Patrick M. O'Keefe
2 Lone Pine Road
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
November 30, 2022
Governor ofthe State of Michigan
30 W. Allegan St.
Richard H. Austin Building - th Floor
Lansing, MI 48918
Re: Michigan State University Board of Trustees
Dear Governor Whitmer:
Please accep this letter as my resignation a5 a Trustee on the Board of Trustees at Michigan State University, effective
| sought elton tothe Board of Trustees because of my deep affetion forthe University, which s my alma mater, I vanted to
bring my 30-pls years as a basiness an turnaround consultant o assis the University in moving past the dark days of
‘Nassar. Knowing the institution's history, I ean no longer serve on » Board that purpors fo promote cultural change yet struggles
iso tobe tansparent
(Over the past few months, pesonnel atthe University effectuated the termination of the now former Business School Dean. Ihave
serious eoncers rearing the circumstances surounding this ation andthe manne in which it oecurred. My fear is tat the
Board will bypass yet another opportunity Tor institutional transparency and never disclose the result of any internal o extemal
eviews into the matter. The fhdings ofthese reviews also impacts the organization and effectivenes ofthe Tile OF oie
| hope University influencers and stakeholders demand answers regarding the termination ofthe former Business Schoo! Dean, a5.
‘wel asthe Interim President selection proces, The poptilation served by the Board is worthy of sich answers, My bei shat
shadows ofthe University’s pst will continve to linger if true change remains aspirational and the Board does nt pretce the
teanspareney it seeks to prom. [hope my voice, along with University influencers and stakeholders, inreases sera on Ture
sctions and emphasizes the need Fr meaningful change within the institution
Patrick 0
Ce: Gov: office personnel ProvostIntrim President all ether Trustees
JoAnne Huls, Chit 0” Sta
“Teresa Woodeuf, Interim President
Phil Zecher, Chief Investment Officer
Dave Washburn, Executive Director of Foundation
Dianne Byeum, Trste
Melanie Foster, Traste
Brianna Seot, Trustee
Kelly Tebay, Trustee
Dan Kelly, Trustee
Rema Vassar, Trustee
Renee Knake lefferson, Trustee