Grid To Vehicle and Vehicle To Grid Energy Transfer Using Single-Phase Bidirectional AC-DC Converter and Bidirectional DC-DC Converter
Grid To Vehicle and Vehicle To Grid Energy Transfer Using Single-Phase Bidirectional AC-DC Converter and Bidirectional DC-DC Converter
Grid To Vehicle and Vehicle To Grid Energy Transfer Using Single-Phase Bidirectional AC-DC Converter and Bidirectional DC-DC Converter
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the buck mode and for discharging in boost mode. In charging These types of converters are developed to meet the
mode, the DC-bus voltage must be higher than the battery requirements of applications of bidirectional power flow in
voltage, and it operates in buck mode. Through controlling the addition to improved power quality at the grid in terms of high
PWM duty ratio in the buck mode, the charging current is power factor and low THD with well-regulated output DC
controlled. In discharge mode, the buck-boost converter voltage. This single-phase bidirectional ac-dc converter is
operates in the boost mode. designed for a 3 kW. Fig. 1 shows a circuit of this type of
A. Grid –Bidirectional AC-DC Converter converter.
In the energy transfer mode from the grid to vehicle and
vehicle to the grid the interaction between the grid and
bidirectional AC-DC converter is the main issue. As shown in
Fig.3 during the analysis, the positive current direction is
considered from the grid to an AC-DC converter. The grid
voltage is considered to be a sinusoidal and it is given as,
vs (t ) = 2Vs Sin(ω t ) (1)
where vs(t) instantaneous grid voltage with rms value of Vs. Fig.2 Bidirectional buck-boost DC-D Converter
Fundamental component of an AC converter voltage is given
The fundamental converter voltage Vc is given as,
mVdc (4)
vc (t ) = 2Vc Sin(ωt − δ ) (2) Vc =
where Vc is rms value of fundamental component of converter where m is modulation index, the value of m is considered as
voltage vc(t), and δ is an angle between vc(t) and vs(t). 0.9, and Vdc is the dc link voltage and it is taken as 380 V. The
The grid current is given as, value of Vc by using eq. (4) is 241.86V.
I s (t ) = 2 I s Sin(ωt − θ ) (3) The relation between fundamental converter voltage and
source voltage is given as,
where θ is the angle between is(t) and vc(t).
As illustrated in Figs. 4(a)-4(b), [3,4] an active power is Vc = Vs 2 + ( I s 2 * X l 2 ) (5)
provided by the grid as long as vc(t) lags vs(t), and it is sent to
where Vs is rms grid voltage and the value of Vs is 230 V and
the grid when vs(t) lags vc(t). Since vc(t) and vs(t) are
Is is grid rms current. By using eq.(5) the value of grid
sinusoidal, is(t) is also sinusoidal as shown before. Its phase inductance is calculated as 2.1mH.
angle, θ, determines the direction of the reactive power flow. The value of dc link capacitor is given as,
I dc (6)
C dc =
2 * ω * v dcripple
where Idc is the DC link current (Pdc/Vdc) and ω is angular
frequency and vdcripple is 5% of Vdc. From eq. (6), the
calculated value of Cdc is 1mF [7]. Detailed model parameters
of the system are given in Appendix.
If θ is positive, the reactive power is sent to the grid, and if B. Design of Bidirectional Buck-Boost DC-DC Converter
θ is negative, the reactive power is provided by the grid to the Fig. 2 shows a bidirectional buck-boost dc-dc converter.
converter. Operating modes such as inductive and capacitive The solid state switch K2 is used for boosting while the switch
charging are shown in Figs. 4(c)-4(f) [5, 6]. K1 is used for the buck mode. The relationship between
switching frequency f, inductance L, in buck–boost mode is
given as,
⎛ ⎞ (7)
The design of various components of proposed charging 1 ⎜ 1 ⎟
f = ⎜ ⎟
and discharging system consists of a single-phase bidirectional 2 * P * L ⎜ 1 + 1 ⎟
⎜ V Vb ⎟
AC-DC converter, a bidirectional DC-DC boost converter, a ⎝ dc ⎠
battery energy storage system. The detailed design of each Where P is conversion power, Vdc is input voltage and Vb
part is given in the following sections. is output voltage and f is the switching frequency and its value
A. Design of Single-Phase Bidirectional AC-DC Converter is 50 kHz. The value of P is 3 kW, Vdc input voltage 380V and
Vb is output voltage is 120 V. From eq. (7) the value of L is
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1.9 mH [8, 9]. Detailed model parameters are given in The output of the controller Ip(k) at kth instant is given as,
Appendix B.
Ip*(k)=Ip*(k-1)+Kpv{Ve(k)–Ve(k-1)}+KivVe(k) (10)
C. Design of Storage Battery
where Kpv and Kiv are the proportional and integral gains of
A lead-acid model of the battery is implemented in simulink
the voltage controller.
using model parameters given in [10]. Fig. 5 shows a
The PI current controller closely tracks the reference current
Thevenin’s equivalent of the battery as an energy storage unit.
Ip*(k) and gives a control signal Vcs to minimize the current
Its energy is represented in kWh which is stored in an
error Ie(k) which is calculated from the reference current Ip*(k)
equivalent capacitor (Cbb) expressed as,
and a sensed current Ip(k) at kth instant of time as,
Cbb=(kWh*3600*1000)/{0.5(Vocmax2-Vocmin2)} (8) Ie(k)=Ip*(k)-Ip(k) (11)
where Vocmax is the maximum voltage at the terminal of the This current error is amplified using the proportional
battery when it is fully charged and Vocmin is the minimum controller by gain “K,” and which is given as,
voltage at the terminal of the battery when it is fully Vcs=kIe(k) (12)
discharged. In this Thevenin equivalent model of the battery This amplified signal is compared with fixed-frequency (10
[10], Rs is the equivalent resistance of the battery, which is kHz) triangular carrier wave in unipolar PWM switching
usually a small value. For this analysis Rs is taken 0.01Ώ. The signals for the IGBTs of single-phase bidirectional AC-DC
parallel circuit of Rb and Cbb represents the self discharging of converter [7].
the battery. A typical value of Rb for this battery is considered
B. Control of Bidirectional Buck–Boost DC-DC Converter
10kΏ. Here the battery is considered of having 1.2 kW for 12
In order to get the desired operation of charging and
Hr. peaking capacity, and with the variation in the voltage of
discharging of the battery using a bidirectional buck-boost
order of 106 V to 136V. The calculated value of Cbb for this
converter, a PWM control technique is used here. A PI
battery is from eq. (8) is calculated as 14281 F.
controller is used to control the battery output current ( Ib ).
The PI voltage controller closely tracks the reference dc link
current and gives a control signal (VcT) to minimize the
current error IeT(k) which is calculated from the reference dc
link current I*b(k) and a sensed dc link current Ib(k) at kth
instant of time as,
IeT(k)=I*b(k)-Ib(k) (13)
The output of the PI controller Ic(k) at kth instant is given as,
VT(k)=VT(k-1)+Kpv{IeT(k)–IeT(k-1)}+KivIeT(k) (14)
where Kpv and Kiv are the proportional and integral gains of
the voltage controller [7]. This scheme is applicable for buck
as well as boost mode. The output of the controller VT(k) at kth
instant is compared with fixed frequency (fs) saw-tooth carrier
waveform to get the switching signals for the MOSFETs of
the bidirectional buck-boost converter [7].
Fig.4 Vector diagram for different operating modes: (a) Charging, (b)
Discharging (c), Inductive operation, (d) Capacitive operation, (e) Charging
and Capacitive operation, (f) Charging and Inductive operation
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carried out in MATLAB version of 7.7 the sim power system VII. CONCLUSION
(SPS) toolbox using ode (23tb/stiff/TR-BDF-2) solver in The proposed converter has delivered the AC current to/and
discrete mode at 1e-6 step size. from the grid at unity power factor and at very low current
harmonics which ultimately prolongs the life of the converter
VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION and the battery and minimizes the possibility of distorting the
Simulated results from the plug-in modes are shown in grid voltage. It also enables V2G interactions which could be
Figs. 7-9. The current delivered to and from the grid is shown utilized to improve the efficiency of the grid.
to be sinusoidal and in phase with the grid voltage. This
eliminates current harmonics and maintains a unity power
Fig.6 MATLAB/SIMULINK model for energy transfer from vehicle to grid and grid to vehicle
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A. Parameters for Single-Phase Bidirectional AC-DC
Ki1=2, kp1=0.1, Ls = 2.3mH, Ki2=2, kp2=0.85, 3000W, 230V
rms, fs = 20 kHz.
B. Parameters for Bidirectional DC-DC Buck Boost Converter
Buck, Ki1=1, kp1=0.001 for Boost Ki2=0.5, kp2=0.001, Fs = 50
kHz, L0 = 1.9 mH.
C. Parameters for Storage Battery
Rb=10 kΩ, Rs=0.01Ώ, Voc=120V.
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