Assessment Tasks Week 5 8 ProfEd107 (Tibunsay, Marian Joy C.)
Assessment Tasks Week 5 8 ProfEd107 (Tibunsay, Marian Joy C.)
Assessment Tasks Week 5 8 ProfEd107 (Tibunsay, Marian Joy C.)
(WEEK 5-8)
Directions: Choose one statement and reflect on it. What do you think and feel about it?
Statement 1: In schools where child- centeredness is the approach, discipline is weak?
Statement 2: Students are too young to solve life’s problem, why should they do problem solving in school?
For me, I think it is really essential to teach students to have problem solving in school to practice their
skills in the future. Based on my experiences, it helped me a lot to be able to solve real life problems.
Directions: identify what kind of design and approach are utilized in the following description.
a. Child or Learner Centered Approach
b. Subject Centered Approach
c. Problem Centered Approach
B 1. Only student who master the subject content can succeed.
C 2. Students are encouraged to work together to find answers to their task.
B 3. No learner is left behind in reading, writing and arithmetic.
C 4. School means survival of the fittest.
A 5. Teacher extends class because the children have not mastered the lesson.
C 6. Lesson deals with finding solution to everyday problem.
A 7. Differentiated instruction should be utilized for different ability groups.
B 8. Accumulation of knowledge is of primary importance in teaching.
A 9. Learning how to learn is observable among students.
C 10. Students are problem- finders and solution- givers.
Pre- Assessment-Week 7
As a future teacher, what would be your response to curriculum implementation as part of curriculum
change? Are you willing to take part in the implementation? Why?
My response will always be understanding the changes in the curriculum. Changing the curriculum is
always needed for the better. It is also needed so that we can all go with the flow with the new
technologies in teaching. Yes, I am willing to take a part in the implementation. I, as a future teacher
have a role to comply and teach in a creative yet fruitful learning. Even there's changes within the
curriculum, I will just always hope that I can adapt quickly so that I can teach without affecting the
learning outcomes of my future students.
Scoring Rubric:
Content/Idea: 10pts
Coherence: 6pts
Handwriting: 4pts
Total Score: 20pts
Post- Assessment_Week 7
Direction: In column A are concepts about curriculum implementation, match it with the description written in
column B. Write your answer after each description.
Column A Column B
Concepts Meaning/Description
1. Implementing Minor curriculum changes like the use of e-portfolio instead of
portfolio as an artifact. ALTERATION
4. Alteration Curriculum process of putting into action what has been planned and
5. Change Process Process that ensures that the curriculum brings about something
different and better than before in the desired learning outcomes.
Pre- Assessment-Week 8
When you use Power Point Slide presentation, assess yourself using the criteria below, check YES if you think
you follow the criteria, and NO if not.
Criteria Yes No
1. Lettering style or font (consistent and with harmony) ✔
2. Number of lettering style (not more than 2 in a slide) ✔
3. Use of capitals (Titles or Headings, not more than 6 words) ✔
4. Lettering colors-easy to read. Use of contrast for emphasis ✔
5. Letter-size can be read even at the back of the classroom ✔
6. Spacing between letter-equal and even ✔
7. Spacing between lines-not too close as to blur at a distance ✔
8. Number of lines-not more than 8 lines of the text in each slide ✔
9. Appeal- catchy two dimensional interactive, with animation ✔
10. Use of designs, illustrations, contrasting colors, animation ✔
Post-Assessment_Week 8
4. Should the effective use of media be also assessed by the teacher? Why?
The teacher's effectiveness in using technology and other media should be evaluated since, despite the
rise of high-tech gadgets in the classroom, there is no substitute for our very own HUMAN TEACHERS,
who have sentiments and emotions that can help and promote learning. The teacher is the active
director of the learning climax's scenery. The teacher will lead and teach the students proper and
advanced skills for manipulating and operating technology, which is an important part of modern man's
education. There is no learning without the teacher.