2005 Spring Exam2 Sol

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CS232 Midterm Exam 2

March 30, 2005

Name: Lemony Snicket


 This exam has 6 pages (including a cheat sheet at the end).

 Read instructions carefully!
 You have 50 minutes, so budget your time !
 No written references or calculators are allowed.
 To make sure you receive credit, please write clearly and show your work.
 We will not answer questions regarding course material.

Question Maximum Your Score

1 40
2 40
3 20
Total 100

Question 1: Single-cycle CPU implementation (40 points)

On the last page of the exam is a single-cycle datapath for a machine very different than the one we saw in
lecture. It supports the following (complex) instructions:

lw_add rd, (rs), rt # rd = Memory[R[rs]] + R[rt];

addi_st (rs), rs, imm # Memory[R[rs]] = R[rs] + imm;
sll_add rd, rs, rt, imm # rd = (R[rs] << imm) + R[rt];

All instructions use the same format (shown below), but not all instructions use all of the fields.

Field op rs rt rd imm
Bits 31-26 25-21 20-16 15-11 10-0

Part (a)
For each of the above instructions, specify how the control signals should be set for correct operation. Use X
for don’t care. ALUOp can be ADD, SUB, SLL, PASS_A, or PASS_B (e.g., PASS_A means pass through the
top operand without change). Full points will only be awarded for the fastest implementation. (20 points)

inst ALUsrc1 ALUsrc2 ALUsrc3 ALUop1 ALUop2 MemRead MemWrite RegWrite

lw_add X 1 0 X ADD 1 0 1

addi_st 1 0 X ADD X 0 1 0

sll_add 1 1 1 SLL ADD 0/X 0 1

Func. Unit Latency

Part (b)
Given the functional unit latencies as shown to the right, compute the minimum Memory 3 ns
time to perform each type of instruction. Explain. (15 points) ALU 4 ns
Register File 2 ns

inst Minimum time Explain

lw_add 14ns IMEM (3ns) + RF_read (2ns) + DMEM (3ns) + ALU (4ns) + RF_write (2ns)

addi_st 12ns IMEM (3ns) + RF_read (2ns) + ALU (4ns) + DMEM (3ns)

sll_add 15ns IMEM (3ns) + RF_read (2ns) + ALU (4ns) + ALU (4ns) + RF_write (2ns)

Part (c)
What is the CPI and cycle time for this processor? (5 points)

Since the processor is a single-cycle implementation, the CPI is 1. The cycle time is set by the slowest
instruction, which in this case is the sll_add, yielding a clock period of 15ns.
Question 2, Multi-cycle implementation (40 points)

The (imaginary) jump memory (jmem) instruction is like a jump-and-link (jal) instruction, except both the target
is loaded from memory and the return address is saved to memory. The i-type format is used, as shown below.
You can assume that R[rt] and (R[rs] + offset) are distinct (non-overlapping) addresses.

jmem (rt), offset(rs) # Memory[R[rs]+offset] = PC+4;

# PC = Memory[R[rt]]

Field op rs rt imm
Bits 31-26 25-21 20-16 15-0

Part (a)
The multicycle datapath from lecture appears below. Show what changes are needed to support jmem. You
should only add wires and muxes to the datapath; do not modify the main functional units themselves (the
memory, register file, and ALU). Try to keep your diagram neat! (15 points)

Note: While we’re primarily concerned about correctness, five (5) of the points will only be rewarded to
solutions that use a minimal number of cycles and do not lengthen the clock cycle. Assume that everything
besides the ALU, Memory and Register File is instantaneous.

Obviously there are many ways to implement this instruction. We show a solution that accomplishes it in
4 cycles. All solutions are going to require adding datapath from the PC register to the Write data port
on the memory and from the MemData port on the memory to the PC.

RegDst RegWrite M
MemRead u
0 0
M Read Read M
1 Address reg 1 data 1 u
x Zero x
IRWrite Read ALU
2 B Result 1
Memory 0 reg 2 Read Out
data 2 0 2
M Write 1
[31-26] 4
Write Mem u register
1 [25-21] x 2 ALUOp
data Data Register PCSrc
M [20-16] Write
1 file 3
u [15-11] data
x MemWrite [15-0]
0 Instr ALUSrcB
u Sign Shift
Memory x extend left 2
register 1


Question 2, continued

Part (b)
Complete this finite state machine diagram for the jmem instruction. Control values not shown in each stage
are assumed to be 0. Remember to account for any control signals that you added or modified in the previous
part of the question! (25 points)

Instruction fetch
and PC increment ALUSrcA = 1
Register fetch and Op = BEQ ALUSrcB = 00
IorD = 0 branch computation ALUOp = SUB
MemRead = 1 PCSource = 1
IRWrite = 1 PCWrite = Zero
ALUSrcA = 0 ALUSrcA = 0
ALUSrcB = 01 ALUSrcB = 11
R-type Write-
PCSource = 0 execution back
PCWrite = 1 Op = R-type ALUSrcA = 1 RegDst = 1
ALUSrcB = 00 MemToReg = 0
Op = JMEM ALUOp = func RegWrite = 1

IorD = 2 Effective address

MemRead = 1 computation
ALUSrcsA=1 Op =
IorD = 1 write
ALUSrcB=2 LW/SW ALUSrcA = 1 Op = SW
ALUSrcB = 10 MemWrite = 1

Op = LW

lw register
jmem1=1 IorD = 1 read RegDst = 0
IorD = 1 MemRead = 1 MemToReg = 1
MemWrite = 1 RegWrite = 1

PCSource = 2
PCWrite = 1
Because the store address has an immediate, we need to use the
ALU (in cycle 3) before doing the store (in cycle 4). PC + 4 was
stored in the PC register in cycle 1, so it can be stored any time after
the address is generated.

To complete this operation in 4 cycles, the load must be performed in

cycle 3, which is possible if we add a datapath from the B register to
the memory address port since no immediate is added. Doing the
load before the store is possible since the two addresses are
guaranteed to be non-overlapping. To avoid overwriting PC+4, the
loaded value is held in the MDR register and written back in cycle 4.

Question 3: Conceptual Questions (20 points)
Write a short answer to the following questions. For full credit, answers should not be longer than two

Part (a)
Can the following factors of performance be affected by the implementation (e.g., single-cycle, multi-cycle,
etc.)? Explain. (10 points)

Number of Instructions:

No. All implementations of the same ISA must reproduce the same program behavior generally yielding
the same number of executed instructions.

Cycles per Instruction (CPI):

Yes. The multicycle seen in class had a CPI of ~4 and the single cycle and a CPI of 1.

Clock Period:

Yes. The mulicycle seen in class had a clock period 1/4 the length of the single cycle.

Part (b)
What is optimistic (or eager) execution? How does it relate to the machine implementations we’ve seen? (5

Optimistic execution is performing some operation before it is known whether it will be required,
typically done when the cost of doing so is low. An example from the multicycle implementation is
computing the branch target in cycle 2 (using the otherwise idle ALU) before it is known whether the
instruction is a branch, to enable the branch to be executed in only 3 cycles.

Part (c)
What differentiates one computer from another? List 5 distinct, important ways (other than ISA) . Single word
answers are fine, if they are clear. (5 points)

1. Performance 6. Size

2. Power Consumption/Heat Dissipation 7. Security (e.g., hardware digital rights management)

3. Reliability 8. Multiprocessor support

4. Cost 9. Application Specific

5. Addressable Memory

Do not write in shaded region

Single Cycle Datapath: MemWrite

Read Read
address data

Add Write
PC 4 Data

RegWrite MemRead
Read Instru- I [25 - 21] M
Read Read u
address ction
register 1 data 1 x ALU
[31-0] ALU
I [20 - 16] 1
Instruction Read
register 2 Read 0 0 Result
memory Result
data 2 M M
I [15 - 11] Write u
register u x
Registers x ALUOp2
Write ALUOp1 1


I [10 - 0] Sign


1. Formula for computing the CPU time of a program P running on a machine X:

CPU timeX,P = Number of instructions executedP x CPIX,P x Clock cycle timeX

2. CPI is the average number of clock cycles per instruction:

CPI = Number of cycles needed ⁄ Number of instructions executed

3. Speedup is a metric for relative performance of 2 executions:

Speedup = Performance after improvement ⁄ Performance before improvement

= Execution time before improvement / Execution time after improvement

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