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IELTS Mock Test 2022 September

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IELTS Mock Test 2022

Listening Practice Test 1

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Questions 1-10
Complete the form below.



Example: Answer

Reason for calf: problems with WEBSITE

Name: 1 Freeman

Title of book: 2

Author: Richard 3

Type of book: 4

Price: £5

Payment method: 6

Delivery address: 7 , London N22

Delivery type: 8

Delivery date: 9

Delivery instructions: If out leave with a 10

Questions 11-16
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

11 What will wake people up in the home of the future?

A Body temperature.

B The sound of an alarm clock.

C The movement of the bed.

12 What will shoes be able to do by themselves?

A Walk faster.

B Play music.

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C Float on air.

13 What kind of clothes will people be wearing?

A Clothes that make us more intelligent.

B Clothes that can interpret how we are feeling.

C Clothes that are powered by electricity.

14 What can the house do?

A Control the shower temperature.

B Turn off the taps.

C Wash your back.

15 What will the Internet be able to do?

A Understand when you are worried

B Project what’s in your fridge.

C Help find something you've lost.

16 What will the fridge do when people are low on milk?

A Deliver the milk.

B Send an email to the shop.

C Defrost some in the freezer.

Questions 17-20
Label the map below.

Write the correct letter, A-F, next to questions 17-20.

The living room of the future

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temperature control


computer keyboard

Questions 21-25
Choose FIVE letters, A-H.

Which FIVE things has Sally already done?

A emailed four businesses

B written up results

C contacted three businesses

D started writing the assignment

E read A Starting Success

F skimmed a document

G borrowed a book

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H researched data

Questions 26-30
Complete the flow-chart below.

Choose FIVE answers from the box and choose the correct letter, A-G, for questions

A beginning

B choices

C document

D language

E opening

F questions

G scales

How to write a questionnaire

Keep your simple
Try to make the of the document interesting.
Make sure that the uses standard terms that aren’t too formal or
Limit or avoid open questions.
Use simple to make it quicker for the recipient.
Put your in a logical order.

Questions 31-40
Complete the notes below.


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Impact of Urbanization
The effects of urbanization:

Example: in the U.S.

only 31 of land built on

loss of 32 far larger
Could impact on world 33 in future
Research methods:

a weather 34 for clouds was used

land use divided into 35
data used to calculate the 36 of all areas

urban areas often built on the 37

a second study confirmed that prime land is being converted
38 of vegetation is lost per annum
The future:

countries such as 39 and need to do investigations

stop investing in infrastructure in areas of fertile land
encourage people to move by giving them 40

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1 zara 2 future worlds

3 watson 4 self-help

5 12.99 6 credit card

7 62 Green Gardens 8 free(delivery)

9 21st February/21 February 10 neighbor/neighbour

11 C 12 B

13 B 14 A

15 C 16 B

17 A 18 C

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19 F 20 D

C,D,F,G,H 26 D

27 A 28 C

29 G 30 F

31 3%/ three percent/3 percent 32 productive land

33 food supplies 34 satellite

35 3 categories/ three categories 36 total productivity

37 best soil(s) 38 91 million tons/91 million tonnes

39 India (and) China 40 financial incentives

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Audio Script:

H: Good morning. How can I help?

C: I’d like some help with ordering a book. I’ve tried your Example website, but it says it’s
offline at the moment and to call this number.

H: Oh yes. I do apologize. We’ve been having some Example problems with it, but I can take
the order over the phone if you like.

C: That would be great. It’s a gift you see.

H: Can I take your name please?

C: Yes, of course. It’s Q1 Zara Freeman.

H: Is that Zara with an ‘s’ or a ‘z’?

C: With a ‘Z’. Z-A-R-A.

H: Just writing that down. Right. What was the title of the book you’d like me to order?

C: I think it’s called Future Words… no hang on, sorry that’s Q2 Future Worlds.

H: OK, just typing that in … I can’t seem to find it. Do you know the name of the author? I’ll do a

C: Yes, it’s by a man called Richard Q3 Watson.

H: Watson as in W-A-T-S-O-N?

C: Yes, that’s right.

H: Oh yes, here it is. It’s only just been released. It’s a Q4 self-help book. Is that right?

C: Yes.

H: Now, it costs £ Q5 12.99.

C: Yep, that’s fine.

H: OK. How would you like to pay?

C: Is a debit card OK?

H: No, sorry. We only accept Q6 credit cards.

C: Oh dear … Em, Just let me check to see if I have it with me … Oh yes, here it is.

H: Can you read me the…

H: Right almost done. Now, I just need the delivery details.

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C: Right. I’ve got my friend’s address here. It’s Q7 62 Green Gardens, London N22.

H: Just typing that in … 52 Green Gardens.

C: No, it’s number 62.

H: Now what kind of delivery would you like?

C: What are the options?

H: There are two. The free delivery option takes five days or you can pay an extra 2 pounds 25
to have it sent out first class tomorrow. That would come to a total of 15 pounds 24p .

C: Umm … Well my friend’s birthday is next week, so it should get there in time with the
Q8 free delivery so I think I’ll take that.

H: Right. That means that it will be delivered on the Q9 21st February anytime from 8 am to 6
pm. Is that OK?

C: Well, I know my friend leaves early for work, so would it be possible for him to pick it up
from the local post office instead?

H: I’m afraid that won’t be possible but I could add some special instructions for it to be left
with someone else, a neighbour perhaps?

C: Actually, yes. I have met the old lady who lives next door and she’s bound to be home. Could
you leave it with her?

H: Fine. I’ll add that if he’s not home then the package should be left with the Q10 neighbour.

C: That’s great! Thanks very much for your help.

H: My pleasure. Thank you for …

Welcome to the Homes of the Future online website. I will be your virtual guide around the
homes you could soon be living in. Let’s begin our tour in the bedroom. Firstly, Q11 the bed is
programmed to gently rock you awake in the mornings. There’ll be no more rude awakenings
by an alarm clock, and it will also know what time you need to wake up as it will get that
information directly from your Personal Digital assistant, that is, your PDA, which will be
inserted into you.

Let’s move to the wardrobe. Q12 Those are vour musical shoes that generate music while you
walk. The music will change according to how fast you’re walking; calm music for a relaxing
stroll and faster beats for when you’re in a hurry. You’ll feel like you’re walking on air.
Q13 What’s more, vour clothes are also intelligent. They sense how you’re feeling and then
change colour. The fabric that they’re made of also converts your body heat into a low-voltage
electricity generator for some of the gadgets that are now inside you, like your PDA, for
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Moving on to the bathroom … So. after waking up. you need a shower. Q14 There’s no need to
turn on any taps as the house will know exactly what temperature you like the water in the
mornings, though you’ll still have to wash yourself!

From the bathroom, we move into the kitchen. Now, we’ve all had that horrible feeling when
you can’t find your keys just as you’re about to go out. Q15 Well, in the home of the future you
wouldn’t need to panic, all vou need to do is an Internet search. All items are now programmed
with a tracking device so that they will light up and signal to vou where they are. Just in case
the object is upstairs, the house will project its position on your fridge.

Speaking of your fridge, this is now as intelligent as your clothes. Q16 Not only does it keep a
record of when you’re running low on everyday essentials like milk, but it emails vour local
grocery store, which will deliver them for you. It can also help with planning meals if you have
friends over for dinner by moving the chicken from the freezer so that it’ll thaw in time.

Lastly, here we are in the living area, which, you’ll be pleased to hear, is still the heart of the
family home. Let’s enter the room. Now, to the left of the entrance is the main seating area with
a sofa, and directly opposite the entrance is an armchair. The sofa backs onto the wall and the
armchair faces to the left, across the coffee table to a blank wall. Q17 So. ‘where is the TV?’ I
hear vou ask. Well, this entire wall is the television. The whole thing is a plasma screen
designed to show your TV, surf the Internet or, when it’s not in use, it displays anything you
want it to from family pictures to famous works of art.

On the opposite wall to the sofa is a fireplace, which still has a real fire nothing beats that now,
does it? Q18 But the rug in front of the fire now also monitors the temperature, and either
opens or closes the chimney, so as not to overheat the room. It still has its normal uses though,
as you can see, the cat likes it very much and is curled up on it, happy as can be.

What else is on offer? Q19 Well, for entertainment the family still reads books, so there is a
bookcase on the wall to the right of the entrance. But what about the computer? Well, it’s inside
your head and powered by those intelligent clothes you’re wearing. Imagine this: as you’re
sitting relaxing on the armchair, you’ll be able to reach out and put your hot drink on the coffee
table in front of the armchair. You suddenly remember that you need to send work an email.
Q20 That same coffee table holding vour cup is also a touch sensitive keyboard for you to type
your email and then click ‘send’. All you need to do to activate it is say ’email’ and the image of a
keyboard will appear.

Well, I hope you’ve enjoyed your tour around the home of the future and that you’ll come visit
again soon. Bye-bye.

S: Hi Professor James, have you got a minute? You see I’m having a bit of trouble getting
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started on my graduate employability assignment.

P: Well, ok, as long as it doesn’t take longer than ten minutes as I have a meeting to get to at

S: Yep fine. It shouldn’t take long at all.

P: OK, Sally. Tell me what you’ve done so far and we’ll go from there.

S: Q21 Well, as you suggested I chose three local businesses and contacted them via
telephone to introduce myself.

P: That’s good.

S: Well, the thing is, I couldn’t get past the secretary of two of them. Do you have any

P: What about following up with a letter stating what time you’ll be calling again?

S: Oh, that’s a good idea. I hadn’t thought of that.

P: So, tell me about the one you have contacted.

S: Right, well, he was very helpful actually. He received the survey I emailed him and has
already sent it back. Q22 I’ve had a very quick look at it, but haven’t had a chance to write it up

P: So far so good. Carry on …

S: Well, apart from that, Q23 I’ve also found a lot of statistics that exist on the starting salaries
graduates begin on once they finish studying. There’s some really interesting stuff out there.
Did you know, for example, that your average engineer earns nearly as much as a medical

P: Yes, I did.

S: Gosh, I had no idea.

P: Having second thoughts about a career in human resources are we?

S: No, but I was surprised. Anyway, getting back to where I was. Q24 I’ve gone to the library,
but the books you recommend have already been taken out, apart from one that is, it’s called …
A Starting Success. I haven’t read it yet, but I’ve taken it out and it’s on my list of things to do.

P: Have you come up with a plan yet?

S: Yes, and Q25 I’ve written my hypothesis as well as my introduction, but that’s where I’ve
got stuck. I don’t really know how I’m going to be able to present all of the information as
there’s so much of it …

P: Well firstly, I’d recommend you start with analyzing what the employer said. Now can I have

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a look at the questionnaire you wrote?

S: Yes, here it is.

P: Thanks … Oh dear. Well it’s no wonder you’re overwhelmed with information. You’ve
collected a lot of information, which can be overwhelming.

S: Oh dear! That took me ages … and does that mean I can’t use it?

P: Afraid so … but don’t worry if you’ve got a pen and paper, I’ll quickly give you some pointers,
and then you can re-jig it to get the information you’re looking for.

S: OK, just a minute … I know there’s a pen in here somewhere. OK, got it.

P: Right, well, first and foremost you need to be clear. There’s no point having a beautifully
worded document throughout that no one understands. Q26 Use language that is simple.

S: Right, got that. What next?

P: Q27 You need to catch the reader’s attention at the start of the document. Q28 And you
need to find the right balance between formal and informal language. Your survey isn’t an
official document, but more of a living one that serves a purpose, so neutral language is best.

S: OK, just writing that down … OK.

P: The next one’s what your mistake was this time – try not to use open-ended questions, or
you’ll find it impossible to collect your results.

S: Yep, I think I’ve learned my lesson there. What else?

P: Q29 Scales really do make the job of completing the questionnaire easier for the recipients
by saving them lots of time and effort writing.

S: I take your point. Anything else?

P: Ah ha. Q30 One last thing, make sure you’ve thought about the logic of your questions.
There’s nothing worse than trying to make choices about things that seem to have no order.

S: Right … got it. I see where I went wrong now and will try to do better next time.

P: Don’t worry. It’s a very easy mistake to make, and one that many people come across the
first time they do this kind of assignment. OK, Sally, I really must rush. I’m late for my

S: Of course, thanks for your help. I’ll see you in class tomorrow. Bye!

Hi, good morning everyone. I’m here today to present my findings on the process of
urbanization and its impact on the environment. As you know, urbanization involves the
movement of people from the countryside to the cities. As this process continues, the cities of
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the world continue to grow. I will demonstrate how this growth is eating away at the planet’s
most fertile land.

My research has focused on two studies that looked at land use in the United States. These
have shown that since its independence, only Q31 three percent of all land in the United
States has been built on. However, the same studies have also shown that the resulting loss of
Q32 productive land is comparatively much, much greater. This isn’t so much of a problem in
America as it has a relatively low ratio of people to land. However, most other countries are not
so blessed, the impact of which could have dire consequences for the future. The real danger
here is if this pattern were to be repeated by developing countries, it could have a major effect
on the world’s Q33 food supplies in the next 50 years.

In order to reach this conclusion, several research methods were adopted. A group of scientists
in the United States used a weather Q34 satellite that normally maps moonlit cloud cover at
night. However, on nights when there were no clouds, they used the satellite to map the
generation of heat from city lights. They then took the data and divided land use into
Q35 three categories urban, semi-urban and non-urban land use. Next, they calculated how
active the vegetation is in each region by using different satellites. When they combined this
information with previous statistics and weather conditions, they came up with a number for
Q36 total productivity for all areas.

So what did the results of this process of land classification show? Well, firstly, they proved
that although only a tiny percentage of the land in the United States is urbanized, and 29% of
land is used for agricultural purposes, the land which has been built on actually has the
Q37 best soils. These were independently corroborated by a second team of scientists in San
Francisco, whose results showed that this process is happening even faster in the southeastern
corner of the United States. This means that land that is extremely productive from an
agricultural point of view, is being taken over by lawns, golf courses and a few scattered trees.
As a direct result of urbanization, the researchers in San Francisco calculated that every year
Q38 91 million tons of plants are ‘lost’ in the U.S.

So what does this mean for the future? Well, I have come up with some of my own ideas for
practical solutions. Countries should calculate whether urbanization is happening on their
fertile lands too; especially if they have large populations compared to the amount of land
available, like Q39 India and China, for example. If it is, then every effort should be made to
stop the process from happening. This can be done in many ways. One of them is to stop
investing in the infrastructure of those areas. If people don’t have the facilities they need, they
won’t want to live there. But in my opinion, the main solution here is to offer people
Q40 financial incentives to move away from fertile land to areas that are less valuable in
agricultural terms.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my presentation this morning. Thanks for your kind attention. I will now
take any questions …
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Great thanks to volunteer Cẩm Vân has contributed these explanations markings.

If you want to make a better world like this, please contact us.

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