Lesson Plan Grade9Q3 - Similarity
Lesson Plan Grade9Q3 - Similarity
Lesson Plan Grade9Q3 - Similarity
B. Establishing a
Review the learner’s understanding about similarity of words (Synonyms)
purpose for the
lesson before figuring out the similarity of figure.
Part I. Choose the correct similar term of the given word. (English
Integration) -(Indicator 1-Objective 1)
Part II. The picture is shown like this. Answer the questions that follow.
Figure 1 Figure 2
C. Presenting
of the new lesson
(5 minutes)
Divide the class into small groups and have to pick a shape and cut it out.
Encourage and let the learners make a similar figure of the given shape
and congruent figure in addition to similar figures (- Objective 16). They
D. Discussing new
may use a ruler to help them draw. To make congruent shapes, guide the
concepts and learners to draw one shape, cut it out, and then trace it on a piece of paper
practicing new and cut out the shape. Learners are asked to identify of which figure is
skills #1 congruent or similar figures.
(5 minutes)
Exploration Questions:
1. How can we be sure that two figures are similar?
2. What is the difference between similar and congruent?
3. Can a figure be BOTH similar and congruent?
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II. Show a triangle figures with the same shape but different in sizes.
Two figures that have the same figure are said to be similar. When
two figures are similar, the ratios of the length of their corresponding
(5 minutes)
sides are equal. To determine if the two triangles are similar, let the
learners identify their corresponding sides and guide them to solve
the measurement of the unknown angles and sides using the
fundamental rule of ratio and proportion.
33 3
4. Solve the proportion. =
p 28
A. p= 31.3 D. p= 532
B. p= 308 C. p= 924
A. x= 4 C. x= 3
B. x= 6 D. x= 2
Determine if the triangles are similar.
J. Additional activities
for application or
REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your
students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the
students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you
so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
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