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Lesson Plan Grade9Q3 - Similarity

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GRADE 9 School Bagong Silang National High School Grade Level 9

LESSON Teacher AIVE MAY D. EDIG Learning Area MATH

PLAN Dates March 11, 2022 Quarter 3rd

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

a. understand the difference between similarity and congruency;

I. OBJECTIVES b. determine or tell whether the figures are similar or not; and
c. solve and explain similarity of figures using fundamental rules of

The learners demonstrates understanding of key concepts of

A. Content Standards
parallelograms and triangle similarity.
The learners shall able to investigate, analyze, and solve problems
B. Performance
involving parallelograms and triangle similarity through appropriate and
accurate representation.
C. Learning
Competencies/ The learners should be able to illustrates similarity of figures
Objectives (M9GE-IIIg-1)
(Write the LC code)


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials Learner’s material in Math 9: Quarter 3, module 6: pp. 349-369.
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials Objective 2
from Learning www.commonsense.org
Resource (LR) www.jr.brainpop.com
B. Other Learning
PRILIMINARY Prayer: For those Muslims and Mansaka/Mandaya students say your
prayer in your own dialect in silent. For those who are catholic let us do
the sign of the cross and for those non- Catholic students join us in
reciting the prayer.
Class rules Reminder: -(Indicator 4-Objective 5)
 Avoid making unnecessary noise.
 Be quiet and listen when the teacher/classmates are talking.
 Raise your hand to speak or ask questions.
 Share new ideas.
 Be ready to learn.
 Always try your best and try new things.
 Have Fun and Believe that you can.
Note: In every wrong answer of the students show them any vicious face reaction that
signifies that they are wrong and gentle face reaction when they give the correct answer.
-(Indicator 3-Objective 4)
A. Reviewing previous
lesson or Review on the fundamental rules of proportion
presenting the new a c
lesson b
= d
(3 minutes)

B. Establishing a
Review the learner’s understanding about similarity of words (Synonyms)
purpose for the
lesson before figuring out the similarity of figure.

Part I. Choose the correct similar term of the given word. (English
Integration) -(Indicator 1-Objective 1)

1. Proportion A. entirety B. imbalance C. part D. whole

2. congruent A. equal B. disagreeable C. unequal D. unharmonious
3. similarity A. clash B. difference C. likeness D. opposition

Part II. The picture is shown like this. Answer the questions that follow.
Figure 1 Figure 2

C. Presenting
of the new lesson
(5 minutes)

1. Which figure best fits the word Congruent?

2. Which figure best fits the word Similarity?

Help the learners differentiates Congruent from Similarity in

“bisaya/mansaka” term. -(Indicator 2 and 9-Objective 3 and 10)
After the learners differentiate similarity from congruent, the teacher will
present the topic and lesson objectives.


Divide the class into small groups and have to pick a shape and cut it out.
Encourage and let the learners make a similar figure of the given shape
and congruent figure in addition to similar figures (- Objective 16). They
D. Discussing new
may use a ruler to help them draw. To make congruent shapes, guide the
concepts and learners to draw one shape, cut it out, and then trace it on a piece of paper
practicing new and cut out the shape. Learners are asked to identify of which figure is
skills #1 congruent or similar figures.
(5 minutes)
Exploration Questions:
1. How can we be sure that two figures are similar?
2. What is the difference between similar and congruent?
3. Can a figure be BOTH similar and congruent?

E. Discussing new EXPLAIN

concepts and I. Let the learner observe the corresponding angles and corresponding
practicing new skills sides of a parallelograms LOVE and HART by taking careful note of
#2 their measurements.

w w w w

w l

Let us answer the questions that follow:

a. What do you observe about the given two parallelograms?
b. Do Parallelogram LOVE and HART have uniform proportionality of
c. Do their corresponding sides have a common ratio?
d. What do you think makes them not similar?

II. Show a triangle figures with the same shape but different in sizes.
Two figures that have the same figure are said to be similar. When
two figures are similar, the ratios of the length of their corresponding
(5 minutes)
sides are equal. To determine if the two triangles are similar, let the
learners identify their corresponding sides and guide them to solve
the measurement of the unknown angles and sides using the
fundamental rule of ratio and proportion.

Let us answer the questions that follow:

a. Identify the corresponding angles of the triangles?
b. Identify the corresponding sides of the triangles and the scale
factors of the corresponding sides?
c. Are the two triangles similar to each other? Why or why not? If so,
write a similarity statement and determine the scale factor

F. Developing mastery EXTEND

(leads to Formative After working with students through one problem, students will work
Assessment) with their group to do their respective task. The students will be
grouped into 5. They will be given a task according to their skills and
talents/expertise. -(Indicator 8-Objective 9/Objective 16)
Each group must assign a leader, secretary and presenter and let the
corresponding members will do different task.
-(Indicator 6-Objective 7)
They will present their output on the entire class after 15 minutes.
-(Indicator 7-Objective 8)


Group 1- Jiezel, Argie, Vahn and Apple (Learners with

sketching/drawing skills)
 Do the Blowing Up a Picture! Activity
Instruction: Using a bigger grid, make a machine copy of the
original given picture. Using a pencil, sketch the picture square
by square until you are able to complete an enlarged version of
the original one.
Group 2- Ronelo, Welma, Frenzl and Jerome (Learners with
mathematical/logical skills)
 Learners will find the missing part of the given figure and
explain their work.
Group 3 – Jocelyn, Maileen, Bong and Chon (Learners with
dancing skills)
 Identify the similarities of dance steps of your generation (90s)
in today’s generation. Perform those steps. Include also the
etiquette of performing a dance.
Group 4 – Joel, Aldin, Choi, and Love (Learners with expertise in
the background of IP)
 Identify the similar practices of Indigenous people particularly
the Mansaka tribe and Cebuano/Boholanos.
-(Indicator 9-Objective 10)

Group 5 – Jovy, Annie, Kanitha and Luz (Linguist)

 Write at least 2 stanzas of a poem pertaining to Similarity of
being a teacher including Code of Ethics for Professional
Teachers (Objective 14) and a mother.

G. Finding practical ELABORATE

applications of
concepts and skills in The teacher encourages all the students to give an example and their
daily living understanding about the importance of similarity in their day to day
living. -(Indicator 5-Objective 6)
After the students recited, the teacher will then give her own point of
view in applying the lesson in daily living. The following question set
H. Making as guide in finding practical application of the lesson.
generalizations and
abstractions about
1) Give an example of similarity.
the lesson
2) What are some real-life applications of similarity?

Present a real-life problem using similarity.

I. Evaluating learning EVALUATE

(10 minutes)
Answer the following questions. Write the letter of your choice.
1. What does it mean if two figures are similar?
A. same size, same shape
B. same shape, proportional sides
C. same angles, same size
D. same sides, same angles
2. If two figures are similar, the corresponding sides are ___?
A. congruent C. parallel
B. equal D. proportional
3. If two figures are similar their angles are ____?
A. Complementary C. proportional
B. congruent D. supplementary

33 3
4. Solve the proportion. =
p 28
A. p= 31.3 D. p= 532
B. p= 308 C. p= 924

5. What is the value of x?

A. x= 4 C. x= 3
B. x= 6 D. x= 2
Determine if the triangles are similar.

J. Additional activities
for application or


REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your
students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the
students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you
so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation

No. of learners who require

additional activities for
remediation who scored below

Did the remedial lessons work?

No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson

No. of learners who continue to

require remediation

Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did these

What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

Prepared by:
Checked by:


Teacher I Teacher-In Charge

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