Unit 1 - Interference Diffraction and Polarization-MCQ
Unit 1 - Interference Diffraction and Polarization-MCQ
Unit 1 - Interference Diffraction and Polarization-MCQ
D. Changing continuously.
Ans. B
Q. Which of the following is conserved
when light waves interfere?
Q. Interference of light is evidence that A. Amplitude
A. the speed of light is very large B. Intensity
B. light is a transverse wave C. Energy
C. light is electromagnetic in character D. Momentum
D. light is a wave phenomenon Ans. C
Ans. D
Q. Two light sources are said to be
Q. Interference occurs when two (or coherent if they are obtained from
more) waves meet while travelling along A. Two ordinary bulbs
the B. Two wide sources
A. Different medium C. Two independent point sources
B. Same medium D. A single point source
C. Two medium Ans. D
D. Many medium
Ans. B Q. To demonstrate the phenomenon of
Q. During the interference of light, A. Two sources which emit radiation of
energy is same frequency are required.
A. Created at maxima B. Two sources which emit radiation of
B. Destroyed at the minima same frequency and have a constant phase
C. Not conserved difference are required.
D. Redistributed C. Two sources which emit radiation are
Ans. D required of nearly same frequency are
Q. In Huygen’s wave theory the locus of D. Two sources which emit radiation of
all points in same phase is different wavelengths
A. A ray Ans. B
B. A half period zone
C. A wave front Q. For sustained interference of light, the
D. A vibration two sources should
Ans. C A. be close to each other
B. be narrow
Q. The wave front originating from a C. have a same amplitude
rectilinear slit is called D. have a constant phase difference
A. Cylindrical wave front Ans. D
B. Spherical wave front
C. Circular wave front Q. For maxima and minima to be sharp
D. None of these A. The source must be narrow
Ans. A B. The source must be broad
C. The distance between the slits and the
Q. The two waves are said to be coherent screen should be large
when the phase difference between them is D. The interfering waves should have
A. Constant equal amplitudes
B. Zero or constant Ans. D
Q. A complete and precise definition of
Q. Intensity of light depends upon interference where all the necessary
A. Wavelength conditions are satisfied is
B. Amplitude A. Superposition of two waves
C. Frequency B. Superposition of any number of waves
D. Velocity C. Superposition of waves resulting into
Ans. B modification of intensity
D. Superposition of wave fronts and
Q. Two waves of same amplitude ‘A’ redistribution of intensity into alternate
and same frequency are reaching a point maxima and minima
simultaneously. What should be the phase Ans. D
difference between the two waves so that
the amplitude of the resultant wave be Q. Two coherent monochromatic light
‘2A’. beams of intensities I and 4I are
A. 900 superposed. The maximum and minimum
B. 1200 possible intensities in the resultant beam
C. 00 are
D. 1800 A. 5I and I
Ans. C B. 5I and 3I
C. 3I and I
Q. Two sources of intensities I and 4I are D. 9I and 3I
used to produce interference. The resultant Ans. B
intensity of 5I is obtained where phase
difference is Q. The two waves of intensity I and 4I
A. are superpose. The ratio of maximum to
B. minimum intensity is
C. ⁄ A. 9:1
D. zero B. 5:3
Ans. D C. 5:1
D. 4:1
Q. Two sources of intensities I and 4I are Ans. B
used to produce interference. The resultant
intensity of 5I is obtained where phase Q. Ratio of intensities of two waves is
difference is 25:4. Then the ratio of maximum to
A. minimum intensity will be
B. A. 5:2
C. 0 B. 4:25
D. both B and C C. 25:4
Ans. D D. 49:9
Ans. D
Q. The condition that is absolutely
necessary/must/unavoidable for producing Q. In an interference pattern energy is
a steady state interference pattern is A. Created at position of maxima
A. Coherence B. Destroyed at position of maxima
B. Monochromatic C. Conserved but redistributed
C. Equal amplitudes D. Not conserved
D. Point source Ans. C
Ans. A
Q. Two coherent sources whose intensity D. a whole number of half-wavelengths.
ratio is 81:1 produce interference fringes. Ans. A
What is the ratio of their amplitudes?
A. 10:1 Q. For constructive interference to take
B. 9:1 place between two monochromatic light
C. 8:1 waves of wavelength λ, the path difference
D. 9.9:1 should be,
Ans. B A. Very large
B. Very Small
Q. For constructive interference to take C. Integral multiple of wavelength λ
place between two monochromatic light D. Odd multiple of wavelength λ
waves of wavelength λ, the path difference Ans. C
should be,
A. ( ) ⁄ Q. For destructive interference to take
place between two monochromatic light
B. ( ) ⁄ waves of wavelength λ, the path difference
C. should be,
D. ( ) ⁄ A. Very large
Ans. C B. Very Small
C. Integral multiple of wavelength λ
Q. For destructive interference to take D. Odd multiple of half the wavelength λ
place between two monochromatic light Ans. D
waves of wavelength λ, the path difference
should be, Q. Two waves of same frequency and
A. ( ) ⁄ amplitude meet at a point where they are
180° out of phase. Which of the following
B. ( ) ⁄ is incorrect?
C. A. They superimpose, resulting in zero
D. ( ) ⁄ intensity.
Ans. D B. Their amplitudes subtract, resulting in
zero amplitude.
Q. For destructive interference to take C. Destructive interference occurs.
place between two monochromatic light D. Their energy at that point disappear and
waves of wavelength 2λ, the path thus the energy of the waves after
difference should be, interference is half that of the original
A. waves.
B. ( ) Ans. D
C. ( )
D. ( ) Q. When interference takes place
Ans. C A. Only maxima is produced
B. Only minima is produced
Q. One beam of coherent light travels C. Maxima and Minima is not produced
path P1 in arriving at point Q and another D. None of the above
coherent beam travels path P2 in arriving at Ans. D
the same point. If these two beams are to
interfere destructively, the path difference Q. For maxima and minima to be sharp
P1 - P2 must be equal to A. The source must be narrow
A. an odd number of half-wavelengths. B. The source must be broad
B. zero. C. The interfering waves should have
C. a whole number of wavelengths. equal amplitudes
D. The distance between the slits and the D. None of these
screen should be large Ans. D
Ans. C
Q. The thin film interference is based on
Q. Two waves originating from sources A. Division of wavelength
S1 and S2 having zero phase difference B. Division of wavefront
and common wavelength λ will show C. Division of intensity
completely destructive interference at a D. None of the above
point P if (S1P - S2P) is Ans. C
B. Q. The thin film interference is based on
C. A. Division of amplitude
D. B. Division of wavelength
Ans. D C. Division of wavefront
D. Division of frequency
Q. For two coherent waves Ans. A
and having zero
phase difference between them, the Q. If the path difference between the two
resultant intensity due to interference is interfering waves is 2λ, the phase
A. ( ) difference between them is equal to
B. ( ) A.
C. ( ) B.
D. ( ) C.
Ans. D D.
Ans. D
Q. For two interfering waves
and ( ) Q. If the path difference between the two
destructive interference at the point of interfering waves is λ, the phase difference
observation takes place if Φ equals between them is equal to
A. A.
B. ⁄ B.
C. 0 C.
D. None of these D.
Ans. A Ans. A
Q. In which of the following the Q. If the path difference between the two
interference is produced by division of interfering waves is ⁄ ,the phase
amplitude method difference between them is equal to
A. Uniform thickness film A.
B. Non-uniform thickness film B.
C. Newton’s rings C.
D. All above D.
Ans. D Ans. C
Q. In which of the following the Q. If the path difference between the two
interference is produced by division of interfering waves is ⁄ ,the phase
wave front method.
difference between them is equal to
A. Uniform thickness film
B. Non-uniform thickness film
C. Newton’s rings
C. Q. According to Stoke’s law the phase of
D. the light is not reversed when
Ans. B A. Light is reflected from the surface of
denser medium
Q. The phase difference between two B. Light is reflected from medium from
points x distance apart of a light wave of medium of very high refractive index to
wavelength entering a medium of medium of very low refractive index
refractive index µ from air is C. Light is reflected from denser medium
A. to relatively less denser medium
D. Light is reflected from the surface of
B. ( ) rarer medium
C. ( Ans. D
D. Q. The two monochromatic and coherent
Ans. A interfering rays, one originated by
reflection at rare medium while the other
Q. When light wave suffers reflection at originated by reflection at denser medium
the interface between glass and air incident then the additional path difference between
through glass, a change of phase of the them is
reflected wave is, A. ⁄
A. Zero B. ⁄
B. ⁄ C. 2
C. D. ⁄
D. Ans. A
Ans. A
Q. The two monochromatic and coherent
Q. When light wave suffers reflection at interfering rays, one originated by
the interface between glass and air incident reflection at rare medium while the other
through air, a change of phase of the originated by reflection at denser medium
reflected wave is, then the additional phase difference
A. Zero between them is
B. ⁄ A.
Ans. C D. ⁄
Ans. B
Q. According to Stokes’s law the phase
of the light is reversed when the light is Q. The two monochromatic and coherent
A. Reflected from the surface of denser interfering rays, both originated by
medium reflection at rare medium then the
B. Reflected from the surface of rarer additional path difference between them is
medium A. ⁄
C. Transmitted from denser to rarer B.
medium C. 0
D. Transmitted from rarer to denser
D. ⁄
Ans. A Ans. C
reflection at denser medium then the C. Become Half
additional path difference between them is D. None of these
A. ⁄ Ans. A
C. Q. When the light is diffracted from the
edge of the obstacle it bends in the region
D. ⁄ of
Ans. B A. Geotechnical shadow
B. Geographical shadow
Q. If light travels a distance ‘t’ in a C. Geometrical shadow
medium of refractive index ‘’ then its D. Geological shadow
equivalent optical path travelled in that Ans. C
medium is given by
A. 2t
B. t
C. ⁄ Q. In the equation for path difference of
a thin film for reflected system (
D. ⁄ ) the factor ±λ/2 will be present,
Ans. B A. one of the ray is reflected from denser
medium and another from rarer medium
Q. The optical path covered by a light B. both the rays are reflected from denser
wave in a particular medium depends upon medium
A. Refractive index C. both the rays are reflected from rarer
B. Length of medium medium
C. Refractive index and length of medium D. None of the above
D. Directly proportional to refractive index Ans. A
and inversely proportional to length of
medium Q. In the equation for path difference of
Ans. C a thin film for reflected system (
) the factor ±λ/2 will be present,
Q. A light wave travels a distance ‘d’ in when
a medium of refractive index ‘µ’. When a A. the medium above the film and below
distance is made half, then the refractive the film is denser than the film
index is, B. the medium above the film is denser
A. Remains same and medium below the film is rarer
B. Doubled C. the medium below the film is denser
C. Become Half and medium above the film is rarer
D. None of these D. None of the above
Ans. A Ans. A
Q. A light wave travels a distance ‘d’ in Q. In the equation for path difference of
a medium of refractive index ‘µ’. When a a thin film for reflected system (
distance is reduced to ⁄ and the ) the factor ±λ/2 will be present,
medium is replaced by a medium having when
refractive index ‘2µ’ then the optical path A. the medium above the film is denser
covered by the light will and medium below the film is rarer
A. Remains same B. the medium above the film is rarer and
B. Doubled medium below the film is denser
C. the medium above the film and below Q. In interference experiment
the film is rarer than the film monochromatic light is replaced by white
D. None of the above light, we will see
Ans. C A. uniform illumination of screen
B. uniform darkness on screen
Q. In the equation for path difference of C. equally spaced white and dark bands
a thin film for reflected system ( D. few colour bands and general
) the factor ±λ/2 will be absent, illumination
when Ans. D
A. When upper ray and lower ray is
reflected from denser medium Q. In rainy days the oily films spread on
B. When the upper ray is reflected from the rod appear colored because
denser medium and lower ray is reflected A. The rays entering in the film are
from rarer medium reflected back and interfere constructively
C. When the upper ray is reflected from and destructively.
rarer medium and lower ray is reflected B. The oily film contains various pigments
from the denser medium which are colored
D. None of the above C. Certain colors are reflected and certain
Ans. A colors are absorbed.
D. The thin film acts as a dispersive device
Q. In the equation for path difference of like a prism and hence disperses the light
a thin film for reflected system ( into spectrum.
) the factor ±λ/2 will be absent, Ans. A
A. When the upper ray is reflected from Q. If the days are not rainy then on dry
denser medium and lower ray is reflected roads the films are not observed colored
from rarer medium because
B. When the upper ray is reflected from A. The film is maximumly absorbed in the
rarer medium and lower ray is reflected road and the color producing pigments are
from the denser medium also absorbed
C. When the upper ray and lower ray is B. The thickness of the film becomes very
reflected from rarer medium. much lesser than the wavelength of the
D. None of the above light and such films can’t produce
Ans. C interference pattern
C. On dry road the thin films becomes
Q. In the equation for path difference of excessively rough and hence can’t produce
a thin film for reflected system ( the interference pattern
) the factor ±λ/2 will be absent, D. The films on the dry road can’t reflect
when the light, the light is completely absorbed
A. The medium above the film is rarer and in the film
medium below the film is rarer Ans. B
B. When the medium above the film
denser and medium below the film is Q. In a uniform thickness thin film all
denser the reflected rays are
C. When the medium above the film is A. Parallel
denser and medium below the film is rarer B. Anti-parallel
D. None of the above C. Perpendicular
Ans. C D. Inclined
Ans. A
Q. In a uniform thickness thin film all C. ( ) ⁄
the transmitted rays are D. ( )
A. Anti-parallel Ans. C
B. Perpendicular
C. Parallel Q. In transmitted light the condition for
D. Inclined brightness for uniform thickness film is
Ans. C
A. ⁄
Q. In a non-uniform thickness thin film B. ⁄
all the reflected rays are C. ( ) ⁄
A. Parallel
D. ( )
B. Anti-parallel
C. Not-parallel Ans. A
D. None of these
Ans. C Q. In uniform thickness film the
conditions for brightness and darkness in
Q. In uniform thickness thin film the reflected light and transmitted light are
reflected rays are parallel to each other. A. Same
They superimpose on each other because B. For brightness same but for darkness
A. The film thickness is comparable with opposite.
the wavelength of light. C. Opposite
B. The film is very thin D. For darkness same but for brightness
C. Incident light rays are parallel opposite.
D. The rays interfere in the eyes of the Ans. C
Ans. D Q. In uniform thickness film the
conditions for brightness in reflected light
Q. In reflected light the condition for and darkness in transmitted light are
darkness for uniform thickness film is A. Same for all wavelengths
B. Same but only for monochromatic light
A. ⁄ C. Opposite for all wavelengths
B. ⁄ D. Opposite but only for monochromatic
C. ( ) ⁄ light
Ans. A
D. ( )
Ans. A Q. The uniform thickness film which
appears bright for a light of particular
Q. In reflected light the condition for wavelength in reflected light will appear --
brightness for uniform thickness film is ------- in transmitted light for the same
A. ⁄ wavelength.
B. ⁄ A. Dark
B. Bright
C. ( ) ⁄
C. Blue
D. ( ) D. Red
Ans. C Ans. A
Q. In transmitted light the condition for Q. When white light is incident normally
darkness for uniform thickness film is on a soap film of thickness
A. ⁄ having refractive index 1.33, the
B. ⁄
wavelength/s of maximum intensity which The slice is placed on a flat glass plate.
are reflected are The observed interference fringes from
A. 26600 A0 this combination shall be
B. 3800 A0 A. Circular
C. Both a and b B. Straight
D. Neither a nor b C. Equally spaced
Ans. C D. None of these
Ans. B
Q. When white light is incident normally
on a soap film of thickness Q. The interfering fringes are formed by
having refractive index 1.33, the a thin film of oil on water are seen in
wavelength/s of maximum intensity which yellow light from a sodium light. The
are reflected in visible region are fringes are
A. 26600 A0 A. Black and white
B. 3800 A0 B. Yellow and black
C. 5320 A0 C. Coloured
D. All above. D. Coloured but without yellow
Ans. C Ans. A
Q. When white light is incident normally Q. Oil floating on water looks coloured
on a soap film of thickness due to interference of light. The
refractive index 1.33, the longest approximate thickness of oil for such
wavelength of maximum intensity which is effect to be visible is
reflected is A. 1000 A0
A. 26600 A0 B. 10000 A0
B. 3800 A0 C. 1 mm
C. 5320 A0 D. 1 cm
D. None of above Ans. B
Ans. A
Q. A very thin film in reflected light
Q. To view colours or fringes on the appears
whole thin film it is necessary to have A. Coloured
A. clean source of light B. Black
B. broad source of light C. White
C. point source of light D. Yellow
D. all above Ans. B
Ans. B
Q. A thin layer of colour less oil having
Q. If monochromatic light is incident on refractive index 1.4 is spread over water in
the uniform thickness thin film with a container. If the light of wavelength 6400
different angle of incidence, in the A0 is absent in the reflected light, what is
reflected light on the film we can see the minimum thickness of the oil layer?
A. Dark bands A. 2100 A0
B. Bright bands B. 1900 A0
C. Alternate Dark and bright bands C. 2285 A0
D. Half film dark and half film bright. D. 100 A0
Ans. C Ans. C
Q. A thin slice is cut out of a glass Q. A parallel beam of white light falls on
cylinder along a plane parallel to its axis. a thin film whose refractive index is 1.33.
if the angle of refraction is 300 then the which wavelength of light will be absent
thickness of the film for the reflected light for second order?
to be coloured yellow (λ=6000 A0) most A. 5500 A0
intensively will be B. 5000 A0
A. ( ) C. 4000 A0
B. 2.6( ) D. 5005 A0
C. ( ) Ans. B
D. ( )
Ans. C Q. When a monochromatic light falls
normally on a thin uniform thickness air
Q. What is the least thickness of the soap film of thickness 5000 A0. In the
film of refractive index 1.38 which will interference pattern of transmitted light,
appear black when viewed with sodium which wavelength of light will be present
light of wavelength 589.3 nm reflected for second order?
perpendicular to the film? A. 4000 A0
A. 10000 A0. B. 5000 A0
B. 617 nm C. 6000 A0
C. 428 nm D. 7000 A0
D. 213.5 nm Ans. B
Ans. D
Q. When a monochromatic light falls
Q. Colours in the thin films are because normally on a thin uniform thickness air
of film of thickness 5000 A0. In the
A. Dispersion interference pattern of reflected light,
B. Diffraction which wavelength of light will be present
C. Interference for second order?
D. None of them. A. 5500 A0
Ans. C B. 5000 A0
C. 4000 A0
Q. When viewed in white light, soap D. 5005 A0
bubbles shows colours because of Ans. C
A. Scattering
B. Dispersion Q. When a monochromatic light falls
C. Interference normally on a thin uniform thickness air
D. Diffraction film of thickness 5000 A0. In the
Ans. C interference pattern of transmitted light,
which wavelength of light will be absent
Q. A stationary thin film observed in for second order?
white light. The colour of thin film seen at A. 4000 A0
a particular point depends upon the B. 5000 A0
A. Width of the source C. 6000 A0
B. Distance of the source D. 7000 A0
C. Location of the observer Ans. A
D. None of the above
Ans. C Q. When monochromatic light falls on a
excessively thin film the in the reflected
Q. When a monochromatic light falls light the film will appear
normally on a thin uniform thickness air A. Yellow
film of thickness 5000 A0. In the B. Dark
interference pattern of reflected light, C. White
D. Blue C. ⁄ and µ less than that of glass
Ans. B
D. ⁄ and µ greater than that of glass.
Q. A thin film having thickness t << λ is Ans. C
seen in white light. It will appear
A. White Q. The glass surface can be made
B. Red completely reflecting for a light of
C. Violet particular wavelength when a thin uniform
D. Black thickness film is coated on it having
Ans. D refractive index
A. Greater than glass plate
Q. The loss of intensity due to reflection B. Less than glass plate
can be reduced substantially by coating the C. Less than glass plate but greater than air
glass surface with a uniform film of optical D. Greater than glass plate but less than
thickness air.
Ans. C
A. ⁄ and µ less than that of glass
B. ⁄ and µ greater than that of glass. Q. A thin film of MgF2 of refractive
C. ⁄ and µ less than that of glass index 1.38 is coated on a glass plate. For
what thickness of the film the glass surface
D. ⁄ and µ greater than that of glass. will become completely reflecting for the
Ans. A light of wavelength 5890 A0
Q. The reflectivity of the glass surface B.
can be enhanced by coating it with a C.
uniform film of optical thickness D.
A. ⁄ and µ less than that of glass Ans. B
B. ⁄ and µ greater than that of glass.
Q. A thin film of MgF2 of refractive
C. ⁄ and µ less than that of glass index 1.38 is coated on a glass plate. For
D. ⁄ and µ greater than that of glass. what thickness of the film the glass surface
Ans. A will become completely non-reflecting for
the light of wavelength 5890 A0
Q. The reflectivity of the glass surface A.
can be reduced by coating it with a B.
uniform film of optical thickness C.
A. ⁄ and µ less than that of glass D.
Ans. C
B. ⁄ and µ greater than that of glass.
C. ⁄ and µ less than that of glass Q. A thin film of MgF2 of thickness
and refractive index 1.38
D. ⁄ and µ greater than that of glass.
is coated on a glass plate. The wavelength
Ans. C of light for which the glass plate surface
will become completely non-reflective is
Q. The loss of intensity due to reflection A. 5089 A0
can be increased substantially by coating B. 5098 A0
the glass surface with a uniform film of C. 5980 A0
optical thickness D. 5890 A0
A. ⁄ and µ less than that of glass Ans. D
B. ⁄ and µ greater than that of glass.
Q. A thin film of MgF2 of thickness Ans. C
and refractive index 1.38 is
coated on a glass plate. The wavelength of UNIT 1C
light for which the glass plate surface will
become completely reflective is Q. A thin optically flat slice is cut out of
A. 5887 A0 a glass cylinder along a plane parallel to its
B. 5987 A0 axis. The slice is placed on a optically flat
C. 5878 A0 glass plate and a piece of paper is inserted
D. 5898 A0 from one side between them. The observed
Ans. C interference fringes from this combination
shall be
Q. A thin film of MgF2 of thickness A. Circular
and refractive index 1.38 B. Circular and equally spaced
is coated on a glass plate. The wavelength C. Straight
of light for which the glass plate surface D. Straight and equally spaced
will become completely non-reflective is Ans. D
A. 8597 A0
B. 5978 A0 Q. A wedge shape film is illuminated by
C. 9785 A0 monochromatic light then in the pattern
D. 7859 A0 observed in the reflected light the fringe
Ans. B width depend upon,
A. Wavelength of light
Q. In order to see the brightest reflection B. Refractive index of the film
of light after passing through the film, C. Angle of wedge
coated on the glass, having more refractive D. All above
index than film, which of the following Ans. D
must be true?
A. the thickness of the film must be greater Q. In case of wedge shaped film, the
than the wavelength. fringes are produced in a plane defined by
B. the wavelength must be equal to half A. Edge of the film and the lower surface
the thickness of the film of the film
C. the wavelength must be equal to 4 times B. Edge of the film and upper surface of
the thickness of the film. the film
D. the wavelength must be a equal to twice C. Upper and lower surface of the film
the thickness of the film. D. None of the above
Ans. D Ans. A
Q. In order to see no reflection of light Q. A wedge shape film is illuminated by
after passing through the film, coated on monochromatic light then in the pattern
the glass, having more refractive index observed in the reflected light the fringe
than film, which of the following must be width does not depend upon,
true? A. Wavelength of light
A. the thickness of the film must be greater B. Refractive index of the film
than the wavelength. C. Thickness of the film
B. the wavelength must be equal to half D. Angle of wedge
the thickness of the film Ans. C
C. the wavelength must be equal to quarter
the thickness of the film. Q. A wedge shaped film can produce
D. the wavelength must be a multiple of distinct fringes only if the wedge angle is
twice the thickness of the film. in
A. Degrees D. ( ) ⁄
B. Minutes Ans. A
C. Seconds
D. There is no such condition necessary Q. When a light of wavelength λ falls on
Ans. C a thin film of air of varying thickness, the
essential condition for destructive
Q. A wedge shape film observed in interference by the two interfering rays in
reflected sunlight first through a red glass the reflected system is
and then through a blue glass. The number A. ( ) ⁄
of fringes in later case is B. ( ) ( ) ⁄
A. Less C.
B. More D. ( ) ⁄
C. Equal in both cases Ans. A
D. None of these
Ans. B Q. When a light of wavelength λ falls on
a thin film of air of varying thickness, the
essential condition for destructive
Q. When illuminated by monochromatic interference by the two interfering rays in
light the interference pattern of non the transmitted system is
uniform thickness film in reflected light is A. ( ) ⁄
alternate bright and dark fringes having B. ( ) ( ) ⁄
same fringe width because C.
A. Each fringe is the locus of the points at D. ( ) ⁄
which the thickness of the film has a Ans. B
constant value.
B. Fringe width does not depend on the Q. Light of wavelength 6000 A0 falls
thickness of the film. normally on a thin wedge shaped film of
C. Both a and b refractive index 1.35 forming fringes that
D. None of these are 2.0 mm apart. The angle of wedge will
Ans. C be,
Q. When a light of wavelength λ falls on B.
a thin film of air of varying thickness, the C.
essential condition for constructive D.
interference by the two interfering rays in Ans. B
the reflected system is
A. ( ) ⁄ Q. When monochromatic light is
B. ( ) ( ) ⁄ incident normally on a non uniform
C. thickness air film having very small angle
D. ( ) ⁄ of wedge then the condition of darkness in
Ans. B reflected light is
Q. When a light of wavelength λ falls on B.
a thin film of air of varying thickness, the C.
essential condition for constructive
interference by the two interfering rays in
the transmitted system is Ans. B
A. ( ) ⁄
B. ( ) ( ) ⁄ Q. When monochromatic light is
C. incident normally on a non uniform
thickness film having very small angle of smallest separation between the bright
wedge and refractive index µ then the fringes?
condition of darkness in reflected light is A. Red
A. B. Orange
B. C. Green
C. D. Blue
D. Ans. D
Ans. C Q. A wedge shaped film produces an
interference pattern. It is immersed in a
Q. When monochromatic light is medium of higher refractive index. Then
incident normally on a non uniform the fringe width will
thickness film having very small angle of A. Decrease
wedge and refractive index µ then the B. Increase
condition of brightness in reflected light is C. There will not be any noticeable change
A. D. The fringes will become invisible and
B. undefined
C. Ans. A
Ans. D Q. A wedge shaped film produces an
interference pattern. It is immersed in a
Q. When the wedge angle of the film medium of lower refractive index. Then
increases, the fringe width is the fringe width will
A. Decreased A. Decrease
B. Increased B. Increase
C. There is no change C. There will not be any noticeable change
D. Increased and then decreased D. The fringes will become invisible and
Ans. A undefined
Ans. B
Q. When the wedge angle of the film
decreases, the fringe width is Q. A wedge shaped film is a convenient
A. Decreased tool for measuring the diameters of thin
B. Increased wires because
C. There is no change A. The fringe width is directly
D. Increased and then decreased proportional to the thickness of the wire
Ans. B B. The fringe width is inversely
proportional to the thickness of the wire
Q. Which of the following light would C. The fringe width is inversely
produce an interference pattern with the proportional to length of the wire
largest separation between the bright D. None of the above
fringes? Ans. B
A. Red
B. Orange Q. When we test the optical flatness of a
C. Green glass plate by interference, it is said to be
D. Blue optically flat when
Ans. A A. Fringe widths are same
B. Fringe widths reduce gradually towards
Q. Which of the following light would edge of wedge.
produce an interference pattern with the C. Fringe widths increase gradually
towards edge of wedge.
D. None of above C. greater that lens and greater than glass
Ans. A plate.
D. None of these
Q. Newton’s rings are observed with two Ans. B
different media between the glass surfaces.
The ratio of their refractive indices is 9:25, Q. The diameters of dark Newton’ rings
then the ratio of diameter of nth ring will in reflected light are proportional to
be, A. √
A. 81:625 B.
B. 3:5 C. √
C. 18:50
D. ⁄
D. 5:3 √
Ans. D Ans. A
Q. Newton’s rings are observed with two Q. The diameters of bright Newton’
different media between the glass surfaces. rings in reflected light are proportional to
The nth rings have diameters as 49:100, A. √
then the ratio of refractive indices is, B.
A. 10:7 C. √
B. 7:10
D. ⁄
C. 100:49 √
D. 49:100 Ans. C
Ans. A
Q. The square of diameters of dark
Q. In transmitted light the central fringe Newton’ rings in reflected light are
of Newton’s rings is, proportional to
A. Dark A. √
B. Bright B.
C. Steady C. √
D. None of these. D. ⁄
Ans. B √
Ans. B
Q. In reflected light, the central fringe of
Newton’s rings is dark because the path Q. The square of diameters of bright
difference between reflected rays is, Newton’ rings in reflected light are
A. nλ proportional to
B. ⁄ A. Natural number
B. Complex number
C. ⁄ C. Even natural number
D. ⁄ D. Odd natural number
Ans. C Ans. D
Q. The central fringe can be made bright Q. In Newton’ rings experiment if the
in reflected light if air film between lens radius of curvature of a plano-convex lens
and glass plate is replaced by liquid having is increased the angle of wedge
refractive index A. Increases
A. less that lens and less than glass plate. B. Decreases
B. greater that lens and less than glass C. Becomes zero
plate. D. None of these
Ans. B
Q. If the Newton’s rings arrangement is Q. In a Newton’s rings experiment, the
illuminated by white light the central diameter of 15th bright ring was found to
fringe will be be 59 x 10-4 m. If the radius of curvature of
A. Violet plano-convex lens is 1 m, calculate the
B. Red wavelength of light
C. Dark A. 6000 A0
D. Bright B. 7000 A0
Ans. C C. 6500 A0
D. 7500 A0
Q. The Newton’s ring cannot be Ans. A
practically seen in transmitted light
because Q. In a Newton’s rings experiment, the
A. They are not observed in transmitted diameter of 15th ring was 0.625 cm and
light. that of 5th ring was 0.225cm for air film
B. The contrast between bright and dark between lens and plate. When the air film
rings is not good. is replaced by a liquid these diameters are
C. The contrast between bright and dark reduced to 0.529 cm and 0.168 cm
rings is good. respectively. Then the refractive index of
D. It is very difficult to make arrangement liquid is
to see them. A. 1.531
Ans. B B. 1.351
C. 1.135
Q. Newton’s rings are formed using D. 1.513
white light. Then the central spot will be Ans. B
A. Violet
B. Dark Q. In Newton’s rings experiment what is
C. Bright the order of the dark ring produced for
D. Red wavelength of light 5890 A0, where the
Ans. B thickness of air space between the lens and
the glass plate is 1.8 x 10-6 m.
Q. Newton’s rings are formed using A. 6.11
white light. Then the colour of the B. 6
outermost ring will be C. 5.9
A. Violet D. 7
B. Yellow Ans. B
C. Red
D. Indigo Q. The diameter of nth dark ring in
Ans. C Newton’s rings experiment is 2.5 cm. The
diameter of nth dark ring reduces to 2 cm
Q. In a Newton’s rings experiment, the when the air film is replaced by a liquid.
thickness of the air space between the lens What is the refractive index of a liquid?
and the glass plate is 1.8 x 10-6 m for the A. 1.59
sixth dark ring. The wavelength of the B. 1.56
light used is... C. 1.49
A. 1.7 x 10-8 m D. 1.5
B. 3 x 10-8 m Ans. B
C. 6 x 10-7 m
D. 6 x 10-5 m
Ans. C
Q. If the air film is replaced by a liquid D. None of these
of refractive index 1.32 in Newton ring Ans. A
experiment the diameter of nth bright ring
A. Decreases. Q. In Newton’s rings experiment the
B. Increases. radius of curvature of the plano convex
C. Remains same. lens used is 200 cm. What is the diameter
D. None of above. of 8th dark ring if the wavelength of light
Ans. A used is 5890 A0.
A. 0.6319 cm
Q. The Newton’s rings experiment is B. 0.6139 cm
based on the phenomenon of interference C. 0.6913 cm
of light in D. 0.6193 cm
A. Non-uniform thickness film. Ans. B
B. Wedge shape film.
C. The film having thickness increasing Q. Monochromatic light wavelength
from zero to maximum. 5000 A.U. is incident on the wedge shape
D. All above. air film having angle of wedge 0.0083
Ans. D degree. Then the distance between
consecutive bright and dark band is,
Q. In Newton’s ring arrangement, bright A. 1.506 × 10-4 m.
and dark rings are obtained using sodium B. 1.506 × 10-5 m.
yellow light. If the entire arrangement is C. 3.012 × 10-5 m.
dipped into water then the diameters of D. 3.210 × 10-5 m.
rings Ans. B
A. Increases
B. Decreases Q. Monochromatic light is incident on
C. Fringe pattern disappears the wedge shape air film having angle of
D. Remains unchanged wedge 0.0083 degree. The distance
Ans. B between consecutive bright and dark band
is 1.506 × 10-5 m. Then the wavelength of
Q. In Newton’s ring experiment the light is,
diameter of 5th dark ring is reduced to half A. 5000 A.U.
of its value after placing a liquid between B. 2500 A.U.
plane glass plate and convex surface. The C. 4000 A.U.
refractive index of liquid is D. 3000 A.U.
A. 2.5 Ans. A
B. 5
C. 4 UNIT 1D
D. None of these
Ans. C Q. Which of the following undergo
maximum diffraction
A. Radio waves
Q. In Newton’s rings experiment the B. α-rays
diameter of 8th dark ring is 0.6139 cm. If C. -rays
the wavelength of light used is 5890 A0 D. Microwaves
then the radius of curvature of the plano Ans. A
convex lens used is,
A. 199.95 cm Q. An obstacle of size 1 cm will diffract
B. 198.95 cm A. Sound waves
C. 189.95 cm B. Light waves
C. X-rays Q. The diffraction pattern is produced
D. Ultrasonic waves due to
Ans. A A. Reflection of secondary wavelets
B. Polarization of secondary wavelets
Q. The phenomenon of diffraction can be C. Refraction of secondary wavelets
considered interference by n number of D. Interference of secondary wavelets
coherent sources. The value of n is Ans. D
A. One
B. Two Q. In Fraunhofer’s diffraction the
C. Zero distance between the source and obstacle
D. Infinite or obstacle and screen is
Ans. D A. Finite
B. Not finite.
C. Infinite
Q. The ratio of size of obstacle to the D. None of these
wavelength of light to be able to observe Ans. B
diffraction effect is
A. 1 Q. In Fresnel’s diffraction the distance
B. 100 between the source and obstacle or
C. 1000 obstacle and screen is
D. Infinite A. Finite
Ans. D B. Not finite.
C. Infinite
Q. While both light and sound wave D. None of these
shows wave character, diffraction (bending Ans. A
round corners) is much harder to observe
in light. This is because Q. In Fresnel’s diffraction, in the plane
A. Speed of light is far greater of diffraction the all the secondary
B. Wavelength of light is far smaller wavelets are
C. Light does not require a medium A. 900 out of phase
D. Waves of light are transverse B. 1800 out of phase
Ans. A C. out of phase
D. None of these
Q. Ans. A
In which experiment lenses are required
A. Fresnel’s diffraction Q. In Fraunhofer’s diffraction, in the
B. Fraunhofer diffraction plane of diffraction the all the secondary
C. Both a and b. wavelets are
D. None A. 900 out of phase
Ans. B B. 1800 out of phase
C. In phase
Q. In which experiment the wave front D. None of these
incident on the slit is not plane Ans. C
A. Fresnel’s diffraction
B. Fraunhofer diffraction Q. In the Fraunhofer diffraction the
C. Both a and b. incident wave front is often
D. None of these A. Spherical
Ans. A B. Cylindrical
C. Plane
D. None of these
Ans. C B.
Q. Light of wavelength 6328 A0 is Q. If white light is used in diffraction at
incident on a slit having a width of 0.2 a single slit, the central maximum will be
mm. The angular width of the central A. White
maximum measured from first minimum B. Coloured
to minimum of the diffraction pattern on C. Black
the screen which is 9 m away will be about D. None of these
A. 0.360 Ans. A
B. 0.180
C. 0.720 Q. In the diffraction pattern due to single
D. 0.090 slit the width of central maximum will be
Ans. B A. Greater for narrow slit
B. Less for narrow slit
Q. The slit of width ‘a’ is illuminated by C. Greater for wide slit
white light. The first minimum for red D. Less for wide slit
light of wavelength 6328 A0 will fall at Ans. A
angle 300, when ‘a’ will be
A. 3250 A0 Q. In diffraction pattern fringe width of
B. 6.5 × 10-4 mm various fringes
C. 1.26 µm. A. Always equal.
D. 2.6 × 10-6 m. B. Never equal.
Ans. C C. Can be equalized.
D. None of these
Q. Half angular width of central Ans. B
maximum is 300 when the slit is
illuminated by light of wavelength 6000 Q. Which one of the following colours
A0. Then width of the slit will be approx. will be best suited for obtaining the sharp
A. 12 × 10-6 m. image of narrow circular aperture on the
B. 12 × 10-7 m. screen?
C. 12 × 10-8 m. A. Yellow light
D. 12 × 10-9 m. B. Green light
Ans. B C. Red light
D. Violet light
Q. Light of wavelength 6500 A0 is Ans. D
incident on a slit, if first minima of red
light is at 300 then the slit width is about Q. Which of the following will exhibit the
A. greatest amount of diffraction?
B. A. light waves incident on a human hair.
C. B. light waves incident on a 1 cm hole.
D. C. sound waves incident on a 1 cm hole.
Ans. C D. sound waves incident on a doorway.
Ans. C
Q. In the diffraction pattern due to single
slit, the width of the central maximum, Q. In a diffraction pattern due to single
A. With red light is less than violet light. slit of width ‘a’, if the wavelength of light
B. With red light is equal to violet light. is doubled the angle of diffraction for first
C. With red light is more than violet light. order minima will
D. None of these. A. Remain same
Ans. C B. Become half
C. Doubled
D. None of these
Ans. C A. 3 λ1= λ2
B. 3 λ1= 0.3λ2
Q. In the diffraction pattern due to single C. 0.3 λ1= 3λ2
slit the first minimum is formed for the D. λ1= 3λ2
order m equal to Ans. D
A. ± 1
B. 0 Q. In diffraction at a single slit, the
C. ± ½ intensity of first secondary maximum is
D. ± 3/2 about
Ans. A A. ( ⁄ ) of the intensity of central
Q. In the diffraction pattern due to single B. ( ⁄ ) of the intensity of central
slit the first minima is not possible for the maximum
order m = 0 because, C. ( ⁄ ) of the intensity of central
A. For m = 0, the condition of minimum maximum
becomes condition of secondary maxima D. ( ⁄ ) of the intensity of central
B. For m = 0, the condition of minimum maximum
becomes condition of principal maxima Ans. A
C. Both a and b
D. None of above Q. In diffraction at a single slit, the
Ans. B intensity of second secondary maximum is
Q. In the diffraction pattern due to single A. ( ⁄ ) of the intensity of central
slit the position of secondary maxima is maximum
A. Half a way between two minima B. ( ⁄ ) of the intensity of central
B. Half a way between two principal maximum
maxima C. ( ⁄ ) of the intensity of central
C. Half a way between two secondary maximum
minima D. ( ⁄ ) of the intensity of central
D. Half a way between principal maximum maximum
and first minima. Ans. B
Ans. A
Q. In the diffraction pattern at a single
Q. In the diffraction pattern due to single slit the condition of minima is,
slit produced on the screen the linear
. The value of m for first order minima
distance between principal maximum and is
first minimum depends upon
A. 0
A. Slit width B. 1
B. Angle of diffraction
C. Linear distance of screen from the slit C.
D. All above D.
Ans. D Ans. B
D. the same set up if the light of wavelength
Ans. A 6000 A0 is used the corresponding value of
‘b’ will be
Q. Parallel monochromatic beam of light A. 0.20 cm
is incident on a narrow slit. A diffraction B. 0.24 cm
pattern is formed on a screen placed C. 0.30 cm
perpendicular to the direction of incident D. 0.45 cm
beam. At the first minimum of diffraction Ans. D
pattern, phase difference between the rays
coming from the two edges of the slit is Q. Light of wavelength λ is incident on a
A. 0 slit of width ‘d’. The resulting diffraction
B. ⁄ pattern is observed on the screen at
C. distance ‘D’. The linear width of principal
D. maxima is then equal to the width of the
Ans. D slit. D equals
A. ⁄
Q. At the first minima, path difference B. ⁄
between two waves starting from the two C. ⁄
ends of the slit in the single slit Fraunhofer D. ⁄
diffraction experiment is Ans. C
A. ⁄
B. λ Q. A slit 5 cm wide is irradiated
C. ⁄ normally with microwaves of wavelength
D. 2λ 1 cm. Then the angular spread of the
Ans. B central maximum on one side of the
incident light is nearly equal to
Q. For a single slit of width d, the first A. 1/5 radians
diffraction minimum using light of B. 4 radians
wavelength λ will occur at an angle of C. 5 radians
A. ⁄ D. 6 radians
B. ⁄ Ans. A
C. ⁄
D. ⁄ Q. A parallel beam of light of
Ans. B wavelength 600 nm get diffracted by a
single slit of width 0.2 mm. the angular
Q. Condition of first secondary divergence of the principal maxima on
maximum in the Fraunhofer’s diffraction both sides of incident light is
pattern of a single slit of width ‘a’ is given A. 6 × 10-3 rad
by B. 3 × 10-3 rad
A. ⁄ C. 4.5 × 10-2 rad
D. 9 × 10-2 rad
B. ⁄ Ans. A
D. ⁄ Q. Yellow light is used in a single slit
Ans. D diffraction experiment with slit width of
0.6 mm. If yellow light is replaced by X
Q. When a single slit Fraunhofer rays, then the observed pattern will reveal
diffraction set up is used with light of that
wavelength 4000 A0, the width ‘b’ of A. the central maximum is narrower.
central maximum is found to be 0.3 cm. in B. the central maximum is broader.
C. less number of fringes D. be reflected with little, if any, loss in
D. no diffraction pattern is observed energy
Ans. A Ans. A
Q. How does the width (W) of the Q. In a plane transmission grating the
central maximum formed from diffraction intensity of principal maximum
through a circular aperture (pupil) change A. Increases as number of slits increases
with aperture size (D) for a fixed distance B. Decreases as number of slits increases
away from the aperture? C. Remains constant
A. W increases as D increases D. None of these.
B. W decreases as D increases Ans. A
C. W does not depend upon D
D. None of above Q. In a plane diffraction grating the
Ans. B directions of minima are given by
A. ( )
Q. The maximum number of orders of B. ( )
principal maxima present for diffraction of C.
light at a single slit are for the value of D. None of these.
angle of diffraction θ equal to Ans. B
A. 00
B. 450 Q. Light is incident normally on
C. 900 diffraction grating through which first
D. 1800 order diffraction is seen at 320. The second
Ans. C order diffraction will be seen at
A. 840.
Q. When the light is diffracted through B. 480.
the circular aperture in the diffraction C. 640.
pattern the radius of central Airy disc can D. None of these
be reduced by Ans. D
A. Increasing the diameter of circular
aperture Q. The wavelength of light can be
B. Decreasing the diameter of circular experimentally found using
aperture A. Ripple tank
C. Increasing the wavelength of light B. Diffraction grating
D. Increasing the focal length of the lens C. Plane mirror
Ans. A D. Glass prism.
Ans. B
UNIT 1E Q. The wavelength of light can be
experimentally found using
A. Newton’s rings
Q. Which one of the following B. Diffraction grating
characteristics of electromagnetic wave is C. Both a and b
needed to explain the spectrum produced D. None of above
when white light falls on diffraction Ans. C
grating? Electromagnetic waves can
A. interfere Q. Maximum number of orders available
B. be linearly polarised with a grating is
C. change speed in passing from one A. Independent of grating element.
material to other B. Directly proportional to grating
C. Inversely proportional to grating C.
element. D. ( )
D. Directly proportional to wavelength. Ans. B
Ans. B
Q. A white light is incident on a
Q. In a plane diffraction grating the diffraction grating and diffraction pattern
angle of diffraction is is produced on the screen placed in front of
A. Directly proportional to the wavelength the grating. If the length of the grating is
B. Inversely proportional to the increased without changing the value of
wavelength a+b, will the diffraction pattern change?
C. Directly proportional to the square root A. Yes
of wavelength B. No
D. Inversely proportional to the square C. Partially change
root of wavelength D. None of above
Ans. A Ans. B
Q. In the equation of resultant amplitude Q. Monochromatic light of wavelength λ
of waves, when a light is diffracted is incident normally on a diffraction
through diffraction gratings, grating consisting of alternate transparent
the value of N is, strips of width ‘a’ and opaque strips of
A. Number of lines per cm on the grating width ‘b’. The angle between emerging
B. Number of lines per m on the grating zero order and first order spectra depends
C. Total number of lines on the grating on
D. Number of lines per unit length A. a, b and λ
Ans. C B. a and λ only
C. b and λ only
D. λ only
Q. The reciprocal of grating element a+b Ans. A
A. Number of lines per cm on the grating Q. When monochromatic light of
B. Number of lines per mm on the grating wavelength 5 × 10-7 m is incident normally
C. Total number of lines on the grating on a plane diffraction grating, the second
D. Number of lines per unit length order diffraction lines are formed at angles
Ans. D of 300 to the normal to the grating. What is
the number of lines per mm in the grating?
Q. In the grating element, a+b, A. 250
A. a must be equal to b B. 500
B. a must be greater than b C. 1000
C. a must be less than b D. 1500
D. none of above Ans. B
Ans. D
Q. Monochromatic light shines on the
Q. In the equation of resultant amplitude surface of a diffraction grating with
of waves, when a light is diffracted 5.3×103 lines/cm. The first-order
through diffraction gratings, maximum is observed at an angle of 17°.
Find the wavelength.
the value of β is,
A. 420 nm
A. B. 530 nm
C. 520 nm
B. ( )
D. 550 nm
Ans. D Ans. B
Q. Light with a wavelength of 400.0 nm
passes through a diffraction grating having Q. The light of wavelength λ is
1.00×104 lines/cm. What is the second- diffracted by an angle of θ in first order by
order angle of diffraction? diffraction grating then the value of
A. 21.3° number of lines per unit length on grating
B. 56.5° is,
C. 53.1° A. Sinθ/λ
D. 72.1° B. λ/sinθ
Ans. C C. λsinθ
D. none of above
Q. Light with a wavelength of 500.0 nm Ans. A
passes through a 3.39 × 105 lines/m
diffraction grating. The first-order angle of Q. The light of wavelength 6000 A0 is
diffraction is diffracted by an angle of 200 in first order
A. 9.73° by diffraction grating then the value of
B. 36.9° total number of lines on the grating if it is
C. 23.5° 2 cm long is,
D. 53.1° A. 5700
Ans. A B. 11800
C. 11400
Q. The angle between the first-order D. 11824
maximum and the central maximum for Ans. C
monochromatic light of 2300 nm is 27°.
Calculate the number of lines per Q. What is the highest order spectrum
centimeter on this grating. which may be seen with monochromatic
A. 1600 lines/cm light of wave length of 6000 A0, by means
B. 2500 lines/cm of a diffraction grating with 5000
C. 2000 lines/cm lines/cm?
D. 4500 lines/cm A. 5
Ans. C B. 4
C. 3
Q. The light of wavelength 6000 A0 is D. 2
diffracted by an angle of 200 in first order Ans. C
by diffraction grating then the value
grating element is, Q. The number of rulings (N) in grating
A. 1.75 × 10-4 cm is made larger, then
B. 1.95 × 10-4 cm A. The principal and secondary (all)
C. 1.65 × 10-4 cm maxima will become sharp and intense
D. 1.69 × 10-4 cm B. The principal and secondary (all)
Ans. A maxima will become faint and wide.
C. The principal maxima will become
Q. The light of wavelength 6000 A0 is sharp and intense while, secondary
diffracted by an angle of 200 in first order maxima become weaker
by diffraction grating then the value of D. The principal maxima will become
number of lines per cm on grating is, weaker while, secondary maxima become
A. 5741 lines/cm sharp and intense
B. 5714 lines/cm Ans. C
C. 5471 lines/cm
D. 5147 lines/cm
Q. When a beam of monochromatic light Q. The peacock’s feather is a natural
of wavelength λ is incident normally on a diffraction grating comes under the
diffraction grating of grating element d. If category of
θ is angle between second order diffracted A. Reflection grating
beam and the direction of incident beam, B. Refraction grating
what is the value of sinθ? C. Transmission grating
A. ⁄ D. Deflection grating
B. ⁄ Ans. A
C. ⁄
D. ⁄ Q. The compact disc is a man made
Ans. C diffraction grating comes under the
category of
Q. Light of wavelength λ is incident A. Reflection grating
normally on a diffraction grating for which B. Refraction grating
the slit spacing is 3λ. What is the sine of C. Transmission grating
angle between the second order maximum D. Deflection grating
and the normal? Ans. A
A. 1/6
B. 1/3 Q. Grating spectrum is produced because
C. 2/3 of
D. 1 A. Dispersion of light
Ans. C B. Scattering of light
C. Diffraction of light
Q. A grating which should be more D. Reflection of light
suitable for constructing a spectrometer for Ans. C
visible and ultraviolet regions should have
A. 100 lines/cm Q. In the diffraction pattern produced by
B. 1000 lines/cm transmission grating as the value of N
C. 10000 lines/cm increases the intensity of central principal
D. 100000 lines/cm maximum increases thereby
Ans. C A. Intensity of other principal maxima also
Q. Green light of wavelength 5400 A0 is B. Intensity of other principal maxima
diffracted by a grating ruled 2000 decreases
lines/cm. The angular deviation of third C. Intensity of other principal maxima
order of image is remains constant
A. ( ) D. None of these.
B. ( ) Ans. B
C. ( )
D. 820 Q. The condition for principal maximum
Ans. A for diffraction grating is
A. ( )
Q. The example of natural diffraction B. ( )
grating is C.
A. Compact disc D.
B. Peacock’s feather Ans. A
C. Holohram
D. None of these Q. In the diffraction grating having
Ans. B 15000 lines/inch the slit width is 8.128 ×
10-5 cm and the distance between the two
slits is 8.805 × 10-5 cm. Then the value of A. is increased
grating element is, B. remains same
A. 169.33 × 10-4 cm C. is decreased
B. 1.6933 × 10-5 cm D. None of these
C. 16.933 × 10-4 cm Ans. C
D. 1.6933 × 10-4 cm
Ans. D Q. For complete polarization, light
should be
Q. In the diffraction grating the value of A. Monochromatic
grating element is, 1.6666 × 10-4 cm, Then B. Dichromatic
the number of slits/cm is, C. From mercury vapour source
A. 6000 D. None of these
B. 1666 Ans. A
C. 5000
D. 6600 Q. We use sun glasses in the summer
Ans. A season, which acts as a
A. Polarizer
B. Analyzer
UNIT 1F C. Both A and B are correct
D. None of these
Q. The transverse nature of light is Ans. A
shown by
A. Interference Q. The device used to produce the
B. Refraction polarized light is called as
C. Polarization A. Analyzer
D. Dispersion B. Polarizer
Ans. C C. Prism
D. None of these
Q. Plane polarized light has vibrations of Ans. B
electric vector
A. In one plane perpendicular to direction Q. In the electromagnetic wave the
of propagation electric field vibrates in _______ possible
B. In one plane along the direction of plane/planes perpendicular to the direction
propagation of propagation of light.
C. In all planes perpendicular to direction A. one
of propagation B. two
D. In two planes perpendicular to direction C. three
of propagation D. all
Ans. A Ans. D
Q. A plane perpendicular to the plane of D. None of these
vibration is called as Ans. C
A. Plane of polarization
B. Plane of vibration Q. When the light is incident at the
C. Plane of polarized vibration polarizing angle on the refracting surface,
D. None of these which of the following is completely
Ans. A polarized?
A. Reflected light
Q. A plane perpendicular to the B. Refracted light
vibrations of electric vector of a plane C. Both reflected and refracted light
polarized light is called as D. Neither reflected nor refracted light
A. Plane of polarization Ans. A
B. Plane of vibration
C. Plane of polarized vibration Q. When un-polarized light is incident
D. None of these on the refracting surface with polarizing
Ans. A angle the reflected light and refracted light
are ______________ to each other.
Q. What is the angle between the plane A. Perpendicular
of vibration/oscillation and plane of B. Inclined
polarization of the polarized light? C. Parallel
A. 0 D. None of these
B. π/2 Ans. A
C. π/4
D. π Q. According to Brewster’s law, when
Ans. B un-polarized light is incident on the
refracting surface with polarizing angle
Q. The angle of incidence at which then the angle between the reflected light
maximum polarization occurs is known as and refracted light is,
A. Angle of polarization A. 150
B. Angle of reflection B. 450
C. Angle of refraction C. 1800
D. Critical angle D. 900
Ans. A Ans. D
D. µ = cos ip Q. Polarization of natural light by
Ans. C reflection from the surface of glass was
discovered in 1808 by
Q. The refractive index for plastic is A. E. L. Malus
1.25. Calculate the angle of refraction for a B. Sir David Brewster
light inclined at polarizing angle. C. Biot
A. 36.8 D. Erasmus Bartholinus
B. 38.6 Ans. A
C. 34.6
D. None of these Q. The intensity of the polarized light
Ans. B transmitted by the analyzer varies as
______________of angle between plane of
Q. The refractive index for water is 1.33. transmission of polarizer and analyzer”.
The polarizing angle for water (in degree) A. Square root of cosine
is B. Square of sine
A. 53.06 C. square of cosine
B. 0.0232 D. Square root of sine
C. 570 Ans. C
D. 52.06
Ans. A Q. According to the Malus law, the
intensity of polarized light emerging
Q. A ray of light strikes a glass plate at through the analyzer varies as _______
an angle of 60°. If the reflected and where θ is angle between plane of
refracted rays are perpendicular to each transmission of polarizer and analyzer.
other, the refractive index of refraction of A. sin2θ
glass is B. cos2θ
A. √(3/2) C. tan2θ
B. 03 D. sec2θ
C. 01 Ans. B
D. √3
Ans. D Q. According to the Malus law, the
intensity of polarized light emerging
Q. The method of obtaining plane through the analyzer is equal to ------------
polarized light by refraction is where, Im is maximum intensity and θ is
A. Brewster method angle between plane of transmission of
B. Malus method polarizer and analyzer.
C. Piles of plate’s method A. Imsin2θ
D. None of these B. Imcos2θ
Ans. C C. Imtan2θ
D. Imsec2θ
Q. In the method of obtaining plane Ans. B
polarized light by piles of plates the
_____________ beam is converted into Q. When the crystals are perpendicular
plane polarized. to each other, the intensity of the emergent
A. Refracted beam from the second crystal is
B. Reflected A. Maximum
C. Diffracted B. Minimum
D. Scattered C. Zero
Ans. A D. None of the above
Ans. C
Q. When the analyzer is rotated through Q. Two Polaroid are adjusted so as to
3600, one observes obtain maximum intensity. Through what
A. One extinction and two brightness angle should polaroid be rotated to reduce
B. one brightness and two extinctions the intensity to one fourth of its original
C. two extinctions and two brightness value?
D. none of the above A. 360
Ans. C B. 180
C. 60
Q. If the angle between a polarizer and D. 45
analyzer is 60°. Then the intensity of Ans. C
transmitted light for original intensity of
incident light as I is Q. The ratio of intensity of the polarized
A. 0.25 Im light transmitted by the analyzer to square
B. 0.50 Im of cosine of angle between plane of
C. 0.75 Im transmission of polarizer and analyzer is
D. 0.125 Im always,
Ans. A A. Constant
B. Not constant
Q. Two polaroid are adjusted so as to C. Less than 1
obtain maximum intensity. Through what D. None of these
angle should polaroid be rotated to reduce Ans. A
the intensity to half of its original value?
A. 3600 Q. In Malus law the intensity of the
B. 450 polarized light transmitted by the analyzer
C. 900 is proportional to square of cosine of
D. 1800 angle between plane of transmission of
Ans. B polarizer and analyzer because,
A. The cosine component of the intensity
Q. Two polarizing sheets have polarizing of polarized light comes in the plane of
directions parallel so that the intensity of analyzer
the transmitted light is maximum. Through B. The cosine component of the intensity
what angle must either sheet be turned if of polarized light comes in the plane of
the intensity is to drop by half? polarizer
A. 360 C. The sine component of the intensity of
B. 180 polarized light comes in the plane of
C. 90 analyzer
D. 45 D. None of these
Ans. D Ans. A
UNIT 3B B. hydrated sodium carbonate
C. hydrated aluminium carbonate
Q. When a beam of un-polarized light is D. none of these
incident upon a crystal such as calcite then Ans. A
the beam on entering the crystal get split
up into two components, both are Q. The structure of calcite-crystal is
A. Unpolarized A. Rectangular
B. Plane polarized B. Rhombohedra
C. Partially polarized C. Triangular
D. Circularly polarized D. parallelepiped
Ans. B Ans. B
Q. The chemical name of the calcite Q. Plane containing the optic axis and
crystal is perpendicular to the opposite faces of the
A. hydrated calcium carbonate crystal is called the______
A. Vibration plane D. Cylindrical wavelets
B. Principle plane Ans. B
C. Optic axis
D. None of these Q. When light is incident on the doubly
Ans. B refracting crystal perpendicular to the optic
axis of the crystal then
Q. Rotating calcite crystal is placed over A. The O- and E- ray travel in different
an ink dot. On seeing through the crystal, directions with same velocity
one finds B. The O- and E- ray travel in same
A. two stationary dots directions with same velocity
B. two dots moving along straight lines C. The O- and E- ray travel in different
C. one dot rotating about the other directions with different velocity
D. both dots rotating about a common axis D. The O- and E- ray travel in same
Ans. C directions with different velocity
Ans. D
Q. The examples of double refracting
crystals are Q. When light is incident on the doubly
A. Calcite refracting crystal parallel or along to the
B. Quartz optic axis of the crystal then
C. Tourmaline A. The O- and E- ray travel in different
D. All above directions with same velocity
Ans. D B. The O- and E- ray travel in same
directions with same velocity
Q. In case of positive crystals, C. The O- and E- ray travel in different
A. The velocity of ordinary ray is less than directions with different velocity
velocity of extraordinary ray D. The O- and E- ray travel in same
B. The velocity of ordinary ray is equal to directions with different velocity
velocity of extraordinary ray Ans. B
C. The velocity of ordinary ray is greater
than velocity of extraordinary ray Q. When light is incident on the doubly
D. The velocity of extraordinary ray is refracting crystal normally such that the
greater than velocity of ordinary ray optic axis is inclined to the crystal surface
Ans. C then
A. The O- and E- ray travel in different
Q. In case of negative crystals, directions with same velocity
A. The velocity of ordinary ray is less than B. The O- and E- ray travel in same
velocity of extraordinary ray directions with same velocity
B. The velocity of ordinary ray is equal to C. The O- and E- ray travel in different
velocity of extraordinary ray directions with different velocity
C. The velocity of ordinary ray is greater D. The O- and E- ray travel in same
than velocity of extraordinary ray directions with different velocity
D. The velocity of extraordinary ray is Ans. C
greater than velocity of ordinary ray
Ans. D Q. When light is incident on the doubly
refracting crystal along the optic axis of
Q. Huygen explained the phenomenon the crystal then O ray and E ray
of double refraction on the basis of A. Does not split up and travels with
A. Primary wavelets different velocity.
B. Secondary wavelets B. Does not split up and travels with same
C. Circular wavelets velocity.
C. Split up into two component and travels Q. In double refraction we get two
with different velocity refracted rays called O-ray and E- ray.
D. Split up into two component and travels Which of the following statements is true?
with same velocity A. Only the O-ray is polarized
Ans. B B. Only the E-ray is polarized
Q. When light is incident on the doubly C. Both O and E rays are polarized
refracting crystal perpendicular to optic D. Neither O-ray nor E-ray is polarized
axis of the crystal then O ray and E ray Ans. C
A. Does not split up and travels with
different velocity. Q. For a double refracting crystal, the
B. Does not split up and travels with same refractive indices for the ordinary and
velocity. extraordinary rays are denoted by μ₀ and
C. Split up into two component and travels μe. Which of the following relations is
with different velocity valid along the optical axis of the crystal?
D. Split up into two component and travels A. μ₀ = μe
with same velocity B. μ₀ ≤ μe
Ans. A C. μ₀< μe
D. μ₀> μe
Q. When light is incident normally on Ans. A
the doubly refracting crystal such that the
surface on which light is incident is cut Q. If μ₀ and μe be the refractive indices
perpendicular to its optic axis then O ray of the doubly refracting crystal for O-ray
and E ray and E-ray respectively then for the
A. Does not split up and travels with negative crystal which of the following
different velocity. relations is correct?
B. Does not split up and travels with same A. μ₀ = μe
velocity. B. μ₀ ≤ μe
C. Split up into two component and travels C. μ₀< μe
with different velocity D. μ₀> μe
D. Split up into two component and travels Ans. D
with same velocity
Ans. B Q. If μ₀ and μe be the refractive indices
of the doubly refracting crystal for O-ray
Q. When light is incident normally on and E-ray respectively then for the positive
the doubly refracting crystal such that the crystals which of the following relations is
surface on which light is incident is cut correct?
parallel to its optic axis then O ray and E A. μ₀ = μe
ray B. μ₀ ≤ μe
A. Does not split up and travels with C. μ₀< μe
different velocity. D. μ₀> μe
B. Does not split up and travels with same Ans. C
C. Split up into two component and travels Q. The O-ray travels with the same
with different velocity velocity ‘vo’ in all directions and hence
D. Split up into two component and travels according to Huygen the corresponding
with same velocity wave front is
Ans. A A. Ellipsoid
B. Spherical
C. Cylindrical
D. None of these
Ans. B B. 81:100
C. 9:10
Q. The E-ray travels with the different D. 10:09
velocity ‘ve’ in different directions and Ans. C
hence according to Huygen the
corresponding wave front is ________ Q. In doubly refracting crystal if O-ray
A. Ellipsoid and E-ray are travelling along the same
B. Spherical direction but the velocity of E-ray is
C. Cylindrical greater than that of O-ray then the crystal
D. None of these is
Ans. A A. Positive
B. Negative
Q. In the doubly refracting crystals, the C. Both A and B correct
O-ray travels with the same velocity ‘vo’ in D. None of these
all directions therefore its refractive index Ans. B
for O ray is _________ in all directions.
A. Different Q. In doubly refracting crystal if O-ray
B. Same and E-ray are travelling along the same
C. Changes direction but the velocity of E-ray is
D. None of these greater than that of O-ray then
Ans. B A. The light is incident along the optic axis
Q. In the doubly refracting crystals, the and the crystal is negative.
E-ray travels with the different velocity ‘ B. The light is incident along the optic axis
ve’ in all directions therefore its refractive and the crystal is positive.
index for E ray is _________ in all C. The light is incident perpendicular to
directions. the optic axis and the crystal is negative.
A. Different D. The light is incident perpendicular to
B. Same the optic axis and the crystal is positive.
C. Changes Ans. C
D. None of these
Ans. A Q. In doubly refracting crystal if O-ray
and E-ray are travelling along the same
Q. In doubly refracting crystal the ratio direction but the velocity of E-ray is less
of velocities of E – ray in two different than that of O-ray then
directions is 10:9, then the ratio of the A. The light is incident along the optic axis
refractive indices of that crystal for that and the crystal is negative.
ray is B. The light is incident along the optic axis
A. 100:81 and the crystal is positive
B. 81:100 C. The light is incident perpendicular to
C. 9:10 the optic axis and the crystal is negative.
D. 10:09 D. The light is incident perpendicular to
Ans. C the optic axis and the crystal is positive.
Ans. D
B. The light is incident along the optic axis C. 1.118
and the crystal is positive D. 8.181
C. The light is incident along the optic axis Ans. B
and the crystal is negative or positive
D. The light is incident perpendicular to
the optic axis and the crystal is negative or Q. Polaroid sunglasses decrease glare on
positive. sunny day because they
Ans. C A. block portion of light
B. have special colour
Q. In doubly refracting crystal if O-ray C. completely absorb the light
and E-ray are travelling along the same D. refract the light
direction but with different velocity then Ans. A
A. The light is incident along the optic axis
and the crystal is negative. Q. We prefer Polaroid sunglasses
B. The light is incident along the optic axis because they
and the crystal is positive A. have soothing colours
C. The light is incident along the optic axis B. reduce the intensity of light
and the crystal is negative or positive C. are cheaper
D. The light is incident perpendicular to D. can change colour of light
the optic axis and the crystal is negative or Ans. B
Ans. D Q. Which of the following material may
be used for manufacturing Polaroid?
Q. In doubly refracting crystal if O-ray A. Calcite
and E-ray are travelling along the same B. Tourmaline
direction and with same velocity then C. Quartz
A. The light is incident perpendicular to D. Quinine iodosulphate.
the optic axis and the crystal is negative. Ans. D
B. The light is incident perpendicular to
the optic axis and the crystal is positive Q. Polaroids are used for
C. The light is incident perpendicular to A. Control intensity of light in trains and
the optic axis and the crystal is negative or airplanes
positive B. Produce three dimensional pictures
D. None of these C. Eliminate headlight glare in motor cars
Ans. D D. All of the above
Q. The refractive index of a doubly Ans. D
refracting crystal for O-ray is 1.586 then
the velocity of O-ray in that crystal is
A. 1.89 × 108 m/s Q. Optically active substances are those
B. 1.98 × 107 m/s which
C. 1.89 × 107 m/s A. cause double refraction
D. 1.89 × 109 m/s B. convert unpolarized light into polarized
Ans. A light
C. rotate the plane of polarization
Q. The velocity of E-ray in a doubly D. convert polarized light into unpolarized
refracting crystal is 1.65×108 m/s then the light
refractive index of that crystal for that ray Ans. C
A. 1.181 Q. Dextro rotatory optically active
B. 1.818 substance rotates the plane of vibrations
__________ as seen by an observer facing B. least for violet and greater for red
the emergent light wavelength
A. in clockwise direction C. same for violet and red wavelength
B. in anticlockwise direction D. None of these
C. by 1800 Ans. A
D. None of the above
Ans. A Q. The specific rotation of a substance is
defined as
Q. Leavo rotatory optically active A. S = θ/l.c
substance rotates the plane of vibrations B. S = 1/θ.l.c
__________as seen by an observer facing C. S = l/θ.c
the emergent light . D. S = c/θ.l
A. in clockwise direction Ans. A
B. in anticlockwise direction Q. In optically active substances, for a
C. by 1800 given wavelength of light, the angle of
D. None of the above rotation is directly proportional to
Ans. B A. the area of the optically active
Q. The substance which rotates the plane B. the length of the optically active
of vibration of a plane polarized light is substance traversed.
called as C. the volume of the optically active
A. Optically inactive substance substance .
B. Optically god substance D. All above
C. Optically rotating substance Ans. B
D. Optically active substance
Ans. D Q. In optically active substances, the
angle of rotation
Q. The angle through which plane of A. is inversely proportional to wavelength.
polarization rotated is known as B. is inversely proportional to square of
A. Polarizing angle wavelength.
B. Angle of rotation C. is inversely proportional to square root
C. Angle of reflection of wavelength.
D. Angle of refraction D. is directly proportional to square of
Ans. B wavelength.
Ans. B
Q. The angle of rotation produced by an
optically active substance is proportional Q. In optically active substances, for a
to its given length and wavelength of light, the
A. Length traversed angle of rotation
B. Concentration of solution A. directly proportional to concentration of
C. 1/λ2 where λ is the wavelength of light solution of optically active substance.
used B. inversely proportional to concentration
D. All of them of solution of optically active substance.
Ans. D C. directly proportional to square of
concentration of solution of optically
Q. The angle of rotation produced by an active substance.
optically active substance is D. directly proportional to square root of
A. greater for violet and least for red concentration of solution of optically
wavelength active substance.
Ans. A
rotation produced by 25 cm long tube
Q. The specific rotation S is the observed containing the diluted solution.
angle of optical rotation θ when plane A. 5.99
polarized light is passed through a sample B. 5.94
with a path length of ___________ and a C. 5.49
sample concentration of 1 gm per 1 D. None of these
milliliter. Ans. C
A. 1 centimeter
B. 1 decimeter
C. 1 millimeter
D. 1 meter
Ans. B