Tfe PDF Endofyear Compendium
Tfe PDF Endofyear Compendium
Tfe PDF Endofyear Compendium
Glimpse of Eternity
The Hoardmaul
Ring of Familiar
This watch can give the time from all planes of You can use this ring to conjure a familiar as
existence and allow to compare their time flow. per the Find Familiar spell. The familiar is a fey
As such, you can detect any time anomaly or spirit and takes the shape of a canari, a snake,
manipulation in a 1 mile radius. a spider, a rat, a piranha or a bat. It is slightly
translucent and obviously magical in nature.
This watch holds 6 charges and regain 1d6 charges
each day at dawn. As an action, you can expend By rotating the ring to the right symbol as an action,
1 charge to emanate a 30 ft. aura that negates you can change the shape of the familiar. You can
any time-modificating effects or spells of level 8 temporarily dismiss your familiar at will as per the
or lower (like Haste or Slow). These effects are spell, but if it drops to 0 HP, you can only summon
only temporarily dissipated while in the aura and it again at the next dawn.
last up to 1 hour per charges. You can choose to
dismiss it at any time (requires no action).
In addition, the watch can be used to modify time
on a small scale while it doesn’t radiate the aura. Magic potion, uncommon
When you cast a spell you can expend 1 charge to
apply one of the following effects: a bottle of this perfume contains 12 uses. You can
expend 1 use to spray yourself with this perfume,
- When you cast a spell that has a casting time of which lasts for 4 hours or until you are drenched in
1 action, you can cast the spell as a bonus action. water or a stinky substance.
- When you cast a spell with a duration of 1 minute While perfumed in this way, you have advantage
or more, you double the duration of the spell, up to to all your Persuasion and Performance checks
a maximum of 24 hours. targetting creatures that are 10 ft. or less from you,
unless the creatures are immune to charm, can’t
- You can cast a ritual spell as a ritual, and you use speak a language (like beasts and plants) or are
the spell’s normal casting time, rather than adding hostile toward you.
10 minutes to it.
RIVERJADE DANCE Draconic Might. You can use this item as a rod
to cast the spells Burning Hand (at 4th level) and
Magic weapon (glaive or greataxe), rare, Locate Objects (DC 17). Once you have cast either
requires an attunement of these spells, you cannot cast this spell again
until the next dawn.
You gain a +1 bonus to this weapon’s attack and
damage rolls. When attuned to it, this weapon Regal Aura. When you take the Dodge action,
seems way lighter than it should, as a result Monks you can choose to radiate an overwhelmingly
can ignore the Heavy and Two-Handed property charismatic aura in a 20 ft. radius until the start of
to consider it as a monk weapon. In addition, you your next turn. Choose either Charm or Fear.
can choose to stand and move across water as if it
were solid ground. - Charm: hostile creatures in the aura that aren’t
immune to charm have disadvantage attacking any
Flowing Strikes: once per turn, when an attack other creatures than you, but advantage to attack
roll made with this weapon misses, you can make you, and can’t willingly move away from you.
an additional attack as a bonus-action. Once you
have used this ability three times, you can’t do so - Fear: hostile creatures that aren’t immune to fear
again until the next dawn. in the aura can’t move toward you, and hostile
creatures outside of the aura can’t willingly enter
Magic weapon (glaive or greataxe), very rare, Once you have used this aura 3 times, you can’t
requires an attunement do so again until the next dawn.
Magic weapon (maul or warhammer), rare,
requires an attunement Magic half-plate, uncommon
This weapon can be use as a chest. It can only This half-plate armor of enchanted silver doesn’t
contain regular money and non-magical gems and give disadvantage to your Stealth checks.
jewelry. The hoard inside it is safely kept in a demi-
plane that can only be accessed by this chest. In addition, you cannot become cursed by
The creature attuned to this weapon can open any form of lycanthropy while wearing this armor,
the chest at will by saying the name of the dragon and you are resistant to the damage of bite and
that created it, Pei-Too-Win, but other creatures claw attacks from werecreatures (like werewolves,
can’t, unless by the use of a Knock spell or similar wereboars or wererats…). Werecreatures suffer
magical means. When you open the chest, you 1d10 radiant damage when they done this
can will a precise amount of money of your choice armor, and for every additional hour they spend
to appear in it from the demi-plane, where it will wearing it.
return if you close the chest without taking it. If the
amount of money you ask or exceed the money SILVERHUNT CUIRASS:
contained into the chest, nothing happens. The WOLFBLOOD VARIANT
weapon always weight the same, unrelated to the
amount of money it contains. Magic half-plate, rare
Gold Smite: once per turn when you hit a creature The armor also provides some means to fight a
with this hammer, you can expend gold it contains werecreature. Your speed increases by 10 ft. your
to empower your bludgeonning damage by 1d6+4 jump distance doubles and when you fall, you can
for every 10 gold you expend, (for a maxim- use your reaction to gain resistance to fall damage
um of 50 gold) as the weight of your hoard crushes and land on your feet.
your target. If the creature is Large or smaller,
it is also knocked prone. Once you have expended
50 gold in this way, you can’t do so again until
the next dawn. Expended gold is consumed after
the attack.