Data Analysis Method: (Qualitative)
Data Analysis Method: (Qualitative)
Data Analysis Method: (Qualitative)
( Qualitative )
Let's Try this
1. Which method of data analysis is used to analyze
documented information of texts, media, or even physical
item characteristics?
A. Content C. Narrative
B. Grounded Theory D. Thematic
2. Which statement pertains to thematic analysis of data
A. It involves looking at each case narratively
B. It is used conjunction with other methods
C. It shows the main themes that summarize all the views
D. It enables one to focus on human behavior indirectly by
analyzing their communication
3. It is a conversation between two or more people ( the interviewer and the
interviewee) where the interviewer asks questions to obtain information from
the interviewee following structured guidelines or pointers.
Individual interview
Open-ended questions
- allow the respondent to express their opinions freely and they are not
restricted by the options.
-are questions that allow someone to give a free-form answer.
Example What did you expect when you…
Close-ended questions
-provides options to the respondents and requires them to choose one or more
items from the list.
-can be answered with “Yes” or “No,” or they have a limited set of possible
answers (such as: A, B, C, or All of the Above).
Are you satisfied?
in this stage, as a researcher, you can have a feel for the data
because primary observations are provided. However, an
overview of the data cannot be achieved in this early stage.
Identify themes