Gujarat Technological University

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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.



Subject Code:3171306 Date:10/12/2021
Subject Name:Wastewater Engineering
Time:10:30 AM TO 01:00 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Simple and non-programmable scientific calculators are allowed.

Q.1 (a) Give the difference between Industrial Wastewater and Municipal Wastewater 03
(b) Enlist basic design considerations for domestic Wastewater Treatment. Explain anyone in 04
(c) Design an aerated Grit Chamber for treatment of Sewage, the average flow of 0.7 m3/ s & 07
peaking factor is 2

Q.2 (a) Define SOR and WOR. 03

(b) Design oil and grease trap to remove 160 mg/L of oil and grease for a flow of 45,000 m3/day 04
of domestic wastewater.
(c) A wastewater treatment plant for design flow rate 7000 m3/day is operated at 20 m3/ 07
Determine dimensions of rectangular sedimentation tank. Check for detention time,
Horizontal velocity & WOR.
(c) Assuming 3.0 m side water depth (SWD), design circular primary sedimentation tank to treat 07
4 MLD flow of wastewater and estimate the volume of primary sludge that will be produced
by 60 % removal efficiency of the tank. Assume raw water contains 200 mg/L suspended
solids and peaking factor is 2.5.

Q.3 (a) Enlist and explain the advantages and disadvantages of RBC. 03
(b) Draw different phases of SBR and distinguish between static fill and mixed fill. 04
(c) The following test results were obtained for a wastewater sample from wastewater treatment 07
plant. All of the tests were performed using a sample size of 100 mL. Determine TSS, VSS
and iTSS concentration and also find out fill time (tF) of SBR. Assume Following Data
Tare mass of filter after drying at 105 0C = 1.5433 g
Mass of filter and residue after drying at 105 0C = 1.5554 g
Mass of filter and residue after ignition at 550 0C = 1.5476 g
tA = 1.5 hr, tS = 1 hr, tD = 0.5 hr
Q.3 (a) Explain the working mechanism of Rotating Biological Contractor with neat sketch. 03
(b) Explain the concept of Biotower with neat sketch. 04
(c) Design a bio-tower system to treat a wastewater flow of 8 MLD having settled BOD5 = 175 07
mg/L & to be operated at 250C. The depth of modular plastic media to be used is 6.0 m &
recirculation ratio will be 2:1. The treatability constant determined at 200C = 0.06 min-1 &
desirable concentration of effluent is 20 mg/L.

Q.4 (a) Enlist modifications of ASP and explain anyone in detail. 07

(b) Assume a volumetric loading rate 40 m3 of digester volume per 1000 persons and solids 07
contribution equal to 75 g/capita/day. Determine the volume of an anaerobic sludge digester
for 10 MLD domestic wastewater treatment plant having 60% SS removal efficiency of
primary clarifier and 250 mg/L SS in wastewater.

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Q.4 (a) Enlist operational problems of biological units and explain anyone in detail. 07
(b) It is proposed to provide “in-line” equalization tank for a wastewater treatment plant 07
designed to treat 10 MLD flow of domestic wastewater. Determine the volume of an
equalization tank, if the flow measured on an hourly basis as shown in the table given below.

Time 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

Flow 85 115 220 235 250 300 650 750 850 800 725 700

Time 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Flow 625 575 425 350 250 225 200 185 170 140 100 60

Q.5 (a) Assuming suitable design criteria and following characteristics of domestic wastewater, 07
design a UASB reactor system to treat an average 4.0 MLD flow of wastewater. Assume
up flow velocity = 0.5 m/h.
Given data:
Influent BOD = 300 mg/L
Influent COD = 800 mg/L
Influent TSS = 350 mg/L
Influent VSS = 300 mg/L
Desired effluent BOD = 100 mg/L or less.
(b) following are assumptions for a coarse screen chamber: 07
(i) Peak wastewater flow = 30 MLD

(ii) Depth of incoming sewer = 1.3 m

(iii)Depth of water in incoming sewer = 1.0 m

(iv) Velocity of flow during peak condition in sewer = 0.8 m/sec

(v) Drop of screen with respect to sewer invert = 0.08 m

Determine the number of bars, spacing between bars, length of bar and total width of screen
chamber and check for headloss.
Q.5 (a) Define& briefly explain: 07
(1) Specific growth rate (2) Yield coefficient (3) Endogenous decay coefficient(4) Maximum
substrate utilization rate constant (5) Substrate utilization rate (6) biomass yield (7) Half
Velocity Constant
(b) Design a secondary settling tank of Activated Sludge Process for average flow of 22,000 07
m3/day. Assume MLSS concentration 3000 mg/L. Assume suitable design criteria.


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