God's Generals Study
God's Generals Study
God's Generals Study
Elisabet Mellroth
Elisabet Mellroth
Elisabet Mellroth
This thesis is also part of the series Studies in Science and Technology Education
ISSN 1652-5051 at Linköping University
ISSN 1403-8099
ISBN 978-91-7063-607-3
The author
Karlstad University
Faculty of Health, Science and Technology
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
SE-651 88 Karlstad, Sweden
+46 54 700 10 00
To all my students whose strength I have not
discovered, acknowledged or encouraged
There are so many people that have been very important to me in different
ways during this work.
Arne Engström, my main supervisor, for your support and I would especially
like to thank you for your quick response and constructive comments in the
final phase of my work. Jari Appelgren, my second supervisor, I could not have
done this work without your explanations of the statistical methods, followed
by a millions of question that you have always answered with incredible
Inger Wistedt and Marianne Nolte, both for inspiring and encouraging me.
Jorryt van Bommel and Yvonne Liljeqvist for all your support, advice,
encouragement and jokes.
Annika Pettersson my own personal “hopms”, you helped me find laughter and
you shared the joy in the small as well as in the big things during this process. I
love to cry and laugh with you.
Torodd Lunde, Sergio Carlos, Matthias Müller and Ella Cosmovici Idsøe for
every interesting discussion, your critical comments and for sharing your
I want to give a huge thanks to all the teachers who helped me collect my data,
and also a special thanks to the teachers who helped me with the analysis. Of
course also many thanks to all the students who chose to participate in my
Thank you Karlstad municipality and Älvkullegymnasiet that allowed me to
participate in the research school. Especially I want to thank my bosses Inger
Thysell and Yvonne Toth, you both believed in me and made me feel good.
Jamie Pattle and Lindsay Fallis thanks for your friendship and your English
I most likely forgot to mention someone, so a deep thank you to everyone that
I have spoken to about my work during this process.
At last I want to thank those people who I am afraid have suffered because of
my work, although always supported me. Emma and Carl, thank you for being
my wonderful children, for bringing me back to earth – I love you! And Jonas
you are incredible, always supporting, never complaining, taking care of
everything, and lifting me up when I am down – you are the very best for me!
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Main concepts used in the thesis ................................................................ 2
1.1.1 Relative achievement ................................................................................ 2
1.1.2 Mathematical competence and a mathematical competency .............. 3
1.2 Aim ................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Research questions ....................................................................................... 5
1.4 Structure of the thesis .................................................................................. 5
2 Literature review ................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Curriculum, mathematical competencies and national test ..................... 7
2.2 Assessment .................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Achievement ................................................................................................ 11
2.4 High achievement, measured relatively.................................................... 13
2.5 The Swedish national test in mathematics .............................................. 17
2.6 The mathematical kangaroo ...................................................................... 18
2.7 Different aims in the two tests.................................................................. 19
3 Theoretical framework ...................................................................................... 21
3.1 Mathematical competencies as physical and mental activities .............. 21
3.2 Mathematical competencies ...................................................................... 22
3.2.1 Mathematical competencies – MCRF, KOM, NCTM ...................... 23
3.2.2 Mathematical competencies – Krutetskii and MCRF ........................ 24
3.3 Conceptualising the mathematical competencies ................................... 29
3.3.1 Applying procedures competency ........................................................ 29
3.3.2 Reasoning competency ........................................................................... 30
3.3.3 Communication competency ................................................................ 31
3.3.4 Representation competency .................................................................. 33
3.3.5 Connection competency ........................................................................ 34
3.3.6 Problem solving competency ................................................................ 35
3.4 Competency Related Activities, CRA ...................................................... 36
3.5 Situations for studying mathematical competencies .............................. 37
3.6 Master a competency .................................................................................. 38
3.7 Achievement ................................................................................................ 39
3.7.1 The national test in year 3 vs the national test in year 6 .................... 39
3.7.2 The national test in year 6 vs the mathematical kangaroo ................ 41
4 Method................................................................................................................. 42
4.1 Design of the study .................................................................................... 42
4.1.1 The national test in year 3 (2009) ......................................................... 44
4.1.2 The national test in year 6 (2012) ......................................................... 45
4.1.3 The mathematical kangaroo (2013) ...................................................... 46
4.2 Sample .......................................................................................................... 47
4.2.1 Representativeness of the sample ......................................................... 48
4.3 Procedure of the study ............................................................................... 58
4.4 Empirical data collection ........................................................................... 60
4.5 Data analysis ................................................................................................ 61
4.6 Guide to analysing mathematical competencies in tasks ....................... 62
4.7 Competency profile .................................................................................... 65
4.8 Validity and reliability ................................................................................. 69
4.8.1 Sample ...................................................................................................... 69
4.8.2 Non-participants ..................................................................................... 69
4.8.3 Error in identification ............................................................................. 69
4.8.4 Coding ...................................................................................................... 70
4.8.5 Required and reasonable solution ......................................................... 70
4.8.6 Task analysis ............................................................................................ 71
4.8.7 Problem solving competency ................................................................ 71
4.9 Ethical considerations ................................................................................ 72
5 Results .................................................................................................................. 74
5.1 Comparison of relative achievement on the national test in years 3 and
6, categories I and II .............................................................................................. 74
5.1.1 Interpretations of the results in categories I and II ............................ 75
5.2 Comparison of relative achievement on the national test in years 3 and
6, categories II and IV ........................................................................................... 77
5.2.1 Interpretations of the results in categories III and IV ....................... 83
5.3 Comparison of the national test in year 6 with the mathematical
kangaroo in year 7 .................................................................................................. 83
5.3.1 Interpretations of the comparison between the national test in year 6
and the mathematical kangaroo in year 7 ....................................................... 88
5.4 Summary of results – Study 1 ................................................................... 89
5.5 Competency profiles in the tests .............................................................. 89
5.5.1 The mathematical kangaroo .................................................................. 90
5.5.2 The national test in year 6 ...................................................................... 93
5.5.3 Comments on the competency profiles of the tests .......................... 93
5.6 Mathematical competencies activated by Group 1 and Group 2......... 93
5.6.1 Favoured competency ............................................................................ 94
5.7 Comparison of Group 1 and Group 2 on task level............................ 104
5.7.1 Interpretations ....................................................................................... 105
5.8 Summary of results – Study 2 ................................................................. 106
6 Conclusions and discussion ............................................................................ 108
6.1 Conclusions ............................................................................................... 108
6.2 Discussion.................................................................................................. 109
6.2.1 Ceiling effect and tests ......................................................................... 109
6.2.2 Movements in relative achievement ................................................... 110
6.2.3 Assessment and challenges .................................................................. 111
6.2.4 The problem solving competency ...................................................... 113
6.3 Method discussion .................................................................................... 114
6.3.1 Mathematical competencies................................................................. 115
6.3.2 Relative comparison ............................................................................. 116
6.3.3 Empirical data........................................................................................ 116
6.3.4 Participants ............................................................................................ 116
6.3.5 Implementation of the mathematical kangaroo ................................ 117
6.3.6 Representativeness of the sample ....................................................... 117
7 Implications ....................................................................................................... 118
7.1 Practice ....................................................................................................... 118
7.2 Research ..................................................................................................... 119
7.2.1 Further research .................................................................................... 120
8 Words ending the thesis or “What if?” ......................................................... 122
References ................................................................................................................. 123
Appendices................................................................................................................ 128
Figure 21. Frequency distribution in the national test in year 6, top 10%
shaded. Percentage results on the x-axis ............................................. 77
Figure 22. Illustration of possible movements of ranking position for students
in category III. ........................................................................................ 78
Figure 23. Group III, students with a large increase in ranking position from
year 3 to year 6. ....................................................................................... 79
Figure 24. Group IV, students with a large decrease in ranking position from
year 3 to year 6. ....................................................................................... 81
Figure 25. Distribution of students identified to be high achievers in one test
but not in the other. ............................................................................... 87
Figure 26. Competency profile for the mathematical kangaroo and the national
test in year 6. ........................................................................................... 92
Figure 27. Relative activation of the competencies App, Rea and Com in
comparison with the competency profile in the mathematical
kangaroo. The x-axis represents students. .......................................... 97
Figure 28. Relative activation of the competencies Rep, Con and Pro in
comparison with the competency profile in the mathematical
kangaroo. The x-axis represents students. .......................................... 98
Figure 29. Example of when it can be justified to change the limit of
comparison for the Fisher exact test. ................................................ 100
Table 1 Showing how points (actual achievement) are connected to ranking (relative
achievement). ................................................................................................. 2
Table 2 Comparison of the frameworks on the basis of the competencies defined in the
MCRF. ..................................................................................................... 28
Table 3 The national test in year 3 (2009); mathematical content and maximum points
for each part. ............................................................................................... 45
Table 4 The national test in year 6 (2012); mathematical content and maximum points
for each part. ............................................................................................... 46
Table 5 The mathematical kangaroo (Benjamin) in year 7 (2013); mathematical content
and maximum points for each part, described by NCM. ............................... 47
Table 6 Comparison of statistical parameters between the population and the sample. . 49
Table 7 Distribution of points in the national test in year 6 for students who do not have
results in the national test in year 3. ............................................................. 54
Table 8 Wilcoxon test – the national test in year 3 and the national test in year 6, data
from students who have results in the national test in year 3 (2009) and in year
6 (2012). ................................................................................................... 57
Table 9 Wilcoxon test – the national test in year 6 and the Kangaroo test; data from
students who had results in the national test in year 6 (2012) and the
mathematical kangaroo in year 7 (2013). .................................................... 57
Table 10 Competency analysis guide used for each task. ............................................... 64
Table 11 Example of data used to produce a competency profile for one test and one
specific student. ............................................................................................ 67
Table 12 Statistical measures based on the actual total sum on the national test in year 3
and/or year 6 for the students in category III, Group R and Group S. ......... 80
Table 13 Statistical measures based on the actual total sum on the national test in year 3
and/or year 6 for the students in category IV, Group X and Group Y. ....... 82
Table 14 Students ranked top 5% (white), top 10% (light shaded) and top 20% (dark
shaded) in the mathematical kangaroo and the bottom 80% in the national test
in year 6, 13 boys and 12 girls. ................................................................... 85
Table 15 Students ranked top 5% (white), top 10% (light shaded) and top 20% (dark
shaded) in the national test in year 6 and bottom 80% in the mathematical
kangaroo, 7 boys and 16 girls. .................................................................... 86
Table 16 Statistical measures of ranking position for the two groups compared. ............ 88
Table 17 Results of the task analysis in the mathematical kangaroo. ........................... 91
Table 18 Result of competency analysis in the case of full points. .................................. 95
Table 19 Result of competency analysis of student S71. ............................................... 95
Table 20 Summary of Fisher exact test. .................................................................... 101
Table 21 Summary of favoured competency on the mathematical kangaroo. ................ 103
Table 22 Comparison of response rate in each task. .................................................. 104
Table 23 Competencies activated by task 7,9, 15, 16, 17 and 21 ............................. 105
1 Introduction
So how can this happen? Was it just sporadic observations made by me and
other teachers of mathematics?
(Swedish, English and German). Research investigating how mathematical
competencies differ on different sorts of curriculum bounded tests have been
done in Sweden, for example by Boesen (2006), who compares tasks in teacher-
made tests with tasks in national tests according to mathematical competencies.
In this study test results in three different mathematical tests are used as
empirical data. The three tests are of different characters and have different
aims. Here to use test results to compare achievement in the tests, despite the
differences in the tests, relative achievement instead of actual achievement is
used. An example is given to illustrate what is meant by relative achievement.
On a test it is possible to get a maximum of 50 points. 10 students participate in the test and
their points on the test are shown in Table 1. The student with the lowest points will be
ranked as 1, and the student with the highest point will be ranked as 10. The ranking number
indicate the student’s achievement in relation to the other students. This is how relative
achievement is used in this study.
Table 1
Showing how points (actual achievement) are connected to ranking (relative achievement).
1.1.2 Mathematical competence and a mathematical competency
Mathematical Thinking
Representing Competency
To ask and answer in, with and
Mathematical Competence
Modelling Communicating
Competency Competency
Aids and Tool Competency
Figure 1. Mathematical Competence and Competency. Picture inspired by (Niss & Höjgaard, 2011, p.
1.2 Aim
The overall aim was to investigate if there are students who possess good
mathematical competencies although they fail in school mathematics. In more
detail the aim is two folded.
One aim was to describe groups of students with similar movements in relative
achievement by means of results on three different mathematical tests over a
four-year period.
1.3 Research questions
1. How does relative achievement in the national test change between year
3 and year 6?
3. How do students who are ranked highly through the national test (year
6) achieve in the mathematical kangaroo?
The thesis consists of eight chapters. The second chapter is a literature review
that gives a background for the aims and research questions. The chapter has to
do with assessment and achievement, with an extra discussion of high
achievers. The tests included in the empirical data are also described.
In the third chapter, theories used in the process of working with the empirical
material are discussed. The theory of mathematical competencies is given
especially large room. Each mathematical competency that is used in the
analysis is discussed in depth, both through the theoretical framework chosen
for the study and also connected to other research involving mathematical
The fourth chapter describes the methods used in the thesis. The tests involved
are described in more depth. The sample is compared with the population and
the representativeness of the sample is described through statistical
measurements and tests. Validity, reliability and ethical considerations are
discussed in this chapter.
Analysis and results are described in chapter five. Chapter five starts with
describing analysis and results concerning the descriptive part about
movements in relative achievement. The last part of the chapter presents
analysis and results of mathematical competencies in the tests and within
groups of identified students.
Interpretations from both parts of the study are presented in chapter six, and a
discussion of the interpretations connected to the aims of the thesis is included.
Chapter seven gives a discussion of the contribution of knowledge together
with suggestions for further research. The last chapter, chapter eight, is words
ending the thesis.
2 Literature review
A curriculum can be divided into three levels (Mesa, Gómez, & Cheah Hock,
2013), the intended, the implemented and the attained. As interpreted in the
Swedish system:
international measurements such as PISA (Skolverket, 2011b). In European
countries, curricula in mathematics are today often related to mathematical
competencies (Mesa et al., 2013), which in turn means that assessment must
also relate to mathematical competencies.
From the year 2000 the Swedish curriculum has changed from earlier having a
stronger focus on the content of mathematics to having a focus on what kinds
of mathematical competencies are needed to work with the subject (Boesen,
2006). This shift also influenced the assessment system, and especially the
national tests, since they are meant to guide Swedish teachers in assessments
and grading (Skolverket, 2014). Because of the shift in the curriculum, the
national tests now also aim to assess conceptual understanding instead of only
factual knowledge.
Boesen (2006) started filling the gap of research concerning the relation
between national tests and teacher-made tests in the Swedish context. In one
part of his research, he compared what kind of reasoning the students need to
be able to solve the tasks in teacher-made tests and in national tests. He
compares imitative reasoning versus mathematical creative reasoning. In short,
imitative reasoning is a kind of reasoning the student has met before and has
been trained in; the student does not need to invent anything new. Central in
creative reasoning is “…the reasoning that goes beyond just following strict
algorithmic paths or recalling ideas provided by others.” (Boesen, 2006, p. 18).
The national tests give tasks that cannot be solved by imitative reasoning and
therefore give tasks that differ from textbook tasks (Boesen, 2006). These
national tests, since they have a guiding position, should give students tasks that
demand more than imitative reasoning. This was confirmed in Boesens (2006)
study. The national tests give the possibility to use mathematically creative
reasoning to a much higher degree than teacher-made tests, and, in the teacher-
made tests, many of the tasks could be solved using only imitative reasoning
(Boesen, 2006).
2.2 Assessment
When teachers are asked how they assess their students, they relate this to tests,
portfolios etc., but if they are asked how they know that their students have
learned something, they relate for example to classroom questions and group
activities (Dorr-Bremme & Herman, 1986). One possible interpretation is that
teachers do not completely think that assessments measure what students have
learned. However, when using assessments, both formal and informal, the
purpose of assessment is to determine the existing status of a student’s
knowledge (Wiliam, 2007). The results of the assessment can be used both
summatively and formatively depending on the purpose of the assessment.
One aim of the Swedish national tests is to support the teacher in the
assessment process (A. Pettersson, 2007). Sometimes both teachers and
students focus on succeeding in the test instead of focusing on the learning (A.
Pettersson, 2007), that is, to achieve highly on the tests. To get both teachers
and students to focus on students’ learning was one of the reasons for
developing a new curriculum (Skolverket, 2011a) and new national tests. The
national tests are supposed to be an assessment instrument for learning instead
of of learning (A. Pettersson, 2007). Pettersson (2007) asks what it means to
have knowledge in a subject; she divides the subject of knowledge into two
parts – one personal and one official. Personal knowledge is how the individual
looks at knowledge, for example in mathematics, while official knowledge is
dictated by the curriculum. The national tests serve as the assessment of official
knowledge, according to the intended curiculum. In the national test today, it is
important to be able to apply knowledge to tasks that demand conceptual
understanding, argumentation, communication and logical competency (A.
Pettersson, 2007).
Put simply, when there are many ways to be successful, many more students
are successful. Students are aware of the different practices that are valued
and they feel successful because they are able to excel at some of them
(Boaler, 2006, p. 42).
externally mandated tests are used (Wiliam, 2007). Internationally, the use of
summative tests constructed externally (i.e. by someone or some organisation
outside the school) has increased. As a criticism, some say that that type of tests
discriminates against certain groups of students owing to psychological issues.
For example there are some qualities that can not be measured through tests,
such as the metacognitive process (Gipps, 1999).
It is clear in the curriculum that it is the students’ mathematical abilities that are
to be assessed in mathematics (Skolverket, 2011a). For the curriculum between
1994 and 2011, Jönsson (2008) writes that many of the goals in the compulsory
school are complex and difficult to assess and that there is a lack of models for
how to assess those goals in the classroom. The present curriculum (Skolverket,
2011a) does not describe what is meant by all mathematical abilities. It is
therefore plausible that teachers still think that the curriculum goals are
complex and difficult to understand.
2.3 Achievement
achievement development were investigated. Achievement behaviour (A.
Pettersson, 2007) meant ways of solving tasks. She investigated whether there
were differences in achievement behaviour between students who developed
differently in achievement. Achievement was measured in a test with 15 tasks in
year 3, with the addition of four new tasks in year 6. The tasks were
dichotomously scored (either credit or no credit) and the students were
grouped into five groups according to their achievement development (A.
Pettersson, 1990).
A. Students who achieved highly (13 points or more), both in year 3 and in
year 6,
B. Students who achieved low (less than 4 points), both in year 3 and in
year 6,
C. Students who achieved better in year 6 compared to in year 3 (at least 9
points more),
D. Students who achieved lower in year 6 compared to in year 3 (a decrease
of at least 2 points),
E. Students who achieved at an intermediate level both in year 3 and in year
6 (8 points in year 3, 11 points in year 6).
Essential aspects for students’ achievement are teaching, learning and the
students’ individual prerequisites. The students in the study were followed up in
year 9. Those who achieved highly in both years 3 and 6 also achieved highly in
year 9, and those who achieved low in both year 3 and 6 also achieved low in
year 9 (A. Pettersson & Boistrup, 2010). Those students who had poor results
in both school years (3 and 6) had difficulty understanding explanations given
by the teachers and wanted more help than was given. In the study of
Pettersson & Boistrup (2010), the students who achieved highly in all grades are
not discussed.
(2000) show that there are movements in relative achievement. Low achievers
at age 6 can become high achievers at age 15 and high achievers at age 6 can
become low achievers at age 15. When looking at number sense, the results
show that movements among the high achievers are more common than
among low achievers. However, as a summary, less than 20% of the children
belong to the same achievement group throughout their time in school.
Häggblom (2000) therefore concludes that mathematical achievement at the age
of 6 says very little about how a child will achieve at the end of compulsory
The aim of this section is to describe how some other studies have used relative
achievement in the perspective of studying high achieving students. Those
studies have guided percent limits that are used in the analysis in the present
study. Using relative achievement means that there will always be students at
the top and at the bottom. This study especially uses the perspective of those
who achieve highly one way or another.
High achieving students are seen by some as gifted, although it is important to
distinguish between giftedness and high achievement. Gifted students are not
necessarily high achievers; and, vice versa, there are many high achievers who
are not necessarily gifted (Bar-On & Maree, 2009). This study is not about
giftedness; it uses relative achievement in three different mathematical tests as
empirical data to describe and identify groups of students. Of special interest in
this study are those students who achieve highly in one test but not on the test
that is used in the comparison. It is therefore interesting to explore how high
achievers and high achievement are discussed in earlier research and literature.
In Ireland, the Irish Centre for Talented Youth (CTYI) identifies students for
participating in their program that aims to challenge and encourage talented
youth. To participate, the student must show, either through testing or in some
other way that he or she is among the top 5% of the school population (Mönks
& Pflüger, 2005).
Shea, & Eftekhari-Sanjani, 2000). The highest achievers among the participants
tend to maintain their pre-eminence in adult life.
However, Talent Searches have also identified that achievement and success
are by no means built in for gifted students. Where schools have not
provided structured opportunities for talent development, these students
perform, in school, and in later life, at levels significantly below their true
capacity. Even remarkably high ability is not by itself sufficient; exceptional
ability does not develop into exceptional achievement unless the educational
system accepts its responsibility to actively facilitate this process (Gross, 2009
p. 347).
Mattsson (2013) found that students with well-educated parents are over-
represented in the mathematical tracks of the gifted programs and that females
are under-represented. This is supported in an international perspective by
Sivelman & Miller (2009), who stress that, when gifted programs are reserved
for high achievers, they serve a primarily higher socioeconomic group.
However, being gifted does not have to do with social class (Silverman &
Miller, 2009). Mathematics is an academic subject, and academic achievement is
correlated to social economic status (SES), ethnicity and language status; the
relation is neither perfect nor deterministic (McCoach et al., 2010). Factors such
as school, teacher and parent have also been associated with student
achievement (McCoach et al., 2010).
The author has been working as an upper secondary teacher for 15 years, on four different schools
in two cities.
As described in this section, relative achievement connected to high
achievement is used in research. In the Swedish school context, to gain a place
in the programs in upper secondary school, mentioned gifted programs by
Mattsson (2013), students must be high achievers in compulsory school. For
example, it is very likely that they achieved highly on the national tests.
Results in the national test in year 3 (2009) and year 6 (2012) are used as
empirical data. One main goal of the national tests is to support equality and
fairness in assessments and grading (Skolverket, 2014). The tests provide a basis
for analysis of the extent to which the demands on knowledge are fulfilled on
different levels - the school-, organisation-, and national levels. The national
tests are not examination tests; they are meant to be one of teachers’ collective
information about each student’s knowledge. The tests are summative; they
shall function as a checkpoint at the end of a school year or in a subject course.
The test should show what qualities the student has in his or her knowledge of
the subject (Skolverket, 2014).
upper secondary school, it is most common for a student to either get a higher
grade in mathematics or the same grade as was achieved in the national test.
There are exceptions, however, when students are given a lower grade than the
national test shows. It is reasonable to assume that the pattern between subject
grade and results on the national test is the same in compulsory school.
The researcher has asked people involved in the process of constructing the Mathematical
Kangaroo from Romania and Sweden.
most likely achieve highly in school mathematics4; those students are not the
focus of this study.
The tests included in this study have different aims and are not constructed to
measure the same things. However, they are mathematics tests, and in this
study they will be analysed according to mathematical competencies and the
distribution of those in the tests.
A student who achieves highly on a national test can be seen to have both a
broad and deep understanding of the mathematical abilities in the Swedish
curriculum, since the national test is constructed to broadly test goals and
criteria given by the curriculum (Stockholm University, 2013). The
mathematical content in the tests, for example what kind of geometry, what
kind of equations, is chosen according to what the curriculum tells about the
mathematical content in that special age group. It is therefore possible to say
that the national tests measure mathematical abilities through the mathematical
content determined by the current curriculum.
No research about which students who participate in mathematics competition has been found in
Sweden. By asking teachers who are known in Sweden to participate in those competitions, the
claim that those students are also high achievers in school mathematics is supported.
Children and students shall be supported and stimulated in a way such
that they develop as far as possible,
There should be an ambition to compensate for differences in children’s
and students’ abilities for being benefited by the education.
3 Theoretical framework
All competencies are dual in nature; they have an “investigative” and a
“productive” side. Both sides are behavioural because they are about people’s
competence in being able to carry out activities, mental or physical (Niss &
Höjgaard, 2011). Using a mathematical competency in a mathematical activity
therefore demands both mental and physical activity, Figure 2.
Mathematical competency
Carry out
Reflect Investigative Productive
Figure 2. Components of a mathematical competency and the parts activated when working with a
mathematical challenge.
what is needed to come to a solution of a mathematical task, it is possible to use
this framework.
kindergarten to grade 12. Those processes together with content knowledge,
build mathematical competence (NCTM, 2000).
The aim of the KOM project (Niss & Höjgaard, 2011) is to contribute to a
coherence and progression of mathematics education in the Danish school
system, lengthwise and crosswise. Eight overlapping mathematical
competencies divided into two groups together build up mathematical
competence in the KOM project, see Figure 1. The competencies are, in one
group “To ask and answer in, with, about mathematics”, reasoning-, modelling-
, problem tackling and mathematical thinking competency. The other group
consists of, “To deal with mathematical language and tools”, representing-,
symbol and formalism-, communicating- and aids and tools competency.
The MCRF is mainly inspired by the NCTM and the KOM-project, although it
was developed for research and not for education. The main difference is that
the competencies used are made more distinct and are differentiated from each
other. The framework defines 6 mathematical competencies:
Applying procedures,
Problem solving.
Krutetskii (1976) uses the word ability which is used here when linking to his
work. Mathematical ability and the possibility to make progress in mathematical
activities are seen as a complex set of mathematical abilities (Krutetskii, 1976).
The combination of mathematical abilities in a mathematical activity is a
condition for high achievement. However, weakness in one ability can be
compensated for by another ability so that successful or high achievement is
still possible (Krutetskii, 1976).
Krutetskii (1976, p. 87-88) lists nine component mathematical abilities.
An ability to formalize mathematical material, to isolate form from content,
to abstract oneself from concrete numerical relationships and spatial forms,
and to operate with formal structure – with structures of relationships and
An ability to operate with numerals and other symbols.
An ability to shorten the reasoning process, to think in curtailed structures.
Flexibility of thoughts – an ability to switch from one mental operation to
another; freedom from the binding influence of the commonplace and the
A mathematical memory. It can be assumed that its characteristics also arise
from the specific features of the mathematical sciences, that this is a memory
for generalizations, formalized structures, and logical schemes.
Figure 3. The abilities defined by Krutetskii connected to the competencies in MCRF. The underlined
parts are those connected to physical acts. The text of the abilities is taken from Krutetskii (1976, p. 87-
Some of these parts are connected, for example the reasoning competency in
The four frameworks discussed in this chapter are compared with the MCRF as
a base in Table 2. The comparison shows that all competencies defined in the
MCRF (Lithner et al., 2010) can also be found in the framework of Krutetskii,
although not evenly distributed as Figure 3 shows. When the NCTM (NCTM,
2000) is combined with the Danish KOM project (Niss & Höjgaard, 2011),
they together cover all competencies defined in the MCRF.
Table 2
Comparison of the frameworks on the basis of the competencies defined in the MCRF.
Krutet- An activity Generalise, Operate with To abstract Operate with Operate with
skii to detect formal from the structures of mathematical
what is of structures. concrete. connections. symbols.
chief Operate with Spatial Flexibility in Clear, short,
importance. numerals. concepts. thoughts rational
Logical solutions
Reverse a
3.3 Conceptualising the mathematical competencies
When the word ability is used, it is in the sense of being able to, the same way
as it is used in the Danish KOM project (Niss & Höjgaard, 2011).
opportunity to develop is the ability to choose and use mathematical methods
in order to calculate and to solve routine tasks (Skolverket, 2011a). I interpret
those two abilities as conceptual and procedural competencies. Procedural and
conceptual competencies can be seen as intertwined where deep understanding
is thought to be reached through connecting those two competencies (Baroody,
Feil, & Johnson, 2007). The two types are developed together, each type
interacts with and influences and is influenced by the other (Voutsina, 2012),
Figure 4.
of mathematical reasoning is mathematical proofs (NCTM, 2000). To reason
mathematically is essential to understand mathematics and it includes
developing ideas, exploring phenomena and using mathematical conjectures in
all areas. To reason mathematically “is a habit of mind, and like all habits, it
must be developed through consistent use in many contexts.” (NCTM, 2000, p.
56). According to Lithner (2008) the line of thought does not need to be based
on formal logic and does not need to be restricted to proofs; it can even include
incorrect arguments, as long as the one who is doing the reasoning has reasons
to back it up.
What does it mean to communicate in mathematics? It could mean that you use
a language, I would like to call it Mathematish, which means that you use words
and connect them grammatically correctly. Mathematicians, mathematics
educators, teachers in mathematics, all need to have something in common in
their view of mathematics; otherwise it would not be possible to talk about
mathematics together (Maier & Schweiger, 1999). Also, students being taught
mathematics need to be given an adequate picture of mathematics to enable a
discussion of the importance of mathematics for culture and society (Maier &
Schweiger, 1999). Mathematical texts are special; they endeavour
unambiguously; all objects, actions and relations should be clarified without any
doubt for misunderstanding (Maier & Schweiger, 1999). The mathematical
language also involves symbols, for example:
1 𝑛
∫ 𝑓(𝑥)𝑑𝑥 lim (1 + ) ∑ 𝑔(𝑥)
𝑎 𝑛→∞ 𝑛
Those symbols are impossible to understand without being taught in some way.
The special terminology is used in the mathematical language, which means
three things that are clearly distinguished from each other (Maier & Schweiger,
certain areas of mathematics, for example calculus, and is used as part of the
treatment to gain deeper understanding.
The basic idea is that the learner, by the use of external representations,
constructs or develops in his/her mind a mental representation (cognitive
structure, schema, or the like) which then permits him/her to think with and
about the respective mathematical concept (object) (Dörfler, 2006, p. 100).
According to Dörfler (2006) representations are important for the process of
learning mathematics; therefore the ability to interpret, use and judge
mathematical representations are important in school mathematics.
Representations can be external, such as symbols, graphs, diagrams, tables and
concrete material, or internal, such as mental pictures (Dörfler, 2006; NCTM,
2000; Niss & Höjgaard, 2011). The representation competency includes the use
of mathematical forms in expressions (Skolverket, 2011a). It also includes the
ability to understand, use and compare different mathematical representations,
to choose the best suited representation for specific situations (Niss &
Höjgaard, 2011).
Entity Entity
Connection Connection
Figure 5. Relation between representations and connections. The picture is an adaptation from Lithner
et al. (2010).
One way to speak about connections is with the word flexibility. Flexibility can
refer to the ability to adopt a known procedure to meet new demands (Baroody
et al., 2007) or perhaps to transfer knowledge from one mathematical entity to
another. To do this, it is necessary to make connections between the entities.
According to Kilpatrick et al (2001), flexibility is a major cognitive requirement
for solving non-routine problems. Krutetskii (1976) also mentioned flexibility,
as I interpret it in the meaning of the ability to change solution strategies for the
same problem.
The connection competency can also be seen as the ability to go back and forth
between different mathematical representations such as: symbols, formal
language and natural language (Niss & Höjgaard, 2011). The competency can
also include the ability to make connections between different contexts to get
deeper and long lasting knowledge (NCTM, 2000).
In some educational frameworks such as the Danish KOM project (Niss &
Höjgaard, 2011), modelling competency is set as a separate competency.
Modelling competency is closely related to problem solving competency, which
can be seen when comparing the definition of a mathematical model with the
definition of a mathematical problem.
Problem solving can be used as a general activity in which the object of study is
engaged. This was how Krutetskii (1976) used problem solving. He assumed
that a student has to be in a situation containing mathematical problem solving
to be able to observe the student’s mathematical abilities. He also meant that
the abilities are primarily individual psychological characteristics of mental
activity (Krutetskii, 1976).
the other way around, through the activities do and use, and judge, interpretations
are manifested. Säfström therefore decided to remove the first CRA interpret and
to use do and use as the productive aspect, and judge as the analytical aspect and
merge the interpret activity into both.
I chose to exclude all the three CRAs. No students’ solutions are available in
this study, and no other interaction with students has been attempted. The lack
of information about how students actually act with the tasks in the empirical
data makes it difficult to separate the CRAs from each other.
Studying whether tasks give students the opportunity for imitative and/or
creative reasoning has been done in Sweden both through textbooks and task
analysis and through more students’ interactive studies (Boesen, Lithner, &
Palm, 2010). In one part of the project “National tests in mathematics as a
catalyst for implementing educational reforms” (Lithner, 2011), tasks in
national tests were analysed with the MCRF (Lithner et al., 2010) to investigate
which mathematical competencies the tasks gave the students the opportunity
to use.
3.6 Master a competency
The Swedish grading system in each subject ranges from F to A; F means fail, E
is the passing level and A is the highest grade. Each mathematical competency
has knowledge requirements for the grades of E, C and A. To get the subject
grade E, C or A, all knowledge requirements for each competency must be
fulfilled for the knowledge requirement. To get the subject grade of D or B, all
knowledge requirements for the lower levels (E and C) must be fulfilled as well
as the majority of the knowledge requirements for the higher levels (C and A)
(Skolverket, 2011a). Connected to Niss (2011), it means that a student must
master each competency to a certain extent in a technical level, in the radius of
action and in the degree of coverage. Tests are a necessary tool for a teacher to
be able to assess each student in a classroom with many other students. Results
of tests are part of the assessment; a student who succeeds and achieves well in
tests will have better possibilities to get a high subject grade than a student who
achieves low on tests. In the spring semester in years 3, 6 and 9 of compulsory
school, the students also take a national test in mathematics. The national test
has a large influence on the subject grade, although it is only supposed to be
one test among others.
3.7 Achievement
Pettersson (1990) defines an increase in points that are more than four times
larger than the decrease (an increase of 9 points compared to a decrease of 2
points). However she works with actual scores and I work with relative
that the identified group breaks the pattern of regression towards the mean,
resulting in that the group who were bottom achievers in the first test (year 3),
achieved in the second test (year 6) so that their average will be higher than the
average of the population, see Test 1b and Test 2b in Figure 6. The definitions
of a large increase and a large decrease are chosen because they break the
pattern of regression towards the mean.
of bottom
group on
Test 1a
Marks Marks
Average Average
of Average of Average
bottom of bottom of
group population group population
of bottom
group on
Test 1b
Average Average
of Average Average of
bottom of of bottom
group population population group
Figure 6. Test 1a and 2a show a movement of achievement that follows the pattern of regression
towards the mean. Test 1b and 2b show a movement of achievement that breaks the pattern.
The second difference is that Pettersson (1990) has a category for those who
were intermediate achievers. This category is removed in this study as there is
no focus on intermediate students who do not change their relative
To decide who is a high achiever and who a low achiever, Pettersson (1990)
uses points. Since I use relative achievement, I use percentages limits; those
limits are chosen from the work of Gagné (2004).
The combination of the work of Pettersson (1990) and Gagné (2004) gives the
following categories:
The aim of comparing relative achievement in the national test in year 6 with
the relative achievement in the mathematical kangaroo is to explore how those
who achieve highly on one test achieve on the other. To define who is a high
achiever in this study, percentage limits are used. Those percentage limits are
inspired by other research that in some way mentions a part of a population
defined by percentage limits (Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education,
2012; Gagné, 2004; Mönks & Pflüger, 2005; E. Pettersson, 2011; Renzulli, 2005;
Vialle et al., 2007). The aim of those percentage limits is different; for more
detail see chapter 2.4. Some mention a limit indicating that a certain percentage
of students need more challenges (Advisory Committee on Mathematics
Education, 2012). Others mention a percentage limit to indicate how many
students are gifted according to different models (Gagné, 2004; Mönks &
Pflüger, 2005; E. Pettersson, 2011; Renzulli, 2005), while some use top
percentage limits to choose participants for further investigation (Vialle et al.,
Inspired by those references, three percentage limits are used in this study to
define high achievers, top 5%, top 10%, and top 20%. Those who are not seen
as high achievers therefore make up the bottom 80%.
4 Method
This study starts with comparing results in national tests in mathematics over a
three-year period in a whole population, and comparing results in the national
test and the mathematical kangaroo in a large part of the same population. The
quantitative approach gives answers to the correctness of the observation by a
teacher with 15 years of experience. The statistical analysis of the quantitative
material identifies students that were further investigated. The second part of
the study investigates tasks and what mathematical competencies they give the
opportunity to activate. Further, a method will be investigated that explores
how mathematical competencies can explain differences in achievement
between two identified groups.
Empirical data in this study are results in three mathematical tests all of them
with different purposes.
The national tests in mathematics given in year 3 (2009) tests the passing
level according to the curriculum (Skolverket, 2010),
two curriculum bounded and one non-curriculum bounded. The same
individuals are followed through the years; all students in public schools are
involved in the national test since results are official data. To employ students’
results in the mathematical kangaroo, students and guardians needed to sign an
informed consent form, which reduced the number of participants to 264 from
611. In study 1, two comparisons are made:
4.1.1 The national test in year 3 (2009)
The national test in year 3 (2009) is connected to the curriculum that existed
before 2011. It was the first national test given in year 3 in Sweden (Skolverket,
2008). The aim of the test was to assess students’ knowledge and to support
teachers in the process of assessing students’ fulfilment of goals in the
curriculum. The test contains nine parts, A―J; three of them (B, C and J) are
meant to be solved in pairs or in groups, and one part (J) is a game (Skolverket,
2010). One part of the test (part A) is about self-assessment; the students are to
tell how secure they feel in different mathematical situations. What can be said
about the content and maximum points on each part is given in Table 3.
Getting full points on each part results in a test result of 93 points. Public data
on the test from the municipality office gives each student’s points on each part
except part A of the test.
Table 3
The national test in year 3 (2009); mathematical content and maximum points for each part.
The national test in year 6 (2012) was obligatory for all students and, was the
first national test for year 6 connected to the curriculum Lgr 11 (Skolverket,
2011a). The test focuses on the lowest passing level according to the curriculum
(Skolverket, 2012). There was one oral part on the test (part A) in which the
content is geometry. In the three written parts (B―D), the content is: number
sense, algebra, geometry, problem solving, statistics and relationships and
changes. For parts B and C, some tasks demand written solutions in the test
booklet and some “only” an answer. Part D demands written solutions on a
separate paper. At the time of this writing the test is still classified, and thus the
description of this test must be limited. What can be said about the content and
maximum points on each part is given in Table 4. Getting full points on each
part results in a test result of 106 points. Public data on the test from the
municipality office indicate each student’s points on each part of the test.
Table 4
The national test in year 6 (2012); mathematical content and maximum points for each part.
D (individual, with calculator) Number sense, Probability and 30, of which 9 points are of
statistics, Relationships and higher level
changes, Problem solving
The mathematical kangaroo in Sweden was given on five levels in 2013, Milou
for preschool and years 1―2, Ecolier for years 3―4, Benjamin for years 5―7,
Cadet for years 8―9 and one track, Junior, for upper secondary school. Students
in year 7 participated in this study, and therefore Benjamin is the choice here.
The mathematical kangaroo is a multiple choice test. For Benjamin there are five
choices in each task. All tasks are dichotomously scored, either credit or no
credit, although there are three levels in the scoring. The first seven tasks give 3
points, task numbers 8―14 give 4 points and task numbers 15―21 give 5
The multiple choice tasks give an opportunity to test whether one of the five
options is a possible solution, but the tasks can also be solved mentally or in
writing. No solutions are required of the students. Getting full points on each
part results in a test result of 84 points.
Table 5
The mathematical kangaroo (Benjamin) in year 7 (2013); mathematical content and maximum points for each part,
described by NCM.
Task numbers 8 and 13 These two tasks are not placed 8 points
in any of the four contents
4.2 Sample
The sample consists of the students who participated in the study; those are a
part of the whole population of students in year 7 in the spring of 2013 in a
municipality in Sweden.
For all students in public schools in a municipality, the results of the national
tests in mathematics, given in year 3 (2009, n=654) and in year 6 (2012, n=611),
were collected. The results are official data. Most students (n=568) had results
on both tests. The gap in the data is explained by some students moving to or
from the municipality and some students having attended private schools
before year 6 or choosing a private school after year 3. Results of national tests
from students attending private schools are not official.
When using statistics and talking about the whole population, one must specify
what is meant by the whole population. Is it all the humans in the world, or is it
all 7-year old children in a specific school? If a whole population participates in
a study, it must nevertheless be seen as a sample; for example, the study is done
in a specific time range or at a specific geographic place. This means that the
results can not be generalised for something that will happen ten years later or
happened ten years earlier or at another geographic place (Lisper & Lisper,
The statistical program R (R Core Team, 2013) was used for statistical analysis
of the representativeness of the sample, and a significance level of 5% was used
in the statistical tests. The whole population is counted as those students with
results in the national test in year 6 who went in year 7 to public schools in the
spring of 2013. The whole population was invited to participate in the study,
although naturally not everyone did. The sample group is those who chose to
participate in the mathematical kangaroo and also agreed to let their results be
used in this study.
Table 6
Comparison of statistical parameters between the population and the sample.
Minimum 19 56 9 23
Median 81 83 74 79
Figure 7. National test year 3; population no 1, sample no 2.
If a test is constructed so that most students pass it, the test has a ceiling effect.
A test that is very difficult, resulting in most students failing it, has a floor
effect, Figure 9 (Statistik för samhällsvetare, Lisper & Lisper2005).
Frequency Frequency
Figure 9. Left graph illustrates the ceiling effect and the right graph illustrates the floor effect.
One way to judge whether empirical data are normal or skewed in any direction
is to draw a frequency density graph of the data. The frequency distribution
graph of the sample also has to be compared with the frequency distribution
graph of the population, with the aim to show whether the sample describes the
population (Lisper & Lisper, 2005). Differences and similarities as well as
s on the test", ylab="Density", xlim=c(0,100), ylim=c(0,0.06))
Figure 10. Frequency graph of results in the national test in year 3; the population solid line, the sample
dotted line.
xlab="Marks on the test", ylab="Density", xlim=c(0,110), ylim=c(0,0.03))
m=c(0,0.03), lty=3)
Figure 11. Frequency graph of results in the national test in year 6; the population solid line, the sample
dotted line.
In the frequency graphs, Figure 10 and Figure 11, it can be seen that the sample
represents those students who achieved highly on both national tests more as
compared to those that had low achievement. It is also visualised that both
national tests have a ceiling effect, which means that data (actual results on
tests) must be transformed, for example to ranked data, to be able to do
statistics (Polit, 2008).
Plotting the actual results in the national test in grade 6 against the actual results
in the national test in grade 3, and marking (in black) those students who
belong to the sample, gives a picture of the distribution of the sample over the
population, Figure 12.
ead.csv2("130808filt4.csv", header=TRUE)
ad.csv2("130808filt5.csv", header=TRUE)
m3,Sum6, main=" ", xlab="Marks on national test in Year3 ", ylab="Marks on national test in Year6 ", xlim=c(0,100), ylim=c(0,110), col="gray47")
um3,Sum6, main=" ", xlab=" ", ylab=" ", xlim=c(0,100), ylim=c(0,110),pch=21,bg="gray")
Texten inklistrad via textrutor över gammal R-text
Figure 12. Results in the national test in year 6 versus results in the national test in year 3.
There is a lack in the sample of students who had low achievement in both
national tests. However, those students are not very many (12―14 students),
which can be seen in Figure 12.
Some students (n=43) have results in the national test in year 6 but not in the
national test in year 3. Of those, some (n=17) are included in the sample, i.e.
they completed the national test in year 6 and agreed to participate in the study
with their results in the mathematical kangaroo. The distribution of their points
in the national test in year 6 is shown in Table 7.
Table 7
Distribution of points in the national test in year 6 for students who do not have results in the national test in year 3.
Statistical measures Results from year 6 but not The sample - with results from
from year 3 (n=47) year 6 but not from year 3
Minimum 12 21
Median (50%) 66 39
Maximum 100 71
To find out, statistically, how well the sample represents the population, a
“goodness of fit” test, the 2 test, was used (Wackerly, Mendenhall, &
Scheaffer, 2002). With the null hypothesis, H0:
The 2 test is suitable to use since it is possible to compare two groups even if
data not are normally distributed. The test compares the sample with the
population through their results on the national test in year 3 and their results
on the national test in year 6, data are given in appendix 1 and appendix 2.
Comparing the sample with the population through the national test in year 3,
shown in appendix 1, gives a calculated 2-value of 28.68615. The degree of
freedom, 23, with the critical 2 value (α = 0.05) 35.172, says that the null
hypothesis is retained.
The calculated 2 value for year 6 is 36.99813. The degree of freedom is 24 and
has the critical 2 value (α = 0.05) of 36.415. Since the calculated value is
greater than the critical one, there is a significant difference between the sample
and the population. Looking at the table in appendix 2, it is very clear that the
reason is mainly the three groups with low points on the test, 0―32 points,
33―40 points and 56―58 points, meaning that the reason for why the sample is
not representative of the population is primarily because there is a lack of
students who participated who were low achievers in the national test in year 6.
The sample is not a perfect representation of the population, which the 2 test
shows. The discrepancy can be explained by there being a lack of students who
were low achievers in the national test in year 6. In the study, students will be
identified by different criteria; if they are identified by their low achievement in
the national test, there is a chance that those students are underrepresented in
the population.
In a sprint race among 8-year old children, there is a winner, a second place and a third place
and so on, in the same way as in a sprint race among elite athletes. Those numbers do not say
anything about the performance or about the differences in performance. The distributions of
the positions of winner to tenth place look the same for the children as for the elites. This
kind of data is more suited for nonparametric methods. In the same sprint race, individual
times for the races can be measured, which gives individuals’ actual performance. Parametric
methods are more suitable for analysing this kind of data.
For ranked paired data, where pair represents “pre-treatment” and “post-
treatment” observations, shifts in location can be analysed with a Wilcoxon
signed rank test (Hollander, Wolfe, & Chicken, 2014). This also leads to making
it possible to use a Wilcoxon signed rank test to compare individual ranking
positions for two measurement points, for example test A and test B. The null
hypothesis will in that case be: the ranking position is the same for each
individual on both tests. If the null hypothesis is retained, the (pseudo)median
is equal or close to zero, meaning that there has not been a shift in location. A
large p-value, p ≥ 0.05, says that there has not been a shift in location. The
changes measured by the Wilcoxon test is in the individuals and how those
changes are placed (in ranking). It is a measurement of “individual movement”
from test A to test B.
The tests used in this study are said to be not comparative because of the
different aim in each test. The purpose of the national test in year 3 is to
support formative assessment and it only tests whether the student has reached
the curriculum goal for year 3, the passing level (A. Pettersson & Boistrup,
2010). The national test in year 6 tests students’ achievement according to the
curriculum with some possibility to show deeper mathematical knowledge
(Skolverket, 2012). The mathematical kangaroo is not connected to any
curriculum; the aim of the mathematical kangaroo is to stimulate interest in
mathematics and to arouse curiosity and lust to learn mathematics (Nationellt
centrum för matematikutbildning, 2013). The Wilcoxon signed rank test is used
to statistically investigate whether students’ ranking position changes between
the tests. To be able to make a Wilcoxon signed rank test, values from the two
groups that will be compared must be in the same interval. The results of the
tests were therefore recalculated to percentages of the maximum value.
If the Wilcoxon test says that there has been a change, one must consider what
the cause of the change is. For top achieving students, Gagné (2005) stresses
that most of them maintain their ranking position.
To investigate whether movements in ranking positions occurred, the Wilcoxon
signed rank test was carried out first comparing the national test in year 3 and
the national test in year 6, Table 8, and second comparing the national test in
year 6 and the mathematical kangaroo in year 7, Table 9.
Table 8
Wilcoxon test – the national test in year 3 and the national test in year 6, data from students who have results in the
national test in year 3 (2009) and in year 6 (2012).
Table 9
Wilcoxon test – the national test in year 6 and the Kangaroo test; data from students who had results in the national test
in year 6 (2012) and the mathematical kangaroo in year 7 (2013).
A small p-value indicates that there has been a shift in the location of ranking
positions among the students. The value of the (pseudo)median is 16.1 when
the two national tests are compared and 24.8 when the national test in year 6 is
compared with the mathematical kangaroo. Since the percentage results of all
tests were used in the Wilcoxon signed rank test, the values of the
(pseudo)median indicate that there have been large movements in the ranking
position between the tests among the students.
There may be many reasons for a change in ranking position: trauma, change of
teacher, being ill on the test day, different kind of test etc. People have told me
“of course you get different results when using different test” but since it
surprises not only me but also other teachers (Mattsson, 2013) that there are
students who are low achievers in the national test and high achievers in the
mathematical kangaroo, it is interesting to analyse differences. Some teachers
suspect that those students are gifted in mathematics (Mattsson, 2013). In this
study, reasons for changes in ranking position between the national test in year
6 and the mathematical kangaroo are investigated by means of the
opportunities offered by the tasks to activate mathematical competencies; the
MCRF framework (Lithner et al., 2010) is used in the analysis.
The design of the study is visualised in Figure 13. This chapter discusses the
practical parts of the study.
Contact Schools
Municipality office
Processing data
Anonymise data
MC analysis
Relative MC analysis of
on individual
achievement the tests
The practical process started with planning the study and having it inspected by
the ethics committee at the university.
All secondary public schools were contacted to ask whether the schools wanted
to participate. Contact with a teacher responsible for mathematics education at
each school was then established.
The municipality office was contacted to get the results of the national test
among the population of students who were asked to do the mathematical
kangaroo. The municipality office was informed about the ethical
considerations and that the study had been reviewed by the ethics committee at
the university. National test results in public schools are official data in Sweden,
The national test from 2012 among students in year 6 was classified at the time
of the study; a special agreement was made with the national agency of
education to gain access to the test.
When all empirical data were collected, all the individuals were anonymised
before the analysis started.
Step 3, analysis of the mathematical competencies the tests gave opportunity to
activate and analysis of the distribution of activated mathematical competencies
in the national test in year 6 and in the mathematical kangaroo for students of
special interest.
The last step in the study is to interpret and discuss the results.
The national test is obligatory and individual results of the test are recorded at
the municipality office. Results of the national test from public schools are
official data; therefore those were collected from the municipality office at a
visit. The data of individuals with a secret identity are not public, and their data
are thus not included in the study.
4.5 Data analysis
All data were made anonymous: both the official results in the national tests
and the results in the mathematical kangaroo. A computer program (Wireflow
AB) produced a SHA-256 hash string of each identification number combined
with cryptographic salt (comparable to stretching passwords) to make it
impossible for an unauthorised to go back and identify someone.
The students were ranked according to their results to get their relative
achievement in each test, and an analysis was carried out in three steps:
It is investigated how high achievers on one test achieved on the second. The
students identified in this part of the study were explored by means of the
mathematical competencies they are given the opportunity to activate in the
tasks and the tests in the third step of the study.
4.6 Guide to analysing mathematical competencies in tasks
The guide in Table 10 is used to analyse tasks in the mathematical kangaroo and
in the national test in year 6. The results of the analysis indicate the opportunity
the test gives to activate the six competencies in the MCRF. To simplify, the
analysis will judge what is required of and is reasonable to believe that a student
in year 7 uses in the solution process of the task (Boesen et al., 2014). Through
experience, Boesen et al. (2014) have noticed that students do what is required
to solve a task but not much more; this is verified in the 15 years of teacher
experience of the author. In the analysis of the task, there is an underlying
question for each competency.
Working through each of the six competencies in the MCRF, try to show that it
is necessary to activate the competency in a reasonable solution (that fulfils the
task conditions).
This study had access to written analysis documents that are used but not published in the
referenced article.
- If it is not necessary to activate, for this task, the competency is given
the classification ‘0’.
- If it is necessary to activate the competency, for this task, the
competency is given the classification ‘1’.
There is one exception from this analyse procedure in this study, although, the
problem solving competency was not analysed in this way. To get an answer as
to whether the tasks in the mathematical kangaroo are seen as problems, eight
experienced teachers used to teaching mathematics in year 7 were asked to
mark the tasks they interpreted as problems according to the following
Those tasks that the majority (five or more) of the teachers agreed to be
problems were seen in this study as giving an opportunity to activate the
problem solving competency and were given the classification ‘1’.
The national test, which was classified material at the time of this study, could
not be discussed with teachers in the same way. The tasks that the constructors
(Stockholm University, 2013) defined as problem solving tasks are classified as
giving an opportunity to activate the problem solving competency and are given
the classification ‘1’.
Table 10 is used as a guide for analysis of the competencies in a task, for each
task, and the reasonable solution. The guide is used and finally offers a
classification of ‘1’ or ‘0’ for each competency and task.
Table 10
Competency analysis guide used for each task.
The analysis results in a reduced competency matrix for each task, Figure 14.
Task 1 class
App 1
Rea 0
Com 1
Rep 0
Con 1
Pro 0
Figure 14. Reduced matrix showing the competency classification for task no. 1
The mathematical kangaroo has 21 tasks, 7 tasks give 3 points, 7 tasks give 4
points and 7 tasks give 5 points. Each student identified will be given a matrix
showing their results, Figure 15. Row one represents three-point tasks, row two
four-point tasks, and row three five-point tasks. Number 1 in a cell indicates
credit; 0 indicates no credit.
3m 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
4m 1 1 0 1 1 0 0
5m 0 1 1 1 0 1 1
Figure 15. Results on the task level in the mathematical kangaroo for student S1.
The analysis will result in one summary competency matrix for each identified
student that tells how often that student used each competency and how often
each competency is used in relation to the other that is used, Figure 16. ∑ class
is the sum of all times the students received a point in a task that gave the
opportunity to activate the competency. Rel class is the relative distribution of
the competency.
Sum Rel class
∑ l
Pro 2 0.095
Rea 6 0.286
App 1 0.048
Rep 3 0.143
Con 4 0.190
Com 5 0.238
∑ 21 1
A competency profile for the tests and for each student identified in study 1 is
made. The competency profile indicates how much each competency is
activated in relation to the total amount of activated competencies. An example
is given to explain how a competency profile is created.
A test has 10 tasks and the competencies are distributed among the tasks in the example test
shown in Figure 17. To solve all 10 tasks, it is necessary to activate the competencies as
summarised in column 2 in Table 11. Relative values for each competency are shown in
column 3. In this example, there is a specific student that has failed in tasks no. 2, 7 and 8.
The student is therefore seen to have activated the reasoning competency two times less, the
communication competency one time less, the representation competency two times less and
the problem solving competency two times less than possible, summarised in columns 4 and 5
in Table 11. Data from column 3 result in the competency profile for the test; data from
column 5 result in the competency profile for the specific student, Figure 18.
Task 1 Class Task 2 Class Task 3 Class Task 4 Class Task 5 Class
App 1 App 0 App 1 App 0 App 1
Rea 0 Rea 0 Rea 1 Rea 0 Rea 0
Com 1 Com 0 Com 1 Com 0 Com 1
Rep 0 Rep 1 Rep 0 Rep 0 Rep 1
Con 0 Con 0 Con 0 Con 0 Con 0
Pro 0 Pro 0 Pro 0 Pro 1 Pro 0
Task 6 Class Task 7 Class Task 8 Class Task 9 Class Task 10 Class
App 1 App 0 App 0 App 1 App 1
Rea 0 Rea 1 Rea 1 Rea 0 Rea 0
Com 0 Com 1 Com 0 Com 1 Com 0
Rep 0 Rep 0 Rep 1 Rep 0 Rep 0
Con 1 Con 0 Con 0 Con 1 Con 0
Pro 0 Pro 1 Pro 1 Pro 0 Pro 0
Competency profile
Pro; 0,14 0,07
Con; 0,13
App; 0,27
Con; 0,09 App; 0,4
Rep; 0,07
Rep; 0,14
Rea; 0,14
Com; 0,27
Com; 0,23 0,07
Figure 18. Example of a competency profile for one test and one student.
A competency profile for a test shows the possibilities that have existed to
activate the six competencies in relation to each other. The numbers in Figure
18 show how much a competency is given opportunity to be activated by the
tasks in the test in relation to the total amount of possible competencies on the
A competency profile for a student shows how the competencies are activated
in relation to each other in the tasks solved by the student. The numbers in
Figure 18 show how much a competency is activated by the student on the test
in relation to the total amount of activated competencies by the student on the
4.8 Validity and reliability
4.8.1 Sample
4.8.2 Non-participants
The students that did not participate in the study are primarily those who
achieved low on the national test in both years 3 and 6, this is visualised in
Figure 12. This affects the results in that there could be more students that
achieve highly in the mathematical kangaroo and low in the national test in year
6 than are identified in the sample.
Empirical data in this study are students’ results in three mathematical tests.
There is a risk that there are individuals that did not achieve the way they
should have under normal conditions. Factors such as stress, illness, social
circumstances etc. can influence individual achievement. It is therefore possible
that some students should have been identified that were not owing to factors
like those mentioned above. In turn, this leads to there being a possibility that
some of the students identified should not have been identified, since ranking
and percentages are used as identification criteria. When using identification
criteria, one must always chose a limit, which gives a risk of some identification
errors. Although students are treated as a group in this study, which reduces the
identification factors, the probability that all students had a bad day is
considered low.
4.8.4 Coding
The coding of personal numbers to hash codes was done by a coding expert
(Wireflow AB). The expert constructed a program that coded original data. The
program added cryptographic salt to the personal numbers before the SHA-256
hash was calculated. This makes it impossible for any unauthorised person to
go back to and identify individuals. Use of an expert for coding and security in
the program makes the coding reliable and safe.
The best way to find solutions for the task analysis would have been to let a
large group of students in year 7 produce solutions that could be used for the
analysis. This would have been time consuming, however. To make it possible
to manage the study, solutions were created by the author. The solutions were
compared with authentic students’ solutions in the classified material from the
national test in year 6. The solutions produced by the researcher and the
authentic student solutions were judged to be of the same complexity and on
the same mathematical level. The solutions used in the task analysis are
therefore seen to be comparable to solutions that students in year 7 would have
4.8.6 Task analysis
The analysis procedure of the tasks was discussed in a seminar with researchers
and research students in mathematics education. Comments given at the
seminar resulted in the analysis guide described in chapter 4.6. The analyser is
supposed to consider what a student in year 7 should need in order to solve a
task. The author has worked as a teacher in mathematics for more than 15
years, although in the upper secondary school. The author also has five years of
experience in teaching situations in mathematics with students at younger ages,
years 2―9. To test the analysis guide further, the author had a one-hour seminar
with six teachers from a lower secondary school (year 7―9). The author first
briefly introduced the analysis guide, and the teachers analysed 6 tasks in the
mathematical kangaroo working in pairs. After the analysis of the task, the
analysis procedure was summarised in a discussion between the teachers and
the author. After the analysis done by the teachers working in pairs, it was
found that the results of the analyses differed between the teachers and the
author. After the discussion, however, the author and the teachers, except for
one, agreed upon how the analyses of the competencies should be interpreted.
The discussion of the analysis tool with research colleagues, the teachers’
experience of the author, the seminar with the lower secondary school teachers,
the control of the solutions with the authentic solutions given in the material
for the national test in year 6 make the analysis process reliable and valid
enough to test the method, which aims to explore differences between the
groups that were identified. Nevertheless, it could have been even better if the
whole analysis process had been done in collaboration with a larger group of
lower secondary school teachers in mathematics, and/or more in depth with
research colleagues in mathematics education.
teachers who are experienced in teaching students of this age, but this is still a
source of failure. The only way to find out whether the task is a problem for a
student is to interact with the student in some way, but this makes it difficult to
handle large groups of students.
In the analysis, the identified groups are compared in one test at a time. It is
therefore not a dilemma that the competency is not defined in exactly the same
The analysis of the problem solving competency is a weak point in this study,
but the conclusions are valid because the groups are compared in one test at a
time. There is no comparison that mixes problem solving competency between
the two tests.
The ethical perspective of the study has been discussed in a seminar with senior
researchers and research colleagues. The study has also been examined by the
ethics committee at the University without requiring additional review. There
has been no interaction between the researcher and the participants of the
study. Data connected to the national tests are public data. To be able to
include results from the mathematical kangaroo, it was necessary to obtain a
signed informed consent form from the students and their guardians.
All data were connected to the individuals’ personal number; the data were
anonymised and coded through a program that produced a SHA-256 hash
string. An expert in coding (Wireflow AB) implemented the coding procedure.
The security in the coding process is high.
Considering the seminar with colleagues and the advice of the ethics
committee, it is reasonable to draw the conclusion that no individual was
injured psychologically or physically by participation in this study.
5 Results
Chapters 5.1 to 5.4 give the results of study 1, the descriptive part comparing
relative achievement. Chapters 5.5 to 5.8 give the results of study 2, involving
the analysis with mathematical competencies.
When comparing the change in ranking position between the national tests in
year 3 and the national test in year 6, it was required that the students had taken
both tests. There were 568 students with results on both tests. Since students
can have the same ranking position it means that the groups of the top 10% on
each test and the groups of the bottom 10% on each test do not need to
contain the same number of students.
49 students were ranked among the top 10% in year 3, and 55 students were
among the top 10% in year 6; of those, 15 students, 10 girls and 5 boys, were
among the top 10% on both tests. Ranking positions for the top 10% students
in year 3 are placed to the right of the vertical solid line in Figure 19, and
ranking positions for the top 10% students in year 6 are placed above the
horizontal solid line in Figure 19. The circles inside the box in the upper right
corner in Figure 19 therefore represent students who are ranked among the top
10% on both tests.
56 students were among the bottom 10% in year 3, and 57 students were
among the bottom 10% in year 6; of those, 26 students, 10 girls and 16 boys,
were among the bottom 10% on both tests. Ranking positions for the bottom
10% students in year 3 are placed to the left of the vertical dotted line in Figure
19, and ranking positions for the bottom 10% students in year 6 are placed
below the horizontal dotted line in Figure 19. The circles inside the box in the
bottom left corner in Figure 19 therefore represent students who are ranked
among the bottom 10% on both tests.
nk(Sum6), xlim=c(0,568),ylim=c(0,568), main=" ", xlab="Ranking place in Year 3", ylab="Ranking place in Year 6")
I textrutor via PP
orginal r-text
Ranking position in year 6
Figure 19. Ranking position on the national test in year 6 versus the ranking position on the national test
in year 3.
The results in this study show that there are more students who stay among the
bottom 10% than those who stay among the top 10%. One explanation for the
results can be the existing ceiling effects in both tests. Considering the ceiling
effect in the two national tests, Figure 20 and Figure 21, there are more
students who achieve high (actual results) in the national test than who achieve
low (actual results). The students who achieved among the top 10% in one of
the two national tests are shaded in Figure 20 and Figure 21. The ceiling effect
means that a change by only a few points can change the ranking position
remarkably among the high achievers but does not have the same affect among
the low achievers. With the results it can be concluded that it is more likely that
a student stays among the poorer achievers than it is that he or she stays among
the best achievers. In this study relative achievement is used in the comparison,
the frequency graphs based on actual results on the two tests, Figure 20 and
Figure 21, show that students among the bottom 10% have a wide distribution
of their actual results, while students belonging to the top 10% in any of the
x2,x2)]), y= c(0, y[x1:x2], 0), col="gray"),tests
main=" ",have all achieved highly in actual points on the tests.
xlab=" ",xlim=c(0,100))
Figure 20. Frequency distribution in the national test in year 3, top 10% shaded. Percentage results on
the x-axis
]), y= c(0, y[x1:x2], 0), col="gray"), main=" ", xlab=" ",xlim=c(0,100))
Figure 21. Frequency distribution in the national test in year 6, top 10% shaded. Percentage results on
the x-axis
For a student to be categorised in group III the student must increase the
ranking position by at least 40 percentage points, i.e. by at least 227 ranking
positions, from year 3 to year 6, as illustrated in Figure 22. This means that
students that have a ranking position between 1 and 341 in year 3 have the
possibility to increase their ranking position by 40 percentage points and, after
the increase, they will have a ranking position between 228 and 568 in year 6.
Ranking position 1 341 568
in year 3
An increase of
40 percentage points
in ranking position
Figure 22. Illustration of possible movements of ranking position for students in category III.
The students that are ranked among the bottom 60% (below 341 in ranking
position) on the national test in year 3 are those who theoretically have the
possibility to increase their ranking position by at least 40 percentage points.
They are 333 in total: of those, 33 students, 17 girls and 16 boys, increased their
ranking position by at least 40 percentage points on the national test from year
3 to year 6, marked with filled circles in Figure 23.
ank(Sum6)-rank(Sum3)>227) %in% c(TRUE))
6), main=" ", xlab="Ranking place in Year 3", ylab="Ranking place in Year 6", xlim=c(0,568), ylim=c(0,568))
easeIndex],rank(Sum6)[IncreaseIndex], pch=21, bg="gray47")
Figure 23. Group III, students with a large increase in ranking position from year 3 to year 6.
To compare students that belong to category III, with those who had the
possibility to belong to the category, statistical measures of minimum, quartiles
and maximum values, for actual results on the two national tests were analysed.
The comparison of the statistical measures for different groups of students
show which students are most likely to perform a large increase in ranking
position. The groups of interest are:
that is, the maximum range of ranking positions for students in Category
III, see figure 22,
The statistical measures for the groups of interest based on their actual total
sum on the national test in year 3 and/or year 6 are shown in Table 12.
Table 12
Statistical measures based on the actual total sum on the national test in year 3 and/or year 6 for the students in category
III, Group R and Group S.
Comparing the distribution of actual results between category III and Group R
shows that students in category III are not among the lowest achievers on the
national test in year 3, due to the difference in minimum value in the two
groups, see Table 12. However, the distribution of actual results from lowest
quartile to the maximum are similar for category III and Group R. Comparing
category III and Group S shows that the distribution of actual results are
similar for both groups, see Table 12. These results indicate that among
students that perform a large increase from year 3 to year 6, however, low
achievers in year 3 are not represented.
The students that are ranked among the top 60% on the national test in year 3
are those who theoretically have the possibility to decrease their ranking
position by at least 40 percentage points. They are 333 in total; 35 students, 15
k(Sum3)-rank(Sum6)>227) %in% c(TRUE))
main=" ", xlab="Ranking place in Year 3", ylab="Ranking place in Year 6", xlim=c(0,568), ylim=c(0,568))
pch=21,and 20 boys, decreased their ranking position by at least 40 percentage
Figure 24. Group IV, students with a large decrease in ranking position from year 3 to year 6.
To compare students that belong to category IV, with those who had the
possibility to belong to the category, statistical measures: minimum, quartiles
and maximum values, for actual results on the two national tests were analysed.
Comparing the statistical measures for different groups of students, shows
which students who are most likely to make a large decrease in ranking
position. The groups of interest are:
Group X is defined as the group of students (n=333) with ranking
positions 228 to 568 by their actual results on the national test in year 3,
that is those who had the possibility to make a large decrease in ranking
position from year 3 to year 6,
The statistical measures for the groups of interest based on their actual total
sum on the national test in year 3 and/or year 6 are shown in Table 13.
Table 13
Statistical measures based on the actual total sum on the national test in year 3 and/or year 6 for the students in category
IV, Group X and Group Y.
5.2.1 Interpretations of the results in categories III and IV
The results of the analysis of category III and IV show that low achievers in any
of the tests did not belong to the groups that performed large movements in
relative achievement. Therefore it can be deduced that, as low achievers in the
national test in year 3 did not improve their results remarkable, and also
students belonging to category IV did not end up among the lowest achievers
in the national test in year 6, the results verify that low achievers continue to be
low achievers.
The analysis aims to investigate the number of, and the distribution, of those
students who ranked among the top 20%, top 10% and top 5% in one of the
tests, but among the bottom 80% in the other test. The students who are
among the top 20% in both tests (n=23) are not investigated because one aim
of the study is to explore movements in relative achievement, and another aim
is to explain why students are high achievers in one test but not in another. To
fulfil those aims, comparable groups must be distinct and must not overlap. In
addition, to explore differences or movements in achievement, students in an
identified group must have made some sort of change in achievement between
the measuring points. Those who are among the top 20% in both tests can only
have made minor movements in achievement. It is not the aim in this study to
explore those students.
Table 14
Students ranked top 5% (white), top 10% (light shaded) and top 20% (dark shaded) in the mathematical kangaroo and
the bottom 80% in the national test in year 6, 13 boys and 12 girls.
Table 15
Students ranked top 5% (white), top 10% (light shaded) and top 20% (dark shaded) in the national test in year 6 and
bottom 80% in the mathematical kangaroo, 7 boys and 16 girls.
Figure 25 visualises the students identified as high achievers on one test but not
on the other and shows their distribution in the two tests used for comparison.
In Figure 25 a circle placed at the bottom of the diagram represents a student
that was ranked low on the mathematical kangaroo, and a circle placed at the
top of the diagram represents a student that is highly ranked on the
mathematical kangaroo. In the same way, a circle placed to the left in Figure 25
represents a student that was ranked low on the national test in year 6, and a
circle to the right represents a student that was ranked high on the national test
in year 6. In Figure 25, students belonging to Group 2 are marked with filled
circles on the right side of the diagram, and students belonging to Group 1 are
marked with filled circles at the top of the diagram. Students who are among
the top 20% on both the national test in year 6 and the mathematical kangaroo
in year 7 are represented by non-filled circles in the upper right corner: those
students are not the object of study here and are therefore the circles are not
Ranking position in year 7 (kangaroo)
5.3.1 Interpretations of the comparison between the national test in year
6 and the mathematical kangaroo in year 7
Statistical measures used: minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile and
maximum, see Table 16, for the change in ranking positions in Group 1 and 2
show that students in Group 1 are more widely spread (have a larger variance)
in the change of their ranking position as compared to students in Group 2.
Table 16
Statistical measures of ranking position for the two groups compared.
5.4 Summary of results – Study 1
In comparing the national tests given in year 3 and year 6, it can be concluded
that the analysis indicates that there are more top students that change their
relative achievement than there are bottom students, the ceiling effect of the
tests are a plausible explanation. There are approximately the same numbers of
students that increase as decrease largely in relative achievement.
The results correlated to study 2 are to answer research question 4 and are
based on the comparison of two groups, identified in study 1, of how those
groups differ in the way they activate mathematical competencies through their
result on the mathematical kangaroo. A student is seen to have activated a
mathematical competency if she or he has been given points on a task that
according to the analyse guide, Table 10, requires the competency to solve the
task. The identified groups are;
Group 1 are those students identified to be among the top 20% achievers in the
mathematical kangaroo and among the bottom 80% achievers in the national
test in year 6.
Group 2 are those students identified to be among the top 20% achievers in the
national test in year 6 and among the bottom 80% achievers in the
mathematical kangaroo.
The analysis of each task in the mathematical kangaroo resulted in the reduced
matrixes shown in Table 17. Abbreviations for the competencies are used as
follows: App = applying procedures competency, Rea = reasoning competency,
Com = communication competency, Rep = representation competency, Con =
connection competency, Pro = problem solving competency.
Table 17
Results of the task analysis in the mathematical kangaroo.
Task 1-10/
Competency 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
App 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0
Rea 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
Com 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
Rep 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1
Con 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Pro 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1
Task 11-21/
Competency 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
App 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
Rea 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
Com 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
Rep 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Con 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pro 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
Summary data from the task analysis results in a competency profile of the
whole test as shown in Figure 26. The numbers in Figure 26 show how much
each competency is given opportunity to be activated in relation to the total
amount of possible competencies on each test.
Competency profiles
App; 0,15 0,09
Pro; 0,19
App; 0,32
Figure 26. Competency profile for the mathematical kangaroo and the national test in year 6.
The competency profile for the mathematical kangaroo shows that the test
gives the greatest opportunity to activate communication competency (21%)
and the lowest opportunity to activate the connection competency (10%). The
relation between the connection competency and the representation
competency shows that taking away one or two tasks that activate the
connection competency also lowers the representation competency. The
relation between the reasoning competency and the problem solving
competency has a similar effect: taking away tasks that activate the reasoning
competency lowers the problem solving competency.
5.5.2 The national test in year 6
The national test in year 6 (2012) consists of four parts, A―D. Part A is
excluded from the analysis of the competencies. Part A is an oral test that gives
1 or 0 points out of 106 in total. As part A is an oral part and because of its low
effect on the results it is not addressed here. The analysis of parts B―D in the
national test was made in the same way as the analysis of the mathematical
kangaroo. Since the test is classified, results of individual tasks are not shown;
the competency profile of the complete test is shown in Figure 26.
The two tests are similar in their competency profiles as regards the
communication, representation and connection competencies. The national test
gives greater opportunity to activate the applying procedures competency in
comparison to the mathematical kangaroo. The mathematical kangaroo gives
more opportunity for activating the reasoning and the problem solving
competency compared to the national test.
activated competencies. Thus the sum of all competencies relative activation
factors is 1.
Students who achieved among the top 20% in ranking position in one of the
tests, the national test in year 6 (2012) or the mathematical kangaroo in year 7
(2013), and at the same time are among the bottom 80% in the other test are
treated as two comparative groups in the following analysis.
In the analysis, one group is called Group 1 that is; “high achievers in the
mathematical kangaroo (bottom 80% in the national test)” and the other group
are called Group 2 that is, “high achievers in the national test (bottom 80% in
the mathematical kangaroo)”.
Table 18
Result of competency analysis in the case of full points.
App 10 0,15
Rea 12 0,18
Com 14 0,21
Rep 11 0,16
Con 7 0,10
Pro 13 0,19
∑ 67 1
Table 19
Result of competency analysis of student S71.
The relative deviation, denoted 𝑓𝑐𝑝 , is calculated for each student and each
competency using the formula:
𝑟𝑒𝑙. 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑠 is the number of times a student activate a competency relative to
the total number of competencies activated by a student. In the example, it is
values from column 3 in Table 19.
𝑟𝑒𝑙. 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑡 is the opportunities the test gives to activate a competency relative
to the total number of competencies the test gives opportunity to. In the
example, it is values from column 3 in Table 18.
The values of the relative deviation, 𝑓𝑐𝑝 , for students belonging to the same
identification group, Group 1 or Group 2, are collected and thereafter
differences in how groups of students activate each competency can be
investigated. In the comparison between the groups each 𝑓𝑐𝑝 value for each
student is represented by a marker in a diagram, one diagram for each group
and each competency, see Figure 27 and Figure 28. If a student activates a
competency to the same proportion as in the case of getting full points in the
mathematical kangaroo, the marker will be placed on the zero line. If the
competency proportionally is activated more for a student than in the case of
getting full points, the marker is placed above 0; another competency or other
competencies will then have to “pay” and will be placed below 0. A point on 0
does not mean that a student has activated the competency as much as possible
throughout the test, since it is a proportional measurement.
In the example given in Table 18 and Table 19, the applying procedures
competency and the communication competency are activated more relative to
the other competencies by the student than they are by getting full points in the
test. In the same way the reasoning competency and the problem solving
competency are less activated and the representation competency and
connection competency are activated to the same extent as in the test profile.
Results of this analysis of the students identified are shown for Group 1 to the
left and for Group 2 to the right in Figure 27 and Figure 28.
Group 1 Group 2
The 𝑓𝑐𝑝 value for each student for The 𝑓𝑐𝑝 value for each student for
the competencies: App, Rea, Com the competencies: App, Rea, Com
Reasoning Reasoning
0,5 0,5
0,4 0,4
0,3 0,3
0,2 0,2
0,1 0,1
0 0
-0,1 0 5 10 15 20 25 -0,1 0 10 20
-0,2 -0,2
-0,3 -0,3
-0,4 -0,4
-0,5 -0,5
-0,6 -0,6
Communication Communication
0,5 0,5
0,4 0,4
0,3 0,3
0,2 0,2
0,1 0,1
0 0
-0,1 0 5 10 15 20 25 -0,1 0 10 20
-0,2 -0,2
-0,3 -0,3
-0,4 -0,4
-0,5 -0,5
-0,6 -0,6
Figure 27. Relative activation of the competencies App, Rea and Com in comparison with the
competency profile in the mathematical kangaroo. The x-axis represents students.
Group 1 Group 2
The 𝑓𝑐𝑝 value for each student for The 𝑓𝑐𝑝 value for each student for
the competencies: Rep, Con, Pro the competencies: Rep, Con, Pro
Representation Representation
0,5 0,5
0,4 0,4
0,3 0,3
0,2 0,2
0,1 0,1
0 0
-0,1 0 5 10 15 20 25 -0,1 0 10 20
-0,2 -0,2
-0,3 -0,3
-0,4 -0,4
-0,5 -0,5
-0,6 -0,6
Connection Connection
0,5 0,5
0,4 0,4
0,3 0,3
0,2 0,2
0,1 0,1
0 0
-0,1 0 5 10 15 20 25 -0,1 0 10 20
-0,2 -0,2
-0,3 -0,3
-0,4 -0,4
-0,5 -0,5
-0,6 -0,6
Figure 28. Relative activation of the competencies Rep, Con and Pro in comparison with the
competency profile in the mathematical kangaroo. The x-axis represents students.
Figure 27 and Figure 28 visualises the comparison between Group 1 and Group
2 in how they activate the competencies on the mathematical kangaroo.
Through the figures it can be suspected that Group 2 activates the applying
procedures competency, the representation competency and the connection
competency to a greater extent than Group 1, and that Group 1 activate the
reasoning competency and the problem solving competency to a greater extent
than Group 2. To verify or invalidate the suspicion a Fisher exact test is
The two groups, Group 1 and Group 2, are compared to investigate whether
any competency is favoured or disfavoured in the mathematical kangaroo. The
Fisher exact test is used to investigate whether one group of students
significantly favours or disfavours a competency compared to the other group.
The Fisher exact test is a dichotomous test that calculates whether there is a
significant difference between two groups around a chosen limit, where data are
either above or below the chosen limit. The natural choice of limit is zero in
this case, since zero means that the competency is activated to the same
proportion to which the test gives an opportunity. However, if there is reason
to suspect differences in distribution between the groups although they do not
show a significant difference around the zero, a new limit can be chosen.
Group 1 Group 2
The 𝑓𝑐𝑝 value for each student for The 𝑓𝑐𝑝 value for each student for
the competency: Pro the competency: Pro
Figure 29. Example of when it can be justified to change the limit of comparison for the Fisher exact
It appears in Figure 29 that the 𝑓𝑐𝑝 values for Group 2 are distributed to a
greater extent on the negative side. A comparison of whether there is a
significant difference between the two groups around the zero shows that there
is not, the hypotheses that Group 1 activates the competency either less or
more than Group 2 is not supported (p=0.9678 alternatively p=0.1509).
However, when the limit of comparison is changed to -0.1, we see a significant
difference, the hypothesis that Group 1 activates the competency more than
Group 2 is supported (p=0.0005), indicating that more students in Group 1 are
placed above -0.1 compared to Group 2. This means that there are more
students in Group 2 that activate the problem solving competency to a lower
degree relative to the other competencies as compared to Group 1. If actual
achievement is taken into account it is expected that the students that succeed
among the best in the mathematical kangaroo also activate the problem solving
competency most, since the test offers many opportunities to activate the
problem solving competency. Here, the achievement factor is eliminated and
the two groups of students are compared to each other with regard to how they
activate the competencies relative to each other. It can be concluded that:
Group 1 favours the problem solving competency over Group 2 in the
mathematical kangaroo despite the achievement factor having been eliminated.
The results of the Fisher exact test are shown in Table 20. In column 2 the p-
value tells if the hypothesis that Group 1 activates the competency less than
Group 2 is significant. In column 3 the p-value tells if the hypothesis that
Group 1 activates the competency more than Group 2 is significant. In those
cases where a difference in distribution between the groups is suspected when
looking at Figure 27 and Figure 28 the Fisher exact test is done one more time
with a new limit to test around, 0.1 or -0.1. If the new Fisher exact test gives a
significant difference between the groups it can be concluded that one of the
groups activates that competency more or less than the other group.
Table 20
Summary of Fisher exact test.
competency. By raising or lowering the limit in the Fisher exact test when
testing those competencies, it is shown that the representation competency is
activated less in Group 1 compared to Group 2. This result is expected since
the connection competency and the representation competency are related to
each other.
Lowering the limit in the Fisher exact test also indicates that the problem
solving competency is activated more by Group 1 compared to Group 2. The
Fisher exact test with a lower limit on the reasoning competency, which is
related to the problem solving competency, does not give a significant
Both groups “pay” with the reasoning competency and partly with the problem
solving competency, meaning that they activate those competencies to a lower
degree than other competencies. However the problem solving competency is
more evenly distributed and closer to zero for Group 1.
The communication competency is evenly distributed around the zero for both
groups, meaning that both groups activate that competency in the same
proportion that the test gives the opportunity to do.
The connection competency is evenly distributed around the zero for Group 1,
but activated to a higher degree for Group 2.
The results are summarised in Table 21, where a “+” indicates that the
competency is activated more in comparison to the other, a “–“ indicates that
the competency is less activated and a “0” indicates that the competency is
activated to the same degree as expected from the test competency profile.
Table 21
Summary of favoured competency on the mathematical kangaroo.
App + +
Rea - -
Com 0 0
Rep + +
Con 0 +
Pro - - Interpretations
The comparison between the two groups shows that Group 1 activate the
problem solving competency more than Group 2. It verifies that Group 2 pay
more with the problem solving competency. The comparison between the two
groups also shows that Group 1 activate the connection competency and the
representation competency less than Group 2. This agrees with that Group 2
activating the connection competency more in relation to other competencies,
and that the connection competency and the representation competency are
closely related.
5.7 Comparison of Group 1 and Group 2 on task level
A comparison of the response rate in percentage for the two groups in the 21
tasks on the mathematical kangaroo is summarised in Table 22. There are 25
students in Group 1, and 23 students in Group 2. The students in Group 1
naturally achieve better on most tasks because of the identification process.
Nevertheless, it is interesting to explore whether there are some tasks that show
different behaviour than others when comparing Group 1 and 2. To identify
tasks that stand out, the difference in response rate between the groups is
therefore calculated and is shown in percentage units in Table 22.
Table 22
Comparison of response rate in each task.
The comparison shows that there are some tasks for which the response rate
for group 2 is much lower than for Group 1. Those tasks are number 7, 9, 15,
16, 17 and 21, all with a larger difference in percentage units than 20. The tasks
and the competencies they give opportunity to activate are shown in Table 23.
Table 23
Competencies activated by task 7,9, 15, 16, 17 and 21
Task 7 9 15 16 17 21
App 1 0 0 1 1 0
Rea 1 1 1 0 1 1
Com 1 0 0 1 1 1
Rep 0 1 1 0 0 0
Con 0 0 1 0 0 0
Pro 1 1 1 1 0 1
All but one, (no. 17) gave opportunity to activate the problem solving
All but one, (no. 16) gave opportunity to activate the reasoning
No one but one, (no. 15) gave opportunity to activate the connection
5.7.1 Interpretations
The six tasks in Table 23 that differ most between the two compared groups, is
probably the reason to that Group 1 activate the problem solving competency
more than Group 2. A result in this study is that the six tasks are most likely
special in some way. One explanation can be that they give students the
opportunity to activate the problem solving competency and the reasoning
competency, combined with that they do not give opportunity to show the
connection competency. However, this could be explained by something other
than mathematical competencies offered by the task, although, that question
remains for another study to explore.
The problem solving competency and the reasoning competency are closely
related, as discussed in chapter 3.3.2. The close relationship explains the results
in the pairwise comparison of the competencies made in section 5.5.1, which in
turn explains that most of the tasks identified in Table 23 demand both the
problem solving competency and the reasoning competency. Reasoning is seen
to be the “juridical counterpart” to problem solving (Lithner et al., 2010), and
this should make it almost impossible to activate the problem solving
competency without activating the reasoning competency. Task number 16 is
one of the two tasks on the mathematical kangaroo in which this is possible
according to the analysis used in this study, although, following the analysis
guide, Table 10, no reasoning competency is considered to be needed in task
number 16.
Two groups of students were identified in study 1 as being high achievers, top
20%, in one of the tests, the mathematical kangaroo, or the national test in year
6, but among the bottom 80% in the other test, Group 1 respective Group 2.
The competency profiles of the mathematical kangaroo and of the national test
in year 6, Figure 26, show that the mathematical kangaroo gives greater
opportunity to activate the problem solving competency, although, it must be
remembered that the problem solving competency is not analysed in the same
way for the two tests. The reasoning competency that is closely related to the
problem solving competency is also given more opportunity for activation in
the mathematical kangaroo then in the national test. The connection
competency and the representation competency are given similar opportunity
for activation in the two tests.
There were six tasks in the mathematical kangaroo out of a total 21 where there
was a large discrepancy in the response rate between the two groups. Those
tasks have in common that, to come to a solution, the solver needs to activate
both the problem solving competency and the reasoning competency or one of
those competencies. Both are needed for four of the tasks and one of the
competencies is needed for two of the tasks.
The investigated method can compare how two different groups of students
activate mathematical competencies through a test. The method can also give a
competency profile of a test that says which competencies the test gives an
opportunity to activate, and how those competencies are given opportunity
relative to each other. The method can be used to analyse individual students
and indicate how each individual activates the competencies relative to other
students in a test, showing both the strength and the weakness for that
individual. Further, the method gives the opportunity to explore tasks of special
interest according to which mathematical competencies the solver needs to
6 Conclusions and discussion
This chapter summarises the conclusions of the study in point form. Thereafter
follow sections that discuss the study in relation to the ceiling effect of the
national tests, movements in achievement, assessment and the problem solving
competency. Then comes a section that discusses the method chosen and some
alternatives that could have been used. The chapter ends with a section of how
this study can influence both practice and research, and suggestions for further
6.1 Conclusions
The national tests given in year 3, 2009, and in year 6, 2012, both had a
ceiling effect, which means, when measuring over time, that it is more
likely for a student to remain among the bottom achievers than to
remain among the top achievers.
The national tests given in year 3, 2009, and in year 6, 2012, did not
guide teachers to discover students that might have needed greater
challenge according to their high achievement, because the tests did not
discriminate at the top.
There are students who do not achieve among the top in the national
test, some of whom are ranked very low, that, when given a non-
curriculum test, achieve among the top students. This group is not
negligible in size: in this study the group consists of 9% of the
population (25 of 264).
o Analyse mathematical tests to show what opportunity a test gives
students to activate mathematical competencies on a task level
and to give a summary of the test in a competency test profile.
6.2 Discussion
The main aim of this study was to investigate students that have good
mathematical competencies although they are not able to show them in
conventional school mathematics. A further aim was to describe the
phenomenon in a quantitative approach and to investigate a method that can
explain differences in achievement between groups according to mathematical
None of the national tests used in this study discriminates at the top which
makes it difficult or perhaps impossible to use those tests to identify students
who might need greater mathematical challenge in school mathematics to be
able to develop further. The aim of the two national tests involved here are
mainly to test the passing level (Skolverket, 2010; 2012). Although, the national
tests in mathematics should show the mathematical qualities a student has in
the subject (Skolverket, 2014) and, according to Swedish law, students have the
right to be challenged further when they meet the requirements of the curricula
(SFS 2010:800).
Teachers therefore need some sort of assessment system that also discriminates
at the top to be able to identify those students that might need greater
challenge. The national test influences the assessment of the students (Korp,
2006) and it is therefore important that it also discriminates at the top.
Assessment in education ought to be assessment for learning, to stimulate
students’ learning (A. Pettersson, 2007; Wiliam, 2007).
With the empirical data and definitions used in this study, it has been shown
that it is more certain for a student to stay among the bottom achievers as
compared to staying among the top achievers in the national tests. This
conclusion is a contradiction to both Gagné (2005) and Pettersson (2010), who
both in separate research fields concluded that most students who have once
been high achievers continue to be high achievers. Pettersson (2010) draws the
same conclusion for low achievers. On the other hand, Häggblom (2000) shows
that it is very difficult to predict achievement several years in advance according
to how a student achieves in the present on the basis of large movement in
achievement, both upwards and downwards. None of us make measurements
in the same way, which is most likely the main reason for the different
In the present study, there is a ceiling effect in the tests that can explain why
there are fewer students who continue to be top achievers compared to those
who continue to be bottom achievers. Most of the tests included in the work of
Häggblom (2000) do not discriminate at the top, which is a similar situation as
in the case that a test has a ceiling effect. Pettersson (2010) uses both specially
designed tests and standardised tests in her comparison, and she uses actual
achievement; I use relative achievement. Gagné drew his conclusions from six
other studies6 (Chen, Lee, & Stevenson, 1996; Dumay, Coe, & Anumendem,
2014; Marques, Pais-Ribeiro, & Lopez, 2011; Marsh, 1990; Muijs, 1997) that
Verified trough an email conversation with Professor Gagné in Spring 2014.
measured a wide range of factors including cognitive and environmental
The present study describes a group of students that achieves high in a non-
curriculum bounded test but not in a curriculum bounded test. Those students
might have developed a personal mathematical knowledge (A. Pettersson, 2007)
on their own, perhaps through different out-of-school activities. However, the
school serves to develop students’ official mathematical knowledge (A.
Pettersson, 2007), i.e. knowledge defined by the curriculum that curriculum
bounded tests such as the national test measure.
To challenge and motivate a student, the task or the problem has to be on the
right level – not too easy, not too difficult - which of course is individual.
Especially gifted students are less motivated when they work with tasks or
problems that are too easy for them (Nolte, 2012a). To achieve in mathematics,
it is therefore important that each student, gifted or not, is given tasks and
problems that are challenging for him or her. If the tasks and problems are too
easy, this can actually lead to student achieving lower than if they were given
more challenging tasks or problems. The student can naturally not be passive if
she/he should succeed and achieve highly; the student must be motivated and
have endurance and self-discipline (Lucas & Claxton, 2010; Nolte, 2012a). Time
limits in the present study did not give the opportunity to explore a student’s
motivation, endurance or self-discipline. The author is aware that the
achievement of a student also depends on the student, not only on the teacher
or other environmental aspects.
Students are different: some need one sort of challenge, perhaps in problem
solving, while other students need another sort of challenge, perhaps in
communicating mathematics. Some students may have good mathematical
competencies but are not able to show them in conventional teacher made tests
or in the national test. By giving those students opportunities to show their
skills in other, different tests for example the mathematical kangaroo, is one
way to lift students that are traditionally not noticed by the teacher. It might
give the teacher the possibility to, through positive feedback, help the student
to gain better self confidence in mathematics and perhaps also in the end help
the student to succeed in school mathematics, also improving their official
This study compares two groups with each other, one being of special interest.
The group of the greatest interest is Group 1 because those students’
achievement is most surprising. The mathematical kangaroo did not affect the
students’ subject grade as it was done by the students on a normal school day.
Competing in the mathematical kangaroo is a very relaxed happening in
Sweden, although students are told to do their best. The reason that the
competition is relaxed and that it does not affect the students’ grade might give
the effect that students do not do their best. The situation is the same for all
students who participate. It can explain why students that are highly ranked in
the national test decrease their ranking position in the mathematical
kangaroo - why should they make any effort? Nevertheless, it does not explain
why some students who are ranked low and have a low achievement in the
national test increase their ranking position in the mathematical kangaroo to
become among the top 20% ― why should they make any effort?
What is special in the problem solving competency? According to the chosen
framework MCRF (Lithner et al., 2010) a problem is a problem if the solution
strategy is not known in advance by the solver. Tasks in the mathematical
kangaroo are discussed in problem solving situations (E. Pettersson, 2011), and
mathematical problems are used in research on gifted students i.e. (Krutetskii,
1976; Nolte, 2012a). Using a problem solving approach can also result in
students achieving better and that they continue their mathematics education
path by choosing more advanced mathematics courses (Boaler, 2006).
A conclusion could be that, since the tasks in the mathematical kangaroo are
interesting and challenging and to relatively high degree mathematical problems,
some students find those tasks challenging and become motivated and, for that
reason, achieve better than they normally do in the national test.
One aim of the study is to investigate a method that can be used to explain
differences in achievement and connect this to mathematical competencies. The
framework used to analyse mathematical competencies is crucial for the results
of this study. This chapter discusses some of the methods used in the study:
Were there other choices? In what way could those choices have affected the
However analysing tasks can be done in many different ways; for example it is
possible to analyse tasks according to the work of Krutetskii (1976). Using
Krutetskii (1976) would change the focus from competencies mentioned in
school mathematics and curricula to mathematical abilities mentioned as being
important for students gifted in mathematics. This shift would have been
interesting, but the main aim of the study has to do with students who not are
visualised through school mathematics despite their probably possessing good
mathematical competencies.
With the aim to connect the study with school mathematics, there are still other
choices for analysing the tasks that could have been chosen. For example it
could have been possible to analyse what opportunities the tasks in the
different tests gives for imitative reasoning and creative reasoning (Lithner,
2008). The results would probably have been different and would have been
discussed from another perspective, with different kinds of reasoning in focus.
The reasoning framework (Lithner, 2008) is partly used in a study that
concludes that learning through creative mathematically-founded reasoning
(CMR) is more beneficial for students with low cognitive ability (Jonsson,
Norqvist, Liljekvist, & Lithner, 2014). The use of creative and imitative
reasoning could make it possible to analyse the differences between the groups
in a different light, or as a complement to the one used, to view the phenomena
from different perspectives.
6.3.2 Relative comparison
This study uses already existing data on students’ results in the national test. As
an alternative, the study could have collected data from national tests in “real
time”, this would have given a richer material with access to results on the task
level and students’ solutions. A richer material would have given possibility for
a deeper analysis.
6.3.4 Participants
Students participating in this study all come from the same municipality, this
choice was made to make it possible to carry out the study. Another way to
choose participants would be to distribute the participants over a larger
geographic area, either randomly or consciously trying to achieve, for example,
an even distribution of socio economics and other factors known to influence
achievement. It is difficult to speculate how it would have affected the study
since, in the method used here, all public schools in the municipality
participated, which means that the participants come from a widely spread
background. However, no investigation of their socio economic status or
background is involved in the data.
The thesis has a strong focus on showing the representativeness of the sample
which is important because the study starts from a whole population and
continues to deal with a sample: the validity of the results is therefore directly
connected to how well the sample represents the population. Several methods
are used see: the box plots in Figure 7 and Figure 8, the frequency graphs in
Figure 10 and Figure 11, and a chi-square test The combination of
methods both reveals the ceiling effect in the national tests and where there is a
lack of individuals in the sample compared to the population. There are other
methods that come to mind for measuring the representativeness, such as the t-
test. However, the t-test is most often used when data follow a normal
distribution, which is not the case for the data in this study.
7 Implications
7.1 Practice
The national test aims to mirror the curriculum. Students who succeed in the
national test show that they fulfil the curriculum. The national tests are aimed
to support teachers in the assessment of students’ mathematical knowledge
according to the curriculum. Therefore the tests should discriminate both in the
bottom and in the top. The national tests used in this study both have a ceiling
effect which makes them unsuitable to use as support in the assessment,
however, both test aimed to test the passing level.
This study implicate that it is important to take into account if a tests have a
ceiling effect if it is used to support assessment. In Sweden the curriculum is
goal oriented which means that in theory all students can reach the highest
grade. Despite the goal oriented curriculum, in reality there is always a
distribution of students’ knowledge. To be able to develop their knowledge
students need to be challenged in their education, using tests that discriminate
both in the bottom and in the top helps a teacher to find the correct level of
challenges for each student. According to Nolte (Nolte, 2012a) it is of extra
importance to challenge gifted students, why the discrimination at the top can
not be omitted.
As shown in this study, there are students who achieve low in the national test
but high in the mathematical kangaroo. It might be that they do not have the
mathematical knowledge that fulfils the curriculum, but it is still possible that
they have some competencies that are important according to the curriculum.
According to Krutetskii (1976), one well developed competency can help to
outweigh another, although the students probably need some teacher guidance
to help one competency compensate for another. Another possibility is that
they have learned mathematics outside the curriculum; they have their own
informal personal curriculum that does not follow the national official
curriculum. This personal curriculum might give them good mathematical
competence but still low grades in school mathematics – they do not follow the
The results of this study say that there are students that can achieve in
mathematics although they do not do so in traditional school mathematics. The
results also indicate that some of those students can be identified by means of
the mathematical kangaroo. The study indicates that those students are better in
the problem solving competence compared to some of the students who
achieve among the best in the national test. This study thus verifies what other
studies have held, i.e. (Boaler, 2006; Jönsson & Svingby, 2008): that variation is
important not only in the teaching situation but also in assessment situations.
This study does not say that using the mathematical kangaroo is the solution
and using it does not help teachers to discover all students. The study says that
using the mathematical kangaroo as a complement in assessments is one way to
find students that possess some mathematical competencies that not are
visualised in traditional tests such as the national test.
7.2 Research
competencies and to be challenged (SFS 2010:800). It is therefore not only
important to use variation in teaching but also in assessments.
This study shows that one way to “see” students that not are “seen” through
national tests is to use a non-curriculum bounded test – for example the
mathematical kangaroo. The study also investigates a method that aims to
explore differences in achievement according to mathematical competencies.
The results say that some students that achieve among the highest in the
mathematical kangaroo to a greater extent activate the problem solving
competency than do some of the highest achievers in the national test.
The results of the study tell the research society in mathematics education that
it is also important to look at non-curriculum bounded assessment activities and
how those can be used to lift up and support students that might possess good
mathematical competencies.
The method used in this study can be further developed and explored. In
further research, the method can be used in studies that compare different
groups of students and how they activate mathematical competencies.
Especially the part that analyses tasks according to what mathematical
competencies they give the opportunity to activate can be made more reliable,
for example by using a larger amount of active teachers to analyse and discuss
the tasks or discussing the analysis in greater depth with more research
colleagues in mathematics education.
The national tests in the study both had a ceiling effect. It would be interesting
to follow movements in achievement over time using tests where the response
rates are normally distributed, discriminating both at the bottom and at the top,
thereby offering challenges to almost all students by means of that specific test.
The work of investigating what factors there are in tasks that allow one group
of students to achieve while another group does not is also important in further
investigations. Factors such as mathematical competencies can be investigated
in greater depth, but it is also important to investigate other factors such as
creativity, challenge level and cognitive aspects such as for example motivation.
However, the most important thing is to develop strategies in teaching and
learning situations that aim to challenge each student in the classroom, the non-
gifted as well as the gifted. The importance of using tasks that are challenging
has already been stated; the next step is to place challenging tasks into the
heterogeneous classroom situation and develop strategies that help to create a
meaningful school day with opportunities to be a challenge for all students, not
least the gifted ones.
8 Words ending the thesis or “What if?”
In a seminar held by Professor Jeppe Skott I was inspired to always ask myself
when I have come to a conclusion or make a statement “What if?” to never be
satisfied with finding an answer, because there might be another explanation. In
the last words of this thesis I want to relate to the “what if?” question, because
I am not satisfied; this study has given me more questions than it has answers.
At the beginning of the treatment of a “what if?” question, most of the
thoughts that come to the mind during the focused work of trying to answer a
question exist inside some chosen frames.
The phenomenon that there are students who are high achievers in the
mathematical kangaroo but not in the national test is described quantitatively in
this study. The phenomenon has been noticed by me and other in-service
teachers (Mattsson, 2013). Some teachers have wondered whether students who
achieve highly in the mathematical kangaroo but not in the national test are
gifted (Mattsson, 2013). This study has not shown in any way that the students
identified are gifted or not.
What if the tasks in the mathematical kangaroo are creative and make students
with less cognitive abilities succeed?
What if …?
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Appendix 1
Chi-square test comparing the sample and the population through their results in the national test in
year 3.
No. of
students, No. of Expected value,
actual value, students in 𝑉𝐴 (𝑉𝐸 − 𝑉𝐴 )2
Points 𝑉𝐸 = ∙ 247 𝑉𝐸
VA population 654
Chi-square test comparing the sample and the population through their results in the national test in
year 6.
No. of
students, No. of Expected value,
actual students in 𝑉𝐴 (𝑉𝐸 − 𝑉𝐴 )2
𝑉𝐸 = ∙ 264 𝑉𝐸
Points value, VA population 611
När jämförelsen görs är ditt namn och personnummer kodat. Ingen, inte ens den
som gör jämförelsen, kommer veta vem som hör ihop med resultaten. Ditt
personnummer kommer genom ett dataprogram bli en kod som ser ut ungefär så
Du tar själv ställning till om du tycker det är okej att använda ditt resultat eller
inte. Enligt personuppgiftslagen har du rätt att en gång varje år ta kontakt med
oss på universitetet för att ta reda på vilka uppgifter vi har om dig.
Jag samtycker till att Karlstads Jag samtycker inte till att Karlstads
universitet behandlar personuppgifter universitet behandlar personuppgifter
om mig i enlighet med det ovanstående. om mig i enlighet med det ovanstående.
Du har enligt 26 § personuppgiftslagen (1998:204) rätt att, en gång per kalenderår, efter
skriftligt undertecknad ansökan ställd till oss, få besked om vilka personuppgifter om
dig som vi behandlar och hur vi behandlar dessa. Du har också rätt att enligt 28 §
personuppgiftslagen begära rättelse i fråga om personuppgifter som vi behandlar om
Jag samtycker till att Karlstads Jag samtycker inte till att Karlstads
universitet behandlar personuppgifter universitet behandlar personuppgifter
om mitt barn i enlighet med det om mitt barn i enlighet med det
ovanstående. ovanstående.
Elevens klass
Denna informations riktar sig till dig som undervisar i matematik i årskurs 7 i X kommun
och avser en förfrågan om att bistå med utdelning av informationsblad och
samtyckesblankett till dina elever samt att bistå med genomförandet av Kängurutävlingen.
Denna studie vill jämföra hur elever presterar i matematik när matematikkunskaper mäts
på olika sätt. Studien avser att jämföra resultat på de svenska nationella ämnesproven i
matematik i årskurs 3 och 6 med resultat på det internationella matematikprovet
”Kängurutävlingen”. Målet är att bidra med kunskap om elevers behov av olika
matematikundervisning, en del i vägen att ge alla elever matematikundervisning på den
nivå respektive elev behöver.
Förfrågan om deltagande i studien går till samtliga elever som gick i årskurs 3 i skola i X
kommun läsåret 2008/2009 och som nu går i årskurs 7.
Lärarnas insats
Din insats består i att dela ut informationsblad och samtyckesblanketter till eleverna samt
att ta in dessa. Vi hämtar dem när de är insamlade. Du låter sedan dina elever delta i
Kängurutävlingen under lektionstid. Vi distribuerar tävlingsmaterial till skolan.
Rättning av provet görs av oss. När de är rättade lämnar vi tillbaka proven till dig. Om du
inte har möjlighet att genomföra provet under lektionstid så kan vi medverka. Tag då
kontakt med oss.
Studien förväntas vara avslutad under hösten 2014. Materialet och kodnyckeln kommer
att förstöras enligt riksarkivets föreskrifter i statliga myndigheters forskningsverksamhet.
Enligt Personuppgiftslagen (1998:204) har vårdnadshavare rätt att en gång per kalenderår
få besked om vilka uppgifter som finns lagrade om sitt barn.
Allt deltagande i studien är frivilligt och eleven och/eller dess vårdnadshavare har rätt att
när som helst och utan särskild anledning välja att avbryta deltagandet i studien. Elevens
resultat kommer då att raders från materialet. Kontakta i sådana fall någon av forskarna.
A reasonable and required solution is that a student tries different tracks and come to a
conclusion of which one that is the shortest.
Competency Question to ask in the analysis of the task. Classifi- Classifi-
For all competencies, if the answer is; cation cation
Yes – the classification is ‘1’ ‘0’ ‘1’
No – the classification is ‘0’
Communication The words in the task are every-day language, but the sentence is 1
(Com) mathematically constructed, “How many times must he at least turn” It is
necessary for the student to correctly interpret the mathematical language to
solve the task.
Problem According to the teachers this was a task were the solution process was not 1
solving known in advanced.
Task 3 Class
App 0
Rea 1
Com 1
Rep 1
Con 0
Pro 1
Studies in Science and Technology Education
ISSN 1652-5051
14. Christel Persson (2008): Sfärernas symfoni i förändring? Lärande i miljö för hållbar
utveckling med naturvetenskaplig utgångspunkt. En longitudinell studie i
grundskolans tidigare årskurser. (Doctoral Dissertation) Linköping University
15. Eva Davidsson (2008): Different Images of Science – a study of how science is
constituted in exhibitions. ISBN: 978-91-977100-1-5 (Doctoral Dissertation) Malmö
16. Magnus Hultén (2008): Naturens kanon. Formering och förändring av innehållet i
folkskolans och grundskolans naturvetenskap 1842-2007. ISBN: 978-91-7155-612-7
(Doctoral Dissertation) Stockholm University
17. Lars-Erik Björklund (2008): Från Novis till Expert: Förtrogenhetskunskap i kognitiv
och didaktisk belysning. (Doctoral Dissertation) Linköping University.
18. Anders Jönsson (2008): Educative assessment for/of teacher competency. A study of
assessment and learning in the “Interactive examination” for student teachers. ISBN:
978-91-977100-3-9 (Doctoral Dissertation) Malmö University
19. Pernilla Nilsson (2008): Learning to teach and teaching to learn - primary science
student teachers' complex journey from learners to teachers. (Doctoral Dissertation)
Linköping University
20. Carl-Johan Rundgren (2008): VISUAL THINKING, VISUAL SPEECH - a Semiotic
Perspective on Meaning-Making in Molecular Life Science. (Doctoral Dissertation)
Linköping University
21. Per Sund (2008): Att urskilja selektiva traditioner i miljöundervisningens
socialisationsinnehåll – implikationer för undervisning för hållbar utveckling. ISBN:
978-91-85485-88-8 (Doctoral Dissertation) Mälardalen University
22. Susanne Engström (2008): Fysiken spelar roll! I undervisning om hållbara
energisystem - fokus på gymnasiekursen Fysik A. ISBN: 978-91-85485-96-3
(Licentiate thesis) Mälardalen University
23. Britt Jakobsson (2008): Learning science through aesthetic experience in elementary
school science. Aesthetic judgement, metaphor and art. ISBN: 978-91-7155-654-7.
(Doctoral Dissertation) Stockholm university
24. Gunilla Gunnarsson (2008): Den laborativa klassrumsverksamhetens interaktioner -
En studie om vilket meningsskapande år 7-elever kan erbjudas i möten med den
laborativa verksamhetens instruktioner, artefakter och språk inom elementär ellära,
samt om lärares didaktiska handlingsmönster i dessa möten. (Doctoral Dissertation)
Linköping University
25. Pernilla Granklint Enochson (2008): Elevernas föreställningar om kroppens organ och
kroppens hälsa utifrån ett skolsammanhang. (Licentiate thesis) Linköping University
26. Maria Åström (2008): Defining Integrated Science Education and putting it to test
(Doctoral Dissertation) Linköping University
27. Niklas Gericke (2009): Science versus School-science. Multiple models in genetics –
The depiction of gene function in upper secondary textbooks and its influence on
students’ understanding. ISBN 978-91-7063-205-1 (Doctoral Dissertation) Karlstad
Studies in Science and Technology Education
ISSN 1652-5051
28. Per Högström (2009): Laborativt arbete i grundskolans senare år - lärares mål och hur
de implementeras. ISBN 978-91-7264-755-8 (Doctoral Dissertation) Umeå University
29. Annette Johnsson (2009): Dialogues on the Net. Power structures in asynchronous
discussions in the context of a web based teacher training course. ISBN 978-91-
977100-9-1 (Doctoral Dissertation) Malmö University
30. Elisabet M. Nilsson (2010): Simulated ”real” worlds: Actions mediated through
computer game play in science education. ISBN 978-91-86295-02-8 (Doctoral
Dissertation) Malmö University
31. Lise-Lotte Österlund (2010): Redox models in chemistry: A depiction of the
conceptions held by upper secondary school students of redox reactions. ISBN 978-
91-7459-053-1 (Doctoral Dissertation) Umeå University
32. Claes Klasander (2010): Talet om tekniska system – förväntningar, traditioner och
skolverkligheter. ISBN 978-91-7393-332-2 (Doctoral Dissertation) Linköping
33. Maria Svensson (2011): Att urskilja tekniska system – didaktiska dimensioner i
grundskolan. ISBN 978-91-7393-250-9 (Doctoral Dissertation) Linköping University
34. Nina Christenson (2011): Knowledge, Value and Personal experience – Upper
secondary students’ use of supporting reasons when arguing socioscientific issues.
ISBN 978-91-7063-340-9 (Licentiate thesis) Karlstad University
35. Tor Nilsson (2011): Kemistudenters föreställningar om entalpi och relaterade begrepp.
ISBN 978-91-7485-002-4 (Doctoral Dissertation) Mälardalen University
36. Kristina Andersson (2011): Lärare för förändring – att synliggöra och utmana
föreställningar om naturvetenskap och genus. ISBN 978-91-7393-222-6 (Doctoral
Dissertation) Linköping University
37. Peter Frejd (2011): Mathematical modelling in upper secondary school in Sweden An
exploratory study. ISBN: 978-91-7393-223-3 (Licentiate thesis) Linköping University
38. Daniel Dufåker (2011): Spectroscopy studies of few particle effects in pyramidal
quantum dots. ISBN 978-91-7393-179-3 (Licentiate thesis) Linköping University
39. Auli Arvola Orlander (2011): Med kroppen som insats: Diskursiva spänningsfält i
biologiundervisningen på högstadiet. ISBN 978-91-7447-258-5 (Doctoral
Dissertation) Stockholm University
40. Karin Stolpe (2011): Att uppmärksamma det väsentliga. Lärares ämnesdidaktiska
förmågor ur ett interaktionskognitivt perspektiv. ISBN 978-91-7393-169-4 (Doctoral
Dissertation) Linköping University
41. Anna-Karin Westman (2011) Samtal om begreppskartor – en väg till ökad förståelse.
ISBN 978-91-86694-43-2 (Licentiate thesis) Mid Sweden University
42. Susanne Engström (2011) Att vördsamt värdesätta eller tryggt trotsa.
Gymnasiefysiken, undervisningstraditioner och fysiklärares olika strategier för
energiundervisning. ISBN 978-91-7485-011-6 (Doctoral Dissertation) Mälardalen
43. Lena Adolfsson (2011) Attityder till naturvetenskap. Förändringar av flickors och
pojkars attityder till biologi, fysik och kemi 1995 till 2007. ISBN 978-91-7459-233-7
(Licentiate thesis) Umeå University
Studies in Science and Technology Education
ISSN 1652-5051
59. Anna Jobér (2012) Social Class in Science Class. ISBN 978-91-86295-31-8 (Doctoral
Dissertation) Malmö University
60. Jesper Haglund (2012) Analogical reasoning in science education – connections to
semantics and scientific modeling in thermodynamics. ISBN 978-91-7519-773-9
(Doctoral Dissertation) Linköping University
61. Fredrik Jeppsson (2012) Adopting a cognitive semantic approach to understand
thermodynamics within science education. ISBN 978-91-7519-765-4 (Doctoral
Dissertation) Linköping University
62. Maria Petersson (2012) Lärares beskrivningar av evolution som undervisningsinnehåll
i biologi på gymnasiet.ISBN 978-91-7063-453-6 (Doctoral Dissertation) Karlstad
63. Henrik Carlsson (2012) Undervisningsform, klassrumsnormer och matematiska
förmågor. En studie av ett lokalt undervisningsförsök för elever med intresse och
fallenhet för matematik. ISBN 978-91-86983-89-5 (Licentiate thesis) Linnaeus
64. Anna Bergqvist (2012) Models of Chemical Bonding. Representations Used in School
Textbooks and by Teachers and their Relation to Students’ Understanding. ISBN 978-
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65. Nina Kilbrink (2013) Lära för framtiden: Transfer i teknisk yrkesutbildning. ISBN
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66. Caroline Larsson (2013) Experiencing Molecular Processes. The Role of
Representations for Students’ Conceptual Understanding. ISBN 978-91-7519-607-7
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67. Anna-Karin Carstensen (2013) Connect Modelling Learning to Facilitate Linking
Models and the Real World through Labwork in Electric Circuit Courses for
Engineering Students ISBN 978-91-7519-562-9 (Doctoral Dissertation) Linköping
68. Konferensproceeding: 10-year Anniversary Meeting with the Scientific Committee
69. Marie Bergholm (2014) Gymnasieelevers kommunikativa strategier i
matematikklassrummet. En fallstudie av ett smågruppsarbete om derivata ISBN 978-
91-7519-306-9 (Licentiate thesis) Linköping University
70. Ingrid Lundh (2014) Undervisa Naturvetenskap genom Inquiry – En studie av två
högstadielärare. ISBN 978-91-7519-285-7 (Licentiate thesis) Linköping University
71. Nils Boman (2014) Personality traits in fish - implications for invasion biology
ISBN:978-91-7601-097-6 (Licentiate thesis) Umeå University
72. Torodd Lunde (2014) När läroplan och tradition möts - lärarfortbildning och syften
med undersökande aktiviteter inom den laborativa NO-undervisningen i grundskolans
senare del. ISBN: 978-91-7063-577-9 (Licentiate thesis) Karlstad University
73. Martin Eriksson (2014) Att ta ställning - gymnasieelevers argumentation och
beslutsfattande om sociovetenskapliga dilemman. ISBN 978-91-7063-588-5
(Licentiate thesis), Karlstad University
74. Annalena Holm (2014) Mathematics Communication within the Frame of
Supplemental Instruction. Identifying Learning Conditions. ISBN 978-91-7623-112-8
(Licentiate thesis) Lund University
Studies in Science and Technology Education
ISSN 1652-5051
ISBN 978-91-7063-607-3
ISSN 1403-8099