KCP Sugar Oct Visit 26.10.2019

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DATE OF VISIT:26/10/2019



K L E F Dee med to be University
Greenfields, Vaddeswaram, Guntur – 522 034
DATE : 26th October 2019
SECTI ON : II YEAR – S1, S2, S3 & S4
TOTAL STUD ENTS : 40 + 70 + 27 + 48

EVENT : Industrial Tour

Faculty Coordinators:
1) Sundara iah, Asst.Prof.
2) Sumit Gupta, Assoc.Prof.
3) Mona Mudaliar, Asst. Prof

An industr ia l vis it has been organized by departme nt of electronics and co mmunication
engineer ing for II- year I se mester stude nts on 26th October 2019. The ma in objective of
the vis it was to provide a technical exposure to the stude nts about the ma nufactur ing
process and techno logy.
Totally 185 students of II- year ECE of KLEF vis ited Efftro nics, Vijaya wada.


The students were acco mpanied by 2 faculty me mbers. The buses with students have
started fro m our college at 10:00 AM on 26th October 2019 and reached the KCP Sugar
Factory, Vuyyuru by 10:30 AM.

Students visited KCP Sugar factory and learnt about

Cane Carrier

This is used to transport cane to the milling tandem and consists of chains and slats. Its width is
normally equal to the mill size. Mill cane-crushing unit having normally consisting of three
rollers in a heavy steel housing. Cane first passes between the top and front rollers, then between
the top and back rollers, to extract the juice. Cane Crushing unit, preceding the first mill to crush
the cane prior to extraction of juice, for the purpose of improving the quantity of juice extracted.
Normally consists of two rollers. Shredder has the same purpose as the crusher, but a different
principle. Consists of a drum, with a concentric shaft, on which hammers are mounted on arms.

Mill Tandem

A complete mill is complex, consisting of crusher (or shredder) and all mills, together with
drives and reducing gears.

Cane Knives

These are mounted on cane carriers prior to entrance to mills, for preventing entire cane stalks
from entering the mills, straightening and precutting the cane, for the purpose of improving juice
extraction and saving driving power at the same time.

Inte rmediate Carriers

These transport the milled cane (bagasse) from one mill to the next. Baggage Carrier, this carries
the bagasse from the last mill to the boilers, and its excess to storage.

Powe r Plant

This produces electricity by means of non-condensing steam turbines, which drive generators.
For the off-season diesel-driven generators are mainly used, to produce a limited quantity of

Juice Heater

A heat exchanger in which juice is heated by using steam as a medium, normally a multi-pass
system. Juice flows through tubes, while steam passes along the outside of the tubes, in the
cylindrical body. They can be used horizontally as well as vertically.
Clarifie r
It is a large vertical cylindrical tank, where juice is given time for decantation, to separate the
clear juice from the turbid, which still contains the mud. Juice flow is continuous.

A device to separate the mud from the turbid juice; normally of the rotary vacuum type. Can also
be any kind of pressure filter, provided with filter cloth, to let the juice pass and retain the mud
on its surface.

A series of vessels, in which excess water from the juice is evaporated to form a more
concentrated liquid, now called syrup. The vessels work in series under increasing vacuum
conditions, to reduce the boiling temperature gradually as the concentration increases step-wise.
This prevents overheating of juice and loss of sucrose. The vessels toget her form a triple-,
quadruple- or quintuple-effect evaporator.

Vacuum Pan

Like an evaporator vessel, a continuation of the evaporating process, but carried so far that
crystallization occurs. Also boils under vacuum for reduced boiling temperature. The syr up is
now transformed into massecuite (fill mass-strike-skipping), which is a mixture of grain
(crystals) and mother liquor (molasses).

A strike receiver in which the charge from the vacuum pan is stored before going to the
centrifugals. Its purpose is cooling, to increase grain size and reduce sucrose left in molasses.

A machine with a fast spinning drum and a screen, inside, through which the molasses can pass
while the crystals are retained. Separation is based on the difference in specific gravity, amplified
by centrifugal force.
A long drum- like rotating cylinder, where sugar is brought in contact with heated air, to reduce
its moisture content.

Same as a dryer, but air is dry and cooled to reduce temperature of sugar, heated by the dryer.
This is to prevent caking during storage. The combination of dryer and cooler into one body is
often called a Granulator.

The below picture had been taken during the visit. All over India KCP has
manufacturing and marketing of Rectified Spirit, Extra Neutral Alcohol, Ethanol, Incidental
Cogeneration of Power, Organic Manure, Mycorrhiza Vam, Calcium Lactate and CO2.
Company has two sugar factories located in Krishna District Andra Pradesh having an
aggregate crushing capacity of 11,500 tons per day.

K.C.P Sugar and Industries Corporation Ltd is one among the leading sugar
manufacturing companies in India . Its allied business consists of manufacturing and marketing
of Rectified Spirit, Extra Neutral Alcohol, Ethanol, Incidental Cogeneration of Power, Organic
Manure, Mycorrhiza Vam, Calcium Lactate and CO2. Company has two sugar factories located
in Krishna District Andra Pradesh having an aggregate crushing capacity of 11,500 tons per day.

Late Shri. Velagapudi Rama Krishna ICS, a top bureaucrat and c ivil servant had
conceived the idea of promoting agro based industries, when he was director of industries,
Madras state. By virtue of his position as director of industries, he had exposure to the industrial
sector which prompted him to take over the sugar industry in 1941 at Vuyyuru which was not
doing well. The sugar factory was of 600 TCD and it was christened as The K.C.P Limited. He
was a source of inspiration to many entrepreneurs to setup sugar industries in Andhra Pradesh.
Some of them are Andhra Sugars, Sarvaraya Sugars and Deccan Sugars. The K.C.P Ltd never
looked back from the year 1941 and gradually by stages it had expanded to 7500 TCD which is
the present capacity. The K.C.P Ltd., consequent to diversified operations had, over the years
became a conglomerate with multi locational and multi product units, each the size of an
independent company. The company has also envisaged plans to setup different projects which
required focused attention and substantial resources. Therefore, it had been decided to reorganize
The K.C.P Ltd., into two companies. With this objective a new company, under the name and
style of K.C.P. Sugar and industries corporation Ltd., has been incorporated in the year 1995.
Through a scheme of arrangement duly approved by the Hon'ble High Court of Madras the
following manufaturing units along with certain corporate assets and liabilities of The K.C.P Ltd
have been vested with the K.C.P.Sugar and Industries Corporation Ltd., with effect from !st
April 1996.

Late Shri. V.M. Rao a visionary had taken over the reins of K.C.P. Sugar and Industries
Corporation Ltd., as the first Chairman and Managing Director. He was instrumental in
revamping the company with his foresight by introducing technological innovations and right
sizing the man power for increasing the production and productivity in the organization. He took
several bold steps to start allied products like Bio-Products,Acetic Acid and several other
projects viz. Co-Gen, Calcium Lactate, Bio-Fertilizers, Ethonal and Mycorrhiza. The legacy of
late Shri.V.Ramakrishna and Late Shri.V.M. Rao is being arduously followed by Smt. Irmgard
Velagapudi M. Rao Managing Director, Shri. Vinod Sethi Executive Chairman and Smt. Kiran
Rao. Executive Director.

K.C.P. Sugar and Industries Corporation Ltd., is all through with there continued
unrelenting efforts of all the three stewards striving to excel the predominant and eminent
position enjoyed over years among share holders and business associates.

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