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Create Bulk Users in Active Directory - Step-by-Step Guide & Free Tool

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You can set up a lot of new user accounts in Active Directory with
commonly available tools.


Prepare Active Directory

Set up user account


Create a PowerShell

Import users in AD with

Active Directory (AD) is used by 95 percent of US
Fortune 500 companies. It is the leading identity and An automated tool for
uploading accounts into
access management system in the USA and it is taking
on big rivals by strengthening its lead through cloud
Download and install
deployment with the Azure platform. the User Import Tool

Bulk create accounts

As a system administrator, it is highly likely that you are
with the User Import
going to get to know AD really well. The pressure for Tool
greater efficiency and the squeeze businesses always
Bulk importing Active
put on IT budgets makes it difficult to argue for funds to Directory accounts
acquire specialized IT tools to automate mundane Active Directory
tasks. So, you end up implementing manual tasks to management systems

Active Directory FAQs

provide the time-saving systems that everyone else in Which file format is
used to create users
the business can enjoy.
through bulk create?

Fortunately, the procedures to bulk create new How do I export all

users from Active
accounts in Active Directory with just the software you
already have is not too difficult. We will show you how.
What is the purpose of
We will also look into some free tools that you can get
an Active Directory OU?
in order to perform this task if you just don’t have the
time to study PowerShell commands.

Hint: Uploading new users into PowerShell is
a lot easier with a free tool than it is with

Get The Active Directory

Handbook for FREE
Learn the essentials of Active Directory from
getting started to getting the most out of it (inc.
our pick of the best free AD management tools).

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Prepare Active Directory

If you are using Active Directory, you probably already
have all of the necessary tools available on your server.
However, just to be sure, look at the following steps.

1. Go to the Start menu and click Server Manager.

This should open a new window.

2. In the Server Manager Dashboard, select Add

roles and features.
3. In the Before You Begin screen, click Next. In the
Select installation type screen, make sure Role-
based or feature-based installation is selected,
and then press Next.
4. In Select destination server, click Next to select
your local server. This displays the Add Roles and
Features screen.
5. Select Server Roles in the left-hand menu and
make sure that the Active Directory Domain
Services role is checked. If you are just starting up
a new Active Directory installation you will need to
activate this role, if you are already running Active
Directory, this role will already be running.
6. Click Features in the left-hand menu. Make sure
that Remote Server Administration Tools is
checked. Expand this node and ensure that AD DS
and AD LDS Tools is checked. If they are, you are
good to go; if not, check it and click to install the

Also, in the Add roles and features screen, you can

make sure that you have the PowerShell ISE service
working. Click Features in the left-hand menu and scroll
down through the list in the main panel of the screen.
Click Windows PowerShell to expand that node and
make sure that Windows PowerShell ISE is checked. If
not, click this option and install it.
Set up user account details

Now that you have made sure that all of the PowerShell
utilities you need are running on your server, you can
create a list of all of the accounts that you want to
upload. Open your favorite spreadsheet system and
create a new file.

Make a heading line and in columns A to E type in the

headings firstname, lastname, username, password,
email, streetaddress, city, zipcode, state, country,
telephone, jobtitle, department, company, and OU. Enter
a record for each account that you want to create. If
you don’t have data for all of the columns, you can leave
those fields blank except for firstname, lastname,
username, password, and OU, which must have values.

The OU column gives the details of the Organizational

Unit. You should have these set up already in Active
Directory, they are the departments or business
functions that you assign to each user account.

In order to see exactly what value to put in this column:

1. Open Active Directory Users and Computers.

2. Select your Active Directory instance, select View

in the top menu, and click Advanced Features.
3. Right-click the organizational unit that you want to
assign a user to and click Properties. Select the
Attribute Editor tab.
4. Double click the distinguishedName line. This will
open a popup window. You can copy the attribute
value from here and paste it into the OU field for
the new user account record that you are creating
in your spreadsheet.
Once you have entered records for all of the accounts
you want to load, save the spreadsheet. Start to save
the spreadsheet again, but this time, use the Save As
option. Select CSV as the file type. You can make
changes in the spreadsheet version and use the CSV
version for the bulk upload. Remember, whenever you
make changes to the spreadsheet, you need to generate
a new version of the CSV file in order to get those
changes written to your import file.

Create a PowerShell script

Open a text editor, such as Notepad in order to create a

PowerShell script to import your list of users.

Copy the following text and paste it into the new file:

# Import Active Directory module for running AD cmdle


Import-Module activedirectory

#Store the data from your file in the $ADUsers variab


$ADUsers = Import-csv <fileandpath>

#Loop through each row containing user details in the

CSV file

foreach ($User in $ADUsers)

#Read user data from each field in each row and assig
n the data to a variable as below

$Username = $User.username

$Password = $User.password

$Firstname = $User.firstname

$Lastname = $User.lastname

$OU = $User.ou

$email = $User.email

$streetaddress = $User.streetaddress

$city = $User.city

$zipcode = $User.zipcode

$state = $User.state

$country = $User.country

$telephone = $User.telephone

$jobtitle = $User.jobtitle

$company = $User.company

$department = $User.department

$Password = $User.Password

#Check to see if the user already exists in the AD

if (Get-ADUser -F {SamAccountName -eq $Username})

#If the user does exist, give a warning

Write-Warning "A user account with username $Username

already exists in Active Directory."


#User does not exist then proceed to create the new u

ser account

#Account will be created in the OU provided by the $O

U variable read from the CSV file

New-ADUser `

-SamAccountName $Username `

-UserPrincipalName "$Username@<domain>" `

-Name "$Firstname $Lastname" `

-GivenName $Firstname `

-Surname $Lastname `

-Enabled $True `

-DisplayName "$Lastname, $Firstname" `

-Path $OU `

-City $city `

-Company $company `

-State $state `

-StreetAddress $streetaddress `

-OfficePhone $telephone `

-EmailAddress $email `

-Title $jobtitle `

-Department $department `

-AccountPassword (convertto-securestring $Password



-ChangePasswordAtLogon $True

**** End of script – do not copy this line ***

There are two elements in the above script that you

need to customize before you run it. These are:

<fileandpath> Replace this with the file name of

your CSV file, including the .csv extension and the
full path all the way from the root, including the
drive letter. For example,
<domain> Replace this with the domain name of
your AD server.

Once you have created the PowerShell script, save it.

Give the script a name that has the extension ps1 – for
example uploadusers.ps1.

Import users in AD with PowerShell

1. Open File Explorer and click the directory where

you saved your PowerShell script.

2. Right-click the script and select Edit from the

context menu. This will open Windows PowerShell
3. Look for a green play icon in the button bar at the
top of the screen and press it. If any of the
accounts that you tried to upload already exist in
your AD directory, you will see a warning message
for each duplication – the duplicate record will not
be entered into the database. When the script
finishes its work, the PowerShell prompt will
4. Go back to Active Directory Users and Computers.
Click each of the departments that you created
new user accounts for and check that all of the
accounts that you held in the CSV file have actually
been created.

An automated tool for uploading accounts

into AD

If you are uncomfortable with running PowerShell

scripts, you might be happier with a well-designed tool
with an attractive GUI interface instead. You probably
already use a lot of different tools in your job
administering the company IT system, so this strategy
will be easy to understand.

The big advantage that PowerShell has over third-party

systems is that you already have it and you don’t have
to pay for it. In many companies, requirements laid
down to justify buying a new tool can be off-putting.
However, there are some really good free tools for the
bulk creation of Active Directory user account. That
removes the need to seek budgetary approval.

SolarWinds Admin Bundle for Active Directory


Take a look at the Admin Bundle for Active Directory

which is totally free forever – it isn’t a trial. The bundle
is provided by SolarWinds and it has a great user
interface. It measures up to the high standards that
SolarWinds uses for its paid system monitoring and
management tools.

There are three separate tools included in this package.

These are the Remove Inactive Users utility, the
Remove Inactive Computers tool, and the User Import
Tool. Of the three, it is the third one that we will look at

Download and install the User Import Tool

Access the Create User Account utility at the Admin

Bundle for the Active Directory download page. This
will download an installation Wizard. Click the
downloaded file to start the installation process.

Cycle through the installation instructions to get the

utilities installed on your device. The bundle will install
on Windows as well as Windows Server. The three
utilities are created as separate tools – they are not
accessed through a unified portal.

Admin Bundle for Active Directory

Download 100% FREE Tool
Bulk create accounts with the User Import

Once the installation has completed, find the User

Import Tool in the Start menu. This system will import a
file created with a spreadsheet. So, you would create a
list of new users in exactly the same way as the
process described in the section for creating users
through a PowerShell script. In the case of the User
Import Tool, however, it is not necessary to save your
spreadsheet in a CSV format if you use Microsoft Excel.
This is because this utility will accept XLSX files as well
as CSV files for input.

The first time you use the service you will need to enter
the login credentials of your Active Directory
administrator account. However, these are stored when
you close the utility, so they will be available for your
next session.

After entering the administrator account details, click

the Test Credentials button. This will create a
connection to the Active Directory instance.

The utility will create entries for the new users you want
to upload in an associated Microsoft Exchange
instance, generating mailboxes for each new account. If
you want to activate this option, click the Create AD
account and Exchange mailbox radio button. The top
field in the Home screen of the User Import Tool is for
the path and name of the input file. You can locate this
through a file explorer by clicking the Select File button.
Once all the fields on the screen have been filled in, click
the Next button to proceed.

In the next screen, the tool displays the column

headings it discovered in the input file and suggests
some attributes in the AD system that might match.

You can add attributes to the right column of the screen

by typing a field name in the search field below that
panel and then scrolling through the list of results.

Click an attribute to get it in the candidate field and then

click the Add button to get it in the list of available
Next, you click a column name in the list of input file
headings and then click the related attribute name from
AD in the right column. With both fields highlighted,
press the Map Attribute button. This links the column
to the attribute. Click the Next button after mapping all
of the columns.

The next screen shows a preview of all of the records

that are going to be added to the Active Directory. Click
the Create button to get those records imported.

Go to the Active Directory Users and Computers

screen from the Start menu to check that those new
user accounts are now in the system.

Bulk importing Active Directory accounts

Whether you choose to copy the PowerShell script

shown here to import users or access the free User
Import Tool from SolarWinds, creating users through a
spreadsheet is a useful way to add a lot of users all at
once. Creating a list in a spreadsheet outside the AD
system enables you to build up a list over time and you
don’t feel so pressured to type in all of the account
details in one session.

Using a system management tool is always going to be

easier and more reliable than performing manual tasks,
which are prone to error, or writing your own scripts and
programs, which might contain bugs. The producers of
system management tools test their products
thoroughly before releasing them and they are less
likely to contain errors than programs you try to write
yourself in between other tasks.

The User Import Tool and the other facilities in the

Admin Bundle for Active Directory are relatively simple.
Each of these three tools performs just one function. It
is probably better to investigate a more comprehensive
package that can support all of your work managing
applications and the servers that they run on.

SolarWinds produces a much more comprehensive

system of application management tools, which is
called the Server and Application Monitor. This
package installs on Windows Server and you have to
pay for it. However, you can get it on a 30-day free trial
to assess its merits.

Admin Bundle for Active Directory

Download 100% FREE Tool

Active Directory management systems

SolarWinds isn’t the only supplier that produces Active

directory software. Some systems offer a complete
substitute frontend for Active Directory.

ManageEngine ADManager Plus (FREE TRIAL)

An example of this type of package is ManageEngine

ADManager Plus. This system allows you to onboard
and adjust Active Directory users individually and in
The ADManager Plus Bulk User Creation screen works
through a library of templates. You select the template
you want for your standard user account and then you
can upload details from a CSV file to actually generate
those objects in Active Directory. It is available on a 30-
day free trial.

ManageEngine ADManager Plus

Start 30-day FREE Trial

Get The Active Directory

Handbook for FREE
Learn the essentials of Active Directory from
getting started to getting the most out of it (inc.
our pick of the best free AD management tools).

First Name Email

Please give consent to receive emails


Active Directory FAQs

Which file format is used to create users

through bulk create?

You should use the CSV file format for creating bulk
users in Active Directory. This is a pain txt file with
records represented by each line in the file. Fields in the
records are separated by commas. Such a file can be
created in a spreadsheet system, such as Excel.

How do I export all users from Active Directory?

Open the Active Directory Users and Computers tool

and click on your desired organizational unit. Click on
the Export List button. All of the accounts in that OU will
be copied into a comma-delimited file.

What is the purpose of an Active Directory OU?

OU stands for “organizational unit”. An Active Directory

OU is a subdivision of a domain. It allows you to group
objects together, such as the modeling of a company

Net Admin » Create Bulk Users in Active Directory

4 Comments Leave a comment

September 28, 2021 at 9:46 pm


I’ve been using the script, and it works great, but I tried adding a
portion to give the users a home directory on a specific server, and I
am having some trouble any advice?

Thank you,



Richard W
September 25, 2021 at 10:41 pm

Hi there,

is there a way of outputting from the bulk users import passwords,

rather than populating the existing csv with password.

for example if I was to bulk create 250 users and PowerShell to

randomize password and output that to a further csv, along with
created SamAccount names. Thanks


Mike Nefs
July 15, 2021 at 11:25 pm

I am following the steps in mass import AD users via the powershell
script, but the steps you reference the 2 places you need to modify:
and , but in the script those 2 placeholders are not found. What is the
program line for both of these, please.


Stephen Cooper
July 16, 2021 at 12:01 am

Hi, Mike,

I am so sorry — I appear to have left those two markers out of

the text for the PowerShell script. I have put them in now. You
should see the line $ADUsers = Import-csv <fileandpath> at the
top of the script. Also, note that the third line of the insert now
reads -UserPrincipalName “$Username@<domain>” `




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