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Roxas Campus

Barangay Health Center Record and Monitoring System

A Capstone Project

Presented to the Faculty of the

Institute of Information and Communication Technology

Isabela State University

Roxas, Isabela

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree



Mylene G. Mariano

Shiela Mae A. Anog

Kristine Camille D. Trinidad

Roxas Campus



Health centers served approximately 1 in 12 Filipinos and provide important

access to health services for rural and underserved populations in many states. Health
centers are community-based, nonprofit or public organizations that provide
coordinated, comprehensive primary care services. These can include medical,
pharmacy, behavioral health and geriatric care, and enabling services like transportation
or translation.

Despite the importance of Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) to health systems

in resource-constrained environments, relatively little has been written about their
contributions to pandemic preparedness. The goal of barangay health nursing is to
assist the individual, family, and community in attaining their highest level of holistic
health. It is also to provide and promote healthy lifestyle choices through education,
public awareness and community outreach activities.

In today’s information age, advancement of technology changes the way of life.

It has made various positive changes in almost every field whether it’s medical,
business, education, sports or any field you look into. Particularly in most medical
clinic facilities, it has made a big impact that enables modern clinics to serve many
patients as possible (Qualman, 2018).

As the years passed, the number of patients has grown and various medical
cases arise that the manual method of monitoring of patients’ records and prescriptions
were moved into computer-based systems.

Barangay Rizal Health Center is using a manual system in terms of

implementing medical services. Patient’s record information is all kept in a piece of
paper which is hard to analyzed and interpret. Record information like consultation,
pregnancy records, children vaccination and other related barangay health are recorded
manually. This health center is aided by public health workers (nurses, midwifes,
Roxas Campus

nutritionist and doctors) and barangay health workers (BHWs) that works on the
process of recording and profiling individuals and families that needs their medical
care. In doing medical consultation BHWs are first on the line to receive personal
information from the patient and record them in their forms for proper profiling. After
patient’s profiling they are advice to wait in the line if they were for immunization,
doctor’s consultation, or any medical care services before they were catered by the
public health staff. Recording of patient’s consultation is through manual approach. To
improve their services to the community, Barangay Health Center Patient Record and
Monitoring System is proposed to be implemented in the said barangay. It is designed
for keeping and monitoring the medical records of every patient that is consulted in
Barangay Rizal. By this, paper works and manual record keeping will be minimized.
Therefore, allowing the nurse and staff to feel at ease in keeping track of patients and
increasing the number of them served.


1. What are the problems encountered in the manual barangay health center record
management system?
2. What is the extent of the need to be develop a barangay health center record
management system?
3. What is the extent of compliance of the barangay health center record
management system in ISO 25010?


Roxas Campus

This study aimed to design, develop and implement Barangay Health Center
Record and Management System for barangay Rizal Roxas, Isabela.
Specifically it aims to:
1. Identify the problems encountered in the manual barangay health center
record management system.
2. Design, Develop and Implement a barangay health center record
management system.
3. Determine the proposed system's level of software quality compliance using
ISO 25010.


In general, the focus of this study is directed towards the design and
development of an automated Barangay Health Center Record and Monitoring System.
This study is largely dependent on the information of the Barangay health secretary
record and keep. This includes all the essential health records of all the patients of
barangay Rizal.


The system intended for persons who have direct involvement in the processing
of health programs and other medical services of Barangay Rizal. The study dealt
largely with recording the Patient Profile Information of the Rizalineo. The study
Roxas Campus

involves the patient’s personal information, contact information and medical records

Every consultation or any transactions of the patients will be recorded or stored

into a database including the updating of the patient health records, how many patients
accommodated daily, sickness or complaints report and the medicines released. The
proposed system can also add different types of users like doctor, nurse, and midwife
account to process consultation interventions.


In this proposed system, records and files are computerized and stored for
accessibility and portability. However, the proponents limit the feature of the secure
log-in system to the nurse, doctor, midwife and barangay health worker only. Web
access of the patients is not included.

The system only focuses on the health records of the barangay residents.
Unrelated barangay transactions like barangay clearance are not included in the
proposed system.


The proposed Baranay Health Center Record and Monitoring System of

barangay Rizal Health Center, it will be beneficial for the following:

Barangay Health Worker- The staff cab benefits a lot from the study as they are
integral part of the whole clinic management.

Clinic- The proposed system will automate every clinic tasks and can help maximize
time spent with patients thereby providing better service to the community.

Nurse- The proposed system will make it easier for the head nurse to manage the clinic
and it would be convenient when it comes to retrieving patient health records.

Patients- It will provide better service for the patients and their community.
Roxas Campus

Researcher- The researchers have developed their writing analysis and skills in
making a good thesis that can help improving our community as a whole.

Future Researcher- This will benefit other researchers who wish to have similar
studies. The results will serve as their background information in conducting their own


Barangay Health Center Record

Monitoring System

Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework

The figure shows the conceptual framework of the proposed Barangay Health Center
Record Management System which illustrates how the system is used by the different
Roxas Campus

users (barangay health worker, doctor, nurse, and midwife). The barangay health
worker will eb in charge of the registration of household / residents’ information while
the doctor user, nurse user and midwife user shall be in charge of the clinical and
maternal records.

Rapid Application Development
 Problems Identified in
the in the manual 1. Requirements Planning
barangay record 2. Prototyping Barangay Health Center
management system 3. Testing Record Management System
 Resident’s Information 4. Cut-over
 Hardware 5. Evaluation
 Software
 ISO 25010


Figure 1. Research Paradigm

The figure above shows the different inputs, processes to follow, and expected
output. The Input column contains the problems encountered by the manual barangay
health center record management system, the resident’s information, the hardware and
software requirement and the ISO 25010 instrument. The methodology, specifically the
Rapid Application Development (RAD), is presented in the Process column, wherein it
involves different phases: Requirements Planning, Prototyping, Testing, and Cutover.
The Output column contains the proposed system itself. Furthermore, feedback will be
reviewed and used to improve the system further.
Roxas Campus


 Health Center Record Management System. A health center record management

system records households medical, and maternal records.
 Barangay Health Center. A barangay health center is a community-based and the
goal is to offer first aid, maternal and child health care, communicable diseases and
other basic health services to all the constituents of the barangay.
 Household. These are the group of people who live in barangay Rizal, Roxas,
Isabela. They are considered as the main respondent of the study.
 ISO 25010. ISO25010 is an instrument to evaluate the software quality compliance
of the proposed system.
 Barangay Health Worker. Barangay Health Workers (BHW) are frontline health
workers who provide basic health education and selected primary health care
services (e.g., maternal and child health, first aid, environmental health) and link
clients to health facilities in a barangay.

Roxas Campus


This chapter discusses the existing study into the context of proceeding related
research. This research study cited articles and systems related to the research topic.


Local Literature

According to Dindo Donald A. Manulat Jr., (December 2015), Automated

Barangay Health Record System (AutoBaHRS Iligan City, a city located in Northern
Mindanao, Philippines, has a total of 44 barangays (villages), 15 are urban and 29 rural.
The rural barangays are in remote mountainous areas of the city, making the healthcare
delivery system difficult to manage. Usually, healthcare services are delayed, due to
poor management of records and inefficient communication. This problem motivated
the researchers to create a health information system called the Automated Barangay
Health Record System (AutoBaHRS) to help manage the health records of the city.
This electronic software was designed to provide real-time uploading of health records,
as well as updating data and viewing the mortality and morbidity rate and
communicable and non-communicable diseases from different barangays of Iligan City.
It is characterized by quickness, efficiency, reliability, and accuracy in data uploading
storage and retrieval. The study also aimed to help secure the data through electronic
local storage and remote retrieval of the barangay health stations and the City Health
Office. The AutoBaHRS was developed using PHP and MySQL and was tested with
any browsers available to date. Since this software development and database
management tools are opens sourced, the cost of AutoBaHRS fabrication is minimal.
The system can be implemented using smart phones, tablets, or any portable computers
from the field and a server can be installed in the City Health Office that will serve as
the monitoring and database management unit. In using the system, the data on health
among remote and urban barangays will be analyzed in real time, which is significant
in the quick health response and management by government and other health care
Roxas Campus

According to Allura (2018), The implementation of the Barangay Health Center

Information System simply improves the consistency of the consultation process of the
Barangay Dian-ay Health Center. It is very useful to both the Barangay Health Center
and to the patients. To monitor all the Patients health records is very necessary.
Through this system it provides satisfaction & better service to the
beneficiary/community it is serving. It will increase the performance of medical
personnel through its system generated consultation. To help the health center of
Barangay Dian-ay continually do their mission, vision, and goals through providing
their services fully hearted to the Patient/Community of the Barangay Dian-ay for the

According to According Jantz (2014) the emergence of computer based

information system has changed the world a great deal, both large and small system
have adopted the new methodology by use of personal computer; to fulfill several roles
in the production of information therefore computerizing the documentation of patient
record to enable easier manipulation of the input process and output will bring us to this
existing new world of information system. Patients records and disease pattern
documentation is concerned with documentation of information obtained from patients
and their particular health system in order to function properly. If this information is
not documented perfectly causing some data to get misplaced, the health system will
not be efficient procedure for accessing it.

Foreign Literature

According to Bai (2012), “Developing Effective Hospital Systems” in the

information technology (it) and information system (is) literature can be extended and
improved. In turn they can be better applied to the field of IS and the development and
implementation of information systems. This research seeks to highlight an example of
how these models can be extended, through an analysis of the specific context of the
hospital management information system environment, using the technology ecosystem
model (TEM).
Roxas Campus

According to by Myers (2014), The study entitled “A Quality Improvement for

Clinical Records in the Public Dental Services'' she said that her study aimed that in
emergency cases that another person needs to access the dental clinics records, the
authorized person can view and has an access to all the records that was encoded on the
system and can access the actions of the dentist, patients and interactions with the
patient during the appointment. Dental Clinic record is necessary in giving a good
dental service to the patient. The clinic encountered misplacement of records and
tendency to loss of files and records. To lessen data loss, the researchers came up and
developed a system that can provide easy access to records of data in case of
emergency or in an urgent situation. The proposed system can be easily manipulated by
the authorized personnel that provides them an easy accessing of data and convenient
way of record.

According to Ebardo and Tuazon (2019), Health and immunization access in

selected Asian countries such as Cambodia, Indonesia, Mongolia, Myanmar,
Philippines, and Myanmar have low immunization coverage. This problem is
resulting in the outspread of communicable disease outbreaks in Asia. The
“reaching every purok” strategy 9 refers to visitation in every barangay in rural and
urban locations (Grundy et al., 2019). Health Information Systems are important as
these types of systems are the ones that provide reliable information so they are
required to function well. The study aimed to see if improving the routine information
system could improve the quality of information and use of health services.
Transitioning from paper-based to digital systems would allow hospital staff to get
health information faster with fewer mistakes. The information that is collected by
these health information systems is not only limited to patient records but also
medicines and other supply systems (Leon N et al., 2020). In the technology context,
the paperless feature and the ability of the system to integrate with the existing
technologies are the enablers for the adoption of HIS. Based on the investigation on
Budget reports, the expenses in paper-based transactions have reduced in the last
three years of the implementation of the system.
Roxas Campus


Local Studies

Barangay Basak Health Center is a center for health care in Basak, one of the
barangay in Lapu-Lapu City. Barangay health center is a community-based and patient-
directed organizations that deliver comprehensive, culturally competent, high-quality
primary health care services. It is also often integrate access to pharmacy, mental
health, substance use disorder, and oral health services in areas where economic,
geographic, or cultural barriers limit access to affordable health care services. Health
centers deliver care to the Nation’s most vulnerable individuals and families, including
people experiencing homelessness, agricultural workers, residents of public housing,
and the Nation’s veterans. Barangay health center was established through the Local
Government Code of 1991 upon the devolution of health services to local government
units (LGUs).It is located at M.V. Patalinghug Jr. Ave. Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu.

According to Soriano (2018), The Barangay Management Information System

for Cities and Municipalities in the Philippines is a program which contains features
that records and manages information and at the same time can send documents from
barangay hall to the city hall. Barangay Management Information System for San
Carlos City is an online and offline system to keep, process, retrieve and update
Barangay and City Hall information through a secure network interface. It is designed
to handle a wide-range of information relating to barangay profile, constituents profile,
barangay clearances, barangay disputes/cases, barangay activities, and barangay
legislation and City Hall’s required reports from the barangay. It covers all the
functions, activities and transactions of the barangay which aims to provide complete
and accurate information for the barangay and city hall management and stakeholders.
Roxas Campus

The study was the solution to the problems stated and to enhance the quality of service
a barangay office offers to its clients.

According to Henczel, n.d (2016)Computer-based information operates through

the use of software that can offer information services for an institution or organization.
It is a powerful and convenient builder for simultaneous growth in society and
industries. An information service provides a way to electronically access, retrieve, and
transmit that information. Furthermore, this serves as an awakening factor for all
government offices, from highest to lowest levels, to be in line with the government’s
view of globalization and competitiveness in today’s information age.

According to Lina Bouayad, PhD (2017), An extension of traditional electronic

health records (EHRs), PHRs created a patient-centric platform supporting the new
vision of health services that enables patient-provider information sharing and
collaboration, with the goal of improving health outcomes and reducing costs. In recent
decades, great strides have been made toward achieving these far-reaching goals in
research and practice. Through the implementation in the United States of the Health
Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act passed in
2009, the use of PHR data is becoming more commonplace [4]. As defined by the
program, the initial stage of meaningful use encourages providers to integrate
technology into medical practice, making vast amounts of patient data available
electronically. Later stages of the program focus on empowering patients by providing
them with online access to their heath data.

Foreign Studies

According to Martin R. Cowie (2017), in the United States or the Farr Institute
of Health Informatics Research in Scotland, have demonstrated the feasibility of using
Electronic health records for aspects of clinical research, particularly comparative
effectiveness. The success of these endeavors is connected to careful planning by a
multi-stakeholder group committed to patient privacy, data security, fair governance,
robust data infrastructure, and quality science from the outset. The next hurdle is to
Roxas Campus

adapt the accrued knowledge for application to a broader base of clinical trials.
Electronic health records (EHRs) provide opportunities to enhance patient care, embed
performance measures in clinical practice, and facilitate clinical research. Concerns
have been raised about the increasing recruitment challenges in trials, burdensome and
obtrusive data collection, and uncertain generalizability of the results. Leveraging
electronic health records to counterbalance these trends is an area of intense interest.
The initial applications of electronic health records, as the primary data source is
envisioned for observational studies, embedded pragmatic or post-marketing registry-
based randomized studies, or comparative effectiveness studies. Advancing this
approach to randomized clinical trials, electronic health records may potentially be used
to assess study feasibility, to facilitate patient recruitment, and streamline data
collection at baseline and follow-up. Ensuring data security and privacy, overcoming
the challenges associated with linking diverse systems and maintaining infrastructure
for repeat use of high quality data, are some of the challenges associated with using
electronic health records in clinical research. Collaboration between academia,
industry, regulatory bodies, policy makers, patients, and electronic health record
vendors is critical for the greater use of electronic health records in clinical research.
This manuscript identifies the key steps required to advance the role of electronic
health records in cardiovascular clinical research.

According to Lina Bouayad, PhD (2017), An extension of traditional electronic

health records (EHRs), PHRs created a patient-centric platform supporting the new
vision of health services that enables patient-provider information sharing and
collaboration, with the goal of improving health outcomes and reducing costs. In recent
decades, great strides have been made toward achieving these far-reaching goals in
research and practice. Through the implementation in the United States of the Health
Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act passed in
2009, the use of PHR data is becoming more commonplace [4]. As defined by the
program, the initial stage of meaningful use encourages providers to integrate
technology into medical practice, making vast amounts of patient data available
Roxas Campus

electronically. Later stages of the program focus on empowering patients by providing

them with online access to their heath data.

According to Bruce Lieberthal, (2014) DDS, director of Product Management

for Henry Schein Practice Solutions the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is an
integral part of the medical standard of care—today and in the future. EMR is
sometimes referred to as Electronic Dental Record (EDR) or Electronic Health Record
(EHR). This key feature guides you through clinical record-keeping in a standard
SOAP format (subjective, objective, assessment, plan). It allows key patient
information to be centralized— demographic, medical/dental, social and financial— all
within your practice management software. EMR eliminates multiple paper charts and
provides controlled, secure and instant digital access to comprehensive information.
Some EMRs incorporate a range of supporting technologies to become a fully
integrated component of the practice management software, thereby allowing even
more access to vital information at the point of care. This information is accessible
from any secure workstation, so there are no interruptions during the patient visit to
retrieve information.
Roxas Campus



Software Development Life Cycle

According to Scott Stiner (2016), Rapid Application Development (RAD)

reduces planning time and increases prototyping. This RAD methodology enables
developers to immediately adapt to changing requirements in a fast-paced, continually
evolving market, resulting in significantly faster development and higher-quality
outputs than traditional software development methodologies.

Figure 3. Rapid Application Development

The researchers of the study used Rapid Application Development. The system
development process involves different phases. It includes the requirements planning,
prototyping (user design & construction), testing, and cutover. As shown in the figure
Roxas Campus


In this phase, the researchers identified the concept of the project, problems,
objectives, and scope. The researchers did internet research to know the different
materials to create the Barangay Health Center Record Management System. The
researchers immediately purchased the needed materials online as soon as they
identified the materials required.

PHASE 2: PROTOTYPING (User Design & Construction)

In this phase, the researchers started to design and construct the system. The
researchers made necessary adjustments during system development.

In this phase, the researchers looked for available users for the pilot testing. The
researchers tested the input and output functionality of the system to know if the system
served its purpose or not. Feedback from the users was consolidated and considered to
improve the system.

This phase is the implementation phase. Once the development of the system
was completed, the researcher will implement the Barangay Health Center Record
Management System to 50 residents, and 2 Barangay Health Workers. The respondents
were given a questionnaire to evaluate the system based on ISO25010. The researchers
also utilized respondents' feedback to know the necessary adjustments to improve the

Roxas Campus

Figure 4. Gantt Chart

Figure 3 illustrates the project's Gantt chart, which covers the many actions
undertaken by the researchers from the planning phase through the project's execution,
as well as the corresponding month to complete each deliverable.


This study will use the structured questionnaire as the main instrument in
gathering data. It also used the interview method and internet research to support the
Roxas Campus

data information collected from the questionnaire. Purposive sampling was also used as
a sampling technique.

Questionnaire: The researchers will create a structured questionnaire as the main

instrument in collecting the data and distributing it to the respondents. Every
respondent was given a set of different questions, and they evaluated the system based
on the ISO 25010.

Interview Method: The researchers will use this method to conduct interviews. The
researchers spoke directly to the respondents in a verbal conversation to collect
necessary information for the study.

Internet Research: Due to the pandemic, researchers will use the internet to search for
information instead of going to the library because it is easier to use.


THEMATIC ANALYSIS. this will be used to analyze the responses of the

users during the conduct of the interview and evaluation on the manual barangay health
center record management system of Barangay Rizal, Roxas, Isabela in order to obtain
an understanding of the researchers.
Roxas Campus

The researchers used a Five-point Likert Scale in their survey questionnaire
with a descriptive interpretation such as (Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree,
and Strongly Disagree) and (Very much a problem, Much a problem, A problem, Less
a problem, and Least a problem). The researchers will also utilize the weighted
arithmetic mean to analyze the data gathered. The questionnaire will determine
respondents' evaluation, opinions, and suggestions for improving the proposed system.

Respondents of the Study – Purposive Sampling was used to identify the respondents
of the study.
Table 1. Respondents of the Study


Residents 50
Barangay Health worker 2
IT Exports 3
Roxas Campus

The table above shows the respondents of the study and their totality.
A. The following formula was used in finding the percentage of the samples in
the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data
% = (f/n) * 100

Where: % = percentage
f = frequency
n= number of respondents
Table 2. Five-point Likert Scale

Table 2. Level of software quality compliance of the proposed system using ISO


5 4.20-5.00 Very High Extent
4 3.40-4.19 High Extent
3 2.60-3.39 Moderate Extent
2 1.80-2.259 Low Extent
1 1-1.79 Very Low Extent

The table above shows the weighted mean range and its descriptive
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B. The data gathered were analyzed using the weighted mean with the
following formula:


Roxas Campus

Figure 5. Fishbone diagram

The figure above shows the different problems with manual barangay health
center record management, such as people, time, method and materials. For people
there are limited number of BHW to process the barangay health records of every
household. For time, there it takes a longer processing the barangay health records
and consultation reports. In materials, paper and pen together with records books are
highly used to records health status. And in method, manual recording and
monitoring of medical records are still performed which leads to an Ineffective and
unsecured processing and safekeeping of barangay health center records.

Context Level 0 Diagram

Roxas Campus

Figure 6. Context Diagram of the System

The Figure shows the context diagram of the proposed system. The Barangay Health
Center Record Management System (BHCRMS) processes the inputs from the
Barangay Health Workers coordinated by the Patient and Doctor. The system collects
important information from the Appointment Schedule, Clinical Records, Maternal
Records, and Child Health Records. The system processes this information to be
recorded for medical purposes, print prescription to patients and schedule appointments
to patient to organize the line queue for check-ups.


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Figure 6. DFD for Barangay Health Worker

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Figure 7. DFD for Doctor’s Account




Figure 8. DFD for Nurse

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Figure 9. DFD for Midwife



Figure 10 DFD for Patient / Barangay Resident

The Data Flow Diagram Fragments as shown above, elaborates each process from the
proposed system in particular and systematic way. The system starts with the Login
Process for Health Workers and Doctors, each user will login with their account or
register an account if he/she is a new user.
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Figure 11. Entity Relationship Diagram

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Figure 12. Login Window

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Figure 13. Dashboard

Figure 14. System Users

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Figure 15. Maternal Report

Figure 16. Child Health Report

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Figure 17. Masterlist of Patients

Figure 18. Process Child Health

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Figure 19. Process Maternal Health

Figure 20. Process Consultation

Roxas Campus

Figure 21. Manage Residents Information

Figure 22. Manage Usertype and Roles

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Figure 23. List of Facilities

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Barangay Health Center Record

Monitoring System

Figure 24. Network Plan of the Proposed Barangay Health Center Record Management System

The figure shows the network plan of the proposed Barangay

Health Center Record Management System which illustrates the connection between
client computers (doctor, nurse, midwife, barangay health worker) and the server
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