Spek-Produk MasterTop TC 941 Pigmented BASF
Spek-Produk MasterTop TC 941 Pigmented BASF
Spek-Produk MasterTop TC 941 Pigmented BASF
The innovative topcoat with exceptional cleanability and scratch resistance for hard
wearing solutions
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION mixing. Keep the mixer blades submerged in the coating to
MasterTop TC 941 is a pigmented, non solvented, two com- avoid introducing air bubbles. DO NOT WORK OUT OF
ponent topcoat producing a light stable, tough and durable THE CONTAINER USED FOR MIXING. After proper mix-
surface with a lightly structured gloss finish that has excep- ing to a homogeneous consistency pour the mixed Parts A
tional scratch and wear resistance. and B into a fresh container and mix for another minute. It
is important to avoid dry edges by always working wet in
FIELDS OF APPLICATION wet when overlapping otherwise roller marks will be visible
MasterTop TC 941 MasterTop TC941 is designed for use in the final finish. The application method consists in 3
as a light stable wear resistant finish for rigid and semi-rigid steps. Spread MasterTop TC 941 on the base coat using a
MasterTop body coats, such as MasterTop BC 372 and BC rubber squeegee. With an 11 mm length hair microfiber
375N. Refer to individual system data sheets MasterTop roller, spread smoothly the material again cross-wise. After
1912 and MasterTop 1913. that, walking on the previous layer with special shoes, finish
the application with an 8 mm length hair nylon roller (40 –
60 cm width). For more information, please refer to the Mas-
FEATURES AND BENEFITS terTop TC 941 installation manual.
• The next generation polyurethane technology
• Glossy finish
MasterTop TC 941 cures with a light and characteristic
• Structured finish improves slip resistance structure. The curing time of the material is influenced by
• NMP, APEO, VOC, glycol- and solvent free the ambient, material and substrate temperatures. At low
• Very low emissions (according to AgBB scheme) temperatures, the chemical reactions are slowed down; this
• Abrasion resistant lengthens the pot life, open time and curing times. High
• Exceptional cleanability allows easy maintenance temperatures speed up the chemical reactions thus the time
• Improves scratch and wear resistance frames mentioned above are shortened accordingly. To
• High hiding power even at low consumption fully cure, the material, substrate and application tempera-
• UV- stable ture should not fall below the minimum. After application,
• Easy to clean: low maintenance costs the material should be protected from direct contact with
• High durability water for approx. 24h (at 15°C).
• Durable aesthetics
Note: Because of the good cleaning ability of MasterTop
TC 941, the use and application of an initial care is not re-
The coating to which MasterTop TC941 is to be applied
must be clean and dry and free from oil, grease and loose
material and any other contamination which might impair CONSUMPTION
adhesion. The substrate temperature should be at least 3K pigmented: 0,10 – 0,14 kg/m²
above the dew point.
Caution: Please do not dilute the top coat with water. Do
not exceed the maximum consumption.
MasterTop TC 941 is supplied in working packs which are
pre-packaged in the exact ratio. Before mixing, precondition CLEANING AGENT
both A and B components to a temperature of approxi- Re-usable tools should be carefully cleaned immediately af-
mately 15 to 25°C. Pre-mix Part A and Part B separately. ter use with MasterTop CLN 40 or solvent naphta. Once the
material has cured mechanical cleaning is required which
Pour the entire content of Part A into Part B. DO NOT MIX
is made easier by immersing the tools in MasterTop CLN
Mix with a mechanical drill and paddle at a low speed (ca.
300 rpm) for at least 2 minutes. Scrape the sides and the
bottom of the container several times to ensure complete
This product conforms to the EU directive 2004/42/EG
(Deco-Paint directive) and contains less than the maximum
allowable VOC Limit (Stage 2, 2010). According to the EU
directive 2004/42, the maximum allowable VOC content for
the Product Category IIA / i type sb is 500 g/l (Limit: Stage
2, 2010). The VOC content for MasterTop TC 941 is < 25
g/l (for the ready to use product).
Should you require any further information, please do not
hesitate to contact your local sales consultant or take di-
rectly contact with us:
Technical data*
Mix ratio by weight 1:9
Solid content pigmented % ca. 99
°C min. 10
Ambient and substrate temperatures
°C max. 30
h min. 12
Re-coating interval at 20°C
h max. 24
at 12°C/50% r.h. h 24
Light pedestrian traffic at 23°C/50% r.h. h 12
at 30°C/50% r.h. h 10
% min. 30
Max. relative humidity
% max. 90
EN 13813: 2002
EN 13813: SR-B1,5-AR1-IR4