Method Statement For Excavation and Backfilling
Method Statement For Excavation and Backfilling
Method Statement For Excavation and Backfilling
Document No:
Metod Statement for Rev : 0
Excavation & Backfilling Date:
Page 1 of 8
Revision Record
Document No:
Metod Statement for Rev : 0
Excavation & Backfilling Date:
Page 2 of 8
1. This cover page is a record of all revisions of the document identified above by number and title. All
previous cover pages are hereby superseded and are to be destroyed.
2. The contractor has the full right to modify, amend or change Method Statement and supporting
documents as required or as deemed necessary. All such documents will be submitted to the
“CONSULTANT” for approval.
1.0 Purpose
2.0 Scope
3.0 References
5.0 Responsibilities
Document No:
Metod Statement for Rev : 0
Excavation & Backfilling Date:
Page 3 of 8
6.0 Materials
9.0 Procedure
10.0 Attachments
The purpose of this method statement is to clarify excavation and backfilling works to be carried out for the project .
This method statement covers general excavation works for foundations and other structures requiring straightforward excavations. It generally encompasses
the following:
o Survey
Project specifications
Contract Drawings
Document No:
Metod Statement for Rev : 0
Excavation & Backfilling Date:
Page 4 of 8
Project Manager is responsible for overall project execution, quality and safety. Adopt a leading role with respect to Contractor’s quality and safety
procedures. The PM is responsible for the overall implementation of this method statement. The Project Manager shall ensure that the key personnel
are well aware of the specifications and method statement.
CM / Project Engineer shall arrange all materials, equipment, safety related items & manpower & direct the Site Engineers & Foremen to resort
appropriate action for the smooth execution of the works.
Safety Engineer shall be responsible for safe working environment & conditions. Coordinate with Site Engineer to identify potential hazards before
works and advise methods of safe working from new developments.
Surveyor shall be responsible for setting out for levels, layout, and lines & establish top levels. Ensuring setting out books are properly maintained and
filed when completed. To coordinate with the CONSULTANT surveyor in determining coordinates, levels, and limits.
QA/QC Engineer shall be responsible for ensuring that execution of works are complying with approved method statement; specifications, approved
shop drawings and ensure ITR are submitted based on ITP requirements.
Site Engineer shall ensure that all works are carried out according to approved shop drawings. He shall direct the surveyor for the setting out lines &
levels in concurrence from the Construction Manager/Senior Civil Engineer.
MEP Coordinator / Engineer shall be responsible for proper execution of MEP works involved before, during and after the works.
Power shovel
Motor Grader
Dump Truck
Plate and Roller Compactor
Water Tanker
All personnel involved will use necessary PPE as required such as safety helmet, glasses,
coverall, shoes, gloves, ear plugs etc.
Document No:
Metod Statement for Rev : 0
Excavation & Backfilling Date:
Page 5 of 8
HSE officer to ensure that excavated area is barricaded. Adequate warning tapes and
warning signs are provided. All access from adjacent play ground to extension area shall be
closed and monitored.
Though the excavation is minor in nature a hazard analysis table is attached for excavation
activities. All major possible risks/ hazards are highlighted.
The workers will be made aware of safety requirements related to this activity through
daily tool box and safety talk.
All required work permits will be acquired and kept available at respective work site
hanged clearly in plastic folders.
Ensure the availability and validity of documents such as Excavation Permits, NOC and approved drawings.
Ensure the availability of MEP clearance, risk assessment, shoring and dewatering permits etc.
Before commencement of work ascertain the nature and location of all existing (above and underground) services on site by visual survey or by
If any protection, rerouting, termination or removals of services are required for the smooth processing of work, it shall be discussed and written
The surveyor will set out line / coordinates as per relevant construction drawings.
The surveyor will inform area / excavation foreman of these lines & levels.
Banks man will be deployed with all mechanical excavation equipment & dump trucks to guide the operators.
The excavation / area foreman will direct the excavation equipment in an agreed sequence.
Dumping of unsuitable material will be done to disposal point, as notified by CLIENT & material fit for backfilling will be stock piled separately at a
Where ever there are chances of sliding, the sides of excavation will be sloped
The bottom of all excavated areas shall be trimmed, leveled and rammed.
While excavation is in progress, excavation area foreman will continuously monitor the level to avoid over excavation.
The surveyor will check the lines & levels upon completion of excavation.
Upon acceptance of survey, the area will be released for subsequent activities.
If excavation goes below the adjacent structures, shoring will be carried out.
CM/PE will ensure that particular area/structure has been cleared for backfilling by QC department.
Upon approval for backfilling the PE will instruct concerned foreman to conduct this activity.
The backfill material will be sourced from suitable stock pile or from excavated material.
Document No:
Metod Statement for Rev : 0
Excavation & Backfilling Date:
Page 6 of 8
Compaction must be monitored and judged by regular tests for density which should not
be less than 95% Maximum Dry Density.
Once test results are satisfactory to the specification subsequent layer shall be precede.
In narrow places and corners where roller can’t reach, a plate compactor shall be used to
complete the job.
Precede the subsequent layer with the same procedure until the required level obtained.
Upon completion of backfill activity, the area will be cleaned of waste materials.
Risk Assessment