Health Assessment Lecture
Health Assessment Lecture
Health Assessment Lecture
Name: Renee Dwi Permata L. Messakaraeng Age: 18
Address: Bado Dangwa, Tabuk City, Kalinga Birthdate: Ocotber 21, 2003
Multiple schemas in the heart- experienced during infancy but overcame it as years went by
Urinary Tract Infection- main reason for hospitalizations when in school age
Stitches- gained several stitches in the left upper arm due to accident to a coke bottle
Irregular menstruation- sometimes skips a month and lasts for mostly 3 days
BMI Computation:
Weight- 58 kgs Underweight= less than 18.6
Height- 165 cm= 1.65 m Normal Range= 18.6-24.9
Time of day AMOUNT
Squid 3 pieces
3:30 pm Milktea 22 oz
Salmon 3 pieces
Mangoes 6 slices