FR-M2OK English Version (v03)
FR-M2OK English Version (v03)
FR-M2OK English Version (v03)
Registration Date : - -
Data of Company
Company Name :
Address :
District/City :
Province/State : Country :
Postal Code :
Phone : E-mail :
Factory Address :
Versi 3.0 berlaku mulai tanggal 1 Februari 2020
Head of Company
Name :
Position :
Phone : E-mail :
Person in Charge
Name :
Position :
Phone : E-mail :
Legal Aspect
No Type of Letter Number of Letter Date of Letter Validity Period Issuing Agency
2 Other
Halal Supervisor
No. of Certificate of Halal No. & Date of
No Name ID Card Number Phone
Supervisor Training Decree
Please attach: ID Card, copy of halal supervisor certificate, copy of halal supervisor decree, and curriculum vitae (CV).
Type of Product
Type of Product*) :
Trademark :
Data of Company
1 Company Name: complete it with the name of the company applying for halal certification.
2 Address: complete it with the address of the company.
3 District/City: complete it with the name of the district/city in acoordance with the address of the company.
4 Province/State: complete it with the name of the province/state in which the company is located.
5 Country: complete it with the name of the country in which the company is located.
6 Postal code: complete it with the postal code/number in which the company is covered.
7 Phone: complete it with the telephone number of the company.
8 E-mail: complete it with the e-mail address of the company.
9 Type of company: complete it by crossing (x) in the box corresponding to the type of business of your company.
10 Category of company: complete it by crossing (x) in the box corresponding to the business scale/category of your company.
11 Factory address: complete it with the factory address as the location of production.
12 Factory status: complete it by crossing (x) in the box that corresponding to your factory status (own factory/ makloon/ other).
Person in Charge
1 Name: complete it with the name of the person appointed by your company to communicate with BPJPH.
2 Position: complete it with the name of the person in charge's position in your company.
3 Phone: complete it with the phone number of the person in charge.
4 E-mail: complete it with the e-mail address of the person in charge.
Legal Aspect
1 Type of Letter: complete it with the type of business license.
2 Number of Letter: complete it with the number of the business license of your company.
3 Date of Letter: complete it with the date of issuance of the business license of your company.
4 Validity Period: complete it with the validity period of the business license of your company.
5 Issuing Agency: complete it with the name of agency/ institution that issued of your company.
Halal Supervisor
1 Name: complete it with the name of halal supervisor listed in the decree of your company.
2 ID Card Number: complete it with the Halal Supervisor's ID Card Number.
3 Certificate of Halal Supervisor Training: complete it with the number of certificate of Halal Supervisor Training.
4 Number and Date of Decree: complete it with the number and date of decree of Halal Supervisor in your company.
5 Phone: complete it with the phone number of Halal Supervisor.
Type of Product
Type of Product: complete it with the name of the type of product in accordance with the product submitted for the aplication for halal
2 Trademark: complete it with the name of the product trademark for which the application for halal certificate is submitted.
3 Distribution coverage: select the option by crossing (x) in the box corresponding to the distribution area of the product (namely local/ national/
international) for which the application for halal certificate is submitted.
4 Distribution permit: complete it with the number of product distribution permit issued by the relevant agency.
List of Product
1 Name of Product: complete it with the name of the product for which the halal certification is applied.
2 Not to be published: mark (✓) in the column not to be published if the product name does not want to be published to the public.