The document discusses various topics in engineering physics including interference, diffraction, polarization, lasers, optical fibers, quantum mechanics, piezoelectricity and ultrasonics. Students are asked to choose one question from each of the five modules to answer in detail, with the modules covering topics such as thin film interference, diffraction gratings, polarization techniques, laser construction, quantum wells, electron wave nature, and piezoelectric devices.
The document discusses various topics in engineering physics including interference, diffraction, polarization, lasers, optical fibers, quantum mechanics, piezoelectricity and ultrasonics. Students are asked to choose one question from each of the five modules to answer in detail, with the modules covering topics such as thin film interference, diffraction gratings, polarization techniques, laser construction, quantum wells, electron wave nature, and piezoelectric devices.
The document discusses various topics in engineering physics including interference, diffraction, polarization, lasers, optical fibers, quantum mechanics, piezoelectricity and ultrasonics. Students are asked to choose one question from each of the five modules to answer in detail, with the modules covering topics such as thin film interference, diffraction gratings, polarization techniques, laser construction, quantum wells, electron wave nature, and piezoelectric devices.
The document discusses various topics in engineering physics including interference, diffraction, polarization, lasers, optical fibers, quantum mechanics, piezoelectricity and ultrasonics. Students are asked to choose one question from each of the five modules to answer in detail, with the modules covering topics such as thin film interference, diffraction gratings, polarization techniques, laser construction, quantum wells, electron wave nature, and piezoelectric devices.
[Nov-15] b) Calculate the thickness of a quarter wave plate (QWP) of
[EPH-101] quartz for sodium light of wavelength 5893A0. The ordinary
B.Tech. Degree Examination and extraordinary refractive indices of sodium are 1.54425 and 1.55336 2 BT,Civil, CSE, ECE, EEE, EIE, IT, ME, IE & AE MODULE -III I SEMESTER 5. a) Describe the construction and working of a He-Ne laser with ENGINEERING PHYSICS the relevant energy level diagram 10 (Effective from the admitted batch 2015–16) b) What are the components required to build a laser? 2 Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 60 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OR Instructions: Each Module carries 12 marks. 6. a) Explain the basic principle of confining light in a step index Answer all modules choosing one question from each module. fiber and hence obtain an expression for the critical angle and All parts of the module must be answered in one place only. Figures in the right hand margin indicate marks allotted. acceptance angle 8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) List out any four merits of optical fiber communication 4 MODULE-I MODULE -IV 1. a) Discuss the formation of interference fringes in a thin Wedge- 7. a) Obtain the Eigen value and Eigen function for a particle trapped shaped film. Obtain an expression for fringe width 10 in a one dimensional potential well of infinite height 10 b) In Newton’s rings arrangement, the diameter of 10th dark ring b) What do you mean by a “well-behaved” wave function? 2 changes from 1.5cm to 1.27cm when a liquid is introduced OR between the lens and the glass plate. Calculate the refractive index of the liquid 2 8. a) How did the work of Davisson and Gerner help confirm the OR wave nature of electrons? 10 b) What are fermions? 2 2. a) Define dispersive power of diffraction grating and also derive an expression for it. On what factors does it depend? 6 MODULE -V b) Discuss Fraun-hoffer diffraction pattern due to a single slit. 9. a) What is inverse piezo-electric effect? How this idea has been Find the expression for the width of the central maximum 6 exploited for the generation of ultrasonics in a piezo electric oscillator 8 MODULE -II b) Explain how ultrasonic waves are detected by sensitive flame 3. a) Describe the construction ad working of a Nicol Prism and method 4 show how it can be used as a polarizer as well as analyser 10 OR b) What is the difference between negative and positive crystals? 2 10. a) Derive the equation of continuity. What does it represent? 8 OR b) What is the divergence of a vector field? What does it mean 4. a) What is a polarized light? How will you produce and detect if the divergence of a vector field is zero; positive or negative 4 plane, circular and elliptically polarized lights? 10 [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10/I S/115]