Table of Legitimes

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1. Legitimate Child or One-half (1/2) of the Net If there are two or more
children only Estate (Art. 888, NCC) children, legitime shall be
divided equally (Art. 980,
2. Legitimated and One-half (1/2) of the Net In relation to the adopter,
Adopted Child Estate adopted child has the same
rights as legitimate child (RA
No. 11642, Domestic
Administrative Adoption and
Alternative Child Care Act)
Legitimated likewise has the
same rights as legitimate
child (Art. 179, FC)
3. Legitimate Children One-half (1/2) – Legitimate Divided equally among the
and Surviving Spouse Children legitimate children. The
spouse will have the same
Equal to the Legitime of Each share as a child (Art. 892,
Child – Surviving Spouse. NCC)

The share of the surviving

spouse will be given after
giving the children ½ - taken
therefore from the free
4. One Legitimate Child One-half (1/2) – Legitimate The surviving spouse may
and Surviving Spouse Child inherit even if there is legal
separation IF he or she is the
One-fourth (1/4) – Surviving INNOCENT SPOUSE (Art. 982,
Spouse NCC)
5. Legitimate Children One-half (1/2) – Legitimate 2:1 for Legitimate-
and Illegitimate Children divided equally (Art. Illegitimate; thus, one
Children 888, NCC) illegitimate child will get ½ of
the share of one legitimate
An illegitimate child will get ½ child (Art. 176, FC).
of the share of one legitimate
6. Legitimate Parents and One-half (1/2) – Legitimate
Surviving Spouse Parents and One-fourth (1/4)
– Surviving Spouse (Art. 893,
7. Surviving Spouse and One-Third (1/3) – Surviving
Illegitimate Children Spouse; and,
One-Third (1/3) – Illegitimate
Children (Art. 894, NCC)
8. One Legitimate Child, One-half (1/2) – Legitimate 2:1 for Legitimate-
Illegitimate Children Child Illegitimate; thus, one
and Surviving Spouse illegitimate child will get ½ of
One-fourth (1/4) – Surviving the share of one legitimate
Spouse (Art. 892, NCC) child and will be taken from
the Free Portion) Art. 895,
One-fourth (1/4) – Illegitimate NCC and Art. 176, FC)
Child (Art. 176, FC)

9. Legitimate Children, One-half (1/2) – Legitimate The surviving spouse’s share is
Illegitimate Children Children preferred over the share of
and Surviving Spouse illegitimate children (Art. 895,
The share of the spouse is NCC)
equal to 1 share of a
Legitimate Child and should If the remaining portion is not
be taken from the free enough after giving the share
portion (Art. 892, NCC) of the legitimate children
and the spouse, the
The legitime of the illegitimate shall divide the
illegitimate children is ½ of balance Pro Rata (Art. 895,
the legitime of the legitimate NCC)
children (Art. 176, FC)
10. Legitimate Parents One-half (1/2) (Art. 889, NCC)
11. Legitimate Parents and One-half (1/2) – Legitimate
Illegitimate Children Parents, and,

One-fourth (1/4) Illegitimate

Children (Art. 896, NCC)
12. Legitimate Parents, One-half (1/2) – Legitimate
Illegitimate Children Parents
and Surviving Spouse
One-fourth (1/4) – Illegitimate
Children; and,

One -eight (1/8) – Surviving

Spouse (Art. 899, NCC)
13. Surviving Spouse Alone One-half (1/2) (Art. 900, NCC) (1) The spouse inherits
even if the marriage is
voidable so long as the
marriage is not
annulled before the
death of the other
(2) If there is FINAL
JUDGMENT of legal
separation, the
offending spouse is
disqualified. There is no
disqualification if there
is still no decision.
14. Illegitimate Children One-half (1/2) (Art. 901, NCC) Divided Equally.
15. Surviving Spouse and One-fourth (1/4) – Surviving
Illegitimate Parents Spouse; and One-fourth (1/4)
– Illegitimate Parents. (Art.
903, NCC)
16. Illegitimate Parents One-half (1/2) (Art. 903, NCC) The ascending line as
Alone compulsory heirs stops at the
illegitimate parents, the other
illegitimate ascendants are
not given legitimes.

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