Data Structures Unit-1 Question Bank
Data Structures Unit-1 Question Bank
Data Structures Unit-1 Question Bank
Part-A (2 marks)
(Description with example is must for all answers in part-A)
1. What is the difference between data and information?
2. Define data structure, and give some example
3. Why data structure is needed in a computer?
4. What is the application of data structure?
5. List the advantages of data structure
6. Define algorithm and what are the different ways to represent it
7. List the characteristics of an algorithm
8. What are the classifications of data structure?
9. Differentiate primitive and non-primitive data structure
10. Differentiate linear and non-linear data structure
11. List the operations performed on a data structure
12. What is an array? List its types and write advantages and disadvantages of array
13. What is meant by algorithm analysis?
14. Differentiate time complexity and space complexity
15. What is the asymptotic notation? and List the asymptotic notations along with types
16. When an algorithm is considered good?
17. How do you measure the efficiency of an algorithm?
18. What is best case, average case and worst case with respect to an algorithm?
19. Define recursion and state the conditions for recursion
20. Differentiate linear search and binary search with its advantages and disadvantages of
21. What is the time complexity of linear search and binary search? or analyze linear
search and binary search.
22. Analyze the time complexity of the following code segment:
int a = 0;
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
for (j = N; j > i; j--) {
a = a + i + j;
Part-B (8/16 marks)
( diagrams are must for part-B answers
detailed answer with diagrams/algorithm/code must be there wherever necessary to
score full mark)
1. Write in detail about linear and non-linear data structures
2. Write in detail about algorithm analysis or Write in detail about asymptotic analysis
3. Write a program using recursion to find factorial of a number
4. Write a program using recursion to generate Fibonacci series
5. Write a program using recursion to find GCD of 2 numbers
6. Write in detail about searching and its types
7. Write an algorithm/code for linear search and analyze its time complexity
8. Write an algorithm/code for binary search with recursion and without recursion and
analyze its time complexity