Online Food Ordering System
Online Food Ordering System
Online Food Ordering System
Computers have become a part the 21 st of the life for accessing almost any kind of
fast food and takeout, many canteens have chosen to focus on quick preparation
and speedy deli very of orders rather than offering a rich dining experience (Dana,
deploy in fast-food and beverage industry is fascinating and widely accepted in the
world (Abel and Obuten, 2015). This has really made a positive impact in the
industry over the last decay, as most restaurant entrepreneurs are investing in this
technology. This is not only due to the fact that entrepreneurs are rapidly adapting
to the technological advancement in the industry, but also relate to the enormous
competitive advantage and other benefits that they stand to gain from
According to Ngai et al. (2018), online food ordering is the crucial technology
components that enable a single outlet or enterprise to better serve its customers
and aid employees with food and control. In other words, it provide the platform
for restaurants to effectively and efficiently attend to customers order even from
and inventory control. Most transactions effected with the aid of online ordering
system limit the tendency of error prone during calculations and other financial
The online food ordering system is one of the latest servicers most fast food
restaurants in the western world are adopting. With this method, food is ordered
online and delivered to the customer. Because the use of internet-based ordering
system is in rise in today’s world. Since 2014, about 30% of customers aged
between 18 and 54 have ordered food from a restaurant's website via their phone or
tablet in USA. On the other hand, QSR Web found that digital restaurant ordering
is growing 300% faster than dine-in traffic (Beltis, 2016). So, the market for online
food delivery now remains as large as ever. Nevertheless, a huge section of this
must be some existing problems associated with the old or existing system that
prompted to it. This organization faces numerous problems due to the manual
1. The manual method of going to their local food sales outlets to purchase
2. Industries are fast expanding, people are seeking for more ways to purchase
products with much ease and still maintain cost effectiveness. The vendors
3. There is need for a wide range of publicity and enabling direct order,
1. To give the customers more reliable information about what the fast food
4. Enable online purchase form with which valued customers will be using to
get in touch with any of their request whenever the need arises.
In view of the rapid development of computer technology in almost all the fields of
important to look into the development of online ordering system for firms to meet
up with demands of the customers. Therefore, the food ordering and delivery
This project is designed, a fast food ordering system for Best choice, to enable
customers order for food and get it delivered accordingly and also to reduce the
long queues of customers at the counter ordering for food and to reduce the work
Due to time and financial constraints, the software that was developed
Limited menu: which is menu choices because the system may have limited
number of meals and the menu changes every week or months but if you
stick to the system for more than a few months the menu items will come
back again and again. So you should eat the food provided for the week.
FOOD: Any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink, or that plant
ONLINE FOOD ORDERING: Online food ordering services are websites that
interactive menus allowing customers to place orders with local restaurants and
food cooperatives.
payment. It allows the cardholder to pay for goods and services based on the
RESTAURANT: (eating place) is a place where meals and drinks are sold and
served to customers.
of goods, services, products or idea obtained from a seller, vendor, or supplier for a
(such as information) for accomplishing objectives that benefit man and his
HAMBURGERS: A hamburger is a sandwich consisting of a cooked patty of
chicken, turkey, beef, veal, or mixed meats are placed on a spit, and may be grilled
3.1 Methodology
series of steps, methods, techniques and procedures which governs the collection,
analysis and design of a particular project. In the dynamic world, the subject
methodology, system analysis and design mainly deal with the software
defined as the analysis of the principles of methods, rules and postulates employed
design work and ensure that a higher degree of accuracy and efficiency is adopted.
The design methodology used helps to ensure that a thorough study of the present
system is carried out, thus helping the project designer to completely understand
the modus operandi of the present existing system so as to know how the new
The System will adopt the object oriented approach to system design, which has
abstractions of the system attributes and behaviours using necessary tools such as
Object oriented analysis and design methodology is used to analyze the present
system as well as to design the proposed system with the primary aim of;
2. Finding and identifying business objects. To achieve this task, the steps
a) Review each use case to find potential objects (which are usually noun
4. Model the behavior of each object using state chart diagram. MrsEze, u.f
During the course of this study, the researcher applied different method of finding
3.1.1 Interview
The researcher visited Le’ Cafe FAST FOOD to find out about the processes
involved in ordering food, random customers were also interviewed. The facts and
answers incurred from the discussion made it possible for the researcher to begin
The researcher visited some libraries and made references to already written
document for more details concerning this study. To this effect, the fact provided
by the referenced materials made it possible for the completion of the project.
3.2.3 Internet
Other relevant materials needed for the completion of this project work were
gotten from the internet through search engines like google, dock-dock-go, etc.
techniques such as website visit and document review, at the beginning of this
stage. The data collected facilities information required during detailed analysis. A
study on the current system is performed based on the collected data. As a result,
user requirement of the proposed system are determined. At the end of this stage,
The existing system happens to be a non computerized operating system were all
operations are done manually by the waiter carrying paper and to take down the
order of the customer or making an order over the counter. This leads to mistakes
because the waiter might not understand what the customer had ordered therefore
customer might not take it lightly with the waiter which may lead to
3.4 Analysis of Proposed System
system over the limitation of the existed system. With the proposed system there
database, the information can be backed up and referred to anytime of the day.
It is the purpose of the new system to address all the problems plaguing the present
system. This system will do the analyzing and storing of information either
management via the monitor. This will require the input of necessary data and
record of fast food ordering and delivery and then a report is generated.
The proposed system will also have some other features such as:
3. Fast rate of operation as in making the ordered food available and delivered on
Due to manual means being employed by the fast food restaurants, it is very
difficult to satisfy the wants and needs of the customers. Most of the problems
4. The record keeping system is poor. Losses of vital records have been reported in
the past consequently. Besides, protecting the file system from unauthorized access
authority. Management at times seeks to get a copy of the customer’s order form
These are the major problems facing the existing system and would be
restaurant. It helps to record customer submitted orders. The system should cover
the following functions in order to support the restaurant’s business process for
1. To allow the customer to make order, view order and make changes before
submitting their order and allow them make payment through prepayment card or
3. Tools that generate reports that can be used for decision making
4. A tool that allows the management to modify the food information such as price,
add a new menu and many others as well as tools for managing user, system menu
The system is designed with several interaction cues on each web page that makes
up the web application (Best choice). These cues are well-defined such as to make
several functionality that the application exposes to collect, process and output
data. At the end of this design, an on-line site that is capable of running on a local
server will be realized. In addition this, a full database driven site with good user
The system was implemented using Xampp server and a web browser. The
implementation began with the site definition, which involves the following steps
i. Planning,
iii. Organize the structure, under which you have to choose a folder and a folder
structure that would be used to store the site files. This also determined the
server that would be used, for instance, remote server or Local server.
iv. After the site was defined, the next step of the implementation phase was to
translate the design into the required forms, and all the tables required in the
database were built and the data binding done with the HTML code and sql
The system is designed to accept several input details efficiently through input
forms and user clicks. The data captured through the user keystrokes and clicks are
received by specific modules on the system and relayed to the back-end of the
system for processing. Input is collected using the following page modules:
preference information which gives the system a method of personalizing the page
The system is designed in such away that it efficiently provides output to the user
promptly and in a well organized manner. The format for the several output are
make available on the output web pages. Output can be relayed using the following
page modules:
Product_list.php: This display output information for the list of food delicacies
ordering outfit
solution for the business requirements identified in a system analysis (Jeffrey .L.
Whitten et al. 2010) System design is concerned with establishing how to deliver
the functionality that was specified in analysis while at the same time, meeting
of the system. It also involves establishing protocols and standards for the design
of the system that are dependent on the implementation platform that will be
In the object oriented analysis and design. The following would be used to model
Structural chart.
Data flow diagram (DFD).
Architectural diagram
(phpMyadmin) with an ISAM engine. The database name is Best choice and the
a) Customer
b) Contact
c) Food
d) Manager
e) Orders
f) Resturants
Table 3 FOOD
R ID Int(30) No None
Table 5 ORDERS
Order ID Int(30)
R ID Int(30) No None
M ID Varchar(30) No None
language is always a problem. Many factors are put into consideration before
Cost of translation
However, for this project, the programming technologies chosen include HTML,
PHP, CSS and MySQL. They are chosen because it is a web based system that
we’re designing. They also make use of object linking and embedding, this allows
the programmer to make use of other packages such as MySQL, Access, Excel,
Dbase etc. These features and other features make it easier to program with the
capturing and recording of system events, which is well accomplished using PHP.
The language is chosen also because it is simpler and the programmer’s errors and
mistakes can be detected immediately they are made unlike DOS programs where
errors can only be detected during compilation. The program was chosen because it
The system will run well on any system that meets the following requirements:
In the course of this design, the development was done in modules. Each module
was implemented separately and tested. Every stage entails debugging, which was
done and all error fixed. The entire system was integrated by joining each module
to work with the main system. At the end of the integration, the entire system was
The test activities were carried out in stages. Each module was tested after and
The modules tested include the module discussed earlier in the previous chapters.
Each of these modules was tested with some test data. After each debugging stage,
The main driver, being the Home Page of the recruitment portal was tested for
immediately corrected and assurance was made to see that data were adequately
with the design stage, where efforts were ensured that the correct data
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if (isset($_GET['forgotPassword'])) {
} else {
// Example starter JavaScript for disabling form
submissions if there are invalid fields
(function() {
'use strict';
window.addEventListener('load', function()
// Fetch all the forms we want to
apply custom Bootstrap validation styles to
var forms =
// Loop over them and prevent
var validation =, function(form) {
form.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
if (form.checkValidity()
=== false) {
}, false);
}, false);
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$(function() {
<?php include("includes/front/top.php"); ?>
<?php include("includes/front/header_static.php"); ?>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3 categories-left">
<h3 class="my-3 sub-heading">Other Categories
to choose from</h3>
<div class="accordion" id="accordionExample">
<?php $cust-
>display_categories_sidebar(); ?>
<div class="col-md-5 shadow item-main">
<?php $cust->display_item_page(); ?>
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="cart-buttons">
<h3 class="my-3 sub-heading">Order
if (isset($_SESSION['CART'])) {
foreach ($_SESSION['CART'] as $i
=> $item) {
if (isset($_SESSION['CART']
[$i]) && in_array(base64_decode($_GET['itid']), $_SESSION['CART'][$i])) {
$qty =
if (!isset($_SESSION['CART']
[$i])) {
<div class="cart-icons">
if (isset($qty) && $qty < 10) {
<a href="cart">
<button class="btn btn-cart btn-goto-
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<span class="icon text-white-
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<div class="contact-address">
<i class="ion-ios-location-
<address>Near Checkpost, Ebonyi,
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<div class="contact-phone">
<i class="ion-ios-telephone-
<h3>Phone Number</h3>
<p><a href="tel:+91824
2262593">0824 2262593</a></p>
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<input class="input100"
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<button class="login100-
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<?php include("includes/front/footer.php"); ?>
<?php include("includes/front/top.php"); ?>
<?php if (!isset($_POST['checkout_submit'])) {
} //disallowing access
if (isset($_POST['total_amount']) && isset($_POST['quantity']) &&
isset($_POST['handling_charge'])) {
if (($_SESSION['CUSTOMER']['amountToPay'] !=
$_POST['total_amount']) || ($_SESSION['CUSTOMER']['totalQuantity'] !=
$_POST['quantity']) || ($_SESSION['CUSTOMER']['handling'] !=
$_POST['handling_charge'])) {
} else {
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/checkout2.css">
<?php include("includes/front/header_static.php"); ?>
<main id="main">
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<div class="mb-3">
for="email">Email <span class="text-note"> (Cannot be
<input type="email"
disabled class="form-control" name="email" id="email" placeholder="<?php echo
<div class="invalid-
Please enter a
valid email address for shipping updates.
<div class="mb-3">
for="address">Address Line 1</label>
<input type="text"
class="form-control" id="address" name="address1" placeholder="1234 Main St"
required="" pattern=".{8,}" required title="8 characters minimum">
<div class="invalid-
Please enter your
shipping address. (8 characters minimum)
<div class="mb-3">
for="address2">Address Line 2 <span
<input type="text"
class="form-control" name="address2" id="address2" placeholder="Apartment or
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4
class="custom-select d-block w-100" id="country" name="zip" required="">
value="" selected="selected">Choose...</option>
$cust->display_pincodes(); ?>
Please select
a valid zip code.
<div class="col-md-4
<select disabled
class="custom-select d-block w-100" id="state" required="">
<!-- <option
value="" selected="selected">Choose...</option> -->
provide a valid state.
<div class="col-md-4
<select disabled
class="custom-select d-block w-100" id="zip" required="">
<!-- <input
disabled type="text" class="form-control" id="zip" placeholder="" required=""> --
<div class="col-md-6
for="lastName">Phone Number</label>
<input type="tel"
class="form-control" name="phone_number" id="lastName" placeholder=""
required="" maxlength="10" minlength="10" pattern="[0-9]{10}">
Valid phone
number required.
<div class="col-md-6
for="lastName">Alternate Phone Number</label>
<input type="tel"
class="form-control" name="alt_phone_number" id="lastName" placeholder=""
pattern="[0-9]{10}" maxlength="10" minlength="10">
Valid phone
number is required.
<span class="text-note">If you
cannot find your zip code in the drop-down, we do not deliver to your location yet!
<hr class="mb-4">
<hr class="mb-4">
<hr class="mb-4">
<button class="btn btn-dark
btn-lg btn-block shadow-button" type="submit" name="address_submit">Place
// Example starter JavaScript
for disabling form submissions if there are invalid fields
(function() {
'use strict';
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
// Fetch all the
forms we want to apply custom Bootstrap validation styles to
var forms =
// Loop over them
and prevent submission
var validation =, function(form) {
form.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
(form.checkValidity() === false) {
}, false);
}, false);
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<div class="wrap-input100
validate-input" data-validate="Do not leave name field blank">
<input class="input100"
type="text" name="fname" pattern="[A-Za-z]{2,30}" required="" data-
toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Min 2 characters.
Alphabets only.">
<span class="focus-
<span class="label-
input100">First Name</span>
<div class="col-lg-6">
<div class="wrap-input100
validate-input" data-validate="Do not leave name field blank">
<input class="input100"
type="text" name="lname" pattern="[A-Za-z]{2,30}" required="" data-
toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Min 2 characters.
Alphabets only.">
<span class="focus-
<span class="label-
input100">Last Name</span>
<div class="container-login100-form-btn">
<button type="submit"
class="login100-form-btn" name="register_submit">
Create Account
form.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
if (form.checkValidity()
=== false) {
}, false);
}, false);
<div id="preloader"></div>
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$(function() {
<script src="loginpage/js/main.js"></script>
<script src="js/main.js"></script>
<?php include("includes/front/top.php"); ?>
<?php include("includes/front/header_static.php"); ?>
<main id="main">
Cart Section
<section id="about">
<div class="container">
<header class="section-header">
<div class=" about-cols">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-12 p-5 bg-white rounded
shadow-sm mb-5">
<div class="cart-subheading">
<h4>Order details</h4>
<!-- Shopping cart table -->
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table">
scope="col" class="border-0 ">
class="p-2 px-3 text-uppercase"></div>
<hr id="vertical-line"> -->
scope="col" class="border-0 ">
class="py-2 text-uppercase"></div>
<hr id="vertical-line"> -->
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<hr id="vertical-line"> -->
scope="col" class="border-0 ">
class="py-2 text-uppercase"></div>
<hr id="vertical-line"> -->
<?php $cust-
>display_cart_page(); ?>
<?php $cust-
>delete_item_cart(); ?>
<!-- End -->
$_SESSION['CUSTOMER']['amountToPay'] = $cust->amountToPay;
$_SESSION['CUSTOMER']['totalQuantity'] = $cust->totalQuantity;
$_SESSION['CUSTOMER']['handling'] = $cust->handling;
if ($cust-
>flag) {
echo '
<a tabindex="-1" data-toggle="tooltip" data-
placement="bottom" title="Cannot place orders when there`s an existing order.
Please place the order after the current order is delivered. " class="btn btn-dark
rounded-pill py-2 btn-block shadow-button">Proceed to checkout</a>
} else {
($cust->totalPrice > 0) {
echo '
<button type="submit" name="checkout_submit" class="btn
btn-dark rounded-pill py-2 btn-block shadow-button">Proceed to
} else
echo '
<button type="submit" disabled class="disabled btn btn-
dark rounded-pill py-2 btn-block shadow-button">Proceed to checkout</button>
} else {
<a tabindex="-1" data-
toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="Max 20 units allowed per order.
Please modify your order. " class="btn btn-dark rounded-pill py-2 btn-block
shadow-button">Procceed to checkout</a>
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