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Thermax Double Effect Direct Fired Brochure

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Double Effect Direct Fired

Absorption Chiller
114 TR (400 kW) to 1413 TR (4970 kW)

COP 1.5

Absorption Cooling & Heating Solutions

Sustainable Solutions in Energy & Environment
Thermax is a USD 750 million engineering major providing sustainable solutions in the areas
of energy and environment. Spanning over 90 countries, customers make use of Thermax’s
business-to-business solutions for heating, cooling, power and cogeneration plants; waste
heat recovery units; systems for water & wastewater management and air pollution control;
performance improving chemicals.

Thermax's operations are supported by ongoing Research & Development and also with tie-ups
from global technology majors. With an international sales & service network spread over 27
countries, Thermax also has it's state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in 14 locations including
India, Poland, Indonesia, Denmark & Germany.

Our Vision
To be a globally respected high performance organization
offering sustainable solutions in energy and environment

We heat, we cool, we power and we clean

Thermax, an engineering company The systems, products and services developed
providing sustainable solutions in energy by Thermax help industries achieve better
and environment, has the vision for the resource productivity and improve bottom
future, firmly anchored in the belief that to lines, while maintaining a cleaner environment.
stay competitive, companies need to adopt Even in the conversion of costs to profits,
sustainable development practices. Thermax helps to protect the environment in
it's own way. A win-win for industry and the
society at large.

Thermax’s business portfolio includes

products for heating, cooling, water and
waste management, and specialty chemicals.
The company also designs, builds and
commissions large boilers for steam and
power generation, turnkey power plants,
industrial & municipal waste water treatment
plants, waste heat recovery systems and air
pollution control projects.
Thermax Cooling Business
With over 50 years of expertise in the field of footprints. Thermax has a global foot print in 90+
Thermodynamics, Thermax helps extract even the last countries across Asia Pacific, Africa, Middle East to CIS
calorie available at your facility. Solutions in the form of countries, USA and South America.
absorption chillers, heat pump, chiller-heaters, composite
Thermax offers solutions to a wide array of industrial
chillers, ultra low pressure vapour chiller & multi energy
segments including pharmaceuticals, chemicals,
chillers are used in more than 100 applications and over
fertilizers, steel, textiles, petrochemicals, food &
50 industrial segments for air conditioning, industrial
beverages, commercial complexes, shopping complexes,
cooling and heating.
office buildings, educational institutes, and airports
Thermax absorption chillers cater to industrial-cooling, among others.
commercial air-conditioning as well as industrial and
Solutions offered by Thermax are differentiated by:
space heating needs. Thermax's USP lies in identifying the
unused heat available at your plant and provide recovery ƒƒ Reduction of operational cost
based or live energy based solutions to optimize energy ƒƒ Reduction in electricity consumption
thus reducing your operational cost.
ƒƒ Reduction in the GHG emissions, zero ozone
Thermax offers solutions from -40°F to 356°F by utilizing depletion potential
hot water starting from 176°F vapour or steam from
Thermax’s unique heating & cooling solutions
0 psi(g) onwards/flue gases from engine and turbines
accommodate a wide range of industrial & commercial
from 518°F onwards and a variety of liquid and gaseous
applications across the globe. These solutions deliver
high efficiency, cost effectiveness & are environment
Thermax has helped clients with Eco-friendly air- friendly.
conditioning and process cooling to reduce their carbon

Energy Source

0psi(g) - 406psi(g) 167°F - 482°F

GAS / OIL FIRING From Engines /
(Natural Gas, Diesel &
Turbines / Furnaces
Bio Gas)
482°F - 1112°F

Chilling: Primary Heating: Primary

Heating: Secondary Chilling: Secondary
32°F Chilled Water & 194°F Hot Water &
194°F Hot Water 41°F Chilled Water
Heating only Chilling only
Up to 338°F Up to 23°F Chilled
Hot Water Water / Brine Utility
Manufacturing Excellence
Inaugurated in early 2019, Thermax’ s manufacturing designed fixtures. Entire manufacturing records are
facility at Sricity, Andhra Pradesh is a state-of-the-art digitised for real time updates using MES software.
IGBC platinum certified green factory building and Engineering design automation using 3D drawings,
has been designed focusing on process automation, Cloud computing and MES have enabled this plant to
mechanisation and digitisation. This smart facility is employ contemporary technologies and follow the path
equipped with best in class machinery and is a big step of Industry 4.0 principles. The plant is equipped with a
towards automation to facilitate zero-defect processes Welding Training Centre to hone the skills of operators.
ensuring superior quality products. Critical processes Products upto 3000 TR capacity can be tested for
such as welding are carried out with robots and CNC performance at its digitally controlled test bay facility.
machines carry out the precision machining activities. This infrastructure is created to deliver best in class
Fabrication processes are mechanised using specially quality output.

Recognized by global standards
Salient Features
Best-in-class Coefficient of Split Evaporator Design
Performance Split evaporator design of the chillers help to improve
Thermax chillers come with a process design that ensures absorption rate of LiBr, thereby improving efficiency.
maximum internal heat recovery to give the lowest
specific fuel consumption benefit. Zero Crystallization
Avenues for COP improvement With an unique state-of-the-art concentration monitoring
Enlargement of heat Done by all & control, Thermax chillers operate even at low cooling
transfer area manufacturers water inlet temperature without crystallization. This
Unique feature of unique feature virtually eliminates crystallization and
Two stage evaporation
Thermax chillers is distinctly different from the conventional auto de-
Advanced series flow Unique to Thermax
Design chillers
Refrigerant heat Unique feature of
exchanger Thermax chillers Lowest Chilled Water/ Brine
Outlet Temperature
Advanced Series Flow Cycle Thermax innovative absorption chillers can deliver
leaving chilled water temperatures down to 33.8°F and
Thermax chillers have an advanced Series Flow Cycle to
leaving chilled brine solution up to 28.4°F, enabling
avoid simultaneous occurrence of high temperature and
absorption chillers to be used for applications involving
high concentration, thereby minimizing the probability
low chilled water / brine temperature.
of corrosion.
Parameter Parallel Flow
Series Flow Stainless Steel Plate Heat
HTG Temperature 323.6°F 311°F Exchangers
LiBr Concentration 64 - 65% 60.5% All regenerative heat exchangers from Thermax are
LTG Temperature 190.4°F 194°F high efficiency plate type heat exchangers with SS 316
LiBr Concentration 62 - 64% 63% plates, for improved reliability & maximum internal heat

Unique Two Stage Evaporation

Technology Wet Back and Wet Front Design
The fuel firing furnace has wet back and wet front design,
Thermax chillers are designed based on unique two stage
preventing over heating of tube sheet and shell, thereby
evaporation technology. This ensures that the specific
improving the reliability. This also eliminates refractory
heat input is one of the lowest in the industry, resulting
lining, which otherwise requires periodic maintenance.
in higher cooling output for the same heat input. Also,
Thermax HTG design has LiBr entry from bottom and
larger temperature difference in chilled water to the tune
exit from top which enables uniform circulation of LiBr
of 86°F, is possible.
and avoids hot spot. Turbulators in smoke tubes improve
the overall heat transfer coefficient, allowing higher heat
Gravity Feed LiBr and Refrigerant recovery from exhaust and resulting in lower exhaust
outlet temperature
Distribution Mechanism
With a nozzle-less, non-clogging gravity feed distribution
mechanism for stable and reliable operation throughout Flue Gas Economizer
the life of the machine, Thermax chillers eliminate the
To ensure maximum heat recovery from flue gases and
drop in performance. Need for separate pump for spray
thereby higher COP, economizer is provided to reduce
eliminated, resulting in lower power consumption.
the flue gas temperature to 248°F by heating dilute LiBr
Turbulators for Enhanced Heat Isolation Valves for Canned Motor
Transfer Rates Pumps
Turbulators in smoke tubes improve the overall heat Double seal isolation valves and bolted pumps facilitate
transfer coefficient, allowing higher heat recovery easy maintenance of the machine mounted canned
from exhaust and resulting in lower exhaust outlet motor pumps without any loss of vacuum in the system.
temperature This significantly reduces the down time of the chiller.

De-oxidised Low Phosphorus BAS/DCS Connectivity

Copper Tubes Direct connectivity of machine PLC panel with Third
party monitoring systems like BAS (Building Automation
Copper tubes conforming to ASTM/ JIS standards, with
System), DCS (Distributed Control System) or PLC
phosphorus content maintained below 0.005 ppm are
(Programmable Logic Controller) can be provided via
used in chilled water and cooling water circuits. This
Modbus RTU protocol on RS485 network.
protects the tubes from hydrogen embrittlement in LiBr
Fully Automatic Purging
Factory fitted high efficiency Automatic purge system with
Multi-stage Level Control purge cooler, continuously removes noncondensable
Multiple stage level control in three locations enables gases from the chiller into the storage tank while in
effective operation during part load and prevents operation. A high efficiency multi-location purging
cavitation of refrigerant and absorbent pumps. system helps to independently remove noncondensable
gases from different pressure levels. This also eliminates
the need for periodic monitoring of purge tank pressure
Online Pump Health Monitor and manual operation of purge system.
The chiller PLC continuously monitors the health of
canned motor pumps and informs user of any impending
PLC Based Control Panel
maintenance requirement.
Thermax chillers are provided with advanced PLC based
control panel, user friendly 7 inch touch screen operator
Variable Frequency Drive on interface and data logging system.
Absorbent Pump
Variable Frequency Drive on absorbent pump for higher
reliability, savings in fuel and power, during part load

Non-toxic Corrosion Inhibitor

New generation non-precipitating, non-toxic
molybdenum based corrosion inhibitor which in more
effective than conventional inhibitors based on Chromate
(Cancer causing, prohibited in several countries) and
Customised Solutions
Customized Electrical and
Thermax possesses rich experience supplying chillers for
critical applications in refinery and petrochemical plants
across the globe. Thermax has in house capability to
address critical applications such as:
ƒƒ Hazardous area design for gas group class 1, division
2, IIA/IIB, per IEC and NEC Standards

ƒƒ Redundant PLC systems, with redundancy at all levels,

of various makes for fail safe operations

ƒƒ Centralized Load management systems for multiple

machines operating in tandem

ƒƒ SCADA connectivity for remote monitoring and

control of machines.

LiBr Absorption Chillers for Multi Sectional Shipment

Sub-Zero Cooling Applications Arrangement
Direct Fired Lithium bromide absorption chillers can be For convenience of shipping, the absorption chillers can
offered for leaving brine temperatures as low as23°F, be shipped in two or more sections depending upon
offering great savings in operating costs. the site requirement. This is particularly convenient
arrangement for retrofit / replacement jobs.

Hot Water for Heating

For catering to heating and cooling applications, this
Special Tube Metallurgy
product can be upgraded to a chiller heater. Chiller Special tube materials like Cupro-Nickel, Stainless Steel
heater is customized with dedicated heat exchanger or Titanium depending on water quality on site. This not
which can provide hot water for heating applications, only improves the reliability & efficiency but also makes
thereby eliminating the need of separate equipment the chiller suitable for special applications involving sea
for heating. This chiller heater can be configured to water and brackish water.
operate alternately on heating and cooling mode or for
simultaneous heating and cooling operation.

Stand-by Pumps
For critical applications where scheduled maintenance
of pumps cannot be carried out, stand-by absorbent,
refrigerant and/or vacuum pump can be provided.

3500 TR
Absorption Chiller
Basic Principle
Vapour Absorption Machine uses water as the refrigerant The boiling point of water is directly proportional to
and Lithium Bromide (LiBr) solution as the absorbent. pressure. At 6mmHg absolute pressure the boiling point
The process of cooling goes through stages such as of water is 38.66°F. To change water from liquid to vapour
evaporation of refrigerant in evaporator, absorption of it has to be heated. The heat, required to change the
refrigerant by concentrated LiBr solution in absorber, phase of a liquid to vapour, is called the Latent heat of
boiling of dilute LiBr solution to generate refrigerant evaporation.
vapour in generator and condensation of refrigerant
vapour in condenser.

1 2 Refigerant Concentrated LiBr solution

Water (refigerant)

Water circulating Closed vessel
heat exchanger Cooling water
Chilled water

Chilled water


Vapourized refrigerant Absorption process

Evaporator Absorber

When maintained at high vacuum, Concentrated LiBr solution has affinity towards water.
water boils and flash cools itself. The solution absorbs vapourized refrigerant.

4 Refigerant Vapour 3
Condenser Generator
Refigerant Vapour
Refigerant Vapour
Cooling water Generator
Concentrated Concentrated LiBr solution
Liquid solution
Water (refigerant)

Driving Chilled water Cooling water heat
Chilled water heat source
Cooling water

Diluted solution Absorber

Absorption pump
Absorption pump

This heat causes the solution to release the absorbed

As LiBr becomes dilute it loses its capacity to
refrigerant in the form of vapour. This vapour is cooled
absorb water vapour. It thus need to be
at a separate chamber to become liquid refrigerant.
re-concentrated using a heat source.
The concentrated LiBr is sprayed in absorber.
LiBr is a chemical similar to common salt (NaCl). LiBr is increases. Further, there is a large difference between
soluble in water. The LiBr water solution has a property vapour pressure of LiBr and water. This means that if we
to absorb water due to its chemical affinity. As the heat the LiBr water solution, the water will vapourise
concentration of LiBr solution increases, its affinity but the LiBr will stay in the solution and become
towards water vapour increases. Also as the temperature concentrated.
of LiBr solution decreases, its affinity to water vapour
Cycle of Operation













Chilled Water Refrigerant Liquid Intermediate Solution

Cooling Water Refrigerant Vapour Dilute Solution
Exhaust Gas Strong Solution

The evaporator consists of a tube bundle, an outer shell, The shell pressure is very low (≈6mmHg). At this pressure
distribution trays, and a refrigerant pan. The process the refrigerant evaporates at a low temperature and
water to be cooled flows inside the evaporator tubes. A extracts latent heat of evaporation from the water being
refrigerant pump circulates the liquid refrigerant from circulated through the evaporator tubes. Thus the heat
the refrigerant pan into the distribution trays. From the is extracted from the process water being circulated
trays, the refrigerant falls on the evaporator tubes. through the tubes and it gets cooled.
Absorber High Temperature Generator
The absorber consists of a tube bundle, an outer shell The high temperature generator (HTG) consists of a
(common with the evaporator), distribution trays, and furnace, smoke chamber, tube bundle, an outer shell
an absorbent collection sump. Concentrated absorbent and a set of eliminators. Fuel (HSD / NG etc.) is fired in
solution (≈63.4%) from the Low temperature generator the burner attached to the furnace. Hot Flue gases so
(LTG) is fed into the distribution trays. This solution falls generated are then passed through the tube bundle
on the absorber tubes. kept above the furnace. The diluted absorbent flows
around these tubes and is heated. The temperature of
Concentrated absorbent has an affinity to water vapour.
the solution increases until it reaches its boiling point.
Hence the vaporized refrigerant from the evaporator
The absorbed refrigerant boils out of the solution. The
section is absorbed by the concentrated absorbent. Due
solution concentration increases (to 61%) and is referred
to this absorption the vacuum in the shell is maintained
to as the intermediate concentration. The refrigerant
and ensures the heat extraction from the chilled water.
vapour generated passes through the eliminators and
The concentrated absorbent becomes diluted. During goes to the low temperature generator.
this dilution the 'Heat of Dilution' is generated. This
increases the temperature of the absorbent solution. Low Temperature Generator
The cooling water being circulated in the absorber tubes
removes the heat of dilution. The low temperature generator (LTG) and condenser tube
bundles are enclosed in a shell and are separated by an
As it loses its heat to the cooling water, the absorbent is insulation plate. The vaporised refrigerant flows into the
able to absorb more refrigerant vapour and gets further LTG tubes. It heats the intermediate absorbent outside
diluted. The diluted absorbent (≈57.0%) collects in the the tubes and condenses. The condensed refrigerant
bottom of the shell. flows to the condenser through drain heat exchanger.

Solution Heat exchangers Condenser

The absorbent pump pumps the diluted absorbent to Refrigerant vaporised from the intermediate absorbent
the high temperature generator. A part of it first passes passes through the eliminators to the condenser. Here
through drain heat exchanger where it absorbs heat from it is cooled by cooling water being circulated inside the
the condensed refrigerant from the low temperature condenser tubes. The refrigerant vapour condenses on
generator. It then goes and meets the main solution line the outside of the condenser tubes and collects in the
before the high temperature heat exchanger. The other bottom of the condenser. The condensed refrigerant
part of liquid passes through the low temperature heat from the LTG and the condenser mix and flows to
exchanger where it absorbs heat from the concentrated the evaporator. The absorbent which has become
absorbent. concentrated in the LTG drains to the absorber to begin a
new absorbent cycle.
It next flows through the high temperature heat
exchanger where it absorbs heat from the intermediate
absorbent solution. The combined solution then enters
the high temperature generator. The heat exchangers
serve to heat up the absorbent solution before it enters
the high temperature generator for regeneration. This
reduces the heat input required in the high temperature
generator. This increases the efficiency of the cycle.
Technical Specifications
Parameters Number - TAC
G2 C3 G2 C4 G2 D1 G2 D2 G2 D3 G2 D4 G2 E1

Capacity Cooling Capacity TR 117 147 186 221 273 308 367
Chilled Water Circuit Flow rate gpm 279.4 351.3 444.5 528.2 652.4 736.1 877.3
Connection diameter NPS 5 6
Cooling Water Circuit Flow rate gpm 515 647 819 973 1202 1356 1616
Connection diameter NPS 6 8
Fuel Circuit Gas consumption ( + 3 %) Ncu.ft/hr 952 1193 1507 1793 2201 2480 2961
Oil consumption ( + 3 %) lbs/hr 52 66 83 99 121 137 163
Flue Gas Connection Diameter NPS 6 8 10
Electrical Data Power supply
Power consumption kVA 9.9 9.9 9.9 10.9 13.3 13.3 16.9
Absorbent pump motor rating kW (A) 2.2 (6.0) 2.2 (6.0) 3.0 (9.0) 3.7 (12.0)
Refrigerant pump motor rating kW (A) 0.3 (1.4) 0.3 (1.4) 0.3 (1.4) 0.3 (1.4)
Vacuum pump motor rating kW (A)
Maximum Burner Rating kW (A) 0.8 (2.0) 0.8 (2.0) 1.5 (3.2) 1.5 (3.2) 2.2 (4.8)
Overall Dimensions Length inches 116 174 198
Width inches 97 110 122 124
Height inches 114 113 119
Weights Operating weight x 1000 lbs 17.2 17.9 22.9 23.8 28.4 29.8 33.3
Shipping Weight x 1000 lbs 16.1 16.8 22.0 22.7 28.0 29.1 32.6
Clearance For Tube Cleaning inches 105 142 142 178

ƒƒ Model Nos. : TAC G2 XY - Direct fired Double effect ƒƒ Minimum Cooling water inlet temperature is 50°F
Absorption Chiller
ƒƒ Ambient condition shall be between 41 to 113°F
ƒƒ Chilled water inlet / outlet temperature = 54 / 44 °F
ƒƒ Maximum Allowable pressure in chilled / cooling water
ƒƒ Cooling water inlet temperature / Outlet temperature system = 115 Psig
= 85 / 94.1°F
ƒƒ All Water Nozzle connections to suit ASME B16.5 Class
ƒƒ NCV for Gas is 1011.3 BTU/Ncu.ft, NCV for Oil is 18360 150
G2 E2 G2 E3 G2 E4 G2 E5 G2 E6 G2 F1 G2 F2 G2 F3 G2 G1 G2 G2 G2 G3 G2 G4 G2 G5 G2 G6

408 468 506 561 625 672 698 778 879 985 1088 1179 1351 1462
975.3 1118.8 1209.6 1341.1 1494.1 1606.5 1668.6 1859.9 2101.3 2354.7 2600.9 2818.5 3229.6 3495.0
8 10 12 14
1796 2061 2228 2470 2743 2959 3073 3425 3870 4337 4790 5191 5948 6437
10 12 14 16 18
3301 3787 4094 4538 5053 5415 5669 6312 7120 7958 8785 9541 10876 11796
182 209 226 250 278 298 312 348 392 438 484 526 599 650
12 14 16 18 20
460 V( ±10%), 60 Hz (±5%), 3 Phase+N
20.0 20.0 21.6 21.6 23.5 28.8 28.8 31.7 34.1 34.3 34.3 39.1 44.7 50.2
3.7 (12.0) 5.5 (14.0) 5.5 (14.0) 6.6 (17.0) 7.5 (18.0) 7.5 (18.0) 9.0 (27.0)
0.3 (1.4) 0.3 (1.4) 1.5 (5.0) 1.5 (5.0) 1.5 (5.0) 1.5 (5.0)
0.75 (1.8)
4.0 (8.7) 4.0 (8.7) 5.5 (11.1) 5.5 (11.1) 7.5 (14.7) 7.5 (14.7) 7.5 (15.0) 11.0 (21.0) 11.0 (21.0) 15.0 (28.0)
203 245 302 310 321
135 144 149 151 168 189
132 142 145 149 158 168
39.2 40.8 41.9 47.8 48.9 62.0 62.8 65.0 72.5 76.1 97.2 98.8 117.9 120.8
37.7 39.0 40.1 45.4 46.3 58.4 59.5 61.5 69.0 72.3 90.2 91.1 106.9 109.1
166 166 217 264 268 276

ƒƒ Technical specification is based on ARI 560:2000 Suitable for liquid/gaseous

ƒƒ Minimum Chilled brine outlet temperature is 25°F fuels such as:
ƒƒ Please contact Thermax representative for lower cooling ƒƒ Natural gas
water flow
ƒƒ LPG
ƒƒ Please contact Thermax representative for customized ƒƒ Propane
ƒƒ Kerosene
ƒƒ High speed diesel
ƒƒ Biogas
Physical Dimensions

W1 L1

N9 N5



Machine Dimensions
Model L1 W1 H1 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N8 N9
Inch Inch Inch Inch Inch Inch Inch Inch Inch Inch Inch
TAC G2 C3 116 97 114 5 5 1 6 6 1 6 2
TAC G2 C4 116 97 114 5 5 1 6 6 1 6 2
TAC G2 D1 174 110 113 5 5 1 6 6 1 8 2
TAC G2 D2 174 110 113 5 5 1 6 6 1 8 2
TAC G2 D3 174 122 119 6 6 1 8 8 1 10 2
TAC G2 D4 174 122 119 6 6 1 8 8 1 10 2
TAC G2 E1 198 124 119 6 6 1 8 8 1 10 2
TAC G2 E2 203 135 132 8 8 1 10 10 1 12 2
TAC G2 E3 203 135 132 8 8 1 10 10 1 12 2
TAC G2 E4 203 135 132 8 8 1 10 10 1 12 2
TAC G2 E5 203 144 142 8 8 1 12 12 1 14 2
TAC G2 E6 203 144 142 8 8 1 12 12 1 14 2
TAC G2 F1 245 149 145 10 10 1 14 14 1 16 3
TAC G2 F2 245 149 145 10 10 1 14 14 1 16 3
TAC G2 F3 245 149 145 10 10 1 14 14 1 16 3
TAC G2 G1 302 151 149 10 10 1 14 14 1 18 3
TAC G2 G2 302 151 149 10 10 1 14 14 1 18 3
TAC G2 G3 310 168 158 12 12 1 16 16 1 18 3
TAC G2 G4 310 168 158 12 12 1 16 16 1 18 3
TAC G2 G5 321 189 168 14 14 1 18 18 1 18 3
TAC G2 G6 321 189 168 14 14 1 18 18 1 18 3
Nozzle Schedule
N8 Nozzle Nozzle Description
FL. Rating
N1 ASA 150 Chilled Water Inlet
N2 ASA 150 Chilled Water Outlet
N3 NPT(F) Chilled Water Drain Valve
N4 ASA 150 Cooling Water Inlet
N5 ASA 150 Cooling Water Outlet

N7 N6 NPT(F) Cooling Water Drain Valve

N7 As per Burner Fuel Inlet
N8 ASA 150 Exhaust Gas Outlet
N9 ASA 150 Rupture Disc Outlet
Minimum installation clearance
ƒƒ Control Panel Side: 50 Inch
ƒƒ Top: 8 Inch | Others: 20 Inch
ƒƒ Indicates the position of anchor bolts
ƒƒ Indicates the position of the power
supply connections on control panel
L W B Weight “W”
Inch Inch Inch Pound 125
86 70 9 17196 100
86 70 9 17857
127 79 11 22273
127 79 11 23676
127 89 11 28430
127 89 11 29845 “P” “P”
151 89 11 33392
151 99 11 39181
151 99 11 40691 125

151 100 11 41860 125 A 125

Foundation Pocket
151 106 11 47807 100 x “w” x 250 Deep
151 106 11 48999
191 108 11 67826
191 108 11 68946
191 108 11 70845 Nut
ƒƒ A drain ditch should be provided around
Washer the foundation
249 109 11 83507 Weld Machine Base ƒƒ The floor surface should be made water
249 109 11 86702 proof for ease of maintenance work
249 123 11 112867 ƒƒ Finish the foundation work horizontally
flat & smooth at a grade of about 1/1000
249 123 11 113800 Arrangement at Anchor
ƒƒ The foundation shall be designed to
249 141 11 148834 suit the soil conditions and other design
249 141 11 151122 considerations at site
Insulation Guidelines


ƒƒ The total area includes the area of pipes in the INSULATION INSULATION
machine 1-½ Inch 3 Inch
ƒƒ Do not cover pump Ref. motor with insulation sqft sqft sqft
ƒƒ Use non-combustible insulation material TAC G2 C3 148.60 383.40 37.60
ƒƒ LTHE & HTHE shall be insulated with one layer of TAC G2 C4 148.60 402.80 38.60
EPDM form TAC G2 D1 185.60 458.30 42.30
ƒƒ Insulation areas for (¾ + ¾) Inch given in the TAC G2 D2 185.60 470.30 44.70
table have been doubled assuming two layers TAC G2 D3 206.40 573.50 48.60
of foam will be used TAC G2 D4 206.40 573.50 49.90
ƒƒ Hot Surface : Mineral Wool TAC G2 E1 226.80 626.30 54.30
ƒƒ Hot Surface : EPDM Foam TAC G2 E2 276.40 758.00 57.40
TAC G2 E3 276.40 746.00 58.90
ƒƒ Cold Surface : Elastomeric Foam Insulation
TAC G2 E4 276.40 751.00 60.60
TAC G2 E5 308.50 868.90 62.60
TAC G2 E6 308.50 879.10 65.10
TAC G2 F1 376.00 1016.00 66.70
TAC G2 F2 376.00 1074.00 65.80
Symbol Surface Description TAC G2 F3 376.00 1077.00 70.30
1 Inch Thick Elastomeric Foam
TAC G2 G1 450.00 1229.00 72.30
Cold 41oF [5oC] Min TAC G2 G2 450.00 1225.00 76.20
Insulation for Cold Surface
3 Inch Thick Insulation of TAC G2 G3 520.00 1494.00 84.90
Hot 356oF [180oC] Max
Mineral Wool for Hot Surface TAC G2 G4 520.00 1494.00 85.30
1-½ Inch (¾ + ¾) Inch Thick TAC G2 G5 610.00 1708.00 90.70
Hot 248oF [120oC] Max
EPDM Foam for Hot Surface
TAC G2 G6 610.00 1708.00 93.10
Piping and Instrumentation Guidelines

Gate Valve (Open) Control Valve (Open) Air Filter Regulator Motor
Gate Valve (Close) Bellow/ Flexible Connection Pressure Indicator “Y” Strainer
Globe Valve (Open) Solenoid Valve Temperature Indicator Level Incicator
Globe Valve (Close) Butterfly Valve (Open) Flow Meter Safety Valve
Non Return Valve Butterfly Valve (Close) Pneumatic Line Pneumatic on/ off Butterfly valve
Cock Inverted Bucket Steam Trap Pump Electro-Pneumatic Globe Type Control Valve
Client Scope Thermax Scope

1. Pressure reducing station should be installed on the gas 7. Necessary arrangements to be made to maintain constant
supply line if the supply pressure is more than 1.5 psi(g). cooling water inlet temperature to chiller. Minimum
Gas supply pressure fluctuation is not allowable. allowable cooling water o inlet temperature is 50°F.
2. The flue gas pressure at the outlet nozzle of machine is 8. Install automatic shut off valve on the cooling water inlet
0-0.2Inch WC. The flue gas ducting and chimney/ stack line, if cooling water pumps are not dedicated to the
height should be designed considering this. machine.
3. Local regulations are to be strictly followed for chimney 9. If cooling water pumps are dedicated to the machine and
design, storage of fuels, emission of gases etc. Chimney chilled water/ brine temperature is < 40°F install cooling
discharge should be located at a sufficient distance away water automatic shut off valve only on the bypass line
from cooling tower. between cooling water inlet and outlet.
4. If same stack is used to discharge flue gas from more than 10. Rupture disk piping should be adequately supported. Use
one machine, provide automatic shut off damper on the flue flexible connection to avoid any load on the rupture disk
gas outlet duct to prevent back flow of flue gases. flange joint.
5. Automatic arrangements should be provided to stop 11. Rupture disk piping elevation should not exceed the
cooling water flow through the machine, if the chilled rupture disk outlet nozzle.
water/brine flow stops. 12. Discharge from rupture disk should be collected to
6. Maximum working pressure in water headers is 115 psi(g). facilitate reuse. Else, drain the discharge safely as per local
This should be noted for design of chilled brine and cooling norms/ guidelines.
water system.
Global Service Support – Cooling
Thermax has a wide network of Service Centers throughout the globe to ensure quick response
to customers. With a cumulative service experience of over 6000 VACs operating for more than
30 years, Thermax service personnel are equipped to deliver the right solution to the users. Thermax
has developed specific modules for different types of users depending on their usage pattern,
conforming to our proactive approach.



Intelligent Reports

SERVICE Predictive
Annual Service Contracts

Solution Analysis Contracts

Annual Overhauling Services Preventive

Installation Guidance Support
Commissioning Support

Revamp & Retrofit Services

Break Down On Call Services

PROiCARE is next generation AI based remote monitoring alerts etc and keep track of their chiller. It’s a round the
system. This feature enables the facility manager or clock service that gives you a unified view so you can
Thermax engineer to monitor the performance remotely track the performance of your machine from anywhere
using internet. It offers features like e-logbook, status, and resolve issues faster.(This feature is available on
trends, abnormal start-stops, maintenance schedules, request)
Remote Services at Your Fingertip
This technology offers a single point window to access Multi-layered security
and monitor the chiller performance along with easy
and secure remote access to real-time operations, ROSS operates on an optimum level of security for remote
performance data, and historical analysis. connections and runs on VPN network, eliminating any
security breach along with two point authentication and
advanced user management ensures that data remains
Advanced Monitoring in safe hands at any given point.
ROSS offers a wide range of services which includes
remote monitoring, advance trend analysis, data Analytical Reports
logging and diagnostic, enabling Thermax to provide
proactive and well advance recommendation to keep Customized reports are being generated with the
the chiller performance intact and eliminating any future intent to make a precise decision regarding the process,
downtime. ensuring the optimum performance is delivered.

Expert Opinion Architecture

Real-time data and historical data from the chiller is
collected and analyzed by Thermax experts, which
enables identification of a potential threat to the chiller
and provides resolution to the problem in time to enable
unhindered continuous process by smooth operation
of the chiller. In case of any major breakdown, the data
analytics provides insight into the nature of the problem
and hence enables a quick turnaround time.


remote online service support


A tailor-made offering for your specific needs


REMOTE ACCESS (24*7*365 days easy real-time access to the chiller)   

ALARM NOTIFICATION (Notification with the set of customized alarms)   
DATA LOGGING (Timely data logging of equipment)   
CORRECTIVE ACTION (Expert opinion & intervention whenever required to maximize the uptime of chiller)   
EVENT STATISTICS (Analysis of any recurring alarm & abnormality)  
REPORTING (Precised reports)  
OPERATIONAL DATA INSIGHT (Operational data analysis) 
EQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS (Overall chiller performance analysis) 
We believe in increasing uptime, reducing unscheduled interruption and optimizing chiller efficiency.
Our Prestigious Installations
Rixos Alamein , Egypt
Rixos Alamein, located on the beautiful shores
of the Mediterranean Coast in the famous El
Alamein, uses Thermax's 500 TR X 2 nos., direct
fired chiller for the air Conditioning of Hotel.

Nestle Inc, USA

Three of Thermax’s direct fired chillers with a
cumulative capacity of 1064 TR are used by
F&B giant Nestle Inc in USA for process cooling
application in their production plant. Thermax
has supplied chillers to Nestle plants in Russia,
Brazil, Philippines, Nigeria and India.

Petrobras, Brazil
Brazilian Oil and Gas company, Petrobras, uses
Thermax’s direct fired chiller of capacity 840 TR
for their process cooling application.

YTY Group, Malaysia

Thermax’s direct fired chillers are used by YTY
Group, a glove manufacturing major based in
Malaysia. Two of the chillers supplied by Thermax
with a total capacity of 1764 TR are being used for
the cooling of glove moulds. The latex is kept hot
to be poured into the glove mould to give it the
Made In India for the World
Thermax adopts a partnering relationship with customers to address their energy and environmental
challenges and enhance their performance and profits. With integrated energy-environment
expertise and a proven track record in global markets, Thermax is the preferred partner of enterprises
across industrial sectors in more than 85 countries.

Automobile Healthcare Refinery & Petrochemical

ƒƒ BMW (Germany) ƒƒ Niguarda Hospital (Italy) ƒƒ SABIC (KSA)

ƒƒ Ducati (Italy) ƒƒ Brookedale Hospital (USA) ƒƒ Essar Oil (UK)
ƒƒ Volkswagen (Germany) ƒƒ DM Hospital (India) ƒƒ Petrobras (Brazil)
ƒƒ Ford Motors (India) ƒƒ VallD’Herbron Hospital (Spain) ƒƒ Reliance Industries (India)
ƒƒ Honda (Thailand) ƒƒ Royal Free Hospital ƒƒ Covestro (USA)

Breweries Education Pharma

ƒƒ Karmeliten Brauerei ƒƒ Fordham University (USA) ƒƒ GSK (India)

(Germany) ƒƒ University Of Central Florida ƒƒ Novartis (China)
ƒƒ Carlsberg (India) (USA) ƒƒ Sanofi (Italy)
ƒƒ Guiness Brewery (Nigeria) ƒƒ University of Magna Graecia ƒƒ Astra Zeneca (UK)
ƒƒ Peroni Brewery (Italy) (Italy) ƒƒ Zydus Cadilla (India)
ƒƒ United Breweries (India) ƒƒ Shanghai Tech University (China)
ƒƒ Michigan State University (USA)

Chemicals Beverages Metal

ƒƒ Nirma (India) ƒƒ Coca Cola (KSA) ƒƒ Maklada Prestressed Steel

ƒƒ Celanese Corporation (USA) ƒƒ Silver Mill Natural Beverages (Tunisia)
ƒƒ Gulf Flour (UAE) (Sri Lanka) ƒƒ Vedanta Alumina Limited
ƒƒ JBF RAK (UAE) ƒƒ Cardinal Agri (Philippines) (India)
ƒƒ Yaroslavl Paraffin Plant (Russia) ƒƒ Niagra Bottling (USA) ƒƒ PT Jindal Stainless Steel
ƒƒ Tata Global Beverages (Indonesia)
(India) ƒƒ TATA Steel (India)
ƒƒ Arcelor Mittal Steel (KSA)

Commercial / Hospitality Food Processing Dairy

ƒƒ Hyatt Plaza (Qatar) ƒƒ Ferrero (Italy) ƒƒ PT Santos Krimer (Indonesia)

ƒƒ Carlyle Hotel (USA) ƒƒ Cadburys (Nigeria) ƒƒ Lilongwe Dairy (Malawi)
ƒƒ Hudson Yards (USA) ƒƒ Perfetti Van Melle ƒƒ Alpro (Belgium)
ƒƒ Atlantic City Casino (USA) (Bangladesh) ƒƒ Mother Dairy (India)
ƒƒ Gardens by the Bay ƒƒ PepsiCo (South Africa) ƒƒ Milkfarm Bahnitz (Germany)
(Singapore) ƒƒ Tipco Foods (Thailand)

Airport Textile Edible Oil

ƒƒ Rome Airport (Italy) ƒƒ Polyplex (Turkey) ƒƒ Cargill (Brazil)

ƒƒ Perth Airport (Australia) ƒƒ DeMillus (Brazil) ƒƒ Shabnam Vegetable Oil
ƒƒ Berlin Airport (Germany) ƒƒ Gildan TM (Honduras) (Bangladesh)
ƒƒ Istanbul Ataturk Airport ƒƒ Envoy Textiles (Bangladesh) ƒƒ Malabon Soap & Oil (Philippines)
(Turkey) ƒƒ Indorama (Thailand) ƒƒ PZ Wilmar (Nigeria)
ƒƒ Venice Airport (Italy) ƒƒ Pan Century Edible Oils
Recommended Water Quality
Water quality is a critical factor for the smooth operation it is highly recommended that proper water quality be
of the machine. Poor water quality can result in scaling maintained throughout the life of the VAM.
of tubes, corrosion, choking or failure of tubes. Hence

Allowable Range for Circulating Water in Chilled water and cooling water (< 104°F)
Items Units Copper Cu:Ni (90:10) SS316L Titanium
pH (25°C) 6.8 - 8.5 6.8 - 8.5 6.8 - 8.5 6.8 - 8.5
TDS ppm < 600 < 20000 < 2500 4.00%
Turbidity NTU < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10
M Alkalinity ppm < 100 < 100 < 100 < 100
Chloride Ion CI- ppm < 300 < 10000 < 200 < 25000
Sulphates Ion SO 4
ppm < 300 < 300 < 300 < 300
Silica ppm < 50 < 75 < 50 < 50
Total Hardness ppm < 300 < 300 < 300 < 300
Calcium Hardness ppm < 200 < 200 < 200 < 200
Total Iron Fe ppm < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5
Sulphide Ion S - ppm ND ND ND ND
Ammonium Ion NH4 + ppm <1 <1 NA NA
Biological Oxygen Demand ppm < 50 < 50 < 50 < 50
Chemical Oxygen Demand ppm < 100 < 100 < 100 < 100
Free Chorine ppm < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2
Oil & Grease ppm <1 <1 <1 <1
Free Carbon dioxide ppm <3 <3 <3 <3
Phenol, cyanide, lead,
ppm ND ND < 0.1 < 0.1
manganese etc.
*ND – Not Detected *NA – Not Applicable

ƒƒ Avoid stagnant water in Machine for longer period. In ƒƒ When the temperature is high (104°F or higher),
case of more than 1 day of shut down, circulate water generally the corrosion behaviour is noticeable, and
for 30 minutes in the Machine every day. For longer when especially the steel material is directly in contact
duration, drain the water from Machine and keep with water without the protective coating, the effective
the Machine in dry conditions. There should be no corrosive protection, such as the addition of corrosion
stagnant zone in the water circuit near the Machine inhibitor, degassing treatment should be applied.
Sustainable Solutions in
Energy & Environment


Corporate Office
Thermax House,
14 Mumbai-Pune Road Wakdewadi, Pune 411 003

Thermax Limited - Absorption Cooling & Heating Division Thermax Business Portfolio
3rd Floor, Phase 1, TVH Belicia Towers
Near SUN TV Office, MRC Nagar, Heating
Chennai, Tamilnadu - 600028
TEL.: 044-61334700 Cooling

[email protected] Power

Customer Care: 1800-209-0115 Air Pollution Control

@thermaxglobal Chemicals
Water and Wastewater Solutions
@thermaxglobal Solar
@thermaxmedia Specialised Services

This brochure presents only some of our products and

we reserve the right to amend any product details
without notice. The photographs used in the brochure
are indicative and may not match the actual plant.

G2FPS0919, © Thermax Limited

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