1.1 Data Representation Keywords
1.1 Data Representation Keywords
1.1 Data Representation Keywords
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Bitmap a bitmap is a mapping from some domain A bitmap is a type of memory organization or image file
format used to store digital images
Data Computer data is information processed or computer data is a bunch of ones and zeros, known as
stored by a computer binary data
Debug Debugging is the routine process of Debugging checks, detects and corrects errors or bugs to
locating and removing computer program allow proper program operation according to set
bugs specifications
Firewall A firewall is a system designed to prevent Firewalls prevent unauthorized internet users from
unauthorized access to or from a private accessing private networks
Hexadecimal is a positional numeral system with a radix, Hexadecimal is an easier way to represent binary values
or base, of 16. in computer
Unicode Unicode is a universal character encoding Unicodesupports up to 4 bytes for each character
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Vector a vector is either a pointer or an array with the term vector describes a line with a starting and
only one dimension ending point.
Floating-point number.
Using magazines and the internet, collect adverts for computers/laptops for sale (AT LEAST 5). What does each advert say about the computer/laptop? How
big is the RAM?
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Ram 8gb
4gb memory
4gb memory
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8 gb