Æschyli Prometheus Vinctus - ΑΙΣΧΥΛΟΥ ΠΡΟΜΗΘΕΑΣ

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PA 3825


τ ae
a Rt HY TEI,
ERR HR cera,

Nt init VINCTUS..






The Ellipses of the Greek Text are supplied in the Ordo.



ὙΠ ὯΝ ᾿μαβμεφ

ae gan 0 WAGHAOD ἃ
Re ) 4 ’

e - aoreadenAat πδοηᾷ τὰ
. ον. λον κχ' : ὲ
᾿ ; ἔν x ἂν ; ᾿ GP 2: 3

ΤΟ sesempa eOTO Ese θ6 ΕΝ

ΝΟ | genie αὐ, ane τὺ RMOLERWAZG wuz

2. ΝΣ , ἀδιταυοιπια, HT 10, ἀμοι τ ΔΎ ΧΗ ὦ ὟΝσῇ

Ων ᾿ " ᾿. ἥν. Ἢ ; <i ἮΤ “δὲ ah Mieke aay Se go "δὲ

«οἴσασα rr HST orrata ut ἐν.2


Tue object of this work is to give a close,

and almost verbal translation, of the plays of
_ Aaschylus: for which purpose a greater attention
has been paid to exactness than elegance. It
is hoped that the Ordo, together with the Trans-
lation and Notes, may render the difficulties
of Aéschylus easily conquerable, even by those
who read without a master, or may have wanted
the advantages of an early grammatical educa-
tion. It has not been thought necessary to
mark the quantity of the Iambic verses, because
such a measure would haye rendered the work
much too expensive; and the Iambic -verses
being arranged in detached systems, are as easily
recognized as the common Hexameter of the
heroic poets, The verses of the Chorus are
a 2

marked throughout, because they vary perpe-

tually, and require greater attention.

If this work should be deemed useful to Greek

students, it is the intention of the Translator to
publish the rest of the plays of Adschylus; for
which purpose they are preparing.


TIPOMH@EDS. ἐν Σκυθίᾳ δεδεμένου διὰ τὸ κεκλοφέναι τὸ

πῦρ, πυνϑάνεται "Ta πλανωμένη, ὅτι κατ᾽ Λἰγυπτου γενομένη,
ἐκ τῆς ἐπαφήσεως τοῦ Διὸς τέξεται τὸν ᾿Ἔψύθω. πον δὲ
παράγινεται ἀπειλῶν αὐτῳ κεραυνωδθήσεσϑαι, ἔαν μὴ εἴπη τὰ
μέλλοντα ἔσεσθαι τῷ Au. προέλεγε γὰρ ὃ Προμεϑεὺς ὡς ἐξ-
ὠσϑήσεται ὃ Ζεὺς τῆς ἀρχῆς ὑπὸ τινος οἰκείου υἱοῦ. τέλὸς δὲ,
βροντῆς γενομένης, ἀφανὴς ὃ Προμηδεὺς γίνεται.
Κεῖται δὲ ἡ μυϑοποιΐα ἐν wapexGace παρὰ Σοφοκλεῖ Κολ-
χίσι" παρὰ δὲ Ἐῤριπίδῃ ὅλως οὐ κεῖται. ἢ μὲν σκηνὴ τοῦ
δρώματος ὄπόκειται ἐν Σκυϑίᾳ ἐπὶ τὸ Καυκάσιον. ὃ δὲ χορὸς
συνέστηκεν ἐξ Ὠκεανίδων νυμφῶν. τὸ δὲ κεφάλαιον αὐτοῦ ἔστι,
TIpopnSéws δέσις.
Ἰστέον δὲν ὅὅτι οὗ κατὰ τὸν κοινὸν λόγον ev ΕΝ φησὶ
δεδέσαι τὸν Προμηδϑέα, ἀλλὰ πρὸς τοῖς Εὐρωπαίοις μέρεσι τοῦ
᾿Ωκεανοῦ, ὡς ἀπὸ τῶν πρὸς τὴν Ἰὼ λεγομένων ἔξεστι συμ--

To, in her wanderings, hears from’ Prometheus, when

enchained in Scythia for the theft of fire, that after her
arrival in Egypt she will bring forth Epaphus, from the
congress of Jove. Mercury arriving, threatens him
with thunder, unless he disclose the events which are
about to happen to Jupiter; for Prometheus had fore-
told that he would be driven from his empire by one of
his descendants.. At last the thunder descends, and
Prometheus disappears. : ?


The action of the fable is placed by Sophocles in

Colchis. Euripides has assigned it no particular place.
‘The scene of the drama lies in Scythia, on mount Cau-
casus. The Chorus consists of Oceanic nymphs. The
important matter of the play is the enchaining of Pro-
It is to be understood, that Prometheus, according to
common report, was not enchained on Caucasus, but
in the European parts of the ocean,as it may be.con-
jectured by what is said to To.

thas oi ἐκ Διὸς κεκλοφότος τὸ πῦρκαὶ δεδωκότος ἐν γῇ
τοις, δι᾽ οὗ ἜΧῊΝ πάδας an gareos εὕροντο, ὀργισϑεὶς ὃ Ζεὺς
παραδίδωσιν αὐτὸν ΚΚράτει καὶ Big τοῖς αὑτοῦ ὑπηρέταις, καὶ
Ἡφαίστῳ, ὡς ἀναγαγόντες πρὸς τὸ Καυκάσιον Ὄρος, δεσμοῖσι,
σιδηροῖς αὐτὸν ἐκεῖ προσηλώσαιεν. οὗ γενομένου, παραγίνονται
πᾶσαι αἱ ᾿Ωκεαναῖαι νύμφαι πρὸς παραμυθίαν αὐτοῦ, καὶ αὑτὸς
bed, ς 9 : Oi ͵ ὼς re e ’ 2 τᾶν δας,

δ᾽ Ὠκεανὸς, ὃς δὴ καὶ λέγει τῷ LIpomndet, ἵνα ἀπελϑὼν πρὸς Tov

Δία, δεήσεσι καὶ λιταῖς πείσῃ αὐτὸν ἐκλῦσαι τοῦ δεσμοῦ ἴΠρο-
μηδϑέα" καὶ ΠΠρομηϑεὺς οὐκ ἐᾷ, τὸ τοῦ Διὸς εἰδῶς ἄκαμπτον
καὶ ϑρασύ. καὶ ἀναχωρήσαντος τοῦ 4δχεανοῦ, παραγίνεται “lw
A “a, eee | ie _~ = ~ eer 7 3

πλανωμένη, ἢ τοῦ Ἴνάχου, καὶ wavtaver Tap αὐτοῦ & Te

πέπονσε καὶ νὰἃ πείσεται,
καὶ Voὅτι τὶς‘ THY~ αὐτῆς
eat ΤΟΝ .
ἀπογόνων i ἢ
αὐτὸν, ὃς ἦν δ' Διὸς Ηρακλῆς" καὶ ὅτι ἐκ τῆς ἐπαφήσεως τοῦ
Διὸς τέξει τὸν “EsraQov. ϑρασυστομοῦντι δὲ ΠΙρομηϑεῖ κατὰ
“Διὸς, ὡς ἐκπεσεῖται τῆς αρχῆς ὑφ᾽ οὗ τέξεται παιδὸς, καὶ ἄλλα
βλάσφημα λέγοντι, παραγίνεται “Epuns Διὸς πέμψαντος.
ἀπειλῶν αὐτῷ κεραυνὸν, εἰ μὴ τὰ μέλλοντα συμβήσεσθαι τῷ
Ἀν." ~ ΡΝ, Ν 3 » ‘ U , -

Au εἴπη" καὶ μὴ βουλόμενον βροντὴ καταῤῥαγεῖσα αὐτὸν

pani gets | "
Ἢ μὲν σκηνὴ τοῦ δράματος ὑπόκειται ἐν Σκυδίᾳ, ἐπὶ τὸ
ἹΚαυκάσιον ὅρος, ἡ δὲ ἐπιγραφὴ τούτου, ΝΥΝ

Prometheus having stolen fire from Jupiter, and

bestowed it upon mortals, by means of which they dis-
covered every art; Jupiter, being indignant, delivers
him to Strength and Force, his servants, and to Vulcan,
that having conducted him to mount Caucasus, they
may enchain him there in iron fetters. This being
done, all the Oceanic nymphs resort to him for the
purpose of conference, and also Oceanus himself, who
proposes to Prometheus to visit Jove, for the purpose
of entreating him to relieve him from confinement. To
this Prometheus objects, from a consciousness of the
inflexibility and determination of Jupiter. When
Oceanus retires, Io, the daughter of Inachus, arrives,
and hears from Prometheus her past and future suffer-
ings, and that one of her descendants will release him,
_ viz. Hercules the son of Jove; and that from the con-
gress of Jupiter she will bring forth Epaphus. Mer-
cury, dispatched by Jupiter, comes to Prometheus,
whilst inveighing against him; and foretelling that he
will be ejected from dominion by one of his descen-
dants, and uttering other blasphemies. He threatens
to overwhelm him with thunder, unless he choose
to disclose the events about to happen to Jupiter;
and finding him obstinate, the thunder is let loose, and
Prometheus disappears.
The scene of the drama lies in Scythia, on mount
Caucasus. The title of the play is Prometheus
Chained. εἰ |



_ MERcurY.



ΧΘΟΝΟΣ μὲν εἰς | τηλουρὸν ἥκίομεν πέδον,

& | ia
KPA. “Ἥκομεν εἰς μὲν τηλουρὸν πέδον χιθόνος,

We are come to the uttermost verge of the earth,

Line }. From the first unto the ninety-third line the Lambic
measure is used, a species of metre invented. by Archilochus,
and which originally consisted of six Iambi in each verse. The
Lyric poets finding the perpetual recurrence of Iambic feet mo-
notonous, and too restrictive, admitted the Spondee to the first,
third, and fifth feet, and this being resolved into the Dactyl and
Anapest, and the Iambus into a Tribrach, the first, third, and
fifth places of the verse admitted the Iambus, Tribrach, Spondee,
Dactyl, and Anapzest, the second and fourth places admitted the
Iambus and Tribrach, and the sixth place an Iambus or Pyrrhic.
We have marked the quantity and divided the feet by lines, of
the first six verses, retaining the usual method of scanning by
double feet, from which circumstance the verse is denominated
a Trimeter Iambic.

Line 1. "Αηλουρὸς, ὃὦ καὶ ἡ, adj. from τῶλε adv. distant,
and ὅρος # δ, sub. ἃ boundary.

be >t ¥
Σκύθην ua
ὁ Re γαἄξροτον ἐξ | ἐρημίαν.
Ἥραιστε, “ἃ Ϊ Ἢ χρὴ exes [ἐπιστολάς,

ὥς σοι “πατὴρ | arn

¢ τὠν δὰ
agers πέτραις
΄-- mm ὦ

ὑψηλοκρήμίνοις. τὸν λεωρ!γὸν ὁ

ὀχμάσαι, of 5
| efi caitii δεσμῶν ὁ
ενἀῤῥῥήκτοις vila
΄. ΑΙ 3

ES Σκύθην. οἶμον, εἰς ἄξροτον ὁἐρημίαν. ‘Hoare xe σοὶoe1


μέλειν ἐπιστολὰς ἃς TATNO ἐφεῖτό, σοι, ὀχμιάσαι. τόνδε τὸν

λεωργὸν πρὸς ὑψηλοχρήμνοις πέτραις ἐν Ee i aeπέδαις
ἀδαμαντίνων δεσμῶν. ἜΝ ἃ
4 ΜἪ
ὲ; ᾿

to the Scythian tract, to the unpeopled desert. Vulcan

it behoves you to attend to the orders which the Father
has given to you, and to enchain this audacious God to —
the lofty rocks, in the irrefragable fetters of adamantine 22

chains ; | - . oy ΜΝ ie yeasA

2. Bape οὐ,
οἱ ὃ,‘sub. used as an adj. a Seythian, Ἐξ
Att. Di. for εἰς. Οἶμος ov, ο, a tract or way, from ow to
carry. "ACooros, ὃ καὶ, %, without mortals, from ἃ priv. |
and βροτὸς a mortal, |
A, ἐφεῖτο plusq. pectfrom ἐφίεμαι to send or com-
| mand.
5. διψηλόκρημνος ὃὃ καὶ 7, having lofty precipices, from
ὑψηλὸς lofty, and κρημνὸς a precipice. Aswoyos ou, 6, —
rash, audacious; it may signify the man-mah es6 i
habs EQYAOAILEVIS, "Oxpaoat, a. i. inf, ὀχμάξζω. to bind,
from ὅχμὴ a chair. Ἂ
“6. adapavrivos, n, ov, from ἀδάμας iron, a and δαμάω to
subdue. ἀῤῥήκτος ov ὃ καὶ m, inrefragable, not to be
broken, from « and ῥήσσω to break, g

τὸ σὸν yao ἄνθος, παντέχνου π ρὸςσέλας,
θνητοῖσι κλέψας ὥπασεν" τοιᾶσδε τοι
ἁμαρτίας σφὲ deiθεοῖς δοῦναι δίκην" ἌΝ ΡΣ
ὡς ἂν διδαχθῇ ττὴν Διὸς τυραννίδα , 10
στέργειν, φιλανθρώπου δὲ παύεσθαι τρόπου.
ΗΦ. Κράτος, Βία τε. σφῶν μὲν ἐντολὴ Διὸς
ἔχει τέλος δὴ, κοὐδὲν ἐμποδῶν ETI.

ua pe δ᾽ ἀτολμός. εἰμι, συγγενή θεὸν
δῆσαι βίᾳ hh mae δυσχειμέρῳ. 15

: 2 γὰρ
g Abas σέλας παντέχνου συρὸς τὸ σὸν ἄνθος ὥπασεν
ὦ αὐτὸ
θνητοῖσι" τοὶ δεῖ σφὲ δοῦναι θεοῖς δίκην τοιᾶσδέ ἁμαρτίας"
ἂν διδαχθῇ στέργειν τὴν τυράννιδα Διὸς, δὲ παύεσθαι φι-
λανθρώπου τρόπου. HD. Kearos τε Bia, ἐντολὴ μὲν Διὸς
σφὼν ἔχει δὴ τέλος, καὶ οὐδὲν ἔτι ἐμποδὼν. ἐγὼ δ᾽ εἰμὶ ἄτολμος
δῆσαι συγγενῆ Jeov βίᾳ πρὸς tue Kelty φάραγγι,

for having stolen the flame of the aliswortiug fice,

your ornament, he bestowed it upon mortals: where-
fore it is necessary he should give retribution to the
Gods for such errors, that he may be taught to respect
the tyranny of Jupiter, andto abstain from his philan-
thropic conduct. VutLc. Strength and Force, the
command of Jupiter to you has now an end, and nought
impedes the business. But I dread to bind a if od
God by force to this weather-beaten rock.

7. παντέχνος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, having the power of forming

all things, from way and τέχνη.
18. ἐμπόδων, ady. from ἐν τῇ ὁδῷ τῶν oe abbreviated
probably into ἐμπόδων, in a similar manner to the English
expression “ what hour of the clock,” what o’clock.
15. φαραγξ, a, ἡ, a valley between mountains.
δυσχειμερος, 8, ὃ καὶ 7, stormy, having cold winters, from
δὺς and πων.
. B 2
πάντως δ᾽ ἀνάγκη τῶνδέ pos τόλμαν σχεθεῖν"
εὐωριάζειν γὰρ πατρὸς λόγους βαρύ. ey
τὴς ὀρθοξούλου Θέμιδος CAT
a UNTO παῖ, “ἢ
AKOTA σ᾽ ἄκων δυσλύτοις χαλκεύμασι
προσπασσαλεύσω τῷδ ἀπανθρώπω πάγω, 20
‘bv οὔτε φωνὴν, οὔτε του μορφὴν βροτῶν
ὄψει, σταθευτὸς δ᾽ ἡλίου φοίξῃ. φλογὶ,
: χροιαα'“ ἀμέιψεις ἄνθος" ὠσμένω δὲ σοι

δὲ ἀνάγκη oa σάντως σχεθεῖν τόλμαν τῶνδε&ἐπῶν, γὰρ, βαρὺ

σρἄγμια. ἂν εἴη poeta? χόγους πατρὺς. Becca παὶ THS
ὀρθοξούλου Θέμιδος, ἄκων προσπασσαλεύσω σε ἄκοντα δυσλύ-
τοις χαλκεύμασι τῷδ᾽ απανθρώπῳ πάγῳ, ἵνα ὄψει οὔτε φωνὴν
οὔτε μορφήν του βροτῶν, δὲ σταθευτὸς Φοίξῃ. Φλογὶ ἡλιόυ
ἀμείψεις ἄνθος χροιᾶς"

Yet necessity enjoins me to restrain entirely the men-

tion of these thoughts, for it were awful to disregard
the commands of the Father. O! lofty-minded son of
the trath- directing Themis, unwillingly I shall bind you
reluctant in firm fetters to this solitary rock, where you
will neither hear the voice, nor see the form of any more
tal, and, slowly roasted by the clear flame of the sun,
you will change the bloom of your complexion,

17. Εῤωριάξω, to neglect, disregard, from εὖ well, and

wea care; by antiphrase it is made to, signify to neglect.
18. ᾿Ορθόξουλος, ov, ὃ, καὶ, ἡ, prudent, night counsel-
ing, from ᾿Ορθὺς right, and βουλὴ advice. αἰπυμήτης, OV,
δ, having lofty designs, from αἱπῦς and [ANTIS.
20,.Bf opi ov, 0, καὶ, 7, remote from men, from
ἀπὸ and ἄνθρωπος.
ἊΨ. aa aries γ᾽hy ov, from oraros one who neta con-
stant, and εὔω to roast.
23. ᾿Ασμένος, perf. part. from adw to please.
7 ποικιλείμων we ὠποκρύψει φάος,
πάχνην θ᾽ἑῴαν
ε ἥλιος σκεδα πάλιν. ie 25
αεὶ δὲ τοῦ παρόντος ἀχθηδὼν κακοὺ
τρύσει «σ᾽" ὁ λωφήσων γὰρ οὐ πέφυκε πῶς
τοιαῦτ᾽ ᾿ἀπηύρω τοῦ᾿ φιλανθρώπου τρόπου"
θεὸς θεὼν γὰρ οὐχ ὑποτήσσων χόλον,
βροτοῖσι τιμὰς:“ὥπασας πέρα inns. 30
avi”ὧν os feτήνδε φρουρήσεις πέτραν, |

ἢ ποιχίλείμων νὺξ ἀποχρύψει δέ σοι ἀσμένω Dads, J ἥλιος πάλιν

σχεδᾷ Ewav πάχνην. δὲ αχιθηδὼν τοῦ κακοῦ ἀεὶ παρόντος τρύσει
δε" γὰρ ὃ λωφήσων οὔ πω πέφυκε. ἀπηύρω τοιαῦτα τοῦ Φιλαν-
θρώπου τρύπου" γὰξ Jeos οὐχ, ὑποτήσσων χόλον ϑεῶν ὥπαδας
τιμὰς βροτοῖσι πέρα δίκης. ἀνθ᾽ ὧν Φρουρήσεις τὴνδε ἀτερπῆ
πέτραν, |

and the various-robed night will to you, grateful for the

favour, shut out the light, and the sun again will
scatter the eastern frost. But the weight of evil ever
present will oppress you: for he who will deliver you is
not yet born. Such misfortunes have you reaped from
your philanthropic conduct: for being a God, you have
not feared the Gods, but have given honours to mortals
contrary to justice. In return for which you will remain
on this desert rock,

24. Tlowasinan, having a variegated en from ποι-

κίλος and. εἷμα a robe or vestment.
25: Σκεδᾷ, Attic contraction for oxsdacet, from ἄς,
- to dissipate. % |
),3 ᾿Αχθηδὼν ὁὄγος, 7, misery, grief, from ἄχθος weight.
97.Be meancwy, fut. 1 pt. from λωφάω to alleviate or ease.
29. ὑποτήσσω, to fear, from ὑπὸ and πτήσσω to Jet fall
or contract the wings from fear.
ὀρβοστάδην, ἀῦπνος,
ἃ οὐ κώμπτων γόνυ"
πολλοὺς δ᾽ ὀδυρμοὺς καὶ ycous ἀνωφελεῖς,
φθεγξει Διὸς ‘yao δυσπαραίτητοι φρένες.
ἅπας δὲ τραχὺς, ὅστις ἂν νέον κρατῃ. ὩΥΝ ᾿ς 88

ΚΡ, elev’ τί μέλλεις καὶ κωτοικτίζει μάτην ; |
τί τὸν θεοῖς ἐχθιστον οὐ στυγεῖς θεὸν.
ὕστις τὸ σὸν θνητοῖσι προύδωκεν γέρας::
ΗΦ. τὸ ξυγγενές τοι δεινὸν,ἡ θ᾽ ὁμιλία.

ὀρποστάδην, aumvos, ov eating γόνυ" δὲ φϑέγξει πολλοὺς

ὀδυρμοὺς καὶ ἀνωφελεῖς γόους" γὰρ φρένες Διὸς δόσσπταραίτητοι..
ἅπας δὲ τραχὺς, ὅστις ἂν κρατῇ νέον. ΚΡ, εἶεν" διὰ τί
͵ a , ’ ‘ :. 2 ~ - Qs
μέλλεις καὶ κατοικτίζει μάτην; dia τί οὐ στυγεῖς Tov Sedv
ἔχσιστον ois, ὅστις προύδωκεν τὸ σὸν γέρας ϑνητοῖσι;
3) S, pis S ~ a "δ IRE nos, Ν U ae

H®, τοὶ τὸ ξυγγενγές δεινὸν, 4 “᾽ ὁμιλία, δεινὰ.

upright, sleepless, with unbent knees, and will pour

forth many Jamentations and unavailing groans: for the
mind of Jupiter is difficult of persuasion. All are
severe who have acquired new dominion. For. Be it
: but why delay and lament to no purpose? Why
bake you not this God, most hateful to the Gods them-
selves, who has delivered by treachery your peculiar
reward to mankind? Vutec. Because the ties of kin-
dred si acquaintance are powerful.

32. Ὀρθοστάδην, adv. standing upright, from Ὁρῶν

and ἴστημι.
34. Δυδαραίτητος, OU, Oy καὶ, ἡ, implacable, inexora-
ble, from δὺς and i Sah to entreat.
96. Εἶεν, syne. for εἴησαν. ‘The ellipsis may be thus
supplied' ταῦτα τὰ κὰ ah εἶεν, let these πὸ. he:
39, Euyyevns, 29s, ὃ, καὶ, ἡ, Att. Dial. from σὺν and
ΚΡ, ξυμφημ" ἀνηκουστεῖν. δὲ τῶν πατρὸς λόγων
οἷόν TE πὼς: οὐ τοῦτο δειμαίνεις πλέον; 41
ΗΦ. ἀείye δὴ γνηλῆς σὺ καὶ θράσους πλέως
ΚΡ. ἄκος yao οὐδὲντῶνδε θρηνεῖσθαι" σὺ de
τῶ ὁ μηδὲν ὠφελοῦντα μὴ “πόνει μάτην. st
Ho, ὦπολλὰ μισηθεῖσα χειρωναζία...- 45
KP. τί γι»στυγεῖς; πόνων γὰρ; ὡς ἀπλῷ λόγῳ,
τῶν νῦν παρόντ᾽ἊΝ οὐδὲν αἰτία τέχνη
ΗΦ. ἔμπας τὶς αὐτὴν ἄλλος ὠφελεν λαχεῖν.

KP. bans mis τὲ εστι, οἷον ανηκουστεῖν δὲ τῶν λόγων

πατρὸς; οὐ δειμαίνεις τοῦτο πλεον; ΗΦ. σὺ γὲ δὴ ἀεὶ νηλὴς
καὶ πλεώς Medgous. KP. γὰρ οὐδὲν ἄκος Sonvziodas τόνδε σὺ
‘a δὲμὴ Woves μάτην τὰ eae μηδέν. HO, ὦ χειρωναξία
᾿ᾳολλὰ μισηϑεῖσα. ΚΡ. τὶ στυγεῖς viv; γὰρ, ws ἁπλῷ λόγῳ,
τέχνη οὐδὲν αἰτία τῶν πόνων νῦν παρόντων. HD. ἔμπας τὶς
ἄλλος ὥφελεν λαχεῖν αὐτὴν.
For. 1 assent: but how is it possible to disobey the
commands of the Father? Are you not more afraid of
that? Vuuc. But you are ever pitiless and full of
daring. Str. It avails nothing to lament him, and do
not you Jabour to no purpose after things which bring
nothing advantageous. VuxLc. ΟἹ my much detested
handicraft. Str. Why blame you that, for in plain
truth your art is not the cause of your present la-
bours? Vuuc. At least I wish some other had ob-
tained it. τ᾿ %
40. Fidler in, to disobey, from ἃ and ἀκουστὴς an
auditor or disciple.
4. Χειρωναξία, as, ἡ, a handicraft or art, from χεὶρ
and ἄναξ.
AS. ὥγφελεν, ἃ. 2. act. from ὀφείλω to owe. Although
we translate this verb by the words “ I wish,” its person
is always regulated by the object spoken of, as ὡς ὥφελον,
8 te ATR TAOT .
KP. ἅπαντ᾽᾿ἐπαχθη πλὴν θεοῖσι κοιρανξιν"
ἐλεύθερος yee οὔτις ἐστί πλὴν Διός. . SU eo
H®. ἐγνωκᾶ, καὶ τοῖσδ᾽ οὐδὲνἀντειπεῖν ἔχω.
ΚΡ. οὔκουν ἐπείξζει δεσμὸ τῶδε περιδαλεῖν,
ὡς μή σ᾽ ἐλινύοντα προσδὲ on πατήρ;
ΗΦ. καὶ δὴ ῬύχεραθνκλιVid δέρχεσθαι, — Wa

KP. ἅπᾶντα era On i ψρῃδα

cuigevei Seoiow γὰρ οὔτις ἐστὶ
ἐλεύϑερος πλὴν Διός, H®. ἔγνωκα, καὶ ἔχω οὐδὲν ἀντεισεῖν
τοῖσδε. ἀλήσϑεσι ἔπεσι. KP. οὔκουν ἐπείξει περιξ αλεῖν δεσμὰ
THOS. ὡς πατὴρ μὴ προσδερχΔ σε ἐλινύοντα. HD. καὶ δὴ
ψάλια πρόχειρα πάρα δέρκεσϑαι. ἮΝ

Str. All things are irksome except to reign among

the Gods, and none‘is free but Jupiter himself. Vuic. _
I admit it, and have nothing to gainsay to these truths.
STR. Will you not hasten to fasten chains about him, ~
lest the Father should behold you delaying. VULc.
The fetters are now at hand, they are present to your |
view. ᾿
I wish that I; ὡς ὥφελες, I wish that you; ὡς ὥφελεν, I
wish that he. ἔμπας, x. τ. Δ. may be rendered thus; —
at least some other ought to nave obtained it.
50. ᾿Ελεύθερος in this place means that all beings
except Jupiter are subjected to some restraint, and he
alone, as master of the universe, is completely free.
δ]. “Eywwx«e, perf. act. from γνύω, γνώσω, ἔγνωκα. The
reduplication of the first consonant is omitted in the
perfect tense, to avoid the harsh sound heard in yéyvwxa.
By attending to the admonitions of the ear much may
be learned. |
δῷ. "Exiga, fut. mid. Att. for ἐπείξῳ, from ἐπείγομιαι
to hasten. |
ὅ4. ΕἸρόχειρος, ov, ὃ, καὶ, ἡ, ready, before the μαῃάβ,..
from Ψ and χείρ.

KP. abo Yiy ἀμφὶ χερσὶν ἐγκρατεῖ σθένει 55

ῥαιστῆρι θεῖνε, πασσάλευε πρὸς πέτραις.
ΗΦ. περαίνετοι δὴ κοὺ μάν τοὺ γον τύδε.
ΚΡ, ἄρασσε μᾶλλον, σφίγγε, μὴ pen χάλα.
δεινὸς yee eupely HOE ἀμηχάνων
ob πόρους.
ΗΦ. ἄραρεν ἥδε γ ὠλένη. δυσεκλύτως. 60
KP. καὶ τήνδε νῦν πόρπασον ὠσφαλῶς, ἵνα,
: μάθῃ Tapia resὧν Διὸς parry

KP. λαξων viv, ϑεῖνε ῥαιστῆρι ἐγκρατεῖ σϑένει ἀμφὶ χερσὶν,

σασσάλευε πρὸς πέτραις. HD. σπεραινεται τόδε τὸ epyov καὶ
οὐδὴ ματᾷ. KP. ἄρασσε μᾶλλον, σφίγγε, μηδαμῇ xara.
ο΄ ψιαΐρ ἔστι δεινὸς ευρεῖν πόρους, καὶ ἐξ ἀμηχάνων. H®. ἥδε γε
ὠλένη δυσεκλύτως ἄραρεν. KP. καὶ νῦν πόρπασον ἀσφαλῶς
τήνδε, ἵνα wasn ὧν νωδέστερος σωφιστὴς Διός.

Str. Take and hammer them with powerful force

about his hands; peg him to the rocks. Vutec. Tis
done; and now the work proceeds. Str. Strike
harder, bind him, relax not; for his craft will find ways
of escape even from impossibilities. Wuue. At least
this arm is inextricably fixed. STR. And now clasp
that securely ;that he may learn he is a less able con-
triver than Jupiter.

55. Aabav WV, SG. τὰ aria. )

56. Ῥαιστῆρ ἥρος 6, a hammer, from paiw to strike.
ἩΠασσαλεύω, to fix with nails or pegs, from πάσσαλος
a peg.
© 60. “Apapey, perf. ind. mid. att. forἦρεν, from ἄρω to
fit or fix. Auvoexrdrws, adv. not ἀρὰ to be extricated,
from δὺς ἐκ and Ave to loosen.
61. ΠΠορπάω, to buckle, from πόρπη a buckle.
62, Νωθης, slow, dull.
H®. πλὴν τοῦδ᾽ ἂν οὐδεὶς ἐνδίκως μέμψαιτό μοι.
ΚΡ. ὠδαμαντίνου γὺν σφηνὸς αὐθάδη γνάθον
στέρνων διαμπαξ πασσάλευ ἐῤῥωμένως. ἡ by. 66
ΗΦ. at, αἷ,“Προμηθεὺ, σωνν ὑπερστένω πόνων.
ΚΡ, συ) 0 αὖ “κατοκνεῖς, τῶν Διὸς τ᾿εχθρῶν ὑπὸ

'στενείς ; ὅπως μὴ σαυτὸν οἰκτιεῖς ποτέ.
ΗΦ. ὁρᾷς θεάμα δυσθέατον ομμᾶσιν..

ΗΦ. οὐδεὶς ἂν ἐνδίκως μέμμψαιτο μοι πλὴν τοῦδε ἔργου.

KP. νῦν πασσάλευε ἐῤῥωμένως αὐθάδη γνάϑον ἀδαμιαντίνου
σφηνὸς διαμπὰξ στέρνων. HD. ai, αἱ, ΤΠρομηϑεῦ, ὑπερστένω
σῶν~~ πόνων.

KP. σὺ\ δὲx κατοχνεῖς~ αὖ,- τε στένεις

εχϑρῶν Διὸς; ὅρᾳ ὅπως μὴ ποτέ οἰκτιεῖς σαυτόν. HO. δρᾷς

S , ὃ S "7

ψυμο. None can justly blame me for aught except

this business. StR. Now drive firmly the obstinate
tooth of the adamantine wedge completely through his
chest. Vuxic. Ah! Ah! Prometheus! I lament over
your distresses. Str. And do you again draw back,
‘and pity the enemies of Jupiter? Take care lest you
hereafter feel for yourself. Vuuc. You hehold a sight
horrible to the eyes.

61. ᾿Αυϑάδης, cos ὃ καὶ m, admiring himself, pleasing


himself, pertinacious, from αὐτὸς and ἀδέω to please.

65. ᾿Εῤῥωμένως, adv. powerfully, strongly, |smdiy
to be able.
68. Oixricis, 2 sing. f. 1. ind. act. Att. for οἰκτίσεις, ᾿
from οἰκτίζω to lament.
69. Δυσϑέατος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, painful to the sight, foe
δὺς and ϑεαύμαι to behold.

- Μ.
+Ψ "ν


ΚΡ. δρῶ κυροῦντα τόνδε τῶν ἐπαζίων. 70

ἀλλ᾽ cpt πλευραῖς μασχαλιστηρας βαλε.
[4 ἐγκέλευ᾽ ἄγαν."
HO, δρᾷν ταῦτ᾽ ανώγκη, μηδὲν
ΚΡ. ἢἢ μὴν κελεύσω κἀπιθωύζω γε πρός.
χώρει κάτω, σκέλη δὲ κίρκωσον βίᾳ:
ΗΦ. καὶ δὴ πέπρακται τοῦργον οὐ μακρῷ πόνω.
KP. εῤῥῳμένως γὺν θεῖνε διατόρους πέδας. 76
ὡς οὐπιτιμητής γε τῶν ἔργων βαρύς.

ΚΡ. ὁρῶ τόγδε κυροῦντα τῶν ἐπαξιών, ἀλλὰ Bare μασχαλισοσ-

τῆρας ἀμφὶ πλευραῖς. ΗΦ. ἀνάγκη δρᾷν ταῦτα, μηδὲν
ἐγκέλευε ἄγαν. KP. 4 μὴν κελεύσω, καὶ ἐπιϑωύξω γε πρός.
χώρει κάτω, δὲ pears σκέλη βίᾳ. HD. καὶ dn τὸ ἔργον
πέπρακται οὐ μακρῷ πόνῳ. KP. νῦν ϑεῖνε ἐῤῥωμένως διατό-
ρους πέδας,ὡς ὃ ἐπιτιμητής γε τῶν ἔργων βαρύς.

STR. I behold one receiving his deserts: but fix the

belts around his ribs. Vuuc. Necessity enjoins the
performance ; but exhort me not so violently. Str.
But indeed I will exhort you, and moreover impel you;
proceed downwards, enchain his legs with force. VULC.
And now the work is finished with no great difficulty.
Str. Now firmly beat the perforating fetters, since he
who examines the work is severe.

ἄς, ὦ REMI wih, mpos 6, a trace by which a horse

draws, a breast-band.
73. Ἐπιϑωύσσω, to incite, to encourage; a term ap-
plied to sportsmen when animating dogs, from ἐπὶ and
30s, Swos, ὃ καὶ 7, an animal like a wolf.
74. Kipxsw, to fix with rings, from κίρκος or xpixos aring.
76. Διατόρος, ov, ὃ καὶ 4, penetrating, perforating,
from διὰ and τορέω to ΠΌΣΙΝ.
77. ᾿Επσιτιμητὴς, ov ὃ, acensor, from ἐπιτιμάω to re-
c 2
H®, ὅμοια μορφῃ γλῶσσά σου γηρύεται.
ΚΡ. σὺ ) μαλθακίζου, τὴν δ᾽ ἐμιὴν αὐθαδίαν
ὀργῆς TE τρωχύτητα μὴ πιπλησσέ μ9ι. 80
ΗΦ. στείχωμεν, ὡς κώλοισιν ὠμφίξληστρ᾽ ἔχει.
ae ty ἐνταῦθα yuy ὕξριζε;, καὶ θεῶν γέρα
συλῶν, ἐφημέροισι προστίθει. τί σοι
οἱοί τε θνητοὶ τῶνδ᾽ ὠἀπαντλῆσαι πόνων; 4
Ψευδωνύμως σε δαίμονες Προμηθέα es ES

ΗΦ, γλῶσσά σου γηρύεται ὅμοια μορφῇ. KP. σὺ μαλϑακί-

Cou, τε μὴ ἐπίπλησσέ μοι δ᾽ ἐμνὴν τὴν αὐθαδίαν τε τραχύτητα
οργῆς. HD. στείχωμεν, ὡς ἔχει as tae κώλοισιν.
ΚΡ, ἐνταῦϑα wy ὕβριζε, καὶ συλῶν γέρα ϑεῶν προστίϑει ἐφη-
μέροισι. κατὰ τὶ ϑνητοὶ ἔσσονται οἷοί τε ἀπαντλῆσαί σοι τῶνδ᾽
πόνων; δαίμονες ψευδωνύμιως καλοῦσίν σε Προμηδέα;

Vue. Your tongue is rough like your form. Str.

Indulge your effeminacy, but reproach me not with my
pertinacity and the roughness of my manners. VULC.
Let us be gone, since he bears the fetters on his limbs.
. Str. There now upbraid, and, stealing the God’s re-
wards, grant them to mortals. In what manner will
mankind be able to relieve. you from these labours?
The Gods call you, falsely, the Provident, —

prehend. The epithet ὃ ἐπιτιμητῆς, doubtless relates to

79. Μαλϑακίξομαι, to
t be effeminate, to languish, from
μαλϑακὺς, ἡ, ov, effeminate, soft.
84. ᾿Αμφίξληστρον, ov τὸ, any thing which is ee
ar ound, from ἀμφιβάλλω to throw around.
83. Προστίϑει, att. imper. fr. προστίϑημι.
85. Προμηϑέα. This pun, which consists in the simi-
larity between the adjective Προμηϑὴς, and the proper
name ΠΡρομηϑεὺς, cannot be well expressed 1in English.
καλοῦσιν. αὐτὸν γὰρ σὲ δεῖ Προμηθέως,
ὅτῳ τρόπῳ τησὸ ἐκκυλισθήσει τέχνης.
ΠΡ. 03 διὸς αἰθὴρ, καὶ ταχύπτεροι πνοιαΐ,
ποταμῶν τε πηγαὶ; ποντίων ΤΕ κυμάτων
ἀνήριθμον γέλασμα;, παμμῆτόρ τε γῆ» ΠΡ 90
καὶ τὸν moon ray κύκλον ἡλίου καλῶ"
ἔδεσθε bs οἷαπρος θεῶν πάσχω θεύς.
“δέρχθηθ᾽ οἕαις αἰκείαιδιν Anapest Dim.

is δεῖ σε αὐτὸν Πρμοϑίως ὅτῳ τρόπῳ ἐκκυλισϑδήσει τῆσδε,

τέχνης. ΠΡ. ὦ διὸς αἰϑὴρ καὶ ταχύπτεροι πνοαὶ, τε πηγαὶ
ποταμῶν, TE ἀνήριδμον γέλασμα φουτίων κυμάτων τε γῇ παμ-
μῆτορ, καὶ καλὼ τὸν πανόπτην κύχλον ἡλίου" ἴδεσϑε WE οἷα
Μεὸς πάσχω πρὸς ϑεῶν. δέρχϑητε οἵαις αἰκείαισιν

for you will stand in need of Providence, by means of

which you may escape from these toils. Pro. O! di-
Vine air, and ye swift-winged gales, ye fountains of
rivers, and unnumbered Salad smiles of Ocean’s waves,
and Earth thou mother of all things, and thou all-
viewing circle of the Sun, on thee I call; behold me!
what distresses I, a Deity, suffer from the Deities.
You see with :vhat afflictions torn

88. Ταχύπτερος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, swift, from ταχὺς and

πτερὸν. ᾿

90. Παμμήτωρ, ορος ἢ, mother of all things, from πᾶς

and μήτηρ. -
91. ΤΠ]ανόπτης, ov, ὃ, seeing all things, from πᾶν and.
ὕπτομαι to see.
93. The lines from the ninety-third unto the hun-
dredth are Anapestic, a metre which admits, without
restriction of places, an Anapest, Spondee, Dactyl,
and, though very seldom, the Proceleusmatic. The
: 7 6 |

διακναιόμενος τὸν μυριετῆ Anapest. Dim.

χρόνον αθλεύσω. τοιζνδ᾽ὃ νέος 95 dP siz.
ταγὸς μακάρων ἐξεῦρεἐπ᾿ ἐμοὶ 1. ἧς
eo joy αεικῆ. Anap. Mon. ;
φευ, φεὺ" τὸ παρὸν, TOT ἐπερχόμενον Anap. Dim.
πῆμα στενάχω. πῇ ποτε μόχθων J wae

χρὴ τέρματα τῶν δ᾽ πων τὸ, oy 3 100 Paroemiacus.

HALT OY Th φημι;3 παντα προυξεπίσταμαι -Trim. lamb,

σκεθοὼς Ta μέλλοντ᾽, οὐδὲ μοι ποταίνιον.

ate ἀσλεύσω τὸν χρόνον μυριετῇ. τοιόνδε δεσμὸν

KEK ὃ νέος ταγὺς μακάρων ἐξεῦρε ἐπὶ ἐμοί. φεῦ, Φεῦ" orevaxw ‘

τὸ παρὸν πῆμα τε τὸ ἐπερχόμενον. πῇ ποτε χρὴ τέρματα ee



τῶνδε pox an ἐπιτεῖλαι; καίτοι τί φημι; προυξεπίσταμαι h

σκεϑρῶς σαντα τὰὁ μέλλον, οὐδὲ οὐδὲν ποταίνιον πῆμα ἥξει,

ἐμοί. :

I shall struggle for ever. You see what disgraceful

fetters the new ruler of the Gods has found out for me.
Alas! Alas! I lament the present evil and the future:
From whence hereafter will the end of these labours
arise? But what do I say? I clearly foresee all the
future, nor will any unexpected misery afflict me.

hundredth line is a Paroemiacus, so called from ΠἊᾷαροιμια,

because many proverbs were uttered in that measure.
The Parcemiacus requires an Anapest in the last place
but one of the line.
94. Διακναίω, to torment, to tear, from διὰ and χγναίῳω
to pluck or tear. '
95. Αϑλευω, to struggle, from ἄσλον a contest.
96. 1 αγὸς, οὔ, 6, a leader, from racow to order, com-
102. Tloraivos, iz, τον, fresh, new, unforeseen, from
ποτὶ, for zpos, and αἶνος a fable or proverb.
πῆμ ᾿ οὐδὲν ἥξει. τὴν πεπρωμένην δὲ χρὴ
αἶσαν. φέρειν ὡς ρῷστω, ψιγνωσκονθ ἢὅτι
τὸ τῆςἀνώγκης ἐστ᾽ ἀδήριτον σθένος. 105
ἀλλ᾽ οὔτε σεγῶν, οὔτε μὴ σιγῶν τύχας
οἷόν τέ μοι well tate θνητοῖς yeep γέρα
πορῶν, ἀνώγκαις ταῖσδ᾽ ἐνέζευγμαι τάλας.
ναρθηκοπλήρωτον δὲθηρῶμαι πυρὸς |
πηγὴν κλοπαίαν, ἥ} διδάσκαλος τέχνης 110
σάσης βροτοῖς πέφηνε, καὶ μέγας πόρος. (29-4

δὲ aS 284 “ane © \ ; ma ᾿ ᾿
EXON EME DEEL ὡς ρᾷστα τὴν πεπρωμενὴν αἰσαν, γιγνωσκοντὰ
εἰ Ν ’ ~ 3 " 3 γ᾿ ἢ 9 3. 5) ἘΠ αὐτὸν
ὅτι τὸ σϑένος τῆς ἀναγκης ἐστι ἀδήριτον. GAH ἐστι οἷον TE [LOR
οὔτε σιγᾷν οὔτε μὴ σιγᾷν τάσδε τύχας. γὰρ πορὼν γέρα ϑινητόϊς
~ ~ \ ~w

τάλας ἐνέξευγμαι ταῖσδε ἀνάγχαις. ϑηρῶμαι πηγὴν πυρὸς

χλοσαιάν, δὲ ναρϑ᾽ηκοπλήρωτον, ἢ πέφηνε διδάσκαλος καὶ μέγας
Moos π'άσωῃς τέχνης βροτοῖς.

Bat it behoves me to bear as calmly as possible my des-

tined fate, well knowing that the power of necessity is
invincible. It is alike unavailing to me to conceal or
mention my misfortunes. For having given benefits to
mortals, 1 am unfortunately subjected to these necessi-
ties. I sought out the fountain of fire, which stolen
by me, and concealed within a cane, became the teacher
and great bestower of every art to mortals.

105. ᾿Αδήριτος. ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, not to be conquered, from

᾿ ἃ and δῆρις a contention.
109. Ναρϑηκοπλήρωτος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, concealed in a
cane, from νάρϑηξ a cane, and πληρόω to fill.
110. ΚΚλοκπαις, «iz, adv, furtive, gotten by stealth.
112, Ασπλάκημα, τος, τὺ, from, α pleonastic, and πλάζω
to make to err.


τοιάσδε ποινὰς ὠπλακημώτων τίνω,
ὑπαίθριος. δεσμοῖσι πασσαλευτὸς ὦν.
ὦ, Os Ea, EX,
τίς oye τίς ὀδὁμὰ προσέπτα μ᾽᾿ἀφεγγὴς, 11ὅ
θεόσυτος, ῆἢ Βρότειος, ἣ
ἥ κεκραμένη ΄; Ὡς
ἕχετο τερμόνιον Ἐπὶ πάγον, Anap. Dim, Catal.
πόνων ἐμῶν θεωρὸς ἣ τί δὴ θέλων;
ὁρῶτε δεσμώτην μὲ δύσποτιβον θεὸν.

ὑπαίϑριος. wy, πασσαλευτὸς δεσμοῖσι, τίνω τοιάσδε «ποινὰς

ae et ee ΤΥ Reg ae aes ¢ αὖ τὺ ose .
ἀπλακημάτων. ἀ, ἀ, EX, EX, Tis ἀχὼ, Tis ὀδμιὰ ἀφεγγὴς
σροσέπτα μὲ Μεόσυτος, ἢ βρότειος ἢ κεκραμμένη ; ἵκετο ἐπὶ
fi ͵ ͵ i ὦ τ ' vA DS t , -»[
τερμόνιον πάγον, ϑεωρὸς ἐμῶν πόνων, ἢ δὴ σέλων τί; ορᾶτέ με
“Se a ’ .
δύσποτμον ϑεὸν Sequwrny,

Exposed to the inclemencies of air, riveted in

chains, such are the punishments I suffer for my errors.
Ah! Ah! Alas! Alas! what noise, what odour ob-
scurely creeps upon me; is it divine or mortal, or of
the hereic race? Is it come to this distant soil to view
my distresses, or for what other purpose ὃ2 Behold me,
a Deity, unfortunate, enchained,
113. ὙὝσαίϑριος, ov, ὃ καὶ
ἢ,inopenair, from dxoand αἴϑρα.
115. Προσέπτα, ἃ. 2. act. fr. προσίπτημι. ᾿Αφεγγὴ»,
eos, ὃ καὶ ἢ, Obscure, from ὥ pr. and Qéyyos, cos, τὸ, ἀραὶ,
116. Qeosvros, ov, ὃ, καὶ ἢ, divine, coming from God,
from Sets and σευώ to rush or proceed. edi ψ
pret. part. from xgaw to mix. te
117. This verse may be scanned thus, willbe con
bidered: as an Anapest with the Proceleusmatic FO
-_m YY 9 o- 920.90 0 ®& ῷ »-

KETO Fapiepilay ETL πάγον.

119. Δυσπότμος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, unfortunate, from δὺς and
σότμος fate, condition.
τὸν Διὸς ἐχθρὸν, σὸν πᾶσι θεοῖς 120 <Anap. Dim.
δὲ ὠπεχθείας erbovd’, ὁστόσοι 14.
re $2. % = v
τὴν Διος αὐλὴν εἰσοιχνουσιν, Id.
διὰ τὴν.λιᾶν φιλότητα βροτῶν. φᾷ,
φεὺ, ev, τί ποτ᾿ αὖ κιναθισμα urbe Id.
δ. πέλας οεωνῶν ; αἰθὴρ δ᾽ ἐλαφραῖς 125 Id.
ese gage gematis ὑποσυρίζει. Id.
πᾶν feo: pobepov τὸ προσέρπον. ᾿ Parem.

πὸν exoov Διὸς, τὸν ἐλθόντα διὰ ἀπεχθείας πᾶσι θεοῖς, δπόσοι
εἰσοιχινοῦσιν τὴν αὐλὴν “Διὸς, διὰ τὴν λίαν Φιλότητα βροτῶν.
φεῦ, φεῦ, τὶ κινάθισμια οἰωνῶν πέλας ποτε αὖ κλύω; δ᾽ αἰθὴρ
προῦτο, ~ ~ ? ~ N ἢ ἢ
ὕποσυρίξει ελαφραῖς ριπαῖς πτερύγωψ. πᾶν τὸ προσέρπον φΦοξερόν

detested by Jupiter, and exposed to the hatred of all

the Gods, who frequent the palace of Jove, through my
too great affection for mankind. Alas! Alas! what
fluttering of birds close to me do I now again hear?
The air resounds with the light stroke of wings.
Whatever approaches is dreadful to me.

121. Av απεχϑείας cASovs’, literally, coming through

the hatred.
122. Εϊσοιχνέω, to enter into, to frequent, from εἰς and
124. Κιναϑισμα, ατος, ro, movement, motion, from
rivartiCw to move.
126. “Yzoovgigw, to sound light, to hiss moderately,
from σύριγξ a pipe, and ὑπὸ.
127. Τ]ροσέρπον, 1 pers. neut. pres. past. from zpo-
σέρπω to approach.
Α vi. / Epich. Dim. or
μηδὲν φοξηθὴς φιλία στροφη α. ΓΝ Dim Cat
yap ἥδε τάξις πτερύγων Id.
Hed cb ss προσέξα 130 Id.
ἊΣ Epich. Dim. wig .
T OVGE πάγον, πατρῳας Anap. Dim,
, ~ ΄ Epich. Dim. Ae5
βόογις παρείπουσα Poevac. lamb. Dim. Cat.
Ἐραιπνοφόροι δέ μ᾽ ἐπεμψᾶν αὖραρ Epich. ‘Trim.—

κτύπου γὰρ dinshκάλυθος eee ἐς

᾿ διῆξεν Rom
ἃ acd tia “ee Ex δ᾽ 135 Id.
j ETANEE μου Tamb. Mon,

ΧΟΡΟΣ. φοξηθῇς μηδὲν" yao ἥδε φιλία τάξις πτερύγων

προσέξα τόνδε πάγον θοαῖς een μόγις παρειποῦδα. πατρῴας
φρένας. δὲ χραιπνόφοροι αὖραι ἔπεμψαν με" γὰρ ἀχὼ κτύπου
χάλυθος διῆξεν μυχὸν ἄντρων, δὲ ἔπληξε ἔκ μου

Cuorus. Fear nothing: for this friendly train has

hastened to this rock with rapid movements, having
scarcely solicited paternal permission. The rapid
moving airs have sent me: for the echo of the blows of
the hammer resounded through the recesses of the
caves, and suffused over my cheeks

128. The Chorus. The strophe and antistrophe of

the chorus consist of similar or isochronal feet, which
may be seen by an examination of them. A minute
account of the different metres used in the chorus will
be found in the works of Burney, Herman, Morell, and
others, and to them we refer our readers. The marginal
notes will teach to what species of metre each verse
133. Κραιπνοφόρος, ov, ὃ καὶ 4, swift, quick, from
κραιπνὸς and Φέρω. οἵ
134. "Axw, Dor. for ἠχώ.
τῶν θεμερῶπιν αἰδῶ" σύ- Epich. Dim. Acat.
θην δ᾽ ἀπέδιλος OX
ὃ πτερωτῳ. Kpich,. Trim. Cat.
TIP. a, ct, αἱ, αἷ; ἰ
τῆς πολυτέκνου Τηθύος ἐκ,
€ 190. Anap. Dim.
ἂ ᾿ τοῦ περὶ πᾶσαν θ᾽ εἱλισσομένου Id.
δ χθόν᾽ ακοιμήτῳ ῥεύματι παῖδες Id.
πατρὸς, ᾿Ωκεανοῦ, δέρχθητ᾽, ἐσίδεσθ᾽, Td.
οἵῳ δεσμῷ προσπορπατὸς, Id.
: τῆσδε Φάραγγος σκοπέλοις ἐν ἄκροις 145 Id.
φρουρῶν ἄξηλον ὀχήσω. Parzemiacus.

Tay θεμερῶπιν ΟΣ αν δέ Ginn πτερωτῷ ὄχῳ. ΠΡ.

ai, ab, αἵ, αἴ, ἔκγονα τῆς πολυτέκνου Tnbas TE παῖδες τοῦ
Ὠκεανοῦ πατρὸς εἱλισσομένου ἀκοιμήτω ῥεύματι “ερὶ πᾶσαν.
“ιθόνα, δέρχθητε, ἐσίδεσθε, οἵω δεσμῷ προσπορπατὺς, ὀχήσω ἐν
; , 9 [ «“ .- Ἁ 3 e Φ

ο oF , 57 \ ~ ἢ
ἄκροις σκοπέλοις ἄζηλον φρουρὰν τῆσδε φάραγγος.

the ingenuous shame. Unsandaled, I have flown to

you with speed. Pro. Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Descen-
dants of the fruitful Tethys, children of your parent
Oceanus, who rolls with sleepless course around the
whole earth, behold, see, bound in what chain, I keep
among the lofty rocks the unenvied station of this desert.

137. Θεμερῶπις, ἡ, modest, bashful, from ϑεμερὸς and

ar), ὠπὸς δ, an eye.
188. ᾿Απέδιλος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, without sandals, from @ pr.
and σπέδιλον, a sandal or shoe.
140. [Πολύτεκνος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, having many children,
from πολὺς and τέκνον, ov τὸ, offspring.
142. *Axoiunros, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, watchful, sleepless, from
ἃ pr. and κοιμάω to sleep.
146. Αζηλος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, whom no one envies, vile,
despised, from « pr. and ζῆλος, ov, ὃ, ow envy.
λεύσσω, Προμηθευ᾽ φοξεροὸ δ᾽ ἀντιστρ. aLP ebich. Dine
ἐμοῖσιν ὄσσοις ὀμίχλα Id.
προσῆξε πλήρης δακρυῶν, Τα.
σὸν δέμας εἰδήδούσα 1680 Ἑρίοϊον. Dim. —
Iamb. Dim. Cat.. a
πέτραις προσαυαινόμενον, or Epich Dim.
ταῖσδ αὐ μοσλσοτοθι λύμαις" Chor. Imp. Dim. Hyp.
lamb. Dim. Cat.
νέοι yee οἰακονόμοι or Epich. Dim.
κρατοῦσ' λύμπου" νεοχμοῖς Periodicus. ©
δὲ δὴ νόμοις 155 lamb. Monom. Cat.
Ζεὺς αθέτως κρατύνει, τὸ Epichor. Dim.
XO. λεύσσω, Htherene: δὲ φοξερὰ ὀμίχλα πληρὴς δακρυών
σπροσῇξε ἐμοῖσιν ὄσσοις μοι εἰσιδούσᾳ σὸν δέμας nessa sega
πέτραις, ταῖσδε ἀδαμαντοδέτοισι λύμαις" γὰρ νέοι οἰκονόμοι κρα-
τοῦσιν Ολύμπου" δὲ δὴ Ζεὺς ἀθέτως κρατύνει νεοχ μοῖς νόμοις,

Cuor. I see, Prometheus, and the trembling mist [Ὁ}}

of tears rushes o’er my eyes, when I behold your form
parching on the rocks in these iron-bound misfortunes:
for new governors controul Olympus, and already
Jupiter, without restraint, governs by new institutions,
~ νων

149. TlIgoon¥:, a 1. act. from ohie datas to rush to-

wards. -

151. ΕἸροσαυαινόμενος; part. from προσαυαίνομαι to ic

dried, from πρὸς and adaivw to become dry.
153. Οἰακονόμος, ov, 6, a pilot, one who directs the
rudder, from oiaé, axos 6, the tiller of arudder, and venw
to direct or govern.
154. Νεοχμὺς, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, new, fresh, from νεός. a
νᾶ ont
~ “

156. Αθέτως, adv, without law, from a@ pr. and Seris,

ἢ, ov, fixed. | |

πρὶν δὲπελώρια, γὺν ἀἰστοῖ Chor. Imp. Dim. Hyp-
OP. εἰ γάρ μ᾽ ὑπὸ γῆν, νέρϑεν θ᾽ Αἴδου Anap. Dim. Cat.
τοῦ νεκροδέ:
εἐγμόονος, εἰς απέραντον Id.
τάρταρον ἥκεν, δεσμοῖς αλύτοις 160 Id.
ἀγρίοις.πελάσας, ὡς μήτε θεὸς 14.
| μήτε τίς ἄλλος τοισδ᾽ ἐγεγήθει. J 14. :
γὺν δ᾽ αἰθέριον κίνυγμ᾽ ὃ τάλας Id. οζενῦ
ἐχθροῖς ἐπίχαρτα
é πέπονθα. 164 Param.

δὲ viv ἀϊστοὶ τὰ πεὶν eel TIP. γὰρ ci πελάσας ἀγρίοις

αλύτοις δεσμοῖς, KEV με ὑπὸ γῆν, τε νέρθεν μκθυδέχεμοχας
Αἵδου, εἰς Βτεῤαντον τάρταρον, ὡς μήτε θεὺς, μήτε τίς ἄλλος
ἐγεγήθει τοῖσδε πήμασιν. δὲ νῦν, ἐγὼ, ὃ ati αἰθέριον κίνυγμα
πέπονθα ἐἐπίχαρτα ἐχθροῖς.

and he now levels those who were once great.. PRo.

If having bound me in cruel indissoluble chains, he had
sent me, beneath the earth, and below the dead-receiving
Hell, to the extensive Tartarus, so that neither God
nor any other being could have received joy from them,
1 had been content: but aow I, the unfortunate, am
made acrial sport, and suffer indignities which give joy
to mine enemies.

157. ᾿ΑἸστόω, to obliterate, from daioros obscure, un-

known, from @ pr. and ἴσημι.
159. ἸΝεκροδέγμων, ονος, ὃ καὶ ἡ, receiving the dead,
from γεκρὸς and δέχομαι. ᾿Απέραντος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, infinite,
extensive, from « pr. and περαίνω to end.
163. Κίνυγμα, atos τὸ, any thing which is moved
about, from κίνυσσω to move.
164. Exixaeros, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, an adjective applied to
things from which we derive pleasure.
τίς ὧδε τλησικάρδιος στροφὴ β΄. Tamb. Dim. Cat,
θεῶν ὅτῳ
ὃ τα ἐπιχαρῆ 5ἃ Τὰ.
τίς οὐ συνωσ χαλᾷ 2 τῳ 14.
ὩΣ ΄ , \ ΤΡ. Trim,
_ TETby δίχα ye Διός; ὁ δ᾽ επικότως ast pase
r ” Jon. Imp. Dim. or
θεμενος ee ae γόον Troch. Dim. Cat.
δάμναται οὐρανίαν 170 Dact. Penthent.
γένναν" οὐδὲ dat Dact. Dim.
Fer πρὶν ἂν ἢ κορέσῃ κέαρ, ἢ παλάμᾳ τινὶ Dact. Pentam.
τὰν δυσάλωτον ὃἕλη τὶς ἀρχαν. Chor. Imp. Dim. Hyp.

XO. τίς Seav ὧδε τλησικάρδιος ὅτῳ τάδε επιχαρῆ ; τίς οὗ

συνασχαλᾷ τεοῖσι κακοῖς δίχα γε Διός; ὃ δὲ ἀεὶ ϑέμενος
ἄγναμστον νόον ἐπικότως δάμναται οὐρανίαν γένναν" οὐδὲ
NEEL πρὶν
λήξει πρὶν ἢἢ ἂνἂν κορέσῃ
κορέσῃ κέαρ,
κέαρ, ἢἢ τὶς
τὶς EAN
EAN παλάμᾳ
παλά τινὶ| τὰν
τὰν δυσά-δυσά
λωτον ἀρχάν.

ΟΗΟΚ. What God is so hard-hearted as to be delighted

with these things! Who does not suffer with your
sufferings, except Jupiter? But he, for ever upholding
an inflexible mind, angrily subdues the celestial race ;
ner will he cease, until he satiate his heart ;or some one
seize by artifice the impregnable empire.

165. 1 λησικάρδιος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, hard hearted, from

thaw and καρδιά the heart.
167. Συνασχαλάω, to grieve with another, si sympa-
thize, from σὺν and ἀσχαλαώ.
168. ’Emimorws, adv. angrily, from ἐπὶ and κότος,
169. ᾿Αγναμπτος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, hard, inflexible, from a
pr. and γνάμπτω to bend. |
173. Avoadrwros, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, difficult to be taken, from
dus and adow to take.
Lf γ' i

“Ὁ AVN A? ~ , ἴω
ΠΡ. ἡ μὴν er ἐμου, καίπερ πρατεραίς
> laa \y > 4.
ev γυιοπέδαις αἰκιζομένου, . Swe be.
χρείαν EF es μακάρων πρύτανις,
Ὡ πον ες 7 eo». 3
δεῖξαι TO νεὸν βούλευμ, Um οτοὺυ
~ ! 0 ΕἼ ~
σκήπτρον τιμας τ΄ ἀποσυλᾶται.
Ἁ of ? ΠΑ
καὶ μ᾽ οὔτε μελιγλώσσοις πειθοὺς ᾿
> τὰ 7 Ἴ- eo
ἐπαοιδαῖσιν θέλξεῖ, στερέας τ᾽ 180
“ 3 i i / wwr sa
OUMOT αἀπειλᾶς πτήξας. τόδ εγω
καταμηνύσω, πρὶν ἂν εξ ἀγρίων
“Gag "ΠῚ 3 3 ΄

ΠΡ 7 ‘ ’ 3 + 3) , 9 ~ e
. ἢ μὴν πρύτανις μακάρων ἔτι ἔξει χρείαν ἐμοῦ, xalwep
αἰκιξομιένου εν κρατεραὶς γυιοπέδαις, δεῖξαι τὸ νέον βούλευμα,
> ͵ : ~ > , ὃ φυ' Ἁ ? ᾿

DO ὅτου τ᾽ ἀποσυλᾶται σκῃπτρὸν τε τιμάς. καὶ οὔτε θέλξει με

μελιγλώσσοις ἐπαοιδαῖσιν τοειποῦς, τε οὔποτε πτήξας στερεάς
ἀπειλάς, ἐγὼ καταμηνύσω τόδε, πρὶν ἂν χαλάσῃ ἐξ ἀγρίων
9 Y 9 3 ¢ Π X νὰ ’ 3 9 ,

Pro. Nevertheless the ruler of the blessed shall still

haye need of me (although now suffering in stubborn
fetters), to point out a new plot by which he shall be
robbed of his sceptre and honours; and he shall neither
soothe me by the honey-tongued incantations of persua-
sion, nor ever stooping to his firm threats will I dis-
cover it, until he shall loose me from

174. The lines from 7 μὴν to ἐθελήση are anapests,

the last being a Parzmiacus.
175. ΤΓυιοπέδη, ns, ἢ, a fetier, from γυῖον, ov, το, alimb,
and wedn, ns, 7, a fetter. |
176. Πρύτανις, ews ὃ, ἄρχων ὕπατος, chief magistrate, a
director. |
τς 179. Μελίγλωσσος, ov, ὃ καὶ 4, having soft speech,
from μέλε honey, and γλῶσσα tongue.

ἊΝ »» ’ ͵ ,
i δεσμῶν χαλαση, ποινὰς TE τίνειν
- > 3 rf 3 7
τησὸ αεπκειῶς εθεληση.-
σὺ μὲν θρασύς de καὶ πικραίς αντ Τρ. Β. Iamb. Dim.
δύαισιν οὐδὲν ἐπιχαλᾷς, 186. Τὰ,"
ἄγαν δ᾽ελευθεροστομεῖς. Id.
| ἐμὸς δὲ φρένας ἐρέθισε δὶατόρος φόξος" Tamb. Trim.
δέδια δ᾽ ἀμφὶ σαῖς τύχαις, Ion.
ἃ Min. Dim.
πᾶ ποτε τῶνδε πόνων 100 Dact. Penthem.
χρή σε τέρμα. κέλ- pigs Mon. Hyp.
σαντ᾽ ἐσιδεῖν. ἀκέχητῶ yelp ζθεο, καὶ κέαρ Dact. Pen.

Bea, τε EQEANGN τίνειν Wolvas τῆσδ᾽ αἰκειάς. ΧΟ. ov μὲν

τε Spacus, καὶ ἐπιχαλᾷς οὐδὲν τοικραῖς δύαισιν, δὲ ἄγαν ἔλευϑε-
ροστομεῖς. δὲ διατόρος Polos Egedioe ἐμὰς φρένας, δὲ δέδια ἀμφὶ
F ~ δὲ ὃ ᾿ i. 9 3 4 4 , \ ’ 3 s

σαῖς τύχαις τᾶ WOTE χρή σε κέλσαντα ἐσιδεῖν τέρμα τῶνδε

τοόνων, γὰρ mais Κρόνου ἔχει ἀκίχητα ἤϑεα καὶ

these cruel fetters, and be willing to yield me retribution

for this indignity. CHoRr. You are indeed bold, and
cede nothing to your bitter sufferings: you use the
freest language: but penetrating fear agitates my mind,
and I tremble for your fate, and know not into what port
retreating, you may find an end of these labours: for
the son of Saturn has manners which are inflexible |

187. Ἑλευθεροστομέω, to PAR freely, from ἐλεύθερος

and στόμα.
188. Διάτορος, ov, ὃ καὶ %, perforating, penetrating,
from διὰ and rogew to penetrate.
189. Adie, 1 sing. perf. ind. mid. from δείδω to fear.
191. Κέλσαντα, 3 sing. a. 1. part. from κέλλω properly,
to direct a vessel to land.
192. Axixnros, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, not to be soothed Ἢ
prayers, from « pr. and κίχημι to seize.

i. ἔχει Χρόνου matic. Chor.Imp. Dim. Hyp.

ΠΡ. 0:0 ors τραχὺς καὶ παρ εὔυτῶ Απᾶαρ. Dim.
TO> δίκαιον €ex ay Ζεύς. αλλ᾽ ἔμπας ne 195 Id.
μαλακογνώμων. Anap. Mon.
ἔσται ποθ᾽᾿ ὅταν ταύτῃ δαισθῃ" Anap. Dim.
τὴν δ᾽ ἀτέραμνον στορέσας ὀργὴν; Id.
εἰς ἀρθμὸν ἐμοὶ, GLb φιλότητα | οὐ;
σπεύδων σπεύδοντί ποθ᾽ ἥξει. 200 Paroemiacus.
ΧΟ. wavr ᾿εκκάλυψον,, καὶ γέγων ἡμῖν hd do
¢ 2 3 ~ ἢ

ἀπαράμυϑον κέαρ. ΠΡ, οἵδ᾽ὃὅτι Ζεύςἐ

ἔστι τραχὺς καὶ ἔχων
᾿ χὸ δίκαιον κράτος mae εαὕτῷ. ἀλλα Wore ἔσται ἔμπας μαλακ-
γνώμων, ὅταν ῥαισδτῇ ταύτῃ λύμη" δὲ oroghans τὴν aerate
ὀργήν wore σπεύδων ἕξει ἐμοὶ σπεύδοντι εἰς mseho καὶ φιλό-
TNH. ΧΟ. Ἑκκάλυψον πάντα, καὶ γέγωνε ἡμῖν λόγον :

and an Sickiabable heart. Pro. I know that J upiter is

inflexible, and possesses ἴῃ himself the right of power:
but hereafter he will become entirely gentle, when de-
pressed. by these misfortunes, and keeping down his
haughty pride, he will hereafter come hastening to re-
ceive my offered union and friendship. CHo, Discover
all and speak out to us the cause,
198. ᾿Απαράμυϑος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, inexorable, from α pr.
and παραμυϑεόμαι.
190. Μαλακγνώμων, 005, ὃ καὶ ἡ, Of soft and pent
mind, from hs ee ἢ, ὃν, ANG γνώμη.
198. ᾿Ατέραμινος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, crude, difficult of ΠΡ ὦ |
199. ᾿Αρϑμὸς, ov, ὃ, τῶ union, from eh to
200. From henge, until the two hansdrell and eighty-
fifth line, we have a series of Iambic verses.
201. 1 ἐγωνέω, to speak out, to vociferate.

me” 5 , ν. ρ » ,
gros λαξων σε Ζεὺς ἐπ᾿ ωἰτιάματι, |
οὕτως ἀτίμως καὶ πικρῶς αἰκίζεται; :
ς 3 A -Ο 3 s

δίδαξον ἡμᾶς, εἴ Ts μὴ βλάπτει λόγῳ. >) JE.

4 e a 37 \ ’ g A jf af

᾽ PER δ eae: ΝΡ ee
ΠΡ. αἀλγεινῶ μὲν μοι καὶ λέγειν ἐστιν τάδε, 205
97 ~ ~
aryos δὲ σιγῶν, πανταχῆη δὲ δύσποτμα.
ἐπεὶ τάχιστ᾽ ἤρξαντο δαΐμονες χόλου,
στάσις T EV ἀλλήλοισιν meee
4 2? >

οἱ μὲν θέλοντες ἐκξαλεῖν é ἐν Κρόνον,

ὡς Ζεὺς ἀνώσσοι δηθεν. οἱ δὲ τοὔμπαλιν 410
ε \ > of »““
σπεύδοντες, ὡς Ζεὺς μήποτ ἄρξειεν θεῶν ----

ἐπὶ ποίῳ αἰτιάματι “Ζεὺς AaCwy σε, οὕτως αἰκίζεται ἀτίμως καὶ
σικρῶς ; δίδαξον ἡμᾶς, εἰ μὴ βλάπτει τι λόγῳ: ΠΡ, ἔστιν
ἀλγεινὰ μέν μοι καὶ λέγειν τάδε, δὲ ἄλγος σιγᾷν, δὲ πανταχῆ
δύσποτμα. ἐπεὶ τάχιστα δαίμονες ἤρξαντο χόλου, τε στάσις
ὡροϑύνετο ἐν ἀλλήλοισιν----οἶ μὲν ϑέλοντες ἐκξαλεῖν ἸΚρόνον ἕδρας,
as “Ζεὺς δῆθεν ἀνάσσοι, οἱ δὲ σπεύδοντες τὸ ἔμπαλιν, ὡς Ζεὺς
μήποτε ἄρξειεν ϑεῶν--
by whose allegation Jupiter thus bitterly and dis-
eracefully afflicts you. Instruct us, if no injury arise
from the relation. Pro. It is painful to me to
mention, painful to conceal these things; grievous in
every way. As soon as the Deities commenced discord,
and revolt was excited among them (some wishing to
eject Saturn from his throne that Jupiter forsooth might
reign, and others expediting the contrary that Jupiter
might never govern the Gods),

209. Titanus and Japetus, the two eldest sons of

Ouranus, opposed the sovereignty of Jupiter, who
released from confinement Briareus, Coltus, and Gyges, _
and by their assistance defeated his enemies,
ἐνταῦθ᾽ ἐγὼ τὼ λῷστα βουλεύων, πιθεῖν
Τιτᾶνας, Οὐρανοῦ τε καὶ Χθονὸς τέκνα,
οὐκ ἠδυνήθην" αἱμύλας δὲ μηχανῶς
ἀτιμάσαντες καρτεροῖς φρονήμασιν, 215
gars αμοχθὶ πρὸς βίαν τε δεσπόσειν.
ἐμοὶ δὲ μήτηρ οὐχ, ἅπαξ μόνον Θέμις, |
καὶ Dace, πολλῶν ονομώτων μορφὴ [Alco
τὸ μέλλον ἢ κραΐνοιτο προυτεθεσπίκει. ἐν

ἐνταῦν᾽ ἐγὼ βουλεύων τὰ λῷστα οὐκ ἠδυνήϑην πιϑεῖν Tiravas,

στα τέχνα Οὐρανοῦ καὶ χα δὲ ἀτιμάσαντες αἱμύλας μη-
«χανὰς καρτεροῖς φρονήμασιν, wovro δεσπόσειν πρὸς βίαν τε
᾿ς αμοχ δὶ, δὲ μήτηρ Θέμις καὶ Vaiz, μία Hop πολλῶν
ονομάτων, προυτεσεσσίκει ἐμοὶ,
E οὐχ, ἅπαξ [A0v0Y, τὸ μέλλον ἢ

then I, though giving the ὑπ: δ. ΕΛαι was not able to

influence the Titans, the sons of Ouranus and Terra.
Despising in their bold thoughts crafty policy, they
thought to obtain empire by force, and without labour:
but my mother Themis or Gaia, (for under one form she
_ is distinguished by various names), foretold to me, not
once only, how the future would tum out:

914. ἠδυνήϑην, for ἐδυνήσην, Att. Dial. from δυνεόμαι

to be 8016. Αἰἱμύλος, ov, ὃ xain, cunning, various, de-
-ceitful, from αἵμων knowing. From Δίμόλος comes the -
Latin word zmulus, and our emulous.
215. ᾿Ατίμασας, a Ἐ. part. from ἀτιμάξω to despise or
219. Προυτεθεσπίκει, plusq. perf. act. for προετεϑεσπίκει,
from προϑεσπίξζω to foretel. Τὸ βδλλον, κατ. A. may be
thus arranged, προυτεϑεσπικεί Sov 5Ἐῦ μέλλον ἔργον κραΐ-
γοιτο, foretold me the wy, in“which the future events
- would be determined. |
28 eS ἘΣ
ὡς οὐ κατ᾽ ἰσχὺν, οὐδὲ πρὸς τὸ καρτερὸν ; 290
χρείη, δόλῳ δὲ,τοὺς ὑπερσχόντας κρατεῖν. %
τοιαῦτ᾽ ἐμοῦ λόψοισιν ἐξηγουμένου, y i
οὐκ.ἠξίωσαν οὐδὲ προσδλέψαι ᾿τὸ πᾶν. ak BAA.
κράτιστα δὴ μοι τῶν παρεστώτων τότε
ἐφαίνετ᾽ εἰναι; προσλαθόντα μητέρα; Se 225
enol 8ἑκόντι Ζηνὶ συμπαραστατεῖν.
ἐμαῖς δὲ βουλαῖς Ταρτάρου μελαμξαθὴς ‘
κευθμὼν καλύπτει τὸν παλαιγενή Κρόνον;
: BS Bere 3 ©

ἔφη, ws xpein οὐ κατ᾽ ἰσχὺν, οὐδὲ πρὸς τὸ καρτερὸν, δὲ δόλῳ,

κρατεῖν τοὺς ὑπερσχόντας. ἐμοῦ ἐξηγουμένου τοιαῦτά λόγοισιν, :
οὐκ ἠξίωσαν οὐδὲ rei τὸ πᾶν. δὴ κράτιστα τῶν τότε
“αρεστώταν sept μοι εἶναι, ἐμὲE προσλαξόὄντα μήτερα, ἐκόντα
μαρδοτατεῖν ἑκόντι Lvl μελαμξαϑὴς κευσμιῶὼν Taprapou
καλύπτει, ἐμαῖς δὲ βουλαῖς, τὸν παλαιγενῆ Kpovov, - .

she said, that there was need neither of force nor υἷος
lence, but of craft, to subjugate those who had the —
superiority. When I declared such things to them by
words, they deigned not even once to look at me. The
best way, under the then existing circumstances, ap- —
peared to be, that I should take my mother, and with —
voluntary aid assist Jupiter. ‘The dark-profound abyss |
of Tartarus covers, — my councils, the ancient

_ 225. Some editions have προσλαξόντι, in which case

itagrees with ἐμοὶ in the preceding one but προσλαβόντα
must have ἐμὲ understood. :
227. Μελαμξαϑὴς; sos, ὃ καὶ ἡ, pit! a dark abyss, |
from μέλας and Bados. ἣ
228. ἸΠαλαιγενὴς, cos, ὃ καὶ a, “ἃ one δον a long q
time ago, from πάλαι and γείνομαι. Sad
αὐτοῖσι συμμάχοισι. τοιάδ᾽ εξ ἐμοῦ
ὃ τῶν θεῶν τύραννος ὠφελημένος, 490
κακοῖσι ποινωῖς ταῖσδε μ᾿ ἀντημεΐψατο.
ἔνεστι γάρ πὼς τοῦτο τὴ τυραννίδι
νόσημα, τοῖς φίλοισι μὴ πεπονθέναι.
ὃ δ᾽ οὖν ἐρωτῶτ; αἰτίαν. καθ᾽4ἥντινα
αἰκίζεται [4Ξ: τοῦτο δὴ σαφηνιώ. 235
ὅπως τάχιστα τὸν πατρῷον εἰς θρόνον
καθέζετ᾽ , εὐθὺς δαίμοσιν νέμει γέρα;

αὐτοῖσι συμμάχρισι. ὃ τύραννος THY “εῶν ὠφελημένος κατὰ

τοιάδε ἐργὰ ἐξ ἐμοῦ αντημείψατό μὲ ταῖσδε nanaior ποιναῖς.
γὰρ πῶς τοῦτο νόσημα ἔνεστι τῇ τυραννίδι, μὴ πεπονσέναι τοῖς
φίλοισι. δὴ σαφηνιῶ τοῦτο, ὃ δ᾽ οὖν ἐρωτᾶτε, nad" ἥντινα αἰτίαν
αἰκίξεταί με. ὅπως τάχιστα καϑέξετο εἰς πατρῷον ἽἼρένεν.
εὐθὺς νέμει γέρα δαίμοσιν

διὰ his allies. The tyrant of the Gods, assisted in

these matters by me, repaid me by this evil recom-
pence: for somehow this disease belongs to tyranny
“‘ to mistrust its friends.” 1 will now unfold that which
you require, viz. the reasons why he afflicts me. As
soon as he was seated on his paternal throne, he imme-
diately distributed rewards,

— 229. κατὰ τοιάδε ἔργα, with respect to these matters, or

in these particulars.
231. Ανταμείξομαι, to remunerate, from ἀντὶ and
| ΠΡ ΒΡ to make an exchange, or repay.
(235. Σαφηνιῶ, for σαφηνίσω, f. 1. act. I will explain,
from σαφηνίζω.
237. 1 ἐρα, contr. of γέρατα.

“a δ

ἄλλοισιν ἄλλα, καὶ διεστοιχίζετο ;
ἀρχήν" βροτῶν δὲ τῶν ταλαιπώρων λόγον
ἀνα ἐσχεν οὐδέν, @AA αἰστωσάς γένος rs 240° ”
Wd i}

τὸ πᾶν, ἔχρῃζεν ἄλλο φυτῦσαι νεόν. ὶ

καὶ τοισί δ᾽ οὐδεὶς ἀντέξαινε “πλὴν ἐμοῦ.

ἐγὼ) δ᾽᾿ἐτόλμησ᾽" ἐξερυσάώμην βροτοὺς 44

τοῦ μὴ διαῤῥαισθέντας εἰς Aidou μολεῖν. 3

Te τοι τοιαῖσδε πημοναΐσι κάμπτομαι; 245 d


᾿ 4

ἄλλα ἄλλοισιν καὶ διεστοιχίζετο ἀρχήν. δὲ οὐκ ἔσχεν οὐδένα

λόγον τῶν ταλαιπώρων βροτῶν, ἀλλ᾽ ἀϊστώσας τὸ πᾶν γένος,.
~ ee % ~

ἔχρῃζεν φυτῦσαι ἄλλο νέον. καὶ οὐδεὶς πλὴν ἐμοῦ ἀντέβαινε

τοισίδε. δὲ ἐγὼ ἐτόλμησα" ἐξερυσάμην βροτοὺς τοῦ μὴ μολεῖν
, ali. . ’ πῷ ΝΣ a X -“ a nt

διαῤῥαισϑέντας εἰς οἶκον

2¢ δέ 3 5 Ais
Αἵδου, τῷ Tor κάμπτομαι τοιαῖσδε
~ ’ ~ δ

to the Deities; some to these, some to those, and

arranged his empire: but he made no account of the
unfortunate mortals, for, intending to obliterate the
whole race, he meant to ereate a new one. No one
except me opposed these intentions. I alone dared. —
I saved mankind from descending, utterly destroyed, to ἢ
the depths of hell. For this reason I am afflicted with
these misfortunes, |

238. Διαστοιχίζομαι, to divide, or arrange in divisions.

A term formed from the separation and division of cat-
tle which have pastured lopeier from dia and στοῖχος |
an order or rank.
239. αλαίπωρας, ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, ΣΑΣ unfortunate,
from ταλαώ to bear, and wapos grief, vexation. _
243. ἜἘ ξερυσάμην βροτοὺς τοῦ μὴ μολεῖν διαῤῥαισϑένϑας εἰς
οἶκον Aidov, may be thus literally translated; I saved
mankind that they might not ge breaking aba 1!into age
the mansion of hell.
Tarver μὲν ἀλγειναῖσιν, οἰκτραῖσιν δ᾽ «δεῖν,
θνητοὺς δ᾽ἐν οἴκτῳ προθέμενος, τούτου τυχεῖν
οὐκ ἠξιώθην αὐτὸς, ἀλλο νηλεῶς
ὧδ᾽ ἐῤῥύθμισμαι, Ζηνὶ δυσκλεὴς θέα.
ΧΟ. σιδηρόφρων τε Moin πέτρας εἰργάσμενος, 260.
ὅστις, Προμηθεῦ, σοῖσιν οὐ) ξυνασχαλᾷ fer B&F. »
μόχθοις" ἐγὼ yap our" ἂν εἰσιδεῖν τάδε
ἐχρῃζον, εἰσιδουσα τ ᾿ηλγύνθην κέαρ.

Pimclaatne μὲν πάσχειν,

» ~~
δ᾽ οἰκτραῖσιν ιδεῖν. δὲ προϑέμενος
~ CY)

MTOUS EV οἴκτῳ, αὐτὸς οὐκ ἠξιωσὴν τυχεῖν τουτου, χαρίσματος,

Sv A ” s ¥ 9 3 "δ oe es ᾽

ἀλλὰ ὧδε νηλεῶς ἐῤῥύθμισμαι, sea δυσχλεὴς Ζηνί. ΧΟ.

«tls ἂν εἴη τε σιδηρόφρων καὶ εἰργάσμενος ἐκ seer ὅστις,
TI pounded, οὗ ξυνασχαλᾷ σοῖσιν μόχ,ϑοις" γὰρ ἐγὼ οὔτε
ἔχρηξον ἐμὲ ἂν εἰσιδεῖν τάδε, τε εἰσιδοῦσα ἠλγύνθην κεαρ.

dreadful to suffer, and pitiable to behold. Feeling

pity towards mankind, I was not thought worthy to
obtain this favour, and am thus unmercifully bound, an
_ object inglorious to Jupiter. CHo. His mind must be
firm as iron, must be made of stone, who does ποῖ,
Prometheus, melt at your distresses. I did not solicit
_ to see these things, but having seen them my heart is —

248. Νηλεῶν, without pity; adverb formed by aphe-

resis from ἀνηλεὼς: derived by some from vm and ἔλεος
pity. |
249. ᾿Ἔῤῥύσθμισμαι, plusq. perf. pass. from puspila to
bind, to form. Φιυσκλεῆς, εος, ὃ καὶ ἢ, infamous, inglo-
rious, from δὺς and κλέος.
250. Σιδηρόφρων, ονος, ὃ καὶ ἢ, of iron mind, from σίδηρος ᾿
and φρὴν. ἘΕἰργάσμενος perf. part. pass. from ἐργάξομαι
to labour, to perform a work. :

ΠΡ. καὶ μὴν φίλοις ἐλεινὸς εἰσορᾶν ἐγώ. een
XO. μή που τι προύξης τῶνδε καὶ περαιτέρω δὲ> τὴ
ΠΡ. θνητούς y ἔπαυσα μῆ) podeepnerct μόρον. »
XO. τὸ ποῖον ᾿εὑρων τησδε φάρμακον. νόσου;
ΠΡ. τυφλεὶς ἐν αὐτοῖς ἐλπίδας KAT UIT Cle
XO. μέγ᾽ ὠφέλημα τοῦτ ᾿ ἐδωρήσω βροτοῖς. τι τ
pee 7.3.28-- ΠΡ. πρὸς 7τοῖσδε μέντοι. πῦρ ἐγώ.σφιν ὦπασα. 2 bo
τ ΧΟ. καὶ νῦν φλογωπὸν πῦρ ἔχουσ᾽ ἐφήμεροι; /

ΠΡ. καὶ μὴν ἐγὼ ᾿ἐλεινὸς φίλοις εἰσορᾶν. XO. μὴ mou τι

«ρούξης καὶ περαίτερῶ τῶνδε; 1Π0Ὀ. γ᾽ ἔπαυσα ϑνήτούς μὴ
Ὑρόδερκέσθαι μόρον. ΧΟ. εὑρὼν τὸ ποιὸν φάρμακον τῆσδε,
γόσου; ΠΡ. κατῴκισα τυφλὰς ἐλπίδας ἔν αὐτοῖς. - ΧΟ. .
agree τοῦτο μέγα ὠφέλημα βροτοῖς. TIP. ἐγὼ μέντοι j
ὥπασα mup σῷιν σιρὸς “τοῖσδε. ΧΟ. καὶ νῦν ἐφήμεροι. ἔχουσι 4
Kup ale he SS 4

Pro. Indeed I am an object of pity to my friends.

Cuo. And did you not advance somewhat farther than
this? Pro. Yes! I prevented mankind from foresee-
ing their fate. Cuno. By finding what remedy for that ~
evil? Pro. I bestowed upon them blind hope. — 4
Cuo. You gave a great blessing to mortals. Pro. I
moreover bestowed fire upon them, in addition to these
favours. CHo. And do mortals now possess the bril-
| liant fire? μῇ

255. Πυθα, for προέξης, from aD, ee

comp. degr. from πέρα.
208. ‘Kargmsa, a. 1. act. from κατοικίξω to make to
inhabit,” "ἀδη δι ς oe, +) Vhk τ
9061. Φλογωπὸὺς, ἢ,ἢ ὃν, shining, glittering, ond oeδὲ.
and a, ones, 6, an eye. Ἔφημερος, ου,ὃ καὶ ἢ, diurnal, | .
᾿ (βροτὺς ἃ mortal, is understood), from ἐπὶ
é ‘and ἡμέρα
ἡ aday.oF᾿
a ye €y, εν
» ¢ oy ‘
TIP. ὠφ᾽ ov ye πολλὰς ἐκμαθήσονται τέχνας.
ΧΟ. τοιοῖσδε On σε Ζεὺς ἐπ᾿ αἰτιάμασιν
αἰκίζεταί τε, κοὐδαμὴ χαλᾷ κακῶν;
οὐδ᾽ ἔστιν ἄθλου τέρμα σοι προκεΐμενον A ἀξ ΔῈ
ΠΡ. οὐκ ἄλλο y οὐδὲν, πλὴν ὁταν κείνῳ δοκῇ.
ΧΟ. δόξει δὲ πῶς ; τίς ἐλπίς; οὐχ οῥᾷς ὅτι
ἥμαρτες s ὡς δ᾽ ἥμαρτες, οὔτ᾽ ἐμοὶ λέγειν.
καθ᾽ ἡδονὴν, σοί τ᾽ ἄλγος. ὠλλῶ ταῦτα μὲν
μεθὼμεν. ἄθλου δ᾽ ἔκλυσιν ζήτει τίνα. 270

ΠΡ. ἀφ᾽ οὗ γε, ἐκμαθήσονται πολλὰς τέχναφ. ΧΟ. δὴ Ζεύς

TE αἰκίζεταί σε ἐπὶ τοιοῖσδε αἰτιάμασιν, καὶ οὐδαμὴ χαλᾷ κακῶν:
= 2 , srt ~ 9 ? a 4 rr ~ e

οὐδ᾽ ἔστιν σοι τέρμα ἄθλου πρὸόχείμενόν. ITIP. οὐκ ἄλλο γ᾽

οὐδὲν, πλὴν ὅταν δοκῇ κεύῳ. XO. πῶς δὲ δόξει; τίς ἐλαὶς;
«UK, δρᾷς ὅτι ἥμαρτες; δ᾽ ὡς ἥμαρτες, οὔτ᾽ ἐμοὶ λέγειν καθ᾽
NOovnv, τε ἄλγος σοι. ἀλλὰ μὲν μεθῶμεν ταῦτα. δὲ ζήτει τίνα
ἔκλυσιν ἄθλου.

Pro. From which they will learn many arts. Cuo.

νυ Then Jupiter hath punished you upon such accusa-
tions, and remits nothing of your misfortunes. Is there
no termination of this difficulty in view? Pro. None
other except when it may please him. CHo. But how
will it please him? What hope? See you not that you
have erred? But in what manner you have erred I
cannot relate with pleasure, and it would give pain to
you: but let us leave these considerations. Search out
some escape from this agony. ,

264. Προκείμενον, from πρόκειμαι to be placed before:

σοὶ προκείμενον, lying before you.
968. "Our ἐμοὶ λέγειν καθ᾽ ἡδονὴν, It is not to me to speak
with pleasure. ᾿
ΠΡ. ἐλαφρὸν, ὅστις πημάτων ἔξω πόδα,
ἔχει, παραινεῖν Ὁνουθετεῖν τε τὸν κακῶς ee

πράσσοντ᾽" ἐγὼ) δὲ ταῦθ᾽ ἅπαντ ἠπιστάμην.

ELOY, ἐκῶνἥμαρτον; οὐκ; ἀρνήσομαι"
θνητοῖς ἀρήγων,
ot αὐτὸς εὑρόμην πόνους. Ὕ 275
οὐ μήν τι ποιναῖς y ᾿φόμην τοιαῖσί μὲ ee

κατισιχνανεῖσθωι aανπέτραις πεδαρσίοις,,

τυχόντ᾽ ἐρήμου TOU αγείτονος πάγου.
καΐτοι τὰ μὲν παρόντα μὴ δύρεσθ᾽ ἄχη,

ΠΡ, ἐλαφρὸν “a ἐστί Tim ὅστις ἔχει πόδα ἔξω σημαάτων Saget
vely τε νουθετεῖν τὸν Rganoorra κακῶς. δ᾽ ἐγὼ ἠπιστάμην ἅπαντα
ταῦτα. ἐκὼν, ἑκὼν ἥμαρτον, οὐκ ἀρνήσομαι, ἀρήγων θνητοῖς
αὐτὺς εὑρόμην πόνους. οὐ μὴν τὶ γ᾽ φόμην με κατισχνανεῖσθαι
τοιαῖσι ποιναῖς πρὸς πεδαρσίοις πέτραις, τύχοντά τοῦδε ἐρήμου
ἀγείτονος πάγου. καίτοι μὴ δύρεσθε μὲν τά 'πάροντα
ἄχη, ΤΣ

Pro. Easy is it for one, who has the foot disentangled

from evil, to exhort and advise him who is involved in
misery. I knew all these things. Willingly, willingly
have Lerred. i deny it not. By assisting mortals, I
myself have found misfortunes. But yet I did not
think that I should be worn down by such punishments
on these lofty rocks, fixed on this desert unfrequented
place. But lament not the present pains,

272. Novéerew, to advise, from vous and τίθημι.

277. Katioxvaivw, to lessen, from xara and ἰσχνὸς
small. [Π]εδάρσιος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, lofty, Aol. Dial. for
278. ᾿Αγείτων, ονος, ὃ καὶ ἢ, without neighbours, de-
sert, from α pr. and γείτων.
᾿ σπεδοῖ δὲ βᾶσαι τὸς προσερπούσας τύχας 480
ὠκούσαθ᾽, ὡς μάθητε διο τέλους τὸ πᾶν. ᾿
πίθεσθέ μοι, πίθεσθε, συμπονήσατε
τῷ γὺνy μογοῦντι. ταὐτά ae πλανωμένη
πρὸς ἄλλοτ᾽ ἄλλον πημονὴ προσιζάνει.
ΧΟ. οὐκ ἀκούσαις ἐπεθωύξας 285 Anap. Dim. Cat,
τοῦτο, Προμηθεῦ" Anap. Monom. Cat,
καὶ γὺν ἐλαφρῷ 7008 κραιπνόσυτον Anap. Dim. Cat.
θῶκον προλιποῦσ᾽, αἰθέρα θ᾽ ὠὡγνὸν, Τὰ.
πόρον οἰωνῶν, ὀκριοέσσῃ Τα.
«χθονὶ τῇδε πελῶ" τοὺς σοὺς δὲ “πόνους 290 Id.

δὲ βᾶσαι πεδοῖ ἀκούσατε τὰς προσερπούσας τύχας, ws μάθητε

διὰ τέλους τὸ πᾶν. πίθεσθέ μοι, πίθεσθε, συμπονήσατε τῷ νῦν
ἱμιογοῦντι, κατὰ ταυτὰ, πημονή τοι πλανωμένη προαϊϑάνει ἄλ-
λοτε πρὸς Padov. ΧΟ. TloounSei, ἐπεδωῦξος τοῦτο οὐκ
ἀκούσαις“ καὶ νῦν προλιποῦσα κραιπνόσυτον ϑᾶκον ἐλαφρῷ ποδὲ,
ε x

- 49
πελῶ~ THE
9 9
, .

but descending on the earth, listen to events which are

creeping on, that you may fully know the whole,
Attend, attend to me, labour with him who is now in
difficulty: for with respect to these matters, misfortunes
wandering about, light now on this, anon on another
person. (πο. Prometheus! you have mentioned this
to willing ears, and leaving now with light step this
swiftly-moving seat, and the pure air, the tract of birds,
I approach to the rugged earth:
280. ΠΕεδοῖ, adv. on the ground. Baca, Lpers..f..
plur. a. 2. past. from βαίνω.
281. Διὰ τέλους, the same as διάπαντος entirely.
389. ᾿Ὀκριόεις, οέσσα, οεν, rough.
. Πελῶ, for πελάσω, fut. 1. from πελάξω ‘fo ap-
araselt from πέλας near.
ε 2
χρήζω διὸ παντὸς ὠκοῦσαι.- ᾿ς Paren.

ἥκω δολιχῆς τέρμα κελεύθου Anap. Dim. Cat.
διαμειψάμενος., πρὸς σὲ, Προμηθεὺ, Id.
τὸν LO τόνδ᾽ οἰωνὸν Id.
γνώμη, στομίων ἄτερ, εὐθύνων. 25 Id.
ταῖς σαὶς δὲ τύχαις, ἰσθι, συναλγω" Id.
τό τε γάρ με, δοκῶ, ξυγγενὲς οὕτως Id.
ἐσαναγκάζει; χωρίς τε γένους, Id.
οὐκ ἐστιν ὅτῳ μείζονα μοῖραν Id.
νείμαιμ᾽ > ἢ σοί. 200 ~ Anap. Mon,

| |
δὲ χρήζω ἀκοῦσαι διὰ παντὸς τοὺς σοὺς πόνους. OK. Τρομη-
Sed, ἥκω πρὸς σε, διαμειψάμιενος τέρμα δολιχῦς κελεύνου,
if - aq
EDIUIWY γνώμη, ἄτερ στομίων, τόνδε πτερυκωκῇ τὸν οἰωνόν.
tod, cuvarya ταῖς σαῖς δὲ τύχαις" yao δοκῶ, τὸ τε ξυγγενὲς
9) ~ .- ~ X ͵ ‘' ΩΣ ᾿ .s

οὕτως ἐσαναγκάξει με, τὲ χωρὶς yévous οὐκ ἔστιν Jeos ὅτω

γείμιαιμι μείξονα μοῖραν τῆς ἐμῆς φιλότητος ἢ σοί,
Lene Se

I solicit to hear entirely your distresses. OCEAN.

Prometheus! I come to you, having passed through
the space of the long journey, guiding by will alone,
and not by bit, ay swiftly-flying bird. Be assured
that I suffer with your misfortunes, and I feel that my
alliance in blood thus impels me, and independent of
alliance, there is none to whom I would bestow a
greater share of my regard than to you.

294. ἐἐσερυγώκοήει εος, ὃ καὶ ἡ, Swift on the wing, vin

πτέρυξ, vyos, ἡ, ἃ wing, and ὠκὺς.
297. Ἐξυγγενὴς, 20s, ὃ καὶ 7, Consanguineous, τὸ αἶμα
ψνώσει δὲ τάδ᾽ ὡς ἐτυμ᾽ 9 οὐδὲ μάτην Anap. Dim,
χαριτογλωσσεῖν ἔν! μοι" φέρε γῶρ, Ἂ id.
σήμαιν᾽ 0 τι ; χρή om ξυμπράσσειν' Id.
οὐ yao ποτ᾽ ἐρεῖς ὡς ᾿Ωκεανοὺ 14.
φίλος &
ἐστὶ BeCouoregos hg ae Parem.
ΠΡ. eet, τί HONEA 3 καὶ σὺ δὴ πόνων ἐμῶν
ἥκεις ἐπόπτης:: TUG ἐτόλμησας, λιπὼν
ἐπώνυμον TE ρεῦμα καὶ πετρηρεφη

δὲ γνώσει τάδε ὧς ἔτυμι, οὐδὲ EVE μοι μάτην χαριτογλωσσεῖν"

yap Φέρε, σήμαινε ὅ τι χρὴ ξυμπράσσειν"' yao οὔ ποτε ἐρεῖς ὥς
ἔστι Φίλος βεξζαιότερός σοι Ὡκεανοῦ. ΠΡ, εᾶ, τί, χρῆμα; καὶ
σὺ δὴ ἥκεις ἐπόπτης ἐμῶν τοόνων; πῶς ἐτόλμησας, λιπών τε
ρεῦμα ἐπώνυμον καὶ πετρηρεφῆ

_ You well know that these assertions are true; and that
it is not in me vainly to flatter. But come on, point
out what it behoves me to act in conjunction with
you; for at no time shall you say that there exists a
firmer friend to you than Oceanus. Pro. Cease! What
matter? Do you come as spectator of my labours? How
have you dared to leave the stream of ocean, so called
from you, and the rock-roofed

301. Τνώσει, for γνώσῃ, 1. f. mid. from γιγνώσκω.

302. Χαριτογλωσσέω, to flatter, from χάρις and γλῶσσα.
Ἔνι, for ἕνεστι.
904, Ἐρεῖς, f. 1. act. from sige» to speak.
306. “Ez, imp. mood of «zw to suffer or leave; as we
say in English, let the matter rest.
307. ’Exoxrns, ov, ὃ, a spectator, from επόπτομαι.
(808. Ἐπώνυμος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, one who takes his name
from another, or one who gives his name to another,
from ἐπὶ and ὄνομα. [Πετρηρεφὴς, cos, ὃ καὶ ἢ, rocky,
covered with rocks, from πέτρα and ἐρέφω to cover.

αὐτόκτιτ᾽ ἄντρα, τὴν σιδηρομήτορω,
ἐλθεῖν ἐς
¢ αἷαν; βθεωρήσων τύχας Π 810
ἐμὸς ἀφῖξαι, καὶὁ ξυνασχαλὼν κωκοὶς §3
δέρκου θεάμα, τόνδε τὸν Διὸς φίλον,
τὸν ξυγκαταστήσαντα τὴν τυραννίδα,
οἵαις ὑπ᾽ αὐτοῦ πημοναῖσι κάμπτομαι.
ΩΚ. - ὁρῶ, Προμηθεῦ, καὶ παραινέσαι ye σοε 315
3 θέλω Ta λῷστα, καίπερ ὄντι
ὅ ποικίλῳ.
γίγνωσκε σεαυτὸν, καὶ μεθάρμοσαι τρόπους
yeouc’ νεός yep καὶ τύραννος ED θεοῖς.
αὐτόκτιτα, ἄντρα, ελθεῖν ἐς τὴν σιδηρομνήτορα aiay ; 7 ἀφῖξαι ὃε-
wpnowy ἐμὰς τύχας, καὶ ξανασχαλῶν κακοῖς ; δέρκου ϑεάμα,
τόνδε τὸν φίλον Διὸς, τον ξυγκαταστήσαντα τὴν τυράννιδα, οἵαις
σημοναῖσι κάμπτομαι ὑπ᾽ αὐτοῦ. IK. ΠΙρομηδεῦ, δρῶ καὶ γε
ϑέλω παραινέσαι τὰ λῷστά σοι, καίπερ ὄντι ποικίλῳ. γίγνωσκε
σεαυτὸν, καὶ μεδάρμοσαι νεόυς τρόπους" καὶ γὰρ νέος τύραννος
ἔστι ἐν DEON.

self-erected caves, to approach the iron-teeming earth?

Or are you come, that you may behold my misfortunes,
and condole with my distresses? Behold a sight, behold
this friend of Jove, who in conjunction with him erected
his tyranny: see in what miseries I am bowed down
by him. OcEAN. I see, Prometheus, and indeed I
wish to advise you for the best, although yourself are
fruitful in resources. Know yourself, and assume a new
conduct: for there is a new ruler among the Gods. —

309. Adroxtitos, ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, self-constructed, from

αὐτὸς and κτίω to build. Σιδηρομήσωρ, αρος, ὃ καὶ ἢ,
producing iron, from σίδηρος and μήτηρ.
917. Μεθάρμοσαι, a. 1. imp. mid. from ΜΝἡ τονπῦει
to put off something old and suit oneself with what15
new, from μετὰ, which in compound words implies
change, and apuccw to adapt.
εἰ δ᾽ ὧδε τραχεῖς καὶ τεθηγμένους λόγους
ῥίψεις, τάχ ἄν σου καὶ; μακρὰν αἱἀνωτέρω 320
θακῶν κλύοι Ζεὺς, ὥστε σοι τὸν νῦν χόλον
παρόντα μόχθων, παιδιοὶν εἰ
εἰναι δοκεῖν.
ἀλλ ὦ ταλαΐπωρ᾽ ἷ ἃς ἔχεις ὀργεῖς ἄφες,
ζήτει ὁδὲτῶνδε πημάτων ἀπαλλαγάς.
ἄρχαϊ, ἰσως σοι! φαίνομαι λέγειν τάδε. 325
τοιαῦτα μέντοι τῆς ἄγαν υψηγόρου
γλώσσης, Προμηθεῦ, risa γίγνεται.

δὲ εἰ ὧδε ῥίψεις τραχεῖς καὶ iy ie τόμ λόγους, Ζεὺς καὶ

σαχῶν κατὰ μαχρὰν ὁδὸν ἀνώτέρω τάχα ἂν κλύοι σου, ὥστε τὸν
χόλον νῦν nce μόχθων δοκεῖν σοι εἶναι παιδιάν. ἀλλ᾽ ὦ
ταλαίπωρε ἄφες ὀργὰς ἃς ἔχεις, δὲ ζήτει ἀπαλλαγὰς τῶνδε
πημάτων. ἴσως Φαίνομιαί σοι λέγειν τάδε ἀρχαῖα. [Προμηθεῦ,
τοιαῦτα μέντοι εἰσὶ τὰ ἐπίχειρα τῆς ἄγαν ὑψηγόρου γλώσσης.

But if you thus throw out rough and sharp expressions,

Jove, although sitting far above, may soon hear, and
the agony of the present miseries may seem sport. |
But O unfortunate! dismiss the pride you now feel,
and seek retreat from these evils. Perhaps I appear
to you to be saying old-fashioned things; but forsooth,
Prometheus, such are the rewards of a very lofty-in-
veighing tongue.

319. Τεϑηγμένους, perf. part. pass. from Saye to

sharpen. |
322. Tadic, play, from παῖς a boy.
325. Αρχαιῦς, aiz, aidv, old, ancient.
326. ὙΨήγορος, ov, ὃ καὶ %, boasting, holding high
language, from dos and ἀγορά.
827. ᾿Ἐπίχειρον, ov, ro, a reward, from ἐπὶ and χεὶρ
the hand.
συ δ οὐδέπω ταπεινὸς, οὐδ᾽ εἴκεις κακοῖς,
πρὸς τοῖς παροῦσι δ᾽ ἄλλα προσλαδεῖν Θέλεις. “᾿ς
οὕκουν, ἐμοί γε χρώμενος. διδασκάλῳ, 330
πρὸς κέντρα κῶλον ἐκτενεῖς, δρῶν ὅτι
τραχὺς μόναρχος 0οὐδ᾽ ὑπεύθυνος κρατεῖ.
Ἀεὶ νυν ἐγὼ μεν εἰμι! και 4, ale ges
εν δύνωμαι; τῶνδε σ᾽ ἐκλῦσαι πόνων.
σὺ δ᾽ἡσύχαζε, μηδ ἄγαν λαξροστόμει. 335
4 οὐκ οἱσθ᾽ ἀκριξῶς, ὧν iba ὅτι

δὲ σὺ, οὐδέπω ταπεινὸς, οὐδ᾽ εἴκεις κακοῖς, δὲ eres προσλαξεῖν

. & 7 ae

ἄλλα πρὸς τοῖς παροῦσι, κακοῖς. γὲ οὔκουν χρώμενος ἐμοὶ διδασ-

᾿-"; x ~ ~ ~ \- 7 ’ 9 a

κάλῳ ἐκτενεῖς κῶλον πρὸς κέντρα, δρῶν ὅτι μόναρχος τραχὺς

᾿ > ~ δ πάις. ἘΠ ΗΝ δἰ κ᾽ ΣΝ ͵ ry

a3)? ¢ ’ τε ἢ ἐκ SS ἸΦ ΠΣ \ ? 2
οὐδ᾽ ὑπεύθυνος κρατεῖ. καὶ νῦν μὲν ἐγὼ εἶμι καὶ πειράσομαι, ἐὰν
δύνωμαι, ἐκλῦσαί σε τῶνδε πόνων. σὺ δ᾽ ἡσύχαξε, μηδὲ ἄγαν
. ~ .- \

λαξρόστόμει, 7 οὐκ οἶσθα ἀκριθῶς, ὧν περισσόφρων ὅτι

~ εὐ ~ \

You, at no time humble, yield not to evils, but wish ἕο

add other distresses to the present. If you do not use
me as your instructor, you will strike your foot against
the pricks, seeing that the monarch is severe, and rules
without controul. But I now depart, and will endea-
vour to free you, if I am able, from these distresses.
Be you still, nor violently mouth out abuse; for certainly
you must well know, being greatly endowed in mind,

332. “Ὑπεύθυνος, ov, ὃ καὶ 4, accountable, subject to

investigation, from ὑπὸ and εὔϑυνη. The accounts which
the Athenian magistrates were obliged to render at the -
termination of office were called εὔϑυναι.
335. Λαδροστομέω, to talk intemperately, from λάβρος.
violent, and στόμα a mouth. _
336. [ΠΙΕρισσόφρων, ovos, ὃ καὶ ἢ, greatly wise, from
τοέρισσος and φρήν.

γλώσσῃ ματαίᾳ ζημιώ προστρίξεται;
ΠΡ. ζηλῶ σ΄, 08 οὕνεκ᾽ ἐκτὸς αἰτίας κυρεῖς;
πάντων μετασχων καὶ τετολμηκὼς ἐμοί.
καὶ νὺν ecto Ov, μηδὲ σοι μελησάτω. 340
πάντως ye ouπείσεις yi’ οὐ ya εὐπιθήῆς.
πάπταινε δ᾽ αὐτὸς μή τι πημανθὴης ὁδῷ.
OK. πολλώ͵ δ ἀμείνων τοὺς πέλας φρενοὺν ἔφυς
ἢ σαυτόν' ἔργῳ κου λόγῳ τεκμαίρομαι.
ὁρμώμενον δὲ μηδαμώς μ ὠντισπασης. 345

ξημιᾶ προστρίξεται ματαίᾳ γλώσσῃ ; ΠΡ. δηλῶ σε, οὕνεκα ὅτι

κυρεῖς ἐκτὸς αἰτιάς, μετασχὼν πάντων καὶ τετολμηκὼς ἐμοί. καὶ
νῦν Exooy, τόδε χρῆμᾳ unde μελησάτω σοι. γὰρ οὐ πάντως πείσεις
wy’ γὰρ οὗ εὐπιδϑς. δ᾽ αὐτὸς σάπταινε wn πημανδῇς τι Odo. OK.
ἔφυς πολλῷ γ᾽ ἀμείνων φρενοῦν τοὺς WEAAS ἢ σαυτὸν. Fa
μιᾶι ἔργῳ καὶ οὐ λόγῳ. δὲ μηδαμῶς ἀντισπάσης με ὁρμώμενον,

that punishment treads close upon an insolent tongue.

Pro. I envy that you who have shared and dared all
things in conjunction with me, are free from blame ; and
now cease; trouble not yourself; you will by no means
persuade him, for he is not easily to be persuaded.
Watch, lest you yourself should suffer something in
this journey. OcEAN. You are much better suited to
think for your friends than yourself ; but I will prove my-
self by deed and not byword. Do not restrain my ardour,

dec. O68 οὕνεκ᾽ exactly corresponds with propterea

quod, so often used by Cesar. |
841. Ἐυπειθὴς, cos, ὃ καὶ 4, one who easily obeys or is
persuaded, from ev and πείθω.
343. Tous πελας, those near, a man’s friends, because
friends are commonly near to a person. ®pevow, to
instruct, teach, from φρήν.
345. ᾿Αντισπάω, to draw in an opposite direction,
from ἀντὶ and oxaw to draw.
αὐχῶ γάρ; αὐχῶ τήνδε δωρεῶν & ἐμοὶ
δωσειν Ab. ὥστε τῶνδέ σ᾽ ἐκλῦσαι; πόνων.
ΠΡ. τὰ μέν σ᾽ ἐπαινῶ, κοὐδαμῆ, λήξω ποτέ.
προθυμίας yap οὐδὲν εἐλλείπεις. ἀτάρ, πο"
μηδὲν πόνει" μάτην γάρ, οὐδὲν ὠφελῶν | . 350:
ἐμοὶ, πονήσεις εἰ τὶ καὶ “πονεῖν θέλεις.
AAA: ἡσύχαζε, σαυτὸν ἐκποδὼνEχων.
ἐγὼ γάρ οὐκ εἰ δυστυχώ, τοῦδ᾽ οὕνεκα, ris
θέλοιμ᾽ ἂν ὡς πλείστοισι πημονὰς τυχεῖν.
οὐ δῆτ᾽ > eek με καὶ κασιγνήτου τύχαι 355
τείρουσ᾽ ΓΑτλαντος; ὃς πρὸς ἑσπέρους τόπους

γὰρ αὐχῶ,ws αὐχῶ~ Asa δώσειν ἐμοὶ

τήνδε δωρεᾶν, ὥστε
π᾿ ἂν

σε τῶνδε wovwyv. ΠΡ, μὲν ἐπαινῶ σε κατὰ τὰ, καὶ moan

~ ‘ j ᾿ - ᾿. oo.

λήξω ποτὲ ἐπαινεῖν σε, γὰρ οὐδὲν ἐλλείπεις προσυμιᾶξ. aap

4 9 Ὁ“ 9. ᾽. Ἀ

μηδὲν πόνει" γὰρ πονήσεις μάτην, ὠφελῶν οὐδὲν ἐμοὶ, εἴ καὶ

a ’ LY Π ? 9 ~ a. 4 a ww ww

TEAEIS πονεῖν Th ἀλλ᾽ ἡσύχαζε, ἔχων σαυτὸν ἐκποδὼν" yao ἔγω

- A 4 ;

εἴ δυστυχῶ οὐκ ἂν Jédoss οὕνεκα τοῦδε ὡς τυχεῖν πημονὰς

y ~ ae “Ν , « . ς -“ 4

σλείστοισι. οὐ Ont’, ἐπεὶ καὶ τύχαι κασιγνήτου ᾿Δτλαντος

τείρουσὶ με, ὃς ECTNKE πρὸς ἐσπέρους τόπους
ἃ, ὦ : 2

for I flatter, I flatter myself, that Jove will grant me

the boon of relieving you from these distresses. PRO. ν>ωa

J praise you on this account, nor shall I ever cease to νΝf

τ r

praise you: for you have shewn every kindness fo me.

But forbear to labour, for you will labour in vain, and all
your anxiety to overcome difficulties will yield me no ad-
vantage. Cease then, while you are in security, for I,
though unfortunate, would not wish on that account to |
bestow misery on others. No, since also the misfor-
tunes of my brother Atlas afflict me, who stands in 1 the
western countries

BO2. σαυτὸν ἐκποδὼν ἔχων, while you are out of mis-

chief; ἐκπόδων contr. from ἐκ τῆς ὁδοῦ τῶν ποδῶν,
ΧΕ ΤῊΣ ἊΝ Ἂν γα, 4
τὰ ᾿᾿ ἐν
ay δ Ἕ


sf PPA 23 a \ δ
ETTYKE, κιόν οὐρανοῦ τε καὶ χϑονος
ὦμοιν ἐρείδων, ἄχθος οὐκ εὐάγκωλον.
τὸν γηγενῆτε Κιλικίων οἰκήτορα
32 9 bYhie δ qe Po
ἄντρων LOWY ᾧκτειρο;, δῶϊον TEAS, 360

ἑκατογκεέξρανον πρὸς βίαν χειρούμενον


Τυφῶνα θοῦρον, ὅστις ἀντέστη θεοῖς,

σμερδναῖσι γαμφηλαῖσι συρίζων Φόνον.
ἐξ ὀμμάτων δ᾽ ἤῤτρωπτε ψγοργωπὸν σέλας,
ὡς τὴν Διὸς τυραννίδ᾽ ἐκπέρσων βίᾳ. - 365

ἐρείδων ὥμιοιν Κιόνά TE οὐρανοῦ καὶ χϑονὸς, ἄχ ϑος οὐκ Eday-

Maroy, τὲ ὠκτειρα ἰδὼν τὸν γηγενῆ οἰκήτορα Κιλικίων ἄντρων,
Ὁ heed 9 Ἁ 8 ΩΣ 3 ᾿ @ 37

Saiov τέρας, ϑοῦρον Tudava ἕκατογκάρανον “ειρούμενον φίρὸς

βιάν, ὅστις ἀντέστη Θεοῖς, συρίξων Qovov σμερδναῖσι γαμφη-
λαῖσι" δὲ ἤρτραπτε γοργωπὸν σέλαςἐξ ὀμμάτων, ὡς ἐκπέρσων
βίᾳ τὴν τυραννίδα Διὸς.

supporting on his shoulders the pillar of heaven and

earth, a weight not easily carried. I saw with pity —
the earth-born inhabitant of Cilician caves, horrible
prodigy, the powerful hundred-headed Typhon, sub-
dued by force, who opposed all the Gods, breathing
forth slaughter from his horrid jaws, and flashing the
grim lightning from his eyes, with the intent to over-
throw by force the tyranny of Jove.

308. “Epeidw, to prop. ἘΕνᾶγκαλος, ov, ὃ καὶ n, easily to

be embraced or carried, from εὔ and ἀγκάλη an arm.
862. Τυφών, a giant, son of Tartarus and Terra.
He made war against heaven, and put to flight the
astonished Gods, except Jupiter and Minerva. Jupiter
at last subdued him. }
364. Τργωπὺς, οὐ, ὃ, of grim or horrid aspect, from
Τοργὼ and a.
GAN ἤλθεν αὐτῷ Ζηνὸς ἄγρυπνον βέλος. '
καταιξάτης κεραυνὸς. ἐκπνέων φλόγα,
ὃς αὐτὸν ἐξέπληξε τῶν ὑψηγόρων ERT.
κομπασμάτων' φρένας yop εἰς αὐτὲς τυπεὶς,
ἐφεψαλώθη κὠξεξροντήθη σθένος" 870
καὶ νῦν ἀχρεῖον. καὶ παρήορον δὲ
aed Be a,
MELTOL στενωποῦ πλησίον θαλασσιόυ,
ἐπούμενος οἱζαισιν Αἰτναίαις ὕπο.
κορυφαῖς δ᾽ εν
ε ἄκραις ἥμενος μυδροκτυπεῖ οἷ

ἀλλὰ ἄγρυπνον βέλος Ζηνὸς, ΤΑΣ ote κεραυνὸς, ἐκπνέων

φλόγα, ἦλϑεν αὐτῷ, ὃς ἐξέπληξε αὐτὸν ἀντὶ ὑψηγόρων κομπασ-
μάτων. γὰρ τυπεὶς εἰς αὐτὰς φρένας, ᾿σϑένος ἐφεψαλώϑη καὶ
ἐξεξροντηϑη" καὶ νῦν ἀχρειῶν καὶ pe Hee: δέμας κεῖται πλοσιόν
ναλασσίου στενωποῦ, ἱπούμενος ὕπο Αἰτναίαις ῥίξαισιν. δὲ
Ἥφαιστος ἥμενος ἐν ἄκραις κορυφαῖς μυδροκτυπεϊ,

But the sleepless weapon of Jupiter, the descending

thunder, breathing fire, came and smote him for his
insolent invectives. _ Struck to his very soul, his
strengthwas reduced to ashes, and annihilated; and
now the weak and vasty body lies near the marine
streight,depressed beneath the Aitnean roots; .and
Vulcan sitting at the lofty top forms the ardent mass:

366. “Aypurvos, ov, ὃ καὶ 4, sleepless, from ἄγρω ἴο

367. KaraiCarns, ov, o, the descender, from καταὶ for
κατὰ and Baivw.
370. Φεψαλόώ, to eaten to da ders’ from φέψαλος a
coal or spark. ExCgovraw, to annihilate by thunder.
ΟΣ. Αχρειῦς, ez, cov, useless, from a and χρειά.
374. Μυδροκτυπέω, to forge hot iron, from as “Ὁ a
fiery mass, and κτυπέω to strike. - :
Ἥφαιστος, ἔνθεν ἐκρωγήσονταί,.
ὃ ποτε 375
Fain πυρὸς δώπτοντες ἀγρίαις
a γνάθοις
TUS καλλικάρπου Σικελίας λευροὺς ψύας"
τοιόνδε Tuga ἐξαναζέσει χόλον
ϑερμοῖς ἀπλήστου βέλεσι πυρπνόου ζάλης,
καίπερ. κεραυνῷ Ζηνὸς Ἰνθραπωμένος. δι 980
σὺ δ᾽ οὐκ οὐδ ee οὐδ᾽ epee
ἐ διδασκάλου
χρήζεις" σαυτὸν oat ὅ
ὅπως ἐπίστασαι"
| ἐγὼ) δὲ τὴν παροῦσαν ἀντλήσω τύχην,

ZySey wore “ποταμοὶ

39} :
δάπτοντες ἀγρίαις
ἡνάσοις λευροὺς yuas THs, καλλικάρπου Σικελιάς., ᾿Γυφὼς xai-
περ ἠνϑθρακωμεένος κεραυνῷ “Ζηνὸς, ἐξαναξέσει τοιόνδε “χόλον
ϑερμοῖς βέλεσι ἁπλήστου πυρπνόου ζάλης. δὲ σὺ οὐκ FERED,
οὐδὲ χρήξεις ἐμοῦ
2 διδασκάλου" σῶξε σεαυτὸν ὅπως ἐπίστασαι"
ἐγὼ δὲ ἀντλήσω τὴν Wapovoay τύχην,

from whence hereafter rivers of fire shall break forth,

devouring with voracious jaws the light soil of the
fruitful Sicily. Typhon, although consumed by the
thunder of Jove, will belch forth his rage in hot showers
of the insatiable fire-spouting storm: but you are not
unskilful, and need not my instruction. Let your
knowledge protect yourself. I will support my present
373. Be rica, f. 2, pass. from ἐκρήγνυμι to break
out. —
isehg a Καλλίκαρπος, ov, ὃ καὶ ή, bearing fine uae from
καλὸς and καρπὸς.
O18: Ῥξαναζεώ, to boil out, Sot: ἐκ, ava, ζεώ, to boil.
“AgAnoros, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, insatiable, from « and πλήθω to
be filled. |
379. Πύρπνοος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, from πῦρ and πνοὴ a blast.
380. ᾿Ηνθρακωμένος, perf. pari. pass. from ἀνθρακοώ to
reduce to ashes, from ἄνθραξ, axos, 6, acinder. -
ἐς T ἂν Διὸς φρόνημα λωφήσῃχόλου.
OK. οὐκοῦν;“Προμηθεῦ, τοῦτο ain ore :
ὀργῆς νοσούσης εἰσὶν bor gat λόνοι ;rir 886
ΠΡ. εᾶν τις EV καιρῷ γε μαλθάσσῃ κεώρ,
καὶ μὴ σφριγῶντα θυμὸν &ἰσιχνοίνῃ, βίᾳ.
OK. ἐν τῷ προμηθεῖσθαι δὲ καὶ τολμᾷν τίνα
ὁρῶς ἐνοῦσαν ζημιάν ;- διδασκέ Ἄς 990.ῦϑ
ΠΡ. μόχθον περισσὸν, κουφόνουν τ᾽ ευήθιάν.
ἔς τεε φρόνημα Διὸς ἂν λωφήσῃ χόλου. OK. Προμηθεῦ,
οὐκοῦν γιγνώσκεις τοῦτο, ὅτι λόγοι εἰσὶν ἰατροὶ νοσούσης ὀργὴς.
ΠΡ. εᾶν τίς γε μαλϑασσῃ κεάρ ἐν καιρῷ καὶ μὴ ἰσχναίνῃ Bag
5, > we ᾽

σφριγῶντα ϑυμὸν. OK. δρᾷς ἐνοῦσαν ξημιάν ἐν τῷ τίνα wpo-

μηϑεῖσδαιδὲ “καὶ τολμᾶν; δίδασκέ με. ΠΡ, μοχϑήσεις 9
τὐερισσὸν μόχ, δον, τε χουφόνουν εὐησιᾶν.

until the temper of Jove shall abate its rage. OczAN.

Prometheus, know you not this, that words are the
physicians of diseased pride. PRo. Provided we
soothe the heart opportunely, and do not roughly irri-
tate the swelling bosom. OCEAN. Do you think that
any punishment will follow the prudent and bold at-— !
tempt of a friend? Instruct me. Pro. csi
labour and light-minded folly.

3087. MarSaccw, to soften, bo soothe by soft words,

from μάλϑα softened wax.
388. “loxvaivw, to render thin, to lessen, εὐ: ioxvos
thin, lean. Kai un σφριγῶντα Sumo icxyaivn Big, may be
literally translated thus, “ if he do not forcibly make
lean the swelling mind.” The metaphor seems to.
have been taken from the act of milking, in which the
tumid udder is reduced by pressure : σφριγᾷν, to swell,
is properly applied to udders distent with milk.
391. Koupovous, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, light, imconstant, from
xougos and νοός, Edngia, as, ἦν folly, from εὖ and mos.
"OK. ὦ μὲ τήδε τὴ γόσω νοσεῖν, ἐπεὶ
ecw εὖ φρονοῦντα; μὴὺ δοκεῖν φρονεῖν. γί ἐδ
ΠΡ. ἐμὸν δοκήσει τ᾽᾿ἀπλάκημ᾽ εἰνῶν TOOE. 304
OR. σαφὼς μ᾿ ἐς O10” σὸςλόγος στέλλει πάλιν.
ΠΡ. μὴ γάρ σε ϑρῆνος οὐμὸς εἰς ἔχθραν βάλη.
OK. 1τῷ veov ϑαωκοῦντε παγκρατεῖς ἕδρας::
ΠΡ. τούτον φυλώσσου μήποτ᾽ ὠχθεσθη κεάρ.
QE. ἡ σὴ; Προμηθευ, ξυμφορὰ διδάσκαλος :
ITP. στέλλου, κομίζου, σώξε τὸν παρόντα γοῦν.
ΩΚ. ὁρμωμένῳ μοι τόνδ᾽ ἐθωύξας λόγον" 401
- ~ ~ δε Ε V9 εὐ ga
OK. ἕὰ με νοσεῖν τῇδε TH νόσῳ, ἐπεὶ ἐστὶ τόρἄγμα κεῤδιστον
τινὰ φρονοῦντα εὖ, μὴ δοκεῖν φρονεῖν. TIP. τόδε δοκήσει εἶναι
τὸ ἐμὸν ἀπλάκχημα. LK. σὺς λόγος σαφῶς στέλλει με πάλιν
ἐς οἶκον. ΠΡ. ὃ ἐμὸς “ρῆνος μὴ γὰρ βάλῃ σε εἰς ἔχϑραν.
OK. 4% τῷ ϑακοῦντι νέον σαγκρατεῖς ἕδρας; LIP. φυλάσσου
᾿- τούτον μήποτε ax scott κεώρ. OK. Tloounsed, ἢ on ξυμ.-
φορὰ ἔσται ἐμὸς διδασκαλος. ΠΡ. στέλλου, saat ni eg
τὸν “σαρόντα νοῦν. ΩΚ. Edwukas τόνδε λόγον μοι ὁρμωμένῳ,

OCEAN. Permit me to indulge thin weakness, for it is

often profitable that one who is wise should not appear
to be wise. Pro. This will seem my folly.” OcEAN.
Your language will certainly make me return home.
Pro. Let not your sorrow on my account expose you
to hatred. Ocean. What to the hatred of him who
has lately attained the all-powerful seat? Pro. Have
a care of him lest his heart be vexed. OcEAN. Pro-
metheus, your calamity will be my instructor. Pro.
Prepare, set out, retain your present intention.
Ocean. You speak these words to me disposed to
hasten ;

9096. Θρῆνος οὐμιός, the sorrew you have conceived for

os -9 Ul « id Γ

my misfortunes.
λευρὸν ‘yaip οἶμον αἰθέρος Ψαίρει πτεροῖς
τετρωσκελης οιῶνός" ἄσμενος δὲ τὰν
σταθμοῖς ε
ἐν οἰκείοισι. κώμψειεν γόνυ." »ζ 7 404
XO. στένω σε τῶς οὐλομένας στρ. ά. Tambtint
τύχας, Προμηθεῦ" δακρυσί- Id. νι
TFOLTO, an ὄσσων ῥαδινῶν _ Choriamb. Dim.
pees παρειῶν νοτίοις ΤΆ}. Dim. Cat. or Epich.
ereyce παγαῖς" ὠμέγαρ- Wi C4 Id.
ΤΩ γὰρ τάδε Ζεὺς ἰδίοις ἐν 410 Id.
νόμοις κρωτύνων, ὑπερή- Id.
Qavov ϑεοῖς τοῖς πάρος εν- Id.
δείκνυσιν αἰχμᾶν. | ᾿ Dact. Dim.
γὰρ τετρασκελὴς οἰωνός Ψαίρει πτεροῖς λευρὸν οἶμον αἰϑέροξ'
ἄσμενος δὲ τἂν κάμψειεν γόνυ ἐν οἰκείοισι σταῦμοϊς. XO,
Τρομηϑεῦ, στένω σε κατὰ τὰς οὐλομένας τύχας" δακρυσίτακ-
τον ῥεὸς ἀπὸ ῥαδινῶν ὄσσων ἔτεγξε παρειὰν νοτίοις παγαῖς. γὰρ
Ζεὺς κρατύνων τάδε ἀμέγαρτα ἰδίοις νόμοις ενδείκνυσιν ὑπερή-
Cavoy αἰχμιάν τοῖς Sects πάρος.

for my four-footed bird will skim the light tract of the

air, and, pleased, will repose in his domestic stall.
Cuo. Prometheus! [lament your fallen fortunes. The
tear-distilling stream from tender eyes, has moistened
my cheek with humid waters. Jove, ruling by laws
peculiar to himself, uninfluenced by pity, shews his
haughty power to those who were formerly Gods,
403. Terpacnedns, εος, ὃ καὶ ἡ, four-footed, from τετρὰς
and σκέλος.
400. Δακρυσίστακτος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, tear-falling, toarrais,
tilling, from δάκρυ and ὁτάξω.
409. ᾿Αμέγαρτα for ἀμεγάρτως, without ἃ sense of pity.
411. ᾿Ὑπερήφανος, ov, ὃ καὶ n, proud, he who wishes to
be superior to others, from ὑπὲρ and φαίνομαι.
προπᾶσα δ᾽ἤδη στονοέν αντίστ. ἄ. ΡΝ
λέλακε χώρα, μέγαλο-. 415 Id.
σιχήμονα τὰ ἀρχαιοπρεπῆ, | Chor Dims.
στένουσα ταν σάν, ὑνομῶι- gn Ler ia
μόνων τε τιμᾶν, ὁπόσοι F Id.
ἐποικον ἀγνᾶς ᾿Ασίας id.
in caged, μεγαλο- 420 Id.
στόνοισι σοῖς πήμασι συγ᾽ " ἘΠ 4.
κάμνουσι ϑινητοί" famb. Dim. Hyp.
Κολχέδος τε yas Evol TT. β. Troch. Dim.

δὲ ‘sf - ? ἢ U f ? ‘ 4
& ἤδη προπᾶσα Kwpa στογοεν AtAane, στενουσα TE τῶν Cay
μεγαλοσχήμονα T ἀρχαιοπρεπῆ τιμᾶν τε τιμᾶν ξυναιμόνων,
rel: Νὴ a pe a ε ~ 9 , ’
TE ὁπόσοι σνητοί νέμονται ἔποικον ἕδος ayvas ᾿Δσιάς, συγκάμνουσι
in ' ’ ‘ , 3s , ~
Gols μεγαλοστόνοισι πήμασι" τὲ παρθένοι ἔνοικοι Καὶολχίδος γᾶς,

and still the whole region resounds with groans in la-

menting your vast and ancient honours, and those of your
brothers ; and whatever mortals inhabit the neighbouring
soil of the chaste Asia, grieve with your deep groaning
miseries. ‘The virgins, inhabitants of the Colchican land,

415. Μεγαλοσχήμων, ovos, ὃ καὶ ἡ, having vast appear-

ance, from μέγας and σχῆμα.
416. peenoreers> cos, ὃ καὶ ἢ, ancient, from ἀρχαιὸς
and πρ
417. — 005, ὃ καὶἢ, a brother or sister,
from σὺν, 64495, and αἷμα. ι
420. Μεγαλόστονος, ἡ, ον, emitting vast groans, from
weyas and στόνος. |
423. Κολχίδος, Colchis, a country of Asia, at the
south of the Asiatic Sarmatia, east of the Euxine sea,
north of Armenia, and west of Iberia, now called
παρθένοι, μάχαις ἄτρεστοι; Se Troch. Dim.
καὶ Σκύθης ¢
ὅμιλος, οἱ γᾶς ο 498 ἴδ
ἔσχατον, τόπον ἀμφὶ Μαι- Troch. Dim. Cat.
wry ἔχουσι λίμναν" Epichor, Dim.
᾿Αραξιάς τ᾽ ἄρειον ἄνθος, ἀντι. Β. Troch. Dim. Acat.
ὑψίκρημνον οἱ
οἵ πόλισμα Id.
Καυκάσου πέλας γέμοντοι; 430 Id.
Oak0G στρατὸς, οξυπρώ- Troch. Dim. Cat.
pug βρέμων ε
εν αἰχμαῖς. Epichor. Dim. Cat.
μόνον δὴ weer ν ἄλλον ἐπωδος. lamb. Dim. σαί,

ἄτρεστοι μάχαις, καὶ Σκύθης omsdos, of ἔχουσι ἔσχατον τόπον

᾿ ἀμφὶ Μαιῶτιν λίμναν" τὲ ἄρειον ἄνθος ᾿Αραξιάς, οἱ νέμονται
ὑψίκρημνον πόλισμα πέλας Καυκάσου, datos στρατὸς, βρέμων
ἐν οξυπρώροισι αἰχμαῖς. εἰσιδόμνιαν δὴ πρόσϑεν μόνον ἄλλον

fearless in battle, and the Scythian bands who possess

the extreme regions around the Moeotic lake; and the
martial flower of Arabia who inhabit the lofty seated
city on Caucasus, a warlike force, terrible with their
sharp pointed spears. IT have already seen one other

424. "Ατρεστος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, fearless, from « and

τρεω. |
420. ἀμφὶ Mair. Meeotis. Palus, a large lake or
part of the sea between Europe and Asia, at oe. north
of the Euxine, to which it communicates by the Cim-
merian Bosphorus, now called the sea of Azoph, «or
429, ᾿χνάκρημνον,, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, having lofty precipices,
from dos and κρημνὸς.
431. ᾿Οξύπρωρος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, having a sharp point,
from ὀξὺς and zewpa a prow or point.
ἐν πόνοις δαμέντ᾽ ἀδαμαντοδέτοις Chor. Imp, Trim. Ac.
Tirave λύμαις εἰσιδόμιαν θεῶν Epionic. Trim. Acat.
"Ατλανθ᾽, ὃς αἰὲν ὑπέροχον 436 Jamb.
Dim. Acat.
σθένος κραταιὸν Tamb. Monom. Hyp.
οὐράνιόν. τε πόλον, . . Daet. Penthem.
νώτοις ὑποστενάζει' ΤᾺ}. Dim. Cat.
~ Bow δὲ πόντιος κλύδων 4.10 Iamb. Dim.
συμπίτνων, στένει βυθὸς, 'Troch. Dim. Cat.
κελαινὸς δ᾽ ᾿Αἰδὸς ὑποξρέμει μυχὸς γᾶς, τοααρίνδανε
παγαί θ᾽ ἀγνορύτων ποταμῶν Anap. Dim, Cat.
στένουσιν ἄλγος οἰκτρόν. Iamb. Dim. Cat.

λύμαις θεῶν δαμέντα ἐν ἀδαμαντοδέτοις πόνοις, Ἄτλαντα Τὶ-

τᾶνα, Os
ὃ αἰὲν κατὰ ὑπέροχον κραταιὸν σθένος ὑποστενάξζει οὐρανιόν
τε πόλον. δὲ πόντιος κλύδων συμπίτνων βοᾷ, βυθὸς στένει, δὲ
χελαινὸς μυχὸς Aidos DROS ΡΈΕΙ γᾶς, TE Hayat ayvooutwy
: Ν a ow 0 τ: ͵ ~ A \ ͵

ae sl στένουσιν οἰκτρὸν ἄλγος.

iithe bateiletion of the Gods, subdued by adamantine

labours, Atlas the Titan, who always, by superior power-
ful strength, supports on his shoulders the etherial pole.
The waves of the sea unite in lamentation, the deep
groans, the black recess of hell resounds beneath the
earth, and the fountains of pate streams bemoan your
lamentable distress.

‘436. τ Ὁ ΟΡ Atlas one of the Titans, son of

J apetus.and Clymene, and brother to Epemitheus, Pro-
metheus, and Menstius. “Ὑδχέροχος, ov, eminent, excel-
lent, from ὑπὲρ and ἔχω.
439. Ὑποστενάξω, to groan beneath, from ὑπὸ and
στενὺς, ov, ὃ, narrow, contracted.
443. Tlayai, Dor. for πηγαί. ᾿Αγνόῤῥυτος, ἡ, ον, pure-
flowing, from ἁγνὸς chaste, and ῥυτὸς fluid, from fuw.
H 2
ΠΡ. μή τοι χλιδὴ δοκεῖτε, μήτ᾽ αὐθαδίᾳ ς 445
σεγᾷν με" συννοίῳ δὲ δάπτομαι κεάρ, νὰ
ὁρῶν ἐμαυτὸν ὧδε προυσελούμενον.
καίτοι νεοῖσι τοῖς νεόις τούτοις γέρα
τίς ἄλλος, ἢ
ἢ γὼ παντελῶς διώρισεν |> ὙῈΝ
arr αὐτὰ σιγῶ" καὶ yap εἰδυιάσιν oy
ἃ 450
ὑμῖν λέγοιμι. τῶν βροτοῖς δὲ “πήματα,
ακούσαθ᾽, ὡς σφᾶς, νηπίους ὄντας
ὃ τὸ πρὶν;
Evvous See ᾧ
φρενῶν ἐπηξολους"
ΠΡ. μή τοι δοκεῖτε με σίγᾷν χλιδῆ, wnt” αὐθαδίᾳ' δὲ δαπ-
τομαι κατὰ Kea συννοίᾳ, δρῶν ἐμαυτὸν ὧδε σρουσελούμενον.
, 7 ae ” 7 ἃ. ἈΝ ~ ὃ ͵ ͵ ͵ ~ fc -
HATO TIS ἄλλος ἢ EYW παντελὼς ὀιωρισεν γερὰ TOUTOIS TOIS VEOIS
~ 3 Ἢ "ὦ ᾽ - \ ‘ nv ' ee wes ’ a
igs § ἄλλα σιγὼ αὐταὶ και Yap ἂν λεγοιμι ὑμιν εἰδυίασιν τὲ
ἂν ἀκούσατε πήματα βροτοῖς ὡς ἔϑηκε σφᾶς, νηπίους ὄντας τὸ
«οἷν, ἔννους καὶ ἑσηξόλους φρενῶν"

Pro. Think not that I am silent from pride or perti-

nacity : but my heart is devoured with the consciousness
of seeing myself thus punished with contumely. Yet
who besides myself ever bestowed rewards on these
new gods? But let me be silent ; for I should tell them
to you already acquainted with them. Hear the mis-
fortunes of mortals: how I rendered them, who were
heretofore unacquainted with language, intelligent and
inquisitive in their minds.

446. Σύννοια, thought, grief, knowledge,

from cuvand νοός.
447. 1 ρουσελούμενος, treated with contumely,
449. Διορίζω, to define, to distinguish, from da τῷ)
ὅρος, a boundary.
450. Eiduicow, for εἰδηκυιάσιν.
452. Νήπιος, ov, 6, a child, an infant, ignorant, from
yj and eos. ts
453. "Evvous, ου, 6 καὶ ἡ, intelligent, possessing intel-
λέξω δὲ, μέμψιν οὔτιν᾽ ἀνθρώποις ἔχων,
ἀλλ᾽ ὧν δέδωκ᾽ εὐνοίῶν ἐξηγούμενος" 455
ob πρώτα μὲν, βλέποντες ἐδλεπον μάτην,
κλυόντες οὐκ ἤκουον᾽ ἄλλ᾽ ὀνειράτων
ἀλίγκιοι μορφαίσι, τὸν μωκρὸν χρόνον
edugov εἰκῇ πάντα, KOUTE πλινθυφεῖς
δόμους προσείλους ἤσαν» οὐ ξυλουργιάν" 400
᾿ |
δὲ λέξω, ἔχων οὔτινα μέμψιν ἀνθρώποις, ἀλλὰ ἐξηγούμενος
εὔνοιαν δώρων. ὧν δέδωκα᾽ οἱ μὲν πρῶτα βλέποντες ξθλεπον
37 2 ν \ ‘ ~~

μᾶτην, κλυόντες οὐκ ἤκουον ἀλλὰ ἀλίγκιοι μορφαῖσι ὀνειράτων

\ ~

‘ ‘ Ν ' 5 7 > ὦ \ 57 s
διχ τὸν μακρὸν “χρόνον ἔφυρον πάντα εἰκῇ, καὶ οὔτε ἤσαν
~ ? > ?
σιλιν)υφεῖς σροσείλους δόμους, οὐ ξυλουργιάν"

I will proceed to relate (attaching no blame what-

everto mortals) the benevolence of those gifts which I
bestowed. When they first had the power of sight,
they saw to no purpose, hearing they heard not, ‘bit
dike thei images of dreams, they for along time confused
ali things without distinction ;they had net then brick
built and sun-ward houses, nor the art of the carpenter,

lect, from ἐν and νοός. ᾿Επήξολος, ov, ὃ καὶ 7, one who

hits a mark, and thence metaphorically used for skil-
ful, ingenious, from ἐπὶ and βαλλω.
455. ἀλλ᾽ ὧν δέδωκα, the relativeὧν is here Plaid in
the same case as the antecedent δώρων.
A58. ᾿Αλίγκιος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, like, from ἤλιξ ΑΝ ὃ καὶ ᾧ,
of the same age. rr me
459. Εἰκῆ, τ, accidentally, confusedly. Ππλινθυφὴν,
gos, ὃ καὶ , built of bricks, from πλίνθος and ὑφαίνω.
AGO. [Πρόσειλους, ov,ὃκαὶ %, sunny, exposed to the sun,
from πρὸς and cian, the splendour of the sun, *Hicay,
Ὁ) pl. plusq. perf. Att. from εἴδω. Ἐξυλουργία, as, ἡ, the
fabrication of woods, from ξύλον and épyov.
κατώρυχες κδ᾽ εΩΣ ὥστ᾽ ᾿ἀήσυροι
μύρμηκες, ἄντρων ἐν᾿μυχοὶς ανηλίοις.
mv δ᾽οὐδὲν αὐτοῖς οὔτε χείματος τέκμαρ,
οὔτ ᾿ἀνθεμώδους ρος,
7 οὔτε καρπίμου
ϑέρους βέξαιον" ἀλλ᾽ ἄτερ γνώμης τὸ πᾶν 465
ἐπράσσον, ἐς TE δή σφιν ἀντολῶς Ey sani
| ἄστρων ἐδειξα, τάς τε δυσκρίτους δύσεις.
καὶ μὴν ἀριθμὸν ἔξοχον σοφισμάτων,
. cf 3 ’ ? s 4 ὅν ὁ iw
δὲ ἔναιον, ὥστε ἄησυροι μύρμηκες, κατώρυχες ἐν ἀνηλίοις μυχοῖς
EY > \ 9 ~ adr ’ ᾿ yA ? δ, τον μήν.
ἄντρων. ἦν δὲ αὐτοῖς οὐδὲν βέξαιον τέκμαρ οὔτε χείματος, οὔτε
i 5
ἀνθεμώδους ἦρος, οὔτε καρπίμου Ségous* ἀλλὰ ἔπρασσον TO πᾶν
” ' ” ἐς aw 38. t eed VE ‘ ‘
ἄτερ γνώμης, Es TE δή ἐγὼ ἔδειξα σφιν ἀντολὰς ἄστρων, TE TAS
δυσκρίτους δύσεις, καὶ μὴν ἀριϑιμὸν ἔξοχον σοφισμάτων, ©

but they lived like the little ants beneath the ground
in the gloomy recesses of caves. ‘They possessed no
established distinction between winter, the flower-
bearing spring, and the fruitful summer; but they
transacted all things without thought; until I pointed
out to them the rising, and the more baa to be discri-
minated setting of the stars; and moreover I invented
for them the art οἵcalculation,

461. i seteholih ux0s,

on ὃ καὶ ἡ, dug down, from κατὰ and
ὀρύσσω. ᾿Δήσυρος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, light, small, from ἀὴρ and
σύρω, to draw.
462. ᾿Ανήλιος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, shady, without sun, from ΔὉ
and ἥλιός. ᾿
404. ᾿Ανθεμώδης, cos, ὃ καὶ ἡ, flowery, from ἄνθεμον, ov
τὸ, a flower. ei
A466. ᾿Αντολὰς for ἀνατολὼς, from ὠνατέλλω to rise.
407. Δύσκριτος, ov, ὃ καὶ 7, obscure, difficult of bo
nation, from δὺς and κρίνω, i
| ἐξεῦρον αὐτοῖς, γραμμάτων δὲσυνθέσεις,
μνήμην 0’, ἑπάντων μουσομήτορ᾽ ἐργάνην. 470
᾿ καζευξα πρῶτος ἐν ζυγοῖσι κνώδαλα
ζεύγλαισι δουλεύοντα; σωμασίν θ᾽ὅπως
θνητοῖς μεγίστων διάδοχοι μοχθημάτων
ψένοινθ᾽, ὑφ᾽ ἄρματ ἤγαγον φιληνιόυς
bm TOUS, ἄγαλμα τῆς ὑπερπλούτου χλιδης. 475

ἐξεῦρον αὑτοῖς δὲ συνϑέσεις γραμμάτων, τὲ μνήμην ἱκουσομνήτορα

ἐργάνην ἁπαντων" καὶ πρῶτος ἔζευξα κνώδαλα ἐν ϑυγοῖσι δούς
λεύυοντα ζεύγλαισί, τε ἤγαγον Φιληνίους ἵππους ἄγαλμα τῆς
ὑπερπλούτου χλιδῇς ὑφ᾽ ἅρματα ὕπως γένοιντο σώμασιν Side
δοχοι μεγίστων μοχθημάτων.

a science superior to all others; and the arrangement

of letters, and memory, the artificer of all things, the
mother of composition. I first yoked the animals, and
made them labour under the yoke, and made the horse
that ornament of sumptuous luxury obedient to the
reins, and fixed him in the chariot, that he might be-
come to man the reliever of his greatest labours.
ee eee EPS τὶ

AGS. Σύνθεσις, EWS, a composition, the putting together

of any thing, from σὺν and τίθημι.
— 470. Mewsouoicae, opos, 7, mother of letters, from
μοῦσα and UNTNE.
479. Διάδοχος, ov, ὃ καὶ ny\SReceening, successor,
from διαδέχρομαι.
474. “Hyayov, Att. for ἤγον. Φιλήνιος, η, ov, loving
the reins, from φιλέω and Aud. | |
A475. “Ayaka, «ros, To, an ornament, from ἄγάλλω, to
adorn. ὝὙπέρπλουτος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, rich beyond measure,
abundantly wealthy, from ὑπὲρ and πλούτος. |
θαλασσόπλαγκτα δ᾽ οὐ ine’ ἄλλος ἀντ᾽ ἐμοῦ
λινόπτερ, εὗρε ναυτίλων ὀχήματα.
τοιαυτὰ μηχανήματ ᾿ἐξευρων τάλας 3
βροτοῖσιν, αὐτὸς οὐκ ἔχω σόφισμ᾽, ὅτω ΝΣ
τῆς γὺν παρούσης πημονῆς απαλλάγω. 480.
ΧΟ. πέπονθας αἰκὲς wpe ἀποσφαλεὶς φρενῶν
πλανᾷ" κακὸς δ᾽ barrgos ὡς Τίς; εἰς νόσον
πεσὼν αθυμεῖς, καὶ σεαυτὸν οὐχ ἔχείς
εὑρεῖν ὁποίοις φαρμάκοις ἰώσιμος.

δὲ οὔ τις ἄλλος ἀντ᾽ ἐμοῦ εὗρε θαλασσόπλαγκτα λινόπτερα ὀχή-

ὁ β
ματα ναυτίλων. Taras ἡν μὰ Ἢ τοιαῦτα μηχανήματαβροτοῖσιν,
β ὶ
αὐτὸς οὐκ ἔχω σόφισμα ὕτω απαλλαγῶὼ τῆς πημογῆς νῦν πα-
ρούσης. ΧΟ. πέπονθας αἰκὲς πῆμα" ἀποσφαλεὶς πλανᾷ φρε-
νῶν" δ᾽ ὥς τις κακὸς rane αθυμεῖς πεσὼν εἰς νόσον καὶ οὐχ,
ἔχεις σεαυτὸν εὑρεῖν ὁαοιόις φαρμάκοις ιἄσιμιος.

None except me found out the sea-wandering, sail-

flying chariots of sailors. I, the unfortunate, who found
out these contrivances for mankind, know not any art
by which I may escape from the present misery. CuHo.
‘You have suffered disgraceful insult; you are lost in
the aberration of intellect; and likea bad physician :
you want presence of mind in a disease which afflicts
yourself, and do not maintain sufficient command over
yourself to find by what medicines you may be cured.

476. Θαλασσόπλαγκτος, ov, ὃ καὶ 4, roaming through

the sea, from ϑάλασσα and πλάζω to wander. _
477. Λινόπτερος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἧ, having wings (sails) made
of linen, from λίνον and πτέρον.
483. ᾿Αθυμεώ, to despond in mind, or to be deficient
in presence of mind, from 2 and Suis. Ἢ P
484, ᾽ἼἼασιμος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, curable, from ἰάομαι, to cure.
ΠΡ. τα λοιπά μου κλύουσα, priedπλεῦν,
οἷας τέχνας τε καὶ ; πόρους ἐμησάμην. ye / 486
τὸ μὲν μέγιστον, εἰ τις εἰς νόσον πέσοί,
οὐκ ἣν ἀλέξημ᾽ οὐδὲν, οὔτεβρώσιμον,
οὐ χριστὸν, οὔτε πιστὸν, ἀλλα φαρμάκων
χρείᾳ κατεσκέλλοντο, πρίν γ eye σφίσιν 400
ἐδειξα κράσεις ἠπίων ἀκεσμάτων
ἃ |
x αἷς τὰς ὡπάσας ἐξαμύνωνται νόσους.

TIP. κλύουσα μου τὰ λοιπὰ, ϑαυμάσει πλέον οἵας τε τέχ-

. δὰ ἥν Ἢ \ ‘ ’ ” ͵ ”
νας καὶ πόρους εμνηδαμην" TO μὲν [LEYLOTOV, EL TIS BECO εἰς
δον 3 Ψ ads aw) v ͵ 3 > ‘ +
νόσον, οὐκ ἦν οὐδὲν ἀλέξημα, οὔτε βρώσιμον, οὐ XpIoTov, οὔτε
πιστὸν, ara κατεσκέλλοντο χρείᾳ φαρμάκων, πρίν ¥y ἐγὼ
ἔδειξα σφίσιν κράσεις ἠπίων ἀκεσμάτων αἷς ἐξαμύνωνται τὰς
ἁπάσας γόσους,

Pro. When you shall have heard from me the re-

mainder, you will more wonder at the arts and con-
trivances which I invented. This was the greatest.
When any one was afflicted with disease, there was no
remedy by diet, ointment, or draught, and they were
lost by the want of medicines, until I pointed out the
mixture of mild remedies, by which they might ward
off mee.

485. Θαυμάσει; Att. for ϑαυμάσῃ.

488. Βρώσιμος, ov, ὃ καὶ 4, pertaining to eating, from
βρῶσις food.
489. Χριστὸς, ov, 6, pertaining to ointment, from xgiw
io anoint. ITioros, ov, δ, that which is drank, drinkable,
from πίνω to drink. |
490. Κατεσκέλλω, to dry up, to waste, from xara and
τρύπους δ πολλοὺς μαντικῆς ἐστοίχισα
κακρινα πρῶτος ἐξ ὀνειρώτων
ὁ ἃ χρὴ
ὕπαρ γενέσθαι, κληδόνας τε δυσκρίτους δ, ΧΕ
ἐγνωρισ᾽ αὐτοῖς, ἐνοδίους τε onerous, ‘| il
γαμψωνύχων. TE πτῆσιν οἰωνῶν σκεθρῶς aa
διώρισ᾽, οἵτινες ΤᾺ δεξιοὶ φύσιν,
εὐωνύμους τε καὶ δίαιταν hb :
ἔχουσ᾽ ἕκαστοι, καὶ πρὸς ἀλλήλους τίνες ὟΣ
ἐχθραι τε καὶ στέργηθρα καὶ ξυνεδρίαι"
δὲ ἐστοίχισα τρόπους πολλοὺς μαντικῆς τέχνης καὶ πρῶτος
ee , ᾿ Ἁ ~ £ a wt

ἔκρινα ἃ ἐξ ὀνειράτων χρὴ γενέσθαι ὕπαρ, τὲ ἐγνώρισα αὐτοῖς

δυσκρίτους κληδόνας, τε ἐνοδίους συμιβόλους, τε διόρηαα. σκεθρῶς
πτῆσιν γαμνψωνύχων οἰωνῶν, τε οἵτινες δεξιοὶ φύσιν τε εὐωνύμους -
καὶ ἥντινα δίαιταν ἕκαστοι ἔχουσι, καί τε τίνες ἔχθραι καὶ
στέργηθρα καὶ ξυνεδρίαι πρὸς ἀλλήλους"

I arranged many methods of divination, and first dis-

tinguished what things in dreams were of true vision. |
I explained to them obscure oracles, and the acci-—
dental occurrences on the road. I defined clearly the
flight of the curve-taloned birds, the auspicious and
inauspicious, to what food each is addicted, their
hatred, affections, and alliance;

493. Στοιχίζω, to arrange, to dispose in order, from

ὅτοῖχος an order. Ἢ
498. Poh ον τος, τὸ, a true dream or vision. Ὕ Παρ
differs from ὄναρ, the former being a true vision, the
latter a false dream.
490. ’Evodious συμβύλους, omens which occur on the read.
497. Γαμψώνυχος, ov, ὃ καὶ %, having crooked talons,
from yayos and ow,
501. Buvdpiz, as, ἡ, a sitting together, a council, from
σὺν and ἔδρᾳ.
σπλάγχνων τε λειότητα καὶ χροιον τίνα
ἐχοντ᾽ ἂν εἴη δαίμοσιν πρὸς ἡδονήν" ᾿
χολῆς, λοξοῦ τε ποικίλην εὐμορφιάν. | :
κνίσῃ δὲ κῶλα συγκαλυπτῶ, καὶ μακραν 505
ὀσφὺν πυρώσας, δυστέκμαρτον εἰςτέχνην
adware θνητούς" καὶ φλογωπὰ σήματα
ἐξωμμάτωσα, πρόσθεν ὄντ᾽
ὃ ἐπάῤγεμα.
τοιαῦτα μὲν δὴ ταῦτ᾽" ἔνερθε δὲ χθονὸς
τε λειότητα σπλάγχνων καὶ τινα χροιὰν ἔχοντα av3
εἴη πρὸς

ἡδονὴν δαίμοσιν" τε ποικίλην εὐμορφίαν χολῆς τε AoCov. δὲ

πυρώσας κῶλα συγκαλυπτὰ κνίσῃ καὶ μακρὰν ὀσφὺν, ὥδωσα
᾿ \ 3 er rae , δα , , 3
ϑυγητοὺς sis δυστέχμιαρτον τέχνην. καὶ ἐξωμμαάτωσα φλογωπὰ
: _ wv ee) ! St ~ 8 N ‘a
σήματα, OVTH ἐπάργεμα MWO0OVEV, τοιαυτα μεν δὴ ταῦτα.

the smoothness of the entrails of animals, and the colour

which they should have to be acceptable to the Gods;
and the various appearances of the gall and liver. I
burnt the limbs involved in fat, and the long chine, and
directed mortals to this difficult art. I made clear the
omens to be observed in flames, till then involved in
obscurity. Bo’much for these things.

502. καὶ τινα χροιὰν ἔχοντα ἂν εἴη πρὸς ἡδονὴν δαίμοσιν,

literally, “‘ and what colour having they might be
agreeable to the Gods.”
504. Ἑυμορφία, aS, ἢ, wee from εὖ and μορφὴ.
505. Δυστέκμαρτος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, difficult to be under-
stood, from δὺς and τεχμαίρω.
507. Ὅδοω, to lead the way, from ὁδὸς,
508. Εξομματοω, to render clear, from ἐξ and ὄμμα.
Ἔργεμοί, ov, ὃ καὶ ἥ, Covered with darkness, from
Goryeo ἃ cataract in the eye.
“B09. τοιαῦτα μὲν δὴ ταῦτα, literally, ** such are these, _
κεπρυμμέν ᾿᾿ἀνθρώποισιν ὠφελήματα, | 510
χαλκὸν, σίδηρον, ὥργύρον,
ἃ χρυσόν TE, τίς
roy |
φήσειεν ἂν πάροιθεν ἐξευρεῖν ἐμου;
ε ΓΝ ae
οὐδεὶς, TAH οἰδα, μὴ μάτην φλῦσαι θέλων. »
βραχεῖ δὲμύθω πάντα συλλήξδην μάθε, an

WT os τέχναι βοοτοῖσιν 7
ε IT ομηϑέως. ae. ta
XO. μή νυν βροτοὺς μὲν ὠφέλει; καιροῦ πέρα,
σαυτοῦ δ᾽᾿ἀκήδει δυστυχοῦντος" ὡςεἐγὼ
εὐελπίς εἰμι τῶνδέ σ᾽ ἐκ δεσμῶν ETS

τίς ἂν φήσειεν ἐξευρεῖν πάροιθεν ἐμοῦ ὠφελήματα ανϑρώποισε

κεχρύμιμενα ἔνερθε “χθονὸς, χαλκὸν, σίδηρον, ἄργυρόν, τὲ“χρῶσόν.
οὐδεὶς, σάφα οἶδα, μὴ ϑέλων μάτην φλῦσαι. μάθε πάντα συλ-
λήδδην δὲ βραχεῖ μύθῳ, πᾶσαι τέχναι εἰσὶ βροτοῖσιν ἐκ 1Προ-
μηθέως. ΧΟ. wn νυν ὠφέλει ears πέρα ite δὲ ἀκήδει
σαυτοῦ δυστυχιοῦντος" ὡς ἐγώ εἶμι εὔελπίς σε ἔτι λυθέγτα ἐκ
τῶνδε δεσμῶν, ¥

Who can say that he found out before me those auxilia- —

ries to men, concealed beneath the earth, brass, iron,
silver, and gold. No one, I am well assured, unless —
he wish vainly to trifle. Learn all collectively, and in —
one short word, every art was given to mortals by
Prometheus. CHo. Assist not mortals contrary to
your interest, nor disregard your own misfortunes,
since I entertain great hopes, that you being freed from
these chains,

514. Συλλήδδην, collectively, taken together, from

συν and λαμᾷανω.
516. Νύν, therefore, an enclitic particle. Καιροῦ πέρα
farther than is fit or proper.
517. Axnda, imp. mood, from ἀκηδέω, to be upminaddll
or without care of a migiter, from κῆδος Care. | a
518. Eveamis, ios, ὃ καὶ ἡ, entertaining good BOP oe :
from εὖ and Amis.
’.Sea ἢ ’

λυθέντα, μηδὲν μέζον. ἐσχύσειν Διός.
OP. οὐ ταῦτα ταύτῃ μοῖρά Tu) τελεσφύρος 520
κρώναι πέπρωται" μυρίαις δὲ πημοναῖς,
δύαις τε καμφθεὶς, ὧδε derma φυγγάνω.
τέχνη δ᾽ ἀνάγκης ἀσθενεστέρα μακρῷ. -
XO. τίς οὖν. ἀνάγκης ἐστὶν οἰωκοστρόφος 5;
ITIP. Μοίραι τρίμοορφοι, μνήμονες τ᾽ Εριννυές. 525
XO. τούτων ὥρα Ζεύς ἐστιν ἀσθενέστερος :;
LEP. οὐκ οὖν ἂν ἐκφύγοι γε τὴν πεπρωμενῆν.

ἐσχώσειν μιηδὲν μεῖον Διός. ΠΡ. μοῖρά τελεσφόρος οὐ πέπρω-

3 ~ ~~ Ff

᾿ ταὶ Tw κρᾶναι ταῦτα ταύτη" δὲ καμφθεὶς μυρίαις πημοναῖς τε

δύαις, φυγγάνω ὧδε δεσμὰ. δὲ τέχνη μακρῷ ἀσϑενεστέρα ἀναγ-
xs. MO. τίς οὖν ἐστίν οἰακοστρόφος ἀνάγκης; [ΠὈΡ᾿ τρί-
μορῷο: Μοῖραι, τὲ μνήμονες Ἐριννύες, XO. Ζεύς ἔστιν ἄρα
ἀσδενέστερος τούτων ; . οὐκ οὖν ἄν ἐκφύγοι γε τὴν πεπρω-
eS 5 Η sie , i, ΠΡ 3. πο δ, ΜΝ ͵ ἣν :

μένην μοῖραν.

will be nothing inferior in power to Jove. Pro. Fate

which concludes all things, has not destined these mat-
ters to be thus attained; but when I shall have been
depressed by myriads of miseries and pains, I shall then
escape these chains. Art is far weaker than necessity.
πο. Who then is the pilot of necessity? Pro. The
triple fates, and the remembering Furies. Cuno. Is
Jupiter then weaker than these? Pro. He certainly
cannot escape the destined fate. |

520. Τελεσφόρος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, leading or bringing to an

end, from τέλος and Qepw.
O21. [lexewras, 3 pers. 5. plusq. perf. from Guseipaylite.
524. Οἰακοστρόφος, ov, 6, a pilot, one who turns the
rudder, from ozZ, axos and στρέφω.
526. "Apa, thus accented, has power mdatersogattyag,
and is equivalent to the Latin Num.
027. Te,a particle, saltem, at least.
XO. τίj yeepπέπ aprons Ζηνὶ, πλὴν αἰεὶ κρατεῖν;
ἩΡ.. τοῦτ᾽ οὐκ eT ἂν πύθοιο,, μηδὲ λιπάρει.
ΧΟ. i που τὶ σεμινόν ἐστιν ὃ ξυναμπέχεις ; 530
ΠΡ. ἄλλου λόγου μέμνησθε, τόνδε δ᾽οὐδαμώς.
καιρὸς γεγωνεῖν, ὠλλὰ συγκαλυπτέος
ὅσον μάλιστα" τόνδε γὰρ σωζων εἐγὼ
δεσμοὺς ἀεικεῖς καὶ δυάς ε
peli. μηδαμ᾽ 0πάντα γέμων στρ. a Ῥαοί. Ροπίῃ.
Geir’ ἐμῷ
ε y= 536 = ‘Troch. Seam

ΧΟ. γάρ τι πέπρωται Ζηνὶ» πλὴν κρατεῖν αἰεί, ΠΡ, οὐκ ἔτι,
ἂν πύϑοιο τοῦτο, μηδὲ λιπάρει. ΧΟ, 7 ποὺ ἐστίντι σεμνὸν ὃ
ξυναμπέχεις; TIP. μέμνησθε ἄλλου λόγου, δὲ οὐδαμῶς
f ~

’ ΩΣ ᾿ ᾽ 3 ‘ ᾿ 9 Δ εἴ
καιρος ἐστι γεγώνειν τόνδε λογον, ἄλλα συγκαλυπτεος ἐστι Ὅσον
μάλιστα γὰρ yw σώξων τόνδε λόγον, ἐκφυγγάνω δεσμοὺς
ἀεικεῖς καὶ δυάς. ΧΟ. Zeus ὅ γέμων πάντα μηδάμα ϑεῖτο
’ ~ ἣν
κράτος ἀντίπαλον ἐμᾷ γνωμᾷ,

Cuno. But what is destined to Jove except eternal

empire?’ Pro. You may not yet know this; forbear
to enquire. Cuo. The matter is perhaps important
which you conceal? Pro. Talk of some other thing,
for this is by no means the proper time to mention that;
and it must be concealed as much as possible : for by
keeping this circumstance I shall escape disgraceful
fetters and woes. CHo. Jupiter the ruler of all, let
him never oppose his power in opposition to my opinion,

529. Λιπαρέω, to ask earnestly, to persevere.

530. Ilov, enclitic, and may signify in this place
‘‘ perhaps.” Vigerus says, concerning the signification
of the enclitic που, dicatur de re non satis certa ac
definita nempe fortassis ac > Serviat modestiz et cau-
tioni dicentis. ᾿
μᾷ κρώτος ἀντίπαλον Ζεὺς, Epionic. Dim. Acat.
pend εελινύ- | Troch. Mon.
Toipes θεοὺςὁσίαις Goi- —Epionic. or Epich, Dim. Hyp.
yous ποτινισσομένα 540 Dact. Penthem.
βουφόνοις͵ παρ᾿ | Troch. Mon.
᾿Ω,μκεανοῖο πατρὸς Dact. Penth. or Epich. Dim. Acat.
ἄσζξεστον πόρον, Dact. Dim.
pnd ἀλίτοιμι λόγοις" _ Dact. Penthem.
ἀλλά μοι τόδ éἐμμένοι 845 ἼτοΟΙ, Dim. Cat.
καὶ μήποτ᾽ ἐκτακείη. Tamb. Dim. Cat.
ἡδὺ Ts θαρσαλέαις ὠντιστ. ὦ. Ῥδοί. Penthem.


FANE ἐλινύσαιμι ποτινισσόμενα Jeous Soicus βουφόνοις ϑοίναις

1 5) ~ j
παρὰ ἄσξεστον πόρον πατρὸς ᾿Ωκεανοῖο, μηδὲ ἀλίτοιμι λόγοις"
ie, HAE ΙΣ “e ; ι ᾿ 9 ? sity en.
ἄλλα TOE εμμένοι, καὶ μήποτε EXTAXEIN μοι. ἐστί τι ἡδὺ
? ‘ + oe | ’ t
τείνειν τὸν μᾶκρον βιὸν EATICL ϑαρσελέαις

nor let me delay to approach the Gods with customary

sacrifices of oxen, at the restless dwelling of my father
Ocean, nor let me be guilty of offensive expressions,
but let this consideration ever be present and never be
obliterated from me. There is something delightful in
passing a long lifein confident hopes,

537. ᾿Αντίπαλος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἦγ Opposing, striving in op-

position, from ἀντὶ and πάλη.
549. 1]οτινίσσομαι, Dor. for προσνίσσομιαι, to approach.
DAL. Βούφονος, ov, ὃ καὶ 7, pertaining to the slaughter —
of oxen, from βοῦς and φωνή.
543. ᾿Ασξεστος, ἡ, ov, oe ee restless, from
« and σξεννυμαι.
546. Exrancin, ἃ. 9. opt. from εκτήκομαι to.wear
away. :
4. τ APEX NAOT f
τὸν μακρὸν τεί- Troch. Monom.
ve βίον ἐἠπίσι, φαναῖς Epichor.
Dim, Acat.
“θυμὸν ἀλδαι- 550 'Troch. Mon.
νουσαν Ev εὐφροσύναις, φρίσ- ἰὼ i τ..000ὕὃ
σω δέ oh δερκομένα Dact. Penthem.
μυρίοις μό- Troch. Mon.
χθοις διωκναιόμενον. Dact. Penthem.
᾿ς F FOR OE & 55S |

Ζηνα ‘yoke οὐ τρομέων Dact. Penthem. -

ἐν ἰδία γνώμῷ σέξει θνα- Troch. Dim. Acat,
τοὺς ἄγαν, Προμηθεῦ. Troch. Dim. Brachye.
peo ὅπως ἄχαρις.χάρις, toφίλος, στρ. β΄. Anap Dim.C.
εἰπὲ ποὺ τις HARE 5
3 560 Troch. Dim. Brach.
τίς ἐφαμερίων Anap. Mon.
ἄρηξις:᾿ oud ἐδερχθης Iamb. Dim. Cat.

ἀλδαίνουσαν “υμὸν ἐν Pavais εὐφροσύναις, δὲ Φρίσσω δερκομένα

8 4 ~ F

U -
σε διακναιόμενον μυρίοις ox tos γὰρ οὐ τρομέων Ζῆνα,
counted, ἄγαν σέξει
5 ~ 37 6 5
ἐν ἰδίᾳ γνώμῃ.
? a Ne ͵
Φέρε ὅπως
͵ εἴ

χάρις ἄχαρις, ὦ φίλος, εἰπὲ, ποῦ τις MAna; τίς ἄρηξις ἐφαμε-
7 κἡ ~ 5

ρίων ; οὐδ᾽ ἐδέρχ,ϑης

recreating ones mind in lucid pleasures; but I tremble

when I behold you afflicted with numberless labours.
For disregarding Jupiter, O Prometheus, you respect
mankind too much. See how this favour is unfavoura-
ble my friend ; say whence is the advantage to you ?
- What assistance from mortals? See you not

549. Davos, ἡ, ov, lucid, clear, from Paint

551. Ευφροσύνη, ns, ἢ, pleasure, from εὖ and φρὴν,
557. Σέξει, Att. for cen.
S61, ᾿Εφαμερίων, for εφημερίων, βροτῶν is understood.

ὟΣ ὀλεγοδρανίαν | Anap. Mon.
ἄκικυν, σόνειρον, ᾧ τὸ φωτῶν Τα}. Trim. Cat.
λαὸν % ἃ ἃ γένος ἐμπεποδι- 568 Anap. Dim. Cat.
σμένον ;: οὔποτε τον Διὸς δρμονίαν Τά.
θνατῶν παρεξίασι βουλαί. Tamb. Dim. Hyp.
ἔμαθον τάδε σῶς προσιδοῦσ᾽ ὁλοῶς avr. β΄. Anap. Dim.
τύχας, oe Tamb. Mon. Hyp.
τὸ διαμφί ον 570. Απᾶρ. Mon.
DE μοι. pe: dette famb, Dim. Cat.
“rrr 4 Ξ““ῃ-Ὁ 4, ~~

de:scxs, ων ὀλιγοδρανίαν, @ τὸ ἀλαὺν γένος φωτῶν ἐστὶ

9 . 2 3, 1 oh ’ ee ὁ ?
ἐμπεοδισμένον ;οὔποτε βουλαί θνατῶν παρεξίασι τὰν ἁρμονίαν
Διός. Τρομοθεῦ, σπροσιδοῦσα σὰς ddoas τύχας ἔμαθον τάδε.
δὲ τόδε τὸ μέλος errs (κοι

the weak and visionary imbecility by which the blind

race of mankindis enchained? Never will the councils
of mortals deceive the harmony of Jove. Prometheus,
by observing your unfortunate destiny, I have learned
these things. But a different strain now inspires me
from that, |

563. Ολιγοδρανια, as, n, weakness, iimbecility, from

ὀλίγος and deaivw, to do or perform.
564. “Aximus, vos, ὃ καὶ ἡ, weak, from α and κίκυς
strength. ᾿Ισόνειρος, ov, ὃ καὶ , like a saan} vain, from
ἴσος and ὄνειρον, |
965. Ἐμπεποδισμένον, perf. τὰ from εμποδιξω to im-
plicate or involve, from ἐν and ποῦς.
566. Λρμονία, ἂς, ἢ, connection, fixed order of things,
from. aguos a jot.
570. Διαμφίδιος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, different, from διὰ and

ee τόδ΄.ἐκεννῳ θ᾽, o>
0 τ᾽ Le Ton.a. Min. Mon. Hyp
φὶ λουτρὲὶ καὶ λέχος σὸν ὑμεναίουν. Tamb. Trim. Brachs
ἰοτατι γάμων, ὃὅτε τῶν ὁμοπά- Anap. Dim. Aeat-
dpe edvosg at
Ayayes Ἡσιόναν 575 Id.
πιθὼν δάμαρτα κοινόλεκτρον: Jamb. Dim. Hyp:
tis yn τί γένος ;; τίνα φὼ λεύσσειν Anap. Dim. Acat.
τόνδε χαλινοῖς ἔν ετρίνοισιν Id.
χειμαξόμένον ;: τίνος ἀπλακίας Id.
ποινή σ᾽ OAEKES: σήμηνον ὅπη. 580 Id.

διαμφίδιον ἐκεῖνῳ τε μέλει; 0, τι ὠμεναίοὐν loTaTi γάμων, ἀμφὶ

᾿ von Bix 2: Noe 57 , Le ὡς δ.
λουτρὰ καὶ σὸν λέχος, ὅτε πιθῶὼν ἕδνοις ἄγαγες τὰν δμιοσάτριον
Ἡσιόναν κοινόλεκτρον δάμαρτα. IQ. τίς yn; τί γένος; rive
φῶ λεύσσειν, τόνδε χειμαζόμενον ἐν πετρίνοισιν “χαλινοῖς ; Wown
’ 9 , 4 ea ἢ ’ ef

which I sang in celebration of marriage around your

bath and couch, when having persuaded by large dowry,
you led our sister Hesione the espoused companion of
your bed. Io. What land is this? What race? Whom
may I say that I behold exposed on this rocky prison ?
The punishment of what error destroys hi Inform me
to what part of the

573. Ὑμεναιόω to sing the hymeneal song, from ὑμέ-

-yaios, ov, o, Hymen. |
574. Ὁμοπάτριος, ov, ὃ καὶ %, one born of the same
father, a brother or sister, from 640s and πατὴρ.
575. "Ayayes, Dor. for ἤγαγες, Att. for ἤγεςς “Edva,
wv, τα, the gifts which the spouse gave to his mistress.
576. Κοινόλεκτρος, οὐ; ὃ καὶ ἡ, participating the same
bed, a wife, from κοινὸς and λέχτρον.
579. Χειμάζομαι, to winter, to be exposed to winter:
Τὰ :
ψῆς ἡ μογερὼ πεπλάνημαι... Parem.
| ἃ, ἃ, EX, EO. τῷ

Hewes τις αὖ με τῶν τάλαιναν arr pos" lamb. Trim, Cat.


εἰδωλον Ἄργου ynysvous, lamb. Dim.

ἄλευε, δῶ; φοξουμαι, Tamb. Dim. Cat.
Tov μυριωπὸν εἰσορῶσα βούταν, 585 Lamb. Trim. Cat.
ὁ δὲ πορεύεται δόλιον sue exwov ‘Peon. Trim.
ὃν οὐδὲ κατθανίντα γαῖα κεύθει; {amb. rim. Cat.
ἀλλά με TAY τάλαιναν Epichor. Dim. Acat. |
εξ ἐνέρων περὼν Iamb. Men. Hyp. or Dim. Dact.

“γῆς ἐγὼ ἢ μογερὰ πεπλάνημαι. ἃ, ἃ, εᾶ, εᾶ, αὖ τὶς οἶστρος

χρίει με τὰν τάλαιναν' δᾶ, ἄλευε εἴδωλον γηγενοῦς "Ἄργου"
Φοξουμαι, εἰσορῶσα τὸν μυριωπὸν βούταν, ὃ δὲ πορεύεται ἔχων
δόλιον ὄμμα, ὃν κατθανόντα οὐδὲ γαῖα κεύθει" ἀλλὰ περῶν ἐξ
ἐνέρων κυνηγετεῖ (LE τὰν τάλαινᾶν, " |

earth, I, the unfortunate, have wandered. Ah! Ah!

Alas! Alas! Again this sting pierces me miserable.
Ὁ Earth! turi from me the image of the soil-born Argos.
I tremble when I behold the hundred-eyed shepherd;
but he, whom dead the earth hides not, follows me with
deceitful look, and passing from the shades of Hell
hunts me the unfortunate,

58]. Πεπλανημαι, perf. pass. from πλανάω to wander,

to be led from the right path. |
582. Oisrpos, ov, ὃ, a gad-fly, a breeze.
583. Γηγενὴς, cos, ὃ καὶ 4, earth-born, from γῇ and
ίνομιαι. ae
584. ᾿Αλεύω, to turn away. Az Dor. for yn.
585. Μυριωπὸς, ov, ὃ καὶ %, having numberless eyes,
from μυρίος and a. :
κ 2
KUYNYET Eby πλανῷ TE vyo Tw. ave τῶν. tamb. Trim.
παραλίαν ψάμμον. 500 — Peon. Mon. Hyp.
ὑπο) δὲκηρύπλαστος ὁτοθεῖ δόναξ στρ. κὰν τυ
ἀχέτας ὑπνοδόταν γόμιον, Epichor. Dim. Hyp-
OP ιὦ, πόποι, Iamb. Dim. Brachy.
πᾶ, Tomo πῶ je ἄγουσι Antisp. Dim. Cat.
τηλέπλανοι πλάναι Σ 905 Chor. Hyp.
τί ποτέ μ' 0) Κρόνιε TO Troch, Dim. Brachy.
τί ars ταῖσδ εἐνέ-. -Dact. Dim,
ζευξας εὑρων εομώρτουσαν ἐν πημοναῖς ; . -Polyschem.

τε πλανᾷ νῆστιν ἀνὰ τὰν παραλίαν ψάμμον. δὲ ἀχέτας Sovak

~ oa X a ’ a ,

κηρόπλαστος ὕφοτοβεῖ ὑπνοδοταν νομον IW, IW, πόποι, πᾶ,

πόποι πᾶ, τηλέπλανοι πλάναι ayousi με, ὦ ἸΚρόνιε παῖ, τί
’ a ' } ? 37 ᾽ > ’ ~ ,

ποτε, τί ποτε ἐνέξευξας με ἐν ταῖσδε πωμοναῖς εὑρὼν με ἁμάρ-



and drives me famished along the sea-girt shore, while

the resounding waxen pipe plays the sleep-bestowing
measure. Ah! Ah! Alas! Alas! Whither, Alas! Whi-
ther will these extensive wanderings lead me? O! Son
of Saturn, wherefore, wherefore have you yoked me to
these misfortunes, as the punishment of errors of which
you have found me guilty?

589. Kuvnyerew, to hunt, from κύων and ἄγω. Nyatis,

contraction of ἄνηστις, hungry, famished.
590. Παράλιος, a, ov, near the sca, from παρὰ and
GAS. |
591, Κηρόπλαστος δόναξ, a reed made into a pipe and
joined with wax. Κυρόπλαστος, from κηρὸς and πλάττω.
OroGew, to sound, from ὕτοξος a noise.
092. ᾿Αχέτας, Dor. for ἠχέτης resounding, from ἠχώ.
‘Yavodorev, Dor. for ὑπνοδότην, from ὕπνος and dorus.
ε, ee οἰστρηλάτῳ δὲ δείματι δειλειών Polyschem.
παράκοπον ὧδε τείρεις ; 600 Jamb. Dim. Cat.
πυρί με φλέξον, ἢ χθονὶ κάλυψον, ἢ Troch.
Dim. Hyp.
TOV T LONG δάκεσι δὸς βουρᾶν, Pzon. Dim. Hyp.
| μηδὲ μοι φθονήσῃς Troch. Mon. Hyp.
εὐγμάτων, ἄναξ. ἄδην με Troch. Dim. Acat.
πολύπλανοι πλάναι γέγυ- Troch. Dim. Brachy.
| μνάκασ᾽, οὐδ᾽ ἔχω 605 Dact. Dim.
μαθεῖν ὅπα mymoves ἀλύξω. Period. Dim. Hyp.
κλύεις φθέγμα τᾶς Antisp. Mon. Hyp.
βουκέρω παρθένου Η Antisp. Mon. Hyp.

2, 8. ὧδε τείρεις δειλαίαν παράκοπον οἰστρηλάτῳ δὲ δείματι:

φλέξον με πυρὶ, ἢ κάλυψον χιϑονὶ, ἢ δὸς βουρὰν ποντίοις δάκεσι.
μηδὲ φθονήσῃς μοι εὐγμάτων, ἄναξ. πολύπλανοι πλάναι ἄδην
γεγυμνάκασί με, οὐδ᾽ ἔχω μαϑεῖν ὅπα ἀλύξω “πημονὰς. κλύεις
φθέγμα τὰς βουκέρω παρϑένου;

Ah! Ah! Ts it thus that you drive me wretched, dis-

tracted by deep penetrating horrors? Consume me in
fire, bury me beneath the earth, cast me as food to the
monsters of the deep. Refuse me not these prayers,
O King! These extensive wanderings have sufficiently
humbled me, nor know I how to avoid these miseries.
Do you hear the voice of the horned virgin?

599. Οἰστρήλατος ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, agitated by stings, from

οἶστρος and ἐλαύνω,
601. ΤΠαράκοπος, furious, distracted.
603. Εὖγμα, aros, τὸ, a prayer, from ἔυχομαι.
604. 1 ἐγυμνάκασι, perf. act. from γυμνάξω, to exercise.
608. Βούκερως, w, ὃ καὶ ἡ, having the horns of a cow,
from βοῦς and κέρας.
ΠΡ. πὼς δ᾽ οὐ κλύω τῆς ὀιστροδινήτου κόρης»,
τῆς Ἰναχείας, ἣ Διὸς θάλπει κέαρ 610
ἔρωτι; καὶ γῦν τοὺςὑπερομήκεις δρόμους
“Hee στυγητὸς πρὸς hits γυμνάζεται;;
πόθεν εἐμοὺ σὺὺ πατρὸς ὄνομ᾽ ἀπύυεις;> ἀντισ. Tro. Dim. Ης
εἰπέ Ve To μογέρᾳ; τίς ὧν Chor. Dim. Hyp.
τίς ἄρα μ᾽a) ταλάς. 615 Peon. Mon. Hyp.
τῶν ταλαίπωρον ὧδ εε-" Antisp. Dim. (αἱ,
| τήτυμα προσθροεῖς Dact. Dim,
θεόσυτόν TE νόσον fe | caked ani.
γόμασας ἃ μαραί- Troch. Mon, Hyp.

ΠΡ, δὲ πῶς οὐ κλύω τῆς οἰστροδινήτου κόρης, τῆς ϑύγατρος

Ἰναχείας ἢ ϑάλπει κέαρ Διὸς ἔρωτι, καὶ νῦν στυγητὸς Hog
γυμνάζεται πρὸς βίαν τοὺς ὑπερμήκεις δρόμους; IQ. πόϑεν
σὺ ἀπύυεις Ὄνομα ἐμοῦ πατρὸς ;ὦ τάλας, εἰπέ μοι τᾷ μογέρᾳ, τίς
ὧν tis ἄρα ὦδε ετήτυμα προσϑροεῖς με τὰν ταλαίπωρόν τε ὠνό-
μασας θεόὀσυτόν γόσον ἃ μμαραί-

Pro. Do I not hear the sting--tormented damsel, the

daughter of Inachus, who soothes the heart of Jove in
love, and now hated by Juno, is driven by force through
immense wanderings? Io. Whence mention you the
name of my eae Ὁ unfortunate ! inform me, the
afflicted, who you are that thus truly address the misera-
ble damsel, and who name the heaven-sent disease
which wastes by piereing
~ibgie 5 .
tbe hy

609. unis Rowing ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, from οἶστρος andδιγέω.

Πῶς od. Nonne. Whether orno. | |
610. Ὑπερμήκης, sos, ὃ καὶ n, very long, from ὑπὲρ and |
613. Agia, to pronounce. ᾿ od

G17. ΤΠ|ροσθροέω, to address, or speak to.

ag μὲ, χρίουσα κέντροισι φοϊ ταλέοις; Antisp. Imp. Trim.
εἰ ἕ. σκιρτημάτων δὲ νήστισιν αἰκείαις ang ve
Aabyoruros ἤλθον," Ἥρας 621 Tamb. Dim. Cat.
ἐπικότοισι μήδεσι δαμεῖσα" δυσ- Troch. Dim. Hyp.
δαιμόνων δὲ τίνες, ὁὁξ “πὶ ξ. Peon. Dim. Hyp.
oF ἐγὼ, μιογοῦσιν; Troch. Mon. Hyp:
αλλά μοι τορῶς τέκμηρον, 645 Troch.
Dim. Acat.
ὁ τι μ᾽ ἐπαμμένει παθεῖν, Troch.
Dim. Cat.
τί με χρὴ 3: τί φάρ- : Tamb. Mon.
μακον νόσου δεῖξον, εἰπερ οἶσθα, Period. Dim. Hyp:
θρόει, φράζε, τῶ Antisp. Mon. Hyp.
δυσπλάνῳ παρθένω. 14.

Wet με, Χρίουσα φΦοιταλέοις κεντροῖσι; ἕ, ἕ, δ᾽ ἦλϑον λαδρόσυτος

αἰκείαις νήστισιν οὐ ete, δαμεῖσα ἐπικότοισι geben
οἵ-ἕ,ὃ«οἵ ἐγώ, τίνες δὲ δυσδαιμούνων μογοῦσιν ; ἀλλὰ τορῶς τέκ-
μηρὸν μοι ὅ τι ἐπαμμένει με παϑεῖν, τί με χρὴ ; δεῖξον, ϑροέι,
φράξϑε τι φάρμακον γύσου, εἴπερ οἶσσα, τῇ, δυσπλάνῳ παρϑένω.

me with furious stings. Ah! Ah! I am come impetu-

ously driven by the unseemly famishments of my wan-
derings; subdued by the angry contrivances of June.
Oh! Ah! Ah! Alas me, who of the evil deities is at
work? Clearly point out what remains for me to suffer.
What must happen to me? Shew, speak, say some cure
of her disease, if you are acquainted with it, to the un-—
fortunately wandering virgin.

620. Doiradrcos, éx, cov, furious, from otros, οὐ, ὃ, fury.

622. Λαξζρόσυτος, 0, ὃ καὶ 7, rushing with fury, from
λάξρος and ci.
626. Ἐπαμμένει, for ἐφταναμένει:
629. Δυσπλάνος adj. unfortunately wandering.
ITP. λέξω ΤῸ ὡς σοι πᾶν, ὅπερ χρήζεις μαθεῖν,
οὐκ ἐμπλέκων αἰνίγμωτ᾽, ἀλλ᾽ ἀπλῷ roy, 081.
ὥσπερ δίκαιον πρὸς φίλους olyesy στόμα.
πυρὸς βροτοῖς δοτῆρ᾽ cos Προμηϑέα.
JQ. @ κοινὸν ὠφέλημα θνητοῖσι φανεὶς,
σλημον, Προμηθεὺ, τουU δίκὴν.“πάσχεις τάδε: ; 635
dIP. ὡρμοῖ πέπαυμαι τοὺς ἐμοὺς θρηνῶν πόνους.
TQ. οὐκ οὖν πόροις ἂν τήνδε bangs:ἐμοί ;δι

TIP. λέξω τορῶς πᾶν σοι, ὅπερ χρήξεις Hadely, οὐκ ἐμυπλέκων
αἰνίγματα, ἄλλ᾽ akhe λόγῳ, ὥσαϊερ δίκαιον οἴγειν ships 100s
Φίλους, Spas δοτῆρα πυρὸς βροτοῖς, Προμηθέα. IQ. ὦ φανεὶς
κοινὸν ὠφέλημα ϑνητοῖσι, τλῆμον Προμηϑεῦ, δίκην τοῦ πάσχεις
τάδε: ΠΡ. ἁρμοῖ πέπαυμαι Spnviv τοὺς ἐμοὺς πόνους..
TQ). οὐκ οὖν ἂν πόροις τήνδε δωρεὰν ἐμοί ;

Pro. I will relate clearly every thing you request to

learn, without enweaving enigmas, but in plain language,
as it isjust to speak to friends. You behold the be-
stower of fire to mankind, Prometheus. Io. O! thou
universal benefit to. mankind, suffering Prometheus!
whence endure you these indignities? Pro. I have
just ceased to lament my misfortunes. Io. Will you
not then bestow this favour on me? 4

630. From this verse until the 708th the lines are
635. Τοῦ δίκην. δίκην, commonly called an adverb, is
used here as a preposition ; but it is properly neither
adverb nor preposition, which may be seen by supplying
the ellipsis, xara δίκην τοῦ ἔργου πάσχεις τάδε ;by punish-
ment of what action do you suffer these things? τοῦ Att.
for τινος. |
636. Δομοῖ, adv. just now, ἩΝΊΑ ‘
ΠΡ. λέγ᾽ἥντιν᾽ αἰτεῖ" πᾶν yee,ἂνπύθοιό βου.
IQ. σήμηνον ὅστις ἐνφάραγγι σ᾽ ὥχμασε.
ΠΡ. βούλευμα μὲν τὸ Δῖον; Ἡφαίστου δὲ χείρ.
IQ. ποινες δὲ ποίων ἀπλακημάτων τίνεις:», 641
ΠΡ. τοσοῦτον ὡρκῶ͵ σοι σαφηνίσαι μόνον. J
TQ. καὶ % 00s 7ε τούτοις, τέρμα, τῆς ἐμῆς i hh
δεῖξον, τίςἔσται τη ταλαιπώρῳ χρόνος ;
ΠΡ. τὸeM ὶ μαθεῖν σοι κρεῖσσον [Ἶ μαθεῖν τάδε.
IQ. μήτοι με κρύψῃς τοῦθ ὅπερ μέλλω παβεῖν.
ΠΡ. λέγε ἥντινα δωρεῶναἰτεῖ" yap ἂν
ὁ πύθοιο πᾶν μου. in.
σήμηνον Sedov ὅστις ὥχμασέ σε ἐν φάραγγι. ΠΡ. τὸ μὲν Δῖον
βούλευμα,χεὶρ δὲ ἩἩφαΐστον. IQ. δὲ ποιών απλακημάτων
τίνεις ποινὰς; ΠΡ. ἀκρῶ “he ha σοὶ (μόνον τοσοῦτον. IQ:
καὶ δεῖξον, πρὸς γε τούτοις, τέρμα τῆς tums πλάνης, τίς xgbvos
ἔσται τῇ ταλαύπαρῳ -; ΠΡ, τὸ μὴ μαθεῖν τάδε κρεῖσσον σοι Hy
μαϑεῖν. ΤΩ. μήτοι χρόψης [LE τοῦτο ὅπερ μέλλω «παθεῖν.

Pro. Say what favour you ask, for you may hiae all
things from me. Io. Declare who bound you to this rock.
Pro. The will of Jupiter and the hand of Vulcan. Io.
The punishment of what errors are you suffering? PRo:
I am content to declare only thus much to you. Io.
Discover moreover in addition to these things the end
of my wanderings: at what time will that happen to the
unfortunate Io? Pro. The ignorance of these things
were better for you than the knowledge. Io. Conceal
not from me that which I am about to suffer.

642. Αρκέω; Iam content, I am willing.

ον 645. Τὸ μὴ waSeiv. The article used with the infini-
fategives it the force of a noun, and in the English
language the same thing is observed when the article is
used with a participle, as “ the net knowing these
things, a. ° |
74 | mae BASF
ΠΡ. ἀλλ᾽ ou μεγαίρω τοῦδε σοι δωρήματος.. 647
IQ. τί δῆτα μέλλεις μὴ.ου} ψεγωνίσκειν τὸ πᾶν;:
ΠΡ. φθόνος μὲν οὐδεὶς, σὰς δ᾽ ὀκνῶ
ὁ θράξαι φρένας.
IQ. μή μου προκήδου μᾶσσον, ὡς ἐμοὶ Catt
ΠΡ. ἐπεὶi προθυμεῖ,, χρὴ λέγειν' ἄκουε δή. 6581
ΧΟ. μήπω ys" μοῖραν δ᾽ ηδονῆς κώμοὶ a
τὴν τησὸε πρῶτον ἱστορήσωμεν νόσον; |
αὐτῆς λεγούσης τὰς πολυφθόρους τύχας'
τὸ λοιπὼ a ἄθλων σοῦ διδωχθήτω πάρα. ἜΝ το:
HF. σὸν ἔργον, "lot, ταῖσδ ὑπουργήσαι
ὑ χάριν,

ΠΡ. ἀλλ᾽ οὐ μεγαίρω

σοι τοῦδε δωρήματος. IQ. τί δῆτα
μέλλεις μὴ οὐ ψεγωνίσκειν τὸ πᾶν; ΠΡ, οὐδεὶς μὲν @Sovos, δ᾽
ὀκνῶ ϑράξαι σὰς φρένας. 14). μὴ προκήδου μου μᾶσσον, ws τὸ
μαδεῖν τάδε ἐστὶ γλυκὺ ἑμοί, ΠΡ, ἐπεὶ προθυμεῖ, χρὴ λέγειν"
ἄκουε δή. ΧΟ. μήπω γε" καὶ πόρε μοῖραν. δ᾽ ἡδονῇς ἐμοί.
“πρῶτον φρο doce THY νόσον τῆσδε κόρης, αὐτῆς λεγούδης τὰς
σπολυφθόρους τύχιατ" Sia oat κατὰ τὰ λοιπὰ δ᾽ ἄθλων wage
σου, IIP. Ἰοῖ,z
ἐστὶ σὸν ἔργον ὑπουργῆσαι χάριν ταῖσδε Seals,

Pro. I do not begrudge you this present. [o. Why

then delay you to divulge the whole? Pro, I have no
objection, but am reluctant to disturb your mind. To,
Do not be anxious for me any longer, for it is agreeable
to me. PRo. Since you wish it, it is necessary to
speak: now hear. Cuo. Not yet. Grant me also a
share of the pleasure. Let us first enquire into her
calamity,and let her relate her ruined fortunes. With
respect to the future miseries, let her be taught them by
you. Pro. It belongs to you, fo, to pecirntyδι
favour to them, — 7 : | τ ἃ

650. Μᾷᾶσσον, Siar, for μεῖξαν. δὰ τὲ

652. Mnzw γε, not yet at least, ate not any
ἄλλως TE πάντως καὶ κασιγνήταις WaT eos.
ὡς τ᾽ αποκλαύσαι καποδύρασθαι τύχας
ἐνταῦθ᾽,, ὅπη μέλλει τις οἰσεσθαι δάπρυ
πρὸς τῶν κλυόντων, ἀξίαν τριξὴν ΕΠ
ε 869
IQ. οὐκ oid”ὅ
om tg ὑμῖν ὠπιστησαΐ με xeon»
σαφεῖ δὲ μύθῳ πᾶν ὅπερ προσχρήζετε;
πεύσεσϑε" καίτοι καὶ λέγουσ᾽ ὠισ χύνομᾶι
᾿ βθεόσσυτον χειμώνα; καὶ διαφθορὰν
ἄλλως τε πάντως καὶ κασίγνηταίς πατρὸς. ὥς τε ἀποκλαῦσαι
καὶ ἀποδύρασϑαι τύχας ἐνταῦθα, ὅπη τις μέλλει οἴσεσϑαι δάκρυ,
IQ.; οὐκ> οἶδα
ὅπως χρή ͵ με ἀπιστῆσαι
εἰ 9 “ ᾿

ὑμῖν. δὲ πεύσεσθε σαφεῖ μύδῳ πᾶν ὅπερ προσχρήζετε" καίτοι καὶ

w ~ ~ ' ς

π- 2 ͵ ’ ~ Ἁ ‘
αἰσχύνομαι λεγουσα ϑεόσσυτον χειμώνα, και διαφϑορὰν

especially as they are the sisters of your father; and to

lament and weep over misfortunes, there, where one is
sure to be repaid by a tear from the listeners, is a meri-
torious office. fo. I know not how I can refuse you.
Hear then in plain language all you require: although
I blush at de ughthe heaven-sent tempest, the de-
_ struction

657. "Αλλως τε πάντως καὶ, x. τ΄. A. Especially as they

_ areall the sisters of your father. Ἄλλως τε πάντως con-
veys the idea that no one would hear Io’s misfortunes
except such as would have the delicacy to respect and
conceal them. Inachus, the father of Io, was theson of
Oceanus and Tethys, consequently the Oceanides were
aunts of Io.
660. ᾿Αξίαν τριξἣν, an agreeable delay or occupation.
663. [Ιεύσεσθε, fut. mid. from πυνθάνομαι.
664. Kai διαφορὰν μορφῆς, the ruin of my figure. To
% had been turned into a heifer, an indignity cits to vex
the ie ‘ta of a pretty woman. . |
μο Ons, ὅθεν μοι σχετλίᾳ προσέπτατο. 665
ἄει γὰρ ὕψεις €ΟΝ πολῤύμεναι
εἰς᾿παρθενῶνας τοὺςἐμοὺς, παρηγόρουν
λείοισι μύθοις" “ ὦ μέγ᾽ εὔδαιμον κόρη,
τί ( παρθενεύει δαρὸν, ἐξόν σοι γάμου δ ν
τυχεῖν μεγίστου; Ζεὺς γὰρ ἱμέρου βέλει ο φ70
πρὸς σοῦ τέθαλπται, καὶ ξυναίρεσθαι Κύπριν ΡΟΝ
θέλει" σὺ δ᾽,ὦ παϊ, μή 'πολακτίσῃς λέχος
τὸ Ζηνὸς, ὠλλ᾽ ἔξηλθε oe Λέρνης ᾿βαθὺν |

μορφῆς, orev πρροέπτατό μοι. λῶν ἢ yap ὄψειςἔννυχοι ἀεὶ

πολούμεναι εἰς ἔπους τοὺς παρϑενῶνας, δά μιν τον με λείοισι
μὐϑοις" λέγουσαι, ὦ μέγα εὔδαιμκον κόρη, τί δαρὸν παρϑενεύει,
ἐξόν σοι τυχεῖν μεγίστου γάμου ;γὰρ “Ζεὺς τέθαλαται πρὸς σοῦ
βέλει ἱμέρου καὶ Serer ξυναίρεσϑαι Κύπριν" σὺ δὲ, ὦ παῖ, μὴ
ἀπολακχτίσῃς τὸ λέχος Ζηνὸς, ἀλλ᾽ ἔξηλσε πρὸς βαϑὺν λειμιῶνα
Λέρνης, |

of my form, from what cause y te haye afllicted me,

wretched, Nightly dreams, coming constantly to my
chamber, addressed me in flattering words. “Ὁ greatly
« fortunate damsel, why continue so long unwedded, when
(6 itis in your power to obtain the highest nuptials. For
«« Jupiter is warmed by the arrow of love, and is desirous
<¢ to meet your ardent wishes. O virgin, refuse not the
** couch of Jove, but proceed to the fertile bay of Lerna

666. "Ewexos, ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, nightly, from ἐν and wé.

667. ΤΠαρϑενῶν, ὥνος, 6, the private chamber ofie
669. Ἐξὸν, pres. part. from ἔξειμι.
672. ᾿Απολακτίξω, to kick back, to reject; thetaphori- 4
cally applied from the efforts of a horse to disengage —
himself. Cui male si palpere, recalcitrat in es μηροὶ q
Hor. Serm. i. 20. lib. 11.
λειμῶνα, ποίμνας βουστάσεις TE πρὸς πατρὸς,
ὡς ἂν τὸ Δὸν one
ὅ λωφήσῃ πόθου." 675
φοιοῖσδε πάσας ευφρόνας ὀνείρασι
ξυνειχόμην δύστηνος, ἐς
& TE δὴ πατρὶ
ἔτλην.- γεγωνεῖν νυκτίφοιτ᾽ ὀνείρατα.
ὃ δ᾽ εἴς τε Πυθὼ, καπὶ Δωδώνης πυκνοὺς
θεοπρόπους i ἰαλλεν, ὡς μᾶθοι τίχρὴ 680
δρῶντ᾽ ἢἢλέγοντα, δαίμοσιν πράσσειν φίλα.
ἧκον δ᾽ ἀναγγελλόντες αἰολοστόμους
te πρὸς βουστάσεις ποίμνας πατρὸς, ws τὸ Δῖον ὕμμα ἂν
λωφήσῃ πόδου. ἐγὼ δύστηνος ᾿ξυνειχόμτην πάσας εὐφρόνας
«τοιοῖσδε i ἔς τε THY ὥραν ἢ δὴ ἔτλην γεγωγεῖν γυκτίφοιτα
ὀνείρατα ἐμῷ πατρὶ. ὃ δ᾽ ἴαλλεν πυκνοὺς Φεοπρόπους εἴς τε
ΠΠυϑὼ καὶ ἐπὶ Δωδώνης ὡς patos τί χρὴ αὐτὸν δρῶντα“ἢ
λέγοντα, πράσσειν φίλα δαίμοσιν. ἧκον δ᾽ ἀναγγέλλοντες αἰολοσ-

** and to the sheep-folds and ox-stalls of your father, that

ke the eye of Jove may rest from desire.” Miserable, I
was pursued every night by such dreams, until Imade
bold to mention these night-wandering dreamsto my
father: and he sent many messengers to Delphi and
Dodona, that he might learn by what actions or words
he could piease the deities. ‘The messengers returned,
bringing back doubtful, ;

674. Βούστασις, ews, 7, an ox stall, from βοῦς and

676. Εφρόνη, us, 4, night, so called because good
council is best found in τὴς es ns. of night, from εὖ
and φρήν.
678. Noxrigoiros, ov, ὃ καὶ ἤ, wandering by night,
from νὺξ and φοιτάω.
682. Αἰολόστομος, ov, ὃ καὶ n, obscure, ambiguous, from
᾿ φἴολος and στόμα.
χρησμοὺς, ἀσήμους, δυσκρίτως τ᾽ εἰρημένους.
τέλος δ᾽ἐναργὴς
é βάξις. ἦλθεν Ἰνώχω, A
es: ἐπισκήπτουσα καὶ μυθουμένη, | 685
ω δόμων τε καὶ πάτρας ὠθεῖν ἐμὲ,
¢ |
deren ἀλᾶσθαι γῆς. ἐπ᾿ ἐσχάτοις ὅροις.
κει μὴ.θέλοι, πυρωπὸν ἂν Διὸς “μολεῖν
κεραυνὸν, ὃς πᾶν ἐξαϊστωσει. γένος. |
τοιοῖσδε πεισθεὶς Λοξίου μαντεύμασιν; ἔρο
ἐξήλασέν με κὠπέκλεισε δωμάτων

\ 9 , A ? 9 i? t "=" + ἣν
ρησμους, AON[AOUS, TE δυσκρίτως ELON[AEVOUS.» δὲ τελος EVaLYNS
Bakis 7ASev Ἰνάχω, σαφῶς επισκήπτουσα καὶ μυδουμένη ὠδεῖν
> AY
ἄφετον 5ἔξω τε δόμων
καὶ ‘ πάτρας

3. Ὁ
τ ae

- \ ais oe SZ Ν -Ἃ Δ Ny a ~ i
γῆς. καὶ εἰ μὴ JeAo1, πυρωπὸν κεραυνὸν Διὸς ἂν μολεῖν, δὲ
ἐξαϊστώσει πᾶν γένος. Weisteis τοιοῖσδε μαντεύμασιν (Λοξίου
ἄκων ἐξήλασεν καὶ ἐπέκλεισέν με ἄκουσαν δωμιατών"

᾿ : : en ay

uncertain, and obscurely delivered oracles. At last a

perspicuous oracle came to Inachus, clearly enjoining
and telling him, to drive me away, dismissed from home
and country, to wander to the extreme boundaries of -

the earth, and if he should refuse, that the flaming

lightning of Jove would descend and obliterate his
whole race. Though unwilling, he was compelled by —
_ these oracles of Avolte to ane and shut me unwilling
out from his palaces; .

— 683. ἼΆσημος, ov, ὃ καὶ 4, obscurus, to which therei15

no mark aflixed, from « and σῆμα.
687. “Agetos, dismissed, from ἀφίημι. ,
689. Ἐ ξαϊστόω, to obliterate, from αἷστος, and that
word from @ and tons.
ἄκουσαν ἄκων" ἀλλ᾽ ἐπηνώγκαζε νιν
Δεὸς χαλινὸς πρὸς βίαν πράσσειν τάδε.
: εὐθὺς δὲ μορφὴ καὶ φρένες
© διώστροφοι
ἦσαν, κεράστις δ᾽, ὡς ὁρῶτ᾽; ὀξυστόμῳ (
oy Gr

μύωπι χρισθεῖσ᾽ ; ἐμμανεῖ σκιρτήματι

NTTOV προς εὔποτόν τε Κερχνεέίως βεθς,
Λέρνης,TE κρήνην" βουκόλος δὲ γηγενῆς.»

ANG χαλινὸς Bik twindren?! vay πρὸς pate πράσσειν τάδε. δὲ

εὐθὺς μορφὴ καὶ φρένες ἦσαν διάστροφοι, δὲ κεράστις, ὡς ὀρᾶτε,
sevens αὐξυστόμω μύωπι, ἧσσον ἐμμανεῖ σκιρτήμιατι πρὸς TE
εὔποτον ῥέος ἹΚερχνείας, τε χρήνην Aégyns: δὲ “Apyos γηγενὴς
Ραΐ the command of Jupiter compelled him to do these
things. Immediately my shape and mind were dis-
torted and disfigured by horns, as you see, and stung
with the sharp breeze I rushed with frantic speed to
the pure stream of Cenchrea, and the fountain of Lerna.
Argos, the earth-born shepherd,

692. ἄκουσαν ἄκων, contr. for ἀέκουσαν ἀέκων. “Egravay-

κάξω, to compel or neerssitate, from ἀνάγκη.
694. Διάστροφος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, perverted, distorted, from.
695. ᾿Ὀξύστομος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, possessing asharpmouthi,
from ὀξὺς and στόμα.
606. Mia, the same as οἶστρος ἃ σαα-ἣγ. ih sib
cos, ὃ καὶ ἡ, furious, from ἐμμαίνομαι.
697. "Hoosov, ἃ. 2. act. from αἴσσω. Ἐὕποτος, ov, ὃ καὶ %,
a term usually applied to rivers whose waters are sweet
to the taste; of agreeable flavour; from εὖ and sors
from πίνω. Cenchrea was a stream in the Isthmus.of
Corinth. A place called Kenkri now stands on the
ancient site of the town of Cenchrea.
698. Lerna was a country of Argolis, celebrated for.
a grove and lake. | |
ἄκρατος ὀργὴν,᾿Αργὸς ὠμάρτει, συκνοῖς :
ὄσσοις δεδορκὼς τοὺς ἐμοὺς κατα στίξους. 700
ἀπροσδόκητος δ᾽ἀιφνίδιος αὐτὸν μόρος.
τοῦ ζὴν ἀπεστέρησεν" οἰστροηϊλὴξ δ᾽ eyes
μάστιγι θείᾳ “γῆν πρὸ γὴς εἐλαύνομωι.
κλύεις τὰ πραχϑϑέντ᾽, εἰ δ᾽ ἔχεις
ε εἰπεῖν ὃ τι
λοιπὸν πόνων. σήμαινε" μηδὲ μ᾽ οἰκτίσας τς αὐ
ξύνθαλπε μύθοις ψευδέσιν" νόσημα γάρ.
αἰσ χει ον εἶναι φημι συνθέτους doyous. x Ἶ

ἄκρατος κατὰ ὑργὴν ὥμαρτει μοι δεδορκὼς ἀχυκνοῖς doools κατὰ

οὐ Ve 4 e e my ἃ 4 x2 ii ae v

Ἁ 3 Χ iC 3 ὃ᾿ δὲ 3 (δ { 9 ͵
τοὺς ἐμοὺς στιοοῦ5. — OXNTOS OE αἰφνιόιος va απεστερη-
σεν ἀυτὸν τοῦ ζῇν" δ᾽ἐγὼ
ἐ chon pana ἐλαυνόμαι μάστιγι a
γῆν πρὸ γῆς. κλύεις τὰ πραχϑέντα, εἰ δὲ ἔχὲις εἰπεῖν ὅ τι εἴη τὸ
λοιπον μέρος πόνων σήμαινε" μηδὲ οἰκτίσας ELVIAATE με ψευδέσιν.
Aoyos* yap φημι συνθέτους λόγους εἶναι αἴσχιστον νόσημα.

insatiable in his anger, followed me, gazing with nu=

merous eyes behind my steps. Unexpected and sud-
den fate deprived him of life; but I, breeze-stung, am
driven by divine wrath from land to land. You hear’
the past, but if you have aught to say about my future
labours, signify them; nor pitying soothe me with false
words: for I think that flattering ex presale are ἃ
most disgraceful evil.

699. "Ἄκρατος ὀργὴν, glowing with anger.

701. Απροσδόκητος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, unexpected, from αν
σρὸς, δοκέω.
702. Οἰστροπλὴξ, ἥσος, ὃ καὶ ἢ, from οἶστρος and sidlggon
706. Noonua, aros, To, a disease.
707. Σύνθετος, ἡ, ov, compounded, not simple, from
σὺν and τίϑημι. .”
XO. Ett, ἐω" Yamb. Mon-
9, ~~

QMTEVE, Dev" Peon. Mon.

οὔποτ, οὔποτ ηὔ- 710 ‘Troch. Mon. Hyp.
7 ~
“χουν ξένους μολει- bic Id.
σθαι λόψους Dact. Mon. Ac.
ἐς ὠκοαν ἐμῶν, | Antisp. Doch.
οὐδ᾽ ὧδε δυσθέατα καὶ δύσοιστα Yamb. Trim. Cat.
πήματα, λύματα, Dact. Dim.
,δείματ᾽ αμ- Dact. Mon.
φήκει κέντρῳ ψύχειν Ψυχὰν εἐμῶν. Doch. Dupl.
ιὦ, by : Tamb. Mon.
μοῖρα: μοίρω, TED QI9 εἰσ- Troch, Dim. Cat.
εδοῦσα πρᾶξιν ᾿Ιοῦς. 720 amb. Dim. Cat.
quien -δ


XO. ἕα, ἔα" φεῦ "οὕποτε, οὔποτε ηὔχουν ξένους λόγους μολεῖσθαι
ἡ 445: ” ts 3 37 ~

ἐς ἐμὰν ἄκοαν, οὐδὲ πήματα, λύματα, δείματα woe δυσϑέατα καὶ

a ἢ A a 3 ͵ ὃ \ ’ 2 ? %

δύσοιστα ψύχειν ἐμαν Ψψύχαν ἀμφήκει κέντρω. (ὦ, ιῷ, μοῖρα,

ΠῚ ΠῚ > ’ ’ J 3 ~

(κοῖρα, πέφρικα, εἰσιδοῦσα πρᾶξιν Lous.

Gio. Ah!
A Ah! Forbear! Alas! I never, never thought
that these strange accounts would reach my ears, nor
that distresses, expiations, and horrors, so dreadful to
_ the sight, and intolerable, would lacerate my soul with
sharp stings. Alas! Alas! ΟἹ Fate! Fate! I tremble
when I behold the destiny of Io.
714, AvoSéaros, ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, horrible to the sight, from
dus and Seaouat. Δύσοιστος, ov,ὃ καὶ ἢ, intolerable, from
dus and οἴω, οἴσω.
phy, Aapnens, εος, ὃ καὶ ἢ, Sharp on both sides, from
ἀμφὶ and ann a point.
ΠΡ, πρό γε στενάζεις, καὶ φόθου πλέα τις ο΄
ἐπίσχες, ες τ ἂν καὶ Te λοιπὸ TOG mets.
XO. λέγ᾽, ἐκδίδασκε᾽ τοῖς νοσοῦσι τοι γλυκὺ
τὸ λοιπὸν ἄλγος προυξεπίστασθαι τορῶς. Ὁ |
GRBs τὴν πρίν γ χρείαν ἡνύσασθ᾽ ἐμου
ε πάρα 123°
κούφως" “μαθεῖν γάρ τησδε πρῶτ᾽᾿εχρήζετε |
τὸν ὠμφ᾽ ἑαυτῆς ὥθλον ἐξηγουμένης. ἐλ |
Ta λοιπὼ γῦν οπκούσαβ᾽, οἷα; χρὴ πάθη
τλήναι πρὸς Ἤρας τήνδε τὴν γεάνιδα"
σύ τ΄. Ἰνάχειον σπέρμα, τοὺς ἐμοὺς λόγους ~ 730
θυμὼ Bar’, ὡς ἂν τέρματ ᾿εκμάθης ὁδοῦ. |

ΠΡ. πρὸ γε στενάβειν καὶ εἶ τις πλέα OoCou. ἐπίσχες, ἔς τε

τὴν ὥρην ἢ καὶ Mpoowarns τὰ λοιπά. ΧΟ. λέγε, ἐκδίδασκε"
ἐστί τοι γλυκὸ τοῖς νοδοῦσι προυξεπίσταθαι Toes τὸ λοιπὸν
ἄλγος. LIP. ἠνύσασϑέ γε κούφως τὴν χρείαν πρὶν she ἐμοῦ"
γὰρ πρῶτα ἔχρήξζετε wavelv τῆσδε κορὴς ἐξηγουμένης τὸν ἄθλον
ἀμφὶ ἑαυτῆς. νῦν ἀκούσατε τὰ λοιπὰ TAIN, οἷα χρὴ τήνδε τὴν.
γεάνιδα τλῆναι clad“ρα: σύ τε ἾἼναχειον σπέρμα βάλε Saye:

τοὺς ἐμοὺς λόγους ὡς ἂν ἐκμάθῃς τέρματα dod. ise


Pro. You lament too soon, and are too prone to fear.
Restrain yourself until you learn the remainder. CnHo.
Speak: declare: it is pleasant to the sick to know
clearly beforehand the evil which is to come. Pro.
Yon easily obtained from me the prior request ;for
you first solicited to hear from her own mouth an ac-
count of her misfortunes. Now hear the future suffer-—
ings which it behoves this damsel to endure from Juno;
and do you, seed of Inachus, consider in your mind my ἢ
words, that you may learn the end of your journey.

721. From hence, unto the nine hundredth and second

line, we have a series of Iambic verses. Iloo ye, x. τ΄ Ax
literally, you groan beforehand, and are a persoa full of
fear. “3
: ~ Ἁ 3 7 i ee Ἁ 53 \
σπρωτὸν μεν ἐνθένδ ἡλιοῦ προς ἀντολὰς
ὄτρεψασα σαυτὴν, στεῖχ᾽. ἀνηρότους γύας.
Σκύθας δ᾽ ὟΣ ἌΠΡΕ οἱ πλεκτῶς στέγας
πεδώρσιοι ναίουφ; ἐπ᾿ εὐκύκλοις οχοὶς, 785
εκηξόλοις τόξοισιν ἐξηρτημένοι"
“ \ ἡ > 3 e 7 4
Οἷς μῇ πελάζειν, HAA αλιστονοις πόδας
χρίμπτουσα ῥαχίαισιν ἐκπερῷν χθόνα.
λαιᾶς δὲ χειρὸς οἱ σιδηροτέκτονες

σρῶτον μὲν στρέψασα σαυτὴν ἐνδένδε πρὸς ἀντολὰς ἡλίου, στεῖχε

ἀνηροτὸυς γυάς. δὲ -ἀφίξει Σκύθας νομάδας, οἱ ἐξηρτημένοι
ἑκηξόλοις τόξοισιν, πεδάρσιοι γαίουσι πλεκτὰς στέγας, ἐπὶ εὐκύχ-
Aois ὕχοις᾽ οἷς KON σε ἱμὴ πελάζειν, ἀλλὰ χρίμπτουσα πόδας
sf - eo iit ἈΝ ? τ !

ΦΥ͂ by ec ms; kee αὐ eS ~ ϑό δὲ ς δ ,

ἁλιστόνοις ῥαχίαισιν XEN σε ἐκαπερᾷν χιόνα. δὲ οἱ σιδηροτέκτογες

First turning yourself from hence towards the rising

sun, proceed to uncultivated fields, and you will come
to the Scythian Nomades, who adorned with far-shoot-
ing bows, dwell aloft in wicker mansions constructed on
‘swift waggons, whom it behoves you not to approach:
but directing your feet towards the resounding shore,
go out from the land. ‘The Chalybes, artificers of iron,

. 733. ᾿Ανήροτος,
ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, uncultivated, unploughed,
from «and ἀρύω.
734. Νομᾶς, ados, ὃ καὶ ἡ, livingΘ in pastures, 3 from
δ ae ἐν LS eS e 3 J
γέμω. LlAexros, ἡ, ov, woven,’of wicker work.
730. "Euxuxdos, ov, 6 καὶ ἢ, Swift, round, from εὖ and
“ie I Σ ᾿
κύκλος. Ἢ
. 737. ᾿Αλιστόνος, ov, ὃ καὶ n, groaning with the force of
the sea; resounding, from as and στένω.
“739. Σιδηροτέκτων, ovos, 6, a worker of iron, from
σίδηρος and τέκτων, from τεύκω.
M 2
οἰκοῦσι Χάλυδξες, ous φυλάξασθαί σε χρή" 740
ἀνήμεροι γάρ, οὐδὲ πρύσπλαστοι ξένοις.
ἥξεις δ᾽ ὑξριστὴν ποτωμον, οὐ) ψευδωώνυμον,
ὃν μὴ περάσῃς, ov yelp evCaros περῷν,
πρὶν ἂν πρὸς αὐτὸν Καύκασον μόλῃς; ὁρῶν
ὕψιστον, ἔνθα ποταμὸς ἐκφυσῷ μένος 745
προτάφων ar αὐτῶν. ἀστρογείτονας δὲ χρὴ
κορυφὲς ὑπερξάλλουσαν: εἰς μεσημξρινὴν

Χάλυξες οἰκοῦσι λαιᾶς χειρὸς, ous χρή σε φυλάξασϑαι" yao

ἀνήμιεροί εἷσι οὐδὲ πρόσπλαστοι ξένοις" δ᾽ ἥξεις ὑξριστὴν ποταμὸν,
οὐ ψευδώνυμον, ὃν wn περάσῃς, γὰρ οὗ εὔξατος περᾷν, πρὶν ἂν
μόλῃς πεν αὐτὸν Καύκασον, ὕψιστον ὀρῶν; ἔνϑα ποταμὸς
ἐκφυσᾷ μένος ἀπὸ κροτάφων αὐτῶν. δὲ χρήσεε ὑπερβάλλουσαν
κορυφὰς βῆναι εἰς μεσημξρινὴν

dwell on the left hand, whom you must guard against,

for they are fierce and inhospitable to strangers. You |
will come to that turbulent river (Araxis) which belies 1
not its name, which you will pass not, for it is not easy

to be passed until you approach to Caucasus himself, ᾿


the highest of mountains, where from its very tops the


river spouts out its violence. You must pass over its
summits, |

“41. serio. ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, fierce, from a weaἥμερος.

Τ]Ιρόσπλαστος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, easy of access, one who may be
approached, from προσπλάζω for προσπελάζω.
(742. ‘YCacriv. The following are the rivers, to one
of which &schylus is supposed to have alluded:
Araxis, [ster, Tanais, Alazon, Borysthenes, Hybrista.
746. ᾿Αστρογείτων, ovos, ὃ καὶ ἢ, near the stars, from
ἄστρον and γείτων. , ͵
747. MeonpGowos, ἡ, ov, meridian, from μέσος and
βῆναι κέλευθον, ἔνθ᾽᾿Αμαξόνων στρατὸν
ἕξει στυγάνορ᾽ » ὧι Θεμίσκυραν more
, πατοικιουσιν Os Θερμώδονθ᾽ » ἑνα 750
τραχεῖα πόντου Σαλμυδησία γνάθος
ἐχθρόξενος ναύταισι, μητρυιοὶ νεῶν"
αὗται σ ᾿δδηγήσουσιν καὶ μάλ᾽ ἀσμένως.
: ἐσθμὸν δ᾽ ἐπ᾿ αὐταῖς στενοπόροις λίμνης πύλαις

κέλευϑον, ἔγγα ἵξει ile στρατὸν ᾿Αμαξόνων, αἵ ποτε

~ 4 9 Ἁ ͵ Ω ὃς
κατοικιοῦύσιν Θεμίσκυραν ἀμφὶ Θερμώδοντα, ve τραχεια Σαλ-
ἐμυδησία, γνάθος πόντου, ἐχιθρόξενος ναύταισι, μητρυιὰ γεῶν"
αὗται δδηγήσουσίν σε καὶ μᾶλα ἀσμένως, δ᾽ ἥξεις ἹζΚιμμερικὸν
> d XS 9.*9 3 we ὃ ᾿ ,
tod ov EM αὕταις OTEVOMOPOIS MuAAS λιμινὴς,

which approach the stars, and descend to the southern

side, when you will arrive at the man-detesting army
of the Amazons, who hereafter shall colonize Themis-
_cyra near Thermodon, where zs situated the rough Sal-
mydesia, hostile to sailors, an estuary of the ocean, the
step-mother of vessels. ‘They (the Amazons) will put
you in your way, and that too with pleasure. You will
come to the Cimmerian isthmus, on 1 the narrow entrance
of the lake, =

᾿ς 749. Στυγάνωρ, ovos, ὃ καὶ 4, detesting men, from

στύγος hatred, and ἀνὴρ aman. (Θεμίσκῦραν. Themiscyra,
a town of Cappadocia, at the mouth of the Thermodon.
700. Κατοικιοῦσιν, 1 f. act. for κατοικίσουσιν.
701. Σαλμυδησια. Salmydessus, a bay on the Euxine
752. Ex Sodgevos, ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, an enemy to strangers,
from ex 30s and ξένος. |
705. “Οδηγέω, to lead the way; from ὁδὸς and ἄγω.
754. Φτεγάπορος, οὐ, ὃ καὶ ἢ, narrow, having narrow
passes, from στενὺς and πόρος,
Κιμμερικὸν ἥξεις, ὃ
ov θρασυσπλάγχνως σε χρὴ 755
λιποῦσαν αὐλῶν ἐκπερᾷν Μαιωτικόν. ἐνὶ
ἔσται δὲ θνητοῖς εἰς ἀεὶ λόψος μέγας ‘
τῆς σῆς πορείας, Βοσπορος δ᾽ ἐπώνυμος
κεκλήσεται" λιποῦσα δ Ev WIENS πέδον, pe
ἤπειρον ἥξεις ᾿Ασίδ᾽, ἄρ᾽ ὑμῖν δοκεῖ 760
ὃ τῶν θεὼν τύραννος εἰς τὸ wave ὁμῶς
βίαιοςεἶναι; τηδε γαρ θνητῇ θεὸς
χρήζων μιγήναι; τάσδ᾽ ἐπέῤῥιψεν πλάνας.
“πικροῦ δ᾽ ves
ε πεν ῶὉ κόρη, τῶν σῶν γάμων
μνηστήρος᾽ ous yeep νῦν ἀκήκοας λόγους, 765

ὃν χρή σε λιποῦσαν lib dapat seca ἹΜαιωτικόν

-αὐλῶνα. δὲ μέγας λόγος τῆς ONS πορειάς ἔσται εἰς ἀεὶ SVNTOIS
OF κεκλήσεται Βόσπορος ἐστώγυμιος"
& δὲ λιφοῦσα «πέδον Εὐρώπης
ἥξεις ᾿Δοίδα ἤπειρον. ὃ τύραννος τῶν θεῶνaoa δοκεῖ ὑμῖν εἶναι
ὁμῶς βίαιος εὶς τὰ πάντα; yao eos χρήξων μιγῆναι HOE
Sunrn, ἐπέῤῥιψεν τάσδε πλάνας. ὦ κόρη, δ᾽ ἔχφεσς πικροῦ;
μνηστῆρος τῶν σῶν γάμων, γὰρ δόκεϊ λόγους ous γῦν ἀκήκοας,

leaving which, you must boldly venture to pass across

the Meeotic strait. There will he report for ever of
your passage among mankind, and the Bosphorus, by
its name, will perpetuate the circumstance. Then leay- _
ing the soil of Europe, you will arrive at the Asiatic
continent. Does the tyrant of the Gods forsooth
appear to you to be equally powerful in all things?
This God, in pursuit of his affections with a mortal,
has subjected her to these wanderings. My girl, you
have acquired a better suitor of your affections ;ὃ

700. picihincs sions adv. boldly, properly, of re

entrails, from ϑράσυς and σπλάγχνον an entrail,
765. ᾿Ακήκοας, perf, ind, Att. for nnxoas.
> , A c 2 ’
εἰνῶς δόκει σοὶ μηδέπω » προοιμίοις.
a ε
ΙΩ. ὦ μοι μοι. ἐν ε. ' ; ,
ΠΡ, σὺ δ᾽ αὖ κεκρωγῶᾶς καναμυχθίζει" τί που
δράσεις, ὅταν τῶ λοιπᾶ πυνθάνῃ κακώ ;
\ ~ oe
XO. ἢ yo τι AOsTrOV TNE πημάτων ερείις ; 770

rangers 2° τίλαχις ἐτηρξς Nine: + σοὶ : -

ΠΡ. ἃ “μερόν γε πέλαγος ἀτηρᾶς δύης.
IQ. τί δητ᾽ ἐμοὶ Cnv κέρδος, αλλ οὐχ ἐν TAYE
. »3v3e 3 A ~ 3 2 \ “Ὁ 7

gopup’ EMGUTYY τησὸ ὥπο TTUPACU πετρᾶς;

ὁπὼς πέδω σκήψασα, τῶν πάντων πόνων
ς as # ~ , 7

μηδέπω εἶναι σοι ἐν προοιμίοις. 10d. ιὥ μοι μοι. ἕ, εἴ, ΠΡ,

σὺ δ᾽ αὖ κέκραγας καὶ ἀναμυχβθίξει" τί που δράσεις ὅταν πυν-
᾿ϑανῃ τὰ λοιπὰ κακά; XO. γὰρ 7 ἐρεῖς τί λοιπὸν πημάτων
ance; LIP. δυσχείμερόν γε πέλαγος ἀτηρᾶς duns. ἸΏ, δῆτα
τί κέρδος ἐστὶ ἐμοὶ ζῇν, ἀλλ᾽ οὐκ ἔῤῥυψω ἐμαυτὴν ἐν τάχει ἀπὸ
τῆσδε στυφλοῦ πέτρας, ὕπως σκήψασα πέδῳ, ἀπηλλάγην τῶν
σάντων πόνων;
ae | "θ᾿"
for the report which you have heard, is but the prelude
to your miseries. lo. Alasme! me! Ah! Ah! Pro.
You exclaim and groan again! What then will you do —
when you hear your future evils?! CHo. Do you speak
of any future calamity to her? Pro. Yes, a boisterous —
ocean of fatal vexation. Io. Of what benefit is life to
me? Shall I not throw myself immediately from this
rough precipice, that falling on the plain Imay escape
from all evils?

766. Ipooiuiov, ov, τὸ, preface, beginning, from πρὸ

‘and οἴμνη a song. : |
767. “AvayuxsiZa, Att. for ἀναμυχθίζῃ, from ἀνχμυχ-
θίφομαι to groan, from μυχϑίζω, and that from μύζω to
_ transmit a noise through the nose.
771. ᾿Ατηρὺς, ea, pov, noxious, pernicious, from arn.

88 o> ΑΥ̓ΣΧΥᾺ
ἀπηλλάγην;5 κρεῖσσον yee εἰς ἅπαξ θανεῖν. | 975
ἢ τὲς ἀὐπάσας ἡies. πάσχειν κακῶς.
ΠΡ, ἢ
ἢ δυσπετὼς ἃ
ay τοὺς ἐμοὺς dbxoue φέροις,
ὅτῳ θανεῖνμὲν ἐστὶν οὐ πεπρώμενον. ᾿
αὕτη γὰρ ἦν ἂν πημάτων ἀπαλλαγή.
νῦν δ᾽ οὐδέν a
ε τέρμα μοι προκείμενον ἢ 780
μόχθων, πρὶν ἃν Ζεὺς ἐκπέση τυραννίδος.
ἼΊΩ.: n ya ποτ᾿ ἐστὶν ἐκπεσεῖν ἀρχῆς Δία;
TIP. dos ὧν, οὗμαι, τήνδ᾽ ἰδοῦσα συμφοράν.
1Ω. fase δ᾽ οὐκ ἂν ἥτις ἐκ Διὸς πάσχω κακῶς;2
γὰρ ἐστὶ ee εἰς ἅπαξ Savery,ἢ πάσχειν κακῶς τᾶς ἁπάσας
ἡμέρας. LIP. ἢ ἂν φέροις δυσπετῶς τοὺς ἐμοὺς ἄθλους, ὅτῳ
μὲν οὐ ἐστὶν πεπρώμιενον Saveiv. αὕτη γὰρ ἂν ἦν ἀπαλλαγή
πημάτων. νῦν δέ ἐστι οὐδὲν τέρμα μόχθων προκείμιενόν μοι;
apiy Ζεὺς ἂν ἐκπέσῃ ΤῊ a ἼΩ,, ἢ γάρ ποτε ἐστὶν Δία
ἐκπεσεῖν LPKNS5 ΠΡ. οἴμναι ἂν ἥδοιο, ἰδοῦσα τήνδε συμφοράν. —
TQ. πῶς δ᾽ οὐκ ἂν HOOURNY ἥτις
7 σασχω κακῶς ἐκ Atos :5
~~ !

for it were better thus to die at once, than suffer con-

stant misery. Pro. You would certainly bear with
difficulty my pains, to whom it is not fated to die: for
this were a retreat from distress. But now there is no
end of labour before me, until Jove shall be ejected
from his tyranny. Io. And is it destined to Jove to”
lose his empire? Pro. Methinks it would please you
to behold this calamity. Io. How is it possible I shouldἡ
not be pleased, who suffer evil from J upiter.

770.Ἶ ᾿Απηλλαγην, ἃ. 2. ind, pass. from ἀνα τς

9977. Δυσπετῶς, adv. from dvs and πίπτω. |
782. ἢ yao ποτ᾽, x. 7.4. Whether at any time is5 it
that Jove shall fall from dominion ?


ΠΡΟΜΗΘΕΥΣ — μοόνι 89
TIP. ὡς τοῖνυν ὄντων τῶνδε σοι μαθεῖν Tipo 785 ge bel. —
TQ. πρὸς τοῦ τύραννα σκήπτρα συληθήσεται:;
ΠΡ. αὐτὸς πρὸς αὐτοῦ κενοφρόνων βουλευμάτων. “ y

IQ. Tobe τρόπῳ; σήμηνον, εἰμή τις βλάξη. “|

= J o ᾿
aa. + -“ ve ene 5"

TTP. γαμεῖ γάμον.τοιοῦτον, ᾧ ποτ᾽ ἀσχαλᾷ. |

TQ. Geograv, ἢἣ βρότειον: εἰ ϑητὸν, φράσον. 790
TIP. τί δ᾽ ὅντιν᾽; ov) yeep ῥητὸν
6 αὐδασθαι τόδε.

TIP. τοίνυν παρά σοι μαϑεῖν τῶνδε ΟΕ ὡς, 102. πρὸς τοῦ
συληϑήσεταν τύραννα σκῆπτρα; TIP. αὐτὸς πρὸς κενοφρόνων
βουλευμάτων αὑτοῦ. ΤΏ. ποίῳ τρόπῳ; σήμηνον, εἰ μὴ ἐστί
τις βλάξη. ΠΡ, γαμεῖ τοιοῦτον γάμον, ὦ ποτε ἀσχαλᾷ.
10). ϑέορτον, ἢ βρότειον; εἰ purov, φράσον. TIP. τί δὲ φράσω
ὅντιγα γάμον. γὰρ οὐ ῥητὸν αὐδᾶσϑαι τόδε.
εἰ \ 2 4 3 e . s\n ?

Pro. Then you must know that things are thus. Io.
_ By whom shall he be deprived of his tyrannic sceptre?
Pro. By himself, in consequence of his own foolish
' councils. Io. In what manner? Tell it if there be no
harm. Pro. He will contract such a marriage as will
repent him. Io. Divine or human? if allowed, speak.
Pro. Why should 1 tell what kind of marriage, for it
is not allowed to mention this?

787, Καενόφρων, ovos, ὃ καὶ 7, foolish, thinking Tay

things, from κενὸς and φρήν.
789. Lapel γάμον. x. τ. A. Prometheus, in ΗΝ ἃς
of a future circumstance, uses in this place the present
time ; a method too common in ancient and modern
authors to be much wondered at: but, nevertheless,
contrary to the rules of grammar, and into which poets
have been forced by the impossibility of Diora the
rules of metre.
790. Θέορτος,ὃκαὶ ἢ, sent from God, from σεὺς and ὅρω,
, Ν

1Q. ἢ πρὸς δάμαρτος ἐξανίσταται θρόνων 5°
ΠΡ. ἣ τέξεταί γε παῖδο φέρτερον πατρός.
“FO. οὐδ᾽ εἐστιν αὐτῷ τῆσδ ἀποστροφὴ τύχης;
ΠΡ. ”| δῆτα, πρίν y ἔγωγ᾽ ἂν ἐκ. δεσμῶν λυθεὶς--
TQ. Tis οὖν ὃ λύσων. σ᾽ἐστὶν ἄκοντος Διός;3 796
TIP. τῶν σὼν τιν αὐτὸν ἐκγόνων εἶναι χρεῶν.
IQ. πὼς εἰπας; ἢ "406 παῖς σ᾽᾿ἀπαλλάζξει κακῶν;
ΠΡ. τρίτος ye γένναν πρὸς "μὰ ἄλλαισιν ψοναῖς-
7ὦ , “Ὁ ‘ ; ree

IQ. 2 is tcl ϑρόνων σρὸς ἀρ hae TIP. ἥγε τέξεται.

παῖδα φέρτερον πατρός. IQ). οὐδ᾽ ἔστιν pigeon αὐτῶ
τῆσδε τύχης; ΠΡ. οὐ δῆτα, πρὶν γε ἂν ἔγωγε λυϑεὶς ἐκ
δεκμῶν- 10. τίς οὖν ἐστὶν ὃ λύσων σε ἄκοντος Διός; TIP.
χρεών αὐτὸν εἶναί τινα τῶν σῶν ἐκγόνων. IQ). πῶς εἶπας; H
ἐμὸς παῖς ἀπαλλάξει σε κακῶν. ΠΡ. τρίτος γε παῖς κατὰ
γένναν, πρὸς δέκα ἄλλαισιν γοναῖς.

To. Will he be ejected from his throne by his wife?

Pro. She will produce a son superior to his father.
To. Is there no escape for him from this calamity?
Pro. By no means, until I shall be released from
chains. Io. Who then is he that can release thee
against the will of Jove? Pro. It is necessary that
he shouldbe one of your descendants. Io. How say
you? Shall my son relieve you from evils? Pro. The
third of your race, after ten other descendants.

799. The thirteen successors alluded to by Prome-

theus were: 1. Epaphus, 2. Libya, 3. Belus, 4. Danaus,
5, Hypermnestra, 6. Abas, 7. Proetus, 8. Acrisius,
9. Danae, 10 Perseus, 11. SN 12. a
13. Hercules. ¥8


IQ. 70 οὐκ ἔτ ᾿ εὐξύμθλητος ἡἡ χρησμωδία.. 800
ΠΡ. καὶὶ μηδὲ σαυτῆς ἐκμαθεῖν Cures πόνους.
TQ. μή μοι προτείνων κέρδος, εἰ
εἰτ᾽ ἀποστέρει.
ΠΡ. δυοῖν λόγοιν σῈ θατέρῳ, δωρήσομαι. ΤΩ ΒΡ:
IQ. ποίοιν; πρόδειξον, αἰρεσίν T ἐμοὶ δίδου.
ΠΡ. δίδωμ᾽" ἑλοῦ yee ἢ πόνων τὰ λοιπά σοι 805
φράσω σαφηνῶς; ἢ τὸν ἑκλύσοντ᾽ ἐμέ.
ΧΟ. τούτων σὺ τὴν μὲν τῇδε, τὴν δ᾽ἐμοὶ χάριν
θέσθαι θέλησον, μηδ᾽ ἀτιμάσης. λόγους.
καὶ τῆδε μὲν γέγωνε τὴν λοιπὴν πλάνην,

10. ἥδε ἢ ΩΝ oun ἔτ᾽ ἐστὶ εὐξύμξλητος.ς ΠΡ. καὶ

μηδὲ φήτει ἐκμαϑεῖν φόνους σαυτῆς. 14). μὴ προτείνων κέρδος
μοι, εἶτα ἀποστέρε. ΠΡ. δωρήσομαί σε ϑατέρῳ δυοῖν λόγοιν.
ΤΩ. ποίοιν λόγοιν ; προδειξόν, τε δίδου enor αἵρεσιν. TIP.
δίδωμι" γὰρ ἑλοῦ ἢ σαφηνῶς φράσω σοι τὰ λοιπὰ πόνων, H τὸν
ἐκλύσοντά εμε. XO. σὺ ϑέλησον σέσθαι τὴν μὲν χώριν τούτοιν
λόγοιν τῇδε "Loi, τὴν δὲ χάριν ἐμοὶ, μηδὲἀτιμάσῃς
ἀ ἐμοὺς λόψους.
καὶ μὲν γέγωνε τὴν λοιπὴν πλάνην τῇδε,

"λα This oracle is not easy of conjecture. Pro. But

seek not to know your misfortunes. Io. Do not pre-
sent me a favour, then snatch it from me. PRo. I will
give you one of two relations. Io. Of what two? De-
clare them, and give me the choice. Pro. I grant
them. Choose either that 1 shall clearly divulge to you
your future labours, or the person who shall free me.
Cuo. Be pleased to grant the favour of one of these
relations to her, the other to me, nor disdain my
request; and relate the remaining wanderings to her,

800. Ἐῤξύμξλητος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, easy of‘conjecture,

f om εὖ and. eigen
᾿ ¥ f

ἐμοὶ δὲ τὸν λύσοντα" 'τοῦτο yee mole. ek |10.
ΠΡ. ἐπεὶ προθυμεῖσθ', οὐκ ἐεναντιώσοθμα ΟΠ ἢ
τὸμὴ οὐ γεγωνεῖν πᾶν ὅσον προσχρήξετε.
σοὶπρῶτον, Toi, πολύδονον πλάνην φράσω,
ἣν ἐγγράφου σὺ μνήμοσιν δέλτοις φρενῶν. SSP ues
ὅταν περάσῃς ῥεῖθρον; ἡἡπείρων ὅρον ee 815
| πρὸς ἀντολὰς φλογῶπας ἡλιοστιξεῖς
πόντου περῶσα φλοῖσζον,ἔς τ᾽ ἂν ἐξίκη
πρὸς Γοργόνεια πεδία Κισθήνης,ἵνα

δὲ τὸν ἀνδρὰ λύσοντά σε, ἐμοὶ" γὰρ Todd τοῦτο, ΠΡ. ἐπεὶ
προϑυμεῖσϑε, οὐκ ἐναντιώσομαι τὸ μὴ οὐ ψεγωνεῖν πᾶν ὅσον
moooxpricere. “loi, φράσω σοι πρῶτον πολύδονον πλάνην, ἣν σὺ
4 ͵
ὅταν περάσῃς
εἴ ’

ἠπείρων στεῖχε πρὸς Poy seas ἀνατολὰς ἡλιοστιβεῖς, περῶσα ©ee


φλοῖσξον πόντου ἐς τε τὴν ὥρην ἢ ἂν ἐξίκηῃ πρὸς 1 οργόνεια πεδία


Κιισϑήνης,ἵνα ay- 7


and the person who will free you to me; for [ desire to
hear this. Pro. Since you desire it, I shall not object _

to declare all you request: Io, I shall first mentionto

you your extensive migration, which do you engrave on
the recording tablets of your mind. When you may


have passed over the stream which divides the con-. 4x

tinents, leaving the roar of ‘the ocean, proceed to the }‘|
flaming sun-trodden east, until you arrive at the Gor- ἣδ᾽
gonian plains of Cisthene, where rae 1
" ; are

813. Ioad3ovos, ov, ὃ καὶ 4, much agitated, from πολὺς

and δονέω. :
816. Ἡλιοστιξἧς, cos, ὃ καὶ ἢ, Ppa tgby thesun,
from ἥλιος and oreiCw.
818. Kicdnvn. Cisthene, a town of Hiblia...
αἱ Φορκίδες ναΐουσι, δηναιαὶ κόραι,
τρεῖς κυκνόμορφοι, κοινὸν Ou EXTNKEVAL, 6 890
μονόδοντες, ἃς
ἃ οὔθ᾽ ἥλιος προσδέρκεται
ὠκτῖσιν, οὔθ᾽ἡ γύκτερος. μήνη ποτέ.
πέλας δ᾽ ὠδελφαὶ τῶνδε τρεῖς κωτάπτεροι;
δρακοντόμαλλοι Γοργόνες βροτοστυγεῖς,
ἃς θγητὸς οὐδεὶς εἰσιδων ἕξει πνοάς. 825

€ ~ ' ’ δ : δ ὦ ’ 7 2
ai τρεῖς κυκνόμορφοι Dopxides, δηναιαὶ κόραι, ναίουσι, ἐκτήμεναι
HOWOY Ὀμύμα, [LOVOOOVTES, ἃς οὔτε ἥλιος προσδέρκεται ἀκτῖσιν, οὔτε
&% of ’ a 3) ef. z 9 ~ 3

ἡ νύκτερος AVN ποτέ. πέλας δὲ εἶσι τρεῖς goatee“ ὠἐδελφαὶ

wéinde) ὁβαχογτόμαλλοι βροτοστυγεῖς Τοργόνες, ἃς
ἃ οὐδεὶς ϑνητὸς
εἰσίδων ἕξει πνοάς.

the ‘three swan-like daughters of Phorcys, ancient

damsels, dwell; who possess one common eye, one
common tooth, whom the sun never regards with his
rays, nor the nocturnal moon. Near, dwell the three
winged sisters, the Gorgons, bearing snakes intheir
hair, enemies to mankind, whom beholding no mortal
can survive. :

819. Dopxides. ‘These monsters, as well as the Gor-

-gons, were daughters of Phorcys and Ceto.
820. Bmasuop os, ov, ὃ καὶ %, having the appearance
of a swan, from κύκνος and H0ghn.
821. Movodous, odovros, ὃκαὶ ἢ, having one tooth, from
μόνος and ὁδούς.
599. Κατάπτερος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, sei from κατὰ and
πτερόν. . |
824. Δρακοντόμαλλος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, having ἌΞΤΗ in
place of hair, from δράκων, and μαλλὸς, hair. Beacon,
20s, ὃκαὶ ἡ, hating men, from βροτὸς and στύγος.
τοιοῦτο μέν σοι τοῦτο φρούριον λέγω.
ἄλλην δ᾽ ἄκουσον duoxeon θεωριαν"
ὀξυστόμους yep “Ζηνὸς ἀκραγεῖς κύνας
Γρῦπας φύλαξαι, τὸν τε μουνῶπα στρατὸν |
> ae 7 9 e\ ye ,
Αριμασπον ἱπποῦδαμον, οε χιρυσορρυτον _ 830
39 3 A ~ 4 /
οἰκουσιν ἀμῷι Vaue, Πλούτωνος πόρον. ἡμῶν
σὺ\ μὴ\ πέλαζε"
πηλουρὸν\ δὲ\ γῆν

of \ ~w “ \ Cc, 7
ἥξεις, κελαῖνον Φυλον, οἱ προς ἡλίου
7 ~ Ff Ν᾽ 3ΛῚ 5
ναίουσι πηγαῖς, evra ποτῶμος Αἰθίοψ.

λέγω μὲν τοῦτο τοιοῦτο Φρούριόν σοι. δ᾽ ἄκουσον ἄλλην δυσχερῆ

? ‘ \ ? J 9 “ e .Y -
“εώριαν" yup φύλαξαι ὀξυστόμους AUOAYELS κυνας “Ζηνὸς Γρῦπας,
τὸν τε μουνῶπα inmoCaova ᾿Αριμασπὸν στρατὸν, οἵ οἰκοῦσιν
ἀμφὶ χρυσόῤῥυτον νᾶμα, πόρον 1]λούτωνος. δὲ ἤξεις τηλουρὸν
γῆν, κελαινὸν φῦλον, OF ναίουσι πρὸς πηγαῖς ἡλίου, ἔνθα ποταμὸς
~ : x ~ rae, , a ~ Ca ? 57) x

Αἰθίοψ. ι | 5 al

Τ tell you, that they being such, are to be avoided. Hear —

another terrible sight: guard against the voracious and
dumb dogs of Jupiter, the Gryphins, and the one-eyed
equestrian Arimaspian troops, who dwell on the golden
fount, the stream of Pluto. You will arrive at a dis-
tant land, a dark tribe, which dwell near the fountains
of the sun, where flows the river A‘thiops.

828. ᾿Ακραγὴῆς, cos, ὃ καὶ 4, mute, from α and κράξω.

830. ᾿Αριμασπός. ‘The Arimaspi were a people of
Scythia, dwelling on the river Arimaspias. ᾿Ἱπποξάμων,
ovos, ὁ. one who mounts a horse, from ἵππος and βαίνω.
834. ΠΟοταμὸς AiSiol. The river Aithiops or Niger
was supposed by the ancients to roll its black stream
through immense deserts scorched with intolerable heat
till it came to the last cataract, and thence falling into
Egyptassumed the name of the Nile. The Niger and
ἌΣ > ¥ τς ΡΣ ag Δ 32 “"
τούτου map ὄχθας Epp’, ἕως ἂν ἐξίκη 835
καταξασμον, ev Βυδλίνων ὁρῶν ἀπο
A JS A CH t a 3}

- Ἁ ~ A ς᾽,
syos σεπτον Νείλος εὐποτον (£05.
σ᾽ 3 ὅδωσε;
τὴν\. τρίγωνον

Νειλώτιν, οὗ δὴ τὴν μακρὸν ἀποικίαν

: Ἂν “ἌΧ. N Ἁ 3

3 ~ 7 ¢ ; ,᾿ 7
Toi, πέπρωται σοὶ TE καὶ τέκνοις NTT AS. 840
~~ 3 937 ;

τῶνδ᾽ εἰ τι σοι erro TE καὶ δυσεύρετον,

4 Ἁ Z

3 7 \ ~~ ? ’
επαναδίπλαζε, καὶ σαφῶς ἐκμάνθανε"

ἕρπε παρὰ ὄχϑας τούτου, ἕως ἂν ἐξίκη καταξασμὸν, ἔνθα Νεῖλος

ἵησι ao Βυξλίνων ὀρῶν σεπτὸν εὔποτον ῥέος. οὗτος ὅδώσει σε εἰς
τὴν τρίγωνον χϑόνα ΝΝειλῶτιν, οὗ δὴ πέπρωταί σοί τε, Tot, καὶ
᾿χέκνοις κτίσαι τὴν μακρὰν ἀποικίαν. ἐπαναδίπλαζε καὶ σαφῶς
᾿ ἐχμαάνθανέ τι τῶνδε, εἴ τε Ψελλόν καὶ δυσεύρετον σοι"

’ Creep along the banks of this, until you arriveat a

cascade, where the Nile sends out, from mountains
covered with papyrus, its sweet and venerable stream.
_ He will direct you to the triangular land surrounded
by the Nile, where it is decreed to you, Io, and your
children, to founda distant colony. Recapitulate, and
_ clearly inquire into any particular circumstance of these
things, if obscure and difficult to you; ὁ

Nile are still rivers of mysterious importance, which the

enterprize of modern travellers has not been able to
elucidate. ὁ )
838. Tpiywvos,ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, triangular, from τρὶς and
γωνία. Τρίγωνον χιϑόνα.. The Delta, so called from its
resemblance to that letter.
841. Ψελλὸς, ἡ, ov, any thing imperfectly enounced,
obscure. Δυσεύρετος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, not easy to be found,
from dus and ἑυρίσκω. | ;
842. ᾿Ἐπαναδίπλαζω, to reduplicate, from ἐπὶ, ἀνὰ, amd
σχολὴ δὲ πλείων ἢ θέλω πάρεστί δ. ἂς tet
ΧΟ. εἰ μέν τι τῆήδε λοιπὸν. ἢ παρειμένον. yee
ἔχεις γεγωνεῖν τῆς πολυφθόρου πλάνης; ey ees
λέγ᾽" εἰ δὲπάντ᾽ εἰρηκῶς». ἥμιν. αὖ χάριν “ἡ ων,
δὸς ἥντιν
ἢ αἰτούμεσθα, μέμνησαι δὲ
de Sats ey |
ITP. τὸ Tey πορείας ἥδε. τέρμ᾽ οκήκοεν. ae ΨΚ
ὅπως δ᾽ ἂν εἰδὴ μὴ μάτην κλύουσά μου Ὁ ἊΝ
ἃ πρὶν μολεῖν δεῦρ᾽ ἐκμεμόχθηκεν φράσω; ᾿ $50
τεκμήριον τοῦτ αὐτὸag sil ἐμῶν.

δὲ πλείων σχολὴ πάρεστί μοι ἢ ϑέλω. ΧΟ. λέγε, εἰ μὲν

ἔχεις BF κόρ τι λοιστὸν ἢ ree τῆς Ona πλάγης
τῇδε. εἰ δὲ εἴρηκας πᾶντα, δὸς αὖ ἥμιν χάριν ἥντινα αἰτούμεσθα, —
δέ που anes: TIP. ἣδε ὠκήκοεν τὸ πᾶν ων... πορείας.᾿' 4
δ᾽ ὅπως ἂν εἰδύ, μὴ μάτην κλύουσα μου, opeusἃ ἐκμεμόχβηκεν. a
πρὶν,μολεῖν ‘aimedἐγὼ δοὺς τοῦτο αὐτὸ τεκμήριον ἐμῶν μύϑων.

for I have more leisure than 1 wish. CHo. Sie! you Ἢ

are able to mention, any thing about this pernicious <i
wandering, which was omitted or passed by: but if ys ae
have told. all, bestow on us the favour which 4we
requested, and which you well remember. PRo. She
hath heard the whole of her wanderings, but that she
may know she hath not vainly listened to me, I will
relate her distresses until her arrival hither, giving her
this proof of my veracity.

B44. Tlapemevov, perf. part. pone from παρίημι, to

pass by or omit. | . |
(845. ΠΠολύφϑορος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, pernicious, from πολὺς
and φϑείρω.
B47. Αἰτούμεσσα, Att. from αἰτούμεϑα.
848. Axnxoev, Att. for ἤκοεν,
ὄχλον μὲν οὖν τὸν πλεῖστον) ἐκλϑέψω λόγων,
πρὸς αὐτὸδ᾽ ips τέρμα σῶν πλανημάτων.
ἐπεὶ γὰρ ἤλθες πρὸς Moroccan γάπεδα,
τὴν αἰπύνωτόν τ᾽ἀμφὶ Δωδώνην, bya
51 855
μαντεῖα θακός τ᾽ ἐστὶ Θεσπρωτοῦ Διὸς,
τέρας τ᾽ ἄπιστον, ab προσήγοροι δρύες,
ὑφ᾽ ὧν σὺ λαμπρὼς κουδὲν αἰνικτηρίως
προσῃγορεύθης ἡἡ Διὸς κλεινὴ δάμαρ

᾿ οὖν μὲν ἐκλ ΠΑ τὸν πλεῖστον ἔρος λόγων, δ᾽ εἶμι πρὸς αὐτὸ
~ 4 >

τέρμα σῶν «λανημάτων. γὰρ ἐφεὶ ἤλθες 7 Modcsce γαπεδα

TE ἀμφὶ τὴν αἰπύνωτον Δωδώνην, ἵνα ἐστί τε μαντεῖα ϑᾶκος
ων τῶν Διός, τε ἄπιστον THe αἱ προσήγοροι ὀρρεί, ὑφ᾽ ὧν
σὺ λαμπρῶς. καὶ οὐδὲν αἰνικτηρίως προσηγορεύθης ἢ μέλλουσα
᾿ ἔσεσϑαι κλεινὴ δάμαρ Διός"
, -_ -— >

β roe ‘the greatest part of the account, and pro-

5 > δ.»

a r = 4 i

ceed to the very end of her wanderings. Soon as you

arrived at the Molossian plains, and to the lofty-ridged
Dodona, where exist the prophetic seat of the Thes-
| a Jove, and the incredible prodigy.thea pate

᾿ riy asthe future illustrious wife ofJove:

᾽ Ὄχλον μὲν, κι τ. A. Literally, I shall er out

. Μολοσσὰ γάπεδα. Molossia wasacountry of Epirus.

855. Αἰπύνωτος, ov, ὃ καὶ a, having lofty ridges, from
ἀνπύς and νῶτον. Δωδώνην. Dodona, a town of Thes-
protia in Epirus, celebrated for an oracle of Jupiter,
supposed to have heen the most ancient in Greece.
An extensive grove which surrounded thé temple had
the gift of prophecy, and the oaks spoke; in the same
manner as any oaks may speak, which have priests
concealed in the trunks or boughs.
ΒΒ ee yveratrex enor
ει. oe rH 360
μέλλουσ᾽ ἔσεσθαι" τῶν δὲπρόσσαίν
ἐντεῦθεν, οἰστρήσασα τὴν παρακτίαν ain’
κέλευθον, ἥξας πρὸς μέγαν κόλπον ἡῬέας, %
ἀφ᾽ οὗ παλιμπλάγκτοισι χειμάζει δρόμοις. Ἢ“ὦ
χρόνον δὲ τὸν μέλλοντα πόντιος μυχὸς, ἐλ ST ee
Tepes emia Tar» ᾿Ιόνιος κεκλήσεται, eA
TUS σῆς πορείας μνῆμα τοῖς πᾶσιν Beats: Batre οὶ
σημεῖά σοι THO ἐστὶ τῆς ἐμῆς φρενὸς,Ape, Dat abtes
ὡςδέρκεται πλέον τι τοῦ πεφασμένου. eae ον Ὁ
τὰλοιπὰ δ᾽ ὑμῖν
ὁ τῇδε τὶ sic. κοινὸν φ AT Oy eres ὅς
* avr

εἰς ταυτὸν bay τῶν

3 πάλαι λόγων ἔχνος. ἜΝ, ὉΠ"
δέ τι τῶν πέοσσαίνει σε" ἐντεῦσεν, re διὰ
διὰ τὴν παρακτίαν |
κέλευθον, nzas σρὸς μέγαν κόλπον Ρέας, ἀφ᾽» οὗ χειμάξει,πα- ds
λιμπλάγκτοισι δρόμοις. σαφῶς ἐπίστασο, πόντιος μυχὸς τὸνMes
che (ait χρόνον, sige antins peed:
iithmat Beal

ταὶ Th πλέον τοῦ πεφασμένου.gel εἰς ταυτὸν ἴχνοςτῶν με μα

λόγων, φράσω τὰ λοιπὰ ἔπεα εἰς κοινὸν δ᾽ὑμῖν. τε
pie 3

and you received some consolation a this᾿I ri

furiously along the sea-washed way you rush ed to
great gulph of Rhea, from whence you have h ste
hither with wandering speed. Be well assm ed, t
watery bay in future time shall be called th
monument to all mankind of your passage. These mé
serve as demonstrations that my. mind sees sonewhi
more than appears. Returning to the head of my‘for- |
mer discourse, I shall address the rest in common 1 fo
and her. .

86]. Hagan rios, ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, pertaining to

from παρὰ and ἀκτὴ.
862. Κύλπον Ῥέας. The ὝΕΣ Sea. ie
863. Χειμάζει for χειμαζῃ. Rah
ἔστιν πόλις Κανωζος εἐσχάτη χθονὸς,
Νείλου. πρὸς αὐτῷ στόμωτι καὶ προσχώματι |
ἐνταῦθα δὴ σὲ Ζεὺς τίθησιν ἔἐμφρονῶ;
ἐπαφῶν ἀταρθεῖ χειρὲ καὶ θυγὼν μόνον. ‘
ἐπώνυμον δέ τῶν Διὸς γεννημάτων, ..875
τίξεις κελαινὸν "Ἔπαφον, ὃς. καρπώσεται |
ὅσην πὸ ατύῤῥους Νεῖλος μὲν χθόνα.
oo" ee owe

πόλις KavwCosἔστιν ἐσχάτη χθονὸς, πρὸς αὐτῷ στόματι καὶ

προσχωώμιατι Νείλου" ἐνταῦϑα. δὴ Ζεὺς τίθησίν σε ἔμφρονα,
ἐπαφῶν μμιύνον᾽ ἀταρβεῖ χειρὶ καὶ ϑιγὼν. δὲ τέξεις κελαινὸν
"Exadoy ἐπώνυμον τῶν γεννημάτων Διὸς, ὃς καρπώσεται ὅσην
χθόνα a HallΝεῖλος τὰ

The city. Canobus is situated at the extremity of the

land, at the very mouth and muddy outlet of the Nile.
There Jove will restore your intellect, by only soothing
and touching you with gentle hand. You will produce
the dusky Epaphus, so called from the embraces of
atjupiter; who (Epaphus) will possess whatever soil the
lowing: Nile waters.
oe Sts 22 oF

972. ΠΠρόσχωμα, aTOS, τὸ,a collection of mud.

aes Ἔμφρων, ovos, ὃ καὶ ἢ, οἵ sound mind, from’ ἐν
and φρὴν, :
874. Ἐπαφῶν, part. for εἥαφάω. "ArapGns, cos, ὃ καὶ
ἡ, that which creates no fear, mild, placid, from ἃ and
876. Καρπόομαι, to enjoy or he the fruits, from
877. Πλατύῤῥους, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, having broad streams
from πλατὺς ΜῊΝ ροῦς.


πέμπτη δ᾽on αὐτοῦ γέννα.πεντηκοντάπαις, ΗΝ

πάλιν πρὸς ἼΑργος οὐχ ἐκοῦσ᾽ ἐλεύσεται. δὲ.
θηλύσπορος, φεύγουσα συγγενῆ γάμον. Loca ae
ἀνεψιῶν" οἱ δ᾽, ἐπτοημένοι,
ε φρένας, . ρου
κίρκοι πελειῶν οὐ μακρᾶν λελειμμένοι, ΟΝ t
ἥξουσι Wadi οὐ θηρασίμους

πέμπτη γέννα θηλύσπορος πεντηκοντάπαις ἀπ᾽ αὐτοῦ ἐλεύσεται

πάλιν ovx, ἐκοῦσα πρὸς ᾿Αργος, φεύγουσα ouyyevn γάμον ave-
ψιῶν" οἱ δ᾽ ἐπτόημενοι φρένας, ws κίρκοι οὐ μακρὰν ὁδὸν λελειμι-,
μένοι πελειῶν, ἥξουσι ϑηρεύσοντες γάμους οὐ ϑηρασίμους.

The fifth line from him, a family consisting of fifty fe- |

males, will return unwillingly to Argos, to avoid the ᾽
kindred union of their cousins, but they (the sons of
ZEgyptus) love-stricken will follow (like hawks close in
pursuit of doves) hunting after marriages which are
ὁ not
to be obtained, :

878. Πέμπτη, x. τ. Δ. The poet alludes to the well

known story of Danaus, who, with his fifty daughters,
fled from Egypt to Argos. They were pursued by the ©
fifty sons of Egyptus, whi having contracted marriages
with their cousins, were all murdered by them on the
night of their nuptials, except Lynceus the husband of τ
Hypermnestra. , :
880. Θυηλύσπορος, ov, 6 καὶ ἡ, female, from ϑῆλυς and :
σπειρώ. Γ έννα πεντηκοντόπαις νηλύσπορος, a race consist- ¥
ing of fifty girls. ἡ
881. ᾿Επτοημένοι φρένας, violently agitated inbest
Exronueva, perf. part. pass. from wroew to frighten. |
882. Kigxor, before κίρκοι the conjunction ὡς may be =
understood, but not necessarily, for the appellation
of ;
κίρκοι may be directly applied to the sons of Egypt.
γώμους, φθόνονὃὲσωμάτων ἕξει θεός" i
Πελασγία δὲ δέξεται θηλυκτόνῳ δ᾿ ἀν 885
“Ages δαμέντας νυκτιφρουρήτῳ θράσει. | ,
γυνὴ yop ἄνδρ᾽ ἑκώστον
ἕ αἰῶνος στερεῖ, ᾿
δίθηκτον ἐν σφαγαίσι, βάψασα. ξίφος.
τοιάδ᾽ ἐπ᾽ ᾿ ἐχθροὺς τοὺς ἐμοὺς ἔλθοι Κύπρις.
μίαν δὲ παΐδων ἐμέρος
ἱ θέλξει, τὸ μὴ HRY S896
δὲ Seds ἕξει Oxovoy nears. ᾿Πελάσγία δὲ δέξεται αὐτοὺς
δαμέντας ϑηλυκτόνῳ "Ager νυκτιφρουρήτῳ ϑράσει. γὰρ ἐκάστη
yuvn βάψασα δίϑηκτον ξίφος ἐν σφαγαίσι, στερεῖ ἄνδρα ἕκαστον
αἰῶνος. τοιάδε κύπρις ἔλθοι ἐπὶ τοὺς ἐμοὺς ἐχ,ϑροὺς. δὲ ἵμερος
ϑέλξει μίαν παίδων, τὸ μὴ, ,

for the god will refuse possession of their persons.

Pelasgia will receive them slain in female war by
means of night-protected courage: for each female
will deprive her husband of life, staming her twice-
whetted weapon in slaughter. Such love shall fall
on my enemies. But tenderness will restrain one of
the damsels from the

§ Drin-rovs, ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, slain by woman ; Snaus

Σ and :semieivess .:
886. Νυκτιφρούρητος, 0, ὃ καὶ %, protected by nightly
pain, from νὺξ and φρουρέομαι. Νιυκτιφρουρήτῳ θράσει,
by courage protected by the night. The word νυκτι-
Qeovenros implies that the Danaides were emboldened
to effect deeds under the protection of obscurity and
retirement, from which at another time they would
have abstained.
888. Δίϑηκτος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, utrinque acutus, sharp on
both sides, or twice sharpened, from δὶς and Snyw.
890. Μίαν δὲ; x. τ. λ. Hypermnestra, who alone
spared her husband aera

5 ἊΝ

κτεῖναι ee ἄλλ᾽ ἀπο μουνq"ἢ i‘ (oft vii

: γνώμην" δυοῖν δὲ θάτερον βουλήσεται, ea: ἀρ ΑΝ
κλύειν ἄναλκις μόρα.ἢ μιωιφόνος.. re ogee allure
αὕτη κατ᾽ "Apyos βασιλικὸν τέξει: γένος, ον, | :
μακροῦ λόψου valταῦτ᾽ ἐπεζρλθεῖν roptig πο

κτεῖναι ξύνευνον, ἀλλ᾽ Jessie ΡΝ γνώμνην" δὲ βουλη-

σεται κλύειν ϑάτερον δυοῖν λόγοιν, ἄναλκις μᾶλλον ἢ μιαιφόνος.
αὕτη τέξει βασιλικὸν γένος κατ᾽ ᾿Αργος. δεῖ μαλβῥοῦ᾽ eS of
ἐπεξεχϑεῖν ταῦτα τορῶς" J

slaughter of her hed-fellow; her mind will. relent, and

she will prefer one of two appellations, rather to be
called a coward than an assassin. She will bring’ forth a
royal race at Argos. "Phere is need of lengthened ἣ
discourse to go fully ere these matters;

891. Ἐύνευνος, ov, ὃ καὶ %, one who sleeps in the same

bed with another,’ a husband, a wife, from σὺν andéἐυνή.
᾿Απαμξλύνω, to become blunt, to relax, from ἀμβλὺς
blunt, dull.
892. Βουλήσεται κλύειν δὲ ϑάτερον δυοῖν “λόγοιν
μᾶλλον ἢ μιαιφόνος. She will prefer to hear one oftwo
appellations, coward rather than assassin. This sseel
to be the best grammatical arrangement of the sen-
tence, in which there is nothing extraordinary, but
that ἄναλκις and μιαιφόνος are nominative cases, although
apparently governed by κλύειν. But ἄναλκις and:μιαί-
Qovos are supposed to be spoken by the enemies of
Hypermnestra, and are in fact not eoverned by κλύειν:
This may be illustrated by an English sentence, thus:
« She wal prefer to hear ‘ thou coward,’ than‘ thou
assassin’;” that. is, she will prefer to hear the words
thou coward, than thou assassin. dais ΠΥ

τόζοισι cites. ὃς πόνων Ἐπ᾿

λύσει. τοιόνδε ONT μὸ " ἢ πο
μήτηρ ἐμοὶδιῆλθε Τιτανὶς Θέμις
ὅπως δὲ χῶπη; ταῦτα δεῖ μακροῦ λόγου GOO
εἰπεῖν, σύ τ᾽ οὐδὲν ἐκμαθοῦσα κερδανεῖς. ;
eae. ελελεῦ, ἐλελεῦ,, Anap. Mon. Cat.
ὑπό μ᾽ αὖ σφάκελος, καὶ Dp omAnyeig Anap. Dim. Ac.
μανίαι θάλπουσ᾽ ; οἴστρου. ἄρδις a ad
χρίει μ᾿ ἄπυρος. 005 Anap. Mon. Acat.

~~ 5 ‘ 3 “ R
ἐκ τῆσδε σπορᾶς ye μὴν θρασὺς φύσεται, κλεινὸς τόξοισι, ὃς
λύσει ἐμὲ ἐκ τῶνδε πόνων. Τιτανὶς Θέμις, παλαιγενὴς μήτηρ
διῆλθε τοιόνδε χρησμὸν ἐμοὶ. ὅπως δὲ καὶ ὅπη, δεῖ μακροῦ λόγου
εἰπεῖν ee. Te σὺ ἐχμαϑοῦσα κερδανεῖς οὐδέν. IL. ἐλελεῦ,
᾿ἐλελεῦ, αὖ σφάκελος καὶ πο" μανίαι ὕπο σπαλπουσί με,
£ ἄπυρος ἄρδις,οἴστρου χρίει με" .

ae ary mar it, ae

but from this seed will spring a bold one, illustrious in
his bow, who will free me from these labours. ‘Tita-
nian Themis, my age-honoured mother, related this
‘oracle to me. But how and when, there is need of
| ‘much discourse to tell these things, and you would
receive no advantage from the knowledge. Io. Ah
‘ me! Ah me! pains and distracting frenzy assail me;
the fiery sting of the breeze pierces me :

Torts ers )
Τόδξοισι κλεινός. Hercules, the thirteenth in
¢ en from [o. |
90 3. Φρενοπληγὴς, cos, ἃ καὶ ἡ, frantic, from φρὴν and
fi “Asupos, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, most ardent, from a intens.
aud πῦρ.
ae 2 Αια abla Rohe of
_ Dim. Acat.

πνεύματι μάργῳ; γλώσσηςἀκρατής.

ἃ Aewcsydinette:
θολεροὶ δὲ λόγοι παίουσ᾽ εἰκῆ ‘ 910. ~ old,
στυγνῆς πρὸς κύμασ byarms” ὦ ane US Joos parentὃ
ΧΟ. ἢ σοφὸς, 1σοφὸς ἦν, ὃς στρ. Ἐρίοπ. γε] Dact.Tr. 7»
πρῶτος ἐν γνώ- ὃς: το, Mon. Acat. a
oy ΕἾ te J ἐς ν
μα τόδ᾽ ἐξώστασε, καὶ YyAwo- οιΟώἘρίοηϊο. Dim.
σῷ διεμυθολόγησεν, τ Θ δ Dact. Trim.
ὡς τὸ κηδεῦ- ο 'Troch.
Mon. Acat. |
σαι καθ᾽ἑ
ἑαυτὸν ἀριστεύ-. . Dact. Trim. |
Es μακρῷ" καὶ μῆτε. των πλού- Troch. Dim.

| δὲ xpadia λακτίζει φρένα φόξῳ, δ᾽ ὄμματα ἑλίγδην τροχοδινεῖται,

δὲ ἀκρατής γλώσσης, φέρομαι ἔξω δρόμου μάργῳ πνεύματι 4
λύσσης, δὲ θολεροὶ λόγοι εἰκῇ παίουσι πρὸς κύμασιν στυγνῆς
ἄτης. ΧΟ.ἢ ἦν σοφὸς, ἢ ἦν σοφὸς, ὃς πρῶτος ἐξάστασε τόδε ἑ
ἐν γνώμᾳ καὶ sia Sa Yrwoog, ws τὸ κηδεῦσαι καϑ' ἑαυτὸν
μάκρῳ ἀριστεύει' καί τινα ὄντα χερνήταν, apy ἐραστεῦσαι τῶν
ike ΘΕ

my heart strikes. sith aloirm against my breast, my eyes.

roll, and [ am driven from my course by the vi
blast of frenzy ; my tongue grows ungovernable, abd
violent expressions are poured out inconsiderately by
the torrent of my detested calamity. CHo. He was
truly, he was truly wise, who first felt this in
i thought,
and made it known by tongue, that to marry suitably to
oneself is by far the wisest conduct ; and that one who
is humble, should neither seek after a ieee
͵ ree
ἕ a

906. Kpadia δὲ φόξῳ φρένα λακτίζει. My hearthick i

with affright against my diaphragm.
907. Tcoxodivew, to turn like a wheel, from τροχὸς
and δινέω. “Ελίγδην ady. from ἑλίσσω. Ἂ

ὦ SS
δ: a
Ρ a
΄ TO διαθρυπτομένων, Epion. Dim. Cat.or Dact. Pen.
μήτε των Mab Toe" 926 Troch. Mon.
We μεγαλυνομένων. tas Dact. Penthem.
ὄντα χερνήταν 2
ἐρωστεῦσαι.. Troch. Dim. Hyp.
μήἥποτε, μήποτέ μ ὥ μοῖ- aT. Dact. Trim. or Epion.
eae * Mine Troch. Mon. Acat,
* λεχέων Διὸς εὐνώ- 925 Dact. Trim.
τειραν ἰδοισθε πέλουσαν" amb. Dim. Cat.
μηδὲ πλαθεί- Choriamb. Mon.
ην γαμέτὰ τινὶ τῶν εξ Dact. Trim.
oupavou" ,ταρθῶ yeep ἄστερ- Troch. Dim.
γάνορα a ν 0080 Dact. Penthem.

διαϑρυπτομένων πλουτῳ μήτε τῶν μεγαλυνομένων γεννᾷ.

μήποτε, μήποτε ὦ μοῖραι, ἴδοισηέ μὲ πέλουσαν εὐνάτειραν
λεχέων Διὸς. μηδὲ πλαϑείην τινὶ γαμέτᾳ τῶν ἐξ ουρανοῦ"
γὰρ ταρβῶ εἰσορῶσα ἀστεργάνορα παρθενίαν

among those who abound in wealth, nor among those

who boast of pedigree. Never, never, O destinies!
may you behold me the partner of the couch of Jove.
Nor may I receive a husband from among the heavenly
deities, for I tremble when I behold the man- disdaining
919. Διαϑρύπτομαι, to be effeminate, to be devoted
to luxury, from ϑρυπτω to bend.
921. Μεγαλύνω,᾽ to extol magnificently, to amplify,
from μέγας.
922. Keguirns, ov, 0, One » who lives by daily labour,
from χεὶρ and νήϑω to spin.
925. ᾿Ευνάτειρα, as, ἡ, a wife, from evvn a couch.
929. πως ορος, ἢ, disliking men, εὐ a,
στέργω, ἀνήρ.

\y Ἂ Ρ

εἰσορῶσ᾽ Ί- > toe (ME πτρονββοιν
ous μέγα. δαπτομέναν τ΄ Dact. Penthem- —
δυσπλώνοις Ηρα ἀλατειαίς.. ᾿ Epichor. Dim. Hyp.
ἐμοὶὁ δ᾽ὅτι μὲν ὁμαλὸς ὃ γάμος ἐπῳδος. Tam. Dine
aoCos, οὐ _ Peonic. Mon.
δέδια. μηδὲ κρεισσύό- 955 . Pzonic. Dim.
γῶν θεῶν epws 6Θὁ ἘἸὙποοῦ Mon. Hyp.
ἄφυκτον ὄμμα προσδράκοι ΜΕ . Tamb. Dim. Hyp.
ἀπόλεμος 008 Ἂν ὃ πόλεμος, ἄπορα iid. κα
πόριμος. οὐδ᾽ εexe τίς ἂνγενοίμαν" Trech, Dim. Hyp.
Tay Διὸς yore οὐχ, ὁρῶ . 943 Troch. Dim. Cat.
μῆτιν Ome φύγοιμ᾽ ἄν. “ oe Epichor. Dim, _

Tots μέγα δαπτομέναν δυσπλάνοις ἀλατείαις Hous. δ᾽ ὅτε μὲν

ὃ γάμος ὁμαλὺς ἄφοζος cin ἐμοὶ, οὐ δέδια.. μηδὲ ἔρως κρειδσόνων
-” ὦ; ord RoR ὙΠ, of εἰ re ' Γ
Jew σροσδράκοι [AE κατὰ ah ema ὅδε ye ὃ TNE ᾿
CRUE σόριμος ἄπορα. οὐδ᾽ ἔχω τίς ἂν γενοίμιαν" γάρony”
ὁρῶ ὕπα ἂν
ἀ Φύγοιμιι τὰν μῆτιν Διός.

Io, greatly afflicted by the vexatious persecutions of

Juno. But when a marriage equal and fearless may be”
my lot, I shall be happy. Never let the love of the
powerful deities regard me with unavoidable eyes. This |
were a war without a conflict, accomplishing things
impossible. 1 know not how I might act, for I see
not in what manner I could parene the. power of |
J upiter.

934, “Ομαλὸς, equal, from ὁμοῦ.

937. “Aguxros, ον, ὃ καὶ ὩΣ inaviteble, from ἃ snd :
940. TToginos, adj. as the force and meaning of the
part. πορίζων.
ΠΡ; 7 μὴν ers Ζεὺς, καίπερ αὐθάδη φρονῶν,
ἔσται ταπεινὸς, τοῖον ἐξαρτύεται
γάμον γαμεῖν, ὃς αὐτὸν ἐκ τυραννίδος 945
θρόνων + ἄϊστον ἐκξαλεῖ" πατρὸς δ᾽ apa
Κρόνου τότ᾽ ἤδη παντελῶς κρανθήσεται;
ἣν ἐκπίτνων ἡρῶτο δηναιὼν θρόνων.
τοιῶνδε μόχθων ἐκτροπὴν οὐδεὶς θεῶν
δύναι,τ᾽ ἂν αὐτῷ πλὴν ἐμοῦ δεῖξαι σαφῶς. "950
ἐγὼ τάδ οἷδα, χ᾽ ῷ τρύπῳ' πρὸς ταῦτά νυν
θαρσῶν καθήσθω, τοῖς πεδαρσίοις κτύποις

ΠΡ. ἢ μὴν ἔτι Ζεὺς, καίπερ φρονῶν ἀυθάδη, ἔσται ταπεινὸς,

ξξαρτύεται γαμεῖν τοῖον γάμον, ὃς ἐκξαλεῖ αὐτὸν ἄϊστον ἐκ
s ? tie ~ ὙΠ ΕΙΣ 4 το > A Sao 9

τυραννίδος τε ϑρόνων. δ᾽ ἀρὰ πατρὸς Κρόνου ror’ ἤδη παντελῶς

xeayInoeTa ἣν ἠρᾶτο ἐχπίτνων Invaiwy Igovwy. οὐδεὶς Sewy
BINS 3 a 2s 7 ΕῚ ὔ ~ ’ am 4 ~

πλὴν ἐμοῦ ἂν δύναιτο σαφῶς δεῖξαι αὐτῷ ἐκτροπὴν τοιῶνδε

᾿ μόχθων. ἐγὼ olde τάδε καὶ ᾧ τρόπω. νῦν καϑήσδω Sapowy
πρὸς ταῦτα, πιστὸς τοὶς πεδαρσίοις κτύποις,

Pro. Nevertheless Jupiter, though meditating haughty

deeds, shall yet be low: he is preparing to contract a
marriage which shall cast him from the tyranny and
throne. ‘The curse of his father Saturn will then be
completely fulfilled, which he imprecated when he fell
~ from his ancient dominion. None of the Gods but me
will be able clearly to point out to him a retreat from
such misfortunes: but I know these events, and in
what manner they may be avoided. Now let him sit
confiding in circumstances, relying on his lofty thunder,

948. Δηναιὸς, a, ov, aneient, of Jong duration,

from δὴν.
952. ΠΠεδαρῤσίοις for μεταρσίοις,
en or
πιστὸς, τινάσσων χειρὶ πύρπνοον βέλος. 3
οὐδὲν γὰρ ὁαὐτῷ ταῦτ᾽ ἐπ πέσει τὸ μὴ 7, a
WET EL ἀτίμως vapor oux ὠνασχεταη, τ ΡΩΝ ὅδ
τοῖον παλαιστὴν γὺν παρασκευάζεται CRETE BG
ἐπ᾽ αυτὸς αὑτῷ; δυσμαχώτατον τέραξ" gS
ὃς δὴ κεραυνοῦ κρείσσον᾽ εὑρήσει φλόγα,,
βροντὰς θ᾽ ὑπερξάλλοντα καρτερὸν κτύπον"
θαλασσίαν τε γῆς τινάκτειράν yorov, “τε 960

σπυρπνοον : βέλος
, fy.
: γ΄
γὰρA ταῦτα
9 χὰ

αὐτῷ TO μὴ οὐ πεσεῖν ἀτίμως πτώματα οὐκ ἀνασχετα αὐτὸς

~ a ~ ’ ae x

γῦν παρασκευάζεται αὐτῷ, τοῖον παλαιστὴν δυσμαχώτατον τέραφῳ

ὃς On εὑρήσει Φλόγα κρείσσονα κεραυνοῦ, TE καρτερὸν πτύπον.
Jk > :

ὑπερξάλλοντα Cpovras* τὲ oxeda ϑαλασσίαν τρίαιναν, τινάκ-

τειρᾶν νόσον YNS, νὰ, ἃ ὙΠ"

hurling the flaming lightning from his hand: but no-

thing will avail, so as to prevent him from falling dis-
gracefully into insupportable misfortunes. Such an
adversary, prodigy invincible, he is now preparing
against himself, who will find a flame superior to his
thunder, a powerful blow which will surpass his light-
ning: who will dissipate the marine trident, the spear
of Neptune,
the shaking pestilence of the earth,

955. ᾿Ανασχετὸς, ἢ, ὃν, supportable, from ανασχέω.

956. Παλαιστῆς, ov, δ, an adversary, one who strives”
against another, from παλάιω to contend or strive
957. Avouanos, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, not assailable, difficult to Ἢ 4
be subdued, from dus and μάχη.
960. Τ᾿νάκτειρα, as, ἡ, that which shakes, from τινάσσω.
to shake.
τρίαιναν, αἰχμὴν τὴν Ποσειόωνος, σκεῦφ,
Ae 3 AN ΔΩ δὼ ͵ δὰ

πταΐσας δὲ τῶδε πρὸς κακῷ, μαθήσεται

ὅσον TOT ἄρχειν
καὶ τὸ δουλεύειν δίχα.
3 ι
ΧΟ. σὺ θὴν ἃ ONCE, ταῦτ ἐπιγλωσσῷ Διός.
TIP. ἅπερ τελεῖται; πρὸς 0 ἃ βούλομαι λέγω.
ahs. ~ Γ Ἃ δ᾽ ἃ, 4 ᾿ cf

XO. καὶ προσδοκῶν χρὴ δεσπόσειν Ζηνός τινα;

TIP. καὶ τῶνδε y ἕξει δυσλοφωτέρους πόνους.
~~ 7) > Av me ¢Ww 72 Tv 27
ΧΟ. πὼςὃ ουχ! Tapbeis, τοιάδ ἐκρίπτων ETY 5
/ ps x\ a é Ka θ “ 3 / ah:
ΠΡ. τί ὁ ἂν φοξοιμην, ὦ θανεῖν ov μόρσιμον;

τὴν αἰχμὴν Ποσειδῶνος. δὲ πταίσας πρὸς τῷδε κακῷ, μαϑή-

σεται ὅσον δίχα τὸ τ᾽ ἄρχειν καὶ τὸ δουλεύειν. ΧΟ. ἃ xPn-
ζεις ov Inv ἐπιγλωσσᾷ ταῦτα Διός, ITIP. λέγω ἅπερ τελεῖται,
πρὸς δὲ ἃ βουλομαι τελεῖσσαι. XO. καὶ χρὴ προσδοκᾷν τινα
δεσπόσειν Ζηνός; [ΠΡ καί γε ἔξει δυσλοφωτέρους πόνους
τῶνδε. ΧΟ. πῶς δ᾽ οὐχὶ ταρξεῖς, ἐκρίπτων τοιάδε ἔπη;
ΠΡ. τί δ᾽ ay φοξοίμην, ᾧ od μόρσιμον Saveiy ;4

Tottering with these evils he (Jupiter) shall learn how

great the difference between the ruler and the slave.
Cuno. You mouth out against Jupiter the things you
desire. Pro. I speak those things which will happen,
‘and which I wish may happen. Cuno. And are we to
expect that some one will subdue Jove? Pro. He
shall have labours more difficult of riddance than these
which I have mentioned. Cuno. Do you not tremble
when you use such expressions? Pro. What should
Ifear, who am not fated to die?

901. Tpiawa, ns, ἡ, a trident, from τρεῖς. Σκεδᾷ, 1 f.

Att. for σκεδάσει, from σκεδάω. ᾿
907. Δύσλοφος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, scarcely tolerable, ‘not
~easy to be carried, from δὺς and λόφος, a neck.
3 ΓῊ Ψ “το ; [ἢ δ χάδι
XO. αλλ᾽ ἄθλον ἂν σοι τοῦδέγ᾽ ὠλγίω πόροι. 976
“ \W ΄ Prod hey
ΠΡ. 0 δ᾽ οὖν ποιείτω, πάντα προσδόκητά μοι.
ε ~ ts PN. ua / a iad
XO. οἱ προσκυνουντες τῆν Αδραστείαν Topo.
TIP. ceCou, προσεύχου, θῶπτε τὸν κρατοῦντ᾽ Me,
7 ae A” \ ee Re

9 Ἃ 39 5») ἀν «δ \ ¢
εμοι δ᾽ ἔλασσον Ζηνος ἢ μηδὲν μέλει» τὰ
ὃ;ἅτω, κρατείτω τόνδε τὸν βραχὺν χρόνον Sore
ὕπως θέλει" δαρὸν γὰρ οὐκ ἄρξει θεοῖς.
λλ᾽ εἰσορῶ γορ τόνδε τὸν Διὸς τρόχιν.
τὸν τοῦ τυρώννου τοῦ νέου διάκονον"
ΧΟ. ἀλλα ἂν πόροι σοι ἀϑλὸν γ᾽ ἀλγίω τοῦδε. TIP. ὃ δὲ οὖν
J ’ ' ’ e 98 a ee
ποιείτω, πάντα προσδόκητά μοι. ΧΟ, οἱ εἰσὶ σοφοὶ προσκυ-
γοῦντες τὴν ᾿Αδραστειαν, ITIP. σέξου, προσεύχου, θῶπτε τὸν
asi κρατοῦντα" δὲ μέλει ἐμοὶ Ζηνὸς ἔλασσον ἦ μηδὲν. δράτω,
κρατείτω ὕπως Seder τόνδε τὸν βραχὺν χρόνον. γὰρ οὖκ. ἄρξει
δαρὸν Jeois, ἀλλὰ εἰσορῶ γὰρ τόνδε τὸν τρόχιν Διὸς, τὸν διάκονον
τοῦ νέου TOU τυράννου"

Cuo. But he may bring upon you labours more weighty

than this, Pro. Let him do it, all evils are anticipated ᾿
by me. CHo. They are wise who reverence temper-
ance. Pro, Worship, adore, flatter the reigning
deity. I esteem Jupiter less than nothing. Let him
act, let him domineer as he pleases, during this short ps
,ν we

period: for he will not long rule the Gods. But 1 - ks


behold this messenger of Jove, this servant οἵ the new

tyrant ;

970. ᾿Λλγίω, contr. for ἀλγιόνα, αλγίοα, αλγίω.

072. ᾿Αδράστεια. This goddess was the saine as


Nemesis. | ae

973 The adyerb ἀεὶ, is to be construed with τὸν ας

κρατοῦντα, and not with ϑῶπτε. Toy κρατοῦντα ἀεὶ, the

God who happens to be reigning. ἡ
976. Axzeov, Dor. tor dngov. a,

Wires Th καινὸν ὠγγελῶν ἐλήλυθε.
σὲ τὸν σοφιστὴν, τὸν πικρῶς ὑπέρπικρον, 980.
τὸν ἐξαμαρτόντ᾽ εἰςθεοὺς͵ ἐφημέροις
πορόντα τιμεὶς, τὸν πυρὸς κλέπτην λέγω"
warn ἄνωγε σ᾽ οὕστινας κομπείς γάμους
αὐδᾶν, πρὸς ὧν ἐκεῖνος
ε ἐκπίπτει κράτους"
καὶ ταῦτα “μέντοι μηδὲν αἰνικτηρίως, 985
arr’ αὔθ᾽ ἕκαστα ἐκφραζε" μηδὲ pas διπλᾶς
ὁδοὺς, Προμηθεὺ, προσξάλῃς. apes
ὁ δ᾽ ὅτι
Ζεὺς τοῖς τοιούτοις οὐχὶ per an yi ΣΝ Tefen

ΠΡ. 'σεμνόστομιός γε καὶ Φρόνήμωτοός πλέως

ἐλήλυθε ἀγγελῶν πάντως τὶ κάινον. ΕΡΜΗΣ. δὲ τὸν cogic-

Thy, τὸν ὑπέρπικρον πικρῶς, Toy ἐξαμαρτόντα εἰς Jeous, πορόντα
τιμὰς ἐφημέροις, τὸν κλέπτην πυρὸς, λέγω" ἥατὴρ ἄνωγέ σε
αὐδᾷν οὕστινείς γάμους κομπεῖς, φρὸς ὧν ἐκεῖνος ἐκπίπτει κρά-
TOUS καὶ μέντοι ἔκφραξζε ταῦτα μηδὲν αἰνικτηρίως, ἀλλὰ ara
ἕκαστα μηδὲ προξάλης μοι Προμηθεῦ, διπλᾶς ὁδοὺς. δ᾽ Spas
ὅτι Ζεὺς οὐχὶ μαλκαϑίζεται Τοῖς τοιούτοις. ΠΡ, ὁ μῦθός
ἐστίν ¥ σεμνόστομιος καὶ πλέως φρονήματος, Ἢ
doubtless. he comes the reporter of something fresh.
Mzec. You, the wiseacre, the bitterly over bitter,
the delinquent towards the Gods, bestower of honours
on mortals, I say you, the fire-stealer, my Father orders
you to declare what marriage you are chattering about,
by which he is to lose his power. Declare these things
without obscurity ; declare éach particular ; and do not,
Prometheus, present me double ways, for you see that
Jupiter is not to be softened by such contrivances.
Pro. This language is pompous and full of insolence,
985. Αἰνικτηρίως, adv. from αἰνίσσομαι.
989. Σεμνόστομος, ov, ὁ καὶ ἡ, one who speaks gravely,
from σεμνὸς and στόμα.
Ooμῦθός. ἐστιν. ὡς θεῶν.ὑπηρέτο. 990
νέον.νέοι κρατεῖτε; καὶ δοκεῖτε δὴ ἀκα: ες+ oe
ναΐειν ἀπενθὴ. πέργαμ.. οὐκ ἐκ εὐ ἐγὼ - ating ᾿'+ ὟἾ
δισσοὺς τυράννους: ἐκπεσόντας ἡσθόμην $y: ’ = |
τρίτον δὲ τὸν νῦν κοιρανοῦντ᾽᾿ ἐπόψομαι eee: say
αἴσχιστα καὶ τώχιστα. μή τι σοι δοκῶ. τ. 99S ὃ
ταρδεῖν ὑποπτήσσειν
ὑ τε τοὺς νέους θεούς; Ὁ
πολλοῦ γε καὶ τοῦ παντὸς. ἐλλείπω. σὺ δὲ
κέλευθον, ἥνπερ
ἡ alee.ἐγκόνει πάλιν"
ὡς ὑπυρέτου, ϑεῶν. γέοι γέον κρατεῖτε καὶ3 acre ναίειν,
ἀπενθὴ πέργαμα. οὐκ ἐγὼ ἠσθόμην δισσοὺς τυράννους ἐκπεσόντας
ἐκ τῶνδε;; δ᾽ ἐπόψομαι τὸν τρίτον νῦν κοιρανοῦντα αἴσχιστα καὶ
τέχρατα ἐκπέσοντα. μὴ δοκῶ σοί τι ταρξεῖι τε ὑποπτήσσειν᾽
τοὺς νέους δεούς. ελλείπω γε πολλοῦ καὶ τοῦ παντὸς, δὲ σὺ
σιαλίν ἐγκόνει κέλευϑον, ἥνπερ HAVES.

worthy the servant of the Gods. You are yet young in ᾿

empire, and think that you inhabit impregnable towers.
Have I not known two tyrants already ejected from
them? And I shall see the third, who now rules, fall
disgracefully and rapidly. Think you in the least par-
ticle that I fear, or submit to the new Gods? 1 am free
from every sense of fear: but measure back the way
you came. : ᾽

990. “Yanperns, ov, 6, a servant, from ὑπὸ and ἐρέτης,

a rower. |
992. ᾿Ἀπενϑὴς, E05) ὃ καὶ ἡ, free from ovief, from «
aand |
997... Πολλοῦ γε καὶ τοῦ παντὸςΑΝ I am depose’
of much and the whole; that is to say, I am free from
every particle.
998. Eyxovew, to hasten, from ev il xovis, the dust;
because those who hasten are dusty. —
"4 -,

_| ial
ὧν ἐνιστορεῖς
oe ee
»ν 3. 7

EP. τοιοῖσδε μέντοι καὶ πρὶν αὐθαδίσμασιν 1000
εἰς τάσδε σαυτὸν πημονὲς καθώρμισας.
ΠΡ. τῆς σῆς λατρείας τὴν ἐμὴν δυσπραξίαν,
οὐ σαφῶςδέονἐπίστασ᾽,
ον δὲ
οὐκκαἂν ἀλλάξαιμ
/ >
ἌΡΨΩΝ, ν “a ae ΄
yeep meee τηδὲ AAT PEVELY TET PCL,

ἢ πατρὶ φῦναι Ζηνὶ πιστὸν ἄγγελον. 1005

Ψ *'7e9 / \ to 1% | Z
οὕτως ὑξρίξειν τοὺς ὑξρίζοντας χρεῶν.
ΕΡ, χλιδῶν ἔοικας τοῖς παροῦσι πράγμασι.
ΠΡ. χλιδω; χλιδῶώντας ὧδε τοὺς ἐμοὺς ἐγὼ
ἐχθροὺς ἰδοιμι" καὶ σὲ γ᾽ ἐν τούτοις λέγω.
yap πεύσει οὐδὲν ὧν ἀνιστορσὶς ἐμέ. EP. καϑώρμισας σαυτὸν εἰς
ἢ ; N \ ~
τάσδε πημονὰς μέντοι καὶ πρὶν τοιοῖσδε αὐπαδίσμασιν. ΠΡ.
a Ὡς ἐλ » .\ 9 an 9 ’ ‘ Ἐξ πο ας ,
σαφῶς ἐπίστασο, ἐγὼ οὐκ ἂν ἀλλάξαιμι τὴν ἐμὴν δυσπραξίαν
ἀντὶ τῇς ONS λατρείας, γὰρ οἶμαι κρεῖσσον λατρεύειν THOE πέτρᾳ,
ἢ φῦναι. πιστὸν ἄγγελον πατρὶ Lnvi. χρεών οὕτως ὕξρίξειν
τοὺς ὑβρίζοντας. EP. σὺ ἔοικας χλιδᾷν τοὶς παροῦσι πρᾶγ-
μασι. ΠΡ, χλιδῶ; ἐγὼ ἴδοιμι τοὺς ἐμοὺς ἐχθροὺς ὧδέ χλι-
'δῶντας, καὶ σέ γε λέγω ἐν τούτοις,

For you shall hear nothing from me respecting the

matters you are in search of. Merc. You have hereto-
fore exposed yourself to these calamities by such auda-
cities. ΒΟ. Be you well assured, that I would not.
change my misfortunes for your slavery; for, in my
opinion, it is better to be enslaved on this rock, than.
‘become the trusty messenger of father Jupiter. It is
necessary thus to insult the insulters. Murrc. You
seem to glory in your present affairs. Pro. I glory?
Would that I might see mine enemies thus glorying,
and you, I say, among them.
1001. KaSoguigw, to direct a vessel to its station,
from κατὰ and ὅρμος,a naval station.
1002. Δυσπραξία, ας, ἢ,misfortune, from dus and πράττω.

δ΄ -

EP. ἢ“καμὲ γάρ᾽ τι ξυμφοραῖς ἐπωιτιῶ
ε >| -11010"
ΠΡ. ὡπλῷ λόγῳ τοὺς πάντας ἐχθαίρω θεοὺς,
ὅσοι, παθέντες
εὖ, κακοῦσι μ᾽᾿εκδίκως. © |
EP. κλύω σ᾽ἐγὼ μεμηνότ᾽ οὐ σμικροὶν νόσον.
ΠΡ. γοσοῖμ᾽ ἂν, εἰ νόσημα, τοὺς ἐχθροὺς στυγεῖν,
EP. εἴης φορητὸς οὐκ ἂν, εἰ πράσσοις κωλώς. 1015
ΠΕΡ, ὦμοι. EP. τόδε Ζεὺς τοῦπος.οὐκ ἐπίσταται,
ΠΡ, ἀλλ᾽ ἐκδιδάσκει πάνθ᾽ Οὃ γηράσκων χρόνος.
EP. καὶ μὴν σύ γ᾽ οὔπω σωφρονεῖν ἐπίστασαι.
ΠΡ. σὲγὰρ προσηύδων οὐκ ἂν, ὄνθ᾽ ὑπηρέτην.
EP. ἐρεῖν ξοικώς οὐδὲνὧν χρήζει πατήρ. Ι020

EP. % γάρ τι ἐπαιτιᾷ καὶ ἐμὲ ξυμφοραῖς: ΠΡ. απλῷ λόγῳ,

ἐχθαίρω τοὺς πάντας θεούς, ὅσοι εὖ παθόντες, κακοῦσί με ἐκδίκως.
\ λ >

EP. ἐγὼ κλύω σε μεμηνότα νόσον οὐ σμικράν. ΠΡ, ἂν

νοσοῖμοι, εἰ ἐστὶ νόσημα στυγεῖν τοὺς ἔχ,σρούς. EP. οὐκ ἂν εἴης
Φορητὺς, εἰ πράσσοις καλῶς. ΠΡ. ὦμοι. EP. Ζεὺς οὐκ
ἐπίσταται τόδε τὸ ἔπσςς. TIP. ἀλλὰ ὃ χρόνος γηράσκων ἐκδι-
δάσκει πάντα. EP. καὶ μὴν σύ γε οὔπω ἐπίστασαι σωφρονεῖν.
TIP. γὰρ οὐκ ἂν προσηύδων σε ὄντα ὑπηρέτην. EP. ἔοικὰς
ἐρεῖν οὐδὲν ὧν πατήρ χρη ζει.

Merc. Do you in any way blame me for your calami-

ties? Pro. In plain words, I hate all the Gods, who,
advantageously bestowed, unjustly injure me. MERc.
I listen to you as one distracted with serious disease.
Pro. I am diseased, if disease consist in hating mine
enemies. Merrc. You would be insufferable, if you
were in prosperity. Pro. Ah me! Merc. Jupiter
is unacquainted with this expression. Pro. But the
age-reaching time will teach all things. Mrrc. Yet
you have not yet learned wisdom fromit. Pro. Else I
should not talk to you, amenial. Merc. You seem to
say nothing which my Father requires.
ΠΡ. καὶ μὴν ὀφείλων γ᾽ ἂν τίνοιμ᾽ αὐτῷ χάριν.
ER ἐκερτόμησας δῆθεν ὡς παῖδ᾽ ὄντα με.
ΠΡ. οὐ yep σὺ παῖς τε, κῶτι τοῦδ᾽ ἀνούστερος,
εἰ προσδοκᾷς ἐμοῦ τι πευσεῖσθαι πάρα: |
οὐκ ἔστιν αἰκισμ᾽ οὐδὲ μηχάνημ, ὅτ᾽ 1095
προτρέψεταί με Ζεὺς γεγωνήσαι τάδε,
πρὶν ἂν χαλασθὴ δεσμά λυμαντήρια,
πρὸς ταῦτα, ῥδιπτέσθω μὲν αἰθαλοῦσσα φλόξ.

ΠΡ. καὶ μὴν ὀφείλων γ᾽ ἂν τίνοιμι χάριν αὐτῷ EP. δῆϑεν

- ἢ r ἜΛΑ κα ταν Dew ΠΡ ‘ es ΒΕ ‘
EXEPTOIANOAS μὲ WS οντὰ παῖδα. © γὰρ σὺ εἰς TE THAIS και
ἔτι ἀνούστερος τοῦδε, εἰ3 προσδοκᾷς
» 9 ? .-

“ae πευσεῖσσαι

tree τι Maea ἐμοῦ ; οὐκ

Lad ~ S \ 9 ~ 2

ἔστιν αἴκισμα οὐδὲ μηχάνημα, ὅτῳ Ζεὺς προτρέψεταί we γεγω-

τάδε, πρὶνAN av λυμαντήρια
δεσμά , χαλασϑῇ.~ πρὸςN ταῦτα,

φλὺξ μὲν αιἰδϑαλοῦσσα ῥιπτέσπω,

Pro. It behoves me forsooth to return him thanks.

Merc. Truly you have upbraided me like a boy.
Pro. And boy you are, and yet more stupid than a
boy, if you expect to hear aught from me; for there is
neither punishment nor contrivance, by which Jupiter
can compel me to speak out these things, before these
pernicious chains be loosened. Moreover, let the
ardent flame be thrown,

1021. Kai μὴν ὀφείλων, x. τ. A. as well as the succeed-

ing line are said ironically.
1098. “Avoos contr. ἄνους, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, mad; devoid of |
intellect. Comp. Deg. ἀνούστερος. © |
_ 1025. Αικισμα, eros, το, ablow, astripe, from αἰκίζω
to punish with stripes
1028. Αἰϑαλόεις, ardent, from αἰϑάλη a cinder.
Q 2
λευκοπτέρῳ δὲ γιφάδι καὶ βροντήμασι
χθονίοις κυκώτω πάντα, καὶ ταφασσέτω" τ 1080
γνάμψει yee οὐδὲν τῶνδέἐ μ᾽, ὥστε καὶ φράσαι
πρὸς οὗ χρέων viv ἐκπεσεῖν τυραννίδος.
Er. ὅρα.γυν εἰ σοι τἄυτ᾽ ᾿ὡρωγοὶ φαΐνεται..
ΠΡ. ὦπται πάλαι δὴκαὶ βεβούλευται. τάδε.
EP. τόλμησον, wy μάταιε, τόλμησον πότε 1085
πρὸς τῶς παρούσας ΜημοναΣ, ὀρθὼς φρονεῖν. :
ΠΡ. οχλεῖς μάτην με; κυμ᾽ ὅπως, παρηγορῶν.
εἰσελθέτω σε parol ὡς ἐγὼ, Διὸς
γνώμην φοξηθεὶς, θηλύνους γενήσομαι;
δὲ πάντα κυκάτω καὶ ταρασσέτω νιφάδι καὶ χθονίοις βροντή-
aot. γὰρ οὐδὲν τῶνδε γναμψψει με ὥστε καὶ φράσαι πρὸς οὗ
ρέων ἔστι viv ἐκπεσεῖν τυραννίδος. EP. νῦν ὅρα εἰ ταῦτα
φαίνεται ἀρωγά σοι. ΠΡ. τάδε πάλαι δὴ ὦπται καὶ βεξού-
λευται. EP. τόλμησον, ὦ μάταιε, τόλμησον ποτε “πρὸς τοὺς
σαρούσας πημονὰς pores ὀρθῶς. LIP. ὀχλεῖς eens παρη-
prope με ὅπως κῦμα. μήποτε εἰσελθέτω σε WS ἐγὼ, Jaret
γνώμων Διὸς, γενήσομαι Inddvous, Σ

let him blend and overwhelm all things by the white-

winged snow and subterranean thunder. None of
these will prevail on me to disclose by what means he is
to fall from the tyranny. Merrc. But see if this
conduct be advantageous to you. Pro. It has
been long since seea and weighed by me. MERC.
Endeavour, fool! endeavour to think justly in your
present calamities. PRo. You disquiet me to no pur-
pose, exhorting me like a wave. Let it never enter
your thoughts, that I, fearing the intentions of Jupiter,
will bear a woman’s mind, ra

1029. Βρόντημα χιϑόνιον, subterranean thunder.

1039. @nddvous, ov, ὃ καὶ %, soft, effeminate, from
θηλυς and νοῦς. ἢ

καὶ λιπαρήσω τὸν μέγα στυγούμενον, 1040

γυναικομίμοις ὑπτιασμασιν χερῶν.
~ wn ~ ~ A “ἢ
Aura με δεσμῶν τῶνδε" TOU WavTos δέω.
EP. λέγων soma πολλὰ καὶ ματην ἐρεῖν
΄ 3, \ \ 4 eat, SH

΄ \ 27M 2h\ f : A
τέγγει γῶὼρ οὐδὲν, οὐδὲ pardarre κξαρ |
λιταῖς" δακὼν δὲ στόμιον ὡς veoluyns 1045
~ ε Ἁ

πῶλος, βιάζει καὶ πρὸς ἡνίας μάχει.

crap σφοδρύνει y ἀσθενεῖ σοφίσματι"
αὐθαδία yop τῷ φρονοῦντι μὴ καλῶς
αὐτὴ καθ᾽ αὐτὴν οὐδενὸς μεῖον σθένει.

καὶ λιπαρήσω τὸν μέγα στυγούμενον γυναικομίκοις ὑπτιάσμασιν

χερῶν Avoai με τῶνδε δεσμῶν" δέω τοῦ παντός. EP. λέγων
” ae > 6 ‘ Te ὥ ἣ : ἍΣ i ays
ἔοικα ἐρεῖν πολλὰ καὶ ATHY Yap κέαρ οὔὖδεν τέγγει οὐδὲ μαλ-
ϑάσσει λιταῖς' δὲ δακὼν στόμιον ws νεοζυγὴς πῶλος, βιάξει
x x Ὧν ἜΚ Ὁ ὃ ͵ ? 3 ~ ,
HAL [LAKEL πρὸς Nvias, ἀτὰρ oPocpuves καὶ γε aoQever σοφισ-
\ 3 é τε ᾿ ~ S$ ~ 2 a
ματι" yap αὐθαδία τῳ Φρονοῦντι Un καλῶς σϑένει μεῖον οὐδενὸς
αυτή καὶ αὐτήν.

and implore with effeminate uplifting of hands him

who greatly hates, to relieve me from these chains. I
am free from all such qualities. Merc. It seems I
speak much, and to no purpose; for your heart nor
softens nor is soothed by entreaties: but champing the
bit, like a newly-yoked colt, you violate and fight
against the reins, and are vehement but weak in your
contrivances. Pertinacity in one not truly wise be-
comes by its own efforts weaker than nothing.

1041. ἔυναικόμιμος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, imitating women,

from γυνὴ and μῖμοςς. Ὑπτιάσμα, ατος τὸ, superiority, or
the lifting up of any thing, from ὕπτιος supine.
1045. NeoZuyns, cos, ὃ xain, lately yoked, from νεός
and ζυγὺς.

σκέψαι δ᾽, εν
ε μὴ τοῖς ἐμοῖς πεισθῃς λόγοις, 1040
οἷός cs χειμὼν καὶ κακῶν τρικυμία δρᾷ 41 a a νᾷ. a
ἔπεισ᾽ ἄφυκτος" πρῶτα fev yop te Bis 2 Lg th Sey
φάραγγα βροντῇ, καὶ κεραυνίῳ, φλογ ι
πατὴρ σπαράζει τήνδε, καὶ κρύψει δέμας
τὸ σὸν, πετραία δ᾽ ἀγκάλη σε βαστάσει. 3 1055
μακρὸν δὲ μῆκος ἐκτελευτήσας χρόνου
ἄψορῥον ἥξεις εἰς φαος" Διὸς δέ τοι
πτηνὸς κυῶν, δαφοινὸςa
ἀετὸς, λαῦρως
RG or
σκέψαι δ᾽ edy μὴ σπεισϑῇ!ς τοῖς ἐμοῖς λόγοις, οἷος χειμὼν καὶ
ἄφυκτος τρικυμία κακῶν ἔπεισί σὲ. πρῶτα μὲν γὰρ πατὴρ
σπαράξει τήνδε ὀκρίδὰ φάραγγα βροντῇ καὶ κεραυνίᾳ. φλογὶ,
καὶ κρύψει τὸ σὸν δέμας, δὲ πετραία ἀγκάλη βαστάσει σε. δὲ
ἐκτελευτήσας μακρὸν μῆκος χρόνου ἥξεις ἄψορρον εἰς φαός" δὲ
πτηνὸς κύων Διὸς, δαφοινὸς ἀετὸς, λάξρως,

Observe, unless yeu be persuaded by my words, how

great and unavoidable a storm of evils will assail you.
In the first place, the Father will tear up this lofty
summit with thunder and flaming lightning, and hide
your body; a rocky mass shall bury you, and having
been obliterated for a long time, you shall return again
to light. The winged dog of Jupiter, the blood-stained
eagle, shall violently

1051. Teimuuic, as, ἡ, the third wave, and because

the third wave was capponen to be the largest, it sig-
nified a large wave, from τρὶς and κῦμα.
1055. ᾿Αγκαάλη, ns, 7, an elbow. Bacragw, μ oblite-
rate, to bury.
1057. “Aoppov, back again, from ὧν and ἡpoos.
1058. Δαφοινὸς, ἡ, ὃν, from δὰ and Qovos.
διωρταμήσει σώματος μέγα δάκος,
ἄκλητος ἕρπων δαιταλεὺς πανήμερος 1060
κελαινόξρωτον δ᾽ ἧπαρ εκθοινήσεται.
τοιοῦδε μόχθου τέρμα μή τι προσδόκα,
πρὶν av ϑεῶν τις διάδοχος τῶν σῶν πόνων
pavn, θελήσῃ T εἰς ἀναύψητον μολεῖν
Αἴδην, κνεφαϊά τ᾽ ὠμφὶ Ταρτάρου Baby. 1065

διαρταμήσει μέγα panos σώματος, ἕρπων δὲ ἄκλητος πανήμε-

ρος δαιταλεὺς εκθοινήσεται κελαινόθδρωτον ἧπαρ. μὴ προσδόκα
ὃ ‘ , ? 6 = Ἁ δό

τι τέρμα τοιοῦδε μύχϑου, πρίν τις Sewyv διόδοκος τῶν σῶν

«πόνων φανῇ, τε ϑελήση μολεῖν εἰς ἀναύγητον Αἵδην, τε ἀμφὶ
χνεφαῖα βαάϑη LVapragov.

lacerate the vast fragment of your body, and coming

an uninvited diurnal guest, shall devour your black
liver. Expect not the termination of such labours,
until some God the reliever of your labours appear,
and may choose to proceed tothe gloomy Hell, and the
shady depths of Tartarus.

1089. Διαρταμέω,to dissect, to cut in pieces, from

διὰ and ἄρταμος a butcher. Pdxos, cos, ro, a torn vest, a
lacerated fragment.
1060. "Ακλητος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, uncalled, from α and
καλέω. Aaitadeus, a guest, from δαίτη. Δααιταλεὺς πα-
vnjzegos, a guest who stays the whole day.
1061. Κελαινόξροτος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, affording black food,
from κελαινὸς and βρωτὺς, from βρώσκω.
1063. Διάδοχος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἢ, a successor, from διαδέ-
1064, ᾿Αναύγητος, ov, ὁ καὶ ἢ, obscure, from « and
πρὸς ταῦτα βούλευ" ὡς ὁδ᾽ οὐ πεπλασμένος.
ὃ κόμπος, ἀλλὰ καὶ λίαν εἰρημένος".
Ψευδηγορεῖν γάρ οὐκ ἐπίσταται στόμα
τὸ ease ἀλλὸ πᾶν ἔπος τελεῖ. σὺ δὲ
πάπταινε καὶ φρόντιζε, μηδ᾽ αὐθαδίαν. ‘ot ORO
εὐδουλίας ἀμείνον
ὦ ἡγήσῃ ποτέ. | |
XO. ἡμῖν μὲν Ἑρμῆς οὐκ ἄκαιρα φαίνεται
λέγειν" ἄνωγε γάρ σε τήν αὐθαδίαν
μεθέντ᾽, ἐρευνᾷν τήν σοφὴν εὐξουλίαν,
πιθοῦ" cope yao cube oy ἐξαμαρτάνειν. ἐνὶ 1075
ΠΡ. εἰδότι τοί μοι τάσδ᾽ ἀγγελίας Gath ie
βούλευ πρὸς ταῦτα' ws Bde ὃ κόμπος οὐ πεπλασμένος, ἀλλὰ
καὶ λίαν εἰρημένος" γὰρ τὸ Διὸν στόμα οὐκ ἐπίσταται Ψευδη
\ , 3 Π \. Ν - U ® Ξ5Ξ.-. 9

γορεῖν, ἀλλὰ πᾶν ἔπος τελεῖ. δὲ σὺ πάπταινε καὶ φρόντιζε,

μηδὲ ἡγήση ποτὲ αυϑαδίαν ἀμεῖνον εὐξουλίας. KO. Ερμῆς
φαίνεται ἡμῖν μὲν λέγειν οὐκ ἄκαιρᾳ᾽ γὰρ ἄνωγέ σε μεδέντα
τὴν αὐδϑαδίαν ἐρευνὰν τὴν σοφὴν εὐξουλίαν. πιϑοῦ" γὰρ αἰσχρὸν
σοφῷ ἐξαμαρτάνειν. TIP. ὅδε eXuukev τὰσδε ἀγγελίας μοι
τοὶ εἰδότι,
\ 3

Weigh these words, since they are no feigned boast,

but deliberately spoken. The divine mouth knows not
how to lie; but every word comes to pass. But observe
and think, and imagine not that pertinacity is better
than good council. CHo. Mercury appears to us to
speak words suited to the occasion, for he orders you
to lay aside your obstinacy and pursue wise counsel.
Obey, for it is disgraceful to a wise man to err. PRo.
This slave has ea mage these messages to me,

1068. Ὑευδηγοβξω; to speak falsely, nia ψεύδος and

ayueew from ἀγορά.
1076. The verses from this line to the end are enue
peestic. ᾿
δὲ εθωῦξεν, πάσχειν δὲ κακῶς
ἐχθρὸν ὑπ᾿ ἐχθρῶν, οὐδὲν ἀεικές.
πρὸς ταῦτ, ἐπ᾿ ἐμοὶ ριπτέσθω μὲν
πυρὸς ὠμφήκης βύστρυχος, αἰθὴρ δ΄ 1080
ἐρεθιζέσθω βροντῇ, σφακέλῳ τ΄
ὠψρίων ἀνέμων" χθόνα δ᾽ εκ πυθμένων
αὐταῖς ῥίζαις πνεῦμα κραδαίνοι.
κῦμα δὲ πόντου τραχεῖ ροθίῳ
ξυγχώσειεν, τῶν T οὐρανίων 1085
” 4 of \ ἢ
ao T play διόδους" εἰς τε κελαινὸν
A ε΄ ΄
Τάρταρον ἄρδην δίψειε δέμας
τοὐμὸν, ἀνάγκης στεῤῥαῖς δίναις"

οὐδὲν ἀεικὲς, ἔχϑρὺν δὲ κακῶς πάσχείν ὑπ᾿ εχ ϑρῶν. πρὸς ταῦτα,

ἀμφήκης βόστρυχος πυρὸς ῥιπτέσσω μὲν ἐπ᾽ ἐμοὶ, δὲ αἰϑὴρ
ἐρεδιζέσθω βροντῇ τε σφακέλῳ ἀγρίων ἀνέμων" δὲ πνεῦμα xpa-
δαΐίνοι 'χϑόνα αὐταῖς ῥίξαις ἐκ πυσιμένων, δὲ ξυγχώσειεν τραχεῖ
ε ? - ᾿ δ ~ ὯΝ ? 5, an a ee ν᾿
ῥοϑίῳ κῦμα πόντου, τε διόδους τῶν οὐρανίων ἄστρων" τι ῥίψειε τὸ
e Bis 34 ge ὦ ? 4. ἢ vy 3 a ’
ἑμὸν δέμας, oreppais δίναις ἀνάγκης, ἄρδην εἰς κελαινὸν Tapracoy,

who well know that it is nothing singular that an enemy

should suffer evil from an enemy. Well! let.the two-
edged blast of fire be hurled at me, and let the air con-
tend with thunder, and with the torrent of furious winds :
let the storm tear up the earth with its roots from the
foundation, and let the waves of the ocean disturb with
violent impetuosity the tract of the etherial stars, and
let him cast my body, caught in the dreadful whirlpools
of necessity, deep into the recess of 'Tartarus,

1080. ᾿Αμφηήκης εος, ὃ καὶ ἡ, sharp on both sides, from

ἀμφὶ and ἀκὴ ἃ point. Bosrpuxos, ov, ο, a lock of curled
1084. “Ῥόθιον, ov, τὸ, a violent wave.
1086. Διόδος, ov, ἡ, a passage or tract, from dia and ὀδός.
122 | ‘AIZXTAOT :

πάντως ἐμέ y οὐ θανατώσει.

EP. τοιάδε μέντοι τῶν φρενοπλήκτων͵ 1090
βουλεύματ᾽ ὃenn τ early of
τί γῶρ ἐλλείπει pen παραπαίειν,
ει; μηδ᾽ ἀτυχῶν τὰ χαλᾷ μανιῶν 5
ἀλλ᾽ οὖν ὑμεῖς y Ob πημοσύναις
ξυγκάμνουσαι ταῖς τοῦδε, τόπων 1095
μετά ποι χωρεῖτ᾽ ἐκ τῶνδε θοῶς"
μὴ φρένας ὑμων ἡλιθιώσῃ
βροντῆς μύκημ᾽ βτόραμνον.

γ᾽ οὐ πάντως ϑανατώσει ἐμέ. EP. τοιάδε μέντοι βουλεύματα

τε ἔπη τῶν iy Co he ἐστὶν ἡμῖν. ἀκοῦσαι. yap τι ἐλλείπει
way eerie ; εἰ AUTOS μήδε ἀτυχῶν τι χαλᾷ μανιὼν ; ἀλλὰ.
οὖν ders γ᾽ ai ξυγκάμνουσαι ταῖς πημοσύναις τοῦδε λεως γαῖ),
ϑοῶς μεταχωρεῖτέ ποι ἐκ τῶνδε τόπων, μὴ ἀτέραμνον μύκημια
βροντῆς ἠλιϑιωση Qpevas ὑμῶν.

yet shall he not entirely deprive me of life. Merc.

Such are the opinions and words we hear from maniacs;
for in what do they differ from madness? If he were
fortunate, would he fall short of absolute distraction?
But you who sympathize in the miseries of thiswretch,
quickly retire from this place, lest the harsh roar of the
thunder should infatuate your minds.
1) +a. ae
1090. Φρενόπληκτος, ov, ὃ καὶ 7, furious, mad, from
φρὴν and πλήσσω.
1092. ΠΠαραπαίω, to be mad. :
1097. Haisicw, to make foolish, from xiSiose
1098. Μύκημα, aros, τὸ, a roar, from μυκάω. Are-
expos, see 198,
ΧΟ. ἄλλο τι φώνει καὶπαραμυθοῦ μ᾽
ὅ, τι καὶ πείσεις" οὐ γὰρ δήπου 1100
τοῦτό γε τλητὸν παρέσυρας ἔπος"
πὼς με κελεύεις κακότητ ὠσκεῖν;
μετὰ τοῦδ᾽ ὅ τι χρὴ πάσχειν ἐθέλω"
τοὺς yee 7 οδότας μισεῖν ἐμαθον᾽
κοὺκ ἔστι νόσος. ' ν᾿ 1105
778 ἥντιν᾽ ἀπέπτυσα μᾶλλον. |
EP. ἀλλ᾽ οὖν μέμνησθ᾽, οἱ ᾽γὼ προλέγω".
un a πρὸς Sens θηραιθεῖσαι. ... ΠΡ Ne πον Mma

ΧΟ. φώνει καὶ παραμυθοῦ μέ τι ἄλλο ὅ, τιee «πείσεις yap

δὴ παρέσυρας τοῦτό ye ἔπος mou οὐ τλητὸν. πῶς κελεύεις με
ἀσκεῖν κακότητα. ἐθέλω πάσχειν μετὰ τοῦδε ϑεοῦ ὕ, τι χρή"
yap ἔμιαϑον μισεῖν τοὺς «προδότας καὶ οὐκ νόσος ἔστι, ἥντινα
μᾶλλον ἀπέπτυσα τῆσδε vooov. EP. ἀλλὰ οὖν μέμνησθε τῶν
3) Θὰ De 2 ew δ ε td 5 5 “ AS ”
EMEWY α EYW προλέγω ὑμῖν, [ANCE ὑμεῖς VNpateloas πρὸς aTns

Cuo. Utter and advise some other opinion than this,

to which you may persuade me, for this proposal which
you have divulged is not agreeable. Why do you exhort
me to be guilty of a baseness? With him am I willing
to suffer whatever may happen. For I have learned to
detest those who betray, and there is no evil which I
more abhor than this. Merc. Nevertheless, remember
the advice I have given, nor when you be overtaken by
pine ξ

1101. [lapactpw, to draw or tear immoderately. Od:

yao, x. τ΄ A. for you have certainly wrested this word in
an inadmissible manner.
1106. ᾿Αποπτύω, to spit out ; aes to re-
ject or despise. | Ἶ
49. .. Al ΣΧΎΛΟΥ
μέμψησθε τύχην, μηδέ ποτ᾿ εἰπηθ᾿
ως Ζεὺς ὑμῶς εἰς ἀπρόοπτν ὁ “119
πῆμ᾽ εἰσέξαλεν" μὴFir αὐταὶ δ᾽ ©
ὑμᾶς αὐτάς" εἰδυῖΐαι yelp,
κούκ, εξαἴφνης; οὐδὲ λαθραίως,
εἰς ἀπέραντον, δίκτυον ἄτης

a ἐμπλεχθήσεσθ᾽ ὑπ᾽ ἀνοίας. δά;
ΠΡ. καὶ μὴν ἔργῳ κοὺκ ἔτι μύθω |
χθὼν σεσάλευται"

μέρμψησδε τύχην, μηδὲ ποτε ὑμεῖς εἴπηϑε ws Ζεὺς εἰσέξαλεν

ὕμᾶς εἰς ἀπρόοπτον πῆμα μὴ ont, δὲ αὐταὶ εἰαξαλλετε
ὑμᾶς αὐτὰς εἰς πῆμα. γὰρ ὑμεῖς εἰδυῖαι, καὶ οὐκ ἐξαίφνης,
οὐδὲ λαϑραίως, “ἐμπλεχ,ϑήσεσϑε
ὑπ᾽ ἀνοίας εἰς ὠπέραντον δίκ-
_ruov ἄτης. ΠΡ. καὶ μὴν, χϑὼν σεσάλευται ἔργω καὶ οὖκ
᾿ ἔτι put.

blame fortune, nor say that Jove has exposed you to

unforeseen calamity ; for you yourselves are the authors
of your own misfortunes. Forewarned, and without
precipitation or deceit, but from inattention alone on
your parts, you will be involved in the impervious net
of fate. Pro. The earth is agitated in deed, not in

1110. ᾿Απρόοπτος, ov, ὃ καὶ 7, unforeseen, from ἃ πρὸ

and ὕπτομαι. πῆ
1114. ᾿Απεραντος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, not to be passed, froma
and περαίνω.
1115. "Eprrexsnocore, f. 1. pass. from λέω ἢ to
be implicated or involved.
1117. Σεσάλευται, perf. pass. from ΟΣ to be
agitated like the waves of the sea. -
Bouria δ᾽᾿ἤχω
ἡ παραμυκῶται. "
Ἱβροντῆς, ἕλικες
ὃ δ᾽ ἐκλάμπουσι
στεροπης ζάπυύροι;.στρύμζοι δὲ κόνιν 1120
εἰλίσσουσι" σκιρτᾷ δ᾽᾿ἀνέμων.
πνεύματα πάντων, εἰς ἄλληλα &
στάσιν ἀντίπνουν ὠποδεικνύμενα"
ξυντετάρακται δ᾽ αἰθὴρ πόντω. τῷ
τοιseid ἐπ᾿ ἐμοὶ ἡβιπή 1 | Διόθεν 1125
τεύχουσα eGov στείχει φανερῶς.
ὦ μητρὸς ἐμῆς δονὦ πάντων

δὲ Fpuxia nxw βροντῆς παραμυκᾶται, δὲ ξαπυροι ἕλικες στε-

gowns ἐκλάμπουσι, δὲ στρόμθοι εἰλίσσουσι κόνιν" δὲ πγεύματα
πάντων ἀνέμων σκιρτᾷ ἀποδεικνύμενα ἀντίπνουν στάσιν εἰς
ἄλληλα. δὲ αἰϑὴρ ξυντετάρακται πόντῳ. τοιάδε ῥιπὴ Διόϑεν
, τεύχρουσα φόβον, φανερῶς στείχει ew ἐμοί, ὦ σέβας ἐμῆς μητρὸς,

the roaring echo of the thunder bellows, the glaring

flashes of the lightning flame, and the whirlwinds roll
forth the dust. The blasts of all the winds pour forth,
presenting opposing revolt to each other. The air
is confused with the ocean. Such heaven-sprung
violence, bringing fear, openly marches towards me.
O adoration of my mother Themis!

1118. Βρύχιος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, roaring like the sea, from

1119. “Ελιξ, ixos, ἡ, a volume, a vortex, from ἑλίσσω.
1120. Ζαπυρος, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, most ardent, fiery in the
extreme, from 2, particle of augmentation, and zip.
1123. ᾿Αντίπνους, ov, ὃ καὶ ἡ, blowing in opposition,
from ἀντὶ and πνέω.
fies, "Pian, ns, ἡ,impetus, violence.
| | >.
αἰθὴρ κοινὸνpoo EMT TOV» δὴν

ούρᾷς μ᾽ ὡς ἕκδικα πάσχω. 1129.

ὥ αἰϑὴρ εἱλίσσων κοινὸν Paos πάντων, ἐσορᾷς με ὡς πάσχω

EXO * °

Ὁ αἱἷγ, affording light, common to all, wer behold what

injustice I suffer! : Py 2 Samet x

99. sina in ὃ καὶἕω» from ex and δίκη),


Printed by R. Gilbert, St.John’s-



Line Ὁ for χροιᾶσ᾽ read χροιᾶς

66, ὑπεροτένω ὑπερστένω
241, φυτῦσαι φιτῦσαι
"249, τοισί δ᾽ ἃ τοισίδ᾽
394, τ᾽ «πλάχυμ᾽ τἀπλάκημ᾽
549, ἐπηϊΐσι ἐλπίσι
735, vaious, vatouc”
878, , σέμπτη πέμπτη
910, παίους φγειίουσ᾽


Page ri line ἣνfor ἕξει read ἥξει

0, ὃ, after τοιαῖσδε read πημογαῖσι ᾿
= 3,for πτερυκωκῆ read παερυγωκῆ a
, 8, ὀνείφασι ὀνείρασι '
79, 8, χεεισϑεῖσ αὐξυστόμω read χρεισϑεῖσα ὀξυστομῳ
Mi A, eireadé :


Note ὅ, for chair read chain

9. ταλαίπωρας read ταλαίπωρος
1068, ἀγυρέω read ayogew
A tee ©. eee eam, ke

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