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What is Journalism?
now, there is no
Though journalism is practiced for years term
established definition of the term journalism(It is generally a
news or current
used to denote the practice of reporting who
of the country. While the people
happenings for the masses
Work in collecting and gathering information through
mediums through which they
means are called journalists, the
communicate the news newspaper,
radio, television, website

etc. are called media.

But to get a rough definition about what journalism ineans,

jouinalism is
referred the dictionary. According to tihe dictionary, or
of vwriting, editing, reporting, ohotographing
an occupation
broadcasting news.

ia t.ivt.o itë ictit i

Interesti.gly, the werd journalism
daily. ActaDiura v a s probably world's firsi
diurnalis which means

established in Rome. Later on, amphlets,

termed as 'nevwspapers'. Those
periodicals, gazettes etc

were called news writers or

who wrote for these newspapers
ty ent of media which
comprises of several differ
magazine, radios, tele ision, cinema, internet
include newspaper,
and now sc ial media. India
based websites, blogs, phones
70,000 newspapers which sell almost
boasts of a massive total of
day, making it the World's largect
over 100 million copies a
of satellite chainels, India has
newspaper market. In terms
than 1500 channels
Newspapers: The first newspaper that ever made its way in India
was started by James Augustus Hickey by the name The Bengal
Gazette in 1780. This was followed by many other newspapers
ater on. The biggest newspapers currently in India are Times of

India, Hindustan Times, DainikBhaskar, DainikJagran, Rajesthan

Patrika etc.

Magazines: Newspapers were followed by magazines which are

active even today. English magazines like India Today, Outlook,
Filmfare, Femina and Regional magazines like Grihshobha,
Saheli, Vanithaetc are widely read.
Radio: Radio began in India from 1927 and it was iiamed All
India Radio in 1937. Later, it was rechristered to Akashvani in
1957. In the mid-2000s, the advent of FM Radio happened and
today, it has become one of the most heard mediums
Television: Broadcast reporting started in 1959, followed by the
advent of coloured television in 1982. Door iarshan was the first
channel which aired news, entertainment a1d infotainment shows
In 1990s when the liberalization happened, Cable-Tv was
introduced in India, which took the broadcasting industry by

Internet: Late 1990s and early 2000s saw the introduction of the
World Wide Web. What began as a medium of entertainment,
soon became a necessity. From providing information across the
globe to giving out news within minutes, internet has done it all. It
later introduced the culture of websites ana blogs, which are
currently ruling across the audience.
Smartphones: With the unveiling of smartphones, India has gone
a step closer
to digitization. The phone has
and has
captured the masses
penetrated deep into the country, bringing about a digital
trend. It has given rise to new set of
audience. Ever media
organization today enjoys as good as 75% of the mobile users
and in the
coming days, this number is only going to increase.
Beats/Types of Journalism Reporting:News reporting consists
of various beats which include - Crima, Political, Entertainment,
Lifestyle, General amongst many others. Each beat provides an
in-depth reporting of that particular subjeci.

What is Bollywood/Entertainueni.IeReporting?
Entertainment journalism includes the Joverage about cinema,
television, art and theatre. Journalisits who cover this beai are
often referred to as the entertainment rorters. While theatre
all the news about plays and sis ari coverc
music, dance, painting etc in its pui viev.. Cema is a broader
term and it includes Bollywood, ioly.voou, Regional Movies,
interviews and reporting about celebrities, niovie stars etc.
Entertainment journalism specific tore:is alsocalled Cine
Journalism or Bollywood journalism, whe.e Cine is a term derived
from Cinema!


This study is relevant because we ha .
he years witnessed
research being done on Bollywood films i. cinema but none has
been done on the journalism aspactc t. inrough this research
we are trying to trace the journey . id aii the changing trends
of Bollywood journalism over the year
Newspaper organization has various departments taking care of
a variety of tasks. Each department has a specified function witn
several staff taking care of each function. Various departments
that are a part of a newspaper organization include:

1. Editorial department
2. Advertising department
3. Circulation department
4. Printing department
5. Administrative department
6. Stores department
. IT department

Let us discuss the functions of these departments in brief

The editorial department forms the backbone of
any newspaper
organization. As the name implies, this department is ti.e one
responsible for content creation in any newspaper establishn:ent.
The main responsibilities of this department is the gathering nf
news, selecting which news and features get to be published in the
paper, editing the news and features that have been selected
publication and then laying them out for print. Following chart
represents the hierarchy of the de:artment followed by briof
description of the functions peilormed by var.cus staff me:ibers.

Editor Rditor Pge

Editor Eaitoral writer
or Dsign
Sicional Lifestyi
edio Buslacs edito sporteditor
oner tant
onal Aiant
editor basiuesk cditor p ig

Repoder Repcrter Reponter Rponte

Chiefcopysditor holodtogGrph saio
Copycultop Phoographe
Publisher- The publisher is responsible for all of the operations of
main job of the
the newspaper, both editorial and business. The
remains financially healthy.
publisher is to see that the newspaper
editorial content of
Editor- The editor is responsible for all of the
the newspaper and for the budgets and money spent by
editorial side of the newspaper. Often in smaller papers,
publisher and editor is the same person.

Editorial page editor- The editorial page editor is responsible
the editorial page and the "op-ed" page of the newspaper.
editorials are printed a s well as
pages are where the newspaper's
letters to the editor, columns by syndicated columnists and guest
columns by local people.
Managing editor- This is the person who is in charge of the day-
to-day production of the newspaper.
City Editor- The city editor -sometimes called the metro editor -is
in charge of the news coverage of the area in which the newspaper
is located. The city editor usually has the largest staff and assigns
tasks to most of the local news reporters.

News reporter- A news reporter gathers information about news

stories in the local area. There are generally two kinds of reporters:
i) a beat reporter, and ii) a general assignment reporter.
A beat reporter covers the same subject or location all the time.
The subject is generally of interest to the reporter. Various beats
include legal reporting, parliamentary reporting, political
reporting, etc. Ageneral assignment reporter, on the other hand,
cOvers any story assigned by the city editor or assistant city editor.

Chief copy editor- The chief copy editor is in charge of the

newspaper's copydesk. The people on the copydesk read news
stories (and sometimes stories from other sections) to make sure
they are written according to the newspaper's standards. The chief
copy editor makes final decisions about the copy and is in charge
of the staffing of the desk.

Copy editor- A copy editor is specially trained to read the stories

that others have written and make sure they conform with
rules of grammar and style. A copy editor also writes headlines and
performs other duties that help produce the newspaper every day.
Photo editor- A photo editor is not a
photographer, although it is
often the case that the photo editor is a former
editor assigns photographers and helps select the
photographer. This
photos that the
newspaper prints.
Graphics editor- The graphics editor is the head of the graphics
department, sometimes called the "art department." This editor
in charge of all of the graphics and illustrations produced for the

Graphics reporter- A graphics reporter researches and designs
informational graphics that support news stories the paper. A
is an expert in graphic forms and also must be
graphics reporter
able to local information that can be used to build graphics.


As an integral mass media vehicle, newspapers are vehicles of

advertising meant to appeal to their readers. As such, the
advertising department is the one which is critical because it gets
in the revenue necessary to sustain the newspaper. Getting in
revenue through advertising for the newspaper happens through
various means. There can be several sections in this department
one to look after local advertising, one for classified ads, one for
general/ national advertising, one for legal advertising and yet
another one for preparing copy and so on. For example, there is a
complete sales team in place, whosejob it is to push the newspaper
as an advertising vehicle of choice to advertising and media buying
agencies acting on behaif of clients, as well as clients.
The Advertising department will accept and process orders from
advertisers, to book space in the newspapers, as well as create ads,
give agencies statistics and information about the circulation and
readership of the newspaper as well, as well as work with the
editorial teams to create space, the department carries out a
number of functions, including accepting and processing orders
from advertisers, creating advertisements, providing media
information to advertisers and advertising agencies, helping
businesses develop advertising plans and working with editorial
teams to develop features that will attract advertisers or help
clients place their products with a coordinated editorial write up.

The circulation department takes care of everything after the
newspaper is printed. This includes delivering the publication to
homes through their own or third-party carriers, to the post office
to be mailed into homes, as well as to
newsstands, vending
machines, and other places it's circulated.
It is usually headed by a major executive, the circulation
since the newspaper ultimately stands or falls on the basis of
number of steady readers that can be enrolled.
The cireulation manager may have any or all of the followinng
subdivisions under his supervision:
of circulation
i) City Circulation: It involves the maintenance
records for the city of publication; the recruitment, supervision
and reimbursement of carrier boys; the: supervision of district men
who oversee circulation by subdivisions of the city, taking
for moving papers to the news-stands, relations with
news-stand operators, etc.
(ii) Area Circulation: Responsibilities here include getting papers
destined for the surrounding area into the mail and operation of a
fleet of tempos/taxis to carry the papers into surrounding areas
where mail service is not rapid enough. The circulation manager is
also in charge of moving the papers into the appropriate
distribution channels as they move into the maling room from the
press room.
() Sales Promotion: It involves the direction of an office staff to
keep records, notifying subscribers when their subscriptions need
renewing, the handling of complaints, new subscriptions and
renewals over the counter, by mail, etc.
on is essentially the "public relations" department of the
newspaper. Where a separate promotion department exists, it
usually is responsible for initiating promotion policies, subject to
the approval of the publisher, and usually coordinates the
promotional activities of other depe:tuents.

This is another department in a newspaper establishment whose
name simply tells
people the job that they perform. This
department is responsible for the printing of the newspapers. The
department is in charge of everything that has to do with the
production and printing of the papers, which includes,
transforming journalists stories into type and maintaining the
printing machines.

This department is responsible for the
the entire establishment. The
general administration of
department is in charge of certain
very important duties such as planning,
organizing and
Thus, the department basically looks after the staffing.
administrative work pertaining to personnel their
training, selection,
promotion, allotment of work, maintining leave
liaison with government record,
departments, general facilities and
such work that facilitates
working of other departments. In all
absence of a separate legal the
department also handles the work
department the
Otherwise there is a separate pertaining to
legal matters.
tor the legal aspects.

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