The Design of An LDO Regulator The Analog Mind
The Design of An LDO Regulator The Analog Mind
The Design of An LDO Regulator The Analog Mind
Behzad Razavi
Many mixed-signal systems incorpo-
rate LDO regulators to generate local
supply voltages for various building
blocks. LDOs isolate the circuits from
one another’s noise and from the
within a PLL. We assume the VCO
is designed for a phase noise of
–110 dBc/Hz at a 1-MHz offset and
must incur no more than 1 dB of
noise penalty due to the LDO. The
where f denotes the frequency off-
set from the carrier. At a 1-MHz off-
set, this value must be sufficiently
below −110 dBc/Hz so as to intro-
duce only 1 dB of penalty. That is,
noise on the global supply, VDD. For VCO implementation is shown in we must have
optimum performance, the design of Figure 1, along with the LDO. The for- 2
each LDO is tailored to the particu- mer employs two capacitor banks, K VCO
S V, LDO + 10 -110/10
4r 2 f 2
lar cell that it feeds. For example, an B 1 and B 2, for digital tuning, and 10
log = 1dB
10 -110/10
LDO developed for a flash analog-to- MOS varactors, M V1 and M V2, for (2)
digital converter is quite different analog control. As phase-noise opti-
from one serving a VCO. mization dictates a PLL bandwidth at f = 1MHz. It follows that S V, LDO #
In this article, we design an LDO of no more than a few megahertz, 32 nV/ Hz .
for a 5-GHz LC VCO and target the the VCO gain, K VCO, should typically The PSRR is defined as ; Vout /VDD ;
following specifications: not exceed 2r (50 MHz/V). Noting in Figure 1 and must remain less
■■ Input voltage: 1.2 V that low-frequency perturbations than −40 dB. The −40-dB require-
■■ Output voltage: 1 V on Vout and Vcont have approxi- ment translates to two assumptions
■■ Maximum output current: 5 mA mately the same effect on the VCO as to how “clean” VDD should be.
■■ Power supply rejection> 40 dB up output phase, we express the phase First, its random noise must be less
to 10 MHz noise due to the LDO random noise, than 100 # 32 nV/ Hz . Second, any
■■ Output noise voltage 150 nV/ Hz S V, LDO, as periodic perturbation on VDD must
at 1 MHz. be so small that, with 40 dB of atten-
The PSRR and tolerable output K 2VCO uation, it introduces sufficiently low
S zn (f ) = S V, LDO, (1)
noise are chosen according to the 4r 2 f 2 spur levels at the VCO output. If we
VCO’s supply sensitivity. We elaborate
on these points in the next section.
We also target a maximum LDO power VDD
consumption of 1 mW beyond the Vout
5 mA # 1.2 V = 6 mW that it provides
to the load. The design is carried out
in the slow-slow corner of 28-nm tech- L1 L1
nology at T = 75c C. The reader is
B1 B2
referred to the LDO literature for back- X Y
ground information [1]–[5].
M1 M2
LDO/VCO Interface
We wish to regulate the supply volt- Mv1 IVCO Mv2
age of a 5-GHz VCO that operates
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2022.3167308
Date of current version: 25 June 2022 FIGURE 1: A VCO circuit fed by an LDO.
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80 50
Magnitude (dB)
Phase (°)
the unity-gain bandwidth cannot tively, while minimally loading these the gates of M 1 and M 2 to node P.
exceed this value after frequency nodes. This topology avoids cas- From this, we me make two obser-
compensation is applied. It then codes and creates well-defined bias vations. 1) The loop gain falls to
appears that the 1.1-GHz target stipu- currents for both stages (e.g., I D5 is unity at f = 4.1GHz, where the
lated previously is far from reach. For- copied from I D3), thus serving as a
tunately, pole splitting and pole-zero robust solution. A transistor length of
cancellation resolve this issue. 120 nm provides a high voltage gain,
and a large channel area reduces the M6 M0
Op-Amp Design flicker noise. The op amp draws a
To obtain the widest bandwidth for a supply current of 200 nA. P
given gain, we should incorporate a The LDO loop consisting of A 1
Rc Cc
cascode op amp, but, in view of the and M 0 contains poles at A (and B),
low supply voltage, we opt for a sim- Q, P, and X. We therefore predict the 500 Ω 1 pF IVCO CVCO
ple two-stage structure. The circuit need for frequency compensation.
consists of a differential pair and a We simulate the open-loop LDO
stage with a current-mirror load, as circuit and arrive at the frequency
shown in Figure 3. Resistors R a and response depicted in Figure 4. Also FIGURE 5: The op-amp frequency-
R b set the CM level at A and B, respec- shown is the op-amp gain, i.e., from compensation network.
80 0
Phase (°)
Magnitude (dB)
–40 –250
104 106 108 1010 104 106 108 1010
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
(a) (b)
Output Voltage (V)
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Quantum computing is one ing blocks are digital- transistor circuits to manipulate elec-
of the next frontiers ahead of us, What is to-analog converters, trons; and to communicate informa-
but this area, too, is all about important here analog-to-digital con- tion, we use circuits to create waves
is that, in the
controlling electrons. Here, verters, low-pass filters, along a wire or in the air. Finally, to
we are interested in control- VCOs, mixers, and ampli- put electrons in good use, please
spin qubit, we
ling the state of a quantum use the charge fiers. What is important scan the QR code in this article with
bit, or qubit for short. There of electrons here is that, in the semi- your cell phone to explore videos
are many types of qubits to control and conductor spin qubit, we from Circuit Insights on the SSCS You-
around today. Figure 12 read the spin use the charge of electrons Tube channel [1].
shows the electronics we of a single to control and read the spin
use to control a super- electron carrying of a single electron carry- References
conducting qubit [3]. information. ing information. It is, again, [1] SSCS, Circuit Insights Playlist. (2022). [On-
line Video]. Available:
The qubit can also be in about controlling electrons,
the form of the spin of a their charge, and their spin! [2] A. Sheikholeslami, “A circuit to remember
single electron that we trap in a semi- To summarize, we define electron- [Circuit Intuitions],” IEEE Solid-State Cir-
cuits Mag., vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 13–83, Winter
conductor well. However, the electron- ics as the art of controlling electrons
2022, doi: 10.1109/MSSC.2021.3127066.
ics that control their state are similar. for the purpose of information stor- [3] J. Bardin, “Cryogenic CMOS integrated
Here, the blocks in red are used to con- age, processing, and communication. circuits for control of superconducting
quantum computers: Status and chal-
trol the state of the qubit. The blocks in To store information, we trap elec- lenges,” in Proc. Forum 4, ISSCC, 2021,
green are used to interrogate the qubit, trons on a floating gate or capaci- pp. 1–62.
that is, to read the qubit. These build- tor; to process information, we use
1.05 [1] G. A. Rincon-Mora and P. E. Allen, “Optimized
frequency-shaping circuit techniques for
LDOs,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst., II, vol. 45,
no. 6, pp. 703–710, Jun. 1998, doi: 10.1109/
Output Voltage (V)