Ulfah Mariatul Kibtiah - 181230175 - Utselt
Ulfah Mariatul Kibtiah - 181230175 - Utselt
Ulfah Mariatul Kibtiah - 181230175 - Utselt
Class: TBI 5E
NIM: 181230175
The findings indicate that more than half of the participants appear to understand
the material well, and the task plays a certain role in improving students'
understanding. The most crucial thing is that most students think they get benefit
by writing the reading journal.
Gap analysis
Researchers explored strategies carried out by an Indonesian child when reading
aloud English text to identify reading errors that actually had a positive impact on
the child's English learning process, for example guessing words intelligently
when finding words that were foreign to him. The aim of the research is to find
out an Indonesian young language learner‘s strategies to read aloud English
stories. In relation to the strategies, overgeneralization, simplification by omission
and transfer were identified; and overgeneralization was the most frequent of all.
From the observation, it could be concluded that there are several findings related
to the strategies to read aloud English texts. Generally, it covered three things
proposed by Littlewood (1984): overgeneralization, transfer, and simplification by
omission. Besides showing the occurrences of those three strategies, it also
showed that they were sometimes overlapping. In the study, an overlap of strategy
usage between transfer and simplification by omission could be observed.
GAP Analysis
In order to have a clear understanding of the problems, the researcher thought that
a test should be done as part of a preliminary study. The preliminary study was
done with the students from the English Department of the Teacher Training
Faculty who were taking English II as a compulsory subject at Ar-Raniry State
Islamic University in Darussalam, Banda Aceh in the academic year 2014-2015.
At the start of the semester the new English II students were given a test in order
to find out their skill level in reading comprehension. This test actually became
the preliminary phase of this research study.
This preliminary phase actually had two basic purposes.
First, it was aimed to find out the students current level of proficiency so that the
researcher could determine teaching materials that could be suitable with their
current level of proficiency. Secondly, it was aimed to measure the baseline level
of the reading ability of the students so that the researcher could determine
whether there had been any improvement in the abilities of the students after the
implementation of the Guided Reading Strategy (GRS) or not.
Thus more than 85% of the students gave a good response to the implementation
of the GRS in the action of the cycles. Therefore it had met the criteria set in
success indicators in term of the students‟ response toward the implementation of
the GRS. Referring to the whole process of the implementation of the Guided
Reading Strategy starting from the first cycle to the second cycle, the researcher
thought that the research could be finalized in the second cycle since all of the
criteria set in the success indicators had been achieved. Overall, the results that
were expected to be reached in the criteria set in the success indicators had been
achieved well.
GAP Analysis
The researcher had previously observed a teacher at a university who usually
taught English by using direct learning in his classroom, which his role is to
model or demonstrates a procedure to the students. Therefore, the teaching and
learning process focused only on him as the centre of learning in the classroom.
He also used only the textbook provided by the university as the learning material
for English. In other words, the main approach in direct learning is modelling in
which the teacher demonstrates some procedure to the students. This made the
students to be passive in the teaching and learning process in the classroom. This
shows that the teacher was not creative in developing the English teaching
learning techniques and materials. Consequently, the researcher of this study was
interested in applying the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach to
the classroom, especially in teaching English reading comprehension since this is
the skill that the students had the lowest scores in at the university.
Accordingly, in this research, the researcher focused on the comparison in the
results from students studying reading comprehension by using CTL with those
using direct instruction in an extensive reading class.
This study was aimed to find out whether teaching-learning reading
comprehension using Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) would get better
results than using Direct Instruction approach.
The students’ scores were the data for the study of reading comprehension
comparing CTL and Direct Instruction. Based on the results of the study, the
researcher found that CTL was more effective than Direct Instruction because the
null hypothesis was rejected and the alternative hypothesis was accepted so that
CTL was found to be better for teaching reading skills. CTL encourages materials
that are related to the students’ surrounding so that it helps them use English
related to their daily activities.
GAP Analysis
Based on the high school curriculum for second grade as mentioned in the KTSP
Model (Depdiknas, 2006) the standard of competency for reading comprehension
is to understand the meaning of short functional texts and essays in the form of
reports, narratives, spoofs and analytical and hortatory expositions of daily life
contexts in attempts to search for knowledge and understanding.
Following the above, the researcher decided to look for differences in the
students’ reading comprehension achievements in both programs. The researcher
wanted to compare the English reading achievements of the science students with
those of the social science students. She wanted to find out whether the students
in the two programs had different achievements in it, and she also wanted to find
out any factors that influenced such differences.
The result from the t-test was 3.67 which were higher than t-table of 2.042 at the
level of significance of 0.05. This indicated that the levels of students’
achievement in reading comprehension in the two programs were quite different.
The study also found and discussed the factors that made positive differences in
achievement of these two groups of students in reading comprehension; they were
positive attitudes toward the language, high motivation and higher intelligence.
GAP Analysis
During the researchers’ informal talk and interviews with students at one of the
multimedia study programs in Mangelang, Indonesia, said that they need English,
especially in the mastery of reading to understand multimedia learning material
such as the instructions to run certain multimedia software. Spratt et al. (2005)
state that reasons influence how and why people read texts, so these students
should be provided with appropriate reading materials to meet their needs or to
satisfy their reading reason.
In order to meet students’ need in learning English, one of the vocational
secondary schools in Magelang uses a published textbook. Ideally, a publisher
should provide materials that cut across the curriculum and put the interests and
background of all learners into consideration (Omoto & Nyongesa, 2013).
However, based on the researchers’ initial document analysis of the textbook, it
was found that the textbook does not meet the interests and background of these
students. It is true that the existing textbook was specifically designed for
vocational secondary school students, but it still covers general learning materials
for all study programs in vocational schools.
This research is aimed at developing a supplementary reading material to fulfill
students' need in one of the multimedia study program at Mangelang, Indonesia,
for learning reading.
The findings show that the existing textbook used to teach reading contains
general English material and it is less specific to be used for the
students at the program. Therefore, it implies that there should be
supplementary reading materials for the teacher to develop reading to
meet the needs of these students.
10. Learning of Reading Comprehension through reading workshop in the Industry 4.0
Ruli Setiyadi, Uus Kuswendi, Muhammad Ghiyats Ristiana, (2019)
GAP analysis
According to Seymour and Walsh (2006), motivation affects learners’ reading
comprehension activities. While it has a significant role in language learning,
many do not know its great importance in reading comprehension. Reading
motivation helps EFL learners read more efficiently. This has also been supported
by Wang (2008) and Rosenfeld, Leung, and Oltman (2001) who emphasized that
learners who learn a foreign language should develop their reading ability for the
better comprehension of written texts.
According to Kintsch (1998), van Dijk and Kintsch (1983), and Pourhosein
Gilakjani and Sabouri (2016), reading comprehension is the process of
constructing meaning from text. The aim is to understand a text rather than to
acquire meaning from individual words or sentences.
Ahmadi, Hairul, and Pourhosein Gilakjani (2012) stressed that reading
comprehension is one of the significant elements in language learning because it
provides the foundation for a substantial amount of learning in EFL learners.
Motivation is one of the key factors to assist learners reading comprehension.
Motivation helps both performance and understanding of one’s reading
comprehension. This paper showed that the explicit instruction of motivation is a
practical tool to improve learners’ reading comprehension. One of the significant
consequences of this study is that EFL learners should be motivated to increase
their reading comprehension ability and become proficient readers. Reading
motivation can lead to the improvement in language learning performance for
different levels of learners irrespective of what learning context they are in. On
the whole, it can be stated that EFL teachers should go beyond their traditional
roles by providing opportunities for their EFL learners to become motivated and
substantially improve their reading comprehension proficiency.
13. Implementation of Reading Guide Strategy in Global Climate Change Material for
Enhancement of Student Learning Outcome
Miftahul Arozaq, Aman M, Amin Sunarhadi (2017)
GAP research
Particularly, it was attempted to (a) identify the effect of extensive reading
strategy on reading comprehension of English majoring students. Moreover, it
was proposed (b) to identify which reading strategy (i. e. extensive or intensive)
that learners use more frequently so as to improve their reading
comprehension. In the classroom, there were 38 students who were taking
courses. There was only one section: 2nd year English majoring students in the
university. In language learning, extensive reading is contrasted with intensive
reading, which is slow, careful reading of a small amount of difficult text.
According to the researchers’ experience, we are doubtful that the target group
applies extensive strategies of reading accordingly. So, the main intension of this
study was to improve students’ reading comprehension through applying
extensive reading strategy that has been used and advocated by many scholars in
language learning process.
So, the results of the research can be concluded that extensive reading has benefits
positive effect on student reading comprehension, and intensive reading strategies
most often used by students. So, even though the teacher is playing their part
regarding this matter, they must participate read texts such as short stories, novels,
poetry and others more in teaching reading understanding in the context of an
EFL classroom, and they have to encourage students and create they are aware of
the importance of using it extensively reading strategies outside the classroom for
the better increased reading comprehension.
This study concludes that the reading comprehension difficulties faced by Arab
EFL learners in the selected institutions could affect their English
language proficiency and academic performance. To find solutions to these
difficulties, there is a need for shared efforts of English language teachers,
instruction policy makers, public and private bodies responsible for
educational policy learning and implementation, and the EFL learners.
16. The Use of Reading Strategies in Developing Students' Reading Competency among
Primary School Teachers in Malaysia
Gap analysis
Children in elementary school, especially where reading instruction focuses on
constructing meaning, learn to find main ideas, to skim, and to re-read first as
deliberate actions and, with practice, later accomplish the same actions with less
effort and awareness. In this view of learning, deliberate reading strategies
become fluent reading words, or find a main idea by using either skills or
strategies or both (Corno, 1989).
It can be assumed then that the awareness of reading strategies is of crucial
importance especially for beginning readers. Awareness helps the reader select a
certain path, the means to the goal, and the processes used to achieve the goal.
Being strategic enables the reader to examine the strategy, monitor its
effectiveness and revise one's goal or means if necessary.
Some of the common reading strategies employed by teachers are pre-reading
strategies, while reading and post-reading strategies. The behaviors, which
designed to help students before, during, and after they read, categorize the
reading strategies. With sufficient practice, pre-reading strategies assist students
to overcome the common urge to begin reading a text closely right away.
The findings of the study showed that while teachers were aware of the use of
reading strategies in developing reading competencies, they did not fully utilize
them in teaching reading to primary school students. Effective reading strategies
such as setting context, relating the text to students' schemata and predicting or
interpreting text were less frequently used. Apart from that, teachers also failed to
encourage readers' interaction with the text.
Nurman Antoni (2010)
State of the art
Reading comprehension skills are important for English language learners,
especially for students who learn English as a foreign language. Reading
comprehension is a process that involves the orchestration of the readers’ prior
knowledge about the world and about language.
Gap analysis
Although many previous research reports have given a comprehensive portrait on
teaching strategies of reading comprehension, the researcher think that it is
important to explore more about the teachers’ strategies used and the students’
responses toward their teachers’ strategy on teaching reading comprehension. In
this case, this study focused to examine the three English teachers and their
students who were learning reading comprehension in appropriate texts at one
junior high school. This study is aimed to explore EFL teachers’ strategies in
teaching reading comprehension and the students’ responses toward their
teachers’ strategies in teaching readin comprehension at one junior high school in
Riau. This study employed a qualitative research design which is a case study
using three data collection techniques; observation, interview and questionnaire.
All of the data were analyzed by using three major phases of analyses: data
reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification (Miles and
Huberman:1994). This study revealed that the teachers have used teaching
reading comprehension strategies in three reading stages: pre-reading, while-
reading and post-reading stage. It also revealed that in general, the students’
responses to their teachers’ strategies were good enough which were classified
into low-level association responses and partly-formedknowledge structure
Then, as found in the results and analysis from the questionnaire data, it can be
concluded that, basically almost of the students believed that all of the teachers
had created some extent strategies in teaching reading strategies. They realized
that besides it was clear enough for them, the teachers strategies could help them
to understand the reading text selection. It is the covert responses which related to
the students’ perception after the learning process.
Gap analysis
Realizing that the researcher has struggled with the problem of teaching text
understanding to a classroom full of students who come from diverse cultural and
language backgrounds, the researcher has to take responsibility and take my
individual initiative for improving the classroom in which the researcher work.
The facts show that his students find difficulties in understanding text; therefore,
some efforts have to be conducted to improve the students’ reading
comprehension. These are the reasons why the researcher is interested in
conducting his study titled Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension through
Text Structure Tasks
Presenting the reading materials is the main task of the teacher in teaching reading
comprehension. The teacher may use a wide range of procedures in presenting the
reading materials in the classroom. The findings of the study showed that Action
Plans was applied in whilst-reading stage.
20. The effect of shared reading strategy using digital photo story and achievement
motivation on students’ reading comprehension on seventh grade students of SMP
Negeri 6 Singaraja.
Luh Putu Dian Kresnawati, P.K. Nitiasih, N.M. Ratminingsih. (2013)
State of the art
Shared reading strategy using digital photo story and achievement motivation.
The data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey Test.
Gap analysis
The main purpose of this study is to know the effect of shared reading strategy
using digital photo story and achievement motivation on students’ reading
The results showed that: (1) there was a significant difference on students’
reading comprehension between students who were taught by shared reading
strategy using digital photo story and conventional reading strategy, and (2) there
was a significant interactional effect between shared reading strategy using digital
photo story and students’ achievement motivation on reading comprehension, (3)
there was a significant difference between the students’ reading comprehension
achievement of the students with high achievement motivation when they were
taught by shared reading strategy using digital photo story and conventional
reading strategy, and (4) there was a significant difference between the students’
reading comprehension achievement of the students with low achievement
motivation when they were taught by shared reading strategy using digital photo
story and conventional reading strategy.
Gap analysis
These difficulties include problems with technical vocabulary, super ordinates,
synonyms, antonyms, and words with several meanings. Students will have great
difficulty in understanding the text as a whole because lack vocabulary. The aims
of this research are to find out how the implementation of translation can improve
the students 'reading skills and how the students' responses to the use of
translation method in the teaching and learning process. A reader uses background
knowledge to integrate new information from a text into his prior information. In
addition, cultural differences affect reading comprehension. An unfamiliar
cultural context and content knowledge of culture and knowledge of vocabulary
cause problems in reading, because the students do not clearly understand the
other culture. In addition, an inadequate knowledge of text type is a problem in
reading texts. The text type such as newspaper articles, fairy tales, and business
letters, if the students do not know what kind of the text, they cannot understand
what the text is about. The problem involves difficulties with words. To guide
students in learning with the text method, the teacher can ask questions related to
the text using wh-questions like who, where, when and what.
The finding of the research shows that the implementation of translation improves
the students’ reading skill in the teaching process and the test result.
cycle I; 1) the application of translation method in teaching and learning
process can motivate students to learn particularly in reading
cycle II; 1) Answering WH question could assist students to answer many
questions about reading; 2) Practicing dialogue in teaching and learning process
could enhance students pronunciations; and 3) Find out the synonym and antonym
the words could be a bridge to increase the students’ vocabularies.
On the cycle III, the teacher carried out an evaluation by giving a multiple
choice test to the students.
The result of evaluation which carried out in end of the cycle I obtained
that the lowest score is 40 and the highest score is 82 then the average score is
58.1, cycle II gets the lowest score is 50 and the highest score is 85 then the
average score is 60,9, and cycle III get the lowest score is 60 and the highest score
is 85 and the average score is 65.8.
3. In the teaching and learning process of reading skills there are some special problems that
will be faced and need to be addressed. The first problem is reading comprehension. The
problem is related to background knowledge, cultural knowledge, and text type knowledge.
The The third problem is complex and very long sentences, The terms translation and
interpretation are often used interchangeably. While both activities involve transferring a
message between two different languages, translation refers to transfer between written texts and
interpretation refers to spoken discourse and the unrehearsed transfer of a spoken message from
one language to another (Richards &Schmidt, 2002).
Those descriptions above are the reasons to conduct the research entitled Improving the
Students’ Reading Skill through Translation method.
4. Perbedaan yang paling mendasar antara penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif adalah alur teori
dan data, dimana penelitian kuantitatif bermula dari teori yang dibuktikan dengan data lapangan;
sedangkan penelitian kualitatif berangkat dari data lapangan dan menggunakan teori yang sudah
ada sebagai pendukung, lalu hasilnya akan memunculkan teori dari data tersebut.
Penelitian kualitatif adalah penelitian yang bermaksud untuk memahami fenomena tentang apa
yang dialami oleh subjek penelitian misalnya perilaku, persepsi, motivasi, tindakan, dll secara
holistic, dan dengan cara deskripsi dalam bentuk kata-kata dan bahasa, pada suatu konteks
khusus yang alamiah dan dengan memanfaatkan berbagai metode alamiah. Sedangkan kuantitatif
metode pengukuran data kuantitatif dan statistika objektif melalui perhitungan ilmiah berasal
dari sampel orang-orang atau penduduk yang diminta menjawab sejumlah pertanyaan tentang
survei untuk menentukan frekuensi dan persentase tanggapan mereka. Dan proses menemukan
pengetahuan yang menggunakan data berupa angka sebagai alat menganalisis keterangan
mengenai apa yang ingin diketahui.