Prayagraj City Micro Plan
Prayagraj City Micro Plan
Prayagraj City Micro Plan
Submitted on behalf of State of Uttar Pradesh
MAY, 2021
Building No. TC-12V, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226010
Sl.No. Prayagraj City Page No.
I Basic Information 4-4
II Capacity Building, Monitoring Network and Source 5-6
III Public Outreach 7-7
IV Road Dust and Construction & Demolition 8-12
V Vehicles 13-17
VI Industries 18-20
VII Waste and Biomass- Dumping and Burning 21-23
VIII Air Quality Data 24-24
IX Templates A-M 25-39
X Annexures 40-160
1. Annex -CB 1& 2 41-45
2. Annex -CB 3 46-53
3. Annex -CB 4 54-54
4. Annex -CB 5 55-55
5. Annex - CB 6 56-57
6. Annex -PO 1 58-60
7. Annex -RD 1 61-64
8. Annex -RD 2 65-67
9. Annex -RD 3 68-73
10. Annex -RD 4 74-77
11. Annex -RD 5 78-84
12. Annex -RD 6 85-93
13. Annex -RD 7 94-96
14. Annex -CD 1 97-98
15. Annex - CD 2 99-99
16. Annex - CD 3 100-105
17. Annex - CD 4 106-107
18. Annex -VE 1 108-115
19. Annex -VE 2 116-116
20. Annex -VE 3 117-126
21. Annex -IP 1 127-127
22. Annex -IP 2 128-129
23. Annex -IP 3 130-130
24. Annex -IP 4 131-131
25. Annex -IP 5 135-139
26. Annex -IP 6 140-140
27. Annex -IP 7 141-141
28. Annex -WB 1 142-142
29. Annex -WB 2 143-143
30. Annex -WB 3 144-146
31. Annex -WB 4 147-148
32. Annex -WB 5 149-160
Basic Information
Name of Non Attainment City Prayagraj
Sate/ Union Territory UTTAR PRADESH
Name of Nodal Officer at PCB/ PCC Chief Environmental Officer (Laboratory)
Email Id [email protected]
Contact Number 0522-2720832
Date till which progress is submitted May-21
Action Action Point Present Status Target Target Date Deviation Annual Target Field Attachme Attachment Total Funds Funds Funds Additional
Point from type nt Contents Allocated released Utilized Funds
Code Approved Required
CB1.1 CAAQMS Bid evaluation completed for 5 (As per CPCB 360 days (Dec-2020 Yes for 03 3 (Under NCAP) Number Yes Detailed Micro Rs. 3.6 Cr Rs. 3.402 Cr Nil (funds Rs. 0.198 Cr.
installation of 03 CAAQMS for norms) including grace period of CAAQMS 02 under CPSU- Plan for will be (Yet to be
which funding has already been 04 months due to March 2021 CSR funds by installation of utilized after released by
sanctioned under NCAP. Supply lockdown) Timeline for CPCB CAAQMSs by installation CPCB under
orders are being issued. 02 CAAQMS UPPCB. & the
Installation of remaining 02 under CPSU Annex-CB-1. commissioni sanctioned
CAAQMS is proposed by CPCB CSR scheme ng of funds)
under CPSU CSR scheme for shall be CAAQMS as
which timeline shall be provided provided by per
by CPCB. CPCB conditions
of tender
CB1.2 Manual Stations 5 Manual Stations are established Completed Completed/ Ongoing (05) Ongoing, No Completed Number Yes Data is Cost of Ongoing Rs. 31.08 Rs. 19.52 Nil
and are functional at following 5 31-03-2021 (for 01 deviation for available on stations are lacs lacs
location additional station) additional UPPCB 23.02 lacs.
1.Laxmi Talkies station website. Cost of 01
2.Bharat Yantra proposed station
3.Alopibagh is 8.06 lacs.
4.Rambagh bient_quality.
5.Johnstonganj htm
Although no. of manual stations
(05) are sufficient as per CPCB
guidelines but 01 background
station proposed for better
representation of air quality data.
CB3.1 Emission Inventory 40% Completed 100% (EI & SA June, 2022 No As per the Study Yes Detailed Micro Rs. 80.0 lacs Rs. 75.76 Rs. 36.7 Rs.4.24 lac
Study) schedule Plan for EI & lacs lacs yet to be
mentioned in SA is released from
the detailed attached. the
Micro Plan. Annex-CB-2. sanctioned
fund under
CB3.3 Source Apportionment Study
CB4.1 Training & skill development of public Could not be organised due to As per the Training As per the Training Yes As per the As per Yes Training Demand Placed Nil Nil Rs. 67.63 lacs
officals COVID-19 pandemic conditions. Calender 2021-22 Calender 2021-22 (copy schedule attachmen Calender 2021- under 15th FC
Will be organised in 2021-22 as (copy enclosed) enclosed) mentioned in t 22 Funds
per the Training Calender the Training Annex-CB-3.
enclosed. Calender 2021-
CB4.3 Enforcement Units 1 mobile enforcement unit has 3 No target date available No 2 Units Yes Details of Rs. 22.50 lac Rs. 21.2625 Rs. 21.2625 Rs. 6.3375
been procured & established. in the City Action Plan as Mobile Lac Lac Lac (including
Order placed for remaining 02 this is an additional action Enforcement Rs. 1.2375 lac
mobile enforcement units point. Units yet to be
through GeM portal. Annex-CB-4. released from
Action Action Point Present Status Target Target Date Deviation Annual Target Field Attachme Attachment Total Funds Funds Funds Additional
Point from type nt Contents Allocated released Utilized Funds
Code Approved Required
CB4.4 Organization of meeting of District District level committee is Monthly Monthly No 12 Number Yes All MOM are Not Required Not Not Not Required
Environment Committee for functional and meetings are held available on Required Required
sensitizing the Line Departments for on monthly basis. the portal
advance preparedness of DEC meetings during the last (
implementation of Action Plan and quarter held on the following
following action points dates:
24/11/2020, 03/12/2020 & px)
CB5 Emergency Response System 1. 100% GRAP is applicable in 100% 90 days (15.11.19) 1. No 1. Regular Enforceme Yes 1. GRAP Not required Not required Not required Not required
the city and monitoring is done (GRAP 2. Yes (Date activity nt Implementati
on a regular basis by DEC. implemention) & Implementation & to be 2. To be on Report
2. 0% For the purpose of ERS to 100% Development development of ERS provided by provided by Annex-CB-5.
be developed by PCB, State of ERS as per of CPCB) CPCB 2. Letter
Disaster Management Authority order of Hon'ble dated
and Meteorological Department NGT 22.12.2020
as per the order of Hon'ble NGT written by the
dated 20.11.2019, the disaster State to
Management Authority has NDMA, CPCB
requested for development of a & MoEF&CC
guideline by NDMA. The matter Annex-CB-6.
also reviewed by CS,GoUP and a
letter has been sent to NDMA,
CPCB and MoEF&CC for issuance
of a guideline for development of
ERS for severe levels of air
pollution. The response of
Action Action Point Present Status Target Target Date Deviation Annual Field Attachment Attachment Total Funds Funds Additional
Point from Target type Contents Funds released Utilized Funds Required
Code Approved Allocated
Action Plan
PO1.3 Issue public advisory for prevention and control AQI bulletin along with 10 15 days and No, 20 Number URL 10 Weekly Not required Not required Not Not required
of air polltuion public advisory and thereafter as regular Completed Bulletins required
action taken is published activity (15.9.19) (
on UPPCB website during .com/weekly-
GRAP period. 10 bulletins aqi.htm
were published during
the last quarter (Jan-Mar
PO1.4 Deeper public engagement and consultation Public Awareness As given in As given in the Yes due to As given in Number Yes Public Awareness demand demand Nil Rs. 25 lacs
(workshops/ programmes in schools/ colleges) Activities could not be the Calender enclosed. COVID-19 the Calender Calender for Year raised under raised under
organised due to COVID- Calender pandemic enclosed. 2021-22. Annex- XV FC XV FC
19 pandemic conditions. enclosed. situation PO-1
In 2021-22 Public
Awareness Activities will
be organised as per the
Public Awareness
Calender 2021-22.
PO1.5 Launch mobile app to update public about status 100% AQI status of 100% 30 days (Sept 2019) No, Completed URL Yes URL of Sammer Not required Not required Not Not required
of air quality available on Sameer App Completed App required
and other than this, AQI (
bulletin is published on
UPPCB's website on details?id=com.cpc
regular basis b)
PO2.1 App Based System Swachh Vayu App has Swaccha 30 days (Sept 2019) No, Number Yes No As given in present Rs. 8.5 lacs Rs. 8.5 lacs Rs. 8.5 Not required
been developed and is Vayu App Completed status lacs
operational . The status
of complaints received as
on 01.01.2021 :
Received - 1
Resolved - 1
Pending - 0
Action Action point Present status Target Target Date Deviation Annual Field type Attachm Attachment Total Funds Funds Funds Additional
point from Target ent Contents Allocated released Utilized Funds
code Approved Required
Action Plan
RD1 Road dust
RD1.2 Maintain potholes free roads 1. A total road length of 286 Km has been 100 % Pot 90 days No 100 % Pot Number No Template -A Rs.330.00 Rs. 330.00 Lac Rs. 80.00 Not required
patched, 105 Km has been renewed and 106.6 Hole free Roads (Nov. 2019) Hole free is attached Lac Lac
Km has been repaired by PWD Regular activity & as regular Roads Regular
2. A total of 85 no. of roads stretching over a Total of 85 No. activity activity
length of 57.26 Km have been identified for the of roads (57.26 afterwards. Total of 85 No.
work of making such roads pothole free. Km) of roads (57.26
Till now 57.26 Km road length has been made Km)
pothole free. Pothole free roads is a continuous
work and the work will be completed post-
monsoon. Nagar Nigam in collaboration with
development authority is working to maintain
potholes free roads for free flow of traffic.
3. Pot holes road has been identified in
Municipal area (incliuding Extended area).
RD1.3 Regular cleaning of street 1. Nagar Nigam using treated effluent waster for 521 Km. of Regular No Completed, Km of Roads Yes Template B Rs. 183.3 lakhs Rs.183.3 lakhs Rs. 73.85 Not required
surfaces and spraying of Sprinkling of dust suppression and for watering road cleaning in activity Regular with spraying of is attached Lakhs
water to suppress dust. plants. PMC in collaboration with Ganga Pollution 2 Times in a activity water Total number of
Control Board is using 35 MLD of treated effluent Week 521 Km. of Water Tankers,
of STPs for irrigation purpose through Naini road cleaning Water Sprinklers,
irrigation channel and Dandi irrigation pipeline. in 2 Times in a Location &
Also, EOI has been invited for reuse of effluent Week Frequency of
from Naini STP to Meja Thermal Power Plant. movement plan.
Two meetings held and signing of MoU is under Annex-RD-1.
2. A total of 521 Km of roads have been covered
using 3 no of water sprinkler & 3 no of smoke
3.Cost of fabrication & purchasing of chassis &
Cost of operation for 1 year.
UPPCB carried out Road Dust monitoring on 05 roads August, 2020 No Regular Number No Details as given 0.80 Lacs 0.80 Lacs 0.80 Lacs No
following location of Road Dust:-Phaphamau activity in the present
46.248, Jhusi (GT Road) 92.034, Near Anand status
Bhawan 46.920, Sohbatiyabag Near Railway Dot
Bridge 89.376, Teliyarganj Near MNIT 58.488,
Dust Concentration(Total Dust Load up to 75
Micron in KG/KM)
Removal of Road Dust on major roads & streets Regular activity Regular No Regular Number Yes Template C Rs. 183.3 lakhs Rs.183.3 lakhs Rs. 73.85 Rs. 0.055 Cr
on regular basis by PMC. PMC regularly sprikles 521 Km. road activity activity is attached Lakhs
water on street surface by road cleaning cum Length road 521 Km. road Deatils of Roads
water sprinkler machine to remove dust and dust collected Length road where dust
also washes the road periodicaly. 06 MT/DAY dust collected removed, No. of
06 MT/DAY Mechanical
deployed and
roaster of dust
removal. Annex-
Action Action point Present status Target Target Date Deviation Annual Field type Attachm Attachment Total Funds Funds Funds Additional
point from Target ent Contents Allocated released Utilized Funds
code Approved Required
Action Plan
Nagar Nigam using treated effluent waster for Use of treated From No Ongoing, Number yes Template D Not required Not required Not required Not required
Sprinkling of dust suppression and for watering sewage for dust 15th Oct, Completed in is attached
plants. PMC in collaboration with Ganga Pollution suppression in 2020 521Km Length As given in the
Control Board is using 35 MLD of treated effluent 521Km Length and 35 MLD present status
of STPs for irrigation purpose through Naini and 35 MLD used for
irrigation channel and Dandi irrigation pipeline. used for sprinkling
RD1.4 Black-topping of unpaved 1. 63 roads of 54696 meters of amount Rs 1. 54.69 km No 61.945 km Number Yes Template E 1. Rs. 2599.1936 1.Rs. Rs. 2100 Not required
road 2424.47 Lacs have been blacktopped by 2.7.255 km 15 New black is attachedList of Lac 2599.1936 Lac Lacs
Municipal Corporation in Prayagraj. Total 61.945 km topping of Roads 2. 540.93 lac 2.150.76 lac
Prayagraj Smart City Limited (PSCL) has 15 New black unpaved road blacktopped
constructed 19 roads of 28500 meters. topping of is identified Annex-RD-3
For Year 2020-21, PMC has planned to blacktop unpaved road is Aug-21 road length is
10 roads of 7255 meters for amount Rs. identified road 8 Km
1,74,72,636/- length is 8 Km
2.15 New black topping of unpaved road is
identified estimated Rs.540.93 lacs
RD1.6 To take appropriate action 02 Mechinal Sweeping Machine available, which 100% Completed No Completed Number Yes Plan of road Rs. 232.64 Lac Rs. 232.64 Lac Nil Not required
to remove road dust/silt are under working condition. Mechanical sweeping.
regularly by using 01 mechanical street sweeper costing Rs. 70 Lacs Sweeping of Annex-RD-4
mechanical sweepers to be received by the end of April 2021. The major roads
annual budget for operation and maintenance is
estimated to be Rs. 50 Lacs/annum.
RD1.7 End-to-end paving of the Nagar Nigam Prayagraj has identified 92 roads End to end 180 days Yes End to end Text Yes Template F Rs. 2585.34 Lac. 102.0 lakh Nil Not required
road and action proposed on it. paving of (Dec. 2019) Aug. 21 paving of is attached
identified 92 identified 92 List of Roads to
roads(37 Km) roads(37Km) be paved end to
end Annex-RD-
RD1.9 Introduce water fountain at Total 31 traffic intersections have been beautified 31 Water 180 days Yes 31 Water Number No As given in the Not required Not required Not required Not required
major traffic intersection by development authority. 02 water fountain Fountains (Dec. 2019) Fountains present status
installed at Bank Road, Chauraha & Mumfordganj
RD1.10 Widening of Roads Widening of 25 roads for Rs. 287.06 Cr. has been 25 roads 90 days Aug. 2021 25 roads Text Yes Template G Rs. 267.85 Cr. Rs. 267.85 Cr. Rs. 102 Cr. Not required
either done or proposed on the roads which are (24.60Km) (Nov. 2019) (24.60Km) is attached
given below: Norullah Road, Transport nagar, As given in the
Smart City Road No. 1 (Master Zarul Hassan present status
Road), Shiv Ram Das Gulati Marg, Muir Road
Part-I, Muir Road Part-II, Kutchary Road, Elgin
Road, Sardar Patel Road, Dr. Lohiya Road,
Clive Road, Stretchy Road, Cooper Road,
Tashkent Road, Tez Bahadur Sapru Road,
Kamla Nehru Road, Part 1, Shobhnath Singh
Road, Katra Road, Part 2, Mission Road,
Hashimpur Road, Mumfordganj Road, Babu
Bindeshwari Road, Subhash Nagar Road,
Pannalal Road, Pannalal Road, Bank Road,
Sarojini Naidu Road, Kamla Nehru Road Part-2,
Night Market form Maharana Pratap Chauraha to
Action Action point Present status Target Target Date Deviation Annual Field type Attachm Attachment Total Funds Funds Funds Additional
point from Target ent Contents Allocated released Utilized Funds
code Approved Required
Action Plan
RD1.11 Improvement of Widening of 25 roads for Rs. 287.06 Cr. has been 25 roads 360 days No Ongoing Number No As given in the Rs. 267.85 Cr. Rs. 267.85 Cr. Rs. 102 Cr. Not required
infrastructure for either done or proposed on the roads which are (24.60Km) (Dec 2020 25 roads present status
decongestion of road. given below: Norullah Road, Transport nagar, taking 04 (24.60Km)
Smart City Road No. 1 (Master Zarul Hassan months grace
Road), Shiv Ram Das Gulati Marg, Muir Road of COVID-19
Part-I, Muir Road Part-II, Kutchary Road, Elgin Lockdown)
Road, Sardar Patel Road, Dr. Lohiya Road,
Clive Road, Stretchy Road, Cooper Road,
Tashkent Road, Tez Bahadur Sapru Road,
Kamla Nehru Road, Part 1, Shobhnath Singh
Road, Katra Road, Part 2, Mission Road,
Hashimpur Road, Mumfordganj Road, Babu
Bindeshwari Road, Subhash Nagar Road,
Pannalal Road, Pannalal Road, Bank Road,
Sarojini Naidu Road, Kamla Nehru Road Part-2,
Night Market form Maharana Pratap Chauraha to
RD1.15 Create Proper Pedestrian Pedestrian Infrastructure development part of Creation of 180 days Aug-21 No Number of Yes As per details Rs. 267.85 Cr. Rs. 267.85 Cr. Rs. 102 Cr Not required
Infrastructure improvement in infrastructure for decongestion Pedestrian (Dec. 2019) Pedestrian presented in
as detailed in RD1.11 Infrastructure Infrastructure RD1.11 for
imporovement of
RD1.16 All the canals/nullah's side Irrigation canal is does not exist inside the Nil 360 days No Nil Nil No Nil Not required Not required Not required Not required
roads should be brick lined. Prayagraj City (Dec 2020
Proper plantation also taking 04
carried out. months grace
of COVID-19
RD2.2 Creation of green buffers 3 sites have been recognized in Praygaraj for 10.50 Hactare 180 days Aug. 2021 Advance work Area of No Template H 1. Rs, 11.32014 1. Rs, 1. Rs, Projects of Rs.
along the traffic corridors green buffers along the traffic corridors which are plantation (Dec. 2019) digging of pits Plantation is attached Lacs (Miyawaki 11.32014 Lacs 11.32014 117.29 Lacs by
and their maintenance i) BPCL parisar naini, 2400 plants are planted proposed by and As given in the plantation by (Miyawaki Lacs Forest
through Miyawaki technology, forest procurement of present status Nagar Nigam) plantation by (Miyawaki department
ii) Kasari masari chawni area where 2400 plants department Saplings 2. Rs. 137.0 Nagar Nigam) plantation under NCAP has
are planted, Lacs (under 2. Rs. 12.69 by Nagar been submitted
iii) Cantonment CDA Pension where1500 plants NCAP to Forest Lacs to Forest Nigam) 2. for 05 sites for
are planted. department) for Department Rs. 10.152 general and
One green buffer along the traffic corridor is Mitawaki Prayagraj Lacs by Miyawaki
proposed in T.P Nagar on GT Road through plantation under NCAP forest plantation.
Miyawaki technology. for Miyawaki department
Plantation has been done by Nagar Nigam on T.P Plantation
Nagar, GT Road through Miyawaki technology
RD2.3 Necessary changes in Housing & Urban Planning Department, Uttar Change in 90 days (Oct- Yes, Change in Notification Yes Copy of the Not Required Not Required Not Not Required
byelaws- Greening of open Pradesh has made necessary provisions in the Byelaws 2019) Completed Byelaws, Notification. Required
areas, gardens,commun ity Byelaws for plantation in open areas, housing Completed Annex-RD-6
places, schools and housing societies etc.
Action Action point Present status Target Target Date Deviation Annual Field type Attachm Attachment Total Funds Funds Funds Additional
point from Target ent Contents Allocated released Utilized Funds
code Approved Required
Action Plan
RD2.5 Builders should leave Mandatory condition has been imposed in Completed Completed No Completed Nil No Nil Not Required Not Required Not Not Required
25%/33% area for green Environment Clearance & Consent to Establish Required
belt in residential colonies to
be made mandatory.
RD2.7 Implementation of For implementation of maintaining at least 33% 328656 saplings Timeline may 03 months NA Yes Template I Not Required Not Required Not Not Required
maintaining at least 33% forest cover in city Prayagraj Year 2018-19, start after the from the date is attached Required
forest cover area in the city Forest Department-5534, Prayagraj Development revision of of revision of Details of
in master plan. Authority-14768, Nagar Nigam Prayagraj-79869 Master Plan Master Plan plantation.
Total 100171 Sapling were planted. Year 2019- Annex-RD-7
20, Forest Department-38111, Prayagraj Year 2021-22
Development Authority-35000, Nagar Nigam 6276482 Jul-21
Prayagraj-23561 Total 96672 Sapling were Saplings
planted. Year 2020-21, Forest Department-
66800, Prayagraj Development Authority-40013,
Nagar Nigam Prayagraj-25000 Total 131813.
C&D1.1 Ensure transportation of Regular Monitoring for transportation of Regular activity Regular No, Completed Regular Number Yes Details of Action Not required Not required Not required Not required
construction materials in Construction Material in covered vehicles ensured activity activity taken Annex-
covered vehicles by concerned departments. Penalty imposed on CD-1
C&D1.2 Strict enforcement of CPCB 1.UPPCB has launched dustapp 100% major Regular No, Completed 100% major Number of Yes List of Not required Not required Not required Not required
guidelines for construction for the purpose of dust construction activity construction Projects Construction
(use of green screens, side control self audit and a public notice was issued projects to use projects to use Projects having
covering of digging sites, u/s 31A of Air act in the newspaper and through dust control dust control installed Dust
etc.) e-advertisement for the same measures measures control
2.The app is functional since October 2020 and measures.
06 construction projects have submitted online Annex-CD-2
self dust control audit assessment online
3.UPPCB ha also taken initiative for installation
of PTZ cameras at all the major construction sites
with open access to the UPPCB server. Till now,
PTZ cameras have been installed at 02
construction sites
4.Geotagging of C& D Waste alongside the
roads, streets & in open plots by Physical
verification is being done while collecting dust
samples from major roads and streets.
C&D1.4 Covering of construction All major construction sites are being covered by Regular activity Regular No, Completed Regular Number Yes Details of Action Not required Not required Not required Not required
site. green mesh curtain. All major construction areas activity activity taken Annex-
are being covered to avoid dispersion of CD-3
particulate matter. The regulating authority for
this is Prayagraj Municipal Corporation &
Prayagraj Development Authority. Fines are
being imposing on defaulters.
Action Action point Present status Target Target Date Deviation Annual Field type Attachm Attachment Total Funds Funds Funds Additional
point from Target ent Contents Allocated released Utilized Funds
code Approved Required
Action Plan
C&D1.8 Enforcement of Construction 1) Public Notification has been issued for Regular activity Regular No, Completed Regular Number No As given in the Not required Not required Not required Not required
and Demolition Waste Rules collection of charges from C&D waste generator activity activity present status
for collecting, transport processing and disposing
of C&D waste.
2) separate collection vehicles have been
deployed for C & D Waste collection.
3) Designated collection points have been
identified for waste collection from non-
bulk/retail generators
4)Rs. 202086/- has been collected as fine from
defaulters in year 2019-20.
C&D1.9 Control measures for Control of figitive emmission from material with Regular activity Regular No, Completed Regular Text Yes Details of Action Not required Not required Not required Not required
fugitive emissions from the help of Green mesh curtain & water sprinkler. activity activity taken Annex-
material handling-conveying Regular enforcement being carried out. CD-3
and screening operations
C&D1.12 Frame and implement policy Firm Orbit Built & clean india Pvt has been 100% disposal Jul-21 No 100% disposal Number and Yes Template J Rs. 1.5 Cr. Rs. 1.4175 Cr Rs. 28.00 Rs. 0.0825 Cr
for segregation of selected for collection and management of C&D C&D waste C&D waste capacity of Plant is attached Lac
construction and demolition waste. Collection of waste has been initiated by generated 100 generated 100 Details of C&D
waste and provide a the selected firm. Machinery for setting up the TPD TPD Waste
network of decentralized C&D waste management facility has been orderd Management
C&D waste segregation and and set up is in progess . after that processing Plant
collection sites across the facility will we starded from 10 June 2021 on Annex-CD-4
city. ward.
C&D1.13 Promote recycling of Construction & Demolition rules 2016 has been 100% disposal Apr-21 No 100% disposal Number and Yes Details of C&D Rs. 1.5 Cr. Rs. 1.4175 Cr Rs. 28.00 Rs. 0.0825 Cr
construction and demolition enforced in Prayagraj. Fines are being imposed of 112.5 TPD of 112.5 TPD capacity of Plant Waste Lac
waste. on defaulters. C&D waste C&D waste Management
Rs. 202086/- has been collected as fine from Plant
defaulters in year 2019-20. Annex-CD-4
Firm Orbit Built & cleaner Pvt has been selected
for collection and management of C&D waste.
Collection of waste has been initiated by the
selected firm. Machinery for setting up the C&D
waste management facility has been ordered and
is expected to be delivered by end of March
2021. The setting up of C&D waste management
plant shall be completed by end of April 2021.
Action Action point Present Status Target Target Deviation Annual Field type Attachment Attachment Total Funds Funds Funds Additional
point Date from Target Contents Allocated released Utilized Funds
code Approved Required
Action Plan
VE1.1 Number of PUC centers in 206 online PUC Centers are established. 206 180 days No, 206 Number Yes List of PUC Not required Not required Not Not required
the city (July 2020) Completed centres Annex- required
VE1.2 Regular checking of Regular Checking of Vehicules done for compliance. Total Regular 180 days No, Regular Number No Nil Not required Not required Not Not required
Vehicular emission and of 22800 PUCs have been issued during the FY 20-21. Activity (July 2020) Completed activity required
issue of Pollution under
Control Certificate (PUC)
VE1.4 linking of PUC centres 206 PUC Centers & 04 Manual Pollution Measuring 206 PUC 180 days No, 206 PUC Number No Nil Not required Not required Not Not required
with remote server and Instrument available for random inspection have been Centers & 4 (July 2020) Completed Centers & 4 required
eliminate manual Linked with VAHAN 4.0 Portal Manual PUC Manual PUC
intervention in PUC measuring measuring
testing. instruments instruments
VE3.4 Check overloading: Use Completed. Weigh in motion bridges are established at all 06 6 180 days No, Completed Number No As given in the Not required Not required Not Not required
weigh-in-motion bridges / toll plazas on expressway and national highways of (July 2020) Completed present status required
machines (WIM) and Prayagraj. 1. Handia Toll Plaza 2. Sashso Toll Plaza 3.
Weigh bridges at entry Soraon Toll Plaza 4. Nawabganj Toll Plaza 5. Ram Nagar
points to the city to check Nagar Ghansiyari Toll Plaza 6. Ganne Harro Toll Plaza.
the payload of
commercial vehicles. As
per the CMVR, a penalty
of 10 times the applicable
rate for overloaded
vehicles is applicable.
VE4.2 Alternative clean fuel Alternative Fuel Like- LPG & CNG & PNG are available in Adequate 30 days No, Completed. Number Yes As given in the Not required Not required Not Not required
policy for vehicle Prayagraj. (LPG-NA, PNG-8600 CNG-06) Supply of (Sept. 2019) Completed Regular present status required
Supply of activity.
Clean fuel
Action Action point Present Status Target Target Deviation Annual Field type Attachment Attachment Total Funds Funds Funds Additional
point Date from Target Contents Allocated released Utilized Funds
code Approved Required
Action Plan
VE5.1 Prevent parking of No. of vehicles found: 6907 100% Parking Regular No, Completed. Number No Parking Not required Not required Not Not required
vehicles in the non- No. of vehicles penalized:717 in designated activity Completed Regular Infrastructure required
designated areas Amount (Rs) received as penalty:200100 area only activity and Action taken
Prayagraj Nagar Nigam - Change in Parking policy to against defaulters
increase parking fees and discourage vehicular movement in as given in the
congested zones present status.
To avoid parking of vehicles in non-designated areas, PMC
has identified Parking Zones in Prayagraj Municipal area
which are as below:
1. Civil Lines, Near Subhash Chauraha
2. PattharGirijaghar, Near Subhash Chauraha Petrol Pump
3. From Subhash Chauraha to Hanuman Mandir Chauraha
4. Near Company Bagh Gate No.3
5. Bharadwaj Park
6. Prayag Sangeet Samiti, Near Kamla Nehru road
7. Near St. Joseph School
8. Near Naini Sabzi Mandi
9. Near GIT & India Ltd. Naini
10. Near Khuldabad Sabzi Mandi
11. Near Sardar Patel Marg on Hot Stuff Lane
12. Sardar Patel Marg, Hotel Yarik Lane
Tender is called for bidders for collection of parking fee and
maintenance of Parking area which will be opened on
In addition to this, PMC have identified 17 more parking
areas in Prayagraj Municipal area for which also tender is
Fine mechanism by issuing challans to vehicles parked in
non-designated areas is also in place.
VE5.2 Development of Multi- 1. In Prayagraj, one multi-level car parking for 335 cars is 1 Multi level Sept. 22 No 1 Multi level Number No As given in the Rs. 72.0 cr. Rs. 72 Cr. Nil Not required
level parking built in Civil Lines area. To manage Parking facility, agency Parking Parking present status
is contracted annually by PMC through tender process. facility for facility for
2. Tender for another multi-level car parking was called in 335 cars & 01 335 cars
which two bidders participated. Technical bid was opened, additional
and financial bid will be open soon. Location: Mahila multi level
Polytechnique which is Nazul land situated in Sardar Patel parking
Road Area: 6707 Square meters. Vehicle Capacity: 650 facility for
Timeline: 18 months. Prayagraj Development Authority is 650 cars.
doing survey for construction of street parking through Urban
Mass Transit Company (UMTC). Process intruppted due to
matter in Hon,ble Supreme Court.
VE5.3 Penalise parking of No. of vehicles found: 6907 100% Regular No, Regular Number No Nil Not Required Not required Not Not Required
vehicles in non No. of vehicles penalized:717 prohibition of activity Completed activity required
designated areas Amount (Rs) received as penalty:200100 parking in non
VE6 Strengthening of
Public Transportation
Action Action point Present Status Target Target Deviation Annual Field type Attachment Attachment Total Funds Funds Funds Additional
point Date from Target Contents Allocated released Utilized Funds
code Approved Required
Action Plan
VE6.5 Introduction of new Tender for 50 electric buses finalized and LOA issued. As 50 Electric Mar-22 No Finalization Number No As given in the Rs. 22.05 Cr. Rs. 22.05 Cr. Nil Not required
electric buses (with this requires enabling infrastructure (procurement / electric Buses of tender present status
proper infrastructure charging station/ bus depot, etc.) so in next 12 months’ time
facilities such as charging these additional 50 e- buses will be added to ensure
stations) and CNG buses environment friendly public transport. One Charging Station
for public transport which under establishment Near Naini New Bridge. CNG Buses not
will reduce plying of available
private vehicles on road
and help to curb tail-pipe
VE6.7 Steps for promoting 1. Licenses are being issued by RTO for battery operated Completed. 120 days No, As per Number No As given in the Rs. 22.05 Cr. Rs. 22.05 Cr. Nil Not required
battery operated vehicles vehicles. Regular (Dec. 2019) Completed licences present status
like Erickshaw/ECart 2. License tax from rickshaw operators is being collected by Activity issued by
Municipal Corporation. Details are as follows: RTO in view
1. 250 licenses in year 2018-19 of market
2. 1110 licenses in year 2019-20 demand
3. PMC is planning to acquire battery operated electric
vehicles from EESL to be run on rent within city.
Meeting at MM(T) was conducted for setting up charging
stations of E-Rickshaw
Action Action point Present Status Target Target Deviation Annual Field type Attachment Attachment Total Funds Funds Funds Additional
point Date from Target Contents Allocated released Utilized Funds
code Approved Required
Action Plan
Direction u/s 31A of Air Act has been issued to SP Traffic for Issue of Dec-20 No Issue of Text Yes Copy of direction Not required NA NA Not required
preparation & implementation of Interim Traffic direction direction Annex-VE-3
Decongestion Plan
VE7.3 Prepare plan for NHAI/NH Has taken steps in the direction to comply these. 02 new 360 days Yes, Dec- 02 Flyovers Number No As given in the Not required
construction of diversion Presently Kokhraj-Handia bypass is functional. flyovers (Dec. 2020) 2021 present status Rs. 10670.16 Rs. 10670.16 Rs.
ways/ bypasses to avoid Completed Flyovers :- lac lac 10670.16
congestion due to 1. Kariappa Dwar Chauraha- Eklabya Chauraha (Near High lac
nondestined vehicles. Court)- Rs. 10670.16 Lac
2. Khsrubagh- Lukerganj Marg (Near Pani Tanki) Rs. Rs. 6109.25
6109.25 Lac Rs. 6109.25 Lac Rs.
3. Rambagh Flyover (Near GIC Prayagraj) Rs. 4599.51 Lac Lac 6109.25
Proposed Flyovers:- Lac
1. Prayagraj- Phaphamau (Near Prayag Station Bakshi Rs. 4599.51
Bandh) Rs. 4969.43 Lac Lac
2. Near Suberdarganj Railway Station Rs. 30917.71 Lac Rs. 4599.51 Rs.
Lac 4599.51
Nil Lac
Rs. 30917.71
VE7.4 Prepare plan for widening Widening of 25 roads for Rs. 287.06 Cr. has been either Widening of 90 days Yes Regular Name and Yes Template G Rs. 267.85 Rs. 267.85 Rs. 102 Not required
of road and improvement done or proposed on the roads which are given below: 25 identified (Nov. 2019) activity Km length is Attached Cr. Cr. Cr.
of infrastructure for Norullah Road, Transport nagar, Smart City Road No. 1 Road streches Widening of
decongestion of road. (Master Zarul Hassan Road), Shiv Ram Das Gulati Marg, (24.60Km) 25 identified
Muir Road Part-I, Muir Road Part-II, Kutchary Road, Elgin Road
Road, Sardar Patel Road, Dr. Lohiya Road, Clive Road, streches
Stretchy Road, Cooper Road, Tashkent Road, Tez Bahadur (24.60Km)
Sapru Road, Kamla Nehru Road, Part 1, Shobhnath Singh
Road, Katra Road, Part 2, Mission Road, Hashimpur Road,
Mumfordganj Road, Babu Bindeshwari Road, Subhash
Nagar Road, Pannalal Road, Pannalal Road, Bank Road,
Sarojini Naidu Road, Kamla Nehru Road Part-2, Night
Market form Maharana Pratap Chauraha to Dhobighat
VE8 Launch Public awareness Status of ITMS Installed Installation of Regular No 206 Public Number of Yes As given in the Not required Not required Not Not required
campaign for air pollution Awareness drives are carried out for encouraging lane 208 Public activity Address Public present status required
control, vehicle driving. Number of public awareness System Installed: 206 Address system Address
maintenance, minimizing PA System & 02 is pending for installation. systems system
use of personal vehicle, Installed Camera-1102 (256 Intersection/Crossroad)
lane discipline, etc.
VE11.2 Restriction on plying and 10 year old commercial diesel driven vehicles are 8184 and Regular 360 days No, Regular Number Yes As given in the Not required Not required Not Not required
phasing out of 15 years private Diesel driven vehicles are 13351. 15 old petrol Activity (Dec. 2020) Completed activity present status required
old commercial diesel vehicles are 819 restricted
driven vehicles.
VE11.3 Enforcement of law Transport department Regular As regular No, Regular Number No Nil Not required Not required Not Not required
against visibly polluting Number of vehicles checked: 20000 Activity activity Completed activity required
vehicles: remove them Number of vehicles penalized: 88
from road, impose
penalty, and launch Traffic police deptt.
extensive awareness No. of vehicles found: 6907
drive against polluting No. of vehicles penalized:717
vehicles. Amount (Rs) received as penalty:200100
Action Action point Present Status Target Target Deviation Annual Field type Attachment Attachment Total Funds Funds Funds Additional
point Date from Target Contents Allocated released Utilized Funds
code Approved Required
Action Plan
VE11.4 Initiate steps for Registration of only BS-VI vehicles is being done w.e.f. NA 360 days No, Completed Number No Nil Not required Not required Not Not required
retrofitting of particulate 01.04.2020 with regards to prohibited 10 year old diesel (Dec. 2020) Completed required
filters in diesel vehicles, vehicles and 15 year old petrol vehicles not allowed.
when BS-VI fuels are
VE12.1 Introducing cycle tracks In Previous years 2017 Two Cycle zones have been built 2 Cycle Zones 360 days Yes, DPR 2 Cycle Number No Nil Not required Not required Not Not required
along with the roads details of which are as follows: (Dec. 2020) under Zones required
Dhobi Ghat to Lok Seva Aayog Lok Seva Aayog to Balson preparation
Crossing in Prayagraj
Public Bike sharing system is proposed from Prayagraj Smart Smart City
City Limited (PSCL). Project
New Work of Bike zones DPR under preparation
Action Action point Present Status Target Target Deviation Annual Field type Attachment Attachment Total Funds Funds Additional
point Date from Target Contents Funds released Utilized Funds
code Approved Allocated Required
Action Plan
IP1 Industrial air pollution control
IP1.1 To intensify monitoring of APCS Installed, Regular 10 Industries Regular No Regular Number Yes List of Industries Not Not required Not required Not required
industries to reduce of emission monitoring being done Activity activity Annex-IP-1 required
by the industries.
IP1.2 Action against non-complying Details of action taken Regular Regular No Regular Number Yes List of Closure Not Not required Not required Not required
industrial units against non-complying brick activity Enforcement activity orders and required
kilns Prosecutions.
Show Cause Notice - 8 Annex-IP-2
/Closure Order Issued - 27
Prosecution - 21
IP1.3 Shifting of Polluting Industries Notices Issued for Shifting 03 Industry Regular No Ongoing Number Yes List of Industries Not Not required Not required Not required
of industry from residential Shifted Enforcement shifted Annex-IP- required
areas. 03 Units including 02 3
Hot Mix Plant & 01 Plastic
unit shifted from residential
IP1.9 Fugitive emission control Construction sites are 100% 15 Days No Completed Number Yes List of industries Not Not required Not required Not required
covered by green mesh Contruction (15.09.19) and continuing monitored required
curtain. All construction sites to be and as regular through Dust App
areas are being covered to monitored thereafter, activity Annex-IP-4
avoid dispersion of through regular
particulate matter. The Dustapp activity
regulating authority for this
is Prayagraj Municipal
Corporation & Prayagraj
Development Authority.
Fines are being imposing on
IP1.10 Ensuring installation/Up-gradation Industries have already Nil 360 days No Completed Text No None Not Not required Not required Not required
and operation of air pollution upgrade their APCS (Dec. 2020) required
control devices in industries according to latest
IP1.13 Disposal of all non-hazardous Disposal of 400MT/Day 100% waste Regular No 100% waste Text Yes Template K is Not Not required Not required Not required
wastes into the designated MSW including non- disposal as Activity disposal s per Attached required
dumping sites hazardous waste is done by per Rule Rule Details of MSW
(MSW Plant) Baswar, 400MT/Day 400MT/Day Disposal Site
Prayagraj Annex-IP-5
IP1.26 Bank guarantee should be taken Bank guarantee is being Completed. Regular No Completed. Text No None Not Not required Not required Not required
for the compliance of conditions taken for the compliance of 100% Activity 100% Projects required
imposed in CTO/CTE for control of conditions imposed in Projects to to be issued
Environmental Pollution from CTO/CTE for control of be issued Consent to
industries. Environmental Pollution Consent to Establish with
from industries. Inspection Establish Bank
and verification of with Bank Guarantee.
compliance of conditions Guarantee.
imposed in CTE/CTO is
regularly carried out by
UPPCB personnel.
IP3 OCEMS in Industries
Action Action point Present Status Target Target Deviation Annual Field type Attachment Attachment Total Funds Funds Additional
point Date from Target Contents Funds released Utilized Funds
code Approved Allocated Required
Action Plan
IP3.2 Implement Continuous Emission Online OCEMS installed in 100 % major Regular No Completed Number Data online on Nil Not Not required Not required Not required
Monitoring System (CEMS) across 05 units polluting Enforcement and continuing CPCB & UPPCB required
all targeted and applicable units to have as regular Server
polluting industry installed activity
IP3.3 Development of mobile facility/van Mobile Van for continuous 01 Mobile 360 days Yes, Dec- 01 Mobile Number No Nil Nil Nil Nil Rs. 1.5 Cr.
for continuous ambient air quality ambient air quality CAAQMS (Dec. 2020) 2021 CAAQMS
monitoring for different localities. monitoring is proposed to
be purchased by UPPCB
IP3.4 Live camera feed and to take 03 Units have installed Web 100% major 60 days (Oct. No Completed Number No As per given in Not Not required Not required Not required
action against non-complying Camera:- units to have 2019) present status required
industrial units 1. Meja Urja Nigam (P) Live Camera
LTD.Prayagraj ( Webcam-
2. Indian Farmers fertilzer
Cooperative Ltd., Phoolpur,
Allahabad. (Webcam-01)
3. Dev Prayag Paper Mill
Pvt.Ltd., UPSIDC, Naini,
Allahabad (Webcam-1)
IP5.1 Adapting new technologies for No. of brick kilns converted 12 120 days No 12 Number Yes Dtails of Brick Not Not required Not required Not required
Brick kilns to Zig-zag technology - 12 (Dec. 2019) kilns converted to required
zig zag Annex-
IP5.2 Identification of brick kilns and Total no. of brick kilns - 635 100% 60 days (Oct. No 100% Number No Nil Not Not required Not required Not required
their regular monitoring including Defaulter - 378 Compliance 2019) Compliance by required
use of designated fuel and closure Closure issued - 27 by Brick kilns Brick kilns
of unauthorized units. Showcause issued - 8
Notices issued - 320
Prosecution - 21
Selfclosed - 2
Converted to Zigzag - 12
IP5.3 Conversion of natural draft brick No. of brick kilns converted 12 360 days No 12 Number Yes Dtails of Brick Not Not required Not required Not required
kilns to Force/ induced draft. to Zig-zag technology - 12 (Dec. 2020) kilns converted to required
zig zag Annex-
IP5.4 Closure of unauthorized units by No such unit Nil 180 days No Regular Number No Nil Not Not required Not required Not required
seeking the possibility for shifting (July 2020) activity required
of kilns outside corporation limits
Action Action point Present Status Target Target Deviation Annual Field type Attachment Attachment Total Funds Funds Additional
point Date from Target Contents Funds released Utilized Funds
code Approved Allocated Required
Action Plan
IP8.3 Use of covered or enclosed In Industries coal handling Regular 15 days No Regular Number Yes Details of Not Not required Not required Not required
conveyors and transfer points plant all transfer points and activity (15.09.2019) activity industries having required
conveyer belt covered with and proper coal
metal sheet thereafter, handling systems
continue as Annex-IP-7
IP11 Control of air pollution from
generator sets
IP 11.6 Monitoring of DG sets and action Ongoing Regular 30 days No Regular Number Yes As per given in Not Not required Not required Not required
against violations. Fine should be Random inspection and activity (Sept. 2019) activity present status required
imposed on defaulters. monitoring are being carried
out for compliance of the
provisions of E(P) Rules
w.r.t. acoustic enclosure,
stack height, generation of
noise etc. Action as per law
is taken against defaulters.
Action Action point Present Status Target Target Deviation Annual Field type Attachment Attachment Total Funds Funds Funds Additional
point Date from Target Contents Allocated released Utilized Funds
code Approved Required
Action Plan
BB1.1 Regular check and control of 02 FIR lodged against defaulters in No burning of 90 days No, Regular No burning of Number No Nil Not required Not required Not Not required
burning of municipal solid Prayagraj District during the present MSW (Nov. 2019) Activity MSW required
wastes quarter
BB1.2 Defaulters for open burning Identified Open Burning Total-53 & Fine of No burning of 90 days No, Regular No burning of Number No Nil Not required Not required Not Not required
to be imposed fines Rs. 25000.00 has been imposed during MSW (Nov. 2019) Activity MSW required
Oct- Dec 2020 on defaulters against open
BB1.3 Identify Garbage burning 02 sites identified in Prayagraj. Strict Regular Activity, 90 days No Completed Number Yes List of locations Not required Not required Not Not required
locations and enforcement being done to ensure no Completed (Nov. 2019) Annex-WB-1 required
garbage burning
BB1.4 Prohibition/complete ban on a) A ban on burning of agriculture waste No Garbage 180 days No Completed Number of Yes As given in the Not required Not required Not Not required
garbage burning. and crop residue has been imposed by the Burning (Dec. 2020) Action taken present status required
Environment Department under provisions
of Air act on 28.10.2015.
b) Govt. order dated 10.02.2017 has been
issued by the Department of Agriculture to
ensure the use of combined harvesting
machine and straw ripper with binder to
restrict burning of agricultural residual
c) A scheme of "Promotion of Agriculture
Mechanization for In-Situ management of
crop residue is being run since financial
year 2018-19 with the support of
Government of India.
d) Additionally, an order dated 05.01.18
has been issued by UPPCB for using a
minimum 20% of bio briquette as fuel in
the boiler depending upon its availability
BB1.5 Launch extensive drive All the officers, zonal sanitary officers, No open burning 90 days No, No open Number of No Nil NA NA NA NA
against open burning of bio- CSFI and SFIs are authorized to impose of bio mass (Nov. 2019) Completed burning of bio Action taken
mass, crop residue, garbage, fines on person responsible to stringently mass and fine
leaves, etc. enforce/stop garbage burning in landfills imposed
and other places. A sum of Rs. 25,97,310
has been collected as penalty/fine in the
last financial year 2019- 2020
Action Action point Present Status Target Target Deviation Annual Field type Attachment Attachment Total Funds Funds Funds Additional
point Date from Target Contents Allocated released Utilized Funds
code Approved Required
Action Plan
BB1.8 Providing Organic Waste Completed. Nagar Nigam maintaining 216 Compost pit in 90 days No Compost pit in Number Yes Details of the sites Not required Not required Not Not required
Compost machines , parks in Prayagraj out of which 30 parks 216 parks. (Nov. 2019) 216 parks. and machines required
decentralization of processing have been provided with compost pits. including images,
of Waste, dry waste collection Biodegradable waste of residential society location, waste
centers. and other parks should be treated at M/s collected/processe
Hari Bhari Waste Magmt. Ltd. Baswar, d per day Annex-
Chaka, Prayagraj. WB-2
BB1.9 Awareness for controlling of Awareness campaign is conducted by As per Regular No, As per Number Yes Comprehensive Not required Not required Not Not required
burning of agricultural waste Agriculture Department regading which Comprehensive Activity Completed Comprehensiv Action Plan (year required
and crop residues. letter was issued to all SDM, VDO and Action Plan e Action Plan 2021-2022) for IEC
SHO. Agriculture Department has framed (year 2021- (year 2021- Activities for Crop
Comprehensive Action Plan (year 2021- 2022) for IEC 2022) for IEC Residue
2022) for IEC Activities for Crop Residue Activities for Activities for Management---
Management. Crop Residue Crop Residue Awaited Annex-
Management. Management. WB-3
BB1.10 No plot should be left open Regular monitoring and enforcement Establishment of 90 days Yes (March Establishment Number No Nil Not required Not required Not Not required
more than 02 years and being done by Prayagraj Development Internal (Nov. 2019) 2022) of Internal required
planting of trees must be Authority for compliance of Rules. Monitoring Monitoring
mandatory on vacant plots. Mechanism to Mechanism to
enforce Building enforce
Byelaws Building
BB1.11 Dead Bodies of Animals For disposal of animal carcass through Animal Carcass Mar-21 No Animal Carcass Number Yes Details of Animal Rs. 210 Lac Rs. 210 Lac Rs. 210 Not required
should be disposed through Electric/CNG incineration, Rs 210.08 lac is Plant at Baswar Plant at Carcass Plant at Lac
proper treatment facility like approved for modernisation of carcass Baswar Baswar. Annex-
rendering plant etc disposal Plant at Baswar. Incinerator work WB-4
is completed.
BB 1.12 Door to Door collection of Completed. All the 80 wards of Prayagraj 100% Door to 90 days No 100% Door to Number No Template L 310 Lac 200 Lac Not Not required
segregated waste by agency are covered with door to door collection Door waste (Nov. 2019) Door waste is attached required
and then its disposal directly service.Third party Lions Service Ltd and collection collection
in plant without dumping it Centre for development communication is No. of Disposal No. of
on land. carrying out all the door to door collection sites-1 Disposal sites-
service within municipal limit. 1
BB2 Ensure segregation of waste Nagar Nigam/Development Authorities 100% 180 days Yes 100% Text Yes Template L 310 Lac 200 Lac Not Not required
at source carried out awareness campaign and IEC Segragation of (Dec. 2020) Segragation of is attached required
Activities for source segregation of solid Waste Waste Details of
waste. (400MTD) (400 MTD) Awareness
Action Action point Present Status Target Target Deviation Annual Field type Attachment Attachment Total Funds Funds Funds Additional
point Date from Target Contents Allocated released Utilized Funds
code Approved Required
Action Plan
BB3 Proper collection of Nagar Nigam maintaining 216 parks in 216 Parks to 90 days No 216 Parks with Number Yes Template M Not required Not required Not Not required
Horticulture waste and its Prayagraj out of which 30 parks have have (Nov. 2019) Composting is attached required
disposal following composting- been provided with compost pits. Composting Pits. pits Details of the sites
cumgardening approach Annex-WB-2
BB6 Check/stop on Stubble 24 FIR lodged against defaulters in No Stubble Regular No Regular Number No Nil Not required Not required Not Not required
Burning Prayagraj District for open burning as per Burning Enforcement activity required
record. Activity
Penalty of Rs.10,000.00 imposed.
BB11 Fire crackers—regulate to As per Hon'ble Supreme Court's directions, Compliance of Regular No Use of Number No Nil Not required Not required Not Not required
control their usage sale of firecrackers was banned during the Hon'ble Enforcement firecrackers as required
Diwali Festivals Supreme Court per Hon'ble
order Supreme Court
DF1.9 Shift to LPG from solid fuel & Shifted (Active LPG customers in Prayagraj- Use of LPG for Completed No Completed Number No Nil Not required Not required Not Not required
kerosene for domestic IOC-812904, BPC-355555, HPC-134222) domestic required
applications application
Action Action Point Field Attachm Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21
Code type ent
AQ1.1 Monthly averages Number - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
for PM2.5 (In (12)
AQ1.2 Monthly averages Number - 226.83 236.022 242 96.132 126.894 174.6 170.818 187.754 166.184 154.688 183.01 208.014 203 223
for PM10 (In (12)
AQ1.3 Monthly averages Number - 2.09 1.926 1.95 1.378 1.5 1.6525 1.646 1.586 1.732 1.704 2.132 1.92 1.8 1.9
for SO2 (In (12)
AQ1.4 Monthly averages Number - 31.124 44.568 44.888 22.076 31.614 36.784 38.582 36.064 31.366 28.966 37.49 40.336 36 35.57
for NO2 (In (12)
AQ1.9 Monthly -
Template A
Action Action point Road Type Name of Road Road Length Estimated Budget Allocated Timeline for
point Budget Completion
code Required
RD1.2 Maintain potholes Major City Roads 1 }kfjdk iqjh jksM ua0& 818 ls E;kjs rd 57.26 KM 330 Lac 330 Lac Aug.2021
free roads
19 vrjlqbZ;k xkys ikdZ pkSjkgk ls p<<k jksM gksrs gq, ikoj gkml]itkck
“kkSdr vyh jksM
20 vrjlqbZ;k Pk<<k jksM
21 rqylhiqj yky dkyksuh
22 vVkyk pkSjkgk ls LykVj gkml ds ihNs gksrs uw:Yyk jksM
23 pkSd eksgEen vyh ,o a tokgj LDok;j ds vkl ikl dh lM+d
24 vferkHk cPPku jksM
25 pUnz”ks[kj lM+d ls tokgj yky usg: lM+d
26 efV;kjk jkMs
27 dhMxat esa lsok lfefr lM+d
28 jkeckx jsyos LVs”ku lM+d
29 vYykiqj es jkekuUn uxj lM+d
30 loksnZ ; uxj lM+d
31 ck?kEcjh jksM
32 [kyklh ykbu eas izkbZejh Ldwy ls ckbZ dk ckx ikdZ rd lM+d
33 VSxksj Vkmu eas dkylh Dyklst okyh jkMs
34 VSxksj Vkmu esa fQfuDl gkfLiVy ds lkeus okyh jksM
35 VSxksj Vkmu esa isVªksy iEi ds cxy ds cxy ls dqUnu xsLV gkml
36 VSxksj Vkmu esa xk/kh /kke cSad jkMs d sikl okyh jksM
37 VSxksj Vkmu esa vk”kk gkfLiVy ds vkl ikl dh jksM
38 VSxksj Vkmu eas jk;y bUQhYM ekVs j lkbfdy ds lkeus okyh jksM
39 ,yuxta cD”kh ck/k <ky ls ik’kZn vkokl rd dh lMd+
40 ,yuxta iqfyl pkSdh ls ,yuxta frjkgs rd dh lM+d
41 ,yuxta eas jke fiz;k jksM ls <ky okyh jkMs
42 xaxk uxj esa ,MoksdsV oh0lh0 feJk izkFkfed fo|ky; rd
43 esgnkSjh dkys dh vkUrfjd lM+ds
44 esgnkSjh VªkUlQkjej ls xaxk n”kZu dkyksuh rd dh jksM
45 cnzh vkokl ;kstuk dkyksuh dh vkUrfjd lM+ds
46 rsfy;jxat eas rsfy;jxat pkSjkg s ls “kadj ?kkV rd dh jksM
47 dks;yh okyh xyh dh lM+d
48 ,e0vkbZ0th0 dkyksuh dh lM+d
49 xka/kh ikdZ ds vkl&ikl dh lM+d
50 BBsjh cktkj lM+d
51 lCth e.Mh lM+d
52 usg: ikdZ tkus okyh lM+d
53 cq<<k rkft;k efLtn tkus okyh lM+d
54 th0Vh0 lM+d ls “ksjokuh lkdsr uxj tkus okyh lM+d
55 xkM+hoku Vksyk
56 uw:Yyk lM+d ls vcwcdj efLtn ls gksdj djker dh pkSdh rd lM+d
70 fouk;d uxj vkUrfjd jksM
71 y[khiqj jkMs ls ,0Mh0,0 dkyksuh xaxk LohV~l rd
72 Jfed cLrh dh vkaUrfjd lM+ds
73 bUnyiqj xkWo dh vkUrfjd lM+d
74 iz;kxiqje dh vkUrfjd lM+d
75 bUnyiqj jksM v.Mj ikl ds lehi
76 ljxe flusek ds ihNs uSuh
77 uSuh tksu dk;kZy; ls dSykl vkVk pDdh
78 uSuh dkthiqj esa foeyk nsoh iVsy ls lkfo=h nsoh Ldwy rd
79 uSuh bUnyiqj tkus okyh lM+d
Template B
RD1.3 A) Regular cleaning of street surfaces and spraying of water to suppress dust.
Template C
RD 1.3 C) Removal of Road Dust on major roads & streets at least twice a month by
Mechanical Sweeping Vacuum Cleaning followed by assessment of removed road dust in
MT by actual weighing and sampling in roads
Road Name Road Length Covered Dust Mode of disposal of
Collected/Sweeping dust collected
Template D
RD 1.3 D) Water sprinkling is being done on all major roads on daily basis
Road Name Road Length Covered No. of Sprinkler Periodicity of Quantum of STP
Deployed water sprinkling treated water utilized
per sprinkling
Template E
Black-topping of Name of the road to Length to be black Estimated Budget Budget Allocated Timeline for Target
unpaved road be black topped topped (in Km) Required Completion
1. 63 roads of 54696 Attached as 54.69 km 2599.1936 Lac. 2599.1936 Lac. Completed
meters of amount Rs Annex-RD-3
2424.47 Lacs have
been blacktopped by
Municipal Corporation
in Prayagraj.
Template F
End-to-end paving Name of the road to Length to be paved Estimated Budget Budget Allocated Timeline for Target
of the road be end to end paved (in Km) Required Completion
Template G
RD1.10 Widening of Roads
Name of the road to Total Road length to Estimated Budget Budget Allocated Timeline for Target
S.No. be widened be Widened Required Completion
Smart City Road No. 1
1 (Master Zarul Hassan
Template H
RD2.2 Creation of green Green Area as per Green area covered Green area to be Timeline for Target
buffers along the Master Plan 2031 covered Completion
traffic corridors and
their maintenance
Template I
RD2.7 Implementation of maintaining at least 33% forest cover area
in the city in master plan.
Template J
C&D1.12 Frame and implement policy for segregation of construction and demolition waste and provide a network of decentralized C&D
waste segregation and collection sites across the city.
Total C&D Waste No of collection Timeline C&D Waste Collected Total Waste Mode of Disposal
Generated/Targets centers to be (MT/Day) Processed (MT/Day)
for Collection and establish
Processing (MT/Day)
Template K.
Total Non- Non-Hazardous Mode of Disposal
Hazardous Waste Waste Collected
Disposal of all non- Generated (MT/Day) (MT/Day)
hazardous wastes
into the designated 400 MT/Day 400 MT/Day Disposed by private
dumping sites agency through nagar
Template L
Door to Door collection of segregated
waste by agency and then its disposal
directly in plant without dumping it on
land. i) No. of Wards/Zones 80
All the 80 wards of prayagraj are fullfilled ii) No. of households 265000
with door to door collection service.Third iii) No of vehicles for waste collection 512
party Lions Service Ltd and Centre for iv) Households covered 70835
BB 1.12 development communication is carrying v) No. of compactors 35
out all the door to door collection service vi) No. of sites for processing/disposal 1
within municipal limit. vii) Total Waste Collected 400 MTD
viii) Waste Segregated 80 MTD
ix) Total Waste processed 400 MTD
x) Total Recyclables recovered:
Template M
Proper collection of
Horticulture waste
and its disposal i) No. of Wards/Zones 80
BB3 ii) No. of parks 216
following composting-
cumgardening iii) No of composting pits 92
approach iv) Bulk composting sites 1
v) Compost prepared 13
vi) Compost Used In-house 218
vii) Compost Sold 0
Annex-CB-1 & 2
Air quality monitoring network
Project Details of work Target Total Project Source Funds released Additional Officer responsible
name reduction Cost timeline of fund Project Project
(In Lacs) funding requirement implementation review
Installation Details of total 03 CAAQMS to be Low Rs. 360 March NCAP Rs. 340.2 lacs Rs. 19.8 Lacs Chief Environment Member
of CAAQMS installed in Prayagraj is given below: lacs 21 (NCAP) (fund yet to be Officer (Laboratory) Secretary,
in Prayagraj City No. of CAAQMS (CapEx) released from UPPCB UPPCB
city Prayagraj 3 Rs. 300 CPCB from the
Locations details: lacs sanctioned
1. R.O. office, UPPCB, Jhusi, (OpEx for grant)
Prayagraj 1styear) =
2.MNNIT, Teliyarganj, Prayagraj Rs. 60
3.Tej Bahadur Sapru Hospital, lacs
Prayagraj Total Rs.
360 lacs
Timelines for the project – Installation of CAAQMS in Prayagraj
41 28
Mechanism for Monitoring, Review and reporting
Key performance Performance assessment Reasons for delay in Steps taken to minimize the
indicators Parameter Details completion delay
Timely completion of Procurement Work order Process carried out as per
1. Extension of dates in
activities issued st guidelines of General Financial
I tender published in
Feb. 2020 due to Rules and conditions of Tender
COVID documents.
2. Retendering in Oct.
2020 because
minimum no. of firms
not found technically
42 29
Knowledge and database augmentation – Source apportionment studies (Monthly)
Project name Details of work Target Total Cost Project Source of Funds Additional Officer responsible
reduction (In Lacs) timeline funding released fund Project Project review
requirement implementation
Comprehensive SA Comprehensive SA / EI study by Moderate 80 March 2022 NCAP 75.6 4.4 Chief Member
study for Prayagraj IIT- Kanpur (Final report ) Environment Secretary,
June22 Officer UPPCB
( Presentation (Laboratory)
& discussion UPPCB
on the
Comprehensive CC study by IIT- Moderate 7.96 June 21 Board 7.96 -
43 30
Timelines for the Comprehensive SA study for Prayagraj
Key performance indicators Performance assessment Reason for delay Steps taken to
Parameter Details in completion minimize the delay
Timely completion of activities Total operational activities COVID-19
Activities completed within timeline
Total time slippage w.r.t. original timeline
Refinement of action plan based on Addition & prioritization of action points as per the recommendations
recommendations of SA study Identification of hotspots & high impact sources on air pollution of the city
44 31
Micro planning & implementation for control of pollution due to high
impact sources and of hotspots
Monitoring Impact on hotspots& high impact pollution sources due to focussed
45 32
2 Training for Online UPPCB Jan-22 5 Days Jan-March 2022 5/NAC Timeline is
Preparation and subjected
Up-gradation of to
Emission availability
Inventories on of funds
GIS Platform under XV
along with Source FC
Studies and its use
for up-gradation
of City Clean Air
Action Plans
46 33
3 Training on Air Online UPPCB Sep-21 2 days Jan-March 2022 10/NAC Timeline is
Quality subjected
Monitoring which to
includes Ambient availability
AQM, Monitoring of funds
of Pollution under XV
Sources and FC
Hotspots for
impact assessment
along with data
interpretation and
proposed actions
4 Training on Online UPPCB Sep-21 3 Days Dec 2021-Feb 10/NAC Timeline is
Assessment of 2022 subjected
Pollution Load of to
sources including availability
stack monitoring, of funds
assessment of under XV
suspended dust by FC
roads etc. along
with data
5 Training on Online UPPCB Jun-21 2 days July- Dec 2021 10/NAC Timeline is
Virtual monitoring subjected
of pollution to
sources through availability
online portal from of funds
Control Rooms under XV
6 Training on the Online UPPCB Jun-21 3 Days July- Dec 2021 10/NAC Timeline is
Use of Laboratory subjected
Information to
Management availability
System (LIMS) of funds
47 34
under XV
7 Training on Noise Online UPPCB Jun-21 2 Days July- Dec 2021 2/NAC Timeline is
Monitoring, subjected
preparation of to
Noise Maps and availability
data interpretation of funds
under XV
8 GIS Training for Offline Residential _ 1 week 11 May- 18 May 2 UPPCB HQ & 1
Air Pollution Training from each NAC
Source Conducted by Total 9
Identification and Remote Sensing
their Monitoring Centre, Lucknow
9 Advance Offline National Institute _ 1 week 7 June- 14 June 2 UPPCB HQ & 1
Instrumental of Occupational from each NAC
Analytical Health, Nirmal Total 9
Techniques and Bhavan,
Poojanahalli Road,
Preventive Off NH-7,
Maintenance Devanahalli Taluk,
Post, Bangalore-
562 110
10 Advance Offline Analytical _ 1 week 15 June- 21 June 2 from UPPCB HQ
Instrumental Instrumentation
Analytical Division, National
Techniques (AAS, Environmental
ICP-OES, XRF, Research Institute,
GC-MS, ATDGC, Nehru Marg,
HPLC, IC, EC/ Nagpur – 440 020
OC, TOC etc.)
48 35
11 Training on Offline IITR, Lucknow _ 1 week 12 July- 18 July 2 UPPCB HQ & 1 Timeline is
Preparation of from each NAC subjected
Standard Total 9 to
Operating availability
Procedures for of funds
Analytical under XV
Techniques FC
12 Training on Offline 4-days Training _ 4- days 16 Aug-19 Aug 2 UPPCB HQ & 1 Will be
Measurement conducted by BIS/ from each NAC subjected
Uncertainty CIPET Total 9 to COVID-
13 Laboratory Offline 4-days Training _ 4- days 13 Sept-16 Sept 2 UPPCB HQ & 1 Will be
Quality conducted by BIS/ from each NAC subjected
Management & CIPET Total 9 to COVID-
Internal Audit as 19
per ISO: IEC Pandemic
17025:2017 Conditions
14 Real Time Offline Private Vendor _ 3 days 20 April- 22 April 2 from UPPCB HQ
Monitoring of
Ambient Air
Merits, Demerits,
Operation &
Procedures, Data
Interpretation &
Calibration &
49 36
Aspects and
Related Formats/
Check Lists
50 37
Requirements –
Case Studies
B. Training and Capacity building of Urban Local Bodies and Other Stakeholders
S.No. Training Topics Mode of Training Training Agency Duration/Timeline Duration Tentative Schedule Tentative Number
for Development of Participants
of Training
1 For Air Pollution online UPPCB Dec-21 1 Week Jan-March 2022 50/ NAC Timeline is
Control System subjected
(APCS) Operators to
& Supervisors in availability
Industries for of funds
effective under XV
functioning of FC
2 For Boilers online UPPCB Dec-21 1 Week Jan-March 2022 50/ NAC Timeline is
Operators with the subjected
objective of to
ensuring Efficient availability
& Pollution free of funds
operation of under XV
Boilers installed in FC
the industries
3 For employees of online UPPCB Sep-21 5 Days Oct 2021- March All concerned Timeline is
ULBs regarding 2022 employees of subjected
Control of Air ULBs to
Pollution availability
of funds
under XV
51 38
4 For Site Incharge online UPPCB Sep-21 3 Days Oct 2021- March All opreative Timeline is
and Supervisors of 2022 construction subjected
Construction & projects to
Infrastructure availability
Development of funds
Projects for under XV
control of Dust FC
Pollution and use
of Dust App
5 For Making the online UPPCB Sep-21 1 week Oct 2021- March For Mass Timeline is
RWAs & Citizens 2022 Awareness subjected
to adopt to
environmentally availability
friendly practices of funds
and motivate them under XV
to lead reduced FC
pollution load
lifestyles and
recognising them
as Paryavaran
Prahari along with
development of a
Mobile App
C. Training and Capacity building of Local Technical Institutes with the help of IoR identified under NKN
S.No. Training Topics Mode of Training Training Agency Duration/Timeline Duration Tentative Schedule Tentative Number
for Development of Participants
of Training
52 39
1 Preparation and online UPPCB Dec-21 5 Days Jan-March 2022 05/ Local Institutes Timeline is
Up gradation of subjected
Emission to
Inventories on availability
GIS Platform of funds
along with Source under XV
Apportionment FC
Studies and its use
for upgradation of
City Clean Air
Action Plans
2 Air Quality online UPPCB Dec-21 3 days Jan-March 2022 05/ Local Institutes Timeline is
Monitoring which subjected
includes Ambient to
AQM, Monitoring availability
of Pollution of funds
Sources and under XV
Hotspots for FC
impact assessment
along with data
interpretation and
proposed actions
3 Assessment of online UPPCB Dec-21 4 Days Jan-March 2022 50/ Local Institutes Timeline is
Pollution Load of subjected
sorces including to
stack monitoring, availability
assessment of of funds
suspended dust by under XV
roads etc. FC
53 40
Broadly, mobile air quality monitoring involves deploying instruments for a short
period at a temporary location, before moving them to another location. These
deployments may be as short as a few hours or a few days. Often instruments are
mounted in or on a vehicle, in a trailer or mounted temporarily. Regardless of the
deployment, the site is treated as temporary, and the instrument is moved after a short
period. Mobile monitoring can be a useful for assessing where to locate fixed sites in
order to measure the highest concentrations of pollutants and maximize the value of the
network. For example, let’s say you want to understand the characteristics of a small
area – mobile monitoring allows intensive, small scale campaigns which enable detailed
understanding of local air quality. Mobile monitoring can often work out cheaper than
fixed monitoring.
The vehicles for mobile enforcement unit will be used in enforcement purposes for
taskforce constituted to control of Air Pollution. It will be helpful for the monitoring of
implementation of city action plan for the control of air pollution. Therefore, three
mobile enforcement units equipped with GPS (Global Positioning System) proposed in
each million plus cities (Agra, Ghaziabad, Kanpur, Lucknow, Meerut, Prayagraj,
S.No. Name of Present Status of Mobile Enforcement Units Proposed Mobile
City by Board under NCAP* Enforcement Unit
1 Agra 2 3
2 Ghaziabad - 3
3 Kanpur 3 3
4 Lucknow 4 3
5 Meerut - 3
6 Prayagraj 3 3
7 Varanasi 3 3
* Beside above department i.e. Agriculture, Nagar Nigam, Development Authority etc.
has also been established the taskforce for the implementation of GRAP for control of air
54 41
a) Enforcement
S. Air pollution No. No. of No. Action taken
No. sources of total of
teams inspect defa Notic Case Fine Fine Show No. of
deput ions ulter es s imposed collecte cause Closures
ed s refer d notic done
for red (in Rs.) e
inspe for
ction fine
1. Industrial
activity 1 47 2 2 0 0 0 0 0
2. Open burning
Municipal 235 11212 11 11 0 7500 2500 0 0
3. Dust from
projects/ 1 19 7 7 0 0 0 0 0
4. Dust from
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
& Demolition
5. Air Pollution
from Brick 1 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6. Visible
Polluting 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7. Old Polluting
Vehicle 0 345 82 0 0 455500 0 0 0
55 42
56 43
57 44
Madhyamik Shiksha/Basic Class 1 – 12/
3 22 nd April, 2021 World Earth Day – Restore Our Earth Funds & CSR
Education & Industries Industries
58 45
Organizing Source of
S. No. Date Theme/Issue Target Group
Department/Agency Funding
All Government
1 st July – 7 th RWAs/Industries/
5 Van Mahotsav (Plantation Drives) Departments/Agencies/Indu Funds & CSR
July, 2021 Government
stries and Individuals funds
Environment, Forest &
16 th September, World Ozone Day - Ozone: All there is between Schools/Colleges/
6 Climate Change Department
2021 you and UV RWAs/Industries
20 th September –
7 23 rd September, PUC Awareness Drive Transport Department UP All Stakeholders
24 th September,
Graded Response Action Plan Awareness UPPCB & District UPPCB
8 2021 – 30 th All Stakeholders
Workshop Environment Committee Funds
September, 2021
1 st October, Urban Development CREDAI/Builder Departmental
9 C&D Waste Management Awareness Workshop
2021 Department s/Contractors Funding
2 nd October, Solid Waste Management – Engaging Urban Development Departmental
10 pickers/Waste
2021 Ragpickers and Society Department Funding
October,2021 – RWAs/Industries/
11 Plogging: Plog-a-thon UPPCB
Every Saturday Institutes/Schools
59 46
Organizing Source of
S. No. Date Theme/Issue Target Group
Department/Agency Funding
25 th October, -
Education Department & Schools/Colleges/ Departmental
12 29 th October, Fire Crackers Awareness Campaign
District Environment RWAs Funding
11 th January –
Road Safety Awareness – Traffic Management Transport Department & Departmental
13 17 th January, All Stakeholders
& Air Pollution Traffic Police Funding
24 th January, Circular Electronics Day – Electronic Waste UPPCB &
12 UPPCB All Stakeholders
2022 Awareness Workshop CSR Funds
Environment, Forest & Departmental
2 nd February,
13 World Wetland’s Day Awareness Programme Climate Change Department All Stakeholders & CSR
U.P. funding
Note: Complete Programme details to be made available on a month in advance
60 47
61 48
62 49
63 50
64 51
65 52
66 53
67 54
74 56
75 57
85 63
86 64
87 65
88 66
89 67
90 68
91 69
92 70
93 71
Scanned by CamScanner
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97 73
98 74
List of Construction Sites at Prayagraj
99 75
100 76
101 77
102 78
103 79
104 80
105 81
106 82
107 83
Puc Center Complete Address
S. No. Pucc Authorised Name Puc Check Vehicle Type
110 86
111 87
Diesel Vehicle
84 Diesel Vehicle
85 Petrol/CNG/LPG Vehicle
86 ROAD,PRAYAGRAJ,21 Petrol/CNG/LPG Vehicle
88 NEEM SAR Diesel Vehicle
89 SAD PAL MEMORIAL SA Diesel Vehicle
114 90
118 Diesel Vehicle
119 Petrol/CNG/LPG Vehicle
120 Diesel Vehicle
121 Petrol/CNG/LPG Vehicle
122 ,PRATAPGARH,230001 Diesel Vehicle
115 91
116 92
117 93
118 94
2 A N Jha Hostel
5 Ajanta/Agrasen Chouraha
6 Akbarpur chauraha
17 Andawa Chauraha
22 Baghambari Tiraha
23 Baghambri Tiraha
25 Bairhana Chouraha
27 Balmiki Tiraha
28 Balson Chouraha
32 Batasha Tiraha
34 Carpentry chauraha
35 Chakiya Rd Rajroopur rd
119 95
Sr. Location Name
36 Chameli Bai Dharamshala Tiraha
46 Chheoki station
51 Civil Line Bus Station Main Entry Gate/Hindu Mahila Inter College
54 Collectorate Chauraha
69 Fawwara chauraha
120 96
Sr. Location Name
72 Gaughat Tiraha
78 GT Jawahar Chouraha
82 Harshvardhan Chouraha
83 Hashimpur Chauraha
84 Hashimpur chauraha
94 IIIT Chauraha
98 Jagdish ramp
99 Jagram Chouraha
121 97
Sr. Location Name
108 Kali Sadak Mod
135 Mahaveer ji
122 98
Sr. Location Name
144 Maryodabad Chouraha
168 Narullahbad Rd
123 99
Sr. Location Name
179 OP bamrouli
187 PeepalGaon
124 100
Sr. Location Name
215 Rasoolabad Ghat Tiraha
125 101
Sr. Location Name
251 University Chouraha
126 102
128 104
129 105
130 106
131 107
132 108
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133 109
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134 110
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135 111
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136 112
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140 116
142 118
143 119
144 120
2-Availability of implements to indviduals farmers and Farm
Machinery Banks to FPO's & Societies
- Crop Residue Management implements will be made available to the
individual farmers and Farm Machinery Banks to FPO's, Societies and
Panchayats under Centrally Sponsered Promotion of Agricultural
Mechcnization for In Situ management of crop residue Scheme.
Individual Farmers :
- CRM implements will be made available at 50% subsidy from CRM
scheme and other implements at 40% -- 50% subsidy from Submission on
Agrcultural Machenization Scheme(SMAM).
Farm Machinery Banks :
- Farm Machinery Banks will be provided at 80% subsidy in the following
(a) FMB of Rs. 5 – 15 Lakh to FPO's farmer Societies, Cooperative
Societies and Cane Societies.
- Rs. 5.00 Lakh - from CRM Scheme - CRM Implements
80% subsidy is Rs 4.00 Lakh
- Rs. 10.00 Lakh–From SMAM Scheme– CRM and Other implements
80% subsidy is Rs. 8.00 Lakh
(b) FMB of Rs. 5.00 Lakh – To Cooperative , Cane Soicieties &
80% subsidy i.e. Rs. 4.00 Lakh from CRM
Progress of Implement Distribution (Till 2020-21 :
- Individual Farmers 31501
- Farm Machinery Banks to Societies and FPO's
(a) Rs. 5.00 – 15.00 Lakh 4750
(b) Rs. 5.00 Lakh 900
Action Plan for 2021-22
Individual Farmers at 50% subsidy
CRM Scheme 7160
Farm Machinery Banks at 80% subsidy-
(a) Rs. 5.00 to 15.00 lakh to FPO's, Farmer Societies 800
(Rs. 5.00 Lakh from CRM Scheme
Rs. 10.00 Lakh from SMAM Scheme)
(b) Rs. 5.00 Lakh from CRM Scheme
(Cooperative Societies, Cane Societies & Panchayats) 900
Time Line
- Empanalment of Manufacturers - By 15 April, 2021
- Selection of Beneficiaries - By 30 June, 2021
- Distribution of Implements - By 30 September, 2021
145 121
3- Innovative Activities
146 122
147 123
148 124
149 125
150 126
151 127
152 128
153 129
154 130
155 131
156 132
157 133
158 134
159 135
160 136