Irrigation EnggCRPQs

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Irrigation Engineering
(Conventional Practice Questions)

Basics of Water Resources Engineering Soil, Water and Plant

01. Determine the time required to irrigate a strip
of land of 0.04 ha in area from a tube well 01. The field capacity and permanent wilting
with Q = 0.02 cumec, f = 5 cm/hr, yaverage = 10 point for a given 0.8 m root zone soil are 35%
cm where and 10% respectively. At a given time, the
Q = discharge through the supply ditch soil moisture in the soil is 20% when a farmer
yav = average depth of water flowing over irrigates the soil with 250 mm depth of water.
the strip Assume bulk specific gravity of the soil as 1.6,
f = infiltration rate of the soil determine the amount of water wasted from
Also determine the maximum area that can consideration of irrigation
be irrigated from the tube well. Ans: [23.2%]
Ans: [39 Min, 1440 m ] 2

02. Wheat is to be given grown in field having

02. Briefly describe the basic methods of applying a field capacity 27% and the PWP 13%. Find
irrigation water to fields, describing the the storage capacity in 80 cm depth of soil,
situations when each method is useful. if the dry unit weight of the soil is 1.5 gm/cc.
If the irrigation water is to be supplied when
03. Briefly explain the following methods of the average soil moisture falls to 18%, find the
applying irrigation in a field with the help of water depth required to be supplied to field.
suitable diagrams: Ans: [16.8 cm, 10.8 cm]
i. Flooding by border strips
ii. Furrow irrigation using a siphon
iii. Irrigation of hill sides with distributing
water through pipelines

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Pune  Bhubaneswar  Bengaluru  Lucknow  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
2 Irrigation Engineering

05. A discharge of 150 , ps was delivered from a

Water Requirement of Crops
canal and 110 , ps reached the field. In eight
01. The following data pertains to healthy growth hours, 2.2 ha of area was irrigated. Following
of a crop were the other data:
Field capacity of soil = 30% (a) Runoff loss in the field = 445 m3
Permanent wilting percentage = 11% (b) Depth of water penetration varies linearly
Density of soil = 1300 kg/m3 from 1.5 m at the head end of the field to
Effective depth of root zone = 700 mm 1.1 m at the tail end.
Daily consumptive use of water = 12 mm (c) Effective depth of root zone = 1.5 m
For the given crop, for healthy growth (d) Available moisture holding capacity of
moisture content must not fall below 25% the the soil is 200 mm per metre
water holding capacity between FC & PWP. depth of soil.
Determine the watering interval in days. Find (i) ηc (ii) η a (iii) η d
Ans: (10.8 days)
Note: That irrigation was started at a moisture
02. What is ‘water requirement of crops’. What is
extraction level of 50%.
meaning of terms Duty & Delta connection
Ans: [73%, 86% & 84.6%]
with crop water requirements what are factors
affecting duty. What is average delta value
in mm for ‘sugar cane’. (ICS 2001) 06. A water course has a CCA 2600 Ha, out of
which intensities for perennial sugarcane and
03. Estimate the depth and frequency of irrigation rice crop are 20% & 40% respectively. Duty of
required for a certain crop, given root zone these crops at the head of the water course
depth : 90 cm, Field capacity :22% wilting are 750 Ha/cumec and 1800 Ha/cumec. Find
point: 12% Approximate Specific gravity of soil the discharge required if the peak demand is
: 1.5 consumptive use: 6mmpd. Assume 50% 120% of the average demand.
depletion of available moisture as indicator Ans:[1.525 m3/s]
to begin application of irrigation water.
Ans: [67.5 mm, 11.25 days] 07. The left branch canal of a main canal running
for a very long distance, carrying discharge of
04. (i) Explain the terms duty & delta. Derive the 20 cumec has CCA 20,000 ha. The intensity of
relationship between two.
irrigation of Rabi crop is 80% and base period
(ii) A soil has field capacity of 23% and wilting
120 days. The right branch of the same main
coefficient of 10%. If root zone depth is 65
canal, carrying a discharge of 8 cumec,
cm. Determine storage capacity of soil.
has culturable command area of 12000 Ha.
Irrigation water is applied when moisture
The intensity of irrigation of Rabi crop is 50%
content falls below 10%. If the water
application efficiency is 70%. Determine and base period is 120 days. Compare the
the water depth required to be applied efficiencies of the two canal systems.
in field. γd for soil is 1.5 gm/cc. (ICS 2011) Ans:[Left canal more efficient]
Ans: [12.7 cm , 18.1 cm]

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Pune  Bhubaneswar  Bengaluru  Lucknow  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
3 Conventional Practice Questions

08. A water course commands an irrigated area 11. Indicate the importance of the following
of 1000 Ha. Intensity of irrigation of rice in this in determining the storage capacity of the
area is 7%. Transplantation of rice crop takes head regulator of a canal irrigation system.
15 days. Total depth of water required by i. Intensity of irrigation
the crop during this period is 500 mm. Useful ii. Kor watering
rainfall on the field during that period is 120 iii. Crop pattern
mm. Find iv. Time factor
(i) Duty of irrigation water on the field during
transplantation of the crop at the head of 12. In a cultivated area, soil has porosity 45% and
the field. FC = 38%. For a particular crop, root zone
Duty at the head of water course depth is 1m, PWP = 10% and Cu = 15 mm/day.
assuming losses to be 20% in water course. If the irrigation efficiency is 60%. What should
(iii) Discharge required in the water course be the frequency of irrigation such that the
moisture contain does not fall below 50% of
Ans: :341 cumec , 273 cumec , 2.56 cumecD
ha ha
Ans: [11 days]
09. Table below gives the details for a certain

Month- Quality of Irrigation Water
ly % of Useful
Months day time rainfall
hours of (cm) 01. Is any type of water suitable for irrigation?
ture (oC)
If not, discuss the impurities in water and
November 19o 7.19 -
mention their safe limits.
December 16o 7.15 1.2
January 12.5o 7.30 0.8
February 13o 7.03 - Designed of Lined Canals
Using Blaney criddle equation and a crop
factor of k = 0.75, determine 01. Design a cement plaster lined irrigation canal
i. Consumption use ii. CIR (n = 0.012) for 30 cumec discharge at a slope
iii. FIR of 22.5 cm/km. Take side slope as 1.5 H to 1V
If ηa = 70% Ans: [y = 3 m]
Ans: [31.8 cm, 29.8 cm, 42.6 cm]
10. Depth of penetration along the length of a 02. What is berm why is it provided in canals
boarder strip at points 30 m apart are proved. Define critical shear stress for a sedimentation
The observed values are 2.0, 1.9, 1.8, 1.6 bed. Discuss use of shield’s diagram to
and 1.5 m. Compute the water distribution calculate value of critical shear stress if
efficiency. Ans: [90.5%] sediment and fluid properties are known.

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Pune  Bhubaneswar  Bengaluru  Lucknow  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
4 Irrigation Engineering

03. 08. Design a cement plaster lined irrigation canal

(a) Distinguish between “bed load” and (n = 0.012) for 30 m3/s discharge at a slope
“suspended load”. of 22.5 cm/km. Take slope of cross section
(b) Explain Shield’s curve for incipient motion 3H = 2V.
by sediment. Mark clearly the ordinate
and abscissa of this curve and label
salient features. Design of Unlined Canals in Alluvial Soils

04. A Lined canal with manning n = 0.012 is laid at 01. In the context of sediment transport in alluvial
1 channels, describe briefly the following:
a slope of line
2000 . It is required to carry flow i. Bed load
of 30 cumec. The side slope of the canal are ii. Bed forms
laid at 1V: 2H. What will be the uniform flow iii. Regime channel
depth in canal. Assume triangular section
with rounded circular bottom having radius 02. (a) Write Rouse equation for distribution of
equal to the depth of flow. suspended sediment in the vertical of a
Ans: [2.4 m] channel and label all the terms.
05. Draw the typical well proportioned cross- (b)
In a wide alluvial channel having
sections of the irrigation canals in alluvial soil suspended sediment load, the depth of
i. Partly in cutting &partly in filling flow is 2.8 m. If a suspended load sampler
ii. Completely in filling indicated a concentration of 700 ppm
at a point 30 cm below water surface,
06. A trapezoidal irrigation canal with side slope estimate the concentration at a point
of 1.5 H to 1V is proposed to be lined with 10 cm above the bed in same vertical.
bricks to reduce seepage losses. It is required The exponent in Rouse equation can be
to carry a discharge of 20 m3/s of water. Find assumed as 0.4
the wetted perimeter for minimum amount of Ans: [6109 ppm]
lining. Also compute the required bed slope.
The value of Manning’s rugosity coefficient is 03. A distributory is to be designed to irrigate 3600
0.015 and it is stipulated that average velocity ha in rabi and 1400 ha in khariff critical stage
cannot exceed 1 m/s water depth i.e, kor depth and kor period
Ans: [P = 15 m, S =
] for rabi and khariff are 13.5 cm & 4 weeks &
07. Design a concrete lined canal of trapezoidal 19 cm & 2.5 weeks respectively. Design the
section to carry a discharge of 250 m3/s at a distributory by Lacey’s theory with silt factor
longitudinal slope of 1 in 6000. The side slopes 0.85
of the channel are 1.5 H : 1V and limiting depth
of 3 m is to be maintained. Take Manning’s Ans: [D = 0.8 m, R = 5 m , S = ]
N = 0.015
Ans: [b = 44 m, d = 3m]

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Pune  Bhubaneswar  Bengaluru  Lucknow  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
5 Conventional Practice Questions

04. Design an alluvial channel based Lacey’s 07. Design a regime channel to carry a discharge
theory from the following data discharge of 40 cumec by Lacey’s theory. Assume side
25 cumec, Lacey’s silt factor 1.1 side slopes slopes to be 11. The average size of the bed
1 material is 0.8 mm
H: 1V Derive Lacey’s waterways and
Ans:[25.6 m, 1.6 m, S = : 2912 D ]
regime scour depth formulae.
Ans: [B = 20.28 m, D = 1.54 m , S =
4872 ] 08. Design an irrigation channel by kennedys
method to carry 50 m­3/s of discharge with
base width to depth ratio as 2.5. The critical
05. An unlined canal in alluvial soil has a seepage
velocity ratio as 1.1. Assume Kutter’s rugosity
loss of 2.5 cumec/million m2 of wetted
perimeter the unlined channel has a wetted coefficient 0.025 and side slope H : 1V
perimeter of 25 m and has a maintenance 1
Ans: [b : 8.8 m, d = 3.5 m , s = ]
cost of Rs 1 per sq meter of wetted perimeter.
There is a huge scarcity of water in the area
and as such the canal is to be lined with Water Logging and Drainage
cement concrete lining 12 mm thick so as to
reduce seepage loss of 0.02 cumec/ million 01. What are causes of infertility of water logged
m2 of wetted perimeter. The lined channel areas? Derive an expression to determine
has a wetted perimeter of 20m. The extra cost spacing of drains in open drainage system.
of lining works out to be Rs 100 per sq meter. Under what conditions this system may be
If the average annual revenue per cumec of recommended as an anti-water logging
water is Rs 25 lakhs and percentage reduction measure.
in annual maintenance cost is 40%. Decide
whether it is economically feasible of canal 02. In a subsurface drainage system. It is desired
lining as 50 years and the interest rate as 6% to keep the highest level of water table at 1.5
per annum. m below the ground surface. The depth of
Ans: [Justified for lining] impervious layer below land surface is 10.0 m
and depth of drain below land surface is 2.0
06. Using Tractive force approach design a m. The main annual rainfall in the area is 96
channel in alluvial soil for the following data: cm. Coefficient of permeability is 6 × 10-6 m/s.
i. Discharge : 45 cumec Design spacing of drain pipes.
1 Ans: [S = 42.2 m]
ii. Bed slope :
iii. Manning’s (n): 0.0225
03. Sugarcane is grown in an area where ground
1 water table is 2 m below the ground. The root
iv. side sloep H : 1V
v. Permissible tractive stress zone depth of sugarcane is 1.8 m, if the size of
τ = 0.0035 kPa soil pores is 0.08 mm in diameter and surface
Ans: [B : 24 m, y = 1.94 m] tension 0.054 N/m. Is the field water logged?

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Pune  Bhubaneswar  Bengaluru  Lucknow  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
6 Irrigation Engineering

If so, determine the vertical location of closed 03. Design a submerged pipe outlet for the
drains below ground, spaced at 15 m. Take following data:
drainage coefficient as 0.116 cumec/ km . 2
i. Discharge through outlet = 0.04 cumec
Coefficient of permeability 10 -6
m/s and ii. FSL of the distributory channel = 100 m
impervious strain occurs at 7 m from ground. iii. FSL of the water course = 99.90 m
Assume the capillary rise from ground water iv. Full supply depth of distributory canal =1.1
table not to interface with root zone of plant. m
Ans: [4.61 m]
Assume an average value of coefficient of
04. There are two different areas A & B to be
discharge 0.7 Ans: [22.8 cm]
drained by means of closed file drainage

K 2 SA 2 ^b2  a2hA  5 04. What are the important features for the design
system. =
If K A 1=
, ,
B SB 3 ^b2  a2hB 6
of cross drainage works. Also, sketch a typical
Find the ratio A siphon aqueduct.

If the drains carry 1% of the average annual

05. Draw the layout of a typical canal network
rainfall in 24 hours in both the cases, find the
indicating there on the various regulations
P and cross drainage structures.
ratio PA
Ans: [2.5, 3.75]

Diversion Head Works

05. What are the causes of infertility of water
logged areas.
Derive an expression to determine the spacing 01. In Khosla’s theory, how is the exit gradient of
of drains in open drainage system. Under what a weir in permeable foundation estimated.
conditions this system may be recommended using this theory, how can the factor of safety
as an antiwater logging measure. of a weir design against piping be estimated.

Canal Regulatory Works, 02. Discuss role of sheet piles in foundation of

Outlets Escapes & CD Works weirs on permeable soils. What are relative
advantages and disadvantages vis-a-vis the
location of these piles.
01. Draw a neat sketch of a syphon aqueduct
and state conditions under which it is 03. Explain the term “ Exit gradient”. using
recommended. Khosla’s theory, estimate the value of exit
gradient for a weir with a horizontal floor on
02. What are the important features for design of a permeable foundation having width b =
cross drainage works. 10 m and depth of d/s pile = 1.5 m given the
difference between U/S & d/s water levels is 4
m. Ans: [0.43]

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Pune  Bhubaneswar  Bengaluru  Lucknow  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
7 Conventional Practice Questions

04. Draw a schematic sketch of a diversion head

River Training Works
works with canals taking off from both sides.
Indicate the functions of under sluices portion
and canal head regulator. 01. Write short explanatory notes on
“ Guide Bunds” and “Launching apron”
05. Figure shows the section of hydraulic structure
formed on sand. Calculate the average
02. Describe in brief various types of groyness
hydraulic gradient. Also find the uplift pressure
used for river training. Draw a section of a
at points 6, 12 and 18 m from the upstream
end of the floor and find the floor thickness
valves at those points taking G = 2.24
03. Describe salient features of meandering
of rivers in alluvial plains. Describe suitable

methods of training such rivers.

6m 04. Explain the four stages of a river course and

12 m which stage of river is suitable for locating
18 m
8m headworks.

22 m

Gravity Dams
Ans: [2.76 m, 2.23 m, 1.72 m]
06. State and explain the functions of upstream
and downstream piles of a barrage. How are 01. Find the base width of elementary profile
their depths decided. of a gravity dam from considerations of no
tension, and safety in sliding Assume reservoir
07. Explain briefly the functions, location and full condition.
design considerations of the following:
i. Under sluices 02. Describe the zone method of design of high
ii. Fall gravity dams.
08. Explain various corrections required in
determining seepage pressure by method of
independent variables. 03. A part of the solid gravity dam (Specific gravity
of mass concrete 2.64) is shown in its c/s. Take
09. Distinguish between Bligh’s creep theory and uplift factor as 0.7. Draw a tabular statement
Lane’s Weighted creep theory. for analysis of forces at horizontal section 26
m below water level. No ice wind & seismic
forces need to be considered.

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Pune  Bhubaneswar  Bengaluru  Lucknow  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
8 Irrigation Engineering

06. “Seismic forces are taken into account in the

design of solid gravity dams”.
10 m
6m If the statement is correct, explain the
procedure for computing those forces.
26 m 3 07. Determine the base width of an elementary
profile of a concrete gravity dam considering
both sliding and stability criteria consider
uplift pressure force also.

04. A masonry dam 100 m high is as shown in

08. Write short notes on
the figure. If µ= 0.75 and weight density of
a. Reservoir sedimentation
concrete 2.4 t/m3. Is the dam safe against
b. River training
sliding or not

10 m

01. A round crested spillway passes a design
discharge of 1 m3/s per meter length. Cd = 0.7.
97 m If the height of the crest above the d/s silting
basin floor level is 10 m, design the i) depth (ii)
length of the silting basin. Depth of the flow in
68 m the stream on the d/s of the spillway is 1 m at
the design discharge of 1 m3/s. Enquire if the
Ans: [Not
bed of the stilling basin has to be depressed.
05. A masonry dam 10 m high is trapezoidal in
02. What do you understand by “priming” and
section with a top width of 1 m and bottom
“depriming”. Describe any three devices used
width of 8.25 m. Face exposed to water has a
for early priming in saddle siphon spillway.
batter of 1:10
03. Design and sketch the shape of an ogee
i. FOS against sliding
spillway using the data given below:
ii. FOS against overturning
Upstream head of water (H) = 20 m
iii. Shear friction factor (SFF)
Shape of U/S face : 1 H : 1.5v
Is it safe in sliding and overturning or not
Ans: [k = 1.939, n = 1.81]
Assume µ = 0.75
04. Describe various methods used for energy
Unit weight of masonry 2240 kg/m3
dissipation below spillways
Permissible shear stress of joint q = 14 kgf/cm2
Ans: [1.62, 3.4, 24.3]

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Pune  Bhubaneswar  Bengaluru  Lucknow  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad
9 Conventional Practice Questions

05. Suggest a suitable device for energy

dissipation at the toe of a spillway with
following data:
Discharge per unit width = 10 cumec/m
Depth of water at toe = 80 cm
Margin of safety to be adopted against
sweep out = 7%
Tail water depth = 6 m
Ans: [Roller bucket is preferred.]

06. Discuss the use of hydraulic jump, as an

energy dissipation device in the design of
hydraulic structures.

Earth Dams

01. For reducing seepage of water through

body of an earthen dam, what provisions are
made? What is piping in earthen dams. How
is it prevented.

02. Calculate the seepage through an earth

dam resting on an impervious foundation for
reservoir data given below.
Height of dam = 60 m
Upstream slope = 2.75 : 1 (H : V)
Downstream slope = 2.50 : 1 (H : V)
Free board = 2.5 m
Crest width = 8 m
Length of drainage blanket = 120 m
Coefficient of permeability of embankment
kX = 4 × 10-7 m/s, kY= 1 ×10-7 m/s
Ans: (3.3 × 10-6 m/s)

ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad  Delhi  Pune  Bhubaneswar  Bengaluru  Lucknow  Chennai  Vijayawada  Vizag  Tirupati  Kolkata  Ahmedabad

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