forces as toys and pawns to provide him with some amusement When constructing a Chaos horde, you can pick whether the commander is a Greater Daemon or a Daemon Prince. Ifthe horde doesn’t contain a number of cults and battles equal to the patron Power's sacred number or doesn't have a specific patron Power, it can only have a Daemon, Prince as commander. Pick a particular set of statistics for a Daemon Prince from the section on Daemons and their Conjuration and make a note of his summoning cost (this, equates to his BR), If the horde is attacking as the main attack formation for the battle force, the commander may be fielded at half cost. Even if the horde isn't acting as the main attack formation, the commander can accompany a cult or battle for full cost on a D6 roll of 5 oF 6. The horde commander has the following special rules: 1) All units from his horde within 12em do not have to take morale or panic tests for any reason 2D _Allunits from his horde within 12cm receive a +1 CAF bonus. 3) Ifthe horde commander is destroyed, all detachments from his horde within 12cm must take an immediate rout check (see the Space woos EPIC REALM OF CHAOS CHAOS INFANTRY ‘There are a number of troops and weapons in the new Chaos plastic set not previously covered in Codex Titanicus. Please note that you don’t have to be using the Chaos army list to gain access to these new types, Beastmen Beastmen, Mutants and Chaos Spawn make up a large part Of the population of the Daemon Worlds. They are always ‘among the first of Chaos’ creatures to flock to the banners of a gathering Renegade force for a chance to raid the Imperium. Cultists can also often easily subvert Beastmen and Mutants within the Imperium itself to fight on behalf of Chaos. Beastmen are armed with swords, axes and other hand weapons for the main part and rely on closing with their enemy. Each Beastman stand is assumed to also include a mix of Mutants and occasional Chaos Spawn. Chaos Squat Chaos Squats are the armourers and artificers of the armies, of Chaos, With devilish cunning they construct weapons land engines of war which defy sanity. Each new creation is magnificently built t evoke the correct aura of terror and majesty. It is thought that the Chaos Squats are responsible for the maintenance and reconstruction of Chaos Titans and the fearsome Artfact Weapons of Chaos. Chaos Squats fight with unparalleled ferocity on the field of battle, favouring heavy firepower to slaughter their foes. Chaos Marines Chaos Marines are descendants of the original chapters of ‘Traitor Marines which fled into the Eye of Terror after the Horus Heresy (some actually fought in the Heresy but still live under the warping influence of Chaos). Four chapters of Marines are directly aligned to the Chaos Powers. the World Eaters to Khorne, the Emperor's Children to Slaanesh, the Thousand Sons to Tzeentch and the Death Guard to Nurgle. A number of other Traitor Marine chapters remain unaligned to any save Chaos Undivided and the most infamous of these is the Black Legion (once the Sons of Horus). ‘The Marine chapters are some of the Chaos Powers’ most favoured servants; many Marine commanders eventually become Champions of Chaos and aspire to become Daemon Princes. Squads of Chaos Marines often join Chaos Renegade forces to further the aims of their Power; at other times whole regiments of Chaos Marines will be dispatched to perform specific missions, Traitor Terminators ‘Terminator Marines are the last remnants of Terminator units all but destroyed in the Heresy, dressed in archaic ‘Tactical Dreadnought armour embellished with the marks of Chaos. They wander the warp in search of battle and, Chaos being what itis, they usually find it easily enough. ‘As Terminators are killed in action, their armour is retrieved and repaired by Chaos Squats, and promising Marines or Champions are recruited to take their place. Traitor Terminators cannot telepor, their ranks lacking the full expertise needed to maintain the teleport chambers, Champions It is common for independent Champions of Chaos and those with small warbands to group together in battle into small but hard-hitting units. They are often mounted on, Daemonic riding beasts to add to their mobility and power, wo22 Few can withstand the charge of such fearsome adversaries. Individual Champions can also command individual detachments, acting in precisely the same role as a commander in the standard Space Marine rules Creatures of Chaos When Chaos Renegades set sail into the warp, they often take Creatures of Chaos with them as mascots, hunting beasts or just extra muscle. Most commonly encountered are Trolls and Minotaurs, giant bipedal creatures of fantastic strength and endurance. It has been theorized that these creatures are a form of mutated Ogryn but there is little evidence to support this. Fortunately, Trolls and. Minotaurs are of limited intellect and use liule in the way of technological weapons or armour. Chaos Hounds are also a common sight. Foul mutations are common amongst these creatures, adding to their horror as they are employed to hunt down the enemy in pursuit actions or round up the civilian population to be loaded onto the Renegades’ space hulks as new slaves for the Daemon Worlds, Chaos Spawn are the most horrifying beasts of all because they show the ultimate fate of the worshipper of Chaos: reduction to a twisted nightmare of fangs, talons, looping tentacles and pocked flesh, No two Spawn are quite the same; each seems to have some feature more nauseous than the last. Normal Spawn are ofien to be found amongst units of beastmen, Champions or other Mutants, or else skulking around the edges of groups of Renegades. The Chaos Spawn described here are the truly monstrous Battle Spawn which are groomed and fattened with the power of Chaos just for fighting in large battles, Spawn have lost any vestiges of intelligence and must be attached to another detachment so they can share its orders. Spawn, which are not within Gem of a friendly unit in the orders phase become uncontrolled. Uncontrolled Spawn charge and attack the nearest unit, regardless of whose side its on. Cultists Cultists are just normal men subverted to the worship of Chaos. Often a cult attempts to infiltrate the Planctary Defence Forces of its homeworld, both to gain access to weapons and to make use of opportunities for sabotage. ‘The result is that most Cultist units are armed in similar fashion to the Imperial Guard, though their equipment, tends to be more neglected and battered with hastily applied Chaos runes and symbols marking their new allegiance. ‘The data for some of the Cultist stands in the army list are not included here as these equate exactly to theie Imperial Guard equivalents, FORMATIONS ‘The maximum distance units in a detachment can be separated by is as follows: Caltists, Chaos Squats, Beastmen 3em_ Creatures of Chaos, Chaos Marines, ‘Traitor Terminators, Champions, Mounted Champions, all vehicles cm EPIC REALM OF CHAOS CHAOS INFANTRY DATA TABLE Basic Support ‘type Speed Save CAF — Weapon Weapon Notes BR Chaos Marines a6 4+ 43 Bolters Missile Launcher — 5 Heavy Bolter Traitor Terminator 8/16 2+ ~—«+7-—«Storm Bolters Assault Cannon Elite, Independent. 175 Beastmen 816 4442 None None zl 30 Chaos Squats O12 5+ +2—_sBolters Heavy Boller 55 ‘Trolls 10/16 4+ 46 —None None Independent, 100 Regenerate, Stupid Minotaurs 18 4+ -45—None None Independent 70 ‘Chaos Spawn AD6H/1D6+ +206 None None Cause Panic, Stupid 75 3D6+4 Chaos Hounds 12724«5+ ~—#3-—CNone None Independent 40 ‘Charnpion Bi mR a Acts as detachment 20 commander Champions 8163+ +8 —_CBolters None Flite, Independent 120 ise Riders 24/36 3+ 46/48 —Bolters None Blue Independent, 200 Skimmer Juggernaut Riders 14/21 2+ #7/+11_—‘Bolters None Cause Panic, Elite, 250 Independent Slaaneshi Riders 24/36 3+ 49—Bolters None Elite, Independent 200 Cultist Tactical 8/16 5+ +1——_sLasguns None e 25 Cultist Support 8/16 5+ +1 Laspistols ——_Lascannon = 40 Colitst Assault #16 5+ #2~—“Boltpistols. | None a 2 NOTES ‘Cause Panic: enemy stands musttake a panic testifcharged, by the stand (see later for rules on panic tests) Elites the stand has elite status (see Sphce Marine rules for full details). Note that the +2 CAF bonus has already been, included in the statistics given above. Independent: the detachment does not require & ‘Champion, commander or command stand to receive orders, and does not have to take morale checks. Is sill subject 10 panic tesis, however, ‘Overruns: any unit with 2 split CAF characteristic can make overrun attacks using the number in front of the slash. Regenerate: if the stand is destroyed, roll 4 Dé in the end, phase; on a 5 or 6 the stand is returned to play. Spawn: the saving throw for Spawn constanily changes. Each time they need to make a save, first roll a D6 to see ‘what their saving throw characteristic is this time. For example, the frst time the Spawn need to save, roll a D6 — the results 4, indicating a save of 4+; nexttime they need to save, roll again — say this time the result is 2, indicating a save of 2+, and so on. ‘Stupid: roll a Dé for the detachment in the order phase of each turn ~ on a 1 they are on no orders for that turn ‘TITAN AND VEHICLE TARGETS Range Ton Critical Name Shoe Long Short Long Hit ‘AsauleCannon 012123654) GH. Ge INFANTRY TARGETS Range Tomi Critical Name Shor Long short Long lt ‘Assauk Cannon O12 1236 SCH 6H) woes EPIC REALM OF CHAOS NEW RULES Chaos necessitates the introduction of a number of new rules to cover situations not normally addressed in Space Marine. We would, however, recommend these rules for use in all games, not just those involving Chaos. REVISED CLOSE COMBAT RULES Currently the close combat rules simply state that the loser of a close combat has to make a saving throw to survive, and secondary attackers are unharmed even if they lose the combat, however badly. Obviously this can lead to situations of complete stalemate where one side can’t win but has such a high saving throw that they probably won't be destroyed either. To counter this, simply apply the following extra rules: 1) The loser of a close combat must make a saving throw to survive modified by -1 for every 3 points his ‘opponent has beaten him by For example, a Terminator stand and an Imperial Guard assault stand are in close combat. The Terminators roll 206 and add their CAF of +7, scoring a total of 14, The Guard roll 206, add their CAF of +2 and +1 for charge but only score 8 in total. The Guard, stand must make a saving throw to survive at -2 because they lost the combat by 6 points — as the Guard's save is only 5+, they are destroyed wo 2 Secondary attackers should add +3 to the primary attacker's CAF or their own CAR, whichever is better For example, using this rule, two Marine assault stands attacking one opposing stand have a total bonus of +8 rather than +7. 3) Secondary attackers on the losing side of a combat which is lost by 5 or more points are forced to make a saving throw to survive just like primary attackers, Note however that this is always an unmodified save. 4) Addetachment which is completely engaged in close combat (ie all of its stands or vehicles have to fight) and which loses more units than it kills must take an immediate panic test (see below). THE PANIC TEST There are some situations which can cause the most hardened veteran the enemy ~ be itthe presence of an enemy Titan intent on crushing the troops to a pulp or the screaming charge of a pack of Daemons, Panic tests may be brought about for a number of reasons but they are generally taken at the point the event occurs (for example, you take a panic test at the point at which the charging Daemons contact the unit) and the results of the test are applied immediately to waiver, or even break, in the face of ‘A number of Chaotic troops and Daemons can cause panic by charging or by just being close enough; exact details of the effects of different creatures can be found in their descriptions. The only other causes of panic tests on the Space Marine battlefield are: 1) Ifa detachment loses a round of close combat, it takes 4 panic test 2) Ifa detachment is under stomp attack from a Titan, it takes a panic text Panic tests affect a whole detachment. A detachment is not forced to take a panic test unless at least half of the detachment is subject to the effect ~ so, for example, a detachment would only have to test for panic if the Titan trying to stomp them could stomp at least half of the detachment. Titans and Gargants never have to take panic tests Panic tests are made on @ D6 and take the form of a saving throw. The testing unit needs to equal or better the score given on the table below: PANIC TESTS Marines, Squats, Eldar Aspect Warriors a Eldar Guardians, Ork Nobz, Imperial Guard 3+ (rk Boyz, Cultists, Planetary Defence Forces 4+ Gretchin 3 Panic Test Modifiers Blite a Battalion commander, Warboss or Hearthguard within 12cm 1 Followers of Khorne # ‘A detachment which fails a panic test must take an immediate rout check on a D6 for every unit in the detachment, Remove the unit from play if a 1 or 2s rolled, otherwise the unit is unaffected MARINE LIBRARIANS Marine Librarians are specially-trained psykers who accompany their brethren into battle to protect them from psychic attack and supply their own offensive powers where necessary. ‘A Marine commander (or Marine Champion in the case of Chaos Marines) is accompanied by a Librarian who is considered to be attached to the same stand as the commander. The Librarian obeys the same rules as the commander/Champion in all regards and confers the following benefits: 1) All panic tests taken by friendly units/ detachments ‘within 12cm of the Librarian are at +1 2) _All saving throws made again: friendly units within 12cm ar Daemonic abilities by +1 3) All instability tests made by opponents within 12cm are at -1 4 All enemy firing conducted within 12cm of the Librarian is at -1 10 hit Designers Note: though these psychic rules are a reasonable representation of the effect of psykers in Space Marine battles, in the future we hope to present a fully- integrated system dealing with psychic combat in detail. EPIC REALM OF CHAOS REVISED INDIRECT FIRE Under the current rules, indirect fire turns up with complete efficiency and accuracy every time it is called. Obviously, it is unrealistic to take this omnipotent approach to indirect fire or games quickly devolve into artillery duels with both sides hugging cover in a desperate attempt to avoid death from above. To overcome this you should apply the following rule: ‘To spot for indirect fire, the spotting unit must first make 2 communications roll to contact the firing detachment and give it the correct target co-ordinates. If the unit fails its roll, the detachment it was attempting to contact may not be contacted by any other units. In fact the firing detachment may not fie at all that turn — its fire is assumed to have gone wildly astray or been tied up waiting for the spotters call. COMMUNICATIONS ROLLS Detachment Commanders, Command Stands 4 Battalions and Regimental commanders, Elite Commanders of any type, Recon Units 3+ IMPERIAL GUARD ARTILLERY In the Imperial Guard army list in White Dwarf 125, Basilisk, Bombard and Manticore detachments are shown as being in three vehicle detachments. I'm sorry to inform all you Imperial Guard players out there that this was a mistake ~ in fact, these artillery detachments all contain only two vehicles each. woes CHAOS ARMY LIST Each box in the army list has three sections: Number Available: at the top of the box it tells you the minimum and maximum numbers of detachments that can be chosen for each cult or battle according to what Power the Magus or battle leader follows. For example, in the Cultists box, the entry for a Nurgle cult states 1-4 = this means that a Nurgle cult must contain at least one detachment of Cultists and can have a maximum of four Cultist detachments. These could be chosen as any combination of Cultist assault and tactical detachments, = say, one assault detachment and three tactical detachments if all four were chosen, Counters: below the number available is an example of the counter types that represent the detachments in this box. These counters are the same as those on the sheet later in the lists; they give the detachment type, the battle rating for the whole detachment and have an illustration on them for easy identification. You may find it helpful to place your card counters in these spaces so that they're readily available as you fill out the templates. Units In Detachment: below the counter illustration isa list of the number and type of the vehicles or infantry stands in the detachment. When you field the detachment, itis represented by the number of stands or vehicles of the type specified. For example, a Cultist, assault detachment comprises eight assault stands and a Champion. BATTLES AND CULTS QUICK REFERENCE TABLE, ‘The Chaos army list is quite large and it can be difficult to remember what compulsory detachments you have to take and so on. To make things easier, we've condensed all the minimums and maximums for each kind of detachment on to one table. Patron Power Detachments —_Khomne Slanesh Taenich Nargle Undivided BATTLES GhaosMarines = 25 «1414144 Traitor Terminators 0-2 0-1 O1 02 O1 ‘Chaos Squats 03 02 03 02 02 Beastmen 14130 14 1514 OrkFreebooterz 02 01 O1 O01 O01 Greaturesof Chaos 02 0-1 03 02 02 ‘Chaos Artifact ‘Weapons 02 02 02 02 02 ‘Champions 02 03 02 03 o2 Vehicles and Support Weapons 02 02 02 02 02 Chaos Titans. 03 02 02 02 03 cULTs Cultises 16 28 25 14 25 Mounted Cultiss 04 06 03 02 04 Beastmen 14 03 04 15 04 Support Weapons 0-1 O01 O1 O1 O41 Vehicles 02 01 01 01 02 Walkers O1 01 O01 01 01 Anillery CTOs Loe ORO Chaos Artifact ‘Weapons Oeste Ot 61- (04 wo2s CHAOS RENEGADE LIST Use this list for filling out battle templates. CHAOS MARINES KHIORNE SLAANESH TZEENTCH NUAGLE UNDVIDED 25 14 1-4 «1-4 14 0S MARES 4. CHAOS MARINE STANDS 1 CHAMPION TRAITOR TERMINATORS KHORNE SLAANESH TZEENTCH NURGLE UNDIVIDED_ 0-2 0-1 0-1 0-2 0-1 TRACER 300° 2 TERMINATOR STANDS CHAOS SQUATS KHORNE SLAANESH TZEENTCH NURGLE UNDIVIDED 0-3 0-2 0-3 0-2 0-2 (CHAOS SOUATS 250 5 CHAOS SQUAT STANDS 1 CHAMPION TWOLE MORTARS: A 200 5 MOLE MORTARS 5 THUDD GUNS, BEASTME! KHORNE SLAANESH TZEENTCH NURGLE UNDIVIDED Ana 1S 8) ed 1-5 -d, PESTUEN a 150 5 BEASTMEN STANDS 1 CHAMPION ORK FREEBOOTERZ KHORNE SLAANESH TZEENTCH NURGLE UNDIVIDED 0-2 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 FREEBOOTER? 4 BOYZ STANDS 1 KAPTIN CREATURES OF CHAOS KHORNE SLAANESH TZEENTCH NURGLE UNDIVIDED 0-2 0-4 0-3 0-2 0-2 TROLLS ‘MINOTAURS: Wa 300 "50 2TROLL STANDS — 2 MINOTAUR STANDS ‘CHAOS SPAWN See ‘CHAOS HOUNDS 150 2. CHAOS SPAWN 5 CHAOS HOUNDS ARTIFACT WEAPONS KHORNE SLAANESH TZEENTCH NURGLE UNDIVIDED 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 See special rules for full details of Chaos Artifact Weapons. CHAMPIONS KHIORNE SLAANESH TZEENTCH NURGLE UNDWIDED 0-2 0-3 0-2 0-3 0-2 (CHAMPIONS 250 2. CHAMPION STAI DISC RIDERS ee | | ‘500 400 400 KHORNE: SLAANESH: TZEENTCH: 2UUGGERNAUT 2 SLAANESHI 2DISC RIDER RIDER STANDS RIDER STANDS ‘STANDS ‘See special rules for full details of Champions. Mounted Champions: only Champions of the listed Power can choose the options listed in the second row of boxes. VEHICLES AND SUPPORT WEAPONS KHORNE SLAANESH TZEENTCH NURGLE UNDIVIDED 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 AIO SPEEDERS RHINOS 150 150 AND SPEEDERS 4 RHINOS. AND RAIDERS ae yy 350 ‘SENTINELS Pe LAND RAIDERS 5 SENTINELS RAPIERS TTARANTULAS esa Se 200 200 5 RAPIER 5 TARANTULA CHAOS TITANS KHORNE SLAANESH TZEENTCH NURGLE UNDWIDED 03 02 02 02 03 DEATH BANGER NEMESIS = 4000 7540 1 NEMESIS. 1 DEATHBRING! 1 WARHOUND you've designed your own Titans, you can make up counters for them and insert them into the battle template in place of the predesigned ones shown here. CHAOS CULTIST LIST Use this list for filling out cult templates. COVENS All cults must have a coven to lead them. The coven contains one stand with randomly generated statistics. See special rules for full details of covens. CULTISTS KHORNE SLAANESH TZEENTCH NUAGLE UNDIVIDED 1-6 2-8 2-5 1-4 2-5 (CUTSTTACTAL CUTSTASSANT | | & 250 150 4CULTTACTICAL STANDS 8 CULT ASSAULT STANDS 4 CULT SUPPORT STAMDS 1 CHAMPION 1 CHAMPION MOUNTED CULTISTS HORNE SLAANESH TZEENTCH NURGLE UNDWIDED 0-4 06 03 0-2 0-4 BIKE 3 ROUGH RIDER STANDS 3 BIKE STANDS 1 ROUGH RIDER 1 BIKE COMMAND COMMAND STAND ‘STAND BEASTMEN KHORNE SLAANESH TZEENTCH NURGLE UNDIVIDED 1403 «404 «(1-5 «(0-4 BEASTUEN 750 5 BEASTMEN STANDS 1 CHAMPION SUPPORT WEAPONS KHORNE SLAANESH TZEENTCH NURGLE UNDIVIDED 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 RAPIERS TARANTULAS 200 200 5 RAPIERS, 5 TARANTULAS ARTILLERY HORNE SLAANESH TZEENTCH NURGLE UNDWIDED 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 MANTICORES 2 MANTICORES: ‘WOLE MORTARS THUDD GINS: fr At 200 5 MOLE MORTARS: 5 THUDD GUNS VEHICLES KHORNE SLAANESH TZEENTCH NURGLE UNDIVIDED 0-2 O41 0-1 0-1 0-2 LEMAN RUSS 800 500 LEMAN RUS: 2 BANEBLADES BANEBLADES ‘SHADOW SOROS RHINOS 500 300 8 RHINOS 2 SHADOW SWORDS ‘WALKERS KHORNE SLAANESH TZEENTCH NURGLE UNDIVIDED 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 ‘SENTINELS ROBOTS or aby § o 180 50 5 SENTINELS 5 ROBOTS BASILISKS [BOMBARDS Bs 250 2 BASILISKS 2BOMBARDS ARTIFACT WEAPONS KHORNE SLAANESH TZEENTCH NURGLE UNDIVIDED 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 See special rules for full details of Chaos Artifact Weapons. wo29 EPIC REALM OF CHAOS cunsrtactionL | cuunsrtacrecal ] curnsrtacrioa. [ curnsttacnia | chaos uanmes | cHAOswARNES | CHAOS MARINES ] CHAOS WARNES fe | | be | | Be 250. 1250 250 250 350 350 350 350 cousrrcreal | cunsttacnon. | curerassau | ounsrasswucr [ ciaGSuannes | chaos wanes | TamoaTznnuTR | ARTIFACT | ie | & | & | | | Boe 1250 280 150 150 350 350 300 cumsrasseurt | curmstassaur | cuunsrassauit | cuunstassaut | cHAos SauaTs | CHAOS SoUATS | CHAOS SaUaTS | CHAOS SOUATS Ee | & | & eb | ae | ah | ah 150 150 150 250 250 250 260 WOOEDCUTSTS[ WOWNEDCOENS | NOTED OUTS CHADS HOUNDS | CHAOSHOUNDS | CHAOSSPAIIN | CHAOS SPAWN BAL Se az | Be | Be a ee IX | Be | Ss 230 200 150 130 TRTICORES TATFAGT nous | rous | unre Sola aaa wi Su x 250 700 200 200 "50 BEASTMEN | BEASTMEN | BEASTMEN | BEASTMEN | MiNOTAURS | DISC RIDERS | wsciRuUTADERS | sLAMESHADERS 2121) 8|2\el= 150 150 150 150 150) 400 400 craosmanines | cHaosmannies | cHaosuannes | cHxosuuanes | CHAMPIONS | LAND RAIDERS | LaNOSPEEDERS | RHINOS — ee ED oe |] ‘350 ‘350 350 350 250 350 150 peasTuen | seastuen |” petsmuen | arTiFacT | RAPIERS | RAPIERS | TARANTULAS | TARANTULAS 8/8 | 2 Kies = 150 150 150 200 200 200 iuooguns | THuoo guns | MOLE MORTARS | MOLE WORTARS oe twarnucasury | oxcioucseury | oveuoucssurr | casas & Al Sa emus | ovnuse | oiemuse | Twomuse 200 200 SENTINELS RopoTs | RHINOS cwaioncusury | oeenowcaaurr | oxcuowcaaury | oxcwcxaure | COE e. RG TWONUSE | THREENUSE | THREEWUSE | FOURMIUSE ¢ c és ALS 150 150 150 300 cnosnannes | cuosuannes | curstuevea | SIKE | LeMaN RUSS DEATH BRNGER e CaS He g a 350 350 250 00 1000 CHAOSSOUATS | DISC RIDERS sunesnares | WaRvouNo NEMESIS “ae veh | Se | % A 250 400 400 S60" 750 700 1340 wo30 SIPAGIE lilt EPIC REALM OF CHAOS DAEMONS AND THEIR CONJURATION BY ANDY CHAMBERS The second part of the Epic Chaos army list for use with the forthcoming plastic boxed set of Epic Chaos miniatures and the range of metal miniatures. This article covers the rules for summoning Daemons to the battlefield with the stats for the Greater and Lesser Daemons of the four Great Powers and Daemon Princes. Daemons are created by a Chaos Power out of the very fabric of Chaos. The Daemon embodies specific aspects of the Power's own traits and abilities. Daemons are really part of a Chaos Power but they have their own ‘consciousness and powers and to all intents and purposes are independent and fully conscious creatures. They depend upon the Chaos Power for their existance, leading to competition between rival Daemons for their master's favours. Each of the four Great Powers has his own hierarchy of Daemons. There are also Daemons which owe nothing to these Chaos Powers and whose existence reflects the waking dreams of a still immature Power. Such Daemons are inclined to be variable in appearance and not always consistent. Other Dacinons owe nothing to any power. ‘Their consciousness is due to some other factor, such as the persistence of a particularly strong-willed and idiosyncratic shado GREATER AND LESSER DAEMONS Daemons are divided into two categories in Epic scale Greater Daemons and Lesser Daemons. The chart below details exactly what falls into each category: LESSER DAEMONS Bloodletters = Khorne Fleshhounds~ Khorne Daemonetes- Slaanesh Fiends ~ Slaanesh Plague Bearers ~ Nurgle Beasts of Nurgle— Nurgle Pink Horrors~ Tzeentch Blue Horrors ~Tzeentch Flamers ~Tzeentch GREATER DAEMONS Bloodthirsters — Khorne Keepers of Secreis~ Slaanesh Great Unclean Ones - Nurgle Lords of Change ~Tzeenich Daemon Princes ‘Throughout the following rules, references are made to Greater or Lesser Daemons and it’s important to know which are which. Though the actual characteristics of different Daemons may vary enormously, the distinction between Greater and Lesser Daemons is broader than that, between master and slaves ~ this is fully reflected in the rales that follow. SUMMONING Daemons can be summoned by covens, Greater Daemons and Daemon Princes. Summonation can take place both before and during a battle. SUMMONING COSTS The statistics given for Daemons of the various Chaos Powers includes a summoning cost. A Daemon's summoning cost is a rating of how hard that particular entity is to bring through into the material universe. Lesser Daemons always appear in packs equal to the sacred number of their native Power, s0 the summoning cost, stated in the statistics of Lesser Daemons is for a whole pack, not an individual Lesser Daemon, ‘Obviously only Daemons of the summoner’s own patron Power may be summoned ~ those who follow Chaos Undivided may attempt to summon only Independent Daemon Princes, ™ PRE BATTLE SUMMONING ‘A Chaos player can summon Daemons before a battle by sacrificing points equal to the summonating cost of the Daemons he requires and rolling for their appearance. The player is limited to one pre-battle summoning attempt for ‘each coven, Greater Daemon and Daemon Prince in his battleforce. Greater Daemons and Daemon Princes will not lower themselves to request aid from equals so they may only summon lesser Daemons - covens will happily abase themselves so may attempt to summon Greater Demons, Daemon Princes of Lesser Daemons. ‘Once the Chaos player has decided on what Daemons his force is going to summon, he should note this down and then roll 1D6 for each pack of Lesser Daemons and each individual Greater Daemon or Daemon Prince, adding +1 to his roll ifhis forces for the battle include a War Temple: 1-2 ‘The summoning is a failure and the requested Daemon or Daemons do not appear. 36 The Daemon or Daemons appear and are available to be used in the battle. SUMMONING IN BATTLE Summoning attempts can be made in battle, though it is risky and time-consuming. The summoning begins with the preparation of an area where the summoner will stand to make his attempt, This must be carefully drawn out with numerous runes and devices while incenses and powders are burnt to prepare a temporary gate through which the Daemon or Daemons can appear. To start preparing the the summoning area,in the orders phase the stand or model which intends to perform the rite has the summoning template placed underneath its current position instead of an order counter. From now on the model or stand is preparing the area. If the summoner is moved for any reason or forced to make a saving throw, the whole summoning attempt is ruined and the template removed. ‘The presence of a War Temple of the appropriate Power can enhance the chances of success substantially. A War ‘Temple may participate in the summoning process as long as it stays stationary and in base-to-base contact with the summoning template from when it is first laid until the completion of the rites, In each end phase after the template has been placed, roll 1D3+1 and add the indicated number of summoning counters to the arrow points on the template. Once all eight points are filled, the summoner can intone the final chant and open the gate. More than one attempt at summoning taking place in a relatively close proximity, such as on the same battlefield, makes the preparation more difficult — deduct -1 from the roll for each extra summoning area being prepared at the same time. Once all of the arrow points on the template have been filled, the summoner may begin the final chants on the following turn. In the orders phase of the turn he must ‘state what type of Daemon or Daemons he intends to ‘summon and in the end phase he may roll to see if i/they appear. The suffering and dying energy of departing souls acts as a magnet to Daemons so the more destruction ‘wrought on this final turn of summoning the better EPIC REALM OF CHAOS Roll 1D6 and apply the following modifiers before consulting the table below: +1 Ifa Greater Daemon is making the summoning. +2. Ifa War Temple is participating in the summoning. + a number equal to the bonus indicated on the chart below according to the number of units killed this turn and the summoning cost of the Daemon: Summoning Cost of Daemon Units Killed 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 13 41000000000 46 41 +1410 000000 740 +1 +1 41 41:0 0 0 0 0 O W142 41-41-41 41 4120-0 00 15-18 +3 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 4100 ~«0 «0 1921 4 3 HM HH HH HO +45 4443-42 -41«41 41 41 411 RESULTS 7+ With a crack like thunder the gate opens. The summoning is successful and the Daemon or Daemons requested appear anywhere within 10cm of the summoner. Remove the summoning template. 6 Eerie lights swirl and the air howls with power — but not enough! The summoner can abandon his altempts or try again next turn, 45 An unearthly wind blasts across the area, destroying the carefully laid symbols and sending ‘candles guitering. Remove 1D3 counters from the template ~ the summoner may replace the counters on following turns using the rules given above before attempting another summoning or abandon the summoning altogether. 23 The Chaos Power barely notices this feeble attempt to draw its attention and slaps it away as a ‘man would a fly. The template is removed — the summoner must make a saving throw to survive or be destroyed by the vague annoyance of his Patron Power. 1 With a crack like thunder the gate opens. The summoning is successful ~ after a fashion. The summoner has seriously fouled up and his attempts have been noticed by an opposing Chaos Power! The equivalent Daemon or Daemons of an opposing Power appear anywhere within 10cm of the summoner, under the control of the opposing player. Remove the summoning template wors EPIC REALM OF CHAOS FORMATIONS Greater Daemons are always treated as individuals for the purposes of orders, movement and so on. Lesser Daemons are organised into detachments consisting of a number of Daemons of the same type. A detachment of Lesser Daemons will contain a number of Daemons equal to the sacred number of its native Power: nine for Tzeentch, eight for Khorne, seven for Nurgle and six for Slaanesh, A detachment of Lesser Daemons follows the same orders, is moved at the same time etc — just like any normal detachment, Lesser Daemons must remain reasonably close to each other to resist the destabilisation they invariably suffer when removed from the warp for any period of time, though inevitably instability eventually draws Daemons back into the warp. At the end of each movement phase it is necessary to check that all the Lesser Daemons in each, detachment are in formation. ‘To countas in formation, all the Daemons in a detachment must be within their sacred number in centimetres of @ central point. Any Daemons in the detachment which are further than their sacred number from the designated point must take an immediate instability test. A different point may be chosen for each detachment, For example, a detachment of Khomate Bloodiatters checks ts formation a the end of the movement phase. Khorne's sacred ‘umber is eight so the Daemons must be within Bom of a point

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