CASE STUDY Harley Davidson Inc. Group 5-1
CASE STUDY Harley Davidson Inc. Group 5-1
CASE STUDY Harley Davidson Inc. Group 5-1
Harley-Davidson, Inc.
Submitted to:
Submitted by:
Toquero, Kaye CylinA.
Yap, Anjanette M.
Jardinel, JanethS.
Reyes, Kimberly Shane C.
Cubelo, Jomar C.
"Screw it, let's ride."
5.1 InternalEnvironment
Internal factors evaluation matrix helps to evaluate the major strengths and
weaknesses in the functional areas of a business.
5.1.1 Strengths
5.2 ExternalEnvironment
The purpose of an external factor analysis is to find out the list of opportunities
that could benefit a firm and threats that should be avoided.
5.2.1 Opportunities
5.2.2 Threats
Harley-Davidson’s current market is slowly declining due to the aging of their target
market, baby boomers, and failure to appeal to younger market segments is going to
cause adverse effects on the company. The company’s limited and expensive product
line also causes the current market to buy from competitors who offer high-quality yet
more affordable products.
1. Introduce a new and attractive product based on local market desire of thetarget
market while maintain the brandname.
3. Dissimilarity of the product they are offering in terms of its features andquality.
- Growth in marketsegment.
1 The criterion that would have this weight is not the main focus or
consideration for the company as of the current time frame.
2 The factor to be spotted in this particular weight would have the company’s
moderate consideration that will affect their decision making.
3 This weight means that the company puts a lot of focus and consideration in
this criterion. They think that it will be the company’s best need at the current
time context.
Criterion 5 3 1
Benefit/Cost Exceed the cost to Won't exceed the The benefit that will
Relationship be incurred in a cost to be incurred be gained in the
very significant future will be for a
percentage short period of time
Decision Matrix
Potential impact on 3 5 15
Ease of 1 5 5
Benefit/Cost 2 5 10
Speed of 2 3 6
Alternative Course of Action 2
Criterion Weight Rating Score
Potential impact on 3 5 15
Ease of 1 3 3
Benefit/Cost 2 3 6
Speed of 2 3 6
With the given data that has been shown above, introducing new product and making
innovation based on the local preference on their target market, while maintaining their
image popularity, can gives HD a competitive advantage over on their competitors, this
can also prove how they dominate the motorcycle industry.
ACA Selection
Harley-Davidson’s problem can be solved using the ACA#1 where a new and attractive
product will be introduced based on the local market trend of the target market while
maintaining the brand name. Nowadays innovation is a big part of company’s success
due to the rapid change that is happening in our world, thus innovating your product and
involving your consumer’s preference on that innovation can guarantee you a
competitive advantage over your competitors.
This can give customer satisfaction that can help increase the HD’s reviews and
feedback that can be a plus point to their brand name.
Conduct a meeting and discuss the chosen action with marketing department,then
prepare the document that will be needed. Discussing the product with the top and
lower management especially the research and developmentteam.
Identify the local market preferences and start the gathered data together with the R&D
team. Explain the product launch in the market and forecast the possible budget that the
company will spend.
Finalizing the product budget that will be needed in the project, conducting researchand
development to start a plan on formulating the proposed product. Then another meeting
will be held to discuss the approval of theproposal.
Conduct a meeting with potential investors and other companies, a detailedexplanation
will be made along with the incrementalcost.
Report of the forecasted cost of production, then the approved proposal and the
forecasted cost. Starts the production of the proposed innovated product. This willbe
test and monitor, then execute anevaluation.
Product launch and continuous advertisement, monitor sales and product evaluations.