Lab 2: Euler's Method and RC Circuits: Goals
Lab 2: Euler's Method and RC Circuits: Goals
Lab 2: Euler's Method and RC Circuits: Goals
In this lab you will implement Eulers method to approximate measurements of the charge on a capacitor in a basic RC circuit. You will learn how to write .m les for Matlab and how to program Eulers method; then you will investigate some of the limitations of the method.
with resistance R Ohms (), capacitance C Farads (F), and applied voltage E(t) Volts (V). The charge on the top plate of the capacitor at time t is Q(t) Coulombs (C), and the current through the resistor is I(t) Amperes (A). The resistor has a voltage drop of RI, and the capacitor has a voltage drop of Q/C. When switch S is closed at time t = 0, the sum of the voltage across the resistor and the capacitor must equal the applied voltage. This gives us the equation 1 RI + Q = E(t) . C The current in the circuit is the rate of change of the amount of charge on the capacitor. So using the relationship dQ/dt = I, this becomes a rst order dierential equation for Q(t): R dQ 1 + Q = E(t) . dt C
The initial condition for this equation is Q0 = Q(0), the initial amount of charge on the capacitor. (Q0 could be set by imposing a voltage V0 = Q0 /C across the capacitor before 1
inserting it into the circuit.) In this lab, we will use Eulers method to numerically solve this dierential equation for two dierent applied voltages: a constant voltage E0 , and then an AC voltage E(t) = 117 sin(120t) which corresponds to the voltage out of a standard wall socket.
Prelab assignment
Before arriving in lab, answer the following questions. You will need your answers in lab to work the problems, and your recitation instructor may check that you have brought them. These problems are to be handed in as part of your lab report. 1. (a) Verify that the function Q1 (t) = E0 C 1 et/(RC) is a solution to the initial value problem 1 1 dQ1 = Q1 + E0 , Q1 (0) = 0 , (2) dt RC R where R, C, and E0 are constants. That is, by plugging t = 0 into the formula (1) show that the initial condition is satised, and then by dierentiating the formula (1) and comparing with the right-hand side of the dierential equation show that Q1 (t) satises the dierential equation. (In other words, do not try to nd the solution of the initial-value problem, but rather just check that the given function solves the problem.) Then use the exact solution formula (1) with R = 20000, C = .00001F, and E0 = 117V to complete the column labelled Exact y on Table 2 on the last page of the lab, for use in Lab problem 1. (b) Verify that the function Q2 (t) = R ( 2 E0 120 et cos(120t) + sin(120t) + (120)2 ) (3) (1)
where the constant = 1/(RC) has units of Hz=sec1 . What do these initial conditions represent for the system at the time the switch is closed? 2. Suppose you implement Eulers method using Matlab, using step size h, and create a vector t of time steps from t = 0 to t = 1. Often we refer to the rst entry as t0 = 0, the next as t1 and the nal entry will be tN = 1 where N h = 1. Matlab does not enumerate these entries in the same way. The rst element of the vector is always t(1). In this case, we will have t(1)=0, and t(N+1)=1. Find the Matlab indices n so that t(n)=0, t(n)=.5, t(n)=.86, and t(n)=1 if you used 2
(a) N = 10 (Note: you cannot get t(n)=.86 in this case.) (b) N = 100 (c) N = 500 (d) N = 1000 Record these values of n in Table 1 below. N 10 100 500 1000 n so that t(n)=0 n so that t(n)=.5 n so that t(n)=.86 n so that t(n)=1
In the lab
Working with Matlab, we can write simple programs that implement numerical methods like Eulers method and compare the results obtained for several step sizes h with exact solutions (when these are available). Creating a (new) le Launch Matlab. Use the buttons to the right of the current directory to select the folder ~/Desktop/IFS as your working directory. (The directory ~/Desktop/IFS is in fact a link to your home directory that you access from any of the public university computers that you log into using your uniqname; you may wish to organize your home directory by rst making a subdirectory called Math216, in which case you should choose ~/Desktop/IFS/Math216 as your working directory when you are using the computers in the labs in East Hall.) Then go to the File menu and use the mouse button to select New and then M-le; a new window called untitled will open. Choose Save As. . . from the File menu and a dialog box will open. In the box labelled Save that appears there is a default entry untitled.m. Replace that with EULER.m and click the Save button. The editor window should now be titled EULER.m. You have created an (empty) le called EULER.m. (Matlab le names all end in .m). It is important here that EULER is capitalized. The contents of the EULER.m le This program will implement Eulers method to solve the initial-value problem dy = f (t, y) , dt 3 y(a) = y0 . (5)
In this application, the function y(t) stands for Q(t), the charge on the capacitor. In the program below, everything following a % is a comment. Comments give you information about the program, but are not evaluated by the computer. You may choose whether or not to type these comments into your program, but if you include the comments in your le you must include the %, or the computer will try to read them. Type the following program into the le EULER.m you have just created: clear t % Clears old time steps and clear y % y values from previous runs a=0; % Initial time b=1; % Final time N=100; % Number of time steps y0=0; % Initial value y(a) h=(b-a)/N; % Time step t(1)=a; y(1)=y0; for n=1:N % For loop, sets next t,y values t(n+1)=t(n)+h; y(n+1)=y(n)+h*f(t(n),y(n)); % Calls the function f(t,y)=dy/dt end plot(t,y) title([Euler Method using N=,num2str(N), steps, by MYNAME]) % Include your own name Substitute your own name in place of MYNAME so it will appear on the plots you create. When you are nished typing in the program statements, save your work by choosing Save from the File menu, or by clicking on the oppy disk icon on the EULER.m editor window. The right-hand side of the dierential equation and the le f.m Since the program EULER.m refers to the function f(t,y), we must create a second .m le called f.m to dene the right-hand side of the dierential equation for Matlab. Go to the File menu and select New then M-le. A new window called untitled will open. Choose Save As. . . from the File menu and a dialog box will open with a default entry untitled.m. Replace that with f.m and click Save as you did before. You should then type into the le f.m the following commands: function f=f(t,y) R=20000; C=.00001; E0=117; f=-y/(R*C)+E0/R;
% % % %
Be sure to save your work when you have nished typing. The le f.m contains the function f (t, y) for the general dierential equation of the initial-value problem (5) above; the particular form of f (t, y) appearing on the last line corresponds to the specic initial-value problem (2). To solve a dierent dierential equation with EULER.m or another solver, you need only change this le. The other lines in f.m serve to dene specic values for the constants; here we are using R = 20k, C = 10F, and E0 = 117V. The exact solution of the initial-value problem and the le yE.m Since for this problem we also know a formula for the exact solution to the initial-value problem, we can write a short Matlab program to evaluate this formula so we can compare with the results of using Eulers method for various step sizes h. To tell Matlab about the exact solution formula, you should create another new le called yE.m. The le yE.m will contain the exact solution Q1 (t) of the initial-value problem (2) corresponding to the righthand side function f (t, y) dened in the le f.m. If you solve a dierent dierential equation with EULER.m or one of the other numerical methods we will study in Lab 3, and you wish to compare with an analytical expression for the exact solution, you should modify the le yE.m as well as f.m. Type the following commands into yE.m, saving your work when you have nished: function yE=yE(t) R=20000; C=.00001; E0=117; gam=1/(R*C); yE=E0*C*(1-exp(-gam*t)); % Resistance % Capacitance % Constant Voltage % Exact solution yE
Running your program So far you have written a program and saved it. Now you want to use the program. In the Command Window type EULER. The plot of the solution curve should then appear in a new window. Here is a summary of the programming we have just done. To solve an initial-value problem for a dierential equation you need a solver. In this case, EULER is your solver. Then you must tell your solver what it is supposed to solve; that is your f.m le dening the right-hand side of the dierential equation. Finally, the solver must be told where to start, so you must specify initial conditions. In this case the initial conditions are entered directly into the solver with the lines a=0 and y0=0. You ne tune your solver by changing N. The stopping time is also entered in the solver as b=1.
Lab problems
1. Solve initial-value problem (2) using EULER.m with N = 10. (a) Print your results as follows: After the plot has appeared, go to the File menu on the gure window and choose Print. . . ; a dialog box will appear. If you click OK in the dialog box the plot will print on the printer in your lab. By the way, you can use the Edit menu on the gure window to change the size of your plot, add text, labels, legends, titles, etc. (b) Using your indices from Prelab problem 2 and your approximate solution vector y calculated by EULER.m, complete the portion of Table 2 corresponding to N = 10. To view the nth component of the approximate solution vector y, just type y(n) in the Matlab command window and press return. Similarly, to view the corresponding exact solution value, type yE(t(n)) and press return. Make sure you have enough signicant digits to compare the approximate and exact answers. You can see more signicant digits in Matlab by typing format long in the Matlab command window and then hitting return. 2. Repeat Problem 1 again using N = 100 and N = 1000. Use this data to complete the rest of Table 2. 3. What guesses can you make about the error at a given time as N increases? 4. Graphically investigate the error in solving the initial-value problem (4). To solve this problem using EULER.m, you will have to change your le f.m, replacing the line f=-y/(R*C)+E0/R; with the line f=-y/(R*C)+(E0/R)*sin(120*pi*t); To compute the exact solution Q2 (t) for the initial-value problem (4), you will need to modify the le yE.m, replacing the line yE=E0*C*(1-exp(-gam*t); with the lines omg=120*pi; A=E0*omg/(R*(gam^2+omg^2)); B=E0*gam/(R*(gam^2+omg^2)); yE=A*(exp(-gam*t)-cos(omg*t))+B*sin(omg*t); You can move among the various les in the editor window by clicking on the tabs at the bottom of the window. Important note: before modifying the les, save your original les f.m and yE.m, for instance by renaming them as f1.m and yE1.m with the help of the Save As. . . command from the File menu; also, save copies of these modied les as f2.m and 6
yE2.m, as you will be able to reuse them in Lab 3. Make sure your working directory is (a subdirectory of) ~/Desktop/IFS before saving to make sure that you will be able to access these les later when you are working on Lab 3. To plot the approximate solution and the exact one on the same set of axes, replace the line plot(t,y) near the end of the le EULER.m with the lines yexact=yE(t); plot(t,y,:,t,yexact,-) legend(Approximate,Exact) This denes a vector corresponding to the exact solution. Sample values of the exact solution are plotted connected by a solid line, and the Eulers method approximation is plotted on the same axes as a dotted line. The legend command puts a helpful box in the corner of the plot to help you identify which graph corresponds to which function. You can change the location of the legend on the graph by clicking on it or by using the Edit menu on the gure. 5. Run EULER using N = 50, N = 100, N = 200, N = 500, N = 1000 and N = 2000. Why does the exact solution look dierent on the rst few plots? How large must N be for the approximate solution to qualitatively match the exact one? We say that two graphs agree qualitatively if they have roughly the same shape, for example, they might both be increasing or have two maxima or be periodic with approximately the same period. Print out a plot where the exact solution appears to have a lower frequency than 60 Hz, one where the approximate solution appears qualitatively correct, and one where the approximate solution appears quantitatively correct. (See if you can print out clearer plots with fewer oscillations by zooming by typing axis([tmin,tmax,ymin,ymax]) with appropriate minimum and maximum values in the command window, or by changing the nal time b.) 6. Many dierent situations can give rise to error in numerical approximations. One such situation, undersampling, comes in to play in this last problem. Undersampling occurs when the data points are spaced too far apart to capture all the behavior of the equation. You may know this phenomenon as aliasing, when an insuciently sampled high frequency signal appears to be a lower frequency signal. Even if you have calculated the exact solution correctly its graph may not be accurate. Imagine plotting a sine wave with frequency 120 cycles per second by sampling the function 120 times a second; the sample points will suggest a constant function instead of an oscillatory function. Did you see this problem when you used h = 0.01? What about h = 0.001? (Lab 3 will develop more numerical methods that are potentially more accurate.) Note: your lab report for Lab 2 should consist of your solutions to the prelab problems, your solutions to lab problems 16, and a brief, original, conclusions paragraph summarizing what you have learned.
Time t .5 1
Index n
Exact y yE(t)
Approximate y y(n) N = 10
Error |y(n)yE(t)|