HTV Tooth and Nail (Final Download)
HTV Tooth and Nail (Final Download)
HTV Tooth and Nail (Final Download)
David A Hill Jr, Filamena Young
David A Hill Jr
Beast Developer:
Matthew McFarland
Hunter Developer:
Monica Valentinelli
Carol Darnell
Brian Leblanc
Art Direction and Design:
Mike Chaney
Creative Director:
Richard Thomas
Special Thanks
Everyone that backed Beast: The
Primordial on Kickstarter. This
kind of project can’t happen with-
out you.
When we say Heroes, we don’t mean knights in shining ar-
mor saving the prince from the evil castle. Or at least, it’s more
complicated than that. Heroes are a phenomenon surrounding
Beasts; they’re people who find themselves imbued with power
and purpose to destroy them. This might sound simple, but in the
Chronicles of Darkness, things aren’t so black and white.
To put it simply, Heroes don’t care about collateral damage.
Heroes believe the ends justify the means, and sometimes the
means are downright disturbing. You can find more on Heroes
in “The Enemy” on p. 11.
The Basics
Here are some basic concepts that encompass what Beasts are.
Note that most of this information is not known to those on the
Vigil. Individual Compacts and Conspiracies have their own pri-
orities and interests and may have researched relevant information
pertaining to those interests. Further still, this material is greatly “It is a great evil to look
simplified from the ideas presented in Beast: The Primordial. It’s upon mankind with too clear
focused on the experiences hunters have, and the ways in which
they can engage Beasts. So, for example, this won’t go into great
vision. You seem to be
depth about the Primordial Dream, because only very few hunters living among wild Beasts,
can ever interact there. and you become a wild Beast
What Is a Beast? –William Beckford, The
Beasts are a strange phenomenon in the Chronicles of Dark- Episodes of Vathek
ness. They embody ancient ideas, cultural tales, but they also
appear human. A Beast who embodies a tale of dragons isn’t a
winged lizard the size of a truck; it’s a bipedal person who can
call upon some of the gravity of that cultural story and those with
whom it resonates.
The Nightmare
covers the topic thoroughly, as well as Mage: The Awakening. The other monsters, they build the Beast’s identity and reflect her
rules here are quite a bit different, for ease and space reasons. relationship with the nightmare world.
In the nightmare, a Beast is her true self. She represents and
Nightmares and Dreamscapes embodies her horror. She may be massive, have terrifying natural
The nightmare realm is a strange conglomeration of fears weapons, or preternatural abilities. She also is one with her lair,
we share. Picture it like so: The dream is an insurmountable, as it’s part of her very identity as a monster. Atavism Dread Pow-
nigh-infinite darkness. It’s darker than the darkest night with ers let her take facets of her true identity and bring them into the
your eyes closed. The darkness radiates outward from a center physical world. In the nightmare realm, Atavism Dream Powers
so black it devours everything coming close. When a human are always active unless the Beast chooses to sheath them.
is shaken to the core, fundamentally shaken with a fear that
changes her, that fear becomes a chamber within the nightmare. Illogical Dream Logic
In the dream, fire doesn’t burn unless it does, and water
Chambers doesn’t drown unless it does, falling off a cliff doesn’t kill un-
That chamber embodies that fear, taking on a life that ex- less it does. Characters can assume the world works the way
emplifies it, hones it into a superlative version of itself. With they expect, but there are always glaring exceptions. Dreams are
time, it mutates. It adopts other fears and dreams in waves, fickle. Dreams are contradictory.
taking on a life of its own. An easy way to handle this in play is to come up with three
As humanity grows, dreams, and fears, these chambers be- to five facts (depending on just how alien the current realm is)
come cluttered and crowded, and the dark center of the night- about the current dream realm. These are completely different
mare pushes them outward. New fears overcome the old fears, from what a character would expect from real-world physics and
and the old fears fester and rot into fetid, ancient tombs of hor- logic. Jot these down on index cards, and put them face-down
ror. The nightmare grows exponentially and constantly. on your table. As characters take actions that would reveal
These chambers are the closer to the physical world than the these truths, flip them over. If they take a character by surprise,
rest of the nightmare realm. Almost any successful attempt to breach consider imposing a relevant Tilt to reflect the inconvenience.
the caul between the worlds will land an explorer in a chamber. Look to your own dreams – disorientation is often the single
biggest problem, regardless of the actual, specific context of the
The Nature of Fear dream.
Why does this happen? Different Compacts and Conspira-
cies have different ideas. The popular theory is that fear is sim- Rules for the Dream World
ply a phenomenon that occurs within humanity, and this both This material glosses over rules for playing within the
reflects and perpetuates that phenomenon. nightmare worlds of Beasts. This is partly because of space, it’s
Some hunters claim that fear is essential for humanity, that also partly because of complexity. Hunter: The Vigil games
it’s a sort of “sixth sense” that’s kept people alive in the face of should only rarely take the hunt into that space. Even groups
potential extinction. In this sense, the fear is a safety mecha- like the Merrick Institute only conduct certain activities there.
nism; it tells you when to run. This isn’t a wildly popular idea, Characters in the nightmare realm use simplified Attri-
however, since hunters by their very nature ignore and spite butes: Power, Finesse, and Resistance. See Chronicles of Dark-
fear, standing strong when every instinct says to run. ness, p. 127 for more on these. For Power, use the higher of the
character’s Intelligence or Presence. For Finesse, use the higher
Nightmare Souls of Wits or Manipulation. For Resistance, use the higher of Re-
From deep within these chambers emerge terrifying souls, solve or Composure. Characters don’t have access to Skills in
manifestations, and personifications of primal human fright. the dream but can access Skill Specialties on relevant rolls.
These amorphous fear spirits create Beasts, as they leech out Characters in the nightmare have “dream health” equal to
into the world and devour human souls, replacing them. This Resistance + 5. This damage is “downgraded” one stage – aggra-
allows them a foothold into the physical world, where they can vated damage becomes lethal, lethal becomes bashing, bashing
enact their terrorism against the populace. is ignored – and applied to the character when he leaves the
In their nightmare territory, these “horrors” are markedly dream. If the character would otherwise fall unconscious in the
powerful but largely exist as abstracts, as amalgamations of ideas. dream, he gains the Soul Shocked Condition (see above). Dy-
Many hunters, even ones versed in the nightmare world and ing in the dream leaves a character comatose, and only signifi-
Beasts, don’t know these horrors even exist, let alone hunt them. cant story actions can awaken him. Characters heal normally as
If you use these creatures in your stories, they should be they would in the real world.
represented as relatively powerful, fearsome spirits. Defense is the lower of Finesse or Power. Speed is Power +
Finesse + Size (usually 5).
Atavism and Nightmare Dread Powers Most dice pools are made with a combination of Power, Fi-
Beasts possess two unique sorts of Dread Powers. While nesse, and Resistance. Combat rolls are Power + Finesse. Damage
there’s technically nothing stopping you from using them with types remain basically the same as their real-world counterparts.
The Response
deal for them. This is ridiculously dangerous, and not at all
tenable in the long-term. The name of the game is safe and
sane, but every chapter and every member has a choice of one
This section deals with some of the ways various Compacts of those things they play loose with. When you play loose with
and Conspiracies handle the hunt against Beasts. We deal with both, we start to consider folding your chapter. That chapter?
each from the perspective of a member, and one relatively in- They’re walking the line.
the-know. Thing is, these monsters are real niche. They’re interesting
if you have very specific interests, but there’s typically some-
Aegis Kai Doru thing easier to find and just as worthwhile; unless you’re ob-
sessed with the rare hunt. More power to you if you are, but
Many great artifacts have long-since failed the test of time.
generally we’re about the ends, not the means.
These objects exist only within dreams, within the collective
subconscious. Some never truly existed in the “real world” to That sounds reasonable, doesn’t it? Then why do a lot of
begin with. Do you think Arthur’s sword is anything but al- Beasts hunt us down when they hear about us? Let me intro-
legory? Nonsense. At least, that is, in the physical world. We duce you to Unspoken Rule of the Ashwood Abbey #4,623:
know that sword exists, and we know where it exists. It’s hidden Some bad eggs will always fuck it up for the rest of us. The dif-
away in the hoard of a nightmarish dragon. We don’t have it ference between the Abbey and other Compacts is, we don’t try
now. We will someday. to pretend those bad eggs don’t represent us.
The Response
Let’s just make this clear: We have no idea what in the hell have to make deals to take the hunt to the monsters. We can’t just
they’re talking about, and we have no evidence whatsoever that walk into their lairs. But we can’t compromise on the end goal.
we’re related to them. This is particularly important because sometimes the goal is to kill,
Not to say this isn’t difficult or sympathetic; they think but hunters compromise with groups like the Cheiron Group. We
we’re family, but ultimately we end up hunting them. That cannot allow scraps of their bodies to spread damnation. We read
must be rough. We see betrayal in their faces when we move ahead to the end of the book. We know what happens.
in for the kill. They expect other hunters to kill them – every
single time we do, it’s an “Et tu, Brute?” moment. It sucks to be
that guy, even if we have no control over this nonsense percep-
Loyalists of Thule
Our interest in these monsters is largely academic. They
tion they have.
cause damage, certainly, but it tends to be localized and rela-
Also, we tend to take more nuanced approaches to many tively nonlethal when held up in comparison with other, more
monsters. But Beasts feed on terror. Very few of them are worth common manifestations of the darkness.
saving. Vampires can feed from a pig farm if they want to avoid
hurting people. Beasts cause trauma. They cause irreparable harm But they have one very, very important purpose for us: they
to the fabric of society, and damnation follows in their wake. attract others. They consider themselves family to other monsters,
and frankly, other monsters seem to agree. If you examine these
The Long Night Beasts, you’ll learn more about other monsters, and see them in
strange nesting behaviors you almost never see elsewhere. We’ve
These Beasts are rare. They’ve always been. But when we studied pack behaviors in werewolves of course, but we’ve never
find them, they must become our first priorities. As far as we seen them cohabitating with vampires and stranger things. At
can tell, these are the Beasts of Revelation. least, that is, before we began studying this Beast phenomenon.
I wish we could make this a more nuanced, complex stance. From a psychological perspective, these environments are
But there’s no ambiguity here. The closest thing we get is when we invaluable; we get to see various creatures and how they interact
to wildly different circumstances. Just to be a fly on a wall of selves to be some sort of collective thoughtforms, embodied
one of these Beasts’ lairs for a month would be more valuable legends based off ancestral, genetic memory. This is clearly
than a century of book learning. false. Many claim to be ancient monsters, but monsters with no
One of our number, a Doctor Hans Voorman, is trying recorded legends before the nineteenth century. They embody
to reach out to some of these Beasts as a sort of diplomatic Victorian revisionist histories, romanticized and edited thor-
research effort. He proposes a sort of live-in study, like Jane oughly in post. These few are hardly ancient concepts; they’re
Goodall with monsters. He’s not been treated kindly by most often orientalist, fetishized ideas wrapped loosely around clas-
of his contacts, but he’s not been killed. One has shown some sical foundations.
interest, but she demands the researcher be a blooded member This does not mean they’re not dangerous. But they’re dan-
of the Lucifuge. This, of course, is an even bigger diplomatic gerous because of their delusion, not despite it. They’ve told
nightmare. So far, not a single member has volunteered. But themselves these very human stories, they’ve told themselves so
if he finds the right member, this could advance our studies at many times, they can imagine nothing outside those paradigms.
an alarming rate. Everything’s dragons and knights and wizards. Those stories
always end in blood, so these people always come to blood.
Malleus Maleficarum They do have a connection to dreams. They appear very
We don’t see these monsters as any sort of superlative evil. able to impress upon others’ psyches, giving recurring, distress-
As far as our research concludes, they exist naturally, and take ing nightmares. Document carefully.
fewer human lives than crocodiles in any given year, and you
don’t see anyone lobbying to create a “Malleus Crocodilus” Task Force: Valkyrie
branch of our holy order. When tasked, when ordered, we take them out. It’s never
In all truth, it appears most of the real risk in these mon- easy. It’s never good. We often lose troops. The work is abso-
sters comes from humans poking the proverbial hornets’ nest. lutely necessary.
Humans cannot leave well enough alone, and when they hear If you’re given the order, do everything in your power to
of legendary monsters, they seek to kill legendary monsters. Ev- get reinforcements. Stay within the bounds of proper protocol,
eryone wants to be Saint George. Most end up John Doe. but act fast, and act thorough. Do not hold back. Do not think
twice. If you fail to kill, you will lose your life or others’. When
Network Zero these things go loud, they go really loud.
These things are the stuff viral stories are made of. They’re Also, if you are told to attack them in their lair, don’t. Toss
like Francis Dolarhyde, but real. They also love scaring people. in some grenades, and stay out. You will die on their home turf.
A little clever camera positioning and they’re a goldmine of I think you get the gist here, right?
So, there’s the exciting part. Now, the shitty part. The Union
Our videos of Francis Dolarhyde creates Will Grahams, Monsters who fuck with dreams are utterly fucking insidi-
except they don’t have all that sweet, sweet FBI training. This ous, and not okay.
tends to be a pretty big mess. They tend to die, accidentally kill
people, or otherwise cause a massive clusterfuck. It’s bad. So, We had an elementary teacher in our neighborhood years
we should be responsible with what we leak, and where. ago. He wasn’t supernatural, but he was sure as hell a monster.
He did unspeakable shit to over half the kids in the neighbor-
This is always a problem, right? We show a vampire on hood. Some of us didn’t make it to adulthood. Some left. A
YouTube, someone decides to go all Van Helsing. But it’s differ- couple of us got together and ended him. That wasn’t a happy
ent. These people aren’t hunters. Not like us. They’re… Differ-
ending. We went to juvenile detention centers. One of us was
ent. It’s like they’re supernaturally emboldened to hunt. They
tried as an adult and went away for a life sentence. Those of us
just go fucking bonkers about it. You know the worst, most ri-
still alive and around meet sometimes. We talk about it. None
diculous and uncompromising hunter you’ve ever met? They’re
of us got away well. We all have nightmares. We all have scars.
all that guy.
This is the problem with Beasts. They embody this. They
We haven’t really been able to look at enough of these su-
prey on fear. They cause irreparable harm to communities.
per hunter guys, but we’ve been wondering if they’re somehow
Even if they aren’t eating people alive, they cause foundational
a different type of monster of their own. Do we capture them
decay. They drive people to suicide. They leave broken husks
on video? Do we share it with the world? Are they in the right?
who will never recover.
Journalistic ethics class never covered Clive Barker’s Nightbreed.
And the worst part? I’ve heard they think they’re doing us
Null Mysteriis a favor, teaching us. You know who else thought he was doing
us a favor and teaching us through abuse? That son of a bitch
While there is a supernormal quality to “Beasts,” these are who abused us. He wasn’t right, and neither are they. We’ll put
mostly a pitiable people. These are people who believe them- them down, just as quick as we put him down.
The Response
How We Do It
Yuri’s Group Heroes are obsessive. That’s our single biggest advantage
We deal with survivors. Sometimes, survivors become… against them. They’ll ignore anything that isn’t directly in the
something else. Other hunters call them “Heroes.” We don’t like path of a Beast. I hate to say it, but our hunt isn’t even that
that term. They grow obsessed. Extremist. It’s an awful situation complicated. We’re hunting things that can technically talk and
when it happens because there’s very little we can do. But, we reason. We’re not hunting wild wolves. But really, this is closer
provide them the same — if more intense — support. Sometimes to hunting wolves than people, and we have a lot of experience
we help them see reason, and to heal. Sometimes. Not often. hunting wolves.
Okay. So, that’s bullshit. We know about Heroes. We deal It’s all about surrounding and isolating the target, to keep
with them more than we’d like to admit. We try to reserve the him from escalating. It’s about taking meaningful, quick action
term for the worst cases, the irredeemable cases. Our dirty little to cripple and to execute. We don’t fuck around. We bring guns
secret is, sometimes we have to use them as weapons. Some- to knife fights. Sometimes they can eat some bullets. But none
times Beasts are just too much to handle, and we can’t afford of them can eat a ton of bullets.
to lose a cell. So, we have a little trick. We’ve found that when
Beasts flare up and go for broke, it sends up a supernatural Killing Monsters
beacon that calls a Hero. So, we goad Beasts into flipping out The party line about monsters is, if it’s convenient, if it’s
and attacking hardcore. That’s saved our asses more times than tactically sound, or if it’s advantageous to take them out, we
we can count. In fact, we’d probably not be the organization we should consider it. We’re supposed to play it safe. Monsters
are tonight if it weren’t for that trick. are dangerous, and taking undue risks just ends up with dead
Are we comfortable using survivors as weapons? No. But parishioners. That doesn’t help anyone.
this is giving clean needles to junkies. Without our trick, He- That’s wise, but it’s just not the truth in action. The truth
roes would still attack. We’re just speeding up the inevitable. is, we hunt when it matters. If some kraken shit is attacking
And with us there, sometimes we can minimize damages. Some- people, we take it down. We’re just mindful of the Hero that’ll
times, this means the Hero lives when she might otherwise not. come after it. If a succubus kills a hellfire club full of rich per-
Usually, we just run when the Hero comes knocking. verts, that’s on them. Who are we to get in the way of God’s
judgment? The thing is if you take a good, long look at the
The Reckoning people monsters kill, most of them deserve it. I’m not saying
we should be out killing people because someone cheated on
We hunt the hunters. We hunt extremists. We hunt those his wife, but we shouldn’t put ourselves in danger to save the
outside of God’s plan. filthy sonofabitch.
You see, God made the world. God made people. God There are other monsters, other demons that don’t at-
gave people freedom of choice, freedom to sin, freedom to tract Heroes, or at least, I don’t think they do. Werewolves?
make mistakes. God empowered us to teach lessons, to correct Far as I can tell, they’re just people who got a bad disease. If
mistakes, and to protect others’ freedom of choice. God also it’s reasonable, we should do them a favor and make sure they
created monsters. Monsters are God’s teachers. Sometimes aren’t spreading that shit around. Demons are a whole differ-
teachers screw up, but most of the time, they send the lessons ent story. Sometimes we run into possessions. In those cases,
humans are afraid to. we try exorcisms. But let’s just put it out on the table: Exorcisms
That is until Heroes come along. Heroes think they’re do- almost never work. So, we’ve got to man up and show these
ing good work. So do the guys who bomb abortion clinics. Kill- poor people some mercy. If they were good in life, they’ll go to
ing a bunch of people doesn’t solve anything. It just emboldens a good place.
sinners and makes them right when they criticize you. It makes Also, it’s practical. Monsters do bad things, but they’re also
it harder for the people doing real good in the world. great practice. You can spend hours and hours at the gun range,
That said, is it hypocritical of us to kill Heroes? I don’t know, but nothing compares to live targets. And you can shoot a vam-
maybe. But I’ve met enough families we’ve saved, that if I’m going pire eight or nine times before it goes down. You can’t do that
to Hell over that hypocrisy, I’m willing to make that sacrifice. But with some guy robbing 7-Eleven. Not that I’m saying we should
as far as I’m concerned, we’re doing the good work. And it’s not be doing vigilante justice against petty criminals, but I’m saying
like you can negotiate with these guys. Have you ever met a Hero? that hypothetical human targets just aren’t good practice for
They’re zealots. They’re fucking bugshit nuts. There’s nothing you the hunt.
can say or do to convince them that they’re doing bad stuff. In the Other churches exist. Other churches hunt monsters.
early days, about ten years ago, we tried. We tried hard. We cap- They’re wrong. But generally, their hearts are in the right plac-
tured a few of them. Hate to admit it, but we even tortured some of es. Then again, so are those abortion clinic bombers’, so take
them. That’s how frustrating these guys are; they made us torture heart with a grain of salt. So long as they’re not stopping our
them because they were just that fucking obstinate. cause, we give them breadth. But the second they start protect-
Why do we call them Heroes? I don’t even know. It’s what ing Heroes, that’s when we show them the righteous fury of the
Derek calls them. So it’s what we call them. Lord. The Malleus Maleficarum mostly leaves us alone; they’re
more concerned with demons and vampires and witches. The against us. But we manage. Far as I’m considered, that makes
Long Night stay out of our neck of the woods. I think they us bonafide badasses.
believe they’re stopping the apocalypse, or hurrying it along or
something. I don’t know. I don’t care. I don’t think we’d get Beasts in the Flesh
along. I’m not ready to test that guess. Sometimes, we must hunt in the physical world. This is not
ideal. For one, we can’t all get involved. Some of us are physically
The Merrick Institute incapable. And if any of us are physically incapable, that means
someone needs to be with them to keep them safe and alive. That
We hunt where nobody else can, or will. means even fewer of us get to be involved. Also, we’re not built
We hunt nightmares. We hunt the truest monsters. for fighting. Most of us lived up to a decade in a ten by ten cell,
with no real exercise or training. We have a few members who
In This Dream were into martial arts beforehand, or who have studied since
Most of our hunts occur in the dreamscapes. More often leaving the institute. But they’re few and far between. Since we
than not, that means having one or two members in the dream- live on the road, it’s not like we can take classes.
scape, and the rest of the team supporting her. When we hunt in the flesh, we fight smart. We fight with
The main member here is the dream warrior. She’s not the traps, with diversions, with decoys. We use the environment.
only essential member, but she’s the one that’s doing the job We use crowds to our advantage. Did you know, most vampires
we came for. (The dream warrior almost always uses the Dream will do anything to get out of a fight in public?
Avatar Merit, see p. 19.) Beasts aren’t quite so timid. They’ll rip your head off if you
One member of the team acts as a “teller,” watching moni- confront them in public. They give zero fucks. With Beasts, you
tors and helping the dream warrior do her job. Our monitors on should understand where they’re strong (their lairs), and where
the outside are clearer, more logical than what the dream warrior they’re vulnerable (the entrances to their lairs). You also should
sees. The monitors cut through the bullshit. Besides, they see understand what can kill them (Heroes). If you’ve got that, you can
from a wider perspective. The dream warrior only sees what’s put together a plan. In fact, using entrances and Heroes can make
right in front of her. A teller can pan around, and tell her if a for a great supplement to an attack in the dreamscape. Sometimes,
Beast is creeping up behind her. (Tellers often use Merits such as when confronted in the nightmare realm, a Beast will flee because
Small Unit Tactics and Inspiring to support the dream warrior.) they figure you can’t be in two places at once. That’s because they’re
One member usually acts as “pusher,” who runs scientific miserable shits who cannot fathom rolling hard with a real crew.
and mathematical tests in the dream world. The thing about They have their monster buddies, but their little dragon hoards are
the dream is, it doesn’t work like the reality that we know. Have like fortresses of solitude. They’re the guy who wants to be friends
you ever watched the cartoon where the animal runs out over with everyone but is kinda friends with nobody because of it.
the cliff but doesn’t fall until he looks down? That’s like the One advantage we have in this field is that we’re always
nightmare. Pushers have tools that can move stuff around a lit- on the road. So, if we fuck up, we bail. Or, if we take out one
tle, and monitors that measure and gauge what they push. They monster, and realize he’s got friends, we bail. We scrub our
can tell you what’s hard, soft, hot, cold, sharp, sticky, heavy, identities, change our names, and pick a new time zone. Detec-
illusionary, or whatever. Some groups call them “sandboxers.” tives say the only perfect crime is one that’s random. We try
(This is represented by the Dreampushing Merit on p. 21). to make our work look random wherever possible. We’re not
One cell mate acts as a “puller,” which is to say he stands doing this to send messages or build a reputation. We’re doing
by with the switch or plug, ready to pull the dream warrior out this because it needs to be done.
before the monster kills her. This is a thankless job, because
every dream warrior thinks, “I could have taken one more hit. Take It on the Run, Baby
I could have stopped it!” This always ends in an argument. We Sorry. My mom used to play that song when I was a little
all know it’s an essential job, just one you can never get right. kid. It’s one of the only things I remember about her. We have
Pullers also act like medics. We can’t do a whole lot for a dream to work on the road. To say this is complicated is like saying that
warrior, but we can offer a little respite and pick-me-up in the space is big. Most of us are teenagers. Legally, we’re dead. We
field. (This is represented by the Dream Medic Merit on p. 19). didn’t have anyone to teach us to drive. We can’t step foot on
We have a system. It’s good. But, that’s just not enough. We a plane. Eight to twelve teens carrying backpacks full of classi-
need talent, luck, skill, and willpower. We’re engaging Beasts fied electronics stick out like a sore thumb on a bus. You can’t
on their home turf. We can’t just kick down a lair door, march Uber a cell of hunters – and yes, we’ve tried. You can’t get a
in, and shoot the fucker. We do recon missions. We scout. We hotel without a credit card (unless you’re willing to risk infec-
cripple defenses in advance. We interfere in the Beast’s feasts tion, and we have too many comatose members to take that
so he’s hungry when we move in for the kill. We harry, stick, risk), and those are hard to fake. We can’t work legal jobs. It’s a
move, and flee. We try to do lasting damage when possible, logistical nightmare, but it’s essential.
then duck out before the repercussions. How do we do it? It’s complicated. There’s no one answer.
No offense to other monster hunters, but our job is the First off, we put our faith in strangers. For example, we
hardest out there. Also, we’re kids. The whole deck is stacked use a lot of parcel services and even the postal system to ship
The Response
As a Storyteller, road trip plots can be great tools. The Merrick Institute has unique challenges, addressed in this section.
It’s important to use problems on the road as plot hooks to move the story, but not to demoralize the players and stop
the story dead in its tracks. The idea would be, present a challenge, and unless the players’ solution is utterly ridiculous,
make it work. Playing a Merrick Institute member is already complicated enough, without making flat tires and credit
card machines insurmountable obstacles.
non-essential equipment. If you hit up Craigslist and say you’re cialist.” This isn’t completely reliable. We all have to be ready to
traveling, you can usually find someone who will receive a pack- make a diversion and duck out the second a card gets declined.
age for you. Our healthier groups bounce from hostel to hostel. Third off, we make huge accommodations for our less-
One cell even moonlights as a touring band, and uses fans for ambulatory members. The most common trick for this is, we
“crash space.” “The Dreamweavers”; you should look them up. put up postings for freelance drivers. We keep it simple. “Run-
We also shack up with other groups. It’s usually not hard to ner wanted.” We hire them for a few days, from city A to city
find sympathetic Union members or even Loyalists of Thule B. We secure an RV or even just a freight truck outfitted with
willing to put you up for a little juicy lore. extra straps. Then we pay them to fly home afterward. If any-
Second off, we counterfeit. Most of us are at least competent one asks, we tell them our mate has a disorder where he can’t
with computers, but some of us are fucking phenomenal. One fly. They never ask. One cell bought an old, decommissioned
of our best can dig up dead people’s identities and clone them, ambulance. They travel the country with it. This was super bril-
so we can get ID and credit cards and shit. But don’t call her a liant on their part; cops never pull you over if you’re driving an
hacker, she doesn’t like that. She prefers “cyber-information-spe- ambulance.
New Endowments, Merits, and Tactics
cesses can be spent on the following, which only affect the char-
acter in the dream world.
Merits, Tactics
G Give +2 dice to a single dice pool.
G Give +5 to the next Initiative roll.
This is fun fuel for existing groups. Tactics, Endowments, G Give +10 to Speed for a turn.
and Merits. Maybe some equipment. This will largely focus on Successes must be spent in the same scene. The dreamer
the ability to engage with dreams and nightmares. It’ll also fea- can spend no more successes in a turn than your character has
ture a couple of minor Hero powers. dots in Dream Medic.
New Merits
This can be done as many times as you’d like. However, each
additional roll made in the same day suffers a cumulative -2 pen-
The following Merits are available to any hunters unless alty, with no upward limit. Failures cause 1 lethal damage to the
otherwise noted. character’s real-world body. Dramatic failures cause 5 damage,
and the character falls comatose until all the damage is healed.
Dream Avatar (G)
Effect: Your character’s representation within the world of Easy Out, Easy In (GGGG)
dreams is more capable than her real-world self. When you pur- Effect: Your character can control her attachment to the
chase this Merit, choose two simplified Attribute dots (Power, nightmare world when delving in. At any time, spend a point
Finesse, or Resistance). When your character manifests in the of Willpower to leave the nightmare reflexively. In the same
dream world, she gains those dots, including any derived traits. scene, she can delve back in instantly. Spend another point of
Note that traits lost in the dream world that are derived Willpower to reflexively jump back in, at the same place or any-
from dots gained from Dream Avatar are purely conceptual, where within about three meters. Many hunters use this as a
and are not lost in the real world. For example, if your character method of ambush, effectively “teleporting” behind an assail-
normally has Stamina GG, but has Resistance GGGG in the dream ant at an opportune time. This does not remove the normal
world, she has two health boxes that are marked first in a fight expenditure limit of one Willpower point per turn.
but do not translate to real world damage when she leaves.
Dream Avatar can increase an Attribute to one dot higher
Ephemeral Fetish (GG)
than the normal limit (almost always five dots). Effect: Your character possesses an item that no longer exists
in the real world. The object was something very important to a
At Storyteller discretion, you may also take this Merit to
person, something that provided comfort, that provided solace, a
represent Merit dots that can only be used in the dream world.
“security blanket” if you will. When lost forever or destroyed, this
Instead of an Attribute, you can take four Merits. So, you could
object became something that exists only within dreams, and now
take eight Merits with this Merit. A good example of this would
always manifests with your character for whatever reason. Perhaps
be Fighting Style Merits, which your character cannot access in
it was given to her, perhaps it was important to her, or perhaps it’s
the real world, but she knows within the dream. This is com-
a strong reminder of someone she’s protecting or has lost.
mon in the Merrick Institute, where characters train for battles
in the nightmare. If you use this option, you cannot use these This object has immense potency within the dream. It’s ef-
Merits to buy more Dream Avatar Merits to essentially have an fectively immutable and indestructible. Whatever normal form
infinite source of dots. it would take, add 5 Durability to it, and unless completely
You may take this Merit as many times as you’d like. destroyed in a turn, it completely fixes itself every turn. If de-
stroyed, it will reappear within a week’s time.
Dream Medic (G to GGGGG) The object grants +3 to all practical uses (in Illogical
Prerequisite: Intelligence GGG, Medicine GG Dream Logic, see p. 10), including use as a weapon. If used as
Effect: Your character can heal and support a person cur- a weapon, ignore normal penalties for improvised weaponry.
rently in a dream using basic chemicals. To use Dream Medic, For example, a literal security blanket may give +3 to rolls to
your character must have access to the dreaming person’s body capture a monster as a net, or rolls to use it to glide safely from
and must have access to the necessary chemicals. A chem kit a high place. It would also give +3 dice when rolled up and used
is Availability GGGG, but can be scavenged from a pharmacy or as a whip.
drug store. In a pinch, she can scrounge one from convenience Groups like the Merrick Institute cherish these items.
store pharmaceuticals, but all rolls to administer the medicine Many members have Ephemeral Fetishes from their friends
are made at -2, and all failures are treated as dramatic failures. who died in the institute’s experiments. Some Ephemeral Fe-
With a kit, your character can administer chems to the tishes have gone beyond simple fetishes, and are prized by the
dreamer. Roll Intelligence + Medicine + Dream Medic. Suc- Aegis Kai Doru (see Dream Relic, p. 21).
(New Endowment) GG Deaden: This ability reverses the effects of Enhance.
Each success on the activation can decrease an object’s
Initiates of the Merrick Institute gain access to the Dream- Size by one, subtract one from the amount of damage
scape Endowment. It allows them to do battle and reshape en- caused, or remove one point of Structure. Two suc-
vironments within the nightmare world of Beasts, as well as the cesses can remove a level of Durability. Objects cannot
dream realm that changelings traverse. It does not, however, be reduced to 0 Size with this ability. An item can only
allow access to these places. Characters must find their own ac- be subject to this ability once per scene.
cess, often through the Procedure Tactic (see p. 24).
GGG Reshape: This ability allows your character to mold
Dreamscape has three separate Merits associated with it.
objects. She can reshape, shift, bend, and twist ob-
Each is purchased as its own G to GGGGG Merit. Additionally,
jects like they were malleable clay. She cannot change
hunters can adopt Merits which modify these basic abilities.
a liquid into a gas or solid, but she can adjust their
Each of these Merits has listed prerequisite levels of other
basic density and hardness. She could make steel a
Dreamscape Merits.
softer metal, or she could make wood hard as a rock;
These Merits work within any lucid dream, as well as with- this is functionally identical to five successes on En-
in the Beasts’ nightmare realm. This includes dreams brought hance or Deaden. She can manipulate 1 Size worth
upon by mages and changelings. of an object per success. If reshaping a character,
each success can add or remove a dot of an Attribute.
Dream Shaping (G to GGGGG)
Effect: Your character can manipulate the stuff of dreams. GGGG Create: This ability works like Reshape but allows
With a simple touch, she can mold the ephemera within dream your character to create the initial material to ma-
realms as if it were clay. Each successive dot increases upon the nipulate. The successes determine the initial Size of
manipulation possible. Activating Dream Shaping requires a the object. Creating an object takes a point of Will-
point of Willpower for the first, second, and third dot abili- power.
ties. Activation makes them available for the entire scene. The GGGGG Destroy: Using Destroy takes a point of Willpow-
fourth and fifth dots require a Willpower point each time er per use. This ability removes the limitation of
they’re used. Deaden, and cannot be used on an object subject
Each ability uses an Intelligence + Manipulation (or Power to Deaden in the same scene. If an object would be
+ Finesse) + Dream Shaping dice pool. If used against sentient reduced to Size 0, it is destroyed entirely. When used
creatures, they’re contested with Resolve + Stamina (or Resis- against a sentient being, the victim’s successes on the
tance x 2). Characters affected by Dream Shaping can remove contested roll reduce your rolled successes.
the effects by spending Willpower. Each Willpower point spent
takes an instant action, and removes the effects of a single suc- Dream Shield (G to GGGGG)
cess. Effect: Your character’s mind is steeled against the terrible
When using Dream Shaping, the effects apply at a rate of things that exist within dreams. Each dot of this Merit adds
one success per turn. So, if you roll four successes, the trans- 1/1 armor for protecting her against threats in the dreamscape.
formation takes four turns. This can be slowed to encompass Additionally, anytime she spends Willpower to add -2 to a re-
an extended action, for example, to reshape something into a sistance or +3 to a contested dice pool against Dread Powers
piece of art. in the nightmare, also add her dots to the effect. For example,
with three dots, she’d give -5 to Resisted rolls, or add +6 to her
Note that in dreams, characters can be manipulated into Contested rolls when spending Willpower.
shapes and forms that might not work logically in the physi-
cal world. A character whose body is changed to stone doesn’t Dream Sword (G to GGGGG)
die because of the change; she’s just less able to move until
Effect: Your character’s mind is a weapon in the dream
the effects are repaired. Also, material properties are generally
world. Spend a point of Willpower to activate Dream Sword.
not as extreme as they could be in the real world. In dreams,
She has two options; she can create a Size 1-3 physical weapon
you may be able to pick up a terrifyingly radioactive material.
or she can project an attack at anything within eyeshot with a
While Dream Shaping doesn’t disallow ludicrous and strange
Finesse + Power roll. If she uses the former, the weapon persists
creations, the Storyteller is encouraged to make them plausible for the scene, and she cannot be disarmed. If she uses the latter,
within illogical dream logic (see p. 10). the weapon works only once and costs additional Willpower
G Enhance: With this ability, your character can em- for each additional attack. The weapon has a damage rating
bolden and build upon already-existing materials. equal to your character’s dots in Dream Sword and can take any
Each success on the activation can increase an object’s physical appearance she wishes. Many members of the Merrick
Size by one, add one to the amount of damage caused Institute train with martial arts, simply turning their hands and
by an item, or add one to the object’s Structure. Two feet into weapons within the dream.
New Endowments, Merits, and Tactics
New Endowments
Effect: Normally, your character can only create relatively
human-sized objects, or make large objects somewhat larger with
Dream Shaping. With this modification, your character can create These Endowments are available to their relevant Con-
massive structures in seconds. When using Dream Shaping to create spiracies.
or grow non-sentient objects, each success adds 3 Size instead of 1.
Elixir: Drop of Dreams (GG)
Dreampushing (G) This milky, oily elixir has a pearlescent sheen and must
Prerequisite: Dream Shaping G be kept away from light once brewed. It’s tough to swallow,
Effect: Your character can enact minor influence on the like barium milk with a subtle citrus flavor. Once imbibed, the
dream world, from without. She cannot make physical attacks drinker falls into a deep sleep. Her subconscious drifts off into
but has fine manipulation. Essentially, if it could be done with the world of primordial nightmares.
hands, but not with arms, she can handle it. These hypotheti- Roll Results
cal, invisible “hands” move up to half her Speed per turn (but Dramatic Failure: The drinker falls unconscious as normal
must stay within arms’ reach of each other), and act with her for one hour, but does not visit the primordial dream realm. Ad-
Power and Finesse. The “hands” are essentially invincible, but ditionally, the nearest Beast feels the dreamer’s presence and can
relay sensory information to your character. For example, she enter her dreams as if he fulfilled his hunger before her (see p. 26).
knows if she touches something hot, even if it cannot burn her.
Failure: The drinker falls unconscious as normal for one
Note: This allows the character access to her Dream hour, but does not visit the primordial dream.
Shaping abilities. She cannot use Dream Sword but can ac-
Success: The drinker falls unconscious for one hour. Noth-
cess Dream Shield with the Shielding Mind Merit to help the
ing short of lethal damage will wake her. During this time, she
dream warrior, if she so desires.
finds herself in the primordial dream. She doesn’t gain any spe-
Regenerative Mind (GG) cial ability to access bestial lairs, but may be able to enter if she
finds them. Once the hour is up, she may extend the voyage for
Prerequisite: Any Dreamscape Merit at G or greater a half an hour for a point of Willpower. She may continue to
Effect: When your character spends Willpower on Dreams- do this as long as she has more Willpower to spend.
cape abilities, she regains one of those spent Willpower every ten Exceptional Success: The drinker falls asleep for as long as
minutes. By taking a point of bashing damage reflexively, you can she’d like, and may remain in the primordial dream indefinite-
speed this up and immediately replenish one Willpower point. Note ly. Her body imposes some limitations, however, as she requires
that this only works on Willpower spent on Dreamscape abilities. life support and feeding tubes or similar treatment to remain
nourished for an extended period.
Shielding Mind (G)
Prerequisite: Dream Shield GG Relic: Dream Relic (GG)
Effect: Your character can use Dream Shield on another This isn’t a normal Relic; it’s an enhancement or modifi-
character by spending a point of Willpower. That character cation to an existing Relic. This represents a Relic that’s been
gains access to your character’s Dream Shield. He must spend physically destroyed or otherwise lost forever, so now it only
his own Willpower for the Contested and Resisted effects. exists within the scope of dreams. This Merit means your char-
acter is somehow bound to the destroyed Relic, so it appears As a weapon, the sword is old, of questionable craftsman-
with her whenever she manifests in a dream. ship, and not particularly sharp. It serves as a weapon that
When using the Relic within dreams, you can choose to causes 1 lethal damage, but all dice pools to strike with it suffer
take lethal damage instead of using Willpower to activate the -1. Any dramatic failures when attacking with the sword are
Relic. Additionally, all activation rolls gain +2 dice. As well, the identical to dramatic failures when activating the blessing (see
Relic gains all the benefits of an Ephemeral Fetish (see p. 19). below).
Dice Pool: Resolve + Composure
Relic: Perseus’ Mirrored Shield (GGG) Action: Instant
The story goes, Athena gave this shield to Perseus so he
Roll Results
could look into it and see Medusa’s reflection, protecting him
from her petrifying gaze. He used this to behead the Beast. Dramatic Failure: Not only does the blessing not take
Now, the shield has a similar use; it protects the wielder from hold, but the weapon shatters on first impact. At some point
bestial Dread Powers. within the next month, the weapon appears somewhere else
in the world, always in a small market, but never in the same
Activating the shield requires the hunter polish the back
of the shield, and invest a point of Willpower. If successful, the
shield’s inside becomes a perfect mirror. Failure: The blessing does not take hold.
Dice Pool: Wits + Composure Success: The blessing takes hold. The first time the target
is struck with the weapon, he bleeds profusely. This causes one
Action: Instant
lethal damage per turn. This bleeding will not stop by normal
Roll Results means. The only way to stop the bleeding is to kill the sword’s
Dramatic Failure: The hunter believes the shield works, user. The target knows this fact intuitively.
but it does not. In fact, the first Dread Power used upon her Exceptional Success: Not only does the blessing work as
achieves an exceptional success so long as at least one success with a normal success, but the weapon becomes shimmering,
is rolled. sharper, and stronger. It becomes a 3 lethal damage weapon for
Failure: The shield refuses to work. The polish just is not one day or until broken and gains Armor Piercing 2.
clear enough to show an enemy. Note: This blessing only works against monsters. If the
Success: The shield becomes a perfect mirror. If the hunter wielder attempts to use the blessing against a human, the bless-
is currently viewing a monster in the mirror, she becomes im- ing reverses and causes bleeding against her instead.
mune to targeted Dread Powers. This does not affect Dread
Powers that simply enhance the monster, like Dread Strength.
As a rule, it affects Dread Powers using a Resisted or Contested
New Tactics
roll against the hunter. Unless otherwise noted, these Tactics are not restricted to
just Beasts or Heroes in execution. Some of these Tactics men-
Attacking or otherwise acting against a character by view- tion a monster’s Vice. When used on a Beast, this refers to the
ing them through a mirror is difficult. All relevant actions suf- monster’s specific hunger, not his Vice.
fer a -2 penalty, as the hunter effectively must act backward.
However, the mirror does offer excellent visuals, effectively Damsel in Distress
eliminating penalties for any low-light short of full darkness.
Prerequisites: (all participants) Composure 2, Stealth 1,
Exceptional Success: The mirror’s imagery pierces super- Wits 2 (primary actor) Composure 3, Subterfuge 2
natural illusions. Monsters seen through the shield appear in
Requires: 3
their true forms.
Primary Dice Pool: Composure + Subterfuge
Relic: Saint George’s Sword (GGGGG) Secondary Dice Pools: Dexterity + Stealth
This ancient broadsword was used by a soldier in Libya Description: This classic tactic exploits a monster in a mo-
over one thousand years ago. The story says that fifteen thou- ment of weakness. The primary actor must know and play to
sand people converted to Christianity as recompense for the the monster’s Vice (or hunger in a Beast). Essentially, he offers
soldier’s work in slaying a great, poisonous dragon. himself up as a victim, or occasionally someone to be “saved.”
Now, the sword has been kept as a legendary monster- In that moment, the monster drops her defenses. The primary
slaying tool. Activating the weapon’s blessing requires the actor lines up to strike at the monster’s weakest available point,
user concentrate on the would-be target. She might look at putting himself in harm’s way. Simultaneously, the other actors
the target, she might concentrate on its name, or she might jump out of hiding to startle and distract the monster, so the
simply listen to villagers describe the monster in question (as- primary actor can strike hard and get to safety.
suming the description is relatively accurate). The legend says This Tactic often requires one or more rolls before the ac-
the warrior must sign the cross as part of the activation, but tual Tactic roll, as the monster might see through the ruse in a
this is not required. more extended pursuit. For example, if a hunter tries drawing a
New Endowments, Merits, and Tactics
vampire out of a nightclub to get her to feed on him, he might Primary Dice Pool: Resolve + Composure
need to make a Manipulation + Persuasion roll to initiate the Secondary Dice Pools: Manipulation + Empathy
liaison. By default, the core Tactic roll is made at -6, as monsters
Description: This Tactic is a rare exception to the usual
instinctively do not trust their prey. Every roll made to initi-
rule, where a cell works together to handle a problem caused by
ate and strengthen the liaison beforehand removes -6 from the
a monster, because in this case, the primary actor is a monster.
penalty. This will not take the dice pool above its basic amount.
The cell acts as a support group. The monster talks about his
If this Tactic fails, it puts the primary actor in a terrible struggle, his hunger, his terrible needs. The group offers sup-
place. He loses his Defense and the monster gets a free turn, port, advice, shoulders to cry on, substitute meals, and what-
as he’s considered ambushed by the monster who sees through ever else they need to for the monster to overcome his struggle.
the ruse at the last moment. After this turn, all characters act
This works on vampires, Beasts, and other monsters who
as normal. If successful, add the primary actor’s successes to
have primal, controlling hungers that drive them to monstros-
his dice pool to an attack dice pool, and he may use the Kill-
ity. This does not remove the psychological desire, nor does it
ing Blow rules (see Chronicles of Darkness, p. 93) against the
remove the basic expenditure of that sustenance. It does, how-
monster on the first turn.
ever, make the monster able to cope with it a little better, and
Organizations: This Tactic is not only common among the ensures that he will remain at least alive through the experi-
Ashwood Abbey; it’s often considered a game of sorts. Union ence, if weak.
members also know well how to tip the scales against local pred-
While under the effects of the Tactic, the monster will not
ators. Some Reckoning cells use this Tactic to draw out Beasts
lose her final Willpower point to the source of her hunger. A
and even capture them, in hopes a Hero will show up.
vampire will not need that final bit of blood to awaken, a Beast
Going to Groups will not lose that last Willpower due to her specific hunger. Addi-
tionally, reduce any hunger-related penalties the monster might
Prerequisites: (all participants) Composure 3, Empathy 1 suffer to self-control by 2. For example, if a starving vampire
(primary actor, special) Resolve 3 would suffer -5 to rolls to maintain herself in the face of blood,
Requires: 3, special she instead suffers -3. During the following week, successes rolled
Making a Monster
dream. Usually, at least one member holds her action for this Exceptional Success: The Beast intuitively knows the
purpose, literally keeping her hand on the switch to snatch the above, but also identifies her subject’s supernatural heritage.
dream warrior away from death at the last second. This may result in a Condition such as Leveraged, at Storyteller
Note that this Tactic requires at least moderate amounts discretion.
of scrap technology to use. A full laboratory is ideal, but skilled Note: Supernatural subterfuge and hiding abilities may
users with an abandoned electronics repair shop or computer be able to defend against this sense. Roll this sense as a con-
reseller can mock up the necessary supplies within an hour. tested dice pool against the power in question. The Beast much
Organizations: This is the signature Tactic of the Dream achieve more successes than the monster to be successful.
Warriors. The Null Mysteriis and the Cheiron Group have ad-
opted their own versions of it, thanks to their medical studies In Passing
into the metaphysical nature of dreams. A Beast who has spent at least a full day with another super-
natural creature can choose to “pass” for that type of creature.
Making a
Spend a point of Willpower to pass until she next sleeps. While
her basic appearance doesn’t change, her physiology subtly shifts
to fool investigators, and any supernatural sensory power will de-
tect her as that type of creature. For example, a Beast passing for a
vampire may have nearly deadened organs and no pulse, and her
This section deals with how to build a Beast, and the inher- aura looks like a vampire’s when viewed by a psychic. This kin-
ent advantages they receive. Except where noted, Beasts work ship is more than skin deep; any ability which might detect her
identically to other monsters in Hunter: The Vigil and Chron- true nature only succeeds on an exceptional success, and even
icles of Darkness. then, only as if it had only a single success.
Some of the Dread Powers in this section overlap some-
what with other existing Dread Powers. This is to emphasize the Gatecrashing
specific abilities and specialties of Beasts; when selecting other Beasts are not creatures tied to this reality. In fact, they
Dread Powers, endeavor to not overlap and invalidate Beast- can open any gateway used by any other supernatural creature.
specific abilities. For example, they can open breaches into the shadow world
that werewolves often police, or doorways into the nightmarish
Aspirations/Hungers hedge that changelings traverse. While they have no inherent
Instead of Aspirations like normal characters, Beasts have ability to detect these gateways, they can always open them with
two Hungers. They work very similarly but are almost always an instant action and no roll. However, if they spend a point
destructive or antisocial behaviors. Instead of affording Will- of Willpower, they can open the gate into their own primordial
power, they give the Beast Satiety (see p. 25). nightmare world, instead. For this reason, Beasts with other
supernatural compatriots tend to be very slippery, and almost
G Increase a Physical Attribute by one dot for the scene, up Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy
to a maximum of 10. Roll Results
G Satiety functions as Integrity whenever it matters. Beasts Dramatic Failure: The monster bares her own soul. Any-
do not have Integrity. one looking into her eyes sees and instinctively understands her
Hunger: Any time a Beast is presented with a chance to in- supernatural hunger.
dulge her Hunger, she must succeed in a Resolve + Composure Failure: The monster sees nothing.
roll or indulge. However, this dice pool is limited by her current Success: The monster sees into the subject’s soul. For each
Satiety. She does not have to make this roll if she currently has dot, she gains one of the following answers:
8-10 Satiety.
G The subject’s Virtue and Vice
When a Beast falls to 3 or fewer Satiety, she gains +3 dice
on all Dread Powers. Her monstrosity surfaces and lashes out G One of the subject’s Aspirations
harder than usual. This replaces the normal advantage from G Any mental Conditions from which the subject suffers
Willpower expenditure – the Beast cannot use Willpower for
G The subject’s Integrity
further advantages.
Recovering Satiety: Satiety can be recovered by fulfilling a G The thing the subject is most afraid of at the time
Hunger. Most normal Hunger fulfilling actions give 1 Satiety. G The last nightmare from which the subject suffered
Significant actions give 3. Massive, epic actions that change the
course of a story give 5. Exceptional Success: The subject bares his soul entirely.
The monster knows all the relevant traits listed above; knowing
Zero Satiety: At zero Satiety, a Beast becomes utterly raven-
intuitively when the subject lies or tells the truth for the rest of
ous. At this point, only a significant action will sate her (one
the scene.
that would usually give 3 or 5). And even then, it only affords
her a single Satiety. She cannot resist indulgence at all. How-
ever, she becomes so very monstrous that she’s something of a
Plague of Fear (G to GGGGG)
colossus. She gains two dots to each Physical Attribute, beyond This Nightmare does not work independently; it modifies
her normal limits. She suffers no wound penalties. another Nightmare to make it infectious, so one victim spreads
the fear to another, and to another.
Making a Monster
Resonance G During the turn, she gains 1/1 armor per dot of Titanic
Charge. She may activate Titanic Charge reflexively be-
The one unique feature of Atavism Dread Powers is that
fore her turn for this benefit – the charge still only takes
when a Beast is in an area that well-represents the nature of her
effect on her own turn.
lair or its chambers, she can call upon her Atavisms more easily.
Reduce Willpower costs by one point, to a minimum of zero. G Every character struck suffers Knockdown.
This also applies within the chambers themselves. Exceptional Success: As well as the above effects, victims
also suffer the Shaken Condition from the assault.
Marine Body (G to GGGGG)
This Atavism represents a monster whose body is entirely
prepared for underwater action. She may be an undine, a levia- Lairs
than, or another sea monster in her truest form. Lairs are natural extensions of bestial existence. The Horror
Cost: 1 Willpower which creates a Beast comes from the Lair, and is forever tied to its
halls and chambers. Look to the section on the nightmare realm
Action: Reflexive
(see p. 9) for more on how lairs should be conceptualized.
Dice Pool: None
Effect: A Beast with this Atavism never needs to breathe Chambers
air when underwater. Additionally, by activating the Atavism As the Beast grows in power, she finds other places, other sto-
and bringing her true self into the world, she can move with ries, other terrors which resonate with her personal nightmare. She
alarming alacrity in the water. She moves at full Speed under- can incorporate these places into her lair, building them into dis-
water. By spending a Willpower point, multiply her Speed by tinct Chambers. In game terms, any time a Beast achieves an excep-
her dots in Marine Body, and add her dots to her Defense tional success on a Dread Power roll, or otherwise takes meaningful,
when acting fully submerged. While this advantage normally terrifying actions, she can integrate the scenario, the fright into her
costs Willpower, most Beasts with this Atavism have a chamber lair. This turns the scenario into its own pocket realm, a chamber.
underwater, effectively negating the cost.
The Heart
Titanic Charge (G to GGGGG) The Heart of a lair is its first chamber. This is the original
With this Atavism, the monster becomes a colossus of space from where the Horror comes. It’s similar to other cham-
sorts, sometimes stone, sometimes metal, sometimes simply bers, but much closer to the Beast’s identity since it’s not a
massive. She charges forward, and nothing can stop her. This place she’s encountered, but a place core to her Horror.
devastating embodiment of her monstrosity leaves destruction
in her wake. Burrows
Cost: 5 Willpower Burrows are the pathways, the halls, the caverns between
chambers. Look at these pathways like the transition areas in a
Action: Instant
theme park – they embody both areas they connect; blending
Dice Pool: Strength + Athletics + Titanic Charge and mutating into one another. For example, if one chamber is
Note: While this is not contested, subtract the highest a perpetually sinking ocean liner, and another is a volcano, the
Defense of a character in the path of her charge. When she burrow between may be a ship’s boiler room, heated with lava,
charges, nothing can stop her unless it physically prohibits her filling the area with steam and fire.
from moving forward despite her immense power.
Roll Results Broods
Often, Beasts organize into broods, extended families. With
Dramatic Failure: The monster causes immense damage to
time, their lairs meld together, crossing burrows and chambers into
the ground beneath her, effectively trapping herself until she can
one enormous labyrinth. They shift and change, taking on aspects of
achieve five successes on an extended Strength + Stamina action.
each other. The greatest monster in the region influences every lair
Failure: The monster’s charge is not supernaturally im- within, showing little bits of his own personal taint, his nightmare.
Lair is represented with the following trait. It’s purchased Heroes are made as normal Chronicles of Darkness char-
and tracked like a Dread Power, but goes from one to ten dots. acters, but with the above Dread Powers at creation. Each time
Beasts start with a single dot of Lair at creation. a Hero kills a Beast, he gains dots in Dread Powers equal to half
the Beast’s dots in the Lair trait, rounded up.
A Lair has a handful of effects, including determining Amass Followers (G to GGGGG)
chambers, the danger of the environment, and helping the A Hero’s legend draws those sympathetic and like-minded,
monster resist supernatural abilities. sometimes overwhelming their better judgment and turning
As the lair grows, it grows in chambers. Use the following them into loyal – often disposable – followers.
chart to determine how many chambers a lair has. Cost: 1 Willpower
LAIR DOTS CHAMBERS Action: Reflexive
1 3 Dice Pool: Presence + Expression
Effect: The Hero converts a handful of nameless bystanders
2 3
into sycophantic followers. This Dread Power must be used at the
3 4 same time as another impressive action. For these purposes, an
4 4 impressive action means an exceptional success or a showy use of a
5 5 Dread Power. This power will not affect regular, named characters
normally. A player’s character won’t be wrapped up in a Hero’s leg-
6 5 end with this power – he could choose to have his character fall in
7 6 with the crowd, but cannot be forced. Volunteering to be subject
8 6 to this Dread Power awards a character a Beat.
9 7 Roll Results
10 7 Dramatic Failure: The crowd becomes agitated with the
Hero, and impedes the Hero’s hunt.
Lair also functions as Potency (see Mortal Remains, p.
164). This determines Willpower expenditures available and Failure: Nobody is sufficiently impressed.
trait maximums. Success: The Hero gains a number of temporary dots’
worth of followers equal to her successes plus her Amass Fol-
Lair Traits lowers dots. These dots are spread among the Allies, Staff, and
A Beast has a handful of unique traits which only manifest Retainer Merits. Only one instance of this power can take ef-
within her lair. A lair is considered an Extreme Environment fect at a time. Alternatively, followers may make attacks and
(see Chronicles of Darkness, p. 97). To determine its rating, other simple actions. Assume they have a dice pool of 3 for
halve the Lair dots (round up) and subtract one. Additionally, most basic actions, or 5 for actions important to the character.
for every dot in Lair, choose an environmental Tilt and assign Often, Heroes exploit follower attacks to cause a Defense reduc-
it to a chamber. Characters within the chamber, not permit- tion in opponents.
ted by the Beast suffer from that Tilt. When creating these en- Exceptional Success: The Hero amasses a large crowd of
vironments and Tilts, consider dream logic. Be fantastic. Be followers. In addition to the normal effects, the subjects and
terrifying. Don’t feel constrained by simple logic. An inferno the Hero each gain a dot of Mystery Cult Initiation, with the
that crackles out with black lightning might be a fitting environ- Hero being the de-facto head of the newly-formed cult.
ment, even if it’s only a level 2 extreme environment. And the The supernatural effect lasts for the scene, but many fol-
according Tilt could reflect visibility, shock, or any number of lowers will continue to follow a Hero with a strong personality.
other effects. Effects not represented by these game rules simply
do not happen – in that example, if the lightning isn’t part of a Create Anathema (G to GGGGG)
game mechanic, it’s simply a cosmetic effect. This Dread Power allows the Hero to force an anathema
– a ban or bane upon a Beast. It’s one of the hallmarks of a
Heroes Hero’s hunt. Most Heroes call out the ban or bane when using
this ability.
Heroes have the following Dread Powers. Every Hero gets En-
during Legend at one dot, Stalking at one dot, Open Gate, and Cre- Cost: 1 Willpower
ate Anathema at one dot for free. They can have other Dread Pow- Action: Instant
ers, but the Storyteller should be mindful not to choose other Dread Dice Pool: Presence + Occult + Create Anathema, con-
Powers that might encroach into the realm of these existing Hero tested (special, see below)
abilities. However, Heroes focus primarily on Beasts – their abilities
Effect: The Beast can contest this ability with Resolve, plus
are much less honed for other uses. Any Dread Power which requires
eleven minus her current Satiety. This defies the usual method
activation has its Willpower cost reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0)
for using Satiety to contest Dread Powers.
when used against a Beast and increased by 1 against non-Beasts.
Making a Monster
Roll Results
Open Gate (G)
Dramatic Failure: The bane or ban does not take. How-
Heroes are uniquely capable of opening doorways directly into
ever, the Hero suffers from a similar bane or ban for one week
a Beast’s lair. Up to a week after a Beast opened a gate into her lair’s
chambers, a Hero can open a doorway in that space which leads
Failure: The ban or bane does not take. inside. Others can enter this door if the Hero leaves it open. Some
Success: The Hero can create a ban or bane on the target – hunters pursue Heroes simply to exploit this ability.
per Chronicles of Darkness. Half the monster’s Satiety, round Cost: 1 Willpower
up: that’s the level of ban or bane allowed. It lasts one day per
Action: Instant
success rolled.
Dice Pool: None
Exceptional Success: The bane or ban lasts a full lunar
month. Effect: No roll is required. If a Beast opened a gate to her
lair within the past week, the Hero can open a portal. The Hero
Enduring Legend (G to GGGGG) can close it behind himself, but they only rarely ever do since
Heroes are exceedingly difficult to kill. The power of their they have very little concern for the potential repercussions,
legend keeps them pushing well after normal monster hunters and opening such a door is inherently harmful to a Beast. The
would die. door stays open for an hour. The Hero can spend an additional
Willpower point to make the door permanent until the Beast
Cost: None
manually destroys it, which means closing off one of her cham-
Action: None bers for a full week.
Dice Pool: None
Effect: The Hero gains one health box for every dot in this Stalking (G to GGGGG)
Dread Power. Additionally, each scene he can heal one bash- Heroes pursue prey relentlessly, and intuitively know how
ing damage per turn, up to a total number equal to his dots to force their narrative forward.
in Enduring Legend. Each day when resting, he can heal one Cost: None
lethal damage per dot as well. With a single point of Willpower Action: None
per point of damage, he can instead heal up to that many lethal
Dice Pool: None
damage reflexively.
Effect: In any roll to pursue prey of any sort, add the He-
ro’s dots in this Dread Power. Additionally, he can sense the
nearest Beast with a moment’s concentration, up to a distance
of about one mile per dot in Stalking. If this runs up against a
supernatural concealment ability, the Hero contests the pow-
er’s dice pool with Wits + Composure + Stalking.
On the surface, the Yuri Kochiyama Group (or “Yuri’s Group” as they call themselves) is a group of pacifists who run support
groups and only grudgingly hunt monsters. At least, that’s a common perception. It’s inaccurate, and only addresses the group
in an idealistic sense. They got their name from an anti-war activist, because at first, many of their support group attendees came
home shocked from Iraq War. But they quickly found that they had other charges.
The group was born in the early 1990s as a handful of Los Angeles sup-
port group organizers began noticing patterns in survivors’ stories,
suspicious discrepancies, and odd supernatural elements,
which occurred time after time. Monsters. Specifically,
a monster. This serpent king occurred in enough sto-
ries, acting the same way, that it simply couldn’t be a
coincidence. It didn’t match up with any specific
pop culture event. And the organizers curiously
picked at the stories, trying to suss out not just
commonalities, but if any truth was to be had.
And there was.
This serpent king existed; it was a man
living in the sewers, stalking, and terroriz-
ing people. The police laughed it off, even
with pictures. A group of the organizers
even followed him into the sewer, but each
time, he’d vanish. Research stumbled upon
research, and the group made headway when
they finally saw him in his true form. They
saw the monster, and in a moment of raw
courage, they killed the Beast.
They’ve since organized and expanded
into other regions, putting representatives
in many support groups all over the US
and a few other places. They look for signs
of monsters, and they do what they can to
stop them. Their group solidified, how-
ever, as they began capturing the monsters.
They questioned the monsters and found
that many of these Beasts believed they
were teaching through pain, fear, and tribu-
lation. While the group acknowledges that
agenda, they wholeheartedly reject it. Yes, a
person can find strength from pain. But the
results of the pain are still very real. You may find
strength in losing an arm in a war. That’s more than
made up for when you no longer have a hand to use,
or when you wake up in tears because of the trauma.
People can learn without pain. No man, no Beast has the
right to “teach” without a student’s consent.
Almost every member of Yuri’s Group fights
with a cell of other hunters, providing expertise
in identifying and supporting victims. Only rarely
do cells exist only of Yuri’s Group members.
Yuri's Group
Most hunter stories begin with a tragedy. You know the tale. A monster rampages through her village, slaughtering everyone,
toppling buildings, leaving fire and blood in his wake. The story of the Reckoning started similarly, but with one major difference.
The destruction didn’t come from the monster, but from the Hero.
Derek Campbell grew up in a compound with forty other people, self-declared “sovereign citizens” deep in the wooded hills
of Oregon, two hours’ drive away from anything you could call a town. They stockpiled military-grade weapons, preparing for a
Day of Reckoning, a day that came hard, came tragically. It came when one of the hunting parties found a giant egg and brought
it home to the compound.
One evening, a monster struck the compound. It was a giant winged-woman, like those old monster flicks with Claymation
and Greek heroes. The people grabbed their guns, but just as soon dropped them when she howled out. Derek will never forget
that howl, it imprinted something on his soul, something terrifying. But the monster didn’t come to kill; it wanted the egg. It tore
at the vault where the egg was hidden away.
Then, a man came. He came with a spear that looked to be made of light, and he charged into the compound. The guards
fired on him, but he shrugged off their bullets like nothing. The man fought the monster viciously, but each time he missed the
mark, his spear caught one of the compound buildings ablaze. By the time
he finally eradicated the monster, twenty were dead. Derek, just eighteen,
took his father’s gun and fired the one bullet the “Hero” couldn’t ig-
nore. He struck the killer dead.
Derek took charge of the compound. With the
arsenal and remaining members, he started what
would become The Reckoning. They soon no-
ticed other monsters; once you see the super-
natural, you cannot unsee it. And every time,
a “Hero” came in, escalated, and caused untold
harm. He told his people that the Reckoning had
come for the compound, and now, he’d turn it on
“Heroes” like that one. To him and his, monsters were
a fact of reality in the apocalypse. They existed to teach
humanity the follies of mankind, to punish the debauch
and to prove divinity to the non-believers. Heroes, he
argued, turned these forces of nature into some-
thing wholly more dangerous. Kill the Heroes,
and the monsters go about their business.
Within a few years, the Reckoning
grew out of the compound. With this
new outlook, they managed to recruit
and ironically appear like less of a fringe
The Reckoning
The Merrick Institute
specific and targeted growth inside their brains. These trials words of the stories she remembered to help her escape. She
often kill the subjects and almost always leave them permanent- became even better at traveling within dreamscapes.
ly damaged on a physical or psychological level. Most remain
institutionalized for the entirety of their short lives. Some are Hunters
inducted into military programs. Almost all Dream Warriors suffer some form of disability
At least, that was the case until 2013. A group of prodi- because of their time in the Merrick laboratories. This usually
gious Merrick teens developed codes to communicate despite takes the form of a Persistent Condition. Often, these charac-
their cells, organized, and overthrew their captors. This group ters train to fight in nightmares to great success. This is repre-
laid waste to the scientists, the guards, and the bureaucrats re- sented with the Dream Avatar Merit (see p. 19).
sponsible for their captivity. Only a couple of scientists were left You were on track for success in life. You had a handful
alive, under promise to help the teens survive with their trauma of scholarships to major universities thanks to your mastery
and to help them harness their dream skills. They freed all the with technology. Your science fair project was a rudimentary
other teens but maintained a facility for those in persistent veg- AI. One day, your parents said you were being sent off to a pres-
etative states thanks to Merrick. tigious institution you’d never heard of. You researched them
The teens knew the Beasts of nightmare and what terrible but found nothing. You fought, but they fought harder. Just
things they do to humanity. They swore that despite losing their when you were investigating emancipation late one night, you
lives to this travesty, they’d make the most of their circumstanc- fell asleep and woke in a lab. Long story short, now you’re the
es, take responsibility, and destroy these threats. Now, they’ve tech wizard for your cell. You don’t like to talk about what you
divided into loosely organized cells all over North America (and had to do to get out of the institute. In fact, you don’t like to
at least a couple have snuck abroad), and they scramble from talk to anyone but your AIs. Your cell gives you room to breathe
place to place, building and scrapping the technology to sup- because you’re the best at what you do.
port their cause, as they evade the intelligence community’s You’re the most optimistic of your group. You grew up
inevitable approach. They sometimes find new institutions, an orphan. You were used to neglect and mistreatment. As far
satellite Merrick groups, and they work to liberate them as well. as you’re concerned, Merrick just gave you a unique skill that
Now, the group has hundreds of teens and young adults, and a makes you special in a world that’s against you. You act as the
handful of older members, survivors from the first nights of the heart of your group, keeping their spirits up and their organiza-
experiment. Survivors adopted the Merrick name as a way to tion tight. More importantly, you know how to survive against
reclaim their lives. They call themselves the Merrick Institute, all odds. You keep your brothers and sisters fed, clothed, and as
despite not being an institute in any formal sense, as a sort of comfortable as possible.
defiant mockery of their past captors. You’re the truest dreamer in your cell. During the Merrick
experiments, you lost consciousness and never regained it. Your
The Enemy cell keeps you alive and safe in the physical world, while you
Beasts are the Merrick dreamers’ primary target. While protect them in the nightmare world. You’re an expert on the
they occasionally hunt others thanks to their general level of nightmare because you live it every day and every night. You
awareness, their skills are razor-honed to hunt within dreams. couldn’t escape it, so you mastered it. In fact, other cells come
Every Merrick dreamer knows at least one peer dead or coma- to you for your expertise, and even some other Compacts and
tose thanks to these Beasts of legend. Many of the dreamers Conspiracies have reached out for your knowledge.
spent years in a Merrick institution before release, so to say that
they’ve had time to build grudges against these monsters is put- Factions
ting it lightly. Most are obsessed, directing vast repressed anger Reformers believe that while the Merrick institute was ob-
at them, and will do anything to keep others from suffering the jectively wrong, the group could benefit from a more structured
same fate. organization. They plan to set up new laboratories to further
Sometimes, dreamers run afoul of changelings and other the cause, most likely outside the United States. A few have
strangeness within dreams. One dreamer found herself abduct- proposed micro-nations for this plan. So far, the largest contin-
ed by a terrifying, alien entity from beyond her dreams. She gent of Reformers resides in Canada, where they plan to center
eventually escaped but was forever changed. Her flesh bore the a network of laboratories. The single largest Reformer lab is in
Australia though, where researchers are making revolutionary G Even the most loosely affiliated Merrick Institute
strides in cooperation with an aboriginal group. members learn The Procedure. They gain the Tactic
Firebrands believe dream warriors cannot turn the Mer- free of charge. If they already have it, this Status dot
rick Institute into anything more organized than splinter cells refunds the Experiences spent. Additionally, they
sharing information, tactics, and resources. Of course, the gain access to the Dreamscape Endowment. This is
truth is that they’re already past that point. But Firebrands be- more than most Conspiracies get from their first Sta-
lieve in tearing down what little formal structure exists within tus dot, but Merrick Institute members have numer-
the Conspiracy. They also favor heavily nomadic cell structure. ous inherent disadvantages thanks to their history.
One group has even bombed an established Reformer safe-
GGG More connected members of the Institute benefit
house and laboratory (in their defense, they used a diversion to
from those ties. They gain Allies (Merrick Institute)
empty the place, first). They admit to the crime, saying that it’s
G, Contacts (Merrick Institute) G, and a Retainer G in
for the greater good. While the Conspiracy at large rejects the
the institute with this dot. This can add to existing
action, the lack of formal charter or structure prevents any real
Merits, or refund Experiences spent.
consequences for the action.
Fleshists openly reject the call to fight nightmares. While GGGGG These members have been around for years, and
they don’t eschew their gifts with dream navigation, they use have saved labs full of inductees. They gain the Easy
these powers to fight more immediate threats. Most monsters Out, Easy In Merit (see p. 19) free of cost. If they
exist in planes accessible from the nightmare world, so they already have it, refund the Experiences spent.
can even use their gifts for relatively direct attacks. The Flesh-
ists mostly use their talents for information gathering, though, Stereotypes
where they learn the nature of monsters and how to best de- Ascending Ones: They walk roads they don’t understand.
stroy them. They are impassioned, but they believe their immense knowl-
edge of other spheres translates to our realm. It doesn’t.
Status Ashwood Abbey: They walk the dreamscapes for fun.
Merrick Institute members have access to the following ad- They’re privileged. They don’t know the darkness like we do.
vantages with Status in their group. Task Force Valkyrie: They’re unwitting tools of the ma-
chine that enslaved us. You’re welcome to pity them until
they’re turned on us. Then, they become threats worse than
the monsters.
The Stuff of
These monsters are the stuff of
the primordial, collective subcon-
scious. They’re born of nightmare,
and grown through legends of drag-
ons, sphinxes, leviathans, and darker
things still.
Some take up the Vigil to do bat-
tle against the greatest of monsters.