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Numerical Analysis-5

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Interpolation with unevenly spaced points

Numerical Analysis-5

Dr. S.D. Purohit

Department of HEAS (Mathematics), RTU Kota

Dr. S.D. Purohit, UD, RTU, Kota B.Tech. III Semester (ME/P&I)
Interpolation with unevenly spaced points

We discuss, in the present section, Lagrange’s interpolation and Newton’s

general interpolation formulae.

Dr. S.D. Purohit, UD, RTU, Kota B.Tech. III Semester (ME/P&I)
Interpolation with unevenly spaced points

Lagrange’s interpolation formula:

Given the (n + 1) points (x0 , y0 ), (x1 , y1 ), · · · , (xn , yn ) where the values of x
need not necessarily be equally spaced. The Lagrange’s interpolating
polynomial passes through given data points is given as:
Pn (x) = `i (x) yi , yi = y(xi ) (1)

= `0 (x) y0 + `1 (x) y1 + `2 (x) y2 + · · · + `n (x) yn (2)

(x − x0 )(x − x1 ) · · · (x − xi−1 )(x − xi+1 ) · · · (x − xn )
`i (x) = .
(xi − x0 )(xi − x1 ) · · · (xi − xi−1 )(xi − xi+1 ) · · · (xi − xn )

Dr. S.D. Purohit, UD, RTU, Kota B.Tech. III Semester (ME/P&I)
Interpolation with unevenly spaced points

Interchanging x and y in Eq. (1), we obtain the inverse interpolation as

Pn (y) = `i (y) xi , xi = x(yi ) (3)

(y − y0 )(y − y1 ) · · · (y − yi−1 )(y − yi+1 ) · · · (y − yn )
`i (y) = .
(yi − y0 )(yi − y1 ) · · · (yi − yi−1 )(yi − yi+1 ) · · · (yi − yn )

Dr. S.D. Purohit, UD, RTU, Kota B.Tech. III Semester (ME/P&I)
Interpolation with unevenly spaced points

Certain corresponding values of x and log10 x are (300, 2.4771),
(304, 2.4829), (305, 2.4843) and (307, 2.4871). Find log10 301.

Using Lagrange’s interpolation formula, we have
P3 (x) = `i (x) yi
(x − x1 )(x − x2 )(x − x3 )
= (y0 )
(x0 − x1 )(x0 − x2 )(x0 − x3 )
(x − x0 )(x − x2 )(x − x3 )
+ (y1 )
(x1 − x0 )(x1 − x2 )(x1 − x3 )
(x − x0 )(x − x1 )(x − x3 )
+ (y2 )
(x2 − x0 )(x2 − x1 )(x2 − x3 )
(x − x0 )(x − x1 )(x − x2 )
+ (y3 )
(x3 − x0 )(x3 − x1 )(x3 − x2 )

Dr. S.D. Purohit, UD, RTU, Kota B.Tech. III Semester (ME/P&I)
Interpolation with unevenly spaced points

According to given problem, we have
x0 x1 x2 x3
x 300 304 305 307
y 2.4771 2.4829 2.4843 2.4871
y y0 y1 y2 y3
(301 − 304)(301 − 305)(301 − 307)
P3 (301) = log10 301 = (2.4771)
(300 − 304)(300 − 305)(300 − 307)
(301 − 300)(301 − 305)(301 − 307)
+ (2.4829)
(304 − 300)(304 − 305)(304 − 307)
(301 − 300)(301 − 304)(301 − 307)
+ (2.4843)
(305 − 300)(305 − 304)(305 − 307)
(301 − 300)(301 − 304)(301 − 305)
+ (2.4871)
(307 − 300)(307 − 304)(307 − 305)
= 1.2739 + 4.9658 − 4.4717 + 0.7106
= 2.4786.

Dr. S.D. Purohit, UD, RTU, Kota B.Tech. III Semester (ME/P&I)
Interpolation with unevenly spaced points

Interpolate by means of Lagrange’s interpoation formula and find the value
of f (5), from the following data

f (1) = 2, f (2) = 4, f (3) = 8, f (4) = 16, f (7) = 128.

Solution: 32.9333.

The function y = f (x) is given at the points (7, 3), (8, 1), (9, 1) and (10, 9).
Find the value of y for x = 9.5 using Lagrange’s interpolation formula.
Solution: 3.625.

If y(1) = −3, y(3) = 9, y(4) = 30 and y(6) = 132, find the four point
Lagrange’s interpolation polynomial that takes the same values as the
function y at the given points.
Solution: x3 − 3x2 + 5x − 6.

Dr. S.D. Purohit, UD, RTU, Kota B.Tech. III Semester (ME/P&I)
Interpolation with unevenly spaced points


If y1 = 4, y3 = 12, y4 = 19 and yx = 7, find x.

According to given problem, we have
x0 x1 x2
x 1 3 4
y 4 12 19
y y0 y1 y2
And y = 7. Then, using inverse inperpolation formula, we obtain
x= `i (y) xi = `0 (y) x0 + `1 (y) x1 + `2 (y) x2
(7 − 12)(7 − 19) (7 − 4)(7 − 19) (7 − 4)(7 − 12)
x= (1) + (3) + (4)
(4 − 12)(4 − 19) (12 − 4)(12 − 19) (19 − 4)(19 − 12)
1 27 4 26
= + − = = 1.86
2 14 7 14

Dr. S.D. Purohit, UD, RTU, Kota B.Tech. III Semester (ME/P&I)
Interpolation with unevenly spaced points

Divided differences and their properties:

The Lagrange’s interpolation formula has the disadvantage that if another
interpolation point were added, then the interpolation coefficient `i (x) will
have to be recomputed. We therefore seek an interpolation polynomial
which has the property that a polynomial of higher order may be derived
from it by simply adding new terms. Newton’s general interpolation
formula is one such formula and it employs what are called divided
differences. It is our principal purpose in this section to define such
differences and discuss their properties.

Dr. S.D. Purohit, UD, RTU, Kota B.Tech. III Semester (ME/P&I)
Interpolation with unevenly spaced points

Let (x0 , y0 ), (x1 , y1 ), · · · , (xn , yn ) be the given (n + 1) data points. Then

the divided differences of order 1, 2, · · · , n are defined by the relations:
y1 − y0
[x0 , x1 ] = , (first divided difference);
x1 − x0
[x1 , x2 ] − [x0 , x1 ]
[x0 , x1 , x2 ] = , (second divided difference);
x2 − x0
[x1 , x2 , · · · , xn ] − [x0 , x1 , · · · , xn−1 ]
[x0 , x1 , · · · , xn ] = , (nth divided difference).
xn − x0
Note: The divided differences are symmetrical in their arguments.

Dr. S.D. Purohit, UD, RTU, Kota B.Tech. III Semester (ME/P&I)
Interpolation with unevenly spaced points

Even if the arguments are equal, the divided differences may still have a
meaning. We then set x1 = x0 + h so that
y(x0 + h) − y(x0 )
[x0 , x1 ] = lim [x0 , x0 + h] = lim
h→0 h→0 h
= y (x0 ), if y(x) is differenctiable.


y r (x0 )
[x0 , x0 , · · · , x0 ] = .
| {z } r!
(r+1) argumetnts

Dr. S.D. Purohit, UD, RTU, Kota B.Tech. III Semester (ME/P&I)
Interpolation with unevenly spaced points

Now let the arguments be equally spaced so that xn = x0 + nh, n = 1, 2, ..

Then we obtain
y1 − y0 1
[x0 , x1 ] = = ∆y0 ,
x1 − x0 h
[x1 , x2 ] − [x0 , x1 ] 1 ∆y1 ∆y0 1
[x0 , x1 , x2 ] = = − = 2 ∆2 y0 ,
x2 − x0 2h h h h 2!

and in general,

[x0 , x1 , · · · , xn ] = ∆n y0 . (4)
hn n!
Note: If the tabulated function is a polynomial of nth degree, then ∆n y0
would be a constant and hence the nth divided difference would also be a

Dr. S.D. Purohit, UD, RTU, Kota B.Tech. III Semester (ME/P&I)
Interpolation with unevenly spaced points

Newton’s general interpolation formula:

By definition, we have
y − y0
[x, x0 ] = ,
x − x0

so that
y = y0 + (x − x0 )[x, x0 ].

[x, x0 ] − [x0 , x1 ]
[x, x0 , x1 ] =
x − x1

which gives
[x, x0 ] = [x0 , x1 ] + (x − x1 )[x, x0 , x1 ].

Substituting this value of [x, x0 ] in above equation, we obtain

y = y0 + (x − x0 )[x0 , x1 ] + (x − x0 )(x − x1 )[x, x0 , x1 ]

Dr. S.D. Purohit, UD, RTU, Kota B.Tech. III Semester (ME/P&I)
Interpolation with unevenly spaced points

Proceeding in this way, we obtain

y = y0 + (x − x0 )[x0 , x1 ] + (x − x0 )(x − x1 )[x0 , x1 , x2 ]

+ (x − x0 )(x − x1 )(x − x2 )[x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 ] + · · ·
+ (x − x0 )(x − x1 ) · · · (x − xn )[x, x0 , x1 , · · · , xn ]

This formula is called Newton’s general interpolation formula with

divided differences.

Dr. S.D. Purohit, UD, RTU, Kota B.Tech. III Semester (ME/P&I)
Interpolation with unevenly spaced points

Construct a divided difference table for the following data:
x 1 2 4 7
f (x) 22 30 82 106

The divided difference table is

x f (x) 1st DD 2nd DD 3rd DD

1 22
2 30 4−1
82−30 −3.6−6
= 26 7−1
= −1.6
4 82 7−2
= −3.6
7 106

Dr. S.D. Purohit, UD, RTU, Kota B.Tech. III Semester (ME/P&I)
Interpolation with unevenly spaced points

Using the following table find f (x) as a polynomial in x:
x -1 0 3 6 7
f (x) 3 -6 39 822 1611

The divided difference table is

x f (x) 1st DD 2nd DD 3rd DD 4th DD

-1 3
0 -6 6
15 5
3 39 41 1
261 13
6 822 132
7 1611

Using Newton’s general interpolation formula, we have

y = y0 + (x − x0 )[x0 , x1 ] + (x − x0 )(x − x1 )[x0 , x1 , x2 ]

+ (x − x0 )(x − x1 )(x − x2 )[x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 ]+
+ (x − x0 )(x − x1 )(x − x2 )(x − x3 )[x, x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ]

Dr. S.D. Purohit, UD, RTU, Kota B.Tech. III Semester (ME/P&I)
Interpolation with unevenly spaced points


y = f (x) = 3 + (x + 1)(−9) + (x + 1)(x)(6) + (x + 1)(x)(x − 3)(5)

+ (x + 1)(x)(x − 3)(x − 6)(1)
= x − 3x3 + 5x2 − 6.

Dr. S.D. Purohit, UD, RTU, Kota B.Tech. III Semester (ME/P&I)

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