Discrimination Brochure 1

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 Self Confidence and Motivation

Be Truthful of who you are and what can

you do. Enhance your skills and talents,
prove what your standing for. Rather than
listening to what other say and being
“Every man, woman and child deserve equal
depress about it.
rights, equal opportunities and equal dignity
 Authenticity
Ways in which you can avoid
Submitted discrimination
to: successfully .
 Speak
Submitted by: up
REY JOHN RAMOSTry vocalizing your thoughts and speak
up for yourself .
 Seek Some Company

Bottling your emotions wil not be good

for you. Let someone know about your
problem to have some support in facing

 Ignore it
Dont pay attention those who are
discriminating you to avoid further
complications with your relationships
towards them
Fight For Equality

Tips to Defend Yourself Against

Age Discrimination is when a person is or treating a person or group differently because of what
treated less favourably than another person in a similar they do or do not believe. Specifically, it is when
situation, because of their age. adherents of
It could be ‘direct age discrimination’ if an older applicant differentreligions (or denominations) are treated
is not considered for a job because it is assumed that they unequally, either before the law or in institutional settings
are not as up to date with technology as a younger person. such as employment or housing.
It is also age
Discrimination discrimination when there Disability discrimination
is the unjust or is a rule or policy that is
prejudicial treatment the same for everyone but Disability
of different categories has an unfair effect on discrimination is
of people or things, people of a particular age.
especially on the
when a person with
This is called ‘indirect
grounds of race, age, a disabilityis treated
or sex. Making a It may be indirect less favourably than
distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based age discrimination if an a person without
on the group, class, or category to which that person or employer requires an the disabilityin the same or similar circumstances.
thing is perceived to belong to rather than on individual older person to meet a physical fitness test – which more For example, it would be 'direct disability
merit. And it’s widely spreading around the world. young people are able to meet – if the fitness standard is discrimination' if a nightclub or restaurant refused a
We all have the right to be treated equally regardless not an inherent requirement of the job. person entry because they are blind and have a guide
what are the protected characteristics we obtain and our dog.
beliefs Gender Discrimination
Marital Discrimination
Types of Discriminaton: “Marital status” means whether a person is
single, married, remarried, divorced , separated, or a
Racial Discrimination  surviving spouse and, in employment cases, includes
is when a person is Discrimination based on a person's gender or sex, protection. Marital Status Discrimination is on the
treated less favourably which more often affects girls and women. Examples basis of the identity, situation, actions, or beliefs of a
than another person in a are, women do not have the same opportunities as
similar situation because
spouse / former spouse and Family backgrounds.
boys and men for education, meaningful careers,
of their race, colour, political influence, and economic advancement. At
descent, national or least one in five transgender people surveyed report
ethnic origin or experiencing employment discrimination.
immigrant status. This Transgender respondents said they experienced
includes treatment of an employment discrimination, including being fired,
individual or group, based denied a promotion or harassed. Though even more
on their actual or perceived difficult to measure, transgender people also face
membership in a certain incredible barriers as job applicants.
group or social category, Religion
"in a way that is worse Affiliation
than the way people are Discrimination
usually treated".
discrimination is valuing

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