Ac Total Interference Study

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How To…

Engineering Guide

A Simple AC Total Interference

Mitigation Study
Using SES Software
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HOW TO… Engineering Guide

A Simple AC Total
Mitigation Study Using SES
2019 Release

Date Version Number Revision Level

April 2008 13 0
August 2009 13 1
January 2012 14 0
February 2014 14 1
May 2016 15 1
June 2017 16 0
December 2019 16.2 0

Page iv

As SES software is constantly evolving, with frequently created updates, minor

discrepancies may appear between this How To manual illustrations of the
software interface and the present software version interface. These differences
are cosmetic in nature and do not impact the validity of the guidance and
procedures provided herein. Furthermore, small differences in the reported and
plotted numerical values may exist due to continuous enhancements of the
computation algorithms.

Address comments concerning this manual to:

Safe Engineering Services & technologies ltd.

3055 Blvd. Des Oiseaux, Laval, Québec, Canada, H7L 6E8
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Copyright  1995-2019 Safe Engineering Services & technologies ltd. All rights reserved.
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OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................... 1-1
OVERVIEW OF A TYPICAL INTERFERENCE STUDY ............................................... 2-1
2.1 OBJECTIVES ..................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 PROJECT TASKS .............................................................................................................................. 2-2
2.3 SUMMARY OF DATA NEEDED FOR AC INTERFERENCE STUDIES ............................................ 2-4
2.3.1 AC INTERFERENCE FOR PIPELINES ................................................................................. 2-4
2.3.2 AC INTERFERENCE FOR RAILWAYS ................................................................................. 2-5
2.3.3 AC INTERFERENCE FOR TELECOMMUNICATION CABLES ............................................ 2-6
2.4 SOIL RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENTS AND INTERPRETATION ................................................... 2-7
CHOOSING YOUR SOFTWARE PACKAGE ............................................................... 3-1
3.1 SESTLC-PRO ..................................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 RIGHT-OF-WAY PRO ........................................................................................................................ 3-2
3.3 MULTIFIELDS .................................................................................................................................... 3-3
USING THE SESTLC PRO SOFTWARE PACKAGE .................................................. 5-1
5.1 STEADY STATE INTERFERENCE CALCULATION ........................................................................ 5-1
5.1.1 DATA ENTRY ........................................................................................................................ 5-1
5.2 AC INTERFERENCE CALCULATIONS DURING FAULT CONDITIONS ...................................... 5-10
5.2.1 DATA ENTRY ...................................................................................................................... 5-10
USING RIGHT-OF-WAY PRO VIA THE ROWCAD INTERFACE ................................ 6-1
6.1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................. 6-2
6.2 DESCRIPTION AND PLANNING OF THE CIRCUIT MODEL ........................................................... 6-2
6.3 USING ROWCAD TO DEFINE THE NETWORK ............................................................................... 6-7
6.4 CREATING A NEW ROW PROJECT FOR USING ROWCAD.......................................................... 6-7
6.5 DEFINE POLYLINES IN ROWCAD ................................................................................................... 6-9
6.5.1 DEFINE PATHS ..................................................................................................................... 6-9 POLYLINES IN ROWCAD ...................................................................................... 6-9 PREPARE POLYLINES IN SESCAD .................................................................... 6-10 IMPORT POLYLINE .............................................................................................. 6-12 ASSIGN CENTRAL SITE AND TERMINALS ON THE POLYLINES .................... 6-14
6.5.2 ASSIGN SOIL REGIONS AND CROSS-SECTIONS TO THE VARIOUS PATHS .............. 6-19 SOIL MODELS ...................................................................................................... 6-19

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Page PHASE AND CROSS-SECTION ASSIGNMENTS ............................................... 6-20

6.5.3 GENERATE REGIONS ........................................................................................................ 6-30
6.5.4 IMPORT REGIONS INTO ROW .......................................................................................... 6-31
6.6 SAVING DATA AND CREATING THE CIRCUIT MODEL............................................................... 6-33
6.6.1 SAVING THE DATA & DISPLAYING THE ROW CONFIGURATION ................................. 6-33
MODULE .............................................................................................................................. 6-36
(NORMAL_LOAD SCENARIO) ........................................................................................................ 6-38
6.7.1 REPLACING SHUNT IMPEDANCE (OPERATION 1)......................................................... 6-40
6.9.1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................. 6-46
6.9.2 FAULT CURRENT DATA .................................................................................................... 6-46
6.9.3 DESCRIPTION OF CIRCUIT MODEL ................................................................................. 6-47
6.9.4 CARRY OUT MONITORED FAULT RUNS ......................................................................... 6-48 CREATING SCENARIO FAULT USING SCENARIO NORMAL_LOAD ............... 6-48 DEFINING MONITORED FAULTS FOR SP_FAULT_1.F05 ................................ 6-49 PLOTTING MONITORED FAULTS FOR SP_FAULT_1.F05 ............................... 6-53
6.10 COMPUTING TOTAL INTERFERENCE DURING FAULT CONDITIONS ................................... 6-55
6.10.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 6-55
6.10.2 CREATE TOTAL INTERFERENCE MALZ MODEL ........................................................... 6-56 DETERMINE THE STUDY TYPE ....................................................................... 6-56 .... DEFINE THE CONDUCTOR NETWORK IN THE TOTAL INTERFERENCE MALZ
MODEL .................................................................................................................. 6-57 DEFINE TOWERS AND THEIR ENERGIZATIONS IN THE TOTAL
INTERFERENCE MALZ MODEL .......................................................................... 6-59 CREATE A TOTAL INTERFERENCE MALZ MODEL FILE ............................... 6-60
6.10.3 COMPUTE THE TOTAL INTERFERENCE LEVEL............................................................ 6-61
6.10.4 EXAMINING THE RESULTS .............................................................................................. 6-63
6.11 MITIGATION MEASURES ............................................................................................................. 6-65
6.11.1 CREATING SCENARIO FAULTWITHMIT USING SCENARIO FAULT............................. 6-65
MODULE .............................................................................................................................. 6-69
6.11.3 CARRY OUT MONITOR FAULT RUNS ............................................................................. 6-70
6.11.4 PLOTTING THE MONITORED FAULTS FOR SP_FAULTWITHMIT_1.F05 ..................... 6-72
6.11.5 CREATING THE TOTAL INTERFERENCE MALZ MODEL ............................................... 6-72
6.11.6 COMPUTE THE TOTAL INTERFERENCE LEVEL............................................................ 6-72
6.11.7 EXAMINING THE RESULTS .............................................................................................. 6-73

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CLASSICAL ROW INTERFACE .................................................................................. 7-1
NORMAL_LOAD) ............................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1.1 START UP PROCEDURES ................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1.2 CREATE NEW PROJECT WORKSPACE ............................................................................. 7-2
SCREEN ................................................................................................................................ 7-4
7.1.5 DEFINING TERMINAL 1 ...................................................................................................... 7-13 DEFINE TERMINAL ENERGIZATION .................................................................. 7-13 DEFINE REGIONS ................................................................................................ 7-15
7.1.6 DEFINING TERMINAL 2 ...................................................................................................... 7-18 DEFINING TERMINAL ENERGIZATION .............................................................. 7-18 DEFINING REGION 1 ........................................................................................... 7-18 DEFINING REGION 2 ........................................................................................... 7-19 DEFINING REGION 3 ........................................................................................... 7-20
USING THE MULTIFIELDS PRO SOFTWARE PACKAGE ......................................... 8-1
8.1 STEADY STATE CONDITIONS ......................................................................................................... 8-1
1.1.1 DATA ENTRY ........................................................................................................................ 8-1 START UP PROCEDURES .................................................................................... 8-1 UNITS AND DESCRIPTION ................................................................................... 8-3 SOIL MODEL........................................................................................................... 8-4 CONDUCTOR TYPES ............................................................................................ 8-5 COATING TYPES ................................................................................................... 8-7 EXPOSED FACILITY .............................................................................................. 8-8 TRANSMISSION LINE .......................................................................................... 8-11 OBSERVATION POINTS ...................................................................................... 8-15
8.1.2 SUBMITTING THE RUN ...................................................................................................... 8-16
8.1.3 EXAMINING THE RESULTS ............................................................................................... 8-18
8.2 FAULT CONDITIONS ....................................................................................................................... 8-23
8.2.1 DATA ENTRY ...................................................................................................................... 8-23
8.2.2 EXAMINING THE RESULTS ............................................................................................... 8-27
ADVANCED RIGHT-OF-WAY PRO CONCEPTS ........................................................ 9-1
9.1 RUNNING ROW IN BATCH MODE ................................................................................................... 9-1

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9.1.1 HOW TO RUN ROW? ............................................................................................................ 9-1

9.1.2 WHAT ARE THE INPUTS AND HOW TO PREPARE THEM?.............................................. 9-2
9.1.3 HOW DO I KNOW IF MY RUNS ARE SUCCESSFUL OR NOT? ......................................... 9-2
DEFINITIONS AND CONVENTIONS ........................................................................... A-1
REFERENCES.............................................................................................................. B-1
SAMPLE SPREADSHEET FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY ....................................................... C-1
D.1 RIGHT-OF-WAY DATA: CONDUCTOR POSITIONS & PHASING .................................................. D-1
D.2 CONDUCTOR CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................. D-2
D.3 GROUND RESISTANCES.................................................................................................................. D-2
D.4 FAULT CURRENT DATA ................................................................................................................... D-2
D.5 LOAD CURRENT DATA .................................................................................................................... D-3
D.6 SYSTEM FREQUENCY ...................................................................................................................... D-3
D.7 POWER PLANTS FED BY EXPOSED LINE ..................................................................................... D-3
D.8 RESOURCE PERSON ........................................................................................................................ D-4
E.1 PHYSICAL DATA OF OVERALL SYSTEM ....................................................................................... E-1
E.2 SOIL RESISTIVITY DATA .................................................................................................................. E-2
E.3 EXPOSED STRUCTURES ................................................................................................................. E-2
E.4 ELECTRICAL DATA .......................................................................................................................... E-2
E.5 RESOURCE PERSON........................................................................................................................ E-3
F.1 RESOURCE PERSON ........................................................................................................................ F-2
TELECOMMUNICATION CABLE COMPANY ............................................................. G-1

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G.1 RESOURCE PERSON ........................................................................................................................ G-1

FURTHER DISCUSSIONS ON AC INTERFERENCE STUDIES.................................. H-1
H.1 INITIAL ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................ H-1
H.1.1 INDUCTIVE STUDY............................................................................................................... H-1
H.1.2 CONDUCTIVE STUDY .......................................................................................................... H-1
WITH VERY GOOD COATING) ............................................................................................ H-2
H.2 MITIGATION DESIGN ........................................................................................................................ H-2
H.2.1 INDUCTIVE COMPONENT ................................................................................................... H-2
H.2.2 CONDUCTIVE COMPONENT ............................................................................................... H-4
H.2.3 COMBINING INDUCTIVE AND CONDUCTIVE COMPONENTS ......................................... H-5
H.2.4 EXPOSED LINE APPURTENANCES.................................................................................... H-5
SOIL RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENTS ........................................................................ I-1
I.1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................. I-1
I.2 SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS .................................................................................................................. I-1
I.3 MEASUREMENT DETAILS ................................................................................................................ I-3
I.3.1 SCHLUMBERGER METHOD ................................................................................................. I-4
I.3.2 WENNER METHOD (FIXED C1 & C2 PIN): ONE-SIDED...................................................... I-4
I.3.3 INTERPRETATION ................................................................................................................. I-6

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Chapter 1. Objectives

This “How To…” engineering manual is an introduction to AC interference analysis using SES’
specialized software packages SESTLC, Right-of-Way, MultiGroundZ+ , MultiFields, MultiFields
Pro and MultiFields+.

Its main objective is to describe in detail how to carry out a complete AC interference study, i.e.,
capacitive, inductive and conductive, based on a simple example. This document should be considered
as an introduction to the subject of AC interference, EMI and EMC and is not a substitute to an
appropriate training course aimed on this important subject. Its main goal is to teach the user how to
use the target software package.
This manual covers the following material:
1. The work that is involved in carrying out an AC interference study; i.e., Anatomy of a typical
2. Choosing the right software for the job. The three basic SES software packages that can be
used and their features.
3. Systematic guide to building simple models with each of the software packages, generating
results and interpreting them. Mitigation measures are discussed as well.
4. More advanced features of the software.
5. Quick reference for SESCAD, the graphical interface used to create 3-dimensional network
6. Detailed lists of data that can be sent to the utilities involved in the study (power company,
pipeline company, railway company, telephone company).
7. Glossary.
8. Useful references on the study and mitigation of AC interference.

This manual is intended for readers evaluating the software or learning to use it.

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Chapter 2. Overview of a Typical Interference Study

A pipeline, railway, or telecommunication cable (referred to herein as exposed line) sharing a common
corridor with AC power transmission or distribution lines captures a portion of the electromagnetic
field energy surrounding the power lines in the air and soil. This captured energy, often designated as
AC interference can result in an electrical shock hazard for people touching the exposed lines or
metallic structures connected to them or simply standing near them. Furthermore, excessive stress
voltages across rails, telephone pairs or pipe walls and coating surfaces can result in degradation or
damage to equipment and puncture of pipe coating, leading to accelerated corrosion and can damage
insulating flanges and rectifiers. In the case of extreme soil potential rise, the exposed line wall itself
can be damaged or punctured. Excessive rail-to-rail voltages (difference of potentials between rails)
can compromise the normal operation of the signal and protection systems of the railways. Excessive
induced power frequency noise in the telecommunication cables can degrade the signal quality of the
Electromagnetic interference caused by electric transmission and distribution lines on neighboring
metallic utilities such as oil, gas and water pipelines, railways and telecommunication cables has
increased significantly in recent years. This is due to the tremendous increase in the load and short-
circuits current levels that are the result of the growing energy demand. Another reason for increased
interference levels originates from the more recent environmental concerns which impose on various
utilities the obligation to share common corridors to minimize the impact on wildlife and other related
threats to nature.
The cause and effect of AC interference from electrical power lines to adjacent utilities are well
understood and the relative codes and standards are well documented. Several methods and software
tools to analyze and compute the AC interference levels have been developed. Various mitigation
techniques to reduce AC interference levels to the safe limits have been introduced and implemented
widely. This document describes the essential methods and steps to carry out an AC interference study
based on a simple transmission line and pipeline right-of-way example.
What follows is an outline of the objectives and tasks associated with a typical study of the electrical
interference occurring in one or more exposed lines due to their proximity to transmission lines which
exist in the same corridor.

The primary objectives of a pipeline interference study are as follows:

 Determine what mitigation is required to reduce exposed lines potentials to less than a given
maximum level throughout the right-of-way during worst case steady state conditions. This
level is less than 15 V RMS pipe-to-local-soil potentials at exposed pipeline appurtenances, as
required by NACE International Std. SP0177, but less than 50 V RMS pipe-to-local-soil
potentials in areas such as at non-exposed pipeline appurtenances (per OSHA and NEC,

Page 2-1
Chapter 2. Overview of a Typical Interference Study

circuits operating at less than 50 V do not require special protective measures). Or it can be as
low as 10 V RMS in others. A recent requirement by most national and international standards
is to restrict AC leakage current densities through a 1 cm2 reference holiday (defect) to less
than 20 to 30 A/m2.

 Develop gradient control grid designs to protect exposed appurtenances, such as pipeline valve
sites, during fault conditions, per IEC Std. 479 or ANSI/IEEE Std. 80 safety criteria. Verify
also that touch voltages at these installations are less than 15 V RMS during worst case steady
state conditions. This requirement is set forth in NACE International Std. SP0177 and CSA
Std. C22.3 No. 6. CIGRÉ WG 36.02 Technical Brochure No.95, 1995 provides similar
guidelines. For railways, AREMA standards or equivalent should be used. Similar standards
apply for other types of exposed lines.

 Determine the maximum stress voltages occurring during fault conditions along the exposed
lines. These stress voltages should not exceed prescribed limits. If necessary, design mitigation
measures to reduce these stress voltages.


The tasks involved in an interference mitigation design study are as follows:

Project Set-Up.
Data Collection and Review: Provide a detailed description of the data required for the study as soon
as you are ready to perform the work.

Site Selection for Soil Resistivity Measurements.

On-Site Training of Group Making Soil Resistivity Measurements and Associated Preparation (if
necessary): It is important that the measurement team fully understand the procedures that must be
followed in order to obtain correct readings and troubleshoot any problems that might arise. They must
use special equipment to filter out 50/60 Hz noise flowing in the earth or induced in equipment leads
by the magnetic field surrounding the AC power line. They must also minimize inter-lead coupling
and coupling between different pieces of equipment. Furthermore, they must avoid the influence of
bare buried conductors. This requires suitable test equipment, correct measurement techniques, and
constant monitoring of the readings for anomalies, so that rapid remedial action can be taken.

Soil Resistivity Measurements (by the trained group or qualified team).

Telephone/Fax Support of Team Making Soil Resistivity Measurements: This will be especially
important during the initial days following the training, during which the team is likely to have
questions. During this period also, the readings should be closely monitored for signs of trouble.

Interpretation of Soil Resistivity Measurements.

It is important that the soil resistivity measurements be resolved into multilayered soil structures so
that conductive interference from faulted transmission line structures is properly computed in order
that the necessary grounding and gradient control mitigation systems are designed in a safe and cost-
effective manner.

Page 2-2
Chapter 2. Overview of a Typical Interference Study

Right-of-Way Model.
A detailed model including electric power lines, pipelines, railways, telecommunication lines and any
associated facilities (e.g., power plants, substations) and grounding (e.g., sacrificial anodes, tower/pole
grounding) should be created, to account for the interactions of all of these entities in the determination
of inductive and conductive interference levels in the exposed lines. It is important to include overhead
ground wires, neutral conductors, other nearby metallic lines, or conductors not explicitly under study
as well as guy wire anchors connected to overhead ground wires.

Load Simulations.
During power line load conditions, magnetic field inductive interference constitutes essentially all the
interference present, once the exposed line is constructed: the key concern here is exposed line
potentials (that lead to touch and step voltages and other possible equipment stress voltages). In the
study of load conditions, it is important to consider possible phase unbalance. The influence of
significant harmonic currents during steady-state conditions should be examined, if applicable.

Fault Simulations.
During fault conditions, conductive (through-earth) and inductive interference levels must be
combined to compute exposed line potentials, stress voltages and touch & step voltages. Faults should
be simulated at representative intervals throughout the joint-use corridor (preferably at every
transmission line structure, if possible) and currents injected into the earth by transmission line
structures properly considered. Stress voltages and touch voltages at representative locations
throughout the corridor length should be computed.

Power Plant and Substation Models.

The modeling of the skeletons of the grounding systems of any power plants or substations close to
the exposed lines under study may be necessary, for the estimation of through-earth transferred
voltages during fault conditions. Power plants directly connected to the exposed lines under study
must also be modeled.

Mitigation Design: Gradient Control Wires.

This step determines the required extent of the gradient control wires in terms of zones along the
exposed length. The characteristics of the mitigation wire elements in each zone should be determined
as a function of the local multilayered soil model and interference levels: e.g., the number of wires
required and whether any existing counterpoise conductors associated with transmission line structure
grounding must be relocated or removed.

Gradient Control Grids for Exposed Appurtenances.

If required, grounding system designs should be elaborated for exposed line appurtenances at which
touch or step voltages remain excessive with gradient control wires added.

Final Report.
A letter report or a detailed, bound final report should be presented upon completion of the study. The
key elements to be included are as follows:

 Tabulated multilayer soil structures from multilayer soil resistivity analysis.

 Graphs comparing measured apparent soil resistivity values with those generated by equivalent
multilayer soils obtained from interpretation of the measurements.

Page 2-3
Chapter 2. Overview of a Typical Interference Study

 Plots of exposed line potentials as a function of position along the corridor, for worst case load
conditions, with and without the proposed mitigation.
 Plots of exposed line potentials and stress voltages resulting from magnetic induction, as a
function of position along the corridor, for all faults modeled, with and without mitigation.
 Plots of exposed line touch and stress voltages resulting from the combined effects of
conductive interference from nearby faulted transmission line structures and inductive
interference, for representative sites, with and without mitigation.
 Perspective and plan-view plots of touch voltages associated with any gradient control grid
design required for exposed line appurtenances.


See below as well as APPENDIX D, E, F and G for detailed information on the data required in order
to complete a typical interference analysis. APPENDIX H provides additional information on this
subject as well. The following gives a summary of the required analysis tasks.

2.3.1 AC Interference for Pipelines

Data you will need: Refer to APPENDIX D and E.

Load Conditions:
 Inductive Interference
 Capacitive Interference

Fault Conditions:
 Inductive Interference
 Conductive Interference
 Capacitive Interference

Results Needed to Be Explored:

 Transferred Potentials
 Coating Stress Voltages
 Safety for Exposed Appurtenances: Touch and Step Voltages
 Rating of Cables and DC Decouplers
 Leakage Current Density

Mitigation Criteria:
 Load Conditions:
o Touch Voltages at Exposed Pipeline Appurtenances: < 15 V
o Touch Voltages on Non-Exposed Pipeline Appurtenances : < 50 V
o Transferred Potentials Outside Joint-Use Corridor
o Leakage Current Density (ac induced corrosion)
 Fault Conditions:
o Touch and Step Voltages at Exposed Pipeline Appurtenances: IEEE safety

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Chapter 2. Overview of a Typical Interference Study

o Coating Stress Voltage: 2 kV to 5 kV

2.3.2 AC Interference for Railways

Data you will need: Refer to APPENDIX D and F.

Load Conditions:
 Inductive Interference
 Capacitive Interference

Fault Conditions:
 Inductive Interference
 Conductive Interference
 Capacitive Interference

Results Needed to Be Explored:

 Transferred Potentials: Rail Ground Potential Rises, Touch and Step Voltages (for
Personnel Safety, Arrestor Rating Under Fault Conditions)
 Rail-To-Rail Voltages (for Equipment Susceptibility)
 Voltages Across Insulated Joints (for Personnel Safety)
 Longitudinal Current Flows in The Rails

Mitigation Criteria:
 Load Conditions:
o Rail Ground Potential Rise Along the Rail Tracks: < 25 V
o Touch Voltages on Rail Tracks:
o Rail-To-Rail Voltage on Equipment: < Equipment Susceptibility
o Voltage Across the Insulting Joint: < 50 V
 Fault Conditions:
o Touch and Step Voltages on The Rail Tracks: IEEE Safety Criteria
o Longitudinal Current in The Rails: DCD & Arrestor Rating

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Chapter 2. Overview of a Typical Interference Study

2.3.3 AC Interference for Telecommunication Cables

Data You Will Need: Refer To APPENDIX D and G.
Load Conditions:
 Inductive Interference
 Capacitive Interference

Fault Conditions:
 Inductive Interference
 Conductive Interference
 Capacitive Interference

Results Needed to Be Explored:

 Transferred Potentials: Sheath Ground Potential Rises (Common Mode Voltages),
Touch and Step Voltages (for Personnel Safety, Arrestor Rating Under Fault
 Cross-Talk or Transverse Voltages (for Equipment Susceptibility)
 Voltages Across Wires and Sheaths (for Personnel Safety)
 Longitudinal Current Flows in the Sheaths

Mitigation Criteria:
 Load Conditions:
o Sheath Ground Potential Rise
o Touch Voltages:
o Transverse Voltage on Equipment: < Equipment Susceptibility

 Fault Conditions:
o Sheath Ground Potential Rise
o Voltage Across Wire Pairs and Across Sheath and Wires
o Touch Voltages on the Sheaths: IEEE Safety Criteria
o Longitudinal Current in the Sheaths

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Chapter 2. Overview of a Typical Interference Study


Soil resistivity measurements and interpretation are one of the key tasks in any serious accurate AC
interference study. Please refer to APPENDIX I for measurement and interpretation techniques
recommended by SES.

The time required to measure the required soil resistivity data over the entire X km of exposed line
will depend on several factors, including the number of daylight hours during the measurement
process, ease of site access, the weather, and the terrain. We have seen a team of two men completing
two measurement sites per day, where each measurement site requires about 15 measurements, at
Wenner pin spacing varying between 0.5 m and 100 m (between adjacent pins). Sites are selected
where particularly high levels of interference are expected, where exposed appurtenances are located
and at intervals of 2 km or less within and near the interference zones, where the actual spacing
required depends on the degree of uniformity of the soil structure along the length of the exposed line

Note that care should be taken in selecting the soil resistivity measurement equipment, in choosing the
exact measurement traverse locations, and in taking the measurements, to insure satisfactory results.
SES can provide support in this regard. No other field data is required if the drawings and data supplied
by the gas and electric companies are complete and accurate. Collecting the data, however, should not
be underestimated as a task, since data is frequently incomplete or unclear and requires further
questioning or even field checks. Soil resistivity measurements are made over a considerable range of
depths, as voltages transferred to the exposed line location by faulted transmission line towers or poles
can be greatly influenced by deeper soil resistivities, as can the performance of long gradient control
mitigation wires: as described in the paper transmitted to you previously, the soil layering can result
in order-of-magnitude differences in conductive interference levels and mitigation performance.
Having this data permits accurate modeling and, ultimately, cost-effective mitigation designs.

See APPENDIX I for further details.

Three modern and automated software packages, that can analyze and compute accurately the AC
interference levels, are introduced and used as an example.

Page 2-7
Chapter 3. Choosing Your Software Package

SES offers a choice of three software packages for the modeling of corridors shared by power lines
and other utilities or structures, such as pipelines, railroads, communications cables or fences, in which
undesirable voltages can be induced by the power lines. These software packages compute induced
voltages and currents and allow the user to study the efficacy of measures designed to reduce these
voltages and currents to acceptable levels.

The first package, SESTLC Pro, is an easy to use estimating software tool, both for the determination
of interference levels and examination of mitigation solutions. This software can be characterized as
1. It is very easy to use, with a user interface that leads the user from the first screen of data entry
through the plotting of computed interference levels, with logically sequenced screens. The
user may at any time move from any screen to any other, in order to make additions or
2. Context-sensitive help is provided for every field of every screen.
3. Data entry is limited, so results can be obtained very quickly.
4. The topology of the system under study is simple as well: one overhead power line, with as
many circuits as desired, approximated as running in a straight line throughout the corridor
under study. AC interference levels may be computed in a single “exposed” utility (e.g., a
pipeline), which runs along this corridor, with a variable separation distance from the power
line. If more than one “exposed” utility exists along the right-of-way, then they can be analyzed
in separate runs.
5. The power line may have any number of shield wires and neutral conductors, each with a
different conductor type, if desired. All of these grounded conductors are assumed to be bonded
together at frequent intervals.
6. The exposed utility begins at some point along the common route, zigzags any number of
times, remaining continuous, then ends further along the route. It is terminated at both ends by
equivalent ground impedances, representing the portion of the exposed utility outside the joint-
use corridor. Each section of the exposed utility may have different characteristics (conductor
size and electrical characteristics, ground resistance or coating resistance
7. The user specifies an average power line structure ground resistance that applies to all towers
or poles [different value for sections of different terminals, for central site, for terminals]. Each
segment of the exposed utility may have a different ground resistance, which could, for
example, represent a pipeline coating resistance or a made grounding system designed to
reduce induced voltages.

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Chapter 3. Choosing Your Software Package

8. Based on user-specified current flow in each of the power line phases, during load or fault
conditions, SESTLC Pro automatically computes induced current flow in shield and neutral
wires, then computes induced voltages and currents in the exposed utility. During fault
conditions, SESTLC Pro also estimates soil potentials transferred close to the exposed circuit
by all towers or poles injecting current into the earth. SESTLC Pro adds together the effects of
the induced voltage and the transferred soil potential to obtain the total interference (for a
pipeline, this would be the coating stress voltage) during fault conditions. Note that SESTLC
Pro assumes that all exposed utility grounding electrodes are placed far enough away from the
exposed utility that they neither modify earth potentials near the exposed utility nor pick up
transferred potentials from nearby power line structures. This is generally a conservative (i.e.,
pessimistic) assumption as far as touch voltages or coating stress voltages on the exposed
utility are concerned, particularly in the case of a nearby fault. On the other hand, this
assumption can be optimistic with respect to current flow.
9. One single soil resistivity value (i.e., a uniform soil model) is used to compute induced voltages
and potentials transferred through the soil. This is a very important approximation and
10. SESTLC Pro may be used to explore how changing the values and locations of ground
resistances on the exposed circuit will mitigate interference levels. SESTLC Pro cannot,
however, model accurately gradient control wires, a highly effective form of mitigation, which
is required when interference levels are high. Right-of-Way Pro and MultiFields (see below)
are required to model this type of mitigation and to carry out more accurate and more complex
studies. However, it is possible to estimate the effects of gradient control wires by assuming a
bare exposed line along the path where mitigation wires are planned.
11. SESTLC Pro also computes the following:
a. Line parameters of the system modeled (i.e., self and mutual, series impedance and
shunt admittance values),
b. Electric field values beneath the power line, accounting for the influence of power line
c. Magnetic field values beneath the power line.

Use SESTLC Pro to determine whether an AC interference problem exists and for an estimate of
mitigation requirements where interference levels are not very severe. Note that the choice of the soil
resistivity used in the modeling can have a great impact on the estimated interference levels during
fault conditions, especially if there are power line structures close to the exposed circuit.


Right-of-Way Pro is specifically designed for AC interference studies. Based on the TRALIN, SPLITS
and MALZ computation software modules, it can rapidly model a corridor in which multiple energized
and de-energized power line circuits and other utilities run alongside one another, at varying separation
distances, for hundreds of kilometers or miles. Based on a circuit model of the joint-use corridor,
Right-of-Way Pro computes voltages and currents occurring in all circuits and parallel metallic
conductors, throughout the corridor, accounting for magnetic field inductive coupling and electric field

Page 3-2
Chapter 3. Choosing Your Software Package

capacitive coupling. With the MALZ computation software module, conductive through-earth
coupling is addressed as well.

Typical applications are gas pipeline, railway or communication cable induction studies and safety
studies involving de-energized circuits running parallel to energized circuits. Right-of-Way Pro
examines both load and fault conditions, automatically running faults throughout the entire length of
any energized circuit and plotting the maximum induced voltages occurring in the other metallic
structures modeled, throughout the length of the joint use corridor.

For the determination of through-earth coupling and for the design of mitigation, Right-of-Way Pro
provides the MALZ computation software module, which can accommodate any number of soil layers,
coated conductors, pipes, and account for longitudinal voltage drop in conductors due to their non-
zero impedance. The RESAP computation software module is also provided for the transformation of
soil resistivity measurements into a layered soil model that can be used by MALZ.

Right-of-Way can accommodate changing soil characteristics throughout the entire length of the
corridor under study. Furthermore, Right-of-Way runs the inductive and capacitive coupling
calculations very quickly.

Data entry into Right-of-Way consists essentially of entering typical cross-sectional configurations of
each power line, along with the electrical characteristics of each conductor, and then specifying the
map coordinates of the center lines of each power line and other metallic structure modeled. Other
details, such as ground impedances, interconnections between conductors, source voltages or currents,
desired fault locations (if any) etc. are also specified to complete the circuit model. Right-of-Way can
model pipe-enclosed groups of cables, with each cable consisting of three concentric elements.

If you add the FFTSES program to Right-of-Way, you can decompose transient/lightning waveforms
into their frequency components, run Right-of-Way, and then reconstitute the time-domain response
of the system you are studying.

When compared with MultiFields, the primary limitation of Right-of-Way Pro is the approximation it
introduces through its use of an enhanced version of Carson’s equations, rather than a direct solution
of Maxwell’s equations. Furthermore, for simple studies, data entry in MultiFields is more rapid and
more intuitive.

Data entry into the HIFREQ computation software module of MultiFields is much like that of MALT
and MALZ, i.e., the user describes a network of conductors in three-dimensional space, either by
typing their Cartesian coordinates, or by importing them from a CAD file (in DXF format), or by
drawing them with a mouse in SESCAD, or a combination of these methods. Unlike MALT and
MALZ, HIFREQ allows aboveground conductors to be modeled in addition to buried conductors.
Another important difference is that HIFREQ considers not only conductive, through-earth coupling
between conductors, but also accounts for magnetic field inductive coupling and electric field
capacitive coupling, thus providing a complete and accurate prediction of the interactions between the
network’s conductors modeled. Furthermore, HIFREQ allows conductors to be energized by the
specification of either a GPR (ground potential rise), a voltage source or a longitudinal current flow

Page 3-3
Chapter 3. Choosing Your Software Package

or a combination of these. Finally, HIFREQ computes not only current flows and GPR values for all
conductors modeled; it also computes earth and air potentials, electric field levels and magnetic field
levels at user-specified locations.

With this powerful program, which solves Maxwell’s equations numerically for a system of
conductors that can just as well be a substation, complete with grounding system and overhead bus
bars, or a power line corridor, complete with multiple overhead lines, pipelines, railways,
communication cables and lattice towers, you can perform EMF analyses, AC interference studies,
and grounding studies. If you add the FFTSES program to HIFREQ, you can decompose
transient/lightning waveforms into their frequency components, run HIFREQ, and then reconstitute
the time-domain response of the system you are studying.

For AC interference studies, some of the advantages of HIFREQ include simplicity of data entry and
seamless simultaneous calculation of the inductive, capacitive and conductive components together
(i.e., electromagnetic fields components).

When compared with Right-of-Way Pro, the primary limitation is the representation in each simulation
of a single soil structure, which can be uniform, two-layer, or multi-layer for the entire corridor. Thus,
depending upon the application, more than one run may be necessary, if the soil structure changes
significantly throughout the corridor. Furthermore, Right-of-Way Pro offers the advantage of
automated modeling of faults throughout the joint-use corridor. Note however that soil structure along
the right-of-way can be accounted for in MultiFields by using the “impedance to remote soil” insertion

Page 3-4
Chapter 4. A Simple Interference Analysis Using SES Software Packages

This chapter presents a simple example that will be studied using the three software packages
presented in this guide. A 115-kV transmission line and a 24” (0.61 m) high pressure gas pipeline
share a common corridor for a distance of 5 miles (8.049 km). The system being modeled is shown in
Figure 4.1. It consists of the following four major components:
 A power system network consisting of a 115-kV overhead transmission line;
 Two substations (terminals) from which power is fed to the transmission line network;
 A buried 24” high pressure gas pipeline;
 The characteristics of the soil along the right-of-way under study.

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Chapter 4. A Simple Interference Analysis Using SES Software Packages

Figure 4.1 Perspective View, Cross-Section and Plan View of the Right-of-Way.

Figure 4.1 is a perspective view of the transmission line and pipeline system. As can be seen, the 24"
diameter pipeline enters the right-of-way in an orthogonal direction, 15 miles (24.146 km) east of
Substation No. 1 (Terminal 1), until it reaches a point 25 feet (7.622 m) away north of the 115-kV
transmission line. It then continues horizontally parallel to the transmission line, continuous for 2 miles
(3,220 km), before crossing the transmission line to the south side. It then parallels the transmission
line for 3 miles (4.829 km) at a distance of 75 feet (22.86 m) from the transmission line with, 20 miles
(32.195 km) from Substation No. 2.

Modeled Data

The 115kV Transmission Line

The modeled 115-kV line is about 40 miles (64.390 km) long (see Figure 4.1). The 115-kV
transmission line consists of steel poles in a Delta configuration. Figure 4.1 shows a typical cross
section of the single-circuit steel poles. The conductor characteristics are as follow:
 Phase conductor: 477 ACSR (Flicker)
 Shield wire: OPGW Optical ALCOA 48/48/606
 Span length: An average spacing of 400 feet (121.95 m) is used
 Pole configuration: As shown in Figure 4.1

Pole and substation grounding systems

 Pole foundation: Each pole foundation is modeled as a 1’ (0.305 m) diameter steel pole, 20’
(6.098 m) deep. The ground resistance is computed based on a 100 Ω-m uniform soil resistivity
(two uniform zones) along the right-of-way. The computed ground resistance value of a pole
is 10.67 Ω.
 Substation grounding systems: the grounding resistance of the two substation grounding
systems are assumed to be as follows:
Substation No. 1: 0.5 Ω

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Chapter 4. A Simple Interference Analysis Using SES Software Packages

Substation No. 2: 1.0 Ω

Fault and Load Currents

The anticipated normal peak load current value provided is a balanced three phase current of 830 A.
The short-circuit calculations here been carried out by the power utility for a single-phase-to-ground
fault at various locations along the right-of-way. This information is usually based on a bolted fault
assuming a zero ohm equivalent ground impedance at the fault site.
During fault conditions, currents flow in all three phase conductors of the transmission line, with the
maximum current flowing in the faulted phase. Although a single-phase conductor has been modeled
in each of the fault scenarios studied, the net total fault current (zero sequence currents) flowing to the
fault location from both sides of the fault has been represented, accounting for the contributions of all
three phases. The canceling effect of the overhead ground wires has been retained, as these have been
modeled as well. Detailed discussions about the fault study are provided in the next chapters.
The net fault currents (computed as a vector sum of all phases) are as follows:

Fault Location From Substation No.1 From Substation No. 2

Substation No. 1 11,263 A-88.05 A 1,452 -75.82
Midway 8,462 A-86.06A 2,083 -80.67
Substation No. 2 6,888 A-84.68A 2,704 -82.32

Pipeline Details
The pipeline is modeled with the following dimensions and electrical characteristics:

Diameter (inches) 24 (0.610 m)

Wall thickness (inches) 0.375 (0.9527 cm)
Burial depth (cover) in inches 36 (0.915 m)
Steel resistivity in p.u. (with respect to anneal copper) 10
Steel permeability (with respect to free space) 300
Coating resistance (ohm-ft2) 440,108
Coating thickness (feet) 0.00328 (1mm)

Soil Characteristics
A uniform soil with a resistivity value of 100 Ω-m is used for both zones (1 and 2) throughout the

The case of a different uniform soil resistivity value in zone 2 is illustrated and discussed later in CHAPTER 6 that deals with the Right-Of-way
software package.

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Chapter 5. Using the SESTLC PRO Software Package

Carrying out an AC interference study with SESTLC Pro is extremely easy, as shown by the window
screen shots displayed below. The sequence of screens is quite explicit. Therefore, no detailed
comments are provided except if necessary.


In this section, the steady state interference levels caused by the transmission line on the pipeline
during normal load operations are computed.

Starting SESTLC
In the SES Software <Version> group folder, where <Version> is the version number of the software,
select SESTLC.

5.1.1 Data Entry

In the SESTLC main screen, click the New Project button to activate the New Project Wizard.

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Chapter 5. Using the SESTLC PRO Software Package

Select the Steady State Interference computation type, then click the Next button to go to the
General screen. Specify the Working Directory (i.e., the working directory or select the
C:\Users\Public\Documents\SES Software\version Number where you point to the
…\HowTo\ROW\ACTotInterfStudy\SESTLC\ folder to load the existing files). Type a Job ID; this
is an arbitrary character string that is used to identify the files created by the program. For this tutorial,
use “Steady State”. The file TC_Steady State.F05 in the
…\HowTo\ROW\ACTotInterfStudy\SESTLC folder contains all entered data.

The Run Identification is used to identify the plots and reports created by the program. Normally, it
should be the same as the Job ID. The Case Description is an optional description of the model. The
System Frequency textbox allows you to specify the operating frequency of the power system under
study. The System of Units allows you to select the system of units you wish to use to enter your data.

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Chapter 5. Using the SESTLC PRO Software Package

Click the Next button to go to the Exposed Circuit screen.

The above screen is suitable for specifying an exposed line that is parallel to the transmission line. In
the case under study, however, the exposed line is not parallel to the transmission line, so we need to
specify a jagged exposed line. Check the Enable Jagged Exposed Line Path option (this option is
available for SESTLC Pro only): the following screen appears:

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Chapter 5. Using the SESTLC PRO Software Package

In this screen, you can specify the characteristics of a jagged line. The value Coating Resistance right
beneath the Enable Jagged Line Path checkbox is the coating resistance that will apply by default to
all sections of the exposed line: each section will use this value unless a different coating resistance is
explicitly specified in the row corresponding to the section in the Specify Exposed Line Path grid.
The coordinates that appear in the data grid are those specified in CHAPTER 4. The Span Length is
300 feet; the Subdivision per Span Length in the pipeline is specified as 3. The Left Ground
Impedance and the Right Ground Impedance are grounding impedances at the left end (start point)
and the right end of the pipeline respectively. In this example, both ends of the pipe are floating (i.e.,
the pipeline terminates at that location and does not continue beyond that point); a large number 99999
or higher is used for both ends.

Click the Next button to specify the cross section of the transmission line shown in Figure 4.1. Click
on the Phase Wires tab to specify the cross section of the phase wires. To import conductor from
SESLibrary, click on the ellipsis button in the cell below the Conductor Name column. The phase
conductor is specified as ACSRFlicker, which can be found in the ACSR conductor class. Once the
conductor is selected in the list, press Import to load it into SESTLC.

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Chapter 5. Using the SESTLC PRO Software Package

Fill the phase conductors’ positions as shown below.

Click the Neutral/Shield Wires tab to specify the cross section of the neutral wires. Import the
OpticalALCOA 48/48/606 from the OPT-GW class of the SESLibrary database.

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Chapter 5. Using the SESTLC PRO Software Package

Click the Next button to specify the energization of the phase wires. Only the phase currents are
needed. Indeed, the phase voltages have no impact on the steady-state interference levels if capacitive
coupling effects are negligible (as it is the case for a buried pipeline).

Click the Next button to specify the average characteristics of the soil along the transmission line.

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Chapter 5. Using the SESTLC PRO Software Package

Click the Next button again to go to the Advanced screen. Select the Show Plots button to tell the
program to display the computation plots on screen once computations are completed.

Click on the Finish button. The New Project Wizard is now completed: all data have been entered
and you are transferred to the main screen of SESTLC. From the main screen, you can always modify
your data by clicking the name of the desired screen in the navigation bar at the left of the screen.

Page 5-7
Chapter 5. Using the SESTLC PRO Software Package

5.1.2 Running the Program and Viewing Computation Results

Click on the Process button : the program starts and, at completion, displays plots of the
computation results. The plotted quantities are:

Induced Potential along the Pipeline

Coating Stress Voltage along the Pipeline
Longitudinal Current along the Pipeline

(Click the Yes button in the message shown between the plots to show the next plot.)

Page 5-8
Chapter 5. Using the SESTLC PRO Software Package

Figure 5.1 Induced Potentials in 24 Gas Pipeline: SESTLC Approach.

The computation results are also stored in a text file in your project folder. The file name is
TC_ROW_HOWTO_EXAMPLE.F09. You can access this file by clicking the View Report button
in the toolbar at the top of the main interface. The following figure shows a portion of the file.

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Chapter 5. Using the SESTLC PRO Software Package


This section computes the AC interference on the pipeline caused by the 115-kV transmission line
during a fault (short circuit between phase and neutral) occurring at mid-way of the right-of-way. The
distribution of the currents in the faulted phase and neutral are calculated. The interference levels on
the pipeline such as induced potentials (both inductive and conductive) and coating stress voltages are
In SESTLC, the fault location is always at the Central Site. The portion of transmission line on the
left and right sides of the fault location including the substation are designated as Terminal 1, and
Terminal 2 respectively.

5.2.1 Data Entry

In the SESTLC main screen, click the New Project button to activate the New Project Wizard.

Select the Fault Condition Interference computation type. Then, the data entry for a fault condition
will be quite similar to the steady state case, except for the energization part. Since we have a steady
state model already, we can load and modify the steady state model to get the fault model.

Launch SESTLC, and load the steady state model, i.e., “TC_Steady State.F05”. Then, save it as…

Under Computation Type, select Fault Condition Interference, then save the data one more time.
We now have a data file in the fault format mode.

Page 5-10
Chapter 5. Using the SESTLC PRO Software Package

The data provided for Terminal 1, Terminal 2 and Central Site define the fault energization
information and fault location respectively.

Based on the fault current data defined in CHAPTER 4, enter the data as in the following screens for
each terminal and for the Central Site.

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Chapter 5. Using the SESTLC PRO Software Package

This completes the data entry of the fault condition.

5.2.2 Running the Program and Viewing Computation Results

Click on the Process button : the program starts and, at completion, displays plots of the
computation results. The plotted quantities are:

Induced Potentials along the Pipe Line

Coating Stress Voltages along the Pipeline

(Click the Yes button in the message shown between the plots to display the next plot).

Figure 5.2 Induced Potentials in 24 Gas Pipeline During a Fault at Mid-way of Right-of-way:
SESTLC Approach.

Page 5-12
Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

Although more complicated than in the case of SESTLC, carrying out an AC interference study with
Right-of-Way Pro is not as hard as one would expect for such a powerful and feature-filled software
package, as this chapter will show.

The first task and the most important part of the study is to build the network circuit based model
(fictitious circuit in a 2D world, as shown in Figure 6.1) from the real system configuration of interest
in our 3D world (as shown in Figure 4.1), based on the pertinent geometrical data, energization and
electrical characteristics information. The next task is to specify and carry out a normal steady-state
load study. Finally, the last task is to specify and carry out fault conditions analyses at specified
intervals along the transmission line.

The principles demonstrated in this chapter for this simple case apply equally well for more complex

Figure 6.1 Typical Generalized Electric Circuit Configuration.

Page 6-1
Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

In this chapter, we will focus on constructing the circuit model described in CHAPTER 4 and obtaining
the induced pipeline potentials during steady-state (normal load) and fault conditions. Detailed
descriptions will be given on how to set up the input file for the Right-of-Way (ROW) software. The
induced pipe potentials for two operating conditions will be examined: (a) normal peak load condition;
and (b) fault conditions as mentioned in CHAPTER 4.


Right-of-Way Pro is based on a circuit approach method. It consists of the fully integrated RowCAD
and ROW software packages. It is therefore strongly recommended that you start an AC interference
study by first drawing a sketch of the conceptual equivalent circuit corresponding to the real right-of-
way system configuration under study, Figure 6.2 shows a typical circuit model that can be analyzed
by the ROW software package that uses the TRALIN, SPLITS and MALZ computation engine
modules. The definitions and conventions in the circuit model can be found in a context sensitive on-
line help and How To… manuals (Suburban.pdf and Interf.pdf) that describe the three computation
engine modules used by ROW, Namely, TRALIN (Line parameter computations), SPLITS (circuit
model computations) and MALZ (frequency based grounding computations).

The circuit model for the steady-state condition is shown in Figure 6.2. As you will see later in this
chapter, every component in this circuit corresponds to an entry in the RowCAD and ROW software
packages. Once the data entry and circuit creation process is completed, a ROW input file is created
which represents exactly the circuit in Figure 6.2. This input file is compatible with the SPLITS
computation module input command language SICL2 software. For example, this file can be modified
manually outside the ROW environment by experienced users.
Before we start building the circuit model shown in Figure 6.2, it is necessary to introduce the essential
definitions and conventions of the circuit model in RowCAD and ROW. APPENDIX A of this guide
provides a complete list of the terminology used in the software packages.

SICL stands for SES Input Command Language.

Page 6-2
Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

Figure 6.2 Circuit Model During Steady-State Conditions (Load Condition).

Some basic definitions and important steps required to specify a complete RowCAD and ROW model
are described hereafter.

Step 1: Selection of Terminals and Central Site

The network configuration shown in Figure 4.1 and the circuit model shown in Figure 6.2 contains
two terminals corresponding to Substation 1 and Substation 2. The central site in this example is
selected to be just outside of Terminal No. 1. Thus, Terminal 1, is essentially made of a very short
length of transmission line from the Central Station (or Central Site) to the terminal. The location of
the Central Site is arbitrary but a judicious choice can simplify the overall construction of the final
circuit. The two terminals supply currents to the lines. There is a total of 5 so called generalized phases
(busses) in this circuit. A Phase is defined as one or several conductors which share the same potential
value (magnitude and angle). For example, two overhead ground wires are normally bundled into a
single phase (here, Phase 1) since they are connected via the tower, and thus share the same
energization which is of course zero or none. Phases 1 to 4 correspond to Phase N (shield wire of the
115-kV line), Phases A, B and C (the 3 energized phases of the 115-kV line) respectively, and Phase
5 represents the 24” pipeline under study. Optionally one additional phase (Phase 6) should be added
if excessive interference is anticipated and a mitigation wire (or double mitigation wires, which are
associated with the same phase since they share the same potential) is (are) expected to be added and
connected to the pipeline.
Each terminal is defined by its source voltages or currents, source equivalent (Thevenin) impedances
and terminal ground impedance (i.e., ground impedances at the substation). The transmission lines and
pipelines are divided into many sections (typically corresponding to the spans of the line), each of

Page 6-3
Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

which is characterized by its series impedance, shunt impedance and mutual couplings (inductive and
capacitive) between the phases in the circuit.

Step 2: Selection of Regions and Sections

Any soil or conductor characteristics change introduces a new Region. In Terminal 2, the pipeline
starts at Point 1 (see Table 6.1); no pipeline exists before this point. Therefore, a separate region that
does not contain any pipeline is defined. Similarly, the pipeline stops at Point 6 (see Table 6.1).
Therefore, from Point 6 to the end of Terminal 2, another region that does not contain any pipeline
can be defined. Therefore, 3 regions are selected in Terminal No 2.
A section, usually, represents a span of the transmission line. However, more sections are required for
more accurate results when pipelines intersect with the transmission lines. In this case a section can
represent a portion of the span. In other cases, many spans that are far from the region of interest can
be grouped into one section. The circuit in Figure 6.2 serves as a guideline for the construction of the
circuit. This diagram will be referred to frequently as we are building this circuit.
The shunt impedances of the overhead ground wire of each section are the tower ground resistances
of the transmission line. This value is usually provided along with the transmission line data, but it
can also be computed by the SES specialized grounding software packages if the configuration of the
tower footing is given. For a coated pipeline, the shunt impedance of each section of the pipeline is
determined by the pipeline coating leakage resistance (in -m2 or -ft2) based on the length of each
section in the ROW program. If a bare pipe is encountered, the shunt impedance can also be estimated

Note that, for simplicity, each section represents a region automatically in RowCAD as explained in
the next sections.

Step 3: Selection of Line Paths and Satellite Conductors

A “Line Path” in the ROW program is defined as a group of conductors that remain at fixed separation
distances from one another throughout the corridor under study. A Line Path is typically a transmission
line, a pipeline, or a railway, sometimes a group of pipelines, as well as a cable or a pipe-type cable.
There are four types of Line Paths in ROW:

 The Main Line Path, of which there can only be one: this is usually, but not necessarily, chosen to
be the most important transmission line, in terms of length and current flow magnitude.
 Principal Line Paths, of which there can be as many as desired, and can be transmission lines,
pipelines, railways, etc.
 Cable Line Paths which permit the modeling of complex power cables or communications cables.
 Group Line Paths, which permit the modeling of several cables located within a pipe enclosure,
with each cable at an arbitrary location from the pipe enclosure center.
A Main Line Path or Principal Line Path consists of a reference conductor and optional satellite
conductors. For a transmission line, the reference conductor is usually selected to be along the
centerline of a transmission line so that the horizontal positions of satellite conductors are entered
easily in ROW. The map positions of reference conductors of Line Paths are defined in an absolute
coordinate system, while the horizontal positions of satellite conductors are specified once, as an offset

Page 6-4
Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

position from their reference conductor. The heights of the satellite conductors are defined by their
actual heights with respect to the line path.

Two Line Paths have been chosen in this study. The Main Line Path is chosen to be the 115 kV
transmission line. Phase 1 (i.e., N the shield wire) is chosen to be the reference conductor which is
along the centerline of the transmission line; all other conductors are entered as satellite conductors
and their separations to the reference conductors can be entered conveniently. There is one Principal
Line Path. Principal Line Path 1 is chosen to be the 24 gas pipeline, which is physically present along
a portion (about 6 miles) of the right-of-way. Please read APPENDIX F of this manual for further
detailed explanations regarding Line Paths.

Step 4: Determination of Separation Distances between Utilities (such as Pipelines) and

Transmission Lines and Defining Regions, Transmission Line Cross-Sections (Attribute Sets) and
Path Sections
The final step is to measure separation distances between the pipelines under study and various
transmission lines. In this simple example, only the separation distances between the 24 pipeline and
the 115-kV transmission line need to be measured along the entire length of the right-of-way. The
detailed list of the 3 Regions located in Terminal 2 and corresponding sections in the circuit of Figure
6.2 is given in Table 6.1.
Prior to the separation measurements, it is important to have an overview of the number of REGIONS
and cross sections (leading to ATTRIBUTE SETS) to be used in your model. A REGION is a portion
of the right-of-way where no significant change occurs in the soil structure and in the characteristics
of any of the line-paths under study, except that a line-path needs not exist throughout the region.

Important Notes
A new region must start if the soil resistivity changes significantly, or if the number of conductor
changes, or any conductor characteristics changes or any one of the path configurations (i.e., the
relative positions between the conductors within a path) changes.

An Attribute Set defines the cross section and characteristics of conductors in each line-path, the
relative positions of satellite conductors within each path and the associated phase leakage impedances
(if different from the computed values). Several regions can be associated to a given Attribute Set even
if the positions of the line paths relative to each other in the regions are different from one region to
the other. In the following, we will illustrate more specifically how the Regions and Cross-Sections
(leading to Attribute Sets) are selected and entered in this study.

In this study, there are 3 regions created along the 21-mile right-of-way from Terminal 1 and Terminal
2. None of the 3 regions are due to changes of the soil resistivity (100 ohm-m uniform soil is used
throughout the right-of-way).

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

Important Notes

1. Higher soil resistivity leads to less cancellation effects from the soil and therefore stronger
inductive coupling between the transmission lines and pipelines.

2. The bottom soil layer resistivity plays a major role in computing the mutual coupling between
pipelines and transmission lines assuming infinite depth of this layer.

Table 6.1 gives the separation distance between the 24 pipeline and the transmission line, as well as
the region and section cut points, according to Figure 4.1. The letter T in the Section Cut column
indicates whether a real tower should be assigned to this section in the input file (this is important
information when conductive interference computations are performed). The key sections under the
“Section Number (SPLITS Model).” column are shown in Figure 6.2.

Absolute X
Relative X Separation Section
Distance of
Distance of Distance of Pipeline Section Tower Number
Region Point Transmission
Principle Pipeline to Transmission Cut Number (SPLITS
Line Main Path
Path (Feet) Line (Feet) Model)
1 P0 0 Dummy Dummy --- 1
(Terminal 1)
198 T3
1 P1 79200 Dummy Dummy 198 198
(15 miles)

2 P1 79200 0 Infinite --- --- 198

2 P2 79201 1 25 --- --- 198
26 T
2 P3 89760 10560 25 224 224
(2 miles)
2 P4 89761 10561 -75 --- --- 224
40 T
2 P5 105600 26400 -75 264 264
(3 miles)
2 P6 105601 26401 Infinite --- --- 264

3 P10 105601 Dummy Dummy ---

264 T 528
3 P11 211200 Dummy Dummy 528
(20 miles) (Terminal 2)

Table 6.1 Separation Distance Between 24” Pipeline and 115 kV Transmission Line
(Measured from the Center of the Transmission Line). Region and Section Cuts.

Each region is discussed below (see also the circuit model in Figure 6.2).
Region 1: Needs to be created to model the 24 pipeline as a dummy line, since the 115-kV
transmission line extends further by 15 miles. Section 1 in this region represents the
first span outside Terminal 1. The total of 198 sections are determined as follows: 15
miles * 5280 / 400 feet (span length) = 198.
Region 2: This region is created by following the Main-Path, i.e., the 115-kV transmission line.
A new region is created due to the presence of the 24” pipeline.

The letter “T” indicates a real tower should be assigned to this section in the input file.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

Region 3: Represents the rest of the transmission line up to Terminal 2, for 20 miles. No pipeline
exists in this region. Sections 265 to 528 correspond to this portion.

Important Notes

1. To avoid having the same x-coordinate in ROW defined twice (ascending x-coordinate is always
recommended. Any x-backward should be avoided), P1 and P2 are separated by 1 foot. The same
technique is used for P3 and P4, P5 and P6.

2. A total of 26 sections are created for P2 – P3: 2 miles * 5280/400 feet = 26.

3. A total of 40 sections are created for P4 – P5: 3 miles * 5280/400 feet = 40.

Although the tasks illustrated in the preceding chapter are simple enough to complete by entering data
into ROW directly, which requires data input in tabular format (see Chapter 7), for large complicated
right-of-way AC interference problems, it is essential to use a CAD based graphical interface to carry
out this work.

SES has developed RowCAD which is a CAD compatible graphical interface for the visualization and
specification of the geometrical data of Right-of-Way projects. Its 3D graphical environment can be
used to visualize, specify and edit the path data of Right-of-Way. We will use RowCAD to define the
entire right-of-way network to be converted into a circuit model.


The objective in this chapter is to describe in detail how to carry out the following tasks using

1. Prepare then create a real network model which consists of lines (transmission lines, pipelines,
railways, telecommunications, etc.) under study;
2. Define the Central Site, Terminal(s) and the Main Path, graphically;
3. Assign soil regions and describe transmission line cross-sections;
4. Automatically make section cuts against the Main Path and generate regions;
5. Export the network into ROW.

The focus of the following sections is to illustrate the use of RowCAD based on the simple example
of this manual. Please consult the RowCAD Users’ Manual for further details.


The following lists the steps required to create new RowCAD and ROW projects.

1. Start RowCAD from the SES Software application folder.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

2. Create a new document to initialize completely the RowCAD environment. Set the Project
Path to the working directory of your choice. In this example, the C: drive has been chosen.
The system of units can be set to your preference (here we select Imperial since we will use
Feet), as well as the frequency (set here to 60 Hz).

3. Click Create to create the project.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface


We are now ready to define the entire network using RowCAD.

A “Line-Path” in the ROW and RowCAD programs is defined as a group of conductors that remain
at fixed separation distances from one another throughout the corridor under study. A Line-Path is
typically a transmission line, a pipeline, a railway or a telecommunication line and sometimes a group
of such lines that are always in parallel.

Polylines describe the routes (Line-Paths) of transmission lines, pipelines, railways, etc. Properties are
assigned to them to complete the detailed specification of the system. Polylines are used to define the
center paths or routes followed by transmission lines, pipelines, railways, etc. In other words a Line
Path consists of one polyline made of one or several line segments or multiple polylines if all the
polylines have one single common point at the Central Site.

6.5.1 Define Paths

When a polyline is already available as a generic CAD file or as a SESCAD file (MALT, MALZ or
HIFREQ), or a Google Earth KML/KMZ file, it can be directly imported into RowCAD. An alternative
method is to have the coordinates of the paths (including GIS coordinates) defined in a table such as
an Excel file and use a cut and paste method to import such coordinates. It is always advisable to shift
GIS coordinates by an appropriate value to avoid working with large numbers. It is important to
condition and optimize the path before importing it to simplify future operations. For example, the
path should be located on the soil surface (z=0) and be centered on the XY origin to avoid dealing
with large numbers (for example when using UTM coordinates). Combining short segments and
breaking transmission center lines at tower locations only are other type of path’s conditioning that
are recommended.

The following describes how to create and import polylines and how to assign them to the Paths in
RowCAD. Polylines in RowCAD

A polyline in RowCAD can be the centerline (sometimes called the survey line) of a transmission line
or utility lines (pipeline, railroad, telecommunications, etc.). It is a line which consists of many
segments. In a large AC interference project, you should always try to first obtain the polylines in
electronic format (generic DWG, DXF CAD files or Excel files or KML/KMZ files). Generic CAD
files can be imported and converted into SESCAD files using the SESConverter tool. A polyline in
RowCAD must meet the following criteria:
 It must be continuous.
 If it represents an overhead transmission line, each segment must correspond to one span of
the transmission line. Therefore, every node in the polyline represents a transmission line
 If it represents an underground power cable, there must be a node in the polyline which
corresponds to the locations where the faults are to be studied (such as manholes or vaults,
 The segments must be created in a continuous order, i.e., from the first segment to the last

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface Prepare Polylines in SESCAD

To complete the mapping of the physical-world system into a circuit model, we need to provide
information about how to fit the network into the specific structure model of the SPLITS circuit
computation module, which is a star-like shaped model. In other words, we need to designate points
on the network, which will correspond to the circuit Central Site (the star’s center), and other points,
which will correspond to various Terminals, where energizations can be connected to (at the end of
the star’s branches). The space between the Central Site and a given Terminal defines a zone called
Terminal Branch. All parts of polylines pertaining to the same Terminal Branch will have their
mutual interactions accounted for. The parts in different Terminal Branches will be considered
not to interact at all!

The polylines of interest in our case which represent the star- shape circuit model are defined as
SESCAD files in this example.

Two MALZ files have been prepared in advance based on the coordinates given in Figure 4.1 by
using SESCAD. The “mz_115kVTL.f05” and “mz_24inPipeline.f05” files correspond to the 115-kV
transmission line and the 24 pipeline, respectively. You will find the two MALZ files under

“C: \Users\Public\Documents\SES Software\<version number>\HowTo\ROW\ACTotInterfStudy\ROWCAD


where <version number> represents the version number of the installed SESSoftware.

If a polyline is continuous, but the segments are not in order, as is the case for the pipeline example
file, you can let RowCAD attempt to reorder them automatically, as shown in the next subsection.
RowCAD will successfully reorder the path segments.

Alternatively, you can reorder them in SESCAD using the Tools | Path Operations function. The
following describes the key steps to re-order the 24 pipeline in SESCAD, for illustration purposes
only. You can skip these steps and move to Section if you are familiar with SESCAD.

 Start SESCAD and load the “mz_24inPipeline.f05” file located in the folder referred to above.
In this file, the path segments are not in order. Select View | Labeling | Show Conductor
Numbers to see the segment numbers. Select the entire path.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

 Select the Tool | Path Operations. In the Path Operations window, select Conductors.
Select only the “Do Not Shift” operation. Enter 10 feet under the Depth field. This creates a
new path at a depth of 10 feet.

 Click OK. A new path at a depth of 10 feet is generated. Since the old path is still selected,
you can simply press the Delete key to delete the old path (see screen below).
 Move the new path back to the specified 4 feet depth by using the Tools | Shift Objects.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

 The segment numbers should now be ordered, as seen in the figure below.
 Save the SESCAD file. Import Polyline

We are now ready to import the two polylines: “mz_115kVTL.f05” and “mz_24inPipeline.f05” into

 In the RowCAD screen, simply click on Import Polyline in the application ribbon, or click on
the “Import New Polyline…” button. Make sure before that the Automatic option is selected
in the “Path Assignation Mode” panel. This is the default setting anyway.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

 Browse to the file “mz_115kVTL.f05”, and click Open. The line is imported and consists of
530 points corresponding to the coordinates of the transmission line tower structure centers. If
you don’t see the entire path, click on the “Zoom to All” button .

The program may indicate a units discrepancy in that the “mz_115kVTL.f05” file units are in
Imperial (radii in inches), however the conductor radii will not be used, so the program may
be permitted to perform the necessary conversion.

 Repeat the same process for the “mz_24inPipeline.f05” file. If the segments have not been
reordered ahead of time using SESCAD as illustrated previously, RowCAD displays the
following message, giving you the option to let RowCAD attempt to reorder the polyline
automatically. Press Yes if this is the case. The polyline segments will be reordered.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

 If you don’t see the entire path, click on the “Zoom to All” button . Assign Central Site and Terminals on the Polylines

 Select the Central Site and Terminals tab (second from the left as shown above). Give a name
to the Central Site and create two new terminals and give them names as well. Name the Central
Site “MyCentralSite”. Add two new terminals by clicking twice on the Add Terminal Button
and rename the terminals “Substation 1” and “Substation 2” respectively.
 Select again the Paths tab. You will see the two polylines listed under the Unassigned Polylines
panel in the screen shown above

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

 Click on Central Site Definition Mode (outlined in red in the image above) in the drawing
panel. Then, click on the drawing panel first and the cursor will change to a central site red
icon. Now, set Point 2 of the 115kVTL polyline as the Central Site by clicking on that point in
the viewer. Note that Point 2 is 300 feet away from the West end of the transmission line (Point
1), which will become Terminal 1. You need to zoom in to the left end of the line to get close
to Point 2. You can also right-click on Point 2 to bring up a menu that will allow you to set the
Central Site at Point 2.

 Select the Terminal Mode (outlined in green in the image above) then choose Substation 1
and click on the drawing display first to change the cursor to a terminal icon. Then, assign it
to Point 1 of the 115kVTL polyline. You need to zoom in to the left end of the line to get close
to Point 1. You can also right-click on Point 1 to bring up a menu that will allow you to set
Substation 1 at Point 1 of the 115kVTL polyline. Similarly Assign Substation 2 to Point # 530
of the 115kVTL polyline.

 You will notice that 115kVTL polyline will move automatically to the Paths panel as shown
below. If you were not in the “Automatic” Path Assignation Mode, the 115kVTL polyline will
be ready to be assigned to a Path (a green checkmark will appear under the ‘Path Ready?’
heading in the Paths tab). Because the Path Assignment Mode was set to “Automatic”, the
polyline moved from the “UnAssigned Polylines” list to the Paths list.

 Click on Central Site Definition Mode (outlined in red in the image above) in the drawing
panel and set Point 1 of the 24inPipeline polyline as the Central Site by clicking on that point
in the viewer.
 Select the Terminal Mode (outlined in green in the image above) the choose substation 2 and
assign it to Point 7 (end) of the 24inPipeline polyline. You need to zoom in to the left end of

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

the line to get close to Point 7. You can also right-click on Point 7 to bring up a menu that will
allow you to set Substation 2 at Point 7.
 You will notice that 24inPipeline polyline will move automatically to the Paths panel as shown
below. If you were not in the “Automatic” Path Assignation Mode, the 24inPipeline polyline
will be ready to be assigned to a Path (a green checkmark will appear under the ‘Path Ready?’
heading in the Paths tab). Because the Path Assignment Mode was set to “Automatic”, the
polyline moved from the “UnAssigned Polylines” list to the Paths list.

 In summary, both polylines were ready to be assigned to paths, now that they each have a
Central Site and Terminals assigned to them. Two scenarios are possible.
a. The Path Assignment is automatic as in our case.
b. The Path Assignment must be carried out by the user if the setting was “Manual”
instead. In this case, drag and drop the 115kVTL polyline under the “Main #1-Path to
make the Path assignment. Note that in this case, stars appear on the nodes of this
polyline to indicate that it is part of the Main Path. Create a second Path by clicking on
the Add New Path button. Drag and drop the 24inPipeline polyline under the #2-Path
(see screen below).

 Finally, since in our case our Path Assignment is automatic, we need to tell RowCAD which
Path is our Main Path. This is done by clicking on the “Main Definition Mode” button and
clicking on the 115kVTL Path. Stars will appear at every node of the path as shown below.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

It is now time to tell RowCAD that the 530 points along the 115kVTL polyline are in fact tower
structures that can carry significant currents to ground. The point coordinates type which are presently
set as Undefined should be changed to Tower for each node where a grounding structure is located
on that line (all nodes in this example). Click the Coord. button as shown below to load the table of
point coordinates. To specify this quickly, select the range of cells to be modified (while pressing the
shift key) and press F2 to enter edit mode, then select Tower and press the Enter key as shown below.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

You can Right-Click anywhere on the viewer to access the Display… menu and check the Towers
entry. You can go to the Preferences / System Drawing tab panel and check the Display Towers
item. See below.

The stars will change to a tower structure pattern as shown below.

You can change the Unspecified status of the 24inPipeline polyline to Coordinates in a similar way
although this action is essentially informative and will not result in specific features changes.

Note that if for any reasons, you need to break a polyline into smaller segments (additional cuts at
intersections, etc.) you can do so by selecting the icon and use the scissors icon to cut at specific
places or right click on the polyline and select the Tools menu item followed by the Break Polyline
at Regular Locations submenu item. Specify a distance and click on the Break button as shown

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

6.5.2 Assign Soil Regions and Cross-Sections to the Various Paths

We are now ready to specify the type of soils and paths’ cross sections that are applicable in each
region of the right-of-way. Soil Models

We will assume that there are five uniform soil resistivity models that were measured along the right-
of-way to illustrate how region changes are handled in RowCAD. The layout below shows the five
locations where soil change occurs (i.e., the soil resistivity measurements locations, refer to tower
numbers) and soil boundaries (i.e., green lines):
 Soil Resistivity Measurement #1: at Substation 1;
 Soil Resistivity Measurement #2: near Tower #198 where the 24” pipeline enters the right-of-
 Soil Resistivity Measurement #3: near Tower #224 where the 24” pipeline crosses the right-
 Soil Resistivity Measurement #4: near Tower #264 where the 24” pipeline leaves the right-of-
 Soil Resistivity Measurement #5: at Substation 2.

 Click on the Main Soil and Attribute Set Mapping tab to create automatically the five soil
regions and rename them as; Sub 1, Soil#1, Soil#2, Soil#3 and Sub 2. Click on the Color to
modify the soil boundary color if the automatically selected color is not what you want.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

 First assign Soil “Sub 1” to Segments 1 through 99 of the 115kVTL polyline (which is part of
the Main Path) by clicking on the “+” sign in the Affected Segments column. Notice how the
thickness of the polyline where the assignment is made increases and its color changes to that
of the corresponding soil. Assign the rest of soils, as mentioned above (i.e., 100 to 211, 212
to 245, 246 to 396 and 397 to 529). Note that the soil region boundaries have been set to the
mid-point between two soil resistivity measurement locations.
 You can also click (in some cases twice) on the “Soil Definition Mode” icon to bring the
soil models table and select the appropriate soil model. Then click on the view panel to change
the cursor to a soil definition icon pointer. Select the first point and last point of the appropriate
soil region to specify that region. Phase and Cross-Section Assignments

In the circuit model, every set of regularly connected metallic elements (sharing the same potential)
that originated from the real-world network is represented by a Phase. For instance, a transmission
line circuit usually requires four phases: one for each of the A, B and C conductors (or bundle of
conductors) and one for the neutral or shield wire (or set of interconnected shield wires). Similarly, a
pipeline has its own phase and a mitigation wire as well.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

1. Declaring the phases that will represent the system in the circuit model is done in the Phase
Leakage panel.

2. Add 5 phases and rename them as shown below.

Cross Sections
Cross Sections provide the configuration associated to each polyline that consist of the conductors’
physical and electrical characteristics and their location with respect to the center line (the polyline

3. Navigate to the Cross-Sections panel.

Add a first cross-section for the 115-kV line, by clicking on New Cross-Section and renaming it
accordingly. Then click on the button under the Define column to invoke the SESCrossSection

The Cross-Section window opens allowing you to specify the cross section of the selected path.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

Note: The positive and negative Y-coordinate means the right and left direction as seen by a person standing on a polyline and
looking in the direction of increasing node numbers.

4. Add a Location for each of the Components (conductors, etc.) forming the cross section of this
transmission line, name them, and specify their coordinates. For every new Location created, the
Cross-Section display shows the component locations with red boxes awaiting the conductor

From Figure 4.1, the heights or burial depths of the reference conductors of all the Line-Paths are
entered assuming uniform height in the following screen. Negative values are defined for the 24
gas pipe since it is below the earth surface. The Reference Conductor of the Main Line-Path is
Conductor Neutral, which is at a height of 90 feet above ground.

The horizontal separations and heights of the reference and each satellite conductors as well as
their characteristics should be entered as per Figure 4.1, i.e. as shown in the Tables below:

115-kV Line Horizontal Separation Uniform Height Database Conductor

Conductor Name (Feet) (Feet) Class and Name
Neut 0 90 (Reference) Optical ALCOA 48/48/606
PhaseA -8 75 477 ACSR (Flicker)
PhaseB 8 80 477 ACSR (Flicker)
PhaseC 8 70 477 ACSR (Flicker)
Pipe 0 -4 (Reference) As Shown in Next Table

Diameter (inches) 24 (0.610 m)
Wall thickness (inches) 0.375 (0.9527 cm)
Burial depth in feet 4 (0.915 m)
Steel resistivity in p.u. (with respect to anneal copper) 10
Steel permeability (with respect to free space) 300
Coating resistance (ohm-ft ) 440,108
Coating thickness (feet) 0.00328 (1 mm)

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

5. Now, assign characteristics to the Components made of simple conductors, i.e. link the Locations
to a Component-Type. Here, we will create Component-Types directly from the Conductor
6. Find the desired conductor and click on Import to return to the previous screen. For example, for
the Optical wire, the following conductor is selected from the database.

The Component-Type selection reflects the assignation to the Type we just created from the
database. Enter the coordinates of the conductor and assign the component to the appropriate
Phase, i.e., Neut in this case. In fact, at this stage we are converting the physical-world conductor
to a circuit-world phase representation by selecting the appropriate entry from the Associated
Phase list (click on the “None Selected” text to make the drop down list appear as shown below).
Name this conductor “Shield Wire”.

7. Similarly, create another Component-Type, from the database, for the other phase conductors
except for the pipeline which will be created later as explained hereafter.
8. Rename the Component-Type to a more appropriate and descriptive name and click Create
Component to finalize the conductors’ definitions.
9. The Cross-Section Display can be used to confirm the correct placement of the transmission line
components as shown below. If the view does not display the same image, you can re-center it by
clicking on the Fit Contents button.
10. There should be no items left in the Remaining Issues List of the SESCrossSection module.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

If this is not the case, make sure all the steps above were completed, then close the module window
to return to the main RowCAD window.
11. As in Step 3, navigate to the Cross-Sections panel and add one new cross-section with an
appropriate name for the pipeline (24In_Pipeline).

a. Click on the Define button for the Pipeline (cross-section #2) to call back the
SESCrossSection editor. Add Locations (name and coordinates) for the pipe itself (in some
cases you may wish to add mitigation wires, as well).

b. Create a Coated Conductor for the Component-Type that will represent the pipeline.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

12. Specify the coating characteristics as shown below, and change the name to 24inch Pipe.
Leave the Resistivity field empty, which means that this quantity will be calculated from the phase
leakage specification (to be done later).

13. From the Conductor Type Creator window, import (DB Import) from the Conductor Database
a hollow conductor from the PIPES-STEEL Conductor Class.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

Click on Create Component of the Conductor Type Creator window to complete this step and
assign Phase 5 (Pipe) to that conductor. You will get the following screen.

14. Now that the cross sections have been defined, they need to be assigned to the system’s polylines
(note that sharing a phase on different polylines pertaining to different paths is discouraged as it
can create conflicting situations).

a. Explicit Method: Click on the Plus Sign button under the Affected Segments column, then
select the desired polyline and range of segments where the cross section should apply and
click the Add button. The corresponding polyline changes thickness and color to show the

b. Graphical Method: From the viewer’s left toolbar, under the Circuit Definition Tools
group, click on the Cross-Section Assignment Tool button and choose the cross section
definition to be assigned. In the viewer, the mouse pointer will be adorned with an icon
showing the current assignation mode:

Click on the first node of the pipeline polyline. An anchor icon indicates the beginning of
the range for the assignment. Click at the end of the polyline to complete the assignment.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

Using the method of your choice, complete the assignment for the second polyline (115kV
transmission line). The final product should look as shown in the figure below.

15. Navigate to the Phase Leakage panel, and specify the impedances to ground (circuit ground) of
the various structures of the system.

a. A pipeline’s leakage resistance is usually measured in the field in terms of an area
resistance. This is the value that will be used to determine the coating resistivity omitted
earlier on at step 12.
b. The neutral or shield wire conductor of transmission lines is usually connected to towers,
which have a known footing impedance (or an impedance that can be estimated from
simulation if the details of the tower footing construction are known). “Ω/Tower” should
be used, if polyline nodes of power lines have been identified as Towers and the “Force
Region Cuts at Tower Locations” option is on. Otherwise, using “Ω/Section” is often a
reasonable approximation.
c. All phases associated to conductors floating in the air or to buried conductors of unknown
ground impedance are left to Automatically Computed. The program will then compute the

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

capacitive coupling to earth in the former case and create a grounding simulation to
compute the required impedance in the latter case.

16. If you wish to change the coating quality on the pipeline along a zone of the pipeline, an exception
to the general phase leakage specification can be created. Click on the Add button under the User
Defined Phase Leakage Definition Collections group.

Then specify the change in the corresponding impedance and assign the exception on the relevant
polyline in the same way that cross sections are assigned to polylines. Note that you can also
provide a new coating under the User-Defined Phase Leakage Definition as shown below.

In this example, we will not define new coating attributes and assume that the pipeline has a
uniform coating characteristics.

17. Back in the Central Site and Terminals panel, click on the Energization button of Terminal 1.

18. Enter the terminal energization as follows. The pipeline does not exist along this terminal and must
be declared “Dummy”. In this example, we will place the voltage sources for the transmission lines
in Terminal 1 (Substation 1, East Terminal), and the load of the line will be placed in Terminal 2
(Substation 2, West Terminal). The grounding impedances where the lines terminate are also

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

specified in this screen. In this case, all phases terminate at the terminal dedicated ground of 0.5

Note: To alternate between the Cartesian and polar notations for the complex numbers in the table, click twice on the “Cartesian”
or “Polar” cell to make a drop down menu appear. Close the window to return to the main screen.

Similarly, enter the energization for Terminal 2 (Substation 2) as follows. As mentioned above,
this is the load side of the transmission line, therefore their voltage remains at 0 V. Although the
pipeline is not connected to Substation 2, it is preferable to specify that it is connected to Substation
2 ground in order to avoid a high potential on the pipeline at the terminal location where the
pipeline is absent (capacitive coupling from the phase wires), very low ground impedance is
recommended along with a large equivalent source impedance as shown below. For regions where
the pipeline does not exist (since the transmission line extends much further than the pipeline), the
software will assign them a “Dummy” status and these will not be taken into account in the
computations. Close the window to return to the main screen. For an explanation on how the
equivalent source impedance were obtained, please refer to APPENDIX J.

19. Now a Main Path can be chosen as the basis for subdividing the system into circuit sections. The
Main should ideally span the entire system (it must at least exist in all terminal branches) and be
sufficiently subdivided to generate enough regions to represent well the system in circuit form. For

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

this reason, the Main is often chosen as the transmission line that is expected to interact the
strongest with the pipeline, with a node at every tower location.

20. In the Paths table, the paths will have been automatically re-ordered such as to maintain the first
position for the Main Path. Rename the Paths meaningfully (often the same as the polyline name
when a Path hosts a single polyline) such that the names can be transferred to the Right-of-Way
program (Right-of-Way does not know about the polylines, it knows only about the Paths). Click
on the existing name to the right of the name to expose and edit the name as shown below.

6.5.3 Generate Regions

At this point, no Tasks or Errors should be remaining in the issues list. However, if you have already
generated the regions and you are modifying the right-of-way specifications, then a warning message
is displayed to alert you that the existing regions may be out of sync with the new specifications. This
is an indication that the system is ready for the generation of regions. Warnings and Messages are
informative only and will not prevent you from continuing. Similarly, you may see a warning message
that the current soil models all consist of uniform 100 ohm.m soil.

Launch the region generation use the Generate Regions buttons in the toolbar, or application ribbon.

The cuts that were created are shown below in the area where the transmission line and pipeline

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

6.5.4 Import Regions into ROW

For more details on how to use ROW, please refer to the “Quick Start Guide ROW.pdf” Manual. We
are now ready to import the regions back into ROW. To do so, simply click on the Save ROW
Scenario button in the RowCAD application ribbon.

It is also possible to treat the ROW scenario as a separate object (standard in past versions of the
software). The following steps are a description of how to do so. If you wish to use the modern
methodology, skip directly to section 6.6.1.

 First close the RowCAD application.

 Note that if you have launched RowCAD from ROW instead of starting RowCAD first, then
you will return to Right-of-Way after RowCAD displaying a message reminding you that the
RowCAD data needs to be explicitly imported.
 Start ROW, if not already started and create a new project named TotalInterference with the
initial scenario named Normal_Load, then press on Create.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

 In ROW, click on Build System Configuration and make sure that the ROWCAD Input Mode
corresponds to the mode that was used in RowCAD, i.e. Cross-Section, then click on the
Import button and select all (Erase All Existing Data). Browse to your RowCAD file and
click Open. Click the Yes button in the confirmation dialog to start the importing procedure.
If any regions were previously defined for the terminals, these will be overwritten by the new

Click the Yes button or OK on the subsequent confirmation dialogs to import all regions for
terminal 1.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

 Similarly accept the importing for terminal 2. All regions are then imported successfully. The
Plot Network function can be used as before to confirm that the geometry of the system was
imported correctly. Note that compared to the approach used in the previous chapter, many
more regions have now been defined for terminal 2: 529 vs 3. This is because using RowCAD
gives more flexibility in defining the exact geometry and there is less of a need for the extra
step of subdividing regions into smaller section. Most of the time, therefore, a region will be
synonymous to a section when using RowCAD.
 During the import, a copy of the RowCAD project is placed inside a RowCAD Project folder
under the Right-of-Way scenario folder. If changes are required to the RowCAD project, the
changes can be made to either of projects, as long as you regenerate the regions and import
them into Right-of-Way from the corresponding updated file location.


6.6.1 Saving the Data & Displaying the ROW Configuration
After completing the data entry of the entire right-of-way, save the data first. Before any computation,
it is always useful to visually validate the data by displaying the configuration of the right-of-way for
the applicable terminal. Since the entire right-of-way is defined under Terminal 2, click the Plot
Network button in the Building the Right-of-Way System screen when Terminal 2 is selected. Select
both terminals and click on the Display (SESCAD) button.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

The configuration of the right-of-way under study is displayed in SESCAD. For those who are not
familiar with the SESCAD software package, please consult the on-line help to get more information
about it. To zoom in an area in the right-of-way under study, click on the Zoom button and then
draw a rectangle around the area. You can also use the Measurement Tool to verify the separations
between various paths.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

6.6.2 Initial Circuit Model Creation Using the Build Circuit & Process
Click OK in the Building the Right-of-Way System screen to return to the main Right-of-Way
screen. With the data entry completed, you can now create the initial circuit model.
In RowCAD, you can launch the circuit creation by clicking on the Create Circuit button in the
application ribbon, and clicking Apply in the window that appears.

The circuit creation is then launched and the Computation Trace tracks the circuit creation progress.

The circuit creation can also be launched from the ROW application by clicking on the Create Circuit
button on the Main screen. Select the option button Build the Whole Circuit Model, then click
OK/Apply. The ROW program will begin to compute the line parameters section by section and
region by region. The following message window indicates the progress of the computation.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

At the end of computation, a SPLITS input file SP_Normal_Load_0.F05 corresponding to the initial
circuit model shown in Figure 6.2 is constructed. Note that the modifications to this circuit, such as
changing shunt impedance, etc., have not yet been applied. They will be carried out in the next section
by using the Modify Circuit module.

Important Notes

SP_Normal_Load_0.F05 is a SPLITS compatible input circuit file. This circuit file can work
independently without the ROW software package. For example, you can modify the file and run it
in the MultiLines software package or any compatible CDEGS software package.
Section 6.7 demonstrates how to use the Modify Circuit module. As an example, we will redefine
the tower resistance by using this module. Since the tower resistance has already been defined in the
Leakage Status… screen, you can skip this section, and directly go to Section 6.8.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface


The Modify Circuit module is a utility that retrieves data from, and makes modifications to, a
SPLITS-compatible network definition input file initially produced by the Right-of-Way program or
any of the CDEGS software packages. Many flexible functions are available. To demonstrate how to
use this module, we will describe in this section the operations required to modify the initial circuit
model and obtain the final circuit model shown in Figure 6.2.

The following table lists these operations:

Operation No. Set No. Phase No. Sections No. Description of Operation

Assign all shunt tower impedances connected to the

1 to 224 and shield wires along Terminal 2 to 10.67 Ohms. Section
1 1 1 225 is excluded since it represents the extra region
226 to 529
generated by the pipeline crossing the transmission
line, it does not correspond to a tower location.

Important Notes

The file naming convention for this module is:

Input: SP_Scenario_ReferenceCircuitModelID.f05: A SPLITS-compatible file (before
modifications). Where Scenario is the scenario ID for the project and
ReferenceCircuitModelID is an integer representing the reference ID of the SPLITS file,
typically, 0, 1 …
Output: SP_Scenario_NewCircuitModelID.f05: A SPLITS-compatible file (after
modifications). Where NewCircuitModelID is an integer representing the new ID of the
SPLITS file, typically, 1, 2…
Operations to be applied: MODSP_Scenario_X_Y.f05: The command file that records
the operations made on a SPLITS file. It can be loaded by this module. X and Y are
integers. X is the reference circuit model ID. Y is the new circuit model ID.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

If not already open, open the ROW application by clicking on Launch ROW from the RowCAD
application ribbon.

Click the Modify Circuit button in the ROW main screen; the
following screen appears. The Reference Circuit Model ID and
New Circuit Model ID are set to 0 and 1, respectively. The
Reference Circuit Model ID 0 selects the Target file (i.e., the
file to which the five operations are going to apply) to be
SP_Normal_Load_0.F05, while the New Circuit Model ID 1
determines that the resulting file will be
SP_Normal_Load_1.F05 after the operations. The Reference
Circuit Model and New Circuit Model ID number also
determine the Modify Circuit input file to be loaded when you
click the Load button. In this case, an input file
MODSP_Normal_Load_0_1.F05 will be loaded.
Once you have chosen a Reference and New circuit, the View/Edit – GRSPLITS-3D button becomes
active. GRSPLITS-3D, is a powerful 3D graphics input processor designed to make it possible to
visualize the circuit model represented by a SPLITS command input file. All sections and terminals
can be displayed, as well as all data related to the circuit components.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

The tool allows a quick, or detailed, overview of the built and modified circuits, making verifications
and error detection easy and efficient. If the circuit needs to be modified, you can go to the
Modify Circuit module in Right-of-Way to implement the changes. More details on GRSPLITS-3D,
its capabilities, and how to use it can be found in the GRSPLITS-3D User’s Manual. A quick overview
video is also available.
In the following sections, it is assumed that the reader is entering the data as indicated in the
instructions. Again, note that it is advisable to save your work regularly by clicking on the Save button
and following the instructions in the dialog box. The data, entered up to that point, will be saved in an
ASCII command file named MODSP_Normal_Load_0_1.F05. This file can be retrieved at any time
by clicking on the Load or Open button and by following the instructions in the dialog box. The same
considerations apply if a data entry session has to be interrupted. (Click Cancel, then close all active
windows to exit the program after saving your data.)
If you intend to enter the data manually, proceed with this section, otherwise, you can import all the
required data by proceeding as follows:
1. Click the Load button, the data file MODSP_Normal_Load_0_1.F05 will be selected
automatically. Click Yes to load that file.
2. Click the Open button, then browse to the data file MODSP_Normal_Load_0_1.F05 described
in the next section to load it.

6.7.1 Replacing Shunt Impedance (Operation 1)

Click the New button to start a new operation. The window to select the working terminal appears.
Select the target terminal and click OK to go back to the Modify Circuit main window. Then all
possible operations or functions become available.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

Operation 1 is defined by using the Shunt Impedance option in the Self Data Modification. Click
on the New Set button. Choose Replace With option and enter 10.67 + j 0 as the new impedance
value. Choose Phase 1 and enter Sections 1 to 224 and 226 to 529 (reminder that section 225 was set
as an extra section, to improve accuracy where the pipeline crosses the corridor). Set No. 1 is now
defined. Note that since the tower impedance was specified in the phase leakage definition of the
RowCAD project and the point type of the 115kV transmission line nodes was set to “Tower”, the
initial circuit build already contains the appropriate shunt impedances, making this operation
redundant. Nevertheless, the operation is demonstrated here for educational reasons.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

Important Notes

Currently, a maximum of 30 sets for each operation is allowed.

After all operations have been defined, click the Run button in the Modifying Circuit main screen to
start processing. Once the conversion is completed, return to the ROW main screen.

A SPLITS compatible file SP_Normal_Load_1.F05 is created which corresponds to the final circuit
model shown in Figure 6.2. This circuit model is the base circuit that can be used to various scenarios
corresponding to different cases, such as load conditions and fault conditions.

Important Notes

Any changes to the right-of-way physical network (i.e., dimensions, soil structures, conductor
characteristics, that will alter the circuit model), must be followed by the following operations:
 Run Create Circuit to generate the original SPLITS file, i.e., Sp_ScenarioName_0.f05;
 Apply all operations defined in Modify Circuit to update the final circuit, i.e.,
Sp_ScenarioName_xx.f05, where xx is an integer, e.g., Sp_Scenario_1.f05,
Sp_ScenarioName_2.f05, etc.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface



Important Notes

If you decided to skip Section 6.7 then the circuit number extension “x” shown in the file name
SP_Normal_Load_x as referred to in this section and in the following sections will be displayed as
“0”, instead of “1” as shown below. In other words all operations described hereafter will be carried
out on the circuit defined in the “Sp_Normal Load_0.f05 input file.

There are two ways to submit SP_Normal_Load_1.F05 in order to process the required computations
that yield the induced pipeline potentials. If you are an experienced CDEGS user, you can submit this
file to SESCircuitSimulator. You can also proceed as described in the following.
To submit this file in the ROW environment, click the Process button in the ROW main screen. Select
Process Circuit Model No. (Single SPLITS Run) 1 (Where “1” represents the SPLITS circuit
number, Sp_Normal Load_1.f05) in the screen, and click Run. The SPLITS computation module
starts. After completion, click the Back to Main button to return to the ROW main screen.

To examine the induced pipeline potentials and various physical quantities, click the Plot & Report
button in the ROW main screen. Select 1 from the drop-down list of Reference Scenario 1 (Where
“1” represents the SPLITS circuit number, Sp_Normal Load_1.f05). Click the Regular Plot button
in the following screen and click on the Open button to load.

SP_Normal_Load_1.F21 1 (Where “1” represents the SPLITS circuit number, Sp_Normal

Load_1.F21) database file. The Regular Plot button will only examine the results of a single SPLITS

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

run, while the Envelope Plot button enable you to examine results of a monitored fault study (see next
chapter). The Output Toolbox SPLITS screen will appear and you are now ready to make plots.

Important Notes

 Before any examining the induced voltages or any other items, it is always recommended that the
currents in all transmission lines be plotted to make sure the energized currents are correct, since
this is the most important parameter for the induced interference levels. Such verifications are
basic and essential checks in interference studies.
 The Type of Process option defines which actions will be performed when clicking OK/Apply.
If the Step-by-Step Process option is selected, the program will run only the selected Process
option and corresponding computation module. If the Process All Steps Automatically option
is selected, the program will run all necessary computation modules, starting with the creation of
the circuit model. For example, for the Process Circuit Model No. (Single SPLITS Run) option,
if the Step-by-Step Process is selected, the program will run the SPLITS computation module
only on the defined circuit. However, if the Automatic All Process is selected, the program will
run in the following sequence: TRASPL to create the original circuit in the Create Circuit
module; all predefined Modify Circuit operations, if any, to update the circuit model; and finally
the SPLITS computation module to solve the circuit model.
 The View Output can control whether or not the program should automatically switch to the
output session to examine the computation results once the computations are completed in the
processing session.

To examine the currents in the phase conductors, under Determine, select Section (Longitudinal or
Series) Currents. In the Type of Y axis option, select the Magnitude radio button. Enter 2 and 4 for
the Starting Bus and Ending Bus, respectively. Under the Terminal option, select the One Terminal
Plot option and enter 2 in the Terminal Number box. Click the Plot\Draw button. The following plot
appears. This plot confirms that the currents in the phase conductors are 830 A, the expected value.
Now we will examine the induced potentials on the pipeline. Click 2D Plots under Determine and
select Shunt (Tower Ground) Potentials if not already selected. Enter 5 for both the Starting Bus
and Ending Bus. Under the Terminal option, click the One Terminal Plot option button and enter 2
in the Terminal Number box. Enter 183 for the Beginning Section and 280 for the Ending Section
(pipeline starts at 185 and ends at 279, beyond these sections, the other ones are not of interest to us
in this case). Click the Plot/Draw button.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

The figure below (Figure 6.3) produced by the SPLITS computation module shows that the maximum
pipeline potential is about 43 volts, which is within the 50 V limit during steady-state conditions

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

(higher than the 15 V steady-state touch voltage safety limit given in CSA Std. C22.3 No. 6 for exposed
pipeline structures). No mitigation measures are required except at exposed appurtenances.

Figure 6.3 Induced Potentials in 24 Gas Pipeline During a Balanced Normal Load Steady-
State Condition: ROW Approach.


6.9.1 Introduction
The circuit model built for load conditions serves as a basis for the models used for fault simulations.
In this study, since the right-of-way contains only two energization sources (Terminal 1 & Terminal
2) for the fault current contributions, it is a relatively simple matter to set up a circuit model for
computing the induced pipeline potentials during fault conditions. Therefore, we will only discuss the
important differences between the load and fault condition models in this chapter. The fault
simulations discussed in this chapter will provide the fault current distribution for the conductive (total
interference) study. The pipeline potentials presented in this section constitute only the inductive
component of the total pipeline coating stress voltage during faults: Unlike load conditions, faults
entail an additional conductive component that must be considered.

6.9.2 Fault Current Data

During fault conditions, currents flow in all 3 phase conductors of the transmission line, with the
maximum current flowing in the faulted phase. Fault current contributions were supplied for three
fault locations: at Terminal 1, at Terminal 2, and midway between these. CHAPTER 4 lists the fault
current data supplied. For a single-phase-to ground fault, the current on the faulted phase is usually

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

much larger (about 10 times) than the currents on the non-faulted phases. Therefore, since this is our
case in this example, only the faulted phase needs to be modeled here. There are situations where the
currents in the non-faulted phases are large compared to the faulted one. In this case, it is important to
model all phase conductors during fault conditions.

Important Notes
For the non-faulted phases, there are 3 ways to represent them:
1. Not model them at all: Dummy the non-faulted phases;
2. Model them as in the steady state condition: energize the non-faulted phase with the steady
state currents;
3. Model them as is: Energize the non-faulted phases with their known provided currents when
faults occur on the faulted phase.

The canceling (mitigating) effect of the overhead ground wires has been retained, as these have been
modeled as well.

6.9.3 Description of Circuit Model

Figure 6.4 shows the circuit model for the phase-to-ground fault study. Phase A1 (BUS or LINE 2) is
selected as the faulted phase, the remaining phase conductors (BUSSES 3 to 4) are set as Dummy lines
as discussed above. The OHGW and pipelines are modeled as before. The circuit in Figure 6.4 can be
created by modifying only the terminal energizations selected for the steady-state condition shown in
Figure 6.2.rcuit Configuration

Figure 6.4 Circuit Model During Fault Conditions.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

For phase-to-ground fault conditions, voltage or current sources can be used. The energizations
selected in ROW will depend on what fault current data is available. With some prompting, fault
current data is often provided by the electric utility at a number of locations (although, often this data
is provided only for faults at terminals, such as power plants or substations). When the fault
contributions only come from two sources (such as in this study), it is most convenient to use the
current source option to simulate faults on transmission line towers along the right-of-way under study.
The fault can be simulated on every tower or every other tower or at user-defined intervals (this is the
so-called Monitored Fault in ROW). The fault currents at these fault locations will be computed based
on an interpolation of the known fault currents and their distances from the sources. In other cases,
when fault currents are contributed by several sources, voltage sources with appropriate source
impedances can be used. In such cases, the key step is to adjust the source impedances of the terminals
in the circuit model so that the currents from the SPLITS circuit model match the currents supplied by
the electric utility. The fault current data for selected locations is used to adjust the source impedances
until reasonable agreement is reached. The VI-Energization option described in 9.1.3APPENDIX J
can be conveniently used for this purpose. Note that close matches at all fault locations between the
currents from the SPLITS circuit model and the currents supplied may be difficult to achieve because
the SPLITS circuit model may not contain all the network elements modeled by the utility supplying
the fault current data. Erring on the high side should result in a bit of a safety margin.

6.9.4 Carry out Monitored Fault Runs

With the fault current data provided at Terminal 1, Midway along the right of way and at Terminal 2,
the current sources alternative will be used for the Monitored Fault runs.

Important Notes
Starting from version V14.0, the fault condition study can always share the same scenario as the
steady state condition, i.e., the energization under the fault conditions can be re-defined in the
Monitor fault module. It is not necessary to have different scenario for fault conditions. Therefore,
as an alternative method to study fault conditions, the first point of Section can be skipped. Creating Scenario FAULT using Scenario NORMAL_LOAD

A new scenario named “FAULT” will be created based on Scenario “NORMAL_LOAD”. The
following briefly describes the required steps to create this new scenario.

1. In the ROW main interface, click on Project | Save Scenario As. Enter “Fault” as the Scenario
Name and then click on the Create icon. You are now in the FAULT scenario.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

2. Click on the Build System Configuration button. Modify the Energizations of both terminals
so that Busses 3 and 4 are set to “DUMMY” as discussed before. Note that the energization on
Phase 2 (i.e., the faulted phase) will be defined later in Monitor Fault because we are using
Current Energization). Click OK to exit the Building the Right-of-Way System module.

Important Notes

Voltages with appropriate source impedances on the faulted phase should be defined here if voltage
sources are used.

3. Click on Create Circuit in the ROW main screen. Select Update Terminal Energization &
Central Site for Circuit Model No. 1 to avoid regenerating the terminal section output files
and click OK/Apply. Terminals 1 and 2 in the SPLITS file corresponding to Fault Circuit
Model No. 1 (SP_Fault_1.F05) are updated. Defining Monitored Faults for SP_Fault_1.F05

Click the Monitor Fault button in the ROW main screen and the data in the following screen will
define the monitored fault scenario. Set the Reference Circuit Model to 1. The monitored faults will
be simulated in the SPLITS file SP_Fault_1.F05. By default, the Source Current is checked under
Type of Source. The Fault Connection Impedance is by default set to a very small value. However,
this value is editable for flexibility.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

Click on the Define Source button and enter the fault current data in the following screen. The three
table entries correspond to the fault currents at Terminal 1 (Substation 1), Midway along the right of
way and at Terminal 2 (Substation 2), respectively.

The data in the Define Faults frame define a fault between BUS 2 (Phases) and BUS 1 (Reference
Phase). The faults will be simulated from Sections 188 to 274 (the 115 kV transmission line in the
studied right-of-way) at every other tower along Terminal 2 (Substation 2). Section 188 (start) and
Section 274 (end) are chosen such that faults at 10 towers beyond the end of parallelism between the
24 pipeline and the transmission line are studied. This will ensure that the maximum induced pipeline
potentials during faults are completely determined. Click on the Monitor Data button to define the
exposed phase, which is usually the pipeline under study. BUS 5 is thus selected.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

Click OK twice to return to the ROW main screen. Click the Process button and select Monitored
Fault On Circuit Model No. 1 (Induction Envelope). Click Run. A total of 44 fault runs will be

By default, the resulting SPLITS input (extension F05) and output files (extension F09 and F21) are
kept for all the faults simulated under a subfolder called ..\MonitorFault_Store-1 (“1” corresponds to
the SPLITS circuit number, Sp_Fault_1.f05). Note that this option requires you to have enough hard
disk space on your computer to store these results, if the right-of-way is a large network. The fault
simulation progress is displayed in the following message window.

Alternatively, you can process Monitor Fault as follows:

1) Click Create Inductive Model (SPLITS) Files, the SPLITS inductive model files at all
required fault locations are generated. A total of 44 SPLITS input files (extension F05) are
stored under a subfolder called ..\MonitorFault_Store-1 (“1” corresponds to the SPLITS
circuit number, Sp_Fault_1.f05)

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

2) Launch SESBatch in SESSoftware Tools to run all SPLITS files;

3) Drag all SPLITS F05 files on SESBatch Batch Contents bar;
4) Click Launch button to compute all inductive models. SESBatch will show a green check
mark for each successful run. Make sure all runs are successful before moving on.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface Plotting Monitored Faults for SP_Fault_1.F05

At completion of these runs, click the Back to Main button to return to the ROW main screen. Now
click on Plot & Report, then on Envelope Plot to examine the maximum induced pipeline potentials
as a result of the faults. Select Reference Scenario 1 since the monitored fault runs are done using the
reference circuit SP_Fault_1.F05.

Most of features in the screen below are self-explanatory. The drop-down menu under Plot Quantity
allows you to select various quantities. By default, Maximum Exposed Phase (e.g., Pipe) Induced
GPR is selected.

If you keep the default settings in the ROWPlot screen and click the Draw button, you will obtain a
plot showing the pipe GPR along Terminal 2 and also at the Central Site (Section 0), which is not
relevant data for the 24 pipeline because it does not exist there. We will generate a one terminal plot
for Terminal 2 from Sections 150 (the pipe parallelism starts at Section 199) to 300 (the pipe
parallelism ends at Section 265), based on the selections shown on the ROWPlot screen. Click on the
Draw button, the plot of Figure 6.5 is produced.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

Figure 6.5 Induced Potentials in the 24 Pipeline During Fault Conditions (Plotted as a
Function of Section Number).

Note that Figure 5.2 in SESTLC corresponds to a single fault 231 sections away from the Terminal 1.
With a span length of 400 feet, this puts the fault 17.5 miles from Substation 1, near the crossing.
Figure 6.5 in ROW corresponds to all faults from Section 188 to 274 (see page 6-49) which is carried
out by the Monitor Fault in ROW (not available in SESTLC). Therefore Figure 6.5 provides an
envelope of the maximum of all these faults. In order to generate a plot for a single fault at Section
230 in ROW, you can use Plot | Regular Plot and load the Sp_T02L01S0230.F21 under
To plot the pipeline potential against the Section or Span Length, click the radio button Section/Span
Length (ft) Based on Phase. If the PIPE (Phase 5) is selected, as shown in the following screen, the
results will be plotted against the pipeline distance measured from the origin of the pipeline.

Figure 6.6 Induced Potentials in the 24 Pipeline During Fault Conditions (Plotted as a
Function of Distance from Terminal 1).

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

These plots can also be sent to a file (for post processing, i.e., printing, loading to a graphics package,
etc.) by selecting the File or Both option buttons in the Draw frame. In this case, you should select a
suitable graphics language protocol (under Graphics Language/Protocol) compatible with your
printer before creating a plot file, which can be sent later to your printer. The default printer/plotter
graphics language protocol is EMF (Enhanced Windows Metafile).


6.10.1 Introduction
Under fault conditions, AC interference includes inductive, capacitive and conductive components.
To compute the conductive interference component, one can use the CETU software tool to retrieve
the injected tower currents computed from ROW or SPLITS, and then use the MALZ software
separately to compute the conductive component and then add it to the induction component obtained
from ROW in order to have the total AC interference level. Of course, one can carry out this current
retrieval operation manually from the SPLITS F09 output file as well. Obviously, this approach is
cumbersome and error prone and may result in inaccurate computations in some complicated cases.
For example, one can only add the interference magnitudes of the two components without considering
their angle. As a result, the total AC interference is over-estimated. In some cases, the exposed line
(pipelines\, rail, etc.) is also connected directly to the power system ground making it impossible to
separate the conductive coupling mechanism from the inductive and capacitive coupling mechanisms.
For this reason, the recent versions of the ROW software package generates a MALZ computation
module input file that includes the electromotive force (EMF) terms (Total Interference module) that
were computed by the circuit model of ROW. Hence, ROW is able to conduct a complete AC
interference study under fault conditions that includes the inductive, capacitive and conductive
coupling components.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

6.10.2 Create Total Interference MALZ Model

Click the Total Interference button on the Main screen to access
the Create Total AC Interference MALZ Model File module.
In this module, a MALZ model file which includes EMF terms is
created based on the right-of-way system defined while building
the right-of-way network system module (section 0), based on the
selected options and definitions as defined in the Total
Interference module. The EMF terms are used to account for the
induced effects on an exposed line due to currents flowing in phase
conductors, overhead ground wires or other lines. This term
represents the inductive interference component. Consequently,
the results obtained from the MALZ model computation give the
TOTAL interference level (conductive and inductive
components). Determine the Study Type

Select the study type: All Fault Locations to specify that all faults defined in Monitor Fault will be
studied or Fault at to indicate that only a specific fault location will be studied. We analyze all fault
locations here.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

Important Notes
If a single fault (Fault at) is studied,
1. Click the Browse button to open a file dialog to bring a compatible SPLITS output database
file (i.e., *.f21), which was computed by the ROW software package or by the SPLITS
computation module.
2. Select the appropriate Sp_xxxxx.f21 SPLITS output database for a fault occurring at the target
fault location. Define the Conductor Network in the Total Interference MALZ Model
When an exposed line (pipeline, telecommunication line, railway, etc.) shares the same corridor with
the transmission line, the inductive component is impressed on the exposed line by the magnetic field
generated by the current flowing in the power line. In order to define the buried conductor network in
the total interference MALZ model, proceed as follows:
 Make sure that the Lines & Profiles tab is activated.
 Make sure that “Include EMF Terms (Inductive Interference)” is on (default option). If this
flag is off, the computation results from the MALZ run will not include the inductive
component (i.e., the conductive component only will be computed) although the EMF terms
are still exported to the MALZ input file.
 Select the paths (or Phases) that will be in the MALZ model. These usually consist of the
exposed lines, such as pipelines, railways etc. that you want to analyze in order to determine
their AC interference levels induced by the power lines. In this example, the pipeline (Phase
No. 5) is selected.
 Define the paths (or Phases) that will have observation point profiles where the required values
computed. Again, normally, these are the exposed lines. Two types of profiles are available:
profiles defined as a shifted horizontal distance and depth with respect to the reference
conductor of the path or profiles defined along a conductor surface of the path. Since we want
to have the pipeline coating stress voltages in this example, a profile “On Reference
Conductor Surface” of Phase No. 5 is defined.
 Other options are also available to define the Lines & Profiles further.

Important Notes
The Paths (conductors) & Profiles required in a MALZ computer model file are defined in the
Lines & Profiles tab of the Create Total Interference Model screen. It is not necessary that
all paths defined in ROW be included in a MALZ file. You can select only the lines that are
relevant, i.e., those lines that are of interest or have influence on the computed interference
levels on the exposed lines. Normally, these would include the studied lines paths (e.g.,
exposed lines such as pipelines, railways etc.) and all other lines such as mitigation systems
and grounding wires that have a significant influence on both conductive inductive
interference levels. Because the target file is a MALZ input file, the following rules are

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

1. If a conductor in the selected path is aboveground (it can be a transmission line or a

pipeline or a railway) in the Paths (or Phases) in Conductive Model list box, it will be
located below the earth surface at a depth equal to the conductor radius plus 0.1 m or 0.328
ft depending on the global units system. This conductor will be insulated to prevent it from
participating in the conductive interference.
2. If a buried conductor is selected, the program will check how the coating characteristics
are defined for this line in ROW.
 If the Coating Characteristics of this line is defined as “Resistance (ohm-m2 or
ohm-ft2)” or “Resistivity (ohm-m)”, the program will take the resistance or
resistivity of each region to define the coating type characteristics in the MALZ
computer model. The coating thickness will be 1 mm or 0.03937 inch depending
on the global units system in ROW.
 If the Coating Characteristics of this conductor is undefined, the program will
assume that the conductor is bare and will assign it a coating type of 0.
 If the real part of the Coating Characteristics of this conductor is a negative value,
the program will assume that the conductor is insulated and will assign it a coating
type of -1.
3. The conductor characteristics in the MALZ computer model will be defined based on the
conductor characteristics specified in ROW. If the conductor characteristics change along
the right-of-way, the program will define the conductor type region-by-region.
4. For a cable path, the core, sheath and amour will be arranged as single conductors lying
above each other’s, from top to bottom. The distance between two conductor surfaces is
0.01 m or 0.0328 foot depending on the global units system defined in ROW. The sheath
and amour conductors in the MALZ computer model will be modeled as hollow
conductors. The outer conductor (e.g. amour) will have a coating type matching the
defined one in ROW while the inner conductors (e.g. core and sheath) will be insulated.
5. For a group path, each cable will be treated as a single cable as described above. Their
relative positions within the enclosure are as defined in ROW. The pipe enclosure will be
at the center. The pipe enclosure is modeled as a solid conductor with a radius equivalent
to the original cross-section area of the pipe enclosure as defined in ROW. The outer
conductor (e.g., pipe-enclosure) will have a coating-type matching the defined one in
ROW while the inner conductors (e.g., cores, sheaths and amours) will be insulated.
6. Profiles can be defined as a new path shifted by a specific horizontal distance and depth
with respect to a conductor of the path (default) or along a conductor surface of the path.
7. By default, the distance between points is 1 m or 3.28 feet depending on the global units
system. For profiles along the conductor surface, a profile is specified on the top of the
conductor with a shifted depth equal to the conductor outer radius plus 1 mm or 0.03937
inch. For example, if a conductor of a path is at a depth Z, a profile will be specified at a
depth Zp = Zc – Conductor Radius – 1 mm, where Zc is the depth of the conductor center.
8. Profiles for a Cable path will be specified only along the core conductor. For a Group path,
the profiles will be specified only along the pipe enclosure. For a Main or Principal path,
the profiles will be specified along each conductor, including the Reference conductor and
the Satellite conductors.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface Define Towers and Their Energizations in the Total Interference MALZ
When a fault occurs on a transmission line, the faulted structure and adjacent ones discharge large
currents into the earth and hence raise the soil potential in their vicinity. If the pipeline coating has a
high resistivity, the pipeline potential will remain relatively unaffected by the high potential of the
surrounding soil. This difference in potentials between the pipeline and the surrounding earth due to
currents discharged into the earth by a faulted transmission line structure represents the conductive
interference. To define the towers along with their currents which are injected into the soil, proceed as
 Make sure that the Tower Selections & Tower Currents tab is activated.
 Define the paths that contain the towers which contribute to the conductive components to the
studied exposed lines. Here, Path No. 1 is the transmission line. Therefore, it is selected in the
“Found along Phase No.” field.
 Select the tower grounding configuration. Three typical tower foundations (i.e., Single Rod or
Square Array of 4 Rods or Two Rod H-Frame) are available. Users can define the tower
structure grounds in greater details (rod length and array dimensions). A 1 ft. diameter steel
pole, 20 ft long as specified in CHAPTER 4 is assumed.
 Define the tower current threshold. In this example, any tower that is carrying a GPR larger
than 0.0001 V and up to 50 towers on each side of the faulted tower will be selected
(contributions from the further towers are negligible).

Other options are also available to define the Tower Selection & Tower Currents further.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

Important Notes
The tower ground conductors and tower current energizations’ required in the MALZ
computation module are defined in the Tower Selection & Tower Current tab of the Creating
Total Interference Model screen. Again, you may only want to include the towers which make
“noticeable” contributions to the conductive component. The Total Interference module allows
you to define each individual tower.
1. Users can define a tower as any shunt impedance smaller than a threshold value (e.g., 1000
ohms) for the selected phases defined in “Found along Phase No.” field. Towers for a
Cable path are defined only for the core conductor. For a Group path, the towers are defined
only for the pipe enclosure. For a Main or a Principal path, the towers can be defined for
each conductor, including the Reference conductor and the Satellite conductors. However,
if a conductor has the same phase number as one of the conductors that has already been
specified as having towers along its path, it is then considered not to have towers (this is
the case of two neutral conductors that share the same phase number in a transmission line).
2. The tower grounding configuration to be used in MALZ can be defined as a Single Rod or
a Square Array of 4 Rods or a H-Frame of 2 Rods. The dimension of the tower can be
defined using the “Single Rod Length”, “Dimension and Rod Length” and “Rod Radius”
3. The towers that will be included in the final MALZ computer model file can be restricted
as those towers that are defined by the “Export Energized Tower Only” option or left
unrestricted by selecting “Export All Towers” regardless of whether they are energized or
4. The tower energizations can be defined according to two concurrent options:
 Any tower whose computed shunt current magnitude is larger than the specified
 Towers as defined by the user. These towers are defined on a Terminal-by-
Terminal base. The Central Site is recognized as Section 0 of any terminal. Create a Total Interference MALZ Model File

To create the total interference MALZ model file, simply click the button “Create Only”: the final
MALZ models (MALZ input files, extension f05) are generated in the “..\Monitor Fault_Store-1\”
folder (each MALZ file represents a fault location (like in the Monitor Fault module). As usual, you
can view or edit the MALZ files using SESCAD which can be accessed by clicking the SESCAD

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

Important Notes

Since the conductive interference level is sensitive to the soil structure and its characteristics, in
most cases, it may be necessary to redefine the local soil type. By default, the soil type defined
in ROW for the region where the studied fault occurs will be used (a uniform soil is usually used
but it may not be good enough for a conductive study). One can redefine the local soil structure
through SESCAD or CDEGS Input Toolbox or by editing the MALZ computer model (i.e.,
MZ_*.f05) file directly with any text editor.

6.10.3 Compute the Total Interference Level

The final total interference MALZ model files have been created. To carry out the computation
proceed as follows:

 Click the OK button to go back to the Main screen;

 Go to the Process window by clicking the Process button on the Main screen;

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

 Make sure that the “Compute Total Interference on Circuit Model” option is selected
and the Circuit Model is 1;
 Click Run.

Important Notes

1. Before examining the results, verify if all MALZ total interference runs are successful by checking
the log file in the scenario subfolder ..\Envelopes\ROW_MALZAll_Fault.log
Two envelope files are generated by the process, i.e., the pipeline total coating stress voltages:
..\envelopes\TotCoatingStressV_Fault_1.out (“1” represents the SPLITS circuit number
(Sp_Fault_1.f05) and the pipeline GPR: ..\envelopes\TotMetalGPR_Fault_1.out (“1” represents
the SPLITS circuit number (Sp_Fault_1.f05)

Alternatively, you can compute the total interference as follows:

I. Method 1
1) Launch SESBatch in SESSoftware Tools to run all MALZ F05 files;
2) Drag all MALZ F05 files on SESBatch Batch Contents bar;
3) Click the Launch button to compute all MALZ models. SESBatch will show green check
marks on all successful runs. Make sure all runs are successful before moving on.
II. Method 2
4) Use the Create and Process button instead of the Create Only in the Creating Total
Interference Model window.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

6.10.4 Examining the Results

At completion of these runs, click the Back to Main button to return to the ROW main screen. Now
click on Plot & Report, then on Envelope Plot to examine the maximum induced pipeline potentials
as a result of the faults. Select Reference Scenario 1 since the monitored fault runs are done using

Again, most of features in the screen above are self-explanatory. The drop-down menu under Plot
Quantity allows you to select various quantities. Select Maximum Total Touch Voltage (e.g., Pipe),
which is very similar to the coating stress (available through advanced plots, see below).
If you keep the default settings in the screen above and click the Draw button, you will obtain a plot
containing the pipe touch voltages. Click on the Draw button, the plot of Figure 6.7 is produced. Note
that the curve is plotted as a function of distance from the origin of the pipeline.

Figure 6.7 Total Touch Voltages on the 24 Pipeline During Fault Condition (Plotted as a
Function of the Distance from the Origin of the Pipeline).

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

Alternatively, you can examine or make a plot as follows:

1) Close the window and go back to the ROW main screen. Click Plot & Report and go to
Reporting screen. Click Advanced.

2) Select the Fault Condition option, and select Conductive or Total (MALZ) Coating Stress
Voltage. Click Process. The coating stress voltage envelope for the fault conditions is obtained
in Excel csv format.

3) The following screen will appear. Click the Process button. Then, click Plot. The coating stress
voltage envelope for the fault conditions is obtained.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface


The maximum induced pipeline potential (42 V) during normal load conditions as shown in Figure
6.4 doesn’t exceed the 50 V limit. Mitigation measures on the pipeline are therefore not required. Note,
we are assuming that touch voltage reduction, if required, will be carried out locally at exposed
The maximum pipeline coating stress voltage and touch voltage (5,119V) during fault conditions as
shown in Figure 6.6 exceeds the 2,500 V limit. Mitigation measures on the pipeline are therefore
A conceptual outline of an AC interference study, including mitigation design, is provided in
APPENDIX H. It has been SES’ experience, in numerous electromagnetic interference projects, that
mitigation measures should usually first be designed for fault conditions, in order to reduce the total
coating stress voltage of the pipeline and touch voltage along the pipeline below the design threshold.
The required mitigation is then checked for load conditions and is often satisfactory: fault conditions
typically drive the mitigation design. If the results are not satisfactory for load conditions, then the
mitigation design is further refined.

6.11.1 Creating Scenario FaultWithMit Using Scenario FAULT

A new scenario named FaultWithMit will be created based on Scenario FAULT. In this FaultWithMit
scenario, a new phase line that represents the mitigation wire conductor will be added as a satellite of
the 24” Pipeline path. The mitigation wire conductor will be located at the same depth as the pipeline
trench (4 feet deep) and 2 feet away from the edge of the pipeline. The following briefly describes the
required steps to add this mitigation wire.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

Important Notes

The approach that was described in previous versions of this document, i.e., Version No. 13, for
modeling the zinc mitigation wire is still valid. However, the following approach is

 In the ROW main interface, click on Project | Save Scenario As. Enter “FaultWithMit” as the
Scenario Name and then click on the Create icon. You are now in the FaultWithMit scenario.

 Close the ROW application.

 Launch the RowCAD project (TotalInterference.rowx).

 Go to the Project screen, click Save Scenario As and enter the “FaultWithMit” scenario name

Click OK to create the new scenario.

 Go to the Cross-Sections tab and open the 24In_Pipeline cross-section.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

 Create a new phase named ZincMiti and a new location as shown below.

 Create a new Component Type from database and import the Zinc Ribbon conductor from the
Ribbon Anode class.

 Assign the ZincMiti phase to the zinc ribbon location.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

 Close the Cross-Section window and go to the Paths tab. Check the Connect conductor every
1 Region box as shown, insuring that the mitigation phase is regularly connected to the

 Click on the Central Site and Terminals tab and update the terminal energization status to
include the mitigation.

 Regenerate the regions and save the RowCAD project. The model can then be reimported
into Right-of-Way by clicking on Save ROW Scenario

Important Notes

The zinc ribbon mitigation wire is a bare conductor. It can now simply be defined as Computed
in the phase leakage definition, setting the Coating Characteristics to None to indicate that
the wire is bare. The program will compute the shunt impedance of the mitigation wire (Phase
#6) automatically based on the specified Impedance Computation Wire Length in the Build
Network System/Advanced screen.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

6.11.2 Obtain the Initial Circuit Model Using the Build Circuit & Process
Because the network has been modified (i.e., a new phase line has been added) you need to recreate
the initial circuit model in the Create Circuit screen.

At the end of the computations, a SPLITS input file SP_FaultWithMit_0.F05 that includes: the
mitigation wire conductor is constructed and is connected to the pipeline (Phase #5).
Finally, reapply the modify circuit operation to place the tower footing shunt impedances defined in
the Normal Load scenario. This step is unnecessary since the tower were already defined in RowCAD
and automatically applied after the initial circuit build, but this operation will update the
SP_FaultWithMit_1.F05 file, which is currently the same circuit as SP_Fault_1.F05 and therefore
does not contain the mitigation phase, avoiding any confusion.
Relaunch the ROW application by clicking on Launch ROW.

Click on Modify Circuit and enter 0 for the reference circuit and 1 for the new circuit. Then, press on
the Load button to retrieve the operations already defined. You can inspect the operation by pressing
Self Data Modification. Press on Run to apply the modify circuit operation.

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

6.11.3 Carry out Monitor Fault Runs

Click the Monitor Fault button in the ROW main screen. The data in the following screen define the
monitored fault scenarios. Set the Reference Circuit Model to 1. The monitored faults will be
modeled based on the SPLITS file SP_Fault_1.F05. We will model faults between Sections 188 and
274 (the 115 kV transmission line in the studied right-of-way) at other tower, along Terminal 2
(Substation 2).

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

Click OK to return to the ROW main screen. Click the Process button and select Monitored Fault
On Circuit Model No. (Induction Envelope) 1. Click Run. A total of 44 fault runs will be launched.

By default, the resulting SPLITS input (extension F05) and output files (extension F09 and F21) are
kept for all the faults simulated under a subfolder called ..\MonitorFault_Store-1 (“1” corresponds to
the SPLITS circuit number, Sp_FaultWithMit_1.f05).

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

Alternatively, you can compute with SESBatch as explained in Fault condition without mitigation

6.11.4 Plotting the Monitored Faults for Sp_FaultWithMit_1.f05

By now, the maximum induced voltage pipeline potentials are computed for the mitigation case. You
can examine the results by using the Plot & Report module (see Section

6.11.5 Creating the Total Interference MALZ Model

Repeat the process used to create the previous total interference MALZ models (see Section 6.10.2).
All Fault Locations will be defined based on Circuit Model No. 1.
To create the total interference MALZ model file, simply click the button “Create Only”: the final
MALZ models (MALZ input files, extension f05) are generated in the “..\Monitor Fault_Store-1\”
folder (each MALZ file represents a fault location like in the Monitor Fault module). As usual, you
can view or edit this MALZ file using SESCAD which can be accessed by clicking the SESCAD

6.11.6 Compute the Total Interference Level

Again, the final total interference MALZ model files have been created. To carry out the required
computations proceed as follows:
 Click OK button to go back to the Main screen;
 Go to the Process window by clicking the Process button on the Main screen;
 Make sure that the “Compute Total Interference on Circuit Model” option is selected
and the Circuit Model is 1;

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

 Click OK/Apply.

6.11.7 Examining the Results

At completion of these runs, click the Back to Main button to return to the ROW main screen. Now
click on Plot & Report, then on Envelope Plot to examine the maximum induced pipeline potentials
as a result of the faults. Select Reference Scenario 1 since the monitored fault runs are done using the
SP_FaultWithMit_1.F05 file. As can be seen from Figure 6.8, the pipeline coating stress voltage has
been reduced to an acceptable level.

Figure 6.8 Total Coating Stress Voltages in the 24 Pipeline During Fault Conditions (Plotted
as a Function of the Distance from the Origin of the Pipeline): With a Mitigation

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Chapter 6. Using Right-of-Way Pro via the RowCAD Interface

Important Notes

After the mitigation wire is designed to satisfy the fault conditions, it is necessary to confirm
that the designed mitigation wire also meets the steady state conditions requirement. This step
was carried out successfully for this example.

Alternatively, you can carry out the computations with SESBatch.

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Chapter 7. Alternative method to Define System Configurations Using the Classical ROW Interface

This Chapter describes in detail how to build the circuit model shown in Figure 6.2 from the real-
world network shown in Figure 4.1 without the use of the RowCAD software package, i.e., using the
ROW software package only. This was the only method available before the development of the
RowCAD software package.


The circuit model will be built for the steady-state case analysis using the Build System Configuration module
and the circuit will be modified using the Modify Circuit module (described in the next section) of the ROW
software package.

7.1.1 Start up Procedures

In the SES Software <Version> group folder, where <Version> is the version number of the software,
click on the Right-of-Way icon to start the ROW program main interface (if not already started). After
the ROW logo screen is displayed, you should see the following screen, which shows several large
buttons, some of which are disabled at this stage. Note that the logo screen can be closed quickly by
clicking on it.
The buttons mentioned above control essentially the following eight main integrated modules:
 Module 1 (Project Management, Settings and Frequency and System of Units buttons) handles
various aspects of project management; allowing the user to modify the limits of various
parameters such as number of terminals, number of conductors, etc. (Settings screen); specify
common system data such as system of units and power frequency (Frequency & Units screen).
 Module 2 (Build System Configuration button) is the core of the ROW program. It is used to
specify the right-of-way circuit model through a series of intuitive windows interfaces.
Chapter 7. Alternative method to Define System Configurations Using the Classical ROW Interface

 Module 3 (Create Circuit button) builds the original circuit model of the network that will be
used to carry out the computations. Automatically computes the required line parameters (using
the TRALIN computation engine) to produce the complete data file that can be read by the circuit
solver computation engine SPLITS.
 Module 4 (Modify Circuit button) retrieves data from, and
makes modifications to a SPLITS-compatible input file
initially produced by ROW.
 Module 5 (Monitor Fault button) allows you to
automatically model faults along a transmission line, at any
combination of group of sections (spans) with the possibility
to define arbitrary section increments between applied faults.
The program will generate summary files containing useful
information about the monitored “exposed” phase conductor
(pipeline, railway, etc.) and a reference phase conductor
(ground-wire, etc.) at every section.
 Module 6 (Total Interference button) computes the
conductive interference component and the sum of the
inductive and conductive components.
 Module 7 (Process button) is in charge of calculating the
inductive & capacitive interference levels during load or
fault conditions as well as the total interference inductive and conductive levels during fault
conditions, including current and voltage distributions.
 Module 8 (Plot & Report button) provides various utilities, e.g.: system input & computation
results reporting with a text file, circuit plotting and envelope curve plotting.

In the following, each of these modules will be discussed. Because the primary objective of this How
To… Technical Guide is to provide you with systematic instructions on how to complete an AC
interference study using ROW, many detailed explanations about terminology and functionality used
in the ROW program were discussed in Chapter 6 and can be referred to further in the Right-of-Way
On-line Help that can be accessed by pressing F1 when the mouse is focused on a required control,
in order to avoid unnecessary repetitions.

7.1.2 Create New Project Workspace

The first step in setting up the input files for your AC interference study is to create a working space,
which is known as a Project. This is done by clicking the Project Management button. An Open
Project screen appears.

Click on the New tab to request a new project space. You may first see the following screen in which
a Project Name Project1 and a Scenario Name Scenario1 is automatically assigned by the program.
In this example, we decided to create a project called SimpleStudy under an existing folder
…\HowTo\Right-Of-Way\A Simple AC Total Interference Study\ROW\. We will first enter
SimpleStudy in the data entry of the Project Name. A sub-folder called SimpleStudy under
..\HowTo\Right-Of-Way\A Simple AC Total Interference Study\ROW is automatically offered while
Chapter 7. Alternative method to Define System Configurations Using the Classical ROW Interface

you are typing the project name SimpleStudy. You can manually rename the project folder name (under
Project File Location) if you wish this name to be different from the Project Name. However, for
clarity purpose, it is usually recommended to keep the same name for the Project File Location and
the Project Name.

To create a scenario called Normal_Load, enter Normal_Load under Scenario Name. Again, a sub-
folder called Normal_Load under ...\HowTo\Right-Of-Way\A Simple AC Total Interference
Study\ROW\SimpleStudy\ is automatically offered while you are typing the scenario name
Normal_Load. It is also recommended to keep the same name for the Scenario File Location and the
Scenario Name.

Click the Create button. The SimpleStudy project and the Normal_Load scenario are created. The
newly created folders and files can be viewed in the following Windows Explorer screen.

The file SimpleStudy.row is a project file for the Simple Study project. It is an ASCII file only
containing the information regarding all the scenarios defined under this project. Under the scenario
Normal_Load, you will find a file called RW_Normal_Load.F05. This file was created the moment
the scenario Normal_Load was created. Like any module of SES Software, this F05 file,
RW_Normal_Load.F05, stores all the other data regarding the circuit corresponding to the scenario

Right-of-Way on-line help provides further details about the file naming convention.

The Settings screen allows you to set the limits of various parameters (under the Limits Tab). The
default limits are usually adequate. The definitions of Path, Region, Attribute Sets, etc., are provided
in APPENDIX A. They will also be discussed more specifically in the following sections.
Chapter 7. Alternative method to Define System Configurations Using the Classical ROW Interface

After the project and scenario are created, three additional buttons (Frequency & Units, Build System
Configuration and Create Circuit) are now enabled and you are now ready to build the circuit model.
The Frequency & Units screen allows a user to specify common system data. Case Description
(optional) allows you to enter a block of comments. There is no limit for the number of words to enter.
Run Identification (optional) is used to define a text consisting of a maximum of 20 characters to
identify the run. System Frequency defines the electric power system frequency. System of Units:
defines the unit system used in the ROW model: Metric or British (Imperial). In this example, the
British system of units is selected (with radii measured in Inches).

7.1.3 Define Central Site and Line-Paths in the Build System

Configuration Screen
In the following sections, it will be assumed that the reader is entering the data as indicated in the
instructions. Note that it is advisable to save your work regularly by using Save Project (CTRL-S)
under Project menu in the ROW main screen. The data, entered up to that point, will be saved in the
file RW_Normal_Load.F05. This file can be retrieved at any time by using Open Scenario under the
Project menu in the ROW main screen. The same considerations apply if a data entry session must be
interrupted. (Click Cancel, then close all active windows to exit the program after saving your data.)
If you intend to enter the data manually, proceed with this section, otherwise, you can import all the
data by proceeding as follows:
 Select Open Project (CTRL-O) under the Project menu in the ROW main screen. Go to your
working directory (defined in CHAPTER 2) and go to the Simple Study subfolder. You should
now see the following Open Project screen. Select the file SimpleStudy.ROW and click the
Open button. The project SimpleStudy is now loaded. It contains three scenarios:
Normal_Load, Fault and FaultWithMit, as indicated by the three folders in the Open Project

 Now select Open Scenario under the Project menu in the ROW main screen. You should now
see the following Open Scenario screen. Select the file RW_Normal_Load.F05 and click the
Open button. The scenario Normal_Load is now loaded. Note that when an existing project is
loaded into the ROW program, an active scenario (the one last saved) is also loaded
automatically. In this case, the active scenario in the original Simple Study project was Fault.
Chapter 7. Alternative method to Define System Configurations Using the Classical ROW Interface

The data described in the preceding sections will now be entered in the Build System Configuration
screen. Click the Build System Configuration button in the ROW main interface. The following
screen appears. Since a large amount of data is going to be entered, the data entry in ROW is designed
such that the sequence of data entry in the Building the Right-of-Way System screen is controlled
by the availability of the buttons. The first step is to define the central site.

You must now click the Define Central Site button (this button is in red initially to indicate no data
has been entered for the Central Site).
The central site is defined by the data shown in the following screen which is based on the circuit
model shown in Figure 6.2. Enter MyCentralSite as the name for the Central Site, enter 5 for Total
Number of Phases. A table of 5 rows is automatically opened under the Define Phases frame to enter
your data. Since all the phases are open-circuited (with respect to the site local ground bus) at the
Central Site (which is assumed to be a fictitious site rather than a real substation or transmission tower
with a true grounding system), you just need to enter the phase names per the following screen and
table. The Ground Impedance of the central site is also set to a large value to indicate that there is no
real grounding system at this site. Click OK to go back to the Building the Right-of-Way System
We will now introduce 2 Line-Paths as described previously. Enter 2 in the Number of Paths, a table
of 2 rows under Define Paths is opened. By default, the first row is used to define the Main Line-Path
(Path 1), the remaining rows are used to define the Principal Line-Paths. You can change the Line-
Path type (except for the Main Line-Path) to Group or Cable type by clicking on the cell under Path
Type and make an appropriate selection from the drop down menu.
Chapter 7. Alternative method to Define System Configurations Using the Classical ROW Interface

We start with the Main Line-Path which is chosen to be the 115-kV transmission line (see Figure 4.1
and Figure 6.2). Click the cell corresponding to this row (present Status No) under Defined. Define
Path 1 button is now enabled. Click this button to define the Main Line-Path. As shown in CHAPTER
4 or Figure 6.2, the 115-kV transmission line consists of one main conductor (Neutral or shield wire)
and 3 satellites. The conductors’ names and their phase numbers are shown in the screen.

Important Notes

1. Both path names and conductor names are optional to be defined. You can simply leave them as
empty cells – undefined. It is however strongly recommended to define them.

2. Any bundled conductors, e.g., two shield wires, can be assigned to the same phase number. This
will instruct the program to bundle the two conductors together when their line parameters (series
and mutual impedances) are computed.
Chapter 7. Alternative method to Define System Configurations Using the Classical ROW Interface

By convention, Conductor No. 1 is always chosen as the Reference conductor of the Main Line-Path.
The rest of the conductors in the Main Line-Path are the satellite conductors. Displacement of Main
Conductor is the distance between the Main conductor (Neutral) and the survey line of the
transmission line. Usually, the survey line is at the geometric center of the transmission line. Since the
neutral conductor is on the center transmission line, the Displacement of Main Conductor is 0. The
data entry for the Displacement of Main Conductor is useful since the separation distances between
pipelines and transmission lines are very often measured between the pipelines and the survey line,
while the Reference conductor of the Main Line Path may not always be at the survey line of the
transmission line. The value in the Displacement of Main Conductor (positive or negative) is going
to be added to the separation distances between the Main Line-Path and the rest of the Line-Paths.

Click OK to go back to the Building the Right-of-Way System screen. Line-Path 2 can be defined
similarly. Enter the Path Name as shown in the following table. The Number of Satellites for this
path is zero. The Conductor Name and Phase No. are entered per the following table.

Path No. Path Name Path Type Conductor No. Name Phase No.
2 24InPL Principal 5 PIPE24 5

7.1.4 Define Attribute Sets in Building the Right-of-Way System Screen

After the central site and line paths are completely defined, the Attribute Sets frame is now active.
Enter 1 in the Number of Sets to define the only attribute set required in this study.

Click on the Specify button to define the attribute set. The following screen appears (with all data
fields empty and Defined status as No). As explained in Section 6.2, an Attribute Set defines the
characteristics of all the Line-Paths introduced. It defines the characteristics of the conductors in each
line path and the relative position of the satellite conductors within each path. From Figure 4.1, the
heights or burial depths of the reference conductors of all the Line-Paths are entered under Uniform
Height in the following screen. Negative values are defined for the 24 gas pipe since they are below
the earth surface. The Reference Conductor of the Main Line-Path is Conductor Neutral, which is at a
height of 90 feet above ground.
Chapter 7. Alternative method to Define System Configurations Using the Classical ROW Interface

We will first define the attribute set for the Main path by clicking on the corresponding cell under
Defined, then clicking on the Edit Path 1 to define the characteristics of all conductors in the Main
path. The other paths are defined in a similar way. The following screen appears (with all data fields
empty and Defined status marked as No initially).

The horizontal separations and heights of the reference and each satellite conductors are entered per
Figure 4.1.
Horizontal Separation
Conductor Name Uniform Height (feet)
Neutral 0 90
Phase A -8 75
Phase B 8 80
Phase C 8 70
The above table lists the Horizontal Separation and Uniform Height of the conductors in the MAIN

Note that the horizontal separations are measured with respect to the Reference conductor of the Main
Line-Path. The characteristics of the Reference and Satellite conductors are defined by clicking on the
corresponding cell under Defined. Click on the Define Conductor 2 Characteristics button. We will
define the characteristics of the conductor labeled Phase_A by selecting it from a database. Select
Import from database in the Conductor Characteristics screen.
Chapter 7. Alternative method to Define System Configurations Using the Classical ROW Interface

Click the OK button. The Conductor Database screen appears. You can click on the Customize
button to add and/or remove data fields to display. Select ACSR from the Conductor Class combo
drop list and press OK. Scroll down to find the ACSR_Flicker conductor (ID 953). The characteristics
of the conductor are grouped under Conductor Fields which defines the physical properties of the
conductor, Real Part and Imaginary Part which define the electrical properties of the conductor.
Please consult the on-line help (by pressing the F1 Key) for details of these data fields. Click the
Import button. If you wish to view the data just defined, click the corresponding cell under Defined.
Click the Define Conductor 2 Characteristics button and select Edit/View data in the Conductor
Characteristics screen.

Click the Close button in the Conductor Specification screen to return to the Conductor Attributes
for Path (Main/Principal) 1 screen. The other 2 phase conductors Phase_B to Phase_C and the
overhead ground wires OPT-GW Optical ALCOA 48/48/606 can be defined similarly using Import
from database. Note that you can take advantage of the Copy from existing conductor option to
quickly define the two other phase conductors Phase _B to Phase _C by using the already defined
phase conductor Phase_A.
Chapter 7. Alternative method to Define System Configurations Using the Classical ROW Interface

The OPT-GW Optical ALCOA 48/48/606 can be imported from the Optical Conductor Class list.

Click the OK button on the Conductor Attributes for Path (Main/Principal) 1 screen to return to
the Conductor Attributes Set 1 screen. We will now define the conductor characteristics of the 24
(0.610 m) gas pipeline. Click the corresponding cell under Defined for Path 2, and then click Edit
Path 2 to define the characteristics of all conductors in Path 2. The screen shown to the left appears
(with all data fields empty and Defined status as No). The characteristics of the 24 (0.610 m) pipeline
are defined by clicking the corresponding cell under Defined, and then clicking the Define Conductor
5 Characteristics button. Select Import from database in the Conductor Characteristics screen.
Click the OK button. Select Steel Pipe from the Conductor Class list. Scroll down to find the 24
STD conductor. The Conductor Name in the database consists of two fields: Nominal Pipe Diameter
followed by Wall Thickness Schedule. Note that in the name field for the Wall Thickness Schedule,
ES = Extra Strong, STD=Standard, and DES = XX Strong. The pipe 24 (0.610 m) STD is a 24 (0.610
m) pipe with a wall thickness of 0.375 (0.9527 cm). Click the Import button.

The following screen shows the characteristics of the 24 pipeline. The selected relative resistivity and
permeability for carbon steel are 10 (with respect to copper) and 300 (with respect to free space),
respectively. The most appropriate values are usually current dependent.
Chapter 7. Alternative method to Define System Configurations Using the Classical ROW Interface

The last item in defining an Attribute Set is to specify the phase Shunt Impedances required by the
inductive and capacitive interference computations, Coating Characteristics (for the conductive or
total interference computations) and phase Dummy Status by clicking the Define Phase Leakage,
Status… button available from the “Conductor Attributes Set” screen.

Important Notes
The shunt leakage impedance of a conductor consists of two components that are in series:
1. The coating leakage impedance, which is made of a resistive and capacitive parts acting in
parallel. The resistive part is a function of the effective resistivity of the coating and of the
coating thickness. The capacitive part is a function of the coating permittivity and coating
thickness. Once combined, they form the effective coating impedance. Quite often, the
capacitive part can be neglected at power frequencies except when soil resistivity is very
high (in this case the resistive part of the coating impedance could be comparable to its
capacitive part).

2. The conductor surface to soil interface shunt leakage to remote earth or ground impedance
which is essentially a function of the conductor overall radius and soil structure

In the Phase Leakage, Status… screen, the shunt impedance of a phase must be defined in two
blocks of columns representing the Coating Characteristics and the total Shunt Impedance (i.e.,
shunt impedance due to the coating + the ground leakage impedance). Thus, the Shunt Impedance
column represents the sum of the shunt coating impedance and the shunt earth leakage (ground)
impedance. This is the value that is used directly as the phase shunt impedance by the inductive
and capacitive computation engine (SPLITS).
The Coating Characteristics column represents the shunt impedance due to the conductor coating
only without the shunt earth leakage (ground) impedance which is always computed directly by
the conductive computation engine (MALZ) to determine the conductive and inductive
interference components (if EMF was specified) used by the total interference module.
Consequently, the coating characteristics data are intended to be used exclusively by the MALZ
computation module and, therefore, are directly exported to MALZ. The total shunt impedance
values are for the exclusive use of the SPLITS computation module. It is important that the two
blocks of data be consistent with each other.
Typically, the user should compute the total shunt impedance using the MALZ module before
building the ROW model. This is particularly important if accurate values are desired when soil
resistivities are high and the ground impedance of the conductor can no longer be neglected
compared to its coating impedance or when the conductor is bare or has poor coating impedances.

Enter the data per the following screen.

Chapter 7. Alternative method to Define System Configurations Using the Classical ROW Interface

Depending on the selected option displayed in the “Unit” columns, the shunt impedance/coating
characteristics of each phase can be specified in several ways. This screen is also used to set the dummy
status of a phase. If a phase is set to “Dummy”, its series impedance and shunt impedance are set to a
very large value (open circuit), and there it will have no mutual impedance to any other phases. In
other words, this dummy phase is a nonexistent phase along the specified zone of the terminal.
The shunt impedances of a phase conductor bundle are normally the capacitance to ground of that
phase, and can be computed automatically by ROW (using the Computed option). The shunt
impedance of the overhead ground wire is normally the tower ground impedance in parallel with the
overhead ground wire capacitance to ground. However, since the shunt capacitance is much larger
than the shunt impedance of the tower, one can usually ignore the capacitance value. In this example,
this value is set to a distinctive value of 10.67  (using the Ohms/section option). The shunt
impedance of the pipeline is usually defined in Ohms-ft2 or Ohms-ft. The characteristics and
thickness of its coating essentially define it. We will use here a value of 440108 Ohms-ft2 as defined
in CHAPTER 4 for the Total Shunt Impedance. As you may have noticed, we are ignoring the pipeline
ground (leakage) impedance because it is small compared to its coating leakage impedance. This is
particularly true when soil resistivity is low.

The conductor’s coating defines the Resistivity field of a phase conductor. For all above ground
conductors, it is not necessary to define a coating so you can leave this field empty (air is a very good
insulation, anyway). If for any reasons, it is important to define the coating of a conductor (overhead
or buried), it should not be bundled with any other conductors so that its coating can be specified
directly. The coating resistivity can be defined in Ohm-m (resistivity). The coating thickness is
assigned to 0.00328 feet (1mm) as defined in CHAPTER 4. This completes the definition of Attribute
Set 1.

In the following two sections, we will complete specifying the circuit as shown in Figure 6.2 by
defining Terminals 1 and 2. Click OK until you return to the Building the Right-of-Way System
Chapter 7. Alternative method to Define System Configurations Using the Classical ROW Interface

7.1.5 Defining Terminal 1

The definition of a terminal consists of two parts: definition of terminal energizations and definition
of regions. Click the Terminals tab in the Building the Right-of-Way System screen. Enter 2 in the
Number of Terminals: The Terminal Energization button is now active. It is in red for now,
indicating that no data has been entered yet. Select 1 from Select Terminal and change the present
terminal name Terminal_1 to substation 1. Define Terminal Energization

Click the Energization button. The following screen appears (with empty data fields), allowing you
to define the ground impedance and energizations (voltage or current sources) of each bus at Terminal
1. The ground impedance at Terminal 1 is assumed to be 0.5+j 0.0 . By clicking on the cell under
Energization Status, you can choose one of the following four options to energize a Bus.
 Voltage: Specify a voltage source for the Bus.
 Current: Specify a current source for the Bus.
 VI-Energisation: Specify a source voltage and a source current at the same time, and ROW
will determine an appropriate equivalent source impedance for the Bus. This option replaces a
trial-and-error process of determining suitable equivalent source impedances, which is
otherwise made difficult by the transmission line impedance and mutual coupling between
phases having considerable influence on the fault currents. One single ROW run can provide
the required source impedances. This option is particularly useful when it is necessary to
determine equivalent source impedances based on the fault current data at a single fault
 Dummy: When this type is selected, ROW assumes that the specified phase does not exist
between the terminal and the central site. Note that the previously mentioned “Dummy” status
Chapter 7. Alternative method to Define System Configurations Using the Classical ROW Interface

under the Attribute Set only sets certain regions (sections) of a phase to dummy (non-
existing), while the “Dummy” status under the Energization Status sets the phase to dummy
(non-existing) for all regions along this terminal. This will be discussed more specifically in
the next section.

The source voltages (phase-to-ground) are set to 66.395 kV and the source impedances are set to
0 . Note that by using voltages as source energizations, capacitive coupling effects are accounted
for in the computations

You can press the F1 key at any time to view context sensitive on-line help related to any selected
field for more details on the various options discussed here.

Important Notes

1. A phase conductor can be energized with Current or Voltage or VI-Energ, depending on

the project needs. If only inductive coupling is of concern, i.e., no capacitive coupling is
involved, Current energization is a good choice if one knows the value of this current. If
both inductive and capacitive couplings are of concern, however, the phase conductor has
to be energized with Voltage and an appropriate equivalent source impedance is required.
2. All non-energized conductors, such as shield wire ground conductors, pipelines, railways
or communication lines, etc., should be specified using the Voltage energization mode.
Typically, in this case the source voltage is zero and the equivalent source impedance is
defined as follows.
3. The Equivalent Source Impedances field defines the phase connection status to the
terminal grounding system. If a phase (line) is connected to the terminal neutral point
(grounding structures), then you should specify an equivalent source impedance value
(typically, zero). If a phase (line) is not connected to the terminal neutral point, i.e. open
circuited, specify a very large value or select Open Connection in the Connection
Chapter 7. Alternative method to Define System Configurations Using the Classical ROW Interface

Option. The program will set the equivalent source impedance to a large value
(999999+j999999 ohms).
4. You can use an alternative method to define a non-existing or Dummy phase (line) to
specify that this phase does not exist. The self-impedances of the line sections at the central
station and at the terminal are set to a very large value (to simulate an open-circuited
section), while all mutual impedances between the line and other lines are set to zero. It is
also acceptable to assign a zero-source voltage to the fictitious line. However, specifying
“Dummy” Voltage Status is the preferred method, as it minimizes the possibility of
numerical problems during computations (truncation or round-off errors).

The above screen shows the energizations at Terminal 1 during normal load conditions.

During steady-state conditions, we focus on the inductive coupling between the transmission line and
the pipeline. However, in order to keep the voltage level to account for the capacitive coupling (if any)
correctly, it is preferable to use a Voltage source. For example, Terminal 1 will be energized at 66.395
kV and actual source impedances are assigned in Terminal 2 to maintain the voltages on the line (see
Terminal 2 energization in Section By using a voltage source, the transmission line self-
impedances and mutual impedances between phases influence the steady-state currents. The source
impedance, therefore, should be computed properly, accounting for the phase line impedance. For a
two terminals network such as the one shown in Figure 4.1 or Figure 6.2, a voltage source can be
applied as shown. The other terminal will not be energized as is shown hereafter.
Press OK to return to the Terminals tab. Define Regions

There is one region along the terminal associated to Substation 1, as shown in Figure 6.2. The pipeline
does not exist along that terminal, but the transmission line does exist and must be specified using the
energizations described in the above section. The span length is 300 feet. Note that the length of the
transmission line is not critical here since we will compute a source impedance that considers the
system length in order to obtain the correct voltages and currents along the line.
However, this length should not be too short (such as 1 foot or less) to avoid numerical instability.

Important Notes

Numerical instability can occur during computations when a very small or a very large number
exists in a section (circuit cell). This can originate from:
 Short-circuit connections that are made at sections which have very small series impedances (for
example, a section of only 1 foot long).
 Very large shunt impedances are specified along with very small ones in one or more sections.

Type 1 in the Number of Regions field and click on the Define Region button. The screen shown on
the left appears.
Applicable Local Scale Factor specifies the scaling factor to be applied to the X-Y coordinates
specified in the Define Cut and Define Path screens for this region (see next). By default, the value
equals the global scaling factor defined in the Advanced screen of the Building the Right-of-Way
Chapter 7. Alternative method to Define System Configurations Using the Classical ROW Interface

System screen. In this study, all distances are measured in feet and the Applicable Local Scale Factor
is therefore 1 for all regions since we are working with the British system of units.
Click on the Define Soil Type button to define the average soil resistivity in this region. The default
value is 100 ohm-m. In this case, we will leave the default value unchanged since we use 100 ohm-m
soil for the whole right-of-way.

Important Notes

1. Higher soil resistivity leads to less cancellation effects from the soil and therefore stronger
inductive coupling between the transmission lines and pipelines.
2. The bottom soil layer resistivity may play a major role in computing the mutual coupling
between pipelines and transmission lines because the depth of this layer is infinite.

The Selected Conductor Attribute Set list allows you to select which Attribute Set is to be associated
with this region. The Alter Conductor Attribute Set button allows you to use an Attribute Set as a
template to create a new Attribute Set with modified Leakage Impedance, Phase Status… data
pertaining to the region under consideration. For example, to define the dummy status of the pipeline
in this region, first click the Alter Conductor Attribute Set button, then click the option button Break
the linkage to the Attribute Set so that you can customize the Attribute Set for this region. Click the
cells corresponding to Pipe and change the Phase Status from Real to Dummy. Note that the default
setting “Automatically update from the Attribute Set” ensures that the data in the input grid related
to this region gets updated automatically (if the linkage is not broken) every time the corresponding
Attribute Set is changed when specifying Attribute Sets (using the Specify button in the Attribute
Sets tab of the Building the Right-of-Way System screen).
Chapter 7. Alternative method to Define System Configurations Using the Classical ROW Interface

Click OK to return to Region 1 of Terminal 1 screen. This screen defines the absolute coordinates of
the Main conductor in the region. The start and end points must be specified if the region is the first
(starting) region, while only the end point is specified if the region is not at the beginning of the right-
of-way. Note that the Y coordinate can be always 0 to keep the system simple (i.e. the Main is the
Reference x-axis). The Z coordinate becomes editable if the Uniform Height option in the Advanced
screen (in the Building the Right-of-Way System screen) is set to No, otherwise, it is non-editable,
such as in this case.
The value of 300 is entered for the X-End field. The Total Length becomes also 300.

The Cuts Status will allow you to define the cuts for Region 1 of Terminal. The cuts are necessary
to segment the whole length of the right-of-way along the specified terminal into smaller sections that
typically correspond to a transmission line span. This screen allows you to specify the X-coordinates
of points along the Main conductor which delimits groups of sections and to indicate how many
sections exist between each point and the previous one. Three types of cuts, Uniform Cuts, Automatic
Non-Uniform Cuts, and User Defined Non-Uniform Cuts, can be applied to the region. In this case,
Uniform Cuts is chosen. The No. of Sections is 1. Press F1 for a detailed explanation for Automatic
Non-Uniform Cuts, User Defined Non-Uniform Cuts. Because the pipeline is dummy in this region,
there is no need to define it under Other Paths (see the screen below). In the next section, we will
describe how they should be defined when they represent realistic lines. Click the OK button several
times to return to the Building the Right-of-Way System main screen.
Chapter 7. Alternative method to Define System Configurations Using the Classical ROW Interface

7.1.6 Defining Terminal 2

In this section, Terminal 2 will be defined. We will describe in great detail how to define the regions
in this terminal, which covers the entire length of the right-of-way under study. Select 2 from Select
Terminal and change the present terminal name from Terminal_2 to substation 2. As shown in the
circuit of Figure 6.2, there are 3 regions in Terminal 2. Enter 3 in Number of Regions to request a list
of 3 regions to be defined. Defining Terminal Energization

Click the Energization button. The terminal energizations for substation 2 can be defined in the same
way as for Terminal 1. The assumed ground impedance at Terminal 2 is 1 . The energizations of all
phase busses are defined as shown in the above screen.

APPENDIX J provides detailed steps on how to obtain the source impedances in this terminal. Defining Region 1

Region 1 along Terminal 2 can be defined in the same way as Region 1 along Terminal 1. The
differences between the two regions are: (a) the transmission line is 79,200 feet long (15 miles) and
(b) the Number of Sections or cuts is 198 (79,200/400 span length). The two newly specified fields
are shown in the following screen. Remember to click on Alter Conductor Attribute Set, and set the
Phase Status of the Pipe to Dummy.
Chapter 7. Alternative method to Define System Configurations Using the Classical ROW Interface Defining Region 2

As indicated in Figure 6.2 in Section 6.2, Region 2 represents the transmission line from Points P1 to
P6 in Figure 4.1. The following describes how to enter the data shown in Figure 6.2 into the
corresponding screens of ROW.

In the Building the Right-of-Way System screen, select 2 from the Define Region list and click the
Define Region button. Enter 26,400 feet (5 miles) as the Total Length for the Main Path (115-kV
transmission line) and click the Define Cut button. The No. of Sections is 66 (5*5280/400).
Click Other Paths to define the Principal Line-Paths for the pipeline. In the Other Conductor Paths
frame, first click the data field under Defined corresponding to the 24 pipeline (24InPL), then click
the Define Path 2… button. The separation distances between the 24 pipeline given in Figure 4.1 are
entered as shown in the following screens.
Chapter 7. Alternative method to Define System Configurations Using the Classical ROW Interface Defining Region 3

Based on Figure 4.1 and the circuit model shown in Figure 6.2, Region 3 can be defined. Region 3
can be defined in the same way as Region 1 along Terminal 2 was defined. The differences between
the two regions are: (a) the transmission line is 105,600 feet long (20 miles) and (b) the Number of
Sections or cuts is 264 (105,600/400 span length). The two changes are shown in the following screen.
Again, remember to set the Phase Status of the Pipe to Dummy using the Alter Conductor Attribute
Set button.

At this point, all you need to do is to proceed as described in Section 6.6.1 of Chapter 6 and onward
to complete the ROW analysis.
Chapter 8. Using the MultiFields Pro Software Package

Unlike SESTLC and Right-Of-Way, which require a discretization of the system in order to obtain an
equivalent circuit, MultiFields is a software package that is able to solve the electromagnetic field
equations of all interacting systems in a continuous 3D space. Because it can compute the interference
levels of a system modeled as it occurs geometrically in the real world, carrying out an AC interference
study with MultiFields is extremely easy and accurate, as will be shown below.


In this section, we will compute the steady state interference on the pipeline caused by the transmission
line during normal load conditions, using the HIFREQ computation module of the MultiFields
software package.

8.1.1 Data Entry

The HIFREQ input file can be prepared using either of the two input interfaces provided: CDEGS
input mode (Input Toolbox) or SESCAD graphical mode. The input file can also be prepared using a
standard text editor, in order to edit the command lines. The following sections describe how to use
the most convenient input mode, i.e. with the graphical tool SESCAD, which will generate the SES
Input Command Language files (.F05 files). Start Up Procedures

In the SES Software <version> group folder, where <version> is the version number of the software,
double-click the SESCAD icon to start the program:

Page 8-1
Chapter 8. Using the MultiFields Pro Software Package

In the File menu of the opened SESCAD screen, select New Document to create a new file. In order
to have access to all the features related to the HIFREQ module, save the file with the prefix HI_ and
the file type HIFREQ:

The HIFREQ data can now be entered. In the following section, it is assumed that the reader is entering
the data as indicated in the instructions. Note that it is advisable to save your work regularly with the
use of the File | Save Document menu item (or Ctrl+S shortcut). The data will be saved in the editable
text file you created (called HI_MyFilename.F05 in the example above). The file can be retrieved at
any time with the use of the File | Open Document menu item or simply by dragging the file from the
File Explorer working folder and dropping it into the grey background of the SESCAD window.
If you intend to enter the data manually, continue to the next subsection of this document. If you do
not wish to do so, you can simply follow along without typing any data by loading the example file
named HI_ROW_Howto_Example_SteadyState.F05, located in the following SES Software subfolder:

C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\SESSoftware\<Version>\HowTo\ROW\ACTotInterfStudy\HIFREQ\Steady State

where <Version> is the version number of the SES software.

Page 8-2
Chapter 8. Using the MultiFields Pro Software Package

Important Notes

The Help key (F1) can be used to obtain relevant context-sensitive information when any icon or text
field in SESCAD is selected. Units and Description

Before entering any data, the system of units should be set. This can be done in the Project
Description window, which can be accessed from the Units and Other settings option of the Define

In the current example, British units, with radii specified in inches, will be used. A Run ID and a Case
Description can be entered in this same window, in order to provide a description of the case under
study. This information will appear in the HIFREQ ASCII output file (.F09 file). The frequency used
for the calculations is also displayed; if you need to change it, go to Define > Computation Settings.

Page 8-3
Chapter 8. Using the MultiFields Pro Software Package Soil Model

The soil structure can be defined with the following screens below, invoked by clicking on the Soil
Model… option, under the Define menu of SESCAD. By default, the soil type is set on Unspecified
because no soil structure has been defined yet. The type needs to be changed to one of the soil types
offered in the selection menu. HIFREQ supports horizontally layered soils, with any number of layers
(Uniform, Horizontal). It also supports infinite medium (Infinite).

Once the soil type is selected, the soil model data can be entered manually. Note that it is also possible
to load the soil model from a RESAP share file (.F11 output file), or any other SES input file (.F05
file), with the Import Soil Data feature offered by the Soil Model Editor window.
For the present example, a simple uniform soil model will be used with the default properties for the
air and earth (i.e., a soil with a resistivity of 100 -m and relative permeability and permittivity values
of 1). Once the soil data is entered, click on OK to return to the main screen.

Page 8-4
Chapter 8. Using the MultiFields Pro Software Package Conductor Types

The characteristics of the different conductor types used in this example study can now be defined. As
mentioned in CHAPTER 4, where we can find a complete description of the system, four different
types of conductors are used in this study:
 Pipeline: 24” Tubular Steel Conductor
 Shield wire: OPGW Optical ALCOA 48/48/606
 Phase conductors: 477 ACSR (Flicker)
 Transmission line poles: 12” Steel pole
The characteristics of these conductors can be specified in the Conductor Types table, which can be
accessed through the Conductor Types… option found under the Define menu of SESCAD:

Page 8-5
Chapter 8. Using the MultiFields Pro Software Package

Conductor Type No. 0 is the default type, which corresponds to annealed copper, unless the default
conductor type is redefined to represent something else. Under Type No. 1, we will define a steel
tubular conductor type with an outer radius of 12” and an inner radius of 11.625”, which will be used
later for the 24” diameter pipe. Type No. 2 will represent the OPGW Optical ALCOA 48/48/606 shield
wire and Type No. 3 will be used for the 477 ACSR Flicker phase wires. Finally, Type No. 4 is used
to represent the 1ʼ diameter steel poles.
The relevant data needed for all these conductor types are the resistivity and permeability relative to
copper (if the Impedance Specification is set to Computed) or the internal resistance and reactance
per mile (if User-Defined is selected instead). The outer and internal radius are needed as well.
SESLibrary, located in the Tools folder (see Section, can be used to obtain all of these values.
It can also be accessed directly with the Import from Database… button located at the bottom of the
Conductor Types window, once a row is selected.
The figure below shows the parameters found in the database for the ACSR Flicker conductor. Note
that the core (steel) radius is used here for the internal radius of the conductor, since the relative
resistivity and permeability are calculated based on the conducting aluminium outer strands.

The 24” pipe conductor and the optical ground wire defined above can be found as well in the
conductor database, under the names 24” STD (Pipes-Steel class) and ALCOA 48/48/606 (OPT-GW
class), respectively.

Page 8-6
Chapter 8. Using the MultiFields Pro Software Package Coating Types

The 24” pipeline is coated with an insulating material whose thickness is 0.00328 ft. Due to coating
defects or “holidays”, the coating leakage impedance has a value of 440,108 ohm-ft2. Therefore, an
equivalent coating resistivity of 40,898,000 ohm-m is defined under 'Coating Type No. 1'. The two
other coatings (Insulated and Default Coating) are SES default coating types that represent,
respectively, an infinitely resistive coating and the absence of a coating. Note that the leakage
impedance can also be entered directly, if the option Unit Area Resistance is selected for the Coating

Page 8-7
Chapter 8. Using the MultiFields Pro Software Package Exposed facility

With the conductor and coating types defined, we can now model the whole system. We will start with
the exposed facility of the present example. To model the pipeline, we need to create conductors with
coordinates as described in Figure 4.1. With the Draw Conductors tool of SESCAD, first draw a line

Select it and, with a mouse right-click, edit the coordinates with the option Edit Object. Enter the
coordinates of the first straight portion of the pipeline, as shown below. Note that, by default, SESCAD
uses a different z-axis convention than you might expect: underground conductors have positive z
coordinates, whereas overhead conductors have negative z coordinates:

Page 8-8
Chapter 8. Using the MultiFields Pro Software Package

Every straight portion of the pipeline can be created this way. Once you are done, the pipeline
conductors need to be assigned the correct conductor characteristics. Select all pipeline conductors by
clicking first at the top left of the pipe, then dragging the mouse cursor up to the bottom right; releasing
the left mouse button will make the surrounded conductors appear in red. Then, go to the
Characteristics window with a mouse right-click:

In the Characteristics window, select the pipeline conductor and coating types previously defined
(c.f. Sections and In the Radius field, enter the pipe outer radius if it was not
previously defined in the Conductor Type window. Finally, it is recommended to subdivide the long
pipeline conductors. In this example, under the Subdivision Options, a maximum length of 1000 ft is
requested for the entire pipeline. Click OK once you are done.

Important Notes

Generally, a smaller subdivision length for the portions of the exposed facility located inside the
joint-use corridor, especially near the crossing and other such locations where the characteristics of
the joint-use corridor change, yields more accurate results.

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Chapter 8. Using the MultiFields Pro Software Package

Note that it is possible to import the dxf path of a pipeline using directly the Import option in SESCAD
(under the File menu), or using the more powerful tool SESConverter that opens and converts dxf and
dwg files to SES input files, with different extraction options:

Once SESConverter has converted the data to an SES input file, it can be imported into the existing
project by dragging-and-dropping onto the open project. Simply click OK when the File Import
Options window appears.

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Chapter 8. Using the MultiFields Pro Software Package Transmission Line

The simplest way to generate the 115kV transmission line shown in Figure 4.1(a) is to invoke the
Right-of-Way Model… option in the Insert menu of SESCAD. Here is the procedure:
Step 1. Tower Template: Before using the Right-of-Way Model tool, we need to prepare
a template of the simplified tower model that will be replicated along the
transmission line corridor. A model of the pole and its grounding system must be
created and centered at coordinates (x,y)=(0,0). The tower is modeled as a 1’
diameter steel pole with a height of 90’ above ground and a 20’ buried part.

Step 2. Reference Path: In the Insert menu of SESCAD, select Right-of-Way Model.
Then, in the first tab, enter the coordinates of the transmission line route, as detailed
in CHAPTER 4. Alternatively, generate the transmission line from a path (imported
from a dxf or kml file or otherwise) by selecting it with the Define Path… option,
provided at the bottom of the window.

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Chapter 8. Using the MultiFields Pro Software Package

Step 3. Cross-Section: In the Cross-Section tab, define the cross-section of the

transmission line and specify whether or not the wires should be connected to the
towers. At this point, it is possible to also specify the characteristics of each wire.
In the example below, no conductor subdivision is applied, since the connections
of the shield wire with the towers will force the subdivision to occur at every span
automatically. This is not the case for the phase wires, where an explicit subdivision
is desirable if one is interested in getting more realistic behavior for the potential
and current along the line. In the input file provided, a subdivision about 10 times
the span length is assigned to the phase wires, offering a reasonable subdivision,
while saving some run time.

Step 4. Structure: In the Structure tab, the tower template must now be selected with the
help of the option Define Structure… Click Ok after the first message pops up,
then select your tower and click Ok on the last opened window:

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Chapter 8. Using the MultiFields Pro Software Package

Step 5. Terminations: In the Terminations tab, the energizations and ground impedances
of the substations can be entered. The energization used for ROW for Terminals 1
and 2, as shown in Sections and respectively, are used here with the
corresponding ground impedances of the two substations. Note that the load
reactance will be entered later in the Conductor Types window, since the negative
reactance values found in Section mean that we should enter capacitive

Step 6. Create Right-of-Way: Next, click OK in the Create Right-of-Way window and
the transmission line will be generated. Once done, delete the tower template.

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Chapter 8. Using the MultiFields Pro Software Package

Step 7. Load Capacitances: the capacitances can now be modified in the Conductor
Types window as follows:

Important Notes

1. Before running, remove the subdivision on the conductors that are energized or contain load
2. When run time or memory space become problematic, the poles and tower grounds can usually
be omitted for the study of balanced load conditions, with little impact on the results, provided
that shield wires are grounded at their end points and where there are changes in the transmission
line configuration. This is so because the leakage current through the tower grounds is expected
to be small and its conductive interference effect limited, in comparison with interference from
inductive coupling.

Page 8-14
Chapter 8. Using the MultiFields Pro Software Package Observation Points

Observation points or profiles are a convenient way to generate or collect various results, such as
conductor GPR, current flow, coating stress voltage, earth potentials, touch voltages, electric fields,
etc.; they are absolutely necessary when information related to potentials and fields at points of interest
in the soil or in the air is needed.

In order to generate observation points along the pipe, select the pipe and go to Tools> Path
Operations. In the opening window, select Individual Points under the Created Object option.
Adjust the Maximum Distance between Points as needed (here, 25 ft). If the quantity of interest is
the coating stress voltage, locate the points slightly above the pipe (Depth set to 2.95 ft with the Do
Not Shift option, as shown below). You can also create profiles slightly below, offset laterally to one
side or the other, or at a combination of these locations (applying this operation once for each location).
If, instead, the touch voltage is requested, the points can be shifted 3.28 ft (1 m) on both sides of the
pipe, located at the surface of the soil. Click OK when done; observation points are created and will
appear in blue.

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Chapter 8. Using the MultiFields Pro Software Package

8.1.2 Submitting the Run

In the Run/Reports menu of SESCAD, the options Save & Run and Run Only can be used to submit
the file and run the model:

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Chapter 8. Using the MultiFields Pro Software Package

The HIFREQ input file is then sent to SESBAT, a tool that can process input files in batch mode. Here,
the processing of the file will start automatically, carrying out all requested computations. If modeling
errors are detected, the program stops and information about the errors can be found in the run log and
output files, accessible through the Tools menu of SESBAT:

If the processing of the file is successful, the program will produce different valid output files at
completion. Three of them are of particular importance: the output report file (with an .F09 extension),
the computed current database file (.F33) and the complete results database file (.F21). The .F09 output
file is an ASCII file that can be read with any text editor, while the computation database files are
binary files. As already mentioned, any error or warning messages generated during the HIFREQ run
will appear in the .F09 file. The .F33 file contains information about the computed currents and can
be read by HIFREQ to reduce run time considerably when you re-run a model in which only
observation points or profiles have been modified. Finally, the .F21 database file is required for the
plotting of the results.

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Chapter 8. Using the MultiFields Pro Software Package

8.1.3 Examining the Results

To see the results, it is possible to select among the three plotting utilities offered under the Tools
menu of SESBat, namely SESResultsViewer, Output Toolbox and GRServer. In the present example,
we will use the option View Results with SESResultsViewer:

Clicking on this option will load the HIFREQ file into the SESResultsViewer screen:

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Chapter 8. Using the MultiFields Pro Software Package

The window offers different plotting options, depending upon whether the desired plot requires the
use of profiles points to collect the results (Computations) or not (Configuration). For example,
scalar potentials, touch and step voltages need profiles or observation points in order to be plotted
since they define the locations at which these quantities were computed, while GPR, coating stress
voltage and conductor currents do not. It is however possible to use profile points when plotting
conductor-related quantities, such as GPR or current flow. Plotting options related to conductor data
are therefore also available under the option Computations.

Important Notes

As a best practice, it is recommended to have a look at the currents obtained for the transmission line
(magnitude and angle), to make sure that they are as expected. A first run with the transmission line
only, along with dedicated profiles, can be used for that purpose. The longitudinal currents of the line
can be plotted also with the options found under Configuration, where the use of a conductor-type
filter can be helpful. To this end, you would need to define different conductor types for each of your
phases and shield wires when creating your model, in order to make it easier to select those you wish
to plot once the simulation is run.

The image below shows how to use the SESResultsViewer options found under Computations to plot
the GPR of the pipe:

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Chapter 8. Using the MultiFields Pro Software Package

Select the options indicated in the drop-down menus of the above screen (i.e., Conductor Data, Metal
GPR and Nearest Conductor, Magnitude, 2D, if not already selected). In order to ensure that only
pipeline conductors are considered in the GPR plot, use the option Conductor and Cable Filters. If
the conductor-type associated with the pipe is specified (here, type 1), the option will act as a filter
that will consider only the conductors associated with the pipe. Once done, click OK, then click on
the Plot button to show the following pipeline GPR plot (Figure 8.1):

Figure 8.1 Induced Potentials in the 24 Pipeline During Balanced Steady State Conditions.

If you want to examine the plot in more details, you can use the zooming option in combination with
the mouse to drag the plot as you wish. Copies of the plot in jpeg and wmf formats should also be
available in the subfolder of the working directory:
C:\Users\Public\Documents\SES Software\(version)\HowTo\ROWACTotInterfStudy\HIFREQ\Steady State\Plots -
ROW_Howto_Example_SteadyState\HI Plot
where <Version> is the version number of the SES software.

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Chapter 8. Using the MultiFields Pro Software Package

A macro file CS_HI_ROW_HowTo_Example_SteadyState.F05 is also found in this same folder; it

keeps track of the different options used to produce the plot and can be run again, if needed.
If you request a report or want to export the data by clicking on the options Report or Export, it will
create similar folders. The exported .csv file can however be saved in the folder of your choice. The
report is also displayed directly in SESResultsViewer. With the thumbnails, you can toggle back and
forth between the plot and the report as often as you wish.

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Chapter 8. Using the MultiFields Pro Software Package

Once you have generated all the plots you wish to see, you can either close SESResultsViewer or let
it opened to examine the results of other simulations, if you wish.
You can reopen SESResultsViewer from the tool folder and load your file anytime by using either of
the following backstage options: Recent files, My Job IDs or Computer.

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Chapter 8. Using the MultiFields Pro Software Package


8.2.1 Data Entry
Only a few changes to the previous steady state model are needed to produce a fault case study with
HIFREQ. However, unlike ROW, which automates the simulation of faults at a specified list of
locations along the corridor, as many input files as the number of studied fault locations must be
created manually for HIFREQ. Here, we will show an example for the case of a fault located at a tower
midway between the two substations, at one end of the joint-use corridor.
In the following, if you intend to enter the data manually, proceed directly as explained. If you do not
wish to do so, you can simply follow each step and look at the resulting input file by loading the
example HI_ROW_Howto_Example_Fault.F05 located in the following SES Software subfolder:


Where <Version> is the version number of the SES software.

Step 1. Fault input file: First, make a copy of your previous steady state file and rename
the copy with a name of your choice. Select this file and load it into SESCAD with
a drag-and-drop operation from File Explorer into the grey background of
SESCAD. It is recommended to use a different Run-ID and project description in

Page 8-23
Chapter 8. Using the MultiFields Pro Software Package

order to avoid confusion (see Section You can also select the option JobId
to use the filename string for the Run ID. In the present example, the Run-Id was
specified to be ''Howto_ACTotalInterference – Fault''.
Step 2. Phase-to-ground fault: Next, create a phase-to-ground fault by inserting a low
impedance conductor between one of the phase conductors and the shield wire,
midway between the substations. Usually, the faulted phase leading to the worst
fault scenario is the one farthest from the shield wire or the one nearest to the
exposed facility. However, since the results can depend upon other factors, such as
the presence of other circuits affected by the fault, phase transpositions, the crossing
of the transmission line by the pipeline, etc., it can be useful to verify different
scenarios in order to determine the worst case. For the present example, Phase A
has been selected to be the faulted phase.
Step 3. Removal of non-faulted phases: During fault conditions, currents flow in all three
phases of the transmission line, with the maximum current flowing in the faulted
phase. When the currents are known for each phase, they can be energized
accordingly. However, much of the time, the fault currents provided by the power
utility are the net fault currents carried by the three phases (i.e., total zero sequence
current on each side of the fault). Therefore, when these 3𝐼𝑜 net fault currents are
the only ones provided, the faulted phase can be considered to carry these currents
and the other phase conductors can be removed from the simulation. If the choice
of the faulted phase is appropriate (as discussed in Step 2 above), conservative
results should be obtained. Since the currents provided in CHAPTER 4 are the net
fault currents, we will remove the conductors, the energizations and the loads of
Phases B and C, in the present example.
Step 4. Faulted phase energization: For a fault located midway between the two
substations, the fault current contribution is 8,462  -86.06 A from Substation 1
and 2,083  -80.67 A from Substation 2, as described in Chapter 4. We can
therefore simply replace our voltage/load segments by current energization
segments to inject these currents. The first step would be to modify the
characteristics of the load segments in order to remove the load impedances and
rename the conductor type:

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Chapter 8. Using the MultiFields Pro Software Package

Next, the energization types need to be modified in order to deal with current energizations:

Once this is done, we need to select the conductor segment previously representing the load on Phase
A and energize it appropriately:

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Chapter 8. Using the MultiFields Pro Software Package

Now, we must make sure the energization segment is pointing in the correct direction, since the phase
current angles defined in the energization table are set with respect to the orientation of the
energization segments. Note that this step is even more critical when the energization segments have
a node hanging in the air: if the segment is pointing outward, it will inject current in the highly resistive
medium and huge electric fields may results.

Therefore, the figure below shows how to verify and change the orientation of the conductors, if

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Chapter 8. Using the MultiFields Pro Software Package

At this point, you have completed the preparation of the input data. The file can be saved and submitted
to HIFREQ for execution, as explained in Section 8.1.2.

Important Notes

 For each fault location, you need to update the location of the conductor establishing the
short-circuit and the values of the fault current contributions. With the fault current data
available for different known locations, you can use an interpolation method based on
distance, such as the one offered by ROW.
 Instead of current energizations, one can calculate and use Thévenin equivalents for the
substations (under certain conditions), in which case the fault currents are automatically
calculated by HIFREQ when the short-circuit is moved.

8.2.2 Examining the Results

To examine the results under fault conditions, follow the same procedure and explanations provided
in Section 8.2.2 shows the pipeline coating stress obtained:

Figure 8.2 Coating Stress Voltage in 24 Gas Pipeline During Fault Midway Between

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Chapter 9. Advanced Right-of-Way Pro Concepts

ROW interfaces can be overwhelming and frustrating for some complex right-of-way models,
especially if you are not a frequent user. The new ROWBatch feature allows you to run several key
ROW modules through the command mode session. The modules can be run without going through
the ROW interfaces as long as the input files are prepared. The modules can be run directly from a
command prompt, or with the SESBatch utility. Therefore, you can submit a series of ROW cases to
SESBatch, just like for the other computation modules.

For now, the following ROW modules can be run in command mode (SESBatch).
- Generate an original circuit model (SPLITS file), i.e., run the TRASPL.exe computation tool;
- Monitor faults along the right-of-way, i.e., run the SPLITSAll.dll computation tool;
- Modify a circuit model to obtain a new circuit model, i.e., run the MODSplits.dll computation
- Create total interference envelopes (coating stress voltage & metal GPR) with the EMF option,
i.e., generate the MALZ files, run MALZ, extract MALZ outputs and create the envelopes.
This section describes briefly how to use SESBatch for ROW.

9.1.1 How to Run ROW?

The programs can be run much like any other SESBatch module runs or command-mode program.
The name of the input file is loaded into SESBatch or specified on the command line determines the
module that will be run. For the command-mode, assume that the CDEGS installation folder is the
SES Software <Version> group folder, where <Version> is the version number of the software, and
in the \HowTo\Right-of-Way\A Simple AC Total Interference Study\ROW\Simple Study\Fault folder
you will find a Right-of-Way example available.

1. Generate an original circuit model (Splits file), i.e., run TRASPL.exe:

\SESSoftware\<Version> \HowTo\Right-of-Way\A Simple AC Total Interference Study\ROW\Simple Study\Fault\TS_Fault.f05”

2. Monitor faults along the right-of-way, i.e., run SPLITSAll.dll;

\SESSoftware\<Version> \HowTo\Right-of-Way\A Simple AC Total Interference Study\ROW\Simple Study\Fault\SA_Fault.f05”

3. Modify a circuit model to obtain a new circuit model, i.e., run MODSplits.dll
\SESSoftware\<Version> \HowTo\Right-of-Way\A Simple AC Total Interference Study\ROW\Simple Study\Fault\MS_Fault.f05”

4. Create total interference envelopes (coating stress voltage & metal GPR) with the EMF
option, i.e., generate the MALZ files, run MALZ.exe, extract MALZ outputs and create
the envelopes.

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Chapter 9. Advanced Right-of-Way Pro Concepts

\SESSoftware\<Version> \HowTo\Right-of-Way\A Simple AC Total Interference Study\ROW\Simple Study\Fault\TE_Fault.f05

9.1.2 What Are the Inputs and How to Prepare Them?

The following table summarizes the characteristics of the input file:
Input Name Convention Notes
Module Name
1. ‘TS’ represents TraSpl.
2. This file is created automatically whenever the ROW
scenario is saved.
Create Circuit
TS_ScenarioName(orJobID).F05 3. This file is identical to the ROW input file, i.e.,
RW_ScenarioName.f05. Therefore, you can copy
RW_ScenarioName.f05 and rename it as
TS_ScenarioName.f05, if necessary.
1. SA represents SplitsAll
Monitor Fault 2. This file is created automatically whenever the ROW
(SplitsAll.dll - scenario is saved.
Generate Inductive SA_ScenarioName(orJobID).F05 3. This file includes the COMPUTATION block in
Interference ROW input file. Therefore, you can create this file by
Envelope) copying the COMPUTATION block of the file
1. MS represents ModSplits.
2. This file contains only three lines, each defining the
path to a file: the input SPLITS file, the output
SPLITS file, and the MODsplits input command file,

Modify Circuit

1. TE represents the Total interference with the EMF

included option. Later, we will have the total
interference envelope with the combined conductive
Compute Total
and inductive option.
2. This file is created automatically whenever the ROW
(Generate the Total TE_ScenarioName(orJobID).F05
scenario is saved.
3. This file is identical to the ROW input file, i.e.,
RW_ScenarioName.f05. Therefore, you can copy
RW_ScenarioName.f05 and rename it as

9.1.3 How Do I Know if My Runs Are Successful or Not?

A log file which records the run progress, the run status and the other related information is generated
at the end of each batch run. Therefore, you can verify if a run was successful or not.

Page 9-2
Chapter 9. Advanced Right-of-Way Pro Concepts

Program Module Name Log File Name Convention

Create Circuit (TRASPL.exe) ROW_Network_JobID.log

Monitor Fault (SplitsAll.dll) ROW_MonitorFault_JobID.log

Modify Circuit (ModSplits.dll) ROW_ModifyCircuit_JobID.log

ROW_TotalInterferenceMALZ_JobID.log (creating MALZ

Compute Total Interference input files) &
(Generate the Total Interference Envelope) ROW_MALZAll_JobID.log (run MALZ and generate the

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Appendix A. Definitions and Conventions

Definitions and Conventions
A.1 Definitions and Conventions in the SPLITS Computation
 Central Station
This is the location upon which a given study focuses. It usually corresponds to a power substation
or a major industrial plant. However, it could also be a building, a house or a transmission tower.
Electric lines and metallic conductors (power lines or cables, distribution lines and/or
communication lines and pipelines, etc.) connect the Central Station to Terminals. Often, the
Central Station is the location of a power fault.

 Terminals and Busses

A Terminal is a location where the electrical lines and other metallic conductors originating from
the Central Station busses (each line is associated with a specific bus at the Central Station) are
connected to the rest of the network (transmission system, distribution system, etc). As seen in
Figure 5.1, these terminals are the endpoints of the conductors in the model used for the program.
Each terminal is identified by a name. The default name is UNSP. If several terminals exist, then
different names should be used.

 Lines and Line Source Voltages

The SPLITS program assumes that there are the same number of lines between the Central Station
and any terminal, and moreover, the program assumes that the lines are all connected to their
associated busses (i.e. line 3 to bus 3). If a particular line does not exist in reality between the fault
location and a given terminal, it is necessary to inform the program by means of the "DUMMY"

 Bus Connection Impedance

The impedance of the connection between a bus and the ground network at the Central Station is
specified by entering its resistive component followed by its reactive component. This impedance
is also designated as the Bus-to-Neutral Connection impedance.
If the bus is a ground wire bus, this bus connection impedance is typically zero.
If the bus is a phase bus, the bus connection impedance is the transformer winding impedance of
the corresponding phase, unless this bus is faulted. In such a case, the impedance to use is either
zero or a value equal to the fault impedance. When no transformer exists, then the bus connection
impedance value to use is a very high impedance to simulate an open-circuit condition.
 Line Section
A line section is a segment of line existing between two shunt impedances. The shunt impedance
furthest away from the Central Station has the same number as the line section it bounds. Note that
the sections are numbered starting from 1 at the section adjacent to the Central Station. The last

Page A-1
Appendix A. Definitions and Conventions

section (no number) is the section adjacent to the terminal section described earlier and is called
the Terminal Section.

 Mutual and Connection Impedances

SPLITS automatically ignores any mutual or connection impedance between a section and itself.
Mutual and connection impedance values can be specified between any pair of lines belonging to
the same section.
 Differentiating Between Lines
SPLITS does not differentiate between an overhead ground wire, cable shield, pipe, etc., or phase
wire. All of these are considered to be "Lines" connected to the associated bus. For example, a
ground wire is a phase wire connected to a voltage source of 0 volts. In addition, the ground wire
bus is connected directly to the ground network. Similarly, a section of pipe close to the power
system can be described as a ground wire open at its terminals (use of high impedance values).
Each line must terminate at a bus, which has a name and a number. The bus number is used by
SPLITS to identify the bus. Consequently the bus number must be specified by the user. The bus
name is optional but highly recommended. Similar names can be used for different busses.

A.2 Definitions and Conventions in the Right-Of-Way Software

 Phase
All conductors having the same potentials are assigned a phase number. Each phase bundle is
ultimately replaced by a single equivalent conductor for the circuit analysis to be performed by the
circuit modeling (SPLITS) module. The number of allowed phases is practically unlimited. Note
that when conductors in different line-paths are assigned the same phase number, they will be
reduced together. Thus, phase number crosses line-path boundaries. For example, specify 1 for
phase A, 2 for phase B, 3 for phase C and 4 for ground return conductors. Each phase is identified
with a number and a name.

 Line-Path (Main/Reference, Principal)

A line path is a group of conductors that are associated together for the purpose of the easier
management of right-of-way conductors. At any given point along the transmission right-of-way,
a line-path is composed of one or several parallel conductors (or none) in which one of them is
expected to be the principal conductor while all other conductors are defined as satellite
conductors. E.g., a single circuit transmission line contains three phases: A, B, and C. If Phase A
is the principal conductor, then the other two phases are satellites of Phase A. A line-path is not
necessarily continuous: one group of conductors representing the line-path may terminate at some
point, while another group of conductors representing the line-path may begin at a later point.

There may be several principal conductors in a right-of-way. One principal conductor is chosen
from each line path bundle of conductors (a bundle is a group of parallel conductors). The relative
coordinates of a principal conductor are specified; the positions of other conductors in the same

Page A-2
Appendix A. Definitions and Conventions

bundle are specified as relative spacings from the Principal conductor, i.e., they become satellites
of the principal conductor.

 Cable
A cable consists of up to three concentric conductors, each with an outer layer of insulation. The
center conductor, or core, may be a simple, solid conductor, or a composite conductor made up of
several strands, not necessarily of the same diameter. The second innermost conductor is the
sheath. If the cable doesn’t have one, simply don’t specify one. The outermost conductor is the
armour. It is optional, too. Note that a cable must have a core.

 Group
A group is defined as a number of different cables located within a pipe enclosure at an arbitrary
location from the pipe enclosure center. A group contains a minimum of one cable. If a group does
not have a pipe enclosure, then it cannot contain more than one cable.

 Terminal
A terminal is the location where the electrical lines and other metallic conductors originating from
the central station busses (each line is associated with a specific bus at the central station) are
interconnected to the rest of the network (transmission system, distribution system, etc.). Each
terminal is identified with a number and a name. If several terminals exist, then different numbers
and names should be used.

 Central Site
The Central Site is the location upon which this study focuses. It usually corresponds to a power
substation or a major industrial plant. However, it could also be a building, a house or a
transmission tower. Electric lines and metallic conductors (power lines or cables, distribution lines
and/or communication lines and pipelines, etc.) connect the central station to terminals. Often, the
central station is the location of a power line fault.

 Attribute Set
An Attribute Set defines the characteristics of all conductors in a line path and the relative position
of satellite conductors within a path. Several regions can be associated to a given Attribute Set
even if the positions of the line paths relative to each other in the regions are different from one
region to the other. It is practical to divide the transmission line right-of-way into attribute sets that
are referenced by the regions. An attribute set consists of an integral number of transmission line

 Region
A region is a portion of the transmission line right-of-way where the Main path (usually the
transmission line) is straight, and where no significant change occurs in the characteristics of any
of the line-paths under study except that a line-path need not exist throughout the region. The
characteristics of the path include the number of conductors, conductor diameters, coating
resistances, soil resistivity, etc.

Page A-3
Appendix A. Definitions and Conventions

 Satellite
A satellite conductor is any conductor that is parallel to the Main Conductor or to a Principal
conductor and whose position is specified as relative spacings from one of these.

 Exposed Path
A line that is subjected to AC interference by a passive power line.

 Sections
The Right-of-Way program subdivides the transmission line regions into sections, based on a
nominal section (span) length specified by the user. A section usually corresponds to an actual
transmission line span.

 Input Toolbox
A series interfaces for the development of conductor networks.
A graphical utility for the development of conductor networks.

 Touch voltage
Potential difference between observation point and one or more conductors.

 Step Voltage
Potential difference between adjacent co-linear observation points.

 Coating Stress Voltage

The stress voltage across the coating of each conductor segment.

 Pipeline Appurtenance
A structure that comes above the earth surface.

Page A-4
Appendix B. References

1. F. P. Dawalibi, “Electromagnetic Fields Generated by Overhead and Buried Short Conductors, Part 1: Single Conductor,” IEEE
Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 1 No. 4, October 1986, pp. 105-111.

2. F. P. Dawalibi, “Electromagnetic Fields Generated by Overhead and Buried Short Conductors, Part 2: Ground Networks,” IEEE
Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 1 No. 4, October 1986, pp. 112-119.

3. F. P. Dawalibi and R. D. Southey, “Case Study: Computer Analysis of the Interactions between an Electric Power Substation and
Nearby Pipelines in Alberta,” CEA Symposium on Joint Right-of-Way Use by Oil and Gas Pipelines and Power Transmission Lines,
Vancouver, March 1987.

4. F. P. Dawalibi and R. D. Southey, “Software Methods: State of the Art in Power Line/Pipeline Interference Analysis,” CEA
Symposium on Joint Right-of-Way Use by Oil and Gas Pipelines and Power Transmission Lines, Vancouver, March 1987.

5. F. P. Dawalibi and R. D. Southey, “New Computational Tool for Analysis of Transmission Line/Pipeline Interference Problems,”
Presented at American Gas Association Distribution/Transmission Conference May 16-18, 1988, Royal York Hotel, Toronto,

6. F. P. Dawalibi and R. D. Southey, “Grounding & Electromagnetic Interference Analysis and Design - A Complete and Integrated
Engineering Solution,” Presented at the Southeastern Electric Exchange Engineering and Operations Conference, Bal Harbour,
Florida, June 1-3, 1988.

7. F. P. Dawalibi and R. D. Southey, “Part 1: An Effective Tool to Analyze Pipe Line Interference Problems,” Pipe Line Industry, pp.
30-35, August 1988.

8. F. P. Dawalibi and R. D. Southey, “Part 2: An Effective Tool to Analyze Pipe Line Interference Problems” Pipe Line Industry, pp.
37-43, September 1988.

9. F. P. Dawalibi and R. D. Southey, “Dedicated Software for the Analysis of Electrical Interference from Power Lines to Gas

10. F. P. Dawalibi and R. D. Southey, “Analysis of Electrical Interference From Power Lines to Gas Pipelines Part I: Computation
Methods,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 4, No. 3, July 1989, pp. 1840-1846.

11. F. P. Dawalibi and R. D. Southey, “Analysis of Electrical Interference From Power Lines to Gas Pipelines Part II: Parametric
Analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 1990, pp. 415-421.

12. F. P. Dawalibi and F. Donoso, “Integrated Analysis Software for Grounding, EMF, and EMI,” IEEE Computer Applications in
Power, Vol. 6, No. 2, April 1993, pp. 19-24.

13. F. P. Dawalibi and A. Selby, “Electromagnetic Fields of Energized Conductors,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 8, No.
3, July 1993, pp. 1275-1284.

14. F. P. Dawalibi, “Computation of Electromagnetic Fields Produced by Electric Power Lines and Residential Electrical Wiring,” IEEE
Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 8, No. 3, July 1993, pp. 1285-1294.

15. R. D. Southey, F. P. Dawalibi, and F. Donoso, “Sharing the ROW Can Affect Line Integrity,” Pipeline & Gas Journal, October 1993.

16. R. D. Southey, F. P. Dawalibi, and W. Vukonich, “Mitigation of AC Voltages Induced in Pipelines Paralleling Electric Transmission
Lines,” CIGRÉ Symposium on Power System Electromagnetic Compatibility, Lausanne, Switzerland, No. 200-02, October 1993.

17. W.K. Daily and F. P. Dawalibi, “Measurements and Computations of Electromagnetic Fields in Electric Power Substations,” IEEE
Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 9, No. 1, January 1994, pp. 324-333.

Page B-1
Appendix B. References

18. R. D. Southey, F. P. Dawalibi, and W. Vukonich, “Recent Advances in the Mitigation of AC Voltages Occurring in Pipelines Located
Close to Electric Transmission Lines,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 9, No. 2, April 1994, pp. 1090-1097.

19. R. D. Southey, F. P. Dawalibi, and J. Ma, “Cost-Effective Mitigation of AC Voltages in Pipelines Located Close to Electric
Transmission Lines,” Proceedings of International Conference on Electromagnetic Compatibility, ICEMC ‘95 KUL, Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia, April 11-13, 1995, pp. 124-131.

20. O. C. Lewis, G. K. Bell, and J. Ma, “Engineering Analysis of Electrical Effects for the COTP 500 kV Transmission Line and EBMUD
Aqueduct Corridor,” IEEE Industry Applications Society 30th Meeting, Orlando, Florida, October 1995.

21. R. D. Southey and F. P. Dawalibi, “Advances in Interference Analysis and Mitigation on Pipelines,” NACE International Canadian
Region International Conference, “Corrosion Prevention ‘95,” Toronto, Ontario, Canada, October 31, 1995.

22. J. Ma, W. Ruan, F. P. Dawalibi, and R. Southey, “Study of Inductive Coupling between Leads in Soil Resistivity Measurements,”
Proceedings of the 13th International Wroclaw Symposium and Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Wroclaw, Poland,
June 25-28, 1996, pp. 561-565.

23. J. Ma, F. P. Dawalibi, and R. D. Southey, “Computation and Measurement of Electrical Interference Effects in Aqueducts Due to a
Nearby Parallel Transmission Line,” International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Beijing, May 21-23, 1997, pp.

24. R. D. Southey and F. P. Dawalibi, “Computer Modeling of AC Interference Problems for the Most Cost Effective Solutions,” 53rd
Annual Conference in Corrosion, NACE 98, California, March 22-27, 1998.

25. R. D. Southey, F. P. Dawalibi, and P. Hotte, “Distribution Line Safety Grounding: Parametric Analysis,” 1998 IEEE 8th International
Conference on Transmission & Distribution Construction, Operation & Live-Line Maintenance Proceedings, Orlando, Florida, April
26-30, 1998.

26. J. Ma and F. P. Dawalibi, “Study of Influence of Buried Metallic Structures on Soil Resistivity Measurements,” IEEE Transactions
on Power Delivery, Vol. 13, No. 2, April 1998, pp. 356-363.

27. J. Ma and F. P. Dawalibi, “Influence of Inductive Coupling between Leads on Soil Resistivity Measurements in Multilayer Soils,”
IEEE/PES Transactions on PWRD, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 999-1004, October 1998.

28. F. P. Dawalibi, J. Ma, and Y. Li, “Mechanisms of Electromagnetic Interference Between Electrical Networks and Neighboring
Metallic Utilities,” Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the American Power Conference, Vol. 61-II, Chicago, April 6-8,
1999, pp. 979-983.

29. Anngjerd Pleym and J. Ma, “A Study of Interference from AC Electrified Railway Systems to Nearby Earth Return Circuits,” 1999
IEEE International Symposium On Electromagnetic Compatibility, Seattle, WA, August 2–6, 1999.

30. F. P. Dawalibi, R.D. Southey, J. Ma, and Y. Li, “On the Mechanisms of Electromagnetic Interference between Electrical Power
Systems and Neighboring Pipelines,” NACE 2000 T10B Symposium on DC &AC Interference, Orlando, March 26-31, 2000.

31. Y. Li, F. P. Dawalibi, and J. Ma, “Electromagnetic Interference Caused by a Power System Network and a Neighboring Pipeline,”
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Power Conference, Chicago, April 10-12, 2000, pp. 311-316.

32. Y. Li, J. Ma, and F. P. Dawalibi, “Safety of Pipelines in Close Proximity to Electric Transmission Lines,” IEEE/IAS Workshop on
Electrical Safety in Industry, New Delhi, April 14-15, 2000.

33. J. Ma, R. D. Southey, F. P. Dawalibi, and Y. Li, “Grounding Analysis of a Gas Meter Station Connected to a Nearby Power Plant
through Pipelines,” Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Industry Applications Society (IAS 2000), Rome, October 8-12,

34. R. D. Southey, W. Ruan, and F. P. Dawalibi, “AC Mitigation Requirements: A Parametric Analysis,” The Corrosion/2001 NACE
International Conference, Texas, March 11-16, 2001.

Page B-2
Appendix B. References

35. Y. Li, F. P. Dawalibi, and J. Ma, “Integrated Analysis Software for Electromagnetic Interference between Power Lines and
Neighboring Utilities,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE'2001), Xian, China, July 22-
26, 2001.

36. J. Ma, S. Fortin, R. D. Southey, F. P. Dawalibi, and W Ruan, “Reduction of Current Unbalance in Multi-Circuit Heavily Loaded
Transmission Lines,” Proceedings of the 2001 International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS'2001), Wuhan, P.R. China, Sept.
20-24, 2001.

37. Y. Li, F. P. Dawalibi, and J. Ma, “Effects of the Length and Angle of Conductors on the Computation Accuracy of Inductive
Interference,” Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, Atlanta, Oct. 28 – Nov.
2, 2001.

38. Y. Li, F. P. Dawalibi and R. D. Southey, “Automated Analysis of Electromagnetic Interference Between Power Lines And
Neighboring Railways,” AREMA 2001 Annual Conference and Exposition, Chicago, U.S. September 9-13, 2001.

39. J. Ma and F.P. Dawalibi, “Latest analytical and computational techniques in electromagnetic interference,” Electrical Equipment,
Vol. 2, no. 4, Dec. 2001 (in Chinese).

40. J. Liu, F.P. Dawalibi, Y. Yang, J. Ma and Robert Southey, “Determination of Rail Conductor Characteristics for Electromagnetic
Interference Studies,” 2002 3rd International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Beijing, China, May 21-24 2002

41. Srete Nikolovki, Ph.D., T. Barié, B.Sc., W. Ruan, PhD, “Induced Voltages on De-Energized Transmission Line Capacitively and
Inductively Coupled to Energized Line”, EMC EUROPE 2002 Symposium,Italy, Sorrento, Sept. 9-13, 2002.

42. Yexu Li, Farid Paul Dawalibi, and Jinxi Ma, “Effect of Conductor Angle between Transmission Lines and Neighboring Utilities
on the Accuracy of Inductive Interference Computations,” 2002 IEEE International Conference On Power System Technology,
Kunming, China, October 13-17, 2002

43. R. D. Southey and F. P. Dawalibi, “Improving the Reliability of Power Systems With More Accurate Grounding System
Resistance Estimates,” 2002 IEEE International Conference On Power System Technology, Kunming, China, October 13-17,

44. Y. Li, F. P. Dawalibi, “A Parametric Analysis of AC Interference Caused By High Voltage Power Lines On Neighboring Railroad
Tracks,” AREMA, Washington, DC., September 2002.

45. R. D. Southey, W. Ruan, F. P. Dawalibi, S. Fortin, “Estimating AC Mitigation Requirements for Pipelines Installed in High
Voltage AC Corridors: Fault Conditions,” Paper No. 03698, Corrosion 2003 NACE International Conference, San Diego,
California, March 17-21, 2003.

46. J. Liu and F. P. Dawalibi, “Accurate Simulation of AC Interference caused by Electrical Power Lines: A Parametric Analysis”,
Proceedings of the 3rd IASTED International Conference POWER AND ENERGY SYSTEMS, September 3-5, 2003, Marbella,
Spain, pp. 341-346.

47. Y. Li and F.P. Dawalibi, “Effects of Current Unbalance and Transmission Line Configuration on the Interference Levels Induced
on Nearby Pipelines,” Corrosion/2004 NACE International Conference, New Orleans, March 28 to April 1, 2004

48. J. Ma and F. P. Dawalibi, “Integrated Method in Electromagnetic Interference Studies”, Proceedings of the IASTED International
Conference on Power and Energy Systems, Krabi, Thailand, April 18 - 20, 2005.

49. J. Ma, S. Fortin, and F.P. Dawalibi, “Analysis and mitigation of current unbalance due to induction in heavily loaded multi-circuit
power lines”, IEEE Transactions on PWRD, Vol. 19, No. 3, July 2004, pp. 1378-1383.

50. Y. Li, F.P. Dawalibi, J. Ma and R. Southey, “Effects of Power Line Phase Transpositions on Induced AC Voltages To Nearby
Pipeline RailwayUtilities,” Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Power and Energy Systems, Krabi, Thailand,
April 18-20, 2005.

51. R. Southey, J. Liu, F.P. Dawalibi and Y.Li, “AC Interference of Transmission Lines on Railways: Influence of Track-Connected
Equipment,” AREMA 2005 C&S Technical Conference, Omaha, Nebraska, May 24, 2005.

Page B-3
Appendix B. References

52. J. Liu, J. Ma. R. D. Southey and F.P. Dawalibi, “Electromagnetic Interference Analysis and Mitigation for Pipelines near Power
Lines,” The International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), Kunming, China, July 10-14, 2005.

53. J. Liu, F. P. Dawalibi, Y. Li and R.D.Southey, “Electromagnetic Interference of Transmission Lines on Nearby Railways Taking
into Consideration Track Equipment,” The International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), Kunming, China, July
10-14, 2005.

54. R.D. Southey, F.P. Dawalibi, Y. Li and W. Ruan, “Increasing the Cost-Effectiveness of AC Interference Mitigation Designs With
Integrated Electromagnetic Field Modeling:, Corrosion/2004 NACE International Conference, Houston, April 4 - 6, 2005

55. Y. Li, F. P. Dawalibi, D. Mankar, “AC Interference: An Important Issue for Utilities in a Common Power Line Corridor”, The
5th International Conference on Power Transmission & Distribution Technology, Beijing, China, October 12 – 14, 2005.

56. J. Ma, R. Southey and F. P. Dawalibi, "Measurement and Computation of Induced Noise Levels in Telephone Lines Due to
Harmonics in Nearby Power Lines", The 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Environmental Electromagnetics (CEEM), Dalian,
China, August 1-4, 2006.

57. Y. Li, S, Fortin, D. Mankar and F. P. Dawalibi, "An Efficient and Automated Method for Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis
along Congested Right-of-Way", The 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Environmental Electromagnetics (CEEM), Dalian, China,
August 1-4, 2006.

58. J. Liu, F. P. Dawalibi, J. Ma and N. Mitskevitch, "Modeling Techniques for Analyzing Electromagnetic Interference Caused by
High Voltage Power Lines to Neighboring Communication Cables", The 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Environmental
Electromagnetics (CEEM), Dalian, China, August 1-4, 2006.

59. J. Ma and F. P. Dawalibi, "Recent Advances in Electromagnetic Interference Analysis in Common Corridors", The 4th Asia-
Pacific Conference on Environmental Electromagnetics (CEEM), Dalian, China, August 1-4, 2006.

60. 20 J. Liu, S. Fortin, H. Zhao, F. P. Dawalibi and S. Tee, "Integrated Computer Approach to Analyze the Electromagnetic Impact
of Transmission Lines", International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON2006), Chongqing, China,
October 22-26, 2006.

61. W. Ruan, R. Southey, S. Tee, and F. P. Dawalibi, "Recent Advances in the Modeling and Mitigation of AC Interference in
Pipelines", Corrosion/2007 NACE International Conference & Expo, Nashville, Tennessee, March 11 -15, 2007.

62. Y. Li and F. P. Dawalibi, "Effects of Distribution System and Metallic Infrastructure on the Electromagnetic Field Level
Surrounding Power Lines", The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2007 (ICEE), Hong Kong, July 8 - 12, 2007.

63. F. P. Dawalibi, J. Ma and J. Liu, "Equivalent Inductive and Conductive Models of Rail Ballast Resistance in Electromagnetic
Interference Studies", The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2007 (ICEE), Hong Kong, July 8 - 12, 2007.

64. J. Liu, F. P. Dawalibi and J. Ma, "Electromagnetic Interference of Transmission Lines on Nearby Railways Accounting for the
Rail Track Arresters", The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2007 (ICEE), Hong Kong, July 8 - 12, 2007.

65. Y. Li, J. Ma and F. P. Dawalibi, "Parametric Analysis on Ground Level Safety Near Steel Poles Under Fault Conditions", The
4th IASTED Asian Conference on Power and Energy Systems (AsiaPES), Langkawi, Malaysia, April 2 - 4, 2008.

Page B-4
Appendix C. Sample Spreadsheet for Right-of-Way

Sample Spreadsheet for Right-Of-Way
In order to expedite the work performed during the input session, it is advisable to collect some critical
data and store it in a spreadsheet such as Excel. The data should focus on the following important
major items.

 Regions
 Soil Types
 Mile Posts
 Section Numbers
 Attribute Set Numbers
 Conductor Coordinates

Page C-1
Appendix C. Sample Spreadsheet for Right-of-Way

The following spreadsheet table was prepared based on the simple example specified in CHAPTER 4

Sample Excel Spreadsheet for ROW

Main Path (TL) Path 1 (PL)

Attribute Soil X- Y- X- Y-
Terminal Region Set Model Mile coordinate coordinate Mile coordinate coordinate
Number Number Number Number Post (ft) (ft) Post (ft) (ft)

1 1 1 1 0 0 0 DUMMY

0.0568 300 0 DUMMY

2 1 1 1 0 0 0 DUMMY DUMMY

1 1 1 15 79200 0 DUMMY DUMMY

2 1 1 15 79200 0 0 999

2 1 1 15 79201 0 1 25

2 1 1 17 89760 0 10560 25

2 1 1 17 89761 0 10561 -75

2 1 1 20 105600 0 26400 -75

2 1 1 20 105601 0 26401 999

3 1 1 20 105601 0 DUMMY DUMMY

3 1 1 40 211200 0 DUMMY DUMMY

Page C-2
Appendix D. Data Request for AC Interference Study: Power Company

Data Request for AC Interference Study:
Power Company
D.1 Right-Of-Way Data: Conductor Positions & Phasing
1. Strip Maps. Please provide strip maps indicating, throughout the common right-of-way,
transmission line routing, conductor heights above ground, and structure positions, for all
circuits which run parallel to the exposed line (including exposed line feeds or taps) for even
a short distance. Please note that at locations where the power line and exposed line veer apart,
it is important to know the relative positions of the power line and exposed line up to a point
where they are about 2 km apart.

2. Phase Transpositions. Specify the locations of all phase transpositions as well as the
configuration of all conductors whose positions change due to the transpositions: please
provide enough information to allow three-dimensional modeling of all conductors throughout
each transposition.

3. Power Line Cross Sections. Please provide typical cross sections of the power line right-of-
way with:
a) Phases and circuits labeled;
b) Conductor spacings and heights above ground (at structure and midspan) clearly
indicated. Include overhead ground wires.

4. Remote Substation Locations. For all circuits which are present within the common right-of-
way, even for a short parallel distance, please specify the distance between the point where
they leave the common right-of-way and the substation beyond the common right-of-way to
which they are connected. Please also indicate how many structures are present within this

5. Structure Grounding. For all circuits, indicate the footing type of the supporting structures:
please provide a detailed description which includes the dimensions of the footing and of any
associated grounding conductors, including rebars in concrete foundations. Please also indicate
the distance between the structure footings if more than one are associated with a given
structure (e.g., for lattice towers).

6. Guy Wire Anchors. Please indicate at what locations there are guy wire anchors that are
electrically continuous with static wires or neutral conductors: i.e., guy wires do not have
insulating breakers in them and are bonded to static wires or neutral conductors at pole top.

7. Counterpoises. Please indicate positioning, length and conductor diameter of all existing
buried counterpoises or other conductor networks which are within or close to the common

Page D-1
Appendix D. Data Request for AC Interference Study: Power Company

8. Nearby Substation and Power Plant Grounding Systems. Please provide drawings of the
grounding systems of any substations within 5 grounding system dimensions of the exposed
line (i.e., for a 30 m x 25 m substation, please provide a sketch if the substation is within 5 x
30 m = 150 m of the exposed line) or of power plants (including substations) which are fed by
the exposed line.
9. Single Line Diagrams. Please provide single line diagrams showing networks associated with
all circuits present in the common right-of-way.

D.2 Conductor Characteristics

Specify precisely the conductor type of all phase wires and static wires of all circuits in the common
right-of-way. For long counterpoises, please also indicate the conductor type.

D.3 Ground Resistances

1. Structure Ground Resistances. Please provide, if available, a listing of the ground resistances
of all power line structures in the common right-of-way and of all structures within a distance
of 2 km beyond the point where each circuit leaves the common right-of-way. If a listing of
measured ground resistance values is unavailable, please provide typical value(s).

2. Substation Ground Resistances. Please provide a listing of measured ground resistance

values of all substations to which the circuits existing within the common corridor are

3. Static Wire Connections. For all circuits, indicate whether the static or neutral wires are
electrically continuous with the structures which support them and with the substations at
which they terminate. Provide the BIL rating for static wire insulators (if any). Indicate which
structures are bonded to the static wires and the locations of static wire discontinuities.

D.4 Fault Current Data

1. Fault Current Contributions. Please provide the single-phase-to-ground fault current
contributions (magnitude and angle) from both sides of the faulted circuit and in all other
transmission lines or circuits in the common right-of-way, even those whose parallel exposure
to the exposed line is short or is far from the fault location, and in all circuits connected to
substations/plants fed by the exposed line, for the following fault locations:
At roughly 10% intervals of the common right-of-way length on each of the circuits
present in the common right-of-way. For circuits with only a short parallel exposure to
the exposed line, a minimum of one fault is required. Please be sure to include data for
a fault occurring at any substations which exist within the common right-of-way.
Note that a printout from a typical short circuit computer software package would be
satisfactory and very helpful if a sufficient number of nodes have been defined to include all
circuits of interest for every fault location. If possible, please provide currents in all phases
(including non-faulted phases), in amps.

2. Soil Resistivity. Please indicate what soil resistivity was assumed for the computation of the
line parameters used to calculate fault current values.

Page D-2
Appendix D. Data Request for AC Interference Study: Power Company

3. Future Expansion. Please indicate for what period of time the fault current values are valid
and what percentage increases can be expected in the future.
4. Fault Duration: primary and secondary fault clearing times for all circuits for which fault
current data has been provided. Please also provide details on automatic reclosure, if any.
5. X/R Ratio. Please provide subtransient X/R ratio for each fault.

6. Fault Type. Were fault current contributions determined assuming a bolted fault? If not, please

D.5 Load Current Data

For all circuits within the common right-of-way, even those with only a short parallel exposure to the
exposed line, please indicate the following:
1. Phase-to-phase energization voltage,

2. Magnitude and angle of present and well-defined future peak load and emergency load flow.
Indicate if maximum load currents in one circuit necessarily coincide with small (or large) load
currents occurring in another circuit or circuits: i.e., is there any correlation between the
magnitudes and angles of the load currents in different circuits?

3. What percentage increase can be expected to occur in the future for the values provided in item

4. Maximum load unbalance for each circuit.

5. Maximum load harmonic currents for each circuit, if applicable.

D.6 System Frequency

Please specify the operating frequency of the power system (i.e., 50 Hz or 60 Hz or other).

D.7 Power Plants Fed by Exposed Line

For each power plant fed by each exposed line under study, please provide the following information,
similar to that requested in the previous sections for the power lines paralleling the exposed line:
1. Geographical map, to scale, showing all circuits connected to plant and the substations to
which they are connected at the far end.
2. Cross sections of all power line circuits connected to these plants/substations.
3. Single line diagrams for all circuits associated with the power plants/substations.
4. Conductor and overhead ground wire characteristics for all circuits.
5. Structure ground resistances and span lengths along all circuits.
6. Substation and plant ground impedances (at both ends of each transmission line circuit).
7. Grounding details of plant and substation (plan and specifications) to which the exposed line
is connected.

Page D-3
Appendix D. Data Request for AC Interference Study: Power Company

8. Plan drawing of plant, showing and labelling all power line circuits entering the plant.
9. Current flows in all circuits connected to the plant/substation and in all circuits running parallel
to the exposed line, during single-phase-to-ground faults occurring at the plant/substation and
at 10% intervals along each circuit connected to the plant/substation.

D.8 Resource Person

Please provide the name, telephone number, FAX number, and e-mail address of a resource person
who can respond to inquiries related to the data requested above.

Page D-4
Appendix E. Data Request for AC Interference Study: Pipeline Company

Data Request for AC Interference Study:
Pipeline Company
E.1 Physical Data of Overall System
1. Overview of System. Please provide a map on which are indicated the following:

a) The pipelines under study,

b) All parallel or roughly parallel high voltage circuits which come within 1 km of the

c) All other pipelines feeding or being fed by the pipeline under study,

d) All exposed structures, such as valve sites, pig launchers & receivers, M&R stations
compressor stations, and other such facilities on the pipelines listed above,

e) All insulating flanges on the pipelines listed above,

f) All anode beds on the pipelines listed above,

g) Other pipelines which are parallel to the pipelines under study for significant distances
(i.e., on the order of ½ km or more), or which cross them, or which come within 10 m
of them,

h) All electric substations and generating plants within 300 m of the pipelines under study
or fed by the pipelines under study.

i) Electric substations of both ends of each high voltage circuit shown on the map.

Note that it is important to study the pipeline of interest as part of a system and not in isolation:
AC interference does not recognize changes in pipeline ownership nor is it necessarily blocked
by an insulating flange. Please include in the drawing therefore, all parts of the pipeline
network which is under the influence of high voltage power line circuits and show all circuits
which are in proximity with the pipeline network.

2. Details of System Layout. Please provide plan view drawings of the system described in Item
1 above, allowing lengths and separation distances of all power lines and pipelines to be easily
determined. In particular, please provide, for each power line structure (i.e., tower or pole), the

a) Separation distance of the pipeline under study from the center of the structure,

b) Separation distance of the pipeline under study from the edge of the structure (e.g., from
the outside of the nearest tower leg).

Page E-1
Appendix E. Data Request for AC Interference Study: Pipeline Company

Also, for all substations within 300 m of pipeline or generating plants fed by the pipeline,
indicate the location of the pipeline on a layout drawing of the entire facility.

3. Pipeline Dimensions. Please indicate the burial depth, the diameter and the wall thickness of
the pipelines described in Section 1. Please also indicate the width of the bottom of the pipeline
trench, for new construction.

E.2 Soil Resistivity Data

Soil Resistivity Measurements: should be made using frequency-selective equipment and the
Wenner method at spacings spanning the range of 0.1 to a minimum of 100 m (preferably, 200 m) at:

1. All exposed structures (since gradient control grids may be necessary): e.g., at all valve sites,
pig launchers, pig receivers, metering and regulating stations, compressor stations, etc.;

2. Locations where one or more power lines deviate away significantly from the pipeline or vice-
versa, at phase transposition locations, at power line crossings, and at intervals along the
parallelism (so that the performance of mitigating wires can be assessed);

3. Locations where the pipeline is particularly close to power line structures or grounds, including
substation and power plant locations (for conductive coupling calculations).
SES can provide specifications and training to ensure that these measurements are made properly.
Note that since the safety of the mitigation designs and their cost are highly dependent on the soil data,
it is essential that these measurements be made by well trained personnel. Recommended Wenner
spacings in meters are: 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100, 200, and so on.

Frost Depth. Provide the maximum depth of the frost line.

E.3 Exposed Structures

Please provide drawings of valve sites, pig launchers & receivers, metering and regulating stations
and other exposed locations located along the pipeline under study or at its extremities. These drawings
should clearly indicate the fence line, the locations and dimensions of gates, the property boundaries
(i.e., the maximum extent of any gradient control grid which may be required), the locations and
diameters of structures protruding out of the ground.

Note that for sites requiring protection, safety considerations often require that gradient control
conductors extend at least 1 m beyond the fence line: it is therefore best that the fence line be at least
1 m within the property line so that gradient control grid conductors do not encroach on adjacent
property. Furthermore, a layer of crushed rock may be required to extend outside the grid.

E.4 Electrical Data

1. Coating Resistance. Provide an estimate or a measured value for the coating resistance of the
pipeline, as installed. Note that a factory value is of no value here because damage to the
coating during handling and installation reduces the coating resistance by several orders of
magnitude from the factory value. Typical values lie in the range of 6,000 ohm-m² - 140,000
ohm-m² or less, with the lower values being highly dependent on the local soil resistivity.
Provide this data, if possible, for all other pipelines identified in Item 1.

Page E-2
Appendix E. Data Request for AC Interference Study: Pipeline Company

2. Anode Beds. For each anode bed identified in Item 1.1, indicate its physical dimensions,
configuration of anodes (diameter, length, spacing, horizontal/vertical orientation) and how the
anodes are interconnected (with bare or insulated leads). If the ground resistances of the beds
are known, please provide them.

E.5 Resource Person

Please provide the name, telephone number, FAX number, and e-mail address of a resource person
who can respond to inquiries related to the data requested above.

Page E-3
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Appendix F. Data Request for AC Interference Study: Railway Company

Data Request for AC Interference Study:
Railway Company
1. Provide scaled maps of the track system that parallel the path of the studied power line. Maps
should indicate railroad mileposts, road crossings, catenary structures, and signal locations,
including road crossing names.
2. Identify main and side track circuits along the path of the studied transmission line, including
start and ending locations.
3. Identify any rail yard that exists along the path of the studied transmission line.
4. If electrified railroad, provide scaled maps of the power distribution system, including
locations and one-line diagrams of electrical substations.
5. If electrified railroad, provide the following information: distribution (electrified supply)
cable/conductor size and composition; electrical insulator continuous voltage rating and BIL
(basic Insulation Level) rating; location and applicable ratings of surge/lightning arresters
(same as item 8); list and ratings of substation equipment, including grounding details;
electrical one-line diagram of the electrified railroad car’s power and traction system, including
ratings of electrical equipment.
6. If electrified railroad, provide typical grounding details of catenary structures, including typical
a.c. (alternating current) footing resistance.
7. Typical range of ballast electrical resistivity for the track system; typical thickness or range of
thickness, of the ballast.
8. Unit length of the rails.
9. Unit weight of the rail.
10. Size of rails.
11. Size and composition of ties.
12. Provide the following for each manufacturer: Insulating Joints; electrode or other type of
signal; electric lock; batteries; relays; tuned joint couplers; narrow band shunts; wide band
13. Specify the range of impedances: inductance for electric locks, electrode or other type of signal
circuits; capacitance for narrow and wide band shunts and tuned joint couplers.
14. Provide location of track surge arresters, manufacturers, rated capacities, and destruction rating
15. Provide location and grounding details of track equipment housings.
16. Briefly describe the approaches for each crossing.

Page F-1
Appendix F. Data Request for AC Interference Study: Railway Company

17. Provide physical layout of all communication systems along the path of the new 345 kV
transmission line.
18. For communication cable system, provide the following: type of cable, size of cable, high
voltage rating of cable insulation and manufacturer of cable system.

F.1 Resource Person

Please provide the name, telephone number, FAX number, and e-mail address of a resource person
who can respond to inquiries related to the data requested above.

Page F-2
Appendix G. Data Request for AC Interference Study: Telephone or Telecommunication Cable Company

Data Request for AC Interference Study:
Telephone or Telecommunication Cable
1. Provide scaled maps of communications or media cables (including fiber optic) that parallel
the path new studied transmission line. Information concerning underground duct bank
configuration (if any) is also required.
2. Location of switching, control and amplification equipment and enclosures, including details
of electrical grounding.
3. Location and manufacturer of electrical surge protection devices, whether independent or
integral to other communications or media equipment. Provide information regarding the
maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV) and maximum current or energy rating.
4. Provide information pertaining to the manufacturer specifications of any overhead or
underground communications and media cable(s) that parallel the path of the studied line. The
specifications should include both electrical and mechanical construction specifications. These
specifications, for example, may include cable diameter; sheath material, diameter and
thickness; dielectric material and thickness; etc.
5. Provide information pertaining to the installation of any communications or media cable, such
as locations of and methods used for electrical grounding; typical height above ground; typical
depth below ground; etc.

G.1 Resource Person

Please provide the name, telephone number, FAX number, and e-mail address of a resource person
who can respond to inquiries related to the data requested above.

Page G-1
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Appendix H. Further Discussions on AC Interference Studies

Further Discussions on AC Interference
This appendix is intended and is useful mainly to users who are quite familiar with the ROW software.
For novice users, it is preferable that the automated total interference procedure be used in order to
compute the overall interference levels.

H.1 Initial Analysis

H.1.1 Inductive Study
Refer to all Right-of-Way How To… manuals, including CHAPTER 6 of this manual in order to
follow the required steps to compute:
- Induced voltages in exposed lines (i.e., pipe steel potentials) during load and fault conditions.
- Currents injected into the earth by faulted electric power line poles/towers.

H.1.2 Conductive Study

See also the subsection entitled “Conductive Component” in the “Mitigation Design” section which

1. Choose representative fault locations throughout the corridor of concern and run Right-of-Way
for them, in order to compute the tower/pole injection currents.
2. For each fault simulation, extract the tower/pole injection currents in the vicinity of the fault
from the Right-of-Way output. The idea is to extract tower/pole currents having the greatest
influence on the exposed line or enough towers/poles to represent most of the fault current.
The required number of towers/poles depends upon the proximity of the exposed line to the
transmission line: the closer the exposed line, the less towers/poles will have a significant
influence on the exposed line at its closest point to the fault tower/pole.
3. Model all of the tower/poles in the MALZ computation module which are expected to have a
significant effect on the exposed line.
4. An alternative to the two preceding steps, which can accelerate the process considerably, is to
inject current into only one central tower/pole and let MALZ calculate the distribution of
current among the other towers/poles. In order to do this, you must model the power line static
wires as buried, insulated conductors, interconnecting the tower/pole grounds. For best
accuracy, for power lines with dual static wires, you should model only one of the static wires,
especially if both are good conductors (as opposed to Class A 3/8” galvanized steel, for
example). If only one is a good conductor, model only that one. If they are both good
conductors, for best accuracy, you can use TRALIN to calculate the self-impedance of the pair
of wires, then use the USER-SPECIFIED mode of conductor self-impedance in MALZ: in this
case, however, you need to specify all conductors, not just the static wires, in this mode. Make
sure that you have an insulated conductor running between each tower/pole grounding system
and the static wire, so that you can monitor how much current is flowing into each grounding

Page H-1
Appendix H. Further Discussions on AC Interference Studies

system. Once you have set up a model in this way, simply inject a nominal current into the
static wire near the tower/pole at which you wish to simulate a fault. Next, look at how much
current is flowing into the grounding system of the central tower/pole and compare with how
much current the envelope data from the Right-of-Way Monitor Fault function indicates you
should have: scale your MALZ results accordingly and you are done!
5. In each MALZ run, compute earth potentials at the exposed line location. Typically, you do
not need to model the exposed line at this point: at the fault location, it is usually conservative
and fairly accurate to assume that the conductive component of the coating stress voltage is
equal to the earth potential outside an absent exposed line.
6. Perform a MALZ simulation for each layered soil structure near the fault location: soil layering
has a great influence on conductive interference levels.
7. In each soil structure, model a representative tower/pole grounding system & foundation in
MALZ to compute its ground resistance.
8. In order to avoid contradictions, you must reconcile the tower/pole ground resistances modeled
in Right-of-Way with the tower/pole ground resistances obtained by modeling a typical
tower/pole grounding system & foundation in each MALZ soil model: if the MALZ ground
resistance is lower than the value you have used in Right-of-Way, you will obtain conservative
results by multiplying the Right-of-Way currents by the ratio of Right-of-Way ground
resistance divided by MALZ ground resistance, before entering these currents in the MALZ
model; if the MALZ ground resistance is higher, then you will obtain conservative results by
directly injecting the current from Right-of-Way in MALZ. Note that if the difference between
the Right-of-Way and MALZ tower/pole ground resistances is too great, then you may obtain
unrealistic and overly burdensome results.

H.1.3 Combining Inductive and Conductive Interference Levels

(Exposed Line with Very Good Coating)
Compute exposed line coating stress voltages and touch voltages using one of the following
two methods:
a. Subtract the earth potential computed by MALZ in the exposed line vicinity from the
exposed line steel GPR computed by Right-of-Way: this subtraction must take into
account phase angles of the two quantities. When you do so, be sure to verify that the
phase angle of the MALZ tower/pole GPR is similar to that of the Right-of-Way
tower/pole GPR: if they are close to 180 degrees apart, then the exposed line steel and
earth potentials should be added together instead.
b. Alternatively, simply add the magnitudes of the earth potential and exposed line steel.

H.2 Mitigation Design

H.2.1 Inductive Component
1. In each soil structure measured in areas where mitigation appears to be required, model the
mitigation system tentatively planned, using MALZ. If small, widely spaced grounding
systems are planned, model one such grounding system in each soil structure, to determine its
ground impedance. If the grounding systems are within the zone of influence of one another

Page H-2
Appendix H. Further Discussions on AC Interference Studies

(i.e., close together, such as a series of anodes) or if a continuous grounding system (such as a
bare conductor running parallel to the exposed line) is planned, then model a long, nominal
length, such as 1 km and compute not only its ground impedance, but also, in the case of a
continuous system, exposed line coating stress voltages as a percentage of the exposed line
steel GPR. When computed, coating stress voltages should be computed by defining earth
potential profiles running along the entire length of the mitigation system and located just
outside the exposed line coating, at, say, 12 o’clock, 3 o’clock, 6 o’clock, and 9 o’clock
positions. If a single grounding system is modeled, a nominal energization of 1000 A at its
connection point to the exposed line is fine. If multiple grounding systems are modeled, then
connect them all to the same source bus, which should inject a nominal current of 1000 A. If a
long continuous grounding wire or wire pair is modeled, then it should be energized at its
planned connection points to the exposed line, with all injection points connected to the same
source bus, which should inject a nominal current of, say, 1000 A.
2. Do not forget to segment long conductors into sub-conductors: this is particularly important at
endpoints and, in low resistivity soil, near connection points. It is usually practical to simply
segment the conductor into a large number of equally long sub-conductors (e.g., 100 for a 1
km length). To verify that segmentation is sufficient, re-run with twice as many conductor
segments and see if any results change significantly.
3. The ground impedance is then simply the GPR of the source bus (available in the MALZ output
file) divided by the injection current (in this case, 1000 A). For a continuous grounding system
or an extensive system of small systems in close proximity to one another, it is conservative to
scale this ground impedance linearly to obtain a unit-length ground impedance: e.g., multiply
by 10 the ground impedance obtained for a 1 km length of mitigation system, in order to obtain
a conservative estimate of its ground impedance per 100 m span.
4. For continuous mitigation systems, the coating stress voltage can be obtained by requesting a
touch voltage plot, expressed in %GPR, where the reference GPR is that of the source bus. In
low resistivity soils, you will note that the coating stress voltage is highest midway between
injection points. It is even higher at the termination point of the mitigation system. You must
exercise judgment in deciding just how close to the edge of the mitigation system you want to
consider coating stress voltages (when specifying your mitigation system at the end of the
study, you can always require an additional length to provide the safety margin you need).
5. Now you are ready for the inductive part of the mitigation design. By trial and error, you can
now change the ground resistance of each exposed line to be mitigated, at different locations
where excessive potentials are encountered, until satisfactory levels are obtained with Right-
of-Way. Step 2 gives you an idea of how much grounding these ground resistances represent
(or if they are even achievable). Do not forget that, during fault conditions, the total exposed
line coating stress voltage is equal to the sum of the inductive and conductive components.
Nevertheless, in many cases, a reduction in induced voltages alone will suffice to achieve
satisfactory coating stress voltages. Do not forget either to examine results for faults occurring
at representative locations throughout the interference corridor: using the Monitor Fault
function of Right-of-Way will allow you to do this.
6. Grounding the exposed line will reduce its absolute potential with respect to remote earth, as
plotted by Right-of-Way. However, you can further apply the % GPR obtained in Step 3 above
to these potentials, in order to obtain the coating stress voltages associated with an exposed

Page H-3
Appendix H. Further Discussions on AC Interference Studies

line protected by a continuous wire that is connected to the exposed line at regular intervals.
Step voltages can be computed using earth surface potential profiles, in a manner similar to
that used for the coating stress voltages.

H.2.2 Conductive Component

1. If the mitigation consists of small grounding systems, the conductive component of the
interference levels can be assumed to be unchanged by the mitigation, with little undue
pessimism. If the mitigation consists of wires running parallel to the exposed line and
connected thereto, then it can reduce the conductive component substantially, although
typically much less so than the inductive component. In evaluating the conductive component
of interference levels, with mitigation in place, the objective is to create a MALZ model of a
sufficient length of the exposed line system (perhaps all of it!), such as to include all grounding
significantly affecting the pipe near the fault: this includes portions of the exposed line outside
the zone of influence of the faults modeled. The MALZ model should include the exposed line,
the mitigation system, and any other significant sources of grounding connected to the exposed
Do not forget to segment long conductors into sub-conductors: this is particularly important at
endpoints and, in low resistivity soil, near connection points. It is usually practical to simply segment
the conductor into a large number of equally long sub-conductors (e.g., 100 for a 1 km length). To
verify that segmentation is sufficient, re-run with twice as many conductor segments and see if any
results change significantly.
2. For representative worst case locations along the exposed line (e.g., where the inductive
component is high, where the exposed line is particularly close to power line structures, or
where soil conditions lead to particularly high interference levels), faults should be modeled in
MALZ. The exposed line is left inert (we will add the induced voltage to the MALZ results at
a later stage), whereas the transmission line structure grounding systems (and foundations)
closest to the fault are modeled and energized. The number of structures requiring modeling
depends upon two factors: proximity of the exposed line to the power line structures (the closer,
the fewer needed) and the distribution of fault current among the faulted structures, as
determined by Right-of-Way (the more uniform the spread of tower/pole current, the more
structures are required). Conservative approximations can be made, if this does not make the
required mitigation too onerous, such as injecting the entirety of the fault current into a small
number of towers/poles.
3. Next, for each chosen fault location, make sure you have simulated a fault in Right-of-Way at
that location. Extract the currents corresponding to the towers/poles in your MALZ model and
specify as separate source bus currents, each one connected to the appropriate tower/pole
ground in your MALZ model.
4. An alternative, which can accelerate the process considerably, is to inject current into only one
central tower/pole and let MALZ calculate the distribution of current among the other
towers/poles. In order to do this, you must model the power line static wires as buried, insulated
conductors, interconnecting the tower/pole grounds. For best accuracy, for power lines with
dual static wires, you should model only one of the static wires, especially if both are good
conductors (as opposed to Class A 3/8” galvanized steel, for example). If only one is a good
conductor, model only that one. If they are both good conductors, for best accuracy, you can

Page H-4
Appendix H. Further Discussions on AC Interference Studies

use TRALIN to calculate the self-impedance of the pair of wires, then use the USER-
SPECIFIED mode of conductor self-impedance in MALZ: in this case, however, you need to
specify all conductors, not just the static wires, in this mode. Make sure that you have an
insulated conductor running between each tower/pole grounding system and the static wire, so
that you can monitor how much current is flowing into each grounding system. Once you have
set up a model in this way, simply inject a nominal current into the static wire near the
tower/pole at which you wish to simulate a fault. Next, look at how much current is flowing
into the grounding system of the central tower/pole and compare with how much current the
envelope data from the Right-of-Way Monitor Fault function indicates you should have: scale
your MALZ results accordingly and you are done!
5. Note that it is of capital importance to reconcile the tower/pole ground resistances modeled in
Right-of-Way with those computed in MALZ. Always compute the ground resistance of a
single pole/tower with MALZ in each soil structure under study and compare with the value
used in Right-of-Way. If the MALZ ground resistance is lower than the value you have used
in Right-of-Way, you will obtain conservative results by multiplying the Right-of-Way
tower/pole ground currents by the ratio of the Right-of-Way tower/pole ground resistance
divided by the MALZ ground resistance before applying to the MALZ model; if the MALZ
ground resistance is higher, then you will obtain conservative results by directly applying the
current from Right-of-Way in MALZ. Note that if the difference between the Right-of-Way
and MALZ tower/pole ground resistances is too great, then you may obtain unrealistic and
overly burdensome results.
6. To compute exposed line coating stress voltages, define earth potential profiles along the length
of the exposed line, just outside the coating: you may wish to run a profile along the top of the
exposed line, one along the bottom, and two on either side. You may also wish to run a profile
perpendicular to the exposed line, along the earth surface, to compute step voltages, which are
exacerbated by the presence of gradient control wires.
7. Run MALZ and obtain coating stress voltages by plotting touch voltages with respect to the
nearest conductor (which happens to be the exposed line). Do not forget to apply the scaling
factor, if you have used the scheme proposed in Step 4. You may also wish to plot step voltages.
You may also wish to plot the ground potential rise of the exposed line steel (this is possible
wherever earth potential profiles are present). Now you have the conductive component of the
AC interference.

H.2.3 Combining Inductive and Conductive Components

Generally, the phase angles of the inductive and conductive components of coating stress, step
voltages and touch voltages, in the vicinity of a fault occurring in an AC interference corridor,
are such that the magnitudes of the conductive and inductive components can simply be added
together, with little loss of accuracy. The effect of phase angles can be taken into account, by
carefully carrying the phase angles of all quantities through the various steps above.

H.2.4 Exposed Line Appurtenances

1. There is little difference between computing touch voltages associated with a mainline valve’s
gradient control grid and computing coating stress voltages along an exposed line running next
to a gradient control wire.

Page H-5
Appendix H. Further Discussions on AC Interference Studies

2. The inductive component is obtained by modeling the gradient control grid in the most
appropriate soil structure, using either MALT or MALZ, with earth surface potential profiles
specified throughout the grid area and extending at least 2 m outside the grid area and at least
1 m outside the fence line (if there is a fence). The grounding grid is energized with a nominal
current and its resulting ground potential rise is examined and compared with the maximum
GPR computed by Right-of-Way at that location. The results are scaled accordingly. Touch
voltages throughout the area enclosed by the fence and up to 1 m outside the fence are plotted;
step voltages everywhere are plotted. This is the inductive component.
3. The conductive component is obtained as described above for the exposed line mitigation, for
a fault modeled on the tower/pole closest to the gradient control grid under study, but with the
grid included in the model and the earth surface potential profiles described in the preceding
step added as well. Again, touch and step voltage plots are produced, as in the preceding step.
The magnitudes of the touch and step voltages obtained in Steps 2 and 3 are then added together to
obtain the total interference levels.

Page H-6
Appendix I. Steps to Obtain Source Impedances by Using VI-ENERGization

Soil Resistivity Measurements
I.1 Introduction
Soil resistivity measurements constitute the basis of any grounding study and are therefore of capital

Soil resistivity measurements are made by injecting current into the earth between two outer electrodes
and measuring the resulting voltage between two potential probes placed along a straight line between
the current-injection electrodes. When the adjacent current and potential electrodes are close together,
the measured soil resistivity is indicative of local surface soil characteristics. When the electrodes are
far apart, the measured soil resistivity is indicative of average deep soil characteristics throughout a
much larger area.

In principle, soil resistivity measurements should be made to spacings (between adjacent current and
potential electrodes) which are at least on the same order as the maximum extent of the grounding
system (or systems) under study, although it is preferable to extend the measurement traverses to
several times the maximum grounding system dimension, where possible. Often, it will be found that
the maximum electrode spacing is governed by other considerations, such as the maximum extent of
the available land which is clear of interfering bare buried conductors.

The attached data sheets provide electrode spacings that can be used, starting at short electrode
spacings, for information about the surface soil layers, and ending at the largest electrode spacings.
As can be seen, the electrode spacings increase exponentially in order to cover the entire range of
required measurement depths as efficiently as possible.

I.2 Special Precautions

Background Noise. Due to nearby sources of 50 or 60 Hz current and its harmonics, electrical noise
at these frequencies are expected in the measurements, particularly for the larger electrode spacings.
Conventional measurement methods can confound this noise with the measurement signal, resulting
in apparent soil resistivity readings that can be an order of magnitude or more in excess of the true
values. This suggests the need for equipment that uses a signal frequency other than 50 or 60 Hz and
its harmonics and can efficiently discriminate between the signal filter and the noise. A soil resistivity
tester such as the SYSCAL Junior or R1 Plus (the latter is strongly recommended when very large pin
spacings or high resistivity surface material are expected), manufactured by Iris Instruments (Orleans,
France), or the SuperSting R1 IP single channel memory earth resistivity and IP meter manufactured
by Advanced Geosciences, Inc. of Austin, Texas, USA, achieves this function: both equipment are
able to accurately measure its low frequency signal, even when the background 50 or 60 Hz noise is
several thousand times larger in magnitude. In the following, we refer to the SYSCAl resistivity meter.
However, the SuperSting meter has equivalent capabilities as well. Some high end resistivity meters
manufactured by other organizations may have similar capabilities or better. Please compare products
before selecting the equipment that best fits your needs and budget.

Page I-1
Appendix I. Steps to Obtain Source Impedances by Using VI-ENERGization

Interlead Coupling. Another problem that can be encountered at large electrode spacings, particularly
when apparent resistivities are low to moderate, is magnetic field coupling between the current
injection leads and the voltage measurement leads. This coupling induces noise at the same frequency
as the signal into the measured voltage and amplifies the measured resistivity. While some equipment
can detect the resulting phase shift in the measured voltage and make a partial correction, other
equipment cannot. The SYSCAL soil resistivity tester circumvents this problem through use of a very
low frequency signal (from 500 millisecond to 2000 millisecond square wave pulses, with 2000
milliseconds being the preferred setting), which generates negligible magnetic field coupling.

Influence of Bare Buried Metallic Structures. Bare metallic structures (including concrete-encased
metal) of significant length buried in the vicinity of the measurement traverse can distort measured
earth resistivities. When a measurement traverse runs parallel to a long structure of this type,
significant error begins when the clearance between the traverse and the structure is on the same order
as the electrode spacing. The error increases as the electrode spacing increases compared with the
clearance. A similar effect is observed when the electrodes are placed near relatively small grounding
systems which are interconnected by means of overhead wires. As a rule of thumb, to avoid significant
error, there should be no bare metallic structures of significant size buried within a radius r of any of
the measurement electrodes, where r is the spacing between adjacent current and potential electrodes.
When the measurement traverse runs perpendicular to a buried metallic structure without crossing it,
the clearance requirement need not be as severe. Computer modelling of the buried structure and
measurement electrodes can provide an estimate of the measurement error to be expected for different
soil structure types.

Weak Signal. A weak measurement signal can result from a low-power source, a low-voltage source,
or a high contact resistance of one or both of the current injection electrodes. The problem is most
often experienced when driving electrodes in high resistivity surface soils or when the electrode
spacing becomes large (the signal strength is inversely proportional to the electrode spacing, for the
Wenner 4 4-pin method, and inversely proportional to the square of the electrode spacing, for the
Schlumberger 4-pin method, all other things being equal). Use of a powerful, high-voltage source is
an obvious first step to eliminating this problem. Even with a good source, however, contact resistance
can easily become a problem in high resistivity soils at the larger electrode spacings. The solution in
this case is to drive the current-injection electrodes as deep as possible and wet the soil around these
electrodes with saltwater 5: this should be done only for the larger electrode spacings. If need be,
multiple rods can be driven into the ground and connected together to constitute a larger, lower
impedance electrode. On solid rock or in rock with a shallow soil layer over it, the electrodes can be
laid horizontally on the rock and covered with conductive material, such as saltwater-moistened earth.
If the rock is highly localized, then the electrode position can be altered (and noted) to avoid the rock;
interpretation software such as the RESAP module of the CDEGS software package will account for

The Wenner and Schlumberger 4-pin methods differ only in the spacing of the two inner potential electrodes. Details on
the recommended method will follow.

Note that only the area in the vicinity of the current injection electrodes should be wetted in this way. This will not
influence the measurements significantly, provided that the wetted area is small compared to the inter-electrode spacing.

Page I-2
Appendix I. Steps to Obtain Source Impedances by Using VI-ENERGization

The SYSCAL soil resistivity tester constitutes a high-voltage, high-power source, compared to many
other available models: its output voltage varies from 50 V to 400 V or higher and its output power
can reach 50 –250 W (depending on the model).

A weak signal can be detected by examining the magnitudes of the measured signal voltage and
injection current; also by verifying the consistency of the readings. The SYSCAL can provide
reasonably accurate readings for injection currents as low as 1 mA (a minimum of 5 mA is preferable)
and signal voltages as low as 1 mV, in the presence of 50 or 60 Hz noise which is 4389 times larger
in magnitude. On the other hand, very low frequency background noise may require a stronger signal
for good accuracy. Such a need can be detected by the standard deviation value, q, reported by the
instrument as it takes a series of readings with a square wave of alternating polarity: when q is 0 at the
end of the series of readings, the measurement is reliable; otherwise, a stronger signal should be
sought. A series of 10 cycles or so should be selected for each measurement. Also, q should be watched
as the measurements are made: if the string “***” appears during the readings, the measurement should
be rejected. This is usually an indication that one of the current injection leads has become
disconnected. A further precaution is to read the resistivity at two different injection currents, if
possible: if consistent, then the reading is good. The attached data table reminds the instrument
operator to record these important values.

Erratic Readings. Erratic readings can occur due to poor connections or high contact resistance,
background noise at a frequency similar to that used by the measurement equipment, nearby buried
metallic structures, equipment failure, operator error, and other factors. Measured resistivities should
be plotted on log-log graph paper in the field to permit detection of irregular measurements, so that
corrective action can be taken immediately. Resistivity should be plotted versus electrode spacing: a
smooth curve is expected. Sharp changes suggest a need for checking the equipment set-up, repeating
measurements, and taking additional measurements at shorter and larger electrode spacings close to
the problematic one.

Excessive Voltage Magnitude. Certain versions of the SYSCAL require an input voltage (including
both signal and noise) of less than 5 V to provide a reading. A voltage exceeding 5 V can occur when
background noise is excessive: in this case the input voltage must be reduced with a voltage divider
circuit (e.g., the voltage from the two inner potential electrodes is applied to a 100 k resistor in series
with a 1 M resistor and the voltage across the 100 k resistor is measured by the M-N terminals of
the SYSCAL, resulting in a 90.9% voltage reduction). An excessive voltage can also occur at short
electrode spacings due to excessive signal strength. In this case, the voltage can be reduced by reducing
the source voltage setting or by decreasing the current electrode depth. The attached data sheet
provides typical electrode depths.

Note that the depth of the current injection pins should never exceed 33% of the spacing between
adjacent current and potential electrodes; the inner potential measurement pins should be driven to
even shallower depths, as shown in the attached data sheet. This improves measurement accuracy at
short electrode spacings.

I.3 Measurement Details

The current injection leads are connected to the instrument terminals labelled “A” and “B”, the
potential leads are connected to the terminals labelled “M” and “N”. The electrode spacing is keyed

Page I-3
Appendix I. Steps to Obtain Source Impedances by Using VI-ENERGization

in and the measurement process is launched. The instrument records and averages as many readings
as the user sets the instrument to take (e.g., 6 or so).

Measurements are to be made along the traverses determined in conjunction with SES (provided in a
separate document). It is important that the maximum spacing between the two current injection pins
along the longest traverse be at least equal to three times the maximum extent of the grounding system
being designed, as a bare minimum, if this can be achieved without interference from nearby buried
metallic structures.

I.3.1 Schlumberger Method

The measurements are to be made based on the Schlumberger 4-pin method, taking the precautions
described in this document. The P1 and P2 potential pins should be installed at the center of the
traverse, initially 1.0 m apart. The C1 and C2 current pins are to be driven into the ground at
progressively increasing distances from their respective potential pins, starting 0.10 m from the nearest
potential pin and increasing up to the maximum pin spacing specified by SES for each measurement
traverse. The “maximum pin spacing” indicated for any given traverse is the maximum distance
between each potential pin and its adjacent current pin. The separation distance between the inner
potential pins remains at 1.0 m for the first few measurements, then increases as necessary to obtain a
sufficiently strong measurement signal (i.e., at least 1-10 mV, if possible, and a q value of 0). Note
that before increasing the spacing between the potential pins, all practical attempts should be made to
improve the contact resistance of the outer current injection pins: drive them deeper, use clusters of
rods at the larger spacings, wet the ground close to the pins with saltwater (without wetting the ground
close to the potential probes!). Ensure that the injection current is 5 mA or more and the measured
signal voltage 1 mV or more, if at all possible. Each time the potential pin spacing is increased, repeat
the preceding measurement: i.e., place the current pins to the distance separating them from the
potential pins during the preceding measurement, for validation.

I.3.2 Wenner Method (Fixed C1 & C2 Pin): One-Sided

The measurements are to be made based on a modified Wenner 4-pin method, taking the precautions
described earlier in this document. The test method chosen here gives greater weight to transferred
potentials from the C1 electrode to locations tested in the future mine area and also obviates the need
to move the C2 test electrode.

The C1 electrode should be installed at the center of the future 260 kV substation site under test (there
are two such substation sites). The C2 electrode should be installed 4 km away (the locations are
specified below). The C1 and C2 electrodes must be installed such as to have low ground resistance:
we wish to obtain approximately 500 mA or more of current flow from the soil resistivity meter when
it is connected in series with the two electrodes. Start by driving 3 ground rods 0.7 – 1.0 m into the
ground, in a triangular formation, spaced about 1.7 m apart, with the 3 ground rods interconnected.
Drive the rods deeper and add rods if need be; also pour salt water around each ground rod, if need be,
to achieve a sufficiently low ground resistance. Connect a lead from the “A” terminal of the SYSCAL
test meter to the C1 electrode array and another lead from the “B” terminal of the meter to the C2
electrode array. Use the Rtest function to verify that the total resistance of the C1-C2 circuit is on the
order of 800 ohms or less.

Page I-4
Appendix I. Steps to Obtain Source Impedances by Using VI-ENERGization

This electrode set-up should be used for all readings in which the P1 electrode is 30 m or more from
the center of the C1 electrode array. When the P1 electrode is less than 30 m from the C1 electrode,
the latter should be reduced to a single ground rod driven 0.7 m or so into the ground. For even shorter
spacings, the depth to which the C1 electrode is driven should never exceed 30% or so of the distance
between C1 and P1. There is no need to modify your C2 electrode set-up: it can remain the same for
all electrode spacings.

The P1 and P2 electrodes are installed between the C1 and C2 electrodes, such that all electrodes are
in a straight line. Connect the P1 electrode to the “M” terminal of the SYSCAL and the P2 electrode
to the “N” terminal. For the first measurement of each traverse, place P1 and P2 such that the distances
between adjacent electrodes (i.e., C1-P1, P1-P2, P2-C2) are all equal. This is the standard Wenner
arrangement. After this first test, however, only the two potential electrodes are to be moved and
always towards the C1 electrode. The C1-P1 and P1-P2 spacings are always equal: indeed, if it were
not for the C2 electrode that remains immobile, the test would be a true Wenner test. From each pin
spacing to the next, the C1-P1 and P1-P2 spacings are reduced by 1/3: in other words, multiply each
pin spacing by 2/3 to obtain the next smaller pin spacing. The minimum required pin spacing is 0.3 m.

The P1 and P2 rods (just one rod or spike each) should be driven only a few inches into the ground,
such as to achieve reasonable contact resistance: if the electrode presents resistance when pulled out
of the earth, then it is certainly deep enough. For small electrode spacings, the depth to which the P1
and P2 electrodes are driven should not exceed 10% of the electrode spacing.

To estimate apparent resistivity, use double the spacing between C1 and P1, instead of simply the
spacing between C1 and P1 as you would for the regular Wenner method: i.e., apparent resistivity is
approximately equal to 4 π a R, where a is the C1-P1 spacing and R is the apparent resistance. If you
are using the SYSCAL to compute apparent resistivities for you, always enter double the spacing that
you are testing. This will be valid for most pin spacings and is certainly satisfactory for the purpose of
checking the data for erratic behavior.

All the data indicated on the data sheets are to be recorded for each traverse, from the minimum pin
spacing indicated on the form, up to the maximum pin spacing associated with the traverse (as
indicated on the list of measurement traverses required for this project).

At each pin spacing, measurements are to be made at two significantly different injection current
levels, if possible, which can be achieved by varying the applied source voltage: a factor of two
difference (on that order) between the two injection currents is to be obtained. The measured resistivity
should be the same for both current levels: if not, start troubleshooting!

On the attached form:

 “Source Voltage” is the voltage applied to the current injection pins (12 V, 50 V, 100 V, 200 V,
400 V or 600 V) and is set by a knob on some instruments; on others, this is automatically set by
the instrument.
 “Q:***?” indicates whether 3 asterisks appeared as a value for Q, while the meter is injecting
current into the C1 and C2 pins. Either “yes” or “no” should be entered in this column.
 “Q%” is the standard deviation value, Q, reported by the meter.
 “Vsignal” is the voltage measured by the soil resistivity meter between the potential pins (P1 and

Page I-5
Appendix I. Steps to Obtain Source Impedances by Using VI-ENERGization

 “Iinject” is the current injected by the soil resistivity meter into the current pins (C1 and C2).
 “Apparent Resistivity” is the apparent resistivity of the soil, as computed by the meter or by hand.

The measured apparent resistivities are to be plotted versus pin spacing on log-log graph paper, as the
measurements are taken. A fairly smooth curve should result. Wire connections and rod-to-soil contact
should be verified if abrupt changes are observed; the presence of long buried metallic structures can
also be responsible for such variations. As indicated above, if the low current test values do not match
the high current test values, then a problem exists and the source of the problem should be investigated.
Similarly, if Q% is greater than 0, connection and rod-to-soil contact should be checked.

In addition, for each measurement traverse:

1. Attach a sketch showing the traverse location & starting point in relation to existing nearby
structures, including approximate distances from them; also show traverse on site plan.
2. Please report any signs of pipes, pipelines, conduits, long sections of reinforced concrete, fences, or
any other long, metal-bearing structures anywhere near the traverse.

If an instrument is used which does not filter out voltages induced in the potential measurement
leads by the current injection leads (this should be assumed if there is no indication to the contrary),
then the following precautions should be taken:

1. Separate the current injection test leads from the potential measurement leads by a fixed
distance (e.g., 10 feet).
2. For every pin spacing, take the measurements using another set potential leads that are
significantly further away from the current leads and separated from them by a fixed distance
(e.g., 100 feet).
3. SES can compare these two sets of data to estimate induced voltages and correct the data for
induced voltages.

I.3.3 Interpretation
The apparent soil resistivities measured at each site can be plotted along with the curve corresponding
to the equivalent soil computed by the RESAP module of the CDEGS software package. Each graph
also shows the equivalent soil structure corresponding to this data and indicates the location on the
pipeline to which it corresponds. Good agreement between the two orthogonal traverses and the
computed curve fits usually can be achieved, so that a multi-layer soil model is obtained and used for
the AC interference analysis.

Page I-6
Appendix J. Steps to Obtain Source Impedances by Using VI-ENERGization

Steps to Obtain Source Impedances by Using
How to compute the source impedance: One method to compute the correct energization source
impedance is to use the VI-Energ option first in order to determine it very precisely for the next and
final ROW run. The following provides the steps briefly. A SPLITS example called Sp_Normal
Load_1_VI.f05 files is provided with this tutorial.
Step 1. In SPLITS circuit “_1”, modify Terminals 1 and 2 energizations as shown in the
following screens:

Energized Terminal Non Energized Terminal

Step 2. Update the SPLITS circuit “_1” (i.e., Sp_Normal Load_1.f05) with these energization

Page J-1
Appendix J. Steps to Obtain Source Impedances by Using VI-ENERGization

Step 3. Process the circuit and, once done, open “Sp_Normal Load_1.f09” with a text editor,
and search for the string “Source Impedances” which are the required values.

The source voltage applied to the 24 pipeline (Bus No. 5) and the overhead ground conductor (Bus
No. 1) are set to zero. The source impedance for the overhead ground conductor is set to zero since it
is connected to the grounding system at Substation 1. The Open status or some very large equivalent
source impedance is assigned to the 24 pipeline since the pipeline is not bonded to the substation
grounding system.
Alternative Energization: note that during steady-state conditions, we focus on the inductive
coupling between the transmission line and the pipeline. If the capacitive coupling can be ignored
in a study, it is more convenient to use the Current source option to force the known load current
on the phase conductors. For a two terminals network such as the one shown in Figure 4.1 or
Figure 6.2, the current source can be specified as shown in the figures below:

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Appendix J. Steps to Obtain Source Impedances by Using VI-ENERGization

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