Dry Lab Exercise 4 Endocrine
Dry Lab Exercise 4 Endocrine
Dry Lab Exercise 4 Endocrine
Exercise 4: Endocrine System Physiology: Activity 2: Plasma Glucose, Insulin, and Diabetes Mellitus Lab Report
5. Glucagon is a hormone
You correctly answered: b. that opposes the action of insulin.
03/15/22 page 1
Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question: To measure the amount of plasma glucose in a patient sample
Your answer : b. the optical density of the sample will be measured and the glucose concentration will be extrapolated from
the glucose standard curve.
Experiment Data:
03/15/22 page 2
Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 6 out of 6 questions correctly.
1. A male patient has had successive fasting plasma glucose readings of 115, 110, and 122 mg/dl. The healthcare provider
will inform him that
You correctly answered: c. he appears to have impairment or borderline impairment of insulin-mediated glucose uptake by
his cells.
3. In the spectrophotometric assay used in this experiment, the __________ as the glucose concentration in the sample
You correctly answered: b. optical density increases
4. A female patient has had successive fasting plasma glucose readings of 130, 140, and 128 mg/dl. The healthcare
provider will inform her that
You correctly answered: a. she has developed diabetes.
6. A laboratory technician withdraws a blood sample from a vein in your upper arm knowing that
You correctly answered: b. the plasma glucose concentration will be the same in both the arm vein and the index finger.
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Review Sheet Results
1. What is a glucose standard curve, and why did you need to obtain one for this experiment? Did you correctly predict
how you would measure the amount of plasma glucose in a patient sample using the glucose standard curve?
Your answer:
Alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur kadar FPG yang diambil dari beberapa pasien untuk mendiagnoss dan moitoring gula
darah serta menentukan diagnosis diabetes. Prediksi benar, oprtic density dari sample akan diukur dan konsentrasi glukosa
diekstrapolasi dari kurva standar glukosa.
2. Which patient(s) had glucose reading(s) in the diabetic range? Can you say with certainty whether each of these
patients has type 1 or type 2 diabetes? Why or why not?
Your answer:
Pasien 3 dan 5 berada di diabetic range. Penentuan tipe diabetes tidak dapat ditentukan karena kedua pasien memiliki
kadar glukosa plasma tinggi. Sedangkan tipe diabetes dibedakan berdasar patofisiologis.
3. Describe the diagnosis for patient 3, who was also pregnant at the time of this assay.
Your answer:
Pasien 3 memiliki kadar glukosa darah 131 mg/dl yang termasuk dalam diabetes range. Gula darah ibu hamil lebih tinggi
dari pada normal karena perubahan hormon dan suplai nutrisi yang diperlukan. Menyebabkan peningkatan insulin untuk
menjaga gula darah agar tetap normal. Dapat diperkirakan pasien mengalami diabetes gestasional.
5. What are some lifestyle choices these patients with normal plasma glucose readings might recommend to the borderline
impaired patients?
Your answer:
Mengubah pola hidup menjadi lebih sehat dengan olahraga, makan makanan sehat, spesifik diet (rendah gula),
menghindari lemak tinggi, dan edukasi serta saran dari dokter.
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