Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter Ⅰ
Complex Number
N, Z, Q and R , respectively.
Chapter Ⅰ Complex Number
Definition of Complex Numbers
Properties of Complex Numbers
Conjugate & Absolute Value
Geometric Representation
Polar Representation
Power & Power Roots
Exponential Form & Euler’s Formula
§1.1. Sums and Products
Note that the operations defined by equations (1.1.3) and (1.1.4) become
the usual operations of addition and multiplication when restricted to the
real numbers:
( x1 ,0) ( x2 ,0) ( x1 x2 ,0) , ( x1 ,0)( x2 ,0) ( x1 x2 ,0) .
The complex number system is, therefore, a natural extension of the real
number system.
4. Alternative Representation of
Complex Numbers
1. Commutative law
z1 z 2 z 2 z1 , z1 z 2 z 2 z1 (1.2.1)
2. Associative law
z1 z 2 z 3 z1 z2 z 3 , z1 z2 z3 z1 z2 z3 (1.2.2)
3. Distributive law
z( z1 z 2 ) zz1 zz 2 , (1.2.3)
nz z z z and z zz z .
4. Identities
The additive identity 0 (0,0) and the multiplicative identity
1 (1,0) for real numbers carry over to the entire complex number
system. That is,
z 0 z and z 1 z (1.2.4)
for every complex number z . Furthermore, 0 and 1 are the only complex
numbers with such properties.
5. Additive inverse
For each complex number z ( x, y ) , there is an additive inverse
z ( x, y ) , (1.2.5)
6. Subtraction
From the discussion above, we conclude that the set C of all
complex numbers becomes a field, called the field of complex numbers, or
the complex number field.
§1.3. Further Properties
z1 x1 x2 y1 y 2 y1 x2 x1 y 2
i ( z 2 0) . (1.3.2)
z2 x2 y 2
2 2
x22 y 22
Although expression (1.3.2) is not easy to remember, it can be obtained by
z1 ( x1 iy1 )( x2 iy 2 )
. (1.3.3)
z 2 ( x2 iy 2 )( x2 iy 2 )
3. Useful identities
z 21 ( z 2 0) . (1.3.4)
z1 1
z1 ( z2 0) . (1.3.5)
z2 z2
( z1 z2 )( z11 z21 ) ( z1 z11 )( z2 z21 ) 1 ( z2 0) .
1 1 1
( z1 z2 ) z1 z2
1 1 1
( z1 0, z2 0) .
z1 z2 z1 z2
z1 z 2 z1 z 2
( z 3 0, z 4 0) . (1.3.7)
z 3 z 4 z 3 z 4
Example. Computations such as the following are now justified:
1 1 1 1 5i 5i
2 3i 1 i ( 2 3i )(1 i ) 5 i 5 i (5 i )(5 i )
5i 5 i 5 1
26 26 26 26 26
4. Binomial formula
If z1 and z 2 are any two complex numbers, then
n n k k
( z1 z 2 ) z1 z 2
(n 1,2, ) (Binomial Formula)
k 0 k
n n!
where (k 0,1,2, , n ) and where it is agreed that
k k! (n k )!
0! 1.
§1.4. Moduli
Fig. 1-2
According to the definition of the sum of two complex numbers
z1 x1 iy1 and z 2 x2 iy 2 , z1 z 2 may be obtained vectorially
as shown in Fig. 1-3.
The difference z1 z 2 z1 ( z 2 ) corresponds to the sum of the
vectors z1 and z 2 (Fig. 1-4).
1. Modulus
The modulus, or absolute value, of a complex number z x iy
is defined as the nonnegative real number x 2 y 2 and is denoted by
| z | ; that is,
| z | x 2 y 2 . (1.4.1)
Geometrically, the number | z | is the distance between the point ( x, y )
and the origin, or the length of the vector representing z . It reduces to
the usual absolute value in the real number system when y 0 .
2.Distance of complex numbers
The distance between two points z1 x1 iy1 and z 2 x2 iy 2
is defined by
| z1 z2 | ( x1 x2 ) 2 ( y1 y2 ) 2 .
The complex numbers z corresponding to the points lying on the
circle with center z 0 and radius R thus satisfy the equation
| z z 0 | R , and conversely. We refer to this set of these points simply
as the circle | z z0 | R , denoted by C ( z0 , R) .
Example 2. The equation | z 1 3i | 2 represents the circle
whose center is the point z 0 (1,3) and whose radius is R 2 .
3.Relationshps of z, Re z and Im z
| z | 2 (Re z ) 2 (Im z ) 2 . (1.4.2)
Re z | Re z || z | and Im z | Im z || z | . (1.4.3)
4.Triangle inequality
| z1 z 2 || z1 | | z 2 | , (1.4.4)
| z1 z2 | | z1 | | z2 | . (1.4.5)
Example 3. If a point z lies on the unit circle | z | 1 about the
origin, then
| z 2 || z | 2 3
| z 2 | | z | 2 1 .
The triangle inequality (1.4.4) can be generalized by means of
mathematical induction to sums involving any finite number of terms:
| z1 z2 zn || z1 | | z2 | | zn | (n 2,3, ) .
§1.5. Conjugates
Fig. 1-5
2. Useful identities
z z , | z || z |
z1 z2 z1 z2 . (1.5.2)
z1 z 2 z1 z 2 , (1.5.3)
z1 z 2 z1 z 2 , (1.5.4)
z1 z1
( z 2 0) . (1.5.5)
z2 z2
zz zz
Re z , Im z . (1.5.6)
2 2i
z z | z | 2 . (1.5.7)
Example 1. As an illustration, we compute
1 3i (1 3i )( 2 i ) 5 5i 5 5i
1 i .
2i (2 i )( 2 i ) | 2i | 2
See also the example near the end of Sec.1.3.
Identity (1.5.7) is especially useful in obtaining properties of moduli
from properties of conjugates noted above. We mention that
| z1 z 2 || z1 || z 2 | (1.5.8)
z1 | z1 |
( z2 0) . (1.5.9)
z2 | z2 |
Property (1.5.8) can be established by writing
| z1 z 2 | 2 ( z1 z 2 )( z1 z 2 ) ( z1 z 2 )( z1 z 2 ) ( z1 z1 )( z 2 z 2 ) | z1 | 2 | z 2 | 2 (| z1
on the other hand, we define z in terms of the multiplicative inverse of
z by writing.
z n ( z 1 ) m where m n 1,2, .
Then, since expression (1.7.7) is valid for positive integral powers, it
follows from the exponential form (1.7.3) of z that
m m n
1 i ( ) 1 im( ) 1 i ( n )( ) n in
z e
e e r e
r r r
( n 1,2, )
Expression (1.7.7) is now established for all integral powers.
Observe that if r 1 , expression (1.7.7) becomes
(ei ) n ein (n 0,1,2, ) (1.7.8)
When written in the form
( 3 i ) 7 (2e i / 6 ) 7 2 7 e i 7 / 6 (2 6 e i )( 2e i / 6 ) 64( 3 i ) .
§1.8. Roots of Complex Numbers
Consider now a point z re , lying
on a circle centered at the origin with
radius r (Fig. 1-10). As is
increased, z moves around the circle
in the counterclockwise direction. In
particular, when is increased by
2 , we arrive at the original point; and
the same is true when is decreased
by 2 . Fig. 1-10
(1) Let be a real number, then
ei 1 2k for some integer k.
(2) Two nonzero complex numbers z1 r1e
i 2
and z 2 r2 e are equal if and only if r1 r2 and
1 22k for some integer k .
2.Definition of roots of complex number
Let z 0 r0 e 0 be any nonzero complex number and n 2 be a
positive integer. A complex number z re is said to be an n th root
of z 0 if it satisfies the equation z z 0 .
In each of the examples here, we start with expression (1.8.3), Sec. 1.8,
and proceed in the manner described at the end of that section.
Example 1. In order to determine the nth roots of unity, we write
1 1exp[ i (0 2k )] ( k 0,1,2, , n 1)
and find that
0 2k 2k
1 exp i exp i ( k 0,1,2, , n 1) .
1/ n n
n n n
When n 2 , these roots are, of course, 1 . When n 3 , the regular
polygon at whose vertices the roots lie is inscribed in the unit circle
z 1, with one vertex corresponding to the principal root z 1(k 0) .
If we write
n exp i , (1.9.2)
it follows from property (1.7.8), Sec.1.7, of e that
nk exp i ( k 0,1,2, , n 1) .
Hence, the distinct nth roots of unity just found are simply
1, n , n2 ,, nn 1 . See Fig. 1-12, where the cases n 3,4 , and
6 are illustrated. Note that n 1 .
Fig. 1-12
Finally, it is worthwhile observing that if c is any particular nth root
of z0 , then the set of nth roots of z0 can be put in the form
c, cn , cn2 ,, cnn 1 .
This is because multiplication of any nonzero complex number by n
increases the argument of that number by 2 / n , while leaving its
modulus unchanged.
Example 2. Let us find all values of (8i) , that is, the three cube
1/ 3
1 1 3 2 3
sin 2
1 cos 1
12 2 6 2 2 4
2 3 1
c0 2 i
2 3 2 3 i 2 3 .
4 4 2
Since c1 c0 , the two square roots of 3 i are
2 3 i 2 3 .
C S Sb Se .
3. Definiton of an open set
A set is said to be open if it contains none of its boundary points, i.e.,
S Sb .
Proposition 1.10.1. A set S C is open if and only if each of its
points is an interior point, i.e., S S .
6. Definiton of a domain
An open set that is
connected is called a Fig. 1-16
domain. Note that any
neighborhood is a domain. A domain together with some, none, or all of
its boundary points is referred to as a region. Thus, a subset S of the
plane C is a region if and only if there are a domain D and a subset
E of the boundary D b such that S D E .
7. Definiton of a bounded set
A set S is called bounded if all points of S lie inside some circle
z R , i.e.,
S {z :| z | R} ;
otherwise, it is called unbounded. Both of the sets (1.10.3) are bounded
regions, and the right half plane {z : Re z 0} is unbounded.
8. Definiton of a accumulation point
A point z0 is said to be an accumulation point of a set S if each
deleted neighborhood of z 0 contains at least one point of S . In other
words, a point z0 is an accumulation point of a set S if
S N ( z0 , )
for all positive number .
Proposition 1.10.3. A set S C is closed if and only if it
contains all of its accumulation points.
Proposition 1.10.4. A set S C is closed if and only if its
complement S C \ S with respective to C is open.