Las Math10 Q4 W7
Las Math10 Q4 W7
Las Math10 Q4 W7
I. Introduction
Hello Kid! This Learning Activity Sheets is another tool to help deepen your
understanding and master the mathematical concepts and principles in formulating
statistical mini-research ( Part B). Enjoy while learning!
Before we proceed to our lesson, let us first identify the unfamiliar words that we might
encounter in this activity. Are you ready?
Survey - an investigation about the characteristics of a given population by means of collecting
data from a sample of that population and estimating their characteristics through the systematic
use of statistical methodology.
In the previous lesson, you’ve identified the parts of a mini-research and formulated
topic for a statistical mini-research. This time in this Learning Activity Sheets, the given
example will serve as your guide in crafting your own mini-research output.
4th Quarter
4|Page Week 7
Congratulations! You’re done with the discussion. Let us now have some practice
Activity 1.
Form a group of 5 to do this mini-research project. Choose a topic for your research.
1. Conduct
SCHOOLS a Mini-research
OF CAMARINES NORTE students’ written performance in mathematics (or any
subjects). Apply the knowledge and skills you have learned in the lesson about measures
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., Daet, Camarines Norte 4600
[email protected]
DepEd Camarines Norte
of position to evaluate and interpret test results and to make/formulate meaningful
decisions based on the results to resolve the difficulties of the students.
5|Page Week 7
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Integration of The paper shows The paper demonstrated The paper The paper did not
Knowledge understanding of the topic for the most part, demonstrated to demonstrate full
and has applied concepts understands and has a certain extent, understanding of the topic
learned in the lesson. applied concepts understands and and did not applied concepts
Concepts are integrated learned in the course. has applied learned in the course.
into the writer’s own Some of the concepts learned
insights. The writer conclusions, however, in the course.
provides concluding are not supported in the
remarks that show analysis body of the paper.
and synthesis of ideas.
Topic Focus The topic is focused The topic is focused but The topic is too To topic is not clearly
narrowly enough for the lacks direction. The broad for the defined.
scope of this assignment. paper is about a specific scope of the
The research study topic but the writer has assignment.
provides direction for the not established a
paper, either by statement position.
of a position or hypothesis
Depth of In-depth discussion is In-depth discussion is Pertinent The paper lacks in-depth
Discussion evident in all sections of evident in most section content was discussion as evidenced by
the paper of the paper omitted or the cursory discussion (with
content run-ons limited supporting points) in
excessively. all sections of the paper.
Spelling and No spelling and/or Minimal spelling and/or Noticeable Unacceptable number of
Grammar grammar mistakes grammar mistakes spelling and spelling and/or grammar
grammar mistakes
After being able to identify the concepts learned, it’s now time to test whether you
have acquired and learned the skills in formulating a statistical Mini-Research
( Part B) . Get ready to write and respond to complete your answer on the table below.
CONGRATULATIONS for a job well done! You were able to master the lesson in
formulating a statistical Mini-Research( Part B ) . It means you can still do more. It is so much
fun, right? Keep going and happy learning! Keep safe!